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Design of coupling for targeting synchronization in time-delayed systems

Dibakar Ghosh1 , Ioan Grosu2 , and Syamal K. Dana3

Department of Mathematics, Dinabandhu Andrews College, Garia, Kolkata 700084, India
Faculty of Bioengineering, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, “Gr. T. Popa,” Iasi, Romania
Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Jadavpur, Kolkata 700032, India.
(Dated: June 28, 2011)
We report a general method of designing delay coupling for targeting a desired synchronization
state in delay dynamical systems. We are able to target synchronization, antisynchronization, lag-,
anti-lag synchronization, amplitude death and generalized synchronization in mismatched oscilla-
tors. We apply the theory for targeting a type of mixed synchronization where synchronization,
antisynchronization and amplitude death coexist in different pairs of state variables of the coupled
system. By this method, a scaling of the size of an attractor is possible in different synchronization
arXiv:1106.5298v1 [nlin.CD] 27 Jun 2011

regimes. We derive the stability conditions of synchronization based on Kravoskii-Lyapunov function

theory and Hurwitz matrix criterion. We present numerical demonstration using the Mackey-Glass
system and a delay Rössler system.

PACS numbers: 05.45.Xt, 42.65.Sf, 05.45.Pq

I. INTRODUCTION diffusive coupling or a special type of delay coupling [16].

Stability of synchronization in delay systems was usually
established using the Krasovskii-Lyapunov function the-
In conventional studies [1] of chaos synchronization, ory [17] that showed dependence of system parameters
the coupling configuration is always known a priori, as and coupling strength. In all these studies, the coupling
examples, diffusive coupling, synaptic coupling. The sta- configuration was always pre-defined. An adaptive cou-
bility of synchronization is established above a critical pling was proposed recently for synchronization [18] in
coupling based on the negative measure of transverse time-delayed optoelectronic delay feedback loops, where
Lyapunov exponent [2]. As a general condition, a master the coupling configuration was assumed known but the
stability function [3] is used for determining the critical coupling strength was a priori unknown. They dynam-
coupling strength for synchronization in identical oscilla- ically tracked and estimated the time-varying coupling
tors. Alternatively, an engineering approach to synchro- strength for compensating against environmental fluctu-
nization is recently attempted [4-9] for known systems ation to keep it within the critical limit of stable synchro-
where the coupling is unknown a priori. The coupling is nization. The critical coupling was estimated using the
rather designed that can ensure the asymptotic stability master stability function [3] which was based on assump-
of the error dynamics of the coupled oscillators. So far a tion of identical systems. But a parameter mismatch is
few specific issues were investigated such as engineering unaviodable in practical systems. A method of intermit-
coherent patterns [5], a desired amplitude dynamics with tent linear feedback coupling is found [19] to take care of
a target frequency [6], synchronization in cellular systems the instability due to mismatch in delay systems, but the
[7] but each uses a separate approach to define the cou- coupling did not consider the presence of a conduction de-
pling. These studies were mainly restricted to non-delay lay. A delay dynamical system with conduction delay is
systems and made in absence of coupling delay. How- of practical utility, particularly, in digital communication
ever, a design of coupling in the form of delay feedback via optical-link [12]. Therefore, a unified approach for a
[8] was proposed for effective control of synchronization robust design of delay coupling in the sense of stability
and a desired desynchronization in non-delay system. A under parameter mismatch and other external perturba-
design of coupling was also proposed [9] for enhancing tion is necessary to enhance the practical use of delay
anticipation synchronization in presence of coupling de- systems. Here, we tried to address this issue starting
lay in non-delay systems. A coupling delay [10] appears with a known delay system but the coupling is a priori
during the transmission of signals or information in many unknown. We propose a general framework of designing
natural systems such as long axons of neurons [11] and, unidirectional delay coupling that can maintain stability
also in practical systems like communication channel [12]. of synchronization under parameter perturbation and,
This induces additional instability in the process of an the stability is independent of the system parameters.
emergent synchronization state. On the other hand, in We target several synchronization scenarios, complete
physical systems like optoelectronic devices [13], even in synchronization (CS), antisynchronization (AS), lag syn-
electronic systems, time delay is an inherent property of chronization (LS), anti-lag synchronization (anti-LS) and
the system. As example, consider a time-delayed system generalized synchronization (GS) by simply controlling
i.e., ẋ = f (x(t), x(t − τ )) where τ is a delay time. This an external parameter conveniently inserted in the defi-
intrinsic time delay makes a system infinite dimensional nition of the coupling. An open-plus-closed-loop (OPCL)
and more complex. Synchronization in delay systems was coupling scheme [20] was used recently that can engi-
thus given a special attention [10, 12,14-16] using delay

neer different desired synchronization states, CS, AS, LS (αij )n×n is a constant matrix called as the scaling matrix.
and GS in nondelay systems. This coupling scheme has The response system after coupling is,
an advantage that it overrules many of the restrictions
valid for other conventional coupling configurations: an- ẋ = f (x, xτ ) + D(x, xτ , y, yτ ) (2)
tiphase is observed in inversion symmetric systems [21]
only, LS in mismatched systems [22], GS in nonidenti- where D is a coupling term to be defined or designed.
cal or largely mismatched systems [23]. We utilize these The error signal of the coupled system is defined by e =
common benefits of the OPCL scheme and extend it to x − αyτc where τc ≥ 0 is the coupling delay. The f (x, xτ )
delay systems in presence of coupling delay. We derive can be written as
the stability condition of synchronization based on the
f (x, xτ ) = f (αyτc + e, αyτ +τc + eτ ) = f (αyτc , αyτ +τc )
Krasovskii-Lyapunov function theory supported by the
Hurwitz matrix criterion [20] when the stability of syn-
chronization becomes independent of the system parame- ∂f ∂f
ters and is valid for mismatched oscillators too. Stability + e+ eτ + · · · (3)
∂(αyτc ) ∂(αyτ +τc )
being free from the system parameters makes the control
of synchronization more viable. By control of synchro- Keeping the first order terms in (3), the error dynamics
nization, we mean a strategy to change one to the other is approximated,
form of synchronization, either smoothly or abruptly,
without loss of synchronization during a transition. This ė = ẋ−αẏτc
control of synchronization is really implemented by in-
serting a scaling parameter in the design of the coupling.
∂f ∂f
Using this parameter, a scaling of the size of a driver at- = f (αyτc , αyτ +τc ) + e+ eτ + D − αẏτc
tractor (amplification or attenuation) is also possible at ∂(αyτc ) ∂(αyτ +τc )
a response system. Additionally, we can target a type
of mixed synchronization (MS) [20] in a response oscilla- = H1 e+H2 eτ
tor when different pairs of state variables of the systems (4)
attain separate form of synchronization, CS and AS. A where
partial amplitude death [24] can also be induced in one of
the state variables of the response system. Interesting to ∂f
D = αẏτc − f (αyτc , αyτ +τc ) + (H1 − )e
note that an amplitude death (AD) [25] can be induced ∂(αyτc )
in the response system by stabilizing its equilibrium ori-
gin. We support the theory of the delay coupling design
with numerical simulations of Mackey-Glass system [26] +(H2 − )eτ (5)
and a time-delayed Rössler system [27]. ∂(αyτ +τc )
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: the gen-
is now defined as the OPCL delay coupling and H1 , H2
eral theory of the OPCL delay coupling in time-delayed
are two arbitrary constant matrices.
systems is discussed in Section II. The stability condi-
To derive the stability condition of synchronization, we
tion of the desired state of synchrony is derived for mis-
first apply the Krasovskii-Lyapunov function [17],
matched delay systems using Krasovskii-Lyapunov func-
tion theory and Hurwitz matrix criterion. In Section 1
Z 0
III, numerical examples of the Mackey-Glass system and V (t) = eT e + γ eT (θ)e(θ)dθ (6)
the time-delayed Rössler system are described for both 2 −τ

instantaneous and delay coupling. In Section IV, the where γ is a constant. Taking time derivative of (6) and
targeting of the generalized synchronization state is dis- using the error equation (4),
cussed with the example of time-delayed Rössler system.
Results are concluded in Section V. 1 T T T T
V̇ = [(e H1 +eτ H2 )e+(H1 e+H2 eτ )eT ]+γ(eT e−eTτ eτ )
e 2 (H1 + H1 ) + γIn×n 2 H2 e
1 T
eτ H
2 2 −γIn×n eτ
We consider a drive-response system where the cou-
pling is undirectional. The driver is,
= E T QE
ẏ = f (y, yτ ) + ∆f (y, yτ ), y, yτ ∈ R (1) (7)
where ∆f (y, yτ ) is the mismatch parameter and yτ =  1 T 1
y(t−τ ). It drives a response system ẋ = f (x, xτ ), x, xτ ∈ e 2 (H1 + H1 ) + γIn×n 2 H2
E= , Q= 1 T
Rn , to induce a desired goal dynamics g(t) = αy(t); α = eτ 2 H2 −γIn×n

Now we provide a proof that V̇ < 0 if Q < 0: (a) (b) (c)

Let Q and R be two symmetric matrices and a matrix 0 2 2


S has a suitable dimension, then 1

−2 0

Q S 0
ST R −4 −1 −2
−4 −2 0 0 25 50 0 25 50
T H1 t t
if and only if both R < 0 and Q − SR S < 0.

From the above results we see that V̇ < 0 if (d) (e) (f)
4 2 2
H1T ) γH2 H2T


H = 2(H1 + + 4γIn×n + <0 (8) 2 0

The asymptotic stability of synchronization is ensured 0 −2
provided the elements of the H1 and H2 matrices are so −2 −4 −2
appropriately chosen that the condition (8) is satisfied. 0 25
50 0 25
50 0 25

We construct H1 and H2 from the Jacobian matrices of

the system, ∂(αy τc )
and ∂(αy∂f
τ +τc )
. If the elements of
the Jacobian matrices contain state variables, we replace FIG. 1: (Color online) Synchronization region in the H1 − H2
them by constants hi keeping other elements (constants plane in black in (a) for Mackey-Glass system. For τc = 0, a
or zeros) unchanged. On the other hand if there is no pair of time series of driver (online blue) and response (online
state variable in the Jacobian, we replace some of the red) and, the synchronization error in black lines are shown,
zero elements by constants pi , keeping other constants as (b) CS for α = 1, (c) AS for α = −1, (d) CS with amplification
it is. For a 3 × 3 Jacobian, the characteristic equation of for α = 2, and (e) AS with amplification for α = −2, (f)
a derived H matrix is λ3 + a1 λ2 + a2 λ + a3 = 0 where its response at amplitude death for α = 0.
coefficients ai (i = 1, 2, 3) are defined by the elements of
the matrix. The corresponding Routh-Hurwitz (RH) cri-
terion [20] is given by a1 > 0, a3 > 0, a1 a2 > a3 when the
H matrix has eigenvalues all with negative real parts. (b + ∆b)yτ
In fact, the parameter values hi and pi in H1 and H2 ẏ = −(a + ∆a)y + (9a)
1 + yτ10
are so selected that the RH criterion is satisfied and the
condition (8) is thereby fulfilled. It ensures asymptotic
stability of synchronization. To complete the design of bxτ
ẋ = −ax + +D (9b)
the OPCL coupling D, the α matrix and the coupling 1 + x10
delay τc remains to be decided. The stability condition
(8) clearly depends upon the choices of hi and pi but which are chaotic for a set of parameters a = 1, b =
independent of the system parameters and the choice of 2, τ = 2 and mismatches ∆a = 0.2, ∆b = 0.3. The re-
α matrix and τc . This incorporates a great flexibility in sponse system (9b) after adding the OPCL delay cou-
this coupling design in realization of several synchroniza- pling (5) is
tion scenarios, CS, AS, LS, anti-LS, GS and MS in mis-
α(b + ∆b)yτ +τc bαyτ +τc
matched systems. The coupling scheme is not difficult to ẋ = −α∆ayτc + 10 −
implement in electronic circuits and laser experiments. 1 + yτ +τc 1 + α10 yτ10+τc
As in many practical delay dynamical systems, x, y ∈
R1 , when α is a scalar parameter, one can smoothly con-
1 − 9α10 yτ10+τc
trol synchronization using this parameter and induce flip- +(H1 +a)(x−αyτc )+[H2 −b ](xτ −αyτ +τc )
flopping between CS (α = 1) and AS (α = −1) states, (1 + α10 yτ10+τc )2
which is of practical use in digital encoding. A scaling (10)
of the size (amplification or attenuation) of the driver For this example, H1 and H2 are scalars, the condition
attractor at the response oscillator is possible by taking for asymptotic stability is derived from (8),
| α |> 1 or | α |< 1. In higher dimensional systems too,
x, y ∈ Rn , we can realize similar kind of scenarios and H22
H1 + 1 + <0 (11)
in addition, we can observe some new synchronization 4
regimes. We elaborate using numerical examples in the
next section. The stability region for synchronization in the H1 −H2
plane is numerically determined as shown in the black
region in Fig.1(a). We then make a choice of H1 =
III. TARGETING SYNCHRONIZATION: −2, H2 = −1 for our simulations. We first discuss the
NUMERICAL EXAMPLES case with zero coupling delay, τc = 0. Figure 1(b) shows
that the pair of time series of the driver y(t) (online blue
We first elaborate the design of delay coupling using color) and the response x(t) (online red color) are iden-
the mismatched Mackey-Glass system, tical in amplitude and phase for α = 1 and in a CS state

(a) (b)
Figure 2(c) shows the similarity measure S for any delay
1.5 1.4 τs . S has a global minimum at zero for a τs =τs0 = 1.0
which estimates the lag time between the pair of x(t) and
1 1 y(t) in Fig.2(a) as τc = 1.0 = τs0 (dimensionless). A sim-
y, x

y, x
0.5 0.6
ilar result is shown in Fig.2(d) to confirm the LS with a
larger time lag τc = 3.0 = τs0 in Fig.2(b). Thus it is pos-
0 0.2 sible to induce any arbitrarily desired lag time τc in the
0 20 40 0 20 40
t t drive-response system. We choose τc values one larger
and another lower than the intrinsic time lag τ and, LS
(c) (d)
0.4 0.4 is not affected by this choice. The efficacy of a coupling
design for larger coupling delay is, particularly, impor-
tant in regards to synchronization in distant regions of
S 0.2

0.2 the brain with large conduction delays [28]. This knowl-
0.1 0.1 edge can be utilized in practical situations.
0 0 As a second example, we consider a time-delayed
1 2 2 3 4
τs τ Rössler system [27]. The driving system is
ẏ1 = −y2 − ey3 (t−τ ) (12a)
FIG. 2: (Color online) Lag synchronization in Mackey-Glass
system: time series of driver (blue) and response (red) for (a)
ẏ2 = y1 + ay2 (12b)
α = 1.0, τc = 1.0, (b) α = 1.0, τc = 3.0. Similarity measure S
has a global minimum at (c) τs0 = 1.0, (d) τs0 = 3.0.
ẏ3 = y1 + (b + ∆b)e−y3 (t−τ ) − c (12c)

since the synchronization error e(t)=x(t) − y(t) is at zero where ∆b is a mismatch. The driver system is chaotic
in black line. For α = −1, the AS state between x(t) and for a = 0.4, b = 2.0, c = 4.0 and 0 ≤ τ ≤ 0.35. In our
y(t) is clear in Fig. 1(c) where the synchronization error simulation we take τ = 0.1 and ∆b = 0.05.
e(t)=x(t) + y(t) is found at zero in black line. Figures After adding the OPCL coupling (5), the response sys-
1(d) and 1(e) show the CS (α > 1) and AS (|α| > 1) tem becomes,
respectively with amplification of the driver at the re-
sponse in both the cases. Their corresponding errors at ẋ1 = −x2 − ex3 (t−τ ) − α11 {y2 (t − τc ) + ey3 (t−τ −τc ) }
zero are shown in black lines. Similarly, attenuation can
be observed by simply taking 0 <| α |< 1 but we do not
+α22 y2 (t − τc ) + eα33 y3 (t−τ −τc) + p1 {x3 − α33 y3 (t − τc )}
elaborate here. It is also interesting that an amplitude
death (AD) can be induced in the response system by
taking α = 0 as shown in Fig.1(f). The driver y(t) is os- +{h1 +eα33 y3 (t−τ −τc) }{x3 (t−τ )−α33 y3 (t−τ −τc )} (13a)
cillatory while the response x(t) ceases to oscillate and is
stable at zero. The coupling is able to stabilize the equi-
librium origin and thereby induces AD in the response ẋ2 = x1 +ax2 +(α22 −α11 )y1 (t−τc )
system. In fact, the coupling has an inherent property to (13b)
induce AD in a response system by stabilizing the equi-
librium origin and even create a new equilibrium at origin ẋ3 = x1 +be−x3 (t−τ ) −α33 c+(α33 −α11 )y1 (t−τc )
if not present in the uncoupled system and then stabilize
it. We like to elaborate this case in the future.
+α33 (b + ∆b)e−y3 (t−τ −τc ) − be−α33 y3 (t−τ −τc )
For nonzero coupling delays τc , systems (9) and (10)
develop a LS state instead of a CS state. In a LS state, all
the state variables of the oscillators maintain amplitude +{h2 + be−α33 y3 (t−τ −τc ) }{x3 (t − τ ) − α33 y3 (t − τ − τc )}
correlation but shifted by the desired coupling delay τc . (13c)
Figure 2 plots the pair of time series of the response x(t) where we choose the constant matrix α =
(online red color) and the driver y(t) (online blue color) [α11 0 0 ; 0 α22 0 ; 0 0 α33 ] as a simple
in LS for two different choices of time lag τc = 1.0, 3.0. diagonal matrix. In this case, x, y ∈ R3 , and hence
Figures 2(a) and 2(b) in upper panels show LS with (a) H1 and H2 matrices are 3 × 3 matrices. The Jacobian
τc = 1.0, and (b) τc = 3.0. To confirm LS, we calculate matrices of the system (12) are
a similarity measure (S)[1, 19, 21] using the pair of time    
series of y(t) and x(t), y3 (t−τ )
∂f 0 −1 0 ∂f 0 0 −e
=1 a 0 ; =0 0 0 
< [x(t) − y(t − τs )]2 > ∂y ∂y
1 0 0 τ
0 0 −be−y3 (t−τ )
S= p
< x2 (t) >< y 2 (t) >

10 ters in the h1 − p1 plane for stable synchronization are

obtained, using numerical simulation, as shown in the
dark region in Fig.3 where we consider h2 = h1 . By
this equality, we find a symmetric non-synchronization

region in white. However, other choices of parameters
0 are always possible for h1 6= h2 . Clearly, a wide choices
of p1 − h1 parameters is available. Once the asymp-
−5 totic stability of synchronization is thereby established,
−10 0 10 we can easily target several synchronization scenarios,
similar to the first example, by making different choices
of the elements of the matrix α and coupling delay τc . If
FIG. 3: Synchronization region in h1 − p1 plane in dark black α11 = α22 = α33 = 1.0, with no coupling delay (τc = 0),
for delay Rössler system. h1 = h2 systems (12) and (13) are in CS. It means all similar pairs
of state variables of the driver and the response maintain
a CS state. Similarly, for α11 = α22 = α33 = −1.0, all
(a) (b) the pairs of state variables of the systems are in AS state.
4 For a numerical example, we make a different choice of
α11 = 1, α22 = −1, α33 = 0 without a coupling delay
y1(t), x1(t)


0 to reveal an uncommon synchronization scenario. As a
result, we find that different pairs of state variables of
the driver and the response develop different types of co-
−5 −4
0 20 40 −5 0 5 herence: y1 (t) and x1 (t) are in CS in Fig.4(a), y2 (t) and
t x (t)
(c) (d)
x2 (t) in AS in Fig.4(c). The y(t) vs. x(t) plots in Fig.4(b)
5 4
and 4(d) confirms CS, AS respectively in similar pairs of
state variables. The third variable y3 (t) of the driver is in
y2(t), x2(t)

chaotic state in Fig.4(e) while the corresponding response

0 variable x3 (t) is in a steady state or at partial amplitude
−2 death [24] in Fig.4(f). This typical scenario is defined
0 20 40 −5 0 5
as a MS state where three different pairs of state vari-
t x (t)
2 ables of the systems (12) and (13) exist simultaneously
(f) in different coherent states. Note that the system (12)
is not inversion symmetric, even then AS is realized in
1 0.2
this system. The coupling thus overrules the restriction


0 0
of inversion symmetry as valid for diffusive coupling.
−1 −0.2
In presence of a coupling delay, systems (12) and (13)
−2 −0.4
0 20 40 0 20 40 will obviously develop a LS state. Instead, as a numer-
t t ical example, we present a more general scenario of MS
state with LS for a coupling delay τc = 1.0. Let us
choose α11 = 1.0, α22 = −1.0 and α33 = 1.0 : three
FIG. 4: (Color online) Mixed synchronization in delay Rössler different pairs of state variables simultaneously develop
system: CS between y1 and x1 for α11 = 1 in (a) confirmed by LS, anti-LS and LS but with a common delay τc = 1.0.
y1 vs. x1 plot in (b), AS between y2 and x2 for α22 = −1 in In Fig.5(a), the time series of y1 (t) (online blue color)
(c) confirmed by y2 vs. x2 plot in (d) and, (e) chaotic driver and x1 (t) (online red color) are shown in LS. The corre-
y3 and corresponding response x3 at amplitude death in (f) sponding x1 (t) vs. y1 (t−τc ) plot confirms LS in Fig.5(b).
for α33 = 0. Figure 5(c) shows anti-LS in the pair of time series for
α22 = −1.0 and a coupling delay τc = 1.0, which is con-
firmed by the x2 (t) vs. y2 (t − τc ) plot in Fig.5(d). In
We construct the matrices H1 and H2 from the above case of anti-LS, a pair of state variables are in opposite
Jacobian matrices by following the rules stated above: phase and amplitude correlated but shifted by the desired
H1 = [0 − 1 p1 ; 1 a 0 ; 1 0 0] and time lag τc . The x3 (t) and y3 (t) in Fig.5(e) also shows
H2 = [0 0 h1 ; 0 0 0 ; 0 0 h2 ]. By a suitable LS since we choose α33 = 1.0. Figure 5(f) plots x3 (t)
choice of the parameters p1 = −1 and h1 = −2, h2 = −2, vs. y3 (t − τc ) to confirm LS between y3 (t) and x3 (t).
the eigenvalues of the H matrix are determined as -12, A scaling of the size of the driver attractor at response
-4, -2.4 which satisfies the Hurwitz condition(8) and en- is also possible by making the elements of the α matrix
sures asymptotic stability of synchronization. This choice larger/lower than unity. It is demonstrated that a choice
is certainly not unique, other choices of parameters are of the elements of the α matrix is so flexible that one
available for which H satisfies (8) and can be easily de- can easily target different desired synchronization sce-
termined as shown in the first example. The parame- narios. The choice of the α matrix does not interfere

(a) (a) (b) (c)

5 20 20
10 2 10


y ,x

y1, x1


0 0 0
−2 −10 −4 −10
0 50 100 −10 0 10 20 −10 0 10 20
−5 −4 t x x
1 1
60 80 100 −4 −2 0 2 4 (d) (e) (f)
t x (t) 5 4
2 2
(c) (d)
5 0
0 0


y ,x


−2 −4
y2(t−τc) 0 −5
y2, x2

−4 −6
−2 −8
0 50 100 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4
t x2 x2
−4 (g) (h) (i)
−5 2 2 2
60 80 100 −2 0 2 4
t x (t) 1
2 0 0

(e) (f)

y ,x


2 2

−2 −2
1 1

−4 −2 −4
y3, x3

0 50 100 −4 −2 0 2 −4 −2 0 2
0 t x x
0 3 3

60 80 100 −1 0 1 2
t x (t)
FIG. 6: (Color online) Generalized synchronization in delay
Rössler system: (a) time series of driver y1 (blue color) and
response x1 (red color), (b) shows y1 vs x1 and (c) trans-
form driver g1 and response variable x1 in one-to-one relation.
FIG. 5: (Color online) Lag synchronization in delay Rössler Similar plots of the pair (y2 , x2 ), (y2 vs.x2 ), and g2 vs x2 in
system: (a) LS for α11 = 1, corresponding x1 (t) vs. y1 (t − (d)-(f). For the third response g3 , all similar plots are shown
τc ) plot in (b), (c) anti-lag synchronization for α22 = −1, in (g)-(i)
corresponding x2 (t) vs. y2 (t − τc ) plot in (d0, (e) LS for .
α33 = 1, and x3 (t) vs. y3 (t − τc ) plot in (f).

in the stability of synchronization. By varying one or simple example, we choose some of the off-diagonal ele-
more elements of this α matrix, a practical scheme can ments of the scaling matrix α as constants in addition
be implemented for smooth control of synchronization to the principal diagonal elements, the driver-response
from one regime to another without loss of synchroniza- system enter into an interesting GS regime. For numer-
tion during this transition. One can even externally force ical demonstration, we use the coupled delayed Rössler
an abrupt change in one or more elements of the α matrix systems (12) and (13) with an arbitrary choice of the
to induce a flip-flopping of synchronization which can be scaling matrix: α = [1 − 3 − 2 ; 0 1 2 ; 0 0.5 1].
utilized for phase-shift keying [29] in digital communica- The goal dynamics g(t) = [g1 (t) g2 (t) g3 (t)]T is de-
tion. Presently, we use this property of the α matrix to fined by [g1 (t) = y1 (t) − 3y2 (t) − 2y3 (t), g2 (t) = y2 (t) +
demonstrate a GS scenario in the next section. 2y3 (t), g3 (t) = 0.5y2 (t) + y3 (t). The state variables of
the goal dynamics or the response variables are linear
combinations of the driver variables since the elements
IV. TARGETING GENERALIZED of the α matrix are chosen constant or zero. Figure 6(a)
SYNCHRONIZATION shows time series of the driver y1 (t) (online blue color)
and the response x1 (t) (online red color) which appar-
A GS scenario was reported in nonidentical systems or ently shows no correlation between them by visual check.
largely mismatched systems under linear diffusive cou- The y1 (t) vs. x1 (t) plot appeared to show no correlation
pling [23]. In a GS state the response system develop a in Fig.6(b). However, the x1 (t) vs. g1 (t) plot in Fig.6(c)
functional relationship with the driver. GS in delay sys- clearly shows 1:1 correlation and confirms that the tar-
tems under delay coupling is also investigated [24], how- geted GS state is actually realized at the response system.
ever, the coupling is assumed a priori known. Instead, Other pairs of state variables similarly show their corre-
we follow the design strategy of the OPCL delay coupling sponding targeted GS states defined by g2 (t) and g3 (t) in
for engineering a GS state even in slightly mismatched or Fig.6(d)-(f) and Fig.6(g)-(i) respectively. Since the scal-
identical delay systems. We appropriately choose the el- ing matrix is only involved in the definition of a GS state
ements of the α matrix for targeting a desired functional and it does not disturb the stability of synchronization,
relationship between the driver and the response. As a in general, one can easily make a wide variety of choices

of the scaling matrix to define a desired functional rela- cial property [20, 30] of the OPCL coupling which can
tionship between the driver and response. A nonlinear be used for practical applications. The scaling matrix is
functional relationship can also be adopted to target a also used for enlarging or attenuating a driver attractor
more complex GS scenario by inserting state variables of at a response system. This method has added advan-
the driver or a third dynamical system into the α matrix tages over the conventional methods of synchronization
as shown, in detail, in case of instantaneous OPCL cou- in delay system under delay coupling: it can engineer
pling for GS [30]. The proposed design scheme is thereby a desired synchronization regime in the chaotic oscilla-
able to engineer a varieties of desired GS state in delay tors without restrictions of the nature of the system and
system too in presence of delay coupling. in presence of parameter mismatch. An AS state can
also be induced in systems without inversion symme-
try as usually found restricted for other coupling con-
V. CONCLUSION figurations. Further, contrary to conventional coupling
schemes, a variety of GS regimes (functional relationship)
In conclusion, we started with a known delay system can be engineered in slightly mismatched oscillators by a
and a priori unknown coupling and, then proposed a wider range of choices in the elements of the scaling ma-
design of unidirectional delay coupling for engineering trix. GS can be induced even in identical oscillators. We
various synchronization scenarios. We made necessary supported the theory with numerical simulations of the
modifications in the theory of the instantaneous OPCL Mackey-Glass system and a delayed Rössler model. The
coupling for implementing in delay systems with a con- OPCL scheme is thus successfully extended to delay sys-
duction delay. We improved the stability condition of tems with delay coupling for targeting any of the desired
synchronization by supporting the Krasovskii-Lyapunov synchronization states, CS, AS, LS, anti-LS, AD and a
function theory with a Hurwitz matrix criterion and MS state. This delayed version of the OPCL coupling is
thereby we achieve an important benefit over the con- physically implementable in time-delayed optoelectronic
ventional methods that the stability of synchronization feedback loops and electronic circuits which is our future
became independent of the system parameters. Another objective. A delay dynamical system represents many
immediate benefit is that the OPCL delay coupling al- natural systems and since it has practical utility in laser
lows a flexible control of the synchronization. In fact, for based communication, a robust design of coupling, in the
the purpose of controlling synchronization, a scaling ma- sense of stability to internal and external perturbations,
trix is introduced in the coupling definition. The choice such as the OPCL delay coupling is always important in
of the elements of the scaling matrix does not interfere search of future applications.
in the stability of synchronization. One can thus switch
or smoothly change from one regime to another with- S.K.D. acknowledges partial support by the BRNS, In-
out loss of stability during a transition. This is a spe- dia under grant 2009/34/26/BRNS.

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