Beginner Engle Matrix Game Rules

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BEGINNER question.

Their answer is an “argument” for

ENGLE MATRIX GAME RULES what occurs next in the game. The only limit on
what an argument can be is that it must answer
Are you ready for a fun game? Okay, here is the question the player picked. Pick interesting
what I think a fun game is. It is fast. Players clash questions, make fun answers and the game will
with one another. Someone wins and the rules work well.
don’t get in the way. That is what this game is
all about. It has a short play time and will get DOES AN ARGUMENT HAPPEN?
people’s creativity powered up
Players pick another player to be their referee.
This game is about a conflict. Six or so characters The referee’s job is to decide how likely an
face off over an issue of life and death. Someone argument is to happen. Start with the assumption
will lose. The question is who that will be. Each that all arguments are “Okay”. This means they
player wants to accomplish his goal and get happen 50% of the time. Ask yourself “Does
away with it. Others want to pin blame, get this seem better or worse than that?” As referees
revenge or try to stop the other players. Of course learn to trust their judgment they can raise or
a few want to save the world! The important lower strength rolls. The player then rolls one
thing is that players go after one another and six-sided die to see if their argument happens.
make things happen.
Each game has its own conflict that is spelled
Can’t miss Roll 6-1’s to fail to happen
out on the game board.
Really Strong Roll 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 to happen
Pretty Strong Roll 3, 4, 5 or 6 to happen
Okay Roll 4, 5 or 6 to happen
Pretty Weak Roll 5 or 6 to happen
Players pick a character to champion in the
Really Weak Roll 6 to happen
game. Read the description out loud to the
Impossible Roll 6-6’s to happen
other players. This tells what the player has
to do in the game. If a player’s character dies
before the climax, they are not out of the game.
They continue taking turns to push their goal SUCCESSFUL ARGUMENT HAPPEN
forward. Don’t waste time killing characters!
Make their lives miserable instead. This may seem obvious and it is. The events of
successful arguments become part of the story.
MAKING THINGS HAPPEN Future arguments build from there. Failed
arguments just don’t happen. There is no partial
Players start the game with 15 tokens/coins success or additional punishment for failure.
that they use to buy the right to make things
happen in the game. They take turns making It is a good idea for one player to write down
things happen. The youngest player goes first. a summary of successful arguments. Nothing
Play then proceeds clockwise around the table. fancy - just a brief note will do. Not everyone
has a great memory.
The active player picks one of the “Questions”
that form the map. This tells the player what THAT DIDN’T HAPPEN!
type of thing they will try to make happen that COUNTER ARGUMENTS
If a player doesn’t like the argument just made
Players make things happen by answering the they can pay a token/coin and buy the right
to make a “counter-argument”. This is just

Maurice Roth (Order #14157676)

like a regular argument except that it must be drop out of the rolling. This continues till there
opposed to what was just said. is only one argument left. If all of the arguments
roll out then ALL of them come back to do
All the players can pay a coin and jump in another round of rolling. One argument WILL
with a counter-argument each turn. This is fun HAPPEN!
because it triggers a dice-rolling contest.
Counter-arguing players pick a referee as
before and the referee decides what it’s “to Once the climax is resolved the players get one
happen” roll is. last argument to say what happens to their
character after the game. This is when players
RESOLVING COUNTER-ARGUMENTS claim victory. Players make arguments, pick
referees and roll as usual. If multiple players
Each player rolls for their own argument. If they claim victory they resolve who really wins by
roll successfully they get to roll again. If they fail a counter-argument dice-rolling contest. The
their roll they are out. Rolling continues until dice gods will resolve the matter.
only one argument is left. If all the arguments
roll out then nothing happens. Move on to the OPTIONAL RULE: SET REFEREE
next turn.
One player can opt to not run a character but
STORIES BUILD TO A CLIMAX instead to be the referee.

When players start running out of tokens/coins OTHER ENGLE MATRIX GAMES
they should move the game to a climax. They
pay a token/coin and pick “the final question”. This is a Beginners Engle Matrix Game. If you
This is the one question that will resolve the like the freedom that making arguments gives
conflict of the game. All the actions up to this then you should look into the advanced game. In
point build to this moment. those games players can make arguments about
more things. They can slow the game down by
When a player picks the climactic game ending requiring a second round of argument to resolve
question they are calling for all the players to fights, and may make trouble arguments to save
make counter-arguments about what happens their characters when disaster strikes. They
to end the game. can also speed the game up by having all the
players argue about one point. They can even
One player alone cannot end the game like this. hold criminal trials.
At least one other player has to agree it is time
to wrap things up. Engle Matrix Games have been around since
1988. While they are fun they can also be used
CLIMAX ARGUMENTS for serious purposes such as planning, training,
psychotherapy and testing.
Each player gets to say how they think the
game should end without paying a coin. This is Hamster Press
their chance to put a final spin on what happens. 7251 West State Road 46
Usually this will determine who loses. Ellettsville, Indiana 47429

Players make arguments and pick referees who
determine argument strength as usual. They
then roll for their own argument. If they succeed
in their roll they get to roll again. If they fail they

Maurice Roth (Order #14157676)

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