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How to Test the Air Quality in Your Home

Co-authored by Victor Belavus

Air Conditioning Specialist
June 21, 2020 References Approved

Air quality is an often overlooked aspect of

home safety, but it is still very important.
Harmful chemicals and toxic agents can spread
throughout the air in your home and begin to
impact your health over time. There are quite a
few at-home kits and tests you can purchase at
most home improvement stores. But it's always
a good idea to hire a professional to help you
check your home for good air quality.
Filtrscience Room Air Puri er
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Method 1 of 3:
Doing Air Quality Tests Yourself

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1 Purchase an air quality monitor. There are currently quite a few indoor air quality monitors on the
market that can effectively detect (and log over time) the quality of air inside your home. These
devices typically check PM2.5 levels (tiny dust particles and other allergens in the air that you inhale),
VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds – like chemical pollutants), temperature, and humidity (for mold).[1]

Some of the most reliable air quality monitors on the market are the Foobot, Awair, Speck, and Air
Mentor 6 in 1.
These devices typically cost between $150-$250 US.

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2 Check for signs and symptoms of mold. You can typically tell if there is a mold infestation in your
home by using your eyes and your nose. If you smell a musty odor coming from certain parts of your
home, and a cleaning doesn't remove the smell, you might want to consider hiring a professional for a
mold test.[2]

Mold thrives in moist areas like basements and dirty ductwork or drains.[3]
You should also look around for visible signs of mold – like growing black spots, water sports, or
particularly damp areas in your home.

3 Install carbon monoxide detectors on every floor of your home. Carbon monoxide is an odorless,
colorless, tasteless gas that can be a byproduct of many appliances found in your home (like stoves,
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fireplaces, furnaces, water heaters, and grills). It can be deadly if inhaled, so it's important to always have
carbon monoxide detectors installed on every floor of your home to alert you if there are high levels of
CO in your home.[4]

Place the carbon monoxide detectors close to your bedrooms so that you'll be more likely to hear the
alarm when you are sleeping.
Make sure you change the detector batteries regularly. A good rule of thumb is to change the
batteries once every 6 months or so, though the duration will vary depending on the model.

4 Perform an at-home radon test. Radon is a radioactive gas that occurs naturally as uranium breaks
down. It can be found in the soil and well water, and sometimes it can infiltrate people's homes. The
only way to prevent radon contamination is to test for it. You can purchase at-home radon tests from
most home improvement stores.[5]

Most tests involve a charcoal reading that is done by leaving the sensor material in your home, then
collecting it after a given amount of time, and mailing the testing materials to a lab for analysis.
Additionally, the National Radon Program Services at Kansas State University offers discounted test
kits that you can purchase online at

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5 Use an air purifier. These machines can be very useful in improving the air quality in your home,
especially for those who suffer from allergy problems. Electronic air purifiers/air cleaners are
typically the most effective, as they can remove dust particles, mold spores, and other allergens from the
air more efficiently than filtered purifiers.

Place the air purifier in your bedroom for the best results. This will most likely give you a longer
period of exposure to the benefits of the machine (while you're sleeping) than in any other location in
your house.

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6 Change the air filters every few months. When in doubt, it's always a good idea to change your air
filters. You should change the air filters at least once every 90 days for the average family home.[6]
However, if you suspect the air quality in your house is poor, you can change them more frequently.[7]

If you have a dog or cat in the house, change the air filters every 60 days.
If you (or others in your home) have allergies, you should change the air filters every 20-45 days.
If you have a washable filter, vacuum it first to remove any big particles. Then, soak the filter for 15
minutes before rinsing it with water.[8]

Method 1 Quiz
How can you find out if you have radon in your
You can test for it.
Nice! The only way to know whether you have
radon in your home is to test for it. Radon is
odorless, colorless, and tasteless, and
unfortunately you can't purchase a radon
detector. Read on for another quiz question.
You can install radon detectors.
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N !U f l h ' d
Nope! Unfortunately, there aren't any radon
detectors readily available. Luckily, though, there
are carbon monoxide detectors available– it's a
good idea to install one of these to keep your
home safe. Guess again!
You can smell radon.
Not quite! You cannot smell radon. Radon is
colorless, tasteless, and odorless, so unlike other
other air pollutants like mold, there's no way to
detect it by scent. Choose another answer!
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Method 2 of 3:
Getting Professional Help

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1 Pay a professional to test the air quality in your home. If you suspect that the air quality in your
home is poor, you should hire a professional who can test the air quality and give you an informed
recommendation. Ask friends, realtors, or construction companies for referrals to a qualified specialist in
your area. A professional will be able to test for poor air quality due to:[9]

Indoor mold
Lead-based paint
Dust particles, dust mites, and other allergens
Smoke-related air pollution
Air fresheners, candles, and incense
Household cleaners
Combustion particles or gases

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2 Hire a radon specialist to test for radon in your home. If you suspect that you have significant levels
of radon in your home, you'll need to hire a professional to resolve the issue. You can contact your
state or local health department for a list of recommended professionals who can help clear the radon
out of your home.[10]

You can also use the Environmental Protection Agency's interactive map to find a qualified radon
professional in your area:

3 Use a professional test if you need an official test result. If you are buying or selling a home, often
testing the air for pollutants is a contingency of the loan you will be applying for. This is especially
true in regions that have high levels of air pollution due to industry or even natural causes (like the
common occurrence of forest fires). In these cases, at-home tests that you complete yourself will not be

Hire a professional who has experience testing air quality in homes, preferably one who is
recommended by your realtor, lender, or home inspector.
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If you don't have a recommendation for a professional, try to do some online research by reading
online reviews from actual customers of various professionals in your areas.
You can also check a prospective professional for certifications in the field – such as membership in
the Indoor Air Quality Association or the International Association of Certified Indoor Air

Method 2 Quiz
When should you hire a professional to test your
home for air pollutants?
When you're testing for radon.
Not quite! If you're interested in testing your
house for radon, you don't always need a
professional to help you do so. You can purchase
at-home radon tests at most hardware stores, or
from reputable sites online. Guess again!
When you're buying a house.
Yup! If you're buying or selling a house and an air
pollutant test is part of your loan, you'll need to
hire a professional to run the test. Performing
the test on your own typically isn't enough to
satisfy the mortgage lender. Read on for another
quiz question.
When you can see mold growing.
Not exactly! If you can see mold growing, you
usually don't need to test the air for pollutants–
you can assume they're already there from the
sight of the mold. However, you should hire a
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f i l h ld T h
professional to remove the mold. Try another
When you have a smoker living in your house.
Not necessarily! Cigarette smoke is a common
air pollutant that often affects people's allergies
and asthma. If there is a smoker living in the
house, there is likely an air pollution problem that
you don't need to confirm with professional
testing. Choose another answer!
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Method 3 of 3:
Watching for Signs of Poor Air Quality

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1 Notice an increase in allergy symptoms. It's easy to attribute allergy sensitivities to the weather or
season changes, but it can often be caused by irritants in the air in your home. If you notice a
significant rise in your allergy symptoms, it might be time to test the air quality in your house. Some
common allergy symptoms include:[13]

Watery eyes
Nasal congestion
Bloody noses

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2 Pay attention to any unusual or new health symptoms. You might think that getting sick is unrelated
to the air quality in your home. Often, this is true, but certain contaminants (like asbestos, toxic
mold, and other chemicals) can negatively impact your health. This is especially true if you seem to
suffer from frequent bouts of pneumonia or bronchitis. Get your home's air quality tested if you notice
any of the following symptoms:[14]


3 Monitor any construction in your home and neighborhood. Home construction can impact the
quality of air in your home. Whenever there is a renovation or new construction project, the air can
be exposed to dust particles, chemicals, and other harmful materials that can collect in your HVAC
system and then begin to circulate throughout the entire house.[15]
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Even construction done by neighbors can negatively impact the air quality of your home, so be sure
to keep an eye out for that too.
Some building materials, such as paints and paint strippers, can release VOCs (volatile organic
compounds). These chemical fumes can cause unpleasant symptoms, like irritation in your eyes,
nose, and throat, as well as more serious health problems, such as liver or kidney damage.[16]

Method 3 Quiz
If your allergies are more intense than usual,
what's the first thing you should do?
Change your air filters.
Try again! Changing your air filters is not the first
step you should take. However, changing your air
filters can help reduce the allergens in your
home. Try another answer...
Turn off your HVAC system.
Not quite! You should avoid turning off your
HVAC system unless the temperature outside is
comfortable for you. In cold weather, turning off
your HVAC system can lead to dry air– or in
extreme cases, frozen pipes. In warm weather,
turning off the system can lead to high humidity
and mold growth, which can increase air
pollutants in your house. Guess again!
Test the air quality in your HVAC system.
That's right! You should start by testing the air
quality in your HVAC system. The test will tell
you why you're having more allergy problems
than usual, and you can then take steps to
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d h ll i h h R d f
reduce the allergens in the home. Read on for
another quiz question.
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Keep testing yourself!

Community Q&A
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How should I clean the filter on my air conditioner?
Victor Belavus
Air Conditioning Specialist
Victor Belavus is an Air Conditioning Specialist and the Owner of 212 HVAC, an air condition repair and
installation company based in Brooklyn, New York. In addition to HVAC and air conditioning units,
Victor also specializes in furnace repair and air duct cleaning. He has over 10 years of experience
working with HVAC systems.
Victor Belavus
Air Conditioning Specialist
Expert Answer
If you have a disposable filter, replace it at least every 3 months. If you have a washable filter, vacuum it
to remove any large particles, then soak it for 15 minutes in a mixture of 30g citric acid and 1 liter
water before rinsing it thoroughly.
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How do I stop cigarette smoke from coming up though the heating and air conditioner unit?
Community Answer
Aside from asking whoever is smoking to smoke outside, there isn't much that can be done. In the
short-term, you could cover the vents with a towel or blanket, but you wouldn't be getting your heating
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or cooling.
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What should I test for if I'm tired all of time while at home?
Community Answer
Visit your doctor and explain the issues you are having. Get more then a regular physical; get tested for
breathing problems, lung congestion, sinus, heart and nutrition. If you feel great outside and not inside,
try opening windows and letting airflow inside to get rid of anything that can be causing it. There are air
quality companies that run tests on your home to check for mold, pollution, virus or other allergens.
This affects your health and everyone else in the house, so it should not be ignored.
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Unanswered Questions
Are there do-it-yourself kits to test for mold in my home?
Do standard air quality testing kits cover the chemicals released by fracking near my home?
What should I do if my eyes always become very dry whenever I'm inside my house, and no medication
or remedy seems to work?
Will an air purifier protect me if they spray pesticides near me?
Where in Las Vegas, Nevada can I find a company that will test the air quality in my apartment?
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Testing oxygen inside the house at regular intervals can help you take corrective action at the right
time, as soon as you notice your air quality declining.
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Secondhand smoke from tobacco products can have a major negative impact on the air quality in your
home. If you or someone else in your home smokes, consider doing it outdoors only and asking others
to do the same.[17]
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1. ↑
2. ↑
3. ↑ Victor Belavus. Air Conditioning Specialist. Expert Interview. 1 April 2020.
4. ↑
5. ↑
6. ↑ Victor Belavus. Air Conditioning Specialist. Expert Interview. 1 April 2020.
7. ↑
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8. ↑ Victor Belavus. Air Conditioning Specialist. Expert Interview. 1 April 2020.
9. ↑

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About This Article

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Victor Belavus
Air Conditioning Specialist
This article was co-authored by Victor Belavus. Victor Belavus is an Air Conditioning Specialist and the Owner
of 212 HVAC, an air condition repair and installation company based in Brooklyn, New York. In addition to
HVAC and air conditioning units, Victor also specializes in furnace repair and air duct cleaning. He has over 10
years of experience working with HVAC systems. This article has been viewed 224,905 times.

12 votes - 90%
Co-authors: 16
Updated: June 21, 2020
Views: 224,905
Categories: Featured Articles | Air Quality and Health | Indoor Air Improvement

Article Summary
To test the air quality in your home, purchase an air quality monitor to check the levels of dust, allergens,
chemical pollutants, and humidity in your home. Additionally, install carbon monoxide detectors on every
floor to alert you to high levels of carbon monoxide. If your home’s water comes from a well, check for
radon contamination twice a year using a radon testing kit from your local home improvement store. In
between testing, keep an eye out for signs of poor air quality, like mold or an increase in allergy symptoms.
To learn more, including how to hire a professional to test the air quality in your home, read on.

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Português:Testar a Qualidade do Ar em Casa
Deutsch:Die Luftqualität im eigenen Zuhause überprüfen
‫اﺧﺘﺒﺎر ﺟﻮدة اﻟﻬﻮاء ﻓﻲ ﻣﻨﺰﻟﻚ‬:‫اﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ‬
Nederlands:De luchtkwaliteit in je huis testen
Français:tester la qualité de l’air de sa maison
Bahasa Indonesia:Menguji Kualitas Udara di Rumah
Italiano:Analizzare la Qualità dell'Aria in Casa
ह द :अपने घर क हवा क गुणव ा (air quality) क जांच कर
Русский:проверить качество воздуха в доме
Tiếng Việt:Kiểm tra chất lượng không khí trong nhà
⽇本語 家の空気の質を測る
中⽂ 检测家中空⽓质量
한국어:집 안의 공기질 측정하는 방법

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Kate Ryan
"I learned
Oct 3, 2019
what I could do about possible air pollution. I've been coughing a lot, my dog also, but when
my dog stayed with my son for a week, she stopped coughing. I learned what I could do myself and
what a professional could do. I'm calling a professional."..." more

Dave Knaggs
"I have
3, 2019lung damage from pneumonia. Article provides a comprehensive, non-technical, and
understandable review of the issues and options for assessing and resolving home air quality."..." more

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Jul 3, 2018has taught me a lot and I'm now set to follow the above guidelines to improve the quality of
air in my home. Thanks to wikiHow. It's always very informative and handy."..." more

4, 2018
know which direction to go and what steps to take to find out why I keep getting sick. Doctors
don't have a clue. "..." more
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