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© National Strength and Conditioning Association

Volume 26, Number 3, pages 72–76

Keywords: omega-6 fatty acids; omega-3 fatty acids; thermodynamics

Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

A Novel Fat Burner
Brad Schoenfeld, CSCS
Scarsdale, New York

first law of thermodynamics as applied to scope of this article, a brief review of

summary human energy balance: If you expend physiology is in order (for a complete
more calories than you consume, you will discussion on the topic, see “Advanced
The quest to get lean is an obsession lose weight. For all intents and purposes, Nutrition and Human Metabolism,” by
the first law of thermodynamics is im- Groff, Grouper, and Hunt).
with a large segment of the general mutable: Calories in versus calories out
public—an obsession that also ex- ultimately determines whether weight is Fats are classified into 2 basic types: sat-
gained, lost, or maintained. urated and unsaturated. Saturated fats
tends to many athletes,body builders, are so-called because their carbon chain
However, despite claims to the contrary, is completely saturated by hydrogen
and fitness competitors. By reducing all calories are not created equal. For ex- atoms (see Figure 1). These fats are solid
body fat to low levels, physical per- ample, it has been well documented that at room temperature and, for the most
a percentage of a food’s energy is burned part, are biologically inert. If not oxi-
formance and aesthetics can be en- off in the digestion process—a phenom- dized immediately for energy, they are
enon known as the thermic effect of food stored in adipose tissue for future use.
hanced, thereby providing a com- (TEF). Of all the macronutrients, pro-
petitive edge in various sporting tein has the highest thermic effect, burn- Unsaturated fats, on the other hand, con-
ing off approximately 25–30% of the tain one or more double bonds in their
endeavors. This article will focus on calories consumed; approximately 6–8% carbon chain. For each double bond,
of the calories from carbohydrates are there is a loss of 2 hydrogen atoms from
the role of omega-3 fatty acids in burned off in digestion; and the thermic the chain. The end result is a fat that is no
lipolysis and explain how proper in- effect of fat is less than 3% (18). Thus, by longer saturated with hydrogen atoms
altering dietary nutrient composition, a (hence, the “unsaturated” moniker). Un-
tegration of these nutrients can lead person can affect the expenditure side of saturated fats can be categorized into mo-
the thermodynamic equation, thereby nounsaturated fats (MUFAs), containing
to an improved body composition. altering body composition.

It is also true that different types of the

Dietary Principles same nutrient also can have varying ef-
tudies have repeatedly shown that fects on metabolic processes. This is es-

S overall energy balance is the major

determinant in weight manage-
ment (3, 12). This is consistent with the
pecially true of dietary fats. Although a
thorough discussion of the structure and
function of dietary fats is beyond the
Figure 1. Structure of a saturated fatty
acid (stearic acid). C = carbon,
H = hydrogen, O = oxygen.

72 June 2004 • Strength and Conditioning Journal

Figure 2. Structure of an unsaturated Figure 3. Structure of an omega-6 Figure 4. Structure of an omega-3
fatty acid (oleate). C = carbon, linoleate. C = carbon, H = hy- alpha-linoleneate. C = carbon,
H = hydrogen, O = oxygen. drogen, O = oxygen. H = hydrogen, O = oxygen.

1 double bond (see Figure 2), and Second, omega-3s suppress production of has been cited as a central factor in the
polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs), contain- malonyl-CoA (5). Malonyl-CoA is a pre- control of resting metabolic rate (14, 32)
ing 2 or more double bonds. There are cursor for fatty acid synthesis. Its primary and the regulation of lipids as fuel sub-
numerous subtypes of PUFAs, the prima- mode of action is to impair the activity of strate (31). Although the exact mode of
ry classes being linoleic omega-6 fatty the enzyme carnitine palmitoyltransferase action has not been fully elucidated, it is
acids, which have their first double bond (43). This enzyme transports existing fatty hypothesized that this thermogenic effect
at the sixth carbon from the methyl end acids back into the mitochondrial matrix, is related to proton leakage from the mi-
of the carbon chain (see Figure 3), and where they can be utilized for fuel. By sup- tochondrion (28). So by mediating
alpha-linolenic omega-3 fatty acids, pressing malonylCoA, levels of carnitine PPAR-alpha, omega-3s indirectly stimu-
which have their first double bond at the palmitoyl-transferase are increased, hence late UCP-3 activity, thus promoting an
third carbon from the methyl end of the favoring the entry of fatty acids into the increased lipolytic capacity.
carbon chain (see Figure 4). PUFAs are mitochondria for beta oxidation.
termed essential fats because they cannot Last, omega-3s decrease the nuclear con-
be manufactured by the human body and Third, omega-3s act as ligands for a spe- tent of hepatic sterol regulatory element
are therefore an essential component in cific hormone receptor called peroxisome binding protein (SREBP)-1, one of a
food. These fats can be further desaturat- proliferator-activated receptor-alpha (20) family of transcription factors that acti-
ed to form biologically active derivatives (PPAR-alpha). PPAR-alpha is located in vate genes encoding the expression of
involved in a host of bodily functions. the cell nucleus of many body tissues, pre- numerous hepatic enzymes involved in
dominantly those that exhibit high cata- glucose metabolism and fatty acid
Theoretical Basis for Omega-3s bolic rates of fatty acids such as liver, biosynthesis (22, 26, 36). These enzymes
and Fat Loss heart, kidney, and muscle (9). One of its include glucokinase, pyruvate kinase,
Of all the types of dietary fat, it is the main functions is the management of glu- acetyl-CoA carboxylase, stearoyl-CoA
omega-3 class that has the greatest effect cose and fatty acid homeostasis (39). desaturase, pyruvate kinase, and fatty
on enhancing lipolysis. The primary way Specifically, it induces the expression of acid synthase. SREBP-1 exists in 2 iso-
in which omega-3s exert these effects is several gene-encoding proteins involved forms, SREBP-1A and SREBP-1C, and
by acting as metabolic fuel partitioners, in lipid transport and oxidation, includ- the ratio of each varies by up to 100-fold
upregulating lipid oxidation. and down- ing hepatic carnitine palmitoyltrans- in different tissues of the body (33). Sup-
regulating lipid sythesis (5). This is ac- ferase, and hepatic and skeletal muscle plementation with omega-3 fatty acids
complished on several different fronts: peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidase (6). There- has been shown to reduce levels of both
fore, through its synergistic effect on isoforms of SREBP-1 by up to 85%, sig-
First, omega-3s increase the fluidity of cell PPAR, omega-3s increase activity of these nificantly suppressing lipogenic gene
membranes (1). Cell membranes serve a lipolytic enzymes, accelerating fat-burn- transcription (41, 42). And by decreas-
critical function by regulating the passage ing processes. ing the presence of lipogenic enzymes,
of nutrients, hormones, and chemical sig- the body’s ability to store fat is summari-
nals into and out of cells. When cell PPAR-alpha also potentiates an increase ly diminished.
membranes are fluid, they become more in levels of a class of fat-burning com-
permeable, allowing substances and sec- pounds called uncoupling proteins Studies on Omega-3s and
ondary messenger molecules to readily (UCPs), especially UCP-3, a homolog Fat Loss
penetrate into the cytoplasm (19). This found primarily in muscle tissue (2, 7). The effects of omega-3s on fat loss have
has wide-ranging effects, from increasing As the name implies, UCPs serve to un- been repeatedly demonstrated in animal
muscle protein synthesis to enhancing couple cellular respiration from ATP syn- studies. One such study examined the adi-
glycogen storage to improving insulin thesis. This makes the production of ATP posity of rats after feeding them a diet of
sensitivity to boosting leptin production less efficient, causing oxidation energy to either omega-3s (fish oil) or saturated fat
(4, 21, 24)—factors that can have a tangi- be dissipated as heat. Because of its selec- (lard). Although calories were kept con-
ble effect on lipolysis. tive specificity in muscle tissue, UCP-3 stant, rats consuming fish oil had 77% less

June 2004 • Strength and Conditioning Journal 73

fat in perirenal fat pads and 51% less fat in Practical Considerations omega-6/omega-3 ratio). Two of the best
epididymal fat pads as compared with rats Given the wealth of theoretical and sci- sources of omega-3 are flax and fish oils.
consuming lard (27). Another study entific data, it seems patently clear that
found that, after 12 weeks, rats consuming consuming an adequate amount of Flax oil can be considered a staple omega-
a diet of 42% fish oil gained more lean omega-3 is essential for optimizing body 3 food. Like the seeds from which it is de-
body mass and had lower subcutaneous fat composition. Unfortunately, research rived, flax oil contains about 50% omega-
levels than those consuming a comparable has yet to determine precisely how much 3 fatty acids in the form of alpha-linoleate.
amount of olive oil (a MUFA) or beef tal- omega-3 is needed for optimum nutri- It also contains healthy amounts of vita-
low (a saturated fat) (37). The study con- tional effect. To date, there are not even min E, which helps to reduce the potential
cluded that dietary fatty acid composition any recognized clinical tests for omega-3 for the PUFA to undergo lipid peroxida-
alters the efficiency of energy substrate ac- deficiency and sufficiency. tion (15). One tablespoon per day will go a
cretion in rats. Other studies have pro- long way to satisfying omega-3 needs. Be-
duced similar findings, all showing a de- On the other hand, what has been well cause flax oil is very susceptible to degra-
crease in fat accumulation and increase in studied is the appropriate ratio of dietary dation from light, air, and heat, it is im-
lean tissue growth when comparing con- omega-6 to omega-3. While Americans portant to buy flax oil that is mechanically
sumption of omega-3s with saturated fats generally consume an abundance of (i.e., expeller) pressed (oils that use this ap-
on a calorie-for-calorie basis (13, 25). omega-6 fats, most are woefully deficient proach state so right on the label) and
in their consumption of omega-3s (the packaged in an opaque container. Store it
Research has also shown omega-3s to be current Western diet has an omega-6 to in a cool, dry place. Once opened, the oil
more antilipogenic than omega-6s. One omega-3 ratio that hovers in the range of should be refrigerated and used within a
study put genetically obese mice on either a about 20–30:1! (35)). This has been couple of months.
diet containing 100 g of primrose oil (rich in shown to promote the pathogenesis of
omega-6s) or 100 g of cod liver oil (rich in many disease states as well as negatively To complement intake of flax oil, it is
omega-3s). At the end of the protocol, mice impacting body composition (29, 38, 40). beneficial to consume fish oil. Because
on the cod liver oil diet experienced lower fish oil contains longer chain derivatives
weight gain than those consuming primrose Although no definitive research exists, sci- of omega-3s, namely eicosapentaenoic
oil—an outcome unrelated to the quantity entists postulate that, from a health per- acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid
of food intake (8). Another study examined spective, the ideal omega-6 to omega-3 (DHA), it can provide utility over and
2 groups of hamsters, one fed a diet of corn ratio to be in the range of 4:1 or lower. above the omega-3 fatty acids obtained
oil and the other fed fish oil. After 3 weeks, However, taking body composition into from flax. In order for the body to utilize
fish oil-fed animals demonstrated signifi- account, a good case can be made that a omega-3s (i.e., alpha-linoleate), it must
cantly lower carcass energy gains as fat com- ratio of 1:1 is best. Consider that our Pale- first desaturate them into EPA and DHA.
pared with the corn oil-fed group (17). olithic ancestors, on whom our genetic But the desaturation process can be inef-
pool is based, maintained a fairly equal ficient, resulting in a diminished conver-
To date, controlled experiments examining balance of omega-6s to omega-3s (34). sion rate. Because fish oil has preformed
the effect of differing dietary fatty acid Their diet consisted almost exclusively of EPA and DHA, the desaturation process
compositions on body fatness in human lean wild meats, fish, vegetables, and is bypassed, allowing maximal utilization
subjects have been lacking. However, stud- fruits, all of which had a high omega-3 of its fats. Although the consumption of
ies on fatty acid oxidation rates in humans content. All things considered, there does- deep-colored cold-water fish (such as
have shown that omega-3s are preferential- n’t seem to be any downside to consuming salmon, trout, mackerel, and sardines)
ly metabolized by the body after ingestion. an equal or greater amount of omega-3s will provide DHA and EPA, eating fish
One well-designed protocol found that the vis-à-vis omega-6s, and the benefits are on a daily basis is unrealistic for most in-
omega-3 fatty acid linoleate was oxidized at potentially significant, especially for those dividuals. Hence, on days when cold-
a much greater rate than other long-chain seeking to maximize fat loss. water fish is not consumed or for those
saturated and unsaturated fats, noting a who do not eat fish, supplementation
high linear relation between oxidation and Integrating Omega-3s into a with fish oil capsules is beneficial. A
the number of double bonds (16). Because Fat-Loss Diet 5–10-g dose is recommended, using a
a reduced oxidation of fat is both predictive An optimum fat-loss diet should incorpo- formula of 1 g for every 20 pounds of
of greater weight gain (44) as well as an rate caloric restriction coupled with regular body weight (each capsule is usually 1 g).
augur of relapse in those who have lost consumption of foods or supplements high Because of their susceptibility to under-
weight (11), these findings provide a sound in omega-3s, preferably substituted for going lipid peroxidation, supplementa-
rationale for the role of omega-3s in a fat- those containing saturated and trans fats tion with antioxidants is advisable to pre-
loss diet. (and perhaps omega-6s, depending on the vent atherosclerotic buildup (10).

74 June 2004 • Strength and Conditioning Journal

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76 June 2004 • Strength and Conditioning Journal

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