May 2020

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om sre ae Junyi Innovative Study Abroad Program: The Unconventional Path Te COVID9 pam i fr he grat clang thro af. th pendence Amami a fei wal el hry wha iis be ris wn and tt wa al mp yt on Joni Schoo! of Innovation vals edoction that aarres the human compassion, sf isowers un edcition that encouriges youths to see the worl and to give hick tothe coment. This the education that Junyi hopes for stadens to take-away with them when they graduate, The major of Junyls Girt ewo graduating chs stadents chowe not so fallow tadtinal paths lastead of taking Advanced Subjects Test, they applied for special programs that recruit based on merit, talent and performance, or corinued their study overseas through dhe Junyi Innovative Stay Abroad Program (ISAP) Read mots, Paul Chiang: A Retrospective Whee Tae Fine Arts Man (TEAM) nie Pad Chin bare o-oo cto, at it ad yest ‘ara Jeon Chia Chib Wang orgied lang time works, pan of 55s, showcasing dient aget (of Chan’ iit al Chiang A Retrpetin 23! Apri, ACF Chair Stanley Yen ws the docent forthe da At the start of the tour, Chair Ven shaced a memory from 2008 when he was invited to Suxhou, China to give a spesch to local entrepreneurs, It was then that he asked Chiang for the reproduction rights to the Silver Lakoseties, copying two ofits paintings to set as pare ofthe vee dor; the pntngs created spiral inthe space and shifed is feling, Chair Yen shared Chiang vision of bulding the aol Chiang Art Cente in Titan, and how Chiang envisions it nor only asa way for him to give back eo the socery as an artist but also asa space which will embrace and elevate the tang ar scene and cure Huatung Reading Progra One-on-One Coaching Online February 2020, the English online guided reading progeam, Reading A-Z, (RAZ), was introduced imo Si Pao Primary Schoo}, Tabalang Elementary School, oyuan Elementary School and the Bread of Life Christian Church in Chenggong in hopes to nurture students’ habit of reading in English. To help monitor student progress, volunteers from the HHuatung Reading Program creates monthly repors forthe schools and church; data collected include the length of time students spend on RAZ, aswell as sores frm compecension May 2020, in effort to maintain student interests, volunters creat an online seading coach gone system inated at the Si Pao Primary School and Bread of Life Chisan Church in “The one-on-one Engish-only couching hope to bull ltsning confidence fn student. Junyi School of Innovation: Life & Agriculture Education In the fire semester of the 2019 academic yer, the focus for juny 11 grader’ Sustainable & Groen Architecture program was on environmental and spatial Iarning at well s sustainable environmental growth, Srdents were tasked ro build chicken coop using svalble resources at ‘he school and recycled materials. This semester, as part of it ie and ngiculure edison, stadens are shed 10 rise chicks, feom feeding to observing how they lve. Ta creating the ‘opportunity for stents to bein touch with lie, ny hopes to narute compassion fore in al oem Junyi School of Innovation: Celebrating the International day of Mathematics The soba acy set forthe 2020 International Day of Mathcmatic, known as Ps Das, wat Baffon's Neds, On th doa ony students parcpated. They drew parallel ines on board and thew toothpicks inthe ai they counted and divaded and were fascinated to dcover the ‘eval appeosimting At iferot grade Kvely, nah etches used diferent methods to conduct the sity to provoke thinking Jans junioe high schoolers used data fom the experiment ro calalte and coalyze svoky, while senior high schoolers explored ferher ae. dace. cigonometc fiction, probably and statin From the acti etaents lated a math i ot only tavowedgethat stay inte claroom bor present inter diy ves Sess tras Sharestart Lead TeacherSharesta1 Online Teaching Workshop Ia response to the sowie that schools ma temnonuil, close dic 10 the coponssrus Sharesatt promotes online teaching and leaning Over the ‘Tomb Sweeping Day holiday in ngzhi Api, Sharstart hosed three Online Teaching Workshops forts lead teachers inn Education Foundation and Junyi Academy. Totaling 72 parcipans, each wodkshop hosted up 10 25 paricpants With yeas of online taining experts, International Associate of Fitation ‘and Certified Profesional Faiatoe Consultant Erie Teng was invited to head the workshop. Some of the hey topics at the workshop were how to achieve mtningfl interaction with sadents, as well as exploring diferent online reource options to be used for discussions ot presetatons Tseng emphasized foe teachers ro foes more on creating the apes of lessons that vel grb student atention eather than on how to taints student atention. Following the ‘workshop, led teachers passed tit earnings on ro other Sharstart teachers.

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