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Gürtaç Yemişcioğlu
Room: R211
Tel: 2929
 Thursday 15:30 – 16:30, Room: TZ-21

 Monday 15:40 – 17:30, Room: TZ-20

 Wednesday 11:40 – 12:30 Room: TZ-20

gürtaç yemişcioğlu
Main Text:
 M. A. Mazidi, S. Naimi, & S. Naimi, “The AVR Microcontroller and
Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C” (International Ed.), Pearson,

Auxiliary Text:
 E. A. Lee, S. A. Seshia, “Introduction to Embedded Systems: A Cyber-
Physical Systems Approach” (2nd Ed.),, 2015.

 Barry B. Brey, “The Intel Microprocessors” (8th Ed.), Prentice Hall, 2014.

gürtaç yemişcioğlu
Our goal will be mastering the basics of microcontroller /
microprocessor system hardware and software architecture
using the AVR microcontroller as a learning vehicle.

Various topics useful for embedded systems development such

as buses, I/Os, interrupts, timers will be covered.

Knowledge of a high level programming language, like C, will

help. Prerequisite: EEE-248/CNG-232.

gürtaç yemişcioğlu
Course Outline (Tentative)

HW HW Lab Lab
Week# Week Starts Lecture
Out Due Out Held
Introduction to computing and instruction execution;
1 03 – Feb Memories; Address Decoding

Chip specifications / architecture; Registers; Assembly

language programming
2 10 – Feb
Tutorial for Laboratory Environment

Programming model; Data Handling; Simple Loops; RISC;

3 17 – Feb 1
Instruction set addressing modes; Arithmetic/logic
4 24 – Feb instructions and examples 1

Arithmetic/logic instructions and examples; branch/jumps;

5 02 – Mar 2 1
6 09 – Mar Subroutines, stacks; Recitation 1 2 1
High level programming of microcontrollers; Examples
7 16 – Mar 3 2
Interfacing using polling and interrupts Midterm #1
8 23 – Mar 3 2
Serial I/O interfaces; I/O Interfacing examples;
9 30 – Mar 4 3
ADC, DAC and Sensor interfaces Recitation 2
10 06 – Apr 4 3
Timers; Input capture; Waveform generation;
11 13 – Apr 5 4
12 20 – Apr PWM and Motor Control; Midterm #2 5 4
13 27 – Apr SPI and I2C protocols 6 5
Multitasking; Examples; Wrap-up; Recitation 3
14 04 – May 5
15 11 – May Finals 6

gürtaç yemişcioğlu
20% 20%




Midterm 1 Midterm 2 Final HW Attendance Lab

gürtaç yemişcioğlu
• Those who fail to get 70% or above from the laboratory portion may fail the class due
to failure to achieve the minimum required learning outcome.

• Students who fail the lab portion of the course may not be allowed to take the final

• Those who fail to follow the rules of academic honesty will fail the class. All work should
be done independently.

• Attendance is higly recommended to do well. Those who miss > 20% of the lectures and
recitations, or any Midterm will not be allowed to take the Final Exam, and will receive
an NA grade.

• Will use to post all material. Homework problems will be discussed in recitations.

gürtaç yemişcioğlu
gürtaç yemişcioğlu

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