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Biology Research Paper Outline & Thesis Template

Due: Monday November 20th

Graded Assignment - Worth 20 Points
Thesis: This is where your thesis statement will go.

Directions: To create your outline, on each of the numbers below, you will state each
main topic/idea you will be talking about in your Research Paper in chronological order.
Below shows 9 topics as a good template when creating your outline. However, you do not
need to write about 9 different topics on your subject. You only need to make sure you
have enough topics that will ensure you cover the minimum word count.


1. Introduction:
a. Topic: The brain and how it communicates with the body
b. Hook:
c. Thesis: The brain has many parts and is part of the nervous system.
2. Topic #1: Frontal Lobe
3. Topic #2: Parietal Lobe
4. Topic #3: Temporal Lobe
5. Topic #4: Occipital Lobe
6. Topic #5: Cerebellum
7. Topic #6: Limbic Lobe
8. Topic #7: Spinal Cord
9. Topic #8: Nerves
10. Topic #9: when there is a problem (short paragraph on mental illnesses and why they happen,
11. Conclusion: The brain has an extremely important role in the functioning of the human body

Submit your outline and thesis statement to the ‘7.03 Graded Assignment: Research Paper Thesis and
Outline’ Assignment box by Friday before class at the end of Week 6 and then check back later to see my

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