npcr5 53

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# New Practical Chinese Reader 5 - Lesson 53

# Published by Beijing Language and Culture University Press, 2005 - ISBN

# Version 1.0
# Paul Denisowski (
醋 [cù] /vinegar/
瞪眼 [dèng yǎn] /to glare, to stare/
瞪 [dèng] /to open wide, to stare/
供应 [gōngyìng] /to accomodate, to provide/
油 [yóu] /oil/
盐 [yán] /salt/
通知 [tōngzhī] /to inform, to notify/
陈醋 [chéncù] /mature vinegar/
陈 [chén] /old/
户 [hù] /door, family/
酸菜 [suāncài] /pickeled Chinese cabbage, Chinese sauerkraut/
酸 [suān] /acid/
白菜 [báicài] /cabbage/
杨树 [yángshù] /poplar/
说亲 [shuō qīn] /to act as a matchmaker/
缸 [gāng] /crock, urn, vat/
家底 [jiādǐ] /family property accumulated over a long time, resources/
厚 [hòu] /thick, deep, large/
白肉 [báiròu] /plain boiled pork/
下面 [xià miàn] /to cook noodles in boiling water/
杂 [zá] /miscellaneous, mixed, sundry/
淡 [dàn] /not salty/
真正 [zhēnzhèng] /genuine, true, real/
没法 [méifǎ] /can do nothing about it, can't help it/
芋头扣肉 [yùtou kòu ròu] /taro cooked with pork/
芋头 [yùtòu] /taro/
甜食 [tiánshí] /sweet food/
白薯 [báishǔ] /sweet potato/
苦瓜 [kǔguā] /balsam pear/
农贸市场 [nóngmào shìchǎng] /market for farm produce/
属于 [shǔyú] /to belong to, to be part of/
细菜 [xìcài] /vegetable out of season and in short supply/
价格 [jiàgé] /price/
口味 [kǒuwèi] /taste/
味 [wèi] /taste, flavor, sapor/
由此可见 [yóucǐ kějiàn] /this shows, can thus see/
由此 [yóucǐ] /from this, herefrom/
鱼腥草 [yúxīngcǎo] /cordate houttuynia/
腥 [xīng] /having the smell of fish/
倒 [dào] /(indicates concession)/
根 [gēn] /long thin piece/
不要紧 [búyàojǐn] /not be serious, not matter/
要紧 [yàojǐn] /important, be serious/
强烈 [qiángliè] /strong, intense, violent/
辣椒 [làjiāo] /hot pepper, capsicum, chili/
线 [xiàn] /line, thread/
灶 [zào] /kitchen range, cooking stove/
不得了 [bùdéliǎo] /(of degrees) extremely, exceedingly/
麻 [má] /feeling slight prickles or tremors (of tongue)/
花椒 [huājiāo] /Chinese prickly ash, seed of such plant/
麻婆豆腐 [mápó dòufu] /pockmarked grandma's bean curd/
豆腐 [dòufu] /bean curd/
捣 [dǎo] /to smash/
碎 [suì] /broken, fragmentary/
咸 [xián] /salted, salty/
性格 [xìnggé] /character/
地域 [dìyù] /region, district/
大体 [dàtǐ] /roughly, more or less/
有关 [yǒuguān] /to relate to, to have sth to do with, related, relevant/
炸 [zhá] /to fry/
臭豆腐干 [chòu dòufugān] /preserved dry bean curd with a strong, distinctive flavor/
臭 [chòu] /smelly, foul/
大人物 [dàrénwù] /great personage, big shot, VIP/
人物 [rénwù] /figure, personage/
千方百计 [qiānfāng bǎijì] /by every possible means, by hook or by crook/
居然 [jūrán] /unexpectedly/
引起 [yǐnqǐ] /to give rise to, to lead to/
车厢 [chēxiāng] /railway carriage/
抗议 [kàngyì] /to protest/
干酪 [gānlào] /cheese/
大多 [dàduō] /mostly, for the most part/
闻 [wén] /to smell/
掩 [yǎn] /to cover, to hide/
鼻子 [bízi] /nose/
山西 [Shānxī] /Shanxi (Province)/
太原 [Tàiyuán] /Taiyuan (city in Shanxi Province)/
辽宁 [Liáoníng] /Liaoning (Province)/
苏州 [Sūzhōu] /Suzhou (city in Jiangsu Province)/
无锡 [Wúxī] /Wuxi (city in Jiangsu Province)/
广西 [Guǎgnxī] /Guangxi (Autonomous Region)/
广东 [Guāngdōng] /Guangdong (Province)/
贵州 [Guìzhōu] /Guizhou (Province)/
浙江 [Zhèjiāng] /Zhejiang (Province)/
河北 [Héběi] /Hebei (Province)/
福建 [Fújiàn] /Fujian (Province)/
汉口 [Hànkǒu] /Hankou (city in Hubei Province)/
长沙 [Chángshā] /Changsha (city in Hunan Province)/
火公殿 [Huǒgōngdiàn] /Huogongdian (name of a restaurant)/
南京 [Nánjīng] /Nanjing (city in Jiangsu Province)/
孔雀 [kǒngquè] /peacock/
礼节 [lǐjié] /courtesy, etiquette/
献 [xiàn] /to offer, to dedicate/
沱茶 [tuóchá] /a bowl-shaped compressed mass of tea leaves/
沙罐 [shāguàn] /earthen pot/
轰 [hōng] /boom/
礼貌 [lǐmào] /courtesy, politeness/
蜂蜜 [fēngmì] /honey/
核桃仁 [hétáorén] /walnut meat/
丰富 [fēngfù] /rich, abundant/
桂皮 [guìpí] /Chinese cinnamon, cassia bark/
姜 [jiāng] /ginger/
煮 [zhǔ] /to cook, to boil/
人生 [rénshēng] /life/
哲理 [zhélǐ] /philosophy/
大理 [Dàlǐ] /Dali (city in Yunnan Province)/
白族 [Báizú] /Bai ethnic group (mostly in Yunnan Province)/
我的妈呀 [wǒ de mā ya] /Oh, my god!/
榴莲 [liúlián] /durian/
炸弹 [zhàdàn] /bomb/
就算 [jiùsuàn] /even if/
股 [gǔ] /(measure word for gas, strength, etc.)/
玩艺 [wányì] /thing/
恶心 [ěxin] /to feel nausetaed, to be nauseiating, disgusting/
嗯 [ǹg] /hum (to show consent)/
酒吧 [jiǔbā] /bar (room)/
进入 [jìnrù] /to enter, to come into/
营业时间 [yíngyè shíjiān] /business hours/
营业 [yíngyè] /to do business/
顾客 [gùkè] /customer, shopper, client/
泡 [pào] /to hang about, to dally/
其次 [qícì] /next, secondly, then/
目的 [mùdì] /purpose, aim, objective/
销售 [xiāoshòu] /to sell/
# end

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