A Better Life

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A Better life

Better place: A place where somebody may feel safe; where they could actually be happy without any
fear of being attacked. Unlike the world we live in, that must be strung together by violence, sexual
assault, and many other cruel practices, a better place would be……..

If you have ever thought of a better place, what did you think of? Seriously, was that world a world
of ISIS and government surveillance 24/7? Was it ever a world where you would have to fight for your
dignity against school bullies, or hearing the pleas of thousand of kids crying out for help in bullying
situations, but nobody listens? Is it the fact, that when kids only wanted love from somebody, that the
kids are just abused? No, it shouldn’t be that way but is there a way o change it? Yes the only change
that can happen is you. If you want the world to be a better place, you make it what you want it to be.
Only you can be the change that causes a chain reaction for thousands of people. Wait, no, millions of
people. So you be the change. If you want a better world to be a cliché “happy-go-lucky” world with
peace and no wars, only you can do that. If you want a better world to be to be a world to be a world of
unhappiness and dread, only you can do that (though that wouldn’t end so well. Hint hint, present day
Bulgaria and Syria).

………peace, no wars, happiness, despair, a world dictatorship, anything you’d want the world to be in
the next 50 years. The list could go on and on forever. But the only way you can make the world better is
by working hard on your problems and maybe that could rub off on other people to cause a huge chain
reaction. Make the world better place for you, your children, and everyone that you know. So do what
you want. Take this as you will, but never forget that only you can make a change in the world with your
actions, and make the world a better place in your own eyes.. the world would be a better place with

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