Examen 1ro Basico Diciembre

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SEC. PART. No. 0214

C. F.1595286 C.E. 0204BSPAUM0214 C.C.T. 15PES0692Y
ACUERDO DE INCORPORACIÓN 206-004-1537-AC 85-91 30/AGOSTO/1991
CORREO ELECTRÓNICO: sagradapaz_09@live.com.mx
TELÉFONO: 82 84 00 10

December Exam school year 2019-2020

ENGLISH I (basic)
Elaboro y evalúa: Prof. César Antonio García Ponce de León_
Reactivos Aciertos Examen
Calificación: Escala:

Nombre del alumno: _____________________________________Grupo: _____________ Fecha: __________________

1. Complete the sentences with the simple present forms of the verbs.
1. Daniela (go) to school at 7:30 in the morning.
2. Peter (not like) football. He likes tennis.
3. My mom (teach) at my school. My classmates all like her.
4. My brother (study) Spanish in college. He has a good teacher.
5. My dad (not watch) TV in the evenings.

2. Circle the correct answers.

1. A: Does Adam study
English? B: Yes, he does /
2. What / When do you do your homework?
3. A: Do you like school?
B: No, I doesn’t / don’t.
4. Where / What does Hector do at school?
5. Does / Do your sister walk to school with you?

3. Write the sentences with the adverbs in parentheses. Sometimes the adverb can go in more than
one place.
1. I do my homework in the mornings. (sometimes)

2. Hiro is happy at school. (always)

3. We go out with our friends on the weekend. (often)

4. My parents are tired on Friday evenings. (usually)

5. My brother plays sports on Saturdays. (never)

4. Circle the correct answers.

1. Patrick do his homework every day.
a. don’t b. doesn’t c. isn’t
2. does our class start?
a. Where b. How often c. What time
3. A: Does Emily live in a big city?
B: Yes, she .
a. does b. do c. is
4. do you usually have lunch with?
a. What b. Who c. Where
5. My parents to work very early.
a. go b. goes c. doesn’t g
5. Label the pictures with the correct words.

brush my teeth do my homework get dressed go to bed have lunch

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

6. Complete the sentences with the correct verbs.

1. I usually h breakfast at 7:00 a.m.
2. I g dressed after my shower.
3. I s school at eight o’clock in the morning.
4. I do my h after school. 5. I g to bed at 9:30 at

7. Circle the correct answers.

1. I often play / go music on Saturday mornings.
2. Where do you play / do karate?
3. I sometimes go / play swimming on Saturday.
4. We all have / play drama on Thursdays after school.
5. I go / have a dance class every Friday.

8. Circle the correct answers.

1. We sometimes go on the weekend.
a. swimming b. dance classes c. football
2. My mom to music classes at the local college.
a. plays b. goes c. has
3. I don’t breakfast every day.
a. have b. go c. do
4. I sometimes play with my friends after school.
a. drama b. karate c. chess
5. My brother has at 1 p.m. every day.
a. dinner b. breakfast c. lunch

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