19 AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference: USM3D Prediction of MK-83 Trajectories From The CF-18 Aircraft

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(c)2001 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.


AIAA Paper 2001-2431

USM3D Prediction of MK-83 Trajectories from the CF-18 Aircraft
J. Walsh and A. Cenko
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United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD

19th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference

11-14 June 2001 / Anaheim, CA

(c)2001 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

USM3D Prediction of MK-83 Trajectories from the CF-18 Aircraft

J. Walsh*
A. Cenko%
United States Naval Academy
Annapolis, MD 20754


This paper will explore the THE: Store pitch angle, positive nose up, deg.
advantages and disadvantages of using WL: Aircraft Waterline, positive up, in.
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to predict Z: Store C.G. location, positive down, ft.
store separation. The focus will be on comparing a: Angle of attack, deg.
CFD based store separation predictions with e: Upwash angle, positive up, deg.
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experimental data derived from wind tunnel and a: Sidewash angle, positive outboard, deg.
flight tests. Of particular interest are the abilities of
various CFD packages to accurately predict store Note: all wind tunnel data shown are right wing,
captive loads and separation forces, moments and flight test left (negative PSI, PHI, Y)
trajectories in support of real stores clearance
processes. The F-18 aircraft will be used as the INTRODUCTION
basic aircraft under investigation. The first phase
will make use of existing pressure sensitive paint Over the past ten years there have been
(PSP) data from the National Research Council's several organized efforts to validate, demonstrate
high speed wind tunnel and flight test trajectory and accelerate the insertion of CFD methods into
data from flight-tests on-going with the Canadian the store certification process for external stores
Airforce. The specific store configuration under carriage and release. Several significant efforts have
analysis is the release of a single MK-83 from a been documented in AIAA conference proceedings.
vertical ejector rack (carrying a second MK-83) on The first of these was the Wing/Pylon/Finned-Store,
the wing of an F-18. which occurred in Hilton Head, SC in the summer
of 1992. An extensive set of wind tunnel store
NOMENCLATURE carriage and separation data for CFD code
validation was made available for a generic wing
BL: Aircraft Buttline, positive outboard, in. and store geometry3. Although Euler4'5 and thin
Rolling moment coefficient, rt wing down layer Navier Stokes6 (TNS) solutions were in good
Pitching moment coefficient, positive up agreement with these test data, solution times on the
C : Normal Force coefficient, up order of 5 days7 on the Cray YMP made such tools
N impractical for everyday use. Madson later
Yawing moment coefficient, nose right demonstrated8 that the TranAir full-potential code
CY: Side force coefficient, right could give results of similar quality in a fraction of
FS: Aircraft Fuselage Station, positive aft, in. the time required for the higher order
l.e. F-18 Wing leading edge flap The second sponsored conference was the F-
t.e. F-18 Wing trailing edge flap 16/Generic Finned Store9"14 which occurred in New
M: Mach number Orleans in the summer of 1996 (ACFD Challenge
P: Store roll rate, positive rt wing down I). At the end of the meeting, the ACFD tri-service
Q: Store pitch rate, positive nose up technical leads evaluated the CFD tools that were
R: Store yaw rate, positive nose right used to predict the F-16 Generic store carriage
PHI: Store roll angle, positive rt wing down, deg. loads.
PSI: Store yaw angle, positive nose right, deg. Many important lessons were learned;
* Midshipman, Student Member, AIAA however, the experimental test case did not include
% Visiting Professor, Associate Fellow, AIAA flight test data ("real" store trajectories). Because of
(c)2001 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

this limitation, store certification engineers described the application of seven different CFD
continued to express skepticism towards the codes to the problem. Two of the papers17'21 were
accuracy of CFD methods. Also, the CFD not ready in time to be included in the meeting
community raised concerns about the credibility of proceedings, but all eight papers were either
portions of the wind tunnel test data, criticizing presented at the meeting, or the results were
scale, model support interference, and wall effects. provided at a later date.
Therefore, there was a desire within the ACFD15 The quality of the invited papers and
program to reconcile these issues by conducting presentations reinforced the approach used by the
additional analysis by using a data set that included AFCD Challenge sponsors. However, taking these
both wind tunnel and flight test data. presentations as representative of state of the art for
The last sponsored conference was the F- applying current CFD-based tools for stores
18/JDAM CFD Challenge (ACFD Challenge II). carriage and separations indicates that wind tunnels
Large sets of wind tunnel and flight test data existed will still be relied on for the provision of the major
for the F/A-18C JDAM configuration, Figure 1. part of the aerodynamic data on which stores
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During the flight test phase, both photogrametrics certification are to be safely based. Indeed it is
and telemetry were used to track the position of the acknowledged that the CFD solutions were in the
store during releases. Out of these tests, two release majority of cases within the error range of the wind
conditions were selected for this CFD Challenge. tunnel and flight test data. Accuracy would not
The basis for these two cases included the following therefore seem to be issue, but rather the time
considerations: 1) matching aircraft and store required to produce a solution needs to be decreased
geometry in both wind tunnel and flight tests, 2) significantly. Given this development CFD-based
correlation between wind tunnel data and flight test tools should become far more prevalent in use
data, 3) possession of both high transonic and low during Requirements Definition and Systems
supersonic cases with interesting miss distance time Engineering trade-off studies for the aircraft and
histories, 4) ability to publicly release the wind stores thereby reducing the likely hood of expensive
tunnel and flight test data to an international aircraft and/or store redesign after hardware has
audience. been made.
The test cases selected were M = 0.962 at One other general result was the consensus
6,382 ft. (flight 13) and M = 1.05 at 10,832 ft. that improvements in the ejector modeling and
(flight 14). Both cases were for the aircraft in a 45- ejector foot/store interaction during the ejection
degree dive. needed to be accomplished.
For these two test cases, the configuration The principal drawback of CFD Challenge II
geometry for the wind tunnel and flight test is was that all the CFD results, using both Euler and
shown in Figure 1. The JDAM is mounted on the Navier Stokes, as well as a simulation that ignored
outboard pylon, with the 330-gallon fuel tank on the the JDAM canards gave similar results. Does that
inboard pylon. The SUU-65 BRU-32A/A ejector mean that Navier Stokes formulation does not have
rack provided a nominal peak force of 7000#. to be used, or were the test cases selected fortuitous
Eight papers by Cenko16 , Hall17, Tomaro18, for the inviscid formulation. Indeed, Welterlen
Woodsonft, Welterlen20, McGroy21, Fairlie22, and showed that his inviscid calculation was superior to
Benmeddour23 were submitted for ACFD Challenge the viscous one. Since diagnostic data were not
II. The meeting was held at the AIAA Annual available, it is impossible to say whether the
meeting in Reno Nevada on January 12th, 1999. SPLITFLOW viscous formulation was at fault, or
Due to the interest in the Challenge the timing of that the inviscid results had a fortuitous canceling
the session and the venue were changed to enable error. It was the consensus of the participants that
seating for around 200 people; despite this, the another CFD Challenge, one that would have
room was filled to capacity with over 50 people diagnostic data (store and wing pressures) was
having to stand in the back for four hours. merited.
The first paper16 described the wind tunnel
and flight test results, while the other seven
(c)2001 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

TTCP Panel WPN-TP 2 KTA 2-18 test database for single MK-83 releases from the
CF-18 will be available to KTA participants shortly.
The Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), CFD predictions by KTA 2-18 participants
Canadian Forces (CF), and the US Navy use, and have not been produced to date. However, all
will continue to use for some time, variants of the participants have agreed upon the test case
F/A-18A/B/C/D Hornet aircraft as their primary configuration. Figure 2 provides an overview of the
fighter weapons delivery platform. For stores first test case configuration being investigated by
clearance purposes, all these countries use similar the participants. This paper presents the results of
approaches to performing Aircraft/Stores the first part of the navy effort for the KTA 2-18
Compatibility (ASC) based on the methodology of program.
MIL-HDBK-1763 which has traditionally relied
heavily on the use of prior analogous stores results, THE CODE USED
wind tunnel and flight testing. Based on the
demonstrated capability of CFD to predict aircraft The NASA Tetrahedral Unstructured
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store aerodynamics and trajectories in realistic Software System (TETRUSS) was developed
timeframes, it appears that CFD has the possibility during the 1990's to help provide a rapid
to dramatically reduce wind tunnel and flight test aerodynamic analysis and design capability to
costs and time. In order to reduce duplication and aerodynamicists. The system is composed of
redundancy in the US Navy's Flight Clearance, several different integrated software pieces.
Australia's ASC Clearances and Canada's Stores
Clearance processes, a new KTA was proposed Grid Generation
under the auspices of The Technical Cooperation The grid generation is done through a
Program (TTCP) subgroup W. program named GridTool. This program helps to
Although this KTA has only been recently change the Computer Aided Design (CAD) into a
approved by WPN Group, significant quantities of grid representation, which can be used by the rest of
experimental data have already been gathered, the programs. The process of geometry and grid
reviewed and organized in preparation for parameter preparation with GridTool constitutes 50
experimental data-to-CFD prediction comparisons. - 90 percent of the total grid-generation time. It
The large wind tunnel PSP data set and store also provides the input file for VGRID, which is the
captive loads data sets from NRC/IAR's high speed next software package in the process. VIDRIDns is
tunnel have been reviewed and the appropriate data a program for automatic generation of tetrahedral
is being prepared for use in comparative studies. To unstructured grids suitable for computing Euler and
date, specific subsets of the PSP data for the CF- Navier-Stokes flow solutions. The process is based
18/MK-83 test case have been provided to on an Advancing front and an Advancing layer
interested participants under the auspices of method. Both of these techniques are based on a
TTCP/KTA 2-18. It should be noted that the marching process in which tetrahedral cells form on
empirical data related specifically to the test case top of each other.
under analysis has intentionally not been released to
participating countries to date. This comparative Flow Solver
data will not be furnished until CFD computations USM3Dns27'28 is a tetrahedral cell-centered,
have been completed, in an effort to finite volume Euler and Navier-Stokes (N-S) flow
demonstrate/evaluate the true capability of CFD in solver. Inviscid flux quantities are computed across
solving real-world stores separation problems. each cell face using Roe's29 flux-difference splitting
CF-18/MK-83 stores separation flight- (FDS). Spatial discrimination is accomplished by a
testing is ongoing at the Aerospace Engineering novel reconstruction process 30, which is based on
Test Establishment (AETE) in Cold Lake, Alberta an analytical formulation for computing solution
Canada. Flight test trajectory data have been gradients within tetrahedral cells. The solution is
gathered for the first test case to be analyzed under advanced to a steady state condition by an implicit
this KTA. It is anticipated that the complete flight
(c)2001 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

backward-Euler time-stepping scheme31. Flow iterations for the same reason as before and the total
turbulence effects are modeled by the test took 24.825 hours on the same machine.
Spalart-Allmaras (S-A) one-equation model32,
which is coupled with a wall function to reduce the Pressure Comparisons
number of cells in the sub layer region of the For the F-18/EFT configuration (330 gallon
boundary layer. tank inboard, clean outboard pylon) we have 2 other
The USMSDns code is designed for the easy sets of data to compare our results with in order to
addition/modification of boundary conditions check the validity of our data. We have the Pressure
(B.C.). It supports the standard B.C.'s of flow Sensitive Paint (PSP) and OVERFLOW33 results for
tangency or no-slip on solid surfaces, characteristic the same configurations. The OVERFLOW code is
inflow/outflow for subsonic boundaries, and a finite difference, Chimera flow solver capable of
freestream inflow and extrapolation outflow for solving the Averaged Navier-Stokes equations in
supersonic flow. Some additional special boundary overlapping grids. Since the developer of the
conditions are available as well. PEGSUS34 interface system ran the OVERFLOW
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The version of the program that we used flow solution in viscous mode for the wing, pylon
included parallel processing. The tetrahedral grid is and fuel tank, these predictions represent the best
divided into a certain number of pieces and that can be expected from CFD.
communication between these partitions is USM3D, OVERFLOW and PSP test data35
accomplished through Message Passing Interface. comparisons for wing pressures for the F-18/EFT
This speeds up the solution process better than the configuration are shown in Figure 4. As may be
number of processors that you use. The solution is seen from the plot of Cp vs. % x/c on the lower
also un-affected by the splitting process. surface of the wing at 47% span station, the
USM3D prediction is in good agreement with the
Results and Discussion PSP test data and the OVERFLOW prediction. As
expected for an inviscid solution, the USM3D shock
During the study, there were several tests is stronger and further back than either the test data
run when the F-18 had either an external fuel tank or the OVERFLOW prediction. Note that the PSP
(F-18/EFT) or the combination of the external fuel data is not in close agreement with the
tank and two MK-83 bombs (F-18/EFT/Mk-83). All OVERFLOW solution. However, the accuracy of
of the tests were run with the same test case the PSP measurements are uncertain, since Tang35
parameters. The grids used in both of these test observed significant differences between the PSP
cases can be seen in Figure 3. and pressure transducer results during the test.
Note that the PSP data are obviously in error at the
Test Case Parameters wing I.e.
The test case selected was M = 0.95 and an The USM3D predictions are not nearly in as
angle of attack of 4.5 degrees. The number of cells good agreement with OVERFLOW and the test data
on the F-18/EFT was 1,033,677, while the number for the outboard wing station, 65% span. There is a
of cells on the F-18/EFT/Mk-83 was 1,337,305. large discrepancy at 25% and 75% chord between
the USM3D prediction and the other results. This is
Convergence History attributable to the inviscid code overprediction of
The density residuals for all of the test cases the flow acceleration about the I.e. and t.e. of the
were usually reduced by a factor of between 2 - 3 . wing pylon; this wing station is less than ten inches
The number of iterations also usually varied from the wing pylon (60% span).
between 1200 and 2000. For the F-18/EFT, the The comparisons for the lower surface of the
final run was made at 1200 iterations because there External Fuel Tank (EFT) are shown in Figure 5.
was not a noticeable reduction in the residual after USM3D predicts the shocks to be stronger and
that and the total test took 12.582 hours on an SGI farther back than the PSP test data. However, the
Origin 2000 running on 4 processors. The final run USM3D prediction is in close agreement with
for the F-18/EFT/Mk-83 was made at 1500 OVERFLOW.
(c)2001 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

The other configuration that was examined Acknowledgements

was the F-18/EFT/Mk-83, Figure 2. This
configuration included two Mk-83's on the outer The authors wish to express their
pylon of the wing. Since this was intended to be a appreciation to S. Woodson and LCDR M. Overs
blind test, no PSP data for this configuration were from NAVAIR, and N. Frink, S. Pope and S.
provided. However, the OVERFLOW predictions Pirzadeh from NASA Langley, without whose
for this configuration can be compared to the assistance this work would not have been possible.
USM3D prediction. As may be seen from the plot
of Cp vs. % x/1 on the lower surface of the inboard REFERENCES
and outboard Mk-83 (Figure 6 and 7), the USM3D
prediction is in close agreement, except for the 25% 1. Cheveney, J. V., 'The Challenge of
Combat Superiority Through Modernization,"
and 75% locations. It appears that the inviscid code Keynote Paper RTO Symposium on Aircraft
may not properly model these effects. It will be Weapon System Compatibility and Integration,
Downloaded by BEIHANG UNIVERSITY on June 18, 2020 | http://arc.aiaa.org | DOI: 10.2514/6.2001-2431

interesting to compare these predictions to PSP Chester, UK, Oct. 1998.

data. 2. F. Taverna and A. Cenko, "Navy
Integrated T&E Approach to Store Separation,"
Trajectory Predictions Paper 13, RTO Symposium on Aircraft Weapon
Although there were significant differences System Compatibility and Integration, Chester,
UK, Oct. 1998.
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the capability of the code to predict the store ment," AEDC-TSR-91-P4, 1991.
trajectory. As may be seen in Figure 8, the two 4. Newman, J.C. and Baysal, O. "Transonic
methods predict essentially the same trajectory. Solutions of a Wing/Pylon/Finned Store Using Hy-
These trajectories were calculated using the brid Domain Decomposition, AIAA paper 92-4571,
approach described by Davids36, with the input Aug. 1992.
5. Parikh, P., Pirzadeh, S., and Frink, N.T.,
loads and moments predicted by the two codes. "Unstructured Grid Solutions to a Wing/Pylon/Store
Although the flight test results for this case have not Configuration Using VGRID3D/USM3D," AIAA
yet been made available, the large yaw shown by Paper 92-4572, Aug. 1992.
the store tail towards the pylon appears reasonable, 6. Meakin, R., "Computations of the
since the store tail actually contacted the CF-18 Unsteady Viscous Flow about a Generic
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to-store miss distance predictions, as shown in
Paper 92-4568, Aug. 1992.
7. Millett, D., "More than a Pretty Picture,"
Figure 9. Leading edge, Dec. 1992.
8. Madson, M. et al "TranAir Computations
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The Euler version of the USM3D code has 1994.
demonstrated an impressive capability of predicting 9. T. Welterlen, et al, "Application of
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complex flowfield aerodynamics at transonic and Separation Simulation," AIAA-96-2453, June
speeds. The OVERFLOW predictions were 1996.
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able to produce useful results, in a short time frame. Transonic Mach Numbers using TranAir," AIAA-
It appears that USM3D has matured to the point 96-2454, June, 1996.
where it can predict aircraft store aerodynamics and 11. D. Chine, et al, " Calculation of
Generic Store Separation from an F-16 Aircraft,"
trajectories in realistic timeframes, and has the AIAA-96-2455, June 1996.
possibility to dramatically reduce wind tunnel and 12. S. Kern and C. Bruner, "External
flight test costs and time. Carriage Analysis of a Generic Finned-Store on the
F-16 Using USM3D," AIAA-96-2456, June 1996.
(c)2001 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

13. S. Kennon, et al, "STORESIM: An Journal, Vol. 36, No. 11, pp 1975-1982 November
Integrated System for Multi-Body CFD 1998.
Simulation," AIAA-96-2458, June 1996. 29. Roe P. Characteristic based schemes for
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AIAA-96-2459, June 1996. Mechanics, Vol. 18, pp 337-365,1986.
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Separation," ICAS Paper 98-2.10.4, Sept. 1988. three-dimensional unstructured Navier-Stokes flow
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AIAA Paper 99-0120, Jan. 1999. implicit upwind algorithm for computing turbulent
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Downloaded by BEIHANG UNIVERSITY on June 18, 2020 | http://arc.aiaa.org | DOI: 10.2514/6.2001-2431

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0124, Jan. 1999. 35. Tang, F.C., et. al., "Pressure
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Analysis About the F/A-18C Using GUST Technique," RTO meeting Proceedings 16, Sept.
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(c)2001 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

FIGURE 1 F/A-18C/JDAM Test Case

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FIGURE 2 CF-18/MK-83 Configuration

(c)2001 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.
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Figure 3. Surface Grids Used For Testing

Cp on Lower Surface of the Wing at 47%

Cp on Lower Surface of Wing at 65%

Percent Chord
Percent Chord

Figure 4: USM3D/OVERFLOW/PSP Wing Cp distributions for F-18/EFT

(c)2001 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

Cp on Lower Surface of Tank

M = 0.95 a = 4.5



Cp 0.2
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PSP Test data

Figure 5: USM3D/OVERFLOW/PSP Cp distributions at EFT for F-18/EFT

Cp on Lower Surface of In-Board Mk-83

Percent Chord


Figure 6: USM3D/OVERFLOW Cp distributions at Inboard Mk-83 for F-18/EFT/Mk-83

(c)2001 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

Cp on Lower Surface of Out-Board Mk-83

Percent Chord
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Figure 7: USM3D/OVERFLOW Cp distributions at Outboard Mk-83 for F-18/EFT/Mk-83

M=0.95 h=20,000'

Figure 8: USM3D/OVERFLOW CF-18/MK-83 Trajectory Prediction

(c)2001 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

Miss Distance

12 -i———————————————————————
10 - •—- -o0—- - OVERFLOV
V U<^-'

/ \-

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I" _

2 A
i—n—D—D_Q—^ N>.
————^a=~J: k
0 - —————
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Time, sec

Figure 9: USM3D/OVERFLOW MK-83 Miss Distance Prediction


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