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Town of Oakville

Recreation and Culture Department

Volunteer Agreement - Family Day 2020

The Oakville Recreation and Culture Department endorses and encourages volunteer involvement
in its programs and operations. This agreement reflects the importance of volunteers to our

The Recreation and Culture Department supports the volunteer by committing to provide
the following:
a) To provide information, orientation and assistance to help the volunteer meet the
responsibilities of their position
b) To ensure supervision and provide feedback to the Volunteer
c) To respect the skills, dignity and individual needs of the Volunteer
d) To be open to comment and suggestion from the Volunteer
e) To work in partnership with the Volunteer
f) To provide the volunteer with a 30 minute lunch break, for shifts over 5 hours

Volunteer Commitment
I, __________________________________ agree to serve as a volunteer for the Town of
Full Name of Volunteer
Oakville’s Family Day Event on Monday, February 17, 2020 and commit to the following to
fulfil my role:
a) To be on time and meet my scheduled commitments for the assigned time shift.
b) To perform my Volunteer duties to the best of my ability
c) To accept guidance and supervision from the onsite Family Day Volunteer Leader
d) To respect confidentiality
e) To refrain from using a cellphone, tablet or any other electronic device while carrying out
volunteer duties unless on a designated break and in a break area
f) To wear the provided volunteer t-shirt, clean dark pants and clean comfortable shoes
g) To maintain poise and professionalism at all times and work together with staff and fellow
volunteers in a positive manner
h) To inform my onsite Volunteer Leader of any conflict situations that should arise, to see staff
support and to refrain from intervening as a volunteer
i) To inform my Volunteer Leader if I feel that my volunteer assignment is not working out for
any reason, they will try to reassign me to an area better suited for me.
j) To understand there is limited space to store personal belongings, and to keep any
valuables at home. The Town of Oakville is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
k) To understand that The Town of Oakville reserves the right to adjust schedules and hours
on the day of based on program needs
l) To understand that failure to adhere to the abovementioned responsibilities could result in
loss of community hours and/or being asked to withdraw from the volunteer position

Volunteer Signature: ________________________________ Date: ___________________

I am 18 years of age or older

I am 14-17 years of age. Parent/Guardian must complete the 2 nd page of this form.
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Town of Oakville
Recreation and Culture Department
Volunteer Agreement - Family Day 2020

Volunteers under 18 years of age must have the consent of a parent/guardian in order to be
accepted as a Volunteer with the Oakville Recreation and Culture Department.

I hereby give permission for ___________________________ to be a volunteer with

(Name of Child)
the Town of Oakville Recreation and Culture Department. I understand that no child will be
permitted to participate without a parent or guardian's permission. I understand the nature of the
duties involved in my child's volunteer duties. I acknowledge and accept risks involved in being
involved in a leadership position and have counseled my child of this risk and necessity for extra
cooperation. I understand should a volunteer placement not be suitable, the Volunteer Coordinator
will meet with the volunteer to reach an agreeable resolution. This could result in a change of
volunteer placement or a volunteer being asked to withdraw from the position.

Parent or Guardian Name: __________________________________________________

Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ___________________

Photographs of Volunteers may be taken at any time for Town promotional purposes. If you do
not wish to have your child photo/name taken/used please sign below.

Signature: ______________________________________

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