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satis: R4-9/8 -tcti90q020ixq
Dc b MPhil,
Di i 0101312


➢ qt-1..4.gfl/Q)-1N q4144cIgn/4144011, .R41-44(41C-Ieloll .R44 RI(a113k

➢ 14)C-11.R4 al61WQ18 qt-IsA 1)-e4 -14)C-ik4 44R4814M, .11304,31i€110-1 31.R.
➢ Dj6 Mo-tiDEssmo-tt ctattat buction ctst.
➢,RA •14)CAQ4 8131101.011.41)/14)C-11Q4 .031(0-11 cISIAQ/ Rem sryQ.-egflQ,1)/ RE41 1-1)efl4
4)-Aatsgt1Q/asR-R-11-tici sPisb-10.11.Q.

COVID-19 q-i€610-t •Q41k41 541 Q.toeztati Mani/ Q.toeszt ot6R

1dt ..R41k,R) qtt(v-tqcitoli stettivat

61-tsct Rubtat ari6Gzl cimitcicit.A Dj6 aiNteRiMRci Q1a8RM cit.99.01-1.Q0Q00-41 §sat
satis:40-3/2020/DM-I(A)ell X01 &RI atoeztaii qiituctl/Q.rezt 016R emi IkQ) at
Standard Operating Protocol Q,i(v-tQcti /t?Oci 0 01 qtto-zt
iRt/e.t)atiell aiRka .Rtoirztaii Q)-ticictt g-ttkq) (-tett iRtomatie(l - ).:Toisqfft &RE 446zt
tosee.t)ati /cti tka.) q-ioiEtati oiR steNutRt
9) TRIctati 4,11(40-1R ,R-itRicqfft)o-ti olOR, Z, fR-10-t) qktsfA zutl QA1 q41&tt
ati EQtlucitaii voisstoft .b-tcRoecR

Q10-1 14101311 OCR c11601) ,R.-11kQ..A clot q)-ii kScil 43-i%41

,-tt-mcitati 0. Ocit q,-ticto-tR cztRo t €1-elsle 6-14c-to-Et cfl
tk41 .4)-Ptt6eil -LAciRiftt a.-Eort) 1 €S-elsle Asell 4)-0 Ri-11
elslesA ul2t 3tQii -14)c-M (4160-0 -.Q10-11c410-11/1c4c110-11 ai°0 R4t-ucitoll

3) biCio-ion ce4c-R-eit qkiatuctiE, at magi eAet a-ll

4,-KtQ/cR. iR-ettRts RARt14-ruct 4111Qt.A q,-ta-tacit€, Q.JQ.ct arias c0Eql
1-11c441 001 Clioll qi-idq011 -11(1 ce fftssl ,R.-ttkR)o-tt -LAci60-1(AR)-tte.t)wo--t 5c11.:A
-11(4.R.alcil lfl ,R4.R.1*(, q41(tRaicil 0-t-tet cR,,ttetiftt z 6ta41
sa c( 1011 0R-ati Social Distancing-Disinfection -*tu-iittct stulm
Q,-1(A QQto-t ua qtb-tutoll

x) fft &tat qkttqctt-wctt q-ttka)o-tt micibssE at q-§eQ, ai)eq g-tidset P4eito-t) 6-Lizt)Dt 841

14) cOEQI Q)-lictctio-tati -ttkQ)0-tt -LAcibut c-61c-tsa.-M

btR-t R.R-czttati 4111-ictlati Q.k0 .441 sczn allae4 fe4q-d1 440-e4
REll/dICAS1/Q1Q)ati -1-Ac4601 6-Lizt)Dtati cid tst.

Page 1 of 4
a-tEicuE, abaci, cOEt Ittetargqati q4A 45s
sql 8,(R410-f1 abut 6-Lic-t(tEt ill xo,
ai ls au, c-tEa.t -utc-titq 90 8.Rfl oissl sautaiiR)-itc-t °i °MO
1-1)C-11q4 q-11 qi8C-101 Sql q)-11 clE1141 18). 61-Rid 6144)5ct REit
ate_4 %UM Ica Q.-Q101 R,-tram 43-t 441Q.e1-1)eil
ScR.410{1 eic441 cid Q181.

9) Sul c'eeti q-etiRis -tiict601 R,-ticAs -tacibat 0R-Lan

611C-1(k€4 ceti Qtq0{1 i& oil qlicAs 1-1Actoost seRflo-{1c1R-1) atssl
aietlEtaii 6-uc-t&Et stqc110-114.

laci601011 (.5.8 at aicti "w1cR+Q." atatlEt Rs

CZINCI-1) Illt9U1011 0-11 (41 §taR0-11 onati sl6 441 Qls

E) &RI Ql8e4 66s lolls etc-it ,i)o-tc-tt€10-t

90) qI60-0 Dis-Infection sctisIA co-Rictt ciq 4ct sqqtatt

99) qiialEtql€, iRSRct, cOE.1 141C-101011q)-11q.el.Q.41 a q_Q10-to-ii (Aolfq.sti

(Risetataii Q61,A ot6tq *ZIlksA aitA€10-t at Qs
s4410-tt q-A 61414-eict asR1144-14c-1 s)-1-11Qtatoll o aartanql)
Qi-to saU fft -eitRts
G.R.P. 000R-ct qiiktutat) olefl ceicia-ettaii

cR) Q.-iE61 Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi it (tt6ta.

Dudsc-ii€10-q-101) a{c1 sQuto-t)

qfriiR)3et 4istRiOl RioiMct Reiattm) :

q) 24alci Dm, ifilnd Re, atla-s
.R.)l€1.1q QAQ.-14

g) &RI qtticwit (lanai ta.-iik.4).A elat &i.Rt .Ri-ticR)De40-11 Q4sia.441 scn611

41steR-mil sail %Mel sl6utl §Q.-11kg .R- Q101011 0161q Iglan al4Q.1 41114(114 Ici

3) (ARA 6Ratt aacil qttpli6ei1 qtiti-R)De4 siMiothA Ada ua at)sc-il

Age Sex Address District/Corporation Remarks
No. Name

Page 2 of 4
lwqtct tote-t ii)c-11Q-1 &tqt 14-tset)iel -litscuati

14) 4R)6tto-tt ciat0b,-ttctt acit Q.4tk.4A 6-LR 61414-eta Q.Feetoll 4,-ttpet ela0 Qjlict
5,R€11011 108/EMRI Etat Qa&qC-I6q-1 -i qtbicitait 4,1(A ttut
cttcsti?-tsms COVID facility a{ia-t)scIl Q,-ttwitati

c-tatO ciptqatt tk Qts.

ctaitatsA 61-R)Sci VAollq)-1(A 1-11C-101 eile4 a iptcit Ocit tai°
qjoiEilct) oqQ.1 va-tt q/t-Licit

Nstql: 61R c'eut
0' :01rx 2t4
sY Ea)
614 2414.1c4 (81.ce4.-9)
3j6 MO-Hot

otsci ,Y441 st4cH61d RC11011:

1en QTel, q)itDe-.1 1441Cilq Sc- 1Q1 1 i O1131, pliEfloPlq.
➢ 811 saici Eetio-{1, t al .R4144q, oi€ a)-0 uI o1 ce4(46R 1 ipi, .R4Ricticiet piithopt.R.
8P-014011- q,-t1Q)Det, c106-11 a)co,-1) tsA do-non
oti-1/9, sYmcRicY DiiEno-pR.
ullota aioiEfIct RElt q,-ttpet q,-04514141Q.A eq41 cemizeli
,R&Q.4011 ttuutffil moica ,R46.

➢ 8f1 SP-116R, Ce4C1 6R, McRicY pliastplq•

➢ gfi c4la q4P4q, q'ilA 1-14 1 qC1.5.1 MOW!, Q414,1q1Cie1,

• 44Tiat ,R4144q , q41€104a testa{ {empi , ,R4Picncie,t ,
➢ gil .51.811151e41, 4a.Ac-t Riottpt, izti44citc-t1, Dti€110-1DR.

al5C-1 °41Q1 qnd RC11011:-

➢ ailAue4 ai->11416tt acv zt tit a4t4u8.fl, ,R-cklat

➢ a-tifft. t.s.a-i->118fl06)6tt -ti44c48-11,q-ciNlat a4144citc-Rt, 31ithOPR.
.-1144C4M011 'ZiS8C1 q-1141(18fi, (fraS Oi.% 3100131q.
➢ Q)iftI8 -1144Cigii(Dj6)011 ,-i31(1 q4{4,1011, -1144C1IC-12,1, 31i00131Q.

Page 3 of 4
Annexure - A

Sr. T. NO. From To Frequency Stopaages Enroute Day of


Thiruvanthapuram kollam, Alleppey,

1 Special New Delhi (1240) T,TH F 15.05.2020
(1915) ' Emakulam Jn, Thrisur,
Shoranur Jn,
Kozhikkode, kannur,
kasaragod, Mangalore,
New Delhi Thiruvananthapuram Udupi, Karwar,
2 Special T, W, Su Madgaon, Sawantwadi 13.05.2020
(1055) (0525)
Road, Ratnagiri,
Panvel, Vasai Road,
Vadodara, Kota

Mumbai Central Borivali, Surat

3 Special New Delhi (0835) Daily ' 12.05.2020
(1700) Vadodara, Ratlam,
New Delhi Mumbai Central Nagda, Kota
4 Special Daily 13.05.2020
(1625) (0815)
Ahmedabad Sabarmati, Mahesana
5 Special New Delhi (0730) Daily 12.05.2020
(1740) Palanpur, Abu Road,
New Delhi Falna, Ajmer, jaipur,
6 Special Ahmedabad (0940) Daily Gurgaon, Delhi Cann 13.05.2020
New Delhi Thivim, Kudal,
7 Special Madgaon(1250) F,S 15.05.2020
(1055) Ratnagiri, Panvel,
Madgaon Vasai Road, Surat,
8 Secial
p New Delhi (1240) M, Su Vadodara Jn, Kota Jn 17.05.2020

Page 4 of 4
No.40-3/2020-DM-1 (A)
Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs

North Block, New Delhi-110001

Dated 11th May, 2020
In continuation of Ministry of Home Affairs's Orders of even number dated 1st
May 2020 and 5th May 2020 and in exercise of the powers, conferred under Section
10(2)(1) of the Disaster Management Act, the undersigned, in his capacity as
Chairperson, National Executive Committee, hereby issues Standard Operating
Protocol (SOP), for movement of persons by train, as Annexed herewith, to
Ministries /Departments of Government of India, State/Union Territory Governments and
State /Union Territory Authorities, with the directions for their strict implementation.

A uC\
Home Secreta

To: (As per list attached)

1. The Secretaries of Ministries /Departments of Government of India
2. The Chief Secretaries/Administrators of States/Union Territories
Copy to:
i) All members of the National Executive Committee.
ii) Member Secretary, National Disaster Management Authority.
Standard Operating Protocol (SOP), for movement of persons by train
In order to facilitate movement of persons by trains, the following SOP is hereby laid
i. Movement of trains shall be permitted by Ministry of Railways (MoR), in a graded
manner, in consultation with Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW) and
Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA).
ii. Train schedule; protocols for booking, entry and movement of passengers; and
coach service specifications shall be widely publicized by MoR.
iii. Only those passengers with confirmed e-tickets shall be allowed to enter the
iv. The movement of the passenger(s) as well as the driver of the vehicle
transporting the passenger(s) to and fro the railway station shall be allowed on
the basis of the confirmed e-ticket.
v. MoR shall ensure the following at the train stations:
a. All passengers shall be compulsorily screened and only asymptomatic
passengers are allowed to enter/ board the train.
b. All passengers shall be provided with hand sanitizer at entry and exit
points at station and in coaches.
c. All passengers shall be wearing face covers/ masks at entry and during
vi. During boarding and travel, all passengers will have to observe social distancing.
vii. Health advisories/ guidelines will be circulated by MoR through Information,
Education and Communication (IEC) campaign for their staff and passengers.
viii. On arrival at their destination, the traveling passengers will have to adhere to
such health protocols as are prescribed by the destination State/ UT.

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