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URBEGO international
workshop on sustainable
“Every time
I describe a city
I am saying something
about Venice”
Italo Calvino, Invisible cities



SMART CITY 42-45 Arrival point strategy

46-47 Redistribution of flows

17-19 48-49 Unified visual identity

50-51 Wayfinding system project

52-52 App for Venice tourists

53-53 Further considerations





CHAPTER 01 11 The Municipality of Venice CHAPTER 03 24-25 The workshop Venice Smart City

STATEMENTS 12 IUAV - University of Venice

THE VENICE 26-31 Phase I

ABOUT 13 Blip Sirius System

CHALLENGE 32-35 Phase II


36-39 Coexistence strategy

4 5

Smart City
as Human scale city

from partners

6 7

urban population is expected to ple who move through the city
surpass six billion by 2045. By engage in way-finding. They
2030 a billion of people will move need to be able to recognize and
to the global cities to seek for organize urban elements into a
jobs, educational opportunities, coherent pattern. People needs to
and cultural offers. At the same structure and identify the space
time these cities cannot contin- for appropriating it. The city

ue to expand: one-hour travel needs a powerful image, a prod-
time is generally the limit that uct of immediate sensation and
households are willing to spend past memory. This city’s unique
for most journeys to work. image should be protected such
Therefore the cities of tomorrow as a cathedral or a monument, to
should invest on public transport, keep intact and recognizable its
to convert industrial structures complex identity.
and spaces into apartments, to We only need to think to the
reuse leftover urban spaces as distinctive color of Bologna or

gardens and community areas. Florence for example, or to the
Enrique Peñalosa, mayor of Bo- old facades of Rome or Venice.
gotá, said: A legible environment creates
a sense of belongingness and
"An advanced city is not a place enhances the human experience live. City data is opened up to
is fundamental in the smart city
where the poor move about in with the outside world. Also the public who use it to build
definition and implementation.
cars, rather it’s where even the wayfinding signs influences this applications and gain insight into
Technology should be considered
rich use public transportation". perception of the city as coherent how the city works. Inclusion
not as a goal or an all-inclusive
sequence of spaces, rhythms and and participation are important
characteristic but as a tool to
Joan Clos of UN Habitat echoes: images. targets for successful smart city
involve citizens, changing their
“The compact walkable city Wayfinding is more than Signage: programmes to avoid polarisa-
Words The concept behind smart cities attitude towards the urban en-
enhance livelihood for the poor it is concerned with spatial be- tion between the urban elite and
is actually rather vague, there is vironment and the local institu-
Giulia Maci, through affordable mobility”. haviours in relation to environ- low income areas. In the most
no common definition of what a tions. Technology in cities needs
Urbego Many cities are now seeing that mental stimuli, and then, more successful projects, citizens are
smart city is, and most common- to be urbanized and built around
high-quality and walkable spaces generally, with the relationship being empowered through active
ly the idea relies on the implicit the user. Smart cities will be
contribute to the regeneration of between subject and environ- participation to create a sense of
assumption that urban infra- smart because their citizens have
neighborhoods, with commer- ment. Wayfinding is an element ownership and commitment. So
structures and everyday life can/ found new ways to recognize,
cial property prices increasing in of differentiation and identifica- a smart city can be defined as a
should be optimized through the interlink and use in a meaningful
those locations. The presence of tion, a brand which intensifies participative environment that
technologies and innovations of way their own and each other’s
good parks, squares, gardens and the city’s original meaning. The facilitate and stimulate citizens,
global IT companies. So, what’s assets, data and other resources.
other public spaces becomes a orientation is, in fact, an inter- businesses and the public sector
the problem with smart cities? Open Data is one way in which
vital business and marketing tool: pretive activity, both dependent to contribute.
Would have been better not some cities are giving citizens
companies are attracted to loca- from the messages that are pres-
using this abused term at all in the power to change how they
tions that offer well-designed, ent in the wayfinding artefacts,
this project? We realized that it well-managed public places and and as a response to stimuli
was important to do exactly the these in turn attract customers, coming from the environment.
opposite: we decide to dwell on employees and services. Pedes- A wayfinding systems which is
this concept, look at it carefully trian accessibility influences integrated in the surrounding
and redefine it through a collab- directly the economic attractive- environment can improve the
orative process that collected the ness, social cohesion and cultural legibility of a place.
experiences and perspectives of vitality of a neighborhood. In
the different actors involved in this sense a smart city can be Inclusion and participation
the project. defined as a place where people Often the role of citizens has been
can move, interact and innovate. neglected in the implementation
Proximity and democracy A city where, quoting Richard of smart city projects, giving
In recent years, the Walkable Sennett, “strangers are likely to importance to exclusively the
city along with the compact meet”. technological aspect. A smart city
city concepts have gained wide can be instead an instrument to
acceptance among policy makers Readability and coherence increase democratic participa-
and urban planners as sustainable A central characteristic of smart tion of people in city government
urban forms for the future. A city is that of legibility. Legibility and therefore to create higher
good city should be dense, walk- means the extent to which the consensus and a better quality of
able and cyclable. The world's cityscape can be ‘read’. Peo- life in a social sense. This element

8 9


Marco Bordin

Venice: a model for smart cities?

The Municipality of Venice is

launching a process of renovation
of the city governance through a
science of cities which is able to
manage in an integrated way the
different infrastructures of the

“An advanced city is not


These infrastructures (energy,

mobility, water resources, infor-

a place where the poor

mation technology, waste man-
agement and natural heritage)
are fundamental aspects for the
A view of Venice from and accessibility of data are two
main urban services (security, the top

move about in cars, rather

sport, culture, education, health, determining factors for develop-
leisure, industry): the improve- ment and wealth creation.
ment of these city infrastructures
implies the enhancement of the The success of the process of city

it’s where even the rich quality of life of citizens. transformation depends also on
the capacity to exchange experi-
One of the strategic objectives of ences, knowledge and issues with
other cities, defining common

use public transportation”

the Municipality is the promo-
tion of projects on innovation paths and shared solutions.
and sustainability through the
interconnection of the existing The City of Venice is meanwhile
technologies already in use such focusing on six project areas that
as social network,log, com- concur to the holistic approach
munities and other interaction to a smarter and more livable
Venice: smart mobility, smart
Enrique Peñalosa platforms.
The Municipality is also recon- economy, smart environment,
figuring city services because smart living, smart people, and
it believes that the availability smart governance.

Rialto Bridge, Gondoliers

10 11

Cities are mad of data - from Blip website

liveability. The activity of the projects with the aim to decline
Laura Fregolent e Matelda Reho workshop is widely used at the the concept of "smart" that goes
Iuav because it allows to combine concretely in the direction of sus-
The Department of Design and the offer of frontal and theo- tainable urban regeneration.
Planning in complex environ- retical classroom teaching with The concept, which focuses
ments (DPPAC) is characterized practical activities, as observation mainly on green or innovative
by a multidisciplinary approach of phenomena in their unfolding technology-intensive productive
to the land and the urban con- and on site data collecting. The sectors, such as the production
text, its governance system and experience of the workshop is of energy and techno industries,
its transformation processes planned within the curriculum as it also extends to issues of waste
undergoing in the perspective of curricular activities, planned and removal and recycling, water
the design in complex environ- compulsory, but also as an occa- saving and sustainable building.
ments. This approach results in sional, non-continuous activity, However, "technology" keeps
both research works and didactic built on the themes of the current the hegemony which necessarily
activities in collaboration with debate, in collaboration with leads to narrow the field of inter-
multidisciplinary teams, profes- organizations and institutions or est to the above areas and their
sionals and the business world. associations as in the case of the interelations with transport, mo-
Venice smart city workshop. bility and infrastructure, renew-
When URBEGO proposed to join As shown above an element of in- able energy, telecommunications,
the Venice smart city workshop, terest in this initiative is the link broadband and digital divide. As
together with the City of Venice to the theme of the workshop. suggested by the European Union
and COWI, the offer was received Smart city is in fact a theme that the issue gathers the interests of
with interest for many reasons. DPPAC has included in its agenda, cities and communities, eco-
First of all it was an opportunity engaging some first research nomic operators and citizens
to interact with a team of profes-
The Uffizi, ca. 1870, photo by Giorgio Sommer
sionals from different European to optimize and improve infra-
countries and with different and The contemporary smart cities structures and businesses.
multi sectorial skills; it repre- model of urbanism is predicat- Through data collection and
sented a chance to connect them ed on the rise of private-sector analysis decision makers would
to the students of the courses development, the emergence of be able to effectively understand,
related to DPPAC; it gave more new construction techniques that evaluate and optimize traffic and
reasons to work on the theme of allow for the rapid erection of people flow, improving infra-
the smart city as city capable to “cities in a box,” and of course structure utilization, traveler
improve the quality of life of its the availability of new technol- experience and local business.
inhabitants; and finally it offered ogy — including, in particular,
the opportunity to focus on the tools for generating, capturing About BLIP
city of Venice and improvements and analyzing data, and feeding BLIP Systems is a privately held
to be pursue at the mobility processed data back into the wireless technology company
IUAV, University

system’s level and in terms of urban system. with headquarters near Aalborg,
Media theorist Friedrich Kittler Denmark. It was founded in 2003
with the aim to improve urban observes that cities have his- as an MBO of the Bluetooth activ- innovative technologies. Working
life through integrated and more torically been not only sites of ities within Ericsson Denmark. in challenging sectors like urban
sustainable solutions. This means data storage and transmission, The vision and unparalleled ex- and in-yard transportation
greater energy efficiency, better but also of data-processing and pertise at BLIP Systems is derived systems or ground handling for
transport solutions, intelligent formatting. from 16 talented employees that aviation, Sirius provides its cus-
use of information technology strive to provide the highest tomers fast and sound solutions
and communication, but also an “it is almost as if the historian quality service and solutions. joining a deep know-how and
important part of planning with a of cities [mumford] had forgot- BLIP Systems develops, sells and selected technologies from its
more participatory approach. ten his insight that part of the supports the BlipTrack solution international partners.
greatness of ancient florence worldwide for monitoring and Sirius is partner of BLIP systems,
The focus on implementation consisted in having erected, with improving road traffic and travel- offering BLIP's smart city solu-
issues aimed at the urban rede- the uffizi, the first office building er movement in airports and train tions for tracking and monitoring
velopment and improvement of — a central bureau for data stations. people, vehicles and passengers.
the quality of life, through the processing.”
smart approach, should become About Sirius
the "natural" evolution of how The creation of a smart city im- Sirius Technology is an Italian ICT
to address the problems of the plies the ability to gather, process company focused on resources Source
city. This is the focus of our daily and visualize data from multiple optimisation through the appli- Shannon Mattern,
IUAV - Department of design and planning in complex environments work. sources, creates new possibilities cation of internationally proven, methodolatry-and-the-art-of-measure/

12 13

Smart city according to Urbego

COWI Michael Knørr Skov


The Smart City optimizes the

Ole Stilling, CEO

Many smart city projects focus

on a range of possible knowl-
everyday life while reducing the edge-led mobility solutions,
costs and consumption to do so. generally based around building
"The truly smart parts of a city are new infrastructures, implying
the things you do not see." that technologies alone can solve
Whether you want to improve the every urban issues. As the British
flow of the traffic, the air quality architect Cedric Price said in the
in the park, the waiting list at the mid-1960s:
hospital, the energy consumption “Technology is the answer.
of streetlights, the sewers under Lars-Peter Søbye But what is the question?”
heavy rain, the production rate
at the factory or the public usage Too many “smart projects”
of city areas you need to know only look at specific sectors not
how and when to do it. Our cities including the users during the
are alive with data. A key factor whole process. So water experts
to make our cities smarter is do water projects, traffic experts
figuring out how to collect these do traffic projects etc.
data and how to use them. Many These projects lack of a cross
of the necessary technologies are sectorial coordination or political
available and we need to use these prioritization among sector-ori-
to develop our understanding entated investments. Often social
and learn more about our cities. impact and users demand are deeper understanding, is one make excellent, clear and logical
It is valuable to view our cities not considered as an indicators in which the structures of the solutions – often with good so-
as a single organism rather than for prioritizing investment in various urban systems are made cio-economic pay-back. You also
individual cells with no influ- smart projects. The planning clear, simple, responsive and need to be in close understand-
ence on each other. A vital part and organization of the smart even malleable via contemporary ing of the life in the city and the
of the smarter city is the digital city projects are centralized and technology and design. inhabitant preferences.
infrastructure, which will enable top-down, in a framework of Involving strategic city partners
us to monitor and analyse big public-private partnerships with Citizens are not only engaged in a clear and rational process
data from the various areas and leading technology firms. The and informed in the relation- with a positive, cross sectorial
functions of the city. Doing so point of the smart city, then, is to ship between their activities, and user driven thinking can lead
will allow us to optimize the city attract creative classes and build their neighbourhoods, and the to the creation of a better urban
with a wider array of knowledge a productive knowledge-based wider urban ecosystems, but are environment. This is the smart
about the effects and influences economy. actively encouraged to see the city that IFHP imagines.
from our actions on the city as a city itself as something they can
whole.The ability to do so relies The adjective “smart” should collectively shape, such that it
on a broad collaboration between evoke instead a sentiment of is inclusive, interactive, acces-
the various authorities in the city. openness — open data, open sible, adaptive and changeable,
The smart city is a common goal access, open source, open as opposed to the inflexible and
and will only be obtained and platform, open participation, mono-functional structures of
sustained through an under- open government. This vision many contemporary cities. Cities
standing as such. In addition focuses on collaboration and in which citizens understand
to the latest IT solutions, the participation, rather than closed, that they are part of a wider
smart city also relies on smarter propriety systems and top-down system, and behave according-
planning. Expansion as a solution management and governance. It ly, to take more holistic view
to our problems in the city is be- seeks to be more transparent and beyond individual interests, with
coming increasingly inadequate inclusive, and less technocrat- government equally engaged into

and we need to do more with ic. It enables public institutions involve, listen and evolve.
what we already got. This means and private companies to share
using every part of our city to the data, information, knowledge, This URBEGO workshop was
best of our knowledge without software, hardware, and infra- an experiment in this sense: by
negatively influencing the livea- structure through flexible and bringing together different urban
bility of the city. common platform, contributing actors coordinated by a dynamic
Making our cities smarter is a to innovate the city. team of young international pro-
challenging and necessary task. COWI - cover annual report 2013 A smart city, in its broader and fessionals the workshop you can

14 15

t is difficult to define in a unique and clear way
what a smart city is. The adjective "smart", in recent
years, has gradually defined the digital city, then an
open and inclusive city and, more recently, the sus-
tainable city. In addressing the issue, it is important
to transform this theme, often elusive and rhetor-
ical, into something tangible by starting from the
existing resources of a place and creating a strategy
that addresses the specific needs of that city.
To do so, we need to first understand the changes
that the concept of smart development proposes and
what opportunities could be seized in each particu-
lar situation.

The strategy to make a city smart begins with the

understanding of the essence of the city often
reflected in its history, followed by an assessment
of its modern needs and expressing that through
a "new spirit and identity". This new spirit needs
to embrace technological innovation, wellbeing of
residents, growth of enterprises and rational use of
resources and space.

The question that this proposal aims to answer is

what is the area where a city like Venice can find this
new spirit?
How can Venice be imagined as smart city in its
modern understanding when, although created
many centuries ago, it is still “smarter” than most
of the new cities of today?

One of the crucial aspects of the development of
Venice is mobility and mobility by water in par-

ticular. Venice is the center of constant flows and
connections on water that cause high levels of
congestion and limit the accessibility of the center.
Every day the insular city must sustain around
100,000 visitors, roughly double its current number
of residents.

The arrivals are concentrated in an area that in-

cludes the train station, the harbor, the Tronchetto

station and Piazzale Roma. This movements need to
be managed and facilitated. Therefore, it is funda-
mental for the future of the historic center that the
area of the terminals is capable of absorbing and
directing the pedestrian flows as well as facilitating
the interchange between the different modes of
transport in a clear and efficient manner.

16 17

“…It is as though space,
cognizant here more than
In parallel, the organization of anyplace else of its inferiority
the water bus network, without to time, answers it with the
a clear separation between the
tourist and residents services
only property time doesn't
puts the canal under high pres- possess: with beauty.
sure and creates long queues and
very crowded services that affect
And that's why water takes
the resident’s everyday move- this answer, twists it, wallops
ments and the tourist experience and shreds it, but ultimately
of the city.
carries it by and large intact
As a consequence, pedestrian off into the Adriatic.”
movement and public space
strategy for the terminal area is
a very important component of – J. Brodskij
the integrated mobility strategy
for the historic city and can truly
facilitate the implementation of
holistic and “smart” solutions.


After conversations with repre-
sentatives of the Municipality of
Venice on the topic of mobility,
Urbego proposed to organize
a seminar and a subsequent
international planning workshop
aimed at students and young pro-
fessionals with the objective of
defining sustainable alternatives
to improving mobility in the city.

The activities have been organized

in collaboration with the National
Institute of Urban Studies (INU),
A view of Canal Grande
the Municipality of Venice and by Roberto Taddeo The workshop was planned in of the proposals put forward and design, information and move-
the University of Venice (IUAV). two separate phases. In the first discussions that took place dur- ment is crucial and represents a
stage students at the IUAV would ing both stages of the workshop. cost efficient and participatory
The workshop aim was to reflect build a fact sheet of the chal- It represents an important exper- method that it plans to apply in
on the network of transporta- lenges and opportunities that the iment for Urbego that is devel- other historic city centres.
tion on water, the redesign of area of the terminals presented oping and testing a methodology
the interchange terminals with regarding the three main themes and approach on walkability, The method, done in collabo-
particular attention to pedestrian and a second stage that would smart mobility and flows man- ration with universities and re-
access and propose a new system allow for the exchange of best agement that is focused on data search institutes can also become
of communication and informa- practices among the Italian stu- collection, prototype testing and a powerful formation tool for
tion for visitors. dents and international partici- refinement of solutions in close the next generation of planning
pants. consultation with local stake- professionals in each city.
The workshop was developed This set up was chosen to allow holders and government.
around three main areas of for an informed debate to take This publication is a synthesis of
planning: place and to encourage inno- Urbego believes that there is no the workshop process and results
vative and diverse solutions to one solution for all cities and local and it is conceived as the basis
smart human design, emerge. knowledge and international for future collaboration between
wayfinding and perspective as well as a trial and Urbego, IUAV and the Venice
mobility systems. This report contains the summary error approach on public space Municipality. Calatrava Bridge in a photo by Roberto Taddeo

18 19

“Ah, Venice”, sighs the ticket seller when, in Thom-
as Mann’s famous novel Death in Venice, he sells the
protagonist his passage across the Adriatic. With its
exotic and unique urban environment, its romantic
allure, its powerful and mythological history evoked
by iconic buildings, Venice has an unrivalled place in
the mental map of Europe.

A city that has a long history of attracting people

from all across the world, Venice, in many ways, is
the tourist destination par excellence. During the
post war period, tourist flows into Venice began
assuming unprecedented proportions. Today arrivals
have reached roughly 20 million a year and approx-
imately 100,000 each day, during the peak season.
These figures represent an exceeding of the city’s
tourism capacity by some two million tourists annu-
ally. Moreover the unique geography of the historic
city-centre, a group of 117 small islands separated
by canals and linked by bridges, further ads to the
complexity of the situation. The transportation of
goods and people is predominantly made by boat.
Otherwise, movement is pedestrian.

Today, the population of Venice is less than 70,000.
It is a community in decline, once having a pop-
ulation of some 200,000. Demographic statistics
shows a persistent haemorrhaging of the city’s
population since the 1950s, as people have moved
onto the mainland, in response to the overwhelming
predominance of tourism and its impact on the local
economy causing surging property prices, limiting
the employment opportunities outside of tourism

and the quality of life due to the congestion of public
spaces, transport and other services. Therefore the
city has developed a love-hate relationship with
tourism which has resulted in a conflict between
two social groups: one living through tourism, the
other in spite of it. The city needs the tourists, but
it is also essentially a heritage city that needs to be
preserved therefore a balance needs to be reached.

Those Venetians, who reside in the historic centre,
by definition, reside in ways that inherently embody
encounters with tourists. To live in Venice is to
live with tourists. The project examines how local
residents perform encounters with tourists ‘on the
ground’, by exploring and addressing two main is-
sues: the congestion of the arrival area together with
the main pedestrian routes and the lack of informa-
tion or signage to support pedestrian movement.

Tourism odi et amo

20 21

guidance to make an informed SPAZIO component of the mobility strat-
This two fold challenge although choice about how best to reach PER DATI egy that would, not only, im-
isolated it has widespread im- their destination and to explore prove the management of flows at
plications on the liveability and the city confidently. the terminals, but also contribute
management of the city and is This is in part because there is to enhancing the tourist expe-
juxtaposed by the need to avoid very little information or signage
ALTRE rience across the island so that
the city becoming a theme park to encourage and support walk- NOTE A they can count on a clear and
and allowing for residents and ing although roughly 70% of the MARGINE consistent guidance system that
visitors to coexist in a way that daily trips in Venice are made by IN BASE AL allow those who come to town,
is dignifying and exciting by foot. TESTO tourists but also commuters, of
maintaining the city’s character through it as best as possible.
and heritage. The widespread belief that Venice
is an inaccessible city, a labyrinth
FOLLOWING THE CROWD and inhospitable environment As mentioned previously the
The geography of Venice and especially for the elderly and project took place in two phases.
its necessity to connect to the mobility impaired persists among Phase I: July 2013 (conducted by
mainland has led in time to a visitors but is contradicted by the IUAV)
concentration of arrivals in an daily experience of frequent Ven- Phase II: 27-31 August (conducted
area that includes the train sta- ice commuters and its residents. by Urbego)
tion, the Santa Lucia station, the
Tronchetto and Piazzale Roma.
With the increase in mass tourism
the need to manage and facilitate
movement in the area has become
increasingly important.

Nowadays, due to the diversifi-

cation of tourist typology and in-
creasing waves of tourists coming
from emerging economies across
the globe, the Venice municipal-
ity is under pressure to provide
a system of terminals capable of
absorbing and directing the pe-
destrian flows as well as facilitat-
ing the interchange between the
different modes of transport.
At the same time the munici-
pality has identified the need to
diversify the access to the city
by strengthening the external SPAZIO Confusing signage across the city
terminals (Tessera, S. Basilio) and PER DATI together with a plethora of signs
directing the different users flows at the terminals, no coherent and
upstream, outside the historical integrated information system
center. that distinguishes between the
ALTRE various modes of transport makes
GETTING LOST IN VENICE NOTE A orientation even more difficult.
Once in Venice, visitors have the MARGINE
option of using water transport IN BASE AL Under these circumstances the
or walking nevertheless, previous TESTO project promoted an integrated
research and questionnaires and complementary planning
conducted by IUAV and the mu- approach in the terminal areas,
nicipality reveal that confusion looking at the reorganization of
and frustration are a constant of functions and flows and pro-
the tourist experience in the city. posing simple design solutions
Because the city is unique com- to improve the accessibility, the
pared to other cities in the world permeability and use of the public
it is obvious that tourists will space. Signage and information
generally need more support and strategy was identified as a strong

22 23

How can the efficiency and per-
A view of the city formance of the vaporetto lines
be improved in order to offer

sufficient capacity and satisfying
levels of service?
How to connect an ancient
city to the rest of the Can the reorganization of the
contemporary globalized network of transportation on
world? water into distinct lines for
tourists and residents address the

problem of crowding and relieve
pressure on the canal?


The exercise proposed for the
pre-workshop activities con-
sisted of performing a diagnosis
of the existing system (taking
into account all its components)
In the pre-workshop phase the by gathering information about
IUAV students prepared the pre- 1 Direction and capacity of flows the city’s water bus network
liminary field work and back- 2 Waiting and interchanging through: existing documentation,
ground research on the themes time at the landing stage and sites visits, interviews of trans-
identified. Urbego defined key ticket points port authorities and operators
questions and activities and asked 3 Urban furniture: quality and Biennale totem located previous research that has been Wider questions that were asked
the students coordinated by IUAV use near a bridge conducted by the Communi- during this stage were:
professors to compile a set of fact 4 Walkability: level of efficiency cation and Design Department 1 How do the transportation
sheets that would allow the inter- of the pedestrian connections at IUAV entitled VENICE 2 WAY. services (vaporettos routes,
national participants to get a very 5 Management of the vaporet- Students decided, with the services for commuters/tourists,
good understanding of the main to’s stops guidance of their coordinator, strategic stops in the network,
challenges and opportunities in 6 Visibility and design of ticket on locations around the termi- etc) work in Venice?
the terminal area. points nal area (Piazzale Roma, Train 2 Which are the characteristics
The questions and activities 7 Type and distribution of the Station, Vaporetto Terminal and of movements on the canal?
defined under the three main different services/functions Tronchetto) where they would 3 What are the station charac-
themes of the workshop are pre- (tourist information, café, ticket like to test different previously teristics in term of equipment
sented below. offices etc) developed wayfinding solutions. and accessibility?
Students also designed proto- 4 What are the characteristics
SMART HUMAN SCALE DESIGN WAYFINDING AND types, of the selected options to of passenger information and
WORKSHOP QUESTIONS INFORMATION SYSTEM be tested during the workshop ticketing points?
How can the Venice terminals in August.
absorb and manage the flows and WORKSHOP QUESTION The information gathered for all
respond to different needs of the Can wayfinding and communi- Wider questions that were also of these themes was subsequently
visitors? What is the role of urban cation solutions change the way explored during this stage: shared with the international
design in improving the accessi- residents and visitors navigate participants in August.
bility of the historic city? the public space and improve the 1 Can the solutions be imple- The material compiled by the
particularly negative image of mented across the city? IUAV students together with
PRE WORKSHOP ACTIVITIES Venice as an inaccessible place? 2 What is the target group for comprehensive presentations and
The smart human scale design the specific solution? site visits organized by munici-
component of the pre work- PRE WORKSHOP ACTIVITIES 3 What wayfinding problems do pality representatives represent-
shop activities in July focused The wayfinding component of the they address? ed the basis for an intense week
on observing and analysing how pre workshop activities in July 4 What are the strengths of experimentation and debates.
the terminal area of Santa Lucia focused on identifying practical and weaknesses of the chosen
- Tronchetto arrival point- signage and information solutions solutions pre-testing? (logistics, The following section presents
Piazzale Roma works. that have the potential of chang- integration with the wider public the approach and analysis pro-
In particular the students were ing this perception and improving space, implementation costs, duced in the pre-workshop phase
asked to compile a report (includ- the daily experiences of visitors stakeholder engagement etc) by the IUAV students and their
ing pictures, videos and draw- and residents alike. 5 Is the design inclusive for all coordinators.
ings) on the following aspects: The basis for this activity was the View from top of Piazzale Roma user categories?

24 25

qualitative interviews made in the

train station area participants worked together to
identify ideas and find solutions
of the problems identified, such

Words as: congestion due to the high
Laura Fregolent number of tourists; the coexist-
ence of different flows of users
(residents, tourists, commuters);
The workshop was organized the confused and ineffective
in two phases: the first at the signage on services and alterna-
beginning of July, it was only to turis
ti tive ways to the canonical ways of
students of advanced degrees of ol

DPPAC; the second at the end stazione

of August was also attended by 15.00 -16.00
The students worked in small

8.00 - 9.00

young architects and urban plan- groups, both in the first and
ners in Europe. second phase. The groups were
and the context of investigation organized on the basis of acquired
The main aim of the first phase – through different disciplinary skills, but trying also to maintain
was: to start analysis and pro- approaches – and for the analysis, in the framework of the groups
cessing of census data; to collect design and planning in a complex the multidisciplinary approach
data through the sensors installed environment such as is that of the that characterized the workshop.
on the stops of ACTV in Piazzale city of Venice.
Roma and at the Railway station;
to gather data through the survey The overall work has allowed a
with questionnaires; to explain first reflection on the problems
all these data in graphical format identified and then addressed in
along with the data of the main the second phase of the work-
mobility flows collected between shop, which was attended, by
Piazzale Roma and the railway Iuav students and young Europe-
July 2014 station. Finally part of the work
was dedicated to the recognition
an planners and architects. The

Pre-workshop conducted and description of the signage

and of the information materials PEOPLE MOVER

by IUAV in the area.

In the first phase the students’

work was accompanied by a
series of seminars on the city
and the planning choices related
to the mobility system (Marco
Bordin); on mobility flows (Lucio
Rubini); on some strategic action
lines for the turistic port with the
explanation of the different pro- FERMATA RAPIDA
jects for teh area (Ylenia Bristot
and Andrea Stefani).

There were also somo lessons

and seminars of Iuav professors
involved in the workshop about
planning the urban scale (Laura
Fregolent), design, visual com-
munication and public informa-
tion (Emanuela Bonini Lessing)
and new technologies (Andrea
Prati) for information and com-

The seminars give information to

the students about the content The map of the fluxus recorded during the first phase of the workshop

26 27

City of Milan hold the "digital islands" Venezia accessibile

photo by Gianni Dominici Created by C. Contrino, R. Baracco,
SMART CITY AND ICT COMMUNICATE THE CITY, M. Miccichè, B. Pandolfi, L. Tommasetti


Andrea Prati Words
Emanuela Bonini Lessing
Within the umbrella of the term
“Smart City” a key role is played Students of the master in visual
by the ICTs (Information and communication design at Iuav


Communication Technologies) be presented in innovative ways, that took part to the workshop
which have the general objective including augmented reality with have focussed in particular both
to make the applications smarter virtual rendering of the artefacts on the necessity of integrating all
through sensors, automatic in past centuries; social and information required in a design
processing and decision support collective behaviour analysis for based system and on the visual
systems (DSS). understanding habits of people interface of the proposed sign-
Possible technologies that might with respect to their daily life posting system.
be employed in a city include: (collecting not only typical paths
WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks) for home-work commute, but Since at Piazzale Roma and at
for environmental monitoring also their preferences for food, Stazione Santa Lucia a great vari-
tied with big data analysis algo- lodging, etc.). ety of city users transit everyday,
rithms for DSS; and LBS (Loca- students have concentrated on one – to people used to major qualified partners, the workshop
tion-Based Services) in the form And most remarkably these the crucial places and the times in highways, railway, naval and has pointed out what the main
City of Genova as domain leader
of specialized App for mobile for the creation of the Port Green applications are not disjoint and which the information has to be airport traffic. In other words: stakeholders are and what the
devices with augmented reality, photo by Roberto Taddeo can be (most of them) part of a provided, and how to translate it how to connect an ancient city often contrasting economical
advanced recommender systems, in a coherent visual language. characterized by a unique mor- interests are that lay behind the
and electronic tourist guides. phology and history to the rest present and possible develop-
They had to find a balance be- of the contemporary globalized ment of the city.
These technologies will open in tween the necessity of adopting word.
the near future to unprecedented standardized international signs, Considering the quality of the The study conducted during the
developments in terms of inno- pictograms and maps familiar urban environment that has to be workshop was based on pre-
vative applications for the cities. to most tourists and commuters preserved, the design propos- liminary exercises on the same
In particular, LBS could be used with the need of characterizing al also keeps within the lines topic developed in a design lab
for several innovative appli- in a unique way the welcome to of some suggestions on how to conducted by Emanuela Bonini
cations, such as: people flow the city. behave in Venice, envisioning the Lessing and Bruno Genovese.
analysis (by analysing the GPS different necessities of all city
tracks collected through mobile They were concerned about how users.
phones); tourist applications to make recognizable the based
where historical buildings and on water and pedestrian routes Thanks to the active participation
cultural heritage of the city can local transport system – a slow into the workshop of different

single App.
LBS, however, are not mature
enough for a wide spreading into
the city community.

The main limitations are both

technological and societal. From
the technological viewpoint,
battery consumption and us-
er-friendly graphical user inter-
faces are the most relevant (and
often neglected) challenges. From
the societal viewpoint, privacy
issues must be taken carefully
into account and coupled with a
good strategy for convincing as
many citizens as possible to use Sapevi che!
the App (e.g., through gamifica- Created by M. De Vincentiis, D. Gaudenzi, E. Grinfan,
tion and discounts). F. Marcato, M. Millimaggi

28 29

The part addressed to the tourists is coloured Singage is a visual etiquette for tourists. It consists
in soft blue. At the center of the page there's a of little advices placed in some critical points in
tipical situation of congestion or confusion. When the city. The nature of this singage is to be non
the page is opened the solution came out and the invasive. The size of the signs is 20x20cm.

signal appears, helping you help you understand
how to behave in that situation.

The complexity of the city shapes the mobility of Venetians and

tourists. Sometimes their coexistence can be very hard. Here's our The wayfinding horizontal totem is used in larger
strategy for a human approach and a dialogue between city actors. fields. They are presents but not in an intrusive way.
We placed them along the most popular tourist

Words Carla Felicetti

Life in Venice isn’t simple. Every Signage is a visual etiquette for
day its inhabitants need to share tourists. It consists of little advice
the medieval infrastructure of the placed in critical points in the
city with a multitude of tourists city. The nature of this signage is
from all over the world. The co- to be non-invasive and for this
habitation can be hard, some- reason they have a small size
times even unbearable. Tourists (20x20cm).
can annoy Venetians even with The wayfinding system consists
very small things. of two different totems that are
The 2way project was developed a sort of safe harbour where
to help tourists and Venetians to tourists can find directions.
coexist in a complex place. The Totems are placed along the most
project developed a handbook popular tourist itineraries and
and specific behavioural signage also distribute the behavioural
to help newcomers to find their handbooks.
way around the city and also un-
derstand the Venetian mentality.
The project also developed in-
formation for residents to show
them the difficulties a tourist
faces in the city and potentially
This tipe of strong solution is realzed only in two
open an invisible line of commu-
bridges. Ponte degli Scalzi is the first one because
nication between these two often
is the first one you see out of the station. Our aim
opposing crowds.
is to guide people to the behavioural signs suggest
them to pay attention to this new kind of signs they
also can find on the floor.
The manual presents two sides
of the same coin. One side helps
tourists to understand the Vene-
tian point of view.
The other side is addressed at
inhabitants, who need to under-
stand how difficult and frustrat- THE MANUAL THE MAP VERTICAL TOTEM
ing a tourist can feel in Venice. The handbook is realised with a particular structure The map shows the position of totem and signs in the Vertical information points are placed in the station
Skits show the city in a funny that show the content as two sides of the same city. The totem, both horizontal than vertical are placed to give tourist a first important safe harbour where
way and turn the attention from coin. One referred to the tourist, the other one for all around the city. The behavioural signs are placed just tourists can find directions. They also distribute
character to character depending the resident. We choose two different colours to in few crucial places near the station. That because our the handbook.
on which side you read. represents different users. aim was to "suggest" not force people to do something.

30 31



Giulia Maci

The workshop, held by Urbego,

gathered together students from
the IUAV and young professionals

from across Europe working to-
gether for ten days-full immer-
sion team work. The participants

were divided into three groups
(urban design, transport plan-
ning, design of communication)
assisted by a group of young
international professionals from
Urbego and COWI. The workshop
applied a collaborative, interdis-
ciplinary approach that involved were tested in the area around Design
all stakeholders in providing new the station to gain an under- The results of the workshop con-
planning perspectives and ideas standing of how people read and sisted of a strategy for a peaceful
to stimulate existing expertise, navigate the city. The purpose coexistence of tourists and resi-
interests and creativity. The of this was to get constructive dents with a focus on pedestrian
workshop consisted of three feedback so that the wayfinding mobility. In particular the team
interrelated phases: analysis, solutions could truly respond to worked on a new image for the
testing and design. the users’ needs. These tests de- station area integrating urban
August 2014 Analysis
termined the size, placement and
materials of the signs and their
design with communication and
International workshop conducted Before the workshop, five sensors
were installed in the station area
integration with the streetscape,
as they would be vying for valu-
The workshop findings were pre-
sented during a meeting opened
by URBEGO to identify the number of people, able and often crowded footway to the public and attended by
and their origin and destina- space. A user-centred approach, representatives of the City Of
tion, by collecting anonymous balanced with best practices and Venice, the University of Venice,
data from Wi-Fi devices, such as the extensive knowledge of the ACTV (public transportation
mobile phones and tablets. The design team, was essential in company) and local media.
data collected by these sensors order to test and validate ideas urban design with communica-
was processed and georeferenced during this fast-moving phase. tion and way-finding.
during the workshop to under-
stand the impact of tourists flows The workshop findings have been
and form an evidence base for publicly presented with the par-
alternative planning scenarios. ticipation of representatives of
the City Of Venice, the University
The analysis also involved of Venice, ACTV (public transpor-
presentations from different tation company) and local media.
local experts and stakeholders, This publication is a synthesis of
collecting data on mobility in the workshop process and results
Venice, conducting interviews and it is conceived as th basis for
for the different target groups, future collaboration between
monitoring activity around the Urbego, IUAV and the Venice
vaporetto’s major stops and the Municipality.
intermodal nodes and analysing
pedestrian mobility in the central
station and Piazzale Roma area.

Testing In the pictures you can see two moments of the

During the workshop wayfinding workshop. Prototyping moments and the final
signs part of the 2way strategy presentation of the work.

32 33

Due to the complexity of the
environment, we considered
important to deal directly with

users and their different needs.
From an Urbego perspective
the best way to understand the
the context dealing context was to test and record
with users reactions and suggestions of
pedestrians. Inspired by the
2way project we decided to take
into account not only the needs
Words Carla Felicetti of tourists, but also those of the
residents. By considering these
Venice is par excellence the place two different needs the aim was
of walking. Pedestrian movement to design a signage system that
in a context of bridges and nar- would facilitate urban mobility
row alleyways where it is difficult and allow for the redistribution
to get around can be intimidating of flows that would then lead to
and confusing if you are not used the easing of congestion on the
to it. At first Venice appears as
a labyrinth. Existing signs are
overflowing and confusing, often
“A journey
of a thousand miles
repetitive, and this only gener-
ates "information disorder" con-
tributing to the image of Venice
as an inaccessible city.

begins with
What is the best thing to do in
such a context? Where can you
start to formulate a wayfinding
strategy that is effective? What
information needs to be provid-
ed and how to translate it into a
coherent visual language?
These are questions that you
a single step”
would ask in any city but in
Venice we had the additional
challenge of working with one of
the most famous and protected
cities in the world.
All these pictures internal streets.
came from the user We tested two types of signs: the
test we did during the informational totem and behav-
second phasde of the ioural signage. Both solutions
workshop. placed along the flow paths from
the main arrival terminals.

We were able to observe the

reactions of people and collect
valuable suggestions that have
provided excellent material for
the next brainstorming session.
In particular we found very useful
the suggestions about the totem,
its visual impact and the map
on it. A challenging but effective
approach from the point of view
of a smart design that wants to be
more and more user centred.

34 35

COEXISTENCE thousand The only alternative
visitors per square
to coexistence is
kilometer. codestruction
This is the pression

tourist record – Jawaharlal Nehru
registered in 2013

Public Realm and Wayfinding Proposals

inhabitants? Would the limitation
on tourist numbers encourage
Venetians to come back?
Spatial analysis of the Census
tourists data shows that today Venice
Words Farah Makki This mono-orientation or even abandoning the insular city for Number of lives out of tourism. Most of
disorientation stands mainly in Mestre situated on the mainland tourists for every people’s income comes from
Venice is one of the most desir- the inefficiency of the infor- to avoid ever increasing pressure resident in the touristic services: restoration,
able tourists destinations in the mation system. Faced with no from tourist numbers and the city every year hotel accommodation or cultural
world with almost twenty million coherent information, tourists significant reduction in essential activities. If limiting the num-
staying in the insular city in 2013, tend to follow the crowd heading everyday services. The spectac- ber of tourists is taken forward,

mostly for one night. Located across the bridge without really ular Venice by day turns into a this needs to be done as part of
in the middle of the Laguna, the knowing if their destination is ghost town by night. Streets and a very comprehensive strategy
location of the city is charm- actually across the bridge. The piazzas stand empty since inhab- of replacing some of the lost
ing and the views it creates are qualitative assessment undertak- itants are very rare and increas- tourists income from tourism with other
breathtaking nevertheless, it en during the workshop con- ingly older. activities as well as a strategy of
of 353 are
raises a critical issue: arrival and firmed people’s bewilderment visitors hit-and- restoring housing affordabili-
departure flows are concentrated when arriving in the city. How can Venice be saved from run, who do not ty and essential services to the
in two points located at approx- mass tourism? How can the stay in town, but island. Otherwise this approach
imately 2 minutes walk of each In spite of this initial negative dichotomy between tourists and go around for the can potentially turn into a
other: the train Station of Venezia impression Venice is still pictured residents be resolved? Would "calli" only for a double edge sword and reinforce
Santa Lucia, and Piazzale Roma. as pure “romance” in people’s reshaping mobility and access be few hours. resident’s migration to mainland
Almost 100,000 people arrive eyes, a dream city for people from a key solution? The “detourism” by creating even fewer income
daily at these two main points all across the world. The apparent strategy is often presented by opportunities.
that connect the city with the desirability of the city in the vis- authorities and endorsed by res-
mainland. That number is double itors’ eyes does not translate into idents as an obvious rescue plan. The worst case scenario, feared
than the 48,000 inhabitants the actual liveability for Venetians. Nevertheless, is it as simple as by all residents is the complete
city hosts today. This concentra- The function of the city is hugely that? How can one guarantee that Disneyfication of Venice. How
tion creates high congestion and under threat. Venetians are fewer tourists will generate more will future tourists be able to

leads to a conflictual situation be- truly appreciate this wonderful

tween resident and tourist flows city without its inhabitants?
along most streets and alleys. Local identity must be reinforced.
On reaching the island either What could be the solution?
in Piazzale Roma or at the train Almost persons that arrive
stations, tourists’ movements
are guided by the attractiveness
daily to the city. Although residents don’t appre-
ciate the tourists that encumber
Even if it is no possible to

of the Constitution Bridge that their daily life tourism is their
offers an open line of sight to the
city and invites people on both
extimate the correct number way of making living. Confronted
with this unbalanced situation,
sides to cross it. The bridge is also of visitors Extimated number of inhabitants
a rejection strategy would not

the only clear route for visitors address the issue. Venice is still a
arriving in Piazzale Roma. The in the historical center of the city. city where residents and tourists
current layout and design of Piaz- coexist and have done so for
zale Roma is confusing, doesn’t (Murano and Burano Islands are many years. For Urbego and the
have an identity and visitors not included) Source
Cesdoc studio - data
IUAV team, it was unthinkable to
cannot understand they have turn Venice into a museum with
emerged from the
actually arrived in Venice and controlled access. Our approach
research of the study
end up asking themselves if it is a center of the Order of sustains the coexistence of this
Venetian piazza or a parking lot. Accountants conflictual but complementary

36 37

actors and works on under-
standing the concrete needs of
each side. Our goal: re-plan to
decongest, decongest to comfort.
Indeed, decongestion shouldn’t
mean a limitation or banning of
flows but a better redistribution
to relieve the pressure on some

Urbego and the IUAV team made

use of the data collected during
the initial phase of the workshop
and also of the data collected
by the sensors installed by Blip
Systems to capture pedestrian
movement in the terminal area.
The proposed solutions were
based on both quantitative and
qualitative evidence and focused
on the re-design of the public
transport arrival areas together
with a coherent and targeted
online and offline wayfinding and
information strategy.

The planning team focused on

drawing the imageability of the
city entrances and on redirecting
the flows by exploring new ways
to discover the inner city and put
forward the rich cultural offering
of Venice.

The wayfinding team focused on SMART SOLUTIONS This workshop has not only man- of the way and shaped the project
elaborating an orientation and aged to define initial proposals for with the aim of improving their
information system based on the terminals but also to bring at city.
virtual and physical solutions. THE PROPOSALS the same table the various stake-
In-situ experimentation was MADE REFLECT holders, working together in a Rebalancing the tourist – resi-
conducted to test the initial pro- AN UNDERSTANDING setting that allowed for creativity dent dynamic will require not
totypes and the results were used OF NEEDS AND A and a positive attitude. just improvements to mobility
to reshape the design of the final DIALOGUE BETWEEN and wayfinding but also housing
proposals. ALL THE CITY ACTORS As a group we believe that smart affordability, the improvement of
solutions have the user at the services and economic diversifi-
The method of testing and col- centre. They are solutions which cation etc.
lecting information constantly reflect an understanding of
during the design process and needs and a dialogue between The Chinese philosopher Con-
cross reference it against the city actors. In the case of Venice fucius once said “a journey of
initial quantitative and qualitative this dialogue has showed us that a thousand miles begins with a
evidence was decided by Urbego sometimes the obvious solution single step”.
from the onset of the project. might not be the best. Urbego
With the help of Blip Systems and established a method that puts Urbego and IUAV in collaboration
the IUAV we were able to put this citizens at the centre of the entire with the Municipality of Venice
new approach into practice and process from data collection, began the prelude of an initiative
show that an intensive, in-situ URBEGO'S METHOD problem identification and that we hope will turn Venice in a
design and strategy oriented PUTS CITIZENS AT THE proposal testing to planning solu- more liveable city.
workshop can be an extremely CENTER OF THE ENTIRE tions. Daily users of the streets of
efficient tool. DESIGN PROCESS Venice were involved every step A story to be continued...

38 39

he data collected by the five Bluetooth and Wi-Fi
sensors in the central station and Piazzale Roma
area were processed to observe and record visitors’
behavior and preferences in terms of mobility.

These data provided the basis for the definition of a

new strategy for managing flows in the station. The
proposal aims to decongest the busiest streets by
acting promptly on improving the accessibility.

The strategy consists of a physical reorganization

of the Piazzale Roma bus station and the main
entrances to the historical town, the design of a
new way finding system that guide the visitors to
their destinations while giving them the sense of
city’s rich cultural history and the integration in the
communication system digital information designed
for different users (students, residents, tourists) in
order to facilitate movement and enhance the archi-
tectural and cultural heritage.

A new vision for Venice, starting from smart


A new vision for Venice

40 41

ARRIVAL POINT Words Salma Khamis

The City of Venice is renowned

for its beauty and uniqueness of
its urban fabric, architecture,
to Venice, where other bridges
become visually inaccessible and

One-Way Flow Strategy

themselves. They miss directions
and information leading to the
city and their destinations – in
other words, there is no clear
overview of where they arrived
“Gate to Venice” is based on light
structured panels using local
materials: local stone for the base,
which is also used as benches to
rest, and metal and glass for the
integration of the tram way,
separating the tourist airport bus
from the local bus for residents
and commuters and a “kiss and
ride” parking area for short time
and artworks. It is located on a On a macro scale, the proposed WHERE THEY and where they can go from panel itself. The heights of the users, reduces the traffic conflicts
group of small islands separated urban strategy resolving these ARRIVED there. On the one hand, the panels are inspired by the skyline caused by buses and cars. The
by canals and linked by bridges, two congested areas focuses on proposed “Gate to Venice” is a of Venice respecting the valuable WELCOMED, proposals also include a new
consequently certain accesses a one-way circulation (counter light minimal intervention which beauty behind it. In addition, WELL INFORMED vaporetto “red-line” with fewer
STRATEGY from the shore side. clockwise) design, redirecting AND balances the dominance of the digital panels were integrat- AND READY stops for tourists improving
There are two strategic arrival pedestrians entering Venice and WHERE THEY Calatrava Bridge. It attracts the ed with the design for general their ability to reach attractions
points either by bus/car heading guiding their access, enhanced CAN GO FROM visitors and gives them a clear transportation information such without intersecting with local
to Piazzale Roma or by train at the by defined story paths on a micro THERE starting point towards the city as departures and arrivals. residents and creating congestion
railway station Santa Lucia. scale. This is expected to reduce from Piazzale Roma. The inviting The proposed design of Piazzale on local services.
These two main arrival points the pressure on these two con- welcome area helps them to Roma would not only redirect
create enormous congestions, gested areas and guide the pedes- get information, ticket offices, pedestrian flows but also traffic Santa Lucia Station
not only for traffic but also for pe- trian flows in different directions waiting areas, cafés and groups flows, considering different THE PUBLIC A regeneration plan of the main
destrians. Undisputed, Calatrava to enter Venice. the current souvenir kiosks into uses and modes for residents, GARDEN railway station Santa Lucia is
Bridge (Ponte della Costituzione) one main area. The design of the commuters and tourists. The
BECOMES A being currently implemented
connecting Piazzale Roma and the Eye-Catcher Balance and also has a specific focus on
public space in front of the main Gate to Venice
PLEASANT re-planning the public space in
entrance of Stazione Santa Lucia, Tourists as well as some commut- WAITING AREA order to decongest the routes
is an immense eye-catcher which ers arriving at Piazzale Roma by and offer a better passenger
dominates the pedestrian access bus or car can hardly orientate experience.

42 43

The project on the space in front of the train station A section of Santa Lucia station
Currently passengers are mostly
directed to use the main exit, ar-
riving in the square, a large open
space with the vaporetto stops in
front and two potential directions
of travel to the right and left. In

this large space the tourist’s view

is captured by a lively street scene
and imposing architecture re-
flected in the canal. Nevertheless, 2

after the initial marvel tourists

usually realize they do not know
where they should go. Therefore,
the proposals being implemented
by the local authority to create +1.50 3

an alternative route through

the internal station courtyard
Scale 1:500

1 2
and widening the exit towards 3
+1.00 2
Piazzale Roma will help redirect
the flows. +0.50 4

The public space between the

south-west side of the railway
station and Calatrava Bridge pro- +0.00
vides a covered waiting area and
information points for travelers. 3

An existing building intended to
be a telecommunication center 3

is adapted to commercial uses 2

and tourist services, including

a youth hostel. Additionally a
multi-leveled landscape design
around the courtyard works as
a green buffer between railway

tracks and travellers. Not over-


looking the vaporetto stops in

front of the station, which blocks 2

the view towards San Simeone Overview of the intervent

Piccolo from the railway station, in Piazzzale Roma
the plan suggest to cluster and 3

redistribute the lines, also imple- Costituzione bridge and distrib- 1

menting the tourist “red-line” uting the people flows in a more

to improve the flow of travelers, rational way. The gate exhibits 4

decongest Ponte Degli Scalzi and the main information about the
clear the view. city thematic routes (in relation
to the Mivago application), travel 3
Tourist Info-point information, details of all visitors
A tourist information point is attractions and leisure activities.
located in Piazzale Roma bus The information center should 2

station. The shape of this element be visible and become a new ref-
is inspired by the historical city erence point for the visitors but
gates that were traditionally built at the same time it is smoothly 4

to provide a controlled access integrated into the surroundings,

to and departure from a walled using light, traditional and trans-
city for people and goods. The parent materials and reorganizing
A detail of
gate invites tourists and travelers in one element the different and station. The people who arrive
Piazzale Roma re-design
arriving at the bust station to chaotic signals that crowd the in Piazzale Roma feel welcomed,
explore the city from this point, area. The public garden becomes well informed and ready to dis-
lightening the overcrowded a pleasant waiting area of the bus cover the city. Piazzale Roma with the new gate that welcomes people

44 45

In correspondence of the quan- ing but rather want a quality most cases, the tourists come into Other perceived discomfort is
titative analysis of flows, the RESIDENTS tourism, which fervently lives the stores only to ask some ques- FROM TOURISTS related to the use of public trans-
working group has paid specific ARE FEW the City in all its aspects and that tions in reference to way-finding THE PROBLEMS port that is too many stops and
attention to survey qualitative stays long.Unfortunately, now- and not for buy products. Anoth-
ARE DIFFERENT: has very long timescales.
oriented perception of residents, adays the economic availability er problem is related to the use The overall analysis therefore
which must be put back at the
A CITY is limited, the tourists try to save of public transport; seems that reflects a city with two faces: the
centre of the entire debate on WITHOUT ITS money and for this reason what tourists prefer to travel by boat City of Venice, ancient, unusual,
the city and tourists, who must INHABITANTS, results is the figure of tourist and this creates discomfort to cit- abandoned to his fate in opposed
be accompanied and supported CRAFTSMEN that does not stay in the town izens because there is a crowding to the tourist town famous for
for exploring city. Residents are IS A CITY but it stops in the day to visit the within the means and behavior of its originality and beauty. Thus
now few and a city without its main attractions and ignoring tourists is not respectful towards it will be possible to transform
inhabitants, its craftsmen, its other peculiarities of the City. The the citizens. this city, universally considered
neighborhood shops, is a city that
TO DIE construction of the Constitution’s OF LOSS among the finest in the world, in
is likely to die. The city without Bridge has diverted the flow of From the point of view of tourists a Human Smart City, a city where
tourism thus can not survive; tourists and this factor has caused the problems are different. There citizens and tourists are the main
tourism that does not appear bother for the traders because is a real sense of loss upon arrival Rialto actors of urban intelligence?
to be quality but becomes wild many areas are isolate. Traders at station and Piazzale Roma, In the first phase of analysis has
increasingly. Citizens doesn’t also complain of a lack of signage there is a lack of a clear identity been identified a problem of
matter a mass tourism in order to and information on routes and of the target point and this is also congestion pedestrian along axes
show how this is always increas- modes of transport because in due to the lack of wayfindings. LACK OF well defined. With the analysis
WAYFINDINGS of the data collected, the main
places of attraction and interest
of the city represented by Piazza

San Marco, the famous “drawing


room of Europe”, and the Rialto
Bridge, appear to be reached by
tourists and citizens mainly fol-
lowing precise paths. This routes


to the meaning of the term and
STOPS then to the "clash of civilizations"
Barbarian line triggered by the passage of an
unacceptably high number of
individuals. The main interest
Spritz Route
is to modify the flows having as
Cinema Route source points the main gates to
Corto Maltese Route the town, Piazzale Roma and the
Santa Lucia's railway station,
headed to the two most popular
destinations mentioned above.

Stazione S. Lucia

Piazzale Roma

46 47


Four of the different
Each solution identify a As a consequence the workshop be seen in the final design of the
specific route in the city.
Find them around your participants have proposed a totem and in the supporting wall
path reassure pedestrians new visual identity inspired by mounted and trail markers pro-
they are on the right way. traditional Venetian tiles with posed to be delivered in conjunc-
intricate geometric patterns and tion with the MiVago application.
vibrant colours as well as from The MiVago app also makes use of
the visual identity of the canals the rich Venetian design tradition
and the gondolas in particular and proposes a series of colourful

the black painted wood and silver geometric tiles to identify each
gondola heads so characteristic walking trail included in the
of the city. A combination of application and game.
these materials and patterns can



SIGNS IDENTITY As it can be seen from the pro- city. The composition of dark/
A coherent visual language posals the totem is proposed on black wood and white writing
a black background with silver and silver framing is also pro-
There are various locations where metal linings and a silver base posed for pole signs and potential
a unified visual identity is impor- that replicate the composition of bridge signs that will need to be
tant and the team has identified This is how the different the gondola heads. The metal base mounted at strategic locations
Words Simona Dobrescu these to be the square in front of pattern are placed into the of the totem is proposed to hold across the city and especially
ciy creating a consisten
the train station and in particu- visual system with the the geometrical pattern of San some of the most important local
An important part of any lar the vaporetto stops opposite vibrant streets Marco square as a symbol of the squares also known as campi.
wayfinding strategy is the the station entrance as well as
clarity and easiness with which Piazzale Roma.
pedestrians are able to read, These two main arrival points are
understand and recognize the crucial especially for the tourists
signs. This is particularly im- that visit the city as they will
portant in very crowded street need to make a decision on where
environments where there are to go based on the information
opposing flows and various they can find at these two points.
side movements such as entry At the moment there is no cohe-
and exit from shops, hotels and sion and clarity of signage and
restaurants like in the case of some of the photos taken on site
Venice. The less time it takes show how cluttered and con-
people to find their way less fusing the information is. Under
congestion is likely to occur. these circumstances any new
Moreover the overall expe- wayfinding elements needs to be
rience of both residents and well integrated with the street
visitors is expected to improve environment and any old signage
as frustration and confusion that is likely to be maintained
are reduced and more time is such as the street names or the
available for actually discover- National Rail signs. Also, any new
ing and enjoying the city. signage has to be designed in such
a way that it does not increase
the visual clutter and is able to
Both the floor of Piazza San Marco and Santa Lucia
Station have the same pattern. One of our sources of An exampe of beautiful patterns you can find all around stand out without dominating the
inspiratiion the city, in the churches and in the historical sites. location where it is placed.

48 49

4 more internationally recog-
Wayfinding in the nized pictograms are required
streets of Venice
5 wall mounted signs are less

likely to work because there are
numerous active frontages and
signs just get lost in the back-

6 bridges are the most important

decision point for pedestrians

General Wayfinding Proposals

Punctual interventions in a very vibrant street Words Carla Felicetti
Following on from the findings

environment with a specific identity

of the testing the team decided to
For most of the approximately 20
work on two aspects of the way-
million visitors each year arrive finding strategy during the week
in Venice, the old town is a laby- of the workshop. The first part of
rinth. As user of the city in some the strategy looked at providing
cases I love to get lost, because an element of signage and infor-
In the picture two
Words Simona Dobrescu in many other cities in the world. I can discover a city far from a mation that would be replicable in places to eat and drink and pass examples of the totem
As a consequence, the approach flow of mass tourism. However I various strategic locations in the that information on to the next put in the context.
The most important type of of the workshop has been to know that it is important to can city, would be able to help visitors users of the maps.
count on a clear and consistent
wayfinding is the one provided test, consult with users, refine find their bearings and also give A particular feature of the totem
guidance system that allow those
by the built environment itself, and propose rather than come in them the necessary information would include a tide level scale
who come to town, tourists but
its landmarks and visual elements with a pre - established solution. to decide on their next step. that would document an ex-
also commuters, of through it as
that guide pedestrians in their Some of the ideas that have been best as possible. It was thought that a totem would ceptional tide level achieved at
journey throughout the city. Ide- previously proposed by the IUAV As designer I can recognize in the most appropriate way to pro- the various locations where the
ally this environment is intuitive wayfinding and design studio the signs system a powerful and vide this information given the totem would be installed.
and self-explanatory. have been part of the test that very crucial tool to facilitate ur- positive response that it received Also, due to the characteristics
Nevertheless, whilst natural took place over two separate days ban mobility and redistribute the during the testing and also the of the environment the totem
wayfinding is very easy to follow in two very different weather flows. potential it has to become a cost would have to be treated for
by residents and daily users of conditions (both during a rainy Recent surveys carried out by efficient information point with extreme levels of humidity and
the City of Venice on the state
certain areas, it is less obvious and a sunny day). Two types of limited impact on the histori- continuous water exposure.
of the signaling system, reveals
for visitors, unfamiliar with the signage has been tested: behav- cal environment.The proposed
interesting data on what it is the
place, naming conventions, lan- ioural signage and an information totem would be 2.1 m tall by 1.1 m The initial proposal of the totem
actual Venetian layering system
guage etc.As a consequence, it is totem. orientation. wide, it would include a central was also for it to be fitted with
becoming increasingly important The behaviour and reaction of Just think that only in the area of map oriented heads up, it would wireless technology in order to be
for cities across the world and, in pedestrians has been recorded the historic city there are more reference walking distances of used as a stand-alone informa-
particular cultural and touristic and where possible, interviews than 1,000 signs, located main- important landmarks and neigh- tion and reference point across
centres, to introduce additional have been conducted to gather ly in the districts of San Marco bourhoods (sestri) and vaporetto the city. It was proposed that the
wayfinding elements to cater for feedback and suggestions. (268), San Polo (253) and Santa lines and stops. totem be installed in approxi-
continuous changes in demo- The findings from these were the Croce (216). It was thought important that mately 5 strategic points includ-
The Municipality studio reveals
graphics and travel patterns. following: this totem would include a list of ing Piazzale Roma and the train
that the San Marco district is ab-
Under these circumstances, all the available transport options, station square. The overall aim of
solutely the one with the highest
Venice is an ideal case study as 1 there is generally an over private and public, across the all the proposals are to provide
number of cartels, however the
it has approximately 90,000 provision of information at the higher density of signals is locat- island as it has become apparent for Venice a modern informa-
visitors each day that need to be main arrival points that tends to ed in San Polo district. from conversation with tourists tion and wayfinding system that the lively street scene.
able to find their way around the be confusing and disorganized The work done by the offices that this information was lacking, offers the necessary information Additional recommendations that
island irrespective of their trip and a great underprovision of of tourism in some areas of the or was not very clear. Also it has for visitors and supports the came out of the workshop relate
length or purpose. The street information anywhere else across township is definitely an impor- been proposed to include a free journey across the city by using to the fact that the city needs
environment in Venice is a lively the island tant starting point and a strong map of the city and the transport strategically placed directional to adopt a strong and unified
scene, a truly visual spectacle signal that suggests the way network in specially designed totems at the arrival points and signage and information identity
ahead: redefine e new, appropri-
of colours, buildings, sights and 2 tourists arriving in Venice lack compartments on the side of the the main tourist attractions. At as well as a light touch approach
ate wayfinding system.
sounds. Deciding what signage supporting arrival information totems for tourists to pick up and the same time the proposals aim to behavioural information that
or journey support visitors need, drop off at various points in the to leave room for discovery and could help the coexistence of
where it is best to install it and 3 there is no visual coherent
FONTE city. The idea behind this initia- mystery and add to the street tourists and residents and mini-
what would be its impact is much identity of signage throughout Comune di Venezia tive would be for tourists to mark environment well integrated and mise the congestion and crowd-
more complicated to predict than the city up interesting places they see, beautiful elements that enhance ing that is a daily occurrence.

50 51



How to link the global agenda of smart cities into a very specific and unique
urban context? The workshop tried to give an answer to this difficult question
looking for a new and fresh approach to planning.
MiVago App
baric lines”, terminology chosen make the application available
Main User Interface for
in reference to the meaning of in Italian and English, can be
the tourist app Moving forward
the term and then to the “clash used on devices iOs and Android.
Words Chiara Fantin of civilizations” triggered by the Furthermore it is expected that Stop saying “I wish”,
passage of an unacceptably high the version for the tablet is set start saying “I will”
Nowadays communication and number of individuals. to be enjoyed horizontally, so as
technological innovation are ele- In accordance with a coexist- to effectively exploit the de- The Venice Smart City project has the workshop, the different local
ments of extreme importance in ence strategy the main interest vice screen.At the launch of the been an interesting but challeng- and international actors gath-
a time of great cultural and social is to modify the flows having as application the user, as well as ing experience. With this project ered together to discuss in detail
change. They are also considered source points the main gates to for recording, can choose a line we tried to gather, reconcile and the proposals and to reflect on
useful tools, if not essential, to the town, Piazzale Roma and the between those proposals, and be summarize in a common vision further ways to collaborate.
foster the growth and devel- Santa Lucia’s railway station, led to the discovery of the lagoon the perspectives and interests of
opment of the entire national headed to the two most popular city. You may discover, through different stakeholders. We tried The mobile phone application
economy in all sectors and espe- destinations mentioned above. photos and descriptions reported to think differently and creative- designed during the work-
cially tourism.As a consequence To lighten the flows “barbari- by the application, peculiarities ly about the mobility in Venice, shop is under development, a
the group proposed the idea of ans” were hypothesized alter- of monuments, streets, squares, looking at international cases methodology to measure and
creating an application dedicated native paths to guide tourists palaces, museums and other and overcoming the “it cannot manage big pedestrian flows in
to tourists, offering various ways in less frequented routes. The places of value along the way he be done here” culture. We had to historical cities has been defined,
of visiting the historic center of application proposes a series of selected. In respect of each route orientate ourselves in a labyrinth and a project research on smart
Venice with the help of a techno- itineraries tailored with content is suggested also a game that pro- of fragmented institutional re- mobility that elaborates upon the
logical product. related to monuments, streets, vides a “treasure hunt” virtual. sponsibilities, imagining a shared workshop outputs has started.
The first phase of analysis has squares, palaces, museums and and open city governance.
identified a problem of pedestrian other places of value, but also The game provides for the
congestion along well defined has sections dedicated to specific reporting by the application of This project tested also our ca- The Venice Smart City project has
axes. With the analysis of the routes, graduated according to a particular (a shrine, a statue) pacity of working intensively to- been an interesting but challeng-
data collected, the main places the needs of the user. They are present along the route; the user gether as multidisciplinary team ing experience, and it still is.
of attraction and interest of the designed themed routes depend- is assigned the task of searching on an over-studied and sensitive
city are represented by Piazza ing on the various types of users: the corresponding actual item topic for the city, looking for a
San Marco, the famous “drawing families with children, couples, and photograph it to validate the new and fresh approach to plan-
room of Europe”, and the Rialto for those who want to experience discovery of the “treasure”. For ning. The workshop posed the
Bridge. These main points appear life style or for those who, having each element recognized will be difficult question on how to link
to be reached by tourists mainly only a short time, he wants to awarded points that will take the global agenda of smart cities
following very precise paths. know the city in a few stages.As the user to take advantage of the into a very specific and unique
These routes were called “bar- for usability, the proposal is to services provided in the city. urban context. One month after

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“Our strength
is our diversity”

54 55






Venice, Italy - Master student Venice, IT - Urban planner Roma, Italy - Urban planner Venice, Italy - Urban planner HOXHA ERIDA






Treviso, Italy - Information designer Treviso, Italy - Urban Planner Utrecht, Nederland - Master student Roma, Italy - Urban planner


Venice, IT - Urban planner Venice, IT - Urban planner Pescara, IT - Urban planner Berlin, Germany - Architect

56 57




Urbego Coordinator Urbego Venice, Italy - Urban planner Venice, Italy - Architect
Copenhagen - Urban planner Paris - Architect



Urbego Professor at IUAV Professor at IUAV
London - Transport planner


Copenhagen - Civil engineer Roma - Sirius Researcher at IUAV Professor at IUAV

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