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a beam which is supported at one end and rigidly fixed at the other end
to produce unit rotation of this end, we can now say that the unbalanced
moment is distributed to the connecting beams in proportion to their
" stiffness." Note carefully this definition of stiffness — it is pictured
in Fig. 3 — because it implies no relative linear displacement of the two
ends of the beam. The method then is restricted for the present to
those cases in which there is no relative movement of the joints of the
Referring again to Fig. 2, it is evident that, when a negative moment
rotates the beam AB at B, a positive moment is produced at A as shown
by the curvature of the beam there. Also, when a positive moment ro-

m ^ , ^^
Y /
N M'Stiffness of
A team at this joint

Fig. 3. Stiffness of a Beam.

tates the beam BC at B,

a negative moment is produced at C as shown
by the curvature. The picture cannot be drawn in any other way.
Hence the distribution of moments at one end of a beam produces a
moment of opposite sign to the distributed moment at the other end of
the beam. We may say, then, that fractions of the distributed moments
" carried over " to the other ends of the beams with opposite signs.
We have assumed in this problem that one-half is carried over.
We may now add the original moments, the distributed moments and
the moments carried over to get the total moments at the supports.
These are
At A -40 + 10 = -30
At B -50 - 20 = -80 + 10 = -70
At C -70 - 5 = -75
This solves the problem so far as indeterminacy is concerned, and we
can draw the curve of moments and compute shears and reactions by
Fixed-end Moments, Stiffness and Carry-over Factor. In order to
solve this problem definitely we need to be able to compute the fixed-
end moments, the stiffness of the beams and the carry-over factors.
Note carefully that up to this point we have introduced no theory as to
the properties of the material of which the beams are made nor any
theory of bending distortion. In determining the above constants,
however, we must consider these matters.
These constants may be determined by the column analogy either for

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