Nigeria Write

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At this time of pandemic that all activities are stopped, and everywhere is locked down, and everything
is blocked completely, as a Nigerian, a lonely person indoor, why can’t/don’t you take this Golden
Opportunity now to/and learn how to write Books (Nonfiction) and become a Published Writer or a Top
Notch Author. The door is opened to/for you, to become a Book Writer now in no time. Learn to write
and write your books.

Nigerians write and change your life (status) forever. No one is born a Writer, no one at all believe me
sincerely. We got/came here (on Earth) learnt the act, and became it. Wole Soyinka is not born a Writer,
Chinua Achebe is not born a Write, Ajayi Crowther is not born with it at all, they both came here, learnt
the skill, and became it. Now your turn, the truth of the fact is that, my GOD, you can as well learn this,
become it, be more popular & honoured than these people, be more recognized & appreciated than
them, and be more proper (rich) than anyone if them all. The fact remains that, when you start writing
books today, you can be greater than the greatest Writer in the world, you can be successful than all the
most successful Writers that ever exist, and you can be a better Writer than the best of the Writer.

Here comes the time, to become a Prolific Author, Top Notch Writer, Sort After Information Crafter, to
learn the act of writing great & valuable books, to learn the simple but efficient process of crafting
invaluable Information Content, and to become the best Writer ever among equals. The moment has
come the time is now, the period is here…

…”Not tomorrow, not today, but not”.

I am here to teach you how to write any Nonfiction Books of any kinds, from Start to Finish, I mean, from
the very Starting Point to the very Finishing End, I mean, from Outline to Finish-Line, through the very
Simple, Fast/Quick, and Sophisticated/Efficient approach I personally have used to write over twenty
(30) solid Nonfiction Books from Start to Finish, lol, it greatly works for me, and it still working till
moment, and will continue to work till life time as long as I live.

The method/trick I used to write my books (any kinds) is Simple, Short, Quick, and Concise (Detail), and
it has profited me a lot in term of Writing Productive & Efficiency, and I'm here to teach you just that, to
open your blind eyes to it, to unleash the trick for you, and to turn you to a good Writer in no time quick.
Follow me go as I reveal the Secret and unleash the Trick, welcome aboard.

One more thing to give you confidence and assurance before we get started: Book Writing is not about
the Volume of the Content, but about the Value the Information you are passing across carry. Now let’s
learn, you are great.

Silver or gold, I have not, but if you can follow along with me from start to completion through this book
in your hand, it will change your life forever, make you, and prosper you financial for life (Millionaire)
through Book Writing & Publishing.

This book in your hand will prosper you as it prosper me monetarily, and will liberate you in Millions as it
liberate me financial, giving you financial Freedom for life, through Book Writing and Book Publishing,
believe me I say. You don’t need to spend a dim to get your book or books written and published,
believe me sincerely, truly speaking I say. Trust me, and trust CHRIST in me. I will give you everything
you ever need, and I will expose all the secrets to/behind Nonfiction Book Writing and Book Publishing
in general. I will ever point you to great materials/resources (free books of great values) that you can
read afterward to learn how to Market, Promote, and Publicize your work (book), and how to pull Traffic
to it for great sales. Free full & complete books you will never believe are existing because they are
hidden, to learn how to Market and to Promote your work greatly, written by top notch Authors in the
industry, the books that outshine all others in their categories, the free books that outshine the
premium ones existing, all I will point you to, to get for free (because they are free but hidden), to
download, to read, to learn the art of Marketing & Promotion, to apply the skill you learn, to make
money, to prosperity you, and to live a very comfortable, peaceful, joyful, and an exhaubirant life you
want. I am someone that doesn’t keep secret or hidden any good things for my fellows, and as a result, I
will expose all those free indispensable books to you, and I will point you to where to download them
all, blessed.

Self Publishing, Independent Publishing, and Traditionally Publishing Companies in Nigeria cheat us as
Nigerians by charging too much amount/cost while trying to publish your books with/through them, and
as a result of this, I will give you alternatives, showing you the alternative paths to take, to get your book
published once you have completed it. You can either take through the path of Self Publishing to get
your work published without you paying a dim (no cost), or you can go through Subsidy Publishing and
pay just token to get your work published. I will show you the two paths, be rest assured, be expectant.

Also in Nigeria, you will find people, asking you to pay huge amount of money for (to get the)
Informational Content you can use to learn how to write Nonfiction Books, asking you at amount
ranging from twenty to two hundred and fifty thousand naira (=N=20,000 to =N= 250,000), Wahoo,
come on, this is too much, to your fellow citizens, just unfair & uncalled for, stop doing this, cheat not
fellows, for you are strictly cheating yourself, eat not others, for you are eating your own flesh, drain not
your citizens, for you are drinking your own blood. Do the right thing, always involve on the right path, if
you want to help then help, and if you don’t want then get lost (vanish), if you try to cheat then you hurt

This book runs over eighty (80) pages long, …

Before we start, the greatest mistake that many people who train how to write Nonfiction Books do
make is, they jump directly to the training without considering many things, factors, and questions, that
may be bordering and be burning in the learner’s heart. Without tackling this, that is, without shifting
this big hurdle away before the learner, all what you are teaching may be useless & wasteful to the
learner. You have to prepare the learner’s mind down for the great task ahead (the training), by
answering most trivial questions always bordering all aspiring, beginner, and even intermediate Writers,
let’s go.

This book is over eighty (80) pages long, …


 Promotional Material/Content Creation.

 Promotion & Announcement through Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter.
 WhatsApp Address: for Contact, Enquiries, Inquiries, Questions, Queries, Comments, Request,
and others.
 WhatsApp Address: for Conversation.
 $5 Worth Book.
 The book is not completely free, but you have the full/whole privilege to read it for free first, if it
then impacts you, then pay for it.
 Payment Means/Methods: Paystack, Transfer, USSD Code, Mobile Banking Platform, Internet
Banking Platform.
 Account Details: …
 Paystack URL: …
 Truly this Book is for free (giveaway), but you have to pay. Then why paying if it is truly free?
THE ESSENCE OF PAYING: The essence of/for paying is to appreciate what you've learnt. I have
come to realize one thing in life, what you pay for, you will appreciate & greatly value it, and you
will go further (ahead) to implementing what you have learnt, but for what you never paid for,
you will never value it if at all you appreciate it, and you will never get further (ahead) to put it
into try/implementation/action in real life. That’s why you have to pay to help yourself. After
reading this book, if it impacts you, then pay.
 Any amount from =N= 1000 upward is acceptable/allowed please. Account Details – Account
Name: Ayodeji Alexandra Oni; Account Number: …; Bank: Guarantee Trust Bank (GTBank). You
rule. I also accept/take Cryptocurrency Coins. My Paxful Wallet is: …; and my Blockchain Wallet
is: … You rock. You can also pay directly into my Account through USSD Code, through your
Mobile Banking App, or through the Internet Banking Platform of your bank. You can as well pay
through the MobiWallet App and the like. And lastly, you can pay me on this platform using your
ATM Card, the platform as follows: The platform is very easy to use, a
Nigeria based platform, own by a Nigerian, for easy and secure payment across the Nation and
across Africa at large. Try any of the aforementioned Payment Means, you have many options to
choose from, it will surely work.
 The value you get from the book is more than the amount you pay for appreciation, as this book
will change your life forever from nothing to a fulfilled Writer, both in achievement, recognition,
and in riches (money).
 Everything, Everything.
 I didn’t try to cheat, I don’t want to dupe people, and that’s why I earlier said and stated it out
to people specifically that this book is written for the rich, that is, I wrote it for the rich people.
 Let your children know about this great opportunity, let everyone know about this great
opportunity, disseminate the information to others for their benefits.

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