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A report submitted to the

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,

College of Engineering

University of Duhok

Student name: Mustafa Badeea Abdulaziz

Moodle Email:

Year: 1st

Course: Engineering drawing

Course Code: GS2101

Instructor: Dr.Hani

Date: 22/6/2020



A Route Survey is defined as being the required service and product that adequately
locates the planned path of a linear project or right of way which crosses a prescribed
area of real estate, extending from at least one known point and turning or terminating
at another known point. it supplies the data necessary to determine alignment, grading,
and earthwork quantities for the design and construction of various engineering projects
such as roads, railroads, pipelines, and utilities. When accuracy matters, your choice of
land surveying companies matters.

 A survey refers to the process of locating and measuring a property's boundary

lines to determine the exact amount of land that a homeowner owns. ... Buyers
have a property surveyed after making an offer to make sure any issues with
easements or encroachments are documented and resolved before closing.
 If you're buying a home, ask the seller to check with their lender and/or title
company to see if there's a property survey on file. The local tax assessor's office
may also have one.A
 A boundary survey is a process carried out to determine property lines and
define true property corners of a parcel of land described in a deed. It also
indicates the extent of any easements or encroachments and may show the
limitations imposed on the property by state or local regulations.
  control surveys is to provide a uniform framework of reference for the
coordination of all surveying activities within a given area.
 The purpose of traverse is to locate the unknown points relative to each other
and to locate all points within the traverse relative to a common grid. Three
elements of starting data are needed. They are the coordinates and height of a
starting point and an azimuth to a visible azimuth mark.
 Online surveys allow multimedia, advanced question types, customizable look
and feel, and more. Letting respondents interact with the survey questions
directly can keep them engaged longer than purely auditory interviews.
 Of all the different types of surveys, the customer satisfaction survey is probably
the most widely used.
 If the property you are purchasing is particularly old or you intend to do any work
on it, it is recommended that you get a Building Survey. You should also note that
it is quite common for the surveyor to find some works that can result in a
reduction of the purchase price beyond the cost of the report.
 It’s the required service and product that adequately locates the planned path of
a linear project or right of way which crosses a prescribed area of real estate,
extending from at least one known point and turning or terminating at another
known point. Adequate location shall mean substantial compliance with the
conditions and tolerances expressed in this standard. A route survey which
defines new or proposed boundaries shall be conducted as a boundary survey
and must adhere to the rules and regulations of the Texas Board of Professional
Land Surveying (TBPLS).


A Route Survey is usually required for the planning of a right of way, the acquisition of
fee or easement property and for eventual construction layout work. The location of the
facilities within the right of way are often held in respect to the center line or a right of
way line. A Route Survey is made on the ground to provide for the location of right of
way lines, a centerline, or reference lines in relation to property lines and terrain

Route Surveys shall include but are not limited to the proper location, monumentation,
description or platting of the following routes:

1. Roadways, highways and railroads.

2. Transmission lines for communications, fuel, chemical, water and electrical
3. Canals, waterways, drainage ditches and sewers.
4. View easements, air space easements, ingress and egress easements such as
approach routes.


Surveying can be used in many fields and for many purposes. it is an important method

of getting information. It is an easy and reliable technique of gathering feedback from
customers. ... The information helps you to make right decisions easier. Surveys are
also important in getting feedback from employees.

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