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Procedia CIRP 7 (2013) 551 – 556

Forty Sixth CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2013

Maintenance database
José Caldeira Duartea,*, Pedro F. Cunha a,b , João T. Craveiro c
Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, Estefanilha , 2910-761 Setúbal,
l Portugal
CENI, Campus do IPS, Estefanilha, 2910-761 Setúbal, Portugal
T Av. Elias Garcia, 123-5º Esq, 1050-098 Lisbon, Portugal
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +351 265 790 000; fax: +351 265 721 869.E-mail address:


Maintenance activities represent an increasingly high cost in any manufacturing system or in different types of structures. Its
achievement or not has a major impact on availability of equipment or structures. Nowadays cost reduction, minimizing downtime
and ensuring reliability levels are central objectives in any sector of industrial activity and maintenance is observed as an important
service. To achieve these goals, decision support systems should be available, optimizing the exploration and maintenance plans
and ensuring companies meeting their goals. For this it is necessary to make collections of reliable and consistent data. Its analysis
and treatment will allow to compute reliability values, to validate FMECA and re-plan production and maintenance. This paper
focuses on the need for the existence of a maintenance database and proposes an architecture for connecting the multiple vertices
that generate information to feed the database. The architecture presented should drive developments in building a platform that
ensures data to be collected and processed and to link OEM, customers and maintenance providers, as shareholders of maintenance
database and with the responsibility in feeding it with data during different phases of the product life cycle. The existence of a
maintenance database will provides reliable information for analysis and will contribute significantly to plan the installation phase
of equipment and its use.

© 2013
© 2013The
Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier B.V.B.V.
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and/or peer-review
peer-review underunder responsibility
responsibility of Professor
of Professor Pedro
Pedro Filipe Filipe do
do Carmo Carmo Cunha

Keywords: Reliability, Maintenance, Databases, Failures mode

1. Introduction maintenance services has been increasing its relevance

in sustain a long term relationship between OEM and
The globalization and the fluctuation of the markets end users or customers.
challenge all industries to be effective in designing their To assure a desired maintenance service level and
products, efficient in theirs manufacturing process, satisfying the customer needs OEM has also been
reliable in delivering their products and to pursue looking for partnerships with suppliers and other
customer satisfaction during their products usage partners in which can be included maintenance services
lifecycle phase. It is also recognized that the product providers, dependently from customers location. Hence,
lifecycle is becoming shorter and original equipment the OEMs have to design and adapt their business
manufacturers (OEM) need to look continuously for models according each customer requirements with the
innovation and improvements in the performance of aim to increase dependability and to assure an acceptable
their products if they want to keep their competitiveness. cost throughout product lifecycle.
OEM innovation has been occurring in their overall Based on a survey on enabling technologies to
business model with companies to enhance their abilities improve the performance of Flexible Manufacturing
to design and supply high customized products, Systems (FMS), conducted by a CIRP Working Group
equipment or system solutions following the customer Flexible Automation-Assessment and Future in
needs throughout product life-cycle. In this context
manufacturing systems, mentioned by Ni et al [1], it is

2212-8271 © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of Professor Pedro Filipe do Carmo Cunha
552 José Caldeira Duarte et al. / Procedia CIRP 7 (2013) 551 – 556

revealed that industry considers the cost of maintenance 2. Maintenance service

as the second more important critical factor for the
success of large FMS. This shows a very low level of For some systems, such as aircrafts, submarines,
industry satisfaction due to the high cost of maintenance nuclear systems and bridges, it is extremely important to
of FMS and their disappointment with the low level of avoid failure during actual operation because it can be
availability of the systems, when compared with the dangerous or disastrous. For others systems like the
expectation when those systems were installed. manufacturing systems the priority may be to avoid
Maintenance activities represent an increasingly high failures in order to satisfy production requirements. All
cost in any industry or structure (bridges, pipelines, wind physical assets and structures, such as a machine, an
turbines, offshore structures, etc). The decision making assembly line or a FMS, deteriorate with time and
for effective maintenance is increasing in complexity operation and they require maintenance in order to
with the increase in size of the systems, distant locations uphold the safety, reliability and availability of the
of customers and also due to the several independent system so that the system can continue to operate and
sources of information [1]. With the aim to keep their produce goods.
competitive position customers are demanding improved In general, two different categories of engineering
system availability, safety, sustainability, cost- problems can be identified with respect to maintenance
effectiveness and operational flexibility. Also there is a issues: those for which the priority is to guarantee safety
need for tailored support 24 hours a day, seven days a and reliability and those for which the priority is to
week, to keep the expectation established during the guarantee availability. Correspondingly, for the first
decision of investment [2]. category, inspections and maintenance are planned in
To fulfill the needs mentioned above the product order to keep the equipment or structure in a healthy
design requires changes to integrate technology that, state, avoiding failures, whereas for the second category
through a new organizational structure, can provide safe the priority is to define a maintenance plan that ensures
and cost-effective solutions or services to support an availability, taking into account the life cycle costs, by
effective use of products, systems, facilities and properly balancing the costs of failure and times between
structures, across different industries. Maintenance failures with time to repair and their costs [3]. Therefore
activities can be offer as solutions or as a service which when an industrial company is purchasing a single
has a major impact on availability of equipment or equipment or a manufacturing system the maintenance
structures and its operational cost. requirements to be evaluated are related to product
Cost reduction, minimizing downtime and ensuring performance, in terms of its maintainability, availability,
reliability levels, nowadays are central objectives in any reliability and safety [4].
sector of industrial activity. To achieve these goals, due Usually the system purchased from the original
to the complexity of the systems and the strong equipment manufacturer is accompanied by a
dependency between critical activities, e.g. production, recommended maintenance schedule and a guaranteed
maintenance and quality, decision support systems reliability and availability at a given operation condition.
should be available to propose effective plans and OEM use the warranty to provide maintenance
achieve the desired results. However, for an effective use services in the event of failure, repairing any faults that
of such systems it is necessary to have collections of occur within the warranty period and often at no
reliable and consistent data about product performance additional cost to the buyer [5]. The warranty is tied to
that should support those systems running. The analysis the sale and is factored into the selling price.
and treatment of collected data will allow calculating Over the last decade, manufacturers have begun to
values of reliability, to validate FMECA and re-plan change their value proposition offering extended
production and maintenance operations or actions. warranty, which gives the customer coverage beyond the
In this paper we focus on the need for the existence of standard warranty period, at a non-significant additional
a database about product or components performance cost. For well acceptance of extended warranty by the
data. It is proposed an architecture for connecting the customers contributed the involvement of other partners
multiple vertices of agents, e.g. OEM, customers and such as financial institutions, insurance companies and
maintenance providers, that generate information to be independent operators that provide services such
added in the database and to take use of this data for maintenance services. These new business models were
equipment or product design and maintenance planning. found to be highly profitable for many products, e.g.,
The existence of such database and the linkage consumer electronics, that manufacturers reduced the
between those different agents will provides reliable basic guarantee for forcing customers to choose
information for analysis and will contribute significantly extended warranties.
to plan the installation phase of equipment and its use. Maintenance service contract between the buyer of
the equipment, e.g. the customer, and the service
José Caldeira Duarte et al. / Procedia CIRP 7 (2013) 551 – 556 553

provider, usually the manufacturer or an independent Table 1: Needs for different users of reliability databases.
specialized third party, were done to provide the
maintenance service. Users Needs
The terms and conditions of the contract together
with the feasible options available are important to guide Data to compute system
Risk and
the customer to decide whether or not to purchase the reliability and availability the
equipment and associated maintenance. The customer is users need to know the
analysts for
interested in a certain level of availability of the reliability of components and
equipment, to assure throughput and quality of products, hazard functions. Reliability
and the maintenance service provider should schedule and availability can be
predicting a
and adopt a correct maintenance strategy to assure the estimated from failure on
reliability of
customer requirements. demand if downtime has been
An effective maintenance strategy is an important properly included in the
source of revenue for the contractor because he, the database.
customer, easily considers maintenance as not part of his
Data to measure the
core activities and for this reason it is willing to pay to
performance of maintenance
reduce its business risks and other (financial) burdens. In
Maintenance and to manage maintenance
this way a contractor can focus on its manufacturing
engineers for plans. Operational data brings
activity and Reliability
measuring together the effects of
able to achieve a higher profit [5]. and
and maintenance and the intrinsic
optimizing reliability of the component.
3. The need for a Maintenance Database e Databases
the Also these users wants to
maintenance know what would be the
Despite of OEM recommend maintenance schedule
performance behavior of component failure
they may be not optimal because operational conditions
in the case it were not
may be quite different from those considered at the
design phase. So, it is necessary to obtain complete and
exact data concerning equipment functioning, accidents Data about failure
and their consequences, maintenance operations and Component mechanisms that reveal the
their costs, in order to know real operational conditions. designers for weak points of design. These
The best case would be if such information were analysing users are interested in
collected from the same equipment (specific failure data) and distinguishing failure modes
or from analogous equipment in similar conditions. This optimizing according to failure
information must also be used on equipment to be the mechanisms. Where this is not
planned for implementation combined with expert component possible, engineering
judgments on new equipment reliability parameters or performance knowledge is used to infer
using standard values or standard reliability models (e.g. . failure mechanisms from other
MIL-217 or Bellcore). So, there is a need for reliability information.
data collection in relation to all types of components
The systematic collection of reliability-data dates
from the field records of installations and operations, in
from the Titan Missile program [8]. Since the 1980s
order to allow us to analyze, compare, or predict the
there have been many attempts to provide systems for
reliability levels of complex systems [6].
collecting and organizing raw data, and to standardize
According to Cooke [7], there are, at least, three
the information presented in the data banks. But these
categories of users of reliability databases and all of
efforts have been partial and focused on some particular
them need different types of data:
industrial areas. Besides, there is a lack of accurate data,
Risk and reliability analysts for analyzing and
leading to suboptimal parameter estimates and
predicting a reliability of complex systems;
inaccurate decisions about replacement intervals and
Maintenance engineers for measuring and optimizing
preventive maintenance activities [9].
the maintenance performance;
According to the study presented by Cunha [10]
Component designers for analyzing and optimizing the
certain aspects with negative impact in the performance
component performance.
of production planning task are identified and its
Table 1 summarizes these categories and its needs.
integration with other productive tasks is discussed.
Also, studies carried out by Duarte [11] provide a basis
to conclude, albeit empirically, that the information
related to equipment busy and idle times recorded by
554 José Caldeira Duarte et al. / Procedia CIRP 7 (2013) 551 – 556

independent production and maintenance planning element in a support decision management system. Fig.
systems may be substantially different. Only a system 2 is a schematic diagram of what we have just said.
that records these data in a unified and coherent way will
allow the calculation of appropriate estimations of the Sells equipments,
most important reliability parameters, such as the Original
maintenance services
distribution of failure rate, mean time between failures Manufacturer
(owners of equipment)
(MTBF) and mean time to repair (MTTR). From another (OEM)

point of view, the integration of all this information will Equipment and
allow that priorities and therefore ranking of different operational data
Tools for
productive services production operations and diagnosis, Failure and
prognosis maintenace data
maintenance services - may be defined in an integrated and Sells
overall way. In practice, this means that as long as the maintenance
reliability of a piece of equipment is decreasing, the
degree of priority of the maintenance action required to Maintenance
restore it to its functional state, increases. This leads to a provider
situation where maintenance operations acquire a
priority status against production. The importance of
such a policy is undeniable because only in this way is it Fig. 2: Maintenance Database collects specific information and is a
possible to ensure realistic availability of equipment. In supplier of processed information.
this way it is closed one of the information loops of this
system. 4. Database requirements and impact
In our perspective, the construction of a reliability
and maintenance database demands a collaborative effort Recognizing that reliability, availability,
from the OEM, the customers, e.g. the equipment maintainability and safety as product characteristics, are
owners, and the independent maintenance providers. mainly established at the design stage of the equipment
These three agents are the vertices of a collaborative or system and can partially change in usage phase, with
triangle that must be built to increase efficiency of a huge influence on production system performance, the
production systems, and in particular through a dynamic maintenance database should contain these information
planning of maintenance operations. Fig. 1 illustrates about equipment characterizing its performance and the
this perspective. conditions of it use. This means that in the maintenance
database should be recorded plant-specific operational
OEM Customers data, environmental conditions, operational data and
(owners of
designer equipment)
event data such as failure data and maintenance data.
and supplyer) Some examples of parameters to be collected for each
equipment, by each user in each factory, are the
P_O_T Planned Operation time
R_O_T Real Operation time
DT_F Unavailability time due to
failure i (P_O_T)
provider DT_I Unavailability time due to
(service agent)
incident j(P_O_T)
C_F_i Cause of failure i
C_I_j Cause of incident j
Fig. 1: The collaborative triangle for maintenance efficiency. FM_i Mode of failure i
IM_j Mode of incident j
The appearance of e-technologies allows the Cons_F_i Consequence of failure i
integration and the process of data generate, by several Cons_I_j Consequence of incident j
sources, contributing in this way for the construction of T_C_i Repair time (failure i)
such a database. Once filled with data the database must Temp Temperature
be complemented by a set of tools that can compute or Vibr Vibration
estimates the reliability and maintenance parameters. Estimates for the reliability and maintenance
These tools should also be able to make diagnosis, parameters, diagnosis, prognosis and schedules for
prognosis and schedules for maintenance activities. maintenance activities should be based on this data.
Therefore they should be considered an important However several problems arise when trying to make a
collection of data for equipment operating in quite
José Caldeira Duarte et al. / Procedia CIRP 7 (2013) 551 – 556 555

different conditions. The production rhythm in which the accurate predictions than the individual methods
equipment operate, environmental conditions, vibrations themselves.
and many other factors influence in a significant manner Models
the values of the parameters under study (for example, constant process
the hazard function, the mean time between failures). moving average
Equipment performance, in terms of indicators of
simple exponential smooth
reliability, availability and maintainability, is a function
trend process
of the intensity of manufacture, a clean environment, etc.
T Holt

the data collected, which will require a qualitative and Brown

quantitative statistical analysis. Figure 3 shows how trend and seasonal process
OEM, customers and maintenance providers interact to additive decomposition

OEM Customers (owners of equipment) additive Holt-Winters

Equipment data Plant-specific Operational data Event data
operational data
Maintenance data failure data
Fig. 4: Forecasting models.
Instalation and information about all
modification accidents/incidents

(time of happening of
event, site, conditions,
To avoid a high effectiveness in data collection it is
age of equipment
consequences, persons
involved, etc)
required a careful study related with the equipment
specific features
maintenance data
structure and selection of components that must be
information about
corrective and
identified to be monitored. It is our perspective that
preventive maintenance
(time, duration,
those should be critical components in terms of
Processed reliability data
include failure rate in conditions, cost, etc) equipment functions or in terms of failures.
operation, probability of
failure on demand, average
Validation process
With the design and implementation of this
repair time, and their
confidence intervals, etc maintenance database it will be possible:
Reference data To enhance the standardization of information and
are the data being used as
standard ones or as a basis therefore the link between different companies
for prediction or for
comparison with observed
Maintenance service provider (agent)
information systems and maintenance database.
To build reference data, e.g. equipment morphological
feed the maintenance database. and performance data, to be used of by different
industrial sectors and subsectors.
Fig. 3: OEMs, customers and maintenance providers interact to feed
the maintenance database.
To streamline configuration processes of facilities and
data comparison.
Forecasting techniques are also an essential tool to To leverage an analytical approach to maintenance
infer the possibility of any damage or equipment failure, analysis by applying the methodology RAM -
thus allowing an intervention a priori that prevents it. Reliability, Availability, Maintainability or similar
Equipment condition monitoring allows collecting data (for example, RCM Reliability Centered
of the values of essential parameters. All these types of Maintenance ).
information help to create a picture of what may happen In terms of maintenance planning and considering
in the future. The higher the volume of data and its that each company can have its own policy and use its
quality, the lower will be the error. If recorded data own information technology (IT) system the proposed
highlight a trend in the observed values it may be maintenance database will open the opportunity to feed
forecasted when the parameter will overcome the limits those systems with reliable data to support effective
of alert or alarm of the signature. Some of the forecast planning tasks. The availability of this data to those
techniques to be embedded are shown in Fig. 4, systems in each company can be considered a service to
however, it is quite important to emphasize the be provide which will allow:
applicability conditions of these methods: To configure installations according to a standardized
There is sufficient quantitative information about the vision for each industrial sector or subsector.
past; To build in an easy way the database and the associate
The historical pattern will continue into the future records for each company, exporting standard
stability hypothesis.
equipment information, prepared by equipment brand
There are more sophisticated quantitative methods
and model or by family and function.
but, empirical studies, concluded [12] that the post-
To prepare the maintenance plan through the
sample accuracy of simple methods is, on average, at
exportation of standardized equipment information.
least as good as that of complex or statistically
To import/export data regarding the use of equipment
sophisticated ones. Furthermore the averaging of the
in different industrial sectors, referenced by brand
forecasts of more than one method results in more
556 José Caldeira Duarte et al. / Procedia CIRP 7 (2013) 551 – 556

and model or by family and function to enhance the customers, and the opportunity with this collaboration to
benchmarking increment in the innovation capacity in terms of product
To import/export data regarding the use of equipment and processes, reducing product life-cycle cost with
in different industrial sectors, referenced by brand benefit to the final customer of goods produced through
and model or by family and function to synthesize those equipment or systems.
typical values on a standardized morphology, and From our point of view, the open maintenance
obtain reference information concerning the database will contribute significantly to shortens the
performance of equipment. process of loading data to model the installation by
A critical issue for the implementation of this concept providing the structure of standardized equipment. It will
is the ability to collect data directly from the equipment ensures the use of a standardized structure that meets the
or through the link with the maintenance planning requirements of industrials sectors and ensures
systems. Iung et al [13] present a list of several compatibility for data analysis and benchmarking. Also
innovative technologies that can be used to support the it will shortens the processes of analysis and comparison
data collection and implement the architecture we benchmarking and it will provides reliable
propose, specifically: information for analysis.
New sensors to be installed in equipment to collect and It should be notice that there is a lot of work to be
transmit data about its status. done to implement this database, especially about the
Global Positioning System to calculate the location of technical representation of the data to be collected.
operators or maintenance tools.
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the integration and interoperation between different References
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