Roles An Responsabilities - Ingles

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One of the essential ingredients in the six sigma methodology, is the creation of strong
teams. Strong teams foster collaboration, synergies and the ability to quickly adapt to
change. The dynamics of a team are far reaching and enormously beneficial over the
contribution of the individual. Teams have the potential to unlock access to all levels and
disciplines within the organization. But the role and responsibilities of the individual are
also essential to the success of the team. When a team is performing at its best, each team
member has clear responsibilities. Each role and each member are aligned to maximize
the achievement of the goal. One such method used to identify each member's best team
role is the Belbin process. A Belbin individual report identifies which combination of the
nine Belbin team roles someone prefers and exhibits an aptitude toward. Effective
communication is of equal importance to the makeup of the team. Individual team
members should endeavor and be at liberty to speak clearly and directly, be succinct,
actively listen, avoid interrupting and share information at all levels of the organization.
The spectrum of communication ranges from awareness to action. All members of the
team should search for active as opposed to passive methods to exchange information
with the team such as one on one encounters. An individual team member makes
teamwork a priority. They primarily support specific projects. Contributions are made at
the singular level, communication and collaboration at all levels of the team are required.
Individual team members are the engine of change for the team performing a various
range of tasks and support functions to advance the team objectives. Often times, team
members will have a specialization in the area of interest or a cross-functional skill set that
is a particular demand for successful completion of the project.
A yellow belt is someone who has been trained in Six Sigma to have a fundamental
understanding of Six Sigma principles. They will be able to converse with other belt levels
and exercise use of the terminology.
Some experts challenge the value of training and using employees in roles such as Yellow
Belts where individuals receive less training and are less involved in Six Sigma than those
in traditional Six Sigma roles.
Yellow Belt training is targeted towards supervisors, managers, directors, and sometimes
Responsibilities of a Yellow Belt are very different than that of a Green Belt or Black Belt,
but there are often very similar, and sometimes exactly like champions or stakeholders.
Although the level of hands-on involvement with Six Sigma tools is diminished, Yellow
Belts can still play an essential role in moving the project forward and managing resource
issues and solution implementation.
Green Belt training is less intense compared to that of a Black Belt. Training includes all
comprehensive elements of Six Sigma with less emphasis on the statistical aspects as well
as advanced techniques such as design of experiments.
The green belt has nearly identical responsibilities as the black belt when it comes to
projects but you might typically find green belts working on less complex challenges or
problems that are not as dynamic as a black belt project. Unlike the black belt, you
generally will not find dedicated green belt professionals in the organization. Most green
belts retain the positions they had prior to being trained in Six Sigma, and use the new
skills to improve their work, working environment, and performance.
Most green belts retain the positions they had prior to being trained in Six Sigma and use
the new skills to improve their working environment and performance.
Green belt duties and responsibilities closely align with those of the black belt. The
primary difference comes in the scope and frequencies of these duties. Green belts are
typically regarded as black belts with a divided amount of time between their Six Sigma
role and other job responsibilities. As such, Green Belts typically do not manage teams or
multiple teams and typically serve in a support role.
Among the Six Sigma belts, the Black Belt is probably the most active and valuable. He or
she is an experienced and well-trained Six Sigma professional. The black belt is well-
rounded in terms of project management, statistical analysis, financial analysis, meeting
facilitation, prioritization, and a whole host of other value added capabilities, which make
a Black Belt highly sought after in the business world. The typical Black Belt has led several
projects, coached and mentored various green belts, and understands how to define a
problem in order to quickly drive towards a solution. Depending on the company or
organization they serve, Black Belts can be dedicated support resources, and or
professionals who continue in their line of management role, while achieving Black Belt
certification. Before the project, the Black Belt will review the charter with the sponsor.
It's important to understand the importance and the scope of the problem. They would
also meet with the coach to clarify roles and responsibilities of all team members. After
the review the charter with the coach and draft a project plan for the team, they would
review and make necessary adjustments.
They will also investigate project history and any existing data.
They will arrange meeting logistics and formulate an initial agenda. They will also work
closely with the coach to identify and initialize necessary training. During the project, the
Black Belt will lead the improvement project. They will provide appropriate teaching and
coaching, develop, update and execute the project plan. Identify problems and risks and
address them, plan tee meetings.
They will also lead meetings, handle meeting logistics and administration, regularly meet
with the sponsor and the coach, and recommend changes as needed. After the project the
Black Belt will complete the project documentation and make available to others in the
organization. They will also ensure that the process owner receives documentation for
monitoring the solution. They will identify and document as well as communicate lessons
learned. As the project ends, there will be a shift in responsibility for implementing the
solutions, from the Black Belt to the manager of the work area, and the people. They will
also ensure the team is trained and equipped for their work.
El Master Black Belt es el más experimentado, educado y capaz de los seis expertos sigma.
Por lo general, el Master Black Belt ha manejado mínimamente docenas de proyectos a
nivel de cinturón negro. Un Master Black Belt puede coordinar varios proyectos Six Sigma
Belt simultáneamente, y ser mentor y certificar a los candidatos de cinturón negro y
cinturón verde. Un Master Black Belt puede coordinar varios proyectos Six Sigma
simultáneamente, ser mentores y certificar candidatos de cinturón negro y cinturón verde.
Master Black Belt comúnmente trabaja con directores de operaciones de alto nivel, altos
ejecutivos y gerentes de negocios para ayudar con la evaluación y planificación de
objetivos comerciales estratégicos. Es común que un Master Black Belt aconseje a la
gerencia sobre las necesidades o el costo de la mala calidad de una operación, y consulte
sobre métodos y enfoques para abordar los problemas. El papel de Master Black Belt es
conocer y enseñar el enfoque científico. Trabaje con el líder y el patrocinador en el
estatuto, asista a las reuniones pero asegúrese de mantener una posición neutral para
ayudar al equipo a funcionar de manera efectiva. Ayude al líder a desglosar y asignar
Enseñanza de recolección de datos y métodos de análisis.
Animar al equipo a buscar causas antes que soluciones.
Y ayudar al líder a alentar a los participantes reacios a participar plenamente. Antes del
proyecto, el Master Black Belt trabajará con el líder para definir cualquier educación y
capacitación necesarias. Trabaje con el patrocinador y el líder para elegir los miembros del
equipo. Trabaje con el patrocinador y el líder para redactar una carta.
Revise la carta con el líder y redacte un plan de proyecto.
Durante el proyecto, Master Black Belt trabajará con el líder en el progreso y encontrará
formas de mejorar el trabajo, enseñar herramientas y habilidades al equipo. Ponga al
equipo en stock y elimine las barreras. Reúnase con el equipo para las reuniones de
revisión. Mucha gente pregunta sobre la separación entre el Cinturón Negro y el Cinturón
Negro Maestro. De hecho, hay muchas áreas en las que existe la responsabilidad
compartida y el esfuerzo de colaboración, especialmente cuando se trata de la
productividad y la eficacia del equipo. El Master Black Belt, conocido como entrenador,
está activo al principio del proyecto y luego retrocede para dejar que el Black Belt maneje
la agenda.
Las responsabilidades compartidas son cooperativas, sin ambiciones de poder o control. El
Master Black Belt también ofrece una perspectiva externa única que puede beneficiar
enormemente al equipo cuando surgen conflictos y preguntas sobre la dirección. Master
Black Belt pasa la mayor parte de su tiempo siguiendo el progreso del proyecto y
evaluando la efectividad de los equipos. Él o ella debe buscar las áreas donde el equipo o
los miembros del equipo pueden tener dificultades, y trabaja con el Cinturón Negro
Maestro para resolver estos problemas. Dado que Master Black Belt tiene muchos
proyectos bajo su control, también hay oportunidades para sinergias entre otros
proyectos. El Master Black Belt también puede asignar recursos adicionales en un esfuerzo
por reforzar la importancia del proyecto. Finalmente, el Cinturón negro maestro puede
usar los resultados de proyectos pasados para impulsar el éxito en proyectos futuros. Estas
lecciones aprendidas pueden ser invaluables y evitar costosos errores.

Like the yellow belt, champions are those people, directors, executives, managers, etc,
who are chartering, funding or driving the projects that black belts and green belts are
conducting. It is just as important for them to understand the methodology, process and
dynamics of six sigma, as it is for the black belt.
Champions have critical roles in the successful deployment of six sigma regardless of scale.
Champions have responsibilities like the ones previously listed for yellow belts. Typical
responsibilities for the champion include strategic oversight, determining the strategic
direction of the project, defining the requirements for success, resolving resource issues
for the team, conducting periodic progress reviews, assisting in solution implementation,
assisting in team selection, and communication with the black belt. Sponsors are
somewhat like champions, but the scope of their involvement is much less interactive than
the champion role. Sponsors set the direction for the project. They also play a key
commutative role at the highest levels of the organization. They also play a key
commutative role at the highest levels of the organization, with regard to the sequence
and interacti0on of projects. The responsibilities of the sponsor include defining and
drafting the charter, selection of team members, providing resources, and assistance in
removing barriers. Sponsors are also critical at the close of the project. They are involved
in the final review, they help the team celebrate their success, communicate the results to
the highest levels of the organization, monitor the change, and implement changes not
within the team’s authority to ensure the project's success. They also keep a watchful eye
over barriers, and systems in anticipation for future.
Process owners are unique individuals, that can take on multiple roles in a team. They can
be champions or individual contributors. Regardless of their role on the team, they are
seen as the subject matter experts of a specific and highly critical process under
investigation as part of the project. Process owners are not black belts, but should have a
basic understanding of the statistical tools.

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