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Toto Sugiharto

Faculty of Economics, Gunadarma University, Jakarta, Indonesia

Jl. Margonda Raya No. 100 Depok 16424


It has been identified that Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia
play an important role in the Indonesia’s economy. Its contribution to the national
economy (i.e., GDP and export values), however, is relatively minimal as to compare
with its unit numbers and number of labor involved. It is also of considerable lower
than those of large-sized enterprises whose unit number and number of labor involved
were much lower than those of SMEs. This, to some extent, indicates that SMEs’
productivity is relatively low. Some improvements are required accordingly.
Information and communication technology, especially Internet technology application
within SMEs is regarded to have the potentials to significantly increase their business
performance. This study is aimed at investigating factors that potentially affect internet
adoption and analyzing the impact of internet adoption on business performance of
small-sized agribusiness firms. Modified Supply Process Model was adopted as an
approach model in this study. One hundred and one small-sized agribusiness
owners/operators were randomly selected as respondents. Primary data were collected
and analyzed using path analysis. Results of the study showed that internet adoption
within small-sized agribusiness owners/operators was significantly affected by
perceived ease of use, internet self efficacy, internet anxiety, and personal
innovativeness. Small-sized agribusiness firms’ business performance was affected by
the level of internet adoption (i.e., non-adopter, potential adopter or adopter). This
indicates that internet technology has the potentials to increase business performance.

Keywords : individual factors, Internet technology adoption, small-sized agribusiness

firm, firm performance.

INTRODUCTION report, was nearly 80 million which was

close to 90 percents of total labor
Small and medium-sized enterprises working within industrial sectors. Its
(SMEs) in Indonesia have been identified contribution to the Gross National Pro-
to have significant number of unit and duct, however, was of significantly lower
number of labor involved. It was reported than that of large-sizes enterprise
by the Department of Cooperative and counterparts.
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises In relation to this, the Department
(KUKM) of the Republic of Indonesia of Industry and Trade (2002) has reported
that in 2004 SME owners/operators was that one out a number of primary
more than 43 million which was approxi- weaknesses of SMEs in Indonesia—as
mately 99 percents of total business indicated by its economic contribution—
owners/operators either small, medium or was that limited capabilities and
large-sized enterprises. Meanwhile, num- aggressiveness of SME owners/operators
ber of labor involved, according to the in accessing market and limited use of

Sugiharto, Impacts of Information … 161

information and communication techno- formance, ICT utilization and electronic
logy in managing their business. These business strategies have positive impact
conditions were also found within small- on business performance. In other words,
sized agribusiness firm owners/operators. ICT utilization has the potentials to
According to OECD (2004) reports, there contribute to firm performance improve-
are a number of factors that inhibit ment, for examples improvement in
information and communication techno- market share, product variability, product
logy utilization within SMS owners/ adjustment (with customer needs), and/or
operators. These include (i) incompatible a better response towards customer needs
business processes, (ii) limited know- and wants.
ledge and managerial skills of ICT In Indonesia, the role of ICT in
utilization, (iii) costs of development and improving firm performance, especially
maintenance of electronic systems (i.e., small-sized enterprises, has not been
hardware), (iv) limited computer and optimal. This was illustrated through
communication networks infrastructure, level of development as well as ICT
(v) lack of trust and security of ICT utilization which were relatively low and
utilization, (vi) law uncertainty relating to was left behind other countries, either in
ICT utilization in business management, Asia or in the world. This was re-
and (vii) various challenges related to presented by, among others, limited ICT
adoption electronic business processes. infrastructures availability, limited num-
This report indirectly indicated that ber of units of computer owned by small-
although ICT was not the only solution sized firms, and limited Internet access.
option for improving business per-

Table 1. ICT Indicators in Indonesia, Asia, and the World

Indicators Indonesia Asia (avg) World (avg)

Total Telephone /100 population 34.87 44.92 60.04

Cellular Mobiles/100 population 28.30 29.28 40.91

Main Telephone/100 population 6.57 15.81 19.39

Internet users/100 population 7.18 11.57 17.39

Broadband subscribers/100 population 0.05 2.71 4.30

Source: International Communication Union (2007)

This study, in general, was aimed at adoption and (ii) the effects of level of
investigating factors that affect ICT, internet adoption on firm performance.
specifically Internet utilization—in this
case e-business portal within small-sized METHODOLOGY
agribusiness firms, and at analyzing their
impacts on firm performance. More Ninety-two small-sized agribusi-
specifically, this study was aimed at ness firm owners/operators were ran-
analyzing (i) the effects of perceived ease domly selected and were used as
of internet use, perceived internet respondents in this study. Research
usefulness, computer/internet anxiety, variables include (i) perceived internet
internet self efficacy, and personal usefulness—PU, (ii) perceived ease of
innovativeness on level of internet internet use—PEOU, (iii) computer/

162 Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis No. 3, Volume 14, Desember 2009

internet anxiety—ANX, (iv) Internet self- Cavaye, 1999; Chambers and Todd, 2000;
efficacy—ISE, (v) personal innova- Bitler, 2001; Lee, 2001; Jones et al., 2004)
tiveness—PI, and (v) firm performance which also have been modified, as shown
(measured through firm productivity, in figure below, was used in this study.
sales volume growth, gained profit, In this model firm performance—
product quality improvement, production FP is a function of internet adoption
processes improvement). Primary data level—IA, which is a function of five
were collected from respondents using variables (i.e., perceived internet use-
validity and reliability tested ques- fulness—PU, perceived ease of internet
tionnaires (see Sugiharto et al., 2007). use—PEOU, computer/internet anxiety—
A Modified Supply Process Model ANX, internet self-efficacy—ISE, and
which consists of Technological Accept- personal innovativeness—PI). Path analy-
ance Model (TAM) and ICT & sis model was performed to analyze
Performance Model (van Akkeren and causal relationships amongst variables.






Figure 1. Research Model

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS adopter, and Internet non-adopter. Level

of Internet adoption, meanwhile, was
It has been explained previously assumed to affect firm performance—FP.
that individual factors (i.e., perceived The pattern of causal relationships
usefulness—PU, perceived ease of use— between individual factors and level of
PEOU, internet self-efficacy—ISE, in- Internet adoption and, in turn, between
ternet anxiety—ANX, and personal level of Internet adoption and firm per-
innovativeness—PI) has the potentials to formance is depicted in Figure 1. The
influence individual small-sized agri- magnitude of causal relationships
business firm owners/operators in amongst variables which are represented
adopting information and communication by regression coefficients, either
technology (i.e., Internet technology). In unstandardized or standardized (i.e., path
this study level of Internet adoption is coefficients), are depicted respectively in
divided into three categories namely Figures 2 and 3 which follows.
Internet adopter, potential Internet

Sugiharto, Impacts of Information … 163

0, .96 2.64
e1 PU
0, 1.01 2.65
.78 .00
-.55 e2 PEOU 2.08
0, .70 4.47 2.48
-.28 -.74 1 .12 .83
.62 -.36 e3 ISE IA FP
.63 .22 0, .37 4.07 -.54 1 0, .23
-.54 e4 ANX .13 e7
2.52 1
-.18 0, .66
1 0, .06
e5 PI

Figure 2. Unstandardized Regression Coefficients


e1 PU
.79 .01
-.67 e2 PEOU .76
.00 .44
-.47 -.88 .20 .66
.77 -.59 e3 ISE IA FP
.77 .42 .00 -.65

-.79 e4 ANX .21 e7

-.37 .00

e5 PI

Figure 3. Standardized Regression (Path) Coefficients

Effects of Individual Factors on Level business firm owners/operators can be

of Internet Adoption summarized from Figure 2. Their
The magnitude of causal relation- magnitudes and directions of these causal
ships between individual factors and level relationships can be presented in a
of Internet adoption within small agri- regression equation.

IA = 2.08 + 0.003PU + 0.155PEOU + 0.121ISE – 0.540ANX + 0.131PI (1)

As shown in regression equation internet use—PEOU, internet self-

above, in different magnitudes, perceived efficacy—ISE, and personal innova-
usefulness—PU, perceived ease of tiveness—PI positively and, along with

164 Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis No. 3, Volume 14, Desember 2009

computer/internet anxiety—ANX which approximately 76 percent. Partially,
negatively affect level of Internet however, there were only three out of five
adoption—IA of small-sized agribusiness individual factors that have significant
firm owners/operators, simultaneously effect on small agribusiness firm
affect level of Internet adoption—IA. owners/operators’ level of Internet
These indicate that level of Internet adoption. These include, as shown in
adoption within small agribusiness firm Table 2 below, perceived ease of internet
owners/operators was affected simul- use—PEOU, computer/internet anxiety—
taneously by individual factors for ANX, and personal innovativeness—PI

Table 2. Regression Weight

Variables S.E C.R. Prob.
Unstandardized Standardized
PU 0.003 0.006 0.048 0.060 0.952
PEOU 0.155 0.307 0.070 2.207 0.027
ISE 0.121 0.198 0.072 1.682 0.093
ANX -0.540 -0.649 0.053 -10.252 ***
PI 0.131 0.209 0.061 2.162 0.031

Interestingly, computer/internet Effects of Level of Internet Adoption

anxiety—ANX, whose effect on level of on Business Performance
Internet adoption is negative, was found The magnitude or strength or
as individual factor that have the weight and direction effect of level of
strongest effect on level of Internet Internet adoption of small agribusiness
adoption. This means that small firm owners/operators was depicted in
agribusiness firm owners/operators who Figures 2 and 3 and can be presented in a
perceived that Internet technology is of regression equation as follows.
difficulties to learn and requires
significant amount of investments FP = 2.48 + 0.83IA (2)
(expensive) tend not to adopt this
technology in managing their business.
Strengths or weights of the two other It was found that level of Internet
factors that partially and positively affect adoption of small agribusiness firm
small agribusiness firm owners/operators’ owners/operators significantly affects
level of Internet adoption (i.e., perceived firm business performance. Although its
ease of internet use—PEOU and personal magnitude of influence was relatively low
innovativeness—PI) were much lower (i.e., approximately 44 percent), this
than that of computer/internet anxiety— findings indicates that small agribusiness
ANX. Small agribusiness firm firm owners/operators believe, to some
owners/operators who perceived that degree, that Internet technology—if it is
Internet technology is easy to learn and to applied correctly and properly, has the
use and who have higher personal potential to, in various of ways, increase
innovatiness tend to adopt Internet their firm business performance. This
technology for managing their business. seems to agree with results of research
In general, these findings are in line with conducted by Dulipovici (2002) in
those of either Davis (1989), Heilman et Canada which found that Internet
al. (1999), Riemenschneider and application has a close relationship with
Mykytyn (2000) or Brown (2002). firm business performance.

Sugiharto, Impacts of Information … 165

CONCLUSIONS addressed towards Internet anxiety which
has a strongest negative effect on level of
Conclusions Internet adoption.
It can be concluded that level of
Internet adoption is affected simul- Acknowledgement
taneously by individual factors such as This research was parts of Com-
perceived usefulness, perceived ease of petitive Research Grant (Penelitian Hibah
internet use, internet self-efficacy, Bersaing) which is administered and
computer/internet anxiety, and personal financially supported by the Directorate
innovativeness. Level of Internet adop- of Research and Extension (DP2M) of the
tion, meanwhile, has a positive effect on Directorate General of Higher Education
firm business performance. The primary (DIKTI), the Ministry (formerly
and important finding resulted from this department) of National Education.
study that should be highlighted is that Accordingly, I sincerely thanks to these
information technology—in this case institutions for their various assistances.
Internet technology, has the potential to My warm thanks also go to Rector, Head
significantly contribute to increase small of Research Institution, and Dean of the
agribusiness firm’s business performance. Faculty of Economics, Gunadarma
The secondary and also important finding, University, for their incredible and
which could not be separated from the continuous supports and encouragements.
primary ones, is that individual factors Last, but foremost, my special thanks are
play a very important role in any efforts directed to two anonymous reviewers for
(e.g., information and communication their supportive comments and construc-
education programs) towards level of tive suggestions.
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