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Pahugot Cassandra BA Filipino 2-A

AS1020 GEC-LW Literatures of the World

Instructor: Dr. Wilson Sayaboc date: 02-27-2020

Unlocking unfamiliar words:

 Ridiculing- the act of making fun to someone

 Subliminal- relating to things that influence your mind in a way that you do not
 Hetero- different
 Cringeworthy- so embarrassing, awkward


The persona in the poem is a young girl, black woman, poor girl, a Muslim, and a gay.
Whom seeking a justice, their rights and letting people know what happen now in our
society the dangerous connotation that need to be addressing as soon as today.


The persona addressing the poem to all people in the world in each individual. They
want to relay a warning message that we should stop being cruel and making violence
to our co-human being. Instead of hatred and ignorance we should promote and uphold
humanity. The persona wants to relay a message that we should be a critical minded
and instead of bringing negativity why not enhance and bring happiness and unity.


 Symbol 5th line, 2nd stanza- Black and woman (oppression)

 Simile 15th line – Christian hate gays like “all” Muslims hate Christians (religion)
 Rhyme 23th line- When did “rights” start to mea “privilege”
Like one man’s rights are another man’s privilege
To someone marriage is guaranteed right
They treat it like a burden but then
Burden others by ridiculing their fight for the exact same thing.


“Resist tyranny, spread the humanity”. The poem is dealing with the societal
connotations/ problems when it comes to being a woman, being adopted, being gay and
lesbian and having different believes and religions. We seem to forget the value of life,
what humanity is really for and we value our morality and the reason why we live for.
End it; Be Free!

By: Cassandra Pahugot

A world where we live

A blessing that God gave

But human seems to forget

The reason why we breathe

We need to end it

Begin the world peace

End the fear

Start the braveness

Be the instrument of changes

Stop the violence

Embrace each differences

Racism, tyranny, End it! Be free!

Be the voice of voiceless

Be the key to unlock the chain

Create something

Be the change
We should create an another world

Where people respect what we believe

Where woman, can do what privilege

Religion and identity will never be a barrier to be happy

A world where equality will never be an option

But a right to the person

A world where you will never hear their hurtful scream

But hear their never lasting dream.

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