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Gif of the magi a story of real

Natalia Andrea Muñoz Murillo

de Autor desconocido está

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recently watched
a film of romance because I read the book of this film “Gif ofbajo
the licencia
bajo licencia magi” is a story in
Christmas time epoch to share and be with the family this is a
short story writen by Henry O <.>the real name of this writer was William Sydney O
was a united states writer, and published by first time in 1905. This story has
various adaptations as film but I want to talk about the adaptation was directed by
Caleb Stewart and give my opinion about this short film.
The film have <has> a duration of 9: 47 seconds and tell the story of a couple:
Della and Jim they live in Virginia beach a couple with many debts a little money in
the day more important, in Christmas. Della and Jim the only thing they want is to
make your partner happy but they don´t have money but they love so much. (you
could have expanded the details a little bit more)

To be honest I liked the story writer <written> by Henry O is a beautiful and

romantic story but this adaptation is perverse. In my opinion this film is a bad
adaptation of gif of the magi by the actors the people that represent to Della and
Jim the performance are not convincing. In a scene Della has a wig, but in this
scene the actress looks very ridiculous and overactive.(hahahaha I agree) If I can
change something about the movie would be that the director this modern version
has very bad scenes. But not everything is bad the film let a lesson about the most
important gift in the life for the people and it´s not material. From my point of view a
lesson for me and maybe the people that can watch the film or read the story
After of watch the movie and read the story I don´t recommend the movie but the
book is very nice, my impression is that the movie is boring and the characters don
´t have talent the performance Is slowly. I give to the movie a score o f 2 stars
Content A headline frames the text. Its appealing for the reader and included the name of the text 5
The introduction provides general facts about the text reviewed such as type of text, main 5
topic, type of movie/book, year, author, awards, and/or the director, among others.
The main part gives a brief summary of the plot, the setting, and characters of the story. 4
The summary makes sense to a reader who does not know the movie.
The text includes an evaluation by presenting opinions that focus on the strengths, 5
weaknesses and changes of the book/movie reviewed. Arguments are strong.
The conclusion provides a clear recommendation and score on the book reviewed. 5
Language Writing is clear, concise, and coherent. Sentences are strong and expressive, with varied 2.0
Use structure. There are no questions. All language is accurate and used correctly. No errors
in punctuation, spelling, capitalization.

Marks: 4.4

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