Preparation and Antioxidant Properties of Biomass Low Molecular Phenolic Compounds

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Journal of the UniversityS.

ChemicalT. Technology
K. Stanulov
Metallurgy, 46, 2, 2011, 109-120


S. Nenkova, T. Radoykova, K. Stanulov

University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy Received 05 April 2011

8 Kl. Ohridski, 1756 Sofia, Bulgaria Accepted 12 May 2011


Modern chemical industry is based on natural energy sources - coal, petroleum and natural gas, which have been
formed by decomposition of vegetable materials in the course of millions of years. As their reserves are limited and
gradually exhausted, one of the main tasks of the industry is to provide the complete, versatile and most effective
utilization of the raw materials.
The chemical treatment of wood to cellulose and monosaccharides is connected with the conversion of c.a. one
third of its mass into a lignin component as a residue. The bioethanol production from raw materials increases and hence
the lignin utilization starts to attract significant interest. Because of its chemical structure peculiarities it is a potential
source of valuable products of possible application in many different areas. In this aspect the lignin, which is in fact a waste
product in the process of vegetable materials treatment, is a suitable source of monomer phenolic compounds of well
known inhibiting effect towards hydrocarbons oxidation.
Keywords: lignin, low-molecular phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity.

INTRODUCTION The interaction of lignin with aqueous solutions

of sodium hydroxide is the main reaction proceeding in
Lignin is widely spread, renewable, amorphous the course of plant tissues delignification and the alka-
natural polymer, containing phenylpropane units (Fig. 1). line methods [8] used for fibrous materials production.
The latter are derivatives of syringol, guaiacol and p- Furthermore, lignin alkaline treatment is widely applied
hydroxyphenol. They are interconnected through ether- in residual hydrolyzed lignin activation aiming its utili-
and C-C bonds [1] forming thus a very complex three- zation. It is found that lignin hydrolysis under alkaline
dimensional polymer matrix [2]. They are in fact the source conditions proceeds with a tendency to destruction [9].
of low-molecular phenolic compounds (LMPC) [3-7]. The destruction of lignin [10, 11] and its model com-
pounds [12] is carried out in absence of a catalyst at
METHODS FOR LIGNIN DESTRUCTION temperature values close to the critical one (400oC and
350oC) and pressure of 25 ÌPa. The aim is to facilitate
Lignin is the biomass component of most diffi- lignin’s full conversion to phenolic compounds which
cult destruction because of its complex structure, in- are important raw materials for production of antioxi-
solubility and high molecular mass. dants, dyes, drugs, etc. [10].

Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 46, 2, 2011

Miller, J.F. studies also the destruction of lignin

and its model compounds in alcohol solutions of bases
[21]. A high degree of conversion is achieved in case of
lignin treatment for 10-15 min in a mixture of
KOH / EtOH at 290oC. Analogous experiments with
NaOH , CsOH , LiOH , Ca (OH )2 are carried out.
They show that the strong bases favor a higher degree of
Enkvist [22] finds out that catechol and its alkyl
derivatives are obtained in case of black lye heating at
310oC in presence of NaOH in N 2 atmosphere. The
hydroxide used is in a concentration of 18 % in respect
to the dry compound in the initial raw material. A study
on a model compound of lignin shows that the alkaline
agent facilitates the rupture of the ether- and the C − C
bonds leading to volatile phenols. The author concludes
Fig. 1. Schematic structural formula of a lignin’s fragment.
that the presence of water of at least 10 % in respect to
dry lignin is required to ensure sodium hydroxide ac-
The alkaline hydrolysis of lignin results in its tivity in the thermolysis course.
depolymerization through the rupture of ether- and de- Domburg et al. [23] investigate the effect of al-
struction C − C bonds connecting the phenylpropane kaline additives like NaOH , K 2CO3, and Na2CO3
units. The method leads to the production of low-mo- on lignin’s thermal reactivity, the phenols composition
lecular monomer phenols (2,6-dimethoxyphenol and the yield of pyrolytic oils. It is found that the pres-
(syringol); 3,6-dimethoxy-4-hydroxy acetophenone; 4- ence of 5 % aqueous solution of NaOH leads to the
ethylguaiacol; 2-methoxyphenol (guaiacol); 4-ethyl-2- highest yield of guaiacol and syringol without increas-
methoxyphenol; 2–methoxy–4-propylphenol; 4- ing the amount of secondary pyrolytic phenols like phe-
methylcatehole; phenol; 4-hydroxy-3,5di-methoxyben- nol, cresols and catechols.
zaldehyde (syringaldehyde) and 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy- The experiments on alkaline destruction of lig-
benzaldehyde (vanillin) [13-17 ], whose separation and nin samples in presence of anthraquinone and Rh as a
chromatographic identification [7] is comparatively easy. catalyst show that the yield of monomer phenols like
R.W. Throng et al. carry out lignin destruction guaiacol, syringol and similar aldehydes is increased
for 1 h at 300oC in a reactor, containing aqueous solu- when compared to that obtained in a catalyst absence
tion of NaOH in nitric acid medium [18,19]. The ef- [24]. These experiments verify the catalytic activity of
fect of water and the water-ethanol mixture of 1:1 [20] Rh and other transient metals in the process of prepa-
as a solvent is studied. It is found that the binary solvent ration of guaiacol and its derivatives. It is also found
increases the degree of lignin’s destruction as well as that facilitates the formation of keto-derivatives. Cata-
the amount of phenols soluble in ether, but decreases lysts like Co(III) and Mn(III) are used for the oxida-
the selectivity towards production of syringol, guaiacol tive destruction of lignin’s model compounds to phenols
and phenol when compared to that achieved in water [25]. Lignin decomposition in an aqueous-alkaline medium
only. The phenols yield is followed in dependence of in presence of anthraquinone [26] and of lignin model com-
NaOH concentration in the range from 1 to 6 %mass. A pounds in presence of anthrahydroquinone [27] is studied
higher value is obtained in case of solutions of concen- as well. The results obtained show that the shorter reaction
tration of 1-2 %mass. The yield of the individual phenols time results in formation of alkenephenols like eugenol and
is also optimal in this concentration range. At a higher related products, while the longer reaction time favors the
NaOH concentration the guaiacol yield decreases es- increase of the yield of simple phenols like guaiacol.
sentially, which shows that guaiacol demethoxylation is Oxygen-containing compounds are obtained in
fast under these conditions. the course of a catalytic hydrothermal treatment of wood

S. Nenkova, T. Radoykova, K. Stanulov

biomass using Rb and Cs carbonates for 15 min at commercial application. Organic catalysts like an-
280oC [28]. The results are compared to those obtained thraquinone, salts and oxides of Cu ( II ) and Fe ( III )
in case of an alkaline solution absence. Solvents like are used to obtain some guaiacol and syringol com-
ether, ethylacetate and acetone are used for extraction pounds containing aldehyde groups. Vanillin, one of the
and are subsequently regenerated through evaporation. compounds which are usually produced from lignin, is
The liquid and solid products are separated under obtained through alkaline oxidation of lignin. It is evi-
vacuum. The liquid phase is extracted with diethylether dent that pyrolysis of wood impregnated by inorganic
and then with ethylacetate, while the solid phase is ex- alkaline catalysts like NaOH brings about higher yields
tracted with acetone in Soxlet extraction apparatus. The of individual phenols. The type of NaOH addition as
composition of the extracts obtained is analyzed by GC- well as the pyrolysis conditions differ in the studies con-
MS. It is found that the presence of Rb and Cs carbon- sidered.
ates increases the extracts yield when compared to those The products of autohydrolysis (hydrothermal
obtained in a catalyst absence. The GC-MS analysis treatment) of rice husks and corncobs are analyzed.
shows that phenol compounds are the main products The process is carried out at 205oC in presence of wa-
found in the ether extract obtained both in a catalyst ter at a hydromodule of 1:8 (liquid: solid phase). Van-
and a non-catalyst treatment. The amount of 2- illin, syringol, syringaldehyde, guaiacol, 4-vinylguai-
methoxyphenol is higher in case of RbCO3 presence when acol, 4-vinylphenol are among the lignin products ob-
compared to that obtained when CsCO3 is used. Ke- tained [30]. Furfural is a product of the corresponding
tones are the main compounds found in the ethylacetate chemicelluloses [30].
extract, while the Sokslet extract contains phenols, ke- The hydrolysis treatment of wood in presence of
tones and furan derivatives. It is evident that the appli- an acidic catalyst (dilute solution of sulphuric acid) and
cation of alkaline catalysts hinders charcoal formation temperature of 180oC leads to the polysaccharides tran-
and subsequently increases the yield of liquid products sition to the solution, while the lignin remains in a solid
of wood’s hydrothermal treatment. The authors conclude state (technical hydrolyzed lignin - THL). THL differs
that the wood preliminary impregnation with an aque- from the natural and the other types of lignin materials.
ous alkaline solution and the stirring in the course of The acidic and the hydrolyzing effect of the catalyst
the treatment affect greatly the yield of oil products. changes the original three-dimensional lignin structure.
The methods used for the production of mono- It becomes more complicated and dense which in turn
mer phenols through thermochemical conversion of leads to low reactivity and solubility in alkaline and neu-
biomass are reviewed [29]. It is shown that the prepara- tral solvents [31]. One of the well accepted methods for
tion of phenolic compounds like 2-methoxyphenol, 2,6- THL activation is connected with its alkaline treatment
dimethoxyphenol and their alkyl derivatives depends on under different conditions [32]. The authors find that
the experimental conditions used. The small dimensions the treatment with 5.0 % NaOH leads to the produc-
of the wood particles, the short reactor time, the re- tion of lignin products of highest hydrophilicity and the
duced pressure and moderate pyrolysis temperature fa- best porosity. In the course of this process a significant
vor these products formation. The dehydrogenation of part of the lignin passes to the solution and thus a dis-
the OH -groups in the alkyl chain of the lignin persed system, containing products of the destruction
phenylpropane structural unit is the main chemical re- and some other changes that had affected the lignin com-
action in biomass conversion to phenols. This reaction plex, is obtained. The alkaline solution can be acidified
is followed by bonds rupture. The β − O − 4 -aryl-ether and high-molecular products of complex structure, called
bonds are among those which are most frequently af- lignin acids, are obtained. Chudakov [33] assumes that
fected. The usage of solvents which are hydrogen do- the ether- and some of the C − C bonds are ruptured
nors like tetralin and/or hydrogen atmosphere in ther- because of the joint effect of the highly hydrolyzing agent
mal decomposition of biomass limits the improvement (the alkaline solution) and the thermal destruction. This
of phenols yield. The regeneration of tetralin as well as results in preparation of alkaline-activated lignin of
naphthalene formation resulting from hydrogen-donor higher solubility, of higher content of acidic (including
reactions and reactor pressure increase hinder their phenolic) OH groups which determines the potentially

Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 46, 2, 2011

higher reactivity of the lignin product. Low-molecular poplar bark) under conditions which are favorable for
products of unknown nature remain in the solution waste lignin activation (temperature of 180oC, duration
[33, 34]. of 2, 4 and 6 h , 3, 5 and 7 % aqueous solution of
The detailed investigation of the alkaline hydroly- NaOH , lignin/aqueous solution of NaOH ratio
sis of lignin carried out by S. Nenkova [34] shows that (hydromodule) of 1:6, 1:8 and 1:10). The aim is to in-
the optimal conditions required for lignin’s transition to vestigate the nature and the possible application of the
the solution are as follows: temperature of 180oC, 5 % low-molecular products which are left in the liquid
NaOH , hydromodule of 1:10 and treatment duration phase after higher-molecular fraction precipitation [4-
of 6 hours. This type of treatment leads to the most 6, 37]. The principal scheme of the process of produc-
intensified lignin dissolution which is connected with tion of low-molecular phenolic compounds (LMPC)
the strongest destruction. The products obtained do not from lignin is shown in Fig. 2.
precipitate in the alkaline solution. It is verified that The liquid fraction containing the non-precipi-
the alkali-activated hydrolyzed lignin (AAHL) produced tated lignin is subjected to triple extraction with tolu-
is free from the residual polysaccharides, has a lower ene. The organic/aqueous phase ratio is 1:5. The latter
molecular mass, higher reactivity and can be used for has been initially determined as the optimal one [5].
the production of azodyes [35], for wood modification The choice of a non-polar solvent for the extraction
[36], etc. aims at limitation of the amount of side more-polar
S. Nenkova et al. study the alkaline hydrolysis of products (ketones, aldehydes, acids) whose anti-oxidant
THL and other vegetable biomasses (poplar wood and properties are low. The extracts obtained are analyzed

Fig. 2. Principal scheme of the process of low-molecular phenolic compounds production.

S. Nenkova, T. Radoykova, K. Stanulov

by GC-MS. The composition of the hydrolysis low- lyzed products stays unchanged, the increase of the
molecular products which are found in the liquid phase hydromodule brings about an increase of the LMPC
after extraction with toluene and the possibility of prepar- yield [5]. It is experimentally verified that the best con-
ing LMPC through solid-liquid extraction of AAHL (in ditions for THL treatment aiming AAHL preparation
Soxhlet apparatus for 24 hours with diethyl ether) are refer to the application of 5 %-solution of NaOH and
studied. The liquid phase separated after the extraction duration of 6 hours. It is found as well that the increase
with toluene (poplar bark wood, 180oC, 4 hours, 5 % of NaOH solution concentration to 7 % in case of hy-
NaOH , hydromodule of 1:8) is subjected to double drolysis duration of up to 6 hours does not affect the
extraction with ethylacetate at an organic-liquid phase LMPC yield, but a hydromodule not lower than 1:8 is
ratio of 1:5. The solvent has been selected on the ground recommended to ensure an adequate liquid reaction
of data collected in the course of an analogous extrac- medium [6]. The monomer phenols obtained contain
tion [28]. The extracts obtained after eliminating the two methoxy groups because the predominating lignin
solvent through vacuum-evaporation are analyzed by FT- in the deciduous wood treated has syring units.
IR. It is found that different aromatic carbonyl com- The amount of the products of hydrolysis of poplar
pounds are present in both extracts (it is assumed that wood, polar bark and THL is comparatively considered
most of the carbonyl groups are incorporated in aro- [4]. It is found that the greater part of the wood’s lignin
matic acids, while the other are included in aromatic is dissolved and the yield of LMPC is higher in case of
esters or ketones). These compounds can be used in wood’s hydrolysis although the lignin amount in bark is
other investigations of practical importance. It is found much greater. This is most probably due to the fact
that the shorter duration of the alkaline treatment of that anthraquinone has been added as a catalyst in case
THL results not only in lower yield of LMPC but also of wood’s hydrolysis. It not only facilitates the lignin
in a difference of the extracts composition [5]. In case destruction and the rupture of fragments as LMPC but
of duration of 2 and 4 hours the main products are as prevents the polysaccharides destruction. It is to be noted
follows: 3-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzaldehyde (vanillin) of that the bark lignin is more condensed. The lowest yield
a yield of 51.41 % (it presents 45.08 % of the LMPC of LMPC is obtained in case of THL hydrolysis for 6
obtained) and 1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl) ethanone hours. This is most probably due to the more condensed
of a yield of 26.14 % (it presents 29.04 % of the LMPC structure of THL. This is verified by the results obtained
obtained). This is most probably due to the fact that the in the course of wood and bark hydrolysis. Greater
short time of treatment does not provide destruction to amounts of monomer phenols like phenol, 4-ethyl-2-
methoxyhenols. At 6 hours-treatment the main product is methoxyphenol (and some other unidentified phenol
2-methoxyphenol with a yield of 56.80 %. The investiga- compounds detected in the chromatogram) are obtained.
tion is carried out with THL produced from coniferous Table 1 shows the composition of LMPC mixtures ob-
wood and this is why the monomer phenols contain tained in the course of 6 hours of alkaline hydrolysis of
only one methoxy group. THL, poplar bark and poplar wood sawdust [4, 6].
The studies on the alkaline hydrolysis of a vegetable
biomass of different kind (THL, wood and bark) show NATURAL METHOXY PHENOLS AS
that the response to the change in the experimental con- ANTIOXIDANTS
ditions is identical. The increase both of the duration
and of NaOH concentration leads to an increase of Petroleum products as well as those from the
the LMPC yield [5, 6]. This is due to a great extent to petrochemical processing are unstable in the presence
the destruction of the lignin macromolecule. The in- of oxygen and decompose through auto-oxidation [38].
crease of the hydromodule from 1:6 to 1:8 results in an It is proved that the liquid phase oxidation of hydrocar-
increase of the solubility of THL with about 10 %. The bons goes through a chain-radical mechanism with chain
further ratio increase to 1:10 has practically no further development and ramification [39, 40]. The antioxidants
effect on THL solubility and the yield of the precipi- used for fuel chemical stability improvement are prod-
tated activated lignin. Although the amount of hydro- ucts of hydrocarbons radical-chain oxidation. Phenols

Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 46, 2, 2011

Table 1. Identified monomer compounds.

Poplar wood bark, THL, 6h,
Sawdust of poplar wood,
6h, 7 % NaOH, 5 %NaOH,
6h, 5% NaOH, h.m.-1:8
Compound h.m.-1:10 h.m.-1:8
Retention Area, Area, Area,
time, min % % %
Phenol 2.91 3.21 2.58 2.01
* 3.51 3.64 3.63 2.59
2-methoxyphenol 3.81 23.11 15.86 56.80
* 3.88 - 1.95 -
* 4.24 - 1.39 -
* 4.28 4.23 4.51 1.43
4-ethyl-2-methoxyphenol 5.46 1.03 3.17 -
2,6-dimethoxyphenol 6.07 38.04 29.38 6.68
methoxybenzaldehyde 6.55 3.01 6.67 18.48
7.27 8.74 10.52 10.96
3-methoxyphenyl] ethanone
* 7.53 4.18 6.71 1.05
dimethoxybenzaldehyde 8.78 0.76 3.95 -
( syringaldehyde)
dimethoxyphenyl] ethanone
9.50 10.05 10.04 -

* Unidentified compounds.

substituted by tertiary alkyl groups (i.e. ionol -2,6-di- stituents polarity and the steric factor (the dimension
tert-butyl-4-methylphenol) are the most widely used in and configuration of the substituents in o-position). In
practice. They react very fast with peroxide radicals and general, the inhibitors effectiveness increases with the
thus they stop the chain reaction proceeding. The phe- substituent’s polarity decrease and the increase of the
noxy radicals obtained interacts with hydroperoxide steric factor. There is a correlation between the effec-
forming stable quinone structures (cyclohexadiene per- tiveness and the alkylphenols redox potential. The lat-
oxide, Fig. 3) [41]. ter decrease results in an increase of these compounds
The phenol antioxidation properties depend on antioxidant action [41, 42].
the substituents number and nature. In general, the in- The antioxidation effect of the methoxyphenols
hibitor activity depends on the rate of cleavage of a func- produced in lignin alkaline treatment is tested by study-
tional group hydrogen atom. The activity increases with ing the oxygen absorption of liquid paraffin in a labora-
the ease in which the cleavage reaction proceeds. The tory manometric installation [43]. It is shown that their
alkylphenols inhibiting effect is determined by the sub- action is comparable to that of the most widely used
low temperature oxidation inhibitor – ionol. The FT-
IR spectral investigations prove the effectiveness of the
isolated phenolic compounds.
The antioxidation effect of methoxyphenols pro-
duced in the poplar bark alkaline treatment is tested by
determining the gasoline induction period (at a quan-
tity of 25, 75 and 200 ppm) of the phenolic compounds
[44]. It is verified that the latter are a mixture of 2-
methoxyphenol, 2,6-dimethoxyphenol, 3-hydroxy-4-
methoxybenzaldehyde and 1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxy-
Fig. 3. Interaction of phenols with peroxide radicals. phenyl) ethanone. Comparative tests are performed with

S. Nenkova, T. Radoykova, K. Stanulov

ionol (25 ppm). Commercial gasoline A95 is used in (DPPH). The activity of the latter is lower than that of

oxygen-containing free radicals like OH , RO • , ROO

this investigation. Because of its high induction period

dicumyl peroxide is added (0.1g /100 ml gasoline) as an and O2 , but the authors suggest this procedure for evalu-
oxidation initiator. It is found that the induction period ating the radical acceptance activity of lignin and re-
increases with the increase of methoxyphenols concen- lated substances [51-54]. It is found that the antioxi-
tration (Fig. 4). The highest inhibition effect thus ob- dant properties of the latter decrease essentially with
served is at a methoxyphenols concentration of 200 ppm. the introduction of a carbonyl group in the side chain
It is confirmed by IR spectra. It is important to add [50, 54]. This can be illustrated by the change in the
that the spectra of samples containing methoxyphenols values of anti-radical power (ARP) of the lignin model
and ionol of a concentration of 25 ppm are identical. compounds in the following line: propylguaicol >
The antioxidant properties of phenolic com- guaiacylpropnol-1 > guaiacol >> guaiacylpropanone-1;
pounds obtained from wood are well studied. The bark coniferyl alcohol >> coniferylaldehyde [52]. The pres-
of various tree species is widely used in traditional folk ence of a double bond in the side propane chain de-
and Tibetan medicine for its anti-inflammatory and creases the acceptance ability of isoguaiacol when com-
analgesic properties. It has been verified that this effect pared to that of guaiacol and propylguaiacol. At the
is due to the presence of biologically active compounds same time the presence of a double bond between C β
which can be easily extracted [45]. It has been estab- and Cγ atoms in the side chain of eugenol increases
lished that the phenolic compounds present in the bark this ability. This is in correspondence with the ARP
are in fact flavonoids, tannins and phenylcarboxylic ac- values of 1.94 and 3.7, found with the application of the
ids which are antioxidants of strong anti-inflammatory, DPPH method by Brand-Williams et al. [53].The same
analgesic and antibacterial properties [45-47]. tendency is outlined when considering the values of the
The antioxidant activity of phenols depends on power constants of eugenol and isoeugenol reactions
the substituents number and nature [48, 49]. It is found with oxidants like the radicals N3·, OH·, and particu-
that the presence of electron-donor and large groups at larly CCl3O2· [55].
ortho and para positions hinders the oxidation processes. The antioxidant activity of the product of beech
The antioxidant effect decreases in the line: 4-alyl-2,6- wood tar distillation is verified. It is found that the
dimethoxyphenol ≥ p,p’-biphenol > eugenol > 2-alyl- main components are as follows: 2-methoxyphenol, 2-
6-methylphenol > honikiol > magnolol > caffeine acid methoxy-4-methylphenol, 3-methylphenol, 4- methyl-
> p-ethylphenol > guaiacol [50]. phenol, 2- methylphenol and phenol [56, 57].
The antioxidant activity of the native phenolic Fats oxidation can be prevented or inhibited by
compounds is characterized with the application of a adding synthetic antioxidants like 2-tert-butyl-4-
free radical method using 1,1-diphenyl-2-pierylhydrazyl methoxyphenol, 2,6-di-tert- butyl-4-methylphenol
(ionol). The interest towards naturally derived antioxi-
dants is increasing. It is found that the extract obtained
from the herb taheebo containing mainly phenolic com-
pounds has a well pronounced antioxidant effect. In fact
the GC-MS analysis carried out shows the presence of
4-methoxybenzaldehyde, 4-ethoxyphenol, 4-methoxy-
benzylalcohol [58].
It is assumed that the antioxidant effect of the
preserving smoke is due to the prevention of lipid
peroxidation through chain-radical reactions breaking.
It is established that methoxyphenols are the compounds
of essential importance for the smoke preserving and
antioxidant effect [59-62]. The antioxidant activity of
the smoke obtained in the course of incineration of wood
Fig. 4. Kinetic curves of gasoline oxidation. of different kind under different conditions is investi-

Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 46, 2, 2011

gated [63-65]. It is found that 2,6-dimethoxyphenols effective free radicals acceptor among the gas com-
with 4-alkenyl and 4-alkyl groups have the strongest pounds evolved [64].
antioxidant activity. These compounds present 60-70 % The correlation between the redox potential values
of the total dimethoxyphenols amount in the gas evolved and the radical acceptance ability is revealed in ref. [71],
in the course of deciduous wood incineration [66]. The while Rosenwald concludes that every effective phenol has
difference in the composition of the smoke obtained in a redox potential value lower than 0.7 V [72]. These inves-
coniferous and deciduous wood incineration is due to tigations do not treat the substituents effect on phenols
the lignin’s different structure. The alkyl-, alkenyl- and activity. But the dependence of the radical eliminating ac-
carbonyl-containing groups of phenols obtained in wood tivity on the redox potential of ortho-methoxy substituted
incineration are in fact residues of the initial C 3 chain lignin compounds is investigated [52, 67]. It is found that
of the lignin. It is assumed that the antioxidant proper- the compounds with two methoxy groups have higher an-
ties of these compounds are due to phenols oxidation tioxidant activity which is in correspondence with the data
to phenoxy radicals of lower activity [67]. The methyl on redox potential values decrease from 0,87 V to 0, 68 V
(alkyl) and the methoxide (alkoxide) groups at ortho for radicals of 4-methylphenol and 2-methoxy-4-
and para position stabilize the phenoxy radicals which methylphenol, respectively [67,73].
results further in increase of the antioxidant properties. The effectiveness as antioxidants in medical and
The stabilizing effect of the methoxy group is greater diet products of lignin and some related to it monomer
than this of the methyl group which is in correspon- and dimer compounds contained in the wood lye is also
dence with the redox potentials values of phenols con- investigated [54, 74-77].
taining these substituents [67, 68]. The antioxidant activity of phenolic compounds
The gas obtained in the course of birch wood prepared by hydrothermal treatment of olive tree is stud-
incineration is composed mainly of syringyl compounds ied. Syringol and syringaldehyde are the most abundant
(Sy-3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl compounds). It is volatile phenolic compounds found there. Guaiacol, van-
verified that the conjugated double bonds of illin and other methoxyphenols are also identified [78].
SyCH = CH 2 and SyCH = CHCH 3 stabilize the phe- Ortho-methoxyphenols like eugenol (2-methoxy-
noxy radical which results in higher antioxidant activity 4-(prop-2-enyl) phenol), isoeugenol (2-methoxy-4-(Å)-
of these dominating components of the gas. The evident prop-1-enyl) phenol) are components of different spices
difference between GuCH = CHCH 3 and widely used in food industry. These compounds present
GuCH 2CH = CH 2 which has a non-conjugated definite interest because of their anti-inflammatory
double bond is well illustrated [54, 55]. The conjugated and chemo-therapeutical properties resulting from their
bond effect corresponds approximately to the size of antioxidant activity [79, 80]. It is reported that vanillin
the additional methoxy group in SyCH 2CH = CH 2 (3-methoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde) has chemo-thera-
(when compared to GuCH 2 CH = CH 2 , Gu − 3 - peutical effect in a carcinogen test [81].
methoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl compounds) [54].
It is expected that phenols with CH 2 side group CONCLUSIONS
( SyCH 3 , SyCH 2CH 3 , SyCH 2CH = CH 2 ) will
have similar activities, besides higher than that of SyH The possibilities for preparation of valuable prod-
[50, 54]. It is verified that the electron-accepting á-car- ucts of antioxidant properties using vegetable biomass
bonyl group of SyCHO and SyCOCH 3 destabilizes are reviewed. The utilization of lignin, the main waste
the phenoxy radical which in turn leads to lower anti- product of chemically treated wood is thoroughly con-
oxidant activity [54, 68], while the carbonyl group of sidered. The numerous studies on the methods of lig-
SyCH = CHCHO compensates the conjugated nin destruction to low-molecular phenolic compounds
double bond [69]. It is concluded [64] that the 2,6- and the utilization of the latter as antioxidants are con-
dimethoxyphenols can counteract more effectively the sidered. The inhibiting effect of these compounds pre-
cell lipid peroxidation than antioxidants of similar re- sents a definite fundamental interest. Its application in
dox potentials but with no large groups at ortho posi- motor fuels stabilization, in food industry and medi-
tion [70]. SyCH 2CH = CH 2 is determined as the most cine is of practical important as well.

S. Nenkova, T. Radoykova, K. Stanulov

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