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Adventitious lung sounds and

problems on Auscultation
Tuesday, June 16, 2020 11:08 AM

• Crackles (Rales) – On Inspiration – not a continuous sound :

• Fluid filled in alveoli
○ Pulmonary edema
• Sound like bubbles
• Wont be gone with suction because fluid is inside the lung alveoli.
• Rx- Diuretics, stop IV Fluids, notify physician, chest physiotherapy
• Rhonchi - on expiration – continuous sound-
• indicate the presence of secretions in the larger airway
• Changes after cough or suctioning
• Rx- suctioning, deep breathing, activity, position changes

• Stridor – Priority patient

• Upper airway obstruction
• Due to anaphylatic reaction
• can hear without stethoscope
• Wheezing
• Musical sound
• In a flue, the sound can be changed bu blocking some holes. Like that, in asthma,
some areas are edematous and closed. So the air makes that sound
• asthma
• Friction rub
• The lungs don’t have enough space to expand
• Sound similar to when rubbing paper in between fingers
• pleural inflammation
• Eg, Cardiomegaly, pleuritis, pleural effusion
• pleural inflammation
• Eg, Cardiomegaly, pleuritis, pleural effusion

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