Imp de Reconocer Macroenzimas

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Kratki znanstveni članak Original scientifi

Shortc review

Zašto treba prepoznati makroenzime?

Why is it necessary to recognize macroenzymes?
Ivana Čepelak1, Dubravka Čvorišćec2
Zavod za medicinsku biokemiju i hematologiju, Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb
Department of Medical Biochemistry and Hematology, School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Klinički zavod za laboratorijsku dijagnostiku, Klinički bolnički centar „Zagreb“, Zagreb
Clinical Institute of Laboratory Diagnosis, Zagreb, University School of Medicine, Clinical Hospital Center Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

Sažetak Summary
Makroenzimi su kompleksi normalnih enzima ili izoenzima nastalih vlastitom Macroenzymes are complexes consisting of normal enzymes or isoenzymes
polimerizacijom, najčešće povezivanjem s imunoglobulinima, zatim nekim li- generated by their polymerization, mostly by their linking to immunoglobu-
poproteinima, proteinima ili fragmentima staničnih membrana. U pravilu su lins, some lipoproteins, proteins, or cell membrane fragments. Generally,
veće molekularne mase i dužeg poluživota u sistemskoj cirkulaciji. Pojava mak- macroenzymes are characterized by a greater molecular mass and longer ha-
roenzima u serumu može se odraziti na analitički proces mjerenja aktivnosti lf-life in systemic circulation. The occurrence of macroenzymes in serum may
enzima te biti uzrokom pogrešne interpretacije povećane aktivnosti enzima influence analytical measurement of an enzyme activity or may cause erro-
zbog slabog razumijevanja kliničkog značenja prisutnosti makroenzima. neous interpretation of elevated enzyme activity due to inadequate under-
Ključne riječi: makroenzimi, makroCK, imunoglobulini standing of the clinical relevance of the presence of macroenzymes.
Key words: macroenzymes, macro creatine kinase, immunoglobulins

Pristiglo: 11. siječnja 2007. Received: January 11, 2007

Prihvaćeno: 7. ožujka 2007. Accepted: March 7, 2007

Uvod Introduction
Jedan od relativno rijetkih uzroka visoke aktivnosti en- The presence of various macroenzymes in serum is one of
zima je i prisutnost različitih makroenzima u serumu. U the relatively rare causes of high enzyme activity. Nume-
znanstveno-stručnoj literaturi su opisani brojni makroen- rous macroenzymes have been described in the literature
zimi (1-4), a najbolje pojava makroenzima amilaze, otkrive- (1-4), of which the occurrence of the macroenzyme amyla-
nog pr vi puta 1964. godine (5). Makroenzimi su normalni se, first discovered in 1964 (5), is best characterized. Mac-
enzimi (ili izoenzimi) u serumu koji stvaraju komplekse vi- roenzymes are normal serum enzymes (or isoenzymes),
soke molekularne mase vlastitom polimerizacijom, pove- which form high molecular mass complexes by their po-
zivanjem s drugim sastojcima seruma veće molekularne lymerization, linking with other serum high molecular ma-
mase, najčešće imunoglobulinima, ili su kompleksi s dije- ss constituents, mostly immunoglobulins, or complex wi-
lovima staničnih membrana (1). Budući da imaju veliku th cell membrane segments (1). Macroenzymes undergo
molekularnu masu, makroenzimi imaju sporiji klirens te a slower clearance rate due to their high molecular mass,
se nakupljaju u serumu i tako povećavaju aktivnost odgo- thus accumulating in serum and enhancing the respective
varajućeg enzima. Ovi se oblici enzima u pravilu otkriva- enzyme activity. These enzyme forms are as a rule detec-
ju kod bolesnika koji imaju neobjašnjeno stalno poveća- ted in patients with continuously elevated serum enzyme
nu aktivnost enzima u serumu, koja se ne uklapa u opću activity that cannot be explained and is inconsistent wi-
kliničku sliku. Zbog toga mogu inter ferirati kod interpre- th the general clinical picture. Therefore, macroenzymes

Biochemia Medica 2007;17(1):1–138

Čepelak I., Čvorišćec D. Zašto treba prepoznati makroenzime?
Čepelak I., Čvorišćec D. Why Is It Necessary to Recognize Macroenzymes?

tacije nalaza aktivnosti enzima u serumu, odnosno biti may inter fere with interpretation of the serum enzyme ac-
uzrokom dijagnostičkih i terapijskih pogrešaka. Naime, tivity findings and thus lead to diagnostic and therapeu-
nemogućnost otkrivanja makroenzima kao uzroka neob- tic errors. A failure to detect macroenzymes as the cause
jašnjenog povećanja aktivnosti enzima u serumu može of unexplained elevation in the serum enzyme activity
rezultirati primjenom skupih, nepotrebnih i moguće in- may result in the use of expensive, unnecessary and pos-
vanzivnih postupaka u postavljanju alternativne dijagno- sibly invasive procedures in making an alternative diagno-
ze. Weidner i sur. (6) su, primjerice, opisali bolesnicu od sis. For example, Weidner et al. (6) describe a 54-year-old
54 godine koja je u više navrata hospitalizirana zbog izoli- female patient hospitalized on several occasions for isola-
rane visoke aktivnosti aspartat-aminotransfeaze (AST), na- ted high activity of aspartate aminotransferase (AST). She
činjeno je nekoliko biopsija jetre, konzultacije s neurolozi- had undergone repeat liver biopsies and consultations
ma, endokrinolozima i gastroenterolozima, dok visoka ak- with neurologists, endocrinologists and gastroenterolo-
tivnost nije konačno pripisana prisutnosti makroenzima. gists before the high enzyme activity was eventually as-
Uočeno je da je pojava makroenzimskih oblika nekih enzi- cribed to the presence of macroenzyme. The occurrence
ma povezana s nekim autoimunim poremećajima kao što of the macroenzyme forms of some enzymes has been as-
su reumatoidni artritis, imunodeficijencija imunoglobuli- sociated with certain autoimmune disorders such as rheu-
na A, sistemski eritematozni lupus i ankilozni spondilitis matoid arthritis, IgA immunodeficiency, systemic lupus
(7-9), te s nekim malignim bolestima, primjerice karcino- erythematosus (SLE) and ankylosing spondylitis (7-9), wi-
mom želuca, dojke, prostate te slučajnim stanjima (10,11). th some malignant diseases such as carcinoma of the sto-
Tako su, npr., pregledavanjem medicinskih zapisa između mach, breast and prostate, as well as some accidental con-
1988. i 1990. godine na Klinici Mayo kod 42 bolesnika na- ditions (10,11). A sur vey of medical records between 1988
đeni različiti makroenzimi (4). Dijagnoze koje su zabilježe- and 1990 at Mayo Clinic revealed the presence of various
ne kod bolesnika s otkrivenim makroenzimima prikazane macroenzymes in 42 patients (4). The diagnoses recorded
su u tablici 1., a zamijećeno je da su bolesnici s makro krea- in patients with detected macroenzymes are listed in Tab-
tin-kinazom (makroCK) i makro laktat-dehidrogenazom le 1. It should be noted that patients with macro creatine
(makroLD) bili stariji od 60 godina, dok su oni s pojavom kinase (macroCK) and macro lactate dehydrogenase (mac-
makroAST bili mlađi. roLD) were older than 60, whereas those with macroAST
Smatra se općenito da u korist prisutnosti makroenzima were younger.
govori a) odsutnost simptoma uz navedenu visoku aktiv- Generally, the presence of macroenzymes is considered
nost enzima, b) prisutnost simptoma atipičnih za visoku to be suggested by (a) the absence of symptoms in as-
aktivnost enzima te c) izolirana, stalno povećana aktivno- sociation with high enzyme activity; (b) the presence of
st enzima, bez vremenske dinamike. Trajanje prisutnosti symptoms atypical for high enzyme activity; and (c) iso-
makroenzima u serumu opisano u literaturi je u od neko- lated, continuously elevated enzyme activity showing
liko dana, mjeseci, nekoliko godina do trajne prisutnosti. no variation with time. According to literature data, the

TABLICA 1. Dijagnoze 42 bolesnika s prisutnošću makroenzima TABLE 1. Diagnoses in 42 patients with presence of macroen-
(4) zymes (4)

Disease type Specific conditions

Autoimmune Thyroiditis, rheumatoid ar thritis, Sjögren’s syndrome
Cardiovascular Myocardial infarction, hyper tension, cardiac arrest, congestive heart failure, atrial fibrillation, peripheral
vascular disease, etc.
Endocrine Diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, thyroiditis, multinodular goiter
Gastrointestinal Chronic pancreatitis, hepatitis, small intestinal obstruction, Crohn’s disease, pancreatic carcinoma, etc.
Hematologic Anemias, lymphomas
Infectious Pyelonephritis, mastitis, bacteremia, pneumonia, emphysema, etc
Malignant Carcinoma of the liver, pancreas, uterus, breast, urinary bladder, lungs, prostate, etc.
Pulmonary Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchiectasias, pneumonia, emphysema
Renal Chronic and acute renal failure, pyelonephritis
Rheumatologic Gout, pseudogout, osteoar thritis, rheumatoid ar thritis, Sjögren’s syndrome

Biochemia Medica 2007;17(1):1–138

Čepelak I., Čvorišćec D. Zašto treba prepoznati makroenzime?
Čepelak I., Čvorišćec D. Why Is It Necessary to Recognize Macroenzymes?

U otkrivanju i definiranju ovih kompleksa obično se prim- length of the macroenzyme presence in serum may va-
jenjuju tehnike kao što su elektroforeza, imunoinhibicija, ry from days, months and years through permanent pre-
imunoprecipitacija i kromatografija, a vrlo često potreb- sence. Techniques such as electrophoresis, immunoinhi-
no je primijeniti i kombinaciju različitih tehnika. bition, immunoprecipitation and chromatography are
Makroenzimi se obično klasificiraju u dvije temeljne sku- usually employed to detect and define these complexes.
pine: makroenzime tipa 1 (tablica 2.) i makroenzime tipa Quite frequently, a combination of techniques has to be
2 (tablica 3.). used.
Macroenzymes are generally classified into two main
groups: macroenzymes type 1 (Table 2) and macroen-
zymes type 2 (Table 3).

TABLICA 2. Makroenzimi tipa 1 izolirani iz seruma bolesnika (12) TABLE 2. Macroenzymes type 1 isolated in patient sera (12)

Macroenzyme Diagnosis Ig type Ig specificity

ALT Chronic hepatopathies IgG No data
ALP Various diagnoses IgG, IgA Isoenzymatic specificity
Amylase Various diagnoses IgG, IgA Rare isoenzymatic specificity
AST Healthy subjects, various diagnoses IgG (IgA) Par tial isoenzymatic specificity
GGT Hepatobiliary diseases IgA No data
CK Healthy subjects, various diagnoses IgG, IgA BB specificity
LD Healthy subjects, various diagnoses IgA, IgG Mostly H or M specificity
Lipase Hodgkin disease IgG Lipase specificity
ACP Various diagnoses IgG No data
ALT, alanine aminotransferase; ALP, alkaline phosphatase; AST, aspar tate aminotransferase; GGT, γ-glutamyltrans-
ferase; CK, creatine kinase; LD, lactate dehydrogenase; ACP, acid phosphatase; Ig, immunoglobulin

TABLICA 3. Makroenzimi tipa 2 izolirani iz seruma bolesnika (12) TABLE 3. Macroenzymes type 2 isolated in patient sera (12)

Macroenzyme Diagnosis Mechanism of formation

ALP Hepatobiliary disease Binding to lipoproteins
Amylase Iatrogenic disease Binding to drugs
GGT Hepatobiliary disease Binding to lipoproteins
CK Hepatic disease, malignancy Polymerization
LAP Hepatobiliary disease Binding to lipoproteins
ALP, alkaline phosphatase; GGT, γ-glutamyltransferase; CK, creatine kinase; LAP, leucine aminopeptidase

Makroenzimi tipa 1 Macroenzymes type 1

Pod ovim tipom makroenzima podrazumijevaju se mak- This type includes the macroenzymes formed by serum
roenzimi nastali povezivanjem enzima (češće pojedinih enzyme (or more frequently particular isoenzyme) linki-
izoenzima) u serumu sa specifičnim imunoglobulinima, ng with specific immunoglobulins, mostly IgG and IgA cla-

Biochemia Medica 2007;17(1):1–138

Čepelak I., Čvorišćec D. Zašto treba prepoznati makroenzime?
Čepelak I., Čvorišćec D. Why Is It Necessary to Recognize Macroenzymes?

najčešće IgG i IgA klase, a rjeđe IgM klase. Još uvijek nije ss, and less frequently IgM class. The reason for the forma-
jasan razlog stvaranja kompleksa enzim-imunoglobulin. tion of the enzyme-immunoglobulin complexes remains
Premda se neki proteini vežu na imunoglobuline nespe- unknown. Although some proteins undergo nonspecific
cifično, svi relevantni analitički postupci istraživanja po- linking to immunoglobulins, all relevant analytical proce-
kazuju da kompleks enzim-imunoglobulin ima značajke dures indicate the enzyme-immunoglobulin complex to
kompleksa Ag-At (1,2). Opisani odnosi imunoglobulin:en- have the characteristics of Ag-At complex (1,2). The 2:1,
zim (izoenzim) u kompleksima kreću se uglavnom u od- 1:1 or 1:2 immunoglobulin to enzyme (isoenzyme) ratios
nosima od 2:1, 1:1 ili 1:2, pa su sukladno tome i različite have mostly been described in these complexes, resulti-
molekularne mase makroenzima. Specifično mjesto veza- ng in the respective macroenzyme molecular mass varia-
nja enzima je najčešće na Fab i F(ab1)2 dijelu imunoglobu- tion. The specific enzyme binding site is mostly on the
linske molekule (13,14). Vezanje enzima na Fab fragment Fab and F(ab1)2 fragment of the immunoglobulin molecu-
imunoglobulina stabilizira enzimsku aktivnost protiv vi- le (13,14). The enzyme linking to the immunoglobulin Fab
soke temperature, smanjuje razinu eliminacije i utječe na fragment stabilizes enzyme activity against high tempera-
kinetičke parametre enzima. U većini slučajeva vezanje ture, reduces the level of elimination, and influences kine-
enzima na imunoglobulin nema učinka ili ima tek slab tic parameters of the enzyme. In most cases, the enzyme
inhibicijski učinak na aktivnost pojedninog enzima (12). linking to immunoglobulin has no or only a weak inhibito-
Nadalje, prema dosadašnjim saznanjima čini se da je stva- ry effect on the particular enzyme activity (12). According
ranje kompleksa uzrokovano abnormalnostima strukture to current concepts, the formation of complexes appears
imunoglobulina, a ne molekule enzima (2). U nastavku to be induced by structural immunoglobulin rather than
teksta sažeto se navode značajke nekih makroenzima ove enzyme molecule abnormalities (2).
skupine: Characteristics of some of this group macroenzymes are
a) Makroenzim alkalne fosfataze tipa 1 (makroALP), briefly presented below.
otkriven je pr vi puta 1975. godine (15), a procjenjue se a) The alkaline phosphatase macroenzyme type 1
da mu je incidencija 0,3-0,4% u serumima u kojima se (macroALP) was first discovered in 1975 (15). Its pre-
određuju izoenzimi ALP. Izoenzim u kompleksu je naj- valence has been estimated to 0.3%-0.4% of sera in
češće koštani ili jetreni oblik, a imunoglobulinska kla- which ALP isoenzymes are being determined. The bo-
ne or hepatic form of isoenzyme is mostly present in
sa koja je češće zastupljena je IgG, obično λ podtip te
the complex, and is predominated with the IgG immu-
rjeđe κ podtip. Opisane molekularne mase makroenzi-
noglobulin class, usually λ subtype, and less common-
ma kreću se u rasponu od 280 000 do 540 000, ovisno
ly κ subtype. The macroenzyme molecular mass has
o bolesniku. Aktivnost ALP kod bolesnika s makroALP
been reported to range from 280 000 to 540 000, and
ovog tipa obično je povećana dvostruko, ali su opisa-
is patient dependent. In patients with this type of mac-
ne i veće kao i normalne aktivnosti. Povećana aktivno-
roALP, the activity of ALP usually shows a twofold in-
st traje nekoliko mjeseci ili godina. Kao za većinu mak-
crease, however, higher as well as normal activities ha-
roenzima nije jasna povezanost s bolestima, ali prema
ve also been reported. The increased enzyme activity
nekim radovima češće su to poremećaji autimunog
may persist for months or years. Like the majority of
podrijetla. macroenzymes, the association of macroALP with par-
b) Makroenzim amilaze tipa 1 (makroamilaza), kom- ticular diseases remains unclear, however, some stu-
pleks od jedne molekule imunoglobulina i jedne mole- dies suggest it to be more frequently associated with
kule amilaze pokazuje učestalost od 1,0% u populaciji autoimmune disorders.
s normalnom aktivnošću amilaze i 2,5% kod bolesnika b) The amylase macroenzyme type 1 (macroamyla-
s visokom aktivnošću amilaze (16), ali ima podataka i se), a complex formed of one immunoglobulin mole-
o većoj učestalosti (17). Prema objavljenim podacima, cule and one amylase molecule, shows a prevalence
imunoglobulinski dio kompleksa uključuje IgAκ, IgAλ, of 1.0% in the population with normal amylase activi-
IgGκ, ili IgGλ. Karakteristična slika kod bolesnika s mak- ty and of 2.5% in patients with high amylase activity
roamilazom u serumu je 1,5-8 puta povećana aktivno- (16); however, a higher prevalence has also been repor-
st enzima u serumu i nenormalno nizak odnos klirens ted (17). According to literature data, the immunoglo-
amilaza:kreatinin. Opisana su i dva slučaja istodobne bulin part of the complex includes IgAκ, IgAλ, IgGκ or
pojave makroamilaze i makrolipaze u serumu bolesni- IgGλ. The picture in patients with macroamylase pre-
ka s glutenskom enteropatijom (17) i sistemskim erite- sent in serum is characterized by 1.5- to 8-fold serum
matoznim lupusom (18). enzyme activity and abnormally low amylase:creatini-
c) Makroenzim aspartat-aminotransferaze (makroAST) ne clearance. Two cases of simultaneous occurrence
pr vi je puta opisan 1978. godine (19), a kasnije je ovaj of macroamylase and macrolipase in serum of patien-
makroenzim opisan u dvadesetak bolesnika s različi- ts with gluten enteropathy (17) and SLE (18) have been
tim dijagnozama. Najčešće su to akutni i kronični he- described.

Biochemia Medica 2007;17(1):1–138

Čepelak I., Čvorišćec D. Zašto treba prepoznati makroenzime?
Čepelak I., Čvorišćec D. Why Is It Necessary to Recognize Macroenzymes?

patitis, maligne i autoimune bolesti, ali nađen je i kod c) The aspartate aminotransferase macroenzyme
zdravih osoba (20,21). Imunoglobulinska komponenta (macroAST) was first described in 1978 (19). Later on,
je u većini slučajeva bio IgG te rjeđe IgA. Prevalenci- this macroenzyme has been reported in some 20 pa-
ja u općoj populaciji nije poznata, ali se smatra kako tients with various diagnoses, most frequently acute
procjenu prisutnosti makroAST treba uvijek načiniti and chronic hepatitis, malignant and autoimmune di-
kod asimptomatskog povećanja aktivnosti AST (16). seases, however, it was also found in healthy subjects
d) Makroenzim laktat-dehidrogenaze tipa 1 (makroLD), (20,21). In most cases, the immunoglobulin component
češće se pojavljuje u nekim bolestima kao što su neop- was IgG, less frequently IgA. The prevalence of macroAST
lazme, bolesti jetre, kardiovaskularni poremećaji (22- in the general population is unknown. It is considered that
24), u nekoliko slučajeva bolesnika s opekotinama the presence of macroAST should always be tested in case
(22), ali je nađen i kod zdravih osoba (25). U jednom of asymptomatic elevation of AST activity (16).
od objavljenih radova na većem broju bolesnika opi- d) The lactate dehydrogenase macroenzyme LD type
sana je prevalencija od 0,03% te prosječno trostruko 1 (macroLD) is more frequently present in some disea-
povećanje aktivnosti LD kod ispitanika s otkrivenom ses such as neoplasms, liver disease and cardiovascu-
makroLD. Kao imunoglobulinske komponente najčeš- lar disease (22-24), however, it has also been reported
će se pojavljuju IgG i IgA, a opisano je i nekoliko kom- in some burn patients (22) as well as in healthy subjec-
pleksa s IgM te istodobno IgG i IgM, kao i jedan slučaj ts (25). In a study per formed in a large number of pa-
s IgG i IgA, uz različit udio lakih lanaca lambda i kapa. tients, a 0.03% prevalence of macroLD and a threefold
Molekularne mase makroenzima kreću se najvećim di- increase in LD activity on an average were found in
jelom od 420 000 do 490 000, ali su opisani i komplek- subjects with macroLD detected in serum. The most
si s Mr > 600 000 i < 1 000 000. Još uvijek nije jasno common immunoglobulin components are IgG and
odgovara li povezivanje LD s imunoglobulinom speci- IgA; a number of complexes with IgM, with IgG and
fičnoj reakciji Ag-At, budući da ima dosta podataka i o IgM concurrence, and one case with IgG and IgA con-
nespecifičnim interakcijama (26). currence have also been described, with a varying pre-
valence of lambda and kappa light chains. The mac-
e) Tipična narav makroenzima kreatin-kinaze tipa 1
roenzyme molecular mass mostly ranges between
(makroCK), je kompleks izoenzima CK-BB i IgG, ali su
420 000 and 490 000, however, complexes with Mr >
mogući i kompleksi drugih izoenzima i imunoglobuli-
600 000 and < 1 000 000 have been reported. It has
na (4). Jedan od objavljenih radova navodi prevalen- not yet been clarified whether LD linking to immunog-
ciju makroCK ovoga tipa od 0,43-1,2% (27). Međutim, lobulin corresponds to a specific Ag-At reaction, as
prevalencija ovisi o metodi određivanja, dobi, spolu i there also are data on nonspecific interactions (26).
značajkama bolesti ispitanika. Ukupna aktivnost može
e) The isoenzyme CK-BB and IgG complex typically cha-
biti povećana od 3 do 18 puta, ali može biti i normal-
racterizes the creatine kinase type 1 macroenzyme
na. U pravilu odnos aktivnosti CK-2:ukupna CK > 0,25
(macroCK), although complexes formed of other
upućuje na prisustnost makro-CK. Kada se načini elek-
isoenzymes and immunoglobulins may also occur
troforeza na celuloza acetatnim trakama makro-CK ti- (4). The reported prevalence of this macroCK type is
pa 1 lokalizira se između CK-MM i CK-MB (makro CK 0.43%–1.2% (27). However, its prevalence depends on
tipa 2 se lokalizira više katodno u usporedbi s CK-MM). the method of determination, age, sex and disease
Klinička značajnost makroCK tipa 1 nije jasno određe- characteristics. Total enzyme activity may rise 3- to 18-
na, ali se većim dijelom povezuje s autoimunim pore- fold, or may be normal. The CK-2 to total CK activity ra-
mećajima. Kako pojava makroenzima može izazvati za- tio > 0.25 as a rule points to the presence of macroCK.
bunu u interpretaciji nalaza bolesnika, u svome radu On cellulose acetate electrophoresis, macroCK type 1
na primjeru makroCK opisuju Galarraga i sur. (28). is localized in-between CK-MM and CK-MB (macroCK
type 2 is localized more cathodically in comparison wi-
Makroenzimi tipa 2 th CK-MM). The clinical relevance of macroCK type 1
has not yet been fully clarified, however, it has mostly
Iz skupine makroenzima tipa 2 u literaturi je najviše poda- been associated with autoimmune disorders. In their
taka o makroCK tipu 2 te manji broj podataka o ALP, GGT study, Galarraga et al. show, taking the example of
te amilazi, lipazi, 5-nukleotidazi i leucin-aminopeptidazi macroCK, how the occurrence of macroenzymes may
(LAP). Ovaj tip makroenzima definira se kao skupina mak- confound the interpretation of patient findings (28).
roenzima nevezanih za imunoglobuline. Radi se zapravo
o kompleksima enzima nastalih vlastitom polimerizaci- Macroenzymes type 2
jom (29), povezivanjem s drugim sastojcima seruma, prim-
jerice hidroksietil škrobom (30), lipoproteinima kao što su In the group of macroenzymes type 2, most literature da-
ta refer to macroCK type 2, and to a lesser extent to ALP,

Biochemia Medica 2007;17(1):1–138

Čepelak I., Čvorišćec D. Zašto treba prepoznati makroenzime?
Čepelak I., Čvorišćec D. Why Is It Necessary to Recognize Macroenzymes?

VLDL, LDL, lipoprotein-X (1), alfa2-makroglobulinom (31) γ-glutamyltransferase (GGT), amylase, lipase, 5-nucleotid-
te fragmentima staničnih membrana, što je važno u slu- ase and leucin aminopeptidase. This type is defined as a
čaju tzv. membranskih enzima kao što su ALP, GGT, LAP i group of macroenzymes unbound to immunoglobulins.
5-nukleotidaza (3,32). Potonji tip makroenzima općenito These are enzyme complexes formed by their polymeri-
se javlja kod bolesnika s hepatobilijarnim bolestima, pri zation (29) and linking to other serum components, e.g.,
čemu se značajna uloga u nastajanju makroenzima pripi- hydroxyethyl starch (30), lipoproteins such as VLDL, LDL,
suje žučnim solima. lipoprotein-X (1), α2-macroglobulin (31), and cell membra-
Osim makroCK tipa 2 koji može biti uzrokom lažno pozi- ne fragments, which is highly relevant in case of so-called
tivne dijagnoze infarkta miokarda, ovaj tip makroenzima membrane enzymes such as ALP, GGT, leucin aminopep-
rijetko uzrokuje poteškoće u interpretaciji rezultata u kli- tidase, LAP and 5-nucleotidase (3,32). The latter type of
ničkoj enzimologiji (1,33). Kako s poboljšanjem statusa macroenzymes generally occurs in patients with hepato-
bolesnika uslijed primijenjene terapije ovi oblici nestaju biliary diseases, where bile acids play a major role in the
iz cirkulacije, dakle, prolazne su naravi, smatra se da odra- formation of macroenzymes.
žavaju aktivnost ili dinamiku bolesti. U tom smislu, smatra Besides macroCK type 2, which may lead to a false-posi-
se da bi ovaj tip makroenzima mogao biti klinički zanim- tive diagnosis of myocardial infarction, this type of mac-
ljiv zbog potencijalne uloge biljega bolesti. roenzymes rarely causes difficulties in the interpretation
Hepatobilijarni makroenzimi mogu biti korisni u razlikova- of results in clinical enzymology (1,33). As these forms
nju ekstrahepatične od intrahepatične opstrukcije, za što disappear from the circulation with improvement in the
trenutno ne postoji drugi zadovoljavajući laboratorijski patient’s condition following appropriate therapy, indica-
postupak. Još 1985. godine Wenham i sur. su ustanovili ting them to be of transient nature, they are believed to
osjetljivost od 88% i specifičnost od 96% u razlikovanju reflect the activity or dynamics of the disease. Therefore,
ektrahepatične i intrahepatične opstrukcije mjerenjem this macroenzyme type may prove to be of clinical rele-
aktivnosti kompleksiranog oblika GGT (34). Turecky i sur. vance for its potential role of a disease marker.
smatraju, nadalje, da procjena aktivnosti GGT povezane s Hepatobiliary macroenzymes may be useful in differen-
VLDL+LDL lipoproteinima može biti koristan doprinos u tiating extrahepatic from intrahepatic obstruction, for
which there is no other satisfactory laboratory procedure
razlikovanju kroničnih hepatopatija od malignih bolesti
available. As early as 1985, Wenham et al. found the com-
jetre (35). U razlikovanju kroničnog aktivnog hepatitisa i
plex GGT form activity to have a sensitivity of 88% and
ciroze jetre pokazana je dijagnostička osjetljivost od 87%
specificity of 96% in differentiating extrahepatic and in-
i specifičnost od 65%.
trahepatic obstruction (34). Furthermore, Turecky et al. be-
MakroCK tipa 2 lieve that the assessment of GGT activity associated with
VLDL+LDL lipoproteins may contribute considerably to
Opisana prevalencija makroCK tipa 2 je 0,5–3,7%. Smatra
the differentiation of chronic hepatopathies and maligna-
se da je ovaj tip makroenzima podrijetlom iz mitohondri-
nt liver disease (35). A diagnostic sensitivity of 87% and
ja (oligomerna mitohondrijska CK), a njegova pojava u se-
specificity of 65% was demonstrated in differentiating
rumu većinom se povezuje s malignim promjenama (3x
chronic active hepatitis and liver cirrhosis.
veća incidencija malignih bolesti nego kod pojave makro-
CK tipa 1) i s bolestima jetre (29,36). MacroCK type 2
Wright i Liggett (27) čak preporučuju da se kod bolesnika The prevalence of macroCK type 2 is reported to be 0.5%-
s povećanom CK ili CK-MB, bez dokaza da se radi o srča- 3.7%. This macroenzyme type is considered to originate
nom ili mišićnom poremećaju, načine neinvazivne pretra- from mitochondria (oligomeric mitochondrial CK), and
ge za isključenje maligne bolesti: analiza mokraće, okul- its occurrence in serum is generally associated with ma-
tno kr varenje u stolici, PSA, CA-125, CEA, mamografija, lignant lesions (in malignant disease, it shows a threefold
radiološki pregled pluća i UZV zdjelice. Pojava makroen- incidence recorded for macroCK type 1) and liver disease
zima povezana je također s većom smrtnošću (29,36), a (29,36). The more so, Wright and Liggett (27) recomme-
kada je makroCK tipa 2 prisutan u serumu djece, onda nd that noninvasive testing to rule out malignant disea-
predstavlja biljeg srčane bolesti. Jedan od pretpostavlje- se, e.g., urinalysis, occult bleeding in stool, PSA, CA-125,
nih mehanizama povezanosti makroCK tipa 2 s malignim CEA, mammography, radiological lung examination and
bolestima je izravno otpuštanje enzima iz malignih ili nek- pelvis ultrasonography be done in patients with elevated
rotičnih stanica (29). Pojava makroenzima nije obvezno CK or CK-MB without evidence for cardiac or muscular di-
povezana s povećanjem ukupne aktivnosti CK, ali nekim sease. The occurrence of this macroenzyme has also been
imunoinhibicijskim postupcima određivanja CK-MB mo- associated with a higher mortality rate (29,36). When
guća je inter ferencija makroCK (2). Međutim, važno je na- present in children’s sera, macroCK type 2 is a marker of
pomenuti da makroenzime CK treba razmatrati kod bole- heart disease. One of the postulated mechanisms of mac-

Biochemia Medica 2007;17(1):1–138

Čepelak I., Čvorišćec D. Zašto treba prepoznati makroenzime?
Čepelak I., Čvorišćec D. Why Is It Necessary to Recognize Macroenzymes?

snika s koncentracijama CK-MB koje prelaze 50% ukupne roCK type 2 association with malignant disease is direct
aktivnosti enzima, budući da čak i bolesnici s infarktom enzyme release from malignant or necrotic cells (29). The
miokarda rjeđe imaju vrijednosti veće od 30%. occurrence of the macroenzyme need not always be asso-
Točno otkrivanje makroenzima CK zahtijeva postupke ko- ciated with the increase in total CK activity, however, mac-
ji omogućuju određivanje nihove molekularne mase (kro- roCK may inter fere with some immunoinhibition proce-
matografija, gradijentna gel elektroforeza), a opisano je i dures of CK-MB determination (2). Yet, it should be noted
nekoliko testova probiranja na makroCK (37). that macroenzymes CK should be considered in patients
with CK-MB concentrations exceeding 50% of total en-
Zaključak zyme activity, because values greater than 30% are rarely
found even in patients with myocardial infarction.
Svjesnost postojanja makroenzima, kao i postupaka njiho- The exact detection of macroenzyme CK requires proce-
vog određivanja ima, dakle, važnu ulogu u postavljanju dures that enable determination of their molecular mass
dijagnoze, kako bi se izbjegla moguća primjena nepotreb- (chromatography, gradient gel electrophoresis). A num-
nih, skupih i invazivnih dijagnostičkih postupaka. O doka- ber of screening tests for macroCK have been described
zanoj prisutnosti nekog od makroenzima u serumu boles- (37).
nika potrebno je obavijestiti njegovog liječnika, kako bi
se to dokumentiralo u njegovom zdravstvenom kartonu
odnosno povijesti bolesti. S druge strane, treba uvjeriti
i bolesnika da pojava tak vog oblika enzima ne zahtijeva Accordingly, awareness of the presence of macroenzymes
posebne terapijske mjere. Valja naglasiti da su podaci o and procedures for their determination should be an in-
mogućem dijagnostičkom značenju pojave makroenzima tegral part of diagnostic work-up, in order to obviate the
oskudni, nejasni i upitni. Ovu činjenicu ne treba zanemari- use of unnecessary expensive and invasive diagnostic pro-
ti, nego informacije o razlozima prisutnosti makroenzima cedures. The patient’s physician should be informed on
i mehanizmima njihova nastajanja treba nadalje pratiti i the presence of a macroenzyme in the patient’s serum.
skupljati. Moguće je da će daljnja istraživanja u stvaranju i These data should be entered in the patient’s medical re-
otkrivanju makroenzima u budućnosti rezultirati definira- cords and history form. On the other hand, the patient
njem nekih novih dijagnostičkih biljega. should be properly reassured that the occurrence of this
enzyme form requires no specific therapeutic inter ven-
It should be noted that data on the possible diagnostic sig-
Adresa za dopisivanje: nificance of the macroenzyme occurrence remain scarce,
Ivana Čepelak vague and questionable. This fact should not be neglec-
Zavod za medicinsku biokemiju i hematologiju
Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet ted, but the information on the reasons for the presence
Domagojeva 2 of macroenzymes and on the mechanisms of their forma-
10000 Zagreb tion should be continuously collected and reconsidered.
e-pošta: Indeed, future research into the formation and detection
tel: +385 1 4612 606
of macroenzymes may hopefully result in defining some
new diagnostic markers.

Corresponding author:
Ivana Čepelak
Depar tment of Medical Biochemistry and Hematology
School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry
University of Zagreb
Domagojeva 2
10000 Zagreb
phone: +385 1 4612 606

Biochemia Medica 2007;17(1):1–138

Čepelak I., Čvorišćec D. Zašto treba prepoznati makroenzime?
Čepelak I., Čvorišćec D. Why Is It Necessary to Recognize Macroenzymes?

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