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13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 121-150 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Your patient has become humble; have you drawn his attention Like
to the fact? All virtues are less formidable to us once the man is
aware that he has them, but this is specially true of humility.”
― C.S. Lewis, Screwtape Le ers
tags: humility, pride 100 likes

“Oh Lord Most High, Creator of the Cosmos, Spinner of Like

Galaxies, Soul of Electromagnetic Waves, Inhaler and Exhaler of

Inconceivable Volumes of Vacuum, Spitter of Fire and Rock,
Trifler with Millennia — what could we do for Thee that Thou
couldst not do for Thyself one octillion times better? Nothing. What
could we do or say that could possibly interest Thee? Nothing. Oh,
Mankind, rejoice in the apathy of our Creator, for it makes us free and
truthful and dignified at last. No longer can a fool point to a ridiculous BROWSE BY TAG
accident of good luck and say, 'Somebody up there likes me.' And no
longer can a tyrant say, 'God wants this or that to happen, and anyone humility Search

who doesn't help this or that to happen is against God.' O Lord Most
High, what a glorious weapon is Thy Apathy, for we have unsheathed it, Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
have thrust and slashed mightily with it, and the claptrap that has so
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
often enslaved us or driven us into the madhouse lies slain!" -The
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
prayer of the Reverend C. Horner Redwine” Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
― Kurt Vonnegut, The Sirens of Titan God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
tags: humanism, humility, religion 93 likes
Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
“Here is the path to the higher life: down, lower down! Just as Like Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
water always seeks and fills the lowest place, so the moment Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
God finds men abased and empty, His glory and power flow in Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
to exalt and to bless.”
Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
― Andrew Murray, Humility: The Journey Toward Holiness
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
tags: humility 86 likes Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k

“To have humility is to experience reality, not in relation to Like

ourselves, but in its sacred independence. It is to see, judge, and

act from the point of rest in ourselves. Then, how much
disappears, and all that remains falls into place.

In the point of rest at the center of our being, we encounter a world

where all things are at rest in the same way. Then a tree becomes a
mystery, a cloud a revelation, each man a cosmos of whose riches we can
only catch glimpses. The life of simplicity is simple, but it opens to us a
book in which we never get beyond the first syllable.”
― Dag Hammarskjöld, Markings
tags: humility, self, synchronicity, transcendence 68 likes

“The humble listen to their brothers and sisters because they assume Like

they have something to learn. They are open to correction, and they 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
become wiser through it.”
My Books
― Fr. Thomas Dubay Browse ▾ Community ▾ Sign in

tags: humility, listening 64 likes

“Humility has nothing to do with depreciating ourselves and Like

our gifts in ways we know to be untrue. Even "humble"

attitudes can be masks of pride. Humility is that freedom from
our self which enables us to be in positions in which we have
neither recognition nor importance, neither power nor visibility, and
even experience deprivation, and yet have joy and delight. It is the
freedom of knowing that we are not in the center of the universe, not
even in the center of our own private universe.”
― David F. Wells, Losing Our Virtue
tags: humble, humility
To be nothing in the
self-effacement of
“I do not think you should get rid of your sin until you have Like humility, yet, for the sake
learned what it has to teach you.”
― Richard Rohr, Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life
of the task, to embody
tags: humility, idolatry, sin 59 likes
its whole weight and
importance in your
“Humility is, in a sense, admitting how egotistical you are.” Like
earing, as the one
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: acknowledge, arrogance, ego, humility, paradox, pride
who has been called
to undertake it. To
“Blushing is the color of virtue.” Like give to people, works,
― Diogenes
poetry, art, what the
self can contribute,
tags: humility 56 likes

“It stands to reason that anyone who learns to live well will die Like and to take, simply
well. The skills are the same: being present in the moment, and
and freely, what belongs
humble, and brave, and keeping a sense of humor. (361)”
― Victoria Moran, Younger by the Day: 365 Ways to Rejuvenate Your to it by reason of its
Body and Revitalize Your Spirit identity. Praise and
tags: bravery, dying, humility, humor, living, mindfulness, present-moment, sense-of-humor 50 likes blame, the winds of
“The humble person is open to being corrected, whereas the Like
success and adversity,
arrogant is clearly closed to it. Proud people are supremely blow over such a life
confident in their own opinions and insights. No one can without leaving a trace
admonish them successfully: not a peer, not a local superior,
not even the pope himself. They know - and that is the end of the
or upsetting its balance.
matter. Filled as they are with their own views, the arrogant lack the
capacity to see another view.”
― Fr. Thomas Dubay
tags: humility 46 likes

“If you're capable of despising your own behavior, you might Like
just love yourself.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: acceptance-of-oneself, behavior, growth, humility, improvement, love, morality, repentance, self-hate,
self-loathing, self-love

“Humility is just as much the opposite of self-abasement as it is Like

of self-exaltation. To be humble is not to make comparisons.

Secure in its reality, the self is neither better nor worse, bigger
nor smaller, than anything else in the universe. It *is*--is
nothing, yet at the same time one with everything. It is in this sense that
humility is absolute self-effacement. 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

To be nothing in Books
the Browse
self-effacement of humility, yet, for the ▾ the
sake of Community ▾ Sign in

task, to embody its whole weight and importance in your earing, as the
one who has been called to undertake it. To give to people, works,
poetry, art, what the self can contribute, and to take, simply and freely,
what belongs to it by reason of its identity. Praise and blame, the winds
of success and adversity, blow over such a life without leaving a trace or
upsetting its balance.”
― Dag Hammarskjöld, Markings
tags: humility, interbeing, self, zen 40 likes

“At some thoughts one stands perplexed - especially at the Like

sight of men's sin - and wonders whether one should use force
or humble love. Always decide to use humble love. If you resolve
on that, once and for all, you may subdue the whole world.
Loving humility is marvelously strong, the strongest of all things, and
there is nothing else like it.”
― Fyodor Dostoyevsky
tags: humility, love 39 likes

“I am not concerned that I am not known; I seek to be worthy to Like

be known.”
― Confucius
tags: fame, humility 39 likes

“You cannot exalt God and yourself at the same time.” Like

― Rick Warren
tags: humility, religion 37 likes

“I learned that it is better, a thousand-fold, for a proud man to Like

fall and be humbled, than to hold up his head in his pride and
fancied innocence. I learned that he that will be a hero, will
barely be a man; that he that will be nothing but a doer of his
work, is sure of his manhood. In nothing was my ideal lowered, or
dimmed, or grown less precious; I only saw it too plainly, to set myself
for a moment beside it. Indeed, my ideal soon became my life; whereas,
formerly, my life had consisted in a vain attempt to behold, if not my
ideal in myself, at least myself in my ideal.”
― George MacDonald, Phantastes
tags: humility 35 likes

“I had the chance to make every possible mistake and figure out Like
a way to recover from it. Once you realize there is life after
mistakes, you gain a self-confidence that never goes away.”
― Bob Schieffer, This Just in: What I Couldn't Tell You on TV
tags: anxiety, humility, mistakes, self-confidence 31 likes

“It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character- Like

building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration

of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our
tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more
kindly with one another and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot,
the only home we've ever known.”
― Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space
tags: astronomy, earth, home, humankind, humility, preserva on, world 29 likes

“Relativism poses as humble by saying: “We are not smart enough to Like
know what the truth is—or if there is any universal truth.” It sounds 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
humble. But look carefully at what is happening. It’s like a
servantMy BooksI am not smart enough to know which
saying: Browse ▾
person Community ▾ Sign in
here is my master—or if I even have a master. The result is that
I don’t have a master and I can be my own master. That is in
reality what happens to relativists: In claiming to be too lowly to know
the truth, they exalt themselves as supreme arbiter of what they can
think and do. This is not humility. This is the essence of pride.”
― John Piper, Think: The Life of the Mind and the Love of God
tags: humility, pride, rela vism 27 likes

“Hypocrisy versus authenticity among men is not always so Like

black and white, and as is righteousness, humility is often self-
proclaimed. The Church is most definitely supposed to be a
hospital for the spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and
physically sick, hurting, and broken individual, yet ironically, many of
its critics are those who ran away and permanently denounced its
members after they visited and felt that they were sneezed on.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: apologe cs, authen city, church, cri cs, forgiveness, grace, humility, hypocrisy, mercy, righteousness,
sickness, sin

“A woman who holds her head up too high, is trying to breathe from her Like

own pollution.”
― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Wri ngs of Suzy Kassem
tags: arrogance, arrogant, balance, corrup on, ego, ego sm, females, flaunt, girls, gossip, gossiping, head,
hold-head, humble, humility, ignorant, immaterial, integrity, ladies, lady, materialism, no-merit, no-
substance, no-value, pollu on, proud, quality, shallow, shallowness, sins, superficial, superficiality, vain,
valueless, vanity, virtue, woman, women, women-rights, women-strengths

“Spiritual pride tends to speak of other persons’ sins with Like

bitterness or with laughter and levity and an air of contempt.
But pure Christian humility rather tends either to be silent
about these problems or to speak of them with grief and pity.
Spiritual pride is very apt to suspect others, but a humble Christian is
most guarded about himself. He is as suspicious of nothing in the world
as he is of his own heart. The proud person is apt to find fault with other
believers, that they are low in grace, and to be much in observing how
cold and dead they are and to be quick to note their deficiencies. But the
humble Christian has so much to do at home and sees so much evil in
his own heart and is so concerned about it that he is not apt to be very
busy with other hearts. He is apt to esteem others better than himself.”
― Jonathan Edwards
tags: humility, pride, sin 20 likes

“The most considerable difference I note among men is not in Like

their readiness to fall into error, but in their readiness to

acknowledge these inevitable lapses.”
― Thomas Henry Huxley
tags: humility, inspira onal 19 likes

“You know, I think it's important to keep a balance in things. Yeah, Like

balance, that's the right word. Cause the guy who wants too much risks
losing absolutely everything. Of course, the one who wants too little
from life, might not get anything at all.”
― Thomas Angelo
tags: humility, inspira onal, life-lessons 18 likes 4/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“True friends don't come with conditions.” Like
― Aaron Books 100 Days Drive: The Great North American
Lauritsen, Browse ▾ Trip
Road Community ▾ Sign in

tags: 100-days-drive, 100daysdrive, acceptance, accomplish, adventure, ambi on, author, awakening, be-
happy, be-proud, believe, bestrong, bestseller, bohemian, break-barriers, carma, chances, change, chase-
dreams, cherish, coming-of-age, compassion, compe on, confidence, conquer, conquer-fear, content,
control-your-life, courage, crossroads, des ny, determina on, dig-deep, don-t-give-up, don-t-worry-be-
happy, dream-big, dreamer, empower, energy, enjoy-life, explore, faith, fearless, find-yourself, follow-your-
dreams, follow-your-heart, follow-your-own-path, forgive, free, freedom, fresh-start, friendship, goal-
se ng, goals, goals-in-life, good-soul, gra tude, happiness, heal, high-road, hope, humanity, humility, inner-
beauty, inner-strength, inspira on, journey, joy, judgement, laugh, learn, liberate, libera ng, life, life-lessons,
light, limitless, live-life-quotes, love-thy-neighbor, love-thyself, love-yourself, loyalty, luck, memoir, never-
quit, no-regrets, nomad, one-life, open-road, opportunity, parenthood, perspec ve, posi ve-thinking,
power, pride, push-limits, quote-of-the-day, quotes, reflec ons, resiliency, respect, risk-taking, road-trip,
sa sfac on, service-to-others, smile, soar, soul-food, spirituality, start-all-over, staystrong, strength,
struggle, success, teamwork, thick-skin, think-outside-the-box, travel, truth, values, wander, wanderlust,
wateroffaducksback, writer

“Humility is the nearly impossible task of being more concerned with Like

our own sins that we are with the sins of others.”

― Trevor hammack
tags: humility, meekness 17 likes

“Simplicity is a bliss that makes one comprehend.” Like

― Criss Jami, Killosophy

tags: bliss, complexity, comprehension, humility, simplicity, understanding 17 likes

“Our humility before God has no value, except that it prepares Like
us to reveal the humility of Jesus to our fellow men.”
― Andrew Murray, Humility: The Journey Toward Holiness
tags: humility 16 likes

“True devotion and humility is when you carelessly allow Like

yourself to fall in love with things you consider will make you
look inferior, which in essence, makes you superior.”
― Michael Bassey Johnson
tags: acceptance, achilles-heel, admira on, affec on, careless, defeat, devo on, downfall, endurance,
essence, faith, funny-but-true, grass-to-grace, hero, humble-beginning, humility, inferior, kindness, lion-
heart, love, poison, reckless, self-surrender, sensi vity, so -spot, strong, submission, superior, sympathy,
truth, vulnerable

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13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 331-360 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“We ought to read mainly, not to know more, but to remind Like
ourselves that we do not know much.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: arrogance, books, educa on, general-knowledge, humility, ignorance, knowledge, library, reading,
wri ng

“It has been well demonstrated that you can change your life by Like
changing your attitude toward it. People ask, “How is life
treating you?” A better question is, “How are you treating life?”
― James K. Papp, Inquire Within: A Guide to Living in Spirit
tags: acceptance, a tude-inspira on, compassion, compassion-quotes, compassion-wisdom, gentleness-
quotes, humility, love

“A single person cannot know even a billionth of what is Like
known, which is not even a trillionth of what there is to know.” humility Search

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
tags: arrogance, arrogant, educa on, humble, humility, ignorance, knowledge, library, reading, science 1 likes
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
“As much as he was thankful for the rescue, his pride kind of Like Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
wished he wasn't. It'd taken twice the beating the Regime Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
guards'd given him, and pride never took a beating well.”
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
― Dean F. Wilson, Hopebreaker
Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
tags: bea ng, humility, pride, prideful, quote-of-the-week, regime 0 likes Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
“Each of us is a kaaranakartha...a conduit, a catalyst, an Like
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
instrument…and so we only have one be better Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
instruments for divinity to work through us! And we can do that Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
by working humbly, meaningfully, on whatever gives us Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
unadulterated joy and by sharing all that we receive, thereby helping Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k

people around us to grow.”

― AVIS Viswanathan
tags: avis-on-happyness, avis-viswanathan, divinity, fall-like-a-rose-petal, god, happiness, humility, life-
lessons, the-happynesswala

“For our success to happen, millions of billions of things, the Like

vast majority of which were neither in our control nor in our

awareness, needed not only to happen but also to happen how,
when, where, and—in some cases—for how long, they have
happened; and to happen to the things and the people to whom they
have happened.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana, On Friendship: A Sa rical Essay
tags: arrogance, arrogant, fortune, hard-work, humble, humility, luck, lucky, success, successful 0 likes 1/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“The peasants of love pillage the town of my prideful heart until Like

I burn with compassion.” Sign in

― Cur s Tyrone Jones
tags: burn, compassion, Books
hate, Browse
hatred, humility, loo ng, pride, riot, transforma on, universal-love ▾ 0 likes
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“Without humility, there is no honour.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: honourable, humility 0 likes

“Gazing on a trillion stars, each reticent; mankind sells itself Like

the illusion of accomplishment”

― Gyan Nagpal
tags: a tude, humility, mankind, perspec ve, responsibility, me, viewpoint 0 likes

“True humility is agreeing with God about who you are.” Like
― Danielle Strickland
tags: god, humility, iden ty 0 likes

“as one who will continue to practice radical inclusiveness as I fail again Like
and again, I can say it is quite a relief to embrace the limitations of being
― Bonnie Badenoch, The Heart of Trauma: Healing the Embodied Brain in the
Context of Rela onships
tags: courage, humility, imperfec on, relaxa on, self-compassion, self-forgiveness, therapy- ps, trauma-

“So a person who is truly humble recognizes both his capabilities and Like
his limitations.”
― Jo Berry, Proverbs For Easier Living
tags: humility, proverbs, wisdom 0 likes

“don't play with money because if money play with you then Like
the condition comes to tearing the pocket roughly”
― Aabas Sadkani
tags: author-quote, hints, humility, mindfulness, money-quotes, new-quotes 0 likes

“The beginning of wisdom is fear of the LORD, and knowledge of the Like
Holy One is understanding. Prov 9:10, NAB 2011”
― The Holy Spirit of God
tags: humility, wisdom 0 likes

“A humble beginning always humiliate late adversity.” Like

― Mar n Uzochukwu Ugwu

tags: adversity, economic-crisis-and-depression, economic-downturns, hard- mes-and-good- mes,
humility, the-beginning-and-the-end

“If Madiba has taught our nation anything, it is that humility is Like
a superpower.”
― Bianca Bowers, Cape of Storms
tags: humility, mandela, quotes, south-africa, superpowers 0 likes

“As a doctor I constantly have to ask myself what kind of Like

message the patient is bringing me. What does he mean to me?
If he means nothing, I have no point of attack. The doctor is
effective only when he himself is affected. 'Only the wounded
physician heals.' But when the doctor wears his personality like a coat of 2/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
armor, he has no effect.”
― C.G. Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflec ons Sign in

tags: empathy, healer, healing, humility, psychology, wounded 0 likes

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“Stupidity is intensified by things such as arrogance and Like
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: arrogance, arrogant, confidence, confident, fool, foolish, humble, humility, stupid, stupidity 0 likes

“Everyone who is the world to you is just another person in the Like

world to almost everyone.”

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: child, family, friend, humility, loved-ones, lover, parent, partner, sibling, spouse 0 likes

“Being humble does not mean denying being great.” Like

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana

tags: arrogance, arrogant, gi ed, great, greatness, humble, humility, talent, talented, the-greatest-of-all- me

“Sometimes it is hard to teach people who are educated than people who Like

haven't even had a formal education.”

― Krizha Mae G. Abia
tags: all, educa on, humility, respect 0 likes

“Be persevering at the bottom, humble at the top.” Like

― Maxime Lagacé
tags: humble, humility, inspira onal, mo va onal, perseverance 0 likes

“When I asked the Universe, which direction should I go now, Like

the answer was quite simple: Just watch and listen, and
remember that any story you tell yourself is nothing more than
a description of what isn’t.”
― Maximus Freeman
tags: humility 0 likes

“Our survival is a result, not of caution or wisdom, but of pure Like

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: arrogance, bad-luck, cau on, fortune, good-luck, humility, luck, spirituality, survival, wisdom 0 likes

“Do not be in haste nor hurry but be in humility of heart.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: encouragement, haste, humility, hurry 0 likes

“In God's kingdom, the way up is down. Get into your prayer closet and Like
humble yourself, and He will lift you up to the mountain-top
experiences that will give you the vision, the faith, and the wisdom you
need to do the work of restoration.”
― Daniel Botkin, A Heart to Pray & A Mind to Work
tags: humility, prayer, vision 0 likes

“The pleasures and riches of this life are but loaned, their Like

substance is vain, their appearance illusory; and so true is this

that I ask thee for an answer to these questions:

What has become of Cihuapan? Of the brave Quantzintecomatzin? Of 3/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
Conahuatzin? What of all these people? Perhaps these very words have
Sign in
already passed into another life.

Would that we who Browse ▾

are now united by the ties of love and friendship
My Books Community ▾
could foresee the sharp edge of death, for nothing is certain, and the
future ever brings changes.”
― Nezahualcóyotl
tags: aztecs, carpe-diem, humility, humility-vs-vanity, poetry, me-passing 0 likes

“Small-mindedness is intensified by things such as big- Like

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: arrogance, big-head, bigheaded, bigotry, humility, modesty, narrow-minded, open-minded, small-

“I embrace people (with my arms) mainly to remind myself that Like

I ought to embrace them (with my mind).”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: bigotry, embrace, hug, hugs, humility, intolerance, intolerant, modesty, tolerance, tolerant 0 likes

“As an attempt to escape their unhappiness, some people ran to Like

something they used to look down on, or make fun of, when
they were happy.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: alcohol, church, happiness, happy, holier-than-thou, humility, modesty, the-pursuit-of-happiness,
unhappiness, unhappy

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13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 571-600 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Good values are 1) reality-based, 2) socially constructive, and Like

3) immediate and controllable. Bad values are 1) superstitious,
2) socially destructive, and 3) not immediate or controllable.
Good, healthy values are achieved internally. Something like
creativity or humility that can be experienced right now. You simply
have to orient your mind in a certain way to experience it. These values
are immediate and controllable and engage you with the world as it is
rather than how you wish it were. Bad values are generally reliant on
external events.”
― Mark Manson, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintui ve
Approach to Living a Good Life
tags: bad-values, crea vity, good-values, humility, values, values-in-life 4 likes

“I don't want a grown-up person at all. A grownup won't listen Like

to me; he won't learn. He will try to do things his own way and
not mine. So I have to have a child. I want a good sensible loving humility Search

child, one to whom I can tell all my most precious candy-

making secrets-while I am still alive.” Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
― Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
tags: child-like-heart, humility, innocence, meekness 4 likes Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
“Don't write. Don't come. I don't need it. It's not why I've Like
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
written. Do you think my love will starve without your crumbs?
Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Do you think I am not capable of humility? THIS is humility - I Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
will tell you that I love you and know that you cannot return it. I Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
will debase myself. It's the most that I can give and cannot be enough.” Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
― Sarah Perry, The Essex Serpent Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
tags: humility, love, unrequited-love 3 likes Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
“Astronomy, as nothing else can do, teaches men humility.” Like Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k

― Arthur C. Clarke
tags: astronomy, humility 2 likes

“We may be content to remain what we call 'ordinary people': Like

but He is determined to carry out a quite different plan. To

shrink back from that plan is not humility; it is laziness and
cowardice. To submit to it is not conceit or megalomania; it is
― C.S. Lewis, Mere Chris anity
tags: humility, sanc fica on 2 likes

“And now for your blunders. On your own showing you first of Like

all allowed the patient to read a book he really enjoyed, because

he enjoyed it and not in order to make clever remarks about it to
his new friends.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Le ers 1/5
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tags: chris an, classics, humility, pride, the-screwtape-le ers 1 likes

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“A warrior accepts the challenges of life in true humility. No Like

matterMy Books
what his destiny may be, it can never be a causeBrowsefor▾ Community ▾
discontent, but a living challenge which it is his privilege to
― Théun Mares, Return of the Warriors: The Toltec Teachings - Volume I
tags: challenges, humility, warrior 1 likes

“Some live their lives for an award, but we live our lives to Like
reward, we serve.”
― Bernard Kelvin Clive
tags: helping-others, humility, purpose-driven-life, servant-leader-quotes, servant-leadership 1 likes

“When we’re putting up the barriers and the sense of “me” as Like

separate from “you” gets stronger, right there in the midst of

difficulty and pain, the whole thing could turn around simply by
not erecting barriers; simply by staying open to the difficulty, to
the feelings that you’re going through; simply by not talking to
ourselves about what’s happening. That is a revolutionary step.
Becoming intimate with pain is the key to changing at the core of our
being—staying open to everything we experience, letting the sharpness
of difficult times pierce us to the heart, letting these times open us,
humble us, and make us wiser and more brave. Let difficulty transform
you. And it will. In my experience, we just need help in learning how not
to run away.”
― Pema Chödrön, Prac cing Peace in Times of War
tags: bravery, buddhism, change, communica on, growth, humility, mindfulness, pain, self-compassion,

“Divide’ a non-likable number with penance, then the answer Like

will be ‘zero’.”
― Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effec ve Science for Self Realiza on
tags: humility, penance, self-help, spiritual, spiritual-quotes 0 likes

“What is the sign of a true Disciple? There should be not be any Like

svacchand (actions that are done as per own’s own

understanding only), no abhinivesh (taking things for granted),
no drashtirog (deluded vision), no conflicts. There will be no
artadhyan (to be in pain within oneself for various reasons) and no
raudradhyan (to have intent of giving pain to others).”
― Dada Bhagwan, The Guru and the Disciple
tags: conflicts, humanity, humility, inner-intent, spiritual, spiritual-quotes 0 likes

“all ought to be common among friends.” Like

― Anatole France, Penguin Island
tags: friends, humility, penguin-island 0 likes

“The Lord says, if you move away from your ego, if you Like
maintain humility (utmost humbleness), then you and I are the
same. Otherwise, you and I are separate.”
― Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effec ve Science for Self Realiza on
tags: egoism, god, humility, spiritual, spiritual-quotes 0 likes

“When you set man against the vastness of the cosmos, the only thing Like

left is humility, a virtue he often discards in the heat of ambition.”

― Psyche Roxas-Mendoza 2/5
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tags: ambi on, cosmos, discards, heat, humility, vastness, virtue 0 likes
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“Another word for humility is foolimity” Like
― ABC My Books Browse ▾ Community ▾
tags: fool-quotes, humility 0 likes

“Moksha (the ultimate liberation) is through absolute humility. Like

One is not expected to perform any action; one needs to come
into absolute humility.”
― Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effec ve Science for Self Realiza on
tags: humility, moksha, self-help, spiritual, spiritual-quotes 0 likes

“The performance of an action is worthless in itself, if it is not Like

done out of charity. Charity must be our motive; then everything

we do, however little and insignificant, bears a rich harvest.
After all, what God takes into account is not so much the thing
we do, as the love that went to the doing of it.”
― Thomas à Kempis, The Imita on of Christ
tags: humility 0 likes

“One loses nobility when he does something and then says, ‘I Like

did that.’ A noble man will incur loss from both sides; in giving
as well as in taking.”
― Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effec ve Science for Self Realiza on
tags: humility, nobility, self-help, spiritual, spiritual-quotes, spirituality 0 likes

“No man exists without an atom of ego in him and no man Like

exists without an atom of humility in him.”

― Fahad Basheer
tags: ego, humility, life-quotes, wisdom-quotes 0 likes

“An egoist is a man who denies the existence of ego in him.” Like
― Fahad Basheer
tags: ego, egoism, humility, life-quotes, self-development 0 likes

“Humility is a passive acceptance of the process of life; love is Like

an active participation in that process.”
― Théun Mares, Cry of the Eagle: The Toltec Teachings Volume 2
tags: humility, love 0 likes

“All our opinions are false and don’t matter in the grand scheme of Like
things. We live ,we die. We
as individuals don’t matter in this world ,we will be a memory if anyone
does remember us. We will be lucky.But soon , our memory will die with
them and maybe someone will utter our name in passing in this age of
technology ,as a footnote to something that grabbed more of their
attention. Ultimately in this world our lives do not matter. So why do we
feel we are in a one man play? Why do we want to accomplish so much
just to be bellowed as heroes or heroines, to be adored or thought highly
of by other people who do not even have favorable opinions of
themselves? You see the truth is that the trace we leave In this world do
not matter in this world, the track we leave in this world is what matters
in the afterlife and it will be mirror in the memory of your future.
Everything we do today is either for our own comforts or to avoid
discomfort we are living in a perpetual state of pleasing ourselves , self
gratification and being busy bodies for the momentarily exhalation of
relief that will almost always follow up with a crisis. No one will have a
continuous state of bliss as the pendulum swings up it will eventually 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
come down before it comes back up again, yet we act surprised and
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devastated. This life is a perpetual test to try to develop and polish your
outlook and inner life so you may be the lucky ones to develop the
acuteness to see this
My world for what it is, and not lose that vision.
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illusion of forms presenting the beauty and ugliness of our souls to us on
a platter and tempting us to forget we are mortal. You don’t finish
school when you graduate with that degree. You finish school when you
― Ilwaad Isa
tags: chris anity, consciousness, death, humility, islam, life, pride, school, spirituality 0 likes

“Every single thing has a balance and the moment we overdo that Like

balance something has to give and we are punished by fate in one way or
― Ilwaad isa
tags: balance, gra tude, humility, modera on 0 likes

“Every perfection in this life has some imperfection mixed with Like

it and no learning of ours is without some darkness. Humble

knowledge of self is a surer path to God than the ardent pursuit
of learning. Not that learning is to be considered evil, or
knowledge, which is good in itself and so ordained by God; but a clean
conscience and virtuous life ought always to be preferred. Many often err
and accomplish little or nothing because they try to become learned
rather than to live well.”

~ Thomas à Kempis (1380–1471); Imitation of Christ; Chapter 3”

― Thomas à Kempis, The Imita on of Christ
tags: humility, learning, perfec on, virtue 0 likes

“Most Africans whom we consider primitive are humble” Like

― Sunday Adelaja, The Danger Of Monoculturalism In The XXI Century

tags: culture, culturist, danger, ethnic, humility, mono-cultural, monotonous, society, xenophobia 0 likes

“Humility is acknowledging that without God you wouldn’t Like

have come thus far.”

― Gi Gugu Mona
tags: acknowledging, chris an-living, god, humility 0 likes

“When is one considered to have learnt to become a husband? It Like

is when the wife continuously experiences veneration (respect)

for him.”
― Dada Bhagwan, Harmony in Marriage
tags: celibacy, humanity, humility, married-life, rela onship, spiritual, spiritual-quotes 0 likes

“The One who devours (completely destroys) our ego and makes Like

us viraat (divine & huge) is called the viraat-svaroop (divine

manifestation). Only before a viraat-svaroop will anyone bow
― Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effec ve Science for Self Realiza on
tags: egoism, enlightenment, gnani-purush, humility, self-help, spiritual, spiritual-quotes 0 likes

“Nemed was a smart kid, but like almost all kids he operated Like
under the delusion that adults were genuinely as knowledgeable
and certain as they pretended to be in front of kids.”
― Mark Ferguson, Terra Incognita
tags: adulthood, bluster, childhood, humility, maturity, naivete 0 likes 4/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“What is Param Vinay (absolute humility)? Param Vinay exists Like Sign in
within a person who has never criticized anyone. It exists where
there are no disputes, no difference of opinions, nor any law.
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Law is bondage.”
― Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effec ve Science for Self Realiza on
tags: gnani-purush, humility, posi ve-thinking, spiritual, spiritual-quotes, spirituality 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 481-510 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“As St. Paul says, what matters isn't so much our knowledge of Like
God as God's knowledge of us; not, as it were, the god we want
but the God who wants us. God help us, we don't understand
ourselves; how can we expect to understand that Self which
stands beside our selves like Niagara beside a trickling tap?”
― N.T. Wright, For All God's Worth: True Worship and the Calling of the Church
tags: humility, understanding, worship 2 likes

“Zazen is indeed the posture of “God, be merciful to me, a Like

sinner!” (Luke 18:13). In our zazen we realize the illusory nature
of thoughts, and no matter how powerful they might be, we
don’t chase after them, try to get rid of them, or act on them. So
zazen is the posture of “We know that our old self was crucified with
him” (Romans 6:6) or “I have been crucified with Christ” (Galatians BROWSE BY TAG
2:19). In the end, zazen is the purest expression of “Be still, and know
that I am God!” (Psalms 46:10).” humility Search

― Kosho Uchiyama Roshi, The Zen Teaching of Homeless Kodo

Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
tags: confession, humbleness, humility, medita on, remorse, zazen, zen, zen-buddhism 1 likes Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
“Humility is even more pleasing in people in whom arrogance Like Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
would be understandable.” Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes

Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
tags: arrogance, arrogant, blessed, genius, greatness, humble, humility, modest, modesty, talented 1 likes Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
“Shedding an independent, individualistic sense of self, is an apt place Like Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
to start when remaking oneself. The task of divesting my egoistic coat-
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
of-arms requires that I first understand how I came into being, ascertain Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
how a person forges a baseline personality, and discover how I can Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
modify my template for self-construal. I need to surrender an arrogant Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
sense of self-importance, acknowledge towering ignorance, and learn Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
how to live humbly. I hope to parlay personal humiliation and self-
hatred into a transformative act by invoking a spiritual death of my
egotistical being that results in a resurrection of a more astute and
kinder human being.”
― Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls
tags: ego-death, humilia on, humility, resurrec on, self-hate, self-transcendence, self-transforma on,

“We umble ones have got eyes, mostly speaking - and we look Like
out of 'em.”
― Charles Dickens, David Copperfield
tags: humble, humility, umble, umility, uriah-heep 1 likes

“It takes generosity to be the one teaching, and humility to be the one Like

being taught.” 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
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tags: generosity, humility, learn, learning, student, students, teach, teacher, teachers, teaching
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“He was a faithful servant, and made himself so valuable to Like

those who employed him that they will find it hard to fill his
place. He was a good husband and father, so tender, wise, and
thoughtful, that Laurie and I learned much of him, and only
knew how well he loved his family, when we discovered all he had done
for them, unsuspected and unassisted.”
― Louisa May Alco , Li le Men
tags: father, hard-work, humility, john-brooke, li le-women, modesty 1 likes

“Mrs. Crupp had indignantly assured him that there wasn't Like

room to swing a cat there; but as Mr. Dick justly observed to me,
[...] "You know, Trotwood, I don't want to swing a cat. I never
do swing a cat. Therefore, what does that signify to me!”
― Charles Dickens, David Copperfield
tags: humble, humility, life-affirming 1 likes

“You have to stay out of the game. It’s deadly and no one ever Like
wins. Everyone is a loser. Even seeming wins are short-lived
and have the taste of bitterness mixed in with the satisfaction of
personal gain. The ego is exclusive by nature. While the spirit
seeks to include, the ego is unashamedly manipulative in its culling of
people. The intention of self-aggrandisement is barely even covered
over. The soul does not see people in terms of what it can gain. It seeks
to share. It seeks to create by extension of its own and others’ true
nature. The ego is extremely changeable. It has no stability. Constantly
guarding against attack and looking out for its own advantage, its
perceptions and thus feelings towards others are ever-shifting. This
creates unhappiness. The more we veer away from our true nature, the
more unhappy we feel. When we align with our better self, we feel happy
again. And so the process continues until the spaces between happiness
are not as long and arduous. The presence or absence of personal peace
is our barometer. It will guide us even if we are not sure of the way.”
― Donna Goddard, Circles of Separa on
tags: ego, ego-s-games, happiness, humility, losing, pride, self-aggrandizement, spirit, spiritual-path, winning

“Without as much as a single question, legions of geese lift Like

themselves to autumn’s skies, obediently heeding the distant

call of southern horizons. And I think that it’s less the
magnificence of their trek, and more about the humility of their
obedience to the trek. For if I was left with a single prayer to utter, it
would be to be more like them.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough
tags: autumn, calling, chris an, faith, fall, geese, god, humility, jesus, obedience 1 likes

“To lead is to serve. Conversely, to serve is to lead. And if either Like

of these elements are removed from the equation, we’ll soon
find that we’re doing neither.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough
tags: god, humble, humility, jesus, lead, leader, leadership, servant, servanthood, serve 1 likes

“Humility is not a matter of self-effacement and self-negation but of Like

being open always to new ways of being responsible.”
― Ada María Isasi-Díaz, En La Lucha = In The Struggle: A Hispanic Women's
Libera on Theology 2/5
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“Humility, it is an attribute of the gentle. Because it takes someone who Like

is really gentle My Books
to be humble.” Browse ▾ Community ▾
― Nurudeen Ushawu
tags: a ributes, fellow-feeling, gentleness, humanity, humility, kindness, life, wise-saying, words-of-wisdom

“Look at that blacksmith, for instance,” went on Father Brown Like

calmly; “a good man, but not a Christian — hard, imperious,
unforgiving. Well, his Scotch religion was made up by men who
prayed on hills and high crags, and learnt to look down on the
world more than to look up at heaven. Humility is the mother of giants.
One sees great things from the valley; only small things from the peak.”
― G.K. Chesterton, The Innocence of Father Brown
tags: humility, obs nacy, pride, religion, stubbornness 0 likes

“Humility is a humble service.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: humble, humility, inspiring, service 0 likes

“One of the greatest feats that I can accomplish is to realize how Like
great I am not.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough
tags: ego, ego-centric, humility, narcissism, self-centered, self-esteem, selfish 0 likes

“Praising a humble man is like tickling a child. It makes him Like

happy but he wants you to stop.”

― Wya Allen
tags: humble, humility, praise, praises, pride 0 likes

“You are the guest of joy, you cannot impose yourself.” Like
― Jean Klein, Who Am I?: The Sacred Quest
tags: bliss, humbleness, humility, joy, nonduality, vedanta 0 likes

“You can be better or even the best and still not be good.” Like
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana

tags: arrogance, arrogant, be er, compe on, compe tors, good, humble, humility, prac ce, the-best 0 likes

“Suppose someone wanting to learn to dance said: 'For Like

hundreds of years now one generation after another has been
learning dance steps, it's high time I took advantage of this and
began straight off with a set of quadrilles.' One would surely
laugh a little at him: but in the world of spirit such an attitude is
considered utterly plausible. What then is education? I had thought it
was the curriculum the individual ran through in order to catch up with
himself; and anyone who does not want to go through this curriculum
will be little helped by being born into the most enlightened age.”
― Søren Kierkegaard, Fear and Trembling
tags: growth-process, humility, self-decep on, spiritual-development 0 likes

“Humility leads harmony in humanity.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: harmony, humanity, humility, mo va on, peace-on-earth, wise-words 0 likes 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“Humility leads to harmony.” Like
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― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: harmony, humility, mo va on, wise-words 0 likes
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“Without humility is there any harmony ?” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: harmony, humility, inspira on 0 likes

“Humility is the root of harmony in humanity.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: harmony, humanity, humility, peace, society-quotes, wisdom 0 likes

“Humility comes through awareness of the depths of yourself.” Like

― Abhijit Naskar, Time to Save Medicine

tags: awareness, brainy-quotes, humility, humility-in-greatness, humility-quotes, self-awareness, self-

realiza on

“There was something about the man's abject humility that Like

excited him in a way he could not have explained.”

― John Cowper Powys, Wolf Solent
tags: humility, lly-valley 0 likes

“He explained, however, that the Eucharist is about the unity of Like

the church. If a majority vote determined the matter, then the

unity would be betrayed. He noted that some people in the
church might not be ready to make this move. He would call a
meeting, inviting those who might have reservations to come and
express their worries … If they strongly dissented, we would have to
― Stanley Hauerwas, Hannah's Child: A Theologian's Memoir
tags: church, dissent, eucharist, humility, leadership, pa ence, submission, unity, vote 0 likes

“Healing has a chance in our lives when we have exhausted all Like

our other options.”

― Donna Goddard, Circles of Separa on
tags: donna-goddard, ge ng-be er, growth, healing, healing-quotes, humility, pain, resistance, spirituality-
quotes, turning-the-corner

“Some people are so arrogant that they remain arrogant even Like

when they are on top of a mountain or in the middle of an

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: arrogance, arrogant, conceit, ego, egoism, humble, humility, modest, modesty, self-importance 0 likes

“We're all under pressure Like

Strangled by stresses
If you treasure what you do have
That's the success, that's most impressive”
― Andrew Edward Lucier, Awakenigma Allegory Anomalous
tags: apprecia ve, breathe, cherish, composure, gra tude, humility, love, modesty, success, thankfulness

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13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 541-570 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Do we honestly believe that the best witness we can have as Like

Christians before a watching world is to show moral perfection?

While that might convince some, our odds of pulling it off seem
less than slim. In truth, the most compelling witness to our
faith can be a willingness to humbly accept responsibility for our failings
and seek to restore relationships at any cost.”
― Jamie Arpin-Ricci, Vulnerable Faith: Missional Living in the Radical Way of St.
tags: confession, humility, morality, perfec on 13 likes

“...Relationship is not about positional authority but about Like

dynamic mutuality.”
― Jamie Arpin-Ricci, Vulnerable Faith: Missional Living in the Radical
Way of St. Patrick BROWSE BY TAG
tags: equality, friendship, humility, love, mutuality, rela onship 12 likes
humility Search

“When Mary asserts explicitly that God is on the side of the Like
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
poor, we can understand it within the tension of what it means Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
to be blessed as the poor in spirit. Rather than elevating poverty Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
to a form of righteousness, Jesus is instead calling for a Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
revolution of imagination around the nature of what we consider true Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
blessing. Jesus is here declaring that the humble and repentant heart is
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
the fertile soil of his kingdom.” Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
― Jamie Arpin-Ricci, The Cost of Community: Jesus, St. Francis and Life in the Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
Kingdom Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
tags: bea tudes, blessings, humility, kingdom-of-god, poor, poverty, repentance 11 likes
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
“If there is a lesson here it has to do with humility. For all our Like Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
vaunted intelligence and complexity, we are not the sole authors Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
of our destinies or of anything else. You may exercise diligently, Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k

eat a medically fashionable diet, and still die of a sting from an

irritated bee. You may be a slim, toned paragon of wellness, and still a
macrophage within your body may decide to throw in its lot with an
incipient tumor.”
― Barbara Ehrenreich, Natural Causes: An Epidemic of Wellness, the Certainty of
Dying, and Killing Ourselves to Live Longer
tags: complexity, des nies, humility, intelligence 4 likes

“In most of the Western world, where Christianity still enjoys a Like
significant amount of privilege, especially when practiced by
middle-class, white Christians, Jesus is seen as the heroic
figure, the ultimate example of godliness, holiness, mercy,
compassion, and justice—as well he should! He is God-made-flesh, after
all. However, given that, when we identify with Jesus in the act of foot
washing where we take the role of Jesus, all too often we are
unconsciously (though sometimes all too consciously) assuming those
characteristics onto ourselves. In trying to be Jesus to others, we can
assume a posture of spiritual superiority and/or paternalism. The
recipients of our service, “the least of these”, are then seen as the needy
recipients of our goodness. Again, while affirming the value in such acts 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
of humble service, too often miss how such posturing fails to recognize
the radical presence of Christ as “the least of these”.” Sign in
― Jamie Arpin-Ricci
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tags: humility, least-of-these, service, serving-god Browse ▾ 4 likes
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“On Wednesday night, November 13, (1861), Lincoln went with Like

Seward and Hay to McClellan's house. Told that the general was
at a wedding, the three waited in the parlor for an hour. When
McClellan arrived home, the porter told him the president was
waiting, but McClellan passed by the parlor room and climbed the stairs
to his private quarters. After another half hour, Lincoln again sent word
that he was waiting, only to be informed that the general had gone to
sleep. Young John Hay was enraged, " I wish here to record what I
consider a portent of evil to come," he wrote in his diary, recounting
what he considered an inexcusable "insolence of epaulettes," the first
indicator "of the threatened supremacy of the military authorities." To
Hay's surprise, Lincoln "seemed not to have noticed it specially, saying
it was better at this time not to be making points of etiquette & personal
dignity." He would hold McClellan's horse, he once said, if a victory
could be achieved.

Though Lincoln, the consummate pragmatist, did not express anger at

McClellan's rebuff, his aides fumed at every instance of such arrogance.
Lincoln's secretary, William Stoddard, described the infuriating delay
when he accompanied Lincoln to McClellan's anteroom. "A minute
passes, then another, and then another, and with every tick of the clock
upon the mantel your blood warms nearer and nearer its boiling-point.
Your face feels hot and your fingers tingle, as you look at the man,
sitting so patiently over there...and you try to master your rebellious
consciousness." As time went by, Lincoln visited the haughty general
less frequently. If he wanted to talk with McClellan, he sent a summons
for him to appear at the White House.”
― Doris Kearns Goodwin, Team of Rivals: The Poli cal Genius of Abraham Lincoln
tags: abraham-lincoln, forbearance, humility, kindness, pa ence, pragma sm, self-restraint 2 likes

“I am proud to be what I am, and humble to accept what I am not.” Like

― A.S. Joseph Charles
tags: humility, proud, yourself 1 likes

“You must therefore conceal from the patient the true end of Like
humility. Let him think of it not as self-forgetfulness but as a
certain kind of opinion (namely, a little opinion) of his own
talents and character.”
― C S Lewis, Cartas del Diablo a Su Sobrino
tags: humility 1 likes

“Authentic greatness involves doing great things and then Like

saying that I had nothing to do with it because God had
everything to do with it. Anything else is my ego on a bender.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough
tags: chris an, ego, god, greatness, humility, jesus, narcissism, pride, selfish, selfless 1 likes

“Humility is the fruit of inner security and wise maturity. To be Like

humble is to be so sure of one’s self and one’s mission that one
can forego calling excessive attention to one’s self and status.”
― Cornel West, Race Ma ers
tags: humility 1 likes 2/5
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“The seed of self-esteem so eagerly planted in youngsters in school will Like
eventually bloom and ripen into the genuine fruit of humility.” Sign in
― J. Earp
tags: fruit, humility, seed, Books Browse ▾ 1 likes
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“A reminder that for some people in this world, freedom and Like

ordinary aren't basic rights. They're luxuries you should never

take for granted.”
― Randa Abdel-Fa ah, The Lines We Cross
tags: humility, inspiring, thought-provoking 1 likes

“True humility emerges from a sense of wonder and awe. It’s an Like

appreciation that our time on earth is limited but that there’s

something timeless at the core of every being. Embracing
humility liberates us from the egotism that drives both
perfectionism and self-sabotage, opening us to a deeper experience of
― Michael J Gelb, The Art of Connec on: 7 Rela onship-Building Skills Every
Leader Needs Now
tags: apprecia on, being, ego, humility, self-worth 1 likes

“If you confront insult or antagonism, your first impulse would Like

be to respond in kind. But if you think, as it were, This is an

emissary sent from the Lord, and some benefit is inteded for
me, first of all the occasion to demonstrate my faithfulness, the
chance to show that I do in some small degree participate in the grace
that saved me, you are free to act otherwise than as circumstances would
seem to dictate. You are free to act by your own lights. You are freed at
the same time of the impulse to hate or resent that person.”
― Marilynne Robinson, Gilead
tags: faithfulness, grace, humility, pa ence, saved-by-grace, self-control 1 likes

“We travel through darkness to illuminate it so we can move Like

past the shadows that we so fervently protect. Our pain makes
us human and means we are real; it makes us aware of our own
fragility and the subtlety of our inner being. Let the pain guide
you and propel you forward rather than hold you back in an illusory grip.
You are the shape of all your pain, all your challenges, and all your
― Chris ne Evangelou, Stardust and Star Jumps: A Mo va onal Guide to Help You
Reach Toward Your Dreams, Goals, and Life Purpose
tags: beauty-of-pain, humility, inner-darkness, inner-light, pain, transcending-pain 0 likes

“A saint addicted to excessive self-abnegation is a dangerous Like

associate; he may infect you with poverty, and a stiffening of
those joints needed for advancement.”
― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables
tags: ambi on, humility 0 likes

“Like Bennett, Virchow didn't understand leukemia. But unlike Like

Bennett, he didn't pretend to understand it. His insight lay

entirely in the negative. By wiping the slate clean of all
preconceptions, he cleared the field for thought.”
― Siddhartha Mukherjee, The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
tags: assump ons ons, humility, preconcep ons 0 likes

“I suppose the stern and the cruel ones rule the world. If so, I shall be Like
content to try to live each day within the limits of my conscience and let 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
great plaudits go to those who are willing to pay the price for
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― Robert M. Edsel, The Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves,
and theMy Books
Greatest Treasure Hunt in History Browse ▾ Community ▾
tags: conscience, cruel-leaders, humility 0 likes

“Unwillingness to obey is the major reason or cause of partial obedience Like

which is the same as total disobedience. Being unwilling to obey kills

obedience in you faster than being ignorant of what and how to obey the
given task. God seeks willingness first in you when an instruction is
given and not your knowledge of how to do it.Knowledge is great but
adding willingness to it makes you complete in God's projects.”
tags: humility, love, obedience 0 likes

“The Universe was not created to make humans comfortable.” Like

― Webster Kitchell, God's Dog: Conversa ons with Coyote

tags: humility, humor, philosophy, religion-and-philoshophy 0 likes

“Sometimes, the ones we disregarded in the past become our strongest Like

pillar in the future.”

― Chinonye J. Chidolue
tags: humility, humility-in-greatness, humility-quotes, life, life-quotes, look-down-on-nobody, pride, pride-
humility, pride-quotes

“Oko za oko i wkrótce już, wszyscy będą ślepi.” Like

― Krzysztof Karasek, Lofoty i inne wiersze
tags: blindness, eyes, humility 0 likes

“Lack of humility leads to abundant failure.” Like

― Carlos Wallace
tags: carlos-wallace, failure, failure-and-success, humble, humble-yourself, humility 0 likes

“My point is that humility should never be confused with Like

mediocrity. Perfect holiness is the purpose for which we were
created, so we can't allow ourselves to be comfortable with the
status quo. The minimum is not enough.”
― Augus ne We a, Humility Rules: Saint Benedict's Twelve-Step Guide to
Genuine Self-Esteem
tags: humility, inspira onal 0 likes

“We must never adore ourselves due to the idea in our minds Like
that we are of a certain rank/ have attained a certain position
(whether this is social, economic, intellectual, or internal). But
we must adore ourselves based upon our ability to connect with
other human beings; to assimilate at the level of other people, no matter
what level they are at.”
― C. JoyBell C.
tags: guidance, humbleness, humility, life-and-living-insight, life-and-living-philosophy, the-meaning-of-
humility, wisdom, wisdom-quotes

“When I was young, I said to God, 'God, tell me the mystery of Like

the universe.' But God answered, 'That knowledge is for me

alone.' So I said, 'God, tell me the mystery of the peanut.' Then
God said, 'Well George, that's more nearly your size.' And he
told me.”
― George Washington Carver 4/5
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tags: god, humility, knowledge 0 likes
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“Free speech doesn't solve political conflicts. It creates them. Solving Like

them requires more Browse ▾

advanced tools like trust, humility, dialogue,
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― Steve Kolowich
tags: dialogue, freedom-of-speech, humility, listening, poli cs, trust 0 likes

“The enemy is not as powerful as your attitude towards GOD.” Like

― Kingsley Opuwari Manuel

tags: a tude-quotes, enemy, god-quotes, humility, inspira onal-quotes, spirituality 0 likes

“Lo que yo puedo hacer no es sino insignificante. Si puedo Like

hacerlo yo, cualquiera puede hacerlo.”

― Yōko Ogawa, The Housekeeper and the Professor
tags: humility 0 likes

“Prayer is the act by which man, detaching himself from the Like

embarrassments of sense and nature, ascends to the true level

of his destiny.”
― Henry Parry Liddon
tags: humility, prayer 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 211-240 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“For the believer, humility is honesty about one's greatest flaws Like
to a degree in which he is fearless about truly appearing less
righteous than another.”
― Criss Jami, Salomé: In Every Inch In Every Mile
tags: believer, chris anity, fearless, flaws, honesty, humble, humility, imperfect, imperfec ons, pride,
righteous, righteousness, self-righteous, self-righteousness

“Many times when we help we do not really serve. . . . Serving is Like

also different from fixing. One of the pioneers of the Human

Potential Movement, Abraham Maslow, said, "If all you have is
a hammer, everything looks like a nail.' Seeing yourself as a
fixer may cause you to see brokenness everywhere, to sit in judgment of
life itself. When we fix others, we may not see their hidden wholeness or
trust the integrity of the life in them. Fixers trust their own expertise. BROWSE BY TAG
When we serve, we see the unborn wholeness in others; we collaborate
humility Search
with it and strengthen it. Others may then be able to see their wholeness
for themselves for the first time.”
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
― Rachel Remen
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
tags: helping, humility, respect, service 66 likes Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
“The real test of love is loving those who we feel are the hardest Like
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
ones to love.” Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
― Criss Jami, Killosophy Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
tags: compassion, condi onal-love, courage, difficulty, empathy, forgiveness, humility, love, passion,
perseverance, persistence, pity, strength, sympathy, test, uncondi onal-love Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
40 likes Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
“Humility is not a one time lesson that comes when you have Like
Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
lost everything. It is a daily reminder of how far we have come,
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
yet still short of who we can be through HIS guidance. Blessed is Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
the soul that can recognize that he isn’t moving mountains, but
God is for him.”
― Shannon Alder
tags: god-s-love, gra tude, humble, humility, prayerful 39 likes

“Until we understand what the land is, we are at odds with Like

everything we touch. And to come to that understanding it is

necessary, even now, to leave the regions of our conquest - the
cleared fields, the towns and cities, the highways - and re-enter
the woods. For only there can a man encounter the silence and the
darkness of his own absence. Only in this silence and darkness can he
recover the sense of the world's longevity, of its ability to thrive without
him, of his inferiority to it and his dependence on it. Perhaps then,
having heard that silence and seen that darkness, he will grow humble
before the place and begin to take it in - to learn from it what it is. As its
sounds come into his hearing, and its lights and colors come into his 1/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
vision, and its odors come into his nostrils, then he may come into its
presence as he never has before, and he will arrive in his place and will Sign in
want to remain. His life will grow out of the ground like the other lives
of the place, and
Mytake them -▾
its place among them. He will be withBrowse
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neither ignorant of them, nor indifferent to them, nor against them -
and so at last he will grow to be native-born. That is, he must reenter
the silence and the darkness, and be born again.
(pg. 27, "A Native Hill")”
― Wendell Berry, The Art of the Commonplace: The Agrarian Essays
tags: crea on, darkness, humility, land, nature, rebirth, silence, woods 38 likes

“A relationship is likely to last way longer, if each partner Like

convinces or has convinced themselves that they do not deserve

their partner, even if that is not true.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: adage, adages, africa, african, aphorism, aphorisms, arrogance, arrogant, axiom, axioms, boyfriend,
boyfriends, convince, convinced, convincing, date, da ng, deep, deserve, deserving, dictum, dictums,
epigram, epigrams, funny, girlfriend, girlfriends, gnome, gnomes, humble, humbled, humility, humor,
humorous, humour, husband, husbands, insigh ul, made-me-think, make-you-think, maxim, maxims,
partner, partners, persuade, persuaded, persuading, philosopher, profound, proverb, proverbs, provoke-
thought, quota on, quota ons, quote, quote-of-the-day, quotes, rela onship, sa re, sa rical, saying,
sayings, south-africa, south-african, thought-provoking, though ul, true, wife, wives

“It's a kind of arrogance to be so certain you're past Like

― Ellis Peters, A Morbid Taste for Bones
tags: forgiveness, humility 33 likes

“The problem with thinking that you are the absolute best, is Like
that it leaves no room for you to become any better and while
you live life thinking that you're the best, truth is a lot of people
around you are already better and becoming even more better.”
― C. JoyBell C.
tags: becoming-be er, humility, inspira onal-life, inspira onal-living, inspira onal-quotes, personal-

“The modern habit of doing ceremonial things unceremoniously Like

is no proof of humility; rather it proves the offender's inability
to forget himself in the rite, and his readiness to spoil for every
one else the proper pleasure of ritual.”
― C.S. Lewis
tags: ceremony, humility, ritual 23 likes

“Do not imagine that if you meet a really humble man he will be Like
what most people call 'humble' nowadays: he will not be a sort
of greasy, smarmy person, who is always telling you that, of
course, he is nobody.

Probably all you will think about him is that he seemed a cheerful,
intelligent chap who took a real interest in what you said to him.

If you do dislike him it will be because you feel a little envious of anyone
who seems to enjoy life so easily. He will not be thinking about humility:
he will not be thinking about himself at all.”
― C.S. Lewis, Mere Chris anity
tags: humility 20 likes

“humility is beyond our reach. if it were a product of reaching, we would Like

instinctively be proud of reaching it. it is a gift.” 2/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
― John Piper
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tags: effort, humility, wisdom 17 likes

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“It’s the ‘everyday’ experiences we encounter along the journey Like
to who we wanna be that will define who we are when we get
― Aaron Lauritsen, 100 Days Drive: The Great North American Road Trip
tags: 100-days-drive, 100daysdrive, acceptance, accomplish, ambi on, author, awakening, be-happy, be-
proud, believe, bestseller, break-barriers, carmaker, chances, change, chase-dreams, cherish, compassion,
compe on, confidence, conquer, conquer-fear, content, control-you-life, courage, crossroads, des ny,
determina on, dig-deep, don-t-give-up, don-t-worry-be-happy, dream-big, dreamer, empower, energy,
explore, faith, fearless, find-yourself, follow-your-dreams, follow-your-heart, follow-your-own-path, forgive,
freedom, fresh-start, goal-se ng, goals, goals-in-life, good-soul, happiness, hope, humanity, humility, inner-
beauty, inner-strength, inspira on, journey, joy, judgement, liberate, libera ng, life, life-lessons, light, live-
life-quotes, love-thy-neighbor, love-thyself, love-yourself, luck, never-quit, no-regrets, nomad, one-life,
opportunity, parenthood, perspec ve, posi ve-thinking, power, pride, push-limits, reflec ons, resiliency,
respect, risk-taking, road-trip, sa sfac on, service-to-others, soar, soul-food, spirituality, start-all-over,
strength, struggle, success, thick-skin, think-outside-the-box, values, wander, wanderlust, writer

“Your young white, who gathers his learning from books and Like
can measure what he knows by the page, may conceit that his
knowledge, like his legs, outruns that of his fathers’, but, where
experience is the master, the scholar is made to know the value
of years, and respects them accordingly.”
― James Fenimore Cooper, The Last of the Mohicans
tags: educa on, humility, youth 15 likes

“But self-abasement is just inverted egoism. Anyone who acts Like

with genuine humility will be as far from humiliation as from
― Stephen Mitchell, The Book of Job
tags: arrogance, egoism, humility, self-abasement 14 likes

“In a public dialogue with Salman in London he [Edward Said] Like

had once described the Palestinian plight as one where his
people, expelled and dispossessed by Jewish victors, were in the
unique historical position of being 'the victims of the victims':
there was something quasi-Christian, I thought, in the apparent
humility of that statement.”
― Christopher Hitchens, Hitch 22: A Memoir
tags: atheism, chris anity, edward-said, humility, london, pales ne, religion, rushdie 13 likes

“A farmer, as one of his farmer correspondents once wrote to Like

Liberty Hyde Bailey, is "a dispenser of the 'Mysteries of God.'"

The husband, unlike the "manager" or the would-be objective

scientist, belongs inherently to the complexity and the mystery that is to
be husbanded, and so the husbanding mind is both careful and humble.”
― Wendell Berry, Bringing it to the Table: On Farming and Food
tags: farming, humility, husbandry, land, mystery 13 likes

“One will abide, and will confess that another is nobler than he, Like
that another is richer, more handsome, and even that he is more
learned, but that another is richer in reason scarcely any will
confess: Rare is he who will concede genius.”
― Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Poems, Protest, and a Dream: Selected Wri ngs
tags: humility, humor, intelligence 11 likes

“A poor man is not disposed to quick and high resentment when he is Like

among the rich: he is apt to yield to others, for he knows others are 3/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
above him: he is not stiff and self-willed; he is patient with
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hard fare; he expects no other than to be despised, and takes it
patiently; he does not take it heinously that he overlooked and
but little
Books he is prepared to be in a lowly place;
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readily honours his superiors; he takes reproofs quietly; he readily
honours others as above him; he easily yields to be taught, and does not
claim much to his understanding and judgment; he is not over nice or
humoursome, and has his spirit subdued to hard things; he is not
assuming, nor apt to take much upon him, but it is natural for him to be
subject to others. Thus it is with the humble Christian.”
― Jonathan Edwards, The Religious Affec ons
tags: humility, poor, poor-in-spirit, poverty, spirit 10 likes

“The company owner doesn't need to win. The best idea does.” Like

― John C. Maxwell, The 360 Degree Leader: Developing Your Influence

from Anywhere in the Organiza on
tags: collabora on, humility 10 likes

“Through love, tribes have been intermixing colors to reveal a new Like
rainbow world. And as more time passes, this racial and cultural
blending will make it harder for humans to side with one race, nation or
religion over another.”
― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Wri ngs of Suzy Kassem
tags: acceptance, assimila on, barriers, blending, bridges, colors, cultural-barriers, cultures, da ng,
discrimina on, division, future, hate, humanity, humans, humility, interracial, kindness, love, marriage,
na onalism, na onality, peace, poli cs, race, racial-prejudice, racism, refugees, rela onships, religion,
religions, sexism, togetherness, tolerance, tribal, tribalism, understanding, united, unity, walls, war, warfare,
world, world-peace

“I have the charisma of the chipmunk. I never have thought I was smart. Like

I thought the people I dealt with were dumb.”

― Hyman George Rickover
tags: charisma, humility, leadership 9 likes

“By you, I was properly humbled. I came to you without a doubt Like
of my reception. You shewed me how insufficient were all my
pretensions to please a woman worthy of being pleased.”
― Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
tags: humility, preten on, pride-and-prejudicejudice 8 likes

“Mary-born Lord, humble us so that we also might say, "Let it Like

be with me according to your word.”
― Stanley Hauerwas, Prayers Plainly Spoken
tags: humility 8 likes

“No one is is sure of his premise as the man who knows too Like
― Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam
tags: arrogance, curiosity, humility 7 likes

“The Church has little idea how unorthodox it is at any given Like

moment. If a church can't yet be perfectly orthodox, it can, with

the Holy Spirit's help and by the grace of God, be perpetually
― Brian D. McLaren, A Generous Orthodoxy: Why I am a missional, evangelical,
post/protestant, liberal/conserva ve, biblical, charisma c/contempla ve,
fundamentalist/calvinist, anabap st/anglican, incarna onal, depressed-yet-
hopeful, emergent, unfinished Chris an 4/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
tags: doctrine, humility 7 likes
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“Weel, ma´am' said Stephen, making the best of it, with a smile; Like
'when My
I ha´finished
Books off, I mun quit this part, and try another.
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Fortnet or misfortnet, a man can but try; there´s now to be done
wi´out tryin -cept laying down and dying.”
― Charles Dickens, Hard Times
tags: humility, life, perseverance 6 likes

“We are not worthy to unloose the latchets of Jesus' shoes, Like

because, if we do, we begin to say to ourselves, "What great

folks are we; we have been allowed to loose the latchets of the
Lord's sandals." If we do not tell somebody else about it with
many an exultation, we at least tell ourselves about it, and feel that we
are something after all, and ought to be held in no small repute.”
― Charles H. Spurgeon, Humility and How to Get It
tags: humility, pride 6 likes

“Charles Francis Adams was singular for mental poise — Like

absence of self-assertion or self-consciousness — the faculty of
standing apart without seeming aware that he was alone — a
balance of mind and temper that neither challenged nor avoided
notice, nor admitted question of superiority or inferiority, of jealousy, of
personal motives, from any source, even under great pressure.”
― Henry Adams, The Educa on of Henry Adams
tags: comparison, humility 6 likes

“Hu-man, Hu-mility, Hu-manity, is a title of nobility of the Like

Perfected One, one who has knowledge of its self, and living its
― AainaA-Ridtz A R
tags: human, humanity, humility, perfec on 4 likes

“It is impossible to begin to learn that which one thinks one Like
already knows.”
― Epictetus
tags: humility 3 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 421-450 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Self-knowledge is not clarity or transparency or knowing how Like

everything works, self-knowledge is a fiercely attentive form of

humility and thankfulness, a sense of the privilege of a
particular form of participation, coming to know the way we
hold the conversation of life and perhaps, above all, the miracle that
there is a particular something rather than an abstracted nothing and we
are a very particular part of that particular something.”
― David Whyte, Consola ons: The Solace, Nourishment and Underlying Meaning
of Everyday Words
tags: a en on, humility, life, par cipa on, privilege, self-knowledge, thankfulness 5 likes

“A broken soul is like an alabaster box that contains expensive Like

perfume. God recognizes its sweet aroma, our personal

composition of failure and frustration, through which He BROWSE BY TAG
chooses to teach us humility, patience, and hope.”
― Alis Cerrahyan humility Search

tags: failure, frustra on, hope, humility, pa ence, perfume 2 likes

Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
“If 'character' had a body...'integrity' would be it's spinal cord and Like Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
'humility' it's heart.” Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
― Mamur Mustapha Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
tags: character, humility, integrity 1 likes Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
“Equitable and righteous thoughts are essential. A humble person who Like Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
seeks an authentic life overlooks errors of other people, accepts
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
criticism, and assumes exclusive responsibility for performing the
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
necessary task in his or her own life. A person with integrity throws off Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
darkness and feeds his or her soul.” Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
― Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
tags: authen c-self, humble, humility, integrity, mindfulness, personal-accountability, personal-
responsibility, self-construct, self-cri cal, self-evalua ng

“If I really think that I’m the greatest thing since sliced bread, Like
it’s probably because I’ve never eaten the sandwich.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough
tags: bread, ego, egocentric, humility, introspec on, meekness, narcissis c, self-analysis, self-belief 1 likes

“Instead of finding identity in our roles—in being fathers and Like

mothers, teachers and writers and pastors—we must find

identity in being image bearers of God.”
― Hannah Anderson, Humble Roots: How Humility Grounds and
Nourishes Your Soul
tags: humility, iden ty, image-bearers 1 likes

“Humility is knowing where we came from and who our people Like

are. Humility is understanding that without God we are nothing

. . . Or as . . . Andrew Murray writes in his classic book Humility,
"Humility is simply acknowledging the truth of [our] position
as creature and yielding to God His place.” 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
― Hannah Anderson, Humble Roots: How Humility Grounds and Nourishes Your
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tags: andrew-murray, creature, god, humility 1 likes
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“As long as we refuse to accept that our pride is the source of Like

our unrest, we will continue to wither on the vine. "Humility,

that low, sweet root / From which all heavenly virtues shoot."
—Thomas Moore”
― Hannah Anderson, Humble Roots: How Humility Grounds and Nourishes Your
tags: humility, pride, roots, thomas-moore, unrest 1 likes

“Humans are the most important entity in the universe … only Like

to most people.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: anthropocentrism, arrogance, arrogant, humanity, humble, humility, mankind, modest, modesty,

“Parents themselves should be humble so that children can observe Like

humility at close quarters.”

― Anupam Sibal
tags: humility 0 likes

“Treat others with respect. Carry yourself with an air of humility. Like
Nobody likes to work with someone who is arrogant, egotistical or a
― Jennifer Ritchie Paye e
tags: business, humility, purpose, success 0 likes

“Anger and arrogance are defensive mechanisms that preclude self- Like
evaluation. Humility is necessary for a person to step outside his or her
own skin and objectively appraise oneself.”
― Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls
tags: anger, arrogance, defense-mechanism, humility, humility-quotes, self-appraisal, self-awareness, self-
evalua on

“A humble person realizes that they do not know everything and Like
demonstrates the ability to inspect their own behavior free of egotistical
distortions in order to prompt growth.”
― Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls
tags: ego s cal, humble, humility, humility-quote, personal-development, personal-growth, self-awareness,
self-evalua on, self-examina on

“Fools make slandering a hobby.” Like

― Mar n Uzochukwu Ugwu

tags: be-wise, bridle-your-tongue, false-allega on, humility, self-control, slandering, truth, watch-what-you-
say, wisdom

“Humble people are respectful and accepting of our imperfect human Like

nature. Many inexplicable components make up the vast sea of

humanity. My own psyche contains enigmatic elements. Through
conscientious studying other people and examination of my own
unfathomable nature, I hope to gain a better understanding of the
mystery of existence. There are limitations of human knowledge. We
have a rich stable of resources available to us including the opportunity
to read great literature, inspirational books, self-help books, scholarly 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
psychology books, and a growing trove of cognitive sciences books
devoted to exploring how the human brain works. Despite the illustrious Sign in
resources that expound upon the desires, motives, and behaviors of the
human species,MytheBooks
hardships of life frequently force us to realize
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the principal subject that we must study and understand in order to
mend a broken personality. In order revive a deflated psyche and
transcend into a better and sunnier version of the self, I need to know
― Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls
tags: humble, humbleness, humility, humility-and-purpose, humility-in-greatness, humility-quote, humility-
quotes, self-cri cism, self-examina on

“He frees us from our burdens in the most unexpected way: He Like
frees us by calling us to rely less on ourselves and more on Him.
He frees us by calling us to humility.”
― Hannah Anderson, Humble Roots: How Humility Grounds and
Nourishes Your Soul
tags: freedom, humility, self-reliance 0 likes

“You don't "have" to do something, you are Blessed enough to Like

do it.”
― Jeane e Coron
tags: a tude-of-gra tude, en tlement, gratefulness, humility, jeane e-coron-quotes, john-gray, oprah,
serving-god, td-jakes, you-don-t-have-to-you-get-to

“Coming from a place of humility instead of entitlement, and Like

recognizing that you are blessed enough to get the chance to do
something, can change everything.”
― Jeane e Coron
tags: a tude-of-gra tude, en tlement, gratefulness, humility, jeane e-coron-quotes, john-gray, oprah,
serving-god, td-jakes, you-don-t-have-to-you-get-to

“We often betray our arrogance or immaturity by asserting that Like

we will never do something bad that we are capable of doing.”

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: arrogance, arrogant, humble, humility, immature, immaturity, mature, maturity, modesty, never-say-

“Readiness for corrections, tutorship and mentorship is readiness for a Like

healthy future.”
― ANIKOR Daniel
tags: humility 0 likes

“Writing is discovering what you don't know.” Like

― Marty Rubin
tags: discovery, humility, knowledge, wri ng 0 likes

“Find canvases for other people to paint on. Clear the path for Like

the people above you and you will eventually create a path for

Greatness comes from humble beginnings; it comes from grunt work. It

means you’re the least important person in the room - until you change
that with results.”
― Ryan Holiday, Ego Is the Enemy
tags: ego, humility, work-ethic 0 likes 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“Our own path, whatever we aspire to, will in some ways be Like Sign in
defined by the amount of nonsense we are willing to deal with.
It doesn’t matter how talented you are, how great your
My Books Browse ▾ Community ▾
connections are, how much money you have. When you want to
do something - something big and important and meaningful - you will
be subjected to treatment ranging from indifference to outright

Those who have subdued their ego understand that it doens’t degrade
you when others treat you poorly; it degrades them.”
― Ryan Holiday, Ego Is the Enemy
tags: ego, humility, pa ence 0 likes

“The first product of self-knowledge is humility," Flannery Like

O'Connor once said. This is how we fight the ego, by really

knowing ourselves.”
― Ryan Holiday, Ego Is the Enemy
tags: ego, humility, self-awareness 0 likes

“It's not with ideas, my dear Degas, that one makes verse. It's Like

with words."

- the poet Mallarmé to Degas”

― Ryan Holiday, Ego Is the Enemy
tags: humility, work-ethic 0 likes

“Is it ten thousand hours or twenty thousand hours to mastery? Like

The answer is that it doesn't matter. There is no end zone. To

think of a number is to live in a conditional future. We're simply
talking about a lot of hours - that to get where we want to go
isn't about brilliance, but continual effort. It means it's all within reach
- for all of us, provided we have the constitution and humbleness to be
patient and the fortitude to put in the work.”
― Ryan Holiday, Ego Is the Enemy
tags: humility, pa ence, work-ethic 0 likes

“It's a team, really: the wilderness and us.” Like

― Per Espen Stoknes, What We Think About When We Try Not To Think About
Global Warming: Toward a New Psychology of Climate Ac on
tags: climate-change, global-warming, humility, inspira on, nature, poli cal-divide, poli cs, understanding

“I don't look at the world through stained glass windows.” Like

― Mihcael P. Naughton
tags: humility, imperfec on, religion, religion-and-philoshophy 0 likes

“I don't see the world through stained glass windows.” Like

― Michael P. Naughton
tags: humility, imperfec on, religion, religion-and-philoshophy 0 likes

“Learning is a feeling between humility and simplicity.” Like

― Alan Maiccon
tags: humility, learning, simplicity 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 31-60 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Life is a long lesson in humility.” Like

― J.M. Barrie, The Li le Minister
tags: humility, insigh ul, life 361 likes

“Every person that you meet knows something you don't; learn Like

from them.”
― H. Jackson Brown Jr.
tags: humility 351 likes

“A man should never be ashamed to own that he has been in the Like

wrong, which is but saying in other words that he is wiser today

than he was yesterday.”
― Alexander Pope
tags: error, humility, wisdom 334 likes

humility Search
“Nothing is more deceitful," said Darcy, "than the appearance Like

of humility. It is often only carelessness of opinion, and Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
sometimes an indirect boast.” Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
― Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
tags: appearance, deceit, humility 330 likes Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
“The main condition for the achievement of love is the Like Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
overcoming of one's narcissism. The narcissistic orientation is
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
one in which one experiences as real only that which exists
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
within oneself, while the phenomena in the outside world have Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
no reality in themselves, but are experienced only from the viewpoint of Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
their being useful or dangerous to one. The opposite pole to narcissism Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
is objectivity; it is the faculty to see other people and things as they are, Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
objectively, and to be able to separate this objective picture from a picture
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
which is formed by one's desires and fears.”
― Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving
tags: empathy, humility, love, narcissism, narcissis c, objec ve, objec vity, psychology, selfishness,
subjec ve, understanding, understanding-oneself-and-others

“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a Like
― Ernest Hemingway, The Wild Years
tags: humility 306 likes

“In a very real sense not one of us is qualified, but it seems that Like

God continually chooses the most unqualified to do his work, to

bear his glory. If we are qualified, we tend to think that we have
done the job ourselves. If we are forced to accept our evident
lack of qualification, then there's no danger that we will confuse God's 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
work with our own, or God's glory with our own.”
My Books
― Madeleine L'Engle, Browse ▾
Walking on Water: Reflec ons on Faith and Art Community ▾ Sign in

tags: glory, god, humility, weakness, work 288 likes

“True humility does not know that it is humble. If it did, it Like

would be proud from the contemplation of so fine a virtue.”

― Mar n Luther
tags: humility 283 likes

“Son, never trust a man who doesn’t drink because he’s Like

probably a self-righteous sort, a man who thinks he knows

right from wrong all the time. Some of them are good men, but
in the name of goodness, they cause most of the suffering in the
world. They’re the judges, the meddlers. And, son, never trust a man
who drinks but refuses to get drunk. They’re usually afraid of something
deep down inside, either that they’re a coward or a fool or mean and
violent. You can’t trust a man who’s afraid of himself. But sometimes,
son, you can trust a man who occasionally kneels before a toilet. The
chances are that he is learning something about humility and his natural
human foolishness, about how to survive himself. It’s damned hard for a
man to take himself too seriously when he’s heaving his guts into a dirty
toilet bowl.”
― James Crumley
tags: cowardice, drinking, humility, morality, philosophy, self-righteousness 268 likes

“Those who travel to mountain-tops are half in love with Like

themselves, and half in love with oblivion.”
― Robert Macfarlane, Mountains of the Mind: A History of a Fascina on
tags: adventure, arrogance, humility, inspira onal, mountaineering, mountains, oblivion 236 likes

“Learning Like

To believe you are magnificent. And gradually to discover that

you are not magnificent. Enough labor for one human life.”
― Czesław Miłosz
tags: humility, learning, life, self-knowledge 229 likes

“I imagine that the intelligent people are the ones so intelligent Like
that they don't even need or want to look 'intelligent'
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: above-and-beyond, assurance, certainty, concealment, confidence, foolishness, humility, intelligence,
philosophy, preten ousness, profound, self-assurance, theory, within

“I believe that the first test of a great man is his humility. I Like
don't mean by humility, doubt of his power. But really great
men have a curious feeling that the greatness is not of them,
but through them. And they see something divine in every other
man and are endlessly, foolishly, incredibly merciful.”
― John Ruskin
tags: greatness, humility 208 likes

“If pain doesn't lead to humility, you have wasted your Like
― Katerina Stoykova Klemer
tags: humility, pain, personal-development, personal-growth, suffering 206 likes 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“I realize
My today
Booksthat nothing in the world is more distasteful
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a man than to take the path that leads to himself.”
― Hermann Hesse, Demian: Die Geschichte von Emil Sinclairs Jugend
tags: existen al, existen alism, humble, humility, self-loathing, self-realiza on 197 likes

“Pride must die in you, or nothing of heaven can live in you.” Like
― Andrew Murray, Humility: The Journey Toward Holiness
tags: humility, pride 191 likes

“He didn't mind how he looked to other people, because the Like

nursery magic had made him Real, and when you are Real
shabbiness doesn't matter.”
― Margery Williams Bianco, The Velveteen Rabbit
tags: humility, love, modesty 180 likes

“The seeker after truth should be humbler than the dust. The Like

world crushes the dust under its feet, but the seeker after truth
should so humble himself that even the dust could crush him.
Only then, and not till then, will he have a glimpse of truth.”
― Mahatma Gandhi , Gandhi: An autobiography
tags: dust, gandhi, humble, humility, mohandas, true, truth 179 likes

“As you grow up, always tell the truth, do no harm to others, Like
and don't think you are the most important being on earth. Rich
or poor, you then can look anyone in the eye and say, 'I'm
probably no better than you, but I'm certainly your equal.”
― Harper Lee
tags: advice, equality, honesty, humility, life 168 likes

“The faculty to think objectively is reason; the emotional Like

attitude behind reason is that of humility. To be objective, to use

one's reason, is possible only if one has achieved an attitude of
humility, if one has emerged from the dreams of omniscience
and omnipotence which one has as a child. Love, being dependent on the
relative absence of narcissism, requires the developement of humility,
objectivity and reason.

I must try to see the difference between my picture of a person and his
behavior, as it is narcissistically distorted, and the person's reality as it
exists regardless of my interests, needs and fears.”
― Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving
tags: compassion, conflict, empathy, erich-fromm, humility, love, narcissism, objec ve, objec vity, reason,
reasoning, selfishness, subjec ve, the-art-of-loving, understanding

“Until you have suffered much in your heart, you cannot learn Like
― Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica, Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives: The
Life and Teachings of Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica
tags: chris anity, eastern-orthodoxy, humility, inspira onal, spirituality, suffering 146 likes

“I have met some highly intelligent believers, but history has no Like

record to say that [s]he knew or understood the mind of god. Yet
this is precisely the qualification which the godly must claim—
so modestly and so humbly—to possess. It is time to withdraw
our 'respect' from such fantastic claims, all of them aimed at the
exertion of power over other humans in the real and material world.” 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
― Christopher Hitchens, The Portable Atheist: Essen al Readings for the
Nonbeliever My Books Browse ▾ Community ▾ Sign in

tags: arrogance, atheism, belief, fantasy, god, humility, inspira onal, modesty, power, religion, respect

“Life is suffering Like

Love is the desire to see unnecessary suffering ameliorated
Truth is the handmaiden of love
Dialogue is the pathway to truth
Humility is recognition of personal insufficiency and the willingness to
To learn is to die voluntarily and be born again, in great ways and small
So speech must be untrammeled
So that dialogue can take place
So that we can all humbly learn
So that truth can serve love
So that suffering can be ameliorated
So that we can all stumble forward to the Kingdom of God”
― Jordan B. Peterson
tags: god, humility, inspira onal, love, suffering, true 127 likes

“When emerging from humble beginnings, those around you Like

tend to underestimate your authenticity because they knew you

before you were 'somebody'.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: adversity, authen city, beginnings, envy, fame, haters, humility, jealous, jealousy, perseverance,
somebody, success, underdog

“Everybody who is incapable of learning has taken to teaching.” Like

― Oscar Wilde
tags: college, everybody, humility, incapable, learning, teaching, wit 122 likes

“The more humble and obedient to God a man is, the more wise Like

and at peace he will be in all that he does.”

― Thomas à Kempis, The Inner Life
tags: god, humility, peace, wisdom 112 likes

“Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that Like

you are wonderful.”

― Ann Landers
tags: humility, pride 108 likes

“The common man prays, 'I want a cookie right now!' And God Like

responds, 'If you'd listen to what I say, tomorrow it will bring

you 100 cookies.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: bigger-picture, cookie, cute, faithfulness, figura ve, foreknowledge, funny, god, hard-work, humility,
humor, impa ence, knowledge, literal, metaphor, misunderstanding, obedience, omniscience, pa ence,
prayer, praying, prudence, me, ming, understanding, wai ng, work

“The splinter in your eye is the best magnifying-glass Like

― Theodor W. Adorno
tags: humility, hypocrisy, self-awareness 103 likes

“You must know nothing before you can learn something, and be empty Like

before you can be filled. Is not the emptiness of the bowl what makes it
useful? As for laws, a parrot can repeat them word for word. Their spirit 4/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
is something else again. As for governing, one must first be
lowest My Books
before being highest.” Browse ▾ Community ▾ Sign in

― Lloyd Alexander, The Remarkable Journey of Prince Jen

tags: empty, full, humble, humility, learn, listen 96 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 301-330 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“For thousands of years, it had been nature--and its supposed Like

creator--that had had a monopoly on awe. It had been the

icecaps, the deserts, the volcanoes and the glaciers that had
given us a sense of finitude and limitation and had elicited a
feeling in which fear and respect coagulated into a strangely pleasing
feeling of humility, a feeling which the philosophers of the eighteenth
century had famously termed the sublime.

But then had come a transformation to which we were still the heirs....
Over the course of the nineteenth century, the dominant catalyst for that
feeling of the sublime had ceased to be nature. We were now deep in the
era of the technological sublime, when awe could most powerfully be
invoked not by forests or icebergs but by supercomputers, rockets and
particle accelerators. We were now almost exclusively amazed by
― Alain de Bo on, The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work humility Search
tags: awe, humility, nature, sublime, technology, wonder 18 likes
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
“It is not for you to say - you Englishmen, who have conquered Like
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
your freedom so long ago, that you have conveniently forgotten
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
what blood you shed, and what extremities you proceeded to in Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
the conquering - it is not for you to say how far the worst of all God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
exasperations may, or may not, carry the maddened men of an enslaved Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
nation. The iron that has entered into our souls has gone too deep for Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
you to find it. Leave the refugee alone! Laugh at him, distrust him, open
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
your eyes in wonder at the secret self which smolders in him, sometimes
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
under the every-day respectability and tranquility of a man like me - Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
sometimes under the grinding poverty, the fierce squalor, of men less Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
lucky, less pliable, less patient than I am - but judge us not. In the time Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
of your first Charles you might have done us justice - the long luxury of Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
your freedom has made you incapable of doing us justice now. ”
― Wilkie Collins, The Woman in White
tags: humility, jus ce, poli cs, understanding 11 likes

“All individuals have moral deficiencies, and when introducing Like

these to reality one not only strengthens himself but also the
confidence of others in the human exigency for Christ due to a
reflection throughout the body of Christ.”
― Criss Jami, Salomé: In Every Inch In Every Mile
tags: body, brokenness, christ, chris anity, communica on, confidence, confron ng-problems, deficiencies,
exigence, honesty, humble, humility, immoral, individuals, longing, moral, need, oneness, reality, reflec on,
sin, strengthen, unity

“When I look at the clues that indicate the nature of Jesus – born in a Like
barn, questionable parents, spotty ancestry, common name, misdirected
announcement, unattractive looks, reared in a bad neighborhood,
owning nothing, surrounding himself with unattractive co-workers, and
dying a shameful death – I find his whole approach unable to fit into the
methods that automatically come to mind when I think about “winning
the world.” His whole approach could easily be described as
nonthreatening or nonmanipulative. He seemed to lead with weakness in 1/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
each step of life. He had nothing in the world and everything in God and
the Spirit.” Sign in
― Gayle D. Erwin, The Jesus Style
tags: gentleness, humility Books Browse ▾ 11 likes Community ▾

“I was always exceedingly delighted with that saying of Like

Chrysostom, "The foundation of our philosophy is humility";

and yet more pleased with that of Augustine: "As the orator,
when asked, What is the first precept in eloquence? answered,
Delivery: What is the second? Delivery: What is the third? Delivery: so if
you ask me concerning the precepts of the Christian religion, I will
answer, first, second, and third, Humility.”
― John Calvin, Ins tutes of the Chris an Religion, 2 Vols
tags: chris anity, humility, quotes 9 likes

“...there began to come to her a first dim realization of God's Like

humility. Rejected by the proud in His own right by what

humble means He chose to succor them; through the spirit of a
child, a poor gypsy or an old man, by a song perhaps, or even it
might be by the fall of a leaf or the scent of a flower. For His infinite and
humble patience nothing was too small to advance His purpose of
salvation and eternity was not too long for its accomplishment.”
― Elizabeth Goudge, The White Witch
tags: god-s-love, humility, tender-mercies 9 likes

“We should get into the way of appearing lively in religion, Like
more by being lively in the service of God and our generation
than by the liveliness and forwardness of our tongues, and
making a business of proclaiming on the house tops with our
mouths the holy and eminent acts and exercises of our own hearts.
Christians that are intimate friends would talk together of their
experiences and comforts in a manner better becoming Christian
humility and modesty, and more to each other's profit: their tongues not
running before, but rather going behind their hands and feet, after the
prudent example of the blessed apostle, 2 Cor. xii. 6. Many occasions of
spiritual pride would thus be cut off, and so a great door shut against the
devil. A great many of the main stumbling-blocks against experimental
and powerful religion would be removed, and religion would be declared
and manifested in such a way that, instead of hardening spectators, and
exceedingly promoting infidelity and atheism, it would, above all things,
tend to convince men that there is a reality in religion, and greatly
awaken them, and win them, by convincing their consciences of the
importance and excellency of religion. Thus the light of professors would
so shine before men, that others, seeing their good works, would glorify
their Father which is in heaven.”
― Jonathan Edwards, The Religious Affec ons
tags: chris anity, humility, service, witness 8 likes

“For me, walking in a hard Dakota wind can be like staring at Like
the ocean: humbled before its immensity, I also have a sense of
being at home on this planet, my blood so like the sea in
chemical composition, my every cell partaking of air. I live
about as far from the sea as is possible in North America, yet I walk in a
turbulent ocean. Maybe that child was right when he told me that the
world is upside-down here, and this is where angels drown.”
― Kathleen Norris, Dakota: A Spiritual Geography
tags: environment, humility, north-dakota, south-dakota, wind 7 likes 2/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“But the vicar of St. Botolph's had certainly escaped the Like
slightest tincture of the Pharisee, and by dint of admitting to Sign in
himself that he was too much as other men were, he had
Books unlike them in this - that he could ▾
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others for thinking slightly of him, and could judge impartially of their
conduct even when it told against him. [from Middlemarch, a quote my
mother thinks describes the kind of man my father was]”
― George Eliot
tags: fairness, humility, strength 5 likes

“Wish me everything that you can wish for the woman you Like
dearly love, and I have as good as got it, John. I have better than
got it, John.”
― Charles Dickens, Our Mutual Friend
tags: humility, wealth 5 likes

“A humble man speaks not of his own humility” Like

― Jeremy Aldana
tags: humility 4 likes

“Oh ... why not?' he smiled. "This valley is a pleasant spot for Like
meditation. I like New England... it is here that I have
experienced some of my greatest successes - and several
notable defeats. Defeat, you know, is not such a bad thing, if
there's not too much of it... it makes for humility, and humility makes
for caution, therefore for safety.' ("Trace")”
― Jerome Bixby, American Fantas c Tales: Terror and the Uncanny from the
1940's Un l Now
tags: cau on, defeat, humility, safety 4 likes

“The disillusionment with our own abilities is, perhaps, one of the most Like
important things that can ever happen to us.”
― Tim Hansel
tags: ability, humility 3 likes

“A blush of breeze rose from the grass. Jacob felt as if an angel's Like
wing had beat against his cheek. He touched his cheek slowly.
He felt embarrassed by the thought.

"That I should think an angel came to me."

He wept. And, again, the brush of breeze against his cheek.”

― Noah Benshea, Jacob the Baker: Gentle Wisdom For a Complicated World
tags: angel, humility 3 likes

“Humility rests upon the shores of your sorrows and blossoms Like

upon the mountain of your faith”

― Jeremy Aldana
tags: faith, humility 3 likes

“Alex Rodriguez seemed not to fit in with the rest of his Yankee Like
teammates. For instance, he wanted a clubhouse attendant
personally assigned to him, when there were four or five for the
whole team. Seeing the rift between him and the rest of the
team and how Rodriguez's major focus on how HE was perceived, Joe
Torre suggested in the individual meeting that Rodriguez at least get his
own coffee rather than send someone to get it for him. Later that day,
Alex Rodriguez made a point of telling the manager that he got his own 3/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
coffee – drawing attention to himself, even in what was meant to be just
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an example of how he could fit in with normal behavior.”
― Tom Verducci, The Yankee Years
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tags: humility, pride, self-centeredness Browse ▾ 2 likes
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“A suburban pastor maintained services appropriate for his Like

respected, professional parish. His father, an excitable traveling

evangelist, visited and challenged the congregation to confront
pride and sing out loudly with the windows open. The next day,
the pastor’s banker mentioned overhearing, and he was sheepish. The
buttoned-up banker said, though, that the neighborhood had been
WAITING TO HEAR the church live out the joy they claimed.”
― David Wilkerson, The Cross and the Switchblade
tags: humility, joy, pride, worship 2 likes

“On Alex Rodriguez's difficulty performing in clutch situations, Like

Joe Torre writes, "In key situations, he can't get himself to
concern himself with getting the job done instead of how it
looks. There's a certain freefall you go through when you
commit yourself without a guarantee that it's always going to be good.
There's a trust and commitment thing that has to allow yourself fail,
allow yourself to be embarrassed, allow yourself to be vulnerable”
― Tom Verducci, The Yankee Years
tags: humility, pride, weakness 1 likes

“I shall tell you something strange, but do not be surprised by it. Should Like
you fail to attain dispassion because of the predispositions dominating
you, but at the time of your death be in the depths of humility, you will
be exalted above the clouds no less than the man who is dispassionate.
For even if the treasure of those who are dispassionate consists of every
virtue, the precious stone of humility is more valuable than them all: it
brings about not only propitiation with the Creator, but also entry with
the elect into the bridal chamber of His kingdom.”
― St. Theognostos
tags: dispassion, humility, virtue 0 likes

“It is those who avoid the spotlight that tend to be doing the Like

greatest things because their hearts are set on avoiding the

lesser things.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough
tags: ego s cal, greater, greater-things, humble, humility, lesser, lesser-things, spotlight 0 likes

“It is better to stay humble than to be humbled. Humility is Like

― Olawale Daniel
tags: be-humbled, humility, stay-humble 0 likes

“Mercy and truth precede all the other virtues. They in their turn Like
produce humility and so discrimination; for, according to the fathers,
discrimination comes from humility. Without discrimination, neither
practice nor spiritual knowledge can fulfill its purpose. For practice
uncontrolled by such knowledge strays here and there aimlessly, like a
calf; while knowledge that refuses to clothe itself in the honorable
vesture of practice lacks nobility, however much it may pretend to
possess it.”
― Ilias the Presbyter
tags: discrimina on, humility, mercy, prac ce, truth 0 likes 4/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“The more educated someone is, the less likely it usually is for Like Sign in
them to say that they do not know, when they do not know.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
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tags: arrogance, arrogant, college, educa on, humility, i-don-t-know, knowledge, school, uneducated,

“The child in us remains. It lives in our weaknesses. It lives in Like

our trust. It lives in our desire to hold another’s hand. It lives in

our devotion to something more than ourselves.”
― Donna Goddard, Waldmeer
tags: affec on, child, devo on, humility, innocence, love, purity, spirit, trust 0 likes

“When you think you've found your place, remember to make Like

room for grace, to race and ace, so you won't be displaced, brace
― Bernard Kelvin Clive
tags: grace-and-favor, humility, mercies 0 likes

“Whatever the art or whatever the craft - and make a note of Like

this before you go - talent means next to nothing, while

experience, acquired in humility and with hard work, means
― Patrick Süskind, Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
tags: art, hard-work, humility, patrick-suskind, perfume, the-story-of-a-murderer 0 likes

“Teachability that emanates from expressed humility is a must- Like

have trait in a world where skills are depreciating in value as

soon as they're learned.”
― Lisa-Marie Hatcher, Win With Decency: How to Use Your Be er
Angels for Be er Business
tags: humility, humility-quotes, skills, teachability 0 likes

“What happens to job performance if we don’t practice humility Like

in the form of self-awareness? We risk overestimating our

abilities, which can result in insufficient effort, missed
deadlines, and lower quality of work—all of which can add up to
decreased performance.”
― Douglass Hatcher, Win With Decency: How to Use Your Be er Angels for
Be er Business
tags: humility, job-performance, self-awareness-quotes, self-improvement-quotes 0 likes

“Humble individuals are more likely to learn from their Like

mistakes and take corrective action after low performance.”

― Douglass Hatcher, Win With Decency: How to Use Your Be er Angels
for Be er Business
tags: humility, learning, win-with-decency 0 likes

“This is where Lent starts, with the voice of God, singing the praise of Like

Jesus, the Son. Just as this affirmation calls Jesus into the wilderness, so
it calls us, too. We are starting out from a place of loving acceptance, not
from one of rejection; we are starting out with the certainty that God
knows who we are and loves us, so that are explorations are to find out
why that should be. We are exploring a reality that is given to us, not
achieved by our own effort. Yet, glorious as this sounds, it is also
terrifying, because if it starts with God and not with us, then we are not
in control of it. Jesus steps into the River Jordan with such apparent
ease, laying aside all claims to define himself, and that is our journey, 5/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
too. So easy and so hard.”
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― Jane Williams, The Merciful Humility of God: The 2019 Lent Book
tags: humility, jesus-christ 0 likes
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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 91-120 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Humility is nothing but truth, and pride is nothing but lying.” Like
― St. Vincent de Paul
tags: humility, lies, pride, truth 119 likes

“Never curse a fall. The ground is where humility lives.” Like

― Yasmin Mogahed
tags: calamity, humility, inspira on, life 112 likes

“Early in my career...I had to choose between an honest Like

arrogance and a hypercritical humility... I deliberately choose an

honest arrogance, and I've never been sorry.”
― Frank Lloyd Wright
tags: arrogance, honesty, humility 111 likes

“Man approaches God most nearly when he is in one sense least Like humility Search
like God. For what can be more unlike than fullness and need,
sovereignty and humility, righteousness and penitence, Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
limitless power and a cry for help?” Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
― C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
tags: god, humility, penitence, righteousness, sovereignty 105 likes Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
“The most beautiful women I have known had one thing in Like Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
common apart from beauty: humility. It's a shame that those
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
with less to boast about do it the most.”
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
― Donna Lynn Hope Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
tags: beauty, boas ng, bragging, ego, humble, humility Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
“We have lived by the assumption that what was good for us Like
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
would be good for the world. And this has been based on the Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
even flimsier assumption that we could know with any certainty
what was good even for us. We have fulfilled the danger of this
by making our personal pride and greed the standard of our behavior
toward the world - to the incalculable disadvantage of the world and
every living thing in it. And now, perhaps very close to too late, our great
error has become clear. It is not only our own creativity - our own
capacity for life - that is stifled by our arrogant assumption; the creation
itself is stifled.
We have been wrong. We must change our lives, so that it will be
possible to live by the contrary assumption that what is good for the
world will be good for us. And that requires that we make the effort to
know the world and to learn what is good for it. We must learn to
cooperate in its processes, and to yield to its limits. But even more
important, we must learn to acknowledge that the creation is full of
mystery; we will never entirely understand it. We must abandon
arrogance and stand in awe. We must recover the sense of the majesty of
creation, and the ability to be worshipful in its presence. For I do not 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
doubt that it is only on the condition of humility and reverence before
the world that our species will be able to remain in it. (pg. 20, "A Native Sign in
― Wendell Berry,My
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tags: awe, crea on, earth, humility, mystery, nature, reverence, worship 80 likes

“If, when stung by slander or ill-nature, we wax proud and Like

swell with anger, it is a proof that our gentleness and humility

are unreal, and mere artificial show.”
― Francis de Sales, Introduc on to the Devout Life
tags: chris anity, humility, hypocrisy, pride 68 likes

“No! I am not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be; Like

Am an attendant lord, one that will do

To swell a progress, start a scene or two,
Advise the prince; no doubt, an easy tool,
Deferential, glad to be of use,
Politic, cautious, and meticulous;
Full of high sentence, but a bit obtuse;
At times, indeed, almost ridiculous—
Almost, at times, the Fool.”
― T.S. Eliot.
tags: fool, humility 64 likes

“One cannot be humble and aware of oneself at the same time.” Like

― Madeleine L'Engle, A Circle of Quiet

tags: humility 63 likes

“Humility is to make a right estimate of oneself.” Like

― Charles H. Spurgeon
tags: humbleness, humility, pride 58 likes

“With too much pride a man cannot learn a thing. In and of Like
itself, learning teaches you how foolish you are.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: development, foolishness, humility, learning, pride, teaching 48 likes

“There is one vice of which no man in the world is free; which Like
every one in the world loathes when he sees it in someone else;
and of which hardly any people, except Christians, ever imagine
that they are guilty themselves. […] There is no fault which
makes a man more unpopular, and no fault which we are more
unconscious of in ourselves.[…]The vice I am talking of is Pride or Self-
Conceit: and the virtue opposite to it, in Christian morals, is called
― C.S. Lewis, Mere Chris anity
tags: chris anity, humility, pride 46 likes

“While people argue with one another about the specifics of Like
Freud's work and blame him for the prejudices of his time, they
overlook the fundamental truth of his writing, his grand
humility: that we frequently do not know our own motivations
in life and are prisoners to what we cannot understand. We can
recognize only a small fragment of our own, and an even smaller
fragment of anyone else's, impetus.”
― Andrew Solomon, The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression
tags: freud, humility, impetus, mo va ons, prejudice, truth, understanding 44 likes 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“An exceedingly confident student would in theory make a Like Sign in

terrible student. Why would he take school seriously when he
feels that he can outwit his teachers?”
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― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: arrogance, a en on, a en on-span, confidence, ego, genius, gi ed, humility, imagina on, learning,
pride, school, students, teaching, theory

“Learning isn't acquiring knowledge so much as it is trimming Like

information that has already been acquired.”

― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: development, humility, informa on, knowledge, learning, le ng-go, pride, simplicity, understanding,

“In essence, you are neither inferior nor superior to anyone. Like
True self-esteem and true humility arise out of that realization.
In the eyes of the ego, self-esteem and humility are
contradictory. In truth, they are one and the same.”
― Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
tags: humility, inferiority, self-esteem, superiority, truth, truth-telling 42 likes

“A lack of illusion is golden, and it is quite possible that Like

creativity is the highest form of intelligence. One might further

develop oneself in the creative sense and, therefore, at times,
find some degree of shame more so than pride when having
always followed that of the safe and ever-praised academia.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: brain, college, crea vity, development, genius, humility, intelligence, learning, pride, shame 41 likes

“It's in those quiet little towns, at the edge of the world, that Like

you will find the salt of the earth people who make you feel
right at home.”
― Aaron Lauritsen, 100 Days Drive: The Great North American Road Trip
tags: 100-days-drive, 100daysdrive, acceptance, accomplish, adventure, ambi on, author, awakening, be-
happy, be-proud, believe, bestrong, bestseller, bohemian, break-barriers, carma, chances, change, chase-
dreams, cherish, coming-of-age, compassion, compe on, confidence, conquer, conquer-fear, content,
control-your-life, courage, crossroads, des ny, determina on, dig-deep, don-t-give-up, don-t-judge, don-t-
worry-be-happy, dream-big, dreamer, empower, energy, enjoy-life, explore, faith, fearless, find-yourself,
follow-your-dreams, follow-your-heart, follow-your-own-path, forgive, free, freedom, fresh-start, goal-
se ng, goals, goals-in-life, good-soul, gra tude, happiness, heal, high-road, hope, humanity, humility, inner-
beauty, inner-strength, inspira on, journey, joy, judgement, laugh, learn, liberate, libera ng, life, life-lessons,
light, limitless, live-life-quotes, love-thy-neighbor, love-thyself, love-yourself, luck, memoir, never-quit, no-
regrets, nomad, one-life, open-road, opportunity, parenthood, perspec ve, posi ve-thinking, power, pride,
push-limits, quote-of-the-day, quotes, reflec ons, resiliency, respect, risk-taking, road-trip, sa sfac on,
service-to-others, smile, soar, soul-food, spirituality, start-all-over, staystrong, strength, struggle, success,
teamwork, thick-skin, think-outside-the-box, travel, truth, values, walk-a-mile, wander, wanderlust,
wateroffaducksback, writer

“Beyond all sciences, philosophies, theologies, and histories, a Like

child's relentless inquiry is truly all it takes to remind us that
we don't know as much as we think we know.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: challenge, children, curiosity, educa on, history, humility, imagina on, inquiry, intelligence, knowledge,
not-knowing, philosophy, ques ons, science, theology, uncertainty, wisdom

“No sooner do we believe that God loves us than there is an Like

impulse to believe that He does so, not because He is Love, but

because we are intrinsically lovable. The Pagans obeyed this
impulse unabashed; a good man was "dear to the gods" because
he was good. We, being better taught, resort to subterfuge. Far be it from
us to think that we have virtues for which God could love us. But then,
how magnificently we have repented! As Bunyan says, describing his 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
first and illusory conversion, "I thought there was no man in England
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that pleased God better than I." Beaten out of this, we next offer our own
humility to God's admiration. Surely He'll like that? Or if not that, our
clear-sighted and
Books recognition that we still lack humility.
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depth beneath depth and subtlety within subtelty, there remains some
lingering idea of our own, our very own attractiveness. It is easy to
acknowledge, but almost impossible to realize for long, that we are
mirrors whose brightness, if we are bright, is wholly derived from the
sun that shines upon us. Surely we must have a little--however little--
native luminosity? Surely we can't be quite creatures? - The Four Loves”
― C.S. Lewis
tags: chris anity, humility 37 likes

“Those who live as though God sets the rules are not going by Like

their own rules. That is the self-sacrifice, or selflessness, that

peace more often than not requires. Those who insist on going
by their own rules cannot make that sacrifice. They are the
steady adherents of (global) conflict because they are forever fighting
both themselves and others to do whatever they think that they want to
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: apologe cs, bible, commandments, compassion, conflict, considera on, dispute, figh ng, god, humility,
laws, love, objec vity, peace, rules, sacrifice, self-sacrifice, selfishness, selflessness, subjec vity

“Every man has a specific skill, whether it is discovered or not, Like

that more readily and naturally comes to him than it would to

another, and his own should be sought and polished. He excels
best in his niche - originality loses its authenticity in one's
efforts to obtain originality.”
― Criss Jami, Salomé: In Every Inch In Every Mile
tags: authen city, business, crea vity, discipline, discovery, educa on, excel, gi ed, humility, natural, niche,
originality, polish, pride, real, skill, success, talents, winning

“To better understand God we must first shatter our own idea of Like
God - maybe even day after day. Maybe he's too great to stay
compressed in the human mind. Maybe he splits it wide open;
this is why pretentious intellectualism so often fails to
comprehend the concept of God: it is only accepting of what it can
explain while in the process finding higher sources offensive. What we
may confidently assert is that faith is the opening that allows God, this
unpredictable, unseen power, to travel in and out of the mind without all
the pains of confusion.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: apologe cs, certainty, comprehension, confusion, doubt, faith, god, human, humility, knowing, not-
knowing, pain, philosophy, preten ousness, pride, spirituality, theology, truth, uncertainty, understanding,

“...the essence of gospel-humility is not thinking more of Like

myself or thinking less of myself, it is thinking of myself less.”

― Timothy Keller, The Freedom of Self-Forge ulness
tags: humility, pride 33 likes

“When your only regret is if anyone thinks you regret anything Like
- that is the definition of conviction.”
― Criss Jami, Dio ma, Ba ery, Electric Personality
tags: apology, apology-and-a tude, a tude, belief, certainty, confidence, convic on, defini on, faith,
faithfulness, humility, perseverance, persistence, pride, regret, regrets, willpower
33 likes 4/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“Pride is not the opposite of shame, but it's source. True humility is the Like Sign in
only antidote to shame.”
― General Iroh
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tags: humility, inspira onal, pride, shame 32 likes

“He is as full of valor as of kindness. Princely in both.” Like

― William Shakespeare, Henry V
tags: bravery, graciousness, humility, kindness, meekness 32 likes

“St Thomas (Aqinas) loved books and lived on books... When Like

asked for what he thanked God most, he answered simply, ‘I

have understood every page I ever read’.”
― G.K. Chesterton, Saint Thomas Aquinas
tags: humility, pride 27 likes

“See everything, overlook a great deal, correct a little.” Like

― John XXIII
tags: humility 26 likes

“From this point forward, you don’t even know how to quit in Like

~ Aaron Lauritsen, ‘100 Days Drive”
― Aaron Lauritsen
tags: 100-days-drive, 100daysdrive, acceptance, accomplish, adventure, ambi on, author, awakening, be-
happy, be-proud, believe, bestrong, bestseller, bohemian, break-barriers, carma, chances, change, chase-
dreams, cherish, coming-of-age, compassion, compe on, confidence, conquer, conquer-fear, content,
control-your-life, courage, crossroads, des ny, determina on, dig-deep, don-t-give-up, don-t-worry-be-
happy, dont-quit, dream-big, dreamer, empower, energy, enjoy-life, explore, faith, fearless, find-yourself,
follow-your-dreams, follow-your-heart, follow-your-own-path, forgive, free, freedom, fresh-start, goal-
se ng, goals, goals-in-life, good-soul, gra tude, happiness, heal, high-road, hope, humanity, humility, inner-
beauty, inner-strength, inspira on, journey, joy, judgement, laugh, learn, liberate, libera ng, life, life-lessons,
light, limitless, live-life-quotes, love-thy-neighbor, love-thyself, love-yourself, luck, memoir, never-quit, no-
regrets, nomad, one-life, open-road, opportunity, parenthood, perspec ve, posi ve-thinking, power, pride,
push-limits, qui ng-lasts-forever, quote-of-the-day, quotes, reflec ons, resiliency, respect, risk-taking,
road-trip, sa sfac on, service-to-others, smile, soar, soul-food, spirituality, start-all-over, stay-the-course,
staystrong, strength, struggle, success, teamwork, thick-skin, think-outside-the-box, travel, truth, values,
wander, wanderlust, wateroffaducksback, writer

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 151-180 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“The chief means of resisting manipulation is humility – knowing who Like

we really are and facing it. You can only serve by love. You can only love
by choice. True love cannot be the result of decree, force or
manipulation. Jesus always kept his strength to make loving choices. He
calls us to make loving choices necessary to be the servant of all."
"Humility permits me to own my feelings – and to admit them. Now I'm
free to say, ‘I'm angry’. I'm free to admit what I am reacting to. I am
free to ask if anger is what the person wanted to produce in me, and to
ask for help in changing if my reaction is inappropriate.”
― Gayle D. Erwin, The Jesus Style
tags: humility, manipula on, servanthood 52 likes

“Trustful people are the pure at heart, as they are moved by the Like

zeal of their own trustworthiness.” BROWSE BY TAG

― Criss Jami, Healology
humility Search
tags: belief, childlikeness, children, confidence, cynic, deceit, discernment, faith, fear, fearful, fearless,
fearlessness, happiness, heart, honesty, humility, innocence, intui on, judgment, kids, lies, love, naive,
op mist, posi ve, posi ve-thinking, psychology, pure-heart, purity, reliability, selflessness, skep c, success, Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
suspicion, trust, trus ul, trustworthiness, truth, understanding, understanding-others, vulnerability, zeal
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
“Even Kings and emperors with heaps of wealth and vast Like Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
dominion cannot compare with an ant filled with the love of God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
God.” Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
― Guru Nanak, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
tags: god-s-love, humility, love 45 likes Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
“Without struggle, success has no value.” Like Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
― Aaron Lauritsen, 100 Days Drive: The Great North American Road Trip
Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
tags: 100-days-drive, 100daysdrive, acceptance, accomplish, ambi on, author, awakening, be-happy, be- Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
proud, believe, bestseller, break-barriers, carmaker, chances, change, chase-dreams, cherish, compassion,
compe on, confidence, conquer, conquer-fear, content, control-you-life, courage, crossroads, des ny,
determina on, dig-deep, don-t-give-up, don-t-worry-be-happy, dream-big, dreamer, empower, energy,
explore, faith, fearless, find-yourself, follow-your-dreams, follow-your-heart, follow-your-own-path, forgive,
freedom, fresh-start, goal-se ng, goals, goals-in-life, good-soul, happiness, hope, humanity, humility, inner-
beauty, inner-strength, inspira on, journey, joy, judgement, liberate, libera ng, life, life-lessons, light, live-
life-quotes, love-thy-neighbor, love-thyself, love-yourself, luck, never-quit, no-regrets, nomad, one-life,
opportunity, parenthood, perspec ve, posi ve-thinking, power, pride, push-limits, reflec ons, resiliency,
respect, risk-taking, road-trip, sa sfac on, service-to-others, soar, soul-food, spirituality, start-all-over,
strength, struggle, success, thick-skin, think-outside-the-box, values, wander, wanderlust, writer

“A sign of a lover of wisdom is his delight in not running his Like

mouth about things he doesn't know.”

― Criss Jami, Dio ma, Ba ery, Electric Personality
tags: cha er, honesty, humility, insincerity, not-knowing, philosophy, preten ousness, profound, sincerity,
truth, uncertainty, wisdom
42 likes 1/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“If my sinfulness appears to me in any way smaller or less Like

detestable in comparison with the sins of others, I am still not Sign in

recognizing my sinfulness at all.”
― Dietrich
My bonhoeffer
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tags: humility, sin 36 likes

“God judges men from the inside out; men judge men from the Like

outside in. Perhaps to God, an extreme mental patient is doing

quite well in going a month without murder, for he fought his
chemical imbalance and succeeded; oppositely, perhaps the
healthy, able and stable man who has never murdered in his life yet
went a lifetime consciously, willingly never loving anyone but himself
may then be subject to harsher judgment than the extreme mental
patient. It might be so that God will stand for the weak and question the
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: apologe cs, arrogance, asylum, awareness, brain, chemical-imbalance, cogni on, confession, crazy,
crime, discernment, ego, evil, forgiveness, god, good, good-and-evil, grace, guilt, health, healthy, heart,
humility, hypocrisy, ill, immorality, insane, instability, judgment, law, liability, love, lovelessness, mental-
pa ent, mentally-ill, mercy, mind, morality, murder, narcissism, pharisee, philosophy, pride, psycho,
psychology, psychopath, punishment, repentance, resistance, righteous, sane, self-righteous, self-worship,
selfishness, sickness, sin, soul, stability, strength, tempta on, theology, weakness, wisdom

“We have made men proud of most vices, but not of cowardice. Like
Whenever we have almost succeeded in doing so, God permits a
war or an earthquake or some other calamity, and at once
courage becomes so obviously lovely and important even in
human eyes that all our work is undone, and there is still at least one
vice of which they feel genuine shame. The danger of inducing cowardice
in our patients, therefore, is lest we produce real self-knowledge and
self-loathing, with consequent repentance and humility.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Le ers
tags: cowardice, human-nature, humility 32 likes

“I’m sure I am wrong about many things, although I’m not sure Like

exactly which things I’m wrong about. I’m even sure I’m wrong
about what I think I’m right about in at least some cases.”
― Brian McLaren, A Generous Orthodoxy
tags: chris anity, humility, religion 31 likes

“People love answers, but only as long as they are the ones who Like

came up with them.”

― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: answers, arrogance, deceit, ego, humility, knowledge, lack-of-knowledge, lack-of-wisdom, learning,
love, pride, ques ons, self-decep on, selfish, teaching, wisdom

“It takes a long time to bring excellence to maturity.” Like

― Publilius Syrus
tags: humility 27 likes

“I believe that Jesus would have given His life for just one Like
person. Jesus emptied Himself, He humbled Himself and He so
yielded Himself to His Father's love that He had no ambition of
His own. He was not looking to build an empire, He did not
want praise or adulation or to impress people with who or how many
followed Him. He stopped over and over again for just one person, for
just one life.” 2/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
― Heidi Baker, Learning to Love: Passion, Compassion and the Essence of the
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tags: humility, jesus, ministry, mission 26 likes
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“Yeah, that’s my experience. Humbling to the point where you Like
have major regrets about some of the stupid things you said,
some of the things you thought were right. You keep going to
these countries, and it’s like, you forgot the lesson from the last
time. Because the first person you encounter kind of bitch-slaps you
upside the head in the most wonderful, innocent way and you realize,
God, I’m still an asshole. And this guy, by doing nothing except being
broke and so incredibly polite—it takes you aback, you realize, I’m still
not there yet. I still have like eight miles to go before I can even get into
the parking lot of humility. I have to keep going back. It’s like going
back to a chiropractor to get a readjustment. That’s me in Africa, that’s
me in Southeast Asia. You come back humbled and you bring that into
your life. It’s made me much more tolerant of other peoples—and I’m
not saying I used to be a misogynist, or I used to be a racist, that was
never my problem. But I can be extremely headstrong, impatient, rude.
Like, “Hurry up, man. What’s your problem? Get out of my way.” That
sentiment comes easy to me. Going to these countries, you realize none
of that is necessary, none of it’s cool, it’s nothing Abraham Lincoln
would do, and so why are you doing it? Those are the lessons I’ve
― Henry Rollins
tags: experience, humility, travel 25 likes

“We must never underestimate our power to be wrong when Like

talking about God, when thinking about God, when imagining

God, whether in prose or in poetry. A generous orthodoxy, in
contrast to the tense, narrow, or controlling orthodoxies of so
much of Christian history, doesn't take itself too seriously. It is humble.
It doesn't claim too much. It admits it walks with a limp.”
― Brian D. McLaren, A Generous Orthodoxy: Why I am a missional, evangelical,
post/protestant, liberal/conserva ve, biblical, charisma c/contempla ve,
fundamentalist/calvinist, anabap st/anglican, incarna onal, depressed-yet-
hopeful, emergent, unfinished Chris an
tags: humility, theology 25 likes

“Sorrow is humbling. I want my pain to be fabulous. I don't need my Like

pain to be worse than anyone else's; I just want it to be strangely,

uniquely mine. Art to someone else's breakdown.

— Thea Hillman, "Dear Kath After"

from the anthology Pills, Thrills, Chills, and Heartache”

― Clint Catalyst, Michelle Tea, Thea Hillman, Pills, Thrills, Chills, and Heartache:
Adventures in the First Person
tags: clint-catalyst, humility, michelle-tea, pain, sorrow, thea-hillman 23 likes

“Have more humility. Remember you don't know the limits of Like

your own abilities. Successful or not, if you keep pushing

beyond yourself, you will enrich your own life – and maybe
even please a few strangers.”
― A.L. Kennedy
tags: abili es, enrichment, humility, personal-sa sfac on, strangers, success 22 likes

“Just as some people may conceal their own sinfulness thus seeming Like

better than the norm, others expose their own sinfulness thus seeming 3/6
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worse than the norm.”
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― Criss Jami, Killosophy

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righteousness, self-righteousness, sin, truth, vulnerability

“It is good to be taught humility when we are young. If we do Like

not exeperience pain as children, we will cause pain as adults.”

― Darren Shan, Birth of a Killer
tags: birth-of-a-killer, darren-shan, humility, pain, seba-nile, the-saga-of-larten-crepsley 21 likes

“Think outside the box? Indeed. But to add balance to that, one Like

should not in the process forget what the inside of the box looks
like as well. Those who are best at thinking outside the box do it
not to puff themselves up, but to see how small they really are.
As a contented fish in its fish tank appears to have a small, boring
existence to us, imagine a larger, more perceptive kingdom (even by
scientific taxonomy) to whom our contented existences may appear to be
small and boring. This is where true creativity and massive perceptive
abilities spawn a sense of intellectual humility; the kind which God
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: agnos cism, apologe cs, arrogance, ar st, atheism, god, humility, originality, percep on, perspec ve,
pride, science, skep cism, taxonomy, theism, think-outside-the-box, thought

“The theology of littleness is a basic category of Christianity. Like

After all, the tenor of our faith is that God's distinctive

greatness is revealed precisely in powerlessness. That in the
long run, the strength of history is precisely in those who love,
which is to say, in a strength that, properly speaking, cannot be
measured according to categories of power. So in order to show who he
is, God consciously revealed himself in the powerlessness of Nazareth
and Golgotha. Thus, it is not the one who can destroy the most who is
the most powerful...but, on the contrary, the least power of love is
already greater than the greatest power of destruction.”
― Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger/Pope Benedict
tags: humility, li leness 18 likes

“If you didn't earn something, it's not worth flaunting.” Like

― Aaron Lauritsen, 100 Days Drive: The Great North American Road Trip

tags: 100-days-drive, 100daysdrive, acceptance, accomplish, ambi on, author, awakening, be-happy, be-
proud, believe, bestseller, break-barriers, carmaker, chances, change, chase-dreams, cherish, compassion,
compe on, confidence, conquer, conquer-fear, content, control-you-life, courage, crossroads, des ny,
determina on, dig-deep, don-t-give-up, don-t-worry-be-happy, dream-big, dreamer, empower, energy,
explore, faith, fearless, find-yourself, follow-your-dreams, follow-your-heart, follow-your-own-path, forgive,
freedom, fresh-start, goal-se ng, goals, goals-in-life, good-soul, happiness, hope, humanity, humility, inner-
beauty, inner-strength, inspira on, journey, joy, judgement, liberate, libera ng, life, life-lessons, light, live-
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respect, risk-taking, road-trip, sa sfac on, service-to-others, soar, soul-food, spirituality, start-all-over,
strength, struggle, success, thick-skin, think-outside-the-box, values, wander, wanderlust, writer

“Modern life seems to recede further and further away from nature, and Like
closely connected with this fact we seem to be losing the feeling of
reverence towards nature. It is probably inevitable when science and
machinery, capitalism and materialism go hand in hand so far in a most
remarkably successful manner. Mysticism, which is the life of religion in
whatever sense we understand it, has come to be relegated altogether in
the background. Without a certain amount of mysticism there is no
appreciation for the feeling of reverence, and, along with it, for the 4/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
spiritual significance of humility. Science and scientific technique have
done a great deal for humanity; but as far as our spiritual welfare is Sign in
concerned we have not made any advances over that attained by our
forefathers. In fact we are suffering at present the worst kind
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of unrest
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all over the world.”
― D.T. Suzuki, The Training of the Zen Buddhist Monk
tags: environment, future, humility, nature, religion, science, society 17 likes

“ The least known among the virtues and also the most Like

misunderstood is the virtue of humility. Yet, it is the very

groundwork of Christianity. Humility is a grace of the soul that
cannot be expressed in words and is only known by experience.
It is an unspeakable treasure of God, and only can be called the gift of
God. "Learn," He said, not from angels, not from men, not from books;
but learn from My presence, light, and action within you, "that I am
meek and humble of heart, and you shall find rest to your souls". ”
― William Bernard Ullathorne
tags: humility, meekness, peace 16 likes

“Realizing the seriously ruthless, venomous habits and agendas Like

of evil always instills a more fierce passion and longing for a

closer God. Men, out of pride, may claim their own authorities
over what constitutes good and evil; they may self-proclaim a
keen knowledge of subjective morality through religion or science. But
that is only if they are acknowledging the work of evil as a cartoon-like,
petty little rain cloud in the sky that merely wants to dampen one's
spirits. On the contrary, a man could be without a doubt lit with the
strength, the peace, and the knowledge of the gods, his gods, but when
or if the devils grow weary in unsuccessful attempts to torment him,
they begin tormenting his loved ones, or, if not his loved ones, anyone
who may attempt to grasp his philosophies. No matter how godly he
may become, God is, in the end, his only hope and his only grace for the
pressures built around him - it is left up to a higher authority and a
more solid peace and a wider love to eclipse not just one's own evils but
all evils for goodness to ultimately matter. If all men were gods, each
being would dwell in a separate prison cell, hopeless, before finally
imploding into nothingness.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: angels, apologe cs, bad, badness, demons, devil, ego, evil, faith, god, good, goodness, grace, hope,
hopelessness, humility, love, mercy, morality, peace, philosophy, possession, pride, prison, religion, satan,
science, security, sin, spirit-realm, spirits, spiritual, spirituality

“Great artists are a little too gifted to be bound by boxes and Like
labels, and in saying that, the label 'artist' is to be used lightly.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: art, ar sts, being-different, bondage, different, humility, label, originality, rebel 13 likes

“A medical man likes to make psychological observations, and Like

sometimes in the pursuit of such studies is too easily tempted
into momentous prophecy which life and death easily set at
― George Eliot, Middlemarch
tags: arrogance, humility, physician, psychology 13 likes

“It is easier to move from failure to success in from excuses to Like

― John C. Maxwell, The 360 Degree Leader: Developing Your Influence
from Anywhere in the Organiza on
tags: candor, excuses, humility 5/6
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“The shape of evil is much more superficiality and blindness Like

than the
Bookslist of hot sins. God hides, and is found, precisely
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in the depths of everything.”
― Richard Rohr, Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life
tags: curiosity, depravity, humility, self-centeredness 9 likes

“When we look for success, it should be for the sole purpose of Like
boasting sincerely in Christ. There's no other reason for it.
Success is only worth it when the more intense it gets for you,
the more you find yourself bragging for his glory rather than
your own.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: apologe cs, arrogance, boast, brag, christ, faith, gloat, glorifica on, glorifica on-of-god, glorifying-god,
glory, god, humility, praise, success, worship

“Let our heart glow when you pray. Like

Let our soul's innermost desire and need flow in silence,

gratitude and humble petition.
Let our daily prayers be a life attitude not only when we are in
trouble but never forgetting to include all others who are also in
There are times prayers cannot change things for us but we grow and
change with faith and strength, patience and serenity with a heart that
extends for others.”
― Angelica Hopes, Landscapes of a Heart, Whispers of a Soul
tags: caring, difficul es, gra tude, humility, life, prayer 5 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 511-540 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Ego = 1/Knowledge” Like

― Kaihan Krippendorff
tags: humility, humility-quotes, keynote-speaker, leadership, leadership-quotes, ou hinker

“Ego = 1÷Knowledge” Like

― Kaihan Krippendorff
tags: humility, humility-quotes, keynote-speaker, leadership, leadership-quotes, ou hinker

“I don’t need to look good so Jesus can look good; I need to be Like
honest about my colossal spiritual need so he can look all-
― Sam Allberry
tags: authen city, gospel, grace-of-god, humility, sufficiency 3 likes
humility Search

“It is only the mind which does not belong that can be alone. Like

And aloneness is not something to be cultivated. You see this? Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
When you see all this, you are out, and no governor or president
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
is going to invite you to dinner. Out of that aloneness there is Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
humility. It is this aloneness that knows love—not power. The ambitious Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
man, religious or ordinary, will never know what love is. So, if one sees God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
all this, then one has this quality of total living and therefore total Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k

action. This comes through self-knowledge. Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
Krishnamurti, Jiddu. The Book of Life: Daily Meditations with Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
Krishnamurti (Kindle Locations 933-936). HarperCollins. Kindle Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Edition.” Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
― Jiddu Krishnamur , The Book of Life: Daily Medita ons with Krishnamur Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
tags: aloneness, freedom, humility, power, self-knowledge 3 likes Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k

“I doubt very much that the lengths of wood we nail together into a Like

frame could be considered up to code, but we do the best we can. I

suspect they will take it all apart and start over as soon as we are gone,
but it looks good on camera since Jesus was a carpenter. Daddy would
say that segments like this lend an air of humility to the show, but he
says it while wearing a three-hundred-dollar tie, so I'm not entirely
sure he knows what the word humility really means.”
― Meghan MacLean Weir, The Book of Essie
tags: humility, jesus, the-book-of-essie 3 likes

“Being humble doesn't mean allowing yourself to get stepped on like a Like
doormat. Being humble means taking every negativity coming up
against you positively with grace and poised so that you can allow the
spirit to be seen.”
― Apostle Helen Mayers 1/5
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tags: grace, humility, meekness 3 likes
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“Emerald leaves crossed our paths Like

with veracity
My Booksmarked in golden drafts, Browse ▾ Community ▾
somewhere deep amid the pending vapours
of humility and dance,
did we dance across the skies?”
― Phen Weston
tags: dance, dreams, humility, leaves, life, love, passion, skies 2 likes

“I have found that when I intentionally control my thoughts, walk Like

humbly, love and forgive unconditionally, generally, I have a pretty good

― Ford Taylor, Relac onal Leadership: When Rela onships Collide with
Transac ons
tags: ford-taylor, humility, knowledge, love, transforma onal-leadership, wisdom 1 likes

“I liken modern scientists to conquistadors. They have no idea Like

what they're dealing with, but they're going to conquer it,

whatever it is --- all in the name of God. Now, don't get me
wrong, I'm not opposed to scientific discovery and exploration. I
love this stuff.

What I despise is reckless disregard for how little we know. We create

trans fats with nary a question about whether they're good for us or not.
We develop a food pyramid with carbohydrates on the bottom and thirty
years later we realize it created an obesity and type 2 diabetes epidemic.
It should give us all pause that we would be a much healthier nation if
the government had never told us how to eat.”
― Joel Sala n, The Marvelous Pigness of Pigs: Respec ng and Caring for All God's
Crea on
tags: food-science, healthy-living, humility, science 1 likes

“It is only the mind which does not belong that can be alone. Like
And aloneness is not something to be cultivated. You see this?
When you see all this, you are out, and no governor or president
is going to invite you to dinner. Out of that aloneness there is
humility. It is this aloneness that knows love—not power. The ambitious
man, religious or ordinary, will never know what love is. So, if one sees
all this, then one has this quality of total living and therefore total
action. This comes through self-knowledge.”
― Jiddu Krishnamur
tags: aloneness, freedom, humility, power, self-knowledge 1 likes

“Thanks to their egos, instead of simply saying that they do not Like
know, some people sometimes try very hard to remember
something they know they have never known.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: arrogance, arrogant, ego, humble, humility, ignorance, ignorant, modest, modesty, vanity 1 likes

“All the great stories begin with understanding humility, at least the Like
stories you remember.”
― Chris Morgan (SON)
tags: history, humility, lengends, life-observa on, self-help 0 likes

“While the mind seeks praise, the heart disguises its Like

― Freequill 2/5
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tags: compassion, heart, humble, humility, love, wisdom 0 likes
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“The birth of a great idea comes through you, not from you.” Like
― Freequill
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tags: compassion, connec on, humble, humility, life, truth, unity, wisdom 0 likes

“If anyone would like to acquire humility, I can, I think, tell him Like
the first step. The first step is to realise that one is proud. And a
biggish step, too. At least, nothing whatever can be done before
it. If you think you are not conceited, it means you are very
conceited indeed.”
― C.S. Lewis, Mere Chris anity
tags: advice, conceit, humility, mere-chris anity, pride, truth 0 likes

“It's humbling to think how little we contribute to our own Like

― Freequill
tags: ego, honesty, humble, humility, kind, truth, understanding, wisdom, wise 0 likes

“When the only one who has a right to be angry chooses love Like
and service, when He considers the interests of others more
important than His own and chooses humility–He changes
everything (p. 55).”
― Edward T. Welch, A Small Book About A Big Problem
tags: anger, humility, jesus 0 likes

“Humility helps us come to terms with what we cannot know. Like

Patience takes the edge off when the hurt continues. Empathy is
the gift that connects us with others. Forgiving ourselves for
having such perfectly human reactions is harder than forgiving
whatever caused them.”
― Laurie Nadel, The Five Gi s: Discovering Hope, Healing and Strength When
Disaster Strikes
tags: empathy, five-gi s-quotes, forgiving, humility, inspira onal-quotes, laurie-nadel, laurie-nadel-quotes,
life-quotes, pa ence-quotes

“Conscience is the incorruptible knight that can protect and Like

nourish humanity through the turmoil of time.”
― Abhijit Naskar, 7 Billion Gods: Humans Above All
tags: brainy-quotes, conscience, conscience-and-ethics, human-mind, humility, neuroscience, pearls-of-
wisdom, progress, psychology

“True humility is a way of life. Humility must be imbibed, inculcated Like

through self-awareness.”
― Dada J. P. Vaswani
tags: humility, humility-quotes, self-awareness-quotes 0 likes

“Humility does not consist in hiding our talents and virtues, or in Like
thinking of ourselves as being worse than we are, but in realizing that all
we are and all that we have are gifts bestowed upon us by God!”
― Dada J. P. Vaswani
tags: god-gi s, humility, humility-quotes 0 likes

“Lead the humans around you, but in your heart keep fostering Like
pure humility towards those who follow as well as those who
― Abhijit Naskar, Conscience over Nonsense 3/5
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tags: braveheart, cri cism, humility, leadership-characteris cs, leading, leading-people, self-realiza on
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“True humility doesn't kill our dreams; it provides a guardrail Like

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for them.”
― Dave Harvey, Rescuing Ambi on
tags: dreams, humility 0 likes

“The trouble is that we have a very wrong notion of humility; we Like

associate it with timidity, self-effacement and lowliness in its worst
― Dada J. P. Vaswani
tags: compassion, humility, humility-in-greatness, humility-quotes 0 likes

“Godly ambition makes us downwardly mobile.” Like

― Dave Harvey, Rescuing Ambi on

tags: ambi on, humility 0 likes

“Our understandable wish to preserve the planet must somehow Like

be reduced to the scale of our competence - that is to wish to

preserve all of its humble house - holds and neighbourhoods.”
― Wendell Berry, The World-Ending Fire: The Essen al Wendell Berry
tags: anthropocene, egocentrism, humility, save-the-world 0 likes

“There is more life on a single blade of grass than I can ever Like

comprehend or create...I stay humble in awe of life, not the fear

and finality of death. All of the earth is my cradle and my
― Rian Nejar, Humbling and Humility
tags: cradle, grave, humility, life 0 likes

“Humility arises as you acknowledge and embrace your need for Like
and your dependency on God.”
― Bobby Gene Redding, Talk To Jesus
tags: change, commitment, eternal-perspec ve, god-s-will, humility, love, power, prayer, quality- me,
spiritual-transforma on

“We are sometimes humbled by the realization that, unlike their Like

house, someone’s bank balance or paycheck is bigger than

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: arrogance, arrogant, conspicuous-consump on, humble, humility, modest, modesty, paycheck, salary,

“Fawn knew no matter what he did, no matter how hard he tried, Willow Like

would never know she was beautiful. Even if he climbed the highest
mountain and shouted it across the world, she would never believe the
― Ella Rose Carlos, A Long Lost Fantasy
tags: beauty-quotes, humble, humility, love-quotes, love-quotes-and-sayings, meekness, quotes-about-love,
roman c-quotes, true-love-quotes, young-love

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 361-390 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Try not to force your idea on someone, but rather think about Like
it with him. If you feel you have won the discussion, that is the
wrong attitude. Try not to win the argument; just listen to it.”
― Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: Informal Talks on Zen
Medita on and Prac ce
tags: arguments, discussion, humility, logic 3 likes

“Humility is not, therefore, simply a low regard for oneself; Like

rather, it is a proper view of oneself that is low in comparison to
God and in recognition of our own fallenness. "Humility is
thinking less about yourself, not thinking less of yourself.”
― Karen Swallow Prior, On Reading Well: Finding the Good Life Through Great
tags: humility 1 likes BROWSE BY TAG

humility Search
“Live a life full of humility, gratitude, intellectual curiosity, and never Like

stop learning.”
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
― Gza Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
tags: gra tude, humility, life-long-learning Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
“Those that survive the crucible of affliction die to self, and yet live for Like
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
all.” Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
― Mar n Uzochukwu Ugwu Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
tags: champions, humility, life-struggle, life-with-purpose, selfless-service, victory, winners 0 likes Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
“... according to a famous study by the influential management Like Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
theorist Jim Collins, many of the best performing companies of Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
the late twentieth century were run by what he calls "Level 5
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
Leaders." These exceptional CEOs were known not for their
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
flash or charisma but for extreme humility coupled with intense
professional will.”
― Susan Cain, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking
tags: humility, leaders, leadership-traits, will 0 likes

“A grateful heart is a beginning of greatness. It is an expression Like

of humility. It is a foundation for the development of such

virtues as prayer, faith, courage, contentment, happiness, love,
and well-being”
― James E. Faust
tags: contentment, courage, faith, grateful, happiness, humility, james-e-faust, love, prayer 0 likes

“Some of the best advice I’ve taken and given: don’t take life Like

too seriously. Forget being “on” all the time; nor is it necessary
to overcompensate for select qualities. Your talents are best
shown in security. So, just be you, naturally—it’s okay to 1/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
experience a little humility.”
― Mar ka Shanel Sign in

tags: advice, humility, self-esteem, self-improvement, self-love, talents 0 likes

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“Hold your tongue and live your life, for it is in the way that you Like

live that you speak the loudest.”

― Craig D. Lounsbrough
tags: ac ons, example, humility, life, live, role-model, sincerity, speak, tongue 0 likes

“True service is possible only when the self-conscious individual loses Like

his egoistic sense of 'actorship' by merging his self-interest in the

common weal and welfare of the world. Now his life-interest is identical
with the interest of all. This exalted humility can be achieved by
realizing the eternal fact that an omnipotent power, which is inherent in
all creatures and beings, is actuating the individual life and all its

Humility leads to self-surrender, i.e., an attitude of submission to the

will and purpose of God, who is the source of infinite power that controls
all the movements in the universe.”
― Swami Ramdas, The Essen al Swami Ramdas
tags: god, humility, self-surrender, service, will-of-god 0 likes

“Some of the greatest accolades that I’ve ever experienced have Like
been those from people that I never knew who somehow figured
out what I was doing behind the scenes.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough
tags: accolades, apprecia on, giving, humble, humility, people, sacrificial, selfless, thanks 0 likes

“Pride is always a way of not seeing oneself properly, whereas Like

humility is"self-knowledge perfected.”
― Karen Swallow Prior, On Reading Well: Finding the Good Life Through
Great Books
tags: humility, pride 0 likes

“The greatest accomplishment of all is to recognize that we Like

were freely handed two extraordinary gifts that we had no part
in creating. The first is a talent to cultivate, and the second is
the opportunity to cultivate it.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough
tags: accomplishments, apprecia on, cul vate, gi s, grateful, gra tude, humility, meek 0 likes

“Seeing who we really are--which requires seeing ourselves in Like

relationship to God--is true humility.

Humility is taking our place, no matter how small (or big), and
fulfilling that place with a heart overflowing with love.”
― Karen Swallow Prior, On Reading Well: Finding the Good Life Through Great
tags: humility 0 likes

“The straight tree is the first to be chopped down; the well of Like
sweet water is the first to run dry. Sir, your intention is to
display your knowledge in order to astonish the ignorant, and
by developing your self, to cast a light upon the crudeness of
others. You shine, you positively glow, as if you carried with you the sun
and moon. All this is why you cannot avoid disasters. 2/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
I have heard the great fulfillment man say, “The boastful have done
nothing worthwhile, those who do something worthwhile will see it Sign in
fade, fame soon disappears.” There are few who can forget success and
fame and just return to being ordinary citizens again! The Tao
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but the perfect man does not stand in its light, his Virtue moves all, but
he does not seek fame. He is empty and plain, and seems crazy.
Anonymous, abdicating power, he has no interest in work or fame. So he
doesn’t criticize others and they don’t criticize him. The perfect man is
never heard, so why, Sir, do you so want to be?”
― Zhuangzi, The Book of Chuang Tzu
tags: fame, gain, humility, success, tao 0 likes

“So it is that the great man through his actions will not set out Like
to harm others, nor make much of benevolence and charity; he
does not make any move for gain, nor consider the servant at
the gate as lowly; he will not barter for property and riches, nor
does he make much of having turned them down; he asks for no one’s
help, nor does he make much of his own self-reliance, nor despise the
greedy and mean; he does not follow the crowd, nor does he make much
of being so different; he comes behind the crowd, but does not make
much of those who get ahead through flattery. The titles and honours of
this world are of no interest to him, nor is he concerned at the disgrace
of punishments. He knows there is no distinction between right and
wrong, nor between great and little. I have heard it said, “The Tao man
earns no reputation, perfect Virtue is not followed, the great man is self-
less.” In perfection, this is the path he follows.”
― Zhuangzi, The Book of Chuang Tzu
tags: humility, independence, simplicity, tao 0 likes

“There are millions of thirsty souls. There is sufficient water in Like

the 'well of salvation' to adequately quench every one of those

thirsty souls. God is looking for vessels through which He might
transmit this living water to them. It matters not regarding the
apparent outward value of the vessel or the seeming lack of worth. The
only kind of vessel that He can use to carry this living water to these
dying souls is a vessel that is 'meet for the Master's use,' that is one that
is first cleansed of sin and then emptied of self. Perhaps this truth can be
more readily made clear by a simple illustration. Let us imagine a clear,
crystal stream of living water flowing beside a broad way. There comes a
tired, worn-out, thirsty traveller. He sees the water, but it flows under
such circumstances as to make it impossible for him to reach this stream
from his mouth. He spies three vessels: a golden goblet, a silver pitcher,
and a tin cup. Upon investigation he finds that the golden goblet us filled
with something else. The silver pitcher is empty, apparently ready for
service but is soiled within; the tin cup alone is clean and emptied. We
leave it to you to decide which one he chooses. To rightly get at the heart
of this great truth, meditate on: Acts 24:16; 2 Tim. 2:20-21; and 1 Cor.
1:26-30. Which kind are you?”
― Dawson Trotman
tags: christ, humility, ministry, sanc fica on, self-denial, service 0 likes

“The wise king is the one who knows he isn't.” Like

― Paul Krueger, Steel Crow Saga

tags: humility, king, knowledge-of-self, wisdom 0 likes

“A man’s determination is measured, not only by his steady Like

steps towards his goal, but also by his humility in accepting

help after a fall and continue walking. Therein lies the stuff he 3/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
is made of.”
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― Vincent Okay Nwachukwu, Weighty 'n' Worthy African Proverbs - Volume 1
tags: determina on, fall, goal, humility, stuffstuff, walking 0 likes
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“In taking a bath one is admitting he is dirty. In humility, he Like

strips off all dignity and return as-was-born for natural

― Vincent Okay Nwachukwu, Weighty 'n' Worthy African Proverbs -
Volume 1
tags: bath, cleaning, dirty, humility 0 likes

“You will take no more than you need, and waste nothing. Like

People will attempt to buy your friendship. They will lavish

things upon you. Accept nothing but the barest of human
― Neal Shusterman, Scythe
tags: considera on, humility, pragma sm 0 likes

“I want you to remember that you can’t always smile your way Like

around a fight. If someone pulls steel on you, I expect you to

survive. Sometimes that means giving back in kind. Sometimes
it means running like your arse is on fire. Always it means
knowing which is the right choice.”
― Sco Lynch, The Lies of Locke Lamora
tags: conflict-resolu on, humility, pragma sm 0 likes

“That’s that. Put it in your hat and wear it to town, Locke. We Like
need to face our shortcomings head on. The old saying for a
gang is, ‘‘Lies go out, but the truth stays home’’.”
― Sco Lynch, The Lies of Locke Lamora
tags: faults, humility, pragma sm, shortcomings 0 likes

“Because I can’t just snap my fingers and take away distance for Like

no good reason; the magic doesn’t work like that, and let’s all
be grateful,” said the Luidaeg. “There have to be limits, even on
the Firstborn. We can’t be gods. The world would shatter and
turn to dust beneath our feet. ... And all the ones who would be gods are
the ones who shouldn’t be gods. ...”
― Seanan McGuire, The Unkindest Tide
tags: godly-powers, humility, humour 0 likes

“Even if the world says so, and you know it too, that you have Like
genius, don’t allow it to carry you away. You are, just like
anybody else is, ordinary. You are a mere instrument that Life
uses to express itself. ‘Your’ art is actually not even yours – it
comes from a divine Source, flows through you, so it can touch the
world. So, no matter how talented, famous and wealthy you are, know
that you are just a microphone, a messenger, that is amplifying a
message that is passing through you. How can a messenger ever take
credit for the message? This doesn’t mean you must not celebrate
yourself or market yourself well or profit economically. Surely, you may!
But do it being fully aware that without the Source choosing you,
without ‘your’ art flowing through you, there would be no acclaim, no
recognition. So, stay humble, stay grateful!”
― AVIS Viswanathan
tags: avis-on-happyness, avis-viswanathan, fall-like-a-rose-petal, gra tude, humility, life-lessons, spirituality,
0 likes 4/6
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“We can perhaps hold both the desire to separate from these bodily Like Sign in
memories and the willingness to be with them in the broad embrace of
welcome and compassion.
My Books Browse ▾ Community ▾
I do believe this kind of acceptance is a lifetime's work that inevitably
leads to 'failure' at times. Our biology wants to protect us from what
may harm us, and the arising of implicit memory can feel quite

If we can soften towards our own tendency to want to move away and
offer to begin again with gestures of inclusion, this is likely what is
possible and optimal for us humans.

Humility and grace are perhaps the gifts of this tension, gifts that we
can then extend to our people in the form of honoring their struggle.”
― Bonnie Badenoch, The Heart of Trauma: Healing the Embodied Brain in the
Context of Rela onships
tags: coregula on, healing, hope, humility, implicit-memory, self-acceptance, symptom 0 likes

“It surely will help if children understand Life’s simple, Like

unalterable truths early on:
1. What goes up, comes down and will go back up again; also,
what goes around, comes around!
2. Until we get what we want, we must be patient.
3. Life happens through us and not because of us.
4. This human form, this lifetime, is a gift that we must be eternally
grateful for.
So, even if we can’t teach them or give them anything else, let us imbue
in our children an appreciation for Life through these four perspectives
– Faith, Patience, Humility and Gratitude. This is how we can prepare
them for going through Life with equanimity, happily, despite whatever
circumstances they have to deal with!”
― AVIS Viswanathan
tags: avis-on-happyness, avis-viswanathan, faith, fall-like-a-rose-petal, gra tude, happiness, humility,
lifelessons, pa ence, the-happynesswala

“We live in a time when there seem to be very few heroes. The original Like
meaning of hero was someone favored by heaven and having godlike
qualities. A hero is not without humility; humility is our awareness of
our dependence on Spirit, and our interdependence with our fellow
human beings. Gandhi, Malcom X, and Martin Luther King were all
examples of both humility and heroism. Often humility exists because of
the hero's connection to a higher aim: humility in front of a great idea,
in front of the Infinity of Life. It is this kind of humility that leads to the
forming of a connection with the infinite creative energy. (p. 144)”
― Kabir Edmund Helminski, Living Presence: A Sufi Way to Mindfulness & the
Essen al Self
tags: heroism, humility, mindfulness, sufi-way 0 likes

“I saw it happening but could not stop it. Humility came to me Like

too late. I'm a living proverb; learn from me.”

― Leif Enger, Peace Like a River
tags: humility 0 likes

“It's humbling, this business of applying for low-wage jobs, Like

consisting as it does of offering yourself--your energy, your
smile, your real or faked lifetime of experience--to a series of 5/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
people for whom this is just not a very interesting package.”
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― Barbara Ehrenreich, Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Ge ng by in America
tags: humility, low-wage-jobs, salary, wages, working, working-poor 0 likes
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“No humility, No honour,” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: honour, humble-yourself, humility, mo va on 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 451-480 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“You know, in my opinion, being ridiculous is sometimes even a Like

good thing, and better than that: we can forgive one another
more quickly, and acquire humilty more quickly; after all, we
can't understand everything at once, we can't begin directly
from perfection!”
― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Idiot
tags: foolish, humility, perfec on, ridiculous 3 likes

“It is unfortunate that it is possible to 'know' something that is Like

not true.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: arrogance, beliefs, culture, facts, humility, ignorance, knowledge, misbeliefs, misinforma on, religion

“If you attain fame and fortune, and do not attain gratitude Like
along with it, the chances are that you will not enjoy that fame humility Search

or that fortune.”
― Napoleon Hill, Success Habits: Proven Principles for Greater Wealth, Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
Health, and Happiness
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
tags: fame, gra tude, humility, success 2 likes Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
“I think some people who lead special lives, have somehow Like
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
made this weird jump that they're better because of it. When
Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
you see that, its ugly. Being humble is pretty sexy. Being Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
humble is a pretty great quality. Living in humility is a good Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
way to live.” Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
― Kevin Costner Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
tags: ego, humble, humility 2 likes Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
“We have control over when, how, and where to plant a seed, Like Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k

not over what it will become.”

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: arrogance, arrogant, buddhism, control, fatalism, humility, life, predes na on, stoicism, surrender

“The emptiest people are full of themselves.” Like

― Francis Shenstone, The Explorer's Mindset: Unlock Health Happiness

and Success the Fun Way
tags: arrogance, entrepreneur, humility, knowledge, life, life-lessons, love, people, success, wisdom 2 likes

“Humility is a most excellent barometer," he said, "and ought Like

to be looked for in all those we are made to look up to.”

― Alan Bradley, The Golden Tresses of the Dead
tags: humility, leadership 2 likes 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“Unfortunately, most people need to know a lot of what they do Like

not know to know how little they know.” Sign in

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: educa on, humble, Books
humility, Browse
ignorance, ignorant, knowledge, modest, modesty, reading, self- ▾ Community ▾

“There is no shame in meeting a worthy opponent. It means Like

there is more to learn, a welcome reminder to pursue humility.”
― Leigh Bardugo, Crooked Kingdom
tags: humility 1 likes

“A couple of weeks ago I received a phone call form a young Like

woman who inquired as to how she might obtain a copy of In
Memory Yet Green (the first volume of my autobiography)...
There seemed no point in suggesting that she haunt the second
bookstores because no one but an idiot ever abandons one of my books
after it has come in his possession, and there are few idiots who know
enough to buy one of my books in the first place.”
― Isaac Asimov, The Rela vity of Wrong
tags: humility, irony, self-irony 1 likes

“The arrogant generally deem the humble ignorant.” Like

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana

tags: arrogance, arrogant, humble, humility, ignorance, ignorant, knowledge, knowledgeable, modest,

“So far as I personally am concerned I had better state that I Like

feel as little entitled to assert as to deny the existence of what
others call God, for I must admit that I just do not know what
this word is supposed to mean. I certainly reject every
anthropomorphic, personal or animistic interpretation of the term,
interpretations through which many people succeed in giving it a
meaning. The conception of a man-like or mind-like acting being
appears to me rather the product of an arrogant overestimation of the
capacities of a man-like mind. [...]
I long hesitated whether to insert this personal note here, but ultimately
decided to do so because support by a professed agnostic may help
religious people more unhesitatingly to pursue that conclusions that we
do share. Perhaps what many people mean in speaking of God is just a
personification of that tradition of morals or values that keeps their
community alive.”
― Friedrich A. Hayek, The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism
tags: agnos cism, god, humility, knowledge, religion 1 likes

“Deep Blue was intelligent the way your programmable alarm Like
clock is intelligent. Not that losing to a $10 million alarm clock
made me feel any better.”
― Garry Kasparov, Deep Thinking: Where Machine Intelligence Ends and
Human Crea vity Begins
tags: ai, ar ficial-intelligence, humility, humor 1 likes


I surrender all to you.

I surrender my life to you.
I will do whatever you want.
I will go wherever you want.
I will love whoever you ask me to love. 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
I will give up all my stupid opinions.
I will give up all my hopeless cravings. Sign in
I release my broken dreams.
I forfeit my planned futures.
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I am at your mercy.
I will think no thought
or proceed with any action
which does not come from you
because You love me.”
― Donna Goddard, The Love of Devo on
tags: donna-goddard, future, healing, humility, le ng-go, le ng-go-quotes, now, past, prayer, surrender

“Accepting help shames only the arrogant.” Like

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana

tags: accept, arrogance, arrogant, help, helper, helping-hand, humble, humility, modest, modesty 0 likes

“Beware, Diomedês! Forbear, Diomedês! Do not try to put Like

yourself on a level with the gods; that is too high for a man's
ambition. The immortal gods are one race, men that walk upon
the earth are another.”
― Homer
tags: ambi on, gods, humility, immortals, mortals, warning 0 likes

“Most people who approach true spiritual mastery are not interested in Like
being leaders. At the same time, there are people who are highly visible
when, rather than being true masters of spirituality and metaphysics,
they are merely exhibiting the symptoms of an extroverted personality.”
― Gary R. Renard, The Disappearance of the Universe
tags: acim, humility, spirituality 0 likes

“Producing a great interview requires you to acknowledge the Like

fact that, or to pretend as if, the person you are interviewing is

more knowledgeable or interesting than you.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: great-interview, humility, interview, interviewer, interviewing, interviews, journalism, journalist, talk-
show, ps-for-interviewers

“Let us be exhorted to exalt God alone, and ascribe to him all Like
the glory of redemption. Let us endeavour to obtain, and
increase in, a sensibleness of our great dependence, to have our
eye on him alone, to mortify a self-dependent and self-
righteous disposition. Man is naturally exceeding prone to exalt himself,
and depend on his own power of goodness; as though from himself he
must expect happiness. He is prone to have respect to enjoyments alien
from God and his Spirit, as those in which happiness is to be found. But
this doctrine should teach us to exalt God alone: as by trust and reliance,
so by praise. Let him that glorieth, glory in the Lord. Hath any man hope
that he is converted, and sanctified, and that his mind is endowed with
that true excellency and spiritual beauty? That his sins are forgiven, and
he received into God’s favour, and exalted to the honour and blessedness
of being his child, and an heir of eternal life? Let him give God all the
glory; who alone makes him to differ from the worst of men in this
world, or the most miserable of the damned in hell. Hath any man much
comfort and strong hope of eternal life, let not his hope lift him up, but
to dispose him the more to abase himself, to reflect on his own
exceeding unworthiness of such a favour, and to exalt God alone. Is any
man eminent in holiness, and abundant in good works, let him take 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
nothing of the glory of it to himself, but ascribe it to him whose
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‘workmanship we are, created in Christ Jesus unto good works.”
― Jonathan Edwards, God Glorified in Man's Dependence
My Books faith, god-s-glory, grace, humility, trust
tags: chris an-life, dependence-on-god, Browse ▾ 0 likes
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“A man is no bigger than the things which he allows to annoy Like

― Napoleon Hill, Success Habits: Proven Principles for Greater Wealth,
Health, and Happiness
tags: gossip, humility, integrity, perseverance 0 likes

“Anyone who has mastered a weapon – truly mastered it – is a Like

humble man or woman.”

― Steven Erikson, The Crippled God
tags: humility, mar al-art, weapon 0 likes

“Our description of what we are seeing ought to be begun with Like

the word 'apparently'.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: apparently, arrogance, general-seman cs, humility, illusion, modesty, percep on, perspec ve,
seman cs, vision

“In order to see the world in a true light and everything in its Like

proper shape, in order to contemplate the wide horizon, we

must climb out of the pit of self-centeredness and rise to a
height. We must see the center of being not in ourselves but in
God, where it truly is, and then everything will fall into the right place.
Humility in its ontological meaning is the heroic conquest of selfhood
and ascent to the heights of theocentrism.”
― Nikolai Berdyaev
tags: god, humility, theocentrism 0 likes

“Every generation is undersupplied with people who publicize Like

their failures but hide their successes, and oversupplied with

those who do the opposite.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: boast, boas ng, failure, humble, humility, imperfec on, perfec on, show-off, success, vanity 0 likes

“No one is great on science and ignorance and no one is great on right or Like

― Mhmoud Dexter
tags: humility 0 likes

“Our kids need spiritual mentors, and if a new language and Like
posture will lead them, then we better hit our knees, pray for
humility, and beg God to help us raise disciples that love Him
beyond our homes. We prioritize transformation over
methodology, because our rules have a shelf life but loyalty to Jesus does
not. Let's keep the baby and change the bathwater.”
― Jen Hatmaker, For the Love: Figh ng for Grace in a World of Impossible
tags: disciple-making, humility, jesus, spiritual-mentors 0 likes

“Nothing humbles a rich man better than not being wanted by a Like

woman whose man is poor.”

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana 4/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
tags: arrogance, courtship, da ng, humility, materialism, materialis c, minimalism, modesty, rela onship,
true-love Sign in

“The fact that IMy Books

don't gives▾me
believe that I'm better than anyone else Like Community ▾
an inevitable sense of superiority.”
― Jimvirle/Jinvirle
tags: believe, encouragement, fact, humility, inevitable, inspira onal, quote, sense, superiority 0 likes

“A nation that places its laws over its humanity lacks both Like
humility and humanity.”
― Rian Nejar
tags: humanity, humility, laws, na on 0 likes

“The painter was pleased with her work. She had managed to Like
catch her sitter's characteristic expression—the look of a good
child, a wondering sort of look, innocent and serious.

It was humility, thought Rhoda. That was the keynote of Bel's character.
Rhoda had never prized this virtue—she had thought it overrated—but
now she realised that she had been mistaken. Humility was not just an
absence of pride; it was not a negative virtue; it was a definite 'fruit of
the spirit.' False humility was horrible, of course (vide Uriah Heap), but
real humility, growing from within, was beautiful.”
― D.E. Stevenson, Bel Lamington
tags: humility 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 1-30 of 1,765 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; Like

true nobility is being superior to your former self.” BROWSE BY TAG

― Ernest Hemingway
humility Search
tags: humility, self-improvement 4512 likes

Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k

“The soul is healed by being with children.” Like Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
― Fyodor Dostoevsky Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
tags: children, healing, humility, inspira on, love, openness, society 2152 likes Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
“On the highest throne in the world, we still sit only on our own Like Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
bottom.” Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
― Michel de Montaigne, The Complete Essays
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
tags: humility, throne 1780 likes Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
“True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of Like
Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
yourself less.”
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
― Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here for? Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
tags: humility 1719 likes

“It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to Like

be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest
might err.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
tags: humanity, humility, mistakes, strength, wisdom 1624 likes

“These are the few ways we can practice humility: Like

To speak as little as possible of one's self.

To mind one's own business.

Not to want to manage other people's affairs.

To avoid curiosity.

To accept contradictions and correction cheerfully.

To pass over the mistakes of others.

To accept insults and injuries.

To accept being slighted, forgotten and disliked.

To be kind and gentle even under provocation.

Never to stand on one's dignity.

To choose always the hardest.”

― Mother Teresa, The Joy in Loving: A Guide to Daily Living 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1765 quotes)
tags: acceptance, bossy, cheerful, curiosity, difficulty, dignity, dislike, forgiveness, forgo en, gentle, gossip,
humble, humility, injury, insult, kind, mistakes, provoca on, quiet, rejec on, selfish Sign in

“Who is Books
more Browse
humble? The scientist who looks at the ▾
universe Like Community ▾
with an open mind and accepts whatever the universe has to
teach us, or somebody who says everything in this book must be
considered the literal truth and never mind the fallibility of all
the human beings involved?”
― Carl Sagan
tags: agnos cism, humility, science, skep cism, truth 1250 likes

“If anyone tells you that a certain person speaks ill of you, do Like

not make excuses about what is said of you but answer, "He was
ignorant of my other faults, else he would not have mentioned
these alone.”
― Epictetus
tags: history, humility, philosophy 1236 likes

“A great man is always willing to be little.” Like

― Ralph Waldo Emerson
tags: confidence, greatness, humbleness, humility, modesty, size 1216 likes

“To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to Like

make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength.”
― Criss Jami
tags: confidence, confron ng, courage, honesty, humble, humility, imperfec ons, naked, self-disclosure,
share, strength-of-character, vulnerability, weakness

“The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right Like

― Winston S. Churchill
tags: fools, humility 1099 likes

“It is not for me to judge another man's life. I must judge, I Like
must choose, I must spurn, purely for myself. For myself,
― Herman Hesse, Siddhartha
tags: choices, focus, humility, judgement, judgemental, self, tolerance 1030 likes

“As long as you are proud you cannot know God. A proud man is Like
always looking down on thing and people: and, of course, as
long as you are looking down you cannot see something that is
above you.”
― C.S. Lewis, Mere Chris anity
tags: chris an-values, humility, pride 841 likes

“I have been driven many times upon my knees by the Like

overwhelming conviction that I had no where else to go. My

own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for
that day.”
― Abraham Lincoln
tags: faith, humility, prayer, surrender 840 likes

“A true genius admits that he/she knows nothing.” Like

― Albert Einstein
tags: humility, self-examina on 696 likes 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1765 quotes)

“It's okay to disagree with the thoughts or opinions expressed Like Sign in
by other people. That doesn't give you the right to deny any
sense they might make. Nor does it give you a right to accuse
My Books Browse ▾ Community ▾
someone of poorly expressing their beliefs just because you
don't like what they are saying. Learn to recognize good writing when
you read it, even if it means overcoming your pride and opening your
mind beyond what is comfortable.”
― Ashly Lorenzana
tags: communica on, disagreement, expression, expressions, humanity, humble, humility, ideas, judgement,
judgmental, open-mind, open-mindedness, opinion, opinions, recogni on, respect, talent, thought, thoughts,
wri ng

“To find the balance you want, this is what you must become. Like
You must keep your feet grounded so firmly on the earth that
it's like you have 4 legs instead of 2. That way, you can stay in
the world. But you must stop looking at the world through your
head. You must look through your heart, instead. That way, you will
know God.”
― Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love
tags: humility 679 likes

“No pain that we suffer, no trial that we experience is wasted. It Like

ministers to our education, to the development of such qualities

as patience, faith, fortitude and humility. All that we suffer and
all that we endure, especially when we endure it patiently,
builds up our characters, purifies our hearts, expands our souls, and
makes us more tender and charitable, more worthy to be called the
children of God . . . and it is through sorrow and suffering, toil and
tribulation, that we gain the education that we come here to acquire and
which will make us more like our Father and Mother in heaven.”
― Orson F. Whitney
tags: endurance, experience, faith, for tude, humility, pain, pa ence, sorrow, suffering, trial 656 likes

“Prayer of an Anonymous Abbess: Like

Lord, thou knowest better than myself that I am growing older and will
soon be old. Keep me from becoming too talkative, and especially from
the unfortunate habit of thinking that I must say something on every
subject and at every opportunity.

Release me from the idea that I must straighten out other peoples'
affairs. With my immense treasure of experience and wisdom, it seems a
pity not to let everybody partake of it. But thou knowest, Lord, that in
the end I will need a few friends.

Keep me from the recital of endless details; give me wings to get to the

Grant me the patience to listen to the complaints of others; help me to

endure them with charity. But seal my lips on my own aches and pains -
- they increase with the increasing years and my inclination to recount
them is also increasing.

I will not ask thee for improved memory, only for a little more humility
and less self-assurance when my own memory doesn't agree with that
of others. Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally I may be

Keep me reasonably gentle. I do not have the ambition to become a saint 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1765 quotes)
-- it is so hard to live with some of them -- but a harsh old person is
one of the devil's masterpieces. Sign in

Make me sympathetic
My Bookswithout being sentimental, helpful but ▾
not bossy.
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Let me discover merits where I had not expected them, and talents in
people whom I had not thought to possess any. And, Lord, give me the
grace to tell them so.

― Margot Benary-Isbert
tags: aging, humility, old-age, pa ence, prayer 596 likes

“To learn which questions are unanswerable, and not to answer Like

them: this skill is most needful in times of stress and darkness.”

― Ursula K. Le Guin, The Le Hand of Darkness
tags: ambiguity, certainty, humility, knowledge, policy 595 likes

“It’s important that what thoughts you are feeding into your mind Like

because your thoughts create your belief and experiences. You have
positive thoughts and you have negative ones too. Nurture your mind
with positive thoughts: kindness, empathy, compassion, peace, love, joy,
humility, generosity, etc. The more you feed your mind with positive
thoughts, the more you can attract great things into your life.”
― Roy T. Benne , The Light in the Heart
tags: belief, compassion, empathy, experiences, generosity, humility, inspira on, inspira onal, inspira onal-
quotes, inspire, inspiring, joy, kindness, life, life-quotes, living, love, mind, mo va on, mo va onal,
op mism, op mis c, peace, posi ve, posi ve-affirma on, posi ve-life, posi ve-thinking, thoughts

“I have three precious things which I hold fast and prize. The Like

first is gentleness; the second is frugality; the third is humility,

which keeps me from putting myself before others. Be gentle
and you can be bold; be frugal and you can be liberal; avoid
putting yourself before others and you can become a leader among
― Lao Tzu
tags: frugality, humility, leadership 535 likes

“Be careful not to mistake insecurity and inadequacy for Like

humility! Humility has nothing to do with the insecure and

inadequate! Just like arrogance has nothing to do with
― C. JoyBell C.
tags: arrogance, greatness, humility, inadequacy, insecurity, wisdom-inspira onal, wisdom-quote 524 likes

“We can ignore even pleasure. But pain insists upon being Like

attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our

conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is his megaphone to
rouse a deaf world.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain
tags: humility, pain 442 likes

“...talent means nothing, while experience, acquired in humility Like

and with hard work, means everything.”
― Patrick Süskind, Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
tags: experience, hard-work, humility, talent 439 likes

“In the course of my life, I have often had to eat my words, and I must Like
confess that I have always found it a wholesome diet.” 4/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1765 quotes)
― Winston Spencer-Churchill
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tags: humility 398 likes

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“Stay hungry, stay young, stay foolish, stay curious, and above Like

all, stay humble because just when you think you got all the
answers, is the moment when some bitter twist of fate in the
universe will remind you that you very much don't.”
― Tom Hiddleston
tags: humility, life 385 likes

“The road must be trod, but it will be very hard. And neither Like

strength nor wisdom will carry us far upon it. This quest may be
attempted by the weak with as much hope as the strong. Yet it is
oft the course of deeds that move the wheels of the world: Small
hands do them because they must, while the eyes of the great are
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
tags: catholic, catholicism, humility, lord-of-the-rings 367 likes

“There are two circumstances that lead to arrogance: one is Like

when you're wrong and you can't face it; the other is when
you're right and nobody else can face it.”
― Criss Jami, Dio ma, Ba ery, Electric Personality
tags: arrogance, cocky, cogni on, confidence, convic on, ego, haters, humility, minority, offense, pride,
right, superiority, wrong

“The greater the artist, the greater the doubt. Perfect confidence Like
is granted to the less talented as a consolation prize."

[Modernism's Patriarch (Time Magazine, June 10, 1996)]”

― Robert Hughes
tags: art, ar sts, cezanne, confidence, crea ve-process, depression, depression-humor, doubt, fame, fame-
and-fortune, great-art, great-ar st, greatness, humility, insecurity, introspec on, narcissism, paul-cezanne,
self-awareness, self-delusion, self-doubt, self-doubts, self-esteem, self-esteem-or-lack-thereof

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 61-90 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Humility is perfect quietness of heart. It is to expect nothing, Like

to wonder at nothing that is done to me, to feel nothing done
against me. It is to be at rest when nobody praises me, and
when I am blamed or despised. It is to have a blessed home in
the Lord, where I can go in and shut the door, and kneel to my Father in
secret, and am at peace as in a deep sea of calmness, when all around
and above is trouble.”
― Andrew Murray
tags: god, humility, life, peace, prayer 324 likes

“Know then thyself, presume not God to scan, Like

The proper study of mankind is Man.
Placed on this isthmus of a middle state,
A being darkly wise and rudely great: BROWSE BY TAG
With too much knowledge for the Sceptic side,
With too much weakness for the Stoic's pride, humility Search

He hangs between, in doubt to act or rest;

In doubt to deem himself a God or Beast; Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
In doubt his mind or body to prefer;
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
Born but to die, and reas'ning but to err;
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
Alike in ignorance, his reason such, Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
Whether he thinks too little or too much; God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
Chaos of thought and passion, all confused; Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
Still by himself abused or disabused; Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
Created half to rise, and half to fall;
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all;
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
Sole judge of truth, in endless error hurl'd; Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
The glory, jest, and riddle of the world! Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
Go, wondrous creature! mount where science guides, Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
Go, measure earth, weigh air, and state the tides; Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
Instruct the planets in what orbs to run,
Correct old time, and regulate the sun;
Go, soar with Plato to th’ empyreal sphere,
To the first good, first perfect, and first fair;
Or tread the mazy round his followers trod,
And quitting sense call imitating God;
As Eastern priests in giddy circles run,
And turn their heads to imitate the sun.
Go, teach Eternal Wisdom how to rule—
Then drop into thyself, and be a fool!”
― Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man
tags: doubt, enlightenment, error, fallibility, humanity, humility, mankind, poetry, reason 170 likes

“Humility means accepting reality with no attempt to outsmart Like

― David Richo, The Five Things We Cannot Change: And the Happiness
We Find by Embracing Them 1/6
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tags: acceptance, control, humility 165 likes

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“Humility is throwing oneself away in complete concentration Like

on something or someone else.”

― Madeleine L'Engle
tags: humility 153 likes

“There are two things that men should never weary of, Like

goodness and humility; we get none too much of them in this

rough world among cold, proud people.”
― Robert Louis Stevenson, Kidnapped
tags: goodness, humility, inspira onal 143 likes

“Every one is worthy of love, except him who thinks that he is. Like

Love is a
sacrament that should be taken kneeling.”
― Oscar Wilde, De Profundis
tags: en tlement, humility 133 likes

“There is strange comfort in knowing that no matter what Like

happens today, the Sun will rise again tomorrow.”
― Aaron Lauritsen, 100 Days Drive: The Great North American Road Trip
tags: 100-days-drive, 100daysdrive, acceptance, accomplish, ambi on, author, awakening, be-happy, be-
proud, believe, bestseller, bohemian, break-barriers, carmaker, chances, change, chase-dreams, cherish,
coming-of-age, compassion, compe on, confidence, conquer, conquer-fear, content, control-you-life,
courage, crossroads, des ny, determina on, dig-deep, don-t-give-up, don-t-worry-be-happy, dream-big,
dreamer, empower, energy, enjoy-life, explore, faith, fearless, find-yourself, follow-your-dreams, follow-
your-heart, follow-your-own-path, forgive, free, freedom, fresh-start, goal-se ng, goals, goals-in-life, good-
soul, gra tude, happiness, heal, hope, humanity, humility, inner-beauty, inner-strength, inspira on, journey,
joy, judgement, laugh, learn, liberate, libera ng, life, life-lessons, light, limitless, live-life-quotes, love-thy-
neighbor, love-thyself, love-yourself, luck, memoir, never-quit, no-regrets, nomad, one-life, opportunity,
parenthood, perspec ve, posi ve-thinking, power, pride, push-limits, reflec ons, resiliency, respect, risk-
taking, road-trip, sa sfac on, service-to-others, smile, soar, soul-food, spirituality, start-all-over, strength,
struggle, success, thick-skin, think-outside-the-box, travel, values, wander, wanderlust, writer

“Shine your soul with the same Like

egoless humility as the rainbow
and no matter where you go
in this world or the next,
love will find you, attend you, and bless you.”
― Aberjhani, Journey through the Power of the Rainbow: Quota ons from a Life
Made Out of Poetry
tags: agape, agape-love, blessings, books-for-graduates, egocentrism, egoism, faith, famous-quotes-by-
famous-authors, grace, grace-of-god, gradua on-speech, harmony, humility, peace-of-mind, peacemaking,
power-of-love, power-of-the-soul, quotes-for-graduates, rainbow, rainbows, soul, spirituality,

“The barrier during self-improvement is not so much that we Like

hate learning, rather we hate being taught. To learn entails that
the knowledge was achieved on one's own accord - it feels great
- but to be taught often leaves a feeling of inferiority. Thus it
takes a bit of determination and a lot of humility in order for one to fully
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: achievement, barrier, determina on, development, feelings, help, helping-hand, humility,
improvement, inferiority, intelligence, knowledge, learning, self-improvement, taught, teaching, wisdom

“It is a wholesome and necessary thing for us to turn again to Like

the earth and in the contemplation of her beauties to know the

sense of wonder and humility. ”
― Rachel Carson, The Sense of Wonder 2/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
tags: beauty, earth, humility, wonder 103 likes
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“A fear of weakness only strengthens weakness.” Like
― Criss Jami, Salomé: In Every Inch In Every Mile

tags: correc on, denial, facing, facing-fear, facing-problems, fear, fear-of-failure, honest, honesty, humble,
humility, lying-to-ourselves, paradox, reversal, reverse, strength, strengthening, weak, weakening, weakness

“There is no such thing as a great man of God, only weak, Like

pitiful, faithless men of a great and merciful God.”
― Paul Washer
tags: humility, sovereignty-of-god 95 likes

“The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders Like

and realities of the universe about us the less taste we shall have
for the destruction of our race. Wonder and humility are
wholesome emotions, and they do not exist side by side with a
lust for destruction.

{Speech accepting the John Burroughs Medal}”

― Rachel Carson
tags: a en on, burroughs, destruc on, emo on, existence, humility, inspira onal, john-burroughs, lust,
reality, science, universe, wonder

“There is a universal respect and even admiration for those who Like
are humble and simple by nature, and who have absolute
confidence in all human beings irrespective of their social
― Nelson Mandela, Conversa ons With Myself
tags: humility 93 likes

“If someone were to ask whether communications skills or Like

meekness is most important to a marriage, I'd answer
meekness, hands down. You can be a superb communicator but
still never have the humility to ask, 'Is it I?' Communication
skills are no substitute for Christlike attributes. As Dr. Douglas Brinley
has observed, 'Without theological perspectives, secular exercises
designed to improve our relationship and our communication skills (the
common tools of counselors and marriage books) will never work any
permanent change in one's heart: they simply develop more clever and
skilled fighters!”
― John Bytheway, When Times Are Tough: 5 Scriptures That Will Help You Get
Through Almost Anything
tags: communica on, humility, marriage 89 likes

“Who knows himself a braggart, let him fear this, for it will Like

come to pass that every braggart shall be found an ass.”

― William Shakespeare, The Complete Works
tags: all-s-well-that-ends-well, ass, braggart, bragging, humility, humor, parroles, pride, shakespeare 89 likes

“It's much easier on the emotions when one sees life as an Like
experiment rather than a struggle for popularity.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: arrogance, development, emo ons, experiment, fame, growth, humility, improvement, learning, life,
peace, popularity, pride, science, training
83 likes 3/6
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“The struggles we endure today will be the ‘good old days’ we Like
My Books
laugh about tomorrow.” Browse ▾ Community ▾ Sign in
― Aaron Lauritsen, 100 Days Drive: The Great North American Road Trip
tags: 100-days-drive, 100daysdrive, acceptance, accomplish, adventure, ambi on, author, awakening, be-
happy, be-proud, believe, bestrong, bestseller, bohemian, break-barriers, carma, chances, change, chase-
dreams, cherish, coming-of-age, compassion, compe on, confidence, conquer, conquer-fear, content,
control-your-life, courage, crossroads, des ny, determina on, dig-deep, don-t-give-up, don-t-judge, don-t-
worry-be-happy, dream-big, dreamer, empower, energy, enjoy-life, explore, faith, fearless, find-yourself,
follow-your-dreams, follow-your-heart, follow-your-own-path, forgive, free, freedom, fresh-start, goal-
se ng, goals, goals-in-life, good-soul, gra tude, happiness, heal, high-road, hope, humanity, humility, inner-
beauty, inner-strength, inspira on, journey, joy, judgement, laugh, learn, liberate, libera ng, life, life-lessons,
light, limitless, live-life-quotes, love-thy-neighbor, love-thyself, love-yourself, luck, memoir, never-quit, no-
regrets, nomad, one-life, open-road, opportunity, parenthood, perspec ve, posi ve-thinking, power, pride,
push-limits, quote-of-the-day, quotes, reflec ons, resiliency, respect, risk-taking, road-trip, sa sfac on,
service-to-others, smile, soar, soul-food, spirituality, start-all-over, staystrong, strength, struggle, success,
teamwork, thick-skin, think-outside-the-box, travel, truth, values, walk-a-mile, wander, wanderlust,
wateroffaducksback, writer

“It takes a fearless, unflinching love and deep humility to accept Like

the universe as it is. The most effective way he knew to

accomplish that, the most powerful tool at his disposal, was the
scientific method, which over time winnows out deception. It
can't give you absolute truth because science is a permanent revolution,
always subject to revision, but it can give you successive approximations
of reality.”
― Ann Druyan
tags: ann-druyan, carl-sagan, cosmos, fearless, humanity, humility, realitu, science, truth 79 likes

“You can't let the truth bring out the worst and let it get the Like

best of you.”
― Criss Jami, Dio ma, Ba ery, Electric Personality
tags: arrogance, corrup on, destruc on, honesty, humility, insincerity, pride, sincerity, truth 68 likes

“Just remember, when someone has an accent, it means that he Like

knows one more language than you do.”
― Sidney Sheldon, Windmills of the Gods
tags: humility, language, tongue, words 67 likes

“The humble sinner will sometimes be interpreted as one of the Like

filthiest in the eyes of man yet immersed in the eyes of God, and
this is due to the volition of honesty regarding his own
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: cleansed, corrup on, filthy, god, honesty, humility, man, misunderstood, sinner 63 likes

“There are times when wisdom cannot be found in the Like

chambers of parliament or the halls of academia but at the
unpretentious setting of the kitchen table.”
― E.A. Bucchianeri
tags: academia, academic, dinner, dinner-table, family, family- me, government, governments, humility,
kitchen, kitchen-philosophy, kitchen-table, parliament, philosophical, philosophy, philosophy-of-life, simple-
truths, simplicity, spending- me-with-family, table, true-wisdom, truth, universi es, university,
unpreten ous, wisdom, wise-people, wise-words

“It would be the height of absurdity to label ignorance tempered Like

by humility "faith"!
(Institutio III.2.3)”
― John Calvin
tags: absurdity, calvin, faith, humility, ignorance, knowledge 51 likes

“Humility is nothing but the disappearance of self in the vision that God Like
is all.” 4/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
― Andrew Murray, Humility: The Journey Toward Holiness
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tags: glory-of-god, humility 48 likes

“While differing widely in the various little bits we know, in our Like

infinite ignorance we are all equal.”

― Karl R. Popper
tags: humility, knowledge, wisdom 47 likes

“Humility is the displacement of self by the enthronement of Like

― Andrew Murray, Humility: The Journey Toward Holiness
tags: glory-of-god, humility 45 likes

“When a man truly sees himself, he knows nobody can say Like
anything about him that is too bad.”
― D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Studies in the Sermon on the Mount
tags: humility, meekness, sin, slander 45 likes

“Life's trials will test you, and shape you, but don’t let them Like

change who you are.”

~ Aaron Lauritsen, ‘100 Days Drive”
― Aaron Lauritsen, 100 Days Drive: The Great North American Road Trip
tags: 100-days-drive, 100daysdrive, acceptance, accomplish, adventure, ambi on, author, awakening, be-
happy, be-proud, believe, bestrong, bestseller, bohemian, break-barriers, carma, chances, change, chase-
dreams, cherish, coming-of-age, compassion, compe on, confidence, conquer, conquer-fear, content,
control-your-life, courage, crossroads, des ny, determina on, dig-deep, don-t-give-up, don-t-worry-be-
happy, dream-big, dreamer, empower, energy, enjoy-life, explore, faith, fearless, find-yourself, follow-your-
dreams, follow-your-heart, follow-your-own-path, forgive, free, freedom, fresh-start, goal-se ng, goals,
goals-in-life, good-soul, gra tude, happiness, heal, high-road, hope, humanity, humility, inner-beauty, inner-
strength, inspira on, journey, joy, judgement, laugh, learn, liberate, libera ng, life, life-lessons, light,
limitless, live-life-quotes, love-thy-neighbor, love-thyself, love-yourself, luck, memoir, never-quit, no-
regrets, nomad, one-life, open-road, opportunity, parenthood, perspec ve, posi ve-thinking, power, pride,
push-limits, quote-of-the-day, quotes, reflec ons, resiliency, respect, risk-taking, road-trip, sa sfac on,
service-to-others, smile, soar, soul-food, spirituality, start-all-over, staystrong, strength, struggle, success,
teamwork, thick-skin, think-outside-the-box, travel, truth, values, wander, wanderlust, wateroffaducksback,

“The greatest wisdom consists in knowing one's own follies.” Like

― Madeleine De Souvre Sable

tags: humility, learning, wisdom 41 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 391-420 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“The opposite of Faith isn’t doubt. The opposite of Faith is Like

certainty”...”Being humble before God means accepting that you

may not possess the only path to Him.”
― Claudia Gray, Defy the Fates
tags: faith, humility, tolerance 3 likes

“Humility cannot exist without love, and love cannot exist Like
without humility. It is impossible for these virtues to exist
except where there is great detachment from all created
― Teresa of Ávila, The Way of Perfec on
tags: carmelite, catholic, faith, humility, love 3 likes

“We criticize anyone who tries to break away from the rat race, Like BROWSE BY TAG
because the idea that there is a way out scares us more than
humility Search
dying in the state we’re in.”
― Cic Mellace, The Humble Good
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
tags: 9-to-5, cri cism, ego, humility, philosophy, pride, rat-race, self-analysis, self-awareness, self-reflec on Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
1 likes Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
“Despite what people tell you, what you do for the majority of Like Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
the day is who you are. For most people, that is their job, and if
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
you’re not careful now, if you’re not putting your entire effort
Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
into every subject to see which ones suit you best, if you’re not Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
taking advantage of every opportunity with the time you have right now Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
while you're still young, you’ll never have a good understanding of Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
yourself or your gifts. You’ll wind up picking a major at college that you Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
don’t feel passionate about, because you don’t even know what your
Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
passion is.”
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
― Cic Mellace, The Humble Good Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
tags: 9-to-5, ego, humility, passion, philosophy, pride, purpose, self-awareness, self-reflec on, work 1 likes

“Do not seek so anxiously to be developed, to subject yourself to Like

many influences to be played on; it is all dissipation. Humility

like darkness reveals the heavenly lights.”
― Henry David Thoreau, Walden
tags: development, dissipa on, educa on, humility, knowledge, learning, progress, reading, thoreau 1 likes

“The greatest sacrifices of all are those that are done without an Like

audience. And once completed, those selfsame sacrifices are left

forever anonymous so as to never gather an audience.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough
tags: audience, gi , giving, humble, humility, sacrifices, self-sacrifice 1 likes

“People don’t care about this kind of stuff, ya know? We want Like
self-improvement, not self-knowledge. We want change,” he
motioned with his hands in a strange attempt to mock modern-
day hipsters' version of change, “But not for any particular
reason. We want to do good deeds but only if we can tell others about it.
We want all sorts of ideals, not for their own sake, but rather for the 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
sake of appearances. We don’t want knowledge; we want to show others
we have knowledge.” Sign in
― Cic Mellace, The Humble Good
My ego,
tags: bragging, depression, Books Browse ▾ self-
humble, humble-bragging, humility, narcissism, pride, self-awareness, Community ▾

“I know the meaning of humility. It is not self-disparagement. Like

It is the motive power of action. If, intending to absolve myself,
I plead fate as the excuse for my misfortunes, I subject myself to
fate. If I plead treason as their excuse, I subject myself to
treason. But if I accept responsibility, I affirm my strength as a man. I
am able to influence that of which I form part. I declare myself a
constituent part of the community of mankind.”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Flight to Arras
tags: arras, enemy, existence, france, humility, inspira onal, mankind, plane, responsibility, war 1 likes

“We sit here and we talk about sports. We talk about our home Like

improvement projects. We gossip about family members we

don’t care about. We self-victimize and complain about petty
problems we've created ourselves. We work like dogs to keep up
with the Joneses but have no time to enjoy the things we work for. We
work purposeless jobs that keep us mildly happy, never really enjoying
what we do, but we also never get the balls to leave the job. We drink on
the weekends to numb the pain but it never really cures it. We criticize
anyone who tries to break away from the rat race, because the idea that
there is a way out scares us more than dying in the state we’re in. We
only give to causes that affect us personally, only follow religions that
suit us, only listen to people who agree with us, and worst of all,” he
paused, and in a sad, defeated finale to his rant, he said, “We lie to
― Cic Mellace, The Humble Good
tags: depression, ego, humility, meaninglessness, narcissism, pride, self-awareness, self-vic mizing,
selfishness, society

“I cannot help others without helping myself. So then the Like

question arises: who is really helping who? This leads to a space
of appreciation, innocence, and humility.”
― Nitya Prakash
tags: apprecia on, help, humility, innocence 0 likes

“With deep humility, we shall behold the heavenly blessings.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: blessings, chris an, encouragement, heavenly, hope, humility, never-give-up 0 likes

“Not everybody has that non-self-humility, not everybody has Like

that existence-self-ego.”
― Saroj Aryal
tags: buddhahood, ego, enlightenment-quotes, humility 0 likes

“In learning from failure, there are stepping stones for Like
― Zechariah Barre
tags: failure, humility, inspira onal, learning, stepping-stones, success 0 likes

“A person’s spiritual power originates from using knowledge, Like

compassion, charity, and personal humility to break away from custom 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
and creed.”
― Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls Sign in

tags: charity, compassion, humility, humility-quotes, knowledge, spiritual, spirituality-quote, spirituality-

quotes My Books Browse ▾ Community ▾

“We all have two voices, perhaps, many more. Every day, if not Like

every minute, we have to choose which one will get our

attention. If we choose the higher one, our suffering will lessen
and, quite often, completely disappear but it takes humility and
trust. The longer we keep listening to the lower voice, the harder it is to
drag ourselves away from it. Nevertheless, all it takes is one second. If
we chose something else last week or yesterday or a minute ago, it
doesn’t matter. We just need to make another choice right now.”
― Donna Goddard, Circles of Separa on
tags: choice-quotes, choices-and-consequences, growth, humility, listening, listening-prayer, listening-to-
inner-self, spiritual-wisdom, trust

“Humility empties us of ourselves so that we can be filled with Like

all of the things that we would otherwise never realize we had
― Craig D. Lounsbrough
tags: ego, empty, filled, humility, missed, ourselves, pride 0 likes

“There is no honour like humility.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: gentle, honour, humble, humility, mo va on, wisdom 0 likes

“My thesis for this book is that Christian contentment is finding delight Like
in God's wise plan for my life and humbly allowing him to direct me in
― Andy Davis
tags: chris an, contentment, direc on, god-s-will, humility, life, pastor, plan 0 likes

“Heart of Humility: poem excerpt Like

In a world full of brashness, pretence and bravado,

Humility is undoubtedly a rare,
And wonderful gift.”
― Chris ne Evangelou, A Shore of Spiritual Shells: Poetry For Inner Strength And
tags: humanness, humble-quotes, humility, inner-gi s, inner-strength, inspira onal-quotes, life-quotes,
mindfulness-quotes, soul-quotes, spirituality-quotes

“The more power we gain to influence the lives of others, the Like

more humble we must become, or else, our downfall is

― Abhijit Naskar
tags: arrogance, brainy-quotes, famous-personality, greatness, humble, humility, pearls-of-wisdom, pride,

“In all fairness to his soldiers, until the moment I spit on their Like

king, I had probably looked pretty humble.”

― Jennifer A. Nielsen, The Shadow Throne
tags: disrespect, fairness, humility, king, prisoner, soldiers, spit 0 likes 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“As a nation, we must remember that the principles upon which Like
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we stand are always superior to the politics that we can’t
― CraigMy
D. Lounsbrough
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tags: ethics, humility, jus ce, morals, poli cian, poli cs, principle, self-serving, truth 0 likes

“Remember that true humility consists in being ready for what Like
the Lord wants to do with you and happy that he should do it,
and in considering yourselves unworthy to be called his
― Teresa of Ávila, The Way of Perfec on
tags: carmelite, catholic, faith, humility 0 likes

“In a press interview at the time, Gable said, “My days of playing the Like

dashing lover are over. I’m no longer believable in those parts. There has
been considerable talk about older guys wooing and winning leading
ladies half their age. I don’t think the public likes it, and I don’t care for
it myself. It’s not realistic. Actresses that I started out with like Joan
Crawford and Barbara Stanwyck have long since quit playing glamour
girls and sweet young things. Now it’s time I acted my age.

“Let’s be honest,” he continued. “It’s a character role, and I’ll be

playing more of them. There’s a risk involved, of course. I have no idea if
I can attain the success as a character actor as I did playing the dashing
young lover, but it’s a chance I have to take. Not everybody is able to do
― Warren G. Harris, Clark Gable: A Biography
tags: accedence, admission, clark-gable, humility, old-age 0 likes

“Active listening is being humble and hunting and searching for the best Like
idea possible.”
― Laurie Buchanan, PhD
tags: ac ve-listening, humility, listening, listening-skills 0 likes

“Twelve legions girded with angelic sword Like

Were at his beck, the scorned and buffeted:

He healed another's scratch; his own side bled,
Side, feet, and hands, with cruel piercings gored.
Oh wonderful the wonders left undone!
And scarce less wonderful than those he wrought;
Oh self-restraint, passing human thought,
To have all power, and be as having none;
Oh self-denying love, which felt alone
For needs of others, never for its own.”
― Richard Chenevix Trench, Sabba on: Honor Neale: And Other Poems
tags: crucifixion, humility, jesus, love, obedience, self-restraint 0 likes

“Don't just be happy, be humbled as well.” Like

― Wisdom Kwashie Mensah, THE HONEYMOON: A SACRED AND

tags: happiness, hqm-quotes, humble, humility, rymm-pe t-quotes, rymm-pop, when-quotes, wkm-quotes,

“As you render services to others which bring joy/happiness to them, Like
they'll sing your praises. But remember the God factor in you, and
remain humble. For the Lord your God is Humble (Meek).”
― Wisdom Kwashie Mensah, THE HONEYMOON: A SACRED AND
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
tags: god-factor, humility, joy, meekness, praises, rymm-pop, service, wkm-quotes 0 likes
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“A large chunk of the human species is sufficiently intelligent Like
but insufficiently
My Books humble.” Browse ▾ Community ▾
― Rajesh`, Random Cosmos
tags: humility 0 likes

“The opinion of humble people is not heard, but that’s just my Like

humble opinion.”
― Rajesh`, Random Cosmos
tags: humility, society 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 241-270 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“I regard myself as the most wretched of all men, stinking and Like
covered with sores, and as one who has committed all sorts of
crimes against his King. Overcome by remorse, I confess all my
wickedness to Him, ask His pardon and abandon myself entirely
to Him to do with as He will. But this King, filled with goodness and
mercy, far from chastising me, lovingly embraces me, makes me eat at
His table, serves me with His own hands, gives me the keys of His
treasures and treats me as His favorite. He talks with me and is
delighted with me in a thousand and one ways; He forgives me and
relieves me of my principle bad habits without talking about them; I beg
Him to make me according to His heart and always the more weak and
despicable I see myself to be, the more beloved I am of God.”
― Brother Lawrence, The Prac ce of the Presence of God
tags: god, humility, love, mercy 50 likes BROWSE BY TAG

“I used to tell young preachers, in order to preach you've got to Like humility Search

have the power of God on your life. Now I tell them, in order to
tie your shoes you've got to have the power of God on your life.” Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
― Paul Washer
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
tags: holy-spirit, humility 41 likes Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k

“When you're thinking, please remember this: excessive pride is a Like God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
familiar sin, but a man may just as easily frustrate the will of God
Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
through excessive humility.” Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
― Ken Folle , The Pillars of the Earth Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
tags: humility, pride
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
“How sweet is that? I know I'm no boy expert, but I have heard Like Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
entire lectures on reading body language, and I have to say that Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
assuming that a person will have forgotten your name is way Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
high on my "indicators of humbleness" list (not that I have one,
but I totally have a starting point now).”
― Ally Carter, I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You
tags: humbleness, humility, names 27 likes

“[T]o really try to be informed and literate today is to feel Like

stupid nearly all the time, and to need help.”

― David Foster Wallace, The Best American Essays 2007
tags: humility, literacy 27 likes

“Selflessness. Humility. Truthfulness. These are the three marks of an Like

honorable man.”
― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Wri ngs of Suzy Kassem
tags: character, honor, honorability, honorable, horor, humility, leadership, meek, nobility, noble, selfish,
selfless, selflessness, truth, truthful, truthfulness
24 likes 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“RatherMy than remain a sealed jar, she sought only to

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herself out to others. Everything she did mirrored her faith. It
was as though every waking hour of the day she was devoted to
pleasing her God by serving others. This God that she worshiped
consumed her. It didn't ask for a brief visit to a temple, or a small votive
offering of food or coin, or a few prayers every now and then. This God
wanted all of her.”
― Francine Rivers, A Voice in the Wind
tags: devo on, god, humility, serve 18 likes

“The ultimate story of success: When a nobody, who has never Like

once in his entire life known the feeling of being remembered or

respected, suddenly snaps and becomes a world dictator. On one
hand it sounds just, but on the other, it illustrates the reason
why a prosperity message has and needs its limitations.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: apologe cs, content, contentment, dictator, gospel, honest, humble, humility, illustrate, illustra on,
imperfect, importance, jus ce, limita on, message, prosperity, prosperity-gospel, reason, remembered,
respect, story, success, theology, theory, ul mate, underdog

“Love the life you have been given. And be humbled by it. It is Like

not to be despised.”
― G. Willow Wilson
tags: cairo, humility, life, love 14 likes

“Humility is a Divine property and the perfection of the Like

Christian life. It is attained through obedience. He who is not

obedient cannot gain humility. There are very few in the world
today who have obedience. Our humility is in proportion to our
― Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica, Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives: The Life and
Teachings of Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica
tags: chris anity, eastern-orthodoxy, humility, obedience 14 likes

“Suns are extinguished or become corrupted, planets perish and scatter Like
across the wastes of the sky; other suns are kindled, new planets formed
to make their revolutions or describe new orbits, and man, an infinitely
minute part of a globe which itself is only an imperceptible point in the
immense whole, believes that the universe is made for himself.”
― Baron d'Holbach
tags: atheism, humility, universe 13 likes

“The devil…the prowde spirite…cannot endure to be mocked.” Like

― Thomas More
tags: humility, mockery, vanity 12 likes

“If there is one single reason why good people turn evil, it is Like
because they fail to recognize God’s ownership over their
kingdom, their vocation, their resources, their abilities, and
above all their lives.”
― Erwin W. Lutzer, When You've Been Wronged: Moving From Bi erness to
tags: humility, sovereignty-of-god 12 likes

“I want a man who knows something about himself. And is Like

appalled. And has to forgive himself to get along.”
― Charles Percy Snow, The Masters 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
tags: courage, humility, wisdom 11 likes
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“That's an animal fable about humility. If you survive your Like
mistake, you must learn from it. Accept that you're fragile,
vulnerable, and sometimes stupid. Realize that you're not
immortal and you've got to take care of yourself. And then laugh
it off and fly away.”
― Marc Maron, A emp ng Normal
tags: humility, self-acceptance 11 likes

“The only wisdom we can hope to acquire Like

Is the wisdom of humility: humility is endless.”

― T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets
tags: east-coker, humility, wisdom 10 likes

“It is easy to do good, but it takes a lifetime to become human!” Like

― AainaA-Ridtz A R
tags: becoming, being, human, humility, life 9 likes

“I'm a writer by profession and it's totally clear to me that since Like
I started blogging, the amount I write has increased
exponentially, my daily interactions with the views of others
have never been so frequent, the diversity of voices I engage
with is far higher than in the pre-Internet age—and all this has helped
me become more modest as a thinker, more open to error, less fixated
on what I do know, and more respectful of what I don't. If this is a
deterioration in my brain, then more, please.

"The problem is finding the space and time when this engagement
stops, and calm, quiet, thinking and reading of longer-form arguments,
novels, essays can begin. Worse, this also needs time for the mind to
transition out of an instant gratification mode to me a more long-term,
thoughtful calm. I find this takes at least a day of detox. Getting
weekends back has helped. But if there were a way to channel the
amazing insights of blogging into the longer, calmer modes of thinking
... we'd be getting somewhere.

"I'm working on it.”

― Andrew Sullivan
tags: argument, blogging, essays, humility, internet, media, novels, poli cs, wri ng 9 likes

“Harshaw had the arrogant humility of the man who has Like
learned so much that he is aware of his own ignorance and he
saw no point in 'measurements' when he did not know what he
was measuring.”
― Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land
tags: arrogance, humility, ignorance, limita ons 9 likes

“But that is the nature of true grace and spiritual light, that it Like

opens to a person's view the infinite reason there is that he

should be holy in a high degree. And the more grace he has, and
the more this is opened to view, the greater sense he has of the
infinite excellency and glory of the divine Being, and of the infinite
dignity of the person of Christ, and the boundless length and breadth
and depth and height of the love of Christ to sinners. And as grace
increases, the field opens more and more to a distant view, until the soul
is swallowed up with the vastness of the object, and the person is
astonished to think how much it becomes him to love this God and this
glorious Redeemer that has so loved man, and how little he does love. 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
And so the more he apprehends, the more the smallness of his grace and
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love appears strange ready▾to
and wonderful: and therefore he is more Community ▾ Sign in
think that others are beyond him.”
― Jonathan Edwards, The Religious Affec ons
tags: god, grace, holiness, humility, love 7 likes

“Denys (Finch-Hatton) has been written about before and he Like

will be written about again. If someone has not already said it,
someone will say that he was a great man who never achieved
greatness, and this will not only be trite, but wrong; he was a
great man who never achieved arrogance.”
― Beryl Markham, West with the Night
tags: denys-finch-ha on, greatness, humility 7 likes

“People who are ready to learn are those who will be the best to Like

― Israelmore Ayivor, Become a Be er You
tags: be er-you, food-for-thought, humility, israelmore-ayivor, leaders, leaders-are-students, learn, learn-
from-errors, learners, mistakes, people, personal-development, student-leaders, students, study, success,

“If truth is like the terrain, are we the generation who sees it as Like
one who has worn shoes all his life or one who has never worn
shoes? Yet still, even if the walk starts out as painful, the
experience may be well worth it.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: development, experience, genera on, humility, learning, pain, pride, truth, truth-hurts, worth 4 likes

“Amory, sorry for them, was still not sorry for himself - art, Like

politics, religion, whatever his medium should be, he knew he

was safe now, free from all hysteria - he could accept what was
acceptable, roam, grow, rebel, sleep deep through many nights...
There was no God in his heart, he knew; his ideas were still in riot; there
was ever the pain of memory; the regret for his lost youth - yet the
waters of disillusion had left a deposit on his soul, responsibility and a
love of life, the faint stirring of old ambitions and unrealized dreams...
And he could not tell why the struggle was worth while, why he had
determined to use to the utmost himself and his heritage from the
personalities he had passed...
He stretched out his arms to the crystalline, radiant sky.
"I know myself," he cried, "but that is all.”
― F. Sco Fitzgerald, This Side of Paradise
tags: dreams, humility, knowledge, life, love, self-knowing 4 likes

“A man in trouble laments that he did not listen to his teachers, Like

and thus he finds himself in a sad state, utter ruin. A candid

admission of a blunder is refreshing and not often heard in
human affairs. It is the saint alone who is large-minded enough
to think and speak in this way. This is part of his authenticity.

The person who is swift to hear and slow to respond is a stranger to an

all-knowing illuminism. He believes that others, too, have some truth,
and he is willing to be instructed by them. He is ready for the mind of
― Fr. Thomas Dubay
tags: docility, humility 3 likes 4/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“In every family there is a murderer, a thief and a crazy person. And if Like

you have a littleMy Books

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blood in the line, you can be sure there ▾
are more Community ▾ Sign in

than one of each.”

― Clemen ne Jeffries nee' Kemp
tags: humility 3 likes

“Too many non-achievers confuse humility with humiliation.” Like

― Orrin Woodward, LIFE
tags: humility 2 likes

“We are aware that the order of God requires the exercise of humility, Like

but not of servility of slaves; but a humility that can be associated with
undoubted courage and unflinching integrity; at the same time there is
no room for pride, self-sufficient pride, that rests solely upon its own
capabilities, and refuses to look for the support and countenance of
others.--MS 7:91 [MS is the Millenial Star]”
― John A. Widtsoe, Priesthood and Church Government
tags: humility, religion 2 likes

“But the Egotist is stuck somewhere between his hidden triad of Like

pride, fear, and insecurity; he is forever fighting to prove

himself, instigating battles the Humbleman has unwittingly
conquered, already sealed some time ago. Yes, the day he finally
accepts face-to-face such an irony as humility - the irony that humility
is indeed the mother of giants, that great men, having life so large, as
needed, can afford to appear small - the world will then know peace.”
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: dominance, ego, fear, humility, insecurity, irony, peace, pride, tyrant, world-peace 2 likes

“Be confident because you are a child of God. Be humble Like

because everyone else is too.”

― Glennon Doyle Melton, Carry On, Warrior: Thoughts on Life Unarmed
tags: confidence, god, humility 1 likes

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13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 181-210 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“You will never cease to be the most amazed person on earth at Like

what God has done for you on the inside.”

― Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest
tags: humility, tes mony, wonder, worship 76 likes

“For a man who walks in the light, to stay humble is not to walk Like
in the dark; you don't need to project yourself to be thought an
honest man.”
― Mike Norton
tags: dark, honest, honesty, humble, humility, liar, light, lying, project, truth 48 likes

“A truly Christian love, either to God or men, is a humble Like

broken-hearted love. The desires of the saints, however earnest,
are humble desires. Their hope is a humble hope; and their joy, BROWSE BY TAG
even when it is unspeakable and full of glory, is a humble
humility Search
broken-hearted joy, and leaves the Christian more poor in spirit, and
more like a little child, and more disposed to a universal lowliness of
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
behaviour.” Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
― Jonathan Edwards, The Religious Affec ons Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k

tags: hope, humility, joy, love, poor-in-spirit

Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
“If you desire to know or learn anything to your advantage, Like Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
then take delight in being unknown and unregarded. Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
A true understanding and humble estimate of oneself is the Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
highest and most valuable of all lessons. To take no account of Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
oneself, but always to think well and highly of others is the highest
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
wisdom and perfection.”
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
― Thomas à Kempis, The Inner Life Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
tags: humility Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k

“One should preach not from one's rational mind but rather Like
from the heart. Only that which is from the heart can touch
another heart. One must never attack or oppose anyone. If he
who preaches must tell people to keep away from a certain kind
of evil, he must do so meekly and humbly, with fear of God.”
― Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica, Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives: The Life and
Teachings of Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica
tags: chris anity, eastern-orthodoxy, fear-of-god, humility, meekness, preaching 34 likes

“With so much effort being poured into church growth, so much Like

press being given to the benefits of faith, and so much flexing of

religious muscle in the public square, the poor in spirit have no
one but Jesus to call them blessed anymore.”
― Barbara Brown Taylor, Leaving Church: A Memoir of Faith
tags: church, humility, inspira onal 31 likes

“The highest glory of the creature is in being only a vessel, to Like

receive and enjoy and show forth the glory of God. It can do this
only as it is willing to be nothing in itself, that God may be all. 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
Water always fills first the lowest places. The lower, the emptier a man
lies before God, the speedier and the fuller will be the inflow of the Sign in
diving glory.”
― Andrew Murray,
My Humility:
Books The Journey Toward Holiness Browse ▾ Community ▾
tags: humility 29 likes

“For my own part, my constant prayer is that I may know the Like

worst of my case, whatever the knowledge may cost me. I know

that an accurate estimate of my own heart can never be
otherwise than lowering to my self-esteem; but God forbid that
I should be spared the humiliation which springs from the truth! The
sweet red apples of self-esteem are deadly poison; who would wish to be
destroyed thereby? The bitter fruits of self-knowledge are always
healthful, especially if washed down with the waters of repentance, and
sweetened with a draught from the wells of salvation; he who loves his
own soul will not despise them.”
― Charles H. Spurgeon, Humility and How to Get It
tags: humility 29 likes

“You cannot be truly humble, unless you truly believe that life Like

can and will go on without you.”

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: adage, adages, anthropocentric, anthropocentrism, aphorism, aphorisms, arrogance, arrogant, axiom,
axioms, belief, beliefs, believe, deep, dictum, dictums, epigram, epigrams, gnome, gnomes, humble, humility,
humor, humour, importance, important, insigh ul, life, life-goes-on, made-me-think, make-you-think,
maxim, maxims, modest, modesty, profound, proverb, proverbs, provoke-thought, quota on, quota ons,
quote, quotes, really, sa re, sa rical, saying, sayings, sincere, sincerely, thought-provoking, though ul, truly

“A true Democratic Spirit is up there with religious faith and Like

emotional maturity and all those other top-of-the-Maslow-
Pyramid-type qualities that people spend their whole lives
working on. A Democratic Spirit's constituent rigor and humility
and self-honesty are, in fact, so hard to maintain on certain issues that
it's almost irresistibly tempting to fall in with some established
dogmatic camp and to follow that camp's line on the issue and to let
your position harden within the camp and become inflexible and to
believe that he other camps are either evil or insane and to spend all
your time and energy trying to shout over them.”
― David Foster Wallace, Consider the Lobster and Other Essays
tags: democra c-spirit, humility, open-mindedness 25 likes

“Selflessness is humility. ... humility and freedom go hand in hand. Only Like
a humble person can be free.”
― Jeff Wilson, Buddhism of the Heart: Reflec ons on Shin Buddhism and Inner
tags: freedom, humbleness, humility 21 likes

“Pick a leader who is strong and confident, yet humble. Intelligent, but Like
not sly. A leader who encourages diversity, not racism. One who
understands the needs of the farmer, the teacher, the welder, the doctor,
and the environmentalist -- not only the banker, the oil tycoon, the
weapons developer, or the insurance and pharmaceutical lobbyist.”
― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Wri ngs of Suzy Kassem
tags: bribe, confident, corrupt, corrup on, diversity, doctor, elec ons, environmental, environmentalist,
farmer, farming, healthcare, humble, humility, insurance, intelligent, leader, leader-quotes, leadership,
leadership-quotes, lobbyist, military, oil, pharma, pharmaceu cal, poli cs, president, presiden al, race,
racism, sly, strong, teacher, teaching, tycoon, vote, washington, weapons, weapons-dealer, welder, welding
18 likes 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“Humility must always be the portion of any man who receives Like
acclaim earned in blood of his followers and sacrifices of his Sign in
― Dwight
Eisenhower Browse ▾ Community ▾
tags: humility, sacrifice, war 17 likes

“Such excessive preoccupation with his faults is not a truly Like

spiritual activity but, on the contrary, a highly egoistic one.The
recognition of his own faults should make a man humbler,
when it is beneficial, not prouder, which the thought that he
ought to have been above these faults makes him.”
― Paul Brunton, The Notebooks of Paul Brunton
tags: ego, faults, humility, pride, sin, spiritual 16 likes

“In the history of the world many souls have been, are, and will Like
be, and with a little reflection this is marvelous and not
depressing. Many jerks are made gloomy about it, for they think
quantity buries them alive. That's just crazy. Numbers are very
dangerous, but the main thing about them is that they humble your
pride. And that's good.”
― Saul Bellow, Henderson the Rain King
tags: humility, popula on-growth, pride 15 likes

“If you really want to be different, you'd better keep quiet and Like

be a good person on the inside.”

― Michael Bassey Johnson, Master of Maxims
tags: alter-ego, bell, be er, change, character, different, discipline, good, good-influence, goodness, honesty,
honour, humility, inside, keep-quiet, modera on, modest, modesty, mute, personal, personality, real,
respect, sealed-lips, shut-up, silence, special, unknown, unseen

“Humility is a virtue of the heavenly, not arrogance. Are we the most Like
superior beast on earth? No, not in strength and not in intelligence. It is
very arrogant to assume that we are the most intelligent species when
we keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Both rats and
monkeys have been shown to learn from error, yet we have not. More
people have died in the name of religion than any other cause on earth.
Is massacring God’s creations really serving God – or the devil? And
what father would want to see his children constantly divided and
fighting? What God would allow a single human life to be sacrificed for
monetary gain? Again, the Creator or the devil?”
― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Wri ngs of Suzy Kassem
tags: animals, arrogance, arrogant, children, crea ons, crimes-against-humanity, devil, died, divide, divided,
earth, error, father, fight, figh ng, god, god-s, greed, heavenly, human-life, humble, humility, injus ce,
intelligence, intelligent-species, jus ce, killed, lifecreator, massacre, massacring, mistake, mistakes,
monetary-gain, monetary-profit, monkeys, profit, rats, religion, religious-killing, repeat-mistakes, repeat-
past, repea ng-the-past, species, strength, superior-beast, superior-creatures, suzy-kassem, war, war-

“There is no one who would not rather appear to know than to Like

be taught.”
― Quin lian
tags: humility, ignorance, knowledge, learning, pride 11 likes

“Self-emptiness prepares us for spiritual fullness.” Like

― Richard Sibbes (1577-1635)

tags: humility 11 likes

“Oh, the stoop of the Redeemer's amazing love! Let us, henceforth, Like
contend how low we can go side by side with Him, but remember when 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
we have gone to the lowest He descends lower still, so that we
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can truly feel that the very lowest place is too high for us,
because He has gone lower still.”
― Charles
Spurgeon, Humility and How to Get It Browse ▾ Community ▾
tags: humility 10 likes

“We try, when we wake, to lay the new day at God’s feet; before Like
we have finished shaving, it becomes our day and God’s share in
it is felt as a tribute which we must pay out of ‘our own’ pocket,
a deduction from the time which ought, we feel, to be ‘our own’.
A man starts a new job with a sense of vocation and, perhaps, for the
first week still keeps the discharge of the vocation as his end, taking the
pleasures and pains from God’s hand, as they came, as ‘accidents’. But
in the second week he is beginning to ‘know the ropes’: by the third, he
has quarried out of the total job his own plan for himself within that job,
and when he can pursue this he feels that he is getting no more than his
rights, and when he cannot, that he is being interfered.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain
tags: dependence, humility 10 likes

“If you are anything other than humbled in the presence of Like
love, you are not in the presence of love.”
― Marie-Helene Ber no, 2 A.M. at The Cat's Pajamas
tags: humility, love 9 likes

“The sexual mechanisms of the two genders are just not Like
compatible, that’s the horrible truth of it. (...)

This is a truth we dare not acknowledge these days - because

sameness is our religion and heretics are no more welcome now than
they ever were - but I’m going to acknowledge it, because I’ve always
felt that humility before the facts is the only thing that keeps a rational
man together. Be humble in the face of facts, and proud in the face of
opinions, as George Bernard Shaw once said.

He didn’t, actually. I just wanted to put some authority behind this

observation of mine, because I know you’re not going to like it.”
― Hugh Laurie, The Gun Seller
tags: humility, ra onality, sex 8 likes

“It is a long journey, not just as a writer, but as a human being. Like

Take nothing and no one for granted, be humble always, be kind

especially when it's difficult and never forget the place where
you came from and the people that helped you get where you
are. These things will live on in you and through you, long after the
words have faded.”
― CK Webb
tags: ck-webb, humility, stories, wri ng-life 8 likes

“Alas! in the clothes of the greatest potentate, what is there but Like
a man?”
― Robert Louis Stevenson, The Suicide Club
tags: frailty, humanity, humility, leadership, power 8 likes

“Humility and pride will forever battle whenever or wherever Like

love is concerned”
― Jeremy Aldana
tags: ba le, humility, love, pride 7 likes 4/5
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“Saatnya angin berbau asin datang dari laut. Like Sign in

Hari ini, aku akan bermain gekkin untukmu.
Suara denting senar melebur bersama udara, meresap dalam
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panca indera.
Terlihat seperti wewangian apakah nada-nada ini...
Dengan terlahirnya lagu ini, keberadaanmu mendapatkan makna baru.
Kalau bersedia, bernyanyilah bersamaku. Masih ada waktu sebelum
Waktu yang paling indah.”
― Hitoshi Ashinano, ヨコハマ い 買 出 し紀行 4 [Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou 4]
tags: humility, modesty, mono-no-aware, music 6 likes

“There was one question, however, which Inciarte had asked Like

him and he could not answer. Why was it that he had lived while
others had died? What purpose had God in making this
selection? What sense could be made out of it? ‘None,’ replied
Father Andrés. ‘There are times when the will of God cannot be
understood by our human intelligence. There are things which in all
humility we must accept as a mystery.”
― Piers Paul Read, Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors
tags: god, humility, mystery, purpose, selec on, survival 5 likes

“Have you ever noticed how the most intriguing individual in Like

the room seems content to listen sooner than speak?”

― Richelle E. Goodrich, Slaying Dragons
tags: humility, interes ng-people, intriguing-people, listeners, listening, quiet-people, richelle, richelle-e-
goodrich, richelle-goodrich

“To admit your ignorance is freeing. To say, "I don't know" is to free Like

yourself from having to come up with a bullshit answer.”

― Eric Roxas
tags: bullshit, freedom, freeing, honesty, humility, ignorance, inspira onal, knowledge, truth 3 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 271-300 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Lord, help me to begin to begin.” Like

― George Whitefield
tags: humility, ini a ve 23 likes

“When you really have something to offer to the world, then Like

you can become truly humble. A tree when it has no fruit to

offer, remains erect. But when the tree is laden with fruit, it
bends down. If you are all pride and ego, then nobody will be
able to get anything worthwhile from you. When you have genuine
humility, it is a sign that you have something to offer to mankind.”
― Sri Chinmoy, The Wings of Joy: Finding Your Path to Inner Peace
tags: humility 22 likes

“The only humility that is really ours is not that which we try to Like BROWSE BY TAG
show before God in prayer, but that which we carry with us, and
humility Search
carry out, in our ordinary conduct; the insignficances of daily
life are the importances and the tests of eternity, because they
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
prove what really is the spirit that possesses us.” Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
― Andrew Murray, Humility: The Journey Toward Holiness Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k

tags: discipleship, humility, rela onships

Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
“Humility is simply the disposition which prepares the soul for Like Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
living on trust.” Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
― Andrew Murray, Humility: The Journey Toward Holiness Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
tags: dependence, humility 20 likes Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
“Humility, the place of entire dependence on God, is the first Like Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
duty and the highest virtue of the creature, and the root of every Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
virtue. And so pride, or the loss of this humility, is the root of
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
every sin and evil.”
― Andrew Murray, Humility: The Journey Toward Holiness
tags: humility, pride 19 likes

“Even great men bow before the Sun; it melts hubris into Like

― Dejan Stojanovic
tags: dejan-stojanovic, great-men, hubris, humility, literature, literature-quotes, mel ng, men, poetry,
poetry-quotes, quotes, sun, thoughts, wisdom

“Every subject's duty is the King's; but every subject's soul is Like

his own. Therefore, should every soldier in the wars do as every

sick man in his bed, wash every mote out of his conscience; and
dying so, death is to him advantage; or not dying, the time was
blessedly lost wherein such preparation was gained; and in him that
escapes, it were no sin to think that, making God so free an offer, He let 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
him outlive the day to see His greatness and to teach others how they
should prepare.” Sign in
― William Shakespeare, Henry V
My Books
tags: death, eternity, humility, mortality, safety Browse ▾ 16 likes Community ▾

“Humility is the only soil in which the graces root; the lack of Like

humility is the sufficient explanation of every defect and failure.

Humility is not so much a grace or virtue along with others; it is
the root of all, because it alone takes the right attitude before
God, and allows Him as God to do all.”
― Andrew Murray, Humility: The Journey Toward Holiness
tags: humility, virtue 15 likes

“[Tea-masters] have given emphasis to our natural love of Like

simplicity, and shown us the beauty of humility. In fact,

through their teachings tea has entered the life of the people.”
― Kakuzō Okakura, The Book of Tea
tags: humility, simplicity, tea 12 likes

“Sudden shifts and changes are no bad preparation for political Like
― Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist
tags: adaptability, change, humility, leadership 12 likes

“Some of you need a lesson in humility. While your arrogance may give Like

you a sense of power, it may serve you better to put it aside. Those are
the times you will be the light of the world.”
― J 'son M. Lee
tags: humbleness, humility, inspira onal, inspira onal-quote, pride 10 likes

“Stand by; for I am holier than you!" What a parody on Like

holiness! Jesus the Holy One is the humble One: the holiest will
ever be the humblest. There is none holy but God: we have as
much of holiness as we have of God.”
― Andrew Murray, Humility: The Journey Toward Holiness
tags: holiness, humility 10 likes

“Service to humanity is service to God.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita, Think Great: Be Great!

tags: faith, god, helping-others, humanity, humility, inspira onal, kindness, leaders, mankind, mentors,
mission, service, team-building, volunteerism, wise-words, work

“I deserted the world and sought solitude because I became Like

tired of rendering courtesy to those multitudes who believe that
humility is a sort of weakness, and mercy a kind of cowardice,
and snobbery a form of strength.”
― Kahlil Gibran, A Treasury of Kahlil Gibran
tags: humility, mercy, solitude 8 likes

“Life is the first gift, love is the second, and understanding the Like

― Shannon Alder
tags: humility, revela on 8 likes

“Use every opportunity of humbling yourself before your fellow-men as Like

a help to abide humble before God.” 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
― Andrew Murray, Humility: The Journey Toward Holiness
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tags: humility, rela onships 7 likes

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“I had such a hard time giving all the glory to God when first Like
accepting Him as Lord. Coming out of a theatre background
where there were many applauds and accolades, I suffered from
what I call "attention-itis" - the need for recognition. It took
many years and much eating of crow before I became conscious of giving
all praise to God for my accomplishments.”
― Sheryl Young, God, Am I Nobody?
tags: glory, god-s-will, humility, praise, pride, recogni on 7 likes

“We feel that, for the honour of God (and also, though we do Like

not say this, for the sake of our own reputation as spiritual
Christians), it is necessary for us to claim that we are, so to
speak, already in the signal-box, here and now enjoying the
inside information as to the why and wherefore of God’s doings. This
comforting pretence becomes part of us: we feel sure that God has
enabled us to understand all His ways with us and our circle thus far,
and we take if for granted that we shall be able to see at once the reason
for anything that may happen to us in the future. And then something
very painful and quite inexplicable comes along, and our cheerful
illusion of being in God’s secret councils is shattered. Our pride is
wounded; we feel that God has slighted us; and unless at this point we
repent, and humble ourselves very thoroughly for our former
presumption, our whole subsequent spriritual life may be blighted.”
― J.I. Packer, Knowing God
tags: humility, knowledge, ques ons 7 likes

“My dear, here is lesson number one for using opportunity; Like
waste no time on false humility. Tell the world about your
achievements don't wait for someone else to do it.”
― Kate Alco , The Dressmaker
tags: achievements, humility 6 likes

“Gloating is a superficial glowing, floating is an idle flowing, Like

and bloatedness is the paralysis of blowing up; because silent

movement results in loud victories.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: floa ng, gloa ng, humility, idle, movement, paralysis, pride, silence, success, superficial, victory 6 likes

“We need to approach the Bible each day with a spirit of deep Like

humility, recognizing that our understanding of spiritual truth

is at best incomplete and to some extent inaccurate ... we should
approach the Scriptures in humility and expect the Spirit to
humble us even further as we continue being taught by Him from His
― Jerry Bridges, Holiness Day by Day: Transforma onal Thoughts for Your
Spiritual Journey
tags: god-s-word, humility 5 likes

“Author says her father was so diplomatic that when people Like
came to him for solutions, people not only accepted them, but
they believed they thought of them.”
― Immaculee Ilibagiza, Le to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan
tags: counseling, educa on, humility, wisdom 5 likes 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“Having now finished the work assigned me, I retire from the Like Sign in
great theatre of Action; and bidding an Affectionate farewell to
this August body under whose orders I have so long acted, I here
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offer my Commission, and take my leave of all the employments
of public life. (Address to Congress on Resigning Commission Dec 23,
― George Washington, Wri ngs
tags: freedom, humility, patrio sm, restraint 5 likes

“Humiliation is the only ladder to honoring God's Kingdom.” Like

― Andrew Murray, Humility: The Journey Toward Holiness

tags: humilia on, humility, leadership, promo on 5 likes

“Ironic that those most holy are least likely to see themselves Like
that way.”
― Mark Buchanan, The Holy Wild: Trus ng in the Character of God
tags: holiness, humility 4 likes

“when the serpent breathed the poison of his pride, the desire Like
to be as God, into the hearts of our first parents, that they too
fell from their high estate into all the wretchedness in which
man is now sunk. In heaven and earth, pride, self-exaltation, is
the gate and the birth, and the curse, of
― Andrew Murray, Humility: The Journey Toward Holiness
tags: humility, original-sin, pride 3 likes

“There is no humility in calling yourself a Christian; placing Like

Christ in the role of colleague. The humility lies in the truth of

your imperfection and a more accurate description as a student
of Christianity; placing Christ back in the role as head teacher.”
― Steve Maraboli, Unapologe cally You: Reflec ons on Life and the Human
tags: christ, chris an, humility, imperfec on, teacher 2 likes

“He was not utterly unskilled in handling his own lack of Like

training, and he refused to be rashly drawn into a controversy

about those matters from which there would be no exit nor easy
way of retreat. This was an additional ground for my pleasure.
For the controlled modesty of a mind that admits limitations is more
beautiful than the things I was anxious to know about.”
― St. Augus ne of Hippo, Confessions
tags: humility 2 likes

“Real humility is graceful power, not a mandate to be victimized Like

and abused.”
― Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders: Inspira on for Living Your Best Life
tags: abuse, grace, growth, humility, vic miza on 1 likes

“Humility is not weak, powerless, faint, a pushover, a punching Like

bag or an abuse magnet, because above all — humility cares.”

― Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders: Inspira on for Living Your Best Life
tags: abuse, caring, growth, humility, powerless, weakness 1 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 331-360 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“We ought to read mainly, not to know more, but to remind Like
ourselves that we do not know much.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: arrogance, books, educa on, general-knowledge, humility, ignorance, knowledge, library, reading,
wri ng

“It has been well demonstrated that you can change your life by Like
changing your attitude toward it. People ask, “How is life
treating you?” A better question is, “How are you treating life?”
― James K. Papp, Inquire Within: A Guide to Living in Spirit
tags: acceptance, a tude-inspira on, compassion, compassion-quotes, compassion-wisdom, gentleness-
quotes, humility, love

“A single person cannot know even a billionth of what is Like
known, which is not even a trillionth of what there is to know.” humility Search

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
tags: arrogance, arrogant, educa on, humble, humility, ignorance, knowledge, library, reading, science 1 likes
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
“As much as he was thankful for the rescue, his pride kind of Like Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
wished he wasn't. It'd taken twice the beating the Regime Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
guards'd given him, and pride never took a beating well.”
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
― Dean F. Wilson, Hopebreaker
Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
tags: bea ng, humility, pride, prideful, quote-of-the-week, regime 0 likes Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
“Each of us is a kaaranakartha...a conduit, a catalyst, an Like
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
instrument…and so we only have one be better Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
instruments for divinity to work through us! And we can do that Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
by working humbly, meaningfully, on whatever gives us Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
unadulterated joy and by sharing all that we receive, thereby helping Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k

people around us to grow.”

― AVIS Viswanathan
tags: avis-on-happyness, avis-viswanathan, divinity, fall-like-a-rose-petal, god, happiness, humility, life-
lessons, the-happynesswala

“For our success to happen, millions of billions of things, the Like

vast majority of which were neither in our control nor in our

awareness, needed not only to happen but also to happen how,
when, where, and—in some cases—for how long, they have
happened; and to happen to the things and the people to whom they
have happened.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana, On Friendship: A Sa rical Essay
tags: arrogance, arrogant, fortune, hard-work, humble, humility, luck, lucky, success, successful 0 likes 1/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“The peasants of love pillage the town of my prideful heart until Like

I burn with compassion.” Sign in

― Cur s Tyrone Jones
tags: burn, compassion, Books
hate, Browse
hatred, humility, loo ng, pride, riot, transforma on, universal-love ▾ 0 likes
Community ▾

“Without humility, there is no honour.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: honourable, humility 0 likes

“Gazing on a trillion stars, each reticent; mankind sells itself Like

the illusion of accomplishment”

― Gyan Nagpal
tags: a tude, humility, mankind, perspec ve, responsibility, me, viewpoint 0 likes

“True humility is agreeing with God about who you are.” Like
― Danielle Strickland
tags: god, humility, iden ty 0 likes

“as one who will continue to practice radical inclusiveness as I fail again Like
and again, I can say it is quite a relief to embrace the limitations of being
― Bonnie Badenoch, The Heart of Trauma: Healing the Embodied Brain in the
Context of Rela onships
tags: courage, humility, imperfec on, relaxa on, self-compassion, self-forgiveness, therapy- ps, trauma-

“So a person who is truly humble recognizes both his capabilities and Like
his limitations.”
― Jo Berry, Proverbs For Easier Living
tags: humility, proverbs, wisdom 0 likes

“don't play with money because if money play with you then Like
the condition comes to tearing the pocket roughly”
― Aabas Sadkani
tags: author-quote, hints, humility, mindfulness, money-quotes, new-quotes 0 likes

“The beginning of wisdom is fear of the LORD, and knowledge of the Like
Holy One is understanding. Prov 9:10, NAB 2011”
― The Holy Spirit of God
tags: humility, wisdom 0 likes

“A humble beginning always humiliate late adversity.” Like

― Mar n Uzochukwu Ugwu

tags: adversity, economic-crisis-and-depression, economic-downturns, hard- mes-and-good- mes,
humility, the-beginning-and-the-end

“If Madiba has taught our nation anything, it is that humility is Like
a superpower.”
― Bianca Bowers, Cape of Storms
tags: humility, mandela, quotes, south-africa, superpowers 0 likes

“As a doctor I constantly have to ask myself what kind of Like

message the patient is bringing me. What does he mean to me?
If he means nothing, I have no point of attack. The doctor is
effective only when he himself is affected. 'Only the wounded
physician heals.' But when the doctor wears his personality like a coat of 2/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
armor, he has no effect.”
― C.G. Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflec ons Sign in

tags: empathy, healer, healing, humility, psychology, wounded 0 likes

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“Stupidity is intensified by things such as arrogance and Like
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: arrogance, arrogant, confidence, confident, fool, foolish, humble, humility, stupid, stupidity 0 likes

“Everyone who is the world to you is just another person in the Like

world to almost everyone.”

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: child, family, friend, humility, loved-ones, lover, parent, partner, sibling, spouse 0 likes

“Being humble does not mean denying being great.” Like

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana

tags: arrogance, arrogant, gi ed, great, greatness, humble, humility, talent, talented, the-greatest-of-all- me

“Sometimes it is hard to teach people who are educated than people who Like

haven't even had a formal education.”

― Krizha Mae G. Abia
tags: all, educa on, humility, respect 0 likes

“Be persevering at the bottom, humble at the top.” Like

― Maxime Lagacé
tags: humble, humility, inspira onal, mo va onal, perseverance 0 likes

“When I asked the Universe, which direction should I go now, Like

the answer was quite simple: Just watch and listen, and
remember that any story you tell yourself is nothing more than
a description of what isn’t.”
― Maximus Freeman
tags: humility 0 likes

“Our survival is a result, not of caution or wisdom, but of pure Like

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: arrogance, bad-luck, cau on, fortune, good-luck, humility, luck, spirituality, survival, wisdom 0 likes

“Do not be in haste nor hurry but be in humility of heart.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: encouragement, haste, humility, hurry 0 likes

“In God's kingdom, the way up is down. Get into your prayer closet and Like
humble yourself, and He will lift you up to the mountain-top
experiences that will give you the vision, the faith, and the wisdom you
need to do the work of restoration.”
― Daniel Botkin, A Heart to Pray & A Mind to Work
tags: humility, prayer, vision 0 likes

“The pleasures and riches of this life are but loaned, their Like

substance is vain, their appearance illusory; and so true is this

that I ask thee for an answer to these questions:

What has become of Cihuapan? Of the brave Quantzintecomatzin? Of 3/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
Conahuatzin? What of all these people? Perhaps these very words have
Sign in
already passed into another life.

Would that we who Browse ▾

are now united by the ties of love and friendship
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could foresee the sharp edge of death, for nothing is certain, and the
future ever brings changes.”
― Nezahualcóyotl
tags: aztecs, carpe-diem, humility, humility-vs-vanity, poetry, me-passing 0 likes

“Small-mindedness is intensified by things such as big- Like

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: arrogance, big-head, bigheaded, bigotry, humility, modesty, narrow-minded, open-minded, small-

“I embrace people (with my arms) mainly to remind myself that Like

I ought to embrace them (with my mind).”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: bigotry, embrace, hug, hugs, humility, intolerance, intolerant, modesty, tolerance, tolerant 0 likes

“As an attempt to escape their unhappiness, some people ran to Like

something they used to look down on, or make fun of, when
they were happy.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: alcohol, church, happiness, happy, holier-than-thou, humility, modesty, the-pursuit-of-happiness,
unhappiness, unhappy

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 571-600 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Good values are 1) reality-based, 2) socially constructive, and Like

3) immediate and controllable. Bad values are 1) superstitious,
2) socially destructive, and 3) not immediate or controllable.
Good, healthy values are achieved internally. Something like
creativity or humility that can be experienced right now. You simply
have to orient your mind in a certain way to experience it. These values
are immediate and controllable and engage you with the world as it is
rather than how you wish it were. Bad values are generally reliant on
external events.”
― Mark Manson, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintui ve
Approach to Living a Good Life
tags: bad-values, crea vity, good-values, humility, values, values-in-life 4 likes

“I don't want a grown-up person at all. A grownup won't listen Like

to me; he won't learn. He will try to do things his own way and
not mine. So I have to have a child. I want a good sensible loving humility Search

child, one to whom I can tell all my most precious candy-

making secrets-while I am still alive.” Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
― Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
tags: child-like-heart, humility, innocence, meekness 4 likes Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
“Don't write. Don't come. I don't need it. It's not why I've Like
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
written. Do you think my love will starve without your crumbs?
Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Do you think I am not capable of humility? THIS is humility - I Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
will tell you that I love you and know that you cannot return it. I Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
will debase myself. It's the most that I can give and cannot be enough.” Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
― Sarah Perry, The Essex Serpent Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
tags: humility, love, unrequited-love 3 likes Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
“Astronomy, as nothing else can do, teaches men humility.” Like Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k

― Arthur C. Clarke
tags: astronomy, humility 2 likes

“We may be content to remain what we call 'ordinary people': Like

but He is determined to carry out a quite different plan. To

shrink back from that plan is not humility; it is laziness and
cowardice. To submit to it is not conceit or megalomania; it is
― C.S. Lewis, Mere Chris anity
tags: humility, sanc fica on 2 likes

“And now for your blunders. On your own showing you first of Like

all allowed the patient to read a book he really enjoyed, because

he enjoyed it and not in order to make clever remarks about it to
his new friends.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Le ers 1/5
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tags: chris an, classics, humility, pride, the-screwtape-le ers 1 likes

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“A warrior accepts the challenges of life in true humility. No Like

matterMy Books
what his destiny may be, it can never be a causeBrowsefor▾ Community ▾
discontent, but a living challenge which it is his privilege to
― Théun Mares, Return of the Warriors: The Toltec Teachings - Volume I
tags: challenges, humility, warrior 1 likes

“Some live their lives for an award, but we live our lives to Like
reward, we serve.”
― Bernard Kelvin Clive
tags: helping-others, humility, purpose-driven-life, servant-leader-quotes, servant-leadership 1 likes

“When we’re putting up the barriers and the sense of “me” as Like

separate from “you” gets stronger, right there in the midst of

difficulty and pain, the whole thing could turn around simply by
not erecting barriers; simply by staying open to the difficulty, to
the feelings that you’re going through; simply by not talking to
ourselves about what’s happening. That is a revolutionary step.
Becoming intimate with pain is the key to changing at the core of our
being—staying open to everything we experience, letting the sharpness
of difficult times pierce us to the heart, letting these times open us,
humble us, and make us wiser and more brave. Let difficulty transform
you. And it will. In my experience, we just need help in learning how not
to run away.”
― Pema Chödrön, Prac cing Peace in Times of War
tags: bravery, buddhism, change, communica on, growth, humility, mindfulness, pain, self-compassion,

“Divide’ a non-likable number with penance, then the answer Like

will be ‘zero’.”
― Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effec ve Science for Self Realiza on
tags: humility, penance, self-help, spiritual, spiritual-quotes 0 likes

“What is the sign of a true Disciple? There should be not be any Like

svacchand (actions that are done as per own’s own

understanding only), no abhinivesh (taking things for granted),
no drashtirog (deluded vision), no conflicts. There will be no
artadhyan (to be in pain within oneself for various reasons) and no
raudradhyan (to have intent of giving pain to others).”
― Dada Bhagwan, The Guru and the Disciple
tags: conflicts, humanity, humility, inner-intent, spiritual, spiritual-quotes 0 likes

“all ought to be common among friends.” Like

― Anatole France, Penguin Island
tags: friends, humility, penguin-island 0 likes

“The Lord says, if you move away from your ego, if you Like
maintain humility (utmost humbleness), then you and I are the
same. Otherwise, you and I are separate.”
― Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effec ve Science for Self Realiza on
tags: egoism, god, humility, spiritual, spiritual-quotes 0 likes

“When you set man against the vastness of the cosmos, the only thing Like

left is humility, a virtue he often discards in the heat of ambition.”

― Psyche Roxas-Mendoza 2/5
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tags: ambi on, cosmos, discards, heat, humility, vastness, virtue 0 likes
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“Another word for humility is foolimity” Like
― ABC My Books Browse ▾ Community ▾
tags: fool-quotes, humility 0 likes

“Moksha (the ultimate liberation) is through absolute humility. Like

One is not expected to perform any action; one needs to come
into absolute humility.”
― Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effec ve Science for Self Realiza on
tags: humility, moksha, self-help, spiritual, spiritual-quotes 0 likes

“The performance of an action is worthless in itself, if it is not Like

done out of charity. Charity must be our motive; then everything

we do, however little and insignificant, bears a rich harvest.
After all, what God takes into account is not so much the thing
we do, as the love that went to the doing of it.”
― Thomas à Kempis, The Imita on of Christ
tags: humility 0 likes

“One loses nobility when he does something and then says, ‘I Like

did that.’ A noble man will incur loss from both sides; in giving
as well as in taking.”
― Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effec ve Science for Self Realiza on
tags: humility, nobility, self-help, spiritual, spiritual-quotes, spirituality 0 likes

“No man exists without an atom of ego in him and no man Like

exists without an atom of humility in him.”

― Fahad Basheer
tags: ego, humility, life-quotes, wisdom-quotes 0 likes

“An egoist is a man who denies the existence of ego in him.” Like
― Fahad Basheer
tags: ego, egoism, humility, life-quotes, self-development 0 likes

“Humility is a passive acceptance of the process of life; love is Like

an active participation in that process.”
― Théun Mares, Cry of the Eagle: The Toltec Teachings Volume 2
tags: humility, love 0 likes

“All our opinions are false and don’t matter in the grand scheme of Like
things. We live ,we die. We
as individuals don’t matter in this world ,we will be a memory if anyone
does remember us. We will be lucky.But soon , our memory will die with
them and maybe someone will utter our name in passing in this age of
technology ,as a footnote to something that grabbed more of their
attention. Ultimately in this world our lives do not matter. So why do we
feel we are in a one man play? Why do we want to accomplish so much
just to be bellowed as heroes or heroines, to be adored or thought highly
of by other people who do not even have favorable opinions of
themselves? You see the truth is that the trace we leave In this world do
not matter in this world, the track we leave in this world is what matters
in the afterlife and it will be mirror in the memory of your future.
Everything we do today is either for our own comforts or to avoid
discomfort we are living in a perpetual state of pleasing ourselves , self
gratification and being busy bodies for the momentarily exhalation of
relief that will almost always follow up with a crisis. No one will have a
continuous state of bliss as the pendulum swings up it will eventually 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
come down before it comes back up again, yet we act surprised and
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devastated. This life is a perpetual test to try to develop and polish your
outlook and inner life so you may be the lucky ones to develop the
acuteness to see this
My world for what it is, and not lose that vision.
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illusion of forms presenting the beauty and ugliness of our souls to us on
a platter and tempting us to forget we are mortal. You don’t finish
school when you graduate with that degree. You finish school when you
― Ilwaad Isa
tags: chris anity, consciousness, death, humility, islam, life, pride, school, spirituality 0 likes

“Every single thing has a balance and the moment we overdo that Like

balance something has to give and we are punished by fate in one way or
― Ilwaad isa
tags: balance, gra tude, humility, modera on 0 likes

“Every perfection in this life has some imperfection mixed with Like

it and no learning of ours is without some darkness. Humble

knowledge of self is a surer path to God than the ardent pursuit
of learning. Not that learning is to be considered evil, or
knowledge, which is good in itself and so ordained by God; but a clean
conscience and virtuous life ought always to be preferred. Many often err
and accomplish little or nothing because they try to become learned
rather than to live well.”

~ Thomas à Kempis (1380–1471); Imitation of Christ; Chapter 3”

― Thomas à Kempis, The Imita on of Christ
tags: humility, learning, perfec on, virtue 0 likes

“Most Africans whom we consider primitive are humble” Like

― Sunday Adelaja, The Danger Of Monoculturalism In The XXI Century

tags: culture, culturist, danger, ethnic, humility, mono-cultural, monotonous, society, xenophobia 0 likes

“Humility is acknowledging that without God you wouldn’t Like

have come thus far.”

― Gi Gugu Mona
tags: acknowledging, chris an-living, god, humility 0 likes

“When is one considered to have learnt to become a husband? It Like

is when the wife continuously experiences veneration (respect)

for him.”
― Dada Bhagwan, Harmony in Marriage
tags: celibacy, humanity, humility, married-life, rela onship, spiritual, spiritual-quotes 0 likes

“The One who devours (completely destroys) our ego and makes Like

us viraat (divine & huge) is called the viraat-svaroop (divine

manifestation). Only before a viraat-svaroop will anyone bow
― Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effec ve Science for Self Realiza on
tags: egoism, enlightenment, gnani-purush, humility, self-help, spiritual, spiritual-quotes 0 likes

“Nemed was a smart kid, but like almost all kids he operated Like
under the delusion that adults were genuinely as knowledgeable
and certain as they pretended to be in front of kids.”
― Mark Ferguson, Terra Incognita
tags: adulthood, bluster, childhood, humility, maturity, naivete 0 likes 4/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“What is Param Vinay (absolute humility)? Param Vinay exists Like Sign in
within a person who has never criticized anyone. It exists where
there are no disputes, no difference of opinions, nor any law.
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Law is bondage.”
― Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effec ve Science for Self Realiza on
tags: gnani-purush, humility, posi ve-thinking, spiritual, spiritual-quotes, spirituality 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 481-510 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“As St. Paul says, what matters isn't so much our knowledge of Like
God as God's knowledge of us; not, as it were, the god we want
but the God who wants us. God help us, we don't understand
ourselves; how can we expect to understand that Self which
stands beside our selves like Niagara beside a trickling tap?”
― N.T. Wright, For All God's Worth: True Worship and the Calling of the Church
tags: humility, understanding, worship 2 likes

“Zazen is indeed the posture of “God, be merciful to me, a Like

sinner!” (Luke 18:13). In our zazen we realize the illusory nature
of thoughts, and no matter how powerful they might be, we
don’t chase after them, try to get rid of them, or act on them. So
zazen is the posture of “We know that our old self was crucified with
him” (Romans 6:6) or “I have been crucified with Christ” (Galatians BROWSE BY TAG
2:19). In the end, zazen is the purest expression of “Be still, and know
that I am God!” (Psalms 46:10).” humility Search

― Kosho Uchiyama Roshi, The Zen Teaching of Homeless Kodo

Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
tags: confession, humbleness, humility, medita on, remorse, zazen, zen, zen-buddhism 1 likes Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
“Humility is even more pleasing in people in whom arrogance Like Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
would be understandable.” Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes

Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
tags: arrogance, arrogant, blessed, genius, greatness, humble, humility, modest, modesty, talented 1 likes Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
“Shedding an independent, individualistic sense of self, is an apt place Like Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
to start when remaking oneself. The task of divesting my egoistic coat-
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
of-arms requires that I first understand how I came into being, ascertain Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
how a person forges a baseline personality, and discover how I can Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
modify my template for self-construal. I need to surrender an arrogant Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
sense of self-importance, acknowledge towering ignorance, and learn Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
how to live humbly. I hope to parlay personal humiliation and self-
hatred into a transformative act by invoking a spiritual death of my
egotistical being that results in a resurrection of a more astute and
kinder human being.”
― Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls
tags: ego-death, humilia on, humility, resurrec on, self-hate, self-transcendence, self-transforma on,

“We umble ones have got eyes, mostly speaking - and we look Like
out of 'em.”
― Charles Dickens, David Copperfield
tags: humble, humility, umble, umility, uriah-heep 1 likes

“It takes generosity to be the one teaching, and humility to be the one Like

being taught.” 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
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tags: generosity, humility, learn, learning, student, students, teach, teacher, teachers, teaching
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“He was a faithful servant, and made himself so valuable to Like

those who employed him that they will find it hard to fill his
place. He was a good husband and father, so tender, wise, and
thoughtful, that Laurie and I learned much of him, and only
knew how well he loved his family, when we discovered all he had done
for them, unsuspected and unassisted.”
― Louisa May Alco , Li le Men
tags: father, hard-work, humility, john-brooke, li le-women, modesty 1 likes

“Mrs. Crupp had indignantly assured him that there wasn't Like

room to swing a cat there; but as Mr. Dick justly observed to me,
[...] "You know, Trotwood, I don't want to swing a cat. I never
do swing a cat. Therefore, what does that signify to me!”
― Charles Dickens, David Copperfield
tags: humble, humility, life-affirming 1 likes

“You have to stay out of the game. It’s deadly and no one ever Like
wins. Everyone is a loser. Even seeming wins are short-lived
and have the taste of bitterness mixed in with the satisfaction of
personal gain. The ego is exclusive by nature. While the spirit
seeks to include, the ego is unashamedly manipulative in its culling of
people. The intention of self-aggrandisement is barely even covered
over. The soul does not see people in terms of what it can gain. It seeks
to share. It seeks to create by extension of its own and others’ true
nature. The ego is extremely changeable. It has no stability. Constantly
guarding against attack and looking out for its own advantage, its
perceptions and thus feelings towards others are ever-shifting. This
creates unhappiness. The more we veer away from our true nature, the
more unhappy we feel. When we align with our better self, we feel happy
again. And so the process continues until the spaces between happiness
are not as long and arduous. The presence or absence of personal peace
is our barometer. It will guide us even if we are not sure of the way.”
― Donna Goddard, Circles of Separa on
tags: ego, ego-s-games, happiness, humility, losing, pride, self-aggrandizement, spirit, spiritual-path, winning

“Without as much as a single question, legions of geese lift Like

themselves to autumn’s skies, obediently heeding the distant

call of southern horizons. And I think that it’s less the
magnificence of their trek, and more about the humility of their
obedience to the trek. For if I was left with a single prayer to utter, it
would be to be more like them.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough
tags: autumn, calling, chris an, faith, fall, geese, god, humility, jesus, obedience 1 likes

“To lead is to serve. Conversely, to serve is to lead. And if either Like

of these elements are removed from the equation, we’ll soon
find that we’re doing neither.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough
tags: god, humble, humility, jesus, lead, leader, leadership, servant, servanthood, serve 1 likes

“Humility is not a matter of self-effacement and self-negation but of Like

being open always to new ways of being responsible.”
― Ada María Isasi-Díaz, En La Lucha = In The Struggle: A Hispanic Women's
Libera on Theology 2/5
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“Humility, it is an attribute of the gentle. Because it takes someone who Like

is really gentle My Books
to be humble.” Browse ▾ Community ▾
― Nurudeen Ushawu
tags: a ributes, fellow-feeling, gentleness, humanity, humility, kindness, life, wise-saying, words-of-wisdom

“Look at that blacksmith, for instance,” went on Father Brown Like

calmly; “a good man, but not a Christian — hard, imperious,
unforgiving. Well, his Scotch religion was made up by men who
prayed on hills and high crags, and learnt to look down on the
world more than to look up at heaven. Humility is the mother of giants.
One sees great things from the valley; only small things from the peak.”
― G.K. Chesterton, The Innocence of Father Brown
tags: humility, obs nacy, pride, religion, stubbornness 0 likes

“Humility is a humble service.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: humble, humility, inspiring, service 0 likes

“One of the greatest feats that I can accomplish is to realize how Like
great I am not.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough
tags: ego, ego-centric, humility, narcissism, self-centered, self-esteem, selfish 0 likes

“Praising a humble man is like tickling a child. It makes him Like

happy but he wants you to stop.”

― Wya Allen
tags: humble, humility, praise, praises, pride 0 likes

“You are the guest of joy, you cannot impose yourself.” Like
― Jean Klein, Who Am I?: The Sacred Quest
tags: bliss, humbleness, humility, joy, nonduality, vedanta 0 likes

“You can be better or even the best and still not be good.” Like
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana

tags: arrogance, arrogant, be er, compe on, compe tors, good, humble, humility, prac ce, the-best 0 likes

“Suppose someone wanting to learn to dance said: 'For Like

hundreds of years now one generation after another has been
learning dance steps, it's high time I took advantage of this and
began straight off with a set of quadrilles.' One would surely
laugh a little at him: but in the world of spirit such an attitude is
considered utterly plausible. What then is education? I had thought it
was the curriculum the individual ran through in order to catch up with
himself; and anyone who does not want to go through this curriculum
will be little helped by being born into the most enlightened age.”
― Søren Kierkegaard, Fear and Trembling
tags: growth-process, humility, self-decep on, spiritual-development 0 likes

“Humility leads harmony in humanity.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: harmony, humanity, humility, mo va on, peace-on-earth, wise-words 0 likes 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“Humility leads to harmony.” Like
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― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: harmony, humility, mo va on, wise-words 0 likes
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“Without humility is there any harmony ?” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: harmony, humility, inspira on 0 likes

“Humility is the root of harmony in humanity.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: harmony, humanity, humility, peace, society-quotes, wisdom 0 likes

“Humility comes through awareness of the depths of yourself.” Like

― Abhijit Naskar, Time to Save Medicine

tags: awareness, brainy-quotes, humility, humility-in-greatness, humility-quotes, self-awareness, self-

realiza on

“There was something about the man's abject humility that Like

excited him in a way he could not have explained.”

― John Cowper Powys, Wolf Solent
tags: humility, lly-valley 0 likes

“He explained, however, that the Eucharist is about the unity of Like

the church. If a majority vote determined the matter, then the

unity would be betrayed. He noted that some people in the
church might not be ready to make this move. He would call a
meeting, inviting those who might have reservations to come and
express their worries … If they strongly dissented, we would have to
― Stanley Hauerwas, Hannah's Child: A Theologian's Memoir
tags: church, dissent, eucharist, humility, leadership, pa ence, submission, unity, vote 0 likes

“Healing has a chance in our lives when we have exhausted all Like

our other options.”

― Donna Goddard, Circles of Separa on
tags: donna-goddard, ge ng-be er, growth, healing, healing-quotes, humility, pain, resistance, spirituality-
quotes, turning-the-corner

“Some people are so arrogant that they remain arrogant even Like

when they are on top of a mountain or in the middle of an

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: arrogance, arrogant, conceit, ego, egoism, humble, humility, modest, modesty, self-importance 0 likes

“We're all under pressure Like

Strangled by stresses
If you treasure what you do have
That's the success, that's most impressive”
― Andrew Edward Lucier, Awakenigma Allegory Anomalous
tags: apprecia ve, breathe, cherish, composure, gra tude, humility, love, modesty, success, thankfulness

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13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 541-570 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Do we honestly believe that the best witness we can have as Like

Christians before a watching world is to show moral perfection?

While that might convince some, our odds of pulling it off seem
less than slim. In truth, the most compelling witness to our
faith can be a willingness to humbly accept responsibility for our failings
and seek to restore relationships at any cost.”
― Jamie Arpin-Ricci, Vulnerable Faith: Missional Living in the Radical Way of St.
tags: confession, humility, morality, perfec on 13 likes

“...Relationship is not about positional authority but about Like

dynamic mutuality.”
― Jamie Arpin-Ricci, Vulnerable Faith: Missional Living in the Radical
Way of St. Patrick BROWSE BY TAG
tags: equality, friendship, humility, love, mutuality, rela onship 12 likes
humility Search

“When Mary asserts explicitly that God is on the side of the Like
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
poor, we can understand it within the tension of what it means Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
to be blessed as the poor in spirit. Rather than elevating poverty Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
to a form of righteousness, Jesus is instead calling for a Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
revolution of imagination around the nature of what we consider true Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
blessing. Jesus is here declaring that the humble and repentant heart is
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
the fertile soil of his kingdom.” Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
― Jamie Arpin-Ricci, The Cost of Community: Jesus, St. Francis and Life in the Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
Kingdom Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
tags: bea tudes, blessings, humility, kingdom-of-god, poor, poverty, repentance 11 likes
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
“If there is a lesson here it has to do with humility. For all our Like Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
vaunted intelligence and complexity, we are not the sole authors Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
of our destinies or of anything else. You may exercise diligently, Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k

eat a medically fashionable diet, and still die of a sting from an

irritated bee. You may be a slim, toned paragon of wellness, and still a
macrophage within your body may decide to throw in its lot with an
incipient tumor.”
― Barbara Ehrenreich, Natural Causes: An Epidemic of Wellness, the Certainty of
Dying, and Killing Ourselves to Live Longer
tags: complexity, des nies, humility, intelligence 4 likes

“In most of the Western world, where Christianity still enjoys a Like
significant amount of privilege, especially when practiced by
middle-class, white Christians, Jesus is seen as the heroic
figure, the ultimate example of godliness, holiness, mercy,
compassion, and justice—as well he should! He is God-made-flesh, after
all. However, given that, when we identify with Jesus in the act of foot
washing where we take the role of Jesus, all too often we are
unconsciously (though sometimes all too consciously) assuming those
characteristics onto ourselves. In trying to be Jesus to others, we can
assume a posture of spiritual superiority and/or paternalism. The
recipients of our service, “the least of these”, are then seen as the needy
recipients of our goodness. Again, while affirming the value in such acts 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
of humble service, too often miss how such posturing fails to recognize
the radical presence of Christ as “the least of these”.” Sign in
― Jamie Arpin-Ricci
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tags: humility, least-of-these, service, serving-god Browse ▾ 4 likes
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“On Wednesday night, November 13, (1861), Lincoln went with Like

Seward and Hay to McClellan's house. Told that the general was
at a wedding, the three waited in the parlor for an hour. When
McClellan arrived home, the porter told him the president was
waiting, but McClellan passed by the parlor room and climbed the stairs
to his private quarters. After another half hour, Lincoln again sent word
that he was waiting, only to be informed that the general had gone to
sleep. Young John Hay was enraged, " I wish here to record what I
consider a portent of evil to come," he wrote in his diary, recounting
what he considered an inexcusable "insolence of epaulettes," the first
indicator "of the threatened supremacy of the military authorities." To
Hay's surprise, Lincoln "seemed not to have noticed it specially, saying
it was better at this time not to be making points of etiquette & personal
dignity." He would hold McClellan's horse, he once said, if a victory
could be achieved.

Though Lincoln, the consummate pragmatist, did not express anger at

McClellan's rebuff, his aides fumed at every instance of such arrogance.
Lincoln's secretary, William Stoddard, described the infuriating delay
when he accompanied Lincoln to McClellan's anteroom. "A minute
passes, then another, and then another, and with every tick of the clock
upon the mantel your blood warms nearer and nearer its boiling-point.
Your face feels hot and your fingers tingle, as you look at the man,
sitting so patiently over there...and you try to master your rebellious
consciousness." As time went by, Lincoln visited the haughty general
less frequently. If he wanted to talk with McClellan, he sent a summons
for him to appear at the White House.”
― Doris Kearns Goodwin, Team of Rivals: The Poli cal Genius of Abraham Lincoln
tags: abraham-lincoln, forbearance, humility, kindness, pa ence, pragma sm, self-restraint 2 likes

“I am proud to be what I am, and humble to accept what I am not.” Like

― A.S. Joseph Charles
tags: humility, proud, yourself 1 likes

“You must therefore conceal from the patient the true end of Like
humility. Let him think of it not as self-forgetfulness but as a
certain kind of opinion (namely, a little opinion) of his own
talents and character.”
― C S Lewis, Cartas del Diablo a Su Sobrino
tags: humility 1 likes

“Authentic greatness involves doing great things and then Like

saying that I had nothing to do with it because God had
everything to do with it. Anything else is my ego on a bender.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough
tags: chris an, ego, god, greatness, humility, jesus, narcissism, pride, selfish, selfless 1 likes

“Humility is the fruit of inner security and wise maturity. To be Like

humble is to be so sure of one’s self and one’s mission that one
can forego calling excessive attention to one’s self and status.”
― Cornel West, Race Ma ers
tags: humility 1 likes 2/5
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“The seed of self-esteem so eagerly planted in youngsters in school will Like
eventually bloom and ripen into the genuine fruit of humility.” Sign in
― J. Earp
tags: fruit, humility, seed, Books Browse ▾ 1 likes
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“A reminder that for some people in this world, freedom and Like

ordinary aren't basic rights. They're luxuries you should never

take for granted.”
― Randa Abdel-Fa ah, The Lines We Cross
tags: humility, inspiring, thought-provoking 1 likes

“True humility emerges from a sense of wonder and awe. It’s an Like

appreciation that our time on earth is limited but that there’s

something timeless at the core of every being. Embracing
humility liberates us from the egotism that drives both
perfectionism and self-sabotage, opening us to a deeper experience of
― Michael J Gelb, The Art of Connec on: 7 Rela onship-Building Skills Every
Leader Needs Now
tags: apprecia on, being, ego, humility, self-worth 1 likes

“If you confront insult or antagonism, your first impulse would Like

be to respond in kind. But if you think, as it were, This is an

emissary sent from the Lord, and some benefit is inteded for
me, first of all the occasion to demonstrate my faithfulness, the
chance to show that I do in some small degree participate in the grace
that saved me, you are free to act otherwise than as circumstances would
seem to dictate. You are free to act by your own lights. You are freed at
the same time of the impulse to hate or resent that person.”
― Marilynne Robinson, Gilead
tags: faithfulness, grace, humility, pa ence, saved-by-grace, self-control 1 likes

“We travel through darkness to illuminate it so we can move Like

past the shadows that we so fervently protect. Our pain makes
us human and means we are real; it makes us aware of our own
fragility and the subtlety of our inner being. Let the pain guide
you and propel you forward rather than hold you back in an illusory grip.
You are the shape of all your pain, all your challenges, and all your
― Chris ne Evangelou, Stardust and Star Jumps: A Mo va onal Guide to Help You
Reach Toward Your Dreams, Goals, and Life Purpose
tags: beauty-of-pain, humility, inner-darkness, inner-light, pain, transcending-pain 0 likes

“A saint addicted to excessive self-abnegation is a dangerous Like

associate; he may infect you with poverty, and a stiffening of
those joints needed for advancement.”
― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables
tags: ambi on, humility 0 likes

“Like Bennett, Virchow didn't understand leukemia. But unlike Like

Bennett, he didn't pretend to understand it. His insight lay

entirely in the negative. By wiping the slate clean of all
preconceptions, he cleared the field for thought.”
― Siddhartha Mukherjee, The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
tags: assump ons ons, humility, preconcep ons 0 likes

“I suppose the stern and the cruel ones rule the world. If so, I shall be Like
content to try to live each day within the limits of my conscience and let 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
great plaudits go to those who are willing to pay the price for
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― Robert M. Edsel, The Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves,
and theMy Books
Greatest Treasure Hunt in History Browse ▾ Community ▾
tags: conscience, cruel-leaders, humility 0 likes

“Unwillingness to obey is the major reason or cause of partial obedience Like

which is the same as total disobedience. Being unwilling to obey kills

obedience in you faster than being ignorant of what and how to obey the
given task. God seeks willingness first in you when an instruction is
given and not your knowledge of how to do it.Knowledge is great but
adding willingness to it makes you complete in God's projects.”
tags: humility, love, obedience 0 likes

“The Universe was not created to make humans comfortable.” Like

― Webster Kitchell, God's Dog: Conversa ons with Coyote

tags: humility, humor, philosophy, religion-and-philoshophy 0 likes

“Sometimes, the ones we disregarded in the past become our strongest Like

pillar in the future.”

― Chinonye J. Chidolue
tags: humility, humility-in-greatness, humility-quotes, life, life-quotes, look-down-on-nobody, pride, pride-
humility, pride-quotes

“Oko za oko i wkrótce już, wszyscy będą ślepi.” Like

― Krzysztof Karasek, Lofoty i inne wiersze
tags: blindness, eyes, humility 0 likes

“Lack of humility leads to abundant failure.” Like

― Carlos Wallace
tags: carlos-wallace, failure, failure-and-success, humble, humble-yourself, humility 0 likes

“My point is that humility should never be confused with Like

mediocrity. Perfect holiness is the purpose for which we were
created, so we can't allow ourselves to be comfortable with the
status quo. The minimum is not enough.”
― Augus ne We a, Humility Rules: Saint Benedict's Twelve-Step Guide to
Genuine Self-Esteem
tags: humility, inspira onal 0 likes

“We must never adore ourselves due to the idea in our minds Like
that we are of a certain rank/ have attained a certain position
(whether this is social, economic, intellectual, or internal). But
we must adore ourselves based upon our ability to connect with
other human beings; to assimilate at the level of other people, no matter
what level they are at.”
― C. JoyBell C.
tags: guidance, humbleness, humility, life-and-living-insight, life-and-living-philosophy, the-meaning-of-
humility, wisdom, wisdom-quotes

“When I was young, I said to God, 'God, tell me the mystery of Like

the universe.' But God answered, 'That knowledge is for me

alone.' So I said, 'God, tell me the mystery of the peanut.' Then
God said, 'Well George, that's more nearly your size.' And he
told me.”
― George Washington Carver 4/5
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tags: god, humility, knowledge 0 likes
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“Free speech doesn't solve political conflicts. It creates them. Solving Like

them requires more Browse ▾

advanced tools like trust, humility, dialogue,
My Books Community ▾
― Steve Kolowich
tags: dialogue, freedom-of-speech, humility, listening, poli cs, trust 0 likes

“The enemy is not as powerful as your attitude towards GOD.” Like

― Kingsley Opuwari Manuel

tags: a tude-quotes, enemy, god-quotes, humility, inspira onal-quotes, spirituality 0 likes

“Lo que yo puedo hacer no es sino insignificante. Si puedo Like

hacerlo yo, cualquiera puede hacerlo.”

― Yōko Ogawa, The Housekeeper and the Professor
tags: humility 0 likes

“Prayer is the act by which man, detaching himself from the Like

embarrassments of sense and nature, ascends to the true level

of his destiny.”
― Henry Parry Liddon
tags: humility, prayer 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 421-450 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Self-knowledge is not clarity or transparency or knowing how Like

everything works, self-knowledge is a fiercely attentive form of

humility and thankfulness, a sense of the privilege of a
particular form of participation, coming to know the way we
hold the conversation of life and perhaps, above all, the miracle that
there is a particular something rather than an abstracted nothing and we
are a very particular part of that particular something.”
― David Whyte, Consola ons: The Solace, Nourishment and Underlying Meaning
of Everyday Words
tags: a en on, humility, life, par cipa on, privilege, self-knowledge, thankfulness 5 likes

“A broken soul is like an alabaster box that contains expensive Like

perfume. God recognizes its sweet aroma, our personal

composition of failure and frustration, through which He BROWSE BY TAG
chooses to teach us humility, patience, and hope.”
― Alis Cerrahyan humility Search

tags: failure, frustra on, hope, humility, pa ence, perfume 2 likes

Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
“If 'character' had a body...'integrity' would be it's spinal cord and Like Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
'humility' it's heart.” Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
― Mamur Mustapha Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
tags: character, humility, integrity 1 likes Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
“Equitable and righteous thoughts are essential. A humble person who Like Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
seeks an authentic life overlooks errors of other people, accepts
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
criticism, and assumes exclusive responsibility for performing the
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
necessary task in his or her own life. A person with integrity throws off Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
darkness and feeds his or her soul.” Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
― Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
tags: authen c-self, humble, humility, integrity, mindfulness, personal-accountability, personal-
responsibility, self-construct, self-cri cal, self-evalua ng

“If I really think that I’m the greatest thing since sliced bread, Like
it’s probably because I’ve never eaten the sandwich.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough
tags: bread, ego, egocentric, humility, introspec on, meekness, narcissis c, self-analysis, self-belief 1 likes

“Instead of finding identity in our roles—in being fathers and Like

mothers, teachers and writers and pastors—we must find

identity in being image bearers of God.”
― Hannah Anderson, Humble Roots: How Humility Grounds and
Nourishes Your Soul
tags: humility, iden ty, image-bearers 1 likes

“Humility is knowing where we came from and who our people Like

are. Humility is understanding that without God we are nothing

. . . Or as . . . Andrew Murray writes in his classic book Humility,
"Humility is simply acknowledging the truth of [our] position
as creature and yielding to God His place.” 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
― Hannah Anderson, Humble Roots: How Humility Grounds and Nourishes Your
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tags: andrew-murray, creature, god, humility 1 likes
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“As long as we refuse to accept that our pride is the source of Like

our unrest, we will continue to wither on the vine. "Humility,

that low, sweet root / From which all heavenly virtues shoot."
—Thomas Moore”
― Hannah Anderson, Humble Roots: How Humility Grounds and Nourishes Your
tags: humility, pride, roots, thomas-moore, unrest 1 likes

“Humans are the most important entity in the universe … only Like

to most people.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: anthropocentrism, arrogance, arrogant, humanity, humble, humility, mankind, modest, modesty,

“Parents themselves should be humble so that children can observe Like

humility at close quarters.”

― Anupam Sibal
tags: humility 0 likes

“Treat others with respect. Carry yourself with an air of humility. Like
Nobody likes to work with someone who is arrogant, egotistical or a
― Jennifer Ritchie Paye e
tags: business, humility, purpose, success 0 likes

“Anger and arrogance are defensive mechanisms that preclude self- Like
evaluation. Humility is necessary for a person to step outside his or her
own skin and objectively appraise oneself.”
― Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls
tags: anger, arrogance, defense-mechanism, humility, humility-quotes, self-appraisal, self-awareness, self-
evalua on

“A humble person realizes that they do not know everything and Like
demonstrates the ability to inspect their own behavior free of egotistical
distortions in order to prompt growth.”
― Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls
tags: ego s cal, humble, humility, humility-quote, personal-development, personal-growth, self-awareness,
self-evalua on, self-examina on

“Fools make slandering a hobby.” Like

― Mar n Uzochukwu Ugwu

tags: be-wise, bridle-your-tongue, false-allega on, humility, self-control, slandering, truth, watch-what-you-
say, wisdom

“Humble people are respectful and accepting of our imperfect human Like

nature. Many inexplicable components make up the vast sea of

humanity. My own psyche contains enigmatic elements. Through
conscientious studying other people and examination of my own
unfathomable nature, I hope to gain a better understanding of the
mystery of existence. There are limitations of human knowledge. We
have a rich stable of resources available to us including the opportunity
to read great literature, inspirational books, self-help books, scholarly 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
psychology books, and a growing trove of cognitive sciences books
devoted to exploring how the human brain works. Despite the illustrious Sign in
resources that expound upon the desires, motives, and behaviors of the
human species,MytheBooks
hardships of life frequently force us to realize
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the principal subject that we must study and understand in order to
mend a broken personality. In order revive a deflated psyche and
transcend into a better and sunnier version of the self, I need to know
― Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls
tags: humble, humbleness, humility, humility-and-purpose, humility-in-greatness, humility-quote, humility-
quotes, self-cri cism, self-examina on

“He frees us from our burdens in the most unexpected way: He Like
frees us by calling us to rely less on ourselves and more on Him.
He frees us by calling us to humility.”
― Hannah Anderson, Humble Roots: How Humility Grounds and
Nourishes Your Soul
tags: freedom, humility, self-reliance 0 likes

“You don't "have" to do something, you are Blessed enough to Like

do it.”
― Jeane e Coron
tags: a tude-of-gra tude, en tlement, gratefulness, humility, jeane e-coron-quotes, john-gray, oprah,
serving-god, td-jakes, you-don-t-have-to-you-get-to

“Coming from a place of humility instead of entitlement, and Like

recognizing that you are blessed enough to get the chance to do
something, can change everything.”
― Jeane e Coron
tags: a tude-of-gra tude, en tlement, gratefulness, humility, jeane e-coron-quotes, john-gray, oprah,
serving-god, td-jakes, you-don-t-have-to-you-get-to

“We often betray our arrogance or immaturity by asserting that Like

we will never do something bad that we are capable of doing.”

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: arrogance, arrogant, humble, humility, immature, immaturity, mature, maturity, modesty, never-say-

“Readiness for corrections, tutorship and mentorship is readiness for a Like

healthy future.”
― ANIKOR Daniel
tags: humility 0 likes

“Writing is discovering what you don't know.” Like

― Marty Rubin
tags: discovery, humility, knowledge, wri ng 0 likes

“Find canvases for other people to paint on. Clear the path for Like

the people above you and you will eventually create a path for

Greatness comes from humble beginnings; it comes from grunt work. It

means you’re the least important person in the room - until you change
that with results.”
― Ryan Holiday, Ego Is the Enemy
tags: ego, humility, work-ethic 0 likes 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“Our own path, whatever we aspire to, will in some ways be Like Sign in
defined by the amount of nonsense we are willing to deal with.
It doesn’t matter how talented you are, how great your
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connections are, how much money you have. When you want to
do something - something big and important and meaningful - you will
be subjected to treatment ranging from indifference to outright

Those who have subdued their ego understand that it doens’t degrade
you when others treat you poorly; it degrades them.”
― Ryan Holiday, Ego Is the Enemy
tags: ego, humility, pa ence 0 likes

“The first product of self-knowledge is humility," Flannery Like

O'Connor once said. This is how we fight the ego, by really

knowing ourselves.”
― Ryan Holiday, Ego Is the Enemy
tags: ego, humility, self-awareness 0 likes

“It's not with ideas, my dear Degas, that one makes verse. It's Like

with words."

- the poet Mallarmé to Degas”

― Ryan Holiday, Ego Is the Enemy
tags: humility, work-ethic 0 likes

“Is it ten thousand hours or twenty thousand hours to mastery? Like

The answer is that it doesn't matter. There is no end zone. To

think of a number is to live in a conditional future. We're simply
talking about a lot of hours - that to get where we want to go
isn't about brilliance, but continual effort. It means it's all within reach
- for all of us, provided we have the constitution and humbleness to be
patient and the fortitude to put in the work.”
― Ryan Holiday, Ego Is the Enemy
tags: humility, pa ence, work-ethic 0 likes

“It's a team, really: the wilderness and us.” Like

― Per Espen Stoknes, What We Think About When We Try Not To Think About
Global Warming: Toward a New Psychology of Climate Ac on
tags: climate-change, global-warming, humility, inspira on, nature, poli cal-divide, poli cs, understanding

“I don't look at the world through stained glass windows.” Like

― Mihcael P. Naughton
tags: humility, imperfec on, religion, religion-and-philoshophy 0 likes

“I don't see the world through stained glass windows.” Like

― Michael P. Naughton
tags: humility, imperfec on, religion, religion-and-philoshophy 0 likes

“Learning is a feeling between humility and simplicity.” Like

― Alan Maiccon
tags: humility, learning, simplicity 0 likes

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13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 631-660 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“I wish you self-esteem so high – you're humble.” Like

― Lalah Delia BROWSE BY TAG

humility Search
tags: confidence, crea vity, humble, humility, self-awareness, self-esteem, self-improvement, self-love
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
“Humility is the courage to be honest with yourself and those Like
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
around you.” Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
― Ken Poirot Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
tags: author-ken-poirot, author-ken-poirot-quote, author-ken-poirot-quotes, author-quote, author-quotes,
be-yourself, be-yourself-quote, be-yourself-quotes, courage, courage-in-life, courage-quote, courage- Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
quotes, courage-to-be-oneself, courageous-leadership-leadership, courageous-life, courageous-to-be- Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
oneself, famous-author-ken-poirot-quote, famous-author-ken-poirot-quotes, famous-quote, famous- Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
quotes, honest, honest-quote, honest-quotes, humble, humble-life, humble-quote, humble-quotes, humble-
yourself, humble-yourself-quote, humble-yourself-quotes, humility, humility-quote, humility-quotes, ken-
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
poirot, ken-poirot-quote, ken-poirot-quotes, life, life-lesson, life-lesson-quote, life-lesson-quotes, life- Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
lessons, life-lessons-quote, life-lessons-quotes, life-quote, life-quotes, wisdom, wisdom-quote, wisdom- Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
quotes, you, you-quote, you-quotes, yourself, yourself-quote, yourself-quotes
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
“To appreciate beauty is to experience humility—to recognize Like Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
that something larger and more powerful than oneself is at
work in the environment. And humility, it turns out, is key to
recognizing that in order to survive, you must adapt yourself to
the environment, that it won't adapt to your needs.”
― Daniel James Brown, The Indifferent Stars Above: The Harrowing Saga of a
Donner Party Bride
tags: adap on, beauty-in-nature, humility 4 likes

“It is the mythic experience, the mythic imagination that opens, Like

reveals depth and mystery, which places the human in the

context of the nonhuman, and so, forces retreat, humility, and
awe, in the presence of spaces beyond our will.”
― Tom Cheetham, Green Man, Earth Angel: The Prophe c Tradi on and the Ba le
for the Soul of the World
tags: awe, experience, humanity, humility, imagina on, mystery, myth, revela on, will 4 likes

“To be humble is to be so sure of one's self and one's mission Like

that one can forego calling excessive attention to one's self and
status. And, even more pointedly, to be humble is to revel in the
accomplishments or potentials of others -- especially those
with whom one identifies and to whom one is linked organically.”
― Cornel West, Race Ma ers
tags: humble, humility 4 likes

“Dumbledore's plan works well in giving Harry protection from the Like

external danger of Voldemort. The plan also gives him an ordinary life.
This ordinary life is a protection from the spiritual danger of pride, while
being an aid to humility. 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

Voldemort doesMy notBooks

escape this danger. He has contempt for Browse ▾
anything Community ▾ Sign in
that makes him ordinary, such as his name Tom. He wants to be
"different, separate, notorious." Harry, on the other hand, never tries to
avoid his name, although the Dursleys think it a "nasty common name."
He interiorises the value of being ordinary. ... singularity [is] the vice
that is the opposite of accepting one's ordinariness.”
― Luke Bell, Bap zing Harry Po er: A Chris an Reading of J.K. Rowling
tags: dumbledore, harry-po er, humility, ordinary, pride, voldemort 3 likes

“Some things sound better if they don't come from you.” Like

― Joyce Rachelle

tags: arrogance, boas ng, good-deeds, humility, keep-quiet, self-exalta on, self-praise, true-humility 3 likes

“The question to ask, when you feel pride, then, is this: What Like

am I missing right now that a more humble person might see?

What am I avoiding, or running from, with my bluster,
franticness, and embellishments? It is far better to ask and
answer these questions now, with the stakes still low, than it will be
― Ryan Holiday, Ego Is the Enemy
tags: ego, humility 2 likes

“Until you truly let go, until you truly form humility, can you find Like
empathy and in that empathy you find contact and in that contact you
find out who you truly are, and who the people are around you.”
― Jimmy Nelson, Before They Pass Away
tags: connec on, empathy, humility, le ng-go, self-improvement, self-realiza on 2 likes

“As rice grows riper, the lower it bows its head. Never lose your humility Like
while you grow.”
― Jimvirle/Jinvirle
tags: encouragement, grow, humility, inspira onal, quote, riper 1 likes

“Que sais je? [What do I know?]” Like

― Montaigne, Michel de
tags: humility, self-doubt, skep calism 1 likes

“Perfect' - the most misattributed word in English language Like

A 'perfect' thing can never be improved - at least by what the meaning

implies. Why should anyone want to be perfect?
Unfortunately, this happens to be my greatest flaw. Turning a relative
idea into an absolute one. Seeking perfection in others - or should I say
'subconsciously seeking perfection in myself' and projecting a
benchmark based in fantasy on others.
Makes one come across as judgmental, intolerant, arrogant or impatient
- in short, a platinum-class jerk. But you, my friend, are too kind to tell
me. Or you'd rather bear for the moment and cuss me roundly when I'm
gone. That's unfair to us both.
If I have ever done this to you, I am sincerely sorry.
Accept my profound apologies”
― Eniitan Akinola
tags: flaw, forgiveness, humility, intolerance, perfec on, pretense, projec ng 1 likes

“Against Hume, Kant has found a more proper ground for humility: Like
“True humility follows unavoidably from our sincere and exact
comparison of ourselves with the moral law” . The proper way to come 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
to terms with our limits is not to compare ourselves with others but to
My Books to those rational moral standards
hold ourselves accountable Browse ▾ to
we know Community ▾ Sign in
be most properly our own.”
― Jeanine Grenberg
tags: humility, kant 1 likes

“None of us can accomplish our dreams without the help of Like

others. Is it more important for you to feel superior and self-
sufficient than to accomplish your dreams within a community
of supporters?”
― Nick Vujicic, Unstoppable: The Incredible Power of Faith in Ac on
tags: community, dreams, humility, success 0 likes

“If you want to have an impact in your company, have a point of view Like

that sometimes challenges the status quo but do the work required to
make the point of view an informed one.”
― Martha Heller, Be the Business: CIOs in the New Eras of IT
tags: facts, humility, informed 0 likes

“Almost every so called setback is an opportunity for growth, Like

learning, self love, wisdom and humility”

― Rasheed Ogunlaru
tags: growth, humility, overcoming-challenges-quotes, rasheed-ogunlaru, rasheed-ogunlaru-quotes, self-
love, setbacks, wisdom

“Without radical humility that is expressed in gestures of Like

adoration and in sacred rituals, no friendship with God is
possible. Silence manifests this connection in an obvious way.
True Christian silence makes itself sacred silence first so as to
become silence of communion.”
― Robert Sarah, The Power of Silence: Against the Dictatorship of Noise
tags: catholic, friendship-with-god, humility, religion 0 likes

“Most kinds of power require a substantial sacrifice by whoever Like

wants the power. There is an apprenticeship, a discipline lasting
many years. Whatever kind of power you want. President of the
company. Black belt in karate. Spiritual guru. Whatever it is you
seek, you have to put in the time, the practice, the effort. You must give
up a lot to get it. It has to be very important to you. And once you have
attained it, it is your power. It can't be given away; it resides in you. It is
literally the result of your discipline.
"Now, what is interesting about this process is that, by the time
someone has acquired the ability to kill with his bare hands, he has also
matured to the point where he won't use it unwisely. So that kind of
power has a built-in control. The discipline of getting the power changes
you so that you won't abuse it.”
― Michael Critchton
tags: discipline, humility, perseverance, power, responsibility, sacrifice 0 likes

“So, were every man on earth to become atheist, it could not Like
affect God in any way. He is what He is in Himself without
regard to any other. To believe in Him adds nothing to His
perfections; to doubt Him takes nothing away.

Almighty God, just because He is almighty, needs no support. The

picture of a nervous, ingratiating God fawning over men to win their
favor is not a pleasant one; yet if we look at the popular conception of
God, that is precisely what we see. Twentieth century Christianity has 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
put God on charity. So lofty is our opinion of ourselves that we find it
quite easy, not My Books
to say Browse
enjoyable, to believe that we are necessary to ▾
God. Community ▾ Sign in
But the truth is that God is not greater for our being, nor would He be
less if we did not exist.”
― A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy
tags: belief, chris anity, crea on, humility, self-sufficiency, skep cism, theology, worship 0 likes

“Yes, I am your enemy, as I was in my other incarnations, but that is my Like

nature, and it is something I cannot escape. As I am defeated today, I tell

you to believe what you will. Just as you believe in yourself, your worst
enemies believe in themselves”
― E.G.Kardos
tags: cau onary, focus-on-the-prize-ahead, humility, mindful, winning-from-within, wisdom-in-fic on 0 likes

“As I am defeated today, I tell you to believe what you will. Just Like

as you believe yourself, your worst enemies believe in

― E.G. Kardos, The Amulet: Journey to Sirok
tags: cau onary-tale, humility, know-your-enemy, mindful, watch-your-back, wisdom-for-winners 0 likes

“It is better to be a Number Two in a working system, than be a Number Like

One yet lack capacity to make the system work.”

― Dele Ayo Bankole
tags: ambi on, humility, leadership, service 0 likes

“Humility carries less weight and it makes things float. Pride is weighty Like

and it makes things sink! It takes humility then for a ‘ship’, regardless
of how loaded it is, to float on the surface of the ‘sea’. And it takes pride
for the ‘small stone’ to sink when dropped into the ‘sea’! Go with
humility then!”
― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
tags: haughty, humility, pride 0 likes

“There are some mornings when I cry and cry and mourn for Like
myself. Some mornings, I'm so angry and bitter. But it doesn't
last too long. Then I get up and say, 'I want to live..'
'So far, I've been able to do it. Will I be able to continue? I don't
know. But I'm betting on myself I will.'
Koppel seemed extremely taken with Morrie. He asked about the
humility that death induced.”
― Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie
tags: anger, bi er, choice, cry, death, decision, humility, life, live, mourn 0 likes

“Humility and feedback are the only true measures of a greater leader” Like
― David Sikhosana, Time Value of Money: Timing Income
tags: humility, leadership, me-value-of-money, wealth-magazine 0 likes

“You may reach the tree top,and seem to touch the sky , but know that Like

the tree your resting on, is grounded and rooted in the soil ,deep in the
― Henrie a Newton Mar n
tags: chris an-living, chris anity, humble-spirit, humble-yourself, humility, love, success, successful-living

“It doesn't make you a bad person to want to be remembered. Like

To want to make it to the top. To provide for yourself and your

family. After all, that's all part of the allure.
There is a balance. Soccer coach Tony Adams expresses it well. 4/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
Play for the name on the front of the jersey, he says, and they'll
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remember the name on the back.” Browse ▾ Community ▾ Sign in
― Ryan Holiday, Ego Is the Enemy
tags: ego, humility, team-spirit, teamwork 0 likes

“Sometimes humility is ego in disguise.” Like

― Tapan Ghosh, Faceless The Only Way Out

tags: ego, humility 0 likes

“We must submit to God's righteous rule.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: chris anity, ci zens, god, humility, na ons, rule, rulers, submit, theology 0 likes

“The humble man feels no jealousy or envy. He can praise God Like

when others are preferred and blessed before him. He can bear
to hear others praised and himself forgotten, because in God's
presence he has learned to say with Paul 'I be nothing' (2
Corinthians 12:11). He has received the spirit of Jesus, who did not please
Himself and did not seek His own honor, as the spirit of his life.”
― Andrew Murray, Humility: The Journey Toward Holiness
tags: discipleship, humility 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 811-840 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Narcissistic pleasure seekers routinely avoid developing the humility Like

required to manufacture a life of full measure. Shallow persons such as

me hide their insecurities behind a false persona of bravado, boasting of
their inconsequential deeds, pyrrhic victories, and adamant refusals to
tackle any task that they fear.”
― Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls
tags: boas ul, boas ulness, boas ng, boas ng-quotes, bravado, egoist, humility, insecurity, meaningful-life,
narcissism, personal-insight, pride, purpose-driven-life, purposeful-living
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“Before you're given what you want, you'll first be tested with what you Like
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don't really want.”
― Constance Friday
tags: ambi on, ambi ons, choice, desire, dreams, first, give, given, goals, humble, humility, life, live, love,
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“I do not wish to talk about myself because I hold very deeply Like

the belief that what is important is the work, not the person.” Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
― Remedios Varo
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
tags: humility, self 4 likes Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
“There is not, in a material sense, any benefit to being right Like
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
about a future you will not experience. But there are intrinsic
Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
benefits to constantly probing the possibility that our Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
assumptions about the future might be wrong: humility and Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
wonder.” Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
― Chuck Klosterman, But What If We're Wrong? Thinking About the Present As If Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
It Were the Past
Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
tags: 2016, future, humility, wonder 4 likes Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k

“Jesus Christ is the source—the only source—of meaning in Like

life. He provides the only satisfactory explanation for why we’re

here and where we’re going. Because of this good news, the
final heartbeat for the Christian is not the mysterious
conclusion to a meaningless existence. It is, rather, the grand beginning
to a life that will never end. That same Lord is waiting to embrace and
forgive anyone who comes to Him in humility and repentance. He is
calling your name, just as He called the name of Pete Maravich. His
promise of eternal life offers the only hope for humanity. If you have
never met this Jesus, I suggest that you seek spiritual counsel from a
Christian leader who can offer guidance. You can also write to me, if that
would help. Thanks for reading along with me. I hope to meet you
someday. If our paths don’t cross this side of heaven, I’ll be looking for
you in that eternal city. By all means, Be there!”
― James C. Dobson, Life on the Edge: The Next Genera on's Guide to a
Meaningful Future
tags: a, all, along, also, and, anyone, as, be, be-there, because, beginning, by, called, calling, can, chris an,
chris an-leader, city, comes, conclusion, counsel, cross, don-t, embrace, end, eternal, eternal-life, existence,
explana on, final, for, forgive, from, going, good-news, grand, guidance, haven, he, heartbeat, help, here,
him, his, hope, humanity, humility, i, i-ll, if, in, is, it, jesus, jesus-christ, just, life, looking, lord, me, meaning,
meaningless, means, meet, met, mysterious, name, never, not, of, offer, offers, only, our, paths, pete-
maravich, promise, provides, rather, reading, repentance, same, sa sfactory, seek, side-of, someday, source, 1/5
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spiritual, suggest, thanks, that, the, there, this, to, wai ng, we-re, where, who, why, will, with, would, write,
you, your Sign in

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“An arrogant own ▾
man whose arrogance we see from his Like Community ▾
behaviour is more tolerable than a humble man whose humility
we hear of from his own mouth.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: aphorism, aphorisms, aphorist, aphorists, arrogance, arrogant, behavior, behaviour, funny, hilarious,
humble, humility, humor, humorous, humour, insufferable, insupportable, intolerable, joke, jokes, modest,
modesty, oppressive, overpowering, overwhelming, sa re, tolerable, tolerate, too-much, unacceptable,
unbearable, unendurable

“For if any man thinks that he is alone is wise--that in speech, Like

or in mind, he hath no peer--such a soul, when laid open, is

ever found empty.”
― Sophocles, An gone
tags: humility, pride, solipsism 2 likes

“We can learn personal humility from episodes that generate shame and Like

guilt. After retiring from worldly affairs and drawing useful lessons from
personal disgrace, we must resume living an expedient life devoted to
appreciating truth, beauty, and love.”
― Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls
tags: disgrace, disgrace-quotes, humility, humility-quotes, learning-from-mistakes, learning-quotes, learning-
to-live, philosophy-of-life, shame, shame-quotes

“Humility is never about being small, unseen and unnoticed. Humility is Like
really about expressing all the wonder you are in a way that all people
see is the awesomeness and greatness of GOD.”
― TemitOpe Ibrahim
tags: awesome, awesomeness, be-yourself, express, express-you, expression, god, hidden, hide, humble,
humbleness, humility, inspira on, inspira onal-quote, life, small, truth, unno ced, unseen, wonder, word

“For a moment this day, for many moments this May, let us Like
gape in awe at the strength of women, and look upon their
sinewy courage with respect and humility, as the Lord looked on
His Mother, and still does. Like Him we are of women born, and
to women must pay our first respect, and owe our first love, for they are
as strong as the very ribs of the earth.”
― Brian Doyle, Credo: Essays on Grace, Altar Boys, Bees, Kneeling, Saints, the
Mass, Priests, Strong Women, Epiphanies, a Wake, and the Haun
tags: birth, catholic, catholicism, christ, chris an, chris anity, courage, humility, jesus, jesus-christ, love,
mary, mother, mother-mary, religion, respect, strength, women

“Humility, gratitude, and generosity – three things you can never go Like

wrong with.”
― Kevin J. Donaldson
tags: generosity, gra tude, humility, success 1 likes

“It's through the cross that we reach the resurrection. We Like

should be absolutely sure of this truth, and we should keep this
cross hidden and not place it on the shoulders of others. It is our
cross we have to carry. It is the one God has given us to go
through into His resurrection. This is the one we should keep hidden.

But there are crosses and crosses, some of our own making. These we
should immediately discard. Some permitted by God for our 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
sanctification. These we can share for they are also for the sanctification
of others. True, we can help to carry other people's crosses and they can Sign in
help to carry our crosses, but the operative word is "hidden."
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The Lord said, "So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with
trumpets as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be
honoured by men," and "When you fast, put oil on your head and wash
your face, so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but
only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is
done in secret, will reward you." (Mt 6:16-18)

Our very hiddenness becomes a light if we do not complain, if we carry

our cross manfully, ready to help in the carrying of other people's
crosses. Then we become a light to our neighbour's feet because we
become an icon of Christ—shining!”
― Catherine de Hueck Doherty, Sobornost: Experiencing Unity of Mind, Heart and
tags: bible, catholic, catholicism, charity, christ, chris an, chris anity, cross, holiness, humility, icon, jesus,
jesus-christ, light, resurrec on, sanc fica on, scripture, truth

“Humility is realm of a humble heart.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: humble, humility, lailah-gi y-akita-affirma ons, wise-words 1 likes

“By acknowledging our boundaries and limitations, we attain greater Like

heights than we ever will by appearing to think we know everything.”
― Graham Speechley
tags: accep ng-limita ons, arrogance, famous-leadership-quotes, great-leadership-quotes, humility,
inspira onal-leadership-quotes, knowing-everything, pride, quotes-about-leadership, quotes-on-leadership

“The beauty of wisdom lies in simplicity and humility.” Like

― Debasish Mridha

tags: beauty-of-wisdom, buddha, debasish-mridha, debasish-mridha-md, gandhi, humility, inspira onal,

miraboli, oscar-wilde, philosophy, quotes, simplicity, tagore, wisdom

“History was not simply a catalogue of the dead and buried and Like
benighted, but rather a vast new world to be pioneered; ...if you
approached the past generously, so to speak—its people as
humans, not facts, as modern in their time as we were in ours,
who thought and felt as we do, the dead would live again, our equals, not
our old-fashioned, hopelessly unenlightened, and backward inferiors.
Humanity, to be fully known, had to be seen as changeless as well as
ever changing.”
― Tony Hendra, Father Joe: The Man Who Saved My Soul
tags: change, history, humanity, humility, life, modernity, past, people 0 likes

“All revered spiritual leaders, political leaders, and diplomats, captains Like
of industry, intellectuals, and winning generals exhibit genuine humility
that empowers them to act with integrity and courage under the most
distressing circumstances.”
― Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls
tags: character, courage, courage-quotes, humility, integrity 0 likes

“Humility makes me cry! There isn't a bigger asset than it.” Like

― Nikita Dudani
tags: asset, humility, humility-quotes, virtue 0 likes 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“You're allowed to practice humility while also owning your Like Sign in
greatness. Don't you dare minimize your greatness.”
― Erica Alex
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tags: greatness, humility 0 likes

“the rent here may be low but i believe we have it on very hard Like

terms --sense & sensibility”

― Jane Austen
tags: humility, rent, sense, sensibility 0 likes

“Do not just think about the destination when you start the journey or Like
just mind the direction of your journey to the final destination; and do
not be carried away by the serendipity and the joy you shall have as you
move, for you may never know the vicissitude of life that will arise; be
careful, however, of what it really takes to truly end the journey
successfully regardless what you shall have or face as you journey so as
to have a great journey and a true life story of noble footprints”
― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
tags: des na on, humility, pride, success, the-journey-of-life, uncertain es-in-life 0 likes

“dear little baby of the folks I work for, I got a present for you .. Like
my whole damn life! I'm handin' it over to you & your ma & pa.
if you got no money to pay, I wanna stay anyhow, my pleasure
is to wait on you forever. to hell with my children & hooray for
you!.. you stayin' up all night fixin' up Character Parts for me! givin' 'em
what you call dignity! dignity! you know what your dignity is? a black
straw hat with a flower stickin' up in front, hands folded cross my
stomach, sayin' the same damn fool things .. only nice & easy & proper!"
--trouble in mind (1955)”
― Alice Childress
tags: double-standard, humility, racism, s ff-upper-lip 0 likes

“Pity is unto the bird that takes refuge and stands on the tall tree with Like

shallow roots to boast with their sweet melodies for they shall sing a
harmonious dirge the day the strong storm will arrive. But the birds that
shall build their nest on the tall tree deeply rooted in the soil shall smile
and sing hallelujah when they see the storm coming from afar”
― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
tags: boast, calm-under-pressure, foresight, humility, pride, thought, wisdom 0 likes

“If I only had a little humility, I would be perfect.” Like

― Ted Turner
tags: funny, humility, perfect 0 likes

“The essential attributes of a great leader are a positive attitude, Like

humility, and gratitude.”

― Debasish Mridha
tags: a ributes-of-a-great-leader, debasish-mridha, debasish-mridha-md, gandhi, gra tude, how-to-be-a-
great-leader, humility, inspira onal, miraboli, oscar-wilde, philosophy, posi ve-a tude, quotes

“Do you realize that you have the power to design a life that’s Like
meaningful and even remarkable? You and God are in a family
partnership. He has not only blessed you with mortal breath,
but with a purpose-filled life. He’s given you power and will to
control that life. This is a gift that He will never take from you. But when
you humble yourself and give your will back to him, your life will be 4/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
nothing short of miraculous.”
― Toni Sorenson, Aligned With Christ Sign in

tags: change, control, faith, god, humility, inspira on, life, love, miracles, thoughts, will 0 likes
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“Knowledge is courage; understanding brings calmness and humility” Like

― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

tags: calmness, humility, ignorance, knowledge, understanding 0 likes

“When you don’t learn the best, you will teach the worst.” Like
― Israelmore Ayivor, Become a Be er You

tags: best, be er-you, food-for-thought, humble, humility, israelmore-ayivor, learn, learner, learning,
mo va onal-speakers, personal-development, success, successful, teach, teacher, teaching, train, trainer,
upgrade, upgrade-yourself

“You have to know you don’t know before you can know.” Like
― Clifford Cohen
tags: humility, learning 0 likes

“This book is dedicated to all the students I've known over the years Like

who've taught me humility and what it means to really be a kid.”

― Dr. Kid Brain, Naviga ng the Turbulent Middle School Years: Common-Sense
Solu ons for Problems and Behaviors
tags: childhood, humility, learning 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 301-330 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“For thousands of years, it had been nature--and its supposed Like

creator--that had had a monopoly on awe. It had been the

icecaps, the deserts, the volcanoes and the glaciers that had
given us a sense of finitude and limitation and had elicited a
feeling in which fear and respect coagulated into a strangely pleasing
feeling of humility, a feeling which the philosophers of the eighteenth
century had famously termed the sublime.

But then had come a transformation to which we were still the heirs....
Over the course of the nineteenth century, the dominant catalyst for that
feeling of the sublime had ceased to be nature. We were now deep in the
era of the technological sublime, when awe could most powerfully be
invoked not by forests or icebergs but by supercomputers, rockets and
particle accelerators. We were now almost exclusively amazed by
― Alain de Bo on, The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work humility Search
tags: awe, humility, nature, sublime, technology, wonder 18 likes
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
“It is not for you to say - you Englishmen, who have conquered Like
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
your freedom so long ago, that you have conveniently forgotten
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
what blood you shed, and what extremities you proceeded to in Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
the conquering - it is not for you to say how far the worst of all God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
exasperations may, or may not, carry the maddened men of an enslaved Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
nation. The iron that has entered into our souls has gone too deep for Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
you to find it. Leave the refugee alone! Laugh at him, distrust him, open
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
your eyes in wonder at the secret self which smolders in him, sometimes
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
under the every-day respectability and tranquility of a man like me - Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
sometimes under the grinding poverty, the fierce squalor, of men less Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
lucky, less pliable, less patient than I am - but judge us not. In the time Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
of your first Charles you might have done us justice - the long luxury of Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
your freedom has made you incapable of doing us justice now. ”
― Wilkie Collins, The Woman in White
tags: humility, jus ce, poli cs, understanding 11 likes

“All individuals have moral deficiencies, and when introducing Like

these to reality one not only strengthens himself but also the
confidence of others in the human exigency for Christ due to a
reflection throughout the body of Christ.”
― Criss Jami, Salomé: In Every Inch In Every Mile
tags: body, brokenness, christ, chris anity, communica on, confidence, confron ng-problems, deficiencies,
exigence, honesty, humble, humility, immoral, individuals, longing, moral, need, oneness, reality, reflec on,
sin, strengthen, unity

“When I look at the clues that indicate the nature of Jesus – born in a Like
barn, questionable parents, spotty ancestry, common name, misdirected
announcement, unattractive looks, reared in a bad neighborhood,
owning nothing, surrounding himself with unattractive co-workers, and
dying a shameful death – I find his whole approach unable to fit into the
methods that automatically come to mind when I think about “winning
the world.” His whole approach could easily be described as
nonthreatening or nonmanipulative. He seemed to lead with weakness in 1/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
each step of life. He had nothing in the world and everything in God and
the Spirit.” Sign in
― Gayle D. Erwin, The Jesus Style
tags: gentleness, humility Books Browse ▾ 11 likes Community ▾

“I was always exceedingly delighted with that saying of Like

Chrysostom, "The foundation of our philosophy is humility";

and yet more pleased with that of Augustine: "As the orator,
when asked, What is the first precept in eloquence? answered,
Delivery: What is the second? Delivery: What is the third? Delivery: so if
you ask me concerning the precepts of the Christian religion, I will
answer, first, second, and third, Humility.”
― John Calvin, Ins tutes of the Chris an Religion, 2 Vols
tags: chris anity, humility, quotes 9 likes

“...there began to come to her a first dim realization of God's Like

humility. Rejected by the proud in His own right by what

humble means He chose to succor them; through the spirit of a
child, a poor gypsy or an old man, by a song perhaps, or even it
might be by the fall of a leaf or the scent of a flower. For His infinite and
humble patience nothing was too small to advance His purpose of
salvation and eternity was not too long for its accomplishment.”
― Elizabeth Goudge, The White Witch
tags: god-s-love, humility, tender-mercies 9 likes

“We should get into the way of appearing lively in religion, Like
more by being lively in the service of God and our generation
than by the liveliness and forwardness of our tongues, and
making a business of proclaiming on the house tops with our
mouths the holy and eminent acts and exercises of our own hearts.
Christians that are intimate friends would talk together of their
experiences and comforts in a manner better becoming Christian
humility and modesty, and more to each other's profit: their tongues not
running before, but rather going behind their hands and feet, after the
prudent example of the blessed apostle, 2 Cor. xii. 6. Many occasions of
spiritual pride would thus be cut off, and so a great door shut against the
devil. A great many of the main stumbling-blocks against experimental
and powerful religion would be removed, and religion would be declared
and manifested in such a way that, instead of hardening spectators, and
exceedingly promoting infidelity and atheism, it would, above all things,
tend to convince men that there is a reality in religion, and greatly
awaken them, and win them, by convincing their consciences of the
importance and excellency of religion. Thus the light of professors would
so shine before men, that others, seeing their good works, would glorify
their Father which is in heaven.”
― Jonathan Edwards, The Religious Affec ons
tags: chris anity, humility, service, witness 8 likes

“For me, walking in a hard Dakota wind can be like staring at Like
the ocean: humbled before its immensity, I also have a sense of
being at home on this planet, my blood so like the sea in
chemical composition, my every cell partaking of air. I live
about as far from the sea as is possible in North America, yet I walk in a
turbulent ocean. Maybe that child was right when he told me that the
world is upside-down here, and this is where angels drown.”
― Kathleen Norris, Dakota: A Spiritual Geography
tags: environment, humility, north-dakota, south-dakota, wind 7 likes 2/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“But the vicar of St. Botolph's had certainly escaped the Like
slightest tincture of the Pharisee, and by dint of admitting to Sign in
himself that he was too much as other men were, he had
Books unlike them in this - that he could ▾
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others for thinking slightly of him, and could judge impartially of their
conduct even when it told against him. [from Middlemarch, a quote my
mother thinks describes the kind of man my father was]”
― George Eliot
tags: fairness, humility, strength 5 likes

“Wish me everything that you can wish for the woman you Like
dearly love, and I have as good as got it, John. I have better than
got it, John.”
― Charles Dickens, Our Mutual Friend
tags: humility, wealth 5 likes

“A humble man speaks not of his own humility” Like

― Jeremy Aldana
tags: humility 4 likes

“Oh ... why not?' he smiled. "This valley is a pleasant spot for Like
meditation. I like New England... it is here that I have
experienced some of my greatest successes - and several
notable defeats. Defeat, you know, is not such a bad thing, if
there's not too much of it... it makes for humility, and humility makes
for caution, therefore for safety.' ("Trace")”
― Jerome Bixby, American Fantas c Tales: Terror and the Uncanny from the
1940's Un l Now
tags: cau on, defeat, humility, safety 4 likes

“The disillusionment with our own abilities is, perhaps, one of the most Like
important things that can ever happen to us.”
― Tim Hansel
tags: ability, humility 3 likes

“A blush of breeze rose from the grass. Jacob felt as if an angel's Like
wing had beat against his cheek. He touched his cheek slowly.
He felt embarrassed by the thought.

"That I should think an angel came to me."

He wept. And, again, the brush of breeze against his cheek.”

― Noah Benshea, Jacob the Baker: Gentle Wisdom For a Complicated World
tags: angel, humility 3 likes

“Humility rests upon the shores of your sorrows and blossoms Like

upon the mountain of your faith”

― Jeremy Aldana
tags: faith, humility 3 likes

“Alex Rodriguez seemed not to fit in with the rest of his Yankee Like
teammates. For instance, he wanted a clubhouse attendant
personally assigned to him, when there were four or five for the
whole team. Seeing the rift between him and the rest of the
team and how Rodriguez's major focus on how HE was perceived, Joe
Torre suggested in the individual meeting that Rodriguez at least get his
own coffee rather than send someone to get it for him. Later that day,
Alex Rodriguez made a point of telling the manager that he got his own 3/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
coffee – drawing attention to himself, even in what was meant to be just
Sign in
an example of how he could fit in with normal behavior.”
― Tom Verducci, The Yankee Years
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tags: humility, pride, self-centeredness Browse ▾ 2 likes
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“A suburban pastor maintained services appropriate for his Like

respected, professional parish. His father, an excitable traveling

evangelist, visited and challenged the congregation to confront
pride and sing out loudly with the windows open. The next day,
the pastor’s banker mentioned overhearing, and he was sheepish. The
buttoned-up banker said, though, that the neighborhood had been
WAITING TO HEAR the church live out the joy they claimed.”
― David Wilkerson, The Cross and the Switchblade
tags: humility, joy, pride, worship 2 likes

“On Alex Rodriguez's difficulty performing in clutch situations, Like

Joe Torre writes, "In key situations, he can't get himself to
concern himself with getting the job done instead of how it
looks. There's a certain freefall you go through when you
commit yourself without a guarantee that it's always going to be good.
There's a trust and commitment thing that has to allow yourself fail,
allow yourself to be embarrassed, allow yourself to be vulnerable”
― Tom Verducci, The Yankee Years
tags: humility, pride, weakness 1 likes

“I shall tell you something strange, but do not be surprised by it. Should Like
you fail to attain dispassion because of the predispositions dominating
you, but at the time of your death be in the depths of humility, you will
be exalted above the clouds no less than the man who is dispassionate.
For even if the treasure of those who are dispassionate consists of every
virtue, the precious stone of humility is more valuable than them all: it
brings about not only propitiation with the Creator, but also entry with
the elect into the bridal chamber of His kingdom.”
― St. Theognostos
tags: dispassion, humility, virtue 0 likes

“It is those who avoid the spotlight that tend to be doing the Like

greatest things because their hearts are set on avoiding the

lesser things.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough
tags: ego s cal, greater, greater-things, humble, humility, lesser, lesser-things, spotlight 0 likes

“It is better to stay humble than to be humbled. Humility is Like

― Olawale Daniel
tags: be-humbled, humility, stay-humble 0 likes

“Mercy and truth precede all the other virtues. They in their turn Like
produce humility and so discrimination; for, according to the fathers,
discrimination comes from humility. Without discrimination, neither
practice nor spiritual knowledge can fulfill its purpose. For practice
uncontrolled by such knowledge strays here and there aimlessly, like a
calf; while knowledge that refuses to clothe itself in the honorable
vesture of practice lacks nobility, however much it may pretend to
possess it.”
― Ilias the Presbyter
tags: discrimina on, humility, mercy, prac ce, truth 0 likes 4/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“The more educated someone is, the less likely it usually is for Like Sign in
them to say that they do not know, when they do not know.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
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tags: arrogance, arrogant, college, educa on, humility, i-don-t-know, knowledge, school, uneducated,

“The child in us remains. It lives in our weaknesses. It lives in Like

our trust. It lives in our desire to hold another’s hand. It lives in

our devotion to something more than ourselves.”
― Donna Goddard, Waldmeer
tags: affec on, child, devo on, humility, innocence, love, purity, spirit, trust 0 likes

“When you think you've found your place, remember to make Like

room for grace, to race and ace, so you won't be displaced, brace
― Bernard Kelvin Clive
tags: grace-and-favor, humility, mercies 0 likes

“Whatever the art or whatever the craft - and make a note of Like

this before you go - talent means next to nothing, while

experience, acquired in humility and with hard work, means
― Patrick Süskind, Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
tags: art, hard-work, humility, patrick-suskind, perfume, the-story-of-a-murderer 0 likes

“Teachability that emanates from expressed humility is a must- Like

have trait in a world where skills are depreciating in value as

soon as they're learned.”
― Lisa-Marie Hatcher, Win With Decency: How to Use Your Be er
Angels for Be er Business
tags: humility, humility-quotes, skills, teachability 0 likes

“What happens to job performance if we don’t practice humility Like

in the form of self-awareness? We risk overestimating our

abilities, which can result in insufficient effort, missed
deadlines, and lower quality of work—all of which can add up to
decreased performance.”
― Douglass Hatcher, Win With Decency: How to Use Your Be er Angels for
Be er Business
tags: humility, job-performance, self-awareness-quotes, self-improvement-quotes 0 likes

“Humble individuals are more likely to learn from their Like

mistakes and take corrective action after low performance.”

― Douglass Hatcher, Win With Decency: How to Use Your Be er Angels
for Be er Business
tags: humility, learning, win-with-decency 0 likes

“This is where Lent starts, with the voice of God, singing the praise of Like

Jesus, the Son. Just as this affirmation calls Jesus into the wilderness, so
it calls us, too. We are starting out from a place of loving acceptance, not
from one of rejection; we are starting out with the certainty that God
knows who we are and loves us, so that are explorations are to find out
why that should be. We are exploring a reality that is given to us, not
achieved by our own effort. Yet, glorious as this sounds, it is also
terrifying, because if it starts with God and not with us, then we are not
in control of it. Jesus steps into the River Jordan with such apparent
ease, laying aside all claims to define himself, and that is our journey, 5/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
too. So easy and so hard.”
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― Jane Williams, The Merciful Humility of God: The 2019 Lent Book
tags: humility, jesus-christ 0 likes
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13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 751-780 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“The freedom of the open road is seductive, serendipitous and Like

absolutely liberating.” BROWSE BY TAG
― Aaron Lauritsen, 100 Days Drive: The Great North American Road Trip
humility Search
tags: 100-days-drive, 100daysdrive, acceptance, accomplish, ambi on, author, awakening, be-happy, be-
proud, believe, bestseller, bohemian, break-barriers, carmaker, chances, change, chase-dreams, cherish,
coming-of-age, compassion, compe on, confidence, conquer, conquer-fear, content, control-you-life, Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
courage, crossroads, des ny, determina on, dig-deep, don-t-give-up, don-t-worry-be-happy, dream-big, Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
dreamer, empower, energy, enjoy-life, explore, faith, fearless, find-yourself, follow-your-dreams, follow-
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
your-heart, follow-your-own-path, forgive, free, freedom, fresh-start, goal-se ng, goals, goals-in-life, good-
soul, gra tude, happiness, hope, humanity, humility, inner-beauty, inner-strength, inspira on, journey, joy, Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
judgement, laugh, learn, liberate, libera ng, life, life-lessons, light, limitless, live-life-quotes, love-thy- Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
neighbor, love-thyself, love-yourself, luck, memoir, never-quit, no-regrets, nomad, one-life, opportunity, God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
parenthood, perspec ve, posi ve-thinking, power, pride, push-limits, reflec ons, resiliency, respect, risk-
taking, road-trip, sa sfac on, service-to-others, smile, soar, soul-food, spirituality, start-all-over, strength,
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
struggle, success, thick-skin, think-outside-the-box, travel, values, wander, wanderlust, writer Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
27 likes Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
“The high road of grace will get you somewhere a whole lot Like
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
faster then the freeway of spite.”
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
― Aaron Lauritsen, 100 Days Drive: The Great North American Road Trip Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
tags: 100-days-drive, 100daysdrive, acceptance, accomplish, ambi on, author, awakening, be-happy, be- Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
proud, believe, bestseller, bohemian, break-barriers, carmaker, chances, change, chase-dreams, cherish, Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
coming-of-age, compassion, compe on, confidence, conquer, conquer-fear, content, control-you-life,
courage, crossroads, des ny, determina on, dig-deep, don-t-give-up, don-t-worry-be-happy, dream-big,
dreamer, empower, energy, enjoy-life, explore, faith, fearless, find-yourself, follow-your-dreams, follow-
your-heart, follow-your-own-path, forgive, free, freedom, fresh-start, goal-se ng, goals, goals-in-life, good-
soul, gra tude, happiness, heal, high-road, hope, humanity, humility, inner-beauty, inner-strength,
inspira on, journey, joy, judgement, laugh, learn, liberate, libera ng, life, life-lessons, light, limitless, live-life-
quotes, love-thy-neighbor, love-thyself, love-yourself, luck, memoir, never-quit, no-regrets, nomad, one-life,
open-road, opportunity, parenthood, perspec ve, posi ve-thinking, power, pride, push-limits, reflec ons,
resiliency, respect, risk-taking, road-trip, sa sfac on, service-to-others, smile, soar, soul-food, spirituality,
start-all-over, strength, struggle, success, teamwork, thick-skin, think-outside-the-box, travel, values,
wander, wanderlust, writer

“At some point, you just gotta forgive the past, your happiness Like

hinges on it.”
― Aaron Lauritsen, 100 Days Drive: The Great North American Road Trip
tags: 100-days-drive, 100daysdrive, acceptance, accomplish, ambi on, author, awakening, be-happy, be-
proud, believe, bestseller, break-barriers, carmaker, chances, change, chase-dreams, cherish, compassion,
compe on, confidence, conquer, conquer-fear, content, control-you-life, courage, crossroads, des ny,
determina on, dig-deep, don-t-give-up, don-t-worry-be-happy, dream-big, dreamer, empower, energy,
explore, faith, fearless, find-yourself, follow-your-dreams, follow-your-heart, follow-your-own-path, forgive,
freedom, fresh-start, goal-se ng, goals, goals-in-life, good-soul, happiness, hope, humanity, humility, inner-
beauty, inner-strength, inspira on, journey, joy, judgement, liberate, libera ng, life, life-lessons, light, live-
life-quotes, love-thy-neighbor, love-thyself, love-yourself, luck, never-quit, no-regrets, nomad, one-life,
opportunity, parenthood, perspec ve, posi ve-thinking, power, pride, push-limits, reflec ons, resiliency,
respect, risk-taking, road-trip, sa sfac on, service-to-others, soar, soul-food, spirituality, start-all-over,
strength, struggle, success, thick-skin, think-outside-the-box, values, wander, wanderlust, writer

“We love our partners for who they are, not for who they are Like

― Aaron Lauritsen, 100 Days Drive: The Great North American Road Trip
tags: 100-days-drive, 100daysdrive, acceptance, accomplish, ambi on, author, awakening, be-happy, be-
proud, believe, bestseller, bohemian, break-barriers, carmaker, chances, change, chase-dreams, cherish,
coming-of-age, compassion, compe on, confidence, conquer, conquer-fear, content, control-you-life,
courage, crossroads, des ny, determina on, dig-deep, don-t-give-up, don-t-worry-be-happy, dream-big,
dreamer, empower, energy, enjoy-life, explore, faith, fearless, find-yourself, follow-your-dreams, follow-
your-heart, follow-your-own-path, forgive, free, freedom, fresh-start, goal-se ng, goals, goals-in-life, good- 1/7
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
soul, gra tude, happiness, heal, hope, humanity, humility, inner-beauty, inner-strength, inspira on, journey,
joy, judgement, laugh, learn, liberate, libera ng, life, life-lessons, light, limitless, live-life-quotes, love-thy- Sign in
neighbor, love-thyself, love-yourself, luck, memoir, never-quit, no-regrets, nomad, one-life, opportunity,
parenthood, perspec ve, posi ve-thinking, power, pride, push-limits, reflec ons, resiliency, respect, risk-
taking, road-trip, sa sfac on, service-to-others, smile, soar, soul-food, spirituality, start-all-over, strength,
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struggle, success, thick-skin, think-outside-the-box, travel, values, wander, wanderlust,Browse writer ▾ Community ▾

“Explore, Experience, Then Push Beyond.” Like

― Aaron Lauritsen, 100 Days Drive: The Great North American Road Trip

tags: 100-days-drive, 100daysdrive, acceptance, accomplish, ambi on, author, awakening, be-happy, be-
proud, believe, bestseller, break-barriers, carmaker, chances, change, chase-dreams, cherish, compassion,
compe on, confidence, conquer, conquer-fear, content, control-you-life, courage, crossroads, des ny,
determina on, dig-deep, don-t-give-up, don-t-worry-be-happy, dream-big, dreamer, empower, energy,
explore, faith, fearless, find-yourself, follow-your-dreams, follow-your-heart, follow-your-own-path, forgive,
freedom, fresh-start, goal-se ng, goals, goals-in-life, good-soul, happiness, hope, humanity, humility, inner-
beauty, inner-strength, inspira on, journey, joy, judgement, liberate, libera ng, life, life-lessons, light, live-
life-quotes, love-thy-neighbor, love-thyself, love-yourself, luck, memoir, never-quit, no-regrets, nomad, one-
life, opportunity, parenthood, perspec ve, posi ve-thinking, power, pride, push-limits, reflec ons,
resiliency, respect, risk-taking, road-trip, sa sfac on, service-to-others, soar, soul-food, spirituality, start-all-
over, strength, struggle, success, thick-skin, think-outside-the-box, travel, values, wander, wanderlust, writer

“There's more to a person than flesh. Judge others by the sum Like

of their soul and you'll see that beauty is a force of light that
radiates from the inside out.”
― Aaron Lauritsen
tags: 100-days-drive, 100daysdrive, acceptance, accomplish, ambi on, author, awakening, be-happy, be-
proud, believe, bestseller, break-barriers, carmaker, chances, change, chase-dreams, cherish, compassion,
compe on, confidence, conquer, conquer-fear, content, contentness, control-you-life, courage, crossroads,
des ny, determina on, dig-deep, don-t-give-up, don-t-worry-be-happy, dream-big, dreamer, empower,
energy, faith, fearless, find-yourself, follow-your-dreams, follow-your-heart, follow-your-own-path,
freedom, fresh-start, goal-se ng, goals, goals-in-life, good-soul, happiness, hope, humanity, humility, inner-
beauty, inner-strength, joy, judgement, liberate, libera ng, life-lessons, light, live-life-quotes, love-thy-
neighbor, love-thyself, love-yourself, luck, never-quit, no-regrets, nomad, one-life, opportunity, posi ve-
thinking, power, pride, push-limits, reflec ons, resiliency, respect, risk-taking, road-trip, sa sfac on, service-
to-others, soar, soul-food, spirituality, start-all-over, strength, thick-skin, think-outside-the-box, values,
wander, wanderlust, writer

“Travel is costly yes, but it pays dividends too.” Like

― Aaron Lauritsen, 100 Days Drive: The Great North American Road Trip

tags: 100-days-drive, 100daysdrive, acceptance, accomplish, ambi on, author, awakening, be-happy, be-
proud, believe, bestseller, break-barriers, carmaker, chances, change, chase-dreams, cherish, compassion,
compe on, confidence, conquer, conquer-fear, content, control-you-life, courage, crossroads, des ny,
determina on, dig-deep, don-t-give-up, don-t-worry-be-happy, dream-big, dreamer, empower, energy,
explore, faith, fearless, find-yourself, follow-your-dreams, follow-your-heart, follow-your-own-path, forgive,
freedom, fresh-start, goal-se ng, goals, goals-in-life, good-soul, happiness, hope, humanity, humility, inner-
beauty, inner-strength, inspira on, journey, joy, judgement, liberate, libera ng, life, life-lessons, light, live-
life-quotes, love-thy-neighbor, love-thyself, love-yourself, luck, never-quit, no-regrets, nomad, one-life,
opportunity, parenthood, perspec ve, posi ve-thinking, power, pride, push-limits, reflec ons, resiliency,
respect, risk-taking, road-trip, sa sfac on, service-to-others, soar, soul-food, spirituality, start-all-over,
strength, struggle, success, thick-skin, think-outside-the-box, travel, values, wander, wanderlust, writer

“We need to let ourselves be evangelized by the poor. They have Like
much to teach us.”
― Pope Francis, The Church of Mercy
tags: church, humility, mercy, pope-francis, social-jus ce 5 likes

“Building bridges is the best defence against ignorance.” Like

― Aaron Lauritsen, 100 Days Drive: The Great North American Road Trip

tags: 100-days-drive, 100daysdrive, acceptance, accomplish, ambi on, author, awakening, be-happy, be-
proud, believe, bestseller, break-barriers, carmaker, chances, change, chase-dreams, cherish, compassion,
compe on, confidence, conquer, conquer-fear, content, contentness, control-you-life, courage, crossroads,
des ny, determina on, dig-deep, don-t-give-up, don-t-worry-be-happy, dream-big, dreamer, empower,
energy, faith, fearless, find-yourself, follow-your-dreams, follow-your-heart, follow-your-own-path,
freedom, fresh-start, goal-se ng, goals, goals-in-life, good-soul, happiness, hope, humanity, humility, inner-
beauty, inner-strength, joy, judgement, liberate, libera ng, life-lessons, light, live-life-quotes, love-thy-
neighbor, love-thyself, love-yourself, luck, never-quit, no-regrets, nomad, one-life, opportunity, posi ve-
thinking, power, pride, push-limits, reflec ons, resiliency, respect, risk-taking, road-trip, sa sfac on, service-
to-others, soar, soul-food, spirituality, start-all-over, strength, thick-skin, think-outside-the-box, values,
wander, wanderlust, writer 2/7
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
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“Trials make you strong. Like
makes you humble.
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Challenges make you strive.
Life keeps you going and growing”
― Kemi Sogunle, Beyond the Pain by Kemi Sogunle
tags: challenges, failure-and-success, growing, growth, humility, life, life-lessons, living, strength, test, test-
of- me, trials, trials-of-life

“You are surrounded by ignorance, savagery and fanaticism. Like

You live in a society where everyone thinks he/she knows about

everything in the whole universe. If you find yourself among
those intellectual idiots, then being good and humble may give
rise to doubts in your mind about your own ideas. So, you must first
learn to distinguish between real and shallow intellect. Then, as a self-
preservation tactic, you need to let your pretence of arrogance grow as
big as a Dinosaur, so that the fake intellectuals start to realize their true
inferiority in front of you.”
― Abhijit Naskar, Love, God & Neurons: Memoir of a scien st who found himself
by ge ng lost
tags: achieve-your-dreams, achievement, achievement-and-a tude, arrogance-and-a tude, cri cism,
cri cism-quotes, goal-achievement, goals-in-life, goals-quotes, humble, humility, humility-quotes,
imagina on, imagina on-quotes, inner-voice, inspira on, inspira onal, inspiring, inspiring-quotes, intui on,
intui on-quotes, life-lessons, mo va on, mo va onal-inspira onal, mo va onal-quotes, pearls-of-wisdom,
percep on, percep on-of-life, percep on-of-self, pursuit-of-dreams, pursuit-of-goals, pursuit-of-
knowledge, pursuit-of-passion, pursuit-of-perfec on, pursuit-of-truth, self, self-awareness, self-awareness-
quotes, self-love, self-realiza on, success, success-in-life, success-quotes, truth, voice-of-wisdom, wise-
quota ons

“Be a team player, not a bandwagon jumper.” Like

― Aaron Lauritsen, 100 Days Drive: The Great North American Road Trip

tags: 100-days-drive, 100daysdrive, acceptance, accomplish, ambi on, author, awakening, be-happy, be-
proud, believe, bestseller, bohemian, break-barriers, carmaker, chances, change, chase-dreams, cherish,
coming-of-age, compassion, compe on, confidence, conquer, conquer-fear, content, control-you-life,
courage, crossroads, des ny, determina on, dig-deep, don-t-give-up, don-t-worry-be-happy, dream-big,
dreamer, empower, energy, enjoy-life, explore, faith, fearless, find-yourself, follow-your-dreams, follow-
your-heart, follow-your-own-path, forgive, free, freedom, fresh-start, goal-se ng, goals, goals-in-life, good-
soul, gra tude, happiness, heal, high-road, hope, humanity, humility, inner-beauty, inner-strength,
inspira on, journey, joy, judgement, laugh, learn, liberate, libera ng, life, life-lessons, light, limitless, live-life-
quotes, love-thy-neighbor, love-thyself, love-yourself, luck, memoir, never-quit, no-regrets, nomad, one-life,
open-road, opportunity, parenthood, perspec ve, posi ve-thinking, power, pride, push-limits, reflec ons,
resiliency, respect, risk-taking, road-trip, sa sfac on, service-to-others, smile, soar, soul-food, spirituality,
start-all-over, strength, struggle, success, teamwork, thick-skin, think-outside-the-box, travel, values,
wander, wanderlust, writer

“Criticisms of a society filled with fools have no power in them Like

to bother the sage that has emerged from the agonizing fire of
― Abhijit Naskar, Love, God & Neurons: Memoir of a scien st who found
himself by ge ng lost
tags: achieve-your-dreams, achievement, achievement-and-a tude, arrogance-and-a tude, cri cism,
cri cism-quotes, goal-achievement, goals-in-life, goals-quotes, humble, humility, humility-quotes,
imagina on, imagina on-quotes, inner-voice, inspira on, inspira onal, inspiring, inspiring-quotes, intui on,
intui on-quotes, life-lessons, mo va on, mo va onal-inspira onal, mo va onal-quotes, pearls-of-wisdom,
percep on, percep on-of-life, percep on-of-self, pursuit-of-dreams, pursuit-of-goals, pursuit-of-
knowledge, pursuit-of-passion, pursuit-of-perfec on, pursuit-of-truth, self, self-awareness, self-awareness-
quotes, self-love, self-realiza on, self-respect, self-respect-quotes, success, success-in-life, success-quotes,
truth, voice-of-wisdom, wise-quota ons

“There is no such thing as loving a child too much.” Like

― Aaron Lauritsen, 100 Days Drive: The Great North American Road Trip

tags: 100-days-drive, 100daysdrive, acceptance, accomplish, ambi on, author, awakening, be-happy, be-
proud, believe, bestseller, bohemian, break-barriers, carmaker, chances, change, chase-dreams, cherish, 3/7
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
coming-of-age, compassion, compe on, confidence, conquer, conquer-fear, content, control-you-life,
courage, crossroads, des ny, determina on, dig-deep, don-t-give-up, don-t-worry-be-happy, dream-big, Sign in
dreamer, empower, energy, enjoy-life, explore, faith, fearless, find-yourself, follow-your-dreams, follow-
your-heart, follow-your-own-path, forgive, free, freedom, fresh-start, goal-se ng, goals, goals-in-life, good-
soul, gra tude, happiness, hope, humanity, humility, inner-beauty, inner-strength, inspira on, journey, joy,
My ng,
judgement, liberate, libera Books ▾
Browse love-
life, life-lessons, light, limitless, live-life-quotes, love-thy-neighbor, Community ▾
thyself, love-yourself, luck, memoir, never-quit, no-regrets, nomad, one-life, opportunity, parenthood,
perspec ve, posi ve-thinking, power, pride, push-limits, reflec ons, resiliency, respect, risk-taking, road-
trip, sa sfac on, service-to-others, soar, soul-food, spirituality, start-all-over, strength, struggle, success,
thick-skin, think-outside-the-box, travel, values, wander, wanderlust, writer

“The highway of grace will get you somewhere a whole lot Like
faster then the freeway of spite.”
― Aaron Lauritsen
tags: 100-days-drive, 100daysdrive, acceptance, accomplish, ambi on, author, awakening, be-happy, be-
proud, believe, bestseller, bohemian, break-barriers, carmaker, chances, change, chase-dreams, cherish,
coming-of-age, compassion, compe on, confidence, conquer, conquer-fear, content, control-you-life,
courage, crossroads, des ny, determina on, dig-deep, don-t-give-up, don-t-worry-be-happy, dream-big,
dreamer, empower, energy, enjoy-life, explore, faith, fearless, find-yourself, follow-your-dreams, follow-
your-heart, follow-your-own-path, forgive, free, freedom, fresh-start, goal-se ng, goals, goals-in-life, good-
soul, gra tude, happiness, heal, high-road, hope, humanity, humility, inner-beauty, inner-strength,
inspira on, journey, joy, judgement, laugh, learn, liberate, libera ng, life, life-lessons, light, limitless, live-life-
quotes, love-thy-neighbor, love-thyself, love-yourself, luck, memoir, never-quit, no-regrets, nomad, one-life,
open-road, opportunity, parenthood, perspec ve, posi ve-thinking, power, pride, push-limits, reflec ons,
resiliency, respect, risk-taking, road-trip, sa sfac on, service-to-others, smile, soar, soul-food, spirituality,
start-all-over, strength, struggle, success, thick-skin, think-outside-the-box, travel, values, wander,
wanderlust, writer

“Successes are those highlights of life we look back on with a Like

smile. But it's the day to day grind of getting them that defines
the laugh lines etched until the end of time. Enjoy each moment
along the way”
― Aaron Lauritsen, 100 Days Drive: The Great North American Road Trip
tags: 100-days-drive, 100daysdrive, acceptance, accomplish, ambi on, author, awakening, be-happy, be-
proud, believe, bestseller, bohemian, break-barriers, carmaker, chances, change, chase-dreams, cherish,
coming-of-age, compassion, compe on, confidence, conquer, conquer-fear, content, control-you-life,
courage, crossroads, des ny, determina on, dig-deep, don-t-give-up, don-t-worry-be-happy, dream-big,
dreamer, empower, energy, enjoy-life, explore, faith, fearless, find-yourself, follow-your-dreams, follow-
your-heart, follow-your-own-path, forgive, free, freedom, fresh-start, goal-se ng, goals, goals-in-life, good-
soul, gra tude, happiness, hope, humanity, humility, inner-beauty, inner-strength, inspira on, journey, joy,
judgement, liberate, libera ng, life, life-lessons, light, limitless, live-life-quotes, love-thy-neighbor, love-
thyself, love-yourself, luck, memoir, never-quit, no-regrets, nomad, one-life, opportunity, parenthood,
perspec ve, posi ve-thinking, power, pride, push-limits, reflec ons, resiliency, respect, risk-taking, road-
trip, sa sfac on, service-to-others, soar, soul-food, spirituality, start-all-over, strength, struggle, success,
thick-skin, think-outside-the-box, travel, values, wander, wanderlust, writer

“You must hiss at people who intend to undermine your Like

individuality with their false pride and intellectual stupidity.

You must frighten them away, lest they should do you harm. Act
like you have a lot of venom inside you, but never inject them
into anyone.”
― Abhijit Naskar, Love, God & Neurons: Memoir of a scien st who found himself
by ge ng lost
tags: achieve-your-dreams, achievement, achievement-and-a tude, arrogance-and-a tude, cri cism,
cri cism-quotes, goal-achievement, goals-in-life, goals-quotes, humble, humility, humility-quotes,
imagina on, imagina on-quotes, inner-voice, inspira on, inspira onal, inspiring, inspiring-quotes, intui on,
intui on-quotes, life-lessons, mo va on, mo va onal-inspira onal, mo va onal-quotes, pearls-of-wisdom,
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knowledge, pursuit-of-passion, pursuit-of-perfec on, pursuit-of-truth, self, self-awareness, self-awareness-
quotes, self-love, self-realiza on, success, success-in-life, success-quotes, truth, voice-of-wisdom, wise-
quota ons

“People don't need to know how good you are. Like

Just smile, just slay and just show.”

― Janna Cachola
tags: confidence, girl-power, humility, just-do-it, mo va on, quotes, slay 2 likes

“I believe this not in the sense that it is part of my creed, but in the Like

sense that it is one of my opinions. My religion would not be in ruins if

this opinion were shown to be false.” 4/7
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Le ers
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tags: fact, faith, humility, opinion, religion 2 likes

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“Be a goal-setter, a go-getter, all the while, Like

moving, in humility and kindness.”

― Kamini Arichandran
tags: go-ge er, goal-se ng-quote, humility, kindness, moving 1 likes

“Religiousity is unself glory not purity” Like

― indonesia123
tags: arrogance, arrogant, educa on, ego, egocentrism, faith, glorifying-god, glory-of-god, glory-of-life,
glory-of-one, god, happiness, hope, humility, inspira onal, knowledge, life, love, low-profile, mo va onal,
philosophy, pride, purity, quotes, religion, religiousity, self-centeredness, self-glory, self-love, self-
mo va on, spirituality, truth, unself-glory, wisdom, wri ng

“Greatness is found in great actions; it is found in humility.” Like

― Debasish Mridha

tags: debasish-mridha, debasish-mridha-md, great-ac ons, greatness, humility, inspira onal, philosophy,

“One of the keys to achieving understanding is humility.” Like

― Norhafsah Hamid, Trying to be Muslim

tags: humility, keys, understanding 0 likes

“Do not listen to a single soul, but your own inner voice. Foster Like

your will and make it as wild as possible. Dive deep into the
mysterious fathoms of the universe and accomplish your
purpose by hook or by crook, even if it means going down to the
bottom of the ocean to meet your doom.”
― Abhijit Naskar, Love, God & Neurons: Memoir of a scien st who found himself
by ge ng lost
tags: achieve-your-dreams, achievement, achievement-and-a tude, arrogance-and-a tude, cri cism,
cri cism-quotes, goal-achievement, goals-in-life, goals-quotes, humble, humility, humility-quotes,
imagina on, imagina on-quotes, inner-voice, inspira on, inspira onal, inspiring, inspiring-quotes, intui on,
intui on-quotes, life-lessons, mo va on, mo va onal-inspira onal, mo va onal-quotes, pearls-of-wisdom,
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knowledge, pursuit-of-passion, pursuit-of-perfec on, pursuit-of-truth, self, self-awareness, self-awareness-
quotes, self-love, self-realiza on, success, success-in-life, success-quotes, truth, voice-of-wisdom, wise-
quota ons

“They did not kill Hunger, for people were made to always want new Like

things to taste. They did not destroy Poverty, for poverty reminds us to
be humble. They did not destroy Sleep, for people sometimes need to
forget their troubles and restore their energy. And they did not defeat
Old Age, for there must always be room for the new people being born.”
― James Bruchac & Joseph Bruchac
tags: forge ng-your-worries, humility, hunger, old-age, poverty, sleep 0 likes

“With each drop of tear that we shed in our times of Like

excruciating pain, our brain constructs majestic new cellular
connections to aid in the pursuit of our passion - in the pursuit
of truth.”
― Abhijit Naskar, Love, God & Neurons: Memoir of a scien st who found himself
by ge ng lost
tags: achieve-your-dreams, achievement, achievement-and-a tude, agony, agony-quotes, arrogance-and-
a tude, cri cism, cri cism-quotes, goal-achievement, goals-in-life, goals-quotes, humble, humility,
humility-quotes, imagina on, imagina on-quotes, inner-voice, inspira on, inspira onal, inspiring, inspiring-
quotes, intui on, intui on-quotes, life-lessons, miseries, misery, misery-quotes, mo va on, mo va onal-
inspira onal, mo va onal-quotes, pain, pain-quotes, pearls-of-wisdom, percep on, percep on-of-life, 5/7
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of-perfec on, pursuit-of-truth, self, self-awareness, self-awareness-quotes, self-love, self-realiza on, self- Sign in
respect, self-respect-quotes, success, success-in-life, success-quotes, truth, voice-of-wisdom, wise-
quota ons
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“Human mortality linked to the human ability consciously to choose Like

how to act by exhibiting free will, humility, hard work, kindness, and
compassion provide exemplary opportunities to learn and develop self-
― Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls
tags: compassion-compassion-quotes, consciousness, humility, learning, learning-quotes, philosophy-of-life,

“My dear Sir. Like

Yours of the 13th. is just received. My engagements are such
that I can not, at any very early day, visit Rock-Island, to deliver
a lecture, or for any other object.
As to the other matter you kindly mention, I must, in candor, say I do
not think myself fit for the Presidency. I certainly am flattered, and
gratified, that some partial friends think of me in that connection; but I
really think it best for our cause that no concerted effort, such as you
suggest, should be made.
Let this be considered confidential. Yours very truly,
{Abraham Lincoln}”
― Abraham Lincoln, Speeches and Wri ngs 1859–1865
tags: abraham-lincoln, humility, presiden al-quotes 0 likes

“The best way to achieve great success is to learn from wise Like

people. Use them extensively with love, gratitude, and

― Debasish Mridha
tags: achieve-success, debasish-mridha, debasish-mridha-md, gra tude, humility, inspira onal, love,
philosophy, quotes, success, wise-people

“Right or Wrong, most times, merely depends on perspective. It Like

takes humility (not necessarily logic) to let go of our egos to see

through the other person's eyes. But I guess even I, myself,
can't let go to see why you'd object.”
― Ufuoma Apoki
tags: ego, humility, logic-of-heart, logical-thinking, other-person, perspec ve, right, right-and-wrong, right-
or-wrong, wrong

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 691-720 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“The sun still lives his silent vows to the moon, by bowing to Like
kiss her feet whenever she walks in the room.” BROWSE BY TAG
― Cur s Tyrone Jones
humility Search
tags: adora on, a rac on, da ng, divorce, falling-in-love, feet, humility, husband, infatua on, kiss, kissing,
life, light, love, love-poem, marriage, moon, mutuality, partners, poem, poetry, rela onship-goals,
rela onships, separa on, service, sun, sunrise, sunset, vows, wife, wisdom Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
15 likes Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
“A high school student wrote to ask, "What was the greatest Like
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
event in American history?" I can't say. However, I suspect that
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
like so many "great" events, it was something very simple and Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
very quiet with little or no fanfare (such as someone forgiving Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
someone else for a deep hurt that eventually changed the course of Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
history). The really important "great" things are never center stage of Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
life's dramas; they're always "in the wings". That's why it's so essential
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
for us to be mindful of the humble and the deep rather than the flashy
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
and the superficial.” Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
― Fred Rogers, The World According to Mister Rogers: Important Things to Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
Remember Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k

tags: humility, quiet, underdogs 12 likes

“Bigheadedness is usually a symptom of small-mindedness.” Like

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana

tags: adage, adages, africa, african, aphorism, aphorisms, arrogance, arrogant, axiom, axioms, bigheaded,
bigheadedness, deep, dictum, dictums, epigram, epigrams, funny, gnome, gnomes, humble, humbled,
humility, humor, humorous, humour, insigh ul, made-me-think, make-you-think, maxim, maxims,
philosopher, profound, proverb, proverbs, provoke-thought, quota on, quota ons, quote, quote-of-the-day,
quotes, sa re, sa rical, saying, sayings, small-minded, small-mindedness, south-africa, south-african,
symptom, symptoms, thought-provoking, though ul

“To be humble is to be teachable. Meek, not weak. The most Like

humble people are the most aggressive leaders. Aggressive

because to be truly taught, is to sincerely do. To lead. To start.
To achieve. Willingly and urgently doing the work to make
― Richie Norton
tags: achieve, aggressive, aggressive-behavior, aggressively, aggressiveness, change, entrepreneurship,
gandhi, humanitarian, humble, humble-power, humble-yourself, humbleness, humility, meek, piety, startup,
taught, teach, urgently, weak, willingly

“The point at which things happen is a decision. In stead of Like

focusing on yourself, focus on how you can help someone else.”
― Germany Kent
tags: ac ons-inspira on, ac ons-speak-louder-than-words, ac ons-your-ac ons, charity, chris an,
chris an-life, chris an-living, chris an-quotes, chris anity, chris anity-faith, consciousness, courage,
courage-change-self-reflec on, courage-fear-inspira onal, courage-in-life, courage-quotes, courage-to-be-
oneself, courageous, courageous-leadership, disciples, discipleship, discipline, discover, focus-on-posi ve,
focused, focusing, germany-kent, germany-kent-quote, germany-kent-quotes, good, good-things-in-your-
life, happen, happening, happening-to-the-world, happenings, happens, happens-for-reason, help-others, 1/5
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hope-guru, human-development, humanity-and-society, humility, life, life-lessons, life-of-service, pray-for-
someone, purpose, purpose-and-tenacity, purpose-driven, purpose-driven-life, purpose-in-life, purpose-of- Sign in
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humanity, serving-leader, the-hope-guru, uncomfortable, uncomfortable-truth, uncommon, uncommon-life,
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uncommon-wisdom, voluntary, volunteer, volunteerism Browse ▾ Community ▾

“Respect and humility go together. Humility is not meekness, but the Like

opposite of arrogance. A wise old Indian man once said, "Empty drums
make the loudest noise." Grandfather often repeated this phrase to
indicate that those with the least understanding are the most arrogant.”
― Arun Gandhi, Legacy of Love: My Educa on in the Path of Nonviolence
tags: arrogance, humility 5 likes

“You are the Like

remedy of intensity
i need in my life, to
spin me out of the
miserable monotony
of working on life's
daily assembly
― Cur s Tyrone Jones
tags: adora on, assembly-lines, a rac on, da ng, divorce, falling-in-love, humility, infatua on, intensity, life,
love, love-poem, marriage, monotony, mutuality, poem, poetry, rela onship-goals, rela onships, remedy,
separa on, sex, wisdom

“Personal dignity begins by accepting responsibility for our actions, Like

acting humbly, and extending compassion to other people. Personal
humility requires choosing living with quietness of the heart over living
in the depths of animosity, despair, and discord.”
― Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls
tags: dignity, dignity-quotes, humble, humility, humility-quotes, personal-responsibility 3 likes

“Your own humility endorses your integrity!” Like

― Israelmore Ayivor, Become a Be er You

tags: food-for-thought, honest, humble, humility, integrity, israelmore-ayivor, meek, meekness

“Humility is the fundamental principle that builds up greatness. Like

Arrogance on the other hand never brings anything good. When
you are humble, you’ll learn to become better.”
― Israelmore Ayivor, Become a Be er You
tags: arrogance, arrogant, be er, brings, food-for-thought, fundamental, great, greatness, humble, humility,
inspira onal, inspira ons, israelmore-ayivor, meek, meekness, misbehave, mo va onal, mo va ons,
personal-development, principle, principles

“Every winner is inclined to think he will be triumphant forever. Like

Every loser tends to fear that he is going to be beaten forever.
But both are wrong for the same reason: Everything changes
except the face of god.”
― Elif Shafak, The Forty Rules of Love
tags: humility, lessons, life, life-lessons, loser, pretension, winner 2 likes

“It is only through faith that you will receive the patience, obedience, Like

and humility to be submissive”

― Sunday Adelaja
tags: faith, faith-in-god, humility, obedience, pa ence, submissive 2 likes 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“You can’t accept correction when you are not humble to Like
listen.” Sign in
― Israelmore Ayivor, Become a Be er You
tags: accept, correc on, Books
food-for-thought, humble, humility, inspira onal, inspira ons, Browse ▾
israelmore-ayivor, Community ▾
meek, meekness, mistakes, mo va onal, mo va ons, personal-development

“May any praise of your character come from others instead of Like
― Joyce Rachelle
tags: character, false-humility, humility, praise, praising-oneself, praising-others, pride, self-exalta on, true-

“Humility is the proper attitude towards all true greatness, Like

including one's own greatness as a human being, but above all

towards the greatness which is not oneself, which is beyond
one's self”
― Karol Wojtyla, Amor e Responsabilidade
tags: humility 1 likes

“Great leadership is a reflection of honest service” Like

― Lazarus Takawira
tags: honesty, humility, leadership, personal-development, service, youth-development 1 likes

“I hope that in victory we are more grateful than proud.” Like

― David Brooks
tags: character, humility, success, wwii 1 likes

“Bear in mind that humility is not timidity.” Like

― Israelmore Ayivor, Become a Be er You

tags: afraid, bear-in-mind, food-for-thought, humble, humility, inspira onal, inspira ons, israelmore-ayivor,
mo va onal, mo va ons, personal-development, mid, midity

“You can be humble without compromising your values.” Like

― Israelmore Ayivor, Become a Be er You

tags: behavior, behaviour, character, compromise, food-for-thought, humble, humility, inspira onal,
inspira ons, israelmore-ayivor, mo va onal, mo va ons, personal-development, values

“At some time during the process, [of writing] I came up with a Like

therapeutic device. After each draft I would tear up the pages

and feed the paper to a worm compost I keep in my garage. A
few months later, those painful pages were dirt that nourished
my yard, which I could walk with bare feet. It was a real and tangible
connection to that larger immensity. I liked to remind myself that the
same process is going to happen to me when I'm done, when I die and
nature tears me up...”
― Ryan Holiday, Ego Is the Enemy
tags: drawback, ego, humility, self-delusion, shortcoming 0 likes

“You don't kill your ego. You overcome it by loving other people. Like

And for that you need both ego and super-ego.”

― Robin Sacredfire
tags: ego, humility, psychology 0 likes 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“Love may be the most excellent way, but it is also a difficult path to Like
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follow and one on which we will most assuredly stumble and fall. If we
are not to lose our way, Humility must be our guide, and if we are to
surmount disappointment
My Books and regain our footing, Forgiveness must
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our porter.”
― James Castleton, MD, Mending of a Broken Heart
tags: forgiveness, humility, love 0 likes

“If there is any one person you can't love, then you don't Like

understand love. The bitter cup we have to drink is the dregs of

humility; we must see past the outer shells of insecurity to the
seed of divinity deep inside each one of us.
No one virtue is strong enough to stand on its own. No one vice is simple
enough not to lead to all others. No one person can appreciate and
support us as much as we need. No one event is enough to tear apart our
What does this all mean?
We have to give everything or we will have nothing. We cannot take any
short cuts. We have to love everyone, or we cannot truly love anyone. No
excuse will mean anything to us in the end.
People are beautiful, don’t forget that.
Don’t let pomp and circumstance, society or folklore fool you with
counterfeit beauty.
True beauty is usually not something you can see, but something you
feel; something that inspires you.”
― Michael Brent Jones, Dinner Party: Part 2
tags: beau ful, beauty, humility, insecurity, love, short-cuts 0 likes

“In order to free ourselves from our assumptions about love, we Like

must ask ourselves what long-held, often buried assumptions

are and then face them, which takes courage, humility, and
― Sharon Salzberg, Real Love: The Art of Mindful Connec on
tags: courage, humility, kindness, love, mindfulness, real-love, real-love-quotes 0 likes

“We exercise kindness in any moment when we recognize our Like

shared humanity—with all the hopes, dreams, joys,

disappointments, vulnerability, and suffering that implies.”
― Sharon Salzberg, Real Love: The Art of Mindful Connec on
tags: humility, joy, kindness, kindness-quotes, love-quotes, suffering, vulnerability 0 likes

“Sadness is like sandpaper; it rubs at our sharper edges, Like

softening and humbling us, making us ready for a coat of

― Richelle E. Goodrich, Slaying Dragons
tags: compassion, humility, richelle, richelle-e-goodrich, richelle-goodrich, sadness, sadness-quotes, so -
hearts, sorrow

“A dead end is only the end of your road if you fail to turn Like
around. Too many people needlessly waste time and energy
trying to find a way across a dead end street. Stop, turn around,
and ask God for directions to get to where you were going in the
first place. Recalculate!”
― Katherine J Walden
tags: direc on, guidance, humility, wastefulness 0 likes

“Life never ceases having a meaning for a humble person. The freedom Like

of choice, the sovereignty that we hold over our own souls, enables a 4/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
person to discover the meaning of his or her own life every day, even in
suffering or death.” Sign in
― Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls
My Books
tags: humble, humble-spirit, Browse ▾
humility, meaning-of-life, meaningful, meaningful-life, meaningful-quote, Community ▾
purposeful-life, purposeful-living

“Perfect understanding of the infinite requires limitless Like

intellectual capacity; our undivided attention is better suited for
humbler aspirations.”
― Wayne Gerard Trotman
tags: aspira ons, a en on, humility, infinite, infinity, intellect, intelligence, knowledge, perfec on, quotable,
space-and- me, understanding, wisdom

“Any country that is now humbled and humiliated by darkness will be Like

raised up by God”
― Sunday Adelaja
tags: darkness-raise, humilia on, humility, victory 0 likes

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13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 511-540 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Ego = 1/Knowledge” Like

― Kaihan Krippendorff
tags: humility, humility-quotes, keynote-speaker, leadership, leadership-quotes, ou hinker

“Ego = 1÷Knowledge” Like

― Kaihan Krippendorff
tags: humility, humility-quotes, keynote-speaker, leadership, leadership-quotes, ou hinker

“I don’t need to look good so Jesus can look good; I need to be Like
honest about my colossal spiritual need so he can look all-
― Sam Allberry
tags: authen city, gospel, grace-of-god, humility, sufficiency 3 likes
humility Search

“It is only the mind which does not belong that can be alone. Like

And aloneness is not something to be cultivated. You see this? Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
When you see all this, you are out, and no governor or president
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
is going to invite you to dinner. Out of that aloneness there is Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
humility. It is this aloneness that knows love—not power. The ambitious Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
man, religious or ordinary, will never know what love is. So, if one sees God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
all this, then one has this quality of total living and therefore total Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k

action. This comes through self-knowledge. Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
Krishnamurti, Jiddu. The Book of Life: Daily Meditations with Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
Krishnamurti (Kindle Locations 933-936). HarperCollins. Kindle Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Edition.” Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
― Jiddu Krishnamur , The Book of Life: Daily Medita ons with Krishnamur Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
tags: aloneness, freedom, humility, power, self-knowledge 3 likes Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k

“I doubt very much that the lengths of wood we nail together into a Like

frame could be considered up to code, but we do the best we can. I

suspect they will take it all apart and start over as soon as we are gone,
but it looks good on camera since Jesus was a carpenter. Daddy would
say that segments like this lend an air of humility to the show, but he
says it while wearing a three-hundred-dollar tie, so I'm not entirely
sure he knows what the word humility really means.”
― Meghan MacLean Weir, The Book of Essie
tags: humility, jesus, the-book-of-essie 3 likes

“Being humble doesn't mean allowing yourself to get stepped on like a Like
doormat. Being humble means taking every negativity coming up
against you positively with grace and poised so that you can allow the
spirit to be seen.”
― Apostle Helen Mayers 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
tags: grace, humility, meekness 3 likes
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“Emerald leaves crossed our paths Like

with veracity
My Booksmarked in golden drafts, Browse ▾ Community ▾
somewhere deep amid the pending vapours
of humility and dance,
did we dance across the skies?”
― Phen Weston
tags: dance, dreams, humility, leaves, life, love, passion, skies 2 likes

“I have found that when I intentionally control my thoughts, walk Like

humbly, love and forgive unconditionally, generally, I have a pretty good

― Ford Taylor, Relac onal Leadership: When Rela onships Collide with
Transac ons
tags: ford-taylor, humility, knowledge, love, transforma onal-leadership, wisdom 1 likes

“I liken modern scientists to conquistadors. They have no idea Like

what they're dealing with, but they're going to conquer it,

whatever it is --- all in the name of God. Now, don't get me
wrong, I'm not opposed to scientific discovery and exploration. I
love this stuff.

What I despise is reckless disregard for how little we know. We create

trans fats with nary a question about whether they're good for us or not.
We develop a food pyramid with carbohydrates on the bottom and thirty
years later we realize it created an obesity and type 2 diabetes epidemic.
It should give us all pause that we would be a much healthier nation if
the government had never told us how to eat.”
― Joel Sala n, The Marvelous Pigness of Pigs: Respec ng and Caring for All God's
Crea on
tags: food-science, healthy-living, humility, science 1 likes

“It is only the mind which does not belong that can be alone. Like
And aloneness is not something to be cultivated. You see this?
When you see all this, you are out, and no governor or president
is going to invite you to dinner. Out of that aloneness there is
humility. It is this aloneness that knows love—not power. The ambitious
man, religious or ordinary, will never know what love is. So, if one sees
all this, then one has this quality of total living and therefore total
action. This comes through self-knowledge.”
― Jiddu Krishnamur
tags: aloneness, freedom, humility, power, self-knowledge 1 likes

“Thanks to their egos, instead of simply saying that they do not Like
know, some people sometimes try very hard to remember
something they know they have never known.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: arrogance, arrogant, ego, humble, humility, ignorance, ignorant, modest, modesty, vanity 1 likes

“All the great stories begin with understanding humility, at least the Like
stories you remember.”
― Chris Morgan (SON)
tags: history, humility, lengends, life-observa on, self-help 0 likes

“While the mind seeks praise, the heart disguises its Like

― Freequill 2/5
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“The birth of a great idea comes through you, not from you.” Like
― Freequill
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tags: compassion, connec on, humble, humility, life, truth, unity, wisdom 0 likes

“If anyone would like to acquire humility, I can, I think, tell him Like
the first step. The first step is to realise that one is proud. And a
biggish step, too. At least, nothing whatever can be done before
it. If you think you are not conceited, it means you are very
conceited indeed.”
― C.S. Lewis, Mere Chris anity
tags: advice, conceit, humility, mere-chris anity, pride, truth 0 likes

“It's humbling to think how little we contribute to our own Like

― Freequill
tags: ego, honesty, humble, humility, kind, truth, understanding, wisdom, wise 0 likes

“When the only one who has a right to be angry chooses love Like
and service, when He considers the interests of others more
important than His own and chooses humility–He changes
everything (p. 55).”
― Edward T. Welch, A Small Book About A Big Problem
tags: anger, humility, jesus 0 likes

“Humility helps us come to terms with what we cannot know. Like

Patience takes the edge off when the hurt continues. Empathy is
the gift that connects us with others. Forgiving ourselves for
having such perfectly human reactions is harder than forgiving
whatever caused them.”
― Laurie Nadel, The Five Gi s: Discovering Hope, Healing and Strength When
Disaster Strikes
tags: empathy, five-gi s-quotes, forgiving, humility, inspira onal-quotes, laurie-nadel, laurie-nadel-quotes,
life-quotes, pa ence-quotes

“Conscience is the incorruptible knight that can protect and Like

nourish humanity through the turmoil of time.”
― Abhijit Naskar, 7 Billion Gods: Humans Above All
tags: brainy-quotes, conscience, conscience-and-ethics, human-mind, humility, neuroscience, pearls-of-
wisdom, progress, psychology

“True humility is a way of life. Humility must be imbibed, inculcated Like

through self-awareness.”
― Dada J. P. Vaswani
tags: humility, humility-quotes, self-awareness-quotes 0 likes

“Humility does not consist in hiding our talents and virtues, or in Like
thinking of ourselves as being worse than we are, but in realizing that all
we are and all that we have are gifts bestowed upon us by God!”
― Dada J. P. Vaswani
tags: god-gi s, humility, humility-quotes 0 likes

“Lead the humans around you, but in your heart keep fostering Like
pure humility towards those who follow as well as those who
― Abhijit Naskar, Conscience over Nonsense 3/5
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tags: braveheart, cri cism, humility, leadership-characteris cs, leading, leading-people, self-realiza on
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“True humility doesn't kill our dreams; it provides a guardrail Like

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for them.”
― Dave Harvey, Rescuing Ambi on
tags: dreams, humility 0 likes

“The trouble is that we have a very wrong notion of humility; we Like

associate it with timidity, self-effacement and lowliness in its worst
― Dada J. P. Vaswani
tags: compassion, humility, humility-in-greatness, humility-quotes 0 likes

“Godly ambition makes us downwardly mobile.” Like

― Dave Harvey, Rescuing Ambi on

tags: ambi on, humility 0 likes

“Our understandable wish to preserve the planet must somehow Like

be reduced to the scale of our competence - that is to wish to

preserve all of its humble house - holds and neighbourhoods.”
― Wendell Berry, The World-Ending Fire: The Essen al Wendell Berry
tags: anthropocene, egocentrism, humility, save-the-world 0 likes

“There is more life on a single blade of grass than I can ever Like

comprehend or create...I stay humble in awe of life, not the fear

and finality of death. All of the earth is my cradle and my
― Rian Nejar, Humbling and Humility
tags: cradle, grave, humility, life 0 likes

“Humility arises as you acknowledge and embrace your need for Like
and your dependency on God.”
― Bobby Gene Redding, Talk To Jesus
tags: change, commitment, eternal-perspec ve, god-s-will, humility, love, power, prayer, quality- me,
spiritual-transforma on

“We are sometimes humbled by the realization that, unlike their Like

house, someone’s bank balance or paycheck is bigger than

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: arrogance, arrogant, conspicuous-consump on, humble, humility, modest, modesty, paycheck, salary,

“Fawn knew no matter what he did, no matter how hard he tried, Willow Like

would never know she was beautiful. Even if he climbed the highest
mountain and shouted it across the world, she would never believe the
― Ella Rose Carlos, A Long Lost Fantasy
tags: beauty-quotes, humble, humility, love-quotes, love-quotes-and-sayings, meekness, quotes-about-love,
roman c-quotes, true-love-quotes, young-love

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 361-390 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Try not to force your idea on someone, but rather think about Like
it with him. If you feel you have won the discussion, that is the
wrong attitude. Try not to win the argument; just listen to it.”
― Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: Informal Talks on Zen
Medita on and Prac ce
tags: arguments, discussion, humility, logic 3 likes

“Humility is not, therefore, simply a low regard for oneself; Like

rather, it is a proper view of oneself that is low in comparison to
God and in recognition of our own fallenness. "Humility is
thinking less about yourself, not thinking less of yourself.”
― Karen Swallow Prior, On Reading Well: Finding the Good Life Through Great
tags: humility 1 likes BROWSE BY TAG

humility Search
“Live a life full of humility, gratitude, intellectual curiosity, and never Like

stop learning.”
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
― Gza Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
tags: gra tude, humility, life-long-learning Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
“Those that survive the crucible of affliction die to self, and yet live for Like
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
all.” Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
― Mar n Uzochukwu Ugwu Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
tags: champions, humility, life-struggle, life-with-purpose, selfless-service, victory, winners 0 likes Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
“... according to a famous study by the influential management Like Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
theorist Jim Collins, many of the best performing companies of Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
the late twentieth century were run by what he calls "Level 5
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
Leaders." These exceptional CEOs were known not for their
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
flash or charisma but for extreme humility coupled with intense
professional will.”
― Susan Cain, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking
tags: humility, leaders, leadership-traits, will 0 likes

“A grateful heart is a beginning of greatness. It is an expression Like

of humility. It is a foundation for the development of such

virtues as prayer, faith, courage, contentment, happiness, love,
and well-being”
― James E. Faust
tags: contentment, courage, faith, grateful, happiness, humility, james-e-faust, love, prayer 0 likes

“Some of the best advice I’ve taken and given: don’t take life Like

too seriously. Forget being “on” all the time; nor is it necessary
to overcompensate for select qualities. Your talents are best
shown in security. So, just be you, naturally—it’s okay to 1/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
experience a little humility.”
― Mar ka Shanel Sign in

tags: advice, humility, self-esteem, self-improvement, self-love, talents 0 likes

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“Hold your tongue and live your life, for it is in the way that you Like

live that you speak the loudest.”

― Craig D. Lounsbrough
tags: ac ons, example, humility, life, live, role-model, sincerity, speak, tongue 0 likes

“True service is possible only when the self-conscious individual loses Like

his egoistic sense of 'actorship' by merging his self-interest in the

common weal and welfare of the world. Now his life-interest is identical
with the interest of all. This exalted humility can be achieved by
realizing the eternal fact that an omnipotent power, which is inherent in
all creatures and beings, is actuating the individual life and all its

Humility leads to self-surrender, i.e., an attitude of submission to the

will and purpose of God, who is the source of infinite power that controls
all the movements in the universe.”
― Swami Ramdas, The Essen al Swami Ramdas
tags: god, humility, self-surrender, service, will-of-god 0 likes

“Some of the greatest accolades that I’ve ever experienced have Like
been those from people that I never knew who somehow figured
out what I was doing behind the scenes.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough
tags: accolades, apprecia on, giving, humble, humility, people, sacrificial, selfless, thanks 0 likes

“Pride is always a way of not seeing oneself properly, whereas Like

humility is"self-knowledge perfected.”
― Karen Swallow Prior, On Reading Well: Finding the Good Life Through
Great Books
tags: humility, pride 0 likes

“The greatest accomplishment of all is to recognize that we Like

were freely handed two extraordinary gifts that we had no part
in creating. The first is a talent to cultivate, and the second is
the opportunity to cultivate it.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough
tags: accomplishments, apprecia on, cul vate, gi s, grateful, gra tude, humility, meek 0 likes

“Seeing who we really are--which requires seeing ourselves in Like

relationship to God--is true humility.

Humility is taking our place, no matter how small (or big), and
fulfilling that place with a heart overflowing with love.”
― Karen Swallow Prior, On Reading Well: Finding the Good Life Through Great
tags: humility 0 likes

“The straight tree is the first to be chopped down; the well of Like
sweet water is the first to run dry. Sir, your intention is to
display your knowledge in order to astonish the ignorant, and
by developing your self, to cast a light upon the crudeness of
others. You shine, you positively glow, as if you carried with you the sun
and moon. All this is why you cannot avoid disasters. 2/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
I have heard the great fulfillment man say, “The boastful have done
nothing worthwhile, those who do something worthwhile will see it Sign in
fade, fame soon disappears.” There are few who can forget success and
fame and just return to being ordinary citizens again! The Tao
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but the perfect man does not stand in its light, his Virtue moves all, but
he does not seek fame. He is empty and plain, and seems crazy.
Anonymous, abdicating power, he has no interest in work or fame. So he
doesn’t criticize others and they don’t criticize him. The perfect man is
never heard, so why, Sir, do you so want to be?”
― Zhuangzi, The Book of Chuang Tzu
tags: fame, gain, humility, success, tao 0 likes

“So it is that the great man through his actions will not set out Like
to harm others, nor make much of benevolence and charity; he
does not make any move for gain, nor consider the servant at
the gate as lowly; he will not barter for property and riches, nor
does he make much of having turned them down; he asks for no one’s
help, nor does he make much of his own self-reliance, nor despise the
greedy and mean; he does not follow the crowd, nor does he make much
of being so different; he comes behind the crowd, but does not make
much of those who get ahead through flattery. The titles and honours of
this world are of no interest to him, nor is he concerned at the disgrace
of punishments. He knows there is no distinction between right and
wrong, nor between great and little. I have heard it said, “The Tao man
earns no reputation, perfect Virtue is not followed, the great man is self-
less.” In perfection, this is the path he follows.”
― Zhuangzi, The Book of Chuang Tzu
tags: humility, independence, simplicity, tao 0 likes

“There are millions of thirsty souls. There is sufficient water in Like

the 'well of salvation' to adequately quench every one of those

thirsty souls. God is looking for vessels through which He might
transmit this living water to them. It matters not regarding the
apparent outward value of the vessel or the seeming lack of worth. The
only kind of vessel that He can use to carry this living water to these
dying souls is a vessel that is 'meet for the Master's use,' that is one that
is first cleansed of sin and then emptied of self. Perhaps this truth can be
more readily made clear by a simple illustration. Let us imagine a clear,
crystal stream of living water flowing beside a broad way. There comes a
tired, worn-out, thirsty traveller. He sees the water, but it flows under
such circumstances as to make it impossible for him to reach this stream
from his mouth. He spies three vessels: a golden goblet, a silver pitcher,
and a tin cup. Upon investigation he finds that the golden goblet us filled
with something else. The silver pitcher is empty, apparently ready for
service but is soiled within; the tin cup alone is clean and emptied. We
leave it to you to decide which one he chooses. To rightly get at the heart
of this great truth, meditate on: Acts 24:16; 2 Tim. 2:20-21; and 1 Cor.
1:26-30. Which kind are you?”
― Dawson Trotman
tags: christ, humility, ministry, sanc fica on, self-denial, service 0 likes

“The wise king is the one who knows he isn't.” Like

― Paul Krueger, Steel Crow Saga

tags: humility, king, knowledge-of-self, wisdom 0 likes

“A man’s determination is measured, not only by his steady Like

steps towards his goal, but also by his humility in accepting

help after a fall and continue walking. Therein lies the stuff he 3/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
is made of.”
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― Vincent Okay Nwachukwu, Weighty 'n' Worthy African Proverbs - Volume 1
tags: determina on, fall, goal, humility, stuffstuff, walking 0 likes
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“In taking a bath one is admitting he is dirty. In humility, he Like

strips off all dignity and return as-was-born for natural

― Vincent Okay Nwachukwu, Weighty 'n' Worthy African Proverbs -
Volume 1
tags: bath, cleaning, dirty, humility 0 likes

“You will take no more than you need, and waste nothing. Like

People will attempt to buy your friendship. They will lavish

things upon you. Accept nothing but the barest of human
― Neal Shusterman, Scythe
tags: considera on, humility, pragma sm 0 likes

“I want you to remember that you can’t always smile your way Like

around a fight. If someone pulls steel on you, I expect you to

survive. Sometimes that means giving back in kind. Sometimes
it means running like your arse is on fire. Always it means
knowing which is the right choice.”
― Sco Lynch, The Lies of Locke Lamora
tags: conflict-resolu on, humility, pragma sm 0 likes

“That’s that. Put it in your hat and wear it to town, Locke. We Like
need to face our shortcomings head on. The old saying for a
gang is, ‘‘Lies go out, but the truth stays home’’.”
― Sco Lynch, The Lies of Locke Lamora
tags: faults, humility, pragma sm, shortcomings 0 likes

“Because I can’t just snap my fingers and take away distance for Like

no good reason; the magic doesn’t work like that, and let’s all
be grateful,” said the Luidaeg. “There have to be limits, even on
the Firstborn. We can’t be gods. The world would shatter and
turn to dust beneath our feet. ... And all the ones who would be gods are
the ones who shouldn’t be gods. ...”
― Seanan McGuire, The Unkindest Tide
tags: godly-powers, humility, humour 0 likes

“Even if the world says so, and you know it too, that you have Like
genius, don’t allow it to carry you away. You are, just like
anybody else is, ordinary. You are a mere instrument that Life
uses to express itself. ‘Your’ art is actually not even yours – it
comes from a divine Source, flows through you, so it can touch the
world. So, no matter how talented, famous and wealthy you are, know
that you are just a microphone, a messenger, that is amplifying a
message that is passing through you. How can a messenger ever take
credit for the message? This doesn’t mean you must not celebrate
yourself or market yourself well or profit economically. Surely, you may!
But do it being fully aware that without the Source choosing you,
without ‘your’ art flowing through you, there would be no acclaim, no
recognition. So, stay humble, stay grateful!”
― AVIS Viswanathan
tags: avis-on-happyness, avis-viswanathan, fall-like-a-rose-petal, gra tude, humility, life-lessons, spirituality,
0 likes 4/6
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“We can perhaps hold both the desire to separate from these bodily Like Sign in
memories and the willingness to be with them in the broad embrace of
welcome and compassion.
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I do believe this kind of acceptance is a lifetime's work that inevitably
leads to 'failure' at times. Our biology wants to protect us from what
may harm us, and the arising of implicit memory can feel quite

If we can soften towards our own tendency to want to move away and
offer to begin again with gestures of inclusion, this is likely what is
possible and optimal for us humans.

Humility and grace are perhaps the gifts of this tension, gifts that we
can then extend to our people in the form of honoring their struggle.”
― Bonnie Badenoch, The Heart of Trauma: Healing the Embodied Brain in the
Context of Rela onships
tags: coregula on, healing, hope, humility, implicit-memory, self-acceptance, symptom 0 likes

“It surely will help if children understand Life’s simple, Like

unalterable truths early on:
1. What goes up, comes down and will go back up again; also,
what goes around, comes around!
2. Until we get what we want, we must be patient.
3. Life happens through us and not because of us.
4. This human form, this lifetime, is a gift that we must be eternally
grateful for.
So, even if we can’t teach them or give them anything else, let us imbue
in our children an appreciation for Life through these four perspectives
– Faith, Patience, Humility and Gratitude. This is how we can prepare
them for going through Life with equanimity, happily, despite whatever
circumstances they have to deal with!”
― AVIS Viswanathan
tags: avis-on-happyness, avis-viswanathan, faith, fall-like-a-rose-petal, gra tude, happiness, humility,
lifelessons, pa ence, the-happynesswala

“We live in a time when there seem to be very few heroes. The original Like
meaning of hero was someone favored by heaven and having godlike
qualities. A hero is not without humility; humility is our awareness of
our dependence on Spirit, and our interdependence with our fellow
human beings. Gandhi, Malcom X, and Martin Luther King were all
examples of both humility and heroism. Often humility exists because of
the hero's connection to a higher aim: humility in front of a great idea,
in front of the Infinity of Life. It is this kind of humility that leads to the
forming of a connection with the infinite creative energy. (p. 144)”
― Kabir Edmund Helminski, Living Presence: A Sufi Way to Mindfulness & the
Essen al Self
tags: heroism, humility, mindfulness, sufi-way 0 likes

“I saw it happening but could not stop it. Humility came to me Like

too late. I'm a living proverb; learn from me.”

― Leif Enger, Peace Like a River
tags: humility 0 likes

“It's humbling, this business of applying for low-wage jobs, Like

consisting as it does of offering yourself--your energy, your
smile, your real or faked lifetime of experience--to a series of 5/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
people for whom this is just not a very interesting package.”
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― Barbara Ehrenreich, Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Ge ng by in America
tags: humility, low-wage-jobs, salary, wages, working, working-poor 0 likes
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“No humility, No honour,” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: honour, humble-yourself, humility, mo va on 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 841-870 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“We celebrate the differences among us, even that which we Like
cannot reconcile, not in denial of the absolute, but in the gift of BROWSE BY TAG
humility that those differences require of us. Without denying
humility Search
our differences, we no longer allow them to categorize or divide
us. It is in the diversity that the image of God is most fully reflected in
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
and through us.”
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
― Jamie Arpin-Ricci, Living Christ Together: Reflec ons On The Missional Life Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
tags: chris anity, diversity, humility Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
“Spiritual humility is not about getting small, not about debasing Like
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
oneself, but about approaching everything and everyone else with a Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
readiness to see goodness and to be surprised. This is the humility of a Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
child, which Jesus lauded. It is the humility of the scientist and the Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
mystic. It has a lightness of step, not a heaviness of heart. That lightness
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
is the surest litmus test I know for recognizing wisdom when you see it
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
in the world or feel its stirrings in yourself. The questions that can lead Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
us are already alive in our midst, waiting to be summoned and made Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
real. It is a joy to name them. It is a gift to plant them in our senses, our Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
bodies, the places we inhabit, the part of the world we can see and touch
and help to heal. It is a relief to claim our love of each other and take
that on as an adventure, a calling. It is a pleasure to wonder at the
mystery we are and find delight in the vastness of reality that is
embedded in our beings. It is a privilege to hold something robust and
resilient called hope, which has the power to shift the world on its axis.”
― Krista Tippe , Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into the Mystery and Art of Living
tags: adventure, art-of-living, belief, delight, diversity, faith, goodness, humanity, humility, love, mystery,
mys c, on-being, open-mind, pantheism, resilience, reverence, scien st, wholehearted, wisdom, wonder

“Violinists wear the imprint on their necks with pride Like

For they are the players of harmony.

Pilgrims, too, wear the imprint on their foreheads with pride

For they are the conductors of unity.

And Lovers? Why, they are made humble by the imprint on their hearts
For they are merely the instruments of rhapsody.”
― Kamand Kojouri
tags: beloved, classical-music, conductor, devout, forehead, harmony, heart, humble, humility, imprint,
instruments, kamand, kamand-kojouri, kojouri, love-poem, loved, lover, lovers, loving, melody, neck,
oneness, pilgrim, pious, player, poem, pride, quote, religion, religious, rhapsody, symphony, togetherness,
unity, violin, violinist, wear, worship, worshipper

“If you think the most courageous and difficult thing you can do Like

is stubbornly stand your ground, try graciously giving in.”

― Richelle E. Goodrich, Slaying Dragons
tags: apologizing, back-down, concede, giving-in, graciousness, humility, i-m-sorry, maturity, richelle,
richelle-e-goodrich, richelle-goodrich, stubbornness, submit 1/6
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“If you think the world is full of darkness, let us see your light. If you Like

think the worldMy is full of wickedness, let us see your goodness.

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think people are acting wrongly, let us see your right action. If you think
people don't know, let us see what you know. If you think the world is
full of uncaring people let us see how you care about people. If you think
life is not being fair to you, let us see how you can be fair to life. If you
think people are proud, let us see your humility. We can easily find fault
and we can easily see what is wrong but a positive attitude backed by a
right action in a true direction is all we need to survive in peace and
harmony in the arena of life”
― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
tags: ac on, ac on-quotes, a tude, bad-a tude, bad-people, conflict, cri cism, do-the-right-thing, fault-
finders, good-people-are-rare, humility, nega ve-a tude, nega ve-thinking, peace-and-harmony, poli cal-
tension, posi ve, posi ve-thinking, thought, war

“Do not rest on your laurels when you get to the top; you risk losing Like

your edge once you let success go to your head.”

― Roy T. Benne
tags: be-humble, humility, humility-quotes, inspira on, inspira onal, inspira onal-quotes, inspire, inspiring,
leader, leaders, leadership, life, life-quotes, living, mo va on, mo va onal, op mism, op mis c, posi ve,
posi ve-affirma on, posi ve-life, posi ve-thinking

“Humble people walk comfortably in every group. No one is either too Like
beneath them or too above them for their own sense of well-being. They
are who they are, people with as much to give as to get, and they know
it. And because they're at ease with themselves, they can afford to be
open with others... Having discovered who we are and having opened
ourselves to life and having learned to be comfortable with it, we know
that God is working in us. We know, most of all, that whatever happens
we have nothing to fear... we are free of the false hopes and false faces
and false needs that once held us down. We can fly now. Let all the
others scratch and grapple for the plastic copy of life. We have found the
real thing.”
― Joan Chi ster OSB
tags: humble, humility, religion, spirituality 5 likes

“Remember, there are people who care for us: there are some who grow Like
food for us, some who cook for us, some who take our trash out, some
who keep us safe, some who call us late at night when it’s been a tough
day and some who are right by our side the next morning when we are
sick, some who smile at us, some who hold the door for us, some who
compliment us, who back us, who pray for us. And, they can be friends
and family and mentors and relatives and sometimes, in fact, most of
the times, even perfect strangers. Let’s be grateful to each one of them,
let’s be grateful to all those around us.”
― Sharad Vivek Sagar
tags: care, courage, family, friends, grateful, gratefulness, honesty, human, human-beings, humility,
inspira onal, kindness, life-lessons-quotes, love, mentors, people, sharad-sagar, sharad-vivek-sagar,

“While there are things about which one does not boast, there Like
are others for which to be pitied would be all too humiliating.”
― Gaston Leroux, The Phantom of the Opera
tags: boas ng, bragging, embarrassment, humility 3 likes

“The actual confident man, the man truly sure of himself, is not he who Like
esteems himself higher than others, but he who is sure enough that he 2/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
can bear to esteem others higher than himself.”
― Criss Jami, Healology Sign in

tags: confident, esteem, Books
high-self-esteem, Browse
humility, insecurity, low-self-esteem, pride, security, ▾
self-esteem, Community ▾

“It is as difficult for most poor people to truly believe that they Like

could someday escape poverty as it is for most wealthy people to

truly believe that their wealth could someday escape them.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: a-breeze, a-cinch, a-piece-of-cake, a-snap, arduous, arduousness, arrogance, arrogant, back-breaking,
bankrupt, bankruptcy, believe, burdensome, child-s-play, demanding, difficult, difficulty, disbelief, duck-
soup, easy, easy-as-pie, effortless, elementary, escape, evade, exhaus ng, facile, fa guing, grueling, hard,
hassle, hope, humble, humility, humor, humour, kids-stuff, laborious, laboriousness, lose, loss, no-sweat,
onerous, painless, poor, poverty, problems, punishing, rich, sa re, simple, smooth-sailing, someday,
straigh orward, strain, strenuous, struggle, ring, toil, tough, trouble, trouble-free, unchallenging,
uncomplicated, undemanding, wealth, wealthy, wearisome

“He that is low need fear no fall.” Like

― Charlo e Brontë, The Professor
tags: humility 2 likes

“I rather choose to go through what will make me humble than to go for Like
what will increase my pride to a level without limit”
― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
tags: choose-humility, difficul es, difficul es-of-life, humility, life-ma ers, obedience-quotes, stay-humble,
thought, wisdom-quotes, words

“There is a popular saying in Igbo 'Amakam ihe na Ozubulu, puta Nnewi Like
buru ewu'. This means, you can be so enlightened in a particular place
and when you step outside that place, you become ignorant.

Again, the Igbos say "Agwo otu onye furu na agho eke" - A snake seen
my one man is usually described as a Python!

Always try to see what and how others are doing. It will help you stop
wallowing in an imaginary self glorification!

Remember to be humble.”
― Magnus Nwagu Amudi
tags: enlightened, enlightenment, humble, humility 1 likes

“Oh. Yes. There would be someone, wouldn't there? Of course Like

there would be a person. Ask at the farmhouse did not mean

that you addressed your questions to the front porch. She had
not thought it through.”
― T. Kingfisher, The Raven and the Reindeer
tags: fa gue, humility, inner-dialogue 1 likes

“Humility grounds a person in the realization that life is not always fair, Like

yet it can be manageable. Genuinely humble people are psychologically

secure because they do not require others to dote on them, nor do they
try to position themselves for favored treatment. Even as they lay down
the wish to play God, they also choose not toe allow another human to
assume the position of a god over them.”
― Les Carter, Enough about You, Let's Talk about Me: How to Recognize and
Manage the Narcissists in Your Life
tags: humility, rela onships 1 likes 3/6
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“Saiba que um teto de palha abriga o homem Like Sign in

tão bem quanto o de ouro.”
― Seneca, Aprendendo a Viver
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tags: humility, stoicism 1 likes

“We all need salespeople with humility, honesty, integrity, Like

empathy and an old-fashioned work ethic that ensures the job

gets done.”
― Chris Murray, Selling with EASE: The Four Step Sales Cycle Found in
Every Successful Business Transac on
tags: business, business-advice, business-quotes, business-success, business-to-business, buying, buying-
decision, buying-decision-quote, customers, earn-the-right, empathy, honesty, humility, influence,
influence-quotes, integrity, money, nego a on, sales, sales-effec veness, sales-training, salesmanship,
salespeople, selling, selling-skills, selling- ps, shopping, trust, work-ethic

“Humility is the recognition of your limitations, and it is from this Like

understanding, and this understanding alone, that the drive comes to

work hard at overcoming them.”
― John Carlin, Rafael Nadal, Rafa
tags: hard-work, humility, sports, tennis 1 likes

“What had she have to wish for? Nothing but to grow more Like

worthy of him whose intentions and judgment had been ever so

superior to her own.”
― Jane Austen, Emma
tags: gra tude, happiness, humility, joy, love 1 likes

“And yet now and then he let himself steal a glance at her. Like

Lovely dark colors of her skin, hair, and eyes. We are half-baked
compared to them. Allowed out of the kiln before we were fully
done. The old aboriginal myth; the truth, there.”
― Philip K. Dick, The Man in the High Castle
tags: admira on, humility, women 1 likes

“What had she to wish for? Nothing, but to grow more worthy Like
of him whose intentions and judgment had been ever so
superior to her own.”
― Jane Austen, Emma
tags: contentment, gra tude, happiness, humility, joy, love 1 likes

“In other words, we are only proud of being more successful, Like
more intelligent or more good-looking than the next person,
and we are in the presence of someone who is more successful,
intelligent and good-looking than we are, we lose all pleasure in
what we had. That is because we really had no pleasure in it. We were
proud of it.”
― Timothy Keller, The Freedom of Self-Forge ulness
tags: humility, pleasure-of-recogni on, pride 1 likes

“A student whose life is filled with woes least had and understood the Like
hands of a good teacher that shape lives in a distinctive way”
― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
tags: bad-life, humility, my-best-teacher, pride, remember-your-teacher, teachers-and-learners, teachers-
day, teachers-know-best, teaching

“Alexier found that a dose of humility did wonders to one’s ability to Like
grasp new ideas and, after all, it had been this very ability that made him 4/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
the researcher he was today.”
― I. H. Richardson Sign in

tags: fic on, humility, ideas, new-thought 0 likes

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“Humble people are dignified, not because they believe their behavior Like

can be an effective tool to control others, but because they have made
dignity a part of their character.”
― Les Carter, Enough about You, Let's Talk about Me: How to Recognize and
Manage the Narcissists in Your Life
tags: humility, rela onships 0 likes

“France, stop throwing awards at me! I have so many already, give them Like
to people who need them.”
― Nuno Roque
tags: art, ar sts, ar sts-life, asser veness, award-ar st, award-show, awards, france, funny, funny-quotes,
humility, hyperbole, self-importance

“To worship means to go higher. If you join the one who has Like

gone higher, you will go higher and if you speak ill of that
person, you will fall down.”
― Dada Bhagwan
tags: humble, humbleness, humility, spiritual, spiritual-quotes, worship 0 likes

“Humility and competence are the keys to a successful life.” Like

― Clifford Cohen
tags: competence, humility 0 likes

“The complacency of the individual who admires his own Like

excellence is bad enough, but it is more respectable than the

complacency of the man who has no self-esteem because he has
not even a superficial self which he can esteem. He is not a
person, not an individual, only an atom. This atomized existence is
sometimes praised as humility or as self-sacrifice, some-times it is
called obedience, sometimes it is devotion to the dialectic of class war. It
produces a kind of peace which is not peace, but only the escape from an
immediately urgent sense of conflict. It is the peace not of love but of
anesthesia. It is the peace not of self-realization and self-dedication, but
of flight into irresponsibility.”
― Thomas Merton, New Seeds of Contempla on
tags: humility, passivity 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 451-480 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“You know, in my opinion, being ridiculous is sometimes even a Like

good thing, and better than that: we can forgive one another
more quickly, and acquire humilty more quickly; after all, we
can't understand everything at once, we can't begin directly
from perfection!”
― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Idiot
tags: foolish, humility, perfec on, ridiculous 3 likes

“It is unfortunate that it is possible to 'know' something that is Like

not true.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: arrogance, beliefs, culture, facts, humility, ignorance, knowledge, misbeliefs, misinforma on, religion

“If you attain fame and fortune, and do not attain gratitude Like
along with it, the chances are that you will not enjoy that fame humility Search

or that fortune.”
― Napoleon Hill, Success Habits: Proven Principles for Greater Wealth, Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
Health, and Happiness
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
tags: fame, gra tude, humility, success 2 likes Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
“I think some people who lead special lives, have somehow Like
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
made this weird jump that they're better because of it. When
Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
you see that, its ugly. Being humble is pretty sexy. Being Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
humble is a pretty great quality. Living in humility is a good Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
way to live.” Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
― Kevin Costner Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
tags: ego, humble, humility 2 likes Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
“We have control over when, how, and where to plant a seed, Like Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k

not over what it will become.”

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: arrogance, arrogant, buddhism, control, fatalism, humility, life, predes na on, stoicism, surrender

“The emptiest people are full of themselves.” Like

― Francis Shenstone, The Explorer's Mindset: Unlock Health Happiness

and Success the Fun Way
tags: arrogance, entrepreneur, humility, knowledge, life, life-lessons, love, people, success, wisdom 2 likes

“Humility is a most excellent barometer," he said, "and ought Like

to be looked for in all those we are made to look up to.”

― Alan Bradley, The Golden Tresses of the Dead
tags: humility, leadership 2 likes 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“Unfortunately, most people need to know a lot of what they do Like

not know to know how little they know.” Sign in

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: educa on, humble, Books
humility, Browse
ignorance, ignorant, knowledge, modest, modesty, reading, self- ▾ Community ▾

“There is no shame in meeting a worthy opponent. It means Like

there is more to learn, a welcome reminder to pursue humility.”
― Leigh Bardugo, Crooked Kingdom
tags: humility 1 likes

“A couple of weeks ago I received a phone call form a young Like

woman who inquired as to how she might obtain a copy of In
Memory Yet Green (the first volume of my autobiography)...
There seemed no point in suggesting that she haunt the second
bookstores because no one but an idiot ever abandons one of my books
after it has come in his possession, and there are few idiots who know
enough to buy one of my books in the first place.”
― Isaac Asimov, The Rela vity of Wrong
tags: humility, irony, self-irony 1 likes

“The arrogant generally deem the humble ignorant.” Like

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana

tags: arrogance, arrogant, humble, humility, ignorance, ignorant, knowledge, knowledgeable, modest,

“So far as I personally am concerned I had better state that I Like

feel as little entitled to assert as to deny the existence of what
others call God, for I must admit that I just do not know what
this word is supposed to mean. I certainly reject every
anthropomorphic, personal or animistic interpretation of the term,
interpretations through which many people succeed in giving it a
meaning. The conception of a man-like or mind-like acting being
appears to me rather the product of an arrogant overestimation of the
capacities of a man-like mind. [...]
I long hesitated whether to insert this personal note here, but ultimately
decided to do so because support by a professed agnostic may help
religious people more unhesitatingly to pursue that conclusions that we
do share. Perhaps what many people mean in speaking of God is just a
personification of that tradition of morals or values that keeps their
community alive.”
― Friedrich A. Hayek, The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism
tags: agnos cism, god, humility, knowledge, religion 1 likes

“Deep Blue was intelligent the way your programmable alarm Like
clock is intelligent. Not that losing to a $10 million alarm clock
made me feel any better.”
― Garry Kasparov, Deep Thinking: Where Machine Intelligence Ends and
Human Crea vity Begins
tags: ai, ar ficial-intelligence, humility, humor 1 likes


I surrender all to you.

I surrender my life to you.
I will do whatever you want.
I will go wherever you want.
I will love whoever you ask me to love. 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
I will give up all my stupid opinions.
I will give up all my hopeless cravings. Sign in
I release my broken dreams.
I forfeit my planned futures.
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I am at your mercy.
I will think no thought
or proceed with any action
which does not come from you
because You love me.”
― Donna Goddard, The Love of Devo on
tags: donna-goddard, future, healing, humility, le ng-go, le ng-go-quotes, now, past, prayer, surrender

“Accepting help shames only the arrogant.” Like

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana

tags: accept, arrogance, arrogant, help, helper, helping-hand, humble, humility, modest, modesty 0 likes

“Beware, Diomedês! Forbear, Diomedês! Do not try to put Like

yourself on a level with the gods; that is too high for a man's
ambition. The immortal gods are one race, men that walk upon
the earth are another.”
― Homer
tags: ambi on, gods, humility, immortals, mortals, warning 0 likes

“Most people who approach true spiritual mastery are not interested in Like
being leaders. At the same time, there are people who are highly visible
when, rather than being true masters of spirituality and metaphysics,
they are merely exhibiting the symptoms of an extroverted personality.”
― Gary R. Renard, The Disappearance of the Universe
tags: acim, humility, spirituality 0 likes

“Producing a great interview requires you to acknowledge the Like

fact that, or to pretend as if, the person you are interviewing is

more knowledgeable or interesting than you.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: great-interview, humility, interview, interviewer, interviewing, interviews, journalism, journalist, talk-
show, ps-for-interviewers

“Let us be exhorted to exalt God alone, and ascribe to him all Like
the glory of redemption. Let us endeavour to obtain, and
increase in, a sensibleness of our great dependence, to have our
eye on him alone, to mortify a self-dependent and self-
righteous disposition. Man is naturally exceeding prone to exalt himself,
and depend on his own power of goodness; as though from himself he
must expect happiness. He is prone to have respect to enjoyments alien
from God and his Spirit, as those in which happiness is to be found. But
this doctrine should teach us to exalt God alone: as by trust and reliance,
so by praise. Let him that glorieth, glory in the Lord. Hath any man hope
that he is converted, and sanctified, and that his mind is endowed with
that true excellency and spiritual beauty? That his sins are forgiven, and
he received into God’s favour, and exalted to the honour and blessedness
of being his child, and an heir of eternal life? Let him give God all the
glory; who alone makes him to differ from the worst of men in this
world, or the most miserable of the damned in hell. Hath any man much
comfort and strong hope of eternal life, let not his hope lift him up, but
to dispose him the more to abase himself, to reflect on his own
exceeding unworthiness of such a favour, and to exalt God alone. Is any
man eminent in holiness, and abundant in good works, let him take 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
nothing of the glory of it to himself, but ascribe it to him whose
Sign in
‘workmanship we are, created in Christ Jesus unto good works.”
― Jonathan Edwards, God Glorified in Man's Dependence
My Books faith, god-s-glory, grace, humility, trust
tags: chris an-life, dependence-on-god, Browse ▾ 0 likes
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“A man is no bigger than the things which he allows to annoy Like

― Napoleon Hill, Success Habits: Proven Principles for Greater Wealth,
Health, and Happiness
tags: gossip, humility, integrity, perseverance 0 likes

“Anyone who has mastered a weapon – truly mastered it – is a Like

humble man or woman.”

― Steven Erikson, The Crippled God
tags: humility, mar al-art, weapon 0 likes

“Our description of what we are seeing ought to be begun with Like

the word 'apparently'.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: apparently, arrogance, general-seman cs, humility, illusion, modesty, percep on, perspec ve,
seman cs, vision

“In order to see the world in a true light and everything in its Like

proper shape, in order to contemplate the wide horizon, we

must climb out of the pit of self-centeredness and rise to a
height. We must see the center of being not in ourselves but in
God, where it truly is, and then everything will fall into the right place.
Humility in its ontological meaning is the heroic conquest of selfhood
and ascent to the heights of theocentrism.”
― Nikolai Berdyaev
tags: god, humility, theocentrism 0 likes

“Every generation is undersupplied with people who publicize Like

their failures but hide their successes, and oversupplied with

those who do the opposite.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: boast, boas ng, failure, humble, humility, imperfec on, perfec on, show-off, success, vanity 0 likes

“No one is great on science and ignorance and no one is great on right or Like

― Mhmoud Dexter
tags: humility 0 likes

“Our kids need spiritual mentors, and if a new language and Like
posture will lead them, then we better hit our knees, pray for
humility, and beg God to help us raise disciples that love Him
beyond our homes. We prioritize transformation over
methodology, because our rules have a shelf life but loyalty to Jesus does
not. Let's keep the baby and change the bathwater.”
― Jen Hatmaker, For the Love: Figh ng for Grace in a World of Impossible
tags: disciple-making, humility, jesus, spiritual-mentors 0 likes

“Nothing humbles a rich man better than not being wanted by a Like

woman whose man is poor.”

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana 4/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
tags: arrogance, courtship, da ng, humility, materialism, materialis c, minimalism, modesty, rela onship,
true-love Sign in

“The fact that IMy Books

don't gives▾me
believe that I'm better than anyone else Like Community ▾
an inevitable sense of superiority.”
― Jimvirle/Jinvirle
tags: believe, encouragement, fact, humility, inevitable, inspira onal, quote, sense, superiority 0 likes

“A nation that places its laws over its humanity lacks both Like
humility and humanity.”
― Rian Nejar
tags: humanity, humility, laws, na on 0 likes

“The painter was pleased with her work. She had managed to Like
catch her sitter's characteristic expression—the look of a good
child, a wondering sort of look, innocent and serious.

It was humility, thought Rhoda. That was the keynote of Bel's character.
Rhoda had never prized this virtue—she had thought it overrated—but
now she realised that she had been mistaken. Humility was not just an
absence of pride; it was not a negative virtue; it was a definite 'fruit of
the spirit.' False humility was horrible, of course (vide Uriah Heap), but
real humility, growing from within, was beautiful.”
― D.E. Stevenson, Bel Lamington
tags: humility 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 871-900 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“People need to stand up for their wrongs, as they stand up for Like
their rights.” BROWSE BY TAG
― Anthony Liccione
humility Search
tags: acknowledge, admit-your-wrong, apologize, come-clean, come-out, come-out-from-the-shadow,
confess, confide, declare, fess-up, humility, level-with, open-one-s-heart, own-up-to, reveal, rights,
skeletons-in-the-closet, stand-up, take-off-the-mask, truthful, wipe-the-slate-clean, wrongs Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
7 likes Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
“it's always good to know that you have been the best even Like
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
though deep inside you know you will never be better than
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
that.” Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
― Ana Claudia Antunes, A-Z of Happiness: Tips for Living and Breaking Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Through the Chain that Separates You from Ge ng That Dream Job Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
tags: arriving, be er-life, be erment, dream-job, dreaming-high, giving-your-best, growing, growth, growth-
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
mindset, growth-process, happiness, humility, humility-and-purpose, humility-in-greatness, knowing-
oneself, knowing-who-you-are, knowing-your-value, knowing-your-worth, knowing-yourself-be er, learn- Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
from-experience, learning, limita ons, peak, peak-experience, peak-performance, reaching-out-to-others, Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
reaching-the-stars, the-best, the-top, top, trying-your-hardest, turning-point, turning-your-life-around,
Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
unemployment, work, zen
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k

“So the paradox goes: No man who is really ignorant is ever Like
aware that he is ignorant. That is its finest, most faulty
manifestation; there can be no true ignorance without first
some claim of intelligence or consciousness, or superiority or
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: awareness, certainty, consciousness, enlightenment, false-knowledge, humility, ignorance, knowledge,
pseudo-intellectuals, superiority-complex

“Think about it! God is all-knowing but you're not His only Like

child. You're not His end all and be all. Ezra, you're good, but
you ain't all that, sweetie.”
― Love Belvin, Bonded with Ezra
tags: humble, humble-spirit, humility 3 likes

“False humility is quite like the worst of both worlds: both that Like

of Meekness and that of Conceit.”

― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: bragging, conceit, deceit, ego, false-humility, humble-bragging, humility, meek, narcissism, pride 3 likes

“Humility is by far the most spiritual virtue of the lot. The only Like

way by which one may cease obsessing over himself is to wholly

step outside his flesh. But who could do this by himself? And
who would really want to under his natural pretense? And even
if somehow he could and he succeeded, would not it be artificial? Would
not he seem far too aware of his own talents of achieving humility for it
to be such? Alternatively, he would need a distraction, something else to 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
love; it is not that the Humbleman thinks poorly of himself, nor highly
for that matter, but rather he does not think of himself at all - and this Sign in
is because he is too busy loving something or someone else to do it. For
the humility of MythisBooks
kind 'rears its head' as the most love-driven
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and Community ▾
free, spiritual of virtues; whereas its opposite, pride, the most self-
imprisoning human vice.”
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: conceitedness, ego, flesh, humility, meekness, narcissism, selflessness, spiritual, vice, virtue 2 likes

“It takes enormous courage and humility to be open to others to Like

find out who we really are.”

― Arthur P. Ciaramicoli, The Stress Solu on: Using Empathy and
Cogni ve Behavioral Therapy to Reduce Anxiety and Develop Resilience
tags: being-open, being-open-minded, courage, humility 2 likes

“It is well for us when prayers about our sorrows are linked Like

with pleas concerning our sins—when, being under God's hand,

we are not wholly taken up with our pain, but remember our
offences against God.”
― Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Morning and Evening, Based on the English Standard
tags: depravity, humility, mercy-of-god, self-pity, sovereignty-of-god 2 likes

“Love yourself first to fill your heart with bliss. Now give it Like
away with humility, love, and gratitude.”
― Debasish Mridha
tags: debasish-mridha, debasish-mridha-m-d, fill-your-heart, gra tude, humility, inspira onal, life-wisdom,
love, love-yourself, philosophy, quotes

“One is not necessarily made self-centered because he is Like

foolish, but one is very often made foolish because he is self-
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: arrogance, ego, ego s cal, foolish, humility, inconsiderate, pride, self, self-centered, selfish 1 likes

“Our audacity must be rooted in our humility.” Like

― Pushkar Ganesh Vaidya
tags: ac on, audacity, hope, humility, inspira onal 1 likes

“Martin Luther was a thoroughly educated man but he wore this Like
lightly. His sermons were littered with only examples and
improving tales, drawing equally from the fables of Aesop and
the follies of life he observed all around him.”
― Andrew Pe egree, Brand Luther: How an Unheralded Monk Turned His Small
Town into a Center of Publishing, Made Himself the Most Famous Man in Europe—
and Started the Protestant Reforma on
tags: communica on, curiosity, humility, openness 1 likes

“The walls you put between yourself and other people doesn't Like

just keep them away, it also keeps God away.”

― Shannon L. Alder
tags: humility 0 likes

“The sacred souls with humility, seek knowledge from the Great Like
― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: god, humility, knowledge, souls, spiritual-development 0 likes 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“Just because you can't act EVERYWHERE doesn't mean you Like Sign in
don't act ANYWHERE. – Madeleine Albright”
― Walter
Books American Sketches: Great Leaders, Crea ve Thinkers,
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and Heroes of a Hurricane
tags: calling, humility, job, leadership, priori es, stewardship, voca on 0 likes

“Kissinger would probably be outraged even if he reread his Like

own memoirs, on the grounds that they are not favorable
― Walter Isaacson, American Sketches: Great Leaders, Crea ve Thinkers,
and Heroes of a Hurricane
tags: arrogance, ego, humility, reflec on, self-cri cism 0 likes

“He whose speech, behavior and humility captivates people’s Like

minds, becomes worthy of worship by people.”
― Dada Bhagwan
tags: behavior, humility, speech, spiritual, spiritual-quotes, worship 0 likes

“One of my biggest challenges is figuring out how to shoehorn Like

my newfound knowledge into conversations.”
― A.J. Jacobs, The Know-It-All: One Man's Humble Quest to Become the
Smartest Person in the World
tags: arrogance, humility, self-centeredness 0 likes

“Be good to the people on your way up the ladder cause you'll ,meet Like
them on your way down.”
― Robert Junior
tags: chris anity, facts, humility, inspira onal, love-quotes, truth 0 likes

“Great humility brings great grace.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: chris an-life, grace, humility, spiritual, wisdom-of-lailah-gi y-akita 0 likes

“With great humility brings great grace.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: chris an-life, divine-inspira on, grace, humility, spiritual 0 likes

“Self-acceptance should not be confused with an over-vaulting Like

aggrandisement of self over others. That individual's

exaggerated positive view of self relies upon a comparison with
others - they sustain their own positive self-view, relatively, by
maintaining a negative view of others.”
― Dave Mearns, Working at Rela onal Depth in Counselling and Psychotherapy
tags: humility, pride, self-acceptance, self-awareness 0 likes

“Even now, when I have time to consider what I've been and Like

what I am, I doubt I comprehend my humanity, if I can claim so

grand a word for my own morsel of life. I might as well be a
meteor of a man, for all the difference I've made on earth.”
― Norman Lock, American Meteor
tags: humility, man-s-place-in-nature, man-s-search-for-meaning, self-analysis 0 likes

“That’s what we’ve lost, you know. What you’ve lost; all of you. Like
A sense of wonder and awe and . . . sin. These people know there
are still things they don’t know, things that can still go wrong, 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
things they can still do wrong.”
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― Iain M. Banks, The State of the Art
tags: humility 0 likes
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“Indiscretion is weighted heavily towards youth; inaction is weighted Like

heavily towards old age.”

― Clifford Cohen
tags: age, genera onal-conflict, humility, inac on, indiscre on, respect, youth 0 likes

“Confession is the giving up of ALL self-righteousness.” Like

― Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Morning and Evening, Based on the English

Standard Version
tags: humility, pride 0 likes

“« ‫ ﺗﺎ وﻗﺘﯽ ﺑﺎ ھﻢ ﺳﺮ ﺟﻨﮓ دارﻧﺪ ﺑﺎ دھﺎن ھﺎی ﻣﻦ و ﺗﻮ ﺑﮫ‬.‫ﺑﯿﺸﺘﺮ "اﯾﺴﻢ ھﺎ" ﻓﻘﻂ دروﻧﺖ آﺷﻮب ﺑﮫ ﭘﺎ ﻣﯽ ﮐﻨﻨﺪ‬ Like

‫ ﺑﺎ دھﺎﻧﮭﺎی ﺧﻮدﺷﺎن ﻗﮭﻮه و ﺷﯿﺮﯾﻨﯽ ﻣﺸﺘﺮک ﻣﯽ ﺧﻮردﻧﺪ‬،‫”»ﺟﺎن ھﻢ ﻣﯽ اﻓﺘﻨﺪ و وﻗﺘﯽ ﺻﻠﺢ ﻣﯽ ﮐﻨﻨﺪ‬
― ‫ ﻣﺣﻣد ﻋﻧﺑرزاده‬- Mohammad Anbarzade
tags: humility, life-experiences, poli cs 0 likes

“if you think you know all that somebody knows, you shall least know Like

all that somebody knows. If you think you least know all that somebody
knows, you shall really know all that somebody knows.”
― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
tags: arrogance-and-a tude, arrogance-quotes, a tude-quotes, food-for-thought, humble-beginnings,
humble-spirit, humble-yourself, humbleness, humility, ignorance, inspira onal-quotes, mo va onal-quotes,
ponder, pride, think-about-it, wisdom-quotes, words-of-wisdom

“[...] non è effetto alcuna in natura, per minimo che e' sia, Like
all'intera cognizion del quale possano arrivare i piú specolativi
ingegni. Questa cosí vana prosunzione d'intendere il tutto non
può aver principio da altro che dal non avere inteso mai nulla,
perché, quando altri avesse esperimentato una volta sola a intender
perfettamente una sola cosa ed avesse gustato veramente come è fatto il
sapere, conoscerebbe come dell'infinità dell'altre conclusioni niuna ne
― Galileo Galilei
tags: humility, presump on, truth, understanding 0 likes

“My circumstances will sometimes be pleasant and sometimes be Like

difficult, but teach me that the way I react to them is almost more
important than the circumstances themselves. Renew my mind, Lord,
and enable me to respond with joy and humility to whatever happens, as
Jesus did.”
― Amy E. Mason, 365 Pocket Prayers for Women: Guidance and Wisdom for Each
New Day
tags: chris anity, circumstances, god, humility, joy 0 likes

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13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 781-810 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Once upon a time, in some out of the way corner of that Like
universe which is dispersed into numberless twinkling solar BROWSE BY TAG
systems, there was a star upon which clever beasts invented
humility Search
knowing. That was the most arrogant and mendacious minute
of "world history," but nevertheless, it was only a minute. After nature
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
had drawn a few breaths, the star cooled and congealed, and the clever
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
beasts had to die. One might invent such a fable, and yet he still would Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
not have adequately illustrated how miserable, how shadowy and Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
transient, how aimless and arbitrary the human intellect looks within Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
nature. There were eternities during which it did not exist. And when it God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
is all over with the human intellect, nothing will have happened.”
Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
― Friedrich Nietzsche, On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
tags: humility 14 likes Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
“To save myself I must face myself, which may be the hardest Like
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
of all things to face.” Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
― Craig D. Lounsbrough Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k

tags: face, hard, hardest, honesty, humility, introspec on, myself, self, self-evalua on, self-study
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k

“There is no way to genuinely, powerfully, truly love yourself Like

while crafting a mask of perfection. I know, you know, we all

know—it's hard to let your pimples and your flaws be seen. It's
hard to stumble and bumble. It's hard to not know the right
things to do or say. It's hard to not look like TV.

Sometimes, it's really hard for me to be the awkward mess that I am

when I'm authentic, instead of having runway authenticity—all natural,
but flawless. But every time I allow that to be okay, not just around
myself but around others—I affirm something to myself. I affirm, to
myself more than anyone else, that I am lovable and acceptable
unconditionally. I affirm that it's okay to take on and take in all the
flavours and hues of human experience, and not just the ones that are
acceptable in this culture, in this time, in this place.

And that kind of acceptance, that kind of love—that's the kind of love
that creates miracles. That's the kind of love I really need. That's the
kind of love that makes approval taste like cardboard.”
― Vironika Tugaleva
tags: acceptance, approval, approval-seeking, flaws, humility, love, perfec onism, self-acceptance, self-love,

“Self-serving biases and self-centered agendas are cotton Like

jammed in the ears of our conscience. Even if truth shouts, we
can’t hear it.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough 1/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
tags: agendas, bias, biases, conscience, co on, deaf, ears, ethics, for tude, hear, hearing, humble, humility,
integrity, morals, self, self-serving, selfish, selfless, selflessness, truth, values Sign in

“It takes Books
than just awareness for us to change. Browse ▾
It takes Like Community ▾
courage and humility and the willingness to occasionally feel
like fools and laugh at ourselves.”
― Bud Harris, Sacred Selfishness: A Guide to Living a Life of Substance
tags: awareness, courage-change-self-reflec on, fools, humility, laugh-at-yourself 5 likes

“I call this a Divine Humility because it is a poor thing to strike Like

our colors to God when the ship is going down under us; a poor
thing to come to him as a last resort, to offer up 'our own' when
it is no longer worth keeping. If God were proud He would
hardly have us on such terms: but He is not proud, He stoops to conquer,
He will have us even though we have shown that we prefer everything
else to him, and come to him because there is 'nothing better' now to be
had. The same humility is shown by all those Divine appeals to our fears
which trouble high-minded readers of Scripture. It is hardly
complimentary to God that we should choose Him as an alternative to
Hell: yet even this He accepts. The creatures illusion to self-sufficiency
must, for the creature's sake, be shattered; and by trouble or fear of
trouble on earth, by crude fear of eternal flames, God shatters it
'unmindful of his glory's diminution'. Those who would like the God of
Scripture to be more purely ethical, do not know what they ask.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain
tags: hell, humility, self-sufficiency 3 likes

“Damage control is part of life. It would be better to never make a Like

mistake, but once it's made it's best to handle it with grace and humility.
Sometimes that shows others more than our failures ever could.”
― Rev. Kellen Roggenbuck
tags: control, failure, grace, humility, inspira onal, learn, mistakes, pastor 3 likes

“God’s genius is as wide as the cosmos, while by comparison Like

our intelligence can find room on the head of a pin.”

― Craig D. Lounsbrough
tags: ability, bible, bigger, chris an, chris anity, comparison, cosmos, genius, god, humble, humility, inability,
intelligence, intui on, jesus, knowledge, pin, small, smaller, wisdom

“To embrace an attitude of humility is to free myself from Like

myself. And that is likely the great liberation of all.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough
tags: a tude, egocentric, ego sm, embrace, free, freedom, humble, humility, liberate, libera on, self, self-
centered, selfless, selflessness

“Pride cannot be hidden just like humility cannot be faked.” Like

― Bamigboye Oluro mi
tags: choice, fake, false, hidden, hide, humility, life, pride 2 likes

“An enlightened person strives to live a meaningful life, defined by their Like
personal humility joy, passion, and profound reverence for life.”
― Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls
tags: bliss, bliss-quotes, blissful, enlightenment, enlightenment-principles, enlightenment-quotes, happiness,
happiness-quotes, happy-life, happy-soul, humility, humility-quotes, joy, reverence, reverence-for-life

“Being a humble person, she gave her pie shop a humble name—PIE.” Like

― Sarah Weeks, Pie 2/6
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tags: cooking-quotes, food, humble, humility, kidlit, middle-grade, middlegrade, naming 2 likes
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“A little learning is a dangerous thing, but we must take that Like
risk because a little is as much as our biggest heads can hold.”
― George Bernard Shaw
tags: enlightenment, humility, learning 1 likes

“A man who knows what it is to have humility is a vain man.” Like

― Jiddu Krishnamur , Freedom from the Known

tags: humility, jiddu-krishnamur 1 likes

“Humility is the greatest shaper of souls and crafter of Like

character, for it wipes away all the grandiose things that we

spend so much of our lives pretending to be, so that we can
spend all of our lives being the exceptional person that we were
actually created to be.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough
tags: character, excep onal, grandiose, humble, humility, iden ty, lives, living, person, personality,
possibili es, poten al, pretend, pretending, soul, souls

“They have a special confidence in Christ, plus thoughtfulness Like

plus faithfulness plus humility: for there are no things, in all

creation, more beautiful, more rare than the so very disciplined
and free, joyful and principled daughters of God.”
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: discipline, faithfulness, freedom, god, humility, joy, love, rarity, self-control, women 1 likes

“Humility is truth, therefore in all sincerity we must be able to Like

look up and say, "I can do all things in Him who strengthens
me." By yourself you can do nothing, have nothing but sin,
weakness and misery. All the gifts of nature and grace you have
them from God.”
― Mother Teresa
tags: god, grace, humility, strength 1 likes

“If I had one sermon to preach, it would be a sermon against Like

Pride. The more I see of existence...the more I am convinced of
the reality of the old religious thesis, that all evil began with
some attempt at superiority; some moment when, as we might
say, the very skies were cracked across like a mirror, because there was a
sneer in Heaven.”
― G.K. Chesterton
tags: g-k-chesterton, humility 1 likes

“I've never met a soldier who knew he was a hero. It's not false Like

modesty. They simply decide to do something that they know

they must do, usually for there comrades, because if they don't,
those people will suffer in some way. For them, that compulsion
is far stronger than any fear. The fact we find it exceptional is a sad
indictment of the human race. I'd like to live in a world of heroes. If we
did, there would be no wars.”
― Karen Traviss, Aspho Fields
tags: heroes, humility, modesty 1 likes 3/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“The point that I think myself to be so terribly clever is the Like
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precise point at which I am beginning to think myself to be
god-like, which causes me to become God-less.”
― CraigMy
D. Lounsbrough
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tags: arrogance, arrogant, clever, egocentric, egoism, ego s cal, god, god-like, godless, humble, humility,
idol, idolatry, smart, superior, worship

“The Honey that Adorns my soul to Network with all Nobility in an Like

Affable Humility means Hannah”

― Wisdom Kwashie Mensah
tags: adorn, affable, blessings, hannah, hannah-q-mensah, honey, honeycomb, hqm, humility, love, love-
quotes, nobility, noble, wkm

“Hannah means The Honeycomb of Abundant nutrients which Nourish Like

my soul to be Noble in my all networks with an Affable Humility.”

― Wisdom Kwashie Mensah
tags: birthday-quotes, hannah-q-mensah, honeycomb, hqm, humility, love-quotes, meaning-of-hannah,
networks, noble, wisdom-kwashie-mensah, wkm

“Self glory makes life meaningless, glorify God fulfills it” Like

― indonesia123
tags: arrogance, fulfillment, glory-of-god, god, god-centered, happiness, hope, humility, inspira onal, life,
life-fulfillment, low-profile, meaning, meaning-of-life, meaninglessness, mo va onal, pride, religion, self-
centeredness, self-glory, self-love

“It is our emptiness and lowliness that God needs and not our Like

plenitude. These are a few of the ways we can practice humility:

Speak as little as possible of oneself.
Mind one's own business.
Avoid curiosity.
Do not want to manage other people's affairs.
Accept contradiction and correction cheerfully.
Pass over the mistakes of others.
Accept blame when innocent.
Yield to the will of others.
Accept insults and injuries.
Accept being slighted, forgotten, and disliked.
Be kind and gentle even under provocation.
Do not seek to be specially loved and admired.
Never stand on one's dignity.
Yield in discussion even when one is right.
Choose always the hardest.”
― Mother Teresa, The Love of Christ: Spiritual Counsels
tags: humility 0 likes

“Making oneself large involves intentionally making oneself Like

― Craig D. Lounsbrough
tags: give, giving, humble, humility, large, pride, sacrifice, sacrificial, selfless, selflessness, serve, service,
servitude, small

“When I pray - I mean really pray - for people and situations Like

throughout the day, I'm a much humbler person and more sensitive to
the lives of the people around me. I am not the master of my fate and
captain of my soul. I've tried that, and it makes me more of a task
master and a jerk. Prayer puts things in God's hands, and I like the
Creator's power more than my own.” 4/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
― Mike Tenbusch, The Jonathan Effect: Helping Kids and Schools Win the Ba le
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Against Poverty
tags: chris anity, humility, power, prayer 0 likes
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“What I think is true is that at a certain stage in his life he deliberately Like

ceased to take any interest in himself except as a kind of spiritual

alumnus taking his moral finals...Self-knowledge for him had come to
mean recognition of his own weakness and shortcomings and nothing
more. Anything beyond that he sharply suspected, both in himself and in
others, as a symptom of spiritual megalomania. At best, there was so
much else, in letters and in life, that he found much more interesting! As
far as I am able to judge, it was this that lay behind that distinctive
combination of an almost supreme intellectual and 'phantastic'
maturity, laced with moral energy, on the one hand, with...a certain
psychic or spiritual immaturity on the other”
― Jocelyn Gibb, Light on C. S. Lewis
tags: cs-lewis, humility, spirituality 0 likes

“Angels can fly because they can take themselves lightly. This Like
has always been the instinct of Christendom, and especially the
instinct of Christian art. Remember how Fra Angelico
represented all his angels, not only as birds, but almost as
butterflies. Remember how the most earnest medieval art was full of
light and fluttering draperies, of quick and capering feet...In the old
Christian pictures the sky over every figure is like a blue or gold
parachute. Every figure seems ready to fly up and float about in the
heavens. The tattered cloak of the beggar will bear him up like the rayed
plumes of the angels. But the kings in their heavy gold and the proud in
their robes of purple will all of their nature sink downwards, for pride
cannot rise to levity or levitation. Pride is the downward drag of all
things into an easy solemnity. One "settles down" into a sort of selfish
seriousness; but one has to rise to a gay self-forgetfulness. A man
"falls" into a brown study; he reaches up at a blue sky.”
― G.K. Chesterton
tags: g-k-chesterton, humility, orthodoxy 0 likes

“What I think is true is that at a certain stage in his life, he deliberately Like
ceased to take any interest in himself except as a kind of spiritual
alumnus taking his moral finals...Self-knowledge for him had come to
mean recognition of his own weakness and shortcomings and nothing
more. Anything beyond that he sharply suspected, both in himself and in
others, as a symptom of spiritual megalomania. At best, there was so
much else, in letters and in life, that he found much more interesting
than himself.”
― Jocelyn Gibb, Light on C. S. Lewis
tags: cs-lewis, humility, spirituality 0 likes

“What I think is true is that at a certain stage in his life, he deliberately Like

ceased to take any interest in himself except for a kind of spiritual

alumnus taking his moral finals...Self-knowledge for him had come to
mean recognition of his own weakness and shortcomings and nothing
more. Anything beyond that he sharply suspected, both in himself and in
others, as a symptom of spiritual megalomania. At best, there was so
much else, in letters and in life, that he found much more interesting
than himself.”
― Jocelyn Gibb, Light on C. S. Lewis
tags: cs-lewis, humility, spirituality 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 601-630 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“The word 'humility' comes from the Latin word 'humus' which Like

means fertile ground. Humility is the situation of the earth. The BROWSE BY TAG
earth is always there, always taken for granted, never
humility Search
remembered, always trodden on by everyone, somewhere we
cast and pour out all the refuse, all we don't need. It's there, silent and
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
accepting everything and in a miraculous way making out of all the
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
refuse new richness in spite of corruption, transforming corruption itself Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
into a power of life and a new possibility of creativeness, open to the Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
sunshine, open to the rain, ready to receive any seed we sow and capable Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
of bringing thirtyfold, sixtyfold, a hundredfold, out of every seed.” God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
― Anthony Bloom, Beginning to Pray
Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
tags: humility 3 likes Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
“I had not noticed how the humblest, and at the same time Like Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
most balanced and capacious, minds praised most, while the
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
cranks, misfits, and malcontents praised least. The good critics Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
found something to praise in many imperfect works; the bad Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
ones continually narrowed the list of books we might be allowed to read. Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
The healthy and unaffected man, even if luxuriously brought up and
widely experienced in good cookery, could praise a very modest meal:
the dyspeptic and the snob found fault with all. Except where intolerably
adverse circumstances interfere, praise almost seems to be inner health
made audible.”
― C.S. Lewis, Reflec ons on the Psalms
tags: humility 3 likes

“For the Supernatural, entering a human soul, opens to it new Like

possibilities both of good and evil. From that point the road
branches: one way to sanctity, love humility, the other to
spiritual pride, self-righteousness, persecuting zeal. And no way
back to the mere humdrum virtues and vices of the unawakened soul.”
― C.S. Lewis, Reflec ons on the Psalms
tags: humility, reality 2 likes

“...if you live for people's acceptance, you'll die from their rejection.” Like

― Lecrae Moore, Unashamed

tags: acceptance, humility, iden ty, rejec on 2 likes

“We often live as if our happiness depended on having. But I Like

don't know anyone who is really happy because of what he or
she has. True joy, happiness, and inner peace come from the
giving of ourselves to others. A happy life is a life for others.
That truth, however, is usually discovered when we are confronted with
our brokenness.”
― Henri J.M. Nouwen, Life of the Beloved: Spiritual Living in a Secular World
tags: giving-and-receiving, happiness, humility, peace, sacrifice 2 likes

“Inferno was for learning about the nature of our sins. Like

Purgatorio is for learning how to overcome our tendencies to

fall victim to them. Understanding our dilemma is important, 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
but it's not enough. What we do with that understanding makes the
difference between life and death. Humility is the foundation of all Sign in
spiritual progress. Humility builds resilience. Stop thinking of yourself
as the center ofMyyour world you will find it becomes easier to
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life's setbacks. Plus, you will in time become more grateful, more
merciful, and more loving.”
― Rod Dreher, How Dante Can Save Your Life: The Life-Changing Wisdom of
History's Greatest Poem
tags: dante, dante-alighieri, humility, inferno, mercy, purgatorio, sin 1 likes

“When Embracing Gratitude and Humility, May You Be a Blessing.” Like

― nick catricala
tags: blessings, embrace, gra tude, humility 1 likes

“Our troubles begin the moment our teachers believe they know Like

it all, and our learners think they are not teachable.”

― Israelmore Ayivor, Let's go to the Next Level
tags: food-for-thought, humility, israelmore-ayivor, know-it-all, learners, mo va onal-quotes, personal-
development, teachable, teachers, trouble

“I do not have any problem if you show disrespect towards me, Like
but you are creating impediments towards your own Self. When
you say bad words to me, that also I do not have a problem but
you are doing great damage to yourself. Here great humility is
needed; absolute humility [param vinaya] is needed.”
― Dada Bhagwan, The Science of Money
tags: humility, obstacles 0 likes

“Humility [vinaya] means special conduct [vishesh naya]. All Like

the worldly conduct are for worldly life and special conduct
[vishesh naya] is what takes one to moksha. Humility is the only
thing that can take one to moksha.”
― Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effec ve Science for Self Realiza on
tags: humility, libera on, moksha 0 likes

“I am Pure Soul’, that intent is pure intent, and that indeed is Like
absolute humility [param vinaya].”
― Dada Bhagwan, The Science of Money
tags: humility, inner-intent, pure-soul 0 likes

“Absolute humility [param vinaya] is a part of pragna [the Like

power of the soul and soul’s representative]. Absolute humility
should be maintained till complete God realization [Bhagwan no
dhatu milap] occurs.”
― Dada Bhagwan, Pra kraman
tags: god, humility 0 likes

“This is the path of absolute humility [param vinaya]. What is Like

absolute humility? It does not cause the slightest hindrance; on

the contrary it will make room for you to sit here.”
― Dada Bhagwan, Death: Before, During A er...
tags: humility 0 likes

“When the mind is not spoilt, the speech is not spoilt, the Like

conduct is not spoilt, that is absolute humility [param vinaya].”

― Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effec ve Science for Self Realiza on
tags: behavior, conduct, humility, mind-body-spirit, speech 0 likes 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“A person with param vinaya [absolute humility] is considered Like Sign in

an honorable and respectable person [abroodaar]. Nowadays
where is the honor and respect to be found anywhere? In
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Kaliyug [current time cycle era], can anyone become honorable
and respectable? Absolute humility is honor. If we are disrespectful when
people are humble, how can we be considered honorable and
― Dada Bhagwan, Aptavani-6
tags: humility 0 likes

“You should maintain absolute humility [param vinaya] till you Like

attain each and every attribute of God.”

― Dada Bhagwan, Noble Use of Money
tags: god, humility 0 likes

“Awkwardness and crookedness will not do ‘here’ (in Akram Like

Path). The slightest breach of humility will cost you your
moksha. Absolute humility [Param vinaya] means inner
humility. Tremendous humility is needed.”
― Dada Bhagwan, Adjust Everywhere
tags: humility, libera on, moksha 0 likes

“Like melting ice, melt within to purify yourself and to gain the Like

power of purity and humility.”

― Debasish Mridha
tags: debasish-mridha, debasish-mridha-md, humility, inspira onal, philosophy, power-of-purity, purify-
yourself, quotes

“Dispassion for worldly life (vairaag) will persist only if there is Like
discretion (vivek) between that which is appropriate and that
which is inappropriate, otherwise dispassion for worldly life can
never last. The discretion between that which is appropriate and
that which is inappropriate comes through the Knowledge of the Self
― Dada Bhagwan, Genera on Gap
tags: gnan, humility, knowledge 0 likes

“To show humility [vinaya] towards disrespect [avinaya] is Like

strong humility [gaadha vinaya). To maintain humility even

when a disrespectful person slaps you; that is called absolute
strongest humility [param avgaadha vinaya].”
― Dada Bhagwan, The Science Of Karma
tags: humility 0 likes

“Our humility [vinaya] should be such that offensive beings Like

[aparadhak jiv], become non-offensive [un-apradhak].”
― Dada Bhagwan, Fault Is of the Sufferer
tags: humility 0 likes

“Pride can make one a stronger person in the one sense, or so it Like

is often believed, when based solely on the surface, but in the

other, and much more frequently, a stronger devil. When pride
is undeniably found out of an evil, it saves face by doubling
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: corrup on, devil, double-down, evil, humility, pride, save-face, strength, weakness, wrongdoing 0 likes 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“I am nothing more than a girl from the projects born of a single Like Sign in
teenage-mother nurtured with love and opportunity”
― Kierra C.T. Banks
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tags: anxiety, humility, life-journey, love, mo va on, perseverance-quotes, resilience, social-jus ce, triumph

“Only small men are incapable of seeing something greater than Like

― Chris an Cameron, Marathon: Freedom or Death
tags: faith, humility, inspira onal, religious 0 likes

“True humility is a humble heart.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: humble, humility, inspiring, wise-words 0 likes

“True humility is fearless honesty.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: faithful, honesty, humility, mo va onal, wisdom 0 likes

“Fearless honesty is true humility.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: daily-inspira onal, fearless, honesty, humility, wise-thoughts 0 likes

“Let's add value to one another and we'll enrich the world".” Like

― nick catricala
tags: humility, inspira onal, value, world 0 likes

“It is my humble intention to compassionately allow everyone Like

and everything, especially my self, to be exactly as we are...”

― Maximus Freeman
tags: acceptance, allowing, compassion, humility 0 likes

“Lord, I pray that of Your great goodness You would make Like
known to me, and take from my heart, every kind and form and
degree of pride, whether it be from evil spirits, or my own
corrupt nature; and that You would awaken in me the deepest
depth and truth of the humility that can make me capable of Your light
and Holy Spirit.”
― Andrew Murray, Humility: The Journey Toward Holiness
tags: humility 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 391-420 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“The opposite of Faith isn’t doubt. The opposite of Faith is Like

certainty”...”Being humble before God means accepting that you

may not possess the only path to Him.”
― Claudia Gray, Defy the Fates
tags: faith, humility, tolerance 3 likes

“Humility cannot exist without love, and love cannot exist Like
without humility. It is impossible for these virtues to exist
except where there is great detachment from all created
― Teresa of Ávila, The Way of Perfec on
tags: carmelite, catholic, faith, humility, love 3 likes

“We criticize anyone who tries to break away from the rat race, Like BROWSE BY TAG
because the idea that there is a way out scares us more than
humility Search
dying in the state we’re in.”
― Cic Mellace, The Humble Good
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
tags: 9-to-5, cri cism, ego, humility, philosophy, pride, rat-race, self-analysis, self-awareness, self-reflec on Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
1 likes Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
“Despite what people tell you, what you do for the majority of Like Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
the day is who you are. For most people, that is their job, and if
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
you’re not careful now, if you’re not putting your entire effort
Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
into every subject to see which ones suit you best, if you’re not Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
taking advantage of every opportunity with the time you have right now Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
while you're still young, you’ll never have a good understanding of Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
yourself or your gifts. You’ll wind up picking a major at college that you Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
don’t feel passionate about, because you don’t even know what your
Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
passion is.”
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
― Cic Mellace, The Humble Good Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
tags: 9-to-5, ego, humility, passion, philosophy, pride, purpose, self-awareness, self-reflec on, work 1 likes

“Do not seek so anxiously to be developed, to subject yourself to Like

many influences to be played on; it is all dissipation. Humility

like darkness reveals the heavenly lights.”
― Henry David Thoreau, Walden
tags: development, dissipa on, educa on, humility, knowledge, learning, progress, reading, thoreau 1 likes

“The greatest sacrifices of all are those that are done without an Like

audience. And once completed, those selfsame sacrifices are left

forever anonymous so as to never gather an audience.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough
tags: audience, gi , giving, humble, humility, sacrifices, self-sacrifice 1 likes

“People don’t care about this kind of stuff, ya know? We want Like
self-improvement, not self-knowledge. We want change,” he
motioned with his hands in a strange attempt to mock modern-
day hipsters' version of change, “But not for any particular
reason. We want to do good deeds but only if we can tell others about it.
We want all sorts of ideals, not for their own sake, but rather for the 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
sake of appearances. We don’t want knowledge; we want to show others
we have knowledge.” Sign in
― Cic Mellace, The Humble Good
My ego,
tags: bragging, depression, Books Browse ▾ self-
humble, humble-bragging, humility, narcissism, pride, self-awareness, Community ▾

“I know the meaning of humility. It is not self-disparagement. Like

It is the motive power of action. If, intending to absolve myself,
I plead fate as the excuse for my misfortunes, I subject myself to
fate. If I plead treason as their excuse, I subject myself to
treason. But if I accept responsibility, I affirm my strength as a man. I
am able to influence that of which I form part. I declare myself a
constituent part of the community of mankind.”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Flight to Arras
tags: arras, enemy, existence, france, humility, inspira onal, mankind, plane, responsibility, war 1 likes

“We sit here and we talk about sports. We talk about our home Like

improvement projects. We gossip about family members we

don’t care about. We self-victimize and complain about petty
problems we've created ourselves. We work like dogs to keep up
with the Joneses but have no time to enjoy the things we work for. We
work purposeless jobs that keep us mildly happy, never really enjoying
what we do, but we also never get the balls to leave the job. We drink on
the weekends to numb the pain but it never really cures it. We criticize
anyone who tries to break away from the rat race, because the idea that
there is a way out scares us more than dying in the state we’re in. We
only give to causes that affect us personally, only follow religions that
suit us, only listen to people who agree with us, and worst of all,” he
paused, and in a sad, defeated finale to his rant, he said, “We lie to
― Cic Mellace, The Humble Good
tags: depression, ego, humility, meaninglessness, narcissism, pride, self-awareness, self-vic mizing,
selfishness, society

“I cannot help others without helping myself. So then the Like

question arises: who is really helping who? This leads to a space
of appreciation, innocence, and humility.”
― Nitya Prakash
tags: apprecia on, help, humility, innocence 0 likes

“With deep humility, we shall behold the heavenly blessings.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: blessings, chris an, encouragement, heavenly, hope, humility, never-give-up 0 likes

“Not everybody has that non-self-humility, not everybody has Like

that existence-self-ego.”
― Saroj Aryal
tags: buddhahood, ego, enlightenment-quotes, humility 0 likes

“In learning from failure, there are stepping stones for Like
― Zechariah Barre
tags: failure, humility, inspira onal, learning, stepping-stones, success 0 likes

“A person’s spiritual power originates from using knowledge, Like

compassion, charity, and personal humility to break away from custom 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
and creed.”
― Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls Sign in

tags: charity, compassion, humility, humility-quotes, knowledge, spiritual, spirituality-quote, spirituality-

quotes My Books Browse ▾ Community ▾

“We all have two voices, perhaps, many more. Every day, if not Like

every minute, we have to choose which one will get our

attention. If we choose the higher one, our suffering will lessen
and, quite often, completely disappear but it takes humility and
trust. The longer we keep listening to the lower voice, the harder it is to
drag ourselves away from it. Nevertheless, all it takes is one second. If
we chose something else last week or yesterday or a minute ago, it
doesn’t matter. We just need to make another choice right now.”
― Donna Goddard, Circles of Separa on
tags: choice-quotes, choices-and-consequences, growth, humility, listening, listening-prayer, listening-to-
inner-self, spiritual-wisdom, trust

“Humility empties us of ourselves so that we can be filled with Like

all of the things that we would otherwise never realize we had
― Craig D. Lounsbrough
tags: ego, empty, filled, humility, missed, ourselves, pride 0 likes

“There is no honour like humility.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: gentle, honour, humble, humility, mo va on, wisdom 0 likes

“My thesis for this book is that Christian contentment is finding delight Like
in God's wise plan for my life and humbly allowing him to direct me in
― Andy Davis
tags: chris an, contentment, direc on, god-s-will, humility, life, pastor, plan 0 likes

“Heart of Humility: poem excerpt Like

In a world full of brashness, pretence and bravado,

Humility is undoubtedly a rare,
And wonderful gift.”
― Chris ne Evangelou, A Shore of Spiritual Shells: Poetry For Inner Strength And
tags: humanness, humble-quotes, humility, inner-gi s, inner-strength, inspira onal-quotes, life-quotes,
mindfulness-quotes, soul-quotes, spirituality-quotes

“The more power we gain to influence the lives of others, the Like

more humble we must become, or else, our downfall is

― Abhijit Naskar
tags: arrogance, brainy-quotes, famous-personality, greatness, humble, humility, pearls-of-wisdom, pride,

“In all fairness to his soldiers, until the moment I spit on their Like

king, I had probably looked pretty humble.”

― Jennifer A. Nielsen, The Shadow Throne
tags: disrespect, fairness, humility, king, prisoner, soldiers, spit 0 likes 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“As a nation, we must remember that the principles upon which Like
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we stand are always superior to the politics that we can’t
― CraigMy
D. Lounsbrough
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tags: ethics, humility, jus ce, morals, poli cian, poli cs, principle, self-serving, truth 0 likes

“Remember that true humility consists in being ready for what Like
the Lord wants to do with you and happy that he should do it,
and in considering yourselves unworthy to be called his
― Teresa of Ávila, The Way of Perfec on
tags: carmelite, catholic, faith, humility 0 likes

“In a press interview at the time, Gable said, “My days of playing the Like

dashing lover are over. I’m no longer believable in those parts. There has
been considerable talk about older guys wooing and winning leading
ladies half their age. I don’t think the public likes it, and I don’t care for
it myself. It’s not realistic. Actresses that I started out with like Joan
Crawford and Barbara Stanwyck have long since quit playing glamour
girls and sweet young things. Now it’s time I acted my age.

“Let’s be honest,” he continued. “It’s a character role, and I’ll be

playing more of them. There’s a risk involved, of course. I have no idea if
I can attain the success as a character actor as I did playing the dashing
young lover, but it’s a chance I have to take. Not everybody is able to do
― Warren G. Harris, Clark Gable: A Biography
tags: accedence, admission, clark-gable, humility, old-age 0 likes

“Active listening is being humble and hunting and searching for the best Like
idea possible.”
― Laurie Buchanan, PhD
tags: ac ve-listening, humility, listening, listening-skills 0 likes

“Twelve legions girded with angelic sword Like

Were at his beck, the scorned and buffeted:

He healed another's scratch; his own side bled,
Side, feet, and hands, with cruel piercings gored.
Oh wonderful the wonders left undone!
And scarce less wonderful than those he wrought;
Oh self-restraint, passing human thought,
To have all power, and be as having none;
Oh self-denying love, which felt alone
For needs of others, never for its own.”
― Richard Chenevix Trench, Sabba on: Honor Neale: And Other Poems
tags: crucifixion, humility, jesus, love, obedience, self-restraint 0 likes

“Don't just be happy, be humbled as well.” Like

― Wisdom Kwashie Mensah, THE HONEYMOON: A SACRED AND

tags: happiness, hqm-quotes, humble, humility, rymm-pe t-quotes, rymm-pop, when-quotes, wkm-quotes,

“As you render services to others which bring joy/happiness to them, Like
they'll sing your praises. But remember the God factor in you, and
remain humble. For the Lord your God is Humble (Meek).”
― Wisdom Kwashie Mensah, THE HONEYMOON: A SACRED AND
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
tags: god-factor, humility, joy, meekness, praises, rymm-pop, service, wkm-quotes 0 likes
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“A large chunk of the human species is sufficiently intelligent Like
but insufficiently
My Books humble.” Browse ▾ Community ▾
― Rajesh`, Random Cosmos
tags: humility 0 likes

“The opinion of humble people is not heard, but that’s just my Like

humble opinion.”
― Rajesh`, Random Cosmos
tags: humility, society 0 likes

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13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 661-690 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Some people hate people who are overconfident, only because Like
their overconfidence reminds them of their underconfidence.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: adage, adages, africa, african, aphorism, aphorisms, arrogance, arrogant, asser ve, asser veness,
assured, at-ease, axiom, axioms, can-do, confidence, confident, coolheaded, deep, dictum, dictums, envious,
envy, epigram, epigrams, funny, gnome, gnomes, hate, hated, ha ng, hatred, humble, humbled, humbling,
humility, humor, humorous, humour, imperturbable, insigh ul, jealous, jealousy, levelheaded, love, loved,
loving, made-me-think, make-you-think, maxim, maxims, modest, modesty, overconfidence, overconfident,
philosopher, phlegma c, profound, proverb, proverbs, provoke-thought, quota on, quota ons, quote,
quote-of-the-day, quotes, sa re, sa rical, sa rist, sa rists, saying, sayings, self-assurance, self-assured, self-
possessed, self-reliance, self-reliant, south-africa, south-african, thought-provoking, though ul, together,
underconfidence, underconfident, unperturbed, unruffled

“I would rather lie facedown on the ground Like

and use my body as a bridge,
than stand proud and tall BROWSE BY TAG
and use my body as a wall.”
― Kamand Kojouri humility Search

tags: beacon, body, bridge, facedown, ground, harmony, help, hope, hopeful, humble, humility, kamand,
kamand-kojouri, kojouri, light, one-love, oneness, proud, serve, servitude, stand, support, tall, together, Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
togetherness, unity, wall Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
13 likes Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
“It is not your talents that make you great, but your decisions.” Like Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k

― Shannon L. Alder God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes

Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
tags: choose, choose-the-right, commonsense, decide, decisions, ego, goals, good-choices, humble, humility, Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
integrity, talents
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
“Yesterday I was clever, so I took the glory for me. Today He makes me Like Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
wise, so I give the glory to Thee” Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
― indonesia123 Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
tags: acclaim, acquiescent, adora on, applaud, arrogance, beauty, biddable, celebrate, clever, clever-is-self-
glory, commend, compliant, conceit, conceitedness, deferen al, delight, diffident, dis nc on, docile, ego,
egocentrism, ego sm, elegance, eminence, eulogize, exalta on, extol, fame, gentle, glorify-god, glorify-self-
vs-glorify-god, glorifying-god, glory, glory-of-god, glory-of-life, glory-of-me, glory-of-one, glory-of-self,
glory-of-self-vs-glory-of-god, glory-to-god, glory-to-self, god-s-glorifica on, grandeur, greatness, honor,
hubris, humble, humbleness, humility, immodesty, imperiousness, kudos, lamblike, lionize, magnificence,
magnify, majesty, marvel, meek, mild, modest, modesty, narcissism, nobility, obedient, opulence, pay-
tribute-to, phenomenon, pomposity, pompousness, praise, pres ge, pride, rave, recogni on, renown,
reputa on, resplendence, self-admira on, self-centeredness, self-conceit, self-effacing, self-glorifica on,
self-glory, self-glory-vs-god-s-glory, self-importance, self-love, self-opinion, self-pride, self-regard, self-
respect, self-sa sfac on, selfishness, smugness, splendor, submissive, superiority, tame, tractable,
unassuming, unprotes ng, unresis ng, vainglory, vanity, wise, wise-is-god-s-glory, wonder, worship

“Millennials (aka Generation Y) are great at social media (Facebook, Like

Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter,Tumblr, Instagram, Flickr, Snapchat,

Pinterest, YouTube, Vimeo, and Periscope) but lack time tested social
skills ( patience, humility, active listening, respect for parents, teachers,
― Ramesh Lohia 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
tags: ac ve-listening, facebook, flickr, genera on-y, google, humility, instagram, linkedin, millennials,
pa ence, pinterest, respect-for-parents, snapchat, social-media, social-skills, teachers, tumblr, twi er, Sign in

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“Nothing is more deceitful than the appearance of humility. It is Like

often only carelessness of opinion and somethings an indirect

― Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
tags: carelessness-of-opinion, deceit, humility, indirect-boast, pride-and-prejudice 3 likes

“On his way offstage, the president shook hands with Lin and Like

said, "I'm proud of you, man." (In a gesture of self-restraint,

Lin had stuck to the performance calendar they had announced
before learning that President Obama was coming, the one that
said Javier Muñoz would play Hamilton that afternoon.)”
― Lin Manuel Miranda
tags: generosity, humility 3 likes

“Vulnerability along with a sense of humility are the purest Like

forms of strength.”
― H.L. Balcomb, Cinderella In Focus: "Finding hope when you're feeling a
sense of hopelessness!" pub date: Dec. 2018
tags: cinderella, cinderellainfocus, courage-in-life, female-empowerment, hlbalcomb, hopeful-and-
encouraging, humility, strength, vulnerability

“The greatest obstacle to true learning is the inability to say "I don't Like

― Marty Rubin
tags: humility, learning, obstacles, uncertainty 2 likes

“Humility is the most undervalued godly virtue.” Like

― Emily R. King, The Hundredth Queen
tags: humility, virtue 2 likes

“Growing old is humbling and it takes effort to accomplish this stage of Like
life with dignity.”
― Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls
tags: aging, aging-gracefully, elderly-people, gracefulness, humbling, humility, matura on, stages-of-life

“Humility moves more mountains than arrogance.” Like

― Alan Cohen
tags: arrogance, humility, move-mountains 2 likes

“Father Ratti had often explained, in Religious Knowledge class, Like

that true humility did not mean a sense of worthlessness or the
kind of timidity that caused some people to be cheated and
bullied all their lives. The virtue of humility, Ratti said, was
merely the faculty of intelligence operating properly "The man of
wisdom," Ratti explained once, "fears only one man on earth. Do you
know who that is?" And when everybody guessed wrong — some said
the Pope, some said King Ferdinand — Ratti said, "The man of wisdom
fears himself. He knows who it is who tells him the most plausible lies,
the lies he wants to believe.”
― Robert Anton Wilson, The Earth Will Shake: The History of the Early Illumina
tags: humility 2 likes 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“I am thankful for all blessings and lessons learned that have given me Like
peace and solace which I try to share with great humility and Sign in
― Donavan Nelson
Books Master Sergeant US Army Browse ▾ Community ▾
tags: blessings-quotes, humbleness, humility, solace 1 likes

“Whatever we have in the glory of man is "away". Those are just not Like
enough before we go "home" to the glory of God.”
― indonesia123
tags: acclaim, acquiescent, admira on, adora on, applaud, arrogance, away, beauty, biddable, bless,
blessing, boast, celebrate, commend, complete, compliant, conceit, conceitedness, deferen al, delight,
diffident, dis nc on, docile, ego, egocentrism, ego sm, elegance, eminence, enough, eulogize, exalta on,
exalta on-of-god, extol, extolment, fame, found, gentle, glorify-god, glorify-god-in-everything, glorify-self-
vs-glorify-god, glorifying-god, glorifying-god-quotes, glory, glory-of-god, glory-of-life, glory-of-man, glory-
of-me, glory-of-one, glory-of-self, glory-of-self-vs-glory-of-god, glory-of-the-world, glory-to-god, glory-to-
self, god, god-s-exalta on, god-s-glorifica on, god-s-glory, god-s-grandeur, god-s-greatness, god-s-honor,
god-s-magnificence, god-s-majesty, god-s-praise, grandeur, grandeur-of-god, greatness, greatness-of-god,
home, honor, honor-of-god, hubris, humble, humbleness, humility, immodesty, imperiousness, kudos,
lamblike, lionize, lost, magnificence, magnificence-of-god, magnify, majesty, majesty-of-god, marvel, meek,
mild, modest, modesty, narcissism, nobility, not-enough, obedient, opulence, pay-tribute-to, phenomenon,
pomposity, pompousness, popularity, praise, praise-of-god, pres ge, pride, quotes-that-glorify-god, rave,
recogni on, renown, reputa on, resplendence, self, self-admira on, self-adora on, self-centeredness, self-
conceit, self-effacing, self-exalta on, self-extolment, self-glorifica on, self-glorifying, self-glory, self-glory-
vs-god-s-glory, self-honor, self-importance, self-love, self-magnifica on, self-magnifying, self-opinion, self-
praise, self-pride, self-regard, self-respect, self-righteous, self-sa sfac on, self-worship, selfishness,
smugness, splendor, submissive, sufficient, superiority, tame, tractable, unassuming, unprotes ng,
unresis ng, vainglory, vanity, wonder, worship

“ cannot be a leader if no one is willing to follow and work Like

alongside you. An arrogant person does not ask for help and is
therefore helpless. An arrogant person claims to know
everything and thus is clueless. A humble person attracts
helpers and teachers.”
― Nick Vujicic, Unstoppable: The Incredible Power of Faith in Ac on
tags: arrogance, humility, leadership 1 likes

“The trait [Morey] looked for was awareness that they were Like
seeking answers to questions with no certain answers--that
they were inherently fallible. "I always ask them, 'Who did you
miss?'" he said. Which future superstar had they written off, or
which future bust had they fallen in love with? "If they don't give me a
good one, I'm like, 'Fuck 'em.”
― Michael Lewis, The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Our Minds
tags: fallibility, humility, morey, uncertainty 0 likes

“Real humility is not about denying the gifts you are offered; it Like

is accepting them.”
― Alan Cohen
tags: acceptence, gi s, humility 0 likes

“Such beautiful strength lives in uncompromising humility.” Like

― Sco Stabile
tags: beauty, humility, strength 0 likes

“People often think of humility as the act of saying 'I am not Like

that great.' This is lack of confidence. True humility is looking

at the amazing people throughout history and saying 'I am
pretty great... but I can always be greater.”
― Ma hew Goldfinger
tags: arrogance, confidence, happiness, humility, perspec ve, self-esteem 0 likes

“Krupa (divine grace) means ‘every time sincere’. Without becoming Like
suitable for naimitik krupa (apparent grace), one cannot attain the 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
nischay (Realization that I am Pure Soul). Even in the Kramic
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(step by step) path, there is naimitk krupa. ‘We’ shower down
special grace. ‘Our’ grace descends upon one due to ultimate
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thing required is ‘complete sincerity’.” Community ▾
― Dada Bhagwan
tags: humility, sincere, soul, spiritual, spiritual-quotes, ul mate 0 likes

“Pride keeps you from dealing with truth. It distorts your vision. Like

You never change when you think everything is fine. Pride

hardens your heart and dims the eyes of your understanding. It
keeps you from the change of heart--repentance--that will set
you free.”
― John Bevere, The Bait Of Satan: Living Free from the Deadly Trap of Offense
tags: humility, pride, repentance, sin 0 likes

“Be nice to people on the way up. Not because you might meet Like
them on the way back down, but.. because what's the point in
going through life being a c**t to everyone”
― David Alejandro Fearnhead
tags: failure, humility, life-lessons, success 0 likes

“We are one people until you decide we are one person in the churning Like
sea of humanity.”
― Donavan Nelson Butler, Master Sergeant US Army
tags: humanity, humility, oneness, unity 0 likes

“At the end of it all, it is our relationship with people that will Like

determine whether they will share in our pain if we fall into

― Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Frontpage: Leadership Insights from 21
Mar n Luther King Jr. Thoughts
tags: accident, danger, determine, fall, food-for-thought, humility, israelmore-ayivor, leaders, leadership,
mar n-luther, mar n-luther-king, mar n-luther-king-jr, pain, painful, people, rela onship, share, success

“I am continually coming back to the belief that I know nothing, Like

or that there are much deeper places to go with what I think I

know. It's liberating, actually. I don't think the biggest
questions can be answered with any certainty. I'm becoming
more and more peaceful not knowing.”
― Sco Stabile
tags: happiness, humility, inspira on, knowledge, life, love 0 likes

“I am one and when I am one I am none, and when I am none I Like

have won.”
― Julieanne O'Connor
tags: humility, humility-and-purpose, humility-in-greatness, humility-quotes, inpira onal, inspira onal-
a tude, inspira onal-life, inspira onal-quotes, one, one-love, oneness, oneness-awareness, oneness-with-
humanity, oneness-with-life

“If we could be humble enough to submit our passions, sentiments and Like

even weaknesses to God Almighty, he would successfully convert them

to something positive that would eventually glorify Him.”
― Sunday Adelaja, The Mountain of Ignorance
tags: conversion, danger, darkness, destruc on, glory, god, humility, ignorance, knowledge, life, light,
mountain, passion, people, posi vity, power, sen ments, submission, success, weakness
0 likes 4/5
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“Humility is an interesting virtue because if you don't have It, Like

sooner or later it's given to you.” Sign in

― Nick Vujicic, Unstoppable: The Incredible Power of Faith in Ac on
tags: humility, virtues My Books Browse ▾ 0 likes
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“There is something holy about taking up the task of Like

stewarding a life, especially our own. If we come to this work at

all, we must come with humble expectations and a willingness
to be led. We submit to the process, trusting that the science is
sound, even when what we’re called to do hurts.”
― Russ Ramsey, Struck: One Chris an's Reflec ons on Encountering Death
tags: healing, humility, pain, suffering 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 721-750 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Those who achieve the extraordinary are usually the most Like
ordinary because they have nothing to prove to anybody. Be BROWSE BY TAG
humility Search
― Aaron Lauritsen, 100 Days Drive: The Great North American Road Trip
tags: 100-days-drive, 100daysdrive, acceptance, accomplish, adventure, ambi on, author, awakening, be- Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
happy, be-proud, believe, bestrong, bestseller, bohemian, break-barriers, carma, chances, change, chase-
dreams, cherish, coming-of-age, compassion, compe on, confidence, conquer, conquer-fear, content, Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
control-your-life, courage, crossroads, des ny, determina on, dig-deep, don-t-give-up, don-t-judge, don-t- Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
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Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
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beauty, inner-strength, inspira on, journey, joy, judgement, laugh, learn, liberate, libera ng, life, life-lessons, God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
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regrets, nomad, one-life, open-road, opportunity, parenthood, perspec ve, posi ve-thinking, power, pride, Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
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service-to-others, smile, soar, soul-food, spirituality, start-all-over, staystrong, strength, struggle, success, Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
teamwork, thick-skin, think-outside-the-box, travel, truth, values, walk-a-mile, wander, wanderlust, Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
wateroffaducksback, writer Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
13 likes Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
“Poetry empowers the simplest of lives to confront the most Like Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
extreme sorrows with courage, and motivates the mightiest of Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
offices to humbly heed lessons in compassion.”
― Aberjhani, Splendid Literarium: A Treasury of Stories, Aphorisms,
Poems, and Essays
tags: advocate-for-compassion, advoca ng-for-compassion, belife-in-humanith, coexistence, confron ng-
change, contemporary-poetry-quotes, courage, crea ve-arts, cultural-arts, diversity-in-literature, diversity-
in-publishing, humility, inspira on, inspiring, leaderhsip, leadership-strategies, literature-quotes, love-for-
humanity, mlk-day, mo va on, na onal-poetry-month, nonviolence-jihadism, npm17, poets-for-change,
posi ve-mo va on, postered-poe cs-by-aberjhani, prac cing-compassion, prac cing-peace, self-
empowerment-quotes, sorrow, speaking-truth-to-power, strategic-leadership, wisdom-quotes, world-
poetry-day, wri ng-poetry

“Your patient has become humble; have you drawn his attention Like
to the fact? All virtues are less formidable to us once the man is
aware that he has them, but this is specially true of humility.
Catch him at the moment when he is really poor in spirit and
smuggle into his mind the gratifying reflection, 'By jove! I'm being
humble!', and almost immediately pride—pride at his own humility—
will appear. If he awakes to the danger and tries to smother this new
form of pride, make him proud of his attempt—and so on, through as
many stages a you please. But don't try this too long, for fear you may
awake his sense of humour and proportion, in which case he will merely
laugh at you and go to bed.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Le ers
tags: humility, humor, pride, screwtape 5 likes

“Humility was an offensive characteristic for a God, in the eyes of early Like

non-Christians. How could Christians worship a God who deliberately

chose to share in human birth with all its mess and vulnerability and
limitation, as well as a shameful death? How can we now worship a God
to whom all the unimportant little details of our lives actually matter? 1/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
How can we respect a God who takes us more seriously than we take
ourselves, and yet is not impressed with all our accomplishments? Who Sign in
loves us equally well, whetherwe succeed or fail? How could it really be
that God simplyMydisregards
Books not only our education, our tastes, our ▾
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industry, our niceness, our worthiness in order to love us? God's
greatness we can begin to approach. The sheer humility of God's love is
― Roberta C. Bondi, To Love as God Loves
tags: god-s-love, god-s-nature, humility, incarna on 4 likes

“I’ve never been motivated by money – it doesn’t drive Me.” Like

― Germany Kent

tags: business, business-quotes, business-success, businesslike, do-good, do-good-quotes, do-gooders,

humanity, humanity-and-society, humans, humility, leadership, leadership-characteris cs, leadership-
quotes, live-an-extraordinary-life, live-your-best-life, mo vate, mo va on, mo va on-quotes, mo va onal,
mo va onal-inspira onal, mo va onal-quotes, mo va onal-quotes-for-women, passion, passionate-life,
passionate-living, peace, peace-of-mind, philanthropy, philanthropy-quotes, philosophy-of-life, power,
power-of-the-subconscious-mind, power-of-thoughts, power-of-words, powerful-story, what, what-
ma ers, what-you-want, whatever

“When I am paid a compliment, I must compare myself with the Like

little donkey that carried Christ on Palm Sunday. And I say to

myself: If that little creature, hearing the applause of the crowd,
had become proud and had begun -- jackass that he was -- to
bow his thanks left and right like a prima donna, how much hilarity he
would have aroused! Don't act the same!”
― Pope John Paul I, Illustrissimi: Le ers from Pope John Paul I
tags: humility, pride 2 likes

“Arrogance created to project a self-image of superiority is the Like

very trait that demonstrates to others deeply hidden
― Sam Owen
tags: arrogance, humility, inferiority, rela onships, superiority 1 likes

“Mary was proud of her husband, not merely because he was a Like

musician, but because he was a blacksmith. For, with the true

taste of a right woman, she honored the manhood that could do
hard work. The day will come, and may I do something to help it
hither, when the youth of our country will recognize that, taken in itself,
it is a more manly, and therefore in the old true sense a more _gentle_
thing, to follow a good handicraft, if it make the hands black as a coal,
than to spend the day in keeping books, and making up accounts, though
therein the hands should remain white--or red, as the case may be. Not
but that, from a higher point of view still, all work, set by God, and done
divinely, is of equal honor; but, where there is a choice, I would gladly
see boy of mine choose rather to be a blacksmith, or a watchmaker, or a
bookbinder, than a clerk. Production, making, is a higher thing in the
scale of reality, than any mere transmission, such as buying and selling.
It is, besides, easier to do honest work than to buy and sell honestly. The
more honor, of course, to those who are honest under the greater
difficulty! But the man who knows how needful the prayer, "Lead us not
into temptation," knows that he must not be tempted into temptation
even by the glory of duty under difficulty. In humility we must choose
the easiest, as we must hold our faces unflinchingly to the hardest, even
to the seeming impossible, when it is given us to do.”
― George MacDonald, Mary Marston
tags: duty, handicra , hard-work, humility, manhood, produc on, tempta on 1 likes 2/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do but you Like Sign in
suck it up and do it anyway, and that's what teaches you
humility, work ethic, responsibility, and follow-through.”
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― Julie Lythco -Haims, How to Raise an Adult: Break Free of the
Overparen ng Trap and Prepare Your Kid for Success
tags: grit, humility, responsibility, work-ethic 1 likes

“Humility and brokenness before God is the key to making your body the Like
dwelling place of God”
― Sunday Adelaja
tags: body, brokenness, dwelling, god, humility, key, place 1 likes

“Being first to ask for help in a friendship takes courage and Like
― A on Rorvik, Storm Sisters: Friends Though All Seasons
tags: asking-for-help, courage, courage-quotes, friends, friendship, friendship-quotes, humility, humility-

“There had been a time in Godfrey's life when, had she stood Like
before him in all her splendor, he would have turned from her,
because of her history, with a sad disgust. Was he less pure
now? He was more pure, for he was humbler.”
― George MacDonald, Mary Marston
tags: disgust, forgiveness, humility, past, past-mistakes, purity 1 likes

“Loving ourselves so much, we are naturally led to enlarge our Like

own merits, to play down our transgressions, to judge others by

different standards from those used to judge ourselves. Enlarged
merits? They are described by your fellow-writer Trilussa:

The little snail of Vainglory

Who had crawled up an obelisk
Looked at its slimy trail and said:
I see I'll leave my mark on History.

This is the way we are, dear Twain; even a bit of slime, if it is our own,
and because it is our own, makes us boast, gives us a swelled head!”
― Pope John Paul I, Illustrissimi: Le ers from Pope John Paul I
tags: humility, pride 1 likes

“knowing your power Like

is what creates
not knowing your power
is what creates
― ego
tags: humility, insecurity 0 likes

“Humility is not weakness but a quality of strength.” Like

― Dr Paul Gitwaza
tags: chris anity, churches, humility, inspira onal, pastors, quality, strength, weaknesses 0 likes

“There is no better place as better as where God has placed you, be it Like

good or bad, for His better reasons. Just keep calm and be humble and
diligent enough to learn the better and real reasons that shall take and
place you at the best place He wants to place you! If you don’t 3/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
understand the lessons, ask Him for the reasons. If He answers you fine,
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if not, just keep going and keep learning the lessons. You shall definitely
get a good understanding in the end!”
― Ernest Agyemang
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tags: chris an-life, content, contentment-and-a tude, humility, lessons-of-life, perseverance-quotes, trials-
of-life, understanding

“O Lord gives me a humble heart.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: humble, humility, lailah-gi y-akita-affirma ons, prayer 0 likes

“Though sometimes you must have an unstoppable courage, it must be Like

with a well defined humility for purposeful living! Humility is not just
good for our lives; it also greatly saves our lives, integrity and true
purpose! Don’t just think you are on top of the world just because you
stand on the tallest building. When the building collapses, you may be
far worse than they that walk besides the building who can run away
upon seeing it collapsing!”
― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
tags: humbleness, humility, humility-and-purpose, leadership 0 likes

“And the memory made her humble; for we should not forget Like
what it is to be young and to have ideas and attitudes that may
later seem so fanciful.”
― Alexander McCall Smith, The Full Cupboard of Life
tags: a tude, humility 0 likes

“To be poor in spirit is an attitude of humility that is willing to turn Like

from personal pursuits to seek God’s righteousness”
― Sunday Adelaja
tags: a tude, god, humility, poor, seek, spirit 0 likes

“You measure success by the humility it takes to see the truth” Like

― Paul Bradley Smith

tags: humility, humility-quotes, success, success-quotes, successful-living, truth 0 likes

“Never pupil was more humble, never pupil more obedient; Like

thinking nothing of himself or of anything he had done or could

do, his path was open to the swiftest and highest growth. It
matters little where a man may be at this moment; the point is
whether he is growing. The next point will be, whether he is growing at
the ratio given him. The key to the whole thing is _obedience_, and
nothing else.”
― George MacDonald, Mary Marston
tags: growth, humility, obedience 0 likes

“Humility is the freedom to stop trying to be what we're not, or Like

pretending to be what we're not, and accepting our 'appropriate

― John Ortberg, The Life You've Always Wanted: Spiritual Disciplines for
Ordinary People
tags: humility 0 likes

“...all of us are somewhere on a journey to God, and the gap Like

between least and most advanced is infinitely smaller than the

gap between the most advanced and God himself.” 4/6
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― John Ortberg, The Life You've Always Wanted: Spiritual Disciplines for Ordinary
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tags: humility 0 likes
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“One of the characteristics of humility is the ability to take the second Like

place without striving for self-promotion”

― Sunday Adelaja
tags: ability, characteris cs, humility, second, self-promo on, striving 0 likes

“If you suffer some losses, remember that after humility a reward from Like

God will always follow”

― Sunday Adelaja
tags: follow, god, humility, losses, remember, reward, suffer 0 likes

“If you have the blessings of Abraham in your life, then you should also Like

have his obedience, humility and ability to submit to others”

― Sunday Adelaja
tags: ability, abraham, blessing, humility, life, obedience, submit 0 likes

“One of the ability of humility is the ability to take the second place Like

without striving for self-promotion”

― Sunday Adelaja
tags: ability, humility, promo on, self, striving 0 likes

“There are so many things we expect God to do: lead us, bring Like
good people into our life, give us a life of abundance, make us
happy, fix our problems, fix other people, triumph over our
enemies, etc. However, why do so many people think they will
get any of this if they choose not to live righteously? If you choose to
hurt other people and not take any responsibility for it or live your life as
if everyone else is the problem, except you then God is going to lead you
back to the same people, same places, same situations so you can fix the
same problem you ran from. God is not standing in your future telling
you to forget what you did. He is standing in front of you telling you to
go back and undo what you did! He leads you to places that change who
you are. He doesn't lead you to places to forget who you are.”
― Shannon L. Alder
tags: accountability, drummers, god, how-god-works, humble, humility, integrity, lead, responsibility, works

“I have often thought, during these conferences, about the comment Like

that Maurice Maignan, one of the first companions of Ozanam, made

after a retreat: "One thought strikes me. All the means of sanctification
which the preacher proposes and develops require a strong soul...I will
not profit from exercises designed for strong souls. O my God, show me
the exercises designed for feeble souls. Would the saints have forgotten
or disdained them? Yet even if the saints did not think of these poor
souls, who are nevertheless most numerous, You, Lord, my mercy, have
not abandoned them. You Yourself, Good Master, have burdened Yourself
with them. I know that better than anyone. I am one of those souls, and
I bless You for having revealed to the weak and the little ones what You
do not always accord to the valiant and the strong.”
― Jean C.J. d'Elbée, I Believe in Love: A Personal Retreat Based on the Teaching of
St. Therese of Lisieux
tags: chris anity, humility, love 0 likes

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13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 901-930 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“On athleticism, God knows no favor. It seems rather he is in Like

the business of teaching winners how to lose and losers how to BROWSE BY TAG
humility Search
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: ability, athle cism, balancing, business, challenge, character, coaching, compe on, defeat, disable, Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
disrespect, favor, games, god, growing, handicap, hard-work, humility, irrespect, learning, losing,
perseverance, pride, respect, skill, sports, sportsmanship, success, teaching, underdogs, victory, winning Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
5 likes Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
“My knees will not tremble at the sight of a King but I will kneel down Like
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
before a man of humility.” Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
― Princess Maleiha Bajunaid Candao Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
tags: humility, power, princes, princess, princesses, queens-and-kings, royalty 3 likes
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
“Maybe the best way for you to get us to summon our better selves is for Like Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
you to show us yours.” Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
― Madam Secretary Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
tags: authen city, example, humility, tes mony, transparency 3 likes Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k

“A man is his tallest when he is down on his knees in prayer.” Like

― Beth Moore, To Live Is Christ
tags: humility, spiritual-warfare 2 likes

“The best writers I've read possess oodles of self-doubt, yet Like
claw their way up with each work and remain humble. Boastful
ones, not so much.”
― Don Roff
tags: best, boas ul, claw, how-to-write, humble, humility, inspira on, possess, quotes, self-doubt, way,
work, writers, writers-on-wri ng, writers-quotes, wri ng-advice, wri ng-cra

“CS Lewis may make difficult questions accessible. I don't think Like
he makes answers 'easy. – Debra Winger”
― Greg Cootsona
tags: ambiguity, humility, sovereignty-of-god, thought-life 1 likes

“If they are afraid of revision in the laboratory, truth will never Like
be released except by accident.”
― Barbara W. Tuchman, The Proud Tower: A Portrait of the World
Before the War, 1890-1914
tags: humility, openness 1 likes

“Your success should create a path that inspires others to follow.” Like
― Amitav Chowdhury
tags: gra tude, happiness, humility, inspira on, philosophy, success 1 likes 1/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“In the Christic tradition, this is the meaning of  'becoming as a Like Sign in
little child.'  Little children don't think they know what things
mean, in fact, they know they don't know.  They ask someone
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older and wiser to explain things to them.  We're like children
who don't know but think we do.  We're meant to shine.  Look at small
children.  They're all so unique before they start trying to be, because
they demonstrate the power of genuine humility.  This is also the
explanation of 'beginner's luck.' When we go into a situation not
knowing the rules, we don't pretend to know how to figure anything out,
and we don't know yet what there is to be afraid of.  This releases the
mind to create from its own higher power."  ”
― Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflec ons on the Principles of "A
Course in Miracles"
tags: children, humility, inspira on 1 likes

“I respect the decision of others.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: humility, mo va on, opinions-of-others 1 likes

“The author relates the progress of inoculation against Like

smallpox in America with the interaction between an African

slave named Onisimus whose homeland knew how to treat the
malady and and leading clergyman Cotton Mather who was
curious and open-minded enough to listen to him.”
― Robert J. Allison, Before 1776: Life in the American Colonies
tags: culture, curiosity, humility, open-mindedness, society 1 likes

“She was torn between her customer service training and her Like
youthful certitude.”
― Bill Bryson, In a Sunburned Country
tags: culture, educa on, graciousness, humility, matura on 1 likes

“Stephen Douglas's oratory was designed for the galleries, Like

Lincoln's for his peers”

― Harold Holzer, Lincoln and the Power of the Press: The War for Public
tags: arrogance, humility, persuasion, self-promo on 0 likes

“If typos are God's way of keeping a writer humble, plot holes Like

certainly keeps one on their knees.”

― E.A. Bucchianeri
tags: author, authors, authors-are-not-perfect, authors-on-wri ng, book, books, errors, funny, humble,
humility, humor, humorus, humour, life, mistakes, nobody-is-perfect, novels, observa ons, plot-hole, plot-
holes, plots, sad-but-true, spelling, spelling-errors, stories, typo, typos, writer, wri ng, wri ng-books,
wri ng-is-hard, wri ng-life, wri ng-plots, wri ng-process, wri ng-quotes

“Henry Cabot Lodge was like medicine, good for you, but hard to take. – Like
Teddy White”
― David Pietrusza, 1960--LBJ vs. JFK vs. Nixon: The Epic Campaign That Forged
Three Presidencies
tags: approachability, arrogance, charisma, exper se, humility, leadership, openness 0 likes

“Pat Conroy embraced his new hometown with the grateful passion of a Like
― William Grimes
tags: curiosity, discipleship, humility, openness 0 likes 2/4
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“The wings of the dove are as soft as they are swift. Gentleness Like Sign in
is a sure result of the Sacred Dove's transforming power: hearts
touched by His benign influence are meek and lowly henceforth
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and for ever.”
― Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Morning and Evening, Based on the English Standard
tags: discipleship, graciousness, humility 0 likes

“In front of an audience of Protestant clergy, the Catholic JFK "was Like

drawing strength from his vulnerability.”

― David Pietrusza, 1960--LBJ vs. JFK vs. Nixon: The Epic Campaign That Forged
Three Presidencies
tags: humility, tes mony 0 likes

“Pride is the archenemy of ministry.” Like

― Beth Moore, To Live Is Christ

tags: humility 0 likes

“As his former student Alastair Fowler once remarked, "Lewis Like
seemed always on the verge of hilarity -- between a chuckle
and a roar.”
― Greg Cootsona
tags: affect, charisma, humility, openness, perspec ve 0 likes

“The pitching coach was bugged by the author's technique Like

because he had never seen anyone do it before, and besides, it
wasn't the coach's idea.”
― Jim Bouton, Ball Four
tags: humility, innova on, openness 0 likes

“Horace Greeley pursues temperance to extravagance." Lord Like

― Harold Holzer, Lincoln and the Power of the Press: The War for Public
tags: arrogance, closemindedness, humility, openness, persuasion 0 likes

“En loopt niet verwaand op de aarde rond. Jij zult de aarde immers niet Like
doorboren, noch de bergen in hoogte kunnen bereiken.”
― Quran
tags: humility 0 likes

“The author emphasizes the importance of self-forgetfulness Like

when his statistics were marred by a bad outing. He forgot all of

that outing to such an extent that he quipped, "What was my
― Jim Bouton, Ball Four
tags: discipleship, humility, perspec ve, repentance 0 likes

“We can choose to humble ourselves by receiving counsel and Like

chastisement. We can choose to humble ourselves by forgiving

those who have offended us. We can choose to humble ourselves
by rendering selfless service. We can choose to humble
ourselves by going on missions and preaching the word that can humble
others. We can choose to humble ourselves by getting to the temple
more frequently. We can choose to humble ourselves by confessing and
forsaking our sins and being born of God. We can choose to humble
ourselves by loving God, submitting our will to His, and putting Him 3/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
first in our lives. Let us choose to be humble. We can do it. I know we
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― Ezra Ta Benson
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“Ego speaks from a place of pride. Like

Judgement comes from a place of pain.

Courage speaks from a place of humility.
Correction comes from a place of love.
Where are you operating from?”
― Kemi Sogunle
tags: becoming-be er, be er-life, ego, humility, inspira onal-quotes, judgement, learning-to-be-humble,
life, life-and-living, life-lessons, living, love, love-quotes, pain, pride, reality-of-life, truth, wisdom, wisdom-

“There is nothing humble about this woman.” Like

― Libbie Hawker, Daughter of Sand and Stone
tags: anxiety, authority, feminism, humility, libbie-hawker, power, pride, zenobia 0 likes

“We can choose to humble ourselves by conquering enmity Like

toward our brothers and sisters, esteeming them as ourselves,

and lifting them as high as or higher than we are.”
― Ezra Ta Benson
tags: enmity, humble, humility 0 likes

“When meeting criticism, he would regard it not as something Like

to resent but as a thing to be examined, like an interesting

beetle. "That's a curious view, not uninteresting.”
― Barbara W. Tuchman, The Proud Tower: A Portrait of the World
Before the War, 1890-1914
tags: community, discipleship, humility, openness 0 likes

“A lack of empathy is the biggest crime of all.” Like

― A.S.L.
tags: be-kind-to-all, humanity, humility, respect, spirituality -1 likes

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13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

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Humility Quotes
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“It would be better to be deceived a hundred times than to live a Like

life of suspicion.” BROWSE BY TAG

― Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Lectures to My Students
humility Search
tags: defensiveness, humility, openness, paranoia 5 likes

Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k

“This is what I had come for, just this, and nothing more. A Like Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
fling of leafy motion on the cliffs, the assault of real things, Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
living and still, with shapes and powers under the sky- this is Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
my city, my culture, and all the world I need.”
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
― Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
tags: amen, beauty, belief, consciousness, crea on, curiosity, disbelief, energy, enoughness, epiphany, Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
explora on, exultant, faith, fate, fearless, fire, free, freedom, gaps, god, grace, growth, hallelujah, humility, Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
illumina on, intricacy, joy, joyful, joyfulness, life-force, light, living-in-the-present-moment, mindfulness, Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
mul plicity, mystery, nature, philosopher-s-stone, philosophy, poem, poet, poetry, power, praise, prayer,
prayers, praying, religion, religious-diversity, ring-the-bells, science, seeing, seeking, soul, spirit, stalking-the- Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
gaps, the-tree-with-the-lights-in-it, tolerance, walking, watching, wonder Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
5 likes Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
“I have often noticed that these things, which obsess me, Like Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
neither bother nor impress other people even slightly. I am
horribly apt to approach some innocent at a gathering, and like
the ancient mariner, fix him with a wild, glitt’ring eye and say,
“Do you know that in the head of the caterpillar of the ordinary goat
moth there are two hundred twenty-eight separate muscles?” The poor
wretch flees. I am not making chatter; I mean to change his life.”
― Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
tags: amen, beauty, belief, consciousness, crea on, curiosity, disbelief, energy, enoughness, epiphany,
explora on, exultant, faith, fate, fearless, fire, free, freedom, gaps, god, grace, growth, hallelujah, humility,
illumina on, intricacy, joy, joyful, joyfulness, life-force, light, living-in-the-present-moment, mindfulness,
mul plicity, mystery, nature, philosopher-s-stone, philosophy, poem, poet, poetry, power, praise, prayer,
prayers, praying, religion, religious-diversity, science, seeing, seeking, soul, spirit, stalking-the-gaps, the-
tree-with-the-lights-in-it, tolerance, walking, watching, wonder

“A kind of northing is what I wish to accomplish, a single- Like

minded trek towards that place where any shutter left open to
the zenith at night will record the wheeling of all the sky’s stars
as a pattern of perfect, concentric circles. I seek a reduction, a
shedding, a sloughing off.

At the seashore you often see a shell, or fragment of a shell, that sharp
sands and surf have thinned to a wisp. There is no way you can tell what
kind of shell it had been, what creature it had housed; it could have been
a whelk or a scallop, a cowrie, limpet, or conch. The animal is long since
dissolved, and its blood spread and thinned in the general sea. All you
hold in your hand is a cool shred of shell, an inch long, pared so thin
that it passes a faint pink light. It is an essence, a smooth condensation
of the air, a curve. I long for the North where unimpeded winds would
hone me to such a pure slip of bone. But I’ll not go northing this year.
I’ll stalk that floating pole and frigid air by waiting here. I wait on
bridges; I wait, struck, on forest paths and meadow’s fringes, hilltops
and banksides, day in and day out, and I receive a southing as a gift. The
North washes down the mountains like a waterfall, like a tidal wave, and
pours across the valley; it comes to me. It sweetens the persimmons and
numbs the last of the crickets and hornets; it fans the flames of the 1/12
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
forest maples, bows the meadow’s seeded grasses and pokes it chilling
fingers under the leaf litter, thrusting the springtails and the Sign in
earthworms deeper into the earth. The sun heaves to the south by day,
and at night wildMyOrion
Books emerges looming like the Specter over Dead▾Man
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Mountain. Something is already here, and more is coming.”
― Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
tags: amen, beauty, belief, consciousness, crea on, curiosity, disbelief, energy, enoughness, epiphany,
explora on, exultant, faith, fate, fearless, fire, free, freedom, gaps, god, grace, growth, hallelujah, humility,
illumina on, intricacy, joy, joyful, joyfulness, life-force, light, living-in-the-present-moment, mindfulness,
mul plicity, mystery, nature, philosopher-s-stone, philosophy, poem, poet, poetry, power, praise, prayer,
prayers, praying, religion, religious-diversity, ring-the-bells, science, seeing, seeking, soul, spirit, stalking-the-
gaps, the-tree-with-the-lights-in-it, tolerance, walking, watching, wonder

“ Yes, it’s tough, it’s tough, that goes without saying. But isn’t waiting Like

itself and longing a wonder, being played on by wind, sun, and

― Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
tags: amen, beauty, belief, consciousness, crea on, curiosity, disbelief, energy, enoughness, epiphany,
explora on, exultant, faith, fate, fearless, fire, free, freedom, gaps, god, grace, growth, hallelujah, humility,
illumina on, intricacy, joy, joyful, joyfulness, life-force, light, living-in-the-present-moment, mindfulness,
mul plicity, mystery, nature, philosopher-s-stone, philosophy, poem, poet, poetry, power, praise, prayer,
prayers, praying, religion, religious-diversity, ring-the-bells, science, seeing, seeking, soul, spirit, stalking-the-
gaps, the-tree-with-the-lights-in-it, tolerance, walking, watching, wonder

“Today is the winter solstice. The planet tilts just so to its star, Like

lists and holds circling in a fixed tension between veering and

longing, and spins helpless, exalted, in and out of that fleet
blazing touch. Last night Orion vaulted and spread all over the
sky, pagan and lunatic, his shoulder and knee on fire, his sword three
suns at the ready-for what?

I won’t see this year again, not again so innocent; and longing wrapped
round my throat like a scarf. “For the Heavenly Father desires that we
should see,” says Ruysbroeck, “and that is why He is ever saying to our
inmost spirit one deep unfathomable word and nothing else.” But what
is the word? Is this mystery or coyness? A cast-iron bell hung from the
arch of my rib cage; when I stirred, it rang, or it tolled, a long syllable
pulsing ripples up my lungs and down the gritty sap inside my bones,
and I couldn’t make it out; I felt the voiced vowel like a sigh or a note
but I couldn’t catch the consonant that shaped it into sense.”
― Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
tags: amen, beauty, belief, consciousness, crea on, curiosity, disbelief, energy, enoughness, epiphany,
explora on, exultant, faith, fate, fearless, fire, free, freedom, gaps, god, grace, growth, hallelujah, humility,
illumina on, intricacy, joy, joyful, joyfulness, life-force, light, living-in-the-present-moment, longing,
mindfulness, mul plicity, mystery, nature, philosopher-s-stone, philosophy, poem, poet, poetry, power,
praise, prayer, prayers, praying, religion, religious-diversity, ring-the-bells, science, seeing, seeking, soul,
spirit, stalking-the-gaps, the-tree-with-the-lights-in-it, tolerance, walking, watching, wonder

“In the forty minutes I watched the muskrat, he never saw me, Like
smelled me, or heard me at all. When he was in full view of
course I never moved except to breathe. My eyes would move,
too, following his, but he never noticed. Only once, when he was
feeding from the opposite bank about eight feet away did he suddenly
rise upright, all alert- and then he immediately resumed foraging. But
he never knew I was there.

I never knew I was there, either.

For that forty minutes last night I was as purely sensitive and mute as a
photographic plate; I received impressions, but I did not print out
captions. My own self-awareness had disappeared; it seems now almost
as though, had I been wired to electrodes, my EEG would have been flat.
I have done this sort of thing so often that I have lost self-consciousness 2/12
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
about moving slowly and halting suddenly. And I have often noticed that
even a few minutes of this self-forgetfulness is tremendously Sign in
invigorating. I wonder if we do not waste most of our energy just by
spending everyMywaking
Booksminute saying hello to ourselves. Martin
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quotes an old Hasid master who said, “When you walk across the field
with your mind pure and holy, then from all the stones, and all growing
things, and all animals, the sparks of their souls come out and cling to
you, and then they are purified and become a holy fire in you.”
― Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
tags: amen, beauty, belief, consciousness, crea on, curiosity, disbelief, energy, enoughness, epiphany,
explora on, exultant, faith, fate, fearless, fire, free, freedom, gaps, god, grace, growth, hallelujah, humility,
illumina on, intricacy, joy, joyful, joyfulness, life-force, light, living-in-the-present-moment, mindfulness,
mul plicity, mystery, nature, philosopher-s-stone, philosophy, poem, poet, poetry, power, praise, prayer,
prayers, praying, religion, religious-diversity, ring-the-bells, science, seeing, seeking, soul, spirit, stalking-the-
gaps, the-tree-with-the-lights-in-it, tolerance, walking, watching, wonder

“I want to think about trees. Trees have a curious relationship Like

to the subject of the present moment. There are many created

things in the universe that outlive us, that outlive the sun, even,
but I can’t think about them. I live with trees. There are
creatures under our feet, creatures that live over our heads, but trees live
quite convincingly in the same filament of air we inhabit, and in
addition, they extend impressively in both directions, up and down,
shearing rock and fanning air, doing their real business just out of
― Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
tags: amen, beauty, belief, consciousness, crea on, curiosity, disbelief, energy, enoughness, epiphany,
explora on, exultant, faith, fate, fearless, fire, free, freedom, gaps, god, grace, growth, hallelujah, humility,
illumina on, intricacy, joy, joyful, joyfulness, life-force, light, living-in-the-present-moment, mindfulness,
mul plicity, mystery, nature, philosopher-s-stone, philosophy, poem, poet, poetry, power, praise, prayer,
prayers, praying, religion, religious-diversity, science, seeing, seeking, soul, spirit, stalking-the-gaps, the-
tree-with-the-lights-in-it, tolerance, trees, walking, watching, wonder

“It looked as though the leaves of the autumn forest had taken Like

flight, and were pouring down the valley like a waterfall, like a
tidal wave, all the leaves of the hardwoods from here to
Hudson’s Bay. It was as if the season’s colors were draining
away like lifeblood, as if the year were molting and shedding. The year
was rolling down, and a vital curve had been reached, the tilt that gives
way to headlong rush. And when the monarch butterflies had passed and
were gone, the skies were vacant, the air poised. The dark night into
which the year was plunging was not a sleep but an awakening, a new
and necessary austerity, the sparer climate for which I longed. The shed
trees were brittle and still, the creek light and cold, and my spirit
holding its breath.”
― Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
tags: amen, beauty, belief, consciousness, crea on, curiosity, disbelief, energy, enoughness, epiphany,
explora on, exultant, faith, fate, fearless, fire, free, freedom, gaps, god, grace, growth, hallelujah, humility,
illumina on, intricacy, joy, joyful, joyfulness, life-force, light, living-in-the-present-moment, mindfulness,
mul plicity, mystery, nature, philosopher-s-stone, philosophy, poem, poet, poetry, power, praise, prayer,
prayers, praying, religion, religious-diversity, ring-the-bells, science, seeing, seeking, soul, spirit, stalking-the-
gaps, the-tree-with-the-lights-in-it, tolerance, walking, watching, wonder

“All at once, something wonderful happened, although at first, Like

it seemed perfectly ordinary. A female goldfinch suddenly hove

into view. She lighted weightlessly on the head of a bankside
purple thistle and began emptying the seedcase, sowing the air
with down.

The lighted frame of my window filled. The down rose and spread in all
directions, wafting over the dam’s waterfall and wavering between the
tulip trunks and into the meadow. It vaulted towards the orchard in a
puff; it hovered over the ripening pawpaw fruit and staggered up the 3/12
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
steep faced terrace. It jerked, floated, rolled, veered, swayed. The thistle
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down faltered down toward the cottage and gusted clear to the woods; it
rose and entered the shaggy arms of pecans. At last it strayed like snow,
blind and sweet,
Myinto the pool of the creek upstream, and into
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the race
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the creek over rocks down. It shuddered onto the tips of growing
grasses, where it poised, light, still wracked by errant quivers. I was
holding my breath. Is this where we live, I thought, in this place in this
moment, with the air so light and wild?

The same fixity that collapses stars and drives the mantis to devour her
mate eased these creatures together before my eyes: the thick adept bill
of the goldfinch, and the feathery coded down. How could anything be
amiss? If I myself were lighter and frayed, I could ride these small
winds, too, taking my chances, for the pleasure of being so purely

The thistle is part of Adam’s curse. “Cursed is the ground for thy sake,
in sorrow shalt thou eat of it; thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth
to thee.” A terrible curse: But does the goldfinch eat thorny sorrow with
the thistle or do I? If this furling air is fallen, then the fall was happy
indeed. If this creekside garden is sorrow, then I seek martyrdom.

I was weightless; my bones were taut skins blown with buoyant gas; it
seemed that if I inhaled too deeply, my shoulders and head would waft
off. Alleluia.”
― Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
tags: amen, beauty, belief, consciousness, crea on, curiosity, disbelief, energy, enoughness, epiphany,
explora on, exultant, faith, fate, fearless, fire, free, freedom, gaps, god, grace, growth, hallelujah, humility,
illumina on, intricacy, joy, joyful, joyfulness, life-force, light, living-in-the-present-moment, mindfulness,
mul plicity, mystery, nature, philosopher-s-stone, philosophy, poem, poet, poetry, power, praise, prayer,
prayers, praying, religion, religious-diversity, ring-the-bells, science, seeing, seeking, soul, spirit, stalking-the-
gaps, the-tree-with-the-lights-in-it, tolerance, walking, watching, wonder

“The color-patches of vision part, shift, and reform as I move Like

through space in time. The present is the object of vision, and

what I see before me at any given second is a full field of color
patches scattered just so. The configuration will never be
repeated. Living is moving; time is a live creek bearing changing lights.
As I move, or as the world moves around me, the fullness of what I see
shatters. “Last forever!” Who hasn’t prayed that prayer? You were lucky
to get it in the first place. The present is a freely given canvas. That it is
constantly being ripped apart and washed downstream goes without
saying; it is a canvas, nevertheless.

But there is more to the present than a series of snapshots. We are not
merely sensitized film; we have feelings, a memory for information and
an eidetic memory for the imagery of our pasts.

Our layered consciousness is a tiered track for an unmatched assortment

of concentrically wound reels. Each one plays out for all of life its dazzle
and blur of translucent shadow-pictures; each one hums at every
moment its own secret melody in its own unique key. We tune in and
out. But moments are not lost. Time out of mind is time nevertheless,
cumulative, informing the present. From even the deepest slumber you
wake with a jolt- older, closer to death, and wiser, grateful for breath.

But time is the one thing we have been given, and we have been given to
time. Time gives us a whirl. We keep waking from a dream we can’t
recall, looking around in surprise, and lapsing back, for years on end. All
I want to do is stay awake, keep my head up, prop my eyes open, with 4/12
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
toothpicks, with trees.”
― Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek Sign in

tags: amen, beauty, belief, consciousness, crea on, curiosity, disbelief, energy, enoughness, epiphany,
My fate,
explora on, exultant, faith, Books ▾
fearless, fire, free, freedom, gaps, god, grace, growth, hallelujah, Community ▾
illumina on, intricacy, joy, joyful, joyfulness, life-force, light, living-in-the-present-moment, mindfulness,
mul plicity, mystery, nature, philosopher-s-stone, philosophy, poem, poet, poetry, power, praise, prayer,
prayers, praying, religion, religious-diversity, science, seeing, seeking, soul, spirit, stalking-the-gaps, the-
tree-with-the-lights-in-it, tolerance, walking, watching, wonder

“And under the cicadas, deeper down that the longest taproot, Like

between and beneath the rounded black rocks and slanting slabs
of sandstone in the earth, ground water is creeping. Ground
water seeps and slides, across and down, across and down,
leaking from here to there, minutely at a rate of a mile a year. What a
tug of waters goes on! There are flings and pulls in every direction at
every moment. The world is a wild wrestle under the grass; earth shall
be moved.

What else is going on right this minute while ground water creeps under
my feet? The galaxy is careening in a slow, muffled widening. If a
million solar systems are born every hour, then surely hundreds burst
into being as I shift my weight to the other elbow. The sun’s surface is
now exploding; other stars implode and vanish, heavy and black, out of
sight. Meteorites are arcing to earth invisibly all day long. On the planet,
the winds are blowing: the polar easterlies, the westerlies, the northeast
and southeast trades. Somewhere, someone under full sail is becalmed,
in the horse latitudes, in the doldrums; in the northland, a trapper is
maddened, crazed, by the eerie scent of the chinook, the sweater, a wind
that can melt two feet of snow in a day. The pampero blows, and the
tramontane, and the Boro, sirocco, levanter, mistral. Lick a finger; feel
the now.

Spring is seeping north, towards me and away from me, at sixteen miles
a day. Along estuary banks of tidal rivers all over the world, snails in
black clusters like currants are gliding up and down the stems of reed
and sedge, migrating every moment with the dip and swing of tides.
Behind me, Tinker Mountain is eroding one thousandth of an inch a
year. The sharks I saw are roving up and down the coast. If the sharks
cease roving, if they still their twist and rest for a moment, they die.
They need new water pushed into their gills; they need dance.
Somewhere east of me, on another continent, it is sunset, and starlings
in breathtaking bands are winding high in the sky to their evening roost.
The mantis egg cases are tied to the mock-orange hedge; within each
case, within each egg, cells elongate, narrow, and split; cells bubble and
curve inward, align, harden or hollow or stretch. And where are you
― Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
tags: amen, beauty, belief, consciousness, crea on, curiosity, disbelief, energy, enoughness, epiphany,
explora on, exultant, faith, fate, fearless, fire, free, freedom, gaps, god, grace, growth, hallelujah, humility,
illumina on, intricacy, joy, joyful, joyfulness, life-force, light, living-in-the-present-moment, mindfulness,
mul plicity, mystery, nature, philosopher-s-stone, philosophy, poem, poet, poetry, power, praise, prayer,
prayers, praying, religion, religious-diversity, science, seeing, seeking, soul, spirit, stalking-the-gaps, the-
tree-with-the-lights-in-it, tolerance, walking, watching, wonder

“No one here is embarrassed of their gift.” Like

― Ransom Riggs, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
tags: discipleship, educa on, humility, pride 2 likes

“Say you could view a time-lapse film of our planet: what would Like

you see? Transparent images moving through light, “an infinite

storm of beauty.” 5/12
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
The beginning is swaddled in mists, blasted by random blinding flashes.
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Lava pours and cools; seas boil and flood. Clouds materialize and shift;
now you can see the earth’s face through only random patches of clarity.
The land shudders and splits, like pack ice rent by a widening
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Mountains burst up, jutting and dull and soften before your eyes, clothed
in forests like felt. The ice rolls up, grinding green land under water
forever; the ice rolls back. Forests erupt and disappear like fairy rings.
The ice rolls up-mountains are mowed into lakes, land rises wet from
the sea like a surfacing whale- the ice rolls back.

A blue-green streaks the highest ridges, a yellow-green spreads from

the south like a wave up a strand. A red dye seems to leak from the north
down the ridges and into the valleys, seeping south; a white follows the
red, then yellow-green washes north, then red spreads again, then
white, over and over, making patterns of color too swift and intricate to
follow. Slow the film. You see dust storms, locusts, floods, in dizzying
flash frames.

Zero in on a well-watered shore and see smoke from fires drifting. Stone
cities rise, spread, and then crumble, like patches of alpine blossoms
that flourish for a day an inch above the permafrost, that iced earth no
root can suck, and wither in a hour. New cities appear, and rivers sift silt
onto their rooftops; more cities emerge and spread in lobes like lichen on
rock. The great human figures of history, those intricate, spirited tissues
that roamed the earth’s surface, are a wavering blur whose split second
in the light was too brief an exposure to yield any images. The great
herds of caribou pour into the valleys and trickle back, and pour, a
brown fluid.

Slow it down more, come closer still. A dot appears, like a flesh-flake. It
swells like a balloon; it moves, circles, slows, and vanishes. This is your
― Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
tags: amen, beauty, belief, consciousness, crea on, curiosity, disbelief, energy, enoughness, epiphany,
explora on, exultant, faith, fate, fearless, fire, free, freedom, gaps, god, grace, growth, hallelujah, humility,
illumina on, intricacy, joy, joyful, joyfulness, life-force, light, living-in-the-present-moment, mindfulness,
mul plicity, mystery, nature, philosopher-s-stone, philosophy, poem, poet, poetry, power, praise, prayer,
prayers, praying, religion, religious-diversity, ring-the-bells, science, seeing, seeking, soul, spirit, stalking-the-
gaps, the-tree-with-the-lights-in-it, tolerance, walking, watching, wonder

“Happiness is always on the other side of being teachable.” Like

― Shannon L. Alder

tags: acceptan, approachable, broad-minded, happiness, humility, interested, leading, observant, open-
minded, open-to-sugges ons, percep ves, stayingposi veuniversity-com, teachable, teaching

“Purple prose attracts attention more than converts.” Like

― Jeffrey Toobin, The Nine: Inside the Secret World of the Supreme
tags: evangelism, grandstanding, humility, pride, subtlety 1 likes

“Shadow is the blue patch where the light doesn’t hit. It is Like

mystery itself, and mystery is the ancients’ ultima Thule, the

modern explorer’s Point of Relative Inaccessibility, that boreal
point most distant from all known lands. There the twin oceans
of beauty and horror meet. The great glaciers are calving. Ice that sifted
to earth as snow in the time of Christ shears from the pack with a roar
and crumbles to water. It could be that our instruments have not looked
deeply enough. The RNA deep in the mantis’s jaw is a beautiful ribbon.
Did the crawling Polyphemus moth have in its watery heart one cell, and 6/12
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in that cell one special molecule, and that molecule one hydrogen atom,
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and round that atom’s nucleus one wild, distant electron that split
showed a forest, swaying?”
― Annie Dillard, Pilgrim
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tags: amen, beauty, belief, crea on, curiosity, disbelief, energy, epiphany, explora on, exultant, faith, fate,
fearless, fire, free, freedom, gaps, god, grace, growth, hallelujah, humility, illumina on, intricacy, joy, joyful,
joyfulness, life-force, light, mindfulness, mul plicity, mystery, nature, philosopher-s-stone, philosophy,
poem, poet, poetry, power, praise, prayer, prayers, praying, religion, religious-diversity, science, seeing,
seeking, soul, spirit, stalking-the-gaps, the-tree-with-the-lights-in-it, tolerance, walking, watching, wonder

“Xerxes, I read, ‘halted his unwieldy army for days that he Like
might contemplate to his satisfaction’ the beauty of a single

You are Xerxes in Persia. Your army spreads on a vast and arid
peneplain…you call to you all your sad captains, and give the order to
halt. You have seen the tree with the lights in it, haven’t you? You must
have. Xerxes buffeted on a plain, ambition drained in a puff. Your men
are bewildered…there is nothing to catch the eye in this flatness,
nothing but a hollow, hammering sky, a waste of sedge in the lee of
windblown rocks, a meager ribbon of scrub willow tracing a slumbering
watercourse…and that sycamore. You saw it; you will stand rapt and
mute, exalted, remembering or not remembering over a period of days to
shade your head with your robe.

“He had its form wrought upon a medal of gold to help him remember it
the rest of his life.” We all ought to have a goldsmith following us
around. But it goes without saying, doesn’t it, Xerxes, that no gold
medal worn around your neck will bring back the glad hour, keep those
lights kindled so long as you live, forever present? Pascal saw it; he
grabbed pen and paper and scrawled the one word, and wore it sewn in
his shirt the rest of his life. I don’t know what Pascal saw. I saw a cedar.
Xerxes saw a sycamore.”
― Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
tags: amen, beauty, belief, consciousness, crea on, curiosity, disbelief, energy, enoughness, epiphany,
explora on, exultant, faith, fate, fearless, fire, free, freedom, gaps, god, grace, growth, hallelujah, humility,
illumina on, intricacy, joy, joyful, joyfulness, life-force, light, living-in-the-present-moment, mindfulness,
mul plicity, mystery, nature, philosopher-s-stone, philosophy, poem, poet, poetry, power, praise, prayer,
prayers, praying, religion, religious-diversity, science, seeing, seeking, soul, spirit, stalking-the-gaps, the-
tree-with-the-lights-in-it, tolerance, walking, watching, wonder

“I was in no tent under leaves, sleepless and glad. There was no Like

moon at all; along the world’s coasts the sea tides would be
springing strong. The air itself also has lunar tides; I lay still.
Could I feel in the air an invisible sweep and surge, and an
answering knock in the lungs? Or could I feel the starlight? Every minute
on a square mile of this land one ten thousandth of an ounce of starlight
spatters to earth. What percentage of an ounce did that make on my eyes
and cheeks and arms, tapping and nudging as particles, pulsing and
stroking as waves?”
― Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
tags: amen, beauty, belief, consciousness, crea on, curiosity, disbelief, energy, enoughness, epiphany,
explora on, exultant, faith, fate, fearless, fire, free, freedom, gaps, god, grace, growth, hallelujah, humility,
illumina on, intricacy, joy, joyful, joyfulness, life-force, light, living-in-the-present-moment, mindfulness,
mul plicity, mystery, nature, philosopher-s-stone, philosophy, poem, poet, poetry, power, praise, prayer,
prayers, praying, religion, religious-diversity, ring-the-bells, science, seeing, seeking, soul, spirit, stalking-the-
gaps, the-tree-with-the-lights-in-it, tolerance, walking, watching, wonder

“Those people who shoot endless time-lapse films of unfurling Like

roses and tulips have the wrong idea. They should train their
cameras instead on the melting of pack ice, the green filling of
ponds, the tidal swings…They should film the glaciers of 7/12
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
Greenland, some of which creak along at such a fast clip that even the
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dogs bark at them. They should film the invasion of the southernmost
Canadian tundra by the northernmost spruce-fir forest, which is
happening rightMynow at the rate of a mile every 10 years. When
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the last
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ice sheet receded from the North American continent, the earth
rebounded 10 feet. Wouldn’t that have been a sight to see?”
― Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
tags: amen, beauty, belief, consciousness, crea on, curiosity, disbelief, energy, enoughness, epiphany,
explora on, exultant, faith, fate, fearless, fire, free, freedom, gaps, god, grace, growth, hallelujah, humility,
illumina on, intricacy, joy, joyful, joyfulness, life-force, light, living-in-the-present-moment, mindfulness,
mul plicity, mystery, nature, philosopher-s-stone, philosophy, poem, poet, poetry, power, praise, prayer,
prayers, praying, religion, religious-diversity, ring-the-bells, science, seeing, seeking, soul, spirit, stalking-the-
gaps, the-tree-with-the-lights-in-it, tolerance, walking, watching, wonder

“Last year I had a very unusual experience. I was awake, with Like

my eyes closed, when I had a dream. It was a small dream about

time. I was dead, I guess, in deep blank space high up above
many white stars. My own consciousness had been disclosed to
me, and I was happy. Then I saw far below me a long, curved band of
color. As I came closer, I saw that it stretched endlessly in either
direction, and I understood that I was seeing all the time of the planet
where I had lived. It looked like a woman’s tweed scarf; the longer I
studied any one spot, the more dots of color I saw. There was no end to
the deepness and variety of dots. At length I started to look for my time,
but, although more and more specks of color and deeper and more
intricate textures appeared in the fabric, I couldn’t find my time, or any
time at all that I recognized as being near my time. I couldn’t make out
so much as a pyramid. Yet as I looked at the band of time, all the
individual people, I understood with special clarity, were living at that
very moment with great emotion, in intricate, detail, in their individual
times and places, and they were dying and being replaced by ever more
people, one by one, like stitches in which wholly worlds of feeling and
energy were wrapped in a never-ending cloth. I remembered suddenly
the color and texture of our life as we knew it- these things had been
utterly forgotten- and I thought as I searched for it on the limitless
band, “that was a good time then, a good time to be living.” And I began
to remember our time.

I recalled green fields with carrots growing, one by one, in slender rows.
Men and women in bright vests and scarves came and pulled the carrots
out of the soil and carried them in baskets to shaded kitchens, where
they scrubbed them with yellow brushes under running water. I saw
white-faced cattle lowing and wading in creeks. I saw May apples in
forests, erupting through leaf-strewn paths. Cells on the root hairs of
sycamores split and divided, and apples grew spotted and striped in the
fall. Mountains kept their cool caves and squirrels raced home to their
nests through sunlight and shade.

I remembered the ocean, and I seemed to be in the ocean myself,

swimming over orange crabs that looked like coral, or off the deep
Atlantic banks where whitefish school. Or again I saw the tops of
poplars, and the whole sky brushed with clouds in pallid streaks, under
which wild ducks flew with outstretched necks, and called, one by one,
and flew on.

All these things I saw. Scenes grew in depth and sunlit detail before my
eyes, and were replaced by ever more scenes, as I remember the life of
my time with increasing feeling.

At last I saw the earth as a globe in space, and I recalled the ocean’s
shape and the form of continents, saying to myself with surprise as I 8/12
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
looked at the planet, “yes, that’s how it was then, that part there was
called France.” I was filled with the deep affection of nostalgia- and Sign in
then I opened my eyes.
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We all ought to be able to conjure up sights like these at will, so that we
can keep in mind the scope of texture’s motion in time.”
― Annie Dillard
tags: amen, beauty, belief, consciousness, crea on, curiosity, disbelief, energy, enoughness, epiphany,
explora on, exultant, faith, fate, fearless, fire, free, freedom, gaps, god, grace, growth, hallelujah, humility,
illumina on, intricacy, joy, joyful, joyfulness, life-force, light, living-in-the-present-moment, mindfulness,
mul plicity, mystery, nature, philosopher-s-stone, philosophy, poem, poet, poetry, power, praise, prayer,
prayers, praying, religion, religious-diversity, ring-the-bells, science, seeing, seeking, soul, spirit, stalking-the-
gaps, the-tree-with-the-lights-in-it, tolerance, walking, watching, wonder

“You are God. You want to make a forest, something to hold the Like

soil, lock up energy, and give off oxygen. Wouldn’t it be simpler

just to rough in a slab of chemicals, a green acre of goo?

You are a man, a retired railroad worker who makes replicas as a hobby.
You decide to make a replica of one tree, the longleaf pine your great-
grandfather planted- just a replica- it doesn’t have to work. How are
you going to do it? How long do you think you might live, how good is
your glue? For one thing, you are going to have to dig a hole and stick
your replica trunk halfway to China if you want the thing to stand up.
Because you will have to work fairly big; if your replica is too small,
you’ll be unable to handle the slender, three-sided needles, affix them in
clusters of three in fascicles, and attach those laden fascicles to flexible
twigs. The twigs themselves must be covered by “many silvery-white,
fringed, long-spreading scales.” Are your pine cones’ scales “thin, flat,
rounded at the apex?” When you loose the lashed copper wire trussing
the limbs to the trunk, the whole tree collapses like an umbrella.

You are a sculptor. You climb a great ladder; you pour grease all over a
growing longleaf pine. Next, you build a hollow cylinder around the
entire pine…and pour wet plaster over and inside the pine. Now open the
walls, split the plaster, saw down the tree, remove it, discard, and your
intricate sculpture is ready: this is the shape of part of the air.

You are a chloroplast moving in water heaved one hundred feet above
ground. Hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen in a ring around
magnesium…you are evolution; you have only begun to make trees. You
are god- are you tired? Finished?”
― Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
tags: amen, beauty, belief, consciousness, crea on, curiosity, disbelief, energy, enoughness, epiphany,
explora on, exultant, faith, fate, fearless, fire, free, freedom, gaps, god, grace, growth, hallelujah, humility,
illumina on, intricacy, joy, joyful, joyfulness, life-force, light, living-in-the-present-moment, mindfulness,
mul plicity, mystery, nature, philosopher-s-stone, philosophy, poem, poet, poetry, power, praise, prayer,
prayers, praying, religion, religious-diversity, science, seeing, seeking, soul, spirit, stalking-the-gaps, the-
tree-with-the-lights-in-it, tolerance, walking, watching, wonder

“Were the earth as smooth as a ball bearing, it might be Like

beautiful seen from another planet, as the rings of Saturn are.

But here we live and move; we wander up and down the banks
of the creek, we ride a railway through the Alps, and the
landscape shifts and changes. Were the earth smooth, our brains would
be smooth as well; we would wake, blink, walk two steps to get the
whole picture and lapse into dreamless sleep. Because we are living
people, and because we are on the receiving end of beauty, another
element necessarily enters the question. The texture of space is a
condition of time. Time is the warp and matter the weft of woven texture
of beauty in space, and death is the hurtling shuttle…
What I want to do, then, is add time to the texture, paint the landscape 9/12
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
on an unrolling scroll, and set the giant relief globe spinning on it
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― Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
tags: amen, beauty, belief, Books Browse
crea on, curiosity, disbelief, energy, enoughness, ▾
epiphany, Community ▾
explora on, exultant, faith, fate, fearless, fire, free, freedom, gaps, god, grace, growth, hallelujah, humility,
illumina on, intricacy, joy, joyful, joyfulness, life-force, light, living-in-the-present-moment, mindfulness,
mul plicity, mystery, nature, philosopher-s-stone, philosophy, poem, poet, poetry, power, praise, prayer,
prayers, praying, religion, religious-diversity, ring-the-bells, science, seeing, seeking, soul, spirit, stalking-the-
gaps, the-tree-with-the-lights-in-it, tolerance, walking, watching, wonder

“I am sitting here, you are sitting there. Say even that you are Like

sitting across the kitchen table from me right now. Our eyes
meet; a consciousness snaps back and forth. What we know, at
least for starters, is: here we- so incontrovertibly- are. This is
our life, these are our lighted seasons, and then we die. In the meantime,
in between time, we can see. The scales are fallen from our eyes, the
cataracts are cut away, and we can work at making sense of the color-
patches we see in an effort to discover where we so incontrovertibly are.

I am as passionately interested in where I am as is a lone sailor sans

sextant in a ketch on an open ocean. I have at the moment a situation
which allows me to devote considerable hunks of time to seeing what I
can see, and trying to piece it together. I’ve learned the name of some
color-patches, but not the meanings. I’ve read books; I’ve gathered
statistics feverishly: the average temperature of our planet is 57 degrees
F…The average size of all living animals, including man, is almost that
of a housefly. The earth is mostly granite, which is mostly oxygen…In
these Appalachians we have found a coal bed with 120 seams, meaning
120 forests that just happened to fall into water…I would like to see it all,
to understand it, but I must start somewhere, so I try to deal with the
giant water bug in Tinker Creek and the flight of three hundred redwings
from an Osage orange and let those who dare worry about the birthrate
and population explosion among solar systems.

So I think about the valley. And it occurs to me more and more that
everything I have seen is wholly gratuitous. The giant water bug’s
predations, the frog’s croak, the tree with the lights in it are not in any
real sense necessary per se to the world or its creator. Nor am I. The
creation in the first place, being itself, is the only necessity for which I
would die, and I shall. The point about that being, as I know it here and
see it, is that as I think about it, it accumulates in my mind as an
extravagance of minutiae. The sheer fringe and network of detail
assumes primary importance. That there are so many details seems to be
the most important and visible fact about creation. If you can’t see the
forest for the trees, then look at the trees; when you’ve looked at enough
trees, you’ve seen a forest, you’ve got it. If the world is gratuitous, then
the fringe of a goldfish’s fin is a million times more so. The first
question- the one crucial one- of the creation of the universe and the
existence of something as a sign and an affront to nothing is a blank

The old Kabbalistic phrase is “the Mystery of the Splintering of the

Vessels.” The words refer to the shrinking or imprisonment of essences
within the various husk-covered forms of emanation or time. The
Vessels splintered and solar systems spun; ciliated rotifers whirled in
still water, and newts laid tracks in the silt-bottomed creek. Not only did
the Vessels splinter; they splintered exceeding fine. Intricacy then is the
subject, the intricacy of the created world.”
― Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
tags: amen, beauty, belief, consciousness, crea on, curiosity, disbelief, energy, enoughness, epiphany,
explora on, exultant, faith, fate, fearless, fire, free, freedom, gaps, god, grace, growth, hallelujah, humility,
illumina on, intricacy, joy, joyful, joyfulness, life-force, light, living-in-the-present-moment, mindfulness, 10/12
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
mul plicity, mystery, nature, philosopher-s-stone, philosophy, poem, poet, poetry, power, praise, prayer,
prayers, praying, religion, religious-diversity, science, seeing, seeking, soul, spirit, stalking-the-gaps, the- Sign in
tree-with-the-lights-in-it, tolerance, walking, watching, wonder

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“One world leader warned another "the error of relying on the capability Like

you have rather than developing the capability you need.”

― Ron Suskind, The Way of the World: A Story of Truth and Hope in an Age of
tags: humility, status-quo 0 likes

“Those that are too refined to be simple need to be refined Like

― Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Lectures to My Students
tags: arrogance, communica on, humility 0 likes

“Our life is a faint tracing on the surface of mystery. The Like

surface of mystery is not smooth, any more than the planet is

smooth; not even a single hydrogen atom is smooth, let alone a
pine. Nor does it fit together; not even the chlorophyll and
hemoglobin molecules are a perfect match, for, even after the atom of
iron replaces the magnesium, long streamers of disparate atoms trail
disjointedly from the rims of the molecule’s loops. Freedom cuts both
ways. Mystery itself is as fringed and intricate at the shape of the air at
times. Forays into mystery cut bays and fine fjords, but the forested
mainland itself is implacable both in its bulk and in its most filigreed
fringe of detail.”
― Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
tags: amen, beauty, belief, consciousness, crea on, curiosity, disbelief, energy, enoughness, epiphany,
explora on, exultant, faith, fate, fearless, fire, free, freedom, gaps, god, grace, growth, hallelujah, humility,
illumina on, intricacy, joy, joyful, joyfulness, life-force, light, living-in-the-present-moment, mindfulness,
mul plicity, mystery, nature, philosopher-s-stone, philosophy, poem, poet, poetry, power, praise, prayer,
prayers, praying, religion, religious-diversity, ring-the-bells, science, seeing, seeking, soul, spirit, stalking-the-
gaps, the-tree-with-the-lights-in-it, tolerance, walking, watching, wonder

“The very precariousness of weather excites a large amount of Like

earnest prayer.”
― Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Lectures to My Students
tags: circumstances, humility 0 likes

“God doesn't want meerly action but hearts driving action.” Like
― Ma Chandler
tags: discipleship, emo on, humility, sincerity, worship 0 likes

“Martin Luther used to say temptation is the best teacher for a Like

― Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Lectures to My Students
tags: compassion, discipleship, empathy, humility 0 likes

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13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 1,441-1,470 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Dignity will only happen when you realize that having Like
someone in your life doesn’t validate your worth.” BROWSE BY TAG
― Shannon L. Alder
humility Search
tags: adventures, a tude, chasing, choices, class, compe on, confidence, crossroads, da ng, dignity,
disconnec ng, experiences, finding-happiness, freedom, goals, humility, journeys, joy, knowing-your-worth,
lessons, le ng-go, marriage, men, move-on, one-path, paths, posi ve-a tude, pride, quality, rela onships, Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
respect, right-path, self-esteem, self-love, self-respect, strong-women, tests, the-future, understanding, Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
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Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
“You have two choices in life when it comes to truthful Like
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
observations by others that anger you: You can be ashamed and Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
cover it up by letting your pride take you in the extreme Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
opposite direction, in order to make the point that they are Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
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wrong. Or, you can break down the walls of pride by accepting
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
vulnerability as a strength, not a weakness. As you walk through your
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
vulnerability, you will meet humility on the way to courage. From here, Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
courage allows us to let go of shame and rise higher into the person we Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
are meant to be, not the person that needs to be right. This is the road to Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
confidence and self worth.”
― Shannon L. Alder
tags: acceptance, advice, be-be er, being-right, bravery, choices, christlike, confidence, courage, ego, flaws,
growing, honesty, humble, humility, judgement, learning, let-go, life-lessons, observa ons, open, pride,
proud, rise-higher, self-awareness, self-growth, self-help, self-limi ng, shame, swallowing-pride, truth,
vulnerability, vulnerable

“Tough love and brutal truth from strangers are far more Like
valuable than Band-Aids and half-truths from invested friends,
who don’t want to see you suffer any more than you have.”
― Shannon L. Alder
tags: ac ons, advice, applied-lessons, applying, band-aids, be er-than-prozac, blatant, brutal-truth, choices,
cold-reality, consequences, downplaying, eggshells, faster-therapy, figh ng-for-truth, freedom, gentleness,
good-advice, group-therapy, half-truths, helping-one-anothers, honesty, humility, interven ons, keeping-it-
real, knowing, learned-lessons-from-others, learning, life-changing, life-coach, living-reality, openess,
overcoming-ego, protec ve-family, protec ve-friends, realism, reality, right-as-rain, rules-work, say-it-like-
it-is, self-respect, similar-paths, slapping-sense-into-loved-ones, staying-posi ve, stayingposi veu-com,
sugar-coated, swallowing-pride, teachers, pping-points, tough-love, truth, turning-points, understanding,
values, waking-up-friends, white-path, wisdom, your-not-alone

“Through life, I want to walk gently. I want to treat all of life – Like

the earth and its people – with reverence. I want to remove my

shoes in the presence of holy ground. As much as possible, I
want to walk in peace.

I want to walk lightly, even joyfully, through whatever days I am given. I

want to laugh easily. I want to step carefully in and out of people's lives
and relationships. I don't want to tread any heavier than necessary.

And throughout life, I think I would like to walk with more humility and 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
less anger, more love and less fear. I want to walk confidently, but
without arrogance. I want to walk in deep appreciation. I want to be Sign in
genuinely thankful for life's extravagant, yet simple, gifts – a star-
splattered nightMy
or a hot drink on an ice-cold day. Browse ▾ Community ▾

If life is a journey, then how I make that journey is important. How I

walk through life.”
― Steve Goodier
tags: apprecia on, arrogance, confidence, gra tude, holy-ground, humility, joy, laughter, peace, reverence-
for-life, walking

“God doesn’t give us pain to make us strong. He gives us Like

strength to look inside ourselves and realize we are not innocent
victims. When you learn humility, you are no longer a victim
because a humble man is not self-absorbed. He seeks to
understand why people are hurting him and takes responsibility for his
part in their grief. Humility doesn’t dwell with anger or pride, and
neither does God.”
― Shannon L. Alder
tags: anger, bishops, compassion, ego, guardian-angel, humble, humble-men, humility, listen, men, pastor,
pride, religion, scriptures, see, sermons, understand, victom, victomiza on, wisdom, wives

“Truth was never meant to make you comfortable, unless you Like
stand in the middle of it with acceptance.”
― Shannon L. Alder
tags: accept, acceptance, comfort-zone, courage, ego, faith, humble, humility, integrity, learning, life-lessons,
overcoming-ego, overcoming-pride, pride, revela ons, seeing-yourself, self-awareness, self-help, self-
improvement, self-mo va on, struggles, truth, truth-follower, wisdom

“I believe a man’s finest hour often comes when he is at his Like

weakest. When he is broken, affronted and at a place of great

emotional transparency. It’s there he has the rare insight of an
inescapable truth…he’s merely a man. As his bravado washes
away into a puddle of reflective tears, it reveals that he is merely flesh,
blood and bones and amounts to very little without the love and
guidance of our creator. It’s only then, that I believe, a man begins to
truly find his way.”
― Jason Versey, A Walk with Prudence
tags: brokenness, humility, manhood, manliness 10 likes

“I am an African. I am white. I, in my humble way, and others Like

in their much more brave way, have earned that right.”
― Nadine Gordimer, The Quotable Gordimer; or, The Wit and Wisdom of
Nadine Gordimer
tags: africa, africans, bravery, humility, race, rights, white-people 9 likes

“Wonderful music like this was the worst hurt there could be. Like
The whole world was the symphony, and there was not enough
of her to listen.”
― Carson McCullers, The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter
tags: art, humility, music, worship 8 likes

“When humility is exercised, people begin to realise that they Like

do not, as it were, exist at all.”
― Idries Shah, Learning How to Learn: Psychology and Spirituality in the
Sufi Way
tags: ego, evolu on, humility, psychology, sufis, sufism 7 likes 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“We stitch together quilts of meaning to keep us warm and safe, Like Sign in
with whatever patches of beauty and utility we have on hand.”
― Anne Lamo
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tags: beauty, for tude, grace, humility, inspira on, quilt 7 likes

“Real humility knows how to slam a door closed and say no Like
more. You can't be humble without self-love.”
― Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders: Inspira on for Living Your Best Life
tags: growth, humbleness, humility, love, self-love 7 likes

“If you are 'humble', it may help you in ordinary life. If you are Like
not, you will get nowhere in higher things.”
― Idries Shah, Learning How to Learn: Psychology and Spirituality in the
Sufi Way
tags: evolu on, humility, sufi, sufis, sufism 6 likes

“Not one thing we've done changes that we are his. That he Like
created us and loves us with a love more fierce and loyal than
any we will ever know. He isn't looking for perfection. He's
looking for humble hearts that know we are nothing without his
lavish grace.”
― Melanie Shankle, The Antelope in the Living Room: The Real Story of Two
People Sharing One Life
tags: chris anity, god, grace, humility, love 5 likes

“Think less of yourself and more of others…and others will Like

think more of you. ~Jason Versey”

― Jason Versey, A Walk with Prudence
tags: humility 4 likes

“If I turn mine eyes upon myself, I find myself a traitor with the Like
― William Shakespeare, Richard II
tags: depravity, discipleship, flesh, humility 3 likes

“A man needs to feel powerful and respected. Innately within Like

us, as far back as we can remember, we have taught ourselves to

grand stand in our abilities to be tough, to conquer, to impress
and to win in all aspects of our lives in order to be validated by
others and in doing so we have built our conceptual house of self on the
sand of societal opinion. Yet, ironically, it’s only when a man finds his
true strength in humility, in its purest sense, will he ever experience
what genuine power and respect feels like. The man who builds his
conceptual house of self on the rock of unpretentious decorum simply
needs no validation outside of his creator. He is who he is…and for all
intense and purposes that is the only respectable power any man should
ever seek.”
― Jason Versey, A Walk with Prudence
tags: humility, manhood, manliness, power 3 likes

“Readers who wish to follow Whim rather than whim--readers Like

who have learned enough about what he or she really thrives on

to seek more of it--the first lesson must be in humility. . . .
Don't waste time and mental energy in comparing yourself to
others whether to your shame or gratification, since we are all
― Alan Jacobs, The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distrac on 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
tags: books, humility, reading 2 likes
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“We might not be equal in what we know but we are surely equal, in Like

what we do notMy
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― Pushkar Ganesh Vaidya
tags: equality, humble, humility, ignorance, knowing, knowledge 1 likes

“Surrender is not a weakness, but rather an empowering state Like

of humility.”
― Bryant McGill
tags: empowerment, humbleness, humility 1 likes

“The subtle whispers, cues and nudges are there as guideposts, Like

to gently carry the humble listener along the path back to the
source and the true self.”
― Bryant McGill
tags: humbleness, humility, listening, trueness 1 likes

“If you were really humble you would be great, because humility Like

would never squander the magnificent gift of life.”

― Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders: Inspira on for Living Your Best Life
tags: greatness, humbleness, humility 1 likes

“I feels sorrier for him than anybody I knows. I expect he done Like

read more books than any white man in this town. He done read
more books and he done worried about more things. He full of
books and worrying. He done lost God and turned his back on
religion. His troubles come down just to that.”
― Carson McCullers, The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter
tags: anxiety, educa on, faith, humility, knowledge, worry 1 likes

“Often we can't reach what is in front of us until we let go what Like

is behind. Don't let your struggle become your identity.”

― Chris Vonada
tags: forgiveness, humility, iden ty 0 likes

“Every moment you are open, as a humble student, you are Like
surrounded with infinite possibilities of choice.”
― Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders: Inspira on for Living Your Best Life
tags: choice, growth, humility, openness, possibility, students 0 likes

“To please God, live a godly life and nurture kindness, Like

compassion, justice, and humility.”

― Jim George
tags: blessed, chris an, compassion, faith, god, godly, humility, jus ce, kindness, life, live, nurture, please

“Who among us is greater? True humility and servant Like

leadership is a rare and elusive attribute these days however the

greatest example of this spirit is beautifully documented in John
13, verses 3-5 “Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all
things into His hands, and that He had come from God and was going to
God, rose from supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel and
girded Himself. After that, He poured water into a basin and began to
wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which He
was girded.” Just moments before this humble undertaking His disciples
were arguing with each other about who among them was greater. This
simple but powerful example of strength in humility should be our 4/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
pattern in how we treat and consider others. Regardless of our stature,
our positions in our communities and within our own families, true Sign in
greatness begins and ends with a servant’s heart and a humble spirit. I
submit to you, the
My greatest
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to put
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others before themselves. ~Jason Versey”
― Jason Versey, A Walk with Prudence
tags: humility 0 likes

“ ेया
वधम वगण ु ः परधमा वनिु ठतात ्। Like

वधम नधनं ेयः परधम भयावहः॥

॥३- ३५॥
`Better one’s own duty, be it humble,
Than that of another – else you’ll stumble,
Better to risk death at the post of duty,
Than perils of intrusion on others surely.’
3. 35”
― Munindra Misra, Bhagwat Gita - Its Essence
tags: bhagwat, duty, geeta, gita, humility 0 likes

“Christianity, true Christianity, is experienced when we crucify the Like

anger, pride, vanity and lust that dwells within ourselves and
consciously replace it with the sacrificial love, humility, modesty and
chasteness of the One who so many profess to believe in and follow. -
Jason Neville Versey”
― Jason Neville Versey
tags: anger, chas ty, chris an, chris anity, humility, love, pride, vanity 0 likes

“You are the first person who you should treat with humility. Like

Respect yourself and let it overflow to others.”

― Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders: Inspira on for Living Your Best Life
tags: growth, humility, respect, spirituality 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 1,381-1,410 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Humility makes us more friendly Like

Happiness makes us more lively. BROWSE BY TAG

Love makes us more caring
humility Search
Dream makes us more daring.
Trust makes us more forgiving
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
Kindness makes us more loving.
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
Hope gives us the joy of dreaming Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
Peace gives us the joy of living.” Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
― Debasish Mridha Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
tags: caring, daring, debasish, dream, dreaming, forgiving, friendly, happiness, hope, humility, joy, kindness,
life, lively, living, love, loving, mridha, peace, philosophy, trust
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
35 likes Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
“The word 'survivor' carries a weight of remembrance that has Like
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
broken the minds and bodies of more than a few men and Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
women. It also contains a humbling light of recognition that Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
compels many to do whatever they can to help reinforce the Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
efforts of those who might be 'at risk' of not just giving up on their Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
dreams, but of giving up on their continued existence.”
― Aberjhani, Illuminated Corners: Collected Essays and Ar cles Volume I.
tags: at-risk-people, at-risk-youth, brokenness, compassion, counseling, empowerment-and-a tude,
healing, healing-the-emo onal-self, healing-the-past, helping-others, human-rights-day, humility,
interven on, recovery, remembrances, suicidal, suicide, survival, survivor, survivors, survivors-of-war,
survivorship, war-veterans, word-defini ons

“It's okay to be honest about not knowing rather than spreading Like

falsehood. While it is often said that honesty is the best policy,

silence is the second best policy.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: certainty, deceit, falsehood, gossip, honesty, humility, informa on, know-it-alls, law, libel, lies,
misinforma on, moral, mystery, not-knowing, policy, principle, propaganda, rule, silence, sincerity, slander,
truth, uncertainty, uncertainty-principle

“When everyone believes they are the life coaches, who are the Like

― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: ac ons, ac ons-over-words, ac ons-speak-louder-than-words, answers, arrogance, belief, coach,
credibility, development, discipline, experience, facts, humility, hypocrisy, inspira onal, learning, life, life-
coach, living, mo va onal, narcissism, obedience, player, preaching, pride, ques ons, reliability, rhetorical,
sports, teaching, understanding

“Submission is not in the bowing of heads or knees but in the humbling Like

of your whole being (spirit, soul and body)”

― Ikechukwu Izuakor
tags: body, bow-head, humble, humility, knee, soul, spirit, spirit-soul-body, submission, submissive, whole-
being, your-all

“The sciences have two extremities which meet. The first is the Like

ignorance in which men find themselves at birth. The second is

that attained by great souls. They have surveyed whatever man
can know, find that they know all, meet in that same ignorance 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
whence they started. It is a clever ignorance, which knows itself. Those
among them who, having emerged from the first ignorance, have been Sign in
unable to achieve the other & have some smattering of this self-satisfied
knowledge, pose asBooks
My experts. The latter do not disturb people, are no▾
Browse Community ▾
more mistaken in their judgments on everything than others. The
masses, the skilled, make up the retinue of a nation. The others, who
respect it, are equally respected by it.”
― Comte de Lautréamont, Maldoror and the Complete Works
tags: hubris, humility, intellectuals, science, scien sts 7 likes

“Courtship is driven by hormones; marriage is sustained by Like

humility and self-sacrifice.”

― Ron Brackin
tags: courtship, hormones, humility, marriage, self-sacrifice 6 likes

“It is neither just the religious, the spiritual, the power-hungry, Like

the evil, the ignorant, the corrupt, the Christian, the Muslim,
the Hindu, the Buddhist, the Jew, nor the atheist that makes a
hypocrite, but being a human being. Any man who thinks
himself to be free of hypocrisy while committed to cherry-picking others
for such, I am confident, the Almighty can prove to him a great deal of
his own hypocrisy even beyond his earthly comprehension.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: apologe cs, atheist, buddhist, cherry-picking, chris an, corrupt, discernment, evil, fallacies, god, grace,
hindu, human, humility, hypocrisy, ignorance, immorality, jew, judgment, law, mercy, morality, muslim,
perfect, powerful, religion, self-righteousness, sin, sinful, sinners, spiritual

“False humility is the pride of not being proud, real humility is Like
without the consciousness that pride exists.”
― Michael Bassey Johnson
tags: being-proud, consciousness, exist, fake, fake-people, false-humility, humble, humility, pride, stay-

“Vengeance would have us assault an enemy's pride to beat him Like

down. But vengeance hides a dangerous truth, for a humbled foe

gains patience, courage, strength, and greater determination.”
― Richelle E. Goodrich, The Tarishe Curse
tags: assail, assault, a ack, bea ng, humbled, humility, pride, retalia on, retribu on, revenge, richelle,
richelle-e-goodrich, richelle-goodrich, the-tarishe-curse, vengeance

“Life is a harsh, twisted paradox. Like

On one hand, you wish for no pain or suffering or misery on
anyone. Yet you hope to see your children grow into individuals
of compassionate and kind character. And it seems that pain,
suffering, and misery adequately humble an individual, cultivating
empathy and understanding for others in similar plights. While a life of
ease and comfort and pleasure often fosters extravagant and selfish
habits, spurring pride and blinded vision. Still, you pray for no pain or
suffering on your children.
Life is a harsh, twisted paradox.”
― Richelle E. Goodrich, Making Wishes
tags: ease, growth, growth-process, humility, life-paradox, life-quotes, life-s-purpose, pride, purpose-of-life,
richelle, richelle-e-goodrich, richelle-goodrich, suffering

“I keep a vivid memory of failure in my back pocket, so no Like

matter how much I accomplish I stay grounded.”

― Noel DeJesus 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
tags: accomplishment, failure, humble, humility, inspira on, leadership, life-lesson, mo va on, mo va onal,
success Sign in

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“It is better under▾your
to doubt that a concept is stupidly flying Like Community ▾
head than profoundly flying over your head.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: arrogance, certainty, comedy, comprehension, confidence, considera on, development, dismissal,
doubt, faith, funny, funny-but-true, humility, humor, ignorance, intelligence, joke, knowledge, learning,
misunderstanding, mystery, not-knowing, philosophy, pride, profound, profundity, ques oning, religion,
sarcasm, science, stupid, stupidity, theology, trust, uncertainty, understanding, wisdom

“Embrace the magical gift of serenity in your daily life. Nothing Like
beats patience, humility, honesty and tranquility.”
― Angelica Hopes, Landscapes of a Heart, Whispers of a Soul
tags: honesty, humility, inspira onal-living, life, pa ence, serenity 3 likes

“To eat in a monastery refectory is an exercise in humility; Like

daily, one is reminded to put communal necessity before

individual preference. While consumer culture speaks only to
preferences, treating even whims as needs to be granted (and
the sooner the better), monastics sense that this pandering to delusions
of self-importance weakens the true self, and diminishes our ability to
distinguish desires from needs. It's a price they're not willing to pay.”
― Kathleen Norris, The Cloister Walk
tags: cereal, community, consumerism, humility, op ons, preference, self-centered 2 likes

“I wish for you a more difficult life, somewhere in the complicated Like

center, where the courage of your convictions blends with humility and
respect for others.”
― Kenneth Patrick Ruscio
tags: convic ons, courage, debate, difficult, humility, life, others, respect 2 likes

“I was wrong, you were right. I'm dumb, you're smart. I'm ugly, and Like

you're a stone-cold fox.”

― toooldforthis, Coming Full Circle
tags: bella-swan, humility, jacob-black 1 likes

“The immediate reactions of the two superpower leaders when Like

confronted with the gravest international crisis of their careers
were much the same, shock, wounded pride, grim
determination, and barely repressed fear.”
― Michael Dobbs
tags: humility, leadership, trials, unity 1 likes

“There is only one certain test of the virtue and that is humiliation. The Like
acceptance of humiliation alone shows the depth and reality of our
― Nivard Kinsella
tags: acceptance, humilia on, humility, tes ng 1 likes

“His joy was a release of Paul's conversion, not the heavy backslapping Like

practical-joking humor of the Victorians, nor the cynical satire or the

flippancy of the twenty first century mass media, just the gift of not
taking himself or his adversaries too seriously.”
― John Pollock, The Apostle: The Life of Paul
tags: communica ons, humility, humor, jokes, sa re 1 likes 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“You must love yourself first to the soul of your aura...” Like
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― Jennifer Pierre
tags: gra tude, humility, love, self-worth 0 likes
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“The only competition in art is the search for truth. No matter who gets Like

there first, we all win.”

― Joe leigh-Corrigan
tags: art, ar s c-endeavor, humility, truth 0 likes

“History teacher Bob Alston's "expertise late not in his sweeping Like

knowledge of the topic but in his ability to pick after a tumble, to get a
fix on what he does not know, and to generate a roadmap to guide his
new learning. He was an expert at cultivating puzzlement it was Alston's
ability to stand back from first impressions, to question his quick leaps
of mind, to keep track of his questions that together pointed him in the
direction of new learning.”
― Sam Wineburg
tags: curiosity, humility, openness 0 likes

“If you are humble you will never have to struggle against Like

positive change.”
― Paul Bamikole
tags: change, humility, struggle 0 likes

“It is an illusion to worry about pride without having those Like

things that may predispose someone to fall into the trap of

― Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For con nued
success in leadership
tags: humility, illusion, pride 0 likes

“Humility is hard when someone has things like wealth, Like

knowledge, & recognition that may tempt him/her behave and
act pridefully. Otherwise, worrying about pride without these
factors that predispose you, it is just an illusion.”
― Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For con nued success in
tags: humility, knowledge, pride, recogni on, wealth 0 likes

“Plimpton was a presence. He looked for ways in which he could Like

make himself ridiculous. That made him a great storyteller.”
― Stefan Fatsis
tags: humility, humor, wri ng 0 likes

“I overreacted to praise, signing an autograph. I'd write a check Like

to buy it back.”
― Brian Spellman
tags: arrogance, conceit, humility, paraprosdokian, puns 0 likes

“Humility is recognizing the fullness of our sin, so we can Like

embrace the fullness of God's mercy.”

― Alisa Hope Wagner, Eve of Awakening
tags: faith, humility, mercy 0 likes

“Don’t cap your potential in the name of humility. First, Like

maximize your potential, serve the world with your greatness

and then worry about pride :-) lol” 4/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
― Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For con nued success in
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tags: greatness, humility, maximize-your-poten al, poten al, pride, serve 0 likes
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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 1,231-1,260 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“You can receive all the compliments in the world, but that Like
won't do a thing unless you believe it yourself.”
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: belief, compliment, confidence, encouragement, fla ery, humility, insecurity, love, love-yourself,
mo va on, praise, pride, security, self-confidence, self-esteem

“As for the fear, you'll have to put up with that like the rest of Like Data Scientists demand will
rise by 28% - IBM
Enroll for this acclaimed PGP in Data
― William Golding Science, in partnership with Purdue...
tags: anxiety, humility, thinking 12 likes Simplilearn ENROLL NOW

“[T]he road to character is built by confronting your own weakness.” Like

― David Brooks
tags: discipleship, humility, self-discipline 8 likes
humility Search

“Some people are so impoverished all they have is gold.” Like

― Michelle Moran, Rebel Queen Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
tags: humility 7 likes Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
“Yet the human heart is disheartened by the most unreasonable Like Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
self-judgments, because even when we take on giants, we too
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
often confuse failure with fault, which I know too well. The only
Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
way back from such a bleak despondency is to shape humiliation Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
into humility, to strive always to triumph over the darkness while never Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
forgetting that the honor and the beauty are more in striving than in Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
winning. When triumph at last comes, our efforts alone could not have Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
won the day without that grace which surpasses all understanding and
Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
which will, if we allow it, imbue our lives with meaning.” Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
― Dean Koontz, Odd Interlude Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
tags: beauty, disheartened, effort, failures, faults, humility, life, odd-thomas, perceverance, striving, triumph

“Angels are good not simply because they see bad as bad, but Like

also because they see bad as corny.”

― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: angels, angels-and-demons, apologe cs, bad, badness, cheesy, chill, coolness, corny, demons, devil,
divine, dumb, ego, evil, experience, fear, fearless, funny, funny-but-true, genius, good, goodness, holiness,
humility, humor, immaturity, intelligence, knowledge, laughter, maturity, mockery, morality, percep on,
perspec ve, pride, rebellion, religion, righteousness, satan, sense-of-humor, sen mental, silly, sin, spirits,
spiritual, spirituality, stupidity, trite, uselessness, vanity, wisdom, youthfulness

“Pride is born as a mountaintop on a valley, but dies as an abyss Like

in which it is too deep and too dark to see the better.”

― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: abyss, adversity, arrogance, asshole, be er, birth, brain, cogni on, conceit, crater, cynicism, dark,
darkness, death, deep, deepness, despair, ego, en tlement, hell, hole, hubris, humility, mountain, 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
mountaintop, narcissism, pain, pit, powerful, pride, psychology, sadness, selfishness, suffering, summit,
valley Sign in

“I know I have My
thisBooks against.▾But
judgmental side that I'm often fightingBrowse Like Community ▾
today I recognized the depths of my assumptions about people. What I
envision is nothing remotely similar to the reality. Humility hurts.
Coming home is disturbing.”
― Cindy McCormick Mar nusen
tags: assump ons, coming-home, humility 6 likes

“To esteem what makes you holy over what makes you happy - Like

that is the greatest dare.”

― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: challenge, conscience, contentment, danger, dare, determina on, difficulty, esteem, flesh, frui ulness,
godly, happiness, heart, holiness, humility, joy, love, lust, passion, peace, perseverance, persistence,
responsibility, righteousness, risk, sanc fica on, selfishness, selflessness, spirituality

“We can be knowledgeable with another man's knowledge, but Like

we can't be wise with another man's wisdom.”
― Michel de Montaigne
tags: humility, inspira onal, knowledge, serenity 4 likes

“Choose to be at peace with yourself and you will never have Like
any battle to lose. Find yourself every reason and season to
share your peace with others!”
― Israelmore Ayivor, Daily Drive 365
tags: at-peace, at-peace-with-all, ba le, ba les, choose, food-for-thought, humility, israelmore-ayivor, lose,
losers, meekness, peace, peace-of-god, peaceful, reason, season, share, win, winners

“Let integrity, humility, kindness, compassion, peace, and unity follow Like
you wherever you go. We still have a chance at making this world a
better place for us and our future generations. Stop Complaining about
all the negativity in this world and start contributing more positive
words, decisions, and actions to it.”
― Edmond Mbiaka
tags: ac ons, changing-the-world, compassion, decisions, edmond-mbiaka, humility, kindness, let-integrity,
making-the-world-a-be er-place, posi ve-words

“The Oracle at Delphi contained three maxims emblematic of Like

Greek life. "Know yourself." "Nothing in excess." and, "Offer a

guarantee and disaster threatens.”
― Anthony Everi , The Rise of Rome: The Making of the World's
Greatest Empire
tags: humility, pride 2 likes

“Your passion may determine what you can do, but your Like
attitude redefines how far you can go while you do what you
can. Your attitude leads you and you lead other people!”
― Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Watchwords
tags: a tude, a tude-is-everything, determina on, determine, food-for-thought, humble-a tude, humility,
israelmore-ayivor, leader, leaders, leadership, myles-munroe, passion, passionate, people

“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require Like
of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with
your God? Micah 6:8”
― Anonymous, The Holy Bible: English Standard Version
tags: humility, jus ce, kindness 2/5
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“Be a star not a diva!” Like
― Rasheed
My Ogunlaru
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tags: bad-behaviour, behaviour, diva, ego, entertainment-industry, humility, kindness, managing-your-ego,

media, popularity, rasheed-ogunlaru, rasheed-ogunlaru-quotes, self-discipline, star, stardom, ps-and-

“Narcissists are everywhere in this ripe age of self-love, which Like

amazes me because so much in life would seem to foster
― Dean Koontz
tags: humility, narcissists, odd-thomas, self-love 1 likes

“Humility is a virtue, not a neurosis.” Like

― Thomas Merton
tags: humility, neurosis, virtue 1 likes

“I am weary of this notion of faithfulness to a point of view at Like

all cost. Life around us is ever changing, and I believe that one
should try to change one’s slant accordingly—at least once
every ten years. The great heroic devotion to one point of view is
very alien to me—it’s a lack of humility. Mayakovsky killed himself
because his pride would not be reconciled with something new
happening within himself—or around him.”
― Boris Pasternak
tags: change, growth, humility, suicide 1 likes

“The toughest thing worth losing is Pride.” Like

― Unarine Ramaru
tags: humility, modesty-and-humbleness, pride 1 likes

“Humility cannot be taught by propaganda, though slavery can. Like

Shouting for humility is a form of arrogance. One of my most abiding

recollections is of a priest at a religious occasion once roaring, in the
most threatening way imaginable:
‘O our Lord God, we most humbly pray…!’
Real humility is not always the same as apparent humility. Remember
that fighting against self-conceit is still fighting: and that it will tend to
suppress it temporarily. It does not cure anything.
Remember, too, that humility itself does not bring an automatic reward:
it is a means to an end. It enables a person to operate in a certain
― Idries Shah, Reflec ons
tags: humility, idries-shah, reflec ons, religion, spiritual, sufism, wisdom 1 likes

“Those that would attain wisdom, Like

prefer the empty stadium.

Those who wish to appear wise,
prefer it full.”
― Tom Althouse
tags: humility, wisdom 1 likes

“The bottom line is that you can’t lead the person you can’t Like
― Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Watchwords 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
tags: bo om-line, food-for-thought, humble, humility, israelmore-ayivor, lead-people, leader, leaders,
leadership, person, serve, service, service-to-mankind Sign in

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“Ego, being love's kryptonite; two souls must be on Browse ▾
the same Like Community ▾
page of humility.”
― T.F. Hodge, From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph Over Death and
Conscious Encounters with "The Divine Presence"
tags: companionship, ego, harmony, humility, love, marriage, peaceful-union, rela onships, successful-
marriage, union, unity

“Paulette had never been flush with self-confidence. People Like

took that as humility, but humility isn’t painful and crippling.

She hadn’t yet learned that humble and self-destructive aren’t
the same thing at all. They’re not even on the same team. -
From "The Gardens of Ailana" handbook for healers & mystics”
― Edward Fahey, The Gardens of Ailana
tags: healers, healing, healing-the-past, humility, self-destruc ve, spirit 0 likes

“After Galileo, Einstein and even Freud, we try to hang onto a Like
pathetic sort of significance on this planet and in this universe,
that we are in some way more special than anything else. Our
supreme arrogance that in some way the world was created for
us has neither scientific nor spiritual reality.”
― David Brandon, Tao of Survival: Spirituality in Social Care and Counselling
tags: humility 0 likes

“Christ-as always, the model-never sat back, crossed his arms, Like

and dismissed the annoying, the troublesome, or the

unpromising. He never name-called, never judged, never
treated a single person with contempt. Christ talked to
everybody, he mingled with everybody, he shared his message with
everybody, and he also loved everybody. So don't count the cost with
anybody either. We don't waste our time with people who don't want
what we have to offer. But if they do, one form of martyrdom is to give a
listening ear or an understanding smile to all comers.”
― Heather King
tags: catholicism, humility, love, sainthood 0 likes

“Trails are used by God to teach you humility and dependence Like
on His grace rather than your own strength.”
― Jim George, The Bare Bones Bible Handbook: 10 Minutes to
Understanding Each Book of the Bible
tags: god, humility, jim-george, strength, teacher, trails 0 likes

“Attitude gives your work a good finishing beauty. You may be Like

successful in what you do, but when you are not humble
enough, nobody may get time to stop by to see what you have to
show the world!”
― Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Watchwords
tags: a tude, a tude-is-everything, beauty, food-for-thought, good, good-a tude, humble, humility,
israelmore-ayivor, myles-munroe, success, successful, world

“Confessions are meant to reveal universal truths through specific Like

― Yishai Schwartz
tags: honesty, humility, witness 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 1,291-1,320 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Anyone can possess, anyone can profess, but it is an altogether Like

different thing to confess.” BROWSE BY TAG

― Shannon L. Alder
humility Search
tags: acceptance, accountability, adversity, anger, apolgies, arrogance, authen c, being-free, being-real,
being-wrong, caring, character, choices, confessing, denial, doing-wrong, freedom, hardened-hearts,
honesty, honor, honorable, humble, humility, integrity, mistakes, moving-forward, new-life, not-caring, Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
pride, proud, repentence, sinning, star ng-over, truth Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
22 likes Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
“Be careful not to appear obsessively intellectual. When Like Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
intelligence fills up, it overflows a parody.” God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
― Criss Jami, Healology
Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
tags: addic on, apologe cs, appearance, arrogance, brain, care, cau on, cogni on, comedy, egghead, Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
excess, funny, funny-but-true, genius, glass, honesty, humility, humor, intelligence, joke, know-it-all, Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
knowledge, laughter, not-knowing, obsession, obsessive, overdoing-it, overflow, overthinking, parody,
philosophy, preten ousness, pride, profound, psychology, ridicule, science, theology, thinking, wisdom Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
19 likes Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
“It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that Like
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
makes men as angels.” Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
― Augus ne of Hippo
tags: angels, humility, men, pride, religion 15 likes

“Love without humility results in the inclination to act as Like

everyone's parent, humility without love results in the need to

be everyone's child, and love with humility results in the desire
to be a friend.”
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: arrogance, bossy, child, childishness, control, desire, ego, equality, family, friend, friends, friendship,
friendships, friendships-and-love, humble, humility, immaturity, inclina on, inequality, love, love-and-
friendship, maturity, narcissism, parent, pride, psychology, rela onship, results, selfishness, selflessness,
sociology, uselessness

“A computer is a stupid machine with the ability to do Like

incredibly smart things, while computer programmers are
smart people with the ability to do incredibly stupid things.”
― Bill Bryson, I'm a Stranger Here Myself: Notes on Returning to
America A er Twenty Years Away
tags: humility, technology 11 likes

“'I'm sorry' won't fix what's been broken.  It can't reverse time Like

or undo the damage or change anything that happened.  But a

sincere, humble apology can serve to soften the sting and
sometimes do a pretty good patch up job.”
― Richelle E. Goodrich, Making Wishes
tags: apologe cs, apology, humility, i-m-sorry, richelle, richelle-e-goodrich, richelle-goodrich, sorrow, sorry

“Every new generation believes its own period to be absolutely Like

superior intellectually - greater than all past cultures yet equal

among its modern cultures.”
― Criss Jami, Healology 1/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
tags: advancement, chronological-snobbery, conserva ves, culture, ego, egocentrism, era, ethnocentrism,
genera on, humility, intelligence, liberals, modern, past, period, present, pride, progressives, spirit-of-the- Sign in
age, superiority, technology

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“The pride which is proud of want of pride is the most Like

intolerable of all.”
― Marcus Aurelius, Medita ons
tags: humility, pride 4 likes

“Entrepreneur, stay hungry, stay humble & stay hopeful.” Like

― Onyi Anyado
tags: brainy-quote, business-quotes, dis nc on, entrepreneur, entrepreneur-quotes, entrepreneurship,
entrepreneurship-quotes, humility, hungry-for-change, inspira onal-quotes, onyi-anyado, quotes-about-life,
quotes-to-live-by, the-doorway-to-dis nc on

“True service is a lifestyle. It acts from the ingrained patterns of Like

living. It springs spontaneously to meet human need.”

― Richard J Foster, Celebra on of Discipline
tags: discipleship, humility 3 likes

“Study cannot happen until we are subject to the subject.” Like

― Richard J. Foster, Celebra on of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual

tags: curiosity, humility 2 likes

“Confession is a difficult discipline for us, because we all too Like

often view the believing community as a fellowship of saints

before we see it as a fellowship of sinners. We feel that everyone
else has advanced so far into holiness that we are isolated and
alone in our sin.”
― Richard J Foster, Celebra on of Discipline
tags: church, humility, small-groups 1 likes

“I enjoy poetry where I can talk as bizarre as I please, but Like

theology or philosophy, I always respect the truth by taking it a

step further.”
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: absurd, absurdity, agnos cism, apologe cs, art, ar st, atheism, belief, bizarre, clever, crazy, crea vity,
enjoyment, faith, fun, funny, funny-but-true, god, honesty, hope, humility, humor, insane, lyrics, opinion,
outrageous, outstanding, philosophy, poetry, respect, sane, science, serious, silly, songwri ng, spoken-word,
talking, theism, theology, theory, trust, truth, wild, wi y, words, wri ng

“Integrity comes not from privilege, textbooks, or profession, but from Like
being grounded in humility.”
― Charles F. Glassman, Brain Drain The Breakthrough That Will Change Your Life
tags: humility, integrity, integrity-quotes 1 likes

“We do not have to have the correct answers to listen well. In Like

fact, often the correct answers are a hindrance to listening well,

for we become more anxious to give the correct answer than to
― Richard J Foster, Celebra on of Discipline
tags: counseling, humility, intelligence, problem-solving 1 likes

“Value the wisdom of humility, as well as the sense of Like

perspective it gives you.”
― Chris Hadfield
tags: humility 1 likes 2/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“Radical self-denial gives the feel of adventure. If we forsake Like Sign in

all, we even have the chance of glorious martyrdom. But in
must experience the many little death of going ▾
Browse Community ▾
beyond ourselves. Service banishes us to the mundane, the
ordinary, the trivial”
― Richard J Foster, Celebra on of Discipline
tags: discipleship, humility 1 likes

“Wisdom of the Ages: "Humility" If you don't have it, you're gonna get Like
― Ma hew Heines
tags: funny-but-true, funny-quote, funny-quotes, humility, humor-quotes, humorist, humorous-quota ons,

“I do so love hearing people speak passionately on any subject, other Like

than themselves.”
― Ged Thompson Liverpool Poet
tags: ego, humility, pride, selfishness 0 likes

“I do not begin to think that I could possibly understand its Like

inner-workings and the deepest truths of the cosmos with the

28 years that I have lived in Central New Jersey of the United
States of America.”
― Chris Matakas, #Human: Learning To Live In Modern Times
tags: humility, knowledge 0 likes

“The fledgling and ragtag American army turned its state into a Like
semi-plausible advantage, encouraging enlistees to wear their
own "hunting shirts" to build on the reputation of frontier
― Joseph J. Ellis
tags: gossip, humility 0 likes

“I read them (articles TR wrote on his honeymoon) all over to Like

Edith and her corrections and help were most valuable to me.”
― Doris Kearns Goodwin, The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William
Howard Ta , and the Golden Age of Journalism
tags: humility, marriage, meekness, partnership, teamwork, unity 0 likes

“Jehovah chose to do great things through me. I lay my life in Like

total humility never to take the Glory that comes from doing His
great work… It all belongs to Him”
― Israelmore Ayivor, Daily Drive 365
tags: bible, christ, dedica on, food-for-thought, glory, glory-be-to-god, god, great, great-things, humble,
humility, israelmore-ayivor, jehovah, jesus, jesus-christ, life, meek, meekness, prayer, total-humility

“Put off the fire of pride and save your life from burning with Like
flames of failure. Pride is the reason why many dreams only
survive as ashes today. Learn the lesson; hung on to humility!”
― Israelmore Ayivor, Daily Drive 365
tags: ashes, brag, burn, fail, failure, fire, food-for-thought, humble, humility, israelmore-ayivor, learn,
learning, lesson, pride, proud, reason, save, save-your-life, survive

“You hand over control, you start winning.” Like

― Jeff Jarvis, What Would Google Do? 3/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
tags: curiosity, humility, openess 0 likes
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“It can be unhelpful to wax eloquent about the inerrancy of Like

Scripture without an accompanying acknowledgment that, while

Scripture may be inerrant, there are no inerrant interpreters of
― Wendy Vanderwal-Gri er, Generous Spaciousness: Responding to Gay
Chris ans in the Church
tags: humility, inerrancy, scriptural-interpreta on 0 likes

“Frasier (Responding to the suggestion that he undertake the difficult Like

work of closure in a relationship): "What you just said about my success

made a lot of sense. I tuned you out after that.”
― Frasier Crane
tags: confronta on, conversa on, discipleship, humility 0 likes

“Academics have given up trying to recover an honest picture of Like

the past and have decided that their history-writing should be

simply an instrument of moral hand-wringing.”
― Gordon S. Wood
tags: history, humility, storytelling 0 likes

“Much of history is fragmentary and essentially anachronistic – Like

condemning the past for not being more like the present. It has
no real interest in the pastness of the past.”
― Gordon S. Wood
tags: humility, perspec ve 0 likes

“If Christians insist only on condemning what they don't like, they will Like

cut themselves off from that shared cultural life.”

― Greg Foster
tags: connec on, evangelism, humility 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 1,141-1,170 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“A man who loves others based solely on how they make him Like
feel, or what they do for him, is really not loving others at all - BROWSE BY TAG
but loving only himself.”
humility Search
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: agenda, arrogant, authen city, condi onal-love, ego, emo ons, humility, love, loveless, lust, mo ves, Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
narcissism, pleasure, pride, self-worship, selfish, selfish-mo ves, selfless, sincerity, true-love, uncondi onal-
love Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
43 likes Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
“Power without compassion is like a giant that blocks the Like
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
sunlight.” Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
― Criss Jami, Healology Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
tags: apathy, arrogance, authority, carelessness, compassion, considerate, control, cruelty, dark,
dictatorship, ego, evil, giant, government, hate, humility, inconsiderate, leadership, light, love, oppression, Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
pity, poli cal, power, pride, protect, provide, responsibility, responsibility-to-protect, responsibility-to- Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
provide, selfishness, selflessness, serve, sovereignty, sunlight, tan, totalitarian, tyrant
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
“Rather than swallowing our pride and simply asking what we Like Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
do not know, we choose to fill in the blanks ourselves and later Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
become humbled. Wisdom was often, in its youth, proven
foolish, and ones humiliated were meant to become wise.”
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: answers, assump on, becoming, becoming-be er, be erment, bias, blank, college, conscience,
development, discernment, educa on, embarrassment, exam, experimenta on, false-knowledge, fill-in-the-
blank, foolish, gossip, grace, humilia on, humilia on-and-conscience, humility, ignorance, imagina on,
inquiry, intelligence, judgment, jus ce, knowledge, learning, libel, mercy, not-knowing, pa ence, prejudice,
pride, ques ons, reckless, respect, revela on, risk, rumors, school, slander, test, wisdom, youth

“You do not attain success when you associate with those in Like

high positions, It comes when you accept yourself and realize

that only you can take yourself to where your heart truly lies.”
― Michael Bassey Johnson
tags: acceptance, assistance, associa on, a ainment, autonomy, believe-in-yourself, composure, exposure,
fame, hard-work, heart, high, humility, modesty, naviga on, posi on, realiza on, shortcut, success, top, you

“Silence might be a shout for the truth. It might be the speech Like

that someday, in its truest, most uncontaminated,

unadulterated state, all will be revealed.”
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: absolute, bias, censorship, certainty, confidence, contamina on, corrup on, deceit, faith, falsehood,
honesty, hope, humility, insecurity, introvert, language, lies, manifesta on, natural, not-knowing, prayer,
pure, quiet, reveal, security, shou ng, shy, silence, speech, truth, unadulterated, uncertainty, wisdom

“Considerable social science research has found that constant Like

praise of children can backfire, because it so often consists of
telling children how smart they are, not of praising children for
the things they actually do. As a result, many children become 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
protective of their image of being smart and are reluctant to take
chances that might actually damage that image.” Sign in
― Charles Murray, Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010
tags: humility, matura My Books
on, paren ng, pride Browse ▾ 8 likes
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“There is no such thing as an independent Christian.” Like

― Rosaria Champagne Bu erfield, The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely

Convert: An English Professor's Journey Into Chris an Faith
tags: body-of-christ, dependence, humility, rela onships 7 likes

“If only we were all better educated. If then, higher education Like

would at last be a journey for skill and knowledge rather than

for power and status.”
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: academics, be erment, character, college, curiosity, development, educa on, ethics, grades, growth,
helping-others, higher-educa on, humility, inferiority, journey, knowledge, learning, morality, personality,
power, professor, scholar, school, skill, status, superiority, teacher, university

“When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, Like

― John Maynard Keynes
tags: humility, openness 6 likes

“This is what the LORD requires of every man; to do justice, to Like

love mercy and to humbly work with God.”
― Lailah Gi y Akita, Pearls of Wisdom: Great mind
tags: advice, belief, believe, bible, chris an, coexist, coexistence, compassion, educa onal-philosophy,
fairness, faith, forgiveness, god, god-s-grace, good-deeds, good-vs-evil, goodness, holy-wri ngs, hope,
humanity, humility, inspira onal, inten on, jesus-christ, jus ce, lessons-learnt, life-philosophy, love, love-
one-another, mankind, mercy, peace, peace-on-earth, peaceful-co-existence, posi ve, posi ve-thoughts,
praying, religion-and-philosophy, scriptures, spiritual-warfare, war, wise-words, work, working-together

“As she rounded a corner one of her favourite songs came on Like
the radio, and sunlight filtered through the trees the way it does
with lace curtains, reminding her of her grandmother, and tears
began to slide down her cheeks. Not for her grandmother, who
was then still very much among the living, but because she felt an
enveloping happiness to be alive, a joy made stronger by the certainty
that someday it would all come to an end. It overwhelmed her, made her
pull the car to the side of the road. Afterwards she felt a little foolish,
and never spoke to anyone about it. Now, however, she knows she
wasn’t being foolish. She realizes that for no particular reason she
stumbled into the core of what it is to be human. It’s a rare gift to
understand that your life is wondrous, and that it won’t last forever.”
― Steven Galloway, The Cellist of Sarajevo
tags: humility, insight, life-changing, mortality, overwhelming 4 likes

“He did have his beliefs, chiefly in his own genius.” Like
― T.J. S les, The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt
tags: ego, humility, megalomania, pride 2 likes

“We must steel ourselves against utopias and be content with a Like
slightly better state.”
― Will Durant
tags: disillusionment, fallibility, humility, realism 2 likes

“A confused and weak man hides his weakness and uncertainty with Like

fiery speeches.” 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
― Rick Perlstein, Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking
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of the American Consensus
tags: humility, openness, subtlety 2 likes
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“Pride makes easy decisions hard. Humility makes hard Like
decisions easy.”
― Stella Payton
tags: arrogance, decision-making, decisions, humility, pride 1 likes

“I was only 44, which is childhood philosophy.” Like

― Will Durant
tags: humility, lifelong-learning, matura on, openness 1 likes

“the most lovable of exceptional American qualities (is) our Like

tradition of insisting that we are part of the middle class, even if

we aren’t, and of interacting with our fellow citizens as if we
were all middle class.”
― Charles Murray, Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010
tags: class, culture, humility 1 likes

“Unlike most fine writers, he wasn't in love with his own Like
― Douglas G. Brinkley
tags: flexibility, humility 1 likes

“Goldwater had never even considered a non-Arizonan. Like a Like

man on his deathbed, he wanted to be surrounded only by

― Rick Perlstein, Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking
of the American Consensus
tags: curiosity, humility, openness 0 likes

“The adult author finds that by inadvertently violating the school's Like
alcohol policy, she breaks down some part of the barrier between her
and the younger students who are subject to more rules.”
― Rebekah Nathan, My Freshman Year: What a Professor Learned by Becoming a
tags: honesty, humility, tes mony 0 likes

“A man is as old as his arteries and as young as his ideas.” Like

― Will Durant
tags: humility, matura on, openness 0 likes

“I am a neighbour king to stretch my branches over him, just as Like

Toghrul sheltered me when I was a weed-stalk next to a strong
― Bryn Hammond, Imaginary Kings
tags: friendship, humility, leadership 0 likes

“Love does not envy, does not boast, does not delight in evil but Like

rejoice in truth.”
― Lailah Gi y Akita, Pearls of Wisdom: Great mind
tags: comparison, delights, envy, happiness, happy-soul, humility, inspira onal, life, love, rejoice, self-love,
simplicity, upli ing
0 likes 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“Do not confuse humility with humiliation.” Like
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― Alan Cohen
tags: humilia on, humility 0 likes
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“Richard Nixon's conversation was "loaded with so many Like

stories of all the foreign dignitaries he'd called upon in his

career that he sounded like a guy who had pinioned his
neighbors into watching his vacation slides.”
― Rick Perlstein, Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the
American Consensus
tags: arrogance, conversa on, genuineness, humility, hypocrisy, rela onships 0 likes

“One of the ladies asked about that awful Bobby Kennedy, and Like

Goldwater responded by speaking about the attorney general

with touching affection. (Mary) McGrory recalled how Jack
Kennedy behaved at a similar stage in his campaign: spouting
statistics, attacking carefully chosen enemies and puffing all the right
friends, quoting dead Greeks, never cracking a joke lest he remind the
voters how young he was.”
― Rick Perlstein, Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the
American Consensus
tags: humility, leadership, matura on, pride, self-effacement 0 likes

“Community in the American university is paradoxically a private and Like

individual decision.”
― Rebekah Nathan, My Freshman Year: What a Professor Learned by Becoming a
tags: humility, individualism 0 likes

“Almost alone among successful politicians, he took slights Like

― Rick Perlstein, Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking
of the American Consensus
tags: forgiveness, graciousness, humility, leadership, self-confidence 0 likes

“He may have confused honor with with with ruthlessness.” Like

― T.J. S les, The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt
tags: graciousness, humility, mercy, pride 0 likes

“Hubert (Humphrey) prepares for a major address by taking a deep Like

― President Lyndon B. Johnson
tags: humility, reflec on, study 0 likes

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13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 1,351-1,380 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Every man walks his own path, and every path has its fair Like
share of locked doors. You never know who holds the key to a BROWSE BY TAG
door you’ll need to open one day, so you best treat people as if
humility Search
they are all keyholders.”
― A.J. Darkholme, Rise of the Morningstar
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
tags: act, ac ons, awareness, ba les, careful, cau on, choice, choices, des ny, doors, exper se, gains, hear, Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
humility, importance, important, influence, insignificance, keyholders, keys, listening, locked, manipula on,
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
others, path, people, perspec ve, persuasion, poten al, respect, significance, significant, tolerance,
understanding, words Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
33 likes Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
“During the flames of controversy, opinions, mass disputes, Like
Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
conflict, and world news, sometimes the most precious, Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
refreshing, peaceful words to hear amidst all the chaos are Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
simply and humbly 'I don't know.” Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
― Criss Jami, Killosophy Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
tags: ac vist, argument, arrogance, chaos, communica on, conflict, controversy, deceit, disagreement,
Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
dispute, falsehood, freedom, freedom-of-speech, gossip, honesty, humility, informa on, know-it-all, know-
it-alls, libel, lies, media, misinforma on, news, noise, not-knowing, pandemonium, peace, precious, press, Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
pride, propaganda, protest, refreshing, riot, serenity, silence, simplicity, slander, speech, tranquility, Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
uncertainty, war, wisdom, world

“Good...if you've done things you aren't proud of. It means you Like

have a conscience.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: conscience, development, encouraging, evil, good, good-and-evil, humility, improvement, inspira onal,
learning, mistakes, mo va onal, past, posi ve, pride, progress, regret, repentance, right, right-and-wrong,
salva on, self-help, shame, sin, wisdom, wrong

“There is but one just use of power, and it is to serve people.” Like

― George H.W. Bush

tags: grace, humility, servant-leadership, servanthood 11 likes

“Simplicity and humility, not power or status, will bring you joy Like

and happiness.”
― Debasish Mridha
tags: educa on, happiness, hope, humility, inspira onal, intelligence, joy, knowledge, life, love, philosophy,
power, simplicity, status, truth, wisdom

“I'm not offended until you think I'm offended.” Like

― Criss Jami, Killosophy

tags: anger, confidence, convic on, defensive, humility, hurt, insensi ve, insulted, offensive, pain, paradox,
pride, sensi ve, strength, think

“A partner's different perspective is valuable, but the very fact that it is Like

different means that it will require work, humility, time, and resources 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
to incorporate that perspective. At times, this will require
checking one's pride at the door.” Sign in
― Ron Garan, The Orbital Perspec ve: Lessons in Seeing the Big Picture
My Books
from a Journey of 71 Million Miles Browse ▾ Community ▾
tags: astronaut, collabora on, different-perspec ves, humility, partnership, perspec ves, pride, space,
space-explora on

“By being high, you become low and by being low, you become high. By Like

being humble, you become high.”

― Master Choa Kok Sui, Crea ve Transforma on - The Golden Lotus Sutras on
Spiritual Prac ce
tags: humble, humility 6 likes

“We all need to humble ourselves from time to time and expose Like

ourselves to new perspectives and ideas, even those of the non-

experts, or else our growth potential gets weighed down with
the ignorance of ego and habit.”
― A.J. Darkholme, Rise of the Morningstar
tags: ego, habit, humble, humility, idea, ideas, learning, listening, perspec ve, poten al 6 likes

“Ability to see the cultural value of wilderness boils down, in Like

the last analysis, to a question of intellectual humility. The

shallow-minded modern who has lost his rootage in the land
assumes that he has already discovered what is important; it is
such who prate of empires, political or economic, that will last a
thousand years. It is only the scholar who appreciates that all history
consists of successive excursions from a single starting-point, to which
man returns again and again to organize yet another search for a durable
scale of values. It is only the scholar who understands why the raw
wilderness gives definition and meaning to the human enterprise.”
― Aldo Leopold
tags: conserva on, humility, nature, wilderness 6 likes

“For things I am not thankful for―experiences I would never Like

volunteer to relive―I recognize how they have changed me. My
depth of compassion and humility, the sincerity of my empathy
and understanding, and the duration of my patience have all
been refined by bitter suffering. I thank God for the lessons learned. I am
a better person for it, but I still abhor those awful trials.”
― Richelle E. Goodrich, Making Wishes
tags: change, compassion, development, empathy, experience, growth, humility, learning, life-s-lessons,
pa ence, personal-growth, richelle, richelle-e-goodrich, richelle-goodrich, thankful, thanks, thanksgiving

“I believe God himself will someday debate with and answer Like

every objection arrogant men can come up with against him; I

believe he will humble us and humor himself. Know-it-alls,
pseudo-intellectuals, militant anti-theists, for Christ's sake, or
rather their own sake, best beware of getting roasted by their own
medicine. Ah! Our delusions of trying to argue against an omniscient
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: agnos cism, answers, apologe cs, argue, arrogant, atheism, belief, beware, cau on, christ, cockiness,
confusion, crea on, debate, delusion, doubt, ego, faith, god, heaven, hell, humble, humility, humor,
intelligence, know-it-alls, knowledge, medicine, objec on, omniscient, pride, ques ons, solu ons, theism,
truth, wisdom

“There are known knowns, things we know that we know; and there are Like
known unknowns, things that we know we don't know. But there are 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
also unknown unknowns, things we do not know we don't
know.” Sign in
― Donald Rumsfeld, Known and Unknown: A Memoir
tags: humility, imaginaMy Books
on, knowledge Browse ▾ 4 likes
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“Seek counsel; though we are all skilled and experienced in Like

many ways, no one can experience all that life has to offer in the
limited time we are given in this world.”
― A.J. Darkholme, Rise of the Morningstar
tags: counsel, experience, humble, humility, knowledge, life, life-lessons, life me, poten al, respect, self-
improvement, me-management

“We must humble ourselves before [others] so we may learn Like

from what others have lived. It is only when we have added
their expertise to our own that we can truly excel towards our
most ambitious goals and reach our fullest potential.”
― A.J. Darkholme, Rise of the Morningstar
tags: achievements, be er-yourself, exper se, goals, humbling, humility, improvement, lead, leader,
leadership, leading, learning, others, people, poten al, self-improvement, teaching

“Presenting a humble façade gains trust; flattery appeals to ego; Like

combine the two to gain an ego-based trust within someone,

and you will find in your hands a judgement clouding tool
second only to love.”
― A.J. Darkholme, Rise of the Morningstar
tags: ego, ego-based-trust, façade, fla ery, front, humility, judgement, judgment, love, manipula on,
persuasion, trust

“Get rid of pride; it'll only ride you to the wrong side of life. Like
May God's words guide your faith to abide in true humility. Kick
off pride; embrace humility!”
― Israelmore Ayivor, Dream Big!: See Your Bigger Picture!
tags: arrogance, arrogant, food-for-thought, god, humble, humility, israelmore-ayivor, life, obey, pride, word-

“Simplicity gives you the power of freedom. Like

Kindness gives you the power of boldness.

Humility gives you the power of acceptance.”
― Debasish Mridha
tags: acceptance, boldness, educa on, freedom, happiness, hope, humility, inspira onal, intelligence,
kindness, knowledge, life, love, philosophy, power, simplicity, truth, wisdom

“Vision and persistence will take you to the top of the Like

leadership mountain, but only humility will keep you there.”

― Orrin Woodward
tags: humility, leadership, persistence, success, vision 2 likes

“You are infinitely my superior in merit; all that I know - You Like

have qualities which I had not supposed to exist in such a

degree in any human creature. You have some touches of the
angel in you, beyond what - not merely beyond what one sees,
because one never sees any thing like it - but beyond what one fancies
might be. But still I am not frightened. It is not by equality of merit that
you can be won. That is out of the question. It is he who sees and
worships your merit the strongest, who loves you most devotedly, that 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
has the best right to a return.” (326)”
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― Jane Austen, Mansfield Park
tags: humility, love, merit, profession 1 likes
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“I should wish to see them very good friends, and would, on no Like

account, authorize in my girls the smallest degree of arrogance

towards their relations; but still they cannot be equals.” (10)”
― Jane Austen, Mansfield Park
tags: arrogance, contradic on, equals, humility 1 likes

“No reproach for a person willing to give honorable service in Like

the passion to become wise.”

― Plato
tags: educa on, humility, teachability 1 likes

“… the Sufi attitude is: ‘Let the real truth, whatever it may be, Like

be revealed to me’.”
― Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
tags: humility, life, science, sufis, sufism, truth 1 likes

“If you have to walk along a dark mountain path, don’t you prefer to Like

have a flashlight to shine on the path ahead? I would suggest that it is

possible to have that flashlight in life all the time. What does a flashlight
give us? Light.

That is, a flashlight sheds light. It is like the faculty of attention—if we

turn our full attention to something, we learn more about that thing. We
are seeing it with more light. Our attention is our ‘flashlight.’ So it’s all
about how much and how fun an attention we consciously bring to life.
This quality of attention doesn’t make us hesitant, or slow to decide,
particularly—just as the flashlight doesn’t make us hang back on the
trail. So, how do we get to the better quality of attention? With attention!
That is, we turn our attention on our attention; we start by trying to see
how we don’t pay attention. We sort of keep that light on ourselves.
‘Know thyself’ has been an honored ancient teaching, and it’s still a
cornerstone of the world’s greatest philosophies. If you watch yourself
honestly, in a detached way—not guilt-tripping yourself when you
screw up—you gradually learn where it was that you were just
blundering along, reacting sort of mechanically, and being asleep even
as you were in your waking day. Another way to make this happen is by
returning your whole attention to the present—to what’s happening
now, in this moment, and this moment, and on—within yourself and
around you.”
― James L. Harmon
tags: humility, life, self-aware, self-awareness 1 likes

“I'm a weak man, Navani. I really am. If I give myself a few feet of Like

leeway, I burst through all of my prohibitions.”

― Dalinar Kholin
tags: fantasy, humility 0 likes

“Unlike Kim Cardassian or Donald Trump, Montaigne regarded the Like

inward glance as an adventure in self-effacement not self infatuation.
He was a charming and perceptive critic of his own foibles, especially
alert to his weakness for inconsistency.”
― Danny Heitman
tags: humility, modesty 0 likes 4/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“You must nurture a close walk with God through prayer, Like Sign in
because humility’s strength is grounded in God.”
― Jim George, The Remarkable Prayers of the Bible
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tags: chris an, god, humility, jim-george, prayer, strength 0 likes

“Humility is recognizing we can't give anything to God that He Like

hasn't already given to us.”
― Benjamin Lo er
tags: humility 0 likes

“It is a sad thing to become so blinded and deafened by pride Like

that you are no longer concerned about whether or not God is

pleased with your actions.”
― Thea Harris, Pour the Oil
tags: humility, inspira onal-quotes, pride 0 likes

“There is a fine line between humility and humiliation, and Like

when Augustine’s critics, both loyal and disloyal, fault him for
morbid self-criticism, they generally mean to imply that he has
crossed the line. You can have a relationship with another
person only if you know something of humility; otherwise your ego gets
in the way. If, however, you are humiliated instead of humbled, there is
no ‘you’ to enter into a relationship. Massilians and Pelagians had
differing understandings of when humility before God became too much
of a good thing, but they had common cause in not liking Augustine’s
scruples about the human will to relate to God. If everything about the
soul’s relationship to God is God’s doing, including the very desire to be
in relation, where exactly does the soul surface in its redemption? The
Word seems to have become a monologue.”
― James Wetzel
tags: humility, love 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
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“The most glorious moment you will ever experience in your Like
life is when you look back and see how God was protecting you BROWSE BY TAG
all this time.”
humility Search
― Shannon L. Alder
tags: always, blessed, blessings, daughter-of-god, freedom, god-s-love, grace, guardian-angels, happiness, Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
humility, joy, life-purpose, love, protected, protec on, rejoice
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
“Life produces a different taste each time you take it.” Like
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
― Frank Herbert, Dune God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
tags: curiosity, flexibility, glory-of-god, humility, openness 6 likes
Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
“The middle class were invented to give the poor hope; the Like Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
poor, to make the rich feel special; the rich, to humble the Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
middle class.” Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
tags: aphorism, aphorisms, arrogance, arrogant, classes, economy, finance, funny, hierarchy, hope, humble, Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
humbleness, humility, humor, humour, meek, meekness, middle-class, modest, modesty, money, mo va on,
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
poor, poverty, pride, quote-of-the-day, quoteo heday, rich, sa re, social-classes, society, vanity, wealth

“He learned rapidly because his first training was in how to Like

learn. And the first lesson of all was the basic trust that he could
learn. It is shocking to find how many people do not believe
they can learn, and how many more believe learning to be
― Frank Herbert, Dune
tags: curiosity, humility, openness, self-confidence 4 likes

“If virtue does not equal powers, powers will be misused.” Like

― John Howard Griffin, Black Like Me

tags: discipleship, humility, leadership, self-discipline, servant-leadership 3 likes

“We need more worship wars, not fewer. What if the war looked Like
like this in your congregation--the young singles petitioning
the church to play more of the old classics for the sake of the
elderly people, and the elderly people calling on the leadership
to contemporize for the sake of the young new believers? This would
signal a counting of others more important than ourselves (Phil 2:3),
which comes from the spirit of the humiliated, exalted King, Christ (Phil
― Russell D. Moore, Tempted and Tried: Tempta on and the Triumph of Christ
tags: humility, pride, tempta on 2 likes

“Our superintendence in instruction and discipline is the office Like

of the Word, from whom we learn frugality and humility, and all
that pertains to love of truth, love of humanity, and love of 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
excellence. And so, in a word, being assimilated to God by participation
in moral excellence, we must not retrograde into carelessness and sloth. Sign in
But labor, and faint not.”
― Clement of Alexandria,
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tags: discipline, frugality, humility, par cipa on, perseverance, scripture, wisdom 2 likes

“The entire path of the Vitraag Lords (the enlightened one) is Like

one of humility (vinaya). The practice of humility (vinaya

dharma) begins from Hindustan (India). There are endless
practices of humility, starting from putting two hands together
(in the gesture of Namaste) to prostrating. And ultimately when one
attains absolute humility (param vinaya), he attains moksha (ultimate
― Dada Bhagwan
tags: enlightened, enlightened-one, humility, libera on, moksh, moksha, namaste, spiritual, vinaya, vitaraag-

“What is absolute humility (param vinaya)? It is on the one who Like

has not disrespected anyone in the slightest! Absolute humility

lies where there is no dispute, no difference of opinion or any
law. Law is bondage.”
― Dada Bhagwan
tags: bondage, bondage-free, difference-of-opinion, humility, opinion, spiritual, vinaya 1 likes

“Even though every identity marker I have can be taken from Like
me, the grace and peace of the Trinity overflows into the life of
the believer.”
― Ma Chandler
tags: discipleship, humility, in macy-with-god 1 likes

“Leaders don’t give excessive vocal orders. They humbly involve Like
people and together cooperate with them to make a change
― Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Ladder
tags: change, co-operate, command, cooperate, excess, excessive, food-for-thought, happen, humble,
humbly, humility, israelmore-ayivor, leader, leaders, leadership, make-it-happen, order, people, personal-
development, vocal, vocal-orders

“The common soldiers did not blame him for his excessive grief. Like
They knew him. They knew his flaws. Indeed, I think they loved
him all the more because he was flawed, as they were, and did
not hide his passionate, blemished nature.”
― Geraldine Brooks, The Secret Chord
tags: authen city, discipleship, humility, leadership 1 likes

“The pretence leads up to the real thing. When you are not Like

feeling particularly friendly but know you ought to be, the best
thing you can do, very often, is put on a friendly manner and
behave as if you were a nicer person than you actually are. And
in a few minutes, as we have all noticed, you will be really feeling
friendlier than you were. Very often the only way to get a quality in
reality is to start behaving as if you had it already.”
― C.S. Lewis
tags: friendliness, humility, quali es 1 likes

“You never can tell about these mild-mannered boys.” Like

― James Carl Nelson, Five Lieutenants: The Heartbreaking Story of Five Harvard
Men Who Led America to Victory in World War I 2/5
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tags: assump ons, humility, matura on, personality 0 likes

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“It would be very difficult to draw a line between holy wonder Like
and real Books for when the soul is overwhelmed
worship; Browse ▾
with the Community ▾
majesty of God's glory, though it may not express itself in song,
or even utter its voice with bowed head in humble prayer, yet it
silently adores.”
― Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Morning and Evening, Based on the English Standard
tags: awe, curiosity, humility, openness 0 likes

“Three great actions: Like

To do what is right,
To love mercy, and
To walk humbly with Yahweh.”
― Lailah Gi y Akita, Pearls of Wisdom: Great mind
tags: ac ons, behavior, chris an-life, doing-good, experience, forgive, forgiveness, god, good-deeds,
humility, inspira on, life, love, mercy, posi ve-a tude, religion, right, walk, wise-words


So farewell to the little good you bear me.

Farewell! a long farewell, to all my greatness!
This is the state of man: to-day he puts forth
The tender leaves of hopes; to-morrow blossoms,
And bears his blushing honours thick upon him;
The third day comes a frost, a killing frost,
And, when he thinks, good easy man, full surely
His greatness is a-ripening, nips his root,
And then he falls, as I do. I have ventured,
Like little wanton boys that swim on bladders,
This many summers in a sea of glory,
But far beyond my depth: my high-blown pride
At length broke under me and now has left me,
Weary and old with service, to the mercy
Of a rude stream, that must for ever hide me.
Vain pomp and glory of this world, I hate ye:
I feel my heart new open'd. O, how wretched
Is that poor man that hangs on princes' favours!
There is, betwixt that smile we would aspire to,
That sweet aspect of princes, and their ruin,
More pangs and fears than wars or women have:
And when he falls, he falls like Lucifer,
Never to hope again”
― William Shakespeare
tags: drama, humility, shakespeare, vanity-of-human-affairs 0 likes

“His was a quiet but persistent charisma.” Like

― H.W. Brands
tags: confidence, humility, leadership, steadiness 0 likes

“Such was the code: Strive for victory, but never seem to be Like

― H.W. Brands
tags: appearances, humility, it-imagery, leadership 0 likes

“Se simțise, de fapt, înghesuit și împins înainte, se lăsase fără un Like

cuvânt, cu conștiința că nu se poate schimba nimic, cu conștiința că nu 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
avea puterea necesară pentru a se împotrivi forței care îl mâna.
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Merg cu curentul... Aceste momente de armonie cu voința
superioară, cu voința firmei, au fost întotdeauna cele mai
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Books unei asemenea fericiri era evidentă.” Community ▾
― Peter Rosei, Frühe Prosa
tags: fericire, happiness, humility, umilinta 0 likes

“Nothing will be attained from actions of hundreds of Like

thousands of lives. Moksha (liberation) is attained through

‘absolute humility’ (param vinaya). The ‘gates of
understanding’ are opened with ‘absolute humility’. ‘Absolute
humility’ arises only when the ego is dissolved.”
― Dada Bhagwan
tags: ego, humility, libera on, moksha, spiritual 0 likes

“Talk about presidents "taking" the country hither and yon is Like
part of the foam of presidential elections.”
― George F. Will, The Woven Figure: Conserva sm and America's Fabric
tags: humility, leadership, rhetoric 0 likes

“Economics has accurately been called the science of the single Like

― George F. Will, The Woven Figure: Conserva sm and America's Fabric
tags: humility 0 likes

“For leaders, wars are filled with guesses.” Like

― John Ferling, Jefferson and Hamilton: The Rivalry That Forged a

Na on
tags: humility, intui on, leadership, statecra 0 likes

“In the context of today, this WAS heroism.” Like

― John Howard Griffin, Black Like Me

tags: conven onal-wisdom, culture, discipleship, humility, matura on 0 likes

“One of the presidential campaigns unveiled more of an infrastructure in Like

place for the next contest than was previously thought to be present,
with a spokesperson saying that one of the campaign's strengths is that
it does not make an effort to draw attention to with every asset.”
― New York Times The
tags: humility, restraint, self-discipline, subtlety 0 likes

“I'm more human now. It's the God in people that connects them to Like

me.– Ali”
― Davis Miller, Approaching Ali: A Reclama on in Three Acts
tags: humility, tes mony, vulnerability 0 likes

“There are so many ways to think about almost everything. And none of Like

them is nearly as round as reality.”

― Davis Miller, Approaching Ali: A Reclama on in Three Acts
tags: curiosity, humility, openness, perspec ve 0 likes

“Governing is not a hero's profession. It is a profession of Like

― Rick Perlstein, The Invisible Bridge: The Fall of Nixon and the Rise of
tags: humility, leadership, modera on 0 likes 4/5
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“God's people are the stage upon which His forgiveness Like Sign in
becomes visible. They are never more authentic than when they
ask for forgiveness and forgive others.”
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― Ma Chandler
tags: community, confession, humility 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 1,201-1,230 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Reality. It is sometimes brought through foreign eyes; because Like

if you do not know any better, you cannot see the worse (and
vice versa).”
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: accountability, addic on, advice, arrogance, be er, bliss, cockiness, contentment, delusion,
development, discontentment, discovery, explora on, foreign, humility, ignorance, ignorance-is-bliss,
improvement, learning, missionary, narcissism, opinion, pride, reality, rela vity, revela on, stubbornness,
travel, truth, vice-versa, worse
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― Anthony Liccione
tags: abide, cocky, confindent, endure, equal, go-on, humility, li le, money, much, persist, poor, power,
pride, pull-through, rich, strength, stronger, survival, weaker, wealth

humility Search
“Unsettling are the days in which everyone is an expert.” Like

― Criss Jami, Healology

Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
tags: amateur, arrogance, charlatan, coach, comfort, discomfort, distrust, ego, era, expert, false-knowledge, Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
humility, ignorance, informa on, intelligence, knowledge, layman, life-coach, pride, professional, technology, Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
me, trust, unse ling, wisdom
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
“There is pride, too, though - pride that he has done it alone. Like Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
That his daughter is so curious, so resilient. There is the Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
humility of being a father to someone so powerful, as if he were Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
only a narrow conduit for another, greater thing. That's how it Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
feels right now, he thinks, kneeling beside her, rinsing her hair: as
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
though his love for his daughter will outstrip the limits of his body. The Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
walls could fall away, even the whole city, and the brightness of that Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
feeling would not wane.” Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
― Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See
tags: awe, fathers-and-daughters, humility 7 likes

“Courage uncovers strength, grace reveals beauty, vulnerability Like

expresses humility, inner peace reflects contentment”

― Millen Livis
tags: a tude, beauty, contentment, courage, grace, happiness, humility, inner-peace, life, peace, strength,
success, vulnerability

“In the cosmos of time, there's not a cocksucker in this room who is Like

more than a fart in the wind!”

― Daniel S. Peña
tags: ego, humility, non-self, success 4 likes 1/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“There is nothing new under the sun but that of the Son. Man's Like

rebellion against God has always been because he would rather Sign in
fall in pride than rise in humility.”
― CrissMyJami, Healology
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tags: agnos cism, apologe cs, arrogance, atheism, christ, death, fall, god, gospel, humility, life, pride,
rebellion, repentance, rise, salva on, sin, son, stubborn, sun, surrender, theism

“Old men want to feel that the experience which has come with Like
their years is valuable, that their advice is valuable, that they
possess a sagacity that could be obtained only through
experience— a sagacity that could be of use to young men if
only young men would ask.”
― Robert A. Caro, Master of the Senate
tags: heritage, honoring-parents, humility 2 likes

“We have less reason to be surprised or offended when we find Like

others differ from us in opinions because we very often differ

from ourselves.”
― Samuel Johnson
tags: graciousness, humility 2 likes

“We never move on from the cross. We only get a more Like
profound understanding of the cross.”
― C.J. Mahaney
tags: discipleship, humility, worship 2 likes

“A commander's pride got his soldiers dead.” Like

― Tom Clancy, Execu ve Orders
tags: humility, leadership 2 likes

“The confession of ignorance is crucial to the pursuit of Like

knowledge. Another way of putting it is that those who pretend
to know never will – they lack the humility to learn.”
― Jonathan Renshaw, Dawn of Wonder
tags: humility, ignorance, knowledge 1 likes

“It is vital that we are equipped with the humility to understand Like
that changing the world and keeping innovation alive require
that we change ourselves.”
― Whitney Johnson, Disrupt Yourself: Pu ng the Power of Disrup ve
Innova on to Work
tags: changing-the-world, humility, innova on, personal-change 1 likes

“Students in the school of prayer never graduate from the Like

school of the Gospel.”

― C.J. Mahaney, Living the Cross Centered Life: Keeping the Gospel the
Main Thing
tags: gra tude, humility 1 likes

“A rare academic (was) a man who knew what he didn't know.” Like

― Tom Clancy, Execu ve Orders

tags: curiosity, humility 1 likes

“To nurture your career, it makes sense to cultivate your strengths. To Like

nurture your moral core, it is necessary to confront your weaknesses.”

― David Brooks
tags: character, discipleship, humility 2/4
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“The greatest danger, of course, was to believe that I was equal Like
to them,
Books assurance can morph into arrogance that▾
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Death loves to prove unfounded.”
― Dean Koontz, Deeply Odd
tags: arrogance, assurances, challenges, death, humbleness, humility, odd-thomas 1 likes

“True knowledge should not produce pride; it should produce Like

humility...Because the more you know, the more you know how
much you don't know.”
― Mark Ba erson, A Trip Around the Sun: Turning Your Everyday Life
Into the Adventure of a Life me
tags: humility, knowledge, pride 0 likes

“Live life with great humility.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita, Pearls of Wisdom: Great mind
tags: chris an-living, humble-yourself, humility, inspiring, life-lessons, live-life, self-worth, work

“there was perhaps a strain of humility that was more common then Like
than now, that there was a moral ecology, stretching back centuries but
less prominent now, encouraging people to be more skeptical of their
desires, more aware of their own weaknesses, more intent on
combatting the flaws in their own natures and turning weakness into
― David Brooks
tags: character, humility, self-discipline 0 likes

“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of Like

yourself less.”
― Rick Warren
tags: faith, god, humility, inspira onal 0 likes

“They possess the self- effacing virtues of people who are inclined to be Like

useful but don’t need to prove anything to the world:”

― David Brooks
tags: humility, servant-leadership 0 likes

“People who are humble about their own nature are moral realists. Like
Moral realists are aware that we are all built from “crooked timber”—
from Immanuel Kant’s famous line, “Out of the crooked timber of
humanity, no straight thing was ever made.”
― David Brooks
tags: humility 0 likes

“There are heroes and schmucks in all worlds. The most important thing Like

is whether you are willing to engage in moral struggle against yourself.”

― David Brooks
tags: culture, humility 0 likes

“Our ability to forgive is a direct measure of our hope; Like

Our patience is a measure of our humility;

And most importantly: Our ability to listen with patience and
understanding is the measure of our love; Because love is the
measure of a man… or woman.”
― Michael Brent Jones, Dinner Party
tags: forgiveness, hope, humility, important, love, pa ence 0 likes 3/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“The only path to real promotion is to humble yourself and make Like Sign in
yourself of no reputation and then begin to give yourself to other people
and serve them.”
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― Sunday Adelaja
tags: humility 0 likes

“Horizontal (human-centered) grief is much less concerned Like

with being broken and more concerned with being busted.”
― Ma Chandler, Into the Great Outdoors
tags: humility, pride, sin 0 likes

“The factor that made him so powerful was also his greatest Like

― Peter Heather, The Fall of the Roman Empire: A New History of Rome
and the Barbarians
tags: humility, leadership 0 likes

“Her characters tend to err when they reject the grubby and complex Like

circumstances of everyday life for abstract and radical notions. They

thrive when they work within the rooted spot, the concrete habit, the
particular reality of their town and family.”
― David Brooks
tags: discipleship, humility, ministry 0 likes

“Abilene had gone from boomtown to Bible Belt, from whorehouses to Like

schoolmarms, without any of the intervening phases.”

― David Brooks
tags: humility, matura on 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 1,021-1,050 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Truth is not fully explosive, but purely electric. You don't blow Like

the world up with the truth; you shock it into motion.” BROWSE BY TAG
― Criss Jami, Healology
humility Search
tags: ac vist, arrogance, asleep, awaken, awakening, bomb, cardiac-arrest, change, change-the-world,
consciousness, cryp c, current, dead, defibrillator, electricity, enlighten, enlightenment, explosion,
extremism, facts, flexibility, genius, gentleness, heart, heart-a ack, honesty, humility, informa on, Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
intelligence, jolt, know-it-all, know-it-alls, knowledge, life, love, mo on, movement, mystery, not-knowing, Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
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Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
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God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
“It is a sign of intellectual maturity to always crawl to Like
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
conclusions.” Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
tags: conclusion, delay, general-seman cs, humility, indica on, intellect, intellectual, maturity, seman cs,
sign, speed Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
5 likes Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
“For the case that one thinks he has plateaued in life, God has Like
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
already set yet another peak for him to reach: and a much more Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
challenging peak than his own, one that which is to serve
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: accomplishment, achievement, arrogance, challenges, charity, christ, difficulty, ego, faith, goals, god,
helping-others, humility, life, love, peak, plateau, pride, selfish, selfishness, selfless, selflessness, service,
serving-others, success, wealth

“Jesus let the disciples know that they were striving in the Like

wrong direction. They were trying to climb up a ladder that they

instead should be climbing down.”
― Jennifer L. Lane, Faith Adventures: Stories of Learning with an Unseen
tags: faith, faith-adventures, faith-in-god, humility, spiritual-growth 4 likes

“Weakness is not the problem, but my delusion of my strengths Like

― Paul David Tripp, Sex and Money: Pleasures That Leave You Empty
and Grace That Sa sfies
tags: discipleship, humility, pride 3 likes

“I love the vastness of the ocean. I love its serenity, tranquility, Like
humility, and purifying power.”
― Debasish Mridha
tags: debasish-mridha, humility, i-love-the-vastness-of-the-ocean, inspira onal, philosophy, serenity,

“Awful momentum makes carrying through easier than calling Like

off folly.”
― Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam
tags: adap ve-leadership, humility, status-quo 2 likes 1/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“Lincoln admitted his infirmities to make way for his spring.” Like

― Richard Brookhiser, Founders' Son: A Life of Abraham Lincoln Sign in

tags: honesty, humility, rapport 2 likes

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“Folly is a child of power.” Like

― Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam

tags: arrogance, humility, thought-life 1 likes

“The fate of warnings in political affairs is to be futile when the Like

recipient wishes otherwise.”

― Barbara W. Tuchman
tags: bias, foresight, humility, prophecy, wisdom 1 likes

“Those who consider themselves good teachers probably aren't.” Like

― Joseph Epstein
tags: humility, pride 1 likes

“In great humility, we find our strength.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita, Pearls of Wisdom: Great mind

tags: calm, gentle, grace, humble, humility, kind, mo va on, strength, upli ing, wisdom-of-lailah-gi y-akita,

“Foolish defiance was his lifelong response to being ill.” Like

― Paul C. Nagel, John Quincy Adams: A Public Life, a Private Life

tags: fallibility, flesh, fragility, humility, pride 1 likes

“He was vain and tended to surround himself with intellectual Like
and moral pygmies.”
― Stephen L. Carter, The Impeachment of Abraham Lincoln
tags: comparison, humility, idolatry, pride 1 likes

“Something greater than me was happening. And yet, it was Like

happening to me.”
― Dick Van Dyke, My Lucky Life in and Out of Show Business
tags: discipleship, humility, worship 1 likes

“Andrew Carnegie was an inventor only in the sense that he Like

adopted and adapted the discoveries of others.”
― H.W. Brands, American Colossus: The Triumph of Capitalism, 1865-
tags: curiosity, humility, openness 0 likes

“He had the ruthlessness of uninterrupted success.” Like

― Barbara W. Tuchman
tags: down-here, humility, matura on, perspec ve 0 likes

“I've grown more OK with mystery as I've gotten older.” Like

― Ma Chandler
tags: curiosity, humility 0 likes

“While humility feels weak, the truth is that humility is a sign Like
of great strength. Humility is about putting ego aside. The word
humility comes from a Latin word humilitas, which means
grounded or low. When we are "grounded", we aren't easily
swayed. We stand firm in who we are, who we belong to, and who we are 2/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
committed to be going forward. A grounded person isn't looking for
recognition because she is at peace with her worth in God's eyes.” Sign in
― Jill Savage, No More Perfect Moms: Learn to Love Your Real Life
tags: humility, inspira My
onal Books Browse ▾ 0 likes
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“Let us retreat when we can, not when we must. Lord Chatham” Like

― Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam

tags: discre on, humility, openness 0 likes

“A lawyer's empathy for her client deepens when she realizes that she Like

has only seen the last couple of phases of his decline. How hard it must
his initial adjustment have been to his loss of freedom?”
― Ron Suskind, The Way of the World: A Story of Truth and Hope in an Age of
tags: compassion, human-services, humility, ministry 0 likes

“Public servants in this Europe often do their best when they stop caring Like
about whether they'll be fired.”
― Ron Suskind, The Way of the World: A Story of Truth and Hope in an Age of
tags: boldness, calling, humility, job, servant-leadership, voca on 0 likes

“Policy was not reconsidered because the governing group had Like
no habit of purposeful consultation.”
― Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam
tags: communica on, feedback, humility 0 likes

“It's one thing to admire a man's work. It's another to get your picture Like

in the paper doing it." General Clayton”

― M*A*S*H Episode Guide Team
tags: humility, hypocrisy 0 likes

“Simplicity and humility are the flowers of greatness.” Like

― Debasish Mridha
tags: debasish-mridha, greatness, humility, inspira onal, philosophy, simplicity 0 likes

“He must become an apprentice to ordinary life.” Like

― Paul C. Nagel, John Quincy Adams: A Public Life, a Private Life
tags: calling, discipleship, humility, job, voca on 0 likes

“Quite possibly, this depressive illness was the familiar sort that grew Like

from perfectionist expectations.”

― Paul C. Nagel, John Quincy Adams: A Public Life, a Private Life
tags: anxiety, emo on, humility, pride 0 likes

“Knowing more than someone does not necessarily mean that Like

you know every single thing they know.”

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: arrogance, educa on, humility, humility-quotes, ignorance, knowledge, learning, school, school-of-life,
wisdom, wisdom-quotes, words-of-wisdom

“He was the sort of man who only wanted to be told what he Like

already assumed was true.”

― Stephen L. Carter, The Impeachment of Abraham Lincoln
tags: arrogance, humility 0 likes 3/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“Inside that Colonel, there's a private that needs to be cuddled and held Like Sign in
just like the rest of us." Hawkeye”
― M*A*S*H Episode Guide Team, M*A*S*H EPISODE GUIDE: Details All 251
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Episodes with Plot Summaries. Searchable. Companion to DVDs Blu Ray and Box
tags: humility, leadership, vulnerability 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 1,081-1,110 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“It is a healthy approach not to expect persons to turn out Like

precisely how you would have wished.” BROWSE BY TAG
― Criss Jami, Healology
humility Search
tags: accomplishment, achievement, adults, baby, be-yourself, career, change, character, children, coach,
college, condi onal-love, control, decep on, development, different, disappointment, discernment, doubt,
educa on, ego, elementary-school, evolu on, expecta on, faith, false-hope, falsehood, family, fantasy, Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
force, freedom, friends, friendship, grades, growth, health, healthy, healthy-living, high-school, hope, Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
humility, individual, job, judgment, kids, kindergarten, life, lifestyle, love, marriage, middle-school, open-
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
mind, parent, partner, personality, preacher, predic on, prejudgment, pressure, pride, psychology, realist,
rela onship, school, selfishness, selflessness, spouse, success, teacher, team, teenagers, uncondi onal-love, Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
university, wish, wishful-thinking Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
18 likes God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
“I write poetry, worry, smile, Like Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
continue for a while Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
just like most of us Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
just like all of us; Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
sometimes I want to hug all Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
Mankind on earth
and say,
god damn all this that they've brought down upon us,
we are brave and good
even though we are selfish
and kill each other and
kill ourselves,
we are the people
born to kill and die and weep in dark rooms
and love in dark rooms,
and wait, and
wait and wait and wait.
we are the people.
we are nothing
― Charles Bukowski, What Ma ers Most is How Well You Walk Through the Fire
tags: humanity, humility, life, people 15 likes

“One may suffer the long-term in order to grow in appreciation Like

for the small things. For in short-term suffering, one only

notices the large.”
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: adversity, faith, gra tude, growth, humility, learning, long-term, meaning, pain, perseverance,
persistence, pride, reason, short-term, strength, suffering, take-for-granted, thankfulness, weakness

“There is a secret a person with great knowledge discovers along the Like

path to truth. That is, the more doors you open to the mysteries, the
smaller you feel. And because you begin to feel smaller and smaller until
your ego disappears, the more humble you become. Therefore, any man 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
who behaves arrogantly with what little he knows, or claims to know all,
only reveals to all that he really knows nothing. Real greatness does not Sign in
reside inside those who feel large. The truly wise are meek.”
― Suzy Kassem, Rise Browse ▾
Up and Salute the Sun: The Wri ngs of Suzy Kassem
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tags: arrogant, confenlightenment, confidence, ego, greatness, humble, humility, ignorance, knowledge,
large, meek, meekness, meekness-strengthgreat, mysteries, mystery, nothing, path-truth, road-truth, secret,
small, ny, truth, universe, wisdom, wise

“People who sneer at a half a loaf of bread have never been Like

hungry." George Reedy”

― Robert A. Caro, Master of the Senate
tags: compromise, dependence, humility, leadership 6 likes

“I write poetry, worry, smile, Like

continue for a while
just like most of us
just like all of us;
sometimes I want to hug all
Mankind on earth
and say,
god damn all this that they've brought down on us,
we are brave and good
even though we are selfish
and kill each other and
kill ourselves,
we are the people
born to kill and die and weep in dark rooms
and love in dark rooms,
and wait, and
wait and wait and wait.
we are the people.
we are nothing
― Charles Bukowski
tags: humanity, humility, life, people 5 likes

“True art comes from the anonymous self.” Like

― Maria Riike
tags: crea vity, humility, vulnerability 4 likes

“Even the richest of brands are robbed by poor character.” Like

― Criss Jami, Healology

tags: arrogance, brand, branding, business, career, character, cockiness, company, corpora on, dishonesty,
distrust, ethics, genius, good-will, good-works, goodness, honesty, humility, illegal, job, kindness, lawful,
legal, love, message, morality, nice, poor, pride, reputa on, rich, robbery, scam, scandal, scheme, shady, skill,
success, talent, trust, unlawful, wisdom, work

“I'm not trying to tell you," he said, "that only educated and Like
scholarly men are able to contribute something valuable to the
world. It's not so. But I do say that educated and scholarly men,
if they're brilliant and creative to begin with — which,
unfortunately, is rarely the case—tend to leave infinitely more valuable
records behind them than men do who are merely brilliant and creative.
They tend to express themselves more clearly, and they usually have a
passion for following their thoughts through to the end. And--most
important—nine times out of ten they have more humility than the 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
unscholarly thinker.”
― J.D. Salinger Sign in

tags: educa on, humility, intelllectuals, knowledge, wisdom 3 likes

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“The beauty of the soul is wrapped in modest fashion.” Like
― Lailah Gi y Akita, Think Great: Be Great!

tags: advice, beau ful, beau ful-life, beauty, dress, faith-chris an-life, fashion, hope, humility, lifestyle,
modesty, simple-living, spiritual, wisdom-of-lailah-gi y-akita, women

“JFK to RFK: To survive in politics, you sometimes have to be Like

willing to make fun of yourself.”

― Robert Dallek, Camelot's Court: Inside the Kennedy White House
tags: humility, humor 2 likes

“Because you're always learning, the chief lesson remains: you Like
still know nothing.”
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: business, certainty, chief, confidence, development, ego, evolu on, facts, growth, humility,
informa on, insecurity, inspira onal, intelligence, knowing, knowledge, learn, learning, lesson, mo va onal,
not-knowing, philosophy, preach, pride, science, security, success, teach, truth, uncertainty, wisdom

“You brought nothing into this world; you will take nothing Like
from it, but please, leave us with something”
― Bangambiki Habyarimana, The Great Pearl of Wisdom
tags: humility, real-life, realism, reality, reality-bites, reality-of-life, reality-quotes 2 likes

“What have I to prove, and to whom, and why? I'm keen enough Like

to want nothing more than to live a simple, humble, unfettered

― Donna Lynn Hope
tags: content, contentedness, happiness, humble, humility, keen, life, living, simple, simplicity,
uncomplicated, unfe ered, wise

“I'm not trying to tell you," he said, "that only educated and Like
scholarly men are able to contribute something valuable to the
world. It's not so. But I do say that educated and scholarly men,
if they're brilliant and creative to begin with — which,
unfortunately, is rarely the case—tend to leave infinitely more valuable
records behind them than men do who are merely brilliant and creative.
They tend to express themselves more clearly, and they usually have a
passion for following their thoughts through to the end. And — most
important—nine times out of ten they have more humility than the
unscholarly thinker.”
― J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye
tags: educa on, humility, intellectual, knowledge, wisdom 1 likes

“The consequence model, the logical one, the amoral one, the Like

one which refuses any divine intervention, is a problem really

for just the (hypothetical) logician. You see, towards God I
would rather be grateful for Heaven (which I do not deserve)
than angry about Hell (which I do deserve). By this the logician within
must choose either atheism or theism, but he cannot possibly through
good reason choose anti-theism. For his friend in this case is not at all
mathematical law: the law in that 'this equation, this path will
consequently direct me to a specific point'; over the alternative and the
one he denies, 'God will send me wherever and do it strictly for his own 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
sovereign amusement.' The consequence model, the former, seeks the
Sign in
absence of God, which orders he cannot save one from one's inevitable
consequences; hence the angry anti-theist within, 'the logical one', the
one who wants My to be master of his own fate, can only contradict
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himself Community ▾
- I do not think it wise to be angry at math.”
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: amoral, amusement, anger, angry, an -theism, apologe cs, arrogance, atheism, bible, choice,
conclusion, consequence, contradic on, damna on, decision, des ny, divine-interven on, ego, equa on,
eternity, faith, fate, force, god, grace, gravity, heaven, hell, honesty, humility, hypocrisy, hypothe cal,
illogical, interven on, logic, logical, logician, love, master, math, mathema cs, mercy, model, perspec ve,
pride, punishment, ra onal, reason, religion, religion-and-science, ruler, salva on, science, sovereignty,
sovereignty-of-god, thankfulness, theism, truth

“Possibly, there was something to be said for the intellectual Like

discipline of second-guessing what you thought was true.”

― Kwame Anthony Appiah
tags: humility, matura on, openness 1 likes

“Don't think you are irreplaceable, or the world will end when Like

you are gone”

― Bangambiki Habyarimana, The Great Pearl of Wisdom
tags: humble, humble-yourself, humbled, humility, humility-advice, humility-and-purpose, humility-quotes,

“The Book that made the nation was destroying the nation.” Like

― Mark A. Noll, The Civil War as a Theological Crisis

tags: biblical-applica on, discipleship, except-jesus, humility, openness 0 likes

“I like to introduce myself, because THEN I can get in all the facts." The Like
usually self-deprecating John Hay on the ironic formality of signing his
own commission as Secretary of State.”
― John Taliaferro, All the Great Prizes : The Life of John Hay, from Lincoln to
tags: arrogance, humility 0 likes

“If he could be hard on kings and cabinets, he was invariably kind to his Like

― John Taliaferro, All the Great Prizes : The Life of John Hay, from Lincoln to
tags: advocacy, graciousness, humility, professionalism 0 likes

“He had no desire to grandstand for his country or himself.” Like

― John Taliaferro, All the Great Prizes : The Life of John Hay, from Lincoln to
tags: humility, missions, par sanship, subtlety 0 likes

“A Christian reveals true humility by showing the gentleness of Like

Christ, by being always ready to help others, by speaking kind

words and performing unselfish acts, which elevate and ennoble
the most sacred message that has come to the world.”
― Ellen G. White
tags: chris an, help, humility, message, sacred, unselfish-acts, world 0 likes

“Church is not meant to be fun. It's meant to be formative.” Like

― Ma Chandler
tags: character, discipleship, humility 0 likes 4/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“There is no middle ground for the selfless and the selfish.” Like

― Tara Estacaan Sign in

tags: goodness-in-life, humility, selfless, tara-estacaan 0 likes

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“It is only kindness and love, which can change the human Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita, Think Great: Be Great!
tags: advice, change, chris an, compassion, faith, forgiveness, gentle, humanity-advice, humility,
inspira onal, kindness, lessons-learnt, life, love, mercy

“It is not great counts God blesses so much as likeness to Like

― Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Lectures to My Students
tags: discipleship, humility, ministry 0 likes

“My own spirit, soul, and body are my nearest machinery for Like

sacred service.”
― Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Lectures to My Students
tags: discipleship, humility, spiritual-leadership 0 likes

“Every challenge makes us to humble our selves. We learn to Like

know and depend on our Creator.”
― Lailah Gi y Akita, Think Great: Be Great!
tags: adversity, challenges, chris an-life, faith, hope, humble, humility, lailah-gi y-akita-affirma ons,
posi ve-thinking, spiritual, spiritual-wisdom

“Humility is a quality for which I have only a limited Like

admiration. In many phases of life it is a great mistake and

degenerates into defensiveness and hypocrisy.”
― E.M. Forster
tags: humility 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 1,471-1,500 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Most insensible, corrupt, cheap, disrespectful young girls run Like

after bad, rude, cocky, nonsensical boys, but a mature, BROWSE BY TAG
educated, thoughtful, virtuos lady opts for a wise, well breed,
humility Search
experienced, humble, modest gentleman.”
― Michael Bassey Johnson
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
tags: adult, adulthood, background, bad-boys, callow, cockiness, corrup on, disrespect, down-to-earth, Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
emp ness, empty, enlightened, enlightenment, experience, gentleman, gentlemen, humility, immaturity,
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
insensi ve, insensi vity, ladies, lady, madness, maturity, modesty, op on, puberty, puerile, reckless, rude,
rudeness, ruthless, sensibility, sensible, teen, teenagers, unconscious, vanity, young, young-people, youth Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
43 likes Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
“Nothing is more scandalous than a man that is proud of his Like
Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
humility.” Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
― Marcus Aurelius, Medita ons Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
tags: humility, morality, pride Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
“Sell your cleverness and purchase bewilderment instead. It is Like
Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
such a willingness to live with bewilderment that characterizes Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
the true wise man.” Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
― Richard Rohr, Adam's Return: The Five Promises of Male Ini a on
tags: humility, openness 7 likes

“Our wounds are the only thing humbling enough to break our Like

attachment to our false self.”

― Richard Rohr, Adam's Return: The Five Promises of Male Ini a on
tags: discipleship, growth, humility, matura on, pain, suffering 7 likes

“Right words make all of us feel falsely important. Right action Like

keeps all of us forever beginners.”

― Richard Rohr, Adam's Return: The Five Promises of Male Ini a on
tags: confession, humility 6 likes

“The assumption that we are infallible can we justify the Like

suppression of opinions we think false. Ages are as fallible as

individuals, every age having held many opinions which
subsequent ages have deemed not only false but absurd.”
― John Stuart Mill, On Liberty
tags: freedom-of-expression, humility 5 likes

“Look out how you use proud words. Like

When you let proud words go, it is not easy to call them back.
They wear long boots, hard boots; they walk off proud; they
can’t hear you calling -
Look out how you use proud words.”
― Carl Sandburg
tags: humility, pride, primer, words 5 likes 1/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“You don’t want modesty, you want humility. Humility comes Like Sign in
from inside out. It says someone was here before me and I’m
here because I’ve been paid for. I have something to do and I
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will do that because I’m paying for someone else who has yet to
― Maya Angelou
tags: humility, modesty 5 likes

“There’s nothing more insufferable than people who boast Like

about their own humility”

― Marcus Aurelius, Medita ons
tags: humility 4 likes

“A man can counterfeit love, he can counterfeit faith, he can Like

counterfeit hope and all the other graces, but it is very difficult
to counterfeit humility. You soon detect mock humility.”
― D. L. Moody
tags: humility 4 likes

“I've never been good with asking for help; it seems risky, but at some Like

point when things are really dicey, your stubbornness gives way to a
certain form of humility that, after you get over yourself, feels
liberating. I started to believe that the universe was conspiring to help
me finish my house, sending people along at the right moment.”
― Dee Williams
tags: asking-for-help, humility, libera ng, stubbornness, the-big- ny, universe 3 likes

“True masters deconstruct as well as reconstruct.” Like

― Richard Rohr, Adam's Return: The Five Promises of Male Ini a on
tags: assump ons, character, discipleship, humility 3 likes

“You've to close down your umbrella when you are under a Like
canopy. Drop your pride; give praise to God!”
― Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes
tags: avoid-pride, canopy, christ, chris an, close, close-down, don-t-be-proud, drop, drop-it, drop-your-
pride, food-for-thought, god, humble, humble-yourself, humble-yourself-before-the-lord, humility,
israelmore-ayivor, jesus, meek, meekness, praise, praise-and-worship, praise-to-god, pride, umbrella, under-
a-canopy, under-the-canopy, worship

“Ability to laugh at evil, to relativize symbols without Like

dismissing them is usually a sign of a rather healthy person.
Puritans and reformers can never laugh.”
― Richard Rohr, Adam's Return: The Five Promises of Male Ini a on
tags: flexibility, humility, sense-of-humor 2 likes

“Great leaders are the first to say, “I was wrong. Let’s make a Like
― Beth Ramsay, #Networking is people looking for people looking for
tags: change, humility, leader, leadership, wrong 2 likes

“Starting at the bottom is not about humiliation. It's about Like

humility—a realistic assessment of where you are in the
learning curve.”
― Maria Shriver, Ten Things I Wish I'd Known--Before I Went Out Into
the Real World
tags: humilia on, humility, inspira onal-quotes, learning, lessons 2 likes 2/4
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“What if she'd sought God's Word for her pain? What if she'd resolved to Like Sign in
forgive Rees for hurting her and trusted God to work that forgiveness out
in her heart, so that she would have arrived in London with an attitude
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of humility and trust in God to lead her to the right person?”
― Axtell Ruth
tags: a tude, faith, forgive, god-s-word, humility, trus ng-god 2 likes

“Never step on caterpillars, as one day they'll become Like

butterflies, and you'll never know when you'll need a ride on
their wings of fortune.”
― R.P. Falconer
tags: humility, inspira onal-life, inspira onal-quotes 1 likes

“I hope we can inaugurate a new humility in our use of religious Like

language, which for me is the very proof that it is authentic.”
― Richard Rohr, Adam's Return: The Five Promises of Male Ini a on
tags: communica on, discipleship, gentleness, humility, persuasiveness 1 likes

“For the Javanese...the purpose of knowledge (kaweruh) is love, Like

not ambition or cleverness. Knowledge comes from caring
enough to suffer and learn.”
― Therese Walsh, The Last Will of Moira Leahy
tags: humility, javanese, knowledge, philosophy, wisdom 1 likes

“Humility is not just thinking less of yourself or thinking lanyard less of Like
your gifts than others,It is freedom from thinking of yourself at all”
― Barbara Cueto
tags: humility 0 likes

“I went to Guatemala to help build a school but left wondering what Like

"help" would really look like... I hadn't prepared myself for how
humbled I'd feel, or how hard it would be to find my footing when
witnessing a cycle of poverty that seemed to defy any sort of help.”
― Dee Williams
tags: help, humility, poverty, the-big- ny 0 likes

“It was easier to be the headstrong monk, a boy on a long-shot mission, Like
before he actually won anything. With the prize in hand, he realized his
single-minded drive came across as aloof cockiness; his painful
martyrdom certainly looked like self-nomination for sainthood. He's not
sure he can keep up this exhausting, aw-shucks façade for much
― Ron Suskind, A Hope in the Unseen: An American Odyssey from the Inner City
to the Ivy League
tags: humility, pride, success 0 likes

“Humility and repentance are necessary to restore your Like

relationship with God.”

― Jim George
tags: author, chris an, god, humility, rela onship, repent, restore 0 likes

“The whole bloated sensation of success is wiped clean when Like

among family. There is no pressure of being looked upon as 'the

brilliant one' but rather the comforts of always being the pupil.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: comfort, family, humility, learning, pressure, pride, pupil, sensa on, success 0 likes 3/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“If I have learned one thing in the years of my existence, one Like Sign in
nugget of wisdom from having lived in the midst of disputations
over faith and the nature of the world, it is that everything ends.
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This is both the blessing and the punishment of God upon the
foolish tribe that calls itself man. We can embrace the end or we can
weep, but the ghost of time closes all doors with a finality that can never
be gainsaid.”
― Kamran Pasha, Mother of the Believers
tags: emp ness, emp ness-sacrifice, existence, humility, inspira onal, nothingness, philosophy 0 likes

“until the stone becomes soft, it cannot attach itself to the wall.” Like

― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah, Dis nc ve Footprints Of Life: where are you heading
tags: brainy-quote, humbleness, humility, inspira onal-quotes, wisdom-quotes 0 likes

“Never step on caterpillars, as one day, they'll become Like

butterflies and you'll never know when you'll need a ride on

their wings of fortune.”
― R.P. Falconer
tags: humility, inspira onal-life, inspira onal-quotes, life-philosophy 0 likes

“We might not be equal in what we know but we are equal in what we do Like

not know.”
― Pushkar Ganesh Vaidya
tags: equal, humility, ignorance, know, knowledge 0 likes

“Never step on caterpillars, as one day, they'll become Like

butterflies and you'll never know when you'll need a ride on its
wings of fortune.”
― R.P. Falconer
tags: humility, inspira onal-life, life-lessons 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 1,261-1,290 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Never take advice about never taking advice. That is an old vice Like

of men - to dish it out without being able to take it - the blind BROWSE BY TAG
leading the blind into more blindness.”
humility Search
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: accuracy, advice, appren ce, arrogance, blindness, clever, coach, college, comprehension, Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
comprehension-accuracy, cri cism, development, direc on, discernment, dish, educa on, ego, funny,
funny-but-true, giving-advice, guidance, humility, humor, hypocrisy, ignorance, immaturity, instruc on, Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
intelligence, judgment, knowledge, leadership, learning, listening, master, maturity, mentor, narcissism, Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
paren ng, pride, professor, pupil, rebellion, school, self-worship, student, taking-advice-and-giving-advice, Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
teacher, training, understanding, vice, wisdom, wi y
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
“There's no such thing as a mistake, really. It's just an Like Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
opportunity to do something else.” Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
― Ralph Steadman Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
tags: adaptability, discipleship, flexibility, humility 14 likes Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
“One piece of wisdom a writer quickly learns ~ typos keep you Like Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
humble.” Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
― E.A. Bucchianeri
tags: authors, books, embarrassing-moments, funny, funny-but-true, funny-wri ng-quotes, humble,
humility, humor, humour, learning, learning-from-mistakes, sad-but-true, spell-check, spelling, twi er-
quotes, typos, typos-can-be, typos-can-be-phenominal, wisdom, writer-quotes, writers, wri ng

“Confidence is this: Wearing your triumphs with humility, and Like

wearing your scars with pride. Many of us do precisely the

― Umair Haque
tags: adversity, confidence, humility, life, pride, scars, wisdom 8 likes

“Starting over is not a sign of failure. I look at it this way: A Like

person enrolled at the wrong life college, underwent some
hellish classes, passed a lot of difficult tests, majored in
perspective, and a minored in minor things. However, they
graduated at the top of their class and are now qualified to teach a
course titled, How Not To Do That Ever Again.”
― Shannon L. Alder
tags: building-a-new-future, choices, friends-forever, future-happiness, giggles, growing, guardian-angel,
humility, humor, laughing, learning, learning-process, life, life-philosophy, looking-to-the-future, moving-
forward, perspec ve, smile, stay-posi ve, stayingposi veu-com, the-past, wisdom, wise, your-friend

“When man comes into the presence of God he will find, Like
whether he wishes it or not, that all those things which seemed
to make him so different from the men of other times, or even
from his earlier self, have fallen off. He is back where he always
was, where every man always is.”
― C.S. Lewis
tags: depravity, humility, perspec ve, pride 6 likes

“Before you go out and occupy Wall Street, occupy your own brain!” Like

― Tai Lopez 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
tags: common-sense, humility, occupy-wall-street, proac vity, self-improvement 6 likes
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“Saying of the Prophet Like

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Humility and courtesy are themselves a part of piety.”
― Idries Shah, Caravan of Dreams
tags: evolu on, hadith, humility, islam, muhammad, piety, religion, sufis, sufism 4 likes

“In the name of "force protection," the military often rolls up windows, Like

builds walls, and points rifles at the outside world. The best force
protection, however, is to be surrounded by friends and allies.”
― Eric Greitens, The Heart and the Fist: The Educa on of a Humanitarian, the
Making of a Navy SEAL
tags: defensiveness, humility, networking, pride 3 likes

“Perhaps when a man has special knowledge and special powers Like

like my own, it rather encourages him to seek a complex

explanation when a simpler one is at hand.”
― Arthur Conan Doyle, The Return of Sherlock Holmes
tags: humility, sherlock-holmes 3 likes

“It often seems as though the silent, humble servant is secretly Like

wiser and more discerning than the haughty master; yet

through dutiful (and sometimes insecure) surrender he
continues to serve and carry out petty orders in loyal
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: acquiescence, agreement, arrogance, boss, discernment, doubt, duty, encouragement, fear,
haugh ness, humility, insecure, inspira onal, master, mo va onal, peace, pe y, respect, servant, service,
shy, silent, surrender

“Humility Preceeds Glory” Like

― Dr Paul Gitwaza
tags: humility 2 likes

“What causes all this?" Like

"Pride. What else?”

― W.P. Kinsella, The Iowa Baseball Confederacy
tags: arrogance, humility, sin 2 likes

“If you're a boss, and not a leader, your time is limited.” Like

― T.F. Hodge, From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph Over Death and
Conscious Encounters with "The Divine Presence"
tags: boss, ego, humble, humility, leader, leadership, limited- me, proper-guidance 1 likes

“watch out for schools that promise your kids will "experience success." Like
I'm teaching Plato's Dialogues these days, and I noticed that Socrates
never let his students experience success. Socrates won the argument
every time.”
― David Kahn
tags: discipleship, humility, self-esteem, teaching 1 likes

“Advice saves you time. If you ask anyone over fifty, which is more Like

important, time or money, they will ALWAYS tell you time.”

― Douglas Copeland
tags: curiosity, humility, teachability 1 likes 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“That stormy day in the desert, however, much changed for me. Like Sign in
We must have our goals, our dreams and we must strive for
them. We are not gods, however; we do not have the power to
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shape every aspect of the future. And the road the world makes
for us is one that teaches humility if we are willing to learn.”
― Dean Koontz, Forever Odd
tags: change, dreams, goals, humility, life, odd-thomas, storms 1 likes

“How my emotions starred as I played! During one of this tug- Like

of-war contest between knowing right and doing wrong, I wrote
the words to a song on my own for the first time.”
― Jeremy Camp, I S ll Believe
tags: convic on, crea vity, discipleship, humility 1 likes

“We are a biological species arising from Earth’s biosphere as Like

one adapted species among many; and however splendid our
languages and cultures, however rich and subtle our minds,
however vast our creative powers, the mental process is the
product of a brain shaped by the hammer of natural selection upon the
anvil of nature.”
― Edward O. Wilson, On Human Nature
tags: humility, psychology, science 1 likes

“Look here, it's all very tidy and convenient to see the world in Like

black and white,' said the Major, trying to soften his tone
slightly. 'It's a particular passion of young men eager to sweep
away their dusty elders.' He stopped to organize his thoughts
into some statement short enough for a youthful attention span.
'However, philosophical rigidity is usually combined with a complete
lack of education or real-world experience, and it is often augmented
with strange haircuts and an aversion to bathing. Not in your case, of
course—you are very neat.' Abdul Wahid looked confused, which was an
improvement over the frown.

'You are very strange,' he said. 'Are you saying it is wrong, stupid, to try
to live a life of faith?'

'No, I think it is admirable,' said the Major. 'But I think a life of faith
must start with remembering that humility is the first virtue before
― Helen Simonson, Major Pe grew's Last Stand
tags: faith, humility, youth 1 likes

“No person is great in isolation. It takes many hands to shape a Like

life. Denial would mean conceit, and conceit is not the same as
― Sweety Shinde, Arjun: Without a Doubt
tags: humility, inspira on 1 likes

“If you go in thinking that you're smarter than everyone else, you want Like

in a learning very much. If you go in thinking, "I'd sure like to

understand this better," you end up doing precisely that.”
― Alex Gibney
tags: curiosity, humility 0 likes

“Humility, kindness, integrity, and compassion are the fragrances that I Like

wear, and I strongly recommend that you try them.”

― Edmond Mbiaka 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
tags: compassion, edmond-mbiaka, humility, integeity, kindness, quotes 0 likes
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“Often, your mentors are already in your life; you just haven’t yet found Like

a way to learn from them.”

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― Eric Greitens
tags: curiosity, humility 0 likes

“Be grateful for the twists in the road. They teach us humility and grace. Like

And any dancer in this life requires both”

― Margaret Moss Painter
tags: adversity, grace, humility, inspira onal 0 likes

“Why is it that self-confidence is so often cocky and self-assured so Like

often selfish? Neither has to be true. Having confidence doesn’t require
being superior over another and being self-assured doesn’t require
taking advantage of another.”
― Charles F. Glassman, Brain Drain The Breakthrough That Will Change Your Life
tags: humility, inspira onal-quotes, self-confidence-quotes, selfishness 0 likes

“He tried juggling with raw eggs – but only once.” Like

― Nicholas Dawidoff, The Catcher Was a Spy: The Mysterious Life of Moe Berg
tags: educa on, humility, mistakes 0 likes

“The complex mix of unique people rising from different Like

identities, beliefs, education, gender, upbringing, point of views
and ethnicity have unequal sense in their impact in other’s
status, opportunities, resources, talents, skills and productivity.
It is very good to live with cultural humility that complements
competency and proficiency.” ~ an excerpt from If I Could Tell You”
― Angelica Hopes
tags: cultural-humility, diversity, ethnic-humility, humility, respect 0 likes

“Bob Dylan's Christianity has been allusive, idiosyncratic, and never the Like

sort to place him on anyone's side in any Kulturkampf.”

― Christopher Caldwell
tags: discipleship, humility 0 likes

“Your humility is what secures your future and there is nothing Like

like accountability partners who keep you real.”

― Suze e Hinton
tags: accountability, humility, life-philosophy 0 likes

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13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 1,411-1,440 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“So many people think that they are not gifted because they Like

don’t have an obvious talent that people can recognize because BROWSE BY TAG
it doesn’t fall under the creative arts category—writing,
humility Search
dancing, music, acting, art or singing. Sadly, they let their real
talents go undeveloped, while they chase after fame. I am grateful for
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
the people with obscure unremarked talents because they make our lives
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
easier---inventors, organizers, planners, peacemakers, communicators, Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
activists, scientists, and so forth. However, there is one gift that trumps Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
all other talents—being an excellent parent. If you can successfully raise Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
a child in this day in age to have integrity then you have left a legacy God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
that future generations will benefit from.”
Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
― Shannon L. Alder
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
tags: acceptance, babies, baby, blessings, careers, children, confidence, crea ve, dads, fame, family-forever, Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
fathers, focus, gi ed, gi s, goals, happiness, humility, inventors, kids, leadership, legacy, life-purpose, life- Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
purpose-101, moms, mothers, organizers, paren ng, paren ng-101, planners, planning, pregnancy,
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
priori es, rearing, service, stay-at-home-moms, stay-at-home-mothers, staying-posi ve, stayingposi veu-
com, talents, teaching, me, what-ma ers Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
42 likes Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
“Never believe you're so great or important, so right or proud, Like
that you cannot kneel at the feet of someone you hurt and offer
a humble, sincere apology.”
― Richelle E. Goodrich, Making Wishes
tags: apologize, apologizing, apology, humility, i-m-sorry, pride, regret, richelle, richelle-e-goodrich, richelle-
goodrich, sincere, sorry

“Sometimes a woman has experienced too much life to have any Like
blush left in her cheeks, but the man who puts it there is
someone not easily forgotten.”
― dannika dark, Five Weeks
tags: alpha, blush, experience, flame, forget, forgo en, guitar, humility, life, love, man, paranormal-romance,
rekindle, series, sexy, shi ers, urban-fantasy, wolf, wolves, woman

“Lord, I believe; help my unbelief'... is the most natural and Like

most human and most agonizing prayer in the gospels, and I

think it is the foundation prayer of faith.”
― Flannery O'Connor, The Habit of Being: Le ers of Flannery O'Connor
tags: belief, doubts, faith, humility, prayer, weakness 20 likes

“Humility is the only thing that can restore a relationship, when Like
respect has been lost.”
― Shannon L. Alder
tags: accep ng-your-part, blaming, changing-course, commitment, common-path, friendship, humble,
humility, lose-of-trust, love, not-blaming, ownership, owning-it, rela onships-101, remorse, respect,
responsibility, same-goals, same-purpose, self-awareness, stayingposi veu-com, the-big-picture,
togetherness, trust-issues

“The hard part about one being tough yet meek is the illusion of Like

being a punching bag.”

― Criss Jami, Killosophy 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
tags: bullies, bully, bullying, challenge, cri cism, defense, difficult, humble, humility, illusion, meek, punching,
self-defense, strength, tough, turn-the-other-cheek
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“When making a point, there are 2 types of people who may Like

disagree with you: those who can support their reasons, and the
childish ones who are too worried about being told what to do.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: anger, apologe cs, argument, authority, beliefs, childishness, debate, disagreement, humility, insecure,
opinions, reason, spite

“When you are convinced that what you offer is yours, whether Like
it be mediocre or of standard quality, your originality will make
people love you in a way you did not expect.”
― Michael Bassey Johnson
tags: abili es, ability, aim-higher, alone, balance, believe-in-yourself, blessing, convic on, favour, from-dust-
to-glory, genuine, glory, grace, greatness, honor, humble-beginnings, humility, love, mediocrity, novel, odd,
offer, original, originality, peculiar, peculiarity, proof, prove, quality, real, single-handed, stand-out, standard,
standing-out, true, truth, unexpected, upli ment

“The keys to health and weight-loss: stress reduction, sleep, Like

deep breathing, clean water, complete nutrition, sunshine,
walking, stretching, meditation, love, community, laughter,
dreams, perseverance, purpose, humility, action.”
― Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders: Inspira on for Living Your Best Life
tags: ac on, community, dreams, health, humility, laughter, love, medita on, nutri on, perserverance,
purpose, sleep, stress, stretching, sunshine, walking, water, weight-loss, wisdom

“The height of cleverness is in one's ability to be very clever Like

without seeming clever at all.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: ability, appearance, being, clever, cleverness, height, humility, intelligence, preten ous, profound, skill,

“You don't have to be a big name to do big things. Shine does Like
not require recognition.”
― T.F. Hodge, From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph Over Death and
Conscious Encounters with "The Divine Presence"
tags: humble, humility, large, name, recogni on, recognize, shine, shine-bright 5 likes

“Life is not a competition with others. Life is a competition with Like

yourself—to do your personal best each day.”
― Cameron C. Taylor, 8 A ributes of Great Achievers
tags: compe on, humility, personal-best, success, winning 4 likes

“People who have fallacious objectives are like the barren soil. Like

The flowers grow from soil which is composed of the right

― Idries Shah, Learning How to Learn: Psychology and Spirituality in the
Sufi Way
tags: humility, sincerity, sufis, sufism, truth 4 likes

“Humility raises us not by human arrogance but by divine Like

― Augus ne of Hippo, City of God
tags: grace-of-god, humility 4 likes 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“False humility is a form of psychosis which was imprinted on Like
most of usBooks it locks▾ us
since birth. It is a mental illness because Community ▾ Sign in
in a victim state of keeping our light turned down, denying who
we really are and silently begging for permission to simply show
up as ourselves in the world. But there is good news. This is a jail whose
lock is broken. We can walk free whenever we know the truth, and by so
doing we show others an example of an end to madness. An example of
― Jacob Nordby
tags: authen c-living, authen c-self, false-humility, freedom, humility, liberated, living-on-purpose, mental-
illness, psychosis

“A culture capable of imagining complexly is a humble culture. Like

It acts, when it has to act, as late in the game as possibl, and as
cautiously, because it knows its girth and the tight confines of
the china shop it's blundering into. And it knows that no matter
how well prepared it is -- no matter how ruthlessly it has held its
projections up to intelligent scrutiny -- the place it is headed for is
going to very different from the place it imagined. The shortfall between
the imagined and the real, multiplied by the violence of one's intent,
equals the evil one will do.”
― George Saunders, The Braindead Megaphone
tags: chaos, complexity, ethics, george, humility, intelligence, morality, saunders 3 likes

“I am not posing these questions only to the world at large. I Like

query us who own Christ as our life. Can God be pleased by the
vast and increasing inequities among us? Is he not grieved by
our arrogant accumulation, while Christian brothers and sisters
elsewhere languish and die? Is it not obligatory upon us to see beyond
the nose of our own national interest, so that justice may roll down like
waters and righteousness like an ever flowing stream? Is there not an
obligation upon us to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly
with God is we want to live in his wonderful peace?”
― Richard J. Foster, Freedom of Simplicity: Finding Harmony in a Complex World
tags: caring, chris anity, compassion, giving, humility, inequality, jus ce, love, mercy, na onalism, peace,
sharing, simplicity, world-poverty

“How often does a man know, without question, that he has Like
done well? I do not think it happens often in anyone's life, and
it becomes even rarer once one has a child.”
― Robin Hobb, Fool's Assassin
tags: humility, paren ng 3 likes

“In reverent pauses, when we slow down and think about the Like
gift of life, we may briefly touch humility.”
― Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders: Inspira on for Living Your Best Life
tags: brief, gi s, humility, life, reverence 2 likes

“[Soetsu Yanagi's] main criticism of individual craftsmen and modern Like

artists is that they are overproud of their individualism. I think I am

right in saying Yanagi's belief was that the good artist of craftsman has
no personal pride because in his soul he knows that any prowess he
shows is evidence of that Other Power. Therefore what Yanagi says is
'Take heed of the humble; be what you are by birthright; there is no
room for arrogance'.”
― Bernard Leach, The Unknown Cra sman: A Japanese Insight Into Beauty
tags: arrogance, art, cra , cra sman, humility, japan, unknown-cra sman 2 likes 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“Humility adds lessons to our pain and suffering, turning

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seemingly senseless into meaning.”
― Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders: Inspira on for Living Your Best Life
tags: growth, humility, learning, pain, senselessness, suffering 1 likes

“Respond to critics with humility. Most people are experts in Like

finding problems with whatever others do. That should not be a

surprise to you.”
― Israelmore Ayivor, Shaping the dream
tags: cri cs, experts, food-for-thought, humble, humble-yourself, humility, israelmore-ayivor, people,
problems, respond, surprise

“Ask with Confidence, listen with humility.” Like

― Charlie Van Hecke, The Art of the Q: Build Your Business with
Ques ons
tags: ask, confidence, humility, listen 1 likes

“They (Reagan and Kennedy) had some combination of cheerfulness and Like

vulnerability that made them seem like boys on adventure who had
become lost in needed a small kindness to get them back on the right
― Sco Farris, Kennedy and Reagan: Why Their Legacies Endure
tags: discipleship, humility, mentoring, teachability 0 likes

“Gratitude is the heart of humility, and humility is the path to Like

peace, love, and understanding.”
― Jus n Young
tags: gra tude, humility, love, peace, understanding 0 likes

“Humility is a virtue that one can find, in which God in heaven rejoices Like
,and in His love he enfolds you, close to his heart He does bind.”
― Henrie a Newton Mar n
tags: chris an, faith, god-s-love, humble-yourself, humility, jesus-christ, love 0 likes

“Going to church is a beautiful act of humility. You are saying to Like

the world, "I need God and His family.”

― Carlos A. Rodriguez, Designed For Inheritance: A Discovery of Sonship
tags: church, churches, family, god, humility 0 likes

“Never wear pride as the jersey of your dreams. You will miss Like

the goal and lose your dreams if you put on pride!”

― Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes
tags: don-t-be-proud, dream, dreams, food-for-thought, goal, humble, humility, impolite, israelmore-ayivor,
jersey, lose, never, never-ever, obedient, polite, politeness, proud, rude, wear-pride

“Humility is patient because it is neither past nor forward Like

seeking — it is content.”
― Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders: Inspira on for Living Your Best Life
tags: contentment, humility, pa ence, seeking 0 likes

“Humility puts others first because "first" takes on new Like

meaning through the practice of humility.”

― Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders: Inspira on for Living Your Best Life
tags: growth, humility, prac ce 0 likes

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13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 931-960 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“No matter how kind you are, always expect a few imbeciles.” Like

― Criss Jami, Healology BROWSE BY TAG

humility Search
tags: bullies, bully, cruel-world, dignity, double-cross, envy, expecta on, fools, forgiveness, friendliness,
funny, funny-but-true, genuine, guidance, haters, hatred, humility, humor, ignorance, imbecile, jealousy,
kindness, life, love, mean, meekness, meekness-strength, naivety, niceness, peace, people, prepara on, Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
pride, readiness, spite, strength, stupidity, stupidity-of-man, unkindness, wisdom Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
“With humor and humility you can withstand anything.” Like Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
― Shannon L. Alder God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
tags: challenges, difficul es, dreams, humility, life, obstacles, people, trials 3 likes Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
“Persuasion is a strong but subdued outrider.” Like Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
― Harold Bloom, The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
tags: humility, leadership, subtlety, ming 3 likes Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
“Nietzsche tended to equate the memorable with the painful.” Like Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
― Harold Bloom, The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages
tags: discipleship, humility, matura on 3 likes

“Be civilized. Grudges are for Neanderthals. – Hubert Humphrey” Like

― David Pietrusza, 1960--LBJ vs. JFK vs. Nixon: The Epic Campaign That Forged
Three Presidencies
tags: civility, graciousness, humility 2 likes

“Though I am a lot of things, most importantly I am human.” Like

― Lindsey Rietzsch, The Happy Lady

tags: enlightenment-quotes, humility, humility-quotes, imperfec on, inspira on, inspira onal-quotes,
mo va onal-speaker, perfec on, philosophy

“If you fall down to the ground, you're in the perfect position to Like

pray. It definitely humbles you and if you're humble it's easier

for God to get Closer to You.”
― Jeane e Coron
tags: closer-to-god, grace, humility, mistakes, praying 2 likes

“Humility has to precede instruction.” Like

― Idries Shah, Sufi Thought and Ac on

tags: humility, psychology, sufis, sufism, wisdom 2 likes

“Brag is a good dog, but Holdfast is a better.” Like

― Charles Dickens, Great Expecta ons

tags: arrogance, humility, perseverance, pride 2 likes

“As the honors accrued, creativity diminished.” Like

― Philip Zaleski, The Fellowship: The Literary Lives of the Inklings: J.R.R.
Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Owen Barfield, Charles Williams 1/4
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tags: bias, curiosity, humility, openness, perspec ve 1 likes
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“Self-deprecation is the appropriate response of any new Like

he matches his stained soul against theBrowse purity of▾ Community ▾
― Philip Zaleski, The Fellowship: The Literary Lives of the Inklings: J.R.R.
Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Owen Barfield, Charles Williams
tags: depravity, humility, regenera on, renewal, worship 1 likes

“Happiness was the responsibility you dreaded, it required the Like

kind of rational discipline you did not value yourself enough to
assume - and the anxious staleness of your days is the
monument to your evasion of the knowledge that there is no
moral substitute for happiness, that there is no more despicable coward
than the man who deserted the battle for his joy, fearing to assert his
right to existence, lacking the courage and the loyalty to life of a bird or
a flower reaching for the sun. Discard the protective rags of that vice
which you called a virtue: humility - learn to value yourself, which
means: to fight for your happiness - and when you learn that pride is
the sum of all virtues, you will learn to live like a man.”
― Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
tags: happiness, humility, pride 1 likes

“He called himself Jack, a plain handshake of a name, a far cry Like
from the Clive Staples he had been christened, and to be Jack
was the hard work of a lifetime.”
― Philip Zaleski, The Fellowship: The Literary Lives of the Inklings: J.R.R.
Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Owen Barfield, Charles Williams
tags: charisma, evangelism, humility, openness 1 likes

“though excessive pride may seek for freedom, it may only see freedom Like
in chains”
― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
tags: endurance, excessive-pride, freedom-in-chains, ghanaian-writer, humility, learning-to-endure, leaving-
home-too-young, life, pain-a er-freedom, pa ence-and- ming, philosophy-of-a-ghanaian-writer,
philosophy-of-life, pride, pride-and-falling, thought, training- me, wisdom-quotes

“It doesn’t take long for your fortunes to turn. One second you’re Like

fluttery as a bird, the next you’re on the ground with your wings
― Saim Cheeda
tags: flu ery, fortune, hubris, humility, modesty, reality, true, wings 0 likes

“Be gentle and humble in heart.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: cal, gentleness, humility, wisdom 0 likes

“He couldn't be a doctor, or he would have a quieter and more Like

persuasive manner.”
― Charles Dickens, Great Expecta ons
tags: charisma, educa on, humility, leadership, openness 0 likes

“I am praying that the issues from the last 12 generations go Like

into the ground with me so I have NEW issue is to pass on to my
― Ma Chandler
tags: depravity, heritage, humility, regenera on 0 likes 2/4
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“Prayer is the forerunner of mercy.” Like Sign in

― Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Morning and Evening, Based on the English
Standard Version
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tags: discipleship, humility, in macy-with-god 0 likes

“There is no great path to greatness than true service. He who knows Like
how to serve from a true heart and spirit knows what it takes to be truly
― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
tags: greatness, greatness-quotes, humility, humility-in-greatness, humility-quotes, life, life-and-living, life-
lessons, pursuit-of-happiness, serving-in-spirit, serving-others, thinking-greatly, thought, true-greatness,

“Like humility, generosity comes from seeing that everything Like

we have and everything we accomplish comes from God’s grace
and God’s love for us… Certainly it is from experiencing this
generosity of God and the generosity of those in our life that we
learn gratitude and to be generous to others. - God Has a Dream, p. 86.”
― Desmond Tutu, God Has a Dream: A Vision of Hope for Our Time
tags: generosity, humility 0 likes

“His core business still is self-promotion.” Like

― Joe Nocera
tags: arrogance, humility, marke ng 0 likes

“Alas! it is but little we have done for our Master's glory. Our Like

winter has lasted all too long. We are as cold as ice when we
should feel a summer's glow and bloom with sacred flowers.”
― Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Morning and Evening, Based on the English
Standard Version
tags: depravity, discipleship, gra tude, humility 0 likes

“The Word of God bares weight on all ages always.” Like

― Ma Chandler
tags: humility, matura on, openness 0 likes

“When your goal is not fame or notoriety, you can simply show Like
up, offer compassion to people, and let God do His work.”
― Dillon Burroughs, Faith Acts: A Provoca ve Call to Live What You
tags: compassion, humility 0 likes

“The author writes that key FDR aide Harry Hopkins was in Like
such poor health near the end of his boss's second term that one
observer said he didn't know how Hopkins could possibly report
to the president. But, at the onset of war and genuine national
emergency, Hopkins was animated with a new sense of purpose.”
― Doris Kearns Goodwin, No Ordinary Time: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: The
Home Front in World War II
tags: discipleship, humility, ministry, mission, self-forge ulness 0 likes

“Lincoln bought a German language newspaper.” Like

― Harold Holzer, Lincoln and the Power of the Press: The War for Public
tags: evangelism, humility, immigra on, mul culturalism, openness, vocabulary, word-choice 0 likes 3/4
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“Looking to advance in journalism, one future editor displayed Like
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skilled as varied as economic analysis and humorous
― Harold
BooksLincoln and the Power of the Press: TheBrowse ▾
War for Public Community ▾
tags: humility, job, openness, versa lity, voca on 0 likes

“The author describes Lincoln's attitude in making a deal with a Like

newspaper publisher as, "almost defiant transparency.”

― Harold Holzer, Lincoln and the Power of the Press: The War for Public
tags: honesty, humility, reputa on 0 likes

“Lincoln said his spiky hair had "a way of getting up in the Like

― Harold Holzer, Lincoln and the Power of the Press: The War for Public
tags: humility, leadership, self-depreca on 0 likes

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13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 1,321-1,350 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Maturity is when you're able to say, 'It's not just them. It's Like


― Criss Jami, Healology
humility Search
tags: admi ance, arrogance, confession, development, discernment, ego, errors, faults, honesty, honor,
humility, hypocrisy, immaturity, improvement, insecurity, insincere, judgment, maturity, mistakes, nobility,
pride, repentance, right, security, self-righteousness, selfish, selfless, sin, sincere, wrong Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
39 likes Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
“God wants us to humbly and sincerely ask him things. How Like Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
often do you enjoy people talking about you without taking the
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
time to get to know you?” Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
― Criss Jami, Healology Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
tags: apologe cs, arrogance, ego, faith, god, gossip, humility, hypocrisy, judging, knowledge, libel, love,
medita on, not-knowing, philosophy, pray, prayer, praying, pride, propaganda, ques on, ques ons, Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
rela onship, rela onship-with-god, religion, respect, reverence, rhetorical, rhetorical-ques on, science, Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
seeking, self-righteousness, sincerity, slander, spirituality, theology, truth, wisdom
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
“Be the hero of your children’s story. Never let them believe for Like Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
a minute that honor, courage and doing what is right is only Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
reserved for other fathers and mothers.”
― Shannon L. Alder
tags: bravery, children, children-s-books, courage, divergent, duty, example, friendship, guardian-angels,
honor, humility, love, parents, stripling-warriors, valor, warrior

“A wise man's goal shouldn't be to say something profound, but Like

to say something useful.”

― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: falsehood, goal, guru, honesty, humility, intellectuals, meaning, prac cality, prac cality-for-
intellectuals, preten ousness, profound, purpose, sage, truth, usefulness, wisdom, wise-man

“My confidence is in the idea that I may be wrong on this or Like

that. No man in this life should ever have to bear the burden of
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: arrogance, beliefs, burden, certainty, confidence, contradic on, contradic ons, ego, envy, facts, grace,
honesty, human, humility, idea, imperfec on, knowing, knowledge, life, lowliness, mercy, mistakes,
narcissism, not-knowing, opinions, pain, perfec on, philosophy, pride, righteousness, science, security, sin,
sorrow, theology, uncertainty, weakness, wisdom, wrongness

“The unteachable man is sentenced to being taught only by Like

experience. The tragedy is he reaches nothing further than his
own pain.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: adversity, arrogance, development, disobedience, ego, experience, failures, fortunate, humility,
intelligence, knowledge, learning, mistakes, obedience, pain, pride, reaching, rebellion, sentenced, stranded,
stubbornness, suffering, taught, teach, teachable, tragedy, unfortunate, unteachable, wisdom

“Cockiness is a display of an empty lifestyle, humility is when Like

you see yourself as a zero while others are making you their 1/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
― Michael Bassey Johnson Sign in

tags: ac vity, arrogance, a tude, calmness, cockiness, condescend, display, empty, greatness, hero, humble,
humility, lifestyle, pride, Books
quiet, show-off, shut-up, yourself, zero Browse ▾ Community ▾

“There are three keys for your journey. Humility, wisdom, love. Like
Don’t leave without them - they will enrich you all the way. And
they will bless those around you.”
― Anusha Atukorala
tags: bless, enrich, how-to-live, humility, journey, keys, love, wisdom 7 likes

“Where everyone wants to be a leader, it makes one a follower Like

to want to be a leader, and a leader to know what to follow.”
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: arrogance, authority, chaos, development, dictators, dictatorship, followers, humility, leaders,
leadership, learning, narcissism, pandemonium, power, pride, rulers

“The author's Socrates admonishes paramount awareness Like

human limitations. If we do good to those we evaluate as good

and evil to those we evaluate at the evil, and we are wrong, we
have been made the world less just.”
― Plato, The Republic
tags: hubris, humility 6 likes

“Someone with a low degree of epistemic arrogance is not too Like

visible, like a shy person at a cocktail party. We are not
predisposed to respect humble people, those who try to suspend
judgement. Now contemplate epistemic humility. Think of
someone heavily introspective, tortured by the awareness of his own
ignorance. He lacks the courage of the idiot, yet has the rare guts to say
"I don't know." He does not mind looking like a fool or, worse, an
ignoramus. He hesitates, he will not commit, and he agonizes over the
consequences of being wrong. He introspects, introspects, and
introspects until he reaches physical and nervous exhaustion.

This does not necessarily mean he lacks confidence, only that he holds
his own knowledge to be suspect. I will call such a person an
epistemocrat; the province where the laws are structured with this kind
of human fallibility in mind I will can an epistemocracy.”
― Nassim Nicholas Taleb, The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable
tags: arrogance, confidence, hubris, humility, instrospec on 5 likes

“Stay Humble. Often anger comes from our own ego and pride. Like
We don't get our own way and so we get angry. But remember,
it's not all about you. :) There are other people on the planet
that have wants and needs to. :) If what you want conflicts with
what others want, sometime you will have to let them have what they
want. Everyone is not here to meet your needs alone. They need to take
care of themselves sometimes too. Sometimes anger is an ego trip. It's
when we think everyone should cater to our needs and do things our
own way. Our pride makes us start to think that it's our way or the
highway. But you are not God. No one but God is God. :) You cannot run
the universe and you are not perfect. These are all good things to remind
ourselves of all the time. Paul says in Romans 12, "Do not think of
yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with
sober judgment." Often times anger comes when we have a high opinion
of ourselves and the way we think things SHOULD be done. But no one of
is perfect. None of us has a perfect way of doing things. We need to allow 2/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
for differences in other people and different opinions on things. It is
never we are right and everyone else is wrong. We need to admit that Sign in
sometimes we might be wrong too. Amen. So always remember to stay
humble and notMy
think than you▾ are.
of yourself as being perfect or better Browse
Books Community ▾
If you are able to see that you too make mistakes all the time, then you
will have more grace for other people, and you will then become angry
less. Amen.”
― Lisa Bedrick, How to Walk Worthy of Your Calling
tags: anger, calm, god, holy-spirit, humility, jesus, peace, pride 5 likes

“The process of enlightenment and evolution can never happen Like

without the realisation of shortcomings. People, when they
think they are the best and can’t get any better, are easily
offended when others see room for improvement. But it is when
you think you are already the best that you have put a ceiling right on
top of your head, a ceiling made of concrete, that stops you from
becoming any better! Be happy when you see an area for improvement!
Be happy that someone pointed it out to you, be happy that there is still
space above you for you to reach towards; and not just an impenetrable
ceiling of satisfaction and ideology.”
― C. JoyBell C.
tags: enlightenment, humility, inner-growth, inspira onal-life, inspira onal-living, inspira onal-quotes,
personal-growth, personal-improvement, wisdom-quotes

“I still get plenty anxious. The weird thing, and the unpleasant Like
surprise for me, of proceeding well into the middle, perhaps
even post-prime of my career is that writing books has not got
any easier. And that doesn't seem fair. I mean, I've been doing it
so surely I should be getting better at it, at least a little bit blasé... And it
seems to be working absolutely the opposite. This book [Big Brother] I
had no confidence in the entirety of its composition, and I only decided I
liked it when I finished the very final draft. This means I'm in a state of
semi-misery for a long time. And I can't blithely seem either that's some
little game I'm playing with myself because, you know, you can easily
come along and you don't like what's you're writing for good reason.
Right? So, yeah, it's very anxious making, I don't think it's so much the
becoming a little more successful, I think it's becoming slightly more
aware of how much has already been written, and just becoming less
self-impressed as the years go by. More impressed with some people
who are better than I am, but... It doesn't wow me that I can write a
sentence any more. It has to be a really good sentence. And... I think
that's what potentially leads to paralysis in late career, is a kind of
killing humility.

Politics & Prose Bookstore in Washington, DC, on June 11, 2013”

― Lionel Shriver
tags: anxiety, humility, paralysis, writer-s-block 3 likes

“The leader must have both – the courage to take the people to Like

a daring destination and the humility to selflessly serve others

on the journey.”
― Cheryl A. Bachelder, Dare to Serve: How to Drive Superior Results by
Serving Others
tags: courage, des na on, humility, journey, leader, leadership-characteris cs 2 likes

“Men seek a great deal, but fatally close, albeit very different, is one's Like
pride in proving oneself right with one's zeal for finding the truth.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy 3/6
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deceit, different, enthusiasm, fatal, finding, humility, insincerity, ▾
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passion, pride, proof, right, righteous, seek, self-righteous, sincerity, truth, zeal

“He wrote as a young man that God's noblest gift was the gift of Like

an inquiring mind.”
― John Adams
tags: curiosity, humility, intellect, openness 1 likes

“People will always be tempted to wipe their feet on anything with Like

‘welcome’ written on it.”

― Andy Partridge
tags: humility, humor 1 likes

“Rudeness, abruptness, gory tales of blood and thunder, and coarse Like

language usually show up the greenhorn or counterfeit, and certainly the

ill-bred. "The bravest are the tenderest; the gentlest are the daring.”
― Kenneth W. Estes
tags: genuineness, humility, manners, politeness 0 likes

“1052The power of one hundred proud men cannot influence the world Like

as much as of one humble servant of God. Tom Krause”

― Tom Krause
tags: humility 0 likes

“The power of one hundred proud men cannot influence the world as Like

much as of one humble servant of God. Tom Krause”

― Tom Krause
tags: humility 0 likes

“The counselee should be aware that you are not God. Better Like
yet, she should be aware that you are aware that you are not
― James MacDonald, Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling: Changing
Lives with God's Changeless Truth
tags: discipleship, humility, leadership 0 likes

“Being big enough to know when you are small, makes you gigantic. Like

Lack of humility is not necessarily the down fall of great relationships, it

is the slippery slide ego and pride take you down that block
communication, cause mis-communication and dissolution of trust, that
kill a bond.--TAMMY WOOSTER 1/15”
― Tammy Wooster
tags: apologizing, ego, humility, pride 0 likes

“I used to give advice, and no one wanted it. Now I give suggestions and Like

everyone asks for more.”

― Monika Zands
tags: crea vity, humility, humor, inpsira onal-quote, love, personal-development-quotes 0 likes

“Out of humility I label not myself or others. All I can say is this; God is Like
my Father. Jesus is my Savior. And the Holy Spirit dwells in me.”
― Tom Krause
tags: humility 0 likes 4/6
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“Prayer can be a tricky thing, because there are passages that Like Sign in
say do not doubt and believe you have received whatever you ask
for and you will, but then Jesus prayed 'Not my will by thy will
My Books Browse ▾ Community ▾
be done.'  Ultimately, we can't tell God what to do.  He will
accomplish, in our lives, whatever He wants to accomplish.  God is God
and we are not. ”
― Lisa Bedrick, Jesus, God and Us
tags: faith, god, humility, jesus, prayer, pride, soverignty-of-god 0 likes

“If we had not experienced our deep sinfulness and Jesus' deep Like
forgiveness through the cross, we will not love others well in
the midst of their struggles. If we do not see the beauty and
glory of God in our own redemption, we will not be able to offer
a compelling redemptive vision for those who are hopeless and who
doubt God's love for them.”
― James MacDonald, Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling: Changing Lives with
God's Changeless Truth
tags: humility, pride 0 likes

“Quite often we are led to aporia, an impasse, unable to proceed Like

a step further. Socrates is almost always there, but even he is

only a supporting character. The starring role is given to the
philosophical question. It is the philosophical question that is
supposed to take center stage, cracking us open to an entirely new
variety of experience.”
― Rebecca Goldstein, Plato at the Googleplex: Why Philosophy Won't Go Away
tags: humility, openness 0 likes

“The humble woman is surprised by all the good that she sees Like

around her rather than scandalized by what she cannot judge

anyway. The humble woman is grateful for her successes but
not disheartened by her failures. She enjoys her gifts and readily
admits her mistakes. She maintains a sense of humor, whether the news
from Wall Street is giddy or glum. She faces her character defects
without getting discouraged. Her humble confidence in God’s love and
her enchantment with the kabod Yahweh shape a hedge of thorns
against self-absorption and frees her for an unselfconscious presence to
― Brennan Manning
tags: humility, women, women-s-strength 0 likes

“I don't care if your the President of the United States, the Like

Queen of England, the inventor of the microchip, a bankable

movie star, or an ordinary Joe or Jill, you're no paragon in my
book, but the same as a zebra or gazelle - a source of protein. In
fact, I'd rather hunt you, because you're slow and feeble.”
― Philip Caputo, Ghosts of Tsavo: Stalking the Mystery Lions of East Africa
tags: humility, man, man-eater, nature, to-the-point 0 likes

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13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 871-900 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“People need to stand up for their wrongs, as they stand up for Like
their rights.” BROWSE BY TAG
― Anthony Liccione
humility Search
tags: acknowledge, admit-your-wrong, apologize, come-clean, come-out, come-out-from-the-shadow,
confess, confide, declare, fess-up, humility, level-with, open-one-s-heart, own-up-to, reveal, rights,
skeletons-in-the-closet, stand-up, take-off-the-mask, truthful, wipe-the-slate-clean, wrongs Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
7 likes Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
“it's always good to know that you have been the best even Like
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
though deep inside you know you will never be better than
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
that.” Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
― Ana Claudia Antunes, A-Z of Happiness: Tips for Living and Breaking Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Through the Chain that Separates You from Ge ng That Dream Job Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
tags: arriving, be er-life, be erment, dream-job, dreaming-high, giving-your-best, growing, growth, growth-
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
mindset, growth-process, happiness, humility, humility-and-purpose, humility-in-greatness, knowing-
oneself, knowing-who-you-are, knowing-your-value, knowing-your-worth, knowing-yourself-be er, learn- Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
from-experience, learning, limita ons, peak, peak-experience, peak-performance, reaching-out-to-others, Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
reaching-the-stars, the-best, the-top, top, trying-your-hardest, turning-point, turning-your-life-around,
Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
unemployment, work, zen
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k

“So the paradox goes: No man who is really ignorant is ever Like
aware that he is ignorant. That is its finest, most faulty
manifestation; there can be no true ignorance without first
some claim of intelligence or consciousness, or superiority or
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: awareness, certainty, consciousness, enlightenment, false-knowledge, humility, ignorance, knowledge,
pseudo-intellectuals, superiority-complex

“Think about it! God is all-knowing but you're not His only Like

child. You're not His end all and be all. Ezra, you're good, but
you ain't all that, sweetie.”
― Love Belvin, Bonded with Ezra
tags: humble, humble-spirit, humility 3 likes

“False humility is quite like the worst of both worlds: both that Like

of Meekness and that of Conceit.”

― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: bragging, conceit, deceit, ego, false-humility, humble-bragging, humility, meek, narcissism, pride 3 likes

“Humility is by far the most spiritual virtue of the lot. The only Like

way by which one may cease obsessing over himself is to wholly

step outside his flesh. But who could do this by himself? And
who would really want to under his natural pretense? And even
if somehow he could and he succeeded, would not it be artificial? Would
not he seem far too aware of his own talents of achieving humility for it
to be such? Alternatively, he would need a distraction, something else to 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
love; it is not that the Humbleman thinks poorly of himself, nor highly
for that matter, but rather he does not think of himself at all - and this Sign in
is because he is too busy loving something or someone else to do it. For
the humility of MythisBooks
kind 'rears its head' as the most love-driven
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free, spiritual of virtues; whereas its opposite, pride, the most self-
imprisoning human vice.”
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: conceitedness, ego, flesh, humility, meekness, narcissism, selflessness, spiritual, vice, virtue 2 likes

“It takes enormous courage and humility to be open to others to Like

find out who we really are.”

― Arthur P. Ciaramicoli, The Stress Solu on: Using Empathy and
Cogni ve Behavioral Therapy to Reduce Anxiety and Develop Resilience
tags: being-open, being-open-minded, courage, humility 2 likes

“It is well for us when prayers about our sorrows are linked Like

with pleas concerning our sins—when, being under God's hand,

we are not wholly taken up with our pain, but remember our
offences against God.”
― Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Morning and Evening, Based on the English Standard
tags: depravity, humility, mercy-of-god, self-pity, sovereignty-of-god 2 likes

“Love yourself first to fill your heart with bliss. Now give it Like
away with humility, love, and gratitude.”
― Debasish Mridha
tags: debasish-mridha, debasish-mridha-m-d, fill-your-heart, gra tude, humility, inspira onal, life-wisdom,
love, love-yourself, philosophy, quotes

“One is not necessarily made self-centered because he is Like

foolish, but one is very often made foolish because he is self-
― Criss Jami, Healology
tags: arrogance, ego, ego s cal, foolish, humility, inconsiderate, pride, self, self-centered, selfish 1 likes

“Our audacity must be rooted in our humility.” Like

― Pushkar Ganesh Vaidya
tags: ac on, audacity, hope, humility, inspira onal 1 likes

“Martin Luther was a thoroughly educated man but he wore this Like
lightly. His sermons were littered with only examples and
improving tales, drawing equally from the fables of Aesop and
the follies of life he observed all around him.”
― Andrew Pe egree, Brand Luther: How an Unheralded Monk Turned His Small
Town into a Center of Publishing, Made Himself the Most Famous Man in Europe—
and Started the Protestant Reforma on
tags: communica on, curiosity, humility, openness 1 likes

“The walls you put between yourself and other people doesn't Like

just keep them away, it also keeps God away.”

― Shannon L. Alder
tags: humility 0 likes

“The sacred souls with humility, seek knowledge from the Great Like
― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: god, humility, knowledge, souls, spiritual-development 0 likes 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“Just because you can't act EVERYWHERE doesn't mean you Like Sign in
don't act ANYWHERE. – Madeleine Albright”
― Walter
Books American Sketches: Great Leaders, Crea ve Thinkers,
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and Heroes of a Hurricane
tags: calling, humility, job, leadership, priori es, stewardship, voca on 0 likes

“Kissinger would probably be outraged even if he reread his Like

own memoirs, on the grounds that they are not favorable
― Walter Isaacson, American Sketches: Great Leaders, Crea ve Thinkers,
and Heroes of a Hurricane
tags: arrogance, ego, humility, reflec on, self-cri cism 0 likes

“He whose speech, behavior and humility captivates people’s Like

minds, becomes worthy of worship by people.”
― Dada Bhagwan
tags: behavior, humility, speech, spiritual, spiritual-quotes, worship 0 likes

“One of my biggest challenges is figuring out how to shoehorn Like

my newfound knowledge into conversations.”
― A.J. Jacobs, The Know-It-All: One Man's Humble Quest to Become the
Smartest Person in the World
tags: arrogance, humility, self-centeredness 0 likes

“Be good to the people on your way up the ladder cause you'll ,meet Like
them on your way down.”
― Robert Junior
tags: chris anity, facts, humility, inspira onal, love-quotes, truth 0 likes

“Great humility brings great grace.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: chris an-life, grace, humility, spiritual, wisdom-of-lailah-gi y-akita 0 likes

“With great humility brings great grace.” Like

― Lailah Gi y Akita
tags: chris an-life, divine-inspira on, grace, humility, spiritual 0 likes

“Self-acceptance should not be confused with an over-vaulting Like

aggrandisement of self over others. That individual's

exaggerated positive view of self relies upon a comparison with
others - they sustain their own positive self-view, relatively, by
maintaining a negative view of others.”
― Dave Mearns, Working at Rela onal Depth in Counselling and Psychotherapy
tags: humility, pride, self-acceptance, self-awareness 0 likes

“Even now, when I have time to consider what I've been and Like

what I am, I doubt I comprehend my humanity, if I can claim so

grand a word for my own morsel of life. I might as well be a
meteor of a man, for all the difference I've made on earth.”
― Norman Lock, American Meteor
tags: humility, man-s-place-in-nature, man-s-search-for-meaning, self-analysis 0 likes

“That’s what we’ve lost, you know. What you’ve lost; all of you. Like
A sense of wonder and awe and . . . sin. These people know there
are still things they don’t know, things that can still go wrong, 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
things they can still do wrong.”
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― Iain M. Banks, The State of the Art
tags: humility 0 likes
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“Indiscretion is weighted heavily towards youth; inaction is weighted Like

heavily towards old age.”

― Clifford Cohen
tags: age, genera onal-conflict, humility, inac on, indiscre on, respect, youth 0 likes

“Confession is the giving up of ALL self-righteousness.” Like

― Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Morning and Evening, Based on the English

Standard Version
tags: humility, pride 0 likes

“« ‫ ﺗﺎ وﻗﺘﯽ ﺑﺎ ھﻢ ﺳﺮ ﺟﻨﮓ دارﻧﺪ ﺑﺎ دھﺎن ھﺎی ﻣﻦ و ﺗﻮ ﺑﮫ‬.‫ﺑﯿﺸﺘﺮ "اﯾﺴﻢ ھﺎ" ﻓﻘﻂ دروﻧﺖ آﺷﻮب ﺑﮫ ﭘﺎ ﻣﯽ ﮐﻨﻨﺪ‬ Like

‫ ﺑﺎ دھﺎﻧﮭﺎی ﺧﻮدﺷﺎن ﻗﮭﻮه و ﺷﯿﺮﯾﻨﯽ ﻣﺸﺘﺮک ﻣﯽ ﺧﻮردﻧﺪ‬،‫”»ﺟﺎن ھﻢ ﻣﯽ اﻓﺘﻨﺪ و وﻗﺘﯽ ﺻﻠﺢ ﻣﯽ ﮐﻨﻨﺪ‬
― ‫ ﻣﺣﻣد ﻋﻧﺑرزاده‬- Mohammad Anbarzade
tags: humility, life-experiences, poli cs 0 likes

“if you think you know all that somebody knows, you shall least know Like

all that somebody knows. If you think you least know all that somebody
knows, you shall really know all that somebody knows.”
― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
tags: arrogance-and-a tude, arrogance-quotes, a tude-quotes, food-for-thought, humble-beginnings,
humble-spirit, humble-yourself, humbleness, humility, ignorance, inspira onal-quotes, mo va onal-quotes,
ponder, pride, think-about-it, wisdom-quotes, words-of-wisdom

“[...] non è effetto alcuna in natura, per minimo che e' sia, Like
all'intera cognizion del quale possano arrivare i piú specolativi
ingegni. Questa cosí vana prosunzione d'intendere il tutto non
può aver principio da altro che dal non avere inteso mai nulla,
perché, quando altri avesse esperimentato una volta sola a intender
perfettamente una sola cosa ed avesse gustato veramente come è fatto il
sapere, conoscerebbe come dell'infinità dell'altre conclusioni niuna ne
― Galileo Galilei
tags: humility, presump on, truth, understanding 0 likes

“My circumstances will sometimes be pleasant and sometimes be Like

difficult, but teach me that the way I react to them is almost more
important than the circumstances themselves. Renew my mind, Lord,
and enable me to respond with joy and humility to whatever happens, as
Jesus did.”
― Amy E. Mason, 365 Pocket Prayers for Women: Guidance and Wisdom for Each
New Day
tags: chris anity, circumstances, god, humility, joy 0 likes

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13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 1,171-1,200 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“I pity the man who praises God only when things go his way.” Like

― Criss Jami, Healology BROWSE BY TAG

humility Search
tags: agnos cism, apologe cs, atheism, belief, compassion, ego, favor, god, gra tude, humility, know-it-all,
misunderstanding, narcissism, omnipotence, omniscience, pe y, pity, praise, pride, prosperity, prosperity-
gospel, selfish, skep cism, small-mindedness, thankfulness, theism, understanding, worship Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
23 likes Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
“Only the man who thinks himself a fool is as wise as he Like Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
thinks.” Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
― Criss Jami, Healology
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
tags: fool, humility, intelligence, knowledge, ques oning, thinking, wisdom, wise, wise-man 5 likes Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
“I don’t like the idea of something where you have to depend Like
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
upon the integrity of the man and not the integrity of the
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
institution.” Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
― Dwight D. Eisenhower Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
tags: accountability, humility 4 likes
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k

“Pedestals aren't wrong move and a nasty tumble is Like

sure to follow. Humility is a great grounding tool.”
― Sanjo Jendayi
tags: grounded, haughty, humility, pedestal 4 likes

“Humility is a peace that accepts one's strengths and Like

― Tim Hiller, Strive: Life is Short, Pursue What Ma ers
tags: humility, peace, strengths 3 likes

“As a soul, you have the freedom – and earned responsibility – Like

to transpose your personal process of evolution, to manifest

your greatest talents and vision, into the work that matters to
you most as a means to personal redemption.”
― Darrell Calkins
tags: art, asian-philosophy, beauty, buddhism, cobalt-saffron, cobaltsaffron, compassion, conscience,
crea vity, darrell-calkins, evolu on, forgiveness, humility, humor, inspira on, intui on, love, mys cism,
personal-evolu on, personal-skills-development, redemp on, responsibility, retreat-darrell-calkins, self-
expression, self-forgiveness, spirit, taoism, truth, well-being, wisdom, zen

“One way of keeping your dreams alive is to keep it to yourself. Like

It can save you and protect your dreams to a greater extent.”

― Michael Bassey Johnson, The Infinity Sign
tags: alive, dream, dreams, envy, envying-successful-people, future, humility, keeping-quiet, modesty, plans,
pride-and-passion, prospects, prospects-on-life, stalkers, stalking, talka ve, talka ves

“Humility and brokenness before God is the key for Him to dwell in us.” Like
― Sunday Adelaja
tags: brokenness, humility 2 likes 1/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“We could never agree about Boogie and I didn't share Miriam's Like

reverence for professors. In fact, just in case I haven't Sign in

mentioned it before, the pride of my office wall is my framed
high-school Miriam ▾
graduation certificate, lit from above. Browse
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reproached me for it. "Take it down, darling," she once pleaded. But it
still hangs there.”
― Mordecai Richler, Barney's Version
tags: an -snob-honesty, diploma, highschool, humbleness, humility, shrewd 2 likes

“I mean it takes a certain kind of maturity to live in the South Like

these days. You don't have it yet, but you have a shadow of the
beginnings of it. You haven't the humbleness of mind-"

"I thought the fear of the Lord was the beginning of wisdom."

"It's the same thing. Humility.”

― Harper Lee
tags: fear-of-the-lord, harper-lee, humility 1 likes

“Flag up your courage high and your fears will salute it in Like

humility. Your fears are like walls without foundations; they are
afraid to go down and hence pretend to be strong! Exercise
― Israelmore Ayivor, Daily Drive 365
tags: afraid, ayivor, be-bold, bold, boldness, calm, courage, courageous, encourage, fears, flag, food-for-
thought, founda on, founda ons, fright, gentle, high, humble, humility, israelmore-ayivor, keep-calm, meek,
meekness, pretend, pretense, salute, strong

“Live humbly and for the moment.” Like

― Fennel Hudson, Wild Carp - Fennel's Journal - No. 4

tags: humble-life, humility, live-for-the-moment 1 likes

“Only secure people can serve. Insecure people are always Like

worrying about how they appear to others. They fear exposure

of their weaknesses and hide beneath layers of protective pride
and pretensions. The more insecure you are, the more you will
want people to serve you, and the more you will need their approval.”
― Rick Warren
tags: humility, serving 1 likes

“ is a continual process of learning, working hard, rising Like

up, and then being humbled. Sliding over, then sliding over
again. And again.”
― Tim Hiller, Strive: Life is Short, Pursue What Ma ers
tags: humility, service, slide 1 likes

“The measure of a man is not so much how tall he stands but Like
how low he kneels.”
― J. O s Yoder, When You Pray
tags: humility, kneel, man, manliness, measure-of-a-man, men, pray 1 likes

“Any man's measure is determined by what he will do when he Like

is faced with his own deep need. Not how high he may reach but
how low he may kneel.”
― J. O s Yoder, When You Pray
tags: humility, keel, man, manliness, neediness, needs, pray 1 likes 2/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“He was top-heavy with conceit.” Like
― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan Sign in

tags: humility, pride 1 likes

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“Bonhoeffer did not expect his life to be a tidy edifice of Like
― Samuel Wells
tags: humility, openness 0 likes

“Every man's measurement is determined by his responses Like

when he is on his knees before God.”

― J. O s Yoder, When You Pray
tags: god, humility, kneel, knees, man, manliness, measure-of-a-man, men, pray 0 likes

“Lippmann was very good at staying young, at not aging and Like
becoming a prisoner of his past experiences.”
― David Halberstam, The Powers That Be
tags: curiosity, humility, openness 0 likes

“The measure of a man is determined by how he responds to Like

the truth of God.”
― J. O s Yoder, When You Pray
tags: dignity, god, honesty, honor, humility, integrity, man, manliness, measure-of-a-man, men, pray,
response, truth

“Nixon under pressure turned only to reporters from Like

publications already favorable to him; Kennedy, in trouble,
turned to those most critical and dubious of him, and if
anything tended to take those already for him a bit for granted.”
― David Halberstam, The Powers That Be
tags: defensiveness, humility, leadership, media, openness 0 likes

“They (the media) found little quality of depth to him, that Like

when she said on the platform with that which he said to them
in private. The qualities of introspection and reflectiveness that
they particularly treasured were missing.”
― David Halberstam, The Powers That Be
tags: authen city, charisma, humility, leadership, vulnerability 0 likes

“A humble person is comfortable in their own skin.” Like

― Tim Hiller, Strive: Life is Short, Pursue What Ma ers
tags: comfortable-in-own-skin, humility 0 likes

“In our moments in the sun beware of casting dark shadows.” Like
― Jason Versey, A Walk with Prudence
tags: darkness, humility 0 likes

“Leadership was not an act of bravery but rather forbearance Like

and the strength to move forward with humility in the belief of
what is righteous”
― Soroosh Shahrivar, The Rise of Shams
tags: belief, brave, bravery, forbearance, humility, leadership, righteous, strength, strength-through-
adversity, the-rise-of-shams

“God always exalts the humble.” Like

― Sunday Adelaja 3/4
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tags: humility 0 likes
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“A servant leader can always come down to the level of the one he is Like

serving” My Books Browse ▾ Community ▾

― Sunday Adelaja
tags: humility 0 likes

“Excellence will give you the recognition you crave for, but humility will Like
keep you standing longer than expected.”
― Rebecca Edmund
tags: excellence, humility, inspira onal, wisdom 0 likes

“God always gives grace to the person who knows how to humble Like

himself before Him and who sets his hopes on Him. God only gives grace
to humble people.”
― Pastor Adelaja Sunday
tags: building, grace, humility, success 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 991-1,020 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“You will never be able to end any battle if the people involved Like
are unable to see their own hypocrisy, or how their insecurity
contributed to their problems. Wounded people often choose to
play the victim, so they can restore their dignity in unhealthy
ways. Sadly, they do this through feeling justified, by making bad
choices or actions (that honestly no diety would want them to do). This
inability to accept their part in their unhappiness keeps them from
growing. They need your prayers more than your anger. Just walk away.
Let it go and pray that one day they will understand your pain, as much
as you do theirs. Remember: The sexiest woman alive is one that can
walk away from a place that God doesn't want them to be. Do so with
your head held high and forgive yourself and others. When you can do
this, you will know what God's definition of class is-- YOU!”
― Shannon L. Alder
tags: ba les, christ-followers, confidence, damn-sexy, daughter-of-god, daughters, don-t-give-in,
empowered-women, fire-within, flames, forgive, forgiveness, god-s-daughter, high-ground, hot-women,
humility Search
humility, humility-advice, humility-in-greatness, intelligence, le ng-go, powerful-women, priceless, queens,
rise-up, self-empowerment, self-love, self-respect, sexy, spitfire, stay-posi ve, strong-women, true-class,
truth-followers, winners Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
“Thus in order to be a "radical" one must be open to the Like Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
possibility that one's own core assumptions are misconceived.” Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
― Christopher Hitchens, Le ers to a Young Contrarian God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
tags: dissident, false, humility, radical 7 likes Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
“You will never overcome your self righteousness if you Like Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
continue to believe that God prefers you over other people. The
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
moment you feel entitled is the moment you feel superior and
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
distance yourself from a humble heart that believes God knows Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
what he is doing.” Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
― Shannon L. Alder Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k

tags: be-an-example, be-be er, be-honest, class, confident-women, contrite, corinthians, daughter-of-god,
empowering-women, encouragement, faithfulness-in-god, fire, forgiveness, greatness, have-faith, having-
faith, high-ground, humble, humility, inner-beauty, inner-peace, joy, joyful, leadership, loving-everyone,
nonjealous-women, not-self-righteous, posi ve-a tude, queens, real-beauty, rise-up, self-confidence, self-
righteous, so en-your-heart, stayingposi veu-com, stayingposi veuniversity-com, strong, true-class, true-

“A good therapy helps you develop a sense of irony about your Like

life so that when you start to repeat old and unhelpful patterns,
something within you says, "There you go again; let's call this
to a halt. You can do something different." Often the first step
toward doing something different is developing the capacity to not act,
to stay still and reflect.”
― Sherry Turkle, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less
from Each Other
tags: assump ons, conven onal-wisdom, discipleship, humility, thought-life 3 likes 1/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“There's something satisfying to proclaiming humility while Like Sign in

knowing just how important you truly are.”
― Michael R. Fletcher, Beyond Redemp on
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tags: falsehood, humility, importance, status, wich g-is-the-guy 3 likes

“If you're having a conversation with someone in speech, and Like

it's not being tape-recorded, you can change your opinion, but
on the Internet, it's not like that. On the Internet it's almost as
if everything you say were being tape-recorded. You can't say,
"I changed my mind.”
― Sherry Turkle, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less
from Each Other
tags: humility, impression, matura on, technology 2 likes

“Society judges people by their successes. I get attracted by Like

their dedication, simplicity, and humility.”

― Debasish Mridha
tags: a rac on, debasish-mridha, debasish-mridha-m-d, dedica on, humility, inspira onal, judging-people,
philosophy, quotes, simplicity, success

“Humility is a teacher of itself. It is learnt by means of its Like

― Idries Shah, Wisdom of the Idiots
tags: evolu on, humility, psychology, sufis, sufism, wisdom 2 likes

“The Holy Spirit's instruments have no consciousness of His Like

purpose; if they imagine they have, it is a pretty sure token that
they are NOT His instruments. Nathaniel Hawthorne”
― Eugene H. Peterson, Tell It Slant: A Conversa on on the Language of
Jesus in His Stories and Prayers
tags: humility, ministry, mystery 1 likes

“The president notices that when he takes off his coat to dig, people take Like

more notice of the visual than they did his preceding remarks.”
― Paul C. Nagel, John Quincy Adams: A Public Life, a Private Life
tags: calling, discipleship, humility, servant-leadership, voca on, work 1 likes

“He was driven to use the prerogatives of his profession, to act Like
the parson.”
― E.M. Forster, A Room with a View
tags: approachability, authen city, humility, ministry, openness, pride, religiousness 1 likes

“We have to love technology enough to describe it accurately. Like

And we have to love ourselves enough to confront technology's

true effect on us.”
― Sherry Turkle, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology
and Less from Each Other
tags: discipleship, humility, idolatry 1 likes

“Only an Adams could convert naïveté into bravado.” Like

― Paul C. Nagel, John Quincy Adams: A Public Life, a Private Life
tags: faith, humility, laziness, sovereignty-of-god 0 likes

“Effective love is rarely efficient.” Like

― Kevin DeYoung, Crazy Busy: A (Mercifully) Short Book about a (Really)
Big Problem 2/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
tags: humility, pa ence 0 likes
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“He found his voice in the silences, where he could sing as loud Like
and as My
long as he wanted with no one to complain Browse
Books of it.” ▾ Community ▾
― Geraldine Brooks, The Secret Chord
tags: humility, matura on, self-confidence, self-cri cism, solitude, talent 0 likes

“I’ll always be a student, because I think of music as never ending.” Like

― Lenny Breau
tags: humility, infinite, learning, student, student-life 0 likes

“Underestimation has its uses.” Like

― Sherry Turkle, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology
and Less from Each Other
tags: glory-of-god, humility, tes mony 0 likes

“The tailor put on the girdle, and resolved to go forth into the Like

world, because he thought his workshop was too small for his
― Jacob Grimm, The Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales
tags: calling, humility, voca on, work 0 likes

“We see a first generation going through adolescence knowing Like

their every misstep, all the awkward gestures of their youth, are
being frozen in a computer's memory.”
― Sherry Turkle, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology
and Less from Each Other
tags: graciousness, humility, matura on 0 likes

“Because children already have a realization of their weakness, Like

is this not the best opportunity to apply the gospel to their
― Ma Chandler, Creature of the Word: The Jesus-Centered Church
tags: discipleship, educa on, evangelism, humility, matura on 0 likes

“to understand the real reasons to uphold humility, know your real Like
roots, remember death and study the masses”
― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
tags: death, food-for-thought, humility, humility-in-greatness, humility-quotes, inspira onal-quotes,
overcoming-pride, poli cs, pride, the-masses, thought, understanding-life-life-lessons, wealth-quotes,

“Humility and open-mindedness are a shield to keep your foot Like

out of your mouth.”

― Laura Gilfillan
tags: humility 0 likes

“Apart from childhood and crisis, prayers have a way of being Like
abstracted from the homely and distinctive details that are part
and parcel of our ordinary and daily life.”
― Eugene H. Peterson, Tell It Slant: A Conversa on on the Language of
Jesus in His Stories and Prayers
tags: humility, pride 0 likes

“The truth must dazzle gradually or every man be blind. Emily Like

Dickinson” 3/4
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― Eugene H. Peterson, Tell It Slant: A Conversa on on the Language of Jesus in
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His Stories and Prayers
tags: communica on, graciousness, humility 0 likes
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“The author says resilience is the ability to move rob a preferred Like
state to an expanded list of alternatives.”
― Andrew Zolli, Resilience: Why Things Bounce Back
tags: flexibility, humility, openness, strategy 0 likes

“Regular, modest failures are actually essential to many forms Like

of resilience.”
― Andrew Zolli, Resilience: Why Things Bounce Back
tags: discipleship, humility, matura on 0 likes

“Resilient systems fail gracefully. A perfect system is often most Like

― Andrew Zolli, Resilience: Why Things Bounce Back
tags: anxiety, flexibility, humility, openness 0 likes

“Are you dedicated to your patient or your ego?” Like

― M*A*S*H Episode Guide Team, M*A*S*H EPISODE GUIDE: Details All 251
Episodes with Plot Summaries. Searchable. Companion to DVDs Blu Ray and Box
tags: discipleship, humility, ministry 0 likes

“The two grappled in the quiet of old-fashioned personal diplomacy.” Like

― Paul C. Nagel, John Quincy Adams: A Public Life, a Private Life

tags: graciousness, humility, rela onship 0 likes

“David would wear no purple cloth, no symbols of his kingship, Like

when he went to greet the ark. In its presence, we were all of us

― Geraldine Brooks, The Secret Chord
tags: humility, op cs, servant-leadership, worship 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 1,621-1,650 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“We are like the moon. The moon shines anyway, but it does not Like

produce its own light. It reflects the light illuminated onto its BROWSE BY TAG
surface by the Sun and is never proud to say "I am the source of
humility Search
light". God shines through us, hence He deserves the glory; not
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
― Israelmore Ayivor
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
tags: ability, adora on, bible, bishop, blessing, christ, clergy, food-for-thought, glorify, glory, glow, glowing, Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
god, god-is-good, god-loves-me, honour, human-beings, humble, humility, illuminate, illumina on, Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
israelmore-ayivor, jesus, jesus-christ, king-of-kings, light, light-rays, lord-of-lords, love, luminary, moon, own,
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
owner, pastor, planets, praise, praise-the-lord, preaching, pride, produce, proud, radiates, reflect, reflec on,
reflects, sermon, shine, shines, shining, solar-system, source, sun, sunshine, surface, word-of-god, work-for- God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
god, worship Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
40 likes Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
“I have prayed for years for one good humiliation a day, and Like Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
then, I must watch my reaction to it. I have no other way of Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
spotting both my denied shadow self and my idealized
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
persona.” Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
― Richard Rohr, Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
tags: humility, mistakes, self-percep on, sin 35 likes

“If change and growth are not programmed into your Like

spirituality, if there are not serious warnings about the blinding

nature of fear and fanaticism, your religion will always end up
worshiping the status quo and protecting your present ego
position and personal advantage as if it were God.”
― Richard Rohr, Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life
tags: conserva sm, humility, idolatry, status-quo 30 likes

“Power is fortified not just by what it destroys, but also by what Like
it creates. Not just by what it takes, but also by what it gives.
And powerlessness reaffirmed not just by the helplessness of
those who have lost, but also by the gratitude of those who have
(or THINK they have) gained.”
― Arundha Roy, The Cost of Living
tags: gra tude, helplessness, human-nature, humility, power, powerlessness, truth 19 likes

“He was too simple to wonder when he had attained humility. Like
But he knew he had attained it and he knew it was not
disgraceful and it carried no loss of true pride.”
― Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea
tags: humility, pride, simplicity 18 likes

“There is power born of humility . . . Humility, in business and Like

in life, is a powerful asset and does not denote lowliness,

unimportance, or self-deprecation.”
― Richie Norton, The Power of Star ng Something Stupid: How to Crush
Fear, Make Dreams Happen, and Live without Regret
tags: asset, business, humility, life, lowliness, power, powerful, self-depreca on, unimportance 17 likes 1/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“It would always be my burden, not that I lacked genius, but Like

that I was fully aware of it.” Sign in

― Pat Conroy, The Prince of Tides
My Books
tags: genius, humility, self-awareness Browse ▾ 10 likes Community ▾

“There is no inconsistency when God raises up those who have Like

fallen prostrate.”
― John Calvin, Ins tutes of the Chris an Religion, 2 Vols
tags: humility, restora on 9 likes

“Pride and ego makes a mockery of an apology. Humility wins Like

forgiveness without break 'yo'self'!”

― T.F. Hodge, From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph Over Death and
Conscious Encounters with "The Divine Presence"
tags: apology, apology-and-a tude, ego, forgiveness, humility, mockery, mockery-of-man, pride, wins 9 likes

“It is not your beauty, success or money that should define you; Like

neither should your church calling, your charitable

contributions or talents. Humility is the cornerstone of
character, by which God judges our truth worth, and wisdom is
the door he opens when we use it.”
― Shannon L. Alder
tags: accomplishments, beauty, charitable-contribu ons, church-calling, contrite-spirit, defining-yourself,
ego, humility, insecuri es, leaders, love-for-everyone, money, pastor, reaching-out-to-people, self-centered,
sermons-in-a-sentence, service, spiritual-growth, spirituality, talents, teaching-sermons-correctly, wealth,
what-ma ers, wisdom

“The proper way is lost to me; my compass spins. I therefore Like

give my entire attention to those works that seem to me most
incorruptible: the application of heat, the proportion of
seasoning, the arrangement of a plate. When robbed of all
pretensions and aspirations, with no proper home nor any knowledge of
what discord tomorrow brings, I still may have a pocketful of dignity.
The Roman pomp and raiment have fallen away, and I see at last the
glory of washed feet and shared bread.”
― Eli Brown, Cinnamon and Gunpowder
tags: comfort, food, humility 8 likes

“The root of all true greatness, is humility.” Like

― C. JoyBell C.
tags: greatness, humility, inspira onal-living, inspira onal-quotes, wisdom-quotes 8 likes

“If you lack the humility to go back and tie up the loose ends in Like

your past, then be prepared to forever be haunted by her ghosts,

all of whom will come into your present and your future—
staining everything and everyone with their leftover emotional
and mental garbage. Humility is the master key that can get you out of
all your cages; why do you choose your ego and stay in your prisons?”
― C. JoyBell C.
tags: ego, ghosts-of-the-past, humility, tying-up-loose-ends 8 likes

“But we need to pray daily for humility and honesty to see these Like
sinful attitudes for that they really are, and then for grace and
discipline to root them out of our minds and replace them with
thoughts pleasing to God.”
― Jerry Bridges, The Pursuit of Holiness
tags: discipline, holiness, honesty, humility, pray, prayer 8 likes 2/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“Peace can only be achieved by a contrite spirit, open Like Sign in

communication and tolerance.”
― Shannon L. Alder
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tags: being-free, communica on, find-resolu ons, humility, le ng-go, moving-on, nego a ons, peace,
se ling-disputes, talking

“Intellectual modesty is humility as to what I know; intellectual Like

humility is modesty as to what I do not know”
― Tariq Ramadan
tags: humility, knowledge, modesty 7 likes

“Imitate Jesus and Socrates” Like

― Benjamin Franklin
tags: humility, love, reason 7 likes

“The prideful man qualifies himself by what people think of Like

him, always looking for applause. There is another proud man;

head bloodied by the world but eyes focused on what is good,
never caring about spectators or the cost. He is proud that his
wife can laugh, that his children can play, humbled by their love for him.
His prayers say, "Please make me worthy of them" - In humility lies the
foundation of strength.”
― Lee Goff
tags: family, humility, husband, man, marriage, pride, proud, sacrifice, strength 7 likes

“Often it takes outer authority to send us on the path to our own Like
inner authority.”
― Richard Rohr, Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life
tags: humility, law, submission 5 likes

“The Marquesa would even have been astonished to learn that Like

her letters were very good, for such authors live always in the
noble weather of their own minds and those productions which
seem remarkable to us are little better than a day's routine to
― Thornton Wilder, The Bridge of San Luis Rey
tags: ar st, humility, modesty, rou ne 5 likes

“College was to teach me that I was one of life's journeymen, Like

eager to excel but lacking the requisite gifts.”

― Pat Conroy, The Prince of Tides
tags: ambi on, educa on, humility, maturity 5 likes

“Losing well was a gift, but winning well is this stuff of the Like

authentic manhood.”
― Pat Conroy, The Prince of Tides
tags: grace, humility, magnanimity 5 likes

“There are no souls in the world that are so fearful to judge others as Like
those that do most judge themselves, nor so careful to make a righteous
judgment of men or things as those that are most careful to judge
― Thomas Brooks
tags: humility 4 likes 3/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“All of yesterday's ballers are today's road sweepers.” Like
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― Habeeb Akande
tags: arrogance, bragging, humbleness, humility, money, sweepers 4 likes
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“Humility makes a man richer than other men, and it makes a man Like

judge himself the poorest among men.”

― Thomas Brooks
tags: humility 4 likes

“Humility can weep over other men's weaknesses, and joy and rejoice Like

over their graces.”

― Thomas Brooks
tags: humility 4 likes

“The narrator finds that as a maturing character grows in Like

stature before her friends that she sees less stature while
evaluating herself.”
― Zane Grey, The Call of the Canyon
tags: humility, maturity, self-evalua on 4 likes

“False humility is better than no humility at all.” Like

― Paul Krassner
tags: false-humility, humility 3 likes

“Don't kill the game with your 'funk', elevate it with your Like

― T.F. Hodge, From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph Over Death and
Conscious Encounters with "The Divine Presence"
tags: elevate, funk, game, humility, kill, life 2 likes

“In my own book-signings, I find humility. It’s always Like

humbling when people go out of their way to come visit with me

and by some of my books.”
― Nicholas Trandahl
tags: book-signings, humility 2 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 1,591-1,620 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“What we suffer from today is humility in the wrong place. Like

Modesty has moved from the organ of ambition and settled BROWSE BY TAG
upon the organ of conviction, where it was never meant to be. A
humility Search
man was meant to be doubtful about himself, but undoubting
about the truth; this has been exactly reversed. We are on the road to
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
producing a race of men too mentally modest to believe in the
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
multiplication table.” Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
― G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
tags: chris anity, gk-chesterton, humility, inspira onal 16 likes
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
“Insecurity was never humility; just as arrogance was never Like Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
success.” Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
― Shannon L. Alder Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
tags: arrogance, being-real, humility, insecurity, openess, owning-your-issues, rawness, success 13 likes Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
“The average man seeks certainty in the eyes of the onlooker Like Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
and calls that self-confidence. The warrior seeks impeccability Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
in his own eyes and calls that humbleness.”
― Carlos Castenada
tags: humility, warrior-ethos 13 likes

“Many of us fight for and boast our freedom of what is Like

ultimately the ability to prove ourselves to other people. It is

unfortunate that only a few of us are so free in our joy, we no
longer feel the need to prove ourselves to anyone.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: arrogance, boas ng, bragging, cockiness, fight, fortunate, free, freedom, happiness, honest, honesty,
humility, insecurity, joy, peace, pride, proving, security, self, true, true-freedom, truth, ul mately,
unfortunate, worth

“The path to wisdom is paved with humility.” Like

― Tim Fargo

tags: educate, educa on, humility, learn, learning, think, think-different, thinking, thinking-with-a-great-
mind, wisdom, wisdom-inspira onal, wisdom-quotes, wise

“A grateful mind by owing owes not, but still pays, at once Like
indebted and discharged; what burden then?”
― John Milton, Paradise Lost
tags: forgiveness, gra tude, humility 9 likes

“Not ordinarily do men achieve this balance of opposites. The Like

idealists are not usually realistic, and the realists are not usually
idealistic. The militant are not generally known to be passive,
nor the passive to be militant. Seldom are the humble self-
assertive, or the self assertive humble. ...truth is found neither in the
thesis nor the antithesis, but in an emergent synthesis that reconciles
the two.”
― Mar n Luther King Jr., Strength to Love 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
tags: humility, knowing-others 9 likes
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“The humble, simple souls, who are little enough to see the Like

bignessMy of Books
God in the littleness of a Babe, are therefore the▾only
Browse Community ▾
ones who will ever understand the reason of His visitation. He
came to this poor earth of ours to carry on an exchange; to say
to us, as only the Good God could say: ‘you give me your humanity, and I
will give you my Divinity; you give me your time, and I will give you My
eternity; you give me your broken heart, and I will give you Love; you
give me your nothingness, and I will give you My all.”
― Fulton J. Sheen, The Eternal Galilean
tags: catholic, catholicism, god, humility, jesus, love, the-cross 8 likes

“No matter how great you ‘think’ you are or how successful Like

you've become. Never forget those who have lifted you up. Never
forget life's experiences, both good and bad which have shaped
you as a person. You've had help climbing the rungs of life's
ladder. And, those rungs can break at anytime, sending you back down to
a place of humility, to remind you of where you came from and how you
rose to the top….”
― James A. Murphy, The Waves of Life Quotes and Daily Medita ons
tags: break, climbing, down, forget, good-and-bad, great, help, humility, ladder, life-s-experiences, li ed,
ma er, never, person, remind, rose-hathaway, shaped, success, successful, think, top

“Victory, is like a boxer that hangs his gloves, after the Like
consecutive losses; sometimes walking away is what builds
character, than the actual fight. As humble fruit on a tree that
falls to the ground and rots, never finding appreciation in the
taste of mouths.”
― Anthony Liccione
tags: apprecia on, boxer, build, character, conquest, consecu ve, destroy, enemy, fight, fruit, humility, lose,
mouth, opponent, rot, struggle, success, sweetness, taste, tree, triumph, victory, walk-away, war, win

“A man should not glory in what he already knows but in what Like
he has yet to learn.”
― Robert Parry, Virgin And The Crab: Sketches, Fables And Mysteries
From The Early Life Of John Dee And Elizabeth Tudor
tags: historical-fic on, humility, knowledge 6 likes

“Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ and author of Like
the Four Spiritual Laws chose three words for his tombstone:
"slave for Jesus".”
― Kyle Idleman, Not a Fan: Becoming a Completely Commi ed Follower
of Jesus
tags: humility, sovereignty-of-god 6 likes

“Heaven-gates are not so highly arched Like

As princes' palaces; they that enter there
Must go upon their knees.”
― John Webster, The Duchess of Malfi
tags: humility, jacobean-drama, revenge-drama, tragedy 6 likes

“The Lord has put more hardships atop the shoulders of my Like

neighbors — more than I can even fathom coping with. I will

strive to find a way to turn pity into admiration, for what use is
it to send pity back at the world. Admiration and awe are much
more helpful, especially when I find myself feeling like a victim for
being stuck in traffic or losing my favorite sweater. Perspective is a 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
― Erica Goros, The Daisy Chain Sign in

tags: coping, ego, faith, god, humility, inspira on, pity 5 likes
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“The eye of danger and the face of fear are what really pull off a Like
person's mask.”
― Criss Jami, Dio ma, Ba ery, Electric Personality
tags: afraid, arrogance, coward, danger, ego, eye, eye-of-danger, face, face-of-fear, fear, fright, hidden,
honesty, human, human-nature, humility, lies, mask, nature, reveal, scared, secrets, truth

“The minute you think you have the right to belittle others Like
because you think you’re better than them is the same minute
you’ve proven you’re worse.”
― Joanne Crisner Alcayaga, Amazed: A Girl’s Infinite Pursuit to Grasp the
Essence of Humanity in Wri ng
tags: amazed, humility 5 likes

“If you think someone is humble, never tell them so. You will Like

unknowingly rob them of the very thing you admire.”

― Christy Hall, The Li le Silkworm
tags: advice, humility, life, life-lessons 4 likes

“It is beautiful in a picture to wash the disciples’ feet; but the Like
sands of the real desert have no lustre in them to compensate
for the servile nature of the occupation.”
― John Henry Newman, Parochial and Plain Sermons [Complete]
tags: humility, service 4 likes

“It was amusing to me to see how the detective's overbearing Like

manner had changed suddenly to that of a child asking

questions of its teacher.”
― Arthur Conan Doyle, The Return of Sherlock Holmes
tags: humility, learning 3 likes

“If you will only consider, you will remember many a person of Like

whom the world never heard and will never hear, whose years
have been as full of generosity, loyalty to duty, faith in God,
fidelity to every day's work, as those of Franklin or Garfield,
Lincoln or Emerson. They, also, have put their hands to the plough and
have not looked back. Having made up their minds to what ought to be
done, they did not hesitate, did not procrastinate, did not worry or grow
anxious, but faithfully performed the duty of the hour. They had faith in
Providence, and so did with their might what their hands found to do.
They gave, and it was given to them again, "full measure, pressed down
and running over." They did good, hoping for nothing again, and the
reward came in lives full of content; in cheerfulness, peace, and
― James Freeman Clarke, Every-Day Religion
tags: generosity, humility, service 3 likes

“Modesty has, and will remain, an alluring trait because where Like
egoism falters, humility conquers.”
― Andy Paula
tags: alluring, ego, humility, madesty, trait 3 likes

“Ripples of karmic events are best humbly done in an artistic, Like

significant, unique karmic harvests without any forms of retaliation.” 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
― Angelica Hopes
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tags: humility, karma, reflec ons, revenge, wisdom 3 likes

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“True greatness demands humility; the journey draws it from Like

your struggling soul.”

― Richelle E. Goodrich, Smile Anyway
tags: glory, greatness, humility, importance, journey-of-life, magisty, richelle, richelle-goodrich 3 likes

“The author points out strikingly different reactions to Like

calamity. While many passengers of a devastating shipwreck

were thankful to be alive, future presidential assassin Charles
Guiteau saw his being spared as proof of his exceptionalism
rather than of the grace from which he benefited.”
― Candice Millard, Des ny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine and the
Murder of a President
tags: grace-of-god, humility, sovereignty-of-god 2 likes

“The flame of testimony burns brightly when fed with the oil of Like

― Harry Ironside
tags: confession, humility 2 likes

“The country inspector's face had shown his intense Like

amazement at the rapid and masterful progress of Holmes'

investigation. At first he had shown some disposition to assert
his own position, but now he was overcome with admiration,
and ready to follow without question wherever Holmes lead.”
― Arthur Conan Doyle, The Return of Sherlock Holmes
tags: humility, learning 1 likes

“A smile is a humble hidden treasure everyman has been endowed with Like
that does not reveal itself until it is called for.”
― Seyi Ayoola
tags: endowment, hidden-treasure, humility, smile 1 likes

“When people give me a compliment, I just look back and smile, as I am Like

just a glimpse of both my father's. Both earthly and heavenly.”

― Silas Packianathan
tags: a tude-toward-life, christain, humility 1 likes

“Self-consciousness isn't just A curse. It is part of THE curse.” Like

― Mark Ba erson, In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day: How to Survive

and Thrive When Opportunity Roars
tags: humility, pride, self-consciousness, shame 0 likes

“There is a humility about genuine love that is rather horrible in Like

some ways.”
― George Orwell
tags: humility, love 0 likes

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13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 1,741-1,766 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“It is only people who are lacking, or bad, or inferior, who have Like
to be good at things. You have always been full and perfect, so BROWSE BY TAG
you had nothing to make up for.”
humility Search
― T.H. White, The Once and Future King
tags: humble, humility, inspira onal, love, self-depreca ng, wooing 42 likes Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
“We need mystery. Creator in her wisdom knew this. Mystery Like Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
fills us with awe and wonder. They are the foundations of
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
humility, and humility is the foundation of all learning. So we
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
do not seek to unravel this. We honour it by letting it be that Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
way forever.” Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
The quote of a grandmother explaining The Great Mystery of the Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
universe to her grandson.”
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
― Richard Wagamese, Indian Horse
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
tags: awe, humility, learning, le ng-it-be, mystery, wonder 41 likes Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
“true humility is when you can surprise yourself more than Like

others; the rest is either shyness or good marketing”

― Nassim Nicholas Taleb, The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and
Prac cal Aphorisms
tags: hollywood-culture, humbleness, humility, narcissism, narcissists, true-humility 38 likes

“We will never be cleansed until we confess we are dirty. And Like

we will never be able to wash the feet of those who have hurt us
until we allow Jesus, the one we have hurt, to wash ours.”
― Max Lucado, 3:16: The Numbers of Hope
tags: chris an, confession, humility, inspira onal, jesus 36 likes

“The deeper we grow in the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the poorer we Like

become - the more we realize that everything in life is a gift.

The tenor of our lives becomes one of humble and joyful
thanksgiving. Awareness of our poverty and ineptitude causes
us to rejoice in the gift of being called out of darkness into wondrous
light and translated into the kingdom of God's beloved Son.”
― Brennan Manning, The Ragamuffin Gospel: Good News for the Bedraggled,
Beat-Up, and Burnt Out
tags: humility, jesus, spiritual-poverty 32 likes

“Suffering is one of life's great teachers.” Like

― Bryant McGill
tags: growth, humility, learning, lessons, loss, pain, suffering, trials 28 likes

“Ingratitude produces pride while gratitude produces humility.” Like

― Orrin Woodward 1/5
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tags: gra tude, humility, pride, thankfulness 26 likes
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“To confess your fallibility and then do nothing about it is not Like

humble; it is boasting of your modesty.”

― Eliezer Yudkowsky
tags: humility, modesty, ra onalism, ra onality 23 likes

“Any honours that come our way are only stolen from him to Like

whom alone they really belong, the Lord who sent us.”
― Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship
tags: applause, chris anity, discipleship, honor, humility, respect 16 likes

“Love, forgiveness, modesty, humility and gratitude are most important Like
virtues in life.”
― P. Remes
tags: forgiveness, gra tude, humility, love, modesty 11 likes

“Two classes of people make up the world: those who have Like
found God, and those who are looking for Him - thirsting,
hungering, seeking! And the great sinners came closer to Him
than the proud intellectuals! Pride swells and inflates the ego;
gross sinners are depressed, deflated and empty. They, therefore, have
room for God. God prefers a loving sinner to a loveless 'saint'. Love can
be trained; pride cannot. The man who thinks that he knows will rarely
find truth; the man who knows he is a miserable, unhappy sinner, like
the woman at the well, is closer to peace, joy and salvation than he
― Fulton J. Sheen, Life of Christ
tags: catholic, catholicism, god, humility, intellectuals, sinners 10 likes

“True humility means giving joy to others.” Like

― Sri Chinmoy, My Life's Soul-Journey: Daily Medita ons for Ever-
Increasing Spiritual Fulfillment
tags: humility, joy 9 likes

“I too was pinched off from a piece of clay, Like

I too modeled by omnipotence and flanked
by things too wonderful for me”
― Bryana Johnson, Having Decided To Stay
tags: bible, confession, god, humility, inadequacy, job, poetry 8 likes

“After crosses and losses men grow humbler and wiser.” Like
― Benjamin Franklin
tags: humility 7 likes

“There too he had been treated with revolting injustice. His Like

struggles, his privations,his hard work to raise himself in the

social scale, had
filled him with such an exalted conviction of his merits that it
was extremely difficult for the world to treat him with justice— the
standard of that notion depending so much upon the patience of the
individual. The Professor had genius, but lacked the great social virtue of
― Joseph Conrad, The Secret Agent
tags: humility, indigna on 5 likes 2/5
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“But the truth is that there is no more conscious inconsistency Like Sign in
between the humility of a Christian and the rapacity of a
Christian than there is between the humility of a lover and the
My Books Browse ▾ Community ▾
rapacity of a lover. The truth is that there are no things for
which men will make such herculean efforts as the things of which they
know they are unworthy. There never was a man in love who did not
declare that, if he strained every nerve to breaking, he was going to have
his desire. And there never was a man in love who did not declare also
that he ought not to have it.”
― G.K. Chesterton, Here cs
tags: catholic, catholicism, chesterton, chris an, chris anity, desire, humility, love, lovers, unworthy 5 likes

“Management" of anything as complicated as a woods requires Like

more humility than comes easily to our species, at least in its
American incarnation.”
― Bill McKibben, Wandering Home: A Long Walk Across America's Most
Hopeful Landscape: Vermont's Champlain Valley and New York's Adirondacks
tags: conserva on, environmentalism, humility, woods 4 likes

“Could mankind declare it was truly wise? Did man know Like
everything on earth, or would he ever? Certainly not!”
― E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly,
tags: gadfly, humility, knowledge, learning, limita ons, mankind, philosophical, stupidity, stupidity-of-man,
truth, wisdom

“Know thy own point: this kind, this due degree Like

Of blindness, weakness, Heav'n bestows on thee.”

― Alexander Pope
tags: humility 3 likes

“I found the whole modern world talking scientific fatalism; Like

saying that everything is as it must always
have been, being unfolded without fault from the beginning.
The leaf on the tree is green because it could
never have been anything else. Now, the fairy-tale philosopher is glad
that the leaf is green precisely because
it might have been scarlet. He feels as if it had turned green an instant
before he looked at it.”
― G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy
tags: crea on, crea vity, gra tude, humility, wonder 3 likes

“...goals not bathed in prayer or brought in humility before the Like

Lord turn out to be downright useless. They don't go anywhere.
They don't accomplish anything.”
― Charles R. Swindoll, Moses: A Man of Selfless Dedica on
tags: charles-swindoll, goals, god, humility, prayer 3 likes

“The essence of humility in Step 3 is acknowledging and Like

accepting our dependence on God. The essence of faith is

trusting God. – p. 167”
― Ray A, Prac ce These Principles: Living the Spiritual Disciplines and
Virtues in 12-Step Recovery to Achieve Spiritual Growth, Character Development,
and Emo onal Sobriety
tags: faith, humility 2 likes

“I get it, you know. I'm operating on privilege too. It may be a number Like

of notches down from yours but it's every bit as unearned. I think the 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
trick is to never forget it.”
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― Sabrina Vourvoulias
tags: humility, privilege 2 likes
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“... no sensitive Christian can be satisfied with a distinction Like

between righteousness and unrighteousness drawn only

between communities, with each individual belonging
unambiguously on one or the other side of the line. The
behavior of "the righteous" is often very disappointing, while "the
unrighteous" regularly perform in a manner that is much better than
our theology might lead us to expect of them. Thus the need for a
perspective that allows for both a rather slow process of sanctification in
the Christian life and some sort of divine restraint on the power of sin in
the unbelieving community. These theological adjustments to a religious
perspective that might otherwise betray strong Manichean tones provide
us with yet another reason for openness to a broad-ranging dialogue:
Christians have good grounds for believing that their own weakness can
be corrected by encountering the strengths of others.”
― Richard J. Mouw, Pluralisms And Horizons: An Essay In Chris an Public
tags: chris ans, dialogue, humility, nonbelievers 2 likes

“His way was like other people's; he mounted no high horse; he Like
was just
a man and a citizen. He indulged in no Socratic irony. But his
discourse was full of Attic grace; those who heard it went away
disgusted by servility, nor repelled by ill-tempered censure, but on
the contrary lifted out of themselves by charity, and encouraged to
more orderly, contented, hopeful lives.”
― Arthur Quiller-Couch
tags: humility 1 likes

“His enthusiasm and willingness to use what he learned made Like

him get ahead in Spanish.”

― Elisabeth Elliot, Shadow of the Almighty: The Life and Testament of
Jim Elliot
tags: educa on, enthusiasm, humility 1 likes

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13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 1,651-1,680 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“The Christian Gospel is that I am so flawed that Jesus had to Like

die for me, yet I am so loved and valued that Jesus was glad to BROWSE BY TAG
die for me. This leads to deep humility and deep confidence at
humility Search
the same time. It undermines both swaggering and sniveling. I
cannot feel superior to anyone, and yet I have nothing to prove to
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
anyone. I do not think more of myself nor less of myself. Instead, I think
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
of myself less.” Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
― Timothy Keller, The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skep cism Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
tags: god, gospel, humility, pride, sin 71 likes
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
“Always remember, no matter how big you get in life, God is Like Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
still bigger; when you feel to be at your lowest point, Satan is Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
still at the bottom.” Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
― Anthony Liccione Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
tags: encourage, god, highs-and-lows, hopeful, humility, low-self-esteem, pride, satan 26 likes Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
“I sometimes wonder whether the act of surrender is not one of Like Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
the greatest of all - the highest. It is one of the [most] difficult
of all... You see it's so immensely complicated. It needs real
humility and at the same time, an absolute belief in one's own
essential freedom. It is an act of faith. At the last moments, like all great
acts, it is pure risk. This is true for me as a human being and as a writer.
Dear Heaven, how hard it is to let go - to step into the blue. And yet
one's creative life depends on it and one desires to do nothing else.”
― Katherine Mansfield, Katherine Mansfield Le ers And Journals: A Selec on
tags: crea vity, faith, freedom, humility, risk, surrender, wri ng 16 likes

“The most essential prerequisite to understanding is to be able Like

to admit when you don't understand something”
― Richard Saul Wurman, Informa on Anxiety 2
tags: honesty, humility, informa on, knowledge, learning, wisdom 16 likes

“Humility consists in not esteeming ourselves above other men, Like

and in not seeking to be esteemed above them.”

― St. Francis de Sales
tags: humility 15 likes

“Certainly all virtues are very dear to God, but humility pleases Like
Him above all the others, and it seems that He can refuse it
― St. Francis de Sales
tags: god, humility, virtues 15 likes

“Exceptional men do not hold their experiences to be out of the Like

ordinary or of interest to anyone else. Unlike the trodden

fungus-men, they are not so ignorantly and presumptuously
self-absorbed. They are nobody and they know it. They shun
notice. They are exceedingly rare.”
― Nick Tosches, Me and the Devil 1/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
tags: excep onalism, humility, men 14 likes
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“Humility is as good for the soul as it is for the memory” Like

― Patricia
Wrede, Thirteenth Child Browse ▾ Community ▾
tags: character-building, humility, lessons-learned, memory 9 likes

“There is a world of difference between being clever and being Like

― Ian Driscoll
tags: authen c, clever, humility, intellect, intui on, reason, right, simplicity, truth 9 likes

“Confident and courageous leaders have no problems pointing Like

out their own weaknesses and ignorance.”

― Thom S. Rainer
tags: humility, leadership 9 likes

“Let us make our way through these low valleys of the humble Like

and little virtues. We shall see in them the roses amid the
thorns, charity that shows its beauty among interior and
exterior afflictions, the lilies of purity.”
― St. Francis de Sales
tags: charity, humility, purity 7 likes

“If after all your efforts you cannot succeed, you could not Like

please our Lord more than by sacrificing to Him your will, and
remaining in tranquility, humility, and devotion, entirely
conformed and submissive to His divine will and good
― St. Francis de Sales
tags: humility 5 likes

“Part of what makes him (laid-back Tim Hudson)an ace is that Like

he would never acknowledge that he is an ace.”

― Joe Simpson
tags: humility, servant-leader 5 likes

“If there is one thing the psychic taught me, it's that people and Like
events are rarely who and what we think they are. They are
more meaningful, more worth our attention-part of some finely
choreographed, eternal dance that we would be wise to bow
down before in gratitude and humility.”
― Leslie Morgan Steiner, Crazy Love
tags: gra tude, humility, life, life-purpose, meaning, worth 5 likes

“The most powerful tools of revolution through intention are Like

humility and consciousness.”
― Bryant McGill
tags: awareness, brave, consciousness, fight, humility, powerful 5 likes

“For with any recovery from morbidity there must go a certain Like
healthy humiliation. There comes a certain point in such
conditions when only three things are possible: first a
perpetuation of Satanic pride, secondly tears, and third
― G.K. Chesterton, The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare
tags: crisis, humility 4 likes 2/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“We are on the road to producing a race of men too mentally Like
modest to believe in the multiplication table. We are in danger Sign in
of seeing philosophers who doubt the law of gravity as being a
mere fancy of their own. Scoffers of old time were Browse
My Books ▾ to
too proud Community ▾
be convinced; but these are too humble to be convinced.”
― G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy
tags: doubt, humility, skep cism 4 likes

“A man who can own pearls does not bother about shells, and Like
those who aspire to virtue do not trouble themselves over
― St. Francis de Sales
tags: honor, humility 4 likes

“Humility and shame have been confused. Humility is knowing Like

that you know nothing for sure and shame is someone having to
tell you.”
― Erica Goros
tags: feelings, humility, inspira on, shame 2 likes

“What kind of ministry is that, just talking to people?" Criticism Like

directed at Francis Schaeffer's plan to open an obscure spot in
the Swiss Alps to those who came with questions.”
― Nancy Pearcey, Total Truth: Libera ng Chris anity from its Cultural
Cap vity
tags: discipleship, humility, ministry, obscurity 2 likes

“The King of Glory does not reward His servants according to Like

the dignity of their office, but according to the humility and love
with which they have exercised it.”
― St. Francis de Sales
tags: god, humility, love 2 likes

“Little deeds that proceed from charity please God and have Like
their place among meritorious acts.”
― St. Francis de Sales
tags: charity, god, humility 2 likes

“Don’t settle for helping those who will help you in return or Like

doing a good deed for others to see. Help others without

expecting anything back. Even if nobody else cares, God will
― Dillon Burroughs
tags: humility, serving 2 likes

“Those who wish to stand tallest must kneel lowest.” Like

― Dillon Burroughs, Thirst No More: A One-Year Devo onal Journey

tags: humility 1 likes

“In humility, we find our true calling and our greatest honor.” Like

― Dillon Burroughs, Thirst No More: A One-Year Devo onal Journey

tags: humility 1 likes

“The applause of the audience is short-lived. When calls Like

resound for an encore, we are called to direct our attention to

our Master.”
― Dillon Burroughs, Thirst No More: A One-Year Devo onal Journey 3/4
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
tags: god, humility 1 likes
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“Summers was simply a master explainer, able to deftly boil down the Like

complexities ofMy
Books and financial, and to put them in Browse
terms the
▾ Community ▾
non-expert could understand. He was brilliant at cultivating a sense of
control, even as events spun far beyond what could be managed with any
certainty. He could will into being the confidence that eluded others,
those less self-assured and, maybe sensibly, on humbler terms with the
― Ron Suskind, Confidence Men: Wall Street, Washington, and the Educa on of a
tags: confidence, explana on, humility, uncertainty 1 likes

“If the opposite of certainty is doubt, humility must lie somewhere Like
between the two,”
― Ron Suskind, Confidence Men: Wall Street, Washington, and the Educa on of a
tags: certainty, doubt, humility 1 likes

“Humility is not just declaring that you are not God. It is Like

deciding daily to not be God.”

― Darrin Patrick
tags: humility 1 likes

“Thou shalt wear trousers, but they shall fall half down to teach Like

humility over arrogance.”

― Jay Woodman
tags: arrogance, humility, trousers 1 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 1,681-1,710 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“It may be that Christians, notwithstanding corporate worship, Like

common prayer, and all their fellowship in service, may still be BROWSE BY TAG
left to their loneliness. The final break-through to fellowship
humility Search
does not occur, because, though they have fellowship with one
another as believers and as devout people, they do not have fellowship as
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
the undevout, as sinners. The pious fellowship permits no one to be a
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
sinner. So everybody must conceal his sin from himself and from the Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
fellowship. We dare not be sinners. Many Christians are unthinkably Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
horrified when a real sinner is suddenly discovered among the righteous. Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
So we remain alone with our sin, living in lies and hypocrisy. The fact is God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
that we are sinners!”
Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
― Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together: The Classic Explora on of Chris an
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
Community Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
tags: confession, fellowship, honesty, humility, hypocrisy, sin, sinners-like-me, truth Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
“We have a strange illusion that mere time cancels sin. I have Like
Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
heard others, and I have heard myself, recounting cruelties and Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
falsehoods committed in boyhood as if they were no concern of Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
the present speaker's, and even with laughter. But mere time
does nothing either to the fact or to the guilt of a sin. The guilt is washed
out not by time but by repentance and the blood of Christ: if we have
repented these early sins we should remember the price of our
forgiveness and be humble.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain
tags: forgiveness, guilt, humility, repentance, sin, me 42 likes

“We shall, as we ripen in grace, have greater sweetness towards Like

our fellow Christians. Bitter-spirited Christians may know a
great deal, but they are immature. Those who are quick to
censure may be very acute in judgment, but they are as yet very
immature in heart. He who grows in grace remembers that he is but
dust, and he therefore does not expect his fellow Christians to be
anything more; he overlooks ten thousand of their faults, because he
knows his God overlooks twenty thousand in his own case. He does not
expect perfection in the creature, and, therefore, he is not disappointed
when he does not find it. ... I know we who are young beginners in grace
think ourselves qualified to reform the whole Christian church. We drag
her before us, and condemn her straightway; but when our virtues
become more mature, I trust we shall not be more tolerant of evil, but
we shall be more tolerant of infirmity, more hopeful for the people of
God, and certainly less arrogant in our criticisms.”
― Charles H. Spurgeon, Spurgeon's Sermons Vol. 1-10
tags: bi erness, cri cism, cynicism, humility, judging, maturity 40 likes

“All true friendliness begins with fire and food and drink and Like

the recognition of rain or frost. ...Each human soul has in a

sense to enact for itself the gigantic humility of the Incarnation.
Every man must descend into the flesh to meet mankind.”
― G.K. Chesterton, What's Wrong with the World
tags: flesh, friendliness, hospitality, humility, incarna on, mee ng-people 26 likes 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“Only God is in a position to look down upon someone.” Like Sign in

― Habeeb Akande
tags: arrogance, god, humility, judging-people, self-righteousness
My Books Browse ▾ 19 likes Community ▾

“Let them hear your voice so rarely that a simply-uttered word Like

creates a hush of expectancy in the room.”

― Richelle E. Goodrich, Smile Anyway
tags: gossip, humility, opinions, richelle, richelle-goodrich, speaking, speaking-out, talk, talk-is-cheap 19 likes

“Life's a short trip. You'll find out.” Like

― Rodney Dangerfield, It's Not Easy Bein' Me: A Life me of No Respect

but Plenty of Sex and Drugs
tags: humility, life, perspec ve 17 likes

“The more uncivilized the man, the surer he is that he knows Like

precisely what is right and what is wrong. All human progress,

even in morals, has been the work of men who have doubted the
current moral values, not of men who have whooped them up
and tried to enforce them. The truly civilized man is always skeptical and
tolerant, in this field as in all others. His culture is based on - I am not
too sure.”
― H. L. Mencken
tags: humility, skep cism, tolerance 16 likes

“Success follows those who champion a cause greater than Like

― George Alexiou
tags: achievement, a rac on, charity, compassion, empowerment, giving, goals, happiness, hero, humility,
inspira onal, integrity, joy, kindness, mo va onal, success

“When you wake up each morning with a burning passion to Like

accomplish a goal, you've already won the day.”

― George Alexiou
tags: achievement, change, goals, happiness, humility, inspira onal, integrity, joy, mo va onal, passion,

“The one who is born of the earth, dreams of the sky. The one Like
who is born of the sky, dreams of the earth.”
― C. JoyBell C.
tags: being-humble, humility, inspira onal-a tude, inspira onal-life, inspira onal-quotes 8 likes

“you will need a great deal of self-discipline not to lose your Like

sense of balance, humility, and commitment.”

― H. Ross Perot
tags: balanced-life, commitment, humility, self-discipline 8 likes

“What each man is in Your eyes, thus he is, and no more.” Like
― Francis of Assisi
tags: humility 8 likes

“People who have trouble questioning their own country often Like
have trouble admitting fault in themselves, both of which come
from insecurity and lack of humility.”
― Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason
tags: discrimina on, humility, insecurity 7 likes 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“How quickly self rises to the surface, and the instrument is Like Sign in
ready to believe he is something more than an instrument! How
sadly easy it is to make of the very service God entrusts us with
My Books Browse ▾ Community ▾
a pedestal on which to display ourselves. But God will not share
His glory with another, and therefore does He "hide" those who may be
tempted to take some of it unto themselves. It is only by retiring from
public view and getting alone with God that we can learn our own
― Arthur W. Pink, Elijah
tags: humility, pride 7 likes

“In the ancient world, this was understood by the Christians, Like
our only (if very imperfect) predecessors: Humility is a virtue,
pride a vice; We comes from God, I from the Devil.”
― Yevgeny Zamya n, We
tags: chris anity, humility, pride 5 likes

“Don't underestimate the poor, because his soul treasures to Like

Phoenix of Wits”
― Miguel Ángel Sáez Gu érrez, Poemas y canciones para el mal de
amores Volumen1
tags: humility 5 likes

“The man who does good in doubt must have so much more Like

merit than one who does it in the bright certainty of belief.

"Other sheep I have which are not of this fold..." A warning
against the smugness of inherited faith.”
― Morris L. West, The Devil's Advocate
tags: faith, giacomo-nerone, humility 4 likes

“Although secular fundamentalist “progressives” might believe Like

in a future “golden age,” such an age does not exist. The future
that they herald is merely one of gathering gloom and ever
darkening clouds. This fate has ever been so for those who
proclaim their “Pride.” They have nothing to expect in the future but
their fall.

As for the Christian, he has nothing to fear but his falling into the pride
of despair. If he avoids becoming despondent and retains his humility,
he will receive the gift of hope which is its fruit. Where there is hope
there is the Way, the Truth and the Life.”
― Joseph Pearce
tags: despair, hope, humility 4 likes

“What should you, O man, do, you who seek your own glory Like
whenever you do anything good, while when you do something
bad, you figure out ways to blame God.”
― Augus ne of Hippo, Homilies on the Gospel of John 1-40
tags: humility, spiritual-wisdom 4 likes

“The true test of faith is how we treat those who can do nothing Like
for us in return.”
― Dillon Burroughs
tags: compassion, faith, humility 4 likes

“Kindness is a currency that can cover a multitude of interpersonal Like

debts.” 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
― George Alexiou
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tags: charity, giving, happiness, humility, inspira onal, integrity, joy, kindness, love, mo Browse ▾
va onal, respect, Community ▾

“Had I been placed among those nations which are said to live Like

still in the sweet freedom of nature's first laws, I assure you I

should very gladly have portrayed myself here entire and wholly

Thus, reader, I am myself the matter of my book; you would be

unreasonable to spend your leisure on so frivolous and vain a subject.”
― Michel de Montaigne, The Complete Works
tags: essays, humility, montaigne 3 likes

“In a world full of cynics, critics, and competitors, we get to Like

choose instead to be cheerleaders for others.”
― Shelley Hendrix, Why Can't We Just Get Along?: 6 Effec ve Skills for
Dealing with Difficult People
tags: encouragement, friendship, humility, iden ty, iden ty-in-christ, rela onships 3 likes

“Humility: The most quietly profound professor in the Like

university of Christian living.”

― Evinda Lepins, A Cup of Hope for the Day: Coffee Hour with Chicklit
tags: humble, humility, learning, professor, school, university 3 likes

“Other priests, he knew, found an intense pleasure in the raw, Like

salty dialect of peasant conversation. They picked up pearls of
wisdom and experience over a farmhouse table or a cup of wine
in a workingman's kitchen. They talked with equal familiarity to
the rough-tongued whores of Trastevere and the polished signori of
Parioli. They enjoyed the ribald humor of the fish market as much as the
wit of a Cardinal's dinner table. They were good priests too, and they did
much good for their people, with a singular satisfaction to themselves.”
― Morris L. West, The Devil's Advocate
tags: chris anity, humility 2 likes

“The true way to be humble is not to stoop until you are smaller than Like

yourself but to stand at your real height against some higher nature that
will show you what the real smallness of your greatest greatness is.”
― Phillip Brooks
tags: humility 2 likes

“The Patriots had picked Brady in the sixth round, and he soon Like

turned out to be one of the two or three best quarterbacks in the

League, and absolutely perfect for the Belichick system and for
the team's offense. So, as the team continued to make a series
of very good calls on other player personnel choices, there was a general
tendency to talk about how brilliant Pioli and Belichick were, and to
regard Pioli as the best young player personnel man in the League. Just
to remind himself not to believe all the hype and that he could readily
have screwed up on that draft, Pioli kept on his desk a photo of Brady,
along with a photo of the team's fifth-round traft choice, the man he
had taken ahead of Brady: Dave Stachelski. He was a Tight End from
Boise State who never a played a down for New England. Stachelski was
taken with the 141st pick, Brady with the 199th one. 'If I was so smart,' 4/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
Pioli liked to say, 'I wouldn't have risked an entire round of the draft in
picking Brady.” Sign in
― David Halberstam, The Educa on of a Coach
tags: humility My Books Browse ▾ 2 likes
Community ▾

“We don't really know anything. Those who accept this are Like

more likely to learn something.”

― Wayne Gerard Trotman
tags: humility, knowledge, learning, learning-process 2 likes

“Humility and full consciousness are inseparable.” Like

― Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason

tags: consciousness, humility 1 likes

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Humility Quotes
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“Humility is so shy. If you begin talking about it, it leaves.” Like

― Timothy Keller BROWSE BY TAG

tags: chris an, humility 35 likes humility Search

“If we can't accept what we don't know, there really is no Like Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
hope.” Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
― Rachel Joyce, The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
tags: hope, humility, inspira onal 29 likes Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
“Every time I create something, whether an idea or a work of Like Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
art, initially, its supposed completion seems absolutely perfect Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
to me. However the more I think about it, stare it down, the
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
more it marinates in my soul over the hours, days, and weeks,
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
the more flaws I start to find in it; and finally, the more I'm pressed to Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
continue enhancing it. It essentially turns out that whatever thing a Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
flawed and imperfect, human eye once thought was amazing begins to Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
appear quite wretched. This is why, eternally, God cannot be impressed Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
by mere talents or by mortal achievements. To perfect eyes, I imagine
that great is not really that great; rather, humility is ultimately a human
being's true greatness.”
― Criss Jami, Dio ma, Ba ery, Electric Personality
tags: achievement, art, comple on, flaws, god, greatness, humility, incomplete, perfec on 23 likes

“Then you do not belong here. Death holds no sweetness in this Like

house. We are not warriors, nor soldiers, nor swaggering bravos

puffed up with pride. We do not kill to serve some lord, to fatten
our purses, to stroke our vanity. We never give the gift to please
ourselves. Nor do we choose the ones we kill. We are but servants of the
God of Many Faces."
"Valar dohaeris." All men must serve.
"You know the words, but you are too proud to serve. A servant must be
humble and obedient."
"I obey. I can be humbler than anyone."
That made him chuckle. "You will be the very goddess of humility, I am
sure. But can you pay the price?"
"What price?"
"The price is you. The price is all you have and all you ever hope to have.
We took your eyes and gave them back. Next we will take your ears, and
you will walk in silence. You will give us your legs and crawl. You will be
no one's daughter, no one's wife, no one's mother. Your name will be a
lie, and the very face you wear will not be your own.”
― George R.R. Mar n, A Dance with Dragons
tags: humility, humor, irony 22 likes

“Having all the answers just means you've been asking boring Like
― Joey Comeau
tags: humility, knowledge, uncertainty 19 likes 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“Early in life I had to choose between honest arrogance and Like

hypocritical humility. I chose honest arrogance and have seen Sign in

no occasion to change.”
― FrankMy
Lloyd Wright
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tags: arrogance, humility, life 15 likes

“While it is good that we seek to know the Holy One, it is Like

probably not so good to presume that we ever complete the

― Dietrich Bonhoeffer, God is in the Manger: Reflec ons on Advent and
tags: humility, knowing-god 14 likes

“One cannot simply read the Bible, like other books. One must Like

be prepared really to enquire of it. Only thus will it reveal itself.

Only if we expect from it the ultimate answer, shall we receive
it. That is because in the Bible God speaks to us. And one cannot
simply think about God in one’s own strength, one has to inquire of him.
Only if we seek him, will he answer us.”
― Dietrich Bonhoeffer
tags: bible, humility 14 likes

“A child's cry touches a father's heart, and our King is the Like

Father of his people. If we can do no more than cry it will bring

omnipotence to our aid. A cry is the native language of a
spiritually needy soul; it has done with fine phrases and long
orations, and it takes to sobs and moans; and so, indeed, it grasps the
most potent of all weapons, for heaven always yields to such artillery.”
― Charles H. Spurgeon, The Treasury of David: Spurgeon's Classic Work on the
tags: ar llery, brokeness, child, cry, crying, father, heart, heaven, humility, omnipotence, omnipotent,
sorrow, soul

“When you know something, you know it, and when you don't, Like
you'd better learn. And in the meantime, you should keep quiet,
or at least speak only when what you say will advance the
learning process.”
― Roberto Bolaño, 2666
tags: humility, learning, learning-process 13 likes

“Some people would rather die in their pride, than live in their Like
― Anthony Liccione
tags: humility, pride, stubborn 12 likes

“Never mistake arrogance for intellect.” Like

― D.B. Harrop
tags: arrogance, arrogant, humility, intelligence, pride 9 likes

“One of the greatest lesson is humility. Humility is like oxygen to the Like

soul. You won’t get too far without it!”

― Dina Rolle, Adversi es & Triumphs in the Midst of It All
tags: adversi es, humility, trials, trials-of-life 7 likes

“A visitor asked Lincoln what good news he could take home Like
from an audience with the august executive. The president spun
a story about a machine that baffled a chess champion by 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
beating him thrice. The stunned champ cried while inspecting the
machine, "There's a man in there!"Lincoln's good news, he confided Sign in
from the heights of leadership, was that there was in fact a man in
there.” My Books Browse ▾ Community ▾
― Shelby Foote, The Civil War, Vol. 1: Fort Sumter to Perryville
tags: abraham-lincoln, abraham-lincoln-quotes, american-civil-war, compassion, fallibility, humility,

“The objection to an aristocracy is that it is a priesthood Like

without a god.”
― G.K. Chesterton, Saint Francis of Assisi
tags: humility, local-government, small-is-beau ful 6 likes

“...when you trust the Lord God to give you the next step, when Like
you wait in humility upon Him, *He* will open the doors or
close them, and you'll get to rest and relax until He says, 'Go.”
― Charles R. Swindoll, Moses: A Man of Selfless Dedica on: Profiles in
Character from
tags: charles-swindoll, god, humility, peace, trust, wai ng 6 likes

“He is the kind of person I should expect to rescue one from a Like
mad dog at any risk but then insist on a stoical indifference to
the fright afterward." Jefferson Davis's future wife describing
him at first meeting.”
― Shelby Foote, The Civil War, Vol. 1: Fort Sumter to Perryville
tags: candor, fear, humility, stoicism 5 likes

“This is not just "our" world.” Like

― Mario S nger, Des ned for Oblivion: As Nature Intended
tags: earth, home, humility, world 5 likes

“To turn the tide of materialism in the Christian community, we Like

desperately need bold models of kingdom-centered living.
Despite our need to do it in a way that doesn't glorify people, we
must hear each other's stories about giving or else our people
will not learn to give.”
― Randy Alcorn, Money, Possessions and Eternity
tags: boldness, chris anity, community, encouragement, example, giving, humility, kingdom, learning,
materialism, modelling, models, stewardship, stories

“He was one of those men, and they are not the commonest, of Like

whom we can know the best only by following them away from
the marketplace, the platform, and the pulpit, entering with
them into their own homes, hearing the voice with which they
speak to the young and aged about their own hearthstone, and
witnessing their thoughtful care for the everyday wants of everyday
companions, who take all their kindness as a matter of course, and not
as a subject for panegyric.”
― George Eliot, Adam Bede
tags: habits, humility, lifestyle, rela onships 4 likes

“The humility of wisdom is the happy consciousness that all Like

things come from God, are sustained by God, and exist for God.
This wisdom is rooted in the pride-destroying, joy-giving cross
of Christ.”
― John Piper, Think: The Life of the Mind and the Love of God
tags: faith, humility, thinking, wisdom 4 likes 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“Tim Tebow's Dad turned a screw-up into a testimony when a Like Sign in
fire to burn weeds in a field got out of control. With his family
still smelling like smoke from containing the fire, he conducted
My Books Browse ▾ Community ▾
a lesson from verses where James compares danger of speech to
an out-of-control spark.”
― Tim Tebow, Through My Eyes: A Quarterback's Journey: Young Reader's Edi on
tags: humility, speech, tes mony 3 likes

“No one is charismatic. Someone becomes charismatic in Like

history, socially. The question for me is once again the problem

of humility. If the leader discovers that he is becoming
charismatic not because of his or her qualities but because
mainly he or she is being able to express the expectations of a great
mass of people, then he or she is much more of a translator of the
aspirations and dreams of the people, instead of being the creator of the
dreams. In expressing the dreams, he or she is recreating these dreams.
If he or she is humble, I think that the danger of power would
― Myles Horton, We Make the Road by Walking: Conversa ons on Educa on and
Social Change
tags: charisma, humility, leadership, power 3 likes

“Vanity breeds insanity; humility leads to utility.” Like

― T. William Wa s
tags: humility, insanity, vanity 3 likes

“Knowing and thinking exist for the sake of love -- for the sake Like

of building people up in faith. Thinking that produces pride

instead of love is not true thinking.”
― John Piper, Think: The Life of the Mind and the Love of God
tags: humility, love, pride, thinking 2 likes

“By and large, the mission of any ghost is to offer humility. Like

They point out what's important by mocking what is not.

(Joshua Malina, Sports Night)”

― Aaron Sorkin
tags: ghosts, holy-spirit, humility, idolatry, sa re 2 likes

“Pride is yet again in the way of our mind’s ability to accept Like

that we may not be the most intelligent and advanced people in

the universe or on Earth since it was formed along with the
solar system 4.5 billion years ago.”
― Mario S nger, Des ned for Oblivion: As Nature Intended
tags: atheism, earth, humility, intelligence, pride, universe 2 likes

“The 'HIGHway' to peace is humility!” Like

― Evinda Lepins, Back to Single
tags: humility, peace 1 likes

“a true leader must be able to command with an iron fist, not Like

just a humble heart.”

― Evan Meekins, The Black Banner
tags: fantasy, fantasy-fic on, fic on, humility, leadership, strength, young-adult, young-adult-fantasy,
young-adult-fic on
1 likes 4/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“With a little more patience and a little less temper, a gentler Like

and wiser method might be found in almost every case; and the Sign in
knot that we cut by some fine heady quarrel-scene in private
life, or,My
in Books against ▾
public affairs, by some denunciatory act Browse what Community ▾
we are pleased to call our neighbour's vices might yet have been
unwoven by the hand of sympathy.”
― Robert Louis Stevenson, A Christmas Sermon
tags: chris anity, humility, sympathy 1 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 1,531-1,560 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Don't be shy to say "I am sorry"; Never feel too big to say Like
"Please forgive me"; Don't think it's unnecessary to say "thank BROWSE BY TAG
you"; Never feel bad to admit "I am wrong"! That's a good
humility Search
tactics is communication!”
― Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
tags: feel-bad, food-for-thought, forgive, forgive-and-forget, fully-unconscious, good-tac cs, humility, i-am- Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
wrong, israelmore-ayivor, please-for-give-me, shy, talks, thank-you, too-big, unnecessary
Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
“Genius is not that you are smarter than everyone else. It is that Like God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
you are ready to receive the inspiration.” Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
― Albert Einstein Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
tags: genius, humility, inspira on, openness, pride, self-cri cism 21 likes Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
“I will never have greater respect than for the man that realizes Like Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
he was wrong and graciously admits it without a single excuse.” Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
― Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
tags: admi ng-faults, humility, overcoming-pride, pride 14 likes Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k

“Without haters, you can't see the level of your progress, that Like

shows you that haters are necessary evil.”

― Michael Bassey Johnson
tags: adversary, antagonist, compulsory, enemies, enemy, enmity, evil, fiend, fight, foul, humility, hurt,
michael-bassey-johnson, necessary-evil-haters, nega ve-people, progress, prosperity, pu ng-down,
struggle, success, sweet-demon, toxic-people

“Shamed and enraged, I sit by the side of the road and cry. Like
Eclipsed by a sense of disgrace, my emotions feel momentarily stifled
and disconnected. Instead of anger, I feel dishonored and exposed. I
cannot even formulate my thoughts, much less speak them. My integrity
and humility have been violated. I have only my own indignation to spur
me on.”
― Holly A. Smith, Fire of the Five Hearts: A Memoir of Trea ng Incest
tags: abuse, disconnected, disgust, dissociated, dissocia on, fear, humility, integrity, intrusive, power,
shame, violated

“Give me the lowest place: not that I dare Like

Ask for that lowest place, but Thou hast died

That I might live and share
Thy glory by Thy side.

Give me the lowest place: of if for me

That lowest place too high, make one more low
Where I may sit and see
My God and love Thee so.”
― Chris na Rosse , Complete Poems 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
tags: god, humility 7 likes
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“A touch less ego and dash more humility will improve the Like

of anything
Books you turn your hand to.” Browse ▾ Community ▾
― Rasheed Ogunlaru
tags: ego, humility, improving, quality, quotes-on-ego, quotes-on-humility, rasheed-ogunlaru, self-

“Cheerfulness means a contented spirit, a pure heart, a kind and Like

loving disposition; it means humility and ~ charity, a generous

appreciation of others, and a modest opinion of self.”
― William Makepeace Thackeray
tags: appreciate, charity, cheerfulness, contented-spirit, humility, loving-disposi on, pure-heart 6 likes

“I don't purchase people with money, or hiss like a snake to Like

attract their attention, all i do is to rest on my couch because i

have the conviction that no human can progress with an
exception without a power behind.”
― Michael Bassey Johnson
tags: a rac on, aura, beg, beggar, beggars, belief, believe-in-yourself, breakthrough, condescend,
condescending, condescension, content, contented, convic on, equanimity, excel, fame, hiss, honor,
honour, humility, individuality, meek, michael-bassey-johnson, money, much-ado-about-nothing, mys c,
popularity, power-behind, pride, progress, reserved, self-reliance, self-respect, snake, unpopularity,
withdrawal, withdrawn

“Before someone will get the guts to monitor your life, he must Like
get the keyboard of humility. To be a humble person, is a
priority in leadership!”
― Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes
tags: bad-friends, companion, companionship, food-for-thought, friend, friends, friendship, good-friend,
good-people, guts, humble, humble-yourself, humility, israelmore-ayivor, keyboard, lay-low, lead, lead-
people, leader, leaders, leadership, life, make-a-good-friend, monitor, people, person, priority, rela onship,
self-leaders, self-leadership, toxic-people

“It was a lot more fun to get famous than to be famous.” Like

― Bill Bryson, One Summer: America, 1927

tags: celebrity, fame, humility, popularity, solitude 5 likes

“A major element in Lincoln's greatness was the way in which he could Like

hold a strong moral position without the usual accompaniment of self-

― Elton Trueblood, Abraham Lincoln: Lessons in Spiritual Leadership
tags: discipleship, humility, pride 4 likes

“Humble me so I do what is right. Break me so I cling to You. Like

Expose me so my motives stay pure.”

― alisa hope wagner, Eve of Awakening
tags: chris anity, faith, god, humility 4 likes

“We have no need to learn to think much of ourselves, to care Like

for ourselves, to consider our own needs, wants, and desires. We
already do that far too much. The problem is getting us to think
of others, to have a lowliness of mind that springs from
humility and love.”
― Nancy Wilson, Building Her House: Commonsensical Wisdom for Chris an
tags: humility, service 4 likes 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“True humility isn’t thinking less of yourself. It’s thinking of Like Sign in
yourself exactly the way God thinks of you; not more and not
My Books Browse ▾ Community ▾
― Praying Medic, Divine Healing Made Simple: Simplifying the
supernatural to make healing & miracles a part of your everyday life
tags: humility 4 likes

“One of the greatest ever statement that can keep you at peace Like
with others is that "I am right, but I may be wrong"! Yes, we
know you are right but you may be wrong!”
― Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes
tags: 1, apologize, apology, at-peace, be-humble, fallible, food-for-thought, great, greater, greatest, humility,
i-am-right, i-am-wrong, infallible, israelmore-ayivor, keep, mistakes, one, peace, peaceful, right, right-and-
wrong, say-sorry, sorry, statement, wrong

“If you can grasp those two truths—you are made in His image Like
and dependent on Him—you will discover a great dignity and at
the same time a profound humility.”
― Colin S. Smith, The 10 Greatest Struggles of Your Life
tags: dignity, god, humility, ten-commandments 3 likes

“Yet so often it seems that victory eludes us. It is when our self- Like

confidence is finally destroyed and is replaced with dependence

upon God that we have victory.”
― K.P. Yohannan, When We Have Failed-What Next?: God's Answer to
Our Failures
tags: failure, hope, humility, victory 3 likes

“The certificate that promotes a divine idea is humility. Period. Like

Get yourself upgraded with the good news of humility every
day! Sometimes, it's hard to prove your humility in the face of
people, but never forget that it is the only option for your divine
― Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes
tags: cer ficate, divine, food-for-thought, hard, humble, humble-yourself, humility, idea, israelmore-ayivor,
meek, op on, people, promote, prove, upgrade

“Deeply convinced of the reality of the divine will, he (Lincoln) had no Like

patience at all with any who were perfectly sure they knew the details of
the divine will.”
― Elton Trueblood, Abraham Lincoln: Lessons in Spiritual Leadership
tags: arrogance, certainty, hubris, humility, smugness, they 2 likes

“The truth posed a great dilemma for a man who always had to Like
be right, and yet, for all his grandeur, was often wrong.”
― David Halberstam, The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War
tags: honesty, hubris, humility, pride 1 likes

“Sometimes the best virtue learned on the battlefield is Like

― David Halberstam, The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War
tags: arrogance, discre on, humility 1 likes

“I have always consoled myself that he such as I who is not a Like

genius, can still achieve much that is useful when he does his
work right and chooses his work to suit his talents.”
― Johann Rudolf Wolf 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

tags: humility, inspira onal, science 1 likes

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“Men and women believed and proclaimed God was firmly on Like
My –
their side Books ▾ to
and easy and shallow assertion that reduced Community ▾
a sort of house deity.”
― Gustav Niebuhr
tags: arrogance, hubris, humility, pride, worship 1 likes

“What makes humility so desirable is the marvelous thing it does to us; Like

it creates in us a capacity for the closest possible intimacy with God.”

― Monica Baldwin
tags: god, humility, in macy-with-god 1 likes

“Fresh from the rarefied environments of Harvard, the author Like

says he purposefully took journalism jobs in small southern
towns so that he could learn the art of conversation with
ordinary people. Is this gift for listening and for conversation, it
seems, that allowed him to produce textured historical narratives of
grand impact.”
― David Halberstam
tags: conversa on, curiosity, humility, listening 0 likes

“God had spoken to His people through His Word. It had Like
humbled them in their sins, but it had lifted them up to see the
grace and mercy of God, and then had directed them into a new
life of obedience. In all our desperate searching for ways to find
joy, God is telling us that we will never find joy like the joy of knowing
God, being humbled in our sins, experiencing His grace, and walking in a
life of obedience.”
― Colin S. Smith, The 10 Greatest Struggles of Your Life
tags: bible, god, grace-of-god, humility, joy, mercy-of-god, obedience, sin, ten-commandments 0 likes

“The Holy Spirit builds on the smooth ground of humility. Like

That's why God will tear you down in order to build you back
― alisa hope wagner, Eve of Awakening
tags: chris anity, faith, god, growth, humility 0 likes

“Never look down on someone because God himself does not do Like
so. No matter what defines the status, nationality or gender of a
person, once God's spirit is in him/her, he or she becomes a
complete creature with complete potentials!”
― Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes
tags: complete, creature, defines, don-t-insult, food-for-thought, gender, god, god-s-spirit, humble, humility,
israelmore-ayivor, jehovah, na onality, never, person, poten als, respect-people, status

“He (Lincoln) differed from fanatical moralists primarily in that he was Like

always perplexed. No sooner did he believe he was doing God's will that
he began to admit that God's purposes might be different from his own.
In short, he never forgot the men's contrast between the absolute
goodness of God and the faltering goodness of all who are in the finite
― Elton Trueblood, Abraham Lincoln: Lessons in Spiritual Leadership
tags: arrogance, humility, humorous, smugness, sovereignty-of-god, worship 0 likes

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 1,561-1,590 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“I often think we should have tattooed on the back of whatever Like

hand we use to shoot or write, 'I might be wrong.” BROWSE BY TAG

― Louise Penny, A Fatal Grace
humility Search
tags: gamache, guns, humility, mistakes, ta oos 42 likes

Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k

“Jesus loves hidden souls. A hidden flower is the most fragrant. Like Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
I must strive to make the interior of my soul a resting place for Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
the Heart of Jesus.” Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
― Faus na Kowalska, Diary of Saint Maria Faus na Kowalska: Divine
God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
Mercy in My Soul Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
tags: hiddenness, humility, jesus, love, s llness Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
“Modern science has been a voyage into the unknown, with a Like
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
lesson in humility waiting at every stop. Many passengers Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
would rather have stayed home.” Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
― Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
tags: humility, lesson, science, unknown, voyage, wishful-thinking 14 likes Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k

“People with disabilities are sometimes very humble and Like

approachable, if you want a seasoned reputation, then behave
like one of the handicaps.”
― Michael Bassey Johnson
tags: disability, handicap, humility, humor, michael-bassey-johnson, reputa on, self-discipline, truth 12 likes

“Years later, after other experiences with dogs, I wondered if Like

their species were shaped and charmed to serve as four-legged

guides able to assist in leading humanity back to our first—and
lost—home. By the example of their joy and humility, by
wanting nothing more than food and play and love, by the deep
satisfaction that they take from those humble things, they belie all
creeds of power and fame. Although they have the teeth to tear, it is by
swish of tail and yearning eyes that they most easily get what they
― Dean Koontz, Innocence
tags: dogs, humanity, humility 9 likes

“The three jewels of Tao: compassion, moderation, and Like

humility. Balthasar said compassion leads to courage,

moderation leads to generosity, and humility leads to
― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
tags: compassion, courage, generosity, humility, leadership, modera on, tao 8 likes

“You will only learn in a fight how much you've got to learn.” Like
― Richard Llewellyn, How Green Was My Valley
tags: adversity, discipleship, humility, spiritual-warfare 8 likes

“This is how it needs to be in life. Solomon also wrote these words in Like

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (NIV) "Two are better than one, because if either of 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls
down and has no one to help them up." God didn't intend for us to do Sign in
life alone. So let me ask you, who do you turn to when life hits you hard
in the mouth? Your family? Some trusted friends? A teacherBrowse
My Books ▾
or coach? Community ▾
Are you building relationships today that will be there for you tomorrow
when adversity comes your way? Do you have humility to look to others
for strength and encouragement, or are you holding to the foolish pride
that says, "I need to make it alone"?”
― Kirk Cousins, Game Changer
tags: advice, chris an, chris anity, companionship, footbal, friendship, god, humility, jesus, redskins 7 likes

“Real Humility is when I can treat a minister, a prince, a priest, Like

a teacher, a waiter and a janitor with the same and equal

― Jeroninio Almeida, Karma Kurry for the Mind, Body, Heart & Soul
tags: humility, inspira onal, karma-kurry, life, respect 7 likes

“Sizing up succinctly his lack of formal education compared Like

with his determination to learn from others, the author writes,

"I went to college with every person I ever met.”
― Chris Gardner
tags: curiosity, educa on, humility 6 likes

“It's better to find success through God, than finding it on one's Like
own merits; some who usually find their own success become
boastful, where through God it's with gratitude.”
― Anthony Liccione
tags: acknowledgment, apprecia on, boas ul, credit, find, god, grateful, gra tude, humility, indebtedness,
merits, pride, recogni on, success, thankful

“Being a fool for God was not merely alright but liberating.” Like
― Joy Davidman
tags: candor, humility, integrity, peace-of-mind 6 likes

“Every story of conversion is a story of blessed defeat.” Like

― C.S. Lewis
tags: conversion, grace, humility, repentance, salva on 6 likes

“Our mind cannot be without fear and our head cannot be held Like
high when we become slaves to materialistic values , always
wondering why my car is not bigger and better than my
neighbours car and in that process forget our human values like
dignity, humility , integrity and humanity.”
― Jeroninio Almeida, Karma Kurry for the Mind, Body, Heart & Soul
tags: humanity, humility, inspira onal, integrity, karma-kurry, life, respect 5 likes

“There won't be any biographies of me, for only one reason, Like
lives spent between the house and the chicken farm do not
make for exciting copy.”
― Flannery O'Connor, The Habit of Being: Le ers of Flannery O'Connor
tags: humility 5 likes

“True humility is a kind of self-annihilation; and this is the Like

centre of all virtues.”
― John Wesley, A Plain Account of Chris an Perfec on
tags: humility, virtue 4 likes 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“[T]he more man accepts his limitations, the better is he Like Sign in
enabled to know things truly.”
― R.J. Rushdoony, Exodus: Commentaries on the Pentateuch
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tags: chris anity, humility 4 likes

“If you ask an Irishman for directions, he might be quick to Like

answer, Well if I were going there, I would not start here.”
― Steve Stockman
tags: counseling, educa on, humility, mentoring, teaching 3 likes

“I might paraphrase Churchill and say: never have I received so much Like
for so little.

[Exemplifying humility, upon accepting the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.]”

― Luis Federico Leloir
tags: chemistry, churchill, humility, nobel-laureate, nobel-prize, william-churchill 3 likes

“There is something really good to say about humility. Being Like

confident and humble is a great combination, maybe the best of

― Ziad K. Abdelnour, Economic Warfare: Secrets of Wealth Crea on in
the Age of Welfare Poli cs
tags: confidence, humble, humility 2 likes

“Today I speak the truth as I know it to be, tomorrow I may know Like
― T Jay Taylor
tags: discovery, humility, learning-lessons, learning-the-truth, truth, understanding 2 likes

“Appearances, beauty, value and life have their unique Like

mysteries and essence. I prefer that essence to be breathing

with humility, honesty, compassion, respect and a timeless
― Angelica Hopes
tags: appearances, essence, generosity, humility, respect 2 likes

“There is too wide a gap, for most of us, between what we say Like
and what we mean. Between our words and our thoughts. The
first thing the Prophet Isaiah said when he saw the living and
exalted God was, “Woe is me, I am ruined. For I am a man of
unclean lips and I live among a people of unclean lips” (Isaiah 6:5).
Isaiah was one of the most godly men who ever walked the earth. But
seeing God, he sees also, abrupt and stark and grief-making, his own
duplicity. Then God does what only God can do: he sears his lips clean
(Isaiah 6:6-7). And herein lies our hope: truly seeing God, we truly see
ourselves, in all our woe-begotten duplicity; but crying out to God, we
are truly and greatly helped.”
― Mark Buchanan
tags: candor, holiness, humility 2 likes

“Albeit i may die sleep not in the coffen of gold and even beer no fruit; Like

but my impact after depart is my particular to paradise.”

― Oladosu feyikogbon
tags: advice, culture, feyikogbon, grace, holy, hope, humility, just, life, loving-kindness, nature, pure,
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13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
“good people bring the good out of people” Like
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― Turcois Ominek
tags: du es, feelings, good, humility, people 2 likes
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“They may hail you like an Angel. They may claim you are the Like

world's prince of princes. They may lift you with praise many
kilometers above sea level. They may say you are the best of the
bests. ....But always remember "you are a human being" with
flesh and blood.”
― Israelmore Ayivor
tags: angel, blood, exhort, flesh, flesh-and-blood, food-for-thought, hail, human-being, humble, humiliate,
humility, israelmore-ayivor, li -high, praise, pride, prince

“The author describes megalomania as seen in Chairman Mao Like

by saying that what he was familiar with, he was really familiar

with. This zeal moved the megalomaniac with a complete lack of
appreciation for what he DID NOT know.”
― David Halberstam, The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War
tags: arrogance, ego, hubris, humility, leadership, megalomania 1 likes

“If you can't let go of the power you possess, if you can't surrender it Like

gracefully when it is time to do so, you will most likely abuse it.”
― Donald Cozzens, Notes from the Underground: The Spiritual Journal of a Secular
tags: humility, power 0 likes

“It hurt to think that a boy would not have him at his value of Like

― Richard Llewellyn, How Green Was My Valley
tags: conceit, educa on, humility, meekness, sincerity 0 likes

“You can become the greatest personality in your community by Like

developing the sagacity of humility, teachability, prosperity-
mentality and accountability.”
― Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
tags: 2014, community, google, humanity, humility, ifeanyi-enoch-onuoha, inspira on, mo va on,
prosperity, sagacity

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13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

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Humility Quotes
Quotes tagged as "humility" Showing 1,501-1,530 of 1,766 All Quotes | My Quotes | Add A Quote

“Something very beautiful happens to people when their world Like

has fallen apart: a humility, a nobility, a higher intelligence BROWSE BY TAG

emerges at just the point when our knees hit the floor. Perhaps,
humility Search
in a way, that's where humanity is now: about to discover we're
not as smart as we thought we were, will be forced by life to surrender
Love Quotes 76k Wri ng Quotes 12.5k
our attacks and defenses which avail us of nothing, and finally break
Life Quotes 59k Inspira on Quotes 12.5k
through into the collective beauty of who we really are." Inspira onal Quotes 56k Quotes Quotes 12k
Humor Quotes 36.5k Religion Quotes 11k
[Facebook post, August 31, 2013]” Philosophy Quotes 23k Success Quotes 10.5k
― Marianne Williamson God Quotes 20k Rela onships Quotes
Inspira onal Quotes 10.5k
tags: beauty, cataclysm, change, humanity, humility, life, perseverance, revela on-of-self, tragedy, Quotes 18.5k Life Lessons Quotes 10.5k
transforma on
Truth Quotes 18.5k Mo va onal Quotes 10k
Wisdom Quotes 17k Time Quotes 9.5k
Romance Quotes 16k Knowledge Quotes 9.5k
“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face Like
Poetry Quotes 16k Love Quotes Quotes 9k
for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: Death Quotes 15k Spirituality Quotes 9k
not the chance to serve. This is true even of the pious brethren Happiness Quotes 14.5k Science Quotes 8.5k
who carry the gospel to foreign parts.” Hope Quotes 13.5k Books Quotes 8.5k
Faith Quotes 13.5k Educa on Quotes 8.5k
― H.L. Mencken, Minority Report
tags: anointed, deceit, elite, false-prophets, falsehood, gospel, humanity, humility, messiahs, power,
prosely zing, rulers, service

“Do not try to be humble: learn humility.” Like

― Idries Shah, Learning How to Learn: Psychology and Spirituality in the
Sufi Way
tags: evolu on, humble, humility, learning, sincerity, sufi, sufis, sufism 16 likes

“The emphasis and the reason for a pure humility is to result in Like

love for others; not always necessarily the belittlement of self.

When there is pride and self-righteousness and being
pretentiously too far above, generally, one has a difficult time
reaching the compassionate side of love for others, the side that
understands (or at least attempts to understand): 'I am aware that I am
not so far from falling in the same way.' Humility seeks to understand,
and sometimes even relate; and in result, the love lovingly, properly,
effectively wills the removal of the destructive sins of another as from
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
tags: caring, caring-for-others, compassion, construc ve-cri cism, discernment, humility, hypocrisy,
judgmental, love, pride, purity, self-destruc on, self-righteousness, sin

“Never miss an opportunity to be truly and deeply humiliated! The Like

shame will carve you down to an individual of exquisite layering, and in

the process, etch within you the arcs of exceptional narrative.”
― Ashim Shanker, Sinew of the Social Species
tags: character-building, humility, inspira onal-quotes, layers, narra ve, self-growth-and-improvement,

“And then I decided to be pro me. Be pro you to the end. No more cutting Like

up myself and serving up myself like pieces of a pie for everyone's 1/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
tasteless palates. And that doesn't mean you don't know how to
say sorry; because being pro you means being pro growth and Sign in
pro improvement. When I'm wrong, I know I'm wrong and I say
that I'm BooksAnd that's how I know I'm right!”Browse ▾
Mywrong. Community ▾
― C. JoyBell C.
tags: be-pro-you, being-pro-me, being-right, being-wrong, humility, inspira onal-quotes, self-growth, self-
improvement, self-worth, wisdom-quotes

“All our knowledge brings us nearer to our ignorance.” Like

― T.S. Eliot
tags: arrogance, humility, knowledge 7 likes

“ 'Tragedy admires man. Comedy feels a bit sorry for him.' We think we Like
are kings or queens, masters of the universe or at least our own destiny.
We forget that a foot may crush us, or that the wind may knock us down.
We are not in control. We are subject to gas and sloughing skin and dirty
pores. Most of our joints will eventually fail us. We have big brains
which we can imagine great things, but we can't really get off the
ground. It's like we have wings but we can't fly.”
― Debbie Blue, Consider the Birds: A Provoca ve Guide to Birds of the Bible
tags: birds, humility, ostrich 5 likes

“We all have the same Christ dwelling within, but revelation of Like

some new need will lead us spontaneously to trust Him to live

out His life in in that particular.”
― Watchman Nee, The Normal Chris an Life
tags: humility, spiritual-gi s, worship 3 likes

“The most secretive news that can make you to shake hands Like
with great people is humility. Pride on the other way is a dream
― Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes
tags: achieve, achievers, big-dreams, dream, dream-big, dream-killer, food-for-thought, great, great-people,
great-things, hand, hands, humble, humility, israelmore-ayivor, kill, killer, make, news, pride, secret, secret-
news, secre ve, shake, shake-hands

“the humblest, and at the same time most balanced and Like
capacious, praised most, while the crank, misfits and
malcontents praised least.”
― C.S. Lewis, Reflec ons on the Psalms
tags: humility, praise 3 likes

“Why has he taken this job?... For the sake of the dogs? But the Like
dogs are dead; and what do dogs know of honour and dishonour
anyway? For himself then. For his idea of the world, a world in
which men do not use shovels to beat corpses into a more
convenient shape for processing.”
― J.M. Coetzee, Disgrace
tags: humility, idealism, learning, life-lesson 2 likes

“Pride is a human nature and it's good for people to be proud of Like
themselves, achievements, etc. but too much of anything is not healthy.
Humble is pride exhibited through humility, so be humble and prideful
about being humble.”
― Uzoma Nnadi
tags: humble, humility, pride, prideful, proud 2 likes 2/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“Have a heart which does not trample down simplicity and Like Sign in
― Angelica Hopes
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tags: abuse, humility, landscapes-of-a-heart, reflec ons, respect, simplicity, whispers-of-a-soul 2 likes

“People who enroll themselves in the schools of pride, Like

eventually graduate with and high degree of fall. Failure
employs “prides” scholars. Get rusticated now!”
― Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes
tags: blow-your-own-trumpet, college, degree, diploma, drop-out, enroll, enrollment, fail, failing, failure, fall,
falling, food-for-thought, graduate, higher-na onal-diploma, hnd, humble, humble-yourself, humbleness,
humility, israelmore-ayivor, obey-people, people, pride, proud, rus cate, school, schools, university

“The judicial wheel is rounded with equality, oiled with honour Like

and functions smoothly with honesty – principally when both

members of the Bench and Bar shoulder their responsibilities
― Munindra Misra, Pt. Kanhaiya Lal Misra - My Father
tags: advocate, allahabad, bar, bench, court, equality, high, honesty, humility, judiciary, kanhaiya, lal, lawyer,
misra, pradesh, pt, u ar

“Standard languages are inventions, most of them confined to a Like

recent period in human history. They are codes that give access
not to clear thinking and basic decency but to the structured
parts of our lives such as job interviews, political speeches,
literary essays, novels, and the like. They signal education and learning,
but they are not the same thing as education and learning.”
― Robert Lane Greene, You Are What You Speak: Grammar Grouches, Language
Laws, and the Poli cs of Iden ty
tags: educa on, humility, language 2 likes

“People often told him how humble he was, but they did not Like

mean real humility, it was merely that he did not flaunt his
membership in the wealthy club, did not exercise the rights it
brought—to be rude, to be inconsiderate, to be greeted rather
than to greet—and because so many others like him exercised those
rights, his choices were interpreted as humility.”
― Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Americanah
tags: humility, wealth 2 likes

“I laboured hard at my book, without allowing it to interfere Like

with the punctual discharge of my newspaper duties; and it
came out and was very successful. I was not stunned by the
praise which sounded in my ears, notwithstanding that I was
keenly alive to it, and thought better of my own performance, I have
little doubt, than anybody else did. It has always been in my observation
of human nature, that a man who has any good reason to believe in
himself never flourishes himself before the faces of other people in order
that they may believe in him. For this reason, I retained my modesty in
very self-respect; and the more praise I got, the more I tried to deserve.”
― Charles Dickens, David Copperfield
tags: humility, modesty 1 likes

“Humble yourself before the Lord and he will lift you high. Like

People who are gentle, humble and able always have a great
ending no matter how small and where obscured they have 3/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)
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― israelmore ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes
tags: able, begin, do-it-well, finish-well, food-for-thought, gentle, great, great-ending, he-will-li -you-high,
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high, higher, higher-ground, ▾
highest, humble, humble-yourself, humble-yourself-before-the-lord, Community ▾
israelmore-ayivor, li , lord, meek, meekness, obscure, people, small, started, you

“We give to God of our strength, not our weakness. But we also say: “Da Like
lifneh mi ata omed”—Know before whom you stand. We know what we
are in the face of that. We see the full picture—God and ourselves. We
cannot see ourselves as more than we are because we see how much
greater is the reality. But we must not lessen our value in our own eyes
either, because we are a necessary part of this reality. It is no small thing
that we are able to “stand” and to address that reality.
It would be good if we could approach life the way we approach prayer,
knowing before whom we stand.”
― Ovadya ben Malka, A Damaged Mirror
tags: god, humility, prayer, self-worth 1 likes

“True humility is being able to accept criticisms as graciously as we Like

accept compliments.”
― Sabrina Newby
tags: compliments, humility, inspira onal 1 likes

“He is not, he hopes, a sentimentalist. He tries not to Like

sentimentalize the animals he kills, or to sentimentalize Bev

Shaw. He avoids saying to her 'I don't know how you do it,' in
order not to have to hear her say in return, 'Someone has to do
― J.M. Coetzee, Disgrace
tags: humility, learning, retribu on, teaching 1 likes

“Humble is pride exhibited through humility.” Like

― Uzoma Nnadi
tags: humble, humility, pride 0 likes

“Writers who think THEY are being criticized when only that Like

writing is being criticized are beyond a teacher's reach. Writing

can only be learned when a writer coldly separates himself from
what he has written and looks at it with the objectivity of a
plumber examining a newly piped bathroom to see if he got all the joints
― William Zinsser
tags: humility, objec vity, openness, teachability 0 likes

“Humility and Trustworthiness are not rooted only in Presentation, Like

Voice modulation or Nice Jorgan

but in Actions and Intentions that speak louder than you do and they last
― Venkat Gandhi
tags: humility, trsustworthiness 0 likes

“Speech one may regret, Like

Silence no sorrow begets,

Humility be born before honour,
Soft answer turns wrath’s corner”
― Munindra Misra, Pt. Kanhaiya Lal Misra - My Father
tags: anger, answer, humility, regret, silence, sorrow, speech, wrath 0 likes 4/5
13/03/2020 Humility Quotes (1766 quotes)

“Be humble and set the balls of your dreams rolling till God Like Sign in
himself decides what next! As for "pride", allow it to go as a
lone ranger!”
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― Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes
tags: ball, be-humble, big-dreams, decide, dream-big, dreaming, dreams, god, humble, humble-yourself,
humbleness, humility, lone, lone-ranger, lonely, pride, proud, ranger, roll, rolling

“Curious that a man as selfish as he should be offering himself Like

to the service of dead dogs. There must be other, more

productive ways of giving oneself to the world, or to an idea of
the world... But there are other people to do these things - the
animal welfare thing, the social rehabilitation thing, even the Byron
thing. He saves the honour of corpses because there is no one else stupid
enough to do it.”
― J.M. Coetzee, Disgrace
tags: death, humility, idealism, repentance 0 likes

“Humility is not thinking less of myself, but thinking about myself Like

― Anonymous
tags: humility 0 likes

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