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Email Draft

X May 2020

Sub: Notice of Customer Over credit limit

Dear [NAME],

It has come to our attention that your customer [CUSTOMER NAME] credit limit has
exceeded to allow us to process their order.

The over limit

Hereby, we would appreciate if you would remit us a confirmation from the customer
that they

Please reach out to them, as needed, to confirm their ….

For any further questions, do not hesitate to reach out.

Thank you

<Sender’s Name>

<Sender’s Position>
Email Draft

X May 2020

Sub: Notice of Customer Over credit limit

Dear [NAME],

It has come to our attention that your customer [CUSTOMER NAME] credit limit has
exceeded to allow us to release their order for processing.

The over limit….

The ------ invoices are as follows

S. No. Invoice Number Amount Due Date

To remedy this situation and get your customer order process, you may review the
customer outstanding credit limit from the Account department.

A copy of outstanding invoices is also attached to this email for your convenience.

Please reply ---- immediately to clarify …. to ensure your customer order shall be
process as soon as possible.

Hereby, we would appreciate if you would remit us a confirmation from the customer
that they

Please reach out to your customer, as needed, to confirm their ….

For any further questions, do not hesitate to reach out.

Thank you

<Sender’s Name>

<Sender’s Position>
Email Draft

X May 2020

Sub: Notice of Customer Over credit limit

Dear [NAME],
Ekoran terdapat kes COVID-19 baharu menjelang musim perayaan Aidilfitri, Majlis
Keselamatan Negara (MKN) telah mengambil keputusan dengan tidak
membenarkan mana-mana individu untuk merentas negeri.

With a new COVID-19 case ahead of Eid-Mubarak festive season, the National
Security Council (MKN) has announced that there will be no more individuals are
allowed for interstate travel during the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO)

Subsequently, for the 2020 Eid-Mubarak festive, we at Sang Lin Tackle will be on
holiday leave starting May 23, 2020 until May 26, 2020. However, to any employee
wishing to extend their leave beginning of May 27, 2020, you are required to fill out
this declaration form below as a security measure.

We are doing this as preventive measures for our community to mitigate the risk of
COVID-19 infection in our office and for the health and safety of all employees.

Any person who does not declare truthfully and/or causing members of the company
infected with COVID-19, the Company has rights to take legal action against him.

We value your sincere cooperation in this matter. With this, we at Sang Lin Tackle,
wishing you Happy Eid-Mubarak.

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