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1. Holy Prophet was a direct descendant of Hazrat Ismail (A.S).

2. Muzdalifa is a plain.
3. Hazrat Arqam’s house was became the centre of preaching Islam.
4. The second migration to Habshah took place in 615 A.D.
5. Hazrat Ayub (A.S) was famous for his quality of Patience.
6. Adam landed in Sri Lanka on Adam’s Peak Mountain.
7. Hazrat Sulaiman (A.S) was earned his living by making wallets.
8. Hazrat Loot (AS) was the Maternal Grandfather of Hazrat Ayub (AS).
9. Holy Prophet had 4 Daughters.
10. Al-Muzammil 3rd revealed Surah.
11. The duty of Hazrat Israfeel is to blow the trumpet on the Day of Judgment.
12. Hazrat Hamza (RA) was embraced Islam in 5th Nabvi.
13. The Mosque (Masjid-e-Qiblatain) was famous for the change of Qiblah.
14. 30 Sahafy was revealed to The Hazrat Idrees (A.S).
15. Zam Zam emerged from beneath the foot of Hazrat Ismael in the valley of Batha (Makkah).
16. Holy Prophet was migrated to Madina in 622 A.D.
17. Khadija belonged to the tribe of Banu Asad.
18. Hazrat Uzair (A.S) would ride a Donkey.
19. Hazrat Usman is known as Zul-Noorain because he wedded with two daughters of Prophet Hazrat Ruqia &
Hazrat Umm-e-Kalsoom.
20. Hazrat Idrees (A.S) was expert in Astronomy.
21. Paradise is mentioned in Quran for 150 times.
22. Last wahi came on 3 rd Rabi-ul-Awwal 11 A.D.
23. Jibrael is mentioned in Quran for 3 times.
24. Surah Baqara& Surah Al-Imran are known as Zuhraveen.
25. Khadija died at 65 years age.
26. Zainub bint Jaish (Surah Ahzab) was married to the Prophet though Allah’s revelation or will.
27. Hafsa was the Daughter of Hazrat Umer married with Holy Prophet.
28. Hazrat Maria gave birth to Hazrat Ibrahim, son of Prophet.
29. Hazrat Khadija was buried at Jannat-e-Moalla in Makka.
30. The Umm-ul-Momineen Javeria’s actual name was Barrah.
31. Third wife of Prophet was Hazrat Ayesha.
32. Hazrat Khadija was the only Umm-ul-Momineen who was not buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi.
33. The eldest daughter of Prophet was Zainab.
34. Meaning of Baqarah (The Goat).
35. Hazrat Zakariya (AS) was the contemporary of Hazrat Issa (AS).
36. The first person to be put into Hell will be Qaabil.
1. Hazrat Adam (AS)’s grave is present in Saudi Arabia.
2. Bait-e-Rizwan was made to take the revenge of Hazrat Usman (RA).
3. Hazrat Bibi Fatima was the youngest daughter of Holy Prophet.
4. Kalima Tayyaiba is mentioned in Quran for 2 times.
5. Surah means city of Refuge.
6. Al-Mudassar 2nd revealed Surah.
7. Ghar-e-Sor is mentioned in Surah Al-Tauba.
8. Abdul Malik Marwan applied the dots in the Holy Quran.
9. There are 37 Surah in last Parah.
10. Al-Falq and Al-Nas revealed at the same time.
11. City of Rome is mentioned in Holy Quran.
12. Aayat-ul-Kursi is the longest Aayat of the Holy Quran.
13. Surah Maryam wholly revealed for a woman.
14. Taurat was the first revealed book.
15. Ross translated the Holy Quran in to English.
16. Aaraf Surah is the longest Makki Surah.
17. There are 7 Angles mentioned in Holy Quran.
18. First complete Madani Surah is Baqarah.
19. Surah Ankaboot means Spider.
20. Bride of Quran is Rahman Surah.
21. Quran is the greatest miracle of Prophet.
22. Quran is written in Prose & Poetry.
23. Quran is also regarded as a manual of Science.
24. Surah Alq is both Makki and Madani.
25. There are 8 Sepaaras started with Bismillah.
26. Abdullah bin Masood was the first man to recite Holy Quran in Makkah.
27. Age of Adam at Sheesh’s birth was 130 years.
1. 14 Muslims were martyred in Battle Badr.
2. Hazrat Ismael (A.S) had 15th Sons.
3. Hazrat Umar embraced the Islam at the age of 34.
4. Hazrat Yousif (A.S) is buried in Palestine.
5. Hazrat Ali got married with Hazrat Fatima (RA) in 2 A.H.
6. Abu Sufyan was the commander of Infields in the Battle of Ditch.
7. Zam Zam is the word of Egyptian language.
8. Hazrat Hussain (R.A) was born in 6th Hijri January, 8th 628 A.D.
9. Hazrat Loot (A.S) was the Father-in-Law of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S).
10. Hajj was obligated in Surah Imran.
11. Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S) is buried in Palestine.
12. Holy Prophet delivered his farewell sermon at Arafat on 10th Zul-hajj.
13. The Nation of Hazrat Loot (A.S) was destroyed by a Rain of Stones.
14. Hazrat Noah (A.S) is buried in Jordan.
15. Hazrat Sulaiman (AS) was knew the language of the birds.
16. Hazrat Haleema was the foster Mother of Holy Prophet.
17. Hajj made compulsory in 9th Hijirah.
18. Sheema was the foster Sister of Holy Prophet.
19. Treaty of Hudaibiya was made in 6th Hijirah.
20. Muzdalifa is located between Mina & Arafat.
21. Taloot was the Father-in-Law of Hazrat Dawood (A.S).
22. Adam walked from India to Makkah and performed 40 Hajj.
1. Hazrat Issa (AS) was the cousin of Hazrat Yahya (AS).
2. Hazrat Zakariya (AS) was the Carpenter.
3. Hazrat Hood (A.S) is buried in Yaman.
4. The Gambling declared Haram in 8th Hijirah.
5. Hazrat Noah (AS) nation was exterminated through the scourge of floods.
6. The Holy Book of Jews is Torat.
7. Jehad became mandatory in 2nd Hijirah.
8. Hazrat Usman (R.A) was added 2nd Azan for Friday Prayers.
9. Khalilullah was the titled of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S).
10. Fast (Roza) became Mandatory in 2nd Hijirah.
11. Hazrat Khalid bin Walid (RA) has been titled as a Saifullahin the battle Mutta.
12. Abu Jahl was the commander of the infidels in the battle of Badr.
13. Hazrat BibiAamina belonged to Bani Zuhrah Tribe.
14. Hazrat Saleh (A.S) is buried in Lebanon.
15. Kalimah Rad-i-Kufar is the 6th Kalimah.
16. Battle of Ditch the Holy Prophet had to miss Four Prayers.
17. Holy Prophet has 10 Uncles and 6 Aunties.
18. Savior of Islam was the titled of the Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A).
19. Five (5) times Prayers became Mandatory in 10th Nabvi 27th Rajab.
20. Abul Basher is called to Hazrat Adam.
1. Hazrat Shoaib (A.S) was the Father-in-Law of Hazrat Musa (A.S).
2. Hazrat Ali was wrote Treaty of Hudaibiya.
3. Hazrat Adam (A.S) had 3 Sons.
4. Hazrat Noah (A.S) was called Abu-ul-Bashar Sani.
5. Israel was the son of Hazrat Ishaq (AS).
6. Battle of Badr took place on 17th Ramzan 2nd Hijri 624 A.D.
7. Hazrat Khadija (R.A) was first accepted Islam in Women.
8. Battle of Uhad took place in 625 A.D 3rd Hijri 5th Shawal.
9. Muzdalifa is located 6 miles from Makkah.
10. Battle of Khandaq took place in 627 A.D 5th Hijri.
11. The Nisab of Zakat in Gold is 71/2 Tolas.
12. Abu Sufyan was the commander of the infields in the battle of Uhd.
13. Battle of Khyber was took place in 628 A.D 6th Hijri between Muslims and Jews.
14. Hazrat Ali was awarded with Zulifqar in GhazwaUhd.
15. Uqba bin Nafah is called as Muslim Alexander.
16. Torat is in Hebrew Language.
17. The Nisab of Zakat in Silver is 521/2 Tolas.
18. Surah Al-Imran is the second largest Surah in the Holy Quran.
19. Aad was the Nation of Hazrat Hood (AS).
20. Hazrat Adam’s grave is in Saudi Arabia.
1. Battle of Azab took place in 5th Hijri.
2. Hazrat Bibi Sara was the Mother of Hazrat Ishaq (A.S).
3. Hazrat Ismael (A.S) was buried in Saudi Arabia.
4. Hazrat Ibraheem (AS) was born in the Iraq.
5. Hazrat Bibi Hajra was the Mother of Hazrat Ismail (A.S).
6. Hazrat Loot (A.S) was the contemporary of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S).
7. Three sahahif were revealed to Hazrat Ibrahim (AS).
8. The Holy Prophet was born on 22 April, 571 A.D.
9. Al-Azhar mosque was completed in 972 AD.
10. The Nation of Hazrat Ilyas (A.S) was worshiped the Idol “Lal”.
11. Nimaz-e-Kasoof is offered for Solar Eclipse.
12. Four (4) Mosques are mentioned in the Holy Quran.
13. Hijri Calendar was invented by Hazrat Umar (R.A).
14. Surah Al-Rehman is called Aroos-ul-Quran.
15. Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A) was died on 22nd of Jamadi-ul-Sani 13 A.H.
16. Hazrat Bibi Sara was the sister of Hazrat Loot (AS).
17. The Holy Prophet was died in 11 A.H (June 8th 632 A.D).
18. Ameer-ul-Momneen was the title of Hazrat Umar (R.A).
19. Nimaz is the Persian word.
20. Ateeq was the title of Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A).
21. Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A) was called as Sani-as-Nain.
22. The Jamia Mosque of Damascus was built by Abdul Malik bin Marwan.
23. Roohullah was the title of Hazrat Isa (A.S).
24. Mauta Imam Malik is called as Umm-us-Saheehain.
25. Imam Bukhari (RA) was born in 256 A.H.
26. Kalim-ul-Ullah was the title of Hazrat Musa (A.S).
27. Muzdalifa is located 3 miles away from Mina.
28. Abdullah is the real name of Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A).
29. Hazrat Musa (A.S) was the Prophet of Bani Israel Nation.
30. The famous book of Fiqh (Kitab-ul-Kharaj) was written by Amam Abu Yousaf (RA).
31. After HazratRuqia’s death Umm-e-Kalsoom married with Hazrat Usman.
32. Najeeb-ul-Ullah was the title of Hazrat Yahya (A.S).
33. Hazrat Umar (RA) was levied Zakat on Horses.
34. The battle of Hunain was took place in 8 Hijirah.
35. Hazrat Shoaib (A.S) was buried in Syria.
36. Hazrat Haris bin Abe Hala was the first Martyr in Islam.
37. The first Ameer Hajj was Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A).
38. Hazrat Dawood (A.S) was a good player of Flute.
39. Hazrat Musa (A.S) was meeting with the Holy Prophet on 6th SKY during the Ascent.
40. Prophet Hazrat Suleiman (A.S) ruled the “Jinnat” addition to the Human Beings.
41. Umm-ul-Masakeen was the title of Bibi Zainab Bint Khazeema.
42. The last marriage of Holy Prophet was with the Bibi Memoona.
43. Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) was born and died in 9 A.H.
44. Hazrat Idrees (A.S) was meeting with the Holy Prophet on 4th SKY during the Ascent.
45. Hazrat Umar died on 26th Zul-Hajj 25 A.H. (644 A.D).
46. Hazrat Umar ruled for 10 Years 5 Months and 21 days.
47. Muhammad word is mentioned in Holy Quran only 4 times.
48. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Masud (R.A) was the first writer of Wahi in Quresh.
49. Vowels were inserted in the Holy Quran in 43 Hijirah.
50. Kalimah Tauheed is the 4th Kalimah.
51. The Fasting Persons will enter in Paradise through the Babul Reyan.
52. Law of Inheritance was revealed in 4 Hijirah.
53. The Nisab of Zakat in Camel (5 Camels).
54. Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) was buried in Israel.
55. Cave of Hira is in Jabal-e-Noor Mountain 3 miles from Makkah.
56. Muzdalifa is called Sacred Monument in Quran.
57. Janat-ul-Mola is the biggest Grave Yard of Makka.
58. Hazrat Loot (A.S) was buried in Iraq.
59. Holy Prophet had two real Paternal Uncles, Zubiar and Abu Talib.
60. The Holy Prophet was not attended the battle of Sariyya.
61. (Allah Rasool Muhammad) was written on the seal of Holy Prophet.
62. Madina was the first capital of Islamic Commonwealth.
63. The wives of the Holy Prophet are called Umm-ul-Momineen.
64. Hazrat Umar (R.A) was accepted Islam in 616 A.D.
65. Hazrat Bibi Sarah was the first wife of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S).
66. Hazrat Abu Bakr was the merchant of cloth.
67. Khawalid was the first Father-in-Law of Holy Prophet.
68. The Kalimah-e-Shahadat is recited in funeral procession.
69. Abwa is located between Makka and Madina.
70. Hazrat Abdullah was the Father of our Holy Prophet.
71. Haris was the foster Father of Holy Prophet.
72. Hazrat Bibi Aamina was buried at Abwa.
73. Hazrat Adam (A.S) had 2 daughters.
74. Holy Prophet has no Brother and no Sister.
75. Masjid-e-Hanif is the located in Mina.
76. Hijirah took place in 13th Nabvi.
77. Abul Bashar is the title of Hazrat Adam (A.S).
78. Holy Prophet was performed Hajj in 10th Hijirah 632 A.D.
79. There are 5 Fundamental of Islam.
80. Islam has 2 major Sects.
81. Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A) was first accepted Islam in Men.
82. Hazrat Ali (R.A) was first accepted Islam in Children’s.
83. Qibla changed in 2nd Hijirah.
84. Hazrat Bibi Hajra was the Second wife of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S).
85. Holy Prophet offered first Eid Prayer in 2nd A.H.
86. Eid Nimaz is Wajib.
87. The nation of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) was destroyed by Mosquitoes.
88. Qibla was the old name of Khana-e-Kaba.
89. Holy Prophet was performed Umrah in 7th A.H.
90. Surah Tuba gives details among the Zakat receiver.
91. Battle of Rajih was took place in 4th Hijirah.
92. Hazrat Umar Farooq was martyred on 1st Muharram 24 A.H.
93. Hazrat Khalid bin Walid was accepted Islam in 8th A.H.
94. Hazrat Ruqia died on the day of the victory of battle of Badr she was the wife of Usman.
95. Hazrat Sharjeel (R.A) was the first Katib-e-Wahi.
96. Bait-ul-Maal was established by Hazrat Ali (R.A).
97. Battle of Yermuk was took place in 634 A.D.
98. Muharram is the 1st month of Muslims Calendar.
99. Battle of Mouta was fought between Muslims and Romans took place in 8thHijirah.
100. Surah Yaseen was recited by the Holy Prophet at the time of Hijirah.
101. Holy Prophet was riding on Camel Qaswa during the migration of Madina.
102. Hazrat Abu Salam (R.A) was the first Muhajir of Madina.
103. The Holy Quran was revealed in the night of Lailat-ul-Qadr.
104. Rajab is the 7th months of Muslims Calendar.
105. Hazrat Zaid-bin-Haris only one sahabi mentioned in Holy Quran.
106. Five versed of Surah Al- Alaq were first revealed on the Holy Prophet.
107. The Holy Quran was first translated in Latin Language.
108. Ramzan is the 9th months of Islamic calendar.
109. Battle of Tabuk was the last Ghazwa in which Holy Prophet participated.
110. Police Force was set up by Hazrat Umar (R.A).
111. Jail system was introduced by Hazrat Umar (R.A).
112. Siddiqa was the title of Hazrat Ayesha (R.A).
113. Nimaz-e-Khasoof is offered for Moon Eclipse.
114. The first Battle of Islam was Widdan or Abwa fought in the month of Zul-Hajj 1 A.H.
115. The largest Muslim Army 30,000 was participated in Battle of Tabuk.
116. Hazrat Shoaib (A.S) wept too much over the destruction of his nation that he got blinded.
117. Hazrat Umm-e-Salma (RA) was alive at the time of Karbala Tragedy.
118. Munkar and Nakeer Angels are the in-charge of the Graves and initial Accountability.
119. Islamic Hijrah Era’s was started date in the 16th July 622 A.D.
120. Makka is near the Longitude 390.49’ E.
121. Zakat is the backbone of the economic system of Islam.
122. Holy Prophet went to Syria with Abu-Talib at the age of 12 years.
123. Hazrat Zainab bint Khuzaymah (R.A) wife of the Holy Prophet gained the title of the Mother of the Poor.
124. Islamic Law of inheritance, 1/8 share of the wife from Husbands property in the presence of Children.
125. Hazrat Ibraheem (AS) was 86 years old when Hazrat Ismail (AS) was born to Hazrat Bibi Hajra (RA).
126. Hazrat Abdullah Ibn-e-Abdul Mutalib was died after the Six months prior to the birth of Holy Prophet.
127. Hazrat Yahya (A.S) and Hazrat Isa (A.S) were meeting with the Holy Prophet on 2nd SKY during the Ascent.
128. At the time of Bait-ul-Mukadas destruction all the copies of Taurait were destroyed and Scattered Hazrat
Uzair (AS) reassembled Taurait.
129. Hazrat Sa’ad bin Abi Waqas (R.A) was commander chosen by the Hazrat Umar (R.A) to lead the Muslim
army in the Battle of Qadsiya.
130. Holy Prophet and Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A) took Shelter in the Cave of Thaur during the Migration from
Makkah to Madina.
131. Istalam is kissing of Hajr Asward.
132. Tehlil means the recitation of Kalima.
133. Deen-e-Hanif is an old name of Islma.
134. First institution of Islam is Suffah.
135. Haq Mahar in Islam is fixed only 400 misqal.
136. Qayas means reasoning by analogy.
137. Janat-ul-Baki is situated in Madina.
138. Masjid-e-Hanif is located in Mina.
139. Janatul-ul-Mola is a graveyard in Makka.
140. Lyla-tul-Barrah means the night of Forgiveness.
141. Karam-un-Katibin means illustrious writers.
142. Oldest mosque on earth is Kaabatullah.
143. Qiblah means anything in front.
144. Sidrat-ul-Mantaha means last tree of the eternity.
145. Hazrat Ali was martyred on 21st Ramzan 40 A.H.
146. Battle of Tabuk was took place in 9th Hijirah 631 A.D.
147. Jaabi is one who collects Zakat.
148. Each human being is attended permanently by Two Angels.
149. Barzakh time period between death and Day of Judgment.
150. Wahid bins Abdul Mannaf is the Maternal Grand Father of Holy Prophet.
151. Batarah is the Maternal Grandmother of Holy Prophet.
152. Fatima is Grandmother of Holy Prophet.
153. Varqa bin Naufal verified Prophet for the first time.
154. Hazrat Haleema, Hazrat Sobia, and Hazrat Khola were the foster mother of Holy Prophet.
155. Sheema was the foster sister of Holy Prophet.
156. Abduallh Bin Abu Sheema was the foster brother of Prophet.
157. Hazrat Haleema looked after the holy prophet for 4 years.
158. Hazrat Bilal Habshi was the first slave to accept Islam.
159. Wife of Abu Lahab used to spread throne in the way of prophet in 4th year of prophet hood.
160. Home of Hazrat Arqam (RA) used as the Centre of secret preaching by the holy prophet.
161. Prophet purchased mosque land at medina from two orphans.
162. 45 Companions were with Prophet in migration to Madina.
163. Charter of Madina was issued on 1 A.H it had 53 Articles.
164. Imam Zuhri (RA) became the first to consolidate Ahadith.
165. There are 5374 Hadith collected by Abu Huraira(RA).
166. Prophet Hazrat Noah (AS) known as Shaikh-al-Anbiya.
167. Baitul Mamoor is on 7th Heaven.
168. 4 Kings accepted Islam when holy prophet sent them letters.
169. Maghrib and Isha both prayers are offered together at Muzdalifa on 9th Zul-Hajj.
170. Mosque of Zarar was demolished by prophet.
171. Ume Salma was present at the time of the battle of Khyber.
172. Lady named Zainab tried to poison the Holy Prophet.
173. Hashim was grandfather of prophet & brother of Mutalib.
174. After Amina’s death, UmmayAimen looked after Prophet.
175. Prophet made 2nd business trip to Syria in 24th year of elephant.
176. Abdul Mutalib died in 579 A.D.
177. Amina was buried at Abwa between Makkah & Madina.
178. Omaar bin Hisham was the original name of Abu Jehl.
179. Abu-al-Hikm is the title of Abu Jehl.
180. Medina is 448 Km from Makkah. (250 miles)
181. Prophet was buried in the Hujra of Ayesha.
182. Ambassadors sent to Arab& other countries in 7th Hijra.
183. After 6 years of the birth of Holy prophet Bibi Aamna died.
184. First Azan was called out in 1A.H.
185. Bibi Amna suckled Prophet for 3 days.
186. At Masjid-e-Hanif (Madina) almost 70 Prophets are buried.
187. Qiblah now-a-days is called Khana-e-Kaba.
188. Hurrirah means a Cat.
189. Bait-e-Rizwan took place in 6th Hijrah.
190. Bait-e-Rizwan is also known as Bait-e-Shajra made under Keekar tree.
191. Prophet spent his last days in Ayesha’s house.
192. Cave of Soar is located near Makkah 5 miles.
193. Prophet stayed in Ayoub Ansari’s house for 7 months.
194. Holy prophet made first trade journey at the age of 9 years.
195. Hazrat Khadija and Hazrat Abu Talib died in 619 Hijrah.
196. Prophet narrated the event of Miraj first of all to Umm-e-Hani (real sister of Ali).
197. Islamic official seal started on 1st Muharram, 7 A.H.
198. Seal of Prophet was made of Silver.
199. Construction of Masjid-e-Nabvi started Rabi-ul-Awwal, 1 A.H.
200. The grave of the Prophet was prepared by Hazrat Abu Talha.
201. Qasim was first of the Holy Prophet's children to be born.
202. The first Namaz-e-Janazah performed by Rasoolullah was that of Asad bin Zaraara.
203. At Masjid-e-Nabvi first Muslim University was established.
204. 25 Doors are in Masjid –e-Haram, the most important door of Kaaba is Babul Salam.
205. Imam Bukhari was died in 256.
206. Battle of Rajiha took place in 627 A.D 5th Hijri.
207. Mutah was situated in Syria.
208. Battle of Mutah took place in 8th Hijra.
209. Tragedy of Karballah took place on 10th Muharram 61 A.H 680 A.D.
210. Badr is a Village.
211. In Battle of Uhad, the Teeth of Holy Prophet were martyred.
212. Battle of Chains was fought between Persians and the Muslims.
213. Umar bin Abdul Aziz is considered as the 5th Khalifa.
214. Battle of Camel was fought between Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Aysha.
215. Kharajit is the earliest Sect of Islam.
216. Uhd is 3 miles from Madina.
217. Umm Hakeem was Grand-daughter of Abu Jehl.
218. Khyber is located near the border of Syria.
219. Battle of Tabook was fought in 9th A.H.
220. Hazrat Abbas was made prisoner of war in Badr.
221. Abu Jehl was killed by Ma-ooz and Ma-aaz.
222. Uhad is a Hill.
223. Badr was fought for 3 times.
224. Commander of infidels in Ohad was Abu Sufyan.
225. Battle of Tabook came to an end without any result.
226. Last Sariya Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqqas was fought at Syria in 11th A.H.
227. Takbeer-e-Tashreeq is recited in Eid-ul-Uzha.
228. Zakat was made obligatory in 2nd A.H.
229. Tarawiha means to rest.
230. Umar arranged the Namaz-e-Taraweha.
231. There are 3 types of Hajj.
232. Mosque Kheef is located in Mina.
233. Kalima Tauheed is recited during Hajj.
234. Yome-Afra is called to Hajj day.
235. Zakat means to purify.
236. Muzdalifa place where the pilgrims go from Arafat.
237. First structure of Kaaba was built by Adam.
238. Ibrahim & Ismail rebuilt Kaaba 4500 years ago.
239. Yum-e-Nahar is called to the Day of Sacrifice.
240. Yum-e-Arafat is 9th Zul-Hajj.
241. Al-Imarn is the surah in which Hajj is commanded.
242. Holy prophet sacrificed 63 Camels during hajj.
243. There are 3 Obligations in Hajj.
244. Actual color of Hajr-e-Aswad was white.
245. Al-Multazim means the place of holding.
246. Last wahi written by AbiIbnKaaf.
247. Abu Bakr had knowledge of dreams.
248. Hazrat Ali is buried at Najaf.
249. Abdullah ibnMaz’oomfirst person buried in Jannat-ul-Baki.
250. Al-AzharUniversity is in Cairo.


 Second prophet is Sheesh.

 Sheesh passed away at the age of 912 years.
 Ark of Noah stopped at Judi Mountain (Turkey).
 Nation of Noah worshipped 5 idols.
 Noah was sent to Iraq.
 Abu-ul-Bashr Sani is title of Noah.
 Azaab of Mosquitoes was sent to the nation of Ibrahim.
 Age of Abraham at the time of his death 175 years.
 Ibrahim is buried at Hebron in Jerusalem.
 Hazrat Loot was contemporary of Hazarat Ibraheem
 Grave of Loot is present in Iraq.
 Loot died at Palestine and is buried at Hebron.
 Ibraheem was the uncle of Loot.
 Loot was maternal grandfather of Ayub.
 Ismael is called Abu-al-Arab.
 Ishaaq was sent to Jews.
 Sara wife of Ibrahim and mother of Ishaq was sister of Loot.
 Hajra the wife of Ibrahim was daughter of Pharoah of Egypt.
 Ibrahim was 86 years old when Ismael was born.
 Age of Ibraheem at the birth of Ishaq was 100 years and of Saarah was 90 years.
 Ismael had 15 sons.
 Zabeeullah is the title of HazratIsmael.
 Ishaq married Rebecca.
 Old name of Makkah was Batha.
 Prophet Yahya A.S was sent to people of Jordan.
 Moosa died on Abareem Mountain.
 Grave of Musa is in Israel.
 Haroon was the elder brother of Moosa.
 Moosa had only one brother.
 4 Prophets were sent to BaniIsraeel.
 At Hanif mosque at Mina almost 70 Prophets are buried.
 Grave of Dawood is in Israel.
 Yahya’s tomb is in Damascus.
 Bilal Habshi is buried in Damascus.
 Prophet before Muhammad was Isaac.
 Bait-ul-Laham is the birth Place of HazratEssa (AS) is situated in Jerusalaem.
 Yahya is buried at Syria.
 Prophet Dawood has the title NajeebUllah.
 Tur-e-Sina was the mountain where Hazrat Musa (AS) received Allah’s message.
 Aad was the nation of Hood.
 After seven day’s continuous rain and storm the nation of Hood destroyed.
 Israel was the son of Ishaq.
 Israel was 147 years old when Ishaq died.
 Hazrat Musa (AS) married with the daughter of Hazrat Shoaib (AS).
 Due to Zakria’s prayer Yahya was born.
 Bin Yamen was the real brother of Yousuf (A.S).
 Rachel was the mother of yousuf (A.S).
 Idrees was directed to migrate by Allah to Egypt.
 Idrees remained in 4th heaven.
 Idreess died in the wings of the angel.
 Sam, Ham &Riyyafas were the children of Noah.
 Hood was the uncle of Ibraheem.
 Dawood is buried at Jerusalem.
 Saba was the wife of Dawood and mother of Sulayman.
 Zakariyya was the father of Yahya.
 Abar was the real name of Dawood (A.S).

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