Test Three Marshal Test

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Iraqi Kurdistan region

University of Duhok
College of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Highway Transportation

Lab name: Highway lab.

Test name: Marshal test

Prepared By: Mateen Mahdi Mohammedsadiq

Group name: A
NO. Of Test: Three
Date of Test: 25 / 03 / 2019
Date of Report Submit: 18 / 04 / 2019

Supervised By: Dr.Sheerzad & Dr. Baran

The Marshal method is applicable only to hot-mix asphalt paving
mixtures using penetration or viscosity graded asphalt cements and
containing aggregates with maximum size of 25 mm(1 in) or less. The
method is intended for laboratory design of asphalt hot-mix paving.
The procedure for the marshal method starts with the preparation of
test specimens. Preliminary to this operation the following are
required: 1-That the marshals proposed for use meet the
requirements of the project specifications. 2- That the aggregate
blend combinations meet the gradation requirements of the project
specifications. 3- That, for use in density and voids analyses, the bulk
specific gravity of the aggregate used in the blend, and the specific
gravity of the asphalt cement, is determined.

The Marshal method uses standard cylindrical test specimens of 63.5

mm(2 2 in) height and 102 mm(4 in) diameter. The two principal
features of the marshal method of mix design are a density-voids
analysis and a stability flow test of the compacted test specimens. The
stability of test specimens is the maximum load resistance in
Newton(lb) that the standard test specimen will develop at 600 C The
flow value is the total movement or strain in mm occurring in the
specimen between no load and maximum load during the stability test.
Compaction hammer consisting of a flat circular tamping face 98.4
mm(3 z/s in) diameter and equipped with a 4.5 kg(1o lb) weight
constructed to obtain a specified 457 mm(18 in) height of drop.
To prepare standard specimens of asphalt concrete for measurement
of stability and flow in the Marshall apparatus and to determine
density, percentage air voids, and percentage of aggregates voids filled
with binder.

1- Specimen mold assembly
2- Specimen extractor
3- Compaction hammer.
4- Specimen mold holder.
5- Marshall testing machine.
6- Oven or hot plates.
7- Mixing apparatus.
8- Water bath: with temperature (60 ± 1 °C).
9- Miscellaneous equipment:
A- Containers for heating aggregate and bituminous materials
B- Thermometer.
C- Balance.
D- Gloves for handing for equipment.
E- Rubber gloves: for removing specimen from water bath.
F- Scoop.
G- Spoon.

Preparation of test specimens

Approximately 1200gm of aggregates and filler is heated to a
temperature of 170 ± 20 C. Bitumen is heated to a temperature of
121to140 C with the first trial percentage of bitumen (say 3.5 or 4% by
weight of the mineral aggregates). The heated aggregates and bitumen
are thoroughly mixed at a temperature of 154 to 160C. The mix is
placed in a preheated mold and compacted by a rammer with75 blows
on either side at temperature of 138C to 149C. The weight of mixed
aggregates taken for the preparation of the specimen may be suitably
altered to obtain a compacted thickness of 63.5+/-3 mm. Vary the
bitumen content in the next trial by +0.5% and repeat the above
procedure. Number of trials are predetermined.

1- The aggregate is dried at 105 – 110 °C and sufficient amount is weighed
about (1200gm) to give a height of 63.5 ± 1.3 mm when compacted in the
2- The required quantity of bituminous is weighed out and heated to a
temperature which will give a viscosity of 170 ± 20 mm²/s.
3- The aggregate is heated in the oven to a temperature not higher than 28°
above the binder temperature.
4- A crater is formed in the aggregate contained in a heating mixing bowel.
The binder poured in a mixing carried out until all aggregate is coated, the
mixing temperature shall be within the, limit set for the binder
5- Thoroughly cleaned mold is heated on hot plate or in oven to temperature
between 93°C and 149°C, and the mold is provided with the base plate
and extension mold is provided collar.
6- A piece of filler paper is fitted in the bottom of the mold and the whole
mix poured in the mix then vigorously troweled 15 times around the
parameter and 10 times in the center leaving a slightly rounded surface.
7- The mold assembly is placed on the compaction pedestal and given 75
blows of the 45369 compaction hammer falling a height 457.2 mm, the
specimen in the mold is reversed and given the same treatment on the
other side.
8- The specimen is then carefully extrudes from the mold, transferred to a
smooth flat surface and allowed to call to the room temperature.
9- Finally, the specimen is measured and weighed in the air and water( for
volume Deterioration) if the asphalt mix has an open (porous) texture the
weighing in water will lead to error in the volume and so the specimen
must be coated with a measure mass of paraffin max. The specimen is
then marked and stored for stability and flow measurement.

Sp.gr. of Asphalt = 1.010
Wa = 1224 g
Wb = 701.8 g
Aggregate Percent SP.gr.
Coarse 51.45 2.606
Fine 34.24 2.711
Filler 7.35 2.697

P1 + P2 + P3
Gsb = A
P1 P2 P3 m G mm=
+ + A+ B−C
G1 G2 G3

Pmm + Pb
Wa G se =
G mb= Pmm Pb
W a−W w −
Gmm Gb

Gmm= 100∗G se−G sb
P s Pb Pba= ∗Gb
+ Gse∗Gsb
Gse Gb

P ba G mb∗Ps
Pbe =Pb− ∗P s VMA=100−
100 G sb

G mm −G mb 100∗VMA−V a
Pa=V a=100− VFA=
G mm VMA

51.45+34.24+ 7.35
Gsb = =2.651
51.45 34.24 7.35
+ +
2.606 2.711 2.697
G mm= =2.438
A+ B−C

G mb= =2.344

Gse = =2.726
100 6.96

2.438 1.01

Gmm= =2.553
96 4 For 4% Asphalt
2.726 1.01
Pba= ∗1.01=1.05

Pbe =6.96− ∗93.04=5.98

VMA=100− =17.73 %

Pa=V a=100− =3.865 %

VFA= =78.23 %
From this test we can determine the value of optimum asphalt content
which is very important for road making design, and from that we can
know the value of voids ratio remain in the asphalt mix, because when
the void.
Why marshal test and optimum asphalt content is important?
Because when not doing Marshall Test we cannot find and use the
optimum asphalt content and this cause some serious problems such
 Bleeding in the hot weather condition.
 Cracking in cold weather condition.
That’s why Marshall Method of mix design is the most important test
in highway and transportation lab. Because it is used to find optimum
asphalt content.

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