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[2020-06-21T00:00:08-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files

• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:00:08-0700] <steved2000> @search Crimespotting
[2020-06-21T00:00:14-0700] <mlegus> @search americanah
[2020-06-21T00:00:15-0700] LongNight (LongNight@ihw-vm9.6c0.114.102.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:00:29-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:00:31-0700] <Hiro> @search nora roberts hideaway
[2020-06-21T00:00:32-0700] herve (herve@ihw-rum2k7.rev.sfr.net) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T00:00:56-0700] <mlegus> !Oatmeal Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - Americanah
[2020-06-21T00:01:03-0700] xoppaw (xoppaw@ihw-mnbstv.in.comcast.net) left IRC
(Quit: ZNC 1.8.0 - https://znc.in)
[2020-06-21T00:01:06-0700] qweasdzxc (qweasdzxc@ihw-tg2pen.ihug.co.nz) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T00:01:10-0700] oran (oran@oran.oran.oran) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:01:13-0700] LazyRythal (LazyRythal@ihw-negruq.dsl.teksavvy.com)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:01:20-0700] xoppaw (xoppaw@ihw-mnbstv.in.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:01:22-0700] <Hiro> !Horla Nora Roberts - Hideaway (US) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:01:25-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 19/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,097 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:01:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,723
(2103.80 GB)
[2020-06-21T00:01:40-0700] <mlegus> @search how to love a jamaican
[2020-06-21T00:01:44-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,599 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:01:44-0700] <steved2000> @search Frédéric Abergel
[2020-06-21T00:01:45-0700] <LazyRythal> @search Christine Feehan
[2020-06-21T00:02:02-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sterling Casil - Imago (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:02:02-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sterling Casil - Mad for the Mints
[2020-06-21T00:02:02-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sterling Casil - Perfect Stranger
[2020-06-21T00:02:02-0700] <steved2000> @search Euan Sinclair
[2020-06-21T00:02:03-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sterling Casil - Shakespeare in Hell
[2020-06-21T00:02:06-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sterling Casil - The Renascence of
Memory (html).rar
[2020-06-21T00:02:07-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sterling Casil - The Universe at the
Bottom of a Cereal Box (html).rar
[2020-06-21T00:02:10-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Stevens - Swingers at the Beach
[2020-06-21T00:02:12-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Stewart - [Constance Kopp 01] - Girl
Waits With Gun (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:02:14-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Stewart - [Constance Kopp 01] - Girl
Waits with Gun (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:02:14-0700] gotcha (gotcha@ihw-je9g8h.tpgi.com.au) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T00:02:19-0700] <sorter> @search to kill a mocking bird
[2020-06-21T00:02:22-0700] <mlegus> !Oatmeal Alexia Arthurs - How to Love a
Jamaican- Stories (retail)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:02:23-0700] <steved2000> @search Market Microstructure
[2020-06-21T00:02:35-0700] alohaboy (alohaboy@ihw-8m6ci2.singnet.com.sg) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:03:02-0700] <mlegus> @search augustown
[2020-06-21T00:03:04-0700] <alohaboy> @search Michael Hartl
[2020-06-21T00:03:06-0700] <Hiro> @search mary higgins clark silent night
[2020-06-21T00:03:24-0700] <Hiro> !shytot Silent Night - Clark, Mary Higgins.mobi
[2020-06-21T00:03:25-0700] <steved2000> @search Richard Lehman
[2020-06-21T00:03:30-0700] mm00rs12 (mm00rs12@ihw-3s65bp.bchsia.telus.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:03:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 93 • Speed: 258,524cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,441 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:03:35-0700] <plsnobully> @Find D. L. Harrison
[2020-06-21T00:03:39-0700] <mlegus> !Oatmeal Kei Miller - Augustown (retail)
[2020-06-21T00:03:40-0700] ddd2 (ddd@ihw-2l0.ue7.181.107.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:03:43-0700] <alohaboy> @textbooks
[2020-06-21T00:03:59-0700] <Shenbaien> !Horla Jean M Auel - [Earth's Children 01] -
The Clan of the Cave Bear (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:04:02-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,480 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T00:04:06-0700] Anon94305 (anon94035@ihw-fnv0e6.res.spectrum.com) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T00:04:08-0700] alexose (alexose@ihw-3g7.c5d.247.162.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:04:09-0700] alohaboy (alohaboy@ihw-8m6ci2.singnet.com.sg) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T00:04:17-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,875 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T00:04:22-0700] <steved2000> @search Positional Option Trading
[2020-06-21T00:04:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T00:04:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T00:04:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,662
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:04:38-0700] <wibblewobble> !Trainpacks
[2020-06-21T00:04:41-0700] <steved2000> @search New Insights Covered Call Writ
[2020-06-21T00:04:50-0700] plsnobully (plsnobully@ihw-ajs.4s1.4.77.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T00:05:13-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:05:18-0700] kabaka (kabaka@ihw-grb.7ll.80.102.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:05:18-0700] <steved2000> @search Tony Rihan
[2020-06-21T00:05:19-0700] marychaann (marychaann@ihw-i8tpt9.enabler.ne.jp) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T00:05:25-0700] <PaigeTurner> @Ook-new
[2020-06-21T00:05:28-0700] mlegus (emilygustaf@ihw-k4ref7.mn.comcast.net) left IRC
(Client exited)
[2020-06-21T00:05:29-0700] <Hiro> @sbClient
[2020-06-21T00:05:56-0700] guacamoly (guacamoly@ihw-e5bg3c.cc9b.1348.0640.2601.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:05:57-0700] <steved2000> @search How I learned to Trade like Tom
Sosnoff and Tony Battista
[2020-06-21T00:06:03-0700] raindrip (raindrip@ihw-6ce0gm.co.comcast.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:06:04-0700] <guacamoly> @search white fragility
[2020-06-21T00:06:05-0700] foreignsloth (foreignslot@ihw-hhc96n.res.rr.com) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T00:06:26-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 19/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,118 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:06:37-0700] <roli> @search Amy J. Hawthorn
[2020-06-21T00:06:44-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,600 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:06:44-0700] <steved2000> @search How I learned to trade like Tom
Sosnoff and Tony Battista
[2020-06-21T00:06:49-0700] BookLover123 (BookLover12@ihw-rijrto.access.telenet.be)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:06:51-0700] <guacamoly> !MusicWench Robin DiAngelo - White
Fragility- Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism.epub ::INFO::
[2020-06-21T00:06:59-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Stewart - [Constance Kopp 02] - Lady
Cop Makes Trouble (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:06:59-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Stewart - [Constance Kopp 02] - Lady
Cop Makes Trouble (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:06:59-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Stewart - [Constance Kopp (Kopp
Sisters) 03] - Miss Kopp's Midnight Confessions (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:07:00-0700] Charley321 (Charley321@ihw-3j7.vlq.67.176.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:07:02-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Stewart - [Constance Kopp (Kopp
Sisters) 04] - Miss Kopp Just Won't Quit (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:07:04-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Stewart - [Constance Kopp (Kopp
Sisters) 05] - Kopp Sisters on the March (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:07:06-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Stewart - [Constance Kopp (Kopp
Sisters) 05] - Kopp Sisters on the March (UK) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:07:08-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Stewart - The Drunken Botanist- The
Plants that Create the World's Great Drinks (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:07:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Stilgenbauer - Sideshow [FF]
[2020-06-21T00:07:11-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Stolls - The Ninth Wife (retail)
[2020-06-21T00:07:13-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Storm - Questioning Love [FF]
[2020-06-21T00:07:15-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Stranhouse - A Presidential Closet-
Going Boldly Where No Gay Has Gone Before [MM] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:07:22-0700] <BookLover123> @search Diana Philbrick
[2020-06-21T00:07:31-0700] <+MusicWench> French and English ebooks!• Type:
@MusicWench For My List Of: 46,699 Files • Slots: 3/3 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps •
Next: NOW • Served: 295,751 • List: Jun 20th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:07:32-0700] <roli> !bsk Dominant Persuasions Anthology - Amy J
Hawthorn, Bella Juarez, Daisy Philips, Lori King, Michele Zurlo, et al [MF]
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 747.0KB
[2020-06-21T00:07:32-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy J Hawthorn - [Crave 01] - Lacey
Temptations [Siren Menage Amour] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:07:43-0700] Hybris (textual@ihw-bm9.d0r.16.79.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:07:51-0700] <Shenbaien> search The Inheritors
[2020-06-21T00:07:51-0700] <steved2000> @search Anina Collins
[2020-06-21T00:07:55-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T00:07:56-0700] <Hybris> @search The Laundry
[2020-06-21T00:08:18-0700] <Charley321> @search Toby Neighbors Ace Evans
[2020-06-21T00:08:20-0700] alexose (alexose@ihw-3g7.c5d.247.162.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:08:24-0700] <Shenbaien> @search William Golding
[2020-06-21T00:08:24-0700] <steved2000> @search The Eleventh Hour
[2020-06-21T00:08:26-0700] purple_azurite (david@ihw-cg0.vq7.147.2.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:08:29-0700] getting_mad_1 (androirc@ihw-84c.2ft.230.117.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T00:08:30-0700] getting_mad_1 (androirc@ihw-84c.2ft.230.117.IP) left IRC
(Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))
[2020-06-21T00:08:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 88 • Speed: 436,260cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,449 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:08:33-0700] <PaigeTurner> @Horla
[2020-06-21T00:08:38-0700] <purple_azurite> @search the brothers lionheart
[2020-06-21T00:08:43-0700] <+TrainFiles> For my list of 198106 files type:
@TrainFiles, Sends: 0/5 , Queue: 0/10, Voicepriority: OFF, For help: @TrainFiles-
help Using: Irssi Findbot v1.58
[2020-06-21T00:08:47-0700] LazyRythal (LazyRythal@ihw-negruq.dsl.teksavvy.com) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:08:49-0700] <Hybris> !bsk Charles Stross - [Laundry Files 01] - The
Atrocity Archives (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 394.4KB
[2020-06-21T00:09:00-0700] plainview (androirc@ihw-84c.2ft.230.117.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:09:00-0700] lam91 (lam91@ihw-ms98gn.cpe.distributel.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:09:00-0700] <steved2000> @search Kyle Keyes
[2020-06-21T00:09:02-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,480 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T00:09:07-0700] <+ps2> •·File Server Online·• Trigger..::/ctcp ps2 !
ps::.. On server..::Books of all subjects, comics, wargames & RPGs (mostly pdf)::..
Note..::On Undernet & IRCHighWay: @ps2 for instructions or /ctcp ps2 !ps to enter.
Elsewhere: @ps for instructions or /ctcp ps !ps to enter. You can also get my files
from phoomphy (@phoomphy for the filelist).::.. .•«UPP»•.
[2020-06-21T00:09:10-0700] <Hybris> !bsk Charles Stross - [Laundry Files 02] - The
Jennifer Morgue (epub).rar ::INFO:: 380.9KB
[2020-06-21T00:09:17-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,875 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T00:09:22-0700] lm2005 (lm2005@ihw-gus4gt.prtelecom.hu) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:09:22-0700] <steved2000> @search The Pandarus File
[2020-06-21T00:09:23-0700] <Shenbaien> !dragnbreaker Golding, William - Novel 02 -
The Inheritors (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T00:09:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T00:09:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T00:09:28-0700] SageVomo (SageVomo@ihw-3l8.uj2.116.87.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:09:29-0700] <lm2005> @search 2020 06
[2020-06-21T00:09:34-0700] <SageVomo> Count Zero
[2020-06-21T00:09:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,662
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:09:39-0700] Crow (Crow@ihw-sn0.sfb.201.109.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:09:46-0700] <SageVomo> @search Count Zero
[2020-06-21T00:09:47-0700] <Crow> @search american dirt
[2020-06-21T00:09:53-0700] <Hiro> @search Virginia Renfro Ellis the wedding dress
[2020-06-21T00:10:07-0700] <lm2005> @search 2020 05
[2020-06-21T00:10:07-0700] <steved2000> @search Vivian Barz
[2020-06-21T00:10:08-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:10:13-0700] <Crow> !Oatmeal Jeanine Cummins - American Dirt
[2020-06-21T00:10:17-0700] <purple_azurite> @search The Brothers Lionheart
[2020-06-21T00:10:26-0700] <Hiro> @search virginia the wedding dress
[2020-06-21T00:10:31-0700] <SageVomo> !Dz2000 William Gibson - [Sprawl 02] - Count
Zero (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T00:10:37-0700] lm2005 (lm2005@ihw-gus4gt.prtelecom.hu) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T00:10:44-0700] <Hiro> @search the wedding dress
[2020-06-21T00:10:44-0700] <steved2000> @search Forgotten Bones
[2020-06-21T00:10:48-0700] sorter (androirc@ihw-oo3.436.103.103.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:10:48-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Stuart - Still Mine (retail)
[2020-06-21T00:10:48-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Stuart - Still Water (CA) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:10:48-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Stuart - Still Water (retail)
[2020-06-21T00:10:50-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sue Nathan - Left to Chance (retail)
[2020-06-21T00:10:52-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sue Nathan - The Glass Wives
[2020-06-21T00:10:54-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sue Nathan - The Good Neighbor
[2020-06-21T00:10:56-0700] bgb (bgb@ihw-833.nki.238.104.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:11:05-0700] plainview (androirc@ihw-84c.2ft.230.117.IP) left IRC
(Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))
[2020-06-21T00:11:05-0700] <SageVomo> @ search william gibson
[2020-06-21T00:11:11-0700] lllxxxyyy (yyylllxxx@ihw-6r0.pab.56.45.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:11:14-0700] <SageVomo> @search william gibson
[2020-06-21T00:11:17-0700] <Hiro> @search nora roberts the calhouns
[2020-06-21T00:11:30-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,140 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:11:30-0700] <purple_azurite> @search The Lord of the Rings
[2020-06-21T00:11:31-0700] <steved2000> @search John Joseph Adams
[2020-06-21T00:11:36-0700] <lllxxxyyy> @search hollie de cruz
[2020-06-21T00:11:38-0700] <Crow> @search aushwitz
[2020-06-21T00:11:39-0700] sorter (androirc@ihw-oo3.436.103.103.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:11:44-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,600 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:11:54-0700] <Hiro> !MusicWench Nora Roberts - [The Calhouns 01] -
Courting Catherine.mobi
[2020-06-21T00:11:54-0700] idyl (idyl@ihw-8drnl2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:11:57-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:11:57-0700] <purple_azurite> @shytot Lord of the Rings
[2020-06-21T00:11:57-0700] <steved2000> @search The Rise of Carry
[2020-06-21T00:11:57-0700] <sorter> @search to kill a mocking bird
[2020-06-21T00:11:58-0700] kaiJoe (anix@ihw-8e2.jet.204.117.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:12:04-0700] <Hiro> !MusicWench Nora Roberts - [The Calhouns 02] - A
Man For Amanda.mobi
[2020-06-21T00:12:07-0700] <SageVomo> !dragnbreaker Gibson, William - Sprawl 01 -
Neuromancer (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T00:12:08-0700] d34rfs4 (d34rfs@ihw-g7b.jgk.40.178.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:12:12-0700] <Hiro> !MusicWench Nora Roberts - [The Calhouns 03] -
For The Love Of Lilah.mobi
[2020-06-21T00:12:18-0700] <Hiro> !MusicWench Nora Roberts - [The Calhouns 04] -
Suzanna's Surrender.mobi
[2020-06-21T00:12:28-0700] <Hiro> !MusicWench Nora Roberts - [The Calhouns 05] -
Megan's Mate.mobi
[2020-06-21T00:12:34-0700] Tore (tore@ihw-rulkk1.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:12:36-0700] <SageVomo> !dragnbreaker Gibson, William - Sprawl 02 -
Count Zero (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T00:12:38-0700] <lllxxxyyy> @search Your Baby
[2020-06-21T00:12:39-0700] guacamoly (guacamoly@ihw-e5bg3c.cc9b.1348.0640.2601.IP)
left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T00:12:48-0700] jm137 (jm137@ihw-4lo.e4q.0.165.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:12:48-0700] <steved2000> @search Warren Ellis
[2020-06-21T00:12:54-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,379 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:13:08-0700] <lllxxxyyy> @search siobhan miller
[2020-06-21T00:13:13-0700] <SageVomo> !dragnbreaker Gibson, William - Sprawl 03 -
Mona Lisa Overdrive (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T00:13:13-0700] <dny238> • Type: @dny238 For My List Of: 4,015 Files •
Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,191 • List: Jun 3rd
• Search: OFF • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:13:13-0700] <steved2000> @search Option Strategy Hedging Risk
[2020-06-21T00:13:29-0700] Skol8888 (TrojinTheL@ihw-du2omv.ph.cox.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:13:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 85 • Speed: 436,260cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,454 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:13:30-0700] sorter (androirc@ihw-oo3.436.103.103.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T00:13:33-0700] sorter (androirc@ihw-oo3.436.103.103.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:13:35-0700] michal (michal@ihw-08j.hnq.188.91.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:13:44-0700] huck (huck@ihw-u66ilg.b4kl.jrqo.8388.2a02.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:13:44-0700] <lllxxxyyy> @search the resilience Project
[2020-06-21T00:13:49-0700] <Hiro> @search james patterson sam's letters
[2020-06-21T00:13:52-0700] <sorter> @search to kill a mocking bird
[2020-06-21T00:13:58-0700] <Skol8888> @search The Wives
[2020-06-21T00:14:01-0700] <Crow> @search sisters of auschwitz
[2020-06-21T00:14:02-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,480 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T00:14:10-0700] <Hiro> !shytot Sam's Letters to Jennifer - James
[2020-06-21T00:14:17-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,875 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T00:14:21-0700] <huck> @textbooks
[2020-06-21T00:14:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T00:14:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T00:14:32-0700] <Hiro> @search danielle steele long road
[2020-06-21T00:14:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,666
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:14:42-0700] <lllxxxyyy> !LawdyServer The Resilience Project -
Finding Happiness Through Gratitude, Empathy And Mindfulness.epub ::INFO:: 588.8KB
[2020-06-21T00:14:43-0700] <Crow> @search sisters of auschwitz
[2020-06-21T00:14:44-0700] <SageVomo> @search philip k dick
[2020-06-21T00:14:50-0700] <Hiro> @search danielle steel long road
[2020-06-21T00:14:50-0700] <Charley321> @search Ryan W Aslesen Dead Heroes
[2020-06-21T00:14:54-0700] purple_azurite (david@ihw-cg0.vq7.147.2.IP) left IRC
(Quit: leaving)
[2020-06-21T00:14:58-0700] bgb (bgb@ihw-833.nki.238.104.IP) left IRC (Ping timeout:
121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:15:08-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:15:11-0700] andrevdb (andrevdb@ihw-6e9.n1v.193.41.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:15:14-0700] <Hiro> !MusicWench Danielle Steel - The Long Road Home
[2020-06-21T00:15:36-0700] <Hiro> @search Richard Paul Evans christmas box
[2020-06-21T00:15:36-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - Anthem of Ashes (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:15:36-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - An Unseelie Understanding
[2020-06-21T00:15:36-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - Enchantress (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:15:38-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [Fight For Your Fairy Tale
06] - Awakened Beauty (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:15:38-0700] <Skol8888> @search Tarryn Fisher
[2020-06-21T00:15:40-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [Godhunter 25] - Let Sleeping
Demons Lie (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:15:42-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - Happily Harem After- Five
Classic Fairy Tales Reimagined [MF] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:15:44-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [Spectra 02] - A Gray Area
[2020-06-21T00:15:44-0700] <Charley321> !Horla Ryan W Aslesen - War's Edge- Dead
Heroes (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:15:46-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [Spectra 03] - A Compression
of Colors (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:16:00-0700] Trekkie1 (Trekkie@ihw-kia7ti.dsl.bell.ca) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T00:16:06-0700] deedum (deedum@ihw-qs8p19.nbn.aussiebb.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:16:15-0700] kahris (kahris@ihw-uq5.8l5.136.1.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:16:17-0700] <Crow> @search sisters of auschwitz
[2020-06-21T00:16:18-0700] <Hiro> !Oatmeal Richard Paul Evans - [Christmas Box 01]
- The Christmas Box (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T00:16:25-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,161 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:16:29-0700] <kahris> @tao wong brad
[2020-06-21T00:16:29-0700] <Shenbaien> @search neanderthal
[2020-06-21T00:16:36-0700] <PaigeTurner> @search Good Knight - Jane Fox
[2020-06-21T00:16:36-0700] <Hiro> !Oatmeal Richard Paul Evans - [Christmas Box 02]
- Timepiece (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:16:42-0700] <Skol8888> !Ook Tarryn Fisher - The Wives (epub).rar
::INFO:: 609.74KB
[2020-06-21T00:16:44-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,601 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:16:49-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [The Godhunter 13] - Tracing
Thunder (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:16:49-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [The Godhunter 14] - Light as
a Feather (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:16:49-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [The Godhunter 15] - Rain or
Monkeyshine (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:16:50-0700] jm137 (jm137@ihw-4lo.e4q.0.165.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:16:51-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [The Godhunter 16] - Blood
Bound (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:16:53-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [The Godhunter 17] - Eye of
Re (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:16:55-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [The Godhunter 18] - My Soul
to Take (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:16:55-0700] Crow (Crow@ihw-sn0.sfb.201.109.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T00:16:57-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [The Godhunter 19] - As the
Crow Flies (retail) (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T00:16:57-0700] asdfdasf (sdfasdfasd@ihw-n8rqln.dsl.comwave.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:16:59-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [The Godhunter 20] - Cry
Werewolf (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:17:01-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [The Godhunter 21] - Pride
Before a Fall (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:17:03-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [The Godhunter 22] - Monsoons
and Monsters (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:17:05-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [The Godhunter 27] - Hear No
Evil (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:17:06-0700] <Hiro> @search Higgins Clark Mary lottery
[2020-06-21T00:17:08-0700] <lllxxxyyy> @search your baby your birth
[2020-06-21T00:17:10-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T00:17:15-0700] <andrevdb> @search Aliette de Bodard
[2020-06-21T00:17:15-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:17:21-0700] <PaigeTurner> @search Inside the Beltway - Jane Fox
[2020-06-21T00:17:22-0700] deedum (deedum@ihw-qs8p19.nbn.aussiebb.net) left IRC
(The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.)
[2020-06-21T00:17:23-0700] <kahris> @search tao wong brad
[2020-06-21T00:17:25-0700] <SageVomo> !JimBob420 Philip K Dick - Do Androids Dream
of Electric Sheep (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:17:26-0700] saltysista397 (saltysista3@ihw-09kjmc.res.rr.com) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T00:17:42-0700] deedum (deedum@ihw-qs8p19.nbn.aussiebb.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:17:48-0700] <Skol8888> @search Abbi Waxman
[2020-06-21T00:17:54-0700] <Shenbaien> !shytot Claire Cameron - The Last
Neanderthal (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:18:04-0700] <Hiro> !shytot lottery winner_ Alvirah and Willy
stories, The - Mary Higgins Clark.mobi
[2020-06-21T00:18:06-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:18:06-0700] <steved2000> @search Before and After
[2020-06-21T00:18:17-0700] lllxxxyyy (yyylllxxx@ihw-6r0.pab.56.45.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T00:18:21-0700] <SageVomo> !JimBob420 Philip K Dick - Flow My Tears the
Policeman Said (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:18:23-0700] <Hiro> @searcg danielle steel wedding
[2020-06-21T00:18:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 77 • Speed: 404,482cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,462 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:18:30-0700] <Hiro> @search danielle steel wedding
[2020-06-21T00:18:30-0700] synchsynch (synchsynch@ihw-m0baao.cable.virginm.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:18:35-0700] <kahris> !Horla Tao Wong - [Adventures on Brad 04] - The
Arena's Call (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T00:18:35-0700] <kahris> !Horla Tao Wong - [Adventures on Brad 05] - The
Adventurers Bond (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:18:35-0700] <kahris> !Horla Tao Wong - [Adventures on Brad 06] - The
Forest's Silence (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:18:36-0700] <Skol8888> !bsk Abbi Waxman - The Bookish Life of Nina
Hill (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 7.1MB
[2020-06-21T00:18:37-0700] synchsynch (synchsynch@ihw-m0baao.cable.virginm.net)
left IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T00:19:01-0700] <Hiro> !Oatmeal Danielle Steel - The Wedding (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T00:19:02-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,480 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T00:19:11-0700] <callie1> @search mark allen
[2020-06-21T00:19:12-0700] <steved2000> @search Christopher Knowlton
[2020-06-21T00:19:17-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,876 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T00:19:21-0700] <Skol8888> @search
[2020-06-21T00:19:22-0700] <SageVomo> !dragnbreaker Dick, Philip K - Novel 30 - A
Scanner Darkly (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T00:19:25-0700] synchsynch (synchsynch@ihw-m0baao.cable.virginm.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:19:26-0700] <Skol8888> @search Dmitry Glukhovsky
[2020-06-21T00:19:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T00:19:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T00:19:27-0700] <andrevdb> !Xon Aliette de Bodard - On a Red Station,
Drifting (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:19:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,666
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:19:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,724
(2103.80 GB)
[2020-06-21T00:19:50-0700] <Hiro> @search james patterson suzanne's diary
[2020-06-21T00:20:08-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:20:08-0700] <steved2000> @search Bubble in the Sun
[2020-06-21T00:20:09-0700] <Hiro> !shytot Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas - James
[2020-06-21T00:20:17-0700] <Hiro> @search nora roberts entranced
[2020-06-21T00:20:18-0700] <SageVomo> !dragnbreaker Dick, Philip K - Novel 13 - The
Simulacra (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T00:20:36-0700] Hieppo (Hieppo@ihw-of3f5t.threembb.co.uk) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:20:38-0700] adamgilli (adamgilli@ihw-0cv.r68.82.103.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:20:51-0700] <Skol8888> !bsk Dmitry A Glukhovsky - Metro 2033
(mobi).rar ::INFO:: 875.8KB
[2020-06-21T00:20:55-0700] <andrevdb> !Ook Aliette de Bodard - [Xuya Universe 02] -
The Citadel of Weeping Pearls (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:20:55-0700] <steved2000> @search Euan Sinclair
[2020-06-21T00:20:58-0700] <Hiro> @search nora roberts Donovan
[2020-06-21T00:21:14-0700] <PaigeTurner> @search Claiming His Sweet Curves - Flora
[2020-06-21T00:21:14-0700] <steved2000> @search Positional Option Trading
[2020-06-21T00:21:25-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,175 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:21:29-0700] saltysista397 (saltysista3@ihw-09kjmc.res.rr.com) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:21:30-0700] <pete-089-76857463576> @search totalitarianism
[2020-06-21T00:21:31-0700] xy_134 (avg_2213@ihw-88a.ijk.161.122.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:21:34-0700] <SageVomo> !JimBob420 Philip K Dick - The Three Stigmata
of Palmer Eldritch (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:21:37-0700] <Hiro> !Ook Nora Roberts - [Donovan Legacy 01] -
Captivated (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:21:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,724
(2103.80 GB)
[2020-06-21T00:21:44-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,604 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:21:57-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [The Godhunter 01] -
Godhunter (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:21:57-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [The Godhunter 02] - Of Gods
and Wolves (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:21:57-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [The Godhunter 03] -
Oathbreaker (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:21:57-0700] <steved2000> @search Adam Higginbotham
[2020-06-21T00:21:59-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [The Godhunter 04] - Marked
by Death (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:22:00-0700] <Hiro> !Ook Nora Roberts - [Donovan Legacy 02] -
Entranced (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:22:00-0700] Skol8888 (TrojinTheL@ihw-du2omv.ph.cox.net) left the
[2020-06-21T00:22:01-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [The Godhunter 05] - Green
Tea and Black Death (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:22:01-0700] <xy_134> @oatmeal
[2020-06-21T00:22:03-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [The Godhunter 06] - A Taste
for Blood (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:22:05-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [The Godhunter 07] - The
Tainted Web (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:22:05-0700] <Hiro> !Ook Nora Roberts - [Donovan Legacy 03] - Charmed
(retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:22:07-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [The Godhunter 08] - Harvest
of the Gods (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:22:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [The Godhunter 09] - A Fey
Harvest (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:22:11-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [The Godhunter 10] - Into the
Void (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:22:11-0700] <Hiro> !Ook Nora Roberts - [Donovan Legacy 04] -
Enchanted (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:22:13-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [The Godhunter 11] - Out of
the Darkness (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:22:15-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [The Godhunter 12] -
Perchance To Die (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:22:24-0700] snowflake (snowflake@ihw-4q8m64.oc.cox.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:22:25-0700] <Hiro> @search richard paul locket
[2020-06-21T00:22:26-0700] <PaigeTurner> @search Summer Break on the Beach - Jane
[2020-06-21T00:22:42-0700] <SageVomo> @search foundation
[2020-06-21T00:22:42-0700] <steved2000> @search A Thousand Pounds of Dynamite
[2020-06-21T00:22:46-0700] <PaigeTurner> @search My Addiction - Hope Ford
[2020-06-21T00:23:14-0700] Jambo (jambo@ihw-48h.04m.228.49.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:23:26-0700] <Hiro> @search nora roberts vanished
[2020-06-21T00:23:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 70 • Speed: 420,102cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,471 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:23:42-0700] <Hiro> @search nora roberts rising tides
[2020-06-21T00:23:48-0700] <SageVomo> @search Isaac Assimov
[2020-06-21T00:24:01-0700] barb143 (barb143@ihw-0edov8.sndgca.sbcglobal.net) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T00:24:02-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,480 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T00:24:13-0700] ekeai (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:24:17-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - Spectra, A Cynical Superhero
[2020-06-21T00:24:17-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [Spellsinger 01] - The Last
Lullaby (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T00:24:17-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [Spellsinger 02] - A Symphony
of Sirens (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:24:17-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,876 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T00:24:19-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [Spellsinger 03] - A Harmony
of Hearts (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:24:21-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [Spellsinger 04] - Primeval
Prelude (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:24:23-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [Spellsinger 05] - Ballad of
Blood (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:24:25-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - There's a Goddess Too
[2020-06-21T00:24:26-0700] <SageVomo> @search Isaac Asimov
[2020-06-21T00:24:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T00:24:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T00:24:30-0700] kahris27 (kahris@ihw-uq5.8l5.136.1.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:24:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,668
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:24:37-0700] <Hiro> !bsk Nora Roberts - [Chesapeake Bay 01-04] -
Chesapeake Bay Saga (Sea Swept; Rising Tides; Inner Harbor; Chesapeake Blue) (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T00:24:38-0700] kahris (kahris@ihw-uq5.8l5.136.1.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:24:56-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Knupp - The Secret She Kept
[2020-06-21T00:25:03-0700] hchkrdtn (hchkrdtn@ihw-gadvv3.mason-net.cz) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:25:08-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:25:12-0700] <hchkrdtn> @search Daniel Humphreys
[2020-06-21T00:25:13-0700] Rimah (rimah@ihw-oa7hkv.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:25:20-0700] <Hiro> @search danielle steel vanished
[2020-06-21T00:25:27-0700] louis (louis@ihw-12mdkk.59nr.p70s.0c7f.2a02.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T00:25:30-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - The Vampire-Werewolf Complex
[2020-06-21T00:25:30-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [Twilight Court 01] - Fairy-
Struck (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:25:30-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [Twilight Court 02] - Pixie-
Led (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:25:31-0700] <Hiro> @search danielle steel vanished
[2020-06-21T00:25:31-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [Twilight Court 03] - Raven-
Mocking (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:25:34-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [Twilight Court 04] - Here
There be Dragons (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:25:35-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [Twilight Court 05] -
Witchbane (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:25:37-0700] <@LawdyServer> [dlFilter] Are the responses to your
requests getting lost in the crowd? Are your @find responses spread about? If you
are using mIRC as your IRC client then download dlFilter version 2.13 from
https://github.com/DukeLupus/dlFilter/ and make your time in #ebooks less
[2020-06-21T00:25:37-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [Twilight Court 06] - Elf-
Shot (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:25:39-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [Twilight Court 07] - Fairy
Rings and Dragon Kings (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:25:41-0700] dekekja (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:25:41-0700] Charley321 (Charley321@ihw-3j7.vlq.67.176.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T00:25:42-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [Twilight Court 08] - Black-
Market Magic (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:25:43-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Sumida - [Twilight Court 09] - Etched
in Stone (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:25:46-0700] fruitloops (fruitloops@ihw-d64ruu.cg.shawcable.net) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T00:25:47-0700] <Hiro> !bsk Danielle Steel - Vanished (v5.0) (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T00:25:51-0700] <SageVomo> @search William Gibson
[2020-06-21T00:25:53-0700] <Rimah> @search sullivan
[2020-06-21T00:25:54-0700] <Hiro> @search danielle steel the kiss
[2020-06-21T00:25:58-0700] xy_134 (avg_2213@ihw-88a.ijk.161.122.IP) left the
[2020-06-21T00:25:59-0700] <hchkrdtn> !dragnbreaker Humphreys, Daniel - Z-Day 01 -
A Place Outside the Wild (retail).azw3
[2020-06-21T00:26:14-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T00:26:22-0700] <Hiro> !shytot The Kiss - Danielle Steel.mobi\
[2020-06-21T00:26:25-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,178 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:26:26-0700] juamps (juamps@ihw-8rlo7j.dynamic.sonic.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:26:26-0700] <Hiro> !shytot The Kiss - Danielle Steel.mobi
[2020-06-21T00:26:44-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:26:44-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,604 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:26:54-0700] earthrocker (darn@ihw-i1j.mpp.206.85.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:26:54-0700] shay (IceChat9@ihw-8ved0j.net.fido.ca) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:27:04-0700] fruitloops (fruitloops@ihw-d64ruu.cg.shawcable.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:27:04-0700] ChanServ sets mode +o fruitloops
[2020-06-21T00:27:12-0700] <Hiro> @search nora roberts sea swept
[2020-06-21T00:27:13-0700] <SageVomo> !Oatmeal William Gibson - [Bridge 01] -
Virtual Light (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:27:24-0700] ahgnoul (ahgnoul@ihw-ei4.mqd.181.14.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:27:25-0700] angielala (angielala@ihw-6urql1.res.rr.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:27:35-0700] <ahgnoul> @search Manna Francis
[2020-06-21T00:27:37-0700] <earthrocker> @search the art of the deal
[2020-06-21T00:27:39-0700] <Hiro> @search Belva Plain blessings
[2020-06-21T00:27:54-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 19/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 18,293cps • Next: NOW • Served:
3,190,385 • List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:27:55-0700] blunders (blunders@ihw-d2h.7rj.190.180.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:27:56-0700] <Hiro> !MusicWench Belva Plain - Blessings.epub
[2020-06-21T00:27:57-0700] <hchkrdtn> @search Brett Battles
[2020-06-21T00:28:02-0700] ahgnoul (ahgnoul@ihw-ei4.mqd.181.14.IP) left the channel
[2020-06-21T00:28:04-0700] <SageVomo> !dragnbreaker Gibson, William - Bridge 02 -
Idoru (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T00:28:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Summers - [Carrington Cousins 01] -
Just Kiss Me (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:28:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Summers - [Carrington Cousins 02] -
Just Trust Me (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:28:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Summers - [Carrington Cousins 03] -
Just Until Morning (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:28:09-0700] pikun (pikun2@ihw-v02h6c.tpgi.com.au) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:28:11-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Swenson - Not Your Mama's Crochet
[2020-06-21T00:28:12-0700] <hchkrdtn> !dragnbreaker Battles, Brett - Project Eden
01 - Sick.epub
[2020-06-21T00:28:12-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Talbot - THE DRAGON'S WOMAN (html).rar
[2020-06-21T00:28:15-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Talkington - Liv, Forever (retail)
[2020-06-21T00:28:16-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Tan - Joy Luck Club (V5) [Html].rar
[2020-06-21T00:28:18-0700] <SageVomo> !dragnbreaker Gibson, William - Bridge 01 -
Virtual Light (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T00:28:18-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Tan - Rules for Virgins (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T00:28:20-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Tan - Saving Fish from Drowning
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:28:21-0700] Sohee (Sohee@ihw-nd7.55i.72.36.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:28:22-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Tan - The Bonesetter's Daughter
[2020-06-21T00:28:24-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Tan - The Hundred Secret Senses
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:28:25-0700] <Hiro> @search Mary Kay Andrews ladies
[2020-06-21T00:28:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 86 • Speed: 184,750cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,482 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:28:31-0700] kahris27 (kahris@ihw-uq5.8l5.136.1.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:28:40-0700] <earthrocker> !Ook Trump -The Art of the Deal (1987) -
Donald Trump.epub
[2020-06-21T00:28:44-0700] <Hiro> !JimBob420 Mary Kay Andrews - Ladies' Night
[2020-06-21T00:28:52-0700] bunyab0y (bunyab0y@ihw-t3t.bdf.116.101.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T00:29:02-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,481 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T00:29:03-0700] <SageVomo> !dragnbreaker Gibson, William - Bridge 03 -
All Tomorrow's Parties (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T00:29:04-0700] <Rimah> @search sullivan Age of
[2020-06-21T00:29:07-0700] <Hiro> @search Kristan Higgins now that you mention it
[2020-06-21T00:29:16-0700] m05tr0 (m0055tr00@ihw-ifd6h1.res.rr.com) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:29:17-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,876 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T00:29:17-0700] <earthrocker> @search david k bernard
[2020-06-21T00:29:21-0700] <SageVomo> !dragnbreaker Gibson, William - Bigend 01 -
Pattern Recognition (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T00:29:24-0700] manrico (manrico@ihw-fo5297.spectrumnet.bg) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:29:26-0700] Guest14 (textual@ihw-s3j.nk8.145.49.IP) left IRC (Quit:
My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
[2020-06-21T00:29:27-0700] adamgilli (adamgilli@ihw-0cv.r68.82.103.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:29:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T00:29:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T00:29:28-0700] <Hiro> !Ook Kristan Higgins - Now That You Mention It
[2020-06-21T00:29:30-0700] oldstyle (bookman@ihw-b2t.1dh.159.78.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:29:30-0700] <manrico> @ooknew
[2020-06-21T00:29:33-0700] <manrico> @ook-new
[2020-06-21T00:29:34-0700] <SageVomo> !dragnbreaker Gibson, William - Bigend 02 -
Spook Country (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T00:29:34-0700] <andrevdb> @search The Glass Hotel
[2020-06-21T00:29:35-0700] erling (erling@ihw-bq9.j8b.230.46.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:29:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 1/2 • Queued: 2 • Speed: 40,050cps • Next: NOW • Served:
71,671 • List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:29:39-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Tintera - [Reboot 01] - Reboot
[2020-06-21T00:29:40-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Tintera - [Reboot 02] - Rebel (ARC)
[2020-06-21T00:29:41-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Tintera - [Reboot 02] - Rebel (retail)
[2020-06-21T00:29:42-0700] <SageVomo> !dragnbreaker Gibson, William - Bigend 03 -
Zero History (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T00:29:43-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Tintera - [Ruined 01] - Ruined
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:29:44-0700] <Hiro> @search danielle steel promise
[2020-06-21T00:29:45-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Tintera - [Ruined 02] - Avenged
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:29:46-0700] <manrico> @Oatmeal-new
[2020-06-21T00:29:47-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Tintera - [Ruined 03] - Allied
[2020-06-21T00:29:49-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Tolnitch - A Lost Touch of Bliss.pdf
[2020-06-21T00:29:51-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Tolnitch - A Lost Touch of
[2020-06-21T00:29:55-0700] manrico (manrico@ihw-fo5297.spectrumnet.bg) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T00:30:08-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:30:09-0700] <Hiro> !bsk Danielle Steel - The Promise (v4.0)
[2020-06-21T00:30:16-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:30:17-0700] <oldstyle> @search Coraline gaiman
[2020-06-21T00:30:18-0700] <Sohee> !Oatmeal Shelby Mahurin - [Serpent & Dove 01] -
Serpent & Dove (Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:30:21-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Tan - The Joy Luck Club (retail)
[2020-06-21T00:30:21-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Tan - The Kitchen God's Wife (retail)
[2020-06-21T00:30:21-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Tan - The Opposite of Fate- A Book of
Musings (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:30:22-0700] <Hiro> @search jane feather queen's
[2020-06-21T00:30:22-0700] <Rimah> !Oatmeal Michael J. Sullivan - Legends of the
First Empire 06 - Age of Empyre(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:30:23-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Tan - The Valley of Amazement (retail)
[2020-06-21T00:30:25-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Tan - Where the Past Begins- A
Writer's Memoir (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:30:27-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Tasukada - [The Yakuza Path 01] -
Blood Stained (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:30:29-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Tasukada - [The Yakuza Path 02] -
Better Than Suicide (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:30:30-0700] <earthrocker> @search kkk
[2020-06-21T00:30:31-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Tasukada - [Would it Be Okay to Love
You 03] - Happy Merry Christmas [MM] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:30:32-0700] <SageVomo> !dragnbreaker Gibson, William - Bigend 02 -
Spook Country (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T00:30:34-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Taylor - Project Cyrano (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:30:35-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Teegan - No Day Like Today (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T00:30:37-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Thielen - Give a Girl a Knife- A
Memoir (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:30:39-0700] <Rimah> !Oatmeal Michael Sullivan - [Legends of the
First Empire 05] - Age of Death (Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:30:45-0700] <Hiro> !JimBob420 Jane Feather - All the Queen's Players
[2020-06-21T00:30:45-0700] <oldstyle> !bsk Neil Gaiman - Coraline (10th Anniversary
ed) (UK) (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:31:01-0700] <Rimah> !Oatmeal Michael Sullivan - [The Legends of the
First Empire 04] - Age of Legend (retail) (epub)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:31:04-0700] Papad379 (Papad379@ihw-vtukdj.az.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:31:10-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Thomas - Brooklyn in Love- A Delicious
Memoir of Food, Family, and Finding Yourself (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:31:10-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Thomas - Paris, My Sweet- A Year in
the City of Light (and Dark Chocolate) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:31:10-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Thompson - [Office Affairs 04] - My
Enigmatic Boss (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:31:10-0700] <earthrocker> Horla Linda Gordon - The Second Coming of
the KKK- The Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s and the American Political Tradition
(Retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:31:12-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Thomson - [Alien Ecology 01] - The
Color of Distance (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:31:14-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Thomson - [Alien Ecology 02] - Through
Alien Eyes (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:31:14-0700] <Hiro> @search Eileen Goudge the second silence
[2020-06-21T00:31:14-0700] <Papad379> @search the room where it happend
[2020-06-21T00:31:16-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Thomson - Storyteller (lit).lit
[2020-06-21T00:31:18-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Timberlake - One Came Home (retail)
[2020-06-21T00:31:19-0700] Auranio82 (Username@ihw-1vn.jl9.144.41.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T00:31:20-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Timberlake - That Girl Lucy Moon
[2020-06-21T00:31:22-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Tolnitch - [Lost Touch 01-04] - A Lost
Touch of Bliss; Paradise; Innocence; Magic (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:31:24-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy T Peterson, Valerie Hewitt, Heather
Vaughan, et al - The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Clothing Through American History
1900 to the Present (pdf).pdf
[2020-06-21T00:31:26-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,180 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:31:26-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Vanessa Miller - [Markson Grove 01] -
Keep From Falling (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:31:28-0700] stratuk (textual@ihw-in0.pi2.252.37.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:31:28-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Vansant - [Angeli 01-03] - Angeli;
Cherubim; Varymor (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:31:31-0700] <Hiro> !bsk Eileen Goudge - The Second Silence
[2020-06-21T00:31:31-0700] <earthrocker> !Horla Linda Gordon - The Second Coming of
the KKK- The Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s and the American Political Tradition
(Retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:31:37-0700] <SageVomo> !Oatmeal William Gibson - Agency (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:31:38-0700] <stratuk> !trainpacks
[2020-06-21T00:31:44-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,605 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:31:45-0700] <Hiro> @search Emily Grayson gazebo
[2020-06-21T00:31:59-0700] blunders (blunders@ihw-d2h.7rj.190.180.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:31:59-0700] <Hiro> !bsk Emily Grayson - The Gazebo (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T00:32:01-0700] erling (erling@ihw-bq9.j8b.230.46.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T00:32:02-0700] <Hiro> @search Emily Grayson fountain
[2020-06-21T00:32:02-0700] linz (Username@ihw-ial867.cc.shawcable.net) left IRC
(Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T00:32:17-0700] hchkrdtn (hchkrdtn@ihw-gadvv3.mason-net.cz) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T00:32:17-0700] <SageVomo> !Oatmeal William Gibson - The Peripheral
[2020-06-21T00:32:22-0700] <Hiro> @search Debbie Macomber morning
[2020-06-21T00:32:53-0700] labuf (Username@ihw-0ea8qh.res.rr.com) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T00:33:01-0700] Oon (Oon@ihw-ebh.314.84.165.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:33:05-0700] labuf (Username@ihw-0ea8qh.res.rr.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:33:08-0700] SageVomo (SageVomo@ihw-3l8.uj2.116.87.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T00:33:09-0700] <Oon> @search flying confidence
[2020-06-21T00:33:16-0700] <Hiro> !dragnbreaker Macomber, Debbie - Novel 50 -
Morning Comes Softly (v5.0).mobi
[2020-06-21T00:33:17-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Witting - I for Isobel (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T00:33:17-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Witting - [Isobel 02] - Isobel on the
Way to the Corner Shop (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:33:17-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Wolf - [Honest Thieves 01] - A Woman
of the Road (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:33:19-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Yamada - Bedroom Eyes (pdf).pdf
[2020-06-21T00:33:21-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Yamada - Bedtime Eyes (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:33:23-0700] <Oon> @search flying with confidence
[2020-06-21T00:33:23-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Yao - The Facility (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T00:33:25-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Zavatto - Prosecco Made Me Do It - 60
Seriously Sparkling Cocktails (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:33:27-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Zhang - Falling Into Place (ARC)
[2020-06-21T00:33:29-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Zhang - Falling into Place (retail)
[2020-06-21T00:33:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 78 • Speed: 403,944cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,494 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:33:31-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Zhang - This Is Where the World Ends
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:33:31-0700] stratuk (textual@ihw-in0.pi2.252.37.IP) left IRC (Quit:
Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
[2020-06-21T00:33:34-0700] oldstyle (bookman@ihw-b2t.1dh.159.78.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T00:33:50-0700] <Hiro> @search richard paul evans the gift
[2020-06-21T00:34:02-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,482 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T00:34:06-0700] Rimah (rimah@ihw-oa7hkv.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
left IRC (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
[2020-06-21T00:34:11-0700] <sorter_plainview> @search rule for radicals
[2020-06-21T00:34:14-0700] <Hiro> !DV8 Richard Paul Evans - The Gift (v5)
[2020-06-21T00:34:15-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Wilson - A Faraway Magic (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:34:15-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Wilson - A Far Away Magic (retail)
[2020-06-21T00:34:15-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Wilson - A Girl Called Owl (retail)
[2020-06-21T00:34:17-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Wilson - Angel and Bavar (retail)
[2020-06-21T00:34:17-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,876 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T00:34:19-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Wilson-Carmichael - Things as They Are
[2020-06-21T00:34:21-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Wilson - Shadows of Winterspell
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:34:23-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Wilson - Snowglobe (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:34:24-0700] {DV8} (Deviate@ihw-evpive.cpe.teksavvy.com) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T00:34:25-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Wilson - The Lost Frost Girl (retail)
[2020-06-21T00:34:27-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Wilson - When Did I Get Like This- The
Screamer, the Worrier, the Dinosaur-Chicken-Nugget-Buyer, and Other Mothers I Swore
I'd Never Be (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:34:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T00:34:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T00:34:29-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Wiseman - Edible Delectables
[2020-06-21T00:34:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,676
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:34:37-0700] kolor8 (DDream@ihw-j2o.p36.11.87.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:34:40-0700] <earthrocker> @search jesus christ
[2020-06-21T00:34:48-0700] jumbo (textual@ihw-u5b.0ih.74.121.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:34:49-0700] david (david@ihw-cg0.vq7.147.2.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:35:00-0700] <Hiro> @search mary higgins clark the shadow
[2020-06-21T00:35:01-0700] <Sohee> !Oatmeal Adrienne Young - Sky in the Deep
[2020-06-21T00:35:02-0700] <angielala> !Oatmeal Meghan Quinn - Diary of a Bad Boy
[2020-06-21T00:35:02-0700] <david> @search The Lord of the Rings
[2020-06-21T00:35:05-0700] <jumbo> @search room where it happened
[2020-06-21T00:35:05-0700] SageVomo (SageVomo@ihw-0ov.bq6.116.87.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:35:07-0700] <SageVomo> !dragnbreaker Gibson, William - Bigend 03 -
Zero History (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T00:35:13-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:35:13-0700] <angielala> !Oatmeal Meghan Quinn - Boss Man Bridegroom
[2020-06-21T00:35:18-0700] <earthrocker> !dragnbreaker Qureshi, Nabeel - Seeking
Allah, Finding Jesus- A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity.epub
[2020-06-21T00:35:19-0700] <Hiro> !bsk Mary Higgins Clark - The Shadow of Your
Smile (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T00:35:19-0700] <Sohee> !Oatmeal Katharine McGee - [American Royals 01]
- American Royals (Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:35:21-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Vansant - Angeli- The Pirate, the
Angel & the Irishman (retail) (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T00:35:22-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Vansant - [Kilty 01-03] - Kilty Pack
One (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T00:35:22-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Vansant - [Kilty 01] - Kilty as
Charged (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:35:24-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Vansant - [Kilty 04] - Kilty as Sin
[2020-06-21T00:35:26-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Vansant - [Kilty 05] - Kilty Secrets
[2020-06-21T00:35:28-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Vansant - [Pineapple Port Mystery 01]
- Pineapple Lies (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:35:28-0700] angielala (angielala@ihw-6urql1.res.rr.com) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T00:35:29-0700] <Hiro> @search karen white the time
[2020-06-21T00:35:30-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Vansant - [Pineapple Port Mystery 02]
- Pineapple Mystery Box (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:35:32-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Vansant - [Pineapple Port Mystery 03]
- Pineapple Puzzles (retail) (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T00:35:39-0700] Zoomie (Username@ihw-ij0ofk.dsl.bell.ca) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:35:42-0700] <Hiro> !bsk Karen White - The Time Between (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T00:35:45-0700] SageVomo (SageVomo@ihw-0ov.bq6.116.87.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T00:35:48-0700] <Sohee> !Oatmeal Jen DeLuca - Well Met (Retail)
[2020-06-21T00:35:56-0700] <kinjat_awy> @shytot
[2020-06-21T00:35:59-0700] louis (louis@ihw-12mdkk.59nr.p70s.0c7f.2a02.IP) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T00:36:01-0700] warrior0015 (warrior0015@ihw-
bf11d4.0o0l.hsg8.2000.2604.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:36:11-0700] <Hiro> @search richard paul evans the looking
[2020-06-21T00:36:20-0700] losojos (losojos@ihw-lkv.oa1.156.98.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:36:26-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,180 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:36:30-0700] alexose (alexose@ihw-3g7.c5d.247.162.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:36:44-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 36,716cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,605 •
List: Jun 20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:36:54-0700] <roli> @search amy lane
[2020-06-21T00:36:56-0700] R4NGER (R4NGER@ihw-4s18uc.dodo.net.au) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T00:37:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Vansant - [Pineapple Port Mystery 04-
06] - Pineapple Pack II (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:37:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Vansant - [Pineapple Port Mystery 04]
- Pineapple Land War (retail) (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T00:37:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Vansant - [Pineapple Port Mystery 06]
- Pineapple Disco (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:37:11-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Vansant - [Pineapple Port Mystery 07-
09] - Pineapple Pack III (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:37:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T00:37:12-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Vansant - [Pineapple Port Mystery 07]
- Pineapple Gingerbread Men (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:37:15-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Vansant - [Pineapple Port Mystery 08]
- Pineapple Jailbird (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:37:17-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Vansant - [Slightly 01] - Slightly
Stalky (retail) (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T00:37:19-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Vansant - [Slightly 02] - Slightly
Sweaty (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:37:21-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Vastine - Harlequin Heartwarming April
2018 Box Set (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:37:23-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Vastine - [Return of the Blackwell
Brothers 04] - The Rancher's Fake Fiancee (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:37:25-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Vastine - [Stop the Wedding 01] - A
Bridesmaid to Remember (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:37:35-0700] <Hiro> @search claire cook must love dogs
[2020-06-21T00:37:52-0700] <Hiro> !bsk Claire Cook - Must Love Dogs (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T00:37:53-0700] kbj (jon@ihw-f7o2p4.ok.shawcable.net) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T00:38:08-0700] <roli> !Horla Aleksandr Voinov & Amy Lane - [Country
Mouse 01] - Country Mouse [MM] (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:38:08-0700] <roli> !Horla Aleksandr Voinov & Amy Lane - [Country
Mouse 02] - City Mouse (2e) [44 Raccoons MM] (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:38:11-0700] mcd (mcd@ihw-duutoo.ftth.glasoperator.nl) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:38:13-0700] <Hiro> @search mary kay andrews the high tide
[2020-06-21T00:38:14-0700] pikun (pikun2@ihw-v02h6c.tpgi.com.au) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:38:20-0700] <earthrocker> !shytot Who Was Jesus_ Fingerprints of the
Christ - D. M. Murdock & Acharya S & Robert M. Price.epub
[2020-06-21T00:38:24-0700] <mcd> @search demon from the dark
[2020-06-21T00:38:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 73 • Speed: 290,840cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,503 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:38:42-0700] <mcd> !bsk Kresley Cole - [Immortals After Dark 10] -
Demon From The Dark (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T00:38:49-0700] <earthrocker> !JimBob420 Bruce Bawer - Stealing Jesus
how fundamentalism betrays Christianity.epub
[2020-06-21T00:38:52-0700] Gvest (Guest@not.allowed) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:38:55-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Lane - [Les Mannies 01] - Un Manny si
innocent [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:38:55-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Lane - [Promesses 02] - La Valeur
d'une Promesse [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:38:58-0700] <Hiro> !Oatmeal The High Tide Club - Mary Kay
[2020-06-21T00:39:02-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,485 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T00:39:04-0700] arcen (arcen@ihw-403a8u.ma.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:39:07-0700] <arcen> @search 1984
[2020-06-21T00:39:14-0700] <Hiro> @search beverly lewis confession
[2020-06-21T00:39:17-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,876 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T00:39:21-0700] <arcen> @search 1984 george orwell
[2020-06-21T00:39:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T00:39:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T00:39:28-0700] <earthrocker> !DV8 Lee Strobel - In Defense of Jesus &
Investigating Attacks on the Identity of Christ (Retail) (EPUB).rar ::
[2020-06-21T00:39:29-0700] eomacag (eomacag@ihw-itg.ib0.120.37.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:39:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,678
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:39:37-0700] <Hiro> @search beverly lewis The Heritage of Lancaster
[2020-06-21T00:39:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,724
(2103.80 GB)
[2020-06-21T00:39:41-0700] thatgirl (Jamie@ihw-nmm8mk.res.rr.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:39:54-0700] Pain (chatzilla@ihw-enhp2i.dyn.plus.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:39:58-0700] <Hiro> !Xon Beverly Lewis - [The Heritage of Lancaster
County 01] - The Shunning (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:39:58-0700] <SuperG> @search Out There: A Scientific Guide to Alien
Life, Antimatter, and Human Space Travel
[2020-06-21T00:39:58-0700] CCInspace0 (CCInspace0@ihw-t6p.v28.115.93.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:40:04-0700] <Hiro> !Xon Beverly Lewis - [The Heritage of Lancaster
County 02] - The Confession (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:40:05-0700] <Pain> !bsk !El santo, hombre al agua! - Leslie
Charteris.epub ::INFO:: 438.3KB
[2020-06-21T00:40:08-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:40:08-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Waeschle - [Cassidy Kincaid Mystery
01-03] - Cassidy Kincaid Mysteries Box Set (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:40:08-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Waeschle - Feeding the Fire
[2020-06-21T00:40:08-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Waldman - A Door in the Earth
[2020-06-21T00:40:10-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Waldman - The Submission (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T00:40:12-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Wallace - [Defenders of Hope 01] -
Ransomed Dreams (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:40:14-0700] <Hiro> !Xon Beverly Lewis - [The Heritage of Lancaster
County 03] - The Reckoning (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:40:14-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Wallace, et al - The Book of Lists
Horror An All-New Collection Featuring Stephen King, Eli Roth, Ray Bradbury, and
More (pdf).pdf
[2020-06-21T00:40:16-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Wallace - [Place of Refuge 01] -
Hiding in Plain Sight (retail) (pdf).pdf
[2020-06-21T00:40:18-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Ward - [Sexy Household Secrets -
Double Trouble 01] - Dearest Stepbrothers [MF] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:40:20-0700] dhjak (jerick@ihw-4g3.jn9.229.199.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:40:31-0700] david (david@ihw-cg0.vq7.147.2.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T00:40:33-0700] <Hiro> @search richard paul evans carousel
[2020-06-21T00:40:40-0700] thatgirl (Jamie@ihw-nmm8mk.res.rr.com) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T00:40:55-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Webb - Data, a Love Story (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:40:55-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Webb - The Big Nine (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:40:55-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Weinland Daughters - You Cannot Mess
This Up (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:40:57-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Weiss - Crescendo (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:40:59-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Wilentz - Martyrs' Crossing (retail)
[2020-06-21T00:41:01-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Willoughby-Burle - The Lemonade Year
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:41:08-0700] <arcen> @search 1984 george orwell
[2020-06-21T00:41:12-0700] mcd (mcd@ihw-duutoo.ftth.glasoperator.nl) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T00:41:23-0700] <earthrocker> LawdyServer Rubenstein - When Jesus Became
God; The Epic Fight Over Christ's Divinity In The Last Days Of Rome (1999).pdf
[2020-06-21T00:41:25-0700] <earthrocker> !LawdyServer Rubenstein - When Jesus
Became God; The Epic Fight Over Christ's Divinity In The Last Days Of Rome
[2020-06-21T00:41:25-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,181 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:41:27-0700] <Pain> !bsk Alias El Santo - Leslie Charteris.epub
::INFO:: 296.4KB
[2020-06-21T00:41:34-0700] <dhjak> @search brandon sanderson rhythm of war
[2020-06-21T00:41:38-0700] <arcen> @search the night circus
[2020-06-21T00:41:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,727
(2103.80 GB)
[2020-06-21T00:41:44-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,606 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:42:07-0700] <Pain> !bsk El as de los truhanes - Leslie
Charteris.epub ::INFO:: 523.0KB
[2020-06-21T00:42:09-0700] david (david@ihw-cg0.vq7.147.2.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:42:10-0700] <Hiro> @search ken follett on wings of eagles
[2020-06-21T00:42:17-0700] roli (roli@ihw-49u0bg.kv3s.p4lm.1205.2a02.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving...)
[2020-06-21T00:42:23-0700] Jfripper (Jfripper@ihw-rjkgcn.dodo.net.au) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T00:42:29-0700] <Hiro> !Xon Ken Follett - On Wings of Eagles (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T00:42:34-0700] kiddo (kiddo@ihw-9iq.v7q.241.77.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T00:42:37-0700] <david> @search hamlet
[2020-06-21T00:42:37-0700] <Pain> !bsk El caballero desvelado - Leslie
Charteris.epub ::INFO:: 216.4KB
[2020-06-21T00:42:39-0700] <Sohee> !Oatmeal Penelope Ward - Love Online (retail)
[2020-06-21T00:42:40-0700] book12 (IceChat9@ihw-e0o.67k.205.91.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:42:42-0700] <Hiro> @search ken follett
[2020-06-21T00:42:54-0700] <book12> @search michaels marcy
[2020-06-21T00:42:54-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 19/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 49,152cps • Next: NOW • Served:
3,190,402 • List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:42:54-0700] losojos (losojos@ihw-lkv.oa1.156.98.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:43:12-0700] <arcen> @search 1984 orwell
[2020-06-21T00:43:13-0700] <Hiro> !shytot Pillars of the Earth, The - Ken
[2020-06-21T00:43:23-0700] Jfripper (Jfripper@ihw-rjkgcn.dodo.net.au) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:43:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 68 • Speed: 322,152cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,512 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:43:39-0700] earthrocker (darn@ihw-i1j.mpp.206.85.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T00:43:41-0700] abduunn (abduunn@ihw-fin.40m.102.85.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:43:43-0700] <Hiro> @search karen white on folly beach
[2020-06-21T00:43:46-0700] alexose (alexose@ihw-3g7.c5d.247.162.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:43:48-0700] <Pain> !bsk El Santo ataca - Leslie Charteris.epub
::INFO:: 309.2KB
[2020-06-21T00:43:50-0700] <book12> !dny238 The Low Down on Going Down_ How - Marcy
Michaels.pdf ::INFO:: 1.56MB
[2020-06-21T00:44:00-0700] <Hiro> !Oatmeal Karen White - On Folly Beach (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:44:02-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,486 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T00:44:05-0700] <arcen> @search the three body problem
[2020-06-21T00:44:17-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,877 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T00:44:21-0700] <Hiro> @search Maeve Binchy copper
[2020-06-21T00:44:25-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T00:44:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T00:44:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T00:44:28-0700] <Pain> !bsk El Santo contra El Tigre - Leslie
Charteris.epub ::INFO:: 251.4KB
[2020-06-21T00:44:29-0700] <andrevdb> !Xon Emily St John Mandel - The Glass Hotel
(retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:44:34-0700] <Hiro> !MusicWench Maeve Binchy - The Copper Beech
[2020-06-21T00:44:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,678
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:44:39-0700] tautiton (tautiton@ihw-52p0ae.rev.sfr.net) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T00:45:03-0700] <dhjak> @search The Final Empire
[2020-06-21T00:45:08-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:45:13-0700] bRuck (bruckwondi@ihw-kdm.g2t.188.196.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:45:25-0700] <Pain> !bsk El Santo decide el caso - Leslie
Charteris.epub ::INFO:: 547.7KB
[2020-06-21T00:45:25-0700] Jambo (jambo@ihw-48h.04m.228.49.IP) left IRC (Connection
[2020-06-21T00:45:27-0700] bRuck (bruckwondi@ihw-kdm.g2t.188.196.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:46:01-0700] <Hiro> @search haywood smith wedding
[2020-06-21T00:46:14-0700] Jambo (jambo@ihw-fpc5j3.1lfo.bubd.9800.2405.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T00:46:18-0700] <Pain> !bsk El Santo en heroe - Leslie
Charteris.epub ::INFO:: 516.5KB
[2020-06-21T00:46:25-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,181 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:46:39-0700] R3action (R3action@ihw-5td5kb.md.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:46:44-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,607 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:46:46-0700] <Hiro> @search Chris Bohjalian secrets
[2020-06-21T00:46:55-0700] <R3action> !trainpacks
[2020-06-21T00:47:03-0700] <sorter_plainview> !Oatmeal Saul D Alinsky - Rules For
Radicals (v1.0) (html).rar ::INFO:: 91.0KB
[2020-06-21T00:47:18-0700] <Pain> !bsk El Santo en heroe - Leslie
Charteris.epub ::INFO:: 516.5KB
[2020-06-21T00:47:18-0700] <Hiro> !Oatmeal Chris Bohjalian - Secrets Of Eden (2010)
[2020-06-21T00:47:25-0700] Jfripper (Jfripper@ihw-rjkgcn.dodo.net.au) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:47:30-0700] Hybris (textual@ihw-bm9.d0r.16.79.IP) left IRC (Quit: My
MacBook Air has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
[2020-06-21T00:47:36-0700] rloca (manjaro-use@ihw-hi8.1l2.70.196.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:48:12-0700] <rloca> @Search Extreme Privacy
[2020-06-21T00:48:17-0700] Axel (Axel@ihw-to29p9.ipv6dyn.netcologne.de) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:48:25-0700] R3action (R3action@ihw-5td5kb.md.comcast.net) left the
[2020-06-21T00:48:25-0700] <Axel> @search Jasmine Gower
[2020-06-21T00:48:27-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:48:31-0700] <Pain> !bsk El Santo en el ultimo heroe - Leslie
Charteris.epub ::INFO:: 516.5KB
[2020-06-21T00:48:34-0700] Hiro (Hiro@ihw-fvv.bs1.246.24.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T00:48:37-0700] snowflake (snowflake@ihw-4q8m64.oc.cox.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:48:47-0700] <BishopCharlesBerkeley> @search ishiguro
[2020-06-21T00:48:52-0700] synchsynch (synchsynch@ihw-m0baao.cable.virginm.net)
left IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T00:48:53-0700] <david> @search Lord of the Rings
[2020-06-21T00:48:57-0700] xxxdamoclesxxx (JonTaylor@ihw-2ino7o.optusnet.com.au)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:49:02-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,486 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T00:49:04-0700] <xxxdamoclesxxx> @search Warriors: The Broken Code
[2020-06-21T00:49:08-0700] <rloca> @Search Extreme Privacy: What It Takes to
[2020-06-21T00:49:10-0700] <dhjak> !Xon Brandon Sanderson - [Mistborn 01] - The
Final Empire (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:49:10-0700] <Pain> !bsk El Santo en Europa - Leslie
Charteris.epub ::INFO:: 296.3KB
[2020-06-21T00:49:11-0700] <andrevdb> @search Amal El-Mohtar
[2020-06-21T00:49:13-0700] synchsynch (synchsynch@ihw-m0baao.cable.virginm.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:49:17-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,877 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T00:49:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T00:49:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T00:49:29-0700] dw (dw@ihw-f8q678.plus.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:49:35-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 79 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,526 • List: Jun
18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:49:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,678
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:49:39-0700] <andrevdb> !Oatmeal Amal El-Mohtar - The Honey Month
(v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:49:45-0700] <Fakus666|3> Terry brooks
[2020-06-21T00:49:55-0700] <Pain> !bsk El Santo en guardia - Leslie Charteris.epub
::INFO:: 308.7KB
[2020-06-21T00:49:55-0700] michal (michal@ihw-08j.hnq.188.91.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:49:59-0700] <rloca> @Find privacy
[2020-06-21T00:50:00-0700] <Fakus666|3> @search Terry brooks
[2020-06-21T00:50:00-0700] Spaghettos (Spaghettos@ihw-joc7h1.res.rr.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:50:02-0700] <arcen> @search binti
[2020-06-21T00:50:07-0700] <BishopCharlesBerkeley> !Ook Kazuo Ishiguro - The Buried
Giant (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:50:08-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:50:16-0700] <Spaghettos> @search the teenage liberation handbook
[2020-06-21T00:50:23-0700] <dhjak> @search Brandon Sanderson
[2020-06-21T00:50:31-0700] <Pain> !bsk El Santo en la jugada - Leslie
Charteris.epub ::INFO:: 321.0KB
[2020-06-21T00:50:41-0700] Jfripper (Jfripper@ihw-rjkgcn.dodo.net.au) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:50:54-0700] Jabraan (Jabraan@ihw-pa1.gsd.171.183.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:50:55-0700] Hybris (textual@ihw-ct311v.retail.telecomitalia.it)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:50:57-0700] <Pain> !bsk El Santo en Nueva York - Leslie
Charteris.epub ::INFO:: 345.6KB
[2020-06-21T00:51:08-0700] <varafel> @search the ember blade wooding
[2020-06-21T00:51:08-0700] <Spaghettos> @search grace llewellyn
[2020-06-21T00:51:16-0700] <xxxdamoclesxxx> !Horla Erin Hunter - [Warriors - The
Broken Code 01] - Lost Stars (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:51:21-0700] user2345 (user2345@ihw-frm.1va.98.101.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T00:51:23-0700] <xxxdamoclesxxx> !Horla Erin Hunter - [Warriors - The
Broken Code 02] - The Silent Thaw (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:51:23-0700] <Jabraan> @search ultimate guide to choosing
[2020-06-21T00:51:24-0700] <andrevdb> @search Jay kristoff
[2020-06-21T00:51:25-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,181 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:51:29-0700] <xxxdamoclesxxx> !Horla Erin Hunter - [Warriors - The
Broken Code 03] - Veil of Shadows (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:51:33-0700] <varafel> !Horla Chris Wooding - [The Darkwater Legacy
01] - The Ember Blade (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:51:34-0700] <SuperG> !Horla Michael Wall - Out There A Scientific
Guide to Alien Life, Antimatter, and Human Space Travel (For the Cosmically
[2020-06-21T00:51:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,607 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:51:49-0700] xxxdamoclesxxx (JonTaylor@ihw-2ino7o.optusnet.com.au)
left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T00:51:54-0700] <Jabraan> !LawdyServer The Ultimate Guide To Choosing A
Medical Specialty, 4th Edition.epub
[2020-06-21T00:51:54-0700] xxxdamoclesxxx (JonTaylor@ihw-2ino7o.optusnet.com.au)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:51:54-0700] <BishopCharlesBerkeley> !bsk Kazuo Ishiguro - The
Remains of the Day (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:51:57-0700] <dhjak> !bsk Brandon Sanderson - [Mistborn 02] - The
Well of Ascension (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:51:58-0700] Spaghettos (Spaghettos@ihw-joc7h1.res.rr.com) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T00:52:11-0700] <Pain> !bsk El Santo en Tenerife - Leslie Charteris.epub
::INFO:: 2.0MB
[2020-06-21T00:52:16-0700] <andrevdb> !Ook Jay Kristoff - [Nevernight 01] -
Nevernight (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:52:20-0700] david (david@ihw-cg0.vq7.147.2.IP) left IRC (Quit: Lost
[2020-06-21T00:52:24-0700] <dhjak> !bsk Brandon Sanderson - [Mistborn 03] - Hero of
Ages (v5.0) (html).rar
[2020-06-21T00:52:33-0700] <Axel> @searchook Jasmine Gower
[2020-06-21T00:52:51-0700] filipe (filipe@ihw-pamiuc.rev.vodafone.pt) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:52:52-0700] <dhjak> !bsk Brandon Sanderson - [Mistborn 04] - The
Alloy of Law (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T00:53:08-0700] <dhjak> !bsk Brandon Sanderson - [Mistborn 05] - Shadows
of Self.epub
[2020-06-21T00:53:08-0700] <Axel> !bsk Jasmine Gower - Moonshine (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:53:15-0700] synchsynch (synchsynch@ihw-m0baao.cable.virginm.net)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:53:21-0700] roli (roli@ihw-49u0bg.kv3s.p4lm.1205.2a02.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T00:53:23-0700] <roli> !Horla Anabelle Read - Un dernier pas de danse
[2020-06-21T00:53:23-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Campoy - [Les enquêtes d'Alfred et
Agatha 01] - L'affaire des oiseaux [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:53:24-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Campoy - [Les enquêtes d'Alfred et
Agatha 02] - Qu'est [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:53:26-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Campoy - [Les enquêtes d'Alfred et
Agatha 03] - L'extraordinaire invention du Dr Sorenson [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:53:28-0700] <filipe> @searchook Towers of Midnight
[2020-06-21T00:53:28-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Campoy - [Les enquêtes d'Alfred et
Agatha 04] - La pianiste qui en savait trop [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:53:28-0700] <Pain> !bsk El Santo errante - Leslie
Charteris.epub ::INFO:: 302.2KB
[2020-06-21T00:53:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 4/6 • Queued: 81 • Speed: 497,842cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,545 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:53:30-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Campoy - [Les enquêtes d'Alfred et
Agatha 05] - À la poursuite du tigre blanc [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:53:30-0700] Axel (Axel@ihw-to29p9.ipv6dyn.netcologne.de) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T00:53:32-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Campoy - [Les enquêtes d'Alfred et
Agatha 06] - Le fantôme de Covent Garden [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:53:34-0700] <dhjak> !bsk Brandon Sanderson - [Mistborn 06] - The
Bands of Mourning.epub
[2020-06-21T00:53:34-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Campoy - [Les enquêtes d'Alfred et
Agatha 07] - La malédiction d'Amon-Râ [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:53:36-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Campoy - [Les enquêtes d'Alfred et
Agatha 08] - On a volé la Joconde [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:53:46-0700] Jambo (jambo@ihw-fpc5j3.1lfo.bubd.9800.2405.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:54:02-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,486 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T00:54:05-0700] Van (Dave@ihw-7ka.fde.253.213.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:54:08-0700] andrevdb (andrevdb@ihw-6e9.n1v.193.41.IP) left the
[2020-06-21T00:54:14-0700] marychaann (marychaann@ihw-i8tpt9.enabler.ne.jp) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T00:54:17-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,878 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T00:54:20-0700] <filipe> !Oatmeal Robert Jordan - [Wheel of Time 13] -
Towers of Midnight - Brandon Sanderson (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.5MB
[2020-06-21T00:54:25-0700] michal (michal@ihw-08j.hnq.188.91.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:54:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T00:54:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T00:54:29-0700] <Van> !trainpacks
[2020-06-21T00:54:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,678
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:54:52-0700] <roli> !Horla Anael - La pretresse aux mille petales.
Prelude [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:54:52-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaelle Rebuffo - Banshee [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:54:52-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [Lune sibérienne - Saison 3 01] -
Les origines - Tome 1 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:54:52-0700] <dhjak> !bsk Brandon Sanderson - [Mistborn 01] - The
Final Empire.epub
[2020-06-21T00:54:54-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [Lune sibérienne - Saison 3 01] -
Les origines, Tome 1 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:54:55-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [Lune sibérienne - Saison 3 02] -
Les origines - Tome 2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:54:56-0700] <Pain> !bsk El Santo juega con fuego - Leslie
Charteris.epub ::INFO:: 539.1KB
[2020-06-21T00:54:58-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [Lune sibérienne - Saison 3 02] -
Les origines, Tome 2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:54:59-0700] <roli> !Horla Anael - Seule parmi eux [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:55:00-0700] Hybris (textual@ihw-ct311v.retail.telecomitalia.it) left
IRC (Quit: My MacBook Air has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
[2020-06-21T00:55:08-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:55:21-0700] <dhjak> !bsk Brandon Sanderson - [Mistborn 02] - The
Well of Ascension.epub
[2020-06-21T00:55:37-0700] <@LawdyServer> [dlFilter] Are the responses to your
requests getting lost in the crowd? Are your @find responses spread about? If you
are using mIRC as your IRC client then download dlFilter version 2.13 from
https://github.com/DukeLupus/dlFilter/ and make your time in #ebooks less
[2020-06-21T00:55:46-0700] jaspercat (jaspercat@ihw-cd5567.static.aussiebb.net)
left the channel
[2020-06-21T00:55:55-0700] nonnymouse (nonnymouse@ihw-o1v.0hk.243.216.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T00:56:01-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [J'veux pas de mec ! 00] - J'veux
pas de mec ! Intégrale [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:56:01-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [J'veux pas de mec ! 01] - J'veux
pas de mec ! Tome 1 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:56:01-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [J'veux pas de mec ! 02] - J'veux
pas de mec ! Tome 2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:56:02-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [J'veux pas de mec ! 03] - J'veux
pas de mec ! Tome 3 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:56:05-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [J'veux pas de mec ! 04] - J'veux
pas de mec ! Tome 4 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:56:05-0700] <dhjak> !bsk Brandon Sanderson - [Mistborn 03] - The
Hero of Ages.epub
[2020-06-21T00:56:07-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [J'veux pas de mec ! 05] - J'veux
pas de mec ! Tome 5 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:56:26-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,181 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:56:28-0700] <Pain> !bsk El Santo tropieza con su igual - Leslie
Charteris.epub ::INFO:: 639.4KB
[2020-06-21T00:56:44-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,607 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:56:47-0700] Van (Dave@ihw-7ka.fde.253.213.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T00:56:50-0700] <arcen> !Oatmeal Nnedi Okorafor - [Binti 01-03] - Binti-
The Complete Trilogy (retail)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T00:56:57-0700] <Pain> !bsk El Santo va al Oeste - Leslie Charteris.epub
::INFO:: 418.1KB
[2020-06-21T00:57:05-0700] pete-089-76857463576 (pete@ihw-ghhl24.iprimus.net.au)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:57:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T00:57:12-0700] Kathy975 (Kathy975@ihw-50u.0a7.102.212.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:57:25-0700] <Pain> !bsk El Santo, frente a Scotland Yard - Leslie
Charteris.epub ::INFO:: 414.9KB
[2020-06-21T00:57:35-0700] Hybris (textual@ihw-ct311v.retail.telecomitalia.it)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:57:42-0700] Hybris (textual@ihw-ct311v.retail.telecomitalia.it) left
IRC (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
[2020-06-21T00:57:47-0700] <Pain> !bsk El Santo, vengador - Leslie
Charteris.epub ::INFO:: 312.3KB
[2020-06-21T00:57:49-0700] sorter (androirc@ihw-oo3.436.103.103.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T00:57:51-0700] <roli> !Horla Anacharsis Cloots - La Republique du genre
humain [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:57:51-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana de Lis - Le decodeur de Cinquante
nuances de Grey [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:57:51-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana de Lis - Le décodeur de Cinquante
nuances de Grey [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:57:53-0700] <roli> !Horla Anae Lambre - La Fiancee du Viking
[2020-06-21T00:57:54-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 19/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 214,506cps • Next: NOW • Served:
3,190,414 • List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T00:57:54-0700] dhjak (jerick@ihw-4g3.jn9.229.199.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T00:57:55-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaé Lambre - La rebelle de l'Agora
[2020-06-21T00:57:57-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - Aujourd'hui est à moi, demain est
à toi [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:57:59-0700] <roli> !Horla Anael - Cette note qui nous unit [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:58:01-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [Hellwood 02] - Hellwood - Tome 2
[2020-06-21T00:58:02-0700] Oon (Oon@ihw-ebh.314.84.165.IP) left IRC (Quit: This
computer has gone to sleep)
[2020-06-21T00:58:03-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [Hellwood 02] - Hellwood, Tome 2
[2020-06-21T00:58:03-0700] JoeBloogs (JoeBloogs@ihw-rg1dtv.ftth.web.africa) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T00:58:05-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [Hellwood 03] - Hellwood - Tome 3
[2020-06-21T00:58:07-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [Hellwood 03] - Hellwood, Tome 3
[2020-06-21T00:58:19-0700] <Pain> !bsk Entra el Santo - Leslie Charteris.epub
::INFO:: 462.2KB
[2020-06-21T00:58:28-0700] BishopCharlesBerkeley (bishopcharl@ihw-
kjosku.fios.verizon.net) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T00:58:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 77 • Speed: 447,235cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,560 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:58:38-0700] CCInspace0 (CCInspace0@ihw-t6p.v28.115.93.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T00:58:43-0700] <Pain> !bsk Era una dama - Leslie Charteris.epub
::INFO:: 997.5KB
[2020-06-21T00:59:03-0700] <roli> !Horla Anael Verdier - Chambre 501 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:59:03-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël Verdier - Semaines Père [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:59:03-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël Verdier - [Sorcières & magiciens -
Larmes félines 01] - Les 3 soeurs [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:59:05-0700] <roli> !Horla Anael Verdier - [Sorcières & magiciens -
Larmes félines 02] - Initiations [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:59:05-0700] <Pain> !bsk La escapatoria de El Santo - Leslie
Charteris.epub ::INFO:: 438.8KB
[2020-06-21T00:59:07-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël Verdier - [Sorcières & magiciens -
Larmes félines 03] - Apprentissages [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:59:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Anael - Warriors -1- [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:59:10-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T00:59:11-0700] <roli> !Horla Anael - Warriors -2- [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:59:13-0700] <roli> !Horla Anael - Warriors -3- [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:59:15-0700] <roli> !Horla Anael - Warriors -4- [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T00:59:17-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,878 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T00:59:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T00:59:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T00:59:31-0700] <Pain> !bsk La intromision del Santo - Leslie
Charteris.epub ::INFO:: 417.3KB
[2020-06-21T00:59:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,678
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T00:59:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,730
(2103.81 GB)
[2020-06-21T00:59:54-0700] <Pain> !bsk Llamada para El Santo - Leslie
Charteris.epub ::INFO:: 442.0KB
[2020-06-21T00:59:58-0700] Guest60 (textual@ihw-rfq.klr.225.64.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:00:06-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [Silverglow 09] - Silverglow -
Tome 9 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:00:06-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [Silverglow 09] - Silverglow, Tome
9 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:00:06-0700] <roli> !Horla Anael - [Silverglow 0] - Prelude [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:00:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:00:08-0700] <roli> !Horla Anael - Sugar Wolf -1- [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:00:10-0700] <roli> !Horla Anael - Sugar Wolf -2- [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:00:12-0700] dibsoar (dibsoar@ihw-6k5.sqq.198.62.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:00:13-0700] <roli> !Horla Anael - Sugar Wolf -3- [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:00:13-0700] <Guest60> search So Long a Letter
[2020-06-21T01:00:14-0700] <roli> !Horla Anael - Sugar Wolf -4- [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:00:16-0700] <roli> !Horla Anael - Sugar Wolf - L'integrale [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:00:20-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,486 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T01:00:23-0700] <Pain> !bsk Otra vez El Santo - Leslie
Charteris.epub ::INFO:: 267.5KB
[2020-06-21T01:00:28-0700] test1111111 (thomas_cat@ihw-cd5567.static.aussiebb.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:00:37-0700] <Guest60> @search So Long a Letter
[2020-06-21T01:00:37-0700] Pain (chatzilla@ihw-enhp2i.dyn.plus.net) left IRC (Quit:
ChatZilla 0.9.92-rdmsoft [XULRunner 35.0.1/20150122214805])
[2020-06-21T01:00:50-0700] <test1111111> @search tour of the calculus
[2020-06-21T01:00:50-0700] synchsynch (synchsynch@ihw-m0baao.cable.virginm.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:01:02-0700] oran (oran@oran.oran.oran) left IRC (Quit: My MacBook
has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
[2020-06-21T01:01:26-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,181 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:01:36-0700] bludixdc (bludixdc@ihw-oan.qla.224.149.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:01:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,730
(2103.81 GB)
[2020-06-21T01:01:44-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,607 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:01:50-0700] <Sohee> !Oatmeal Kendare Blake - [Three Dark Crowns 03]
- Two Dark Reigns (retail)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:01:55-0700] Dukkk (Dukkk@ihw-tkm.no0.197.142.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:02:00-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [Silverglow 01] - Silverglow -
Tome 1 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:02:00-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [Silverglow 01] - Silverglow, Tome
1 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:02:00-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [Silverglow 02] - Silverglow -
Tome 2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:02:02-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [Silverglow 02] - Silverglow, Tome
2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:02:04-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [Silverglow 03] - Silverglow -
Tome 3 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:02:06-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [Silverglow 03] - Silverglow, Tome
3 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:02:08-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [Silverglow 04] - Silverglow -
Tome 4 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:02:10-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [Silverglow 04] - Silverglow, Tome
4 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:02:12-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [Silverglow 05] - Silverglow -
Tome 5 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:02:14-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [Silverglow 05] - Silverglow, Tome
5 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:02:14-0700] Oon (Oon@ihw-ebh.314.84.165.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:02:16-0700] <test1111111> @search Tell Your Story to the World
[2020-06-21T01:02:19-0700] Rune (Rune@ihw-5hv.78k.33.65.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:02:25-0700] test1111111 (thomas_cat@ihw-cd5567.static.aussiebb.net)
left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T01:02:39-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T01:02:39-0700] erling (erling@ihw-bq9.j8b.230.46.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:02:40-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [Silverglow 06] - Silverglow -
Tome 6 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:02:40-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [Silverglow 06] - Silverglow, Tome
6 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:02:40-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [Silverglow 07] - Silverglow -
Tome 7 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:02:42-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [Silverglow 07] - Silverglow, Tome
7 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:02:44-0700] <Rune> @search Star Child
[2020-06-21T01:02:44-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [Silverglow 08] - Silverglow -
Tome 8 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:02:46-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaël - [Silverglow 08] - Silverglow, Tome
8 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:02:48-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Holub - Se libérer par le pardon
[2020-06-21T01:02:50-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaïck de Launay - Un instant d'infini
[2020-06-21T01:02:51-0700] Da_Cucumber (kvirc@ihw-cg7614.retail.telecomitalia.it)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:02:52-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaïk De Launay - Dans le sillage de
l'amour [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:02:53-0700] <Sohee> !Oatmeal Kendare Blake - [Three Dark Crowns 02]
- One Dark Throne (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:02:54-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaik de Launay - Le dernier bal [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:02:55-0700] <Da_Cucumber> @search Ken Greenhall
[2020-06-21T01:02:56-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaïs Airelle - Pourquoi j'meurs tout
l'temps [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:02:58-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaïs Anore - [Les soeurs Anderson 01] -
Prêt pour l'amour [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:03:00-0700] <roli> !Horla Anais Barbeau-Lavalette - La femme qui
fuit [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:03:00-0700] filipe (filipe@ihw-pamiuc.rev.vodafone.pt) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:03:09-0700] <Sohee> !Oatmeal Kendare Blake - [Three Dark Crowns 0.2]
- The Young Queens (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:03:21-0700] mcampl22 (kvirc@ihw-6f8osg.wa.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:03:25-0700] <mcampl22> @search achatz
[2020-06-21T01:03:26-0700] afsgdhijfio (afsgdhijfi@ihw-cn0.0tg.182.91.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T01:03:26-0700] <Da_Cucumber> !Ook Ken Greenhall - Elizabeth (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:03:26-0700] <Sohee> !Oatmeal Kendare Blake - [Three Dark Crowns] -
The Oracle Queen (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:03:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 65 • Speed: 429,736cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,579 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:03:33-0700] <afsgdhijfio> @search where the crawdads sing
[2020-06-21T01:03:35-0700] <+Bookimp> @SearchBot-Trigger
[2020-06-21T01:03:38-0700] <Guest60> @search Nikky Finney
[2020-06-21T01:03:53-0700] varafel (varafel@ihw-4co.5ku.131.65.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T01:03:54-0700] <mcampl22> !LawdyServer Grant Achatz - Grant Achatz -
Alinea Full E-Book.pdf ::INFO:: 715.8MB
[2020-06-21T01:03:54-0700] <mcampl22> !LawdyServer Achatz, Grant Burggraaf, Charity
Ray, Joe Wetzel, Blaine Sea And Smoke Flavors From The Untamed Pacific Northwest
Running Press 2015.pdf ::INFO:: 33.4MB
[2020-06-21T01:03:54-0700] Da_Cucumber (kvirc@ihw-cg7614.retail.telecomitalia.it)
left IRC (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
[2020-06-21T01:03:56-0700] <afsgdhijfio> !Oatmeal Delia Owens - Where the Crawdads
Sing (epub).rar ::INFO:: 3.6MB
[2020-06-21T01:04:06-0700] vojojojojo (vojojojojo@ihw-
lrpjkj.k1mc.i1d0.1c06.2001.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:04:14-0700] afsgdhijfio (afsgdhijfi@ihw-cn0.0tg.182.91.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T01:04:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T01:04:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T01:04:29-0700] dhjak (jerick@ihw-sq3.jn9.229.199.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:04:33-0700] Guest60 (textual@ihw-rfq.klr.225.64.IP) left IRC (The
TLS connection was non-properly terminated.)
[2020-06-21T01:04:37-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,678
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:04:37-0700] vegaman (vegaman@ihw-a20.e6t.66.103.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:04:47-0700] <Rune> !Horla Leonard Petracci - [Star Child 01] -
Places of Power (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:04:47-0700] <Rune> !Horla Leonard Petracci - [Star Child - Places of
Power 02] - Negative Film (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:04:47-0700] <Rune> !Horla Leonard Petracci - [Star Child - Places of
Power 03] - Titan Song (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:04:53-0700] Esme5_ (Esme5@ihw-fqe.tdd.138.144.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:04:56-0700] <mr_gant> @search andrew rowe
[2020-06-21T01:05:02-0700] feyre (feyre@ihw-fve.g3t.4.50.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T01:05:05-0700] <Sohee> !Oatmeal Kendare Blake - [Three Dark Crowns] -
Queens of Fennbirn (The Young Queens; The Oracle Queen) (eupb).rar
[2020-06-21T01:05:12-0700] <roli> !Horla Anais Barbeau-Lavalette - La femme qui
fuit [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:05:12-0700] <roli> !Horla Anais Berly-Godefroid - Le masque et
l'enfant [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:05:12-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaïs Bliss - Le journal d'une It-Girl -1-
[2020-06-21T01:05:13-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:05:14-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaïs Bliss - Le journal d'une It-Girl -2-
Moi en mieux [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:05:16-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaïs Condomines & Emmanuelle Friedmann -
Cyberharcèlement [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:05:17-0700] <Esme5_> @search chrissy teigen
[2020-06-21T01:05:18-0700] <roli> !Horla Anais Cros - [Les lunes de Sang 01] - Les
lunes de sang [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:05:18-0700] <vojojojojo> @search Ted Chiang
[2020-06-21T01:05:18-0700] bgb (bgb@ihw-833.nki.238.104.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:05:20-0700] <roli> !Horla Anais Cros - [Les lunes de Sang 02] - La
lune noire [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:05:21-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,486 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T01:05:22-0700] <roli> !Horla Anais Cros - [Les lunes de Sang 03] -
Metamorphose [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:05:24-0700] <roli> !Horla Anais Cros - [Les lunes de Sang 04] -
Crepuscules [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:05:26-0700] <roli> !Horla Anais Cros - [Les Lunes de Sang 05] - Les
enfants de la Magie [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:05:28-0700] <vegaman> @search andrew rowe
[2020-06-21T01:05:37-0700] padrician (pastryman@ihw-94p.189.89.152.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:05:39-0700] <mr_gant> !bsk Andrew Rowe - [Arcane Ascension 02] - On
the Shoulders of Titans (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:05:44-0700] <dhjak> !bsk Brandon Sanderson - [Mistborn 01] - The
Final Empire (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:05:50-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Dan Jones - The Hollow Crown- The
Wars of the Roses and the Rise of the Tudors (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:05:54-0700] adampalli (adamgilli@ihw-t8k.ilj.17.84.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:06:06-0700] <Rune> @search Places of Power
[2020-06-21T01:06:09-0700] <Esme5_> !shytot Cravings_ Hungry for More - Chrissy
Teigen & Adeena Sussman.epub
[2020-06-21T01:06:15-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Dan Jones - Magna Carta- The Making
and Legacy of the Great Charter (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:06:24-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:06:26-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,181 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:06:26-0700] Argetlahm (Argetlahm@ihw-kmmvas.singnet.com.sg) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T01:06:27-0700] <Esme5_> !DV8 Teigen, Chrissy - Cravings Hungry For More
[2020-06-21T01:06:32-0700] <vojojojojo> !bsk Ted Chiang - Exhalation- Stories
(retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 891.2KB
[2020-06-21T01:06:33-0700] <Argetlahm> @search kirill
[2020-06-21T01:06:35-0700] SemiTrailer (SemiTrailer@ihw-e9o.huq.136.1.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T01:06:41-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:06:44-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 30,174cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,607 •
List: Jun 20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:06:49-0700] reverie__ (reverie@ihw-rspa7c.ca.comcast.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:06:50-0700] Oon (Oon@ihw-ebh.314.84.165.IP) left IRC (Quit: This
computer has gone to sleep)
[2020-06-21T01:06:50-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Dan Jones - Summer of Blood- The
Peasants Revolt of 1381 (retail) (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T01:07:01-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Dan Jones - The Templars- The Rise
and Fall of God's Holy Warriors (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:07:05-0700] Argetlahm (Argetlahm@ihw-kmmvas.singnet.com.sg) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T01:07:14-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,880 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T01:07:22-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaïs Danière - Protect You [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:07:22-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaïs Denet - Troadec et moi [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:07:23-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaïs Doyé - [Les chroniques de Montfernon
01] - La chute [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:07:24-0700] <SemiTrailer> @search Trevor Noah
[2020-06-21T01:07:25-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaîs Fléchet - « Si tu vas à Rio... » La
musique brésilienne en France au XXe sciècle [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:07:27-0700] <+MusicWench> French and English ebooks!• Type:
@MusicWench For My List Of: 46,699 Files • Slots: 3/3 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps •
Next: NOW • Served: 295,765 • List: Jun 20th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:07:27-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaïs Guilet - Comme le feu dévore
rapidement le papier. Lire Mark Z. Danielewski [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:07:28-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Dan Jones - The Plantagenets- The
Warrior Kings and Queens Who Made England (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:07:28-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:07:30-0700] <roli> !Horla Anais Guilmet - [Zéphyria 01] - Néphilim
[2020-06-21T01:07:31-0700] <roli> !Horla Anais Jeanneret - La solitude des soirs
d'ete [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:07:33-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaïs Jeanneret - Nos vie insoupçonnées
[2020-06-21T01:07:35-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaïs Joseph - Un océan de promesses
[2020-06-21T01:07:37-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaïs Llobet - Les mains lâchées [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:07:39-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaïs M - [A travers ses yeux 01] -
Subjugués [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:07:58-0700] Rune (Rune@ihw-5hv.78k.33.65.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T01:08:01-0700] adamgilli (adamgilli@ihw-0cv.r68.82.103.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:08:10-0700] adamgilli (adamgilli@ihw-0cv.r68.82.103.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:08:33-0700] oldrockerAZ (rocker@ihw-eje.b7l.62.69.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:08:46-0700] jimjoetheeighth (jimjoetheei@ihw-4co.5ku.131.65.IP) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T01:08:49-0700] <+TrainFiles> For my list of 198106 files type:
@TrainFiles, Sends: 0/5 , Queue: 0/10, Voicepriority: OFF, For help: @TrainFiles-
help Using: Irssi Findbot v1.58
[2020-06-21T01:09:02-0700] <oldrockerAZ> @oatmeal
[2020-06-21T01:09:02-0700] <Sohee> !Oatmeal Jay Kristoff - [Nevernight 02] -
Godsgrave (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:09:07-0700] <+ps2> •·File Server Online·• Trigger..::/ctcp ps2 !
ps::.. On server..::Books of all subjects, comics, wargames & RPGs (mostly pdf)::..
Note..::On Undernet & IRCHighWay: @ps2 for instructions or /ctcp ps2 !ps to enter.
Elsewhere: @ps for instructions or /ctcp ps !ps to enter. You can also get my files
from phoomphy (@phoomphy for the filelist).::.. .•«UPP»•.
[2020-06-21T01:09:11-0700] Fate (Fate@ihw-dub.op0.149.24.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:09:13-0700] synchsynch (synchsynch@ihw-m0baao.cable.virginm.net)
left IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T01:09:20-0700] bgb (bgb@ihw-833.nki.238.104.IP) left IRC (Ping timeout:
121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:09:25-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Marc Morris - The Norman Conquest-
The Battle of Hastings and the Fall of Anglo-Saxon England (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:09:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T01:09:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T01:09:28-0700] nofu34 (nofu@ihw-5m1vr6.ip-193-70-13.eu) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:09:33-0700] synchsynch (synchsynch@ihw-m0baao.cable.virginm.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:09:35-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 78 • Speed: 437,988cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,588 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:09:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,678
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:09:41-0700] <Sohee> !Oatmeal Jay Kristoff - [Nevernight 03] -
Darkdawn (Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:09:50-0700] <Fate> @search roadie
[2020-06-21T01:09:56-0700] dhjak (jerick@ihw-sq3.jn9.229.199.IP) left IRC (The TLS
connection was non-properly terminated.)
[2020-06-21T01:09:56-0700] adampalli (adamgilli@ihw-t8k.ilj.17.84.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:10:05-0700] <SemiTrailer> !shytot Trevor Noah - Born a Crime-
Stories from a South African Childhood (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:10:08-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:10:20-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,487 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T01:10:34-0700] <nofu34> @search mountains of madness
[2020-06-21T01:10:35-0700] adampalli (adamgilli@ihw-0cv.r68.82.103.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:10:49-0700] JaKe (JaKe@ihw-mvnub7.res.spectrum.com) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:10:52-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Marc Morris - A Great and Terrible
King (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:10:52-0700] oldrockerAZ (rocker@ihw-eje.b7l.62.69.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T01:11:05-0700] <vojojojojo> @search frank herbert dune
[2020-06-21T01:11:10-0700] <SemiTrailer> !shytot Trevor Noah - Born a Crime-
Stories from a South African Childhood (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:11:12-0700] Esme5_ (Esme5@ihw-fqe.tdd.138.144.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T01:11:22-0700] llllls (llllls@ihw-6bees5.cable.virginm.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:11:24-0700] <Fate> !Oatmeal C M Stunich - [Rock-Hard Beautiful 02] -
Roadie (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:11:25-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,181 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:11:44-0700] <SemiTrailer> !shytot Trevor Noah - Born a Crime-
Stories from a South African Childhood (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:11:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,608 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:11:46-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Ian Mortimer - The Perfect King-
The Life of Edward III, Father of the English Nation (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:12:04-0700] malicioussquirr (malicioussq@ihw-doo1ta.dynamic.kabel-
deutschland.de) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:12:15-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,880 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T01:12:17-0700] <SemiTrailer> !bsk Trevor Noah - Born a Crime- Stories
from a South African Childhood (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:12:24-0700] Esme29 (Esme5@ihw-fqe.tdd.138.144.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:12:24-0700] <malicioussquirr> @search test
[2020-06-21T01:12:28-0700] <Esme29> @search john bolton
[2020-06-21T01:12:29-0700] Fate (Fate@ihw-dub.op0.149.24.IP) left the channel
[2020-06-21T01:12:48-0700] <vojojojojo> !Xon Frank Herbert - [Dune 01] - Dune (40th
Anniversary Edition) (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:12:54-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 19/20 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 16,384cps • Next: NOW • Served:
3,190,432 • List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:13:00-0700] <nofu34> !shytot H P Lovecraft - [Essential Gothic, SF &
Dark Fantasy 01] - At the Mountains of Madness (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:13:00-0700] Esme29 (Esme5@ihw-fqe.tdd.138.144.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T01:13:05-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Ian Mortimer - 1415- Henry V's Year
of Glory (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:13:13-0700] <dny238> • Type: @dny238 For My List Of: 4,015 Files •
Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,192 • List: Jun 3rd
• Search: OFF • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:13:19-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Ian Mortimer - The Fears of Henry
IV- The Life of England's Self-Made King (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:13:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 75 • Speed: 454,209cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,596 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:13:31-0700] alexose (alexose@ihw-3g7.c5d.247.162.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:13:35-0700] synchsynch (synchsynch@ihw-m0baao.cable.virginm.net)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:13:36-0700] <Sohee> !Oatmeal Jay Kristoff - [Nevernight 01] -
[2020-06-21T01:13:44-0700] <malicioussquirr> @search Lord of the Rings
[2020-06-21T01:13:55-0700] abscess (IamAsatelit@ihw-j45.tvv.158.187.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T01:14:12-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Thomas Asbridge - The Greatest
Knight- The Remarkable Life of William Marshal, the Power Behind Five English
Thrones (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:14:12-0700] adamgilli (adamgilli@ihw-0cv.r68.82.103.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:14:17-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaïs Mony - Amnesia [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:14:17-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaïs Mony - Dans l'ombre [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:14:17-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaïs Mony - Méli-mélo de romances
[2020-06-21T01:14:19-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaïs Nin - Auletris [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:14:21-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaïs Nin - Vénus Érotica [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:14:23-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaïs Raphaël - Comme une evidence
[2020-06-21T01:14:25-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaïs Raphaël - Tout s'écroule [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:14:27-0700] <roli> !Horla Anais Sauvage - L'emprise [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:14:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T01:14:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T01:14:28-0700] adamgilli (adamgilli@ihw-oki.fb7.232.185.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:14:29-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaïs Valard - Dans le coeur de l'incendie
[2020-06-21T01:14:31-0700] <roli> !Horla Anais Valente - En direct du paradis,
enfer compris ! [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:14:32-0700] jadestewry (jadestewry@ihw-jq2.b0b.72.188.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:14:33-0700] <roli> !Horla Anais Valente - La celib'attitude des
Paresseuses [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:14:35-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaïs Vanel - Tout quitter [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:14:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,678
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:14:37-0700] <roli> !Horla Anais Vaugelade - Dans les basquettes de
Babakar [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:14:37-0700] adampalli (adamgilli@ihw-0cv.r68.82.103.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:14:58-0700] <malicioussquirr> !MusicWench J R R Tolkien - [Lord of
the Rings 01-03] - The Lord of the Rings (50th Anniversary ed) (epub).epub
::INFO:: 7.1MB
[2020-06-21T01:15:03-0700] mcampl22 (kvirc@ihw-6f8osg.wa.comcast.net) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T01:15:07-0700] Inksong (Inksong@ihw-o5l.i3u.107.103.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:15:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:15:16-0700] timw_mk (timw_mk@ihw-hdttv5.cpe.atlanticbb.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T01:15:19-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Desmond Seward - The Last White
Rose- Dynasty, Rebellion and Treason- The Secret Wars against the Tudors (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T01:15:20-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,487 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T01:15:27-0700] <Inksong> @search the room where it happened
[2020-06-21T01:15:45-0700] PoeticallyDivine (PoeticallyD@ihw-
8pbies.dyn.optonline.net) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:15:56-0700] <roli> !Horla Anais W. - L'espoir au corps [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:15:56-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaïs W - [Suivre les vagues 01] - À
contre-courant [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:15:56-0700] <roli> !Horla Anaïs W - [Suivre les vagues 02] - Au gré
du vent [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:15:58-0700] pete-089-76857463576 (pete@ihw-ghhl24.iprimus.net.au)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:15:58-0700] <roli> !Horla Anakana Schofield - Martin John [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:16:00-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal G J Meyer - The Tudors- The
Complete Story of England's Most Notorious Dynasty (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:16:00-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana K. Anderson - Indompté [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:16:02-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana K Anderson - Les lettres de Sunny
[2020-06-21T01:16:04-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana K. Anderson - Les lettres de Sunny
[2020-06-21T01:16:06-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana K Anderson - Sexy Scandal [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:16:08-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Ker - Tinder surprise [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:16:08-0700] <malicioussquirr> @search handbuch zeitreisende
[2020-06-21T01:16:10-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Alchimie 01] - Alchimie -
Tome 1 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:16:12-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Alchimie 02] - Alchimie -
Tome 2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:16:14-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Alchimie 03] - Alchimie -
Tome 3 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:16:16-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - Analia Noir, Le Best Of
Erotique [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:16:18-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - Apprends-moi [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:16:21-0700] <SemiTrailer> @search Any Ordinary Day
[2020-06-21T01:16:26-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,181 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:16:30-0700] omad1458 (omad1458@ihw-srr25p.dynamic-ip.hinet.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:16:34-0700] <jadestewry> @Search <oxford>
[2020-06-21T01:16:38-0700] CCInspace0 (CCInspace0@ihw-t6p.v28.115.93.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:16:38-0700] <CCInspace0> @search Ruth Ware
[2020-06-21T01:16:44-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,609 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:16:47-0700] <omad1458> @search i'm your emotional support animal
[2020-06-21T01:17:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T01:17:12-0700] <malicioussquirr> !shytot J R R Tolkien - [Lord of the
Rings 01-03] - The Lord of the Rings (50th Anniversary ed) (epub).epub ::INFO::
[2020-06-21T01:17:16-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,880 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T01:17:19-0700] alasmith (dpferreira@ihw-7ufl7n.52jk.h4tf.08a0.2001.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:17:24-0700] <timw_mk> @search thomas reynes
[2020-06-21T01:17:24-0700] andrew (drewbot@ihw-8hs.u8r.182.104.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:17:27-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Au premier regard 01] - Au
premier regard - Tome 1 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:17:28-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Au premier regard 02] - Au
premier regard - Tome 2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:17:28-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Au premier regard 03] - Au
premier regard - Tome 3 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:17:30-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - Au premier regard [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:17:31-0700] <SemiTrailer> !bsk Leigh Sales - Any Ordinary Day
(Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:17:31-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - Baisée par le gang [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:17:32-0700] <PoeticallyDivine> @search Mervat Abdelhak
[2020-06-21T01:17:34-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Billions 00] - Anthologie
des 3 tomes [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:17:35-0700] Trailgr1 (Android@ihw-rn7.5j6.41.73.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:17:35-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Billions 01] - Volume 1
[2020-06-21T01:17:38-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Billions 02] - Volume 2
[2020-06-21T01:17:40-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Billions 03] - Volume 3
[2020-06-21T01:17:41-0700] alexose (alexose@ihw-3g7.c5d.247.162.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:17:42-0700] omad1458 (omad1458@ihw-srr25p.dynamic-ip.hinet.net) left
IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T01:17:45-0700] andrew (drewbot@ihw-8hs.u8r.182.104.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:17:46-0700] <Trailgr1> @searchook glenn beck
[2020-06-21T01:17:59-0700] <malicioussquirr> !shytot J R R Tolkien - [Lord of the
Rings 01-03] - The Lord of the Rings (50th Anniversary ed) (epub).epub ::INFO::
[2020-06-21T01:18:07-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Ian Mortimer - The Time Traveler's
Guide to Medieval England- A Handbook for Visitors to the Fourteenth Century
[2020-06-21T01:18:17-0700] PoeticallyDivine (PoeticallyD@ihw-
8pbies.dyn.optonline.net) left the channel
[2020-06-21T01:18:23-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Ian Mortimer - The Perfect King-
The Life of Edward III, Father of the English Nation (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:18:24-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Cette proposition
irrésistible du milliardaire 01] - Tome 1 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:18:24-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Cette proposition
irrésistible du milliardaire 02] - Tome 2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:18:24-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Cette proposition
irrésistible du milliardaire 03] - Tome 3 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:18:26-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Cette proposition
irrésistible du milliardaire 04] - Tome 4 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:18:28-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Cette proposition
irrésistible du milliardaire 05] - Cette proposition irrésistible du milliardaire -
Tome 5 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:18:28-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:18:30-0700] scruffy_b (scruffy_b@ihw-kgkkng.dsl.bell.ca) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:18:30-0700] <scruffy_b> @search Investigating Deceit
[2020-06-21T01:18:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 67 • Speed: 497,425cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,605 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:18:30-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Cette proposition
irrésistible du milliardaire 06] - Cette proposition irrésistible du milliardaire -
Tome 6 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:18:32-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Cette proposition
irrésistible du milliardaire 07] - Cette proposition irrésistible du milliardaire -
Tome 7 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:18:34-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Cette proposition
irrésistible du milliardaire 08] - Cette proposition irrésistible du milliardaire -
Tome 8 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:18:36-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Cette proposition
irrésistible du milliardaire 09] - Cette proposition irrésistible du milliardaire -
Tome 9 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:18:39-0700] <jadestewry> @QuietSilence
[2020-06-21T01:18:40-0700] <Trailgr1> !bsk Glenn Beck - Dreamers and Deceivers-
True Stories of the Heroes and Villains Who Made America (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:18:51-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Ian Mortimer - The Greatest
Traitor- The Life of Sir Roger Mortimer, 1st Earl of March, Ruler of England, 1327-
1330 (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T01:19:05-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Ian Mortimer - 1415- Henry V's Year
of Glory (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:19:16-0700] <Shenbaien> @search hippopotamus
[2020-06-21T01:19:25-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Ian Mortimer - The Time Traveller's
Guide to Elizabethan England (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:19:25-0700] <CCInspace0> @search Merry Christmas Steve
[2020-06-21T01:19:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T01:19:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T01:19:33-0700] Paddodo (Username@ihw-el1.dh2.184.93.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:19:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,678
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:19:39-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Cette proposition
irrésistible du milliardaire 1 - Cette proposition irrésistible du milliardaire
-Tome 10 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:19:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,731
(2103.81 GB)
[2020-06-21T01:19:42-0700] ananuri (ident@ihw-f38ko4.fios.verizon.net) left IRC
(Quit: —I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n— 3.5.1 (October '17))
[2020-06-21T01:19:50-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Ian Mortimer - Millennium- From
Religion to Revolution- How Civilization Has Changed Over a Thousand Years (retail)
[2020-06-21T01:19:53-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T01:19:57-0700] <Shenbaien> !dragnbreaker Gedge, Pauline - Lords of the
Two Lands 01 - The Hippopotamus Marsh (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T01:20:03-0700] <Paddodo> @search You'll Never Make Love in This Town
[2020-06-21T01:20:07-0700] Halitosor (halitosor@ihw-og6.ot9.247.104.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:20:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:20:10-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Ian Mortimer - The Outcasts of Time
[2020-06-21T01:20:20-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,487 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T01:20:22-0700] <SemiTrailer> @search barbarian days
[2020-06-21T01:20:25-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Ian Mortimer - The Time Travellers
Guide to Restoration Britain (mobi)(mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T01:20:26-0700] <Paddodo> @search rolf potts
[2020-06-21T01:20:31-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:20:31-0700] <steved2000> @search Nathan Makaryk
[2020-06-21T01:20:41-0700] <Trailgr1> !bsk Glenn Beck - Cowards- What Politicians,
Radicals, and the Media Refuse to Say (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:21:12-0700] <Paddodo> Xon Rolf Potts - Vagabonding an Uncommon Guide
to the Art of Long-Term World Travel (com v4.0) (txt).rar
[2020-06-21T01:21:18-0700] <Paddodo> !Xon Rolf Potts - Vagabonding an Uncommon
Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel (com v4.0) (txt).rar
[2020-06-21T01:21:23-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - Crush, le milliardaire
interdit [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:21:23-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Dark Romance 01] - Dark
Romance - Tome 1 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:21:23-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Dark Romance 02] - Dark
Romance - Tome 2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:21:25-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Dark Romance 03] - Dark
Romance - Tome 3 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:21:25-0700] adampalli (adamgilli@ihw-0cv.r68.82.103.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:21:25-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,181 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:21:27-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - Desirs et Chatiments
[2020-06-21T01:21:29-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - Droit au But [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:21:31-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - Flagrant Delit -Integrale-
[2020-06-21T01:21:33-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - Forbidden Love [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:21:35-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - Hard Men. Le Gang de Bikers
[2020-06-21T01:21:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,732
(2103.81 GB)
[2020-06-21T01:21:44-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 87,694cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,609 •
List: Jun 20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:22:14-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,881 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T01:22:18-0700] <SemiTrailer> !JimBob420 William Finnegan - Barbarian
Days- A Surfing Life (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:22:30-0700] <Paddodo> @search oliver sachs
[2020-06-21T01:22:30-0700] <malicioussquirr> @search nickel boys
[2020-06-21T01:22:33-0700] <Trailgr1> !dragnbreaker Beck, Glenn - Liars- How
Progressives Exploit Our Fears for Power and Control.epub
[2020-06-21T01:22:37-0700] <+sniffn> @ type: @xref for my crossreference list of
alternate titles and titles in collections- 0 files Slots: 2/2 Queued: 0
[2020-06-21T01:22:44-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal David Green - Edward the Black
Prince- Power in Medieval Europe (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:22:48-0700] <jadestewry> @Search <IB Prepared>
[2020-06-21T01:22:49-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Hating You, Loving You 01]
- Hating You, Loving You - Tome 1 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:22:50-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Hating You, Loving You 02]
- Hating You, Loving You - Tome 2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:22:50-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Hating You, Loving You 03]
- Hating You, Loving You - Tome 3 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:22:51-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir & Isabelle Ross - Billions
Love [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:22:53-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - Jeune fille au pair
[2020-06-21T01:22:55-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - Jeunes filles en fleurs
[2020-06-21T01:22:57-0700] <malicioussquirr> !JimBob420 Colson Whitehead - The
Nickel Boys (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 471.11KB
[2020-06-21T01:22:57-0700] <scruffy_b> @search Walk in Shadow
[2020-06-21T01:22:57-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Kidnappée par le
milliardaire 01] - Kidnappée par le milliardaire - Vol. 1 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:22:59-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Kidnappée par le
milliardaire 02] - Kidnappée par le milliardaire - Vol. 2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:23:01-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Kidnappée par le
milliardaire 03] - Kidnappée par le milliardaire - Vol. 3 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:23:08-0700] <Paddodo> @search oliver sacks
[2020-06-21T01:23:29-0700] Jfripper (Jfripper@ihw-rjkgcn.dodo.net.au) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T01:23:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 63 • Speed: 421,179cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,611 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:23:39-0700] <Trailgr1> !dragnbreaker Beck, Glenn - It IS About
Islam- Exposing the Truth About ISIS, Al Qaeda, Iran, and the Caliphate.epub
[2020-06-21T01:23:44-0700] kaiJoe (anix@ihw-8e2.jet.204.117.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:23:50-0700] nathanjones88888 (nathanjones@ihw-bju.8jq.187.202.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:23:50-0700] Jfripper (Jfripper@ihw-rjkgcn.dodo.net.au) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:23:53-0700] <Sohee> !Oatmeal William Kent Krueger - This Tender Land
(Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:23:55-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:24:03-0700] <nathanjones88888> @search nvk drake
[2020-06-21T01:24:05-0700] <malicioussquirr> @seach kill all normies
[2020-06-21T01:24:09-0700] Halitosor (halitosor@ihw-og6.ot9.247.104.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:24:17-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - La Call Girl du Milliardaire
-1- [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:24:17-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - La Call Girl du Milliardaire
-2- [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:24:17-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - La Call Girl du Milliardaire
-3- [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:24:19-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - La Call Girl du Milliardaire
- L'integrale [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:24:21-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [La fiancée accidentell 01]
- La fiancée accidentelle - Tome 2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:24:21-0700] <SemiTrailer> @search Markus Zusak
[2020-06-21T01:24:23-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [La fiancée accidentelle 01]
- La fiancée accidentelle - Tome 1 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:24:24-0700] <nathanjones88888> !Horla Temple Drake - NVK (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:24:25-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [La fiancée accidentelle 02]
- La fiancée accidentelle - Tome 3 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:24:27-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - La groupie [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:24:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T01:24:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T01:24:33-0700] adamgilli (adamgilli@ihw-oki.fb7.232.185.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:24:35-0700] <Trailgr1> !dragnbreaker Beck, Glenn - Miracles and
Massacres- True and Untold Stories of the Making of America.epub
[2020-06-21T01:24:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,681
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:24:49-0700] jadestewry (jadestewry@ihw-jq2.b0b.72.188.IP) left the
[2020-06-21T01:24:55-0700] CCInspace0 (CCInspace0@ihw-t6p.v28.115.93.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:24:55-0700] <malicioussquirr> @search angela nagle
[2020-06-21T01:25:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:25:12-0700] <malicioussquirr> @search kill all normies
[2020-06-21T01:25:16-0700] jadestewry (jadestewry@ihw-jq2.b0b.72.188.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:25:22-0700] <SemiTrailer> !bsk Markus Zusak - Bridge of Clay
[2020-06-21T01:25:24-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,487 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T01:25:24-0700] Witt (Witt@ihw-f6i.334.112.185.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:25:28-0700] <PaigeTurner> @search Never Been Kissed - Hope Ford
[2020-06-21T01:25:34-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - Son Secret -1- [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:25:34-0700] ttzz90 (ttzz90@ihw-cp8.ojn.22.81.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:25:34-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - Son Secret -2- [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:25:34-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - Tabous - L'Integrale
[2020-06-21T01:25:35-0700] <malicioussquirr> !LawdyServer Nagle - Kill All Normies;
Online Culture Wars from 4chan to the alt-right and Trump (2017).epub ::INFO::
[2020-06-21T01:25:37-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - Tension sexuelle [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:25:37-0700] <@LawdyServer> [dlFilter] Are the responses to your
requests getting lost in the crowd? Are your @find responses spread about? If you
are using mIRC as your IRC client then download dlFilter version 2.13 from
https://github.com/DukeLupus/dlFilter/ and make your time in #ebooks less
[2020-06-21T01:25:39-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Toy boy 01] - L'Initiation
[2020-06-21T01:25:40-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Un deal irrésistible 01] -
Un deal irrésistible - Tome 1 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:25:42-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Un deal irrésistible 02] -
Un deal irrésistible - Tome 2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:25:42-0700] Jfripper (Jfripper@ihw-rjkgcn.dodo.net.au) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T01:25:43-0700] Jfripper (Jfripper@ihw-rjkgcn.dodo.net.au) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:25:44-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Un deal irrésistible 03] -
Un deal irrésistible - Tome 3 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:25:46-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Un milliard de secrets 01]
- Un milliard de secrets - Tome 1 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:25:47-0700] <jadestewry> @find <the fable>
[2020-06-21T01:25:48-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Un milliard de secrets 02]
- Un milliard de secrets - Tome 2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:25:50-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Un milliard de secrets 03]
- Un milliard de secrets - Tome 3 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:25:53-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - Wake Me Up - L'integrale
[2020-06-21T01:25:55-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Barbara W Tuchman - A Distant
Mirror- The Calamitous 14th Century (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:25:57-0700] <malicioussquirr> !LawdyServer Nagle - Kill All Normies;
Online Culture Wars from 4chan to the alt-right and Trump (2017).epub ::INFO::
[2020-06-21T01:25:59-0700] <nofu34> !LawdyServer Nagle - Kill All Normies; Online
Culture Wars from 4chan to the alt-right and Trump (2017).epub
[2020-06-21T01:26:01-0700] <nathanjones88888> @search miller independence square
[2020-06-21T01:26:16-0700] <nathanjones88888> !Horla A D Miller - Independence
Square (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:26:18-0700] <PaigeTurner> @search Needing You - Hope Ford
[2020-06-21T01:26:26-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,183 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:26:39-0700] <nathanjones88888> @search clean hands hoffman
[2020-06-21T01:26:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,610 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:26:47-0700] <jadestewry> @find <the fable>
[2020-06-21T01:26:52-0700] <arcen> !Oatmeal Nnedi Okorafor - [Binti 02] - Home
(Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:26:55-0700] <nathanjones88888> !shytot Patrick Hoffman - Clean Hands
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:26:56-0700] foobar342 (foobar34@ihw-b7ip73.res.spectrum.com) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T01:26:59-0700] <foobar342> @search Crystal Mentality
[2020-06-21T01:27:03-0700] scruffy_b (scruffy_b@ihw-kgkkng.dsl.bell.ca) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:27:06-0700] <jadestewry> @find <the fable>
[2020-06-21T01:27:14-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
6/7 – Queued: 1 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,882 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T01:27:18-0700] mturker (mturker@ihw-la4.n1l.215.71.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:27:22-0700] <PaigeTurner> @search Hot Doctor - Hope Ford
[2020-06-21T01:27:22-0700] <Paddodo> !Xon Oliver Sacks - Hallucinations (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:27:24-0700] <foobar342> @search Crystal Eternity
[2020-06-21T01:27:26-0700] Hoogvlieger (Hoogvlieger@ihw-035mhm.v4.ziggo.nl) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T01:27:35-0700] cyanides (cyanides@ihw-jep8n1.sq6m.ah2n.0240.2601.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:27:37-0700] cyanides (cyanides@ihw-jep8n1.sq6m.ah2n.0240.2601.IP)
left IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T01:27:40-0700] cyanides (cyanides@ihw-jep8n1.sq6m.ah2n.0240.2601.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:27:40-0700] <malicioussquirr> !LawdyServer Nagle - Kill All Normies;
Online Culture Wars from 4chan to the alt-right and Trump (2017).epub ::INFO::
[2020-06-21T01:27:41-0700] <foobar342> !Horla Max Harms - [Crystal 02] - Crystal
Mentality (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T01:27:53-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [La petite chose du
milliardaire 01] - La petite chose du milliardaire - Tome 1 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:27:53-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [La petite chose du
milliardaire 02] - La petite chose du milliardaire - Tome 2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:27:53-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [La petite chose du
milliardaire 03] - La petite chose du milliardaire - Tome 3 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:27:54-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,452 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:27:55-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - La Putain de la Republique
-1- [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:27:56-0700] <Paddodo> !Xon Oliver Sacks - Seeing Voices- A Journey
into the World of the Deaf (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:27:57-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - La secretaire [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:27:59-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Le chantage 01] - Un marche
prometteur [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:28:01-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Le Chantage 01] - Un Marche
Prometteur [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:28:03-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Le chantage 02] -
Propositions allechantes [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:28:05-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Le Chantage 02] -
Propositions Allechantes [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:28:07-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Le chantage 03] - Plaisirs
charnels [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:28:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Le Chantage 03] - Plaisirs
Charnels [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:28:11-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - Le chantage [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:28:15-0700] ekeai (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:28:17-0700] dekekja (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:28:18-0700] malicioussquirr (malicioussq@ihw-doo1ta.dynamic.kabel-
deutschland.de) left the channel
[2020-06-21T01:28:21-0700] <foobar342> @search Max Harms
[2020-06-21T01:28:22-0700] <Paddodo> !JimBob420 Oliver Sacks - The Man Who Mistook
His Wife for a Hat (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:29:00-0700] <nathanjones88888> @search black sun matthews
[2020-06-21T01:29:08-0700] <arcen> !Oatmeal Nnedi Okorafor - [Binti 02] - Home
(retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:29:08-0700] cyanides (cyanides@ihw-jep8n1.sq6m.ah2n.0240.2601.IP)
left IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T01:29:15-0700] <Paddodo> !JimBob420 Oliver Sacks - The Island of the
Colorblind (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:29:20-0700] <nathanjones88888> !Horla Owen Matthews - Black Sun
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:29:25-0700] <Shenbaien> @search Salvation in the Sun
[2020-06-21T01:29:26-0700] Icycle (Icycle@ihw-p27kit.abo.wanadoo.fr) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:29:27-0700] <jadestewry> @Search <the fable>
[2020-06-21T01:29:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T01:29:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T01:29:30-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Le jouet de la mafia 01] -
Le jouet de la mafia - Tome 1 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:29:31-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Le jouet de la mafia 02] -
Le jouet de la mafia - Tome 2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:29:31-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Le jouet de la mafia 03] -
Le jouet de la mafia - Tome 3 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:29:32-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - Le Milliardaire Prédateur
[2020-06-21T01:29:34-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Le secret du milliardaire
01] - Le secret du milliardaire - Tome 1 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:29:35-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 85 • Speed: 437,391cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,618 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:29:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,682
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:29:36-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:29:36-0700] <Plunky> @searchook slater apartment
[2020-06-21T01:29:36-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Le secret du milliardaire
02] - Le secret du milliardaire - Tome 2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:29:38-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Le secret du milliardaire
03] - Le secret du milliardaire - Tome 3 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:29:40-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - Les perversions du
milliardaire [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:29:42-0700] <Icycle> @SEARCH CENT ONZE PARFUMS
[2020-06-21T01:29:53-0700] <PaigeTurner> @search Nothing I Want More - Hope Ford
[2020-06-21T01:29:58-0700] <Paddodo> @search Daniel Pinchbeck
[2020-06-21T01:30:06-0700] <arcen> !Oatmeal Nnedi Okorafor - [Binti 02] - Home
(retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:30:08-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:30:24-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,487 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T01:30:25-0700] <arcen> !shytot Nnedi Okorafor - [Binti 02] - Home
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:30:26-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:30:29-0700] <Plunky> !Oatmeal K L Slater - The Apartment (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:30:34-0700] <Icycle> @SEARCH YOHAN CERVI
[2020-06-21T01:30:42-0700] <Shenbaien> !Horla Lauren Lee Merewether - [The Lost
Pharaoh Chronicles 01] - Salvation in the Sun (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:30:48-0700] <Trailgr1> !dragnbreaker Beck, Glenn - Glenn Beck's
Common Sense, The Case Against an Out-of-Control Government (html).rar
[2020-06-21T01:30:49-0700] <arcen> !DV8 Nnedi Okorafor - [Binti 02] - Home (retail)
[2020-06-21T01:30:52-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Lie to Me 01] - Lie to Me -
Tome 1 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:30:52-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Lie to Me 02] - Lie to Me -
Tome 2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:30:52-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Lie to Me 03] - Lie to Me -
Tome 3 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:30:53-0700] <PaigeTurner> @search In Love with a Cowboy - Hope Ford
[2020-06-21T01:30:54-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [L'inconnu de la chambre 169
01] - L'inconnu de la chambre 169 - Tome 1 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:30:55-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [L'inconnu de la chambre 169
02] - L'inconnu de la chambre 169 - Tome 2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:30:56-0700] <Icycle> @SEARCH JEANNE DORE
[2020-06-21T01:30:57-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [L'inconnu de la chambre 169
03] - L'inconnu de la chambre 169 - Tome 3 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:30:59-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - L'Inconnu du Wagon Bar
[2020-06-21T01:31:01-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Milliardaire sans foi ni
loi 01] - Milliardaire sans foi ni loi - Tome 1 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:31:03-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Milliardaire sans foi ni
loi 02] - Milliardaire sans foi ni loi - Tome 2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:31:05-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Milliardaire sans foi ni
loi 03] - Milliardaire sans foi ni loi - Tome 3 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:31:09-0700] qwerty6987 (qwerty6987@ihw-68j78u.res.rr.com) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T01:31:16-0700] vojojojojo (vojojojojo@ihw-
lrpjkj.k1mc.i1d0.1c06.2001.IP) left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T01:31:19-0700] Icycle (Icycle@ihw-p27kit.abo.wanadoo.fr) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T01:31:23-0700] foobar342 (foobar34@ihw-b7ip73.res.spectrum.com) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T01:31:26-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,185 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:31:26-0700] SemiTrailer (SemiTrailer@ihw-e9o.huq.136.1.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:31:31-0700] <jadestewry> @Search <playboy>
[2020-06-21T01:31:34-0700] Trailgr1 (Android@ihw-rn7.5j6.41.73.IP) left IRC (Quit:
-a- IRC for Android 2.1.55)
[2020-06-21T01:31:42-0700] mturker (mturker@ihw-la4.n1l.215.71.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:31:44-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,611 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:31:58-0700] <PaigeTurner> @search Last Chance Cowboy - Hope Ford
[2020-06-21T01:32:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,883 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T01:32:16-0700] <BookLover123> @search James Grey
[2020-06-21T01:32:25-0700] <PaigeTurner> @search Claimed - Hope Ford
[2020-06-21T01:32:26-0700] tigger_ (tigger__@ihw-bo7.5ko.216.180.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:32:50-0700] <nathanjones88888> @search jeong darkness
[2020-06-21T01:32:53-0700] adi (adithya@ihw-r2s.0b1.51.106.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:32:53-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - My First Time. Le Massage
[2020-06-21T01:32:53-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [My Teacher My Lover 01] -
My Teacher My Lover - Tome 1 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:32:53-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [My Teacher My Lover 02] -
My Teacher My Lover - Tome 2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:32:53-0700] jadestewry (jadestewry@ihw-jq2.b0b.72.188.IP) left the
[2020-06-21T01:32:55-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [My Teacher My Lover 03] -
My Teacher My Lover - Tome 3 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:32:57-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Never Let Me Go 01] - Never
Let Me Go - Tome 1 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:32:59-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Never Let Me Go 02] - Never
Let Me Go - Tome 2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:33:01-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Never Let Me Go 03] - Never
Let Me Go - Tome 3 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:33:03-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - Office Games [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:33:05-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Perdre contrôle 01] -
Perdre contrôle - Tome 1 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:33:07-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Perdre contrôle 02] -
Perdre contrôle - Tome 2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:33:08-0700] <nathanjones88888> !shytot You-Jeong Jeong - Seven Years
of Darkness (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:33:08-0700] <PaigeTurner> @search Don't Hide From Me - Hope Ford
[2020-06-21T01:33:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Perdre contrôle 03] -
Perdre contrôle - Tome 3 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:33:15-0700] <nofu34> @Search warhammer
[2020-06-21T01:33:15-0700] <BookLover123> !Oatmeal James Grey - [Emma 01] - Escort
in Training [MF] (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:33:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 6/6 • Queued: 94 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,629 • List: Jun
18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:33:32-0700] <BookLover123> !Oatmeal James Grey - [Emma 02] - Escort
Unleashed [MF] (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:33:34-0700] <Paddodo> @searc jon ronson
[2020-06-21T01:33:36-0700] <PaigeTurner> @search Bricklayer - Hope Ford
[2020-06-21T01:33:50-0700] <BookLover123> !Oatmeal James Grey - [Emma 03] - Her
Calling [MF] (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:33:55-0700] <Paddodo> @search jon ronson
[2020-06-21T01:34:00-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE 01 - The
Thousand Coffin Affair - Michael Avallone (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:34:00-0700] <steved2000> @search Andrew Shanahan
[2020-06-21T01:34:07-0700] not_me (not_me@ihw-tertfb.ip.windstream.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:34:22-0700] <Paddodo> !shytot Jon Ronson - Lost at Sea- The Jon
Ronson Mysteries (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:34:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T01:34:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T01:34:36-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE 02 - The
Doomsday Affair - Harry Whittington (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:34:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,683
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:34:40-0700] <adi> @search @search jono lineen
[2020-06-21T01:34:42-0700] <PaigeTurner> @search The Billionaire Biker's Virgin -
Hope Ford
[2020-06-21T01:34:43-0700] <arcen> !Oatmeal Nnedi Okorafor - Binti (retail)
[2020-06-21T01:34:58-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE 05 - The Mad
Scientist Affair - John T Philifrent (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:35:07-0700] <PaigeTurner> @search She's Mine - Hope Ford
[2020-06-21T01:35:12-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:35:21-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE 24 - The Final
Affair - David McDaniel (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:35:24-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,488 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T01:35:32-0700] adampalli (adamgilli@ihw-0cv.r68.82.103.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:35:43-0700] <PaigeTurner> @search Mine - Hope Ford
[2020-06-21T01:35:49-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - Petite Garce -1- [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:35:49-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - Petite Garce -2- [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:35:49-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - Petite Garce -3- [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:35:51-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - PhotoShoot [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:35:53-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Remember Me 01] - Remember
Me - Tome 1 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:35:55-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE - [Magazine
1966-02] - The Howling Teenagers Affair - Dennis Lynds (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:35:55-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Remember Me 02] - Remember
Me - Tome 2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:35:56-0700] laruldan (laruldan@ihw-equd3b.nat.spd-mgts.ru) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:35:57-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Remember Me 03] - Remember
Me - Tome 3 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:35:59-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - Secret de famille [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:36:01-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - SEX CAM [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:36:02-0700] kaiJoe (anix@ihw-8e2.jet.204.117.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:36:03-0700] <nathanjones88888> @search Homeland aramburu
[2020-06-21T01:36:03-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Sexy Lawyers 01] - Sexy
Lawyers - Tome 1 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:36:05-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Sexy Lawyers 02] - Sexy
Lawyers - Tome 2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:36:10-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE - [Magazine
1966-06] - The Vanishing Act Affair - Dennis Lynds (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:36:18-0700] CCInspace0 (CCInspace0@ihw-t6p.v28.115.93.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:36:20-0700] <nathanjones88888> !Horla Fernando Aramburu - Homeland
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:36:26-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,185 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:36:27-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE - [Magazine
1966-07] - The Ghost Riders Affair - Harry Whittington (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:36:27-0700] <CCInspace0> @search Scott
[2020-06-21T01:36:35-0700] <PaigeTurner> @search My Everything - Hope Ford
[2020-06-21T01:36:38-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE - [Magazine
1966-08] - The Cat and Mouse Affair - Robert Hart Davis (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:36:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,613 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:36:54-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE - [Magazine
1966-12] - The Goliath Affair - John Jakes (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:36:54-0700] panpanpan (panpanpan@ihw-l4sgca.biz.spectrum.com) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T01:37:04-0700] <Shenbaien> @search guitar
[2020-06-21T01:37:08-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE - [Magazine
1967-05] - The Synthetic Storm Affair - I G Edmonds (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:37:10-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:37:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T01:37:12-0700] <PaigeTurner> @search Knox Dude Ranch - Hope Ford
[2020-06-21T01:37:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,883 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T01:37:21-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE - [Magazine
1967-12] - The Pillars of Salt Affair - Bill Pronzini (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:37:42-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE 03 - The
Copenhagen Affair - John Oram (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:37:50-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - Sexy Summer [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:37:50-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Shades of Love 01] - Shades
of Love - Tome 1 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:37:50-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Shades of Love 02] - Shades
of Love - Tome 2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:37:52-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Shades of Love 03] - Shades
of Love - Tome 3 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:37:54-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Shades of Love 04] - Shades
of Love - Tome 4 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:37:55-0700] <Plunky> @searchook Vicky Ushakova
[2020-06-21T01:37:56-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Shades of Love 05] - Shades
of Love - Tome 5 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:37:56-0700] <adi> @search @search jono lineen
[2020-06-21T01:37:57-0700] Cian (cian@ihw-5agjbe.dyn.telefonica.de) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:37:58-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE 04 - The Dagger
Affair - David McDaniel (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:37:58-0700] <roli> !Horla Analia Noir - [Shades of Love 06] - Shades
of Love - Tome 6 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:38:00-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Lionys - Sous la protection d'un
chevalier [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:38:02-0700] <roli> !Horla Anamuensis - Manuel Utilisateur
d'Anamuensis [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:38:04-0700] <roli> !Horla Ananda Devi - Je est un autre. Pour une
identite-monde [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:38:05-0700] Jambo (jambo@ihw-48h.04m.228.49.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:38:06-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T01:38:09-0700] not_me (not_me@ihw-tertfb.ip.windstream.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:38:10-0700] newbie (defman@ihw-daa.ski.170.124.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:38:10-0700] <adi> @search jono lineen
[2020-06-21T01:38:13-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE 06 - The Vampire
Affair - David McDaniel (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:38:24-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE 07 - The
Radioactive Camel Affair - Peter Leslie (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:38:29-0700] <panpanpan> @search dante basco
[2020-06-21T01:38:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 84 • Speed: 194,327cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,638 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:38:34-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE 08 - The Monster
Wheel Affair - David McDaniel (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:38:34-0700] <newbie> @search Marilyn Vos Savant
[2020-06-21T01:38:48-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE 11 - The
Invisibility Affair - Thomas Stratton (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:38:54-0700] <Sohee> !Oatmeal Victoria Schwab - [Cassidy Blake 01] -
City of Ghosts (retail)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:38:54-0700] <CCInspace0> @search The Billionaire's ObsessionSimon
[2020-06-21T01:38:59-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE 17 - The Hollow
Crown Affair - David McDaniel (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:39:00-0700] <Sohee> !Oatmeal Victoria Schwab - [Cassidy Blake 02] -
Tunnel of Bones (Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:39:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Ananda Devi - L'ambassadeur triste
[2020-06-21T01:39:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Ananda Devi - Le sari vert [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:39:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Ananda Devi - Les hommes qui me parlent
[2020-06-21T01:39:11-0700] <roli> !Horla Ananda Devi - Les jours vivants [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:39:13-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Paige - Parole d'un Bad Boy [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:39:14-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE 22 - The Stone-
Cold Dead in the Market Affair - John Oram (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:39:15-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Paola - La madonne [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:39:17-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Paola - La stagiaire [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:39:26-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE 23 - The Finger
in the Sky Affair - Peter Leslie (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:39:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T01:39:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T01:39:30-0700] <Shenbaien> @search woodwork
[2020-06-21T01:39:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,683
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:39:37-0700] <Plunky> @searchook Betty Crocker
[2020-06-21T01:39:40-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,734
(2103.81 GB)
[2020-06-21T01:39:40-0700] <newbie> @search brain builder
[2020-06-21T01:39:46-0700] <adi> @search charles allen
[2020-06-21T01:39:48-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE - [Magazine
1966-05] - The World's End Affair - Robert Hart Davis (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:39:53-0700] <newbie> @search brain building
[2020-06-21T01:40:05-0700] TheHilarious (TheHilariou@ihw-oh1.u1j.48.39.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T01:40:08-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:40:08-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Scott - À corps brisés [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:40:08-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Scott - [Black Angels 01] - Dark Ride
[2020-06-21T01:40:08-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Scott - [Black Angels 02] - Last Ride
[2020-06-21T01:40:10-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Scott - [Black Angels 03] - Vicious
Ride [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:40:12-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Scott - [Black Angels 04] - Evil Ride
[2020-06-21T01:40:14-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Scott - [Black Angels 4.50] - Aaron &
Cassie [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:40:16-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Scott - [Black Angels 4.50] - Devious
Ride [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:40:18-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Scott - [Black Riders 03] - Vicious
Ride [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:40:20-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Scott - Last Ride [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:40:20-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:40:22-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Scott - The Dominant [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:40:24-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,488 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T01:40:24-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Scott - Un enfoiré, mais un coup de
folie ! [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:40:26-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:40:26-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE 09 - The Diving
Dames Affair - Peter Leslie (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T01:40:28-0700] <newbie> !LawdyServer Brain Builder.epub
[2020-06-21T01:40:30-0700] <panpanpan> @dragnbreaker
[2020-06-21T01:40:36-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE 10 - The
Assassination Affair - J Hunter Holly (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T01:40:54-0700] <Plunky> !bsk Betty Crocker 300 Calorie Comfort Food -
300 Favorite Recipes for Eating Healthy Every Day.epub
[2020-06-21T01:40:54-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE 12 - The Mind-
Twisters Affair - Thomas Stratton (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:40:58-0700] <newbie> !LawdyServer Building an Ageless Mind -
Preventing and Fighting Brain Aging and Disease.epub
[2020-06-21T01:41:09-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE 13 - The Rainbow
Affair - David McDaniel (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:41:10-0700] <newbie> !LawdyServer Brain Improvement Strategies -
Simple, Yet Effective, Proven Strategies For Building Memory Strength.epub
[2020-06-21T01:41:15-0700] <newbie> !Horla Sasha Brown - Building the Business
Brain (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:41:21-0700] <Shenbaien> !bsk Sharpening Hand Woodworking Tools.pdf
[2020-06-21T01:41:22-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE 15 - The Utopia
Affair - David McDaniel (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:41:26-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,185 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:41:36-0700] rloca (manjaro-use@ihw-hi8.1l2.70.196.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:41:37-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE 18 - The Unfair
Fare Affair - Peter Leslie (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:41:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,734
(2103.81 GB)
[2020-06-21T01:41:44-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,613 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:41:52-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE 19 - The Power
Cube Affair - John T Phillifent (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:42:07-0700] Jambo (jambo@ihw-48h.04m.228.49.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:42:08-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:42:10-0700] petieq (pietroq@ihw-8o6n68.range86-
175.btcentralplus.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:42:11-0700] KidCrims01 (KidCrims01@ihw-hhp.uvj.136.191.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T01:42:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,885 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T01:42:20-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE - [Magazine
1966-03] - The Beauty and Beast Affair - Robert Hart Davis (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:42:23-0700] <petieq> @search The Lost Man Jane Harper
[2020-06-21T01:42:34-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE - [Magazine
1966-04] - The Unspeakable Affair - Robert Hart Davis (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:42:49-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE - [Magazine
1966-09] - The Brainwash Affair - Robert Hart Davis (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:42:54-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 19/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,490 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:42:55-0700] <petieq> !Ook Jane Harper - The Lost Man (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:43:03-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE - [Magazine
1966-10] - The Moby Dick Affair - Robert Hart Davis (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:43:03-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Seymour - La rancon de la couronne
[2020-06-21T01:43:03-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Seymour - L'enfant de l'aube [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:43:03-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Seymour - L'enfant du Donjon [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:43:05-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Seymour - [Soeurs Sheridan 02] - Le
bonheur en partage [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:43:07-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Colosimo - Les buchers de la
liberté [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:43:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Hopcus - Shadow Hills (2013)
[2020-06-21T01:43:09-0700] <panpanpan> @Oatmeal
[2020-06-21T01:43:11-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Lévy - Portraits de Berlin
[2020-06-21T01:43:13-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastassia Marsolle - Sous un air de farce
[2020-06-21T01:43:15-0700] <roli> !Horla Anath Riveline & Sarwat Chadda - [Animal
Tatoo 15] - L'oeil du dragon [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T01:43:21-0700] linainverse (jubileerain@lina.inverse) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T01:43:22-0700] laruldan (laruldan@ihw-hhv.kbk.252.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:43:25-0700] <petieq> @search Don Winslow The Border
[2020-06-21T01:43:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 75 • Speed: 452,418cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,649 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:43:35-0700] <panpanpan> @shytot
[2020-06-21T01:43:54-0700] <panpanpan> @bsk
[2020-06-21T01:44:03-0700] roli (roli@ihw-49u0bg.kv3s.p4lm.1205.2a02.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving...)
[2020-06-21T01:44:05-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE - [Magazine
1967-01] - The Light-Kill Affair - Robert Hart Davis (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:44:07-0700] <Paddodo> @search Justin Halpern
[2020-06-21T01:44:08-0700] <petieq> !Ook Don Winslow - [Power of the Dog 03] - The
Border (retail) (epub).rar :
[2020-06-21T01:44:16-0700] <Flynfoc> @search john bolton
[2020-06-21T01:44:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T01:44:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T01:44:28-0700] <CCInspace0> !bsk Jennifer Loren - [Devil's Eyes 03] -
The Devil's Son (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:44:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,683
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:44:39-0700] Wigwam (Wigwam@ihw-iutc5p.dyn.plus.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:44:41-0700] juamps (juamps@ihw-8rlo7j.dynamic.sonic.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:44:42-0700] <Paddodo> !shytot Halpern, Justin - Shit My Dad Says
[2020-06-21T01:44:57-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE - [Magazine
1967-07] - The Electronic Frankenstein Affair - Robert Hart Davis (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T01:44:57-0700] <Shenbaien> !LawdyServer The Workbench Book - A
Craftsman's Guide to Workbenches for Every Type of Woodworking (Craftsman's Guide
[2020-06-21T01:45:05-0700] mitofoxbylatte (mitofoxbyla@ihw-att.ck6.167.213.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:45:08-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:45:13-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE - [Magazine
1967-10] - The Mind-Sweeper Affair - Robert Hart Davis (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:45:13-0700] <CCInspace0> @search Johnston
[2020-06-21T01:45:13-0700] davide (Davide@ihw-3bgo29.range86-133.btcentralplus.com)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:45:21-0700] <mitofoxbylatte> @search jon bonne
[2020-06-21T01:45:22-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE - [Magazine
1967-11] - The Volacano Box Affair - Robert Hart Davis (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:45:24-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,488 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T01:45:30-0700] <Paddodo> !Horla Justin Halpern - I Suck at Girls
[2020-06-21T01:45:31-0700] <Shenbaien> !LawdyServer Fine Woodworking - Best
[2020-06-21T01:45:39-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE 21 - The
Thinking Machine Affair - Joel Bernard (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:45:42-0700] BamBam (AmigoB@ihw-16r7h9.speed.planet.nl) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:45:47-0700] sainfate (sainfate@ihw-u2ccsu.skybroadband.com) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T01:46:00-0700] jm137 (jm137@ihw-4lo.e4q.0.165.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:46:01-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal The Man From UNCLE 20 - The Corfu
Affair - John T Phillifent (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:46:08-0700] kabaka (kabaka@ihw-grb.7ll.80.102.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:46:11-0700] <TheHilarious> !Oatmeal Paige Toon - Chasing Daisy
[2020-06-21T01:46:13-0700] KidCrims01 (KidCrims01@ihw-hhp.uvj.136.191.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:46:25-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,185 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:46:31-0700] jm137 (jm137@ihw-4lo.e4q.0.165.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T01:46:41-0700] <petieq> @search Don Winslow
[2020-06-21T01:46:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,614 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:46:47-0700] idyl (idyl@ihw-8drnl2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:46:49-0700] <arcen> !Oatmeal Nnedi Okorafor - [Binti 03] - The Night
Masquerade (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:46:49-0700] <Paddodo> @search walden
[2020-06-21T01:46:52-0700] Utgaar (Utgaar@ihw-p5s.nsk.229.77.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:46:54-0700] <mitofoxbylatte> !Oatmeal Jon Bonne - The New California
Wine (epub)(epub).rar ::INFO:: 36.8MB
[2020-06-21T01:47:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
6/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,886 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T01:47:21-0700] <Utgaar> @search marko kloos ballistic
[2020-06-21T01:48:05-0700] Jacobyte (textual@ihw-jg7.hh5.151.95.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:48:06-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:48:18-0700] <Jacobyte> @search simon jenkins
[2020-06-21T01:48:22-0700] <Paddodo> !shytot Walden Or Life In The Woods - Henry
David Thoreau.epub
[2020-06-21T01:48:22-0700] <CCInspace0> @search Shari Lapena
[2020-06-21T01:48:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 68 • Speed: 497,027cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,659 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:48:40-0700] abduunn (abduunn@ihw-fin.40m.102.85.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:48:48-0700] Jacobyte (textual@ihw-jg7.hh5.151.95.IP) left the
channel ("Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com")
[2020-06-21T01:48:51-0700] <Utgaar> !Oatmeal Marko Kloos - [The Palladium Wars 02]
- Ballistic (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:49:01-0700] Utgaar (Utgaar@ihw-p5s.nsk.229.77.IP) left the channel
[2020-06-21T01:49:01-0700] alexose (alexose@ihw-3g7.c5d.247.162.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:49:12-0700] mitofoxbylatte (mitofoxbyla@ihw-att.ck6.167.213.IP) left
IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T01:49:15-0700] davide (Davide@ihw-3bgo29.range86-133.btcentralplus.com)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:49:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T01:49:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T01:49:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,683
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:49:47-0700] <Fakus666|3> !dragnbreaker Brooks, Terry - Shannara 10 -
Shannara 01 - The Sword of Shannara (v5.0).mobi
[2020-06-21T01:49:56-0700] rainmkr (rainmkr@ihw-0il.97d.87.116.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:49:58-0700] <rainmkr> @search A Bakeshop Mystery
[2020-06-21T01:50:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:50:19-0700] <BookLover123> @search ponygirl
[2020-06-21T01:50:24-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,488 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T01:50:27-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:50:34-0700] rick (rick@ihw-431.6af.150.110.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:50:39-0700] Shenbaien (Shenbaien@ihw-7k7rs6.connect.net.au) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T01:51:21-0700] <BookLover123> @search harnessed
[2020-06-21T01:51:26-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,186 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:51:39-0700] <rainmkr> !dragnbreaker Alexander, Ellie - A Bakeshop
Mystery 01 - Meet Your Baker.epub
[2020-06-21T01:51:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,615 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:51:48-0700] <petieq> !Horla Don Winslow - [Power of the Dog 02] -
The Cartel (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:51:49-0700] <rainmkr> !dragnbreaker Alexander, Ellie - A Bakeshop
Mystery 02 - Batter of Life and Death.epub
[2020-06-21T01:52:03-0700] Jambo (jambo@ihw-htahlv.1lfo.bubd.9800.2405.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T01:52:05-0700] <rainmkr> !dragnbreaker Alexander, Ellie - A Bakeshop
Mystery 03 - On Thin Icing (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T01:52:10-0700] scuba734 (scuba734@ihw-ugirg2.asianet.co.th) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:52:12-0700] ReapersPlaything (ReapersPlay@ihw-
i38t5i.optusnet.com.au) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:52:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,888 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T01:52:22-0700] bbbbbaaaron (bookaaron@ihw-ac1n8r.ga.comcast.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:52:32-0700] CCInspace0 (CCInspace0@ihw-t6p.v28.115.93.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:52:34-0700] <petieq> !Horla Don Winslow - The Power of the Dog
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:52:35-0700] <rainmkr> !dragnbreaker Alexander, Ellie - A Bakeshop
Mystery 04 - Caught Bread Handed.epub
[2020-06-21T01:52:40-0700] bbbbbaaaron (bookaaron@ihw-ac1n8r.ga.comcast.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T01:52:49-0700] <rainmkr> !dragnbreaker Alexander, Ellie - A Bakeshop
Mystery 05 - Fudge and Jury (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T01:52:50-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Charlotte MacLeod - [Peter Shandy 01]
- Rest You Merry (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:53:02-0700] <ReapersPlaything> @search The Food of Sichuan
[2020-06-21T01:53:04-0700] <rainmkr> !dragnbreaker Alexander, Ellie - A Bakeshop
Mystery 06 - A Crime of Passion Fruit (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T01:53:10-0700] kaiJoe (anix@ihw-8e2.jet.204.117.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:53:13-0700] alexose (alexose@ihw-3g7.c5d.247.162.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:53:15-0700] <rainmkr> !dragnbreaker Alexander, Ellie - A Bakeshop
Mystery 07 - Another One Bites the Crust.epub
[2020-06-21T01:53:18-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Charlotte MacLeod - [Peter Shandy 02]
- The Luck Runs Out (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:53:23-0700] <rainmkr> !dragnbreaker Alexander, Ellie - A Bakeshop
Mystery 06.5 - Trouble Is Brewing (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T01:53:27-0700] <Wigwam> @search Jürgen Neffe
[2020-06-21T01:53:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 61 • Speed: 371,629cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,666 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:53:37-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Charlotte MacLeod - [Peter Shandy 03]
- Wrack and Rune (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:53:42-0700] <rainmkr> !dragnbreaker Alexander, Ellie - A Bakeshop
Mystery 08 - Till Death Do Us Tart (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T01:53:49-0700] <rainmkr> !dragnbreaker Alexander, Ellie - A Bakeshop
Mystery 09 - Live and Let Pie (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T01:53:51-0700] <pete-089-76857463576> @search uyghur nation
[2020-06-21T01:53:56-0700] <rainmkr> !dragnbreaker Alexander, Ellie - A Bakeshop
Mystery 10 - A Cup of Holiday Fear (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T01:54:13-0700] Woza (Lewis@ihw-nqsgg7.range86-165.btcentralplus.com)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:54:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T01:54:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T01:54:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 1/2 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,689
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:54:38-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Stephen E Ambrose - Band of
Brothers (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T01:54:44-0700] dareader (Shamim@ihw-pts.5pl.145.103.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:54:50-0700] <pete-089-76857463576> !LawdyServer Brophy - Uyghur
Nation; Reform and Revolution on the Russia-China Frontier (2016).pdf
[2020-06-21T01:54:59-0700] <Fakus666|3> !dragnbreaker Brooks, Terry - Shannara 11 -
Shannara 02 - The Elfstones of Shannara (v5.0).mobi
[2020-06-21T01:55:02-0700] qwerty6987 (qwerty6987@ihw-68j78u.res.rr.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:55:08-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:55:11-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Charlotte MacLeod as Alisa Craig -
[Grub-and-Stakers 01] - The Grub-and-Stakers Move a Mountain (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:55:22-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal William L Shirer - The Rise and
Fall of the Third Reich- A History of Nazi Germany (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:55:24-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,488 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T01:55:28-0700] <dareader> @TEXTBOOKS
[2020-06-21T01:55:34-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Charlotte MacLeod as Alisa Craig -
[Grub-and-Stakers 02] - The Grub-and-Stakers Quilt a Bee (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:55:35-0700] theofilus_thistla (theofilus_t@ihw-
pqrinm.desq.1p4r.a210.2a02.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:55:37-0700] <@LawdyServer> [dlFilter] Are the responses to your
requests getting lost in the crowd? Are your @find responses spread about? If you
are using mIRC as your IRC client then download dlFilter version 2.13 from
https://github.com/DukeLupus/dlFilter/ and make your time in #ebooks less
[2020-06-21T01:55:56-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Charlotte MacLeod as Alisa Craig -
[Grub-and-Stakers 03] - The Grub-and-Stakers Pinch a Poke (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:55:57-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Cornelius Ryan - The Longest Day-
June 6, 1944 (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:56:05-0700] Jambo (jambo@ihw-htahlv.1lfo.bubd.9800.2405.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:56:17-0700] <theofilus_thistla> @search cribsheet
[2020-06-21T01:56:20-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T01:56:25-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,186 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:56:27-0700] Flynfoc (Flynfoc@ihw-svv.6g9.228.66.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T01:56:28-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Charlotte MacLeod as Alisa Craig -
[Grub-and-Stakers 04] - The Grub-and-Stakers Spin a Yarn (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:56:39-0700] sherrrlock (sherrrlock@ihw-nen.ff8.212.71.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:56:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,615 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:56:53-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Charlotte MacLeod as Alisa Craig -
[Grub-and-Stakers 05] - The Grub-and-Stakers House a Haunt (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:56:55-0700] <theofilus_thistla> !bsk Emily Oster - Cribsheet
[2020-06-21T01:57:00-0700] david (david@ihw-cg0.vq7.147.2.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:57:03-0700] <david> !shytot J R R Tolkien - [Lord of the Rings 01-
03] - The Lord of the Rings (50th Anniversary ed) (epub).epub ::INFO:: 7.1MB
[2020-06-21T01:57:04-0700] AndroUser (androirc@ihw-rml.kuf.69.115.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T01:57:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T01:57:12-0700] adi (adithya@ihw-r2s.0b1.51.106.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T01:57:12-0700] <dareader> @Search Understanding the dairy cow
[2020-06-21T01:57:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,889 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T01:57:22-0700] <theofilus_thistla> @searcg
[2020-06-21T01:57:29-0700] <b00kw0rm> @search Niels Bohr introduction
[2020-06-21T01:57:32-0700] <theofilus_thistla> @search experimenting with babies
[2020-06-21T01:57:37-0700] BisonKing (textual@ihw-anis2j.ogv5.j61t.8003.2001.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:57:43-0700] rainmkr (rainmkr@ihw-0il.97d.87.116.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T01:57:45-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Giles MacDonogh - After the Reich-
The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:57:45-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Charlotte MacLeod - The Fat Lady's
Ghost (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:57:54-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 19/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,509 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T01:57:57-0700] <theofilus_thistla> !Oatmeal Shaun Gallagher -
Experimenting with Babies (Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:58:13-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:58:18-0700] <theofilus_thistla> @search healthy sleep habits happy
[2020-06-21T01:58:21-0700] <scuba734> !shytot Charlotte MacLeod as Alisa Craig -
[Madoc and Janet Rhys Mystery 01] - A Pint of Murder (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:58:26-0700] <david> !Ook J R R Tolkien - [Lord of the Rings 01-03] -
The Lord of the Rings (50th Anniversary ed) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:58:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 6/6 • Queued: 54 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,675 • List: Jun
18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:58:33-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Iris Chang - The Rape of Nanking-
The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:58:35-0700] SageVomo (SageVomo@ihw-0ov.bq6.116.87.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T01:58:38-0700] mats (mats22222@ihw-ufo.e7u.9.193.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:58:43-0700] <theofilus_thistla> !Horla Marc Weissbluth - Healthy
Sleep Habits, Happy Child (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:58:46-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T01:58:53-0700] <dareader> @Search Textbook of animal breeding
[2020-06-21T01:58:54-0700] <SageVomo> @search Ursula Le Guin
[2020-06-21T01:59:07-0700] <garmin> @search joss Wood Murphy International horla
[2020-06-21T01:59:07-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Mark Bowden - Worm- The First
Digital World War (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:59:15-0700] <dareader> @Search Animal breeding and genetics
[2020-06-21T01:59:19-0700] bgb (bgb@ihw-833.nki.238.104.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T01:59:20-0700] <scuba734> !shytot Charlotte MacLeod as Alisa Craig -
[Madoc and Janet Rhys Mystery 02] - Murder Goes Mumming (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:59:25-0700] <nofu34> @Search communist manifesto
[2020-06-21T01:59:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T01:59:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T01:59:28-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Mark Bowden - Road Work - Among
Tyrants, Heroes, Rogues, and Beasts (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T01:59:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,692
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T01:59:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,734
(2103.81 GB)
[2020-06-21T01:59:46-0700] garmin (androirc@ihw-dmo.s26.25.176.IP) left IRC (Quit:
AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))
[2020-06-21T01:59:54-0700] <david> !shytot J R R Tolkien - [Lord of the Rings 01-
03] - The Lord of the Rings (50th Anniversary ed) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T01:59:58-0700] <BookLover123> @search pony girl
[2020-06-21T02:00:02-0700] <SageVomo> !dragnbreaker Le Guin, Ursula K - Hainish 01
- Rocannon's World (v5.0).mobi
[2020-06-21T02:00:03-0700] <scuba734> !shytot Charlotte MacLeod as Alisa Craig -
[Madoc and Janet Rhys Mystery 03] - A Dismal Thing to Do (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:00:05-0700] alasmith (dpferreira@ihw-7ufl7n.52jk.h4tf.08a0.2001.IP)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:00:08-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:00:09-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Mark Bowden - The Finish- The
Killing of Osama Bin Laden (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:00:19-0700] <nofu34> !bsk Karl Marx - The Communist Manifesto (epub)
- roflcopter2110.epub
[2020-06-21T02:00:22-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:00:23-0700] davide (Davide@ihw-3bgo29.range86-133.btcentralplus.com)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:00:24-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,488 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T02:00:26-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:00:42-0700] CI80 (CI80@ihw-f91r1n.dsl.scarlet.be) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:00:51-0700] kabaka (kabaka@ihw-q4f.ne8.231.154.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:00:55-0700] <dareader> @search animal nutrition
[2020-06-21T02:00:56-0700] <robinkat> !shytot Lili Zander & Lee Savino - [Dragons
in Exile 01-07] - Draekon Desire (azw3).azw3 ::INFO:: 1.6MB
[2020-06-21T02:01:04-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Viktor E Frankl - Man's Search for
Meaning (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:01:06-0700] Paddodo (Username@ihw-el1.dh2.184.93.IP) left IRC (Quit:
Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T02:01:11-0700] <CI80> @search avatar
[2020-06-21T02:01:17-0700] <Fakus666|3> !Dz2000 Terry Brooks - [Shannara 03 -
Original's Prequel] - First King Of Shannara (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T02:01:17-0700] <scuba734> !shytot Charlotte MacLeod as Alisa Craig -
[Madoc and Janet Rhys Mystery 04] - Trouble in the Brasses (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:01:26-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,186 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:01:36-0700] <david> !Ook J R R Tolkien - [Lord of the Rings 01-03] -
The Lord of the Rings (50th Anniversary ed) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:01:38-0700] <nofu34> @search animal farm
[2020-06-21T02:01:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,734
(2103.81 GB)
[2020-06-21T02:01:39-0700] BisonKing (textual@ihw-anis2j.ogv5.j61t.8003.2001.IP)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:01:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 10/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,619 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:01:45-0700] <Fakus666|3> !Oatmeal Terry Brooks - [Shannara 00] -
First King of Shannara (v5.0) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 568.7KB
[2020-06-21T02:01:50-0700] <arcen> @search who fears death
[2020-06-21T02:01:56-0700] bronkeykong (bronkeykon@ihw-98u3fa.adam.com.au) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T02:01:58-0700] Panda (Panda@ihw-pv5.s7g.199.113.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:01:59-0700] <mats> @search perfection
[2020-06-21T02:02:02-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Marta Hillers - A Woman in Berlin-
Eight Weeks in the Conquered City- A Diary (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:02:10-0700] <CI80> @search airbender
[2020-06-21T02:02:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,889 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T02:02:14-0700] <nofu34> !JimBob420 George Orwell - Animal Farm & 1984
(v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:02:17-0700] <Panda> @search "Reinforced concrete design"
[2020-06-21T02:02:17-0700] <dareader> !LawdyServer Encyclopedia Of Farm Animal
[2020-06-21T02:02:24-0700] <bronkeykong> @search frith chronicles
[2020-06-21T02:02:27-0700] <SageVomo> !dragnbreaker Le Guin, Ursula K - Hainish 04
- The Left Hand of Darkness (v5.5).mobi
[2020-06-21T02:02:33-0700] <TheHilarious> @
[2020-06-21T02:02:37-0700] <TheHilarious> @Search Wu Jingzi
[2020-06-21T02:02:50-0700] Panda is now known as Guest14607
[2020-06-21T02:03:03-0700] <Guest14607> @search "A K Jain"
[2020-06-21T02:03:18-0700] arthurw (arthurw@ihw-84fht5.wa.comcast.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:03:20-0700] raindrip (raindrip@ihw-6ce0gm.co.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:03:21-0700] bgb (bgb@ihw-833.nki.238.104.IP) left IRC (Ping timeout:
121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:03:22-0700] Geepers10 (Geepers106@ihw-l0i082.cable.virginm.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:03:23-0700] <TheHilarious> @Search Kim Richardson
[2020-06-21T02:03:27-0700] AndroUser (androirc@ihw-rml.kuf.69.115.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:03:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 42 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,687 • List: Jun
18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:03:38-0700] <SageVomo> !bsk Ursula K Le Guin - Always Coming Home
(v5.5) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:03:44-0700] <Geepers10> @textbooks
[2020-06-21T02:04:03-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Richard Rhodes - The Making of the
Atomic Bomb (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:04:10-0700] <bronkeykong> !dragnbreaker Stovall, Shami - Frith
Chronicles 01 - Knightmare Arcanist.epub
[2020-06-21T02:04:10-0700] <SageVomo> @search Philip K Dick
[2020-06-21T02:04:20-0700] <bronkeykong> !dragnbreaker Stovall, Shami - Frith
Chronicles 02 - Dread Pirate Arcanist.epub
[2020-06-21T02:04:25-0700] nofu34 (nofu@ihw-5m1vr6.ip-193-70-13.eu) left IRC
(Client exited)
[2020-06-21T02:04:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T02:04:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T02:04:36-0700] caesar (thomas_cat@ihw-cd5567.static.aussiebb.net) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T02:04:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,694
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:04:40-0700] <robinkat> !shytot Lili Zander - [Vampires' Blood Mate
01] - The Vampires' Blood Mate (retail) (azw3)
[2020-06-21T02:05:13-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:05:15-0700] <SageVomo> @search philip k dick
[2020-06-21T02:05:16-0700] CI80 (CI80@ihw-f91r1n.dsl.scarlet.be) left the channel
[2020-06-21T02:05:22-0700] warrior0015 (warrior0015@ihw-
bf11d4.0o0l.hsg8.2000.2604.IP) left IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T02:05:23-0700] <arcen> !Oatmeal Nnedi Okorafor - Who Fears Death
[2020-06-21T02:05:24-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,488 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T02:05:31-0700] malicioussquirr (malicioussq@ihw-doo1ta.dynamic.kabel-
deutschland.de) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:05:33-0700] erling (erling@ihw-bq9.j8b.230.46.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T02:05:43-0700] <malicioussquirr> @seach The Vanishing Half
[2020-06-21T02:05:43-0700] <SageVomo> !Xon Philip K Dick - Deus Irae (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T02:05:50-0700] <bronkeykong> @search coliseum arcanist
[2020-06-21T02:05:59-0700] ksjdgbk (User@ihw-9og.o74.148.91.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:06:05-0700] <malicioussquirr> @search The Vanishing Half
[2020-06-21T02:06:12-0700] <ksjdgbk> @find sea
[2020-06-21T02:06:17-0700] <david> @search the brothers lionheart
[2020-06-21T02:06:18-0700] <bronkeykong> !Oatmeal Shami Stovall - [Frith Chronicles
04] - Plague Arcanist (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:06:21-0700] <SageVomo> !Xon Philip K Dick - A Maze of Death (v4.0)
[2020-06-21T02:06:26-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,187 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:06:27-0700] <malicioussquirr> !MusicWench Brit Bennett - The
Vanishing Half.epub ::INFO:: 732.6KB
[2020-06-21T02:06:30-0700] <david> @search the lionheart brotehrs
[2020-06-21T02:06:38-0700] <ksjdgbk> @search sea
[2020-06-21T02:06:40-0700] something23t235235 (Username@ihw-9m1.ctn.157.47.IP) left
IRC (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T02:06:44-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,620 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:06:45-0700] kobbor (abc@ihw-53t.9vo.39.89.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:06:45-0700] <bronkeykong> @search shami stovall
[2020-06-21T02:06:48-0700] Reader (Reader@ihw-9710fu.res.spectrum.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:06:50-0700] <david> @search the lionheart brothers
[2020-06-21T02:06:51-0700] Geepers10 (Geepers106@ihw-l0i082.cable.virginm.net) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T02:06:57-0700] <Reader> @search the room where it happened
[2020-06-21T02:07:03-0700] sherrrlock (sherrrlock@ihw-nen.ff8.212.71.IP) left IRC
(Client exited)
[2020-06-21T02:07:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,890 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T02:07:22-0700] raindrip (raindrip@ihw-6ce0gm.co.comcast.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:07:27-0700] <+MusicWench> French and English ebooks!• Type:
@MusicWench For My List Of: 46,699 Files • Slots: 3/3 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps •
Next: NOW • Served: 295,769 • List: Jun 20th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:07:32-0700] <kobbor> @Search chris bradfield
[2020-06-21T02:07:32-0700] <bronkeykong> @search path of the thunderbird
[2020-06-21T02:07:48-0700] <david> @search Astrid Lindgren
[2020-06-21T02:07:52-0700] <dareader> @request-list
[2020-06-21T02:07:54-0700] <TheHilarious> @Search World defying dan god
[2020-06-21T02:08:01-0700] qwerty6987 (qwerty6987@ihw-68j78u.res.rr.com) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T02:08:07-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Cult of the Dead Cow - How the
Original Hacking Supergroup Might Just Save the World by Joseph Menn (retail)
[2020-06-21T02:08:08-0700] <TheHilarious> @Search Ji XiaoZei
[2020-06-21T02:08:11-0700] <bronkeykong> !Oatmeal Eden Hudson - [Path of the
Thunderbird 01] - Darkening Skies (epub)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:08:15-0700] <ksjdgbk> @search old man
[2020-06-21T02:08:21-0700] <kobbor> @Search godot engine game development projects
[2020-06-21T02:08:21-0700] <Fakus666|3> !Oatmeal Terry Brooks - [Shannara 03] - The
Wishsong of Shannara (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T02:08:25-0700] <bronkeykong> !Oatmeal Eden Hudson - [Path of the
Thunderbird 02] - Stone Soul (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:08:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 71 • Speed: 486,320cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,696 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:08:39-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Kim Zetter - Countdown to Zero Day-
Stuxnet and the Launch of the World's First Digital Weapon (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:08:43-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:08:43-0700] <kobbor> @search godot game
[2020-06-21T02:08:49-0700] <+TrainFiles> For my list of 198106 files type:
@TrainFiles, Sends: 0/5 , Queue: 0/10, Voicepriority: OFF, For help: @TrainFiles-
help Using: Irssi Findbot v1.58
[2020-06-21T02:08:53-0700] <bronkeykong> !Oatmeal Eden Hudson - [Path of the
Thunderbird 03] - Demon Beast (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:08:55-0700] kobbor (abc@ihw-53t.9vo.39.89.IP) left the channel
[2020-06-21T02:09:00-0700] <BookLover123> @search Erica Timms
[2020-06-21T02:09:06-0700] <malicioussquirr> @search herkunft
[2020-06-21T02:09:07-0700] <+ps2> •·File Server Online·• Trigger..::/ctcp ps2 !
ps::.. On server..::Books of all subjects, comics, wargames & RPGs (mostly pdf)::..
Note..::On Undernet & IRCHighWay: @ps2 for instructions or /ctcp ps2 !ps to enter.
Elsewhere: @ps for instructions or /ctcp ps !ps to enter. You can also get my files
from phoomphy (@phoomphy for the filelist).::.. .•«UPP»•.
[2020-06-21T02:09:10-0700] Donut (Donut@ihw-uiglbs.optusnet.com.au) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:09:14-0700] <SageVomo> !Xon Philip K Dick - Clans of the Alphane
Moon (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T02:09:18-0700] <Guest14607> @search "reinforced concrete"
[2020-06-21T02:09:18-0700] <Donut> @search Benjamin Ashwood
[2020-06-21T02:09:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T02:09:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T02:09:28-0700] <BookLover123> !Oatmeal Erica Timms - Puppy Girl
Training [MF] (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:09:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,695
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:09:50-0700] <BookLover123> !Oatmeal Erica Timms - Hidden Discipline
[2020-06-21T02:09:50-0700] <Donut> !Horla A C Cobble - [Benjamin Ashwood 01] -
Benjamin Ashwood (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:10:02-0700] <Donut> !Horla A C Cobble - [Benjamin Ashwood 02] -
Endless Flight (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:10:02-0700] vegaman (vegaman@ihw-a20.e6t.66.103.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:10:03-0700] <ksjdgbk> !shytot The old man and the sea - Ernest
Hemingway.epub ::INFO:: 137.3KB
[2020-06-21T02:10:08-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:10:09-0700] <dareader> @request-list
[2020-06-21T02:10:09-0700] <malicioussquirr> @search 1000 Serpentinen Angst
[2020-06-21T02:10:10-0700] <Donut> !Horla A C Cobble - [Benjamin Ashwood 03] - Dark
Territory (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:10:12-0700] <ReapersPlaything> @search The Food of Sichuan
[2020-06-21T02:10:13-0700] giuspunkie (Username@ihw-jpp1cv.ip76.fastwebnet.it)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:10:19-0700] <Donut> !Horla A C Cobble - [Benjamin Ashwood 04-06] -
Benjamin Ashwood Box Set 2 (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:10:24-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,488 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T02:10:25-0700] <SageVomo> @search Samuel R Delany
[2020-06-21T02:10:27-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:10:39-0700] Donut (Donut@ihw-uiglbs.optusnet.com.au) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T02:10:40-0700] <giuspunkie> @search jay cristoff
[2020-06-21T02:10:57-0700] kaiJoe (anix@ihw-8e2.jet.204.117.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T02:11:05-0700] SlytherWench (SlytherWenc@ihw-4an.0sb.37.198.IP) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T02:11:08-0700] Donut (Donut@ihw-uiglbs.optusnet.com.au) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:11:11-0700] Donut (Donut@ihw-uiglbs.optusnet.com.au) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T02:11:22-0700] <SageVomo> !dragnbreaker Delany, Samuel R - Novel 07 -
[2020-06-21T02:11:22-0700] swisscheese__ (swisscheese@ihw-nf0brs.wa.comcast.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:11:25-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,187 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:11:28-0700] <giuspunkie> @search jay kristoff
[2020-06-21T02:11:29-0700] <SageVomo> !dragnbreaker Delany, Samuel R - Novel 04 -
[2020-06-21T02:11:38-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Andrew Marantz - Antisocial
(Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:11:42-0700] <Fakus666|3> !Oatmeal Terry Brooks - [Shannara 03.5] -
Indomitable (Epilogue to The Wishsong of Shannara) (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T02:11:44-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,621 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:11:50-0700] <dareader> @request [John Webster] [Understanding the
Dairy Cow]
[2020-06-21T02:11:50-0700] Reader (Reader@ihw-9710fu.res.spectrum.com) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T02:12:05-0700] <robinkat> !shytot Draekon Heart - Lili Zander.epub
::INFO:: 630.3KB
[2020-06-21T02:12:05-0700] <SageVomo> !dragnbreaker Delany, Samuel R - Novel 01 -
The Ballad of Beta-2.epub
[2020-06-21T02:12:12-0700] JigaWatt (JigaWatt@ihw-3mu.e1m.143.67.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T02:12:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,890 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T02:12:33-0700] <david> @search astrid lindgren
[2020-06-21T02:12:50-0700] <SageVomo> !dragnbreaker Delany, Samuel R - Novel 03 -
The Einstein Intersection (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T02:12:54-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 19/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,534 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:12:56-0700] <BTAxis> @SearchBot-Trigger
[2020-06-21T02:13:00-0700] adamgilli (adamgilli@ihw-0cv.r68.82.103.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:13:06-0700] <giuspunkie> !bsk Jay Kristoff - [Nevernight 02] -
Godsgrave (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:13:13-0700] <dny238> • Type: @dny238 For My List Of: 4,015 Files •
Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,192 • List: Jun 3rd
• Search: OFF • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:13:27-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal James B Stewart - Deep State-
Trump, the FBI, and the Rule of Law (Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:13:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 4/6 • Queued: 63 • Speed: 333,431cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,706 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:13:42-0700] <david> !Oatmeal Lindgren, Astrid - Brothers
[2020-06-21T02:13:44-0700] <giuspunkie> bsk Jay Kristoff - [Nevernight Chronicle
03] - Darkdawn (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:13:44-0700] <SageVomo> !dragnbreaker Delany, Samuel R - Novel 09 -
Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T02:13:53-0700] llllls (llllls@ihw-6bees5.cable.virginm.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:13:59-0700] <SageVomo> !dragnbreaker Delany, Samuel R - Novel 06 -
Dhalgren (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T02:14:06-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal John Hodgman - Medallion Status-
True Stories from Secret Rooms (Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:14:12-0700] JigaWatt (JigaWatt@ihw-3mu.e1m.143.67.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:14:17-0700] <SageVomo> !dragnbreaker Delany, Samuel R - Novel 04 -
[2020-06-21T02:14:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T02:14:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T02:14:31-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T02:14:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 1/2 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 54,451cps • Next: NOW • Served:
71,700 • List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:14:44-0700] swisscheese_ (swisscheese@ihw-cks.684.245.104.IP) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:15:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:15:07-0700] derp (textual@ihw-eq7dk4.hdi2.btdv.0580.2601.IP) left
IRC (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
[2020-06-21T02:15:18-0700] Freida (Freida@ihw-oh2.m84.31.151.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:15:24-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,488 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T02:15:27-0700] <TheHilarious> quit
[2020-06-21T02:15:27-0700] Oatmeal kicked TheHilarious from the channel (Let me
help you with that)
[2020-06-21T02:15:36-0700] <foobar> @search glynn peace stew
[2020-06-21T02:15:41-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Rand Paul - The Case Against
Socialism (Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:15:47-0700] <Freida> @search Rita Rosenback
[2020-06-21T02:15:58-0700] Inksong (Inksong@ihw-o5l.i3u.107.103.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T02:16:16-0700] <david> !Oatmeal Lindgren, Astrid - Brothers
[2020-06-21T02:16:26-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,187 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:16:28-0700] varafel (varafel@ihw-4co.5ku.131.65.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:16:32-0700] <Wigwam> @search Brad Pilon
[2020-06-21T02:16:33-0700] levikus321 (levikus321@ihw-o7p.c2n.226.103.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T02:16:44-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,622 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:16:49-0700] <Freida> @search Grosjean
[2020-06-21T02:16:54-0700] sunnior (sunnior@ihw-ci8.843.102.109.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:16:54-0700] david (david@ihw-cg0.vq7.147.2.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T02:17:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T02:17:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,890 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T02:17:21-0700] <arcen> @search the night circus
[2020-06-21T02:17:35-0700] Guest14607 (Panda@ihw-pv5.s7g.199.113.IP) left the
[2020-06-21T02:17:35-0700] SageVomo (SageVomo@ihw-0ov.bq6.116.87.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T02:17:44-0700] juamps (juamps@ihw-8rlo7j.dynamic.sonic.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:17:47-0700] <arcen> @search erin morgenstern
[2020-06-21T02:17:47-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Mike Lofgren - The Deep State- The
Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:17:54-0700] <varafel> @search the last wish andrzej
[2020-06-21T02:18:05-0700] <Freida> @search Hernandez
[2020-06-21T02:18:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 59 • Speed: 468,140cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,711 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:18:33-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:18:47-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Alan Dershowitz - Guilt by
Accusation- The Challenge of Proving Innocence in the Age of #MeToo (Retail)
[2020-06-21T02:18:51-0700] <malicioussquirr> @search Ijeoma Oluo
[2020-06-21T02:18:58-0700] <varafel> @search andrzej sapkowski
[2020-06-21T02:19:02-0700] <mats> !dny238 Brene Brown - The Gifts of Imperfection_
Let Go of Who.mobi
[2020-06-21T02:19:12-0700] <malicioussquirr> !dny238 So You Want to Talk About Race
- Ijeoma Oluo.epub ::INFO:: 255.95KB
[2020-06-21T02:19:14-0700] <mokaz> @search Vivian Vande Velde
[2020-06-21T02:19:16-0700] <scuba734> !shytot Charlotte MacLeod as Alisa Craig -
[Madoc and Janet Rhys Mystery 05] - The Wrong Rite (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:19:17-0700] guano (guano@ihw-ajiv35.retail.telecomitalia.it) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T02:19:24-0700] milosvuk234 (HPmilosvuk@ihw-m5d.r5d.11.46.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:19:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T02:19:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T02:19:33-0700] <mokaz> @search Christopher Keene
[2020-06-21T02:19:34-0700] <Fakus666|3> !Oatmeal Terry Brooks - [Magic Kingdom of
Landover 04-05] - The Magic Kingdom of Landover Volume 2 (The Tangle Box; Witches'
Brew) (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:19:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,701
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:19:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,736
(2103.81 GB)
[2020-06-21T02:19:40-0700] <malicioussquirr> @search American Dirt
[2020-06-21T02:19:42-0700] <milosvuk234> @search Tyll
[2020-06-21T02:19:45-0700] <varafel> !Horla Andrzej Sapkowski - [Witcher] - The
Sword of Destiny (tr David French) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:19:45-0700] <Freida> @search Colin Baker
[2020-06-21T02:19:51-0700] <varafel> !Horla Andrzej Sapkowski - [Witcher] - The
Sword of Destiny (fan translation) (b) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:20:08-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:20:10-0700] <milosvuk234> !Ook Daniel Kehlmann - Tyll (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:20:17-0700] <Freida> @search Houwer
[2020-06-21T02:20:24-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,488 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T02:20:29-0700] BookLover123 (BookLover12@ihw-rijrto.access.telenet.be)
left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T02:20:36-0700] <giuspunkie> bsk Jay Kristoff - [Nevernight Chronicle
03] - Darkdawn (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:20:42-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Dan Carlin - The End Is Always
Near_ Apocalyptic Moments, from the Bronze Age Collapse to Nuclear Near
[2020-06-21T02:20:54-0700] <malicioussquirr> !LawdyServer American Dirt - Jeanine
Cummins.epub ::INFO:: 781.0KB
[2020-06-21T02:21:06-0700] <giuspunkie> !bsk Jay Kristoff - [Nevernight Chronicle
03] - Darkdawn (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:21:16-0700] <Freida> @search Hauwaert
[2020-06-21T02:21:21-0700] <mokaz> !dragnbreaker Keene, Christopher - Dream State
Saga 01 - Stuck in the Game (in Dangerous Worlds).epub
[2020-06-21T02:21:25-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,187 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:21:37-0700] <Fakus666|3> !DV8 Terry Brooks - Magic Kingdom of
Landover Series 01 - Magic Kingdom for Sale-Sold! - 1986 (MOBI).rar
[2020-06-21T02:21:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,736
(2103.81 GB)
[2020-06-21T02:21:41-0700] <mokaz> !dragnbreaker Keene, Christopher - Dream State
Saga 02 - Back in the Game.azw3
[2020-06-21T02:21:41-0700] <dareader> @search animal breeding
[2020-06-21T02:21:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,623 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:21:48-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Lee Smith - The Plot Against the
President (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:21:48-0700] <Freida> @search Andreas Braun
[2020-06-21T02:21:51-0700] <malicioussquirr> @search Dear Edward
[2020-06-21T02:21:54-0700] UD (UD@ihw-hl0.19i.149.212.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:21:54-0700] kaplunk13 (kaplunk13@ihw-7cu.2dp.17.81.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:21:55-0700] <Fakus666|3> !DV8 Terry Brooks - Magic Kingdom of
Landover Series 02 - Black Unicorn & The - 1987 (MOBI).rar
[2020-06-21T02:21:57-0700] <mokaz> !dragnbreaker Keene, Christopher - Dream State
Saga 03 - Ghost in the Game.epub
[2020-06-21T02:21:59-0700] <dareader> @search animal science
[2020-06-21T02:21:59-0700] <kaplunk13> @search The Graphic Design Exercise Book
[2020-06-21T02:22:01-0700] <UD> @TEXTBOOKS
[2020-06-21T02:22:09-0700] <mokaz> !dragnbreaker Keene, Christopher - Dream State
Saga 04 - Lost in the Game.epub
[2020-06-21T02:22:12-0700] <Fakus666|3> !DV8 Terry Brooks - Magic Kingdom of
Landover Series 05 - Witches' Brew - 1995 (MOBI).rar
[2020-06-21T02:22:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,891 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T02:22:13-0700] giuspunkie (Username@ihw-jpp1cv.ip76.fastwebnet.it) left
IRC (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T02:22:14-0700] el2 (el@ihw-cteat8.dsl.telepac.pt) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:22:18-0700] <malicioussquirr> !LawdyServer Dear Edward.epub
::INFO:: 1.6MB
[2020-06-21T02:22:32-0700] <Fakus666|3> !DV8 Terry Brooks - Magic Kingdom of
Landover Series 06 - Princess of Landover & A - 2009 (MOBI).rar
[2020-06-21T02:22:38-0700] <Freida> @search Sandra Smidt
[2020-06-21T02:22:47-0700] <milosvuk234> @search The Memory Police
[2020-06-21T02:22:56-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal Jeanine Pirro - Radicals,
Resistance, and Revenge- The Left's Plot to Remake America (Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:22:56-0700] <malicioussquirr> @search Grady Hendrix
[2020-06-21T02:22:58-0700] <mokaz> !dragnbreaker Keene, Christopher - Dream State
Saga 00.5 - First in the Game.epub
[2020-06-21T02:23:14-0700] makidani (manix@ihw-h1g.ir9.80.85.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:23:16-0700] <scuba734> @search allison brook
[2020-06-21T02:23:19-0700] <malicioussquirr> !QuietSilence Hendrix Grady - The
Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires.epub -- 2.89 MB
[2020-06-21T02:23:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 45 • Speed: 420,102cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,726 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:23:32-0700] levikus321 (levikus321@ihw-o7p.c2n.226.103.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T02:23:36-0700] <kaplunk13> @search graphic design
[2020-06-21T02:23:41-0700] <makidani> @searchook The Burial Circle by Kate Ellis
[2020-06-21T02:23:43-0700] sonofsamx (sonofsamx@ihw-u34nk1.pa.comcast.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T02:23:44-0700] <malicioussquirr> !shytot Grady Hendrix - The Southern
Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires (retail) (epub).epub ::INFO:: 2.9MB
[2020-06-21T02:23:46-0700] <milosvuk234> !Oatmeal Yoko Ogawa - The Memory Police
[2020-06-21T02:23:49-0700] <padrician> !Oatmeal David Limbaugh - Guilty by Reason
of Insanity- Why The Democrats Must Not Win (Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:23:58-0700] Freida (Freida@ihw-oh2.m84.31.151.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T02:24:03-0700] caesar (thomas_cat@ihw-cd5567.static.aussiebb.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:24:18-0700] <caesar> @search blood brothers king
[2020-06-21T02:24:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T02:24:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T02:24:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,706
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:24:37-0700] <Sohee> !Oatmeal Seanan McGuire - [October Daye 13] -
The Unkindest Tide (Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:24:41-0700] <kaplunk13> @search graphic design brief
[2020-06-21T02:24:42-0700] ekeai (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:24:44-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Allison Brook - [Haunted Library
Mystery 03] - Buried in the Stacks (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:24:52-0700] AndroUser (androirc@ihw-rml.kuf.69.115.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:24:53-0700] <kaplunk13> @search creative bries
[2020-06-21T02:24:54-0700] levikus321 (levikus321@ihw-o7p.c2n.226.103.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T02:24:56-0700] levikus321 (levikus321@ihw-o7p.c2n.226.103.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T02:25:06-0700] earthrocker (darn@ihw-i1j.mpp.206.85.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:25:06-0700] jo3c00l438 (jo3c00l438@ihw-rk3.vqa.99.101.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:25:07-0700] <jo3c00l438> @search How to Pronounce Knife
[2020-06-21T02:25:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:25:10-0700] caesar (thomas_cat@ihw-cd5567.static.aussiebb.net) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T02:25:11-0700] <earthrocker> @search uml
[2020-06-21T02:25:12-0700] alexose (alexose@ihw-3g7.c5d.247.162.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:25:14-0700] <kaplunk13> @search creative breif
[2020-06-21T02:25:23-0700] adi (adithya@ihw-r2s.0b1.51.106.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:25:27-0700] <mokaz> !Horla Vivian Vande Velde - [User Unfriendly 01]
- User Unfriendly (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:25:31-0700] babyking43lemos (babyking43l@ihw-7ba.hts.113.176.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:25:32-0700] BamBam (AmigoB@ihw-16r7h9.speed.planet.nl) left IRC
(Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
[2020-06-21T02:25:33-0700] malicioussquirr (malicioussq@ihw-doo1ta.dynamic.kabel-
deutschland.de) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T02:25:33-0700] <babyking43lemos> @search tools of titans
[2020-06-21T02:25:37-0700] <@LawdyServer> [dlFilter] Are the responses to your
requests getting lost in the crowd? Are your @find responses spread about? If you
are using mIRC as your IRC client then download dlFilter version 2.13 from
https://github.com/DukeLupus/dlFilter/ and make your time in #ebooks less
[2020-06-21T02:25:42-0700] <adi> @search john barry
[2020-06-21T02:25:52-0700] Sulla (Sulla@ihw-fhqeke.cqud.aevp.a601.2605.IP) left IRC
(The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.)
[2020-06-21T02:25:53-0700] <bronkeykong> @search stephen chbosky
[2020-06-21T02:25:53-0700] <jo3c00l438> @search Tomasz Jedrowski
[2020-06-21T02:25:55-0700] Jazz (jazz@ihw-oq4.1t9.71.182.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:25:59-0700] <mokaz> !dragnbreaker Vande Velde, Vivian - User
Unfriendly 02 - Heir Apparent (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T02:26:00-0700] <babyking43lemos> !bsk Tools of Titans - Timothy
Ferriss.epub ::INFO:: 4.9MB
[2020-06-21T02:26:13-0700] <bronkeykong> !shytot Stephen Chbosky - Imaginary Friend
(ARC) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:26:13-0700] <jo3c00l438> !shytot Tomasz Jedrowski - Swimming in the
Dark (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:26:16-0700] <mokaz> !Horla Vivian Vande Velde - [User Unfriendly 03]
- Deadly Pink (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:26:26-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,187 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:26:34-0700] <Sohee> !Oatmeal Seanan McGuire - [October Daye 12] -
Night and Silence (retail)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:26:40-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:26:42-0700] dareader (Shamim@ihw-pts.5pl.145.103.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T02:26:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,624 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:26:51-0700] <Iska> @searchook Jane Nickerson
[2020-06-21T02:26:53-0700] <Fakus666|3> !DV8 Terry Brooks - Magic Kingdom of
Landover Series 03 - Wizard at Large - 1988 (MOBI).rar
[2020-06-21T02:26:57-0700] babyking43lemos (babyking43l@ihw-7ba.hts.113.176.IP)
left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T02:27:00-0700] <adi> !Oatmeal John M Barry - The Great Influenza- The
Epic Story of the Deadliest Plague in History (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.1MB
[2020-06-21T02:27:05-0700] <kaplunk13> @search Creative Workshop
[2020-06-21T02:27:08-0700] <scuba734> @search Marilyn Levinson
[2020-06-21T02:27:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,892 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T02:27:37-0700] <bronkeykong> !shytot The Perks of Being a Wallflower -
Chbosky, Stephen.mobi
[2020-06-21T02:27:46-0700] padrician (pastryman@ihw-94p.189.89.152.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T02:27:53-0700] <Fakus666|3> !DV8 Terry Brooks - Magic Kingdom of
Landover Series 06 - Princess of Landover & A - 2009 (MOBI).rar
[2020-06-21T02:27:54-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 18/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 32,768cps • Next: NOW • Served:
3,190,554 • List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:27:54-0700] omarsiddiqi (ChaChaFeel@ihw-bco.g3v.35.65.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:27:59-0700] <kaplunk13> @search anti racist
[2020-06-21T02:28:10-0700] <adi> @search david mitchell
[2020-06-21T02:28:10-0700] nova1 (nova@ihw-tcd.f52.110.50.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T02:28:14-0700] ekeai (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:28:20-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,492 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T02:28:25-0700] <bronkeykong> !shytot The Perks of Being a Wallflower -
Chbosky, Stephen.mobi
[2020-06-21T02:28:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 35 • Speed: 194,195cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,737 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:28:31-0700] <kaplunk13> !LawdyServer Kendi - How To Be An Antiracist
(2019).pdf ::INFO:: 5.3MB
[2020-06-21T02:28:38-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Marilyn Levinson - [Golden Age of
Mystery Book Club Mystery 01] - Murder a la Christie (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:28:44-0700] <mats> !LawdyServer Sarah J. Egan, Tracey D. Wade, Roz
Shafran, Martin M. Antony - Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Of Perfectionism.pdf
[2020-06-21T02:28:44-0700] blunders (blunders@ihw-d2h.7rj.190.180.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:28:56-0700] giuspunkie (Username@ihw-nhn.uvj.39.93.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:29:10-0700] Bookish_Astr (Bookish_As@ihw-6gq.gm7.30.80.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T02:29:20-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Marilyn Levinson - [Golden Age of
Mystery Book Club Mystery 02] - Murder the Tey Way (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:29:23-0700] kaplunk13 (kaplunk13@ihw-7cu.2dp.17.81.IP) left the
[2020-06-21T02:29:24-0700] alexose (alexose@ihw-3g7.c5d.247.162.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:29:24-0700] <milosvuk234> @search Musashi
[2020-06-21T02:29:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T02:29:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T02:29:33-0700] remusgrrrl (remusgrrrl@ihw-8enour.ca.shawcable.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:29:34-0700] <Sohee> !Oatmeal Seanan McGuire - [October Daye 07.5] -
Full of Briars (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:29:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,707
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:29:38-0700] <Fakus666|3> !DV8 Terry Brooks - Magic Kingdom of
Landover Series 01 - Magic Kingdom for Sale-Sold! - 1986 (EPUB).rar
[2020-06-21T02:29:40-0700] <UD> !phoomphy Corbetta, Piergiorgio - Social Research;
Theory, Methods and Techniques (2003).pdf ::INFO:: 1.37 MiB
[2020-06-21T02:29:41-0700] <Bookish_Astr> @SearchBot-Trigger
[2020-06-21T02:29:43-0700] <Bookish_Astr> @search Robert K. Massie
[2020-06-21T02:29:44-0700] <adi> !Oatmeal David Mitchell - Cloud Atlas (retail)
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 2.6MB
[2020-06-21T02:29:44-0700] <giuspunkie> @search the little paris bookshop
[2020-06-21T02:29:51-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Marilyn Levinson - [Twin Lakes Mystery
01] - A Murderer Among Us (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:29:57-0700] <UD> !phoomphy Corbetta, Piergiorgio - Social Research;
Theory, Methods and Techniques (2003).pdf ::INFO:: 1.37 MiB
[2020-06-21T02:29:57-0700] <bronkeykong> @search Hull Zero Three
[2020-06-21T02:30:02-0700] <remusgrrrl> @search schlichter
[2020-06-21T02:30:02-0700] <mats> !LawdyServer Perfectionism A Relational Approach
to Conceptualization Assessment and Treatment 2017.pdf
[2020-06-21T02:30:06-0700] raindrip (raindrip@ihw-6ce0gm.co.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:30:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:30:14-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Marilyn Levinson - [Twin Lakes Mystery
02] - Murder in the Air (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:30:15-0700] jo3c00l438 (jo3c00l438@ihw-rk3.vqa.99.101.IP) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T02:30:23-0700] SEnhw43G (senhw43g@ihw-j5u0j8.launtel.net.au) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:30:27-0700] <varafel> !Oatmeal Andrzej Sapkowski - [Witcher] - The
Road With No Return (fan translation) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:30:38-0700] panpanpan (panpanpan@ihw-l4sgca.biz.spectrum.com) left
IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T02:30:38-0700] xaea420 (xaea420@ihw-327q58.6a2g.7iii.8003.2001.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:30:41-0700] tomtomtom (staggerlee@ihw-2th.558.83.80.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:30:44-0700] <xaea420> @search morty
[2020-06-21T02:30:46-0700] earthrocker (darn@ihw-i1j.mpp.206.85.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T02:30:51-0700] Sulla (Sulla@ihw-fvurf2.cqud.aevp.a601.2605.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T02:30:56-0700] maskokot (maskokot@ihw-18ttqg.skybroadband.com) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T02:30:59-0700] <tomtomtom> @search giants who really rule the world
[2020-06-21T02:31:00-0700] Cereal_Liker (Everyone_Ch@ihw-79g.eg9.59.185.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T02:31:02-0700] <giuspunkie> !Horla Nina George - The Little Paris
Bookshop (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:31:05-0700] ksjdgbk (User@ihw-9og.o74.148.91.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T02:31:09-0700] <Cereal_Liker> @search timewaster letters
[2020-06-21T02:31:23-0700] <UD> !phoomphy Jupp, Victor (editor) - The SAGE
Dictionary of Social Research Methods (2006).pdf ::INFO:: 2.11 MiB
[2020-06-21T02:31:25-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,189 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:31:31-0700] <giuspunkie> !Oatmeal Nina George - The Little Paris
Bookshop (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:31:35-0700] xdccMule[1053TR] (xdccMule@ihw-
rhr2o0.retail.telecomitalia.it) left IRC (Quit: mIRC xdccMule v0.2.8.6 (
[1] URL: http://xdccmule.org)
[2020-06-21T02:31:37-0700] <mats> @search guise
[2020-06-21T02:31:38-0700] <varafel> !Oatmeal Andrzej Sapkowski - [Witcher] - The
Sword of Destiny (fan translation) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:31:42-0700] <Sohee> !Oatmeal Reece Hirsch - [Lisa Tanchik 01] -
Black Nowhere (epub)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:31:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,628 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:31:54-0700] <Cereal_Liker> !Horla Robin Cooper - The Timewaster
Letters (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:31:58-0700] <bronkeykong> @search Replay
[2020-06-21T02:31:58-0700] <bronkeykong> by Ken Grimwood
[2020-06-21T02:32:01-0700] oldstyle (bookman@ihw-b2t.1dh.159.78.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:32:06-0700] oldstyle (bookman@ihw-b2t.1dh.159.78.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T02:32:06-0700] <giuspunkie> @search the little bookshop of lonely
[2020-06-21T02:32:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,895 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T02:32:21-0700] <scuba734> @search Jana DeLeon
[2020-06-21T02:32:33-0700] <tomtomtom> @search En reise i vannets fremtid
[2020-06-21T02:32:43-0700] <giuspunkie> !shytot Annie Darling - The Little Bookshop
of Lonely Hearts (retail) (epub).epu
[2020-06-21T02:32:46-0700] <varafel> !Oatmeal Andrzej Sapkowski - [Witcher 08] -
Season of Storms(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:32:46-0700] blunders (blunders@ihw-d2h.7rj.190.180.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:32:48-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T02:32:49-0700] <ReapersPlaything> @search Romeo and Juliet
[2020-06-21T02:32:50-0700] LittleFly (LittleFly@ihw-m8e.isl.252.89.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:32:55-0700] <giuspunkie> !shytot Annie Darling - The Little Bookshop
of Lonely Hearts (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:32:57-0700] <varafel> !Oatmeal Andrzej Sapkowski - [The Witcher] -
The Edge of the World - The Malady and Other Stories (Andrzej Sapkowski Sampler)
[2020-06-21T02:33:04-0700] <mats> @search stephen guise
[2020-06-21T02:33:08-0700] <varafel> !Oatmeal Andrzej Sapkowski - [The Witcher 02]
- Season of Storms (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:33:10-0700] synchsynch (synchsynch@ihw-m0baao.cable.virginm.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:33:20-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,495 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T02:33:29-0700] <milosvuk234> @search Yukio Mishima
[2020-06-21T02:33:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 29 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,745 • List: Jun
18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:33:34-0700] <giuspunkie> !Ook Annie Darling - The Little Bookshop of
Lonely Hearts (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:34:08-0700] raindrip (raindrip@ihw-6ce0gm.co.comcast.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:34:09-0700] <giuspunkie> @search the invisible library
[2020-06-21T02:34:13-0700] <milosvuk234> !Horla Yukio Mishima - [Sea of Fertility
01] - Spring Snow (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:34:19-0700] buffy2019 (kvirc@ihw-2uf.97a.35.194.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:34:25-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T02:34:26-0700] xaea420 (xaea420@ihw-327q58.6a2g.7iii.8003.2001.IP) left
IRC (Quit: Leaving...)
[2020-06-21T02:34:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T02:34:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T02:34:32-0700] <kinjat_awy> @shytot
[2020-06-21T02:34:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,707
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:34:40-0700] left4j (left4j@ihw-sjs.rt7.30.78.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:34:48-0700] <left4j> @search jerry cleaver
[2020-06-21T02:35:12-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:35:14-0700] <left4j> !bsk Jerry Cleaver - Immediate Fiction- A
Complete Writing Course (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T02:35:14-0700] <giuspunkie> !Oatmeal Genevieve Cogman - The Invisible
Library (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:35:43-0700] <giuspunkie> @search how to find love in a bookshop
[2020-06-21T02:35:44-0700] critter__ (Critter@ihw-5sf.shg.102.212.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:36:08-0700] <left4j> !bsk Jerry Cleaver - Immediate Fiction- A
Complete Writing Course (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:36:14-0700] lam91 (lam91@ihw-ms98gn.cpe.distributel.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:36:25-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,189 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:36:43-0700] <left4j> !Oatmeal Jerry Cleaver - Immediate Fiction- A
Complete Writing Course (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T02:36:44-0700] KidCrims01 (KidCrims01@ihw-hhp.uvj.136.191.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T02:36:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 40,235cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,628 •
List: Jun 20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:36:49-0700] remusgrrrl (remusgrrrl@ihw-8enour.ca.shawcable.net) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T02:36:50-0700] <giuspunkie> @search how to find love in a bookshop
[2020-06-21T02:36:50-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:37:01-0700] JoeBloogs (JoeBloogs@ihw-rg1dtv.ftth.web.africa) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:37:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T02:37:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,896 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T02:37:22-0700] <giuspunkie> !TrainFiles Veronica Henry - How to Find
Love in a Bookshop (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:37:30-0700] Inksong (Inksong@ihw-o5l.i3u.107.103.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:37:42-0700] mechaniman (mechaniman@ihw-8ksbet.cable.virginm.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:37:42-0700] Silkysilk (silgio91@ihw-
c23tki.pool21345.interbusiness.it) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:37:46-0700] left4j (left4j@ihw-sjs.rt7.30.78.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T02:38:07-0700] <mechaniman> @search the world is made of stories
[2020-06-21T02:38:20-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,496 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T02:38:29-0700] j0del (j0del@ihw-gin.f9k.129.102.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:38:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 25 • Speed: 420,102cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,751 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:38:40-0700] <Silkysilk> @search loop
[2020-06-21T02:38:46-0700] VanDean (VanDean@ihw-nv2jis.dynamic.bellmts.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T02:38:46-0700] <VanDean> @search World War II at Sea A Global History
[2020-06-21T02:38:49-0700] <robinkat> !shytot Lee Savino & Lili Zander - [Rebel
Force 01] - Draekon Warrior (epub).epub ::INFO:: 508.4KB
[2020-06-21T02:38:51-0700] JoeBloogs (JoeBloogs@ihw-rg1dtv.ftth.web.africa) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T02:38:59-0700] <JoeBloogs> @search josephine cox
[2020-06-21T02:39:14-0700] giuspunkie (Username@ihw-nhn.uvj.39.93.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T02:39:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T02:39:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T02:39:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,707
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:39:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,736
(2103.81 GB)
[2020-06-21T02:39:46-0700] <j0del> @search r h sin
[2020-06-21T02:39:46-0700] critter__ (Critter@ihw-5sf.shg.102.212.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:39:54-0700] <PaigeTurner> !Ook Sadie Carter - [Zerconian Warriors
17] - Alien Conquest (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:39:55-0700] <ReapersPlaything> @search Cybersecurity for Beginners
[2020-06-21T02:39:55-0700] <Inksong> @search History Has Begun
[2020-06-21T02:40:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:40:26-0700] pikun (pikun2@ihw-v02h6c.tpgi.com.au) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:40:28-0700] andrevdb (andrevdb@ihw-6e9.n1v.193.41.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:40:37-0700] <ReapersPlaything> @TEXTBOOKS
[2020-06-21T02:40:44-0700] <andrevdb> @search john scalzi
[2020-06-21T02:40:46-0700] KidCrims01 (KidCrims01@ihw-hhp.uvj.136.191.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:40:58-0700] jojbot (angus7@ihw-hoogqq.dynamic.sbb.rs) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:41:02-0700] <jojbot> @search Eldritch Chrome
[2020-06-21T02:41:14-0700] <j0del> @whiskey words shovel
[2020-06-21T02:41:15-0700] <Silkysilk> !shytot Simon Stalenhag - Tales From the
Loop (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:41:26-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,189 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:41:38-0700] <Silkysilk> !Oatmeal Simon Stalenhag - Tales From the
Loop (epub)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:41:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,736
(2103.81 GB)
[2020-06-21T02:41:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,630 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:41:45-0700] <robinkat> !shytot Lee Savino - [Berserker Warriors 01]
- Aegir (epub).epub ::INFO:: 152.8KB
[2020-06-21T02:41:51-0700] <scuba734> @search Kaitlyn Dunnett
[2020-06-21T02:41:52-0700] <j0del> @search whiskey words shovel
[2020-06-21T02:41:56-0700] Inksong (Inksong@ihw-o5l.i3u.107.103.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T02:42:01-0700] <JoeBloogs> !Xon Josephine Cox - Born Bad (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:42:04-0700] jurjen (jurjen@ihw-3fcsrj.o0kl.n799.1c00.2001.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T02:42:11-0700] <jurjen> @search guy kawasaki
[2020-06-21T02:42:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,896 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T02:42:26-0700] Iska (Eunoia@ihw-qv1.feb.191.180.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T02:42:28-0700] Jazz (jazz@ihw-oq4.1t9.71.182.IP) left IRC (Quit: jazz)
[2020-06-21T02:42:30-0700] <jojbot> @search BRIAN SAMMONS
[2020-06-21T02:42:49-0700] Sithicus (Sith1@ihw-vqhh5r.range109-
153.btcentralplus.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:42:50-0700] <Sithicus> !Xon ForestRage - [The Red Lands 01] - The
Red Lands 1 (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:42:50-0700] <Sithicus> !Xon ForestRage - [The Red Lands 02] - The
Red Lands 2 (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:42:52-0700] <PaigeTurner> @search Love Forever - Lucy Darling
[2020-06-21T02:42:54-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 19/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 81,920cps • Next: NOW • Served:
3,190,571 • List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:43:01-0700] bORP (bORP@ihw-gpb.2v5.30.178.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:43:14-0700] <PaigeTurner> @search Craving her curves - Carmel Evans
[2020-06-21T02:43:17-0700] <jurjen> @search the art of the start
[2020-06-21T02:43:20-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,496 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T02:43:31-0700] wdorlyuwx (User@ihw-fmti75.fios.verizon.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:43:32-0700] <bORP> @search Harrow the Ninth
[2020-06-21T02:43:40-0700] jurjen (jurjen@ihw-3fcsrj.o0kl.n799.1c00.2001.IP) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T02:43:49-0700] DrZhivago (DrZhivago@ihw-oes.8l5.245.197.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:43:49-0700] robjow (robjow@ihw-0ao.956.89.103.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:43:53-0700] jumbo (textual@ihw-u5b.0ih.74.121.IP) left IRC (Quit: My
Mac Mini has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
[2020-06-21T02:43:54-0700] synchsynch (synchsynch@ihw-m0baao.cable.virginm.net)
left IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T02:43:57-0700] commist20 (commist20@ihw-gn5.623.45.70.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:44:00-0700] <bORP> @search tamzin muir
[2020-06-21T02:44:02-0700] gjuoipm (gjuoipm@ihw-oqs.p6p.235.105.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:44:06-0700] <gjuoipm> @search Trust Aprille Canniff
[2020-06-21T02:44:06-0700] <gjuoipm> @SearchBot-Trigger
[2020-06-21T02:44:15-0700] synchsynch (synchsynch@ihw-m0baao.cable.virginm.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:44:18-0700] <bORP> @search tamzyn muir
[2020-06-21T02:44:20-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 44 • Speed: 426,481cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,756 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:44:24-0700] <arcen> @search some of the best from tor.com 2016
[2020-06-21T02:44:27-0700] <PaigeTurner> @search Saved by the Alien Warriors -
Stella Dawn
[2020-06-21T02:44:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T02:44:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T02:44:35-0700] <wdorlyuwx> @seach john porter psions guide
[2020-06-21T02:44:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,707
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:44:37-0700] milosvuk234 (HPmilosvuk@ihw-m5d.r5d.11.46.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T02:44:42-0700] <commist20> @bsk
[2020-06-21T02:44:42-0700] <bORP> @search tamsyn muir
[2020-06-21T02:44:46-0700] hortacuslaroux (hortacuslar@ihw-e9q5nb.dsl.bell.ca)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:44:46-0700] VanDean (VanDean@ihw-nv2jis.dynamic.bellmts.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:44:49-0700] Sulla (Sulla@ihw-fvurf2.cqud.aevp.a601.2605.IP) left IRC
(The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.)
[2020-06-21T02:44:51-0700] <arcen> !Oatmeal Tor - Some of the Best from Tor.com
2016 (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:44:57-0700] <Fakus666|3> !DV8 Terry Brooks - Shannara 11 - Scions of
Shannara (MOBI).rar
[2020-06-21T02:44:58-0700] <PaigeTurner> @search Boots at the Beach - Daisy Gold
[2020-06-21T02:45:01-0700] <wdorlyuwx> @search John porter psions guide
[2020-06-21T02:45:01-0700] tautiton (tautiton@ihw-52p0ae.rev.sfr.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:45:08-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:45:13-0700] <PaigeTurner> @search Mountain Man Idol - Ava Grace
[2020-06-21T02:45:29-0700] bORP (bORP@ihw-gpb.2v5.30.178.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T02:45:31-0700] <foobar> !dragnbreaker Turner, Richard - The Kurgan War
01 - First Strike (v5.0).azw3
[2020-06-21T02:45:33-0700] <andrevdb> @search john scalzi
[2020-06-21T02:45:33-0700] <hortacuslaroux> @searchook Hofmannsthal
[2020-06-21T02:45:49-0700] dandyman789 (dandyman78@ihw-spe.5dp.25.2.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:46:13-0700] Silkysilk (silgio91@ihw-
c23tki.pool21345.interbusiness.it) left IRC (Client exited)
[2020-06-21T02:46:14-0700] <PaigeTurner> @Oatmeal-new
[2020-06-21T02:46:25-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,189 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:46:42-0700] Sithicus (Sith1@ihw-vqhh5r.range109-
153.btcentralplus.com) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T02:46:42-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Deadly Edits 01] -
Crime & Punctuation (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:46:42-0700] <sonofsamx> @search whitney cummings
[2020-06-21T02:46:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,632 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:46:52-0700] jjaomni (ident@ihw-0dd.9a1.34.136.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:46:52-0700] ChanServ sets mode +v jjaomni
[2020-06-21T02:46:54-0700] <commist20> @search melbay
[2020-06-21T02:46:57-0700] <wdorlyuwx> @search the psions’ guide
[2020-06-21T02:46:59-0700] <dandyman789> @search Nick Sharman
[2020-06-21T02:47:06-0700] <sonofsamx> !Oatmeal Whitney Cummings - I'm Fine and
Other Lies (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:47:10-0700] no1spam12345 (nospam1234@ihw-caehts.optusnet.com.au)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:47:12-0700] <varafel> !Horla Andrzej Sapkowski - [Witcher 07] - The
Lady of the Lake (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:47:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,896 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T02:47:15-0700] <wdorlyuwx> @search franz bardon
[2020-06-21T02:47:17-0700] SageVomo (SageVomo@ihw-3l8.uj2.116.87.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:47:18-0700] <+jjaomni> @SearchBot-Trigger
[2020-06-21T02:47:20-0700] <no1spam12345> @search the long shadow anne
[2020-06-21T02:47:23-0700] <Hieppo> @search twelve years a slave
[2020-06-21T02:47:24-0700] <commist20> @search hal leonard
[2020-06-21T02:47:28-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Deadly Edits 02] -
Clause & Effect (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:47:28-0700] <sonofsamx> @search unshakeable
[2020-06-21T02:47:39-0700] epaminondas (epaminondas@ihw-oh8.joq.170.5.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T02:47:41-0700] <SageVomo> @search The Dispossessed
[2020-06-21T02:47:42-0700] <no1spam12345> @search dervla mctiernan
[2020-06-21T02:47:48-0700] <epaminondas> @search the killing star
[2020-06-21T02:47:58-0700] <sonofsamx> !bsk Unshakeable .. Financial Freedom
Playbook by Tony Robbins EPUB.epub
[2020-06-21T02:48:01-0700] <Hieppo> !shytot Twelve Years a Slave - Solomon
Northup.mobi ::INFO:: 3.5MB
[2020-06-21T02:48:07-0700] wdorlyuwx (User@ihw-fmti75.fios.verizon.net) left the
[2020-06-21T02:48:08-0700] hortacuslaroux (hortacuslar@ihw-e9q5nb.dsl.bell.ca) left
IRC (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T02:48:14-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Liss Maccrimmon
Mystery 01] - Kilt Dead (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:48:17-0700] synchsynch (synchsynch@ihw-m0baao.cable.virginm.net)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:48:19-0700] nomoreTrump (nomore@ihw-s94.jho.243.77.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:48:20-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,497 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T02:48:21-0700] <SageVomo> @search Ursula K Le Guin
[2020-06-21T02:48:28-0700] <no1spam12345> !Horla Dervla McTiernan - [Cormac Reilly
02] - The Scholar (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:48:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 4/6 • Queued: 60 • Speed: 503,187cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,767 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:48:39-0700] <nomoreTrump> @SEARCHOOK SLOSS
[2020-06-21T02:48:40-0700] <j0del> @search whisky words shovel
[2020-06-21T02:48:42-0700] <no1spam12345> !Horla Dervla McTiernan - [Cormac Reilly
02] - The Scholar (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:48:43-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Liss MacCrimmon
Mystery 02] - Scone Cold Dead (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:48:57-0700] <bronkeykong> @search ken grimwood
[2020-06-21T02:49:03-0700] tautiton (tautiton@ihw-52p0ae.rev.sfr.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:49:04-0700] <no1spam12345> !bsk Dervla McTiernan - [Cormac Reilly
03] - The Good Turn (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 666.3KB
[2020-06-21T02:49:06-0700] <SageVomo> !JimBob420 Ursula K Le Guin - [Hainish 05] -
The Dispossessed (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T02:49:14-0700] <j0del> @search whiskey words
[2020-06-21T02:49:16-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Lisa MacCrimmon 03]
- A Wee Christmas Homicide (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:49:16-0700] <dandyman789> !shytot Mark Timlin - [Nick Sharman 01] -
A Good Year for the Roses (epub).epub ::INFO:: 283.9KB
[2020-06-21T02:49:19-0700] <bronkeykong> !Oatmeal Ken Grimwood - Replay (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:49:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T02:49:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T02:49:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,708
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:49:42-0700] Sulla (Sulla@ihw-4g2fgv.cqud.aevp.a601.2605.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T02:49:43-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Liss MacCrimmon
Mystery 04] - The Corpse Wore Tartan (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:49:49-0700] papillon (papillon@ihw-ba1i3h.static.netvigator.com)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:49:51-0700] <epaminondas> @search charles pellegrino
[2020-06-21T02:50:00-0700] wdorlyuwx (User@ihw-fmti75.fios.verizon.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:50:01-0700] wdorlyuwx (User@ihw-fmti75.fios.verizon.net) left the
[2020-06-21T02:50:05-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Liss MacCrimmon
Mystery 05] - Scotched (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:50:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:50:08-0700] <Hieppo> @search the pianist
[2020-06-21T02:50:10-0700] <commist20> @search guitar pedal steel
[2020-06-21T02:50:19-0700] Krisxxxxx (Krisxxxxx@ihw-hat4l8.singnet.com.sg) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T02:50:25-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Liss MacCrimmon
Mystery 06] - Bagpipes, Brides and Homicides (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:50:28-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:50:32-0700] <nomoreTrump> !Horla Marcus Sloss - [Cyber Viking 01] -
Cyber Viking 1 (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:50:32-0700] <nomoreTrump> !Horla Marcus Sloss - [Cyber Viking 02] -
Cyber Viking 2 (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:50:32-0700] <nomoreTrump> !Horla Marcus Sloss - [Cyber Viking 03] -
Cyber Viking 3 (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:50:32-0700] <nomoreTrump> !Horla Marcus Sloss - [Cyber Viking 04] -
Cyber Viking 4 (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:50:32-0700] <Krisxxxxx> @search john green
[2020-06-21T02:50:37-0700] kristian_on_linu (quassel@ihw-fls.2lq.243.92.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T02:50:37-0700] <Fakus666|3> !DV8 Terry Brooks - Shannara 12 - Druid of
Shannara (MOBI).rar
[2020-06-21T02:50:40-0700] <commist20> @search pedal steel
[2020-06-21T02:50:48-0700] <Hieppo> !Horla Wladyslaw Szpilman - The Pianist- The
extraordinary story of one man's survival in Warsaw, 1939-45 (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:50:48-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Liss MacCrimmon
Mystery 07] - Vampires, Bones and Treacle Scones (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:50:55-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T02:50:57-0700] <no1spam12345> @search the long shadow anne
[2020-06-21T02:51:08-0700] <Krisxxxxx> !Ook John Green - The Fault in Our Stars
(retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:51:15-0700] <no1spam12345> @search winter grave helene
[2020-06-21T02:51:23-0700] PaigeTurner (PaigeTurner@ihw-sujin4.hawaiiantel.net)
left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T02:51:25-0700] <gjuoipm> @search Cameron's Rules Baxter Brown
[2020-06-21T02:51:25-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,190 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:51:29-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Liss MacCrimmon
Mystery 08] - Ho-Ho-Homicide (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T02:51:29-0700] <j0del> !shytot R H Sin - [Whiskey Words & a Shovel 01]
- Whiskey Words & a Shovel I (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:51:42-0700] <commist20> @search dewitt scott
[2020-06-21T02:51:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,634 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:51:45-0700] <no1spam12345> !Horla Helene Tursten - [Embla Nystrom
Investigation 02] - Winter Grave (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:51:51-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Liss MacCrimmon
Mystery 09] - The Scottie Barked at Midnight (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:51:58-0700] warrior0015 (warrior0015@ihw-froer2.res.rr.com) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T02:52:00-0700] <epaminondas> @search George Zebrowski
[2020-06-21T02:52:12-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Liss MacCrimmon
Mystery 10] - Kilt at the Highland Games (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:52:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,896 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T02:52:27-0700] <commist20> @search guitar
[2020-06-21T02:52:33-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Liss MacCrimmon
Mystery 11] - X Marks the Scot (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:52:39-0700] Anna3855 (NhYzSoIT@ihw-vfr.igs.157.183.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:52:42-0700] <sonofsamx> @search donald miller
[2020-06-21T02:52:43-0700] nomoreTrump (nomore@ihw-s94.jho.243.77.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T02:52:46-0700] Anna3855 (NhYzSoIT@ihw-vfr.igs.157.183.IP) left IRC (G-
Lined: pornspam)
[2020-06-21T02:52:47-0700] <no1spam12345> @search The Spill Imbi Neeme
[2020-06-21T02:52:51-0700] Finnfinn (finnfinn@ihw-lll4ma.5364.n0ta.0908.2a02.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:52:53-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Liss MacCrimmon
Mystery 12] - Overkilt (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:53:03-0700] <Wigwam> @search Rene Denfeld
[2020-06-21T02:53:10-0700] <gjuoipm> @search One gold summer Clare Lydon
[2020-06-21T02:53:13-0700] <SuperG> @search Quill The Cartographer
[2020-06-21T02:53:18-0700] <sonofsamx> !dny238 Scary Close_ Dropping the Act a -
Donald Miller.epub
[2020-06-21T02:53:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,498 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T02:53:19-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Liss MacCrimmon
Mystery 13] - A View to a Kilt (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:53:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 51 • Speed: 384,573cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,779 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:53:36-0700] dranny69 (dranny69@ihw-g3sm1i.cable.virginm.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T02:53:37-0700] <gjuoipm> @search One golden summer Clare Lydon
[2020-06-21T02:53:42-0700] bgb (bgb@ihw-833.nki.238.104.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:53:50-0700] <sonofsamx> @search Daniel Wendler
[2020-06-21T02:54:04-0700] <dranny69> @searchook jeffrey archer nothing ventured
[2020-06-21T02:54:06-0700] <sonofsamx> !DV8 Daniel Wendler - Improve Your Social
Skills (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:54:07-0700] SageVomo (SageVomo@ihw-3l8.uj2.116.87.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T02:54:15-0700] synchsynch (synchsynch@ihw-m0baao.cable.virginm.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:54:20-0700] jjjjjhjhkh (johnhouse@ihw-3poep4.as13285.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:54:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T02:54:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T02:54:28-0700] <Fakus666|3> !DV8 Terry Brooks - Shannara 13 - Elf Queen
of Shannara (MOBI).rar
[2020-06-21T02:54:28-0700] <jjjjjhjhkh> !search natives akala
[2020-06-21T02:54:35-0700] <SuperG> !Horla A C Cobble - [The Cartographer 01] -
Quill (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:54:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,708
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:54:38-0700] Krisxxxxx (Krisxxxxx@ihw-hat4l8.singnet.com.sg) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T02:54:43-0700] <jjjjjhjhkh> @search natives akala
[2020-06-21T02:54:44-0700] <sonofsamx> !dragnbreaker Wendler, Daniel - Level Up
Your Social Life (retail).azw3
[2020-06-21T02:54:50-0700] <scuba734> @search Kathy Lynn Emerson
[2020-06-21T02:55:00-0700] <dranny69> !bsk Jeffrey Archer - [William Warwick 01] -
Nothing Ventured (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:55:01-0700] Neppu (Nepene@ihw-mtu.0gk.103.185.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:55:02-0700] <sonofsamx> @search tom voors
[2020-06-21T02:55:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:55:11-0700] wdorlyuwx (User@ihw-fmti75.fios.verizon.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:55:12-0700] <sonofsamx> @search tim voors
[2020-06-21T02:55:22-0700] dranny69 (dranny69@ihw-g3sm1i.cable.virginm.net) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T02:55:28-0700] <wdorlyuwx> @search the psions guide
[2020-06-21T02:55:31-0700] gulbali (gulbali@ihw-01ffkc.alshamil.net.ae) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:55:36-0700] wdorlyuwx (User@ihw-fmti75.fios.verizon.net) left the
[2020-06-21T02:55:37-0700] <@LawdyServer> [dlFilter] Are the responses to your
requests getting lost in the crowd? Are your @find responses spread about? If you
are using mIRC as your IRC client then download dlFilter version 2.13 from
https://github.com/DukeLupus/dlFilter/ and make your time in #ebooks less
[2020-06-21T02:55:41-0700] Halitosor (halitosor@ihw-og6.ot9.247.104.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:55:43-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Kathy Lynn Emerson - [Susanna, Lady
Appleton 01] - Face Down in the Marrow-Bone Pie (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:55:46-0700] <gulbali> !Horla Alan Jacobson - [OPSIG Team Black 03] -
The Lost Codex (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T02:55:46-0700] <gulbali> !Horla Alan Jacobson - [OPSIG Team Black 04] -
Dark Side of the Moon (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:55:46-0700] <gulbali> !Horla Alan Jacobson - The Hunted (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T02:55:46-0700] <gulbali> !Horla Alan Jacobson - Hard Target (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:55:52-0700] papillon (papillon@ihw-eit7r4.netvigator.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:55:55-0700] <commist20> !LawdyServer
[2020-06-21T02:56:06-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Kathy Lynn Emerson - [Susanna, Lady
Appleton 02] - Face Down Upon an Herbal (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:56:23-0700] <jojbot> !shytot Brian M Sammons & Glynn Owen Barrass
(ed) - Atomic-Age Cthulhu- Tales of Mythos Horror in the 1950s - Jeffrey Thomas,
Cody Goodfellow, Sam Stone, et al (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:56:26-0700] padfoot (padfoot@ihw-alg.igm.192.185.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:56:26-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,190 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:56:26-0700] <sonofsamx> @search bill bryson
[2020-06-21T02:56:27-0700] <bronkeykong> @search blanke crouch
[2020-06-21T02:56:29-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Kathy Lynn Emerson - [Susanna, Lady
Appleton 03] - Face Down Among the Winchester Geese (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:56:35-0700] ekeai (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:56:42-0700] <padfoot> @search coraline
[2020-06-21T02:56:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,635 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:56:46-0700] <andrevdb> !DV8 John Scalzi - [The Interdependency 02] -
The Consuming Fire (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:56:47-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Kathy Lynn Emerson - [Susanna, Lady
Appleton 04] - Face Down across the Western Sea (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:56:59-0700] cosmickoala (nuva@ihw-kij.49l.225.43.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:57:00-0700] <sonofsamx> !JimBob420 Bill Bryson - A Walk in the
Woods- Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:57:02-0700] remusgrrrl (remusgrrrl@ihw-8enour.ca.shawcable.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:57:03-0700] Halitosor (halitosor@ihw-og6.ot9.247.104.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T02:57:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T02:57:13-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Kathy Lynn Emerson - [Susanna, Lady
Appleton 04] - Face Down Beneath the Eleanor Cross (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:57:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
6/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,896 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T02:57:14-0700] <sonofsamx> @search bill bryson
[2020-06-21T02:57:15-0700] Kvoth3 (Kvoth3@ihw-933.4tb.82.183.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:57:20-0700] <padfoot> !Horla Neil Gaiman - Coraline (UK) (retail)
[2020-06-21T02:57:25-0700] <gjuoipm> @search Cynthia Eden
[2020-06-21T02:57:29-0700] <jojbot> !TrainFiles Brian M Sammons - Arkham Detective
Agency - A Lovecraftian-Noir Tribute to C J Henderson (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:57:31-0700] LittleFly (LittleFly@ihw-m8e.isl.252.89.IP) left IRC
(Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
[2020-06-21T02:57:31-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Kathy Lynn Emerson - [Susanna, Lady
Appleton 06] - Face Down Before Rebel Hooves (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:57:45-0700] bgb (bgb@ihw-833.nki.238.104.IP) left IRC (Ping timeout:
121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:57:52-0700] <cosmickoala> @search kris adams
[2020-06-21T02:57:54-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,576 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T02:57:54-0700] Halitosor (halitosor@ihw-og6.ot9.247.104.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:57:56-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Kathy Lynn Emerson - [Susanna, Lady
Appleton 08] - Face Down below the Banqueting House (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:58:01-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:58:03-0700] <Kvoth3> @Search <Christian Mayer>
[2020-06-21T02:58:05-0700] <remusgrrrl> @search brett markham
[2020-06-21T02:58:08-0700] <sonofsamx> !Xon Bill Bryson - The Life and Times of the
Thunderbolt Kid- A Memoir (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:58:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,501 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T02:58:19-0700] <gjuoipm> @search Cynthia Eden Dark Obsession
[2020-06-21T02:58:19-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Kathy Lynn Emerson - [Susanna, Lady
Appleton 09] - Face Down beside St Anne's Well (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:58:23-0700] <bronkeykong> @search blake crouch
[2020-06-21T02:58:24-0700] <sonofsamx> !Xon Bill Bryson - At Home- An Short History
of Private Life (retail) (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T02:58:30-0700] _alex (makleinx@ihw-3nei71.ftth.glasoperator.nl) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T02:58:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 43 • Speed: 488,349cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,788 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:58:33-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:58:35-0700] <_alex> !list
[2020-06-21T02:58:37-0700] ekeai (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T02:58:42-0700] timw_mk (timw_mk@ihw-hdttv5.cpe.atlanticbb.net) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T02:58:44-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Kathy Lynn Emerson - [Susanna, Lady
Appleton 10] - Face Down o'er the Border (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:58:48-0700] <Kvoth3> @search <coffee break python>
[2020-06-21T02:58:48-0700] <gjuoipm> !Oatmeal Cynthia Eden - [Dark Obsession 01] -
Watch Me (epub).rar ::INFO:: 265.3KB
[2020-06-21T02:58:48-0700] <_alex> @LawdyServer
[2020-06-21T02:58:51-0700] <gjuoipm> !Oatmeal Cynthia Eden - [Dark Obsession 02] -
Want Me (epub).rar ::INFO:: 273.7KB
[2020-06-21T02:58:53-0700] <jojbot> !Horla Brian M Sammons & Glynn Owen Barrass
(ed) - World War Cthulhu- A Collection of Lovecraftian War Stories (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:58:55-0700] <gjuoipm> !Oatmeal Cynthia Eden - [Dark Obsession 03] -
Need Me (epub).rar ::INFO:: 306.5KB
[2020-06-21T02:58:59-0700] <gjuoipm> !Oatmeal Cynthia Eden - [Dark Obsession 04] -
Beware of Me (epub).rar ::INFO:: 229.2KB
[2020-06-21T02:59:00-0700] <remusgrrrl> !LawdyServer The Food Dehydrating Bible -
Markham , Brett L_.mobi
[2020-06-21T02:59:04-0700] <scuba734> !Horla Kathy Lynn Emerson - [Susanna, Lady
Appleton] - Murder and Other Confusions (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:59:10-0700] <sonofsamx> !shytot Bryson, Bill - a Short History Of
Nearly Everything (2010).mobi
[2020-06-21T02:59:18-0700] CaptainPrinz (CaptainPrin@ihw-i15ktl.internet.co.za)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T02:59:22-0700] <andrevdb> !DV8 John Scalzi - [Interdependency 03] - The
Last Emperox (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T02:59:25-0700] <commist20> !MusicWench
[2020-06-21T02:59:25-0700] <jojbot> !shytot Brian Sammons & Glynn Barrass (ed) -
Steampunk Cthulhu- Mythos Terror in the Age of Steam (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T02:59:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T02:59:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T02:59:28-0700] scuba734 (scuba734@ihw-ugirg2.asianet.co.th) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T02:59:31-0700] jjjjjhjhkh (johnhouse@ihw-3poep4.as13285.net) left IRC
(Client exited)
[2020-06-21T02:59:34-0700] kilroy (kilroy@ihw-j376ip.dynamic-ip.hinet.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T02:59:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,708
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T02:59:38-0700] <sonofsamx> @search Daniel Lieberman
[2020-06-21T02:59:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,741
(2103.81 GB)
[2020-06-21T02:59:43-0700] <Kvoth3> @search <python>
[2020-06-21T02:59:48-0700] dranny69 (dranny69@ihw-g3sm1i.cable.virginm.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T02:59:56-0700] <sonofsamx> !LawdyServer Daniel Lieberman - The story of
the human body_ evolution, health, and disease-Pantheon (2013).epub
[2020-06-21T03:00:03-0700] <jojbot> !Horla Brian Sammons & Glynn Barrass (ed) -
Steampunk Cthulhu- Mythos Terror in the Age of Steam (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:00:07-0700] <remusgrrrl> !LawdyServer The Mini Farming Handbook by
Brett L. Markham.epub
[2020-06-21T03:00:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T03:00:09-0700] <dranny69> @searchook jeffrey archer nothing ventured
[2020-06-21T03:00:16-0700] Zoomie (Username@ihw-ij0ofk.dsl.bell.ca) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:00:18-0700] <commist20> @MusicWench
[2020-06-21T03:00:35-0700] alexose (alexose@ihw-3g7.c5d.247.162.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:00:38-0700] <sonofsamx> @sbclient
[2020-06-21T03:00:42-0700] padfoot (padfoot@ihw-alg.igm.192.185.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T03:00:45-0700] bella1 (belladona@ihw-8jq9t6.res.rr.com) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:01:25-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,191 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T03:01:31-0700] <dranny69> !bsk Nothing Ventured by Jeffrey Archer.epub
[2020-06-21T03:01:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,741
(2103.81 GB)
[2020-06-21T03:01:44-0700] sophie (sophie@ihw-4ib.fbt.58.37.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:01:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,638 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:01:51-0700] <commist20> !LawdyServer
[2020-06-21T03:01:56-0700] Halitosor (halitosor@ihw-og6.ot9.247.104.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:01:56-0700] <jojbot> @search A Mountain Walked
[2020-06-21T03:02:07-0700] ztane (rezwan@ihw-f3u.h6s.147.27.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:02:12-0700] Witt (Witt@ihw-f6i.334.112.185.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:02:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
5/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,897 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T03:02:16-0700] <adi> @search jono lineen
[2020-06-21T03:02:21-0700] jkap (jkap@ihw-ntdhpf.ca.comcast.net) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:02:27-0700] <remusgrrrl> !LawdyServer The Mini Farming Handbook by
Brett L. Markham.epub
[2020-06-21T03:02:34-0700] adi (adithya@ihw-r2s.0b1.51.106.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T03:02:37-0700] Guest96 (textual@ihw-u5b.0ih.74.121.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:02:38-0700] <jojbot> !Horla S T Joshi (ed) - A Mountain Walked-
Great Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:02:46-0700] raindrip (raindrip@ihw-6ce0gm.co.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:02:52-0700] <commist20> !LawdyServer
[2020-06-21T03:03:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,502 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T03:03:22-0700] <bronkeykong> !JimBob420 Blake Crouch - Run (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T03:03:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 37 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,795 • List: Jun
18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:04:20-0700] jkap (jkap@ihw-ntdhpf.ca.comcast.net) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:04:23-0700] <bronkeykong> !dragnbreaker Crouch, Blake - Novel 01 -
[2020-06-21T03:04:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T03:04:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T03:04:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,708
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:04:39-0700] <dandyman789> !shytot Mark Timlin - [Nick Sharman 03] -
Gun Street Girl (retail) (epub).epub ::INFO:: 243.3KB
[2020-06-21T03:04:46-0700] Zoomie (Username@ihw-855553.dsl.bell.ca) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:04:47-0700] alexose (alexose@ihw-3g7.c5d.247.162.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:04:50-0700] Finnfinn (finnfinn@ihw-lll4ma.5364.n0ta.0908.2a02.IP)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:04:54-0700] <commist20> !LawdyServer
[2020-06-21T03:05:05-0700] <remusgrrrl> !LawdyServer The Food Dehydrating Bible -
Markham , Brett L_.mobi
[2020-06-21T03:05:13-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T03:05:20-0700] selenium (selenium@ihw-qjvgol.range86-
138.btcentralplus.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:05:27-0700] <sonofsamx> @find lindsay gibson
[2020-06-21T03:05:36-0700] <bronkeykong> !MusicWench Blake Crouch - [Wayward Pines
01] - Pines (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T03:05:41-0700] <selenium> @search infinite stars dark frontiers
[2020-06-21T03:05:43-0700] <bronkeykong> !MusicWench Blake Crouch - [Wayward Pines
02] - Wayward (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:05:47-0700] g1234 (g222@ihw-661.fk1.51.106.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:05:50-0700] Finnfinn (finnfinn@ihw-lll4ma.5364.n0ta.0908.2a02.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:05:50-0700] <bronkeykong> !MusicWench Blake Crouch - [Wayward Pines
03] - The Last Town (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T03:05:57-0700] <remusgrrrl> !shytot The Mini Farming Guide to Veget -
Brett L. Markham.epub
[2020-06-21T03:06:08-0700] <remusgrrrl> @search mini farming bible
[2020-06-21T03:06:08-0700] <sonofsamx> @find sally kohn
[2020-06-21T03:06:13-0700] <epaminondas> @search footfall
[2020-06-21T03:06:13-0700] vegaman (vegaman@ihw-a20.e6t.66.103.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:06:14-0700] sophie (sophie@ihw-4ib.fbt.58.37.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T03:06:26-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,192 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T03:06:26-0700] Finnfinn_ (finnfinn@ihw-lll4ma.5364.n0ta.0908.2a02.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:06:34-0700] <remusgrrrl> !shytot The Mini Farming Guide to Veget -
Brett L. Markham.epub
[2020-06-21T03:06:39-0700] <b00kw0rm> @search richmond
[2020-06-21T03:06:43-0700] <Cereal_Liker> @search robin cooper
[2020-06-21T03:06:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,639 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:06:45-0700] <CaptainPrinz> @request-list
[2020-06-21T03:07:02-0700] <epaminondas> !DV8 Larry Niven - 1985 Footfall
[2020-06-21T03:07:05-0700] <jojbot> @search The Coming of the Old Ones
[2020-06-21T03:07:11-0700] <bronkeykong> !MusicWench Blake Crouch - Dark Matter
(retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:07:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
6/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,899 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T03:07:15-0700] <varafel> @search the luminous dead
[2020-06-21T03:07:16-0700] <dandyman789> !Horla Mark Timlin - [Nick Sharman 19] -
Reap the Whirlwind (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:07:24-0700] <j0del> @search bukowski
[2020-06-21T03:07:27-0700] <+MusicWench> French and English ebooks!• Type:
@MusicWench For My List Of: 46,699 Files • Slots: 3/3 • Queued: 2 • Speed: 0cps •
Next: NOW • Served: 295,772 • List: Jun 20th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T03:07:31-0700] <sonofsamx> @search lindsay gibson
[2020-06-21T03:07:40-0700] <bronkeykong> !MusicWench Blake Crouch - Dark Matter
(retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:07:45-0700] <varafel> !Horla Caitlin Starling - The Luminous Dead
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:07:53-0700] <selenium> !Horla Bryan Thomas Schmidt (ed) - [Infinite
Stars 02] - Dark Frontiers (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:08:02-0700] <commist20> !LawdyServer
[2020-06-21T03:08:07-0700] <sonofsamx> !DV8 Lindsay C Gibson - Recovering from
Emotionally Immature Parents (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:08:13-0700] Rog (Username@ihw-3ba.v6j.44.94.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:08:20-0700] <jojbot> !Horla Jeffrey Thomas - [The Jeffrey Thomas
Chapbook 01] - The Coming of the Old Ones (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:08:21-0700] raindrip (raindrip@ihw-6ce0gm.co.comcast.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:08:22-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:08:28-0700] <sonofsamx> @search Tanja Hester
[2020-06-21T03:08:28-0700] selenium (selenium@ihw-qjvgol.range86-
138.btcentralplus.com) left IRC (Quit: leaving)
[2020-06-21T03:08:29-0700] <remusgrrrl> !shytot The Mini Farming Guide to Veget -
Brett L. Markham.epub
[2020-06-21T03:08:34-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 1 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,503 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T03:08:45-0700] DrakeWinger (kvirc@ihw-b9u.16j.124.202.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:08:46-0700] <sonofsamx> @search Sally Kohn
[2020-06-21T03:08:48-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:08:53-0700] <varafel> @search traitor god johnston
[2020-06-21T03:08:54-0700] <Rog> @search rosemary edghill
[2020-06-21T03:08:54-0700] <bronkeykong> !JimBob420 Blake Crouch - [Andrew Z Thomas
01-03] - Thicker Than Blood- The Complete and Uncut Andrew Z Thomas Trilogy
[2020-06-21T03:08:55-0700] <+TrainFiles> For my list of 198106 files type:
@TrainFiles, Sends: 0/5 , Queue: 0/10, Voicepriority: OFF, For help: @TrainFiles-
help Using: Irssi Findbot v1.58
[2020-06-21T03:08:55-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 39 • Speed: 477,357cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,804 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:08:58-0700] ReapersPlaything (ReapersPlay@ihw-
i38t5i.optusnet.com.au) left the channel ("Leaving")
[2020-06-21T03:09:06-0700] <sonofsamx> @search Rutger Bregman
[2020-06-21T03:09:07-0700] <+ps2> •·File Server Online·• Trigger..::/ctcp ps2 !
ps::.. On server..::Books of all subjects, comics, wargames & RPGs (mostly pdf)::..
Note..::On Undernet & IRCHighWay: @ps2 for instructions or /ctcp ps2 !ps to enter.
Elsewhere: @ps for instructions or /ctcp ps !ps to enter. You can also get my files
from phoomphy (@phoomphy for the filelist).::.. .•«UPP»•.
[2020-06-21T03:09:08-0700] <j0del> !Ook Essential Bukowski -Poetry (2016) - Charles
[2020-06-21T03:09:17-0700] robjow (robjow@ihw-0ao.956.89.103.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T03:09:21-0700] <varafel> !Horla Cameron Johnston - The Traitor God
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:09:23-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T03:09:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T03:09:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T03:09:30-0700] <jojbot> @search An Anthology of Military Horror
[2020-06-21T03:09:35-0700] <sonofsamx> !Horla Rutger Bregman - Humankind
[2020-06-21T03:09:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,709
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:09:50-0700] <sonofsamx> @search Jackson Galaxy
[2020-06-21T03:09:53-0700] Finnfinn (finnfinn@ihw-lll4ma.5364.n0ta.0908.2a02.IP)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:09:59-0700] bewretni (bewretni@ihw-a4g99t.clienti.tiscali.it) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T03:10:08-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T03:10:13-0700] <sonofsamx> !Oatmeal Total Cat Mojo - Jackson
[2020-06-21T03:10:16-0700] remusgrrrl (remusgrrrl@ihw-8enour.ca.shawcable.net) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T03:10:22-0700] <sonofsamx> @search Sheldon Garon
[2020-06-21T03:10:23-0700] Jackfrost (JackFrost2@ihw-2up.1cf.148.91.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:10:41-0700] <bronkeykong> !QuietSilence Crouch, Blake -
[2020-06-21T03:10:41-0700] <sonofsamx> @search Mike Whitaker
[2020-06-21T03:10:45-0700] <Jackfrost> @search Mike Birbiglia
[2020-06-21T03:10:58-0700] Cian (cian@ihw-5agjbe.dyn.telefonica.de) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T03:11:05-0700] naecO (naecO@ihw-sal.m6l.224.171.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:11:18-0700] Daniel18 (Daniel@ihw-36b.k42.249.117.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:11:25-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,193 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T03:11:32-0700] <Daniel18> @search carl gustav jung
[2020-06-21T03:11:43-0700] <Jackfrost> @search Nathan W Pyle
[2020-06-21T03:11:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,640 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:11:58-0700] Aldra (Aldra@ihw-pbs.6hm.49.95.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:12:00-0700] <b00kw0rm> @search peace introduction
[2020-06-21T03:12:05-0700] <Jackfrost> @search Diane Glancy
[2020-06-21T03:12:08-0700] <Aldra> @search Leah Brooke
[2020-06-21T03:12:08-0700] hotfart (hotfart@ihw-9ohfib.as43234.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:12:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,900 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T03:12:14-0700] <Fakus666|3> !DV8 Terry Brooks - Shannara 14 - Talismans
of Shannara (MOBI).rar
[2020-06-21T03:12:17-0700] <bronkeykong> !dragnbreaker Crouch, Blake - Novel 06 -
[2020-06-21T03:12:25-0700] <Daniel18> !shytot Carl Gustav Jung - Red Book, The.mobi
::INFO:: 841.2KB
[2020-06-21T03:12:26-0700] sogo20 (serenagordo@ihw-3295k7.cable.virginm.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T03:12:32-0700] <Jackfrost> @search Dennis Mahoney
[2020-06-21T03:12:34-0700] raschmyn_ (IceChat9@ihw-4b6.rfc.191.180.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:12:47-0700] <dandyman789> @search Scott Grønmark
[2020-06-21T03:12:53-0700] Bonilla (Bonilla@ihw-7g4.pac.65.185.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T03:12:54-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,586 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T03:12:58-0700] <Jackfrost> @search Seeing the Body
[2020-06-21T03:13:12-0700] jajzjxhdjjskaoakzjxjjaaj (androirc@ihw-
h7q6er.cable.virginm.net) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:13:14-0700] <dny238> • Type: @dny238 For My List Of: 4,015 Files •
Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,195 • List: Jun 3rd
• Search: OFF • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T03:13:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,505 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T03:13:26-0700] mechaniman (mechaniman@ihw-8ksbet.cable.virginm.net)
left IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T03:13:27-0700] <bronkeykong> @search The First Fifteen Lives of Harry
[2020-06-21T03:13:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 46 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,816 • List: Jun
18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:13:43-0700] Mohn (IceChat7@ihw-tvk.4o6.242.150.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:13:46-0700] <bronkeykong> !Ook Claire North - The First Fifteen
Lives of Harry August (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:13:59-0700] j0del (j0del@ihw-gin.f9k.129.102.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T03:14:04-0700] <jajzjxhdjjskaoakzjxjjaaj> @search Bioinformatics
[2020-06-21T03:14:09-0700] <Jackfrost> @search Pizza Girl
[2020-06-21T03:14:15-0700] <jojbot> !Horla Geoff Brown & Amanda J Spedding (ed) -
SNAFU- An Anthology of Military Horror (v5.0) (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T03:14:20-0700] theofilus_thistla (theofilus_t@ihw-
pqrinm.desq.1p4r.a210.2a02.IP) left IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T03:14:23-0700] andrevdb (andrevdb@ihw-6e9.n1v.193.41.IP) left the
[2020-06-21T03:14:23-0700] <Mohn> @searchook Stephanie Kelton
[2020-06-21T03:14:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T03:14:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T03:14:29-0700] <hotfart> @search biodesign
[2020-06-21T03:14:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,710
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:14:41-0700] <dandyman789> @search Caroline Mitchell
[2020-06-21T03:14:48-0700] <raschmyn_> @search the lion, the witch and the wardrobe
[2020-06-21T03:14:51-0700] SearchOok (ook@only.ook) left IRC (Ping timeout: 121
[2020-06-21T03:14:54-0700] <Jackfrost> @search Wayetu Moore
[2020-06-21T03:15:00-0700] bgb (bgb@ihw-833.nki.238.104.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:15:07-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:15:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T03:15:18-0700] <bronkeykong> @search Relic by Douglas Preston and
Lincoln Child
[2020-06-21T03:15:18-0700] <jajzjxhdjjskaoakzjxjjaaj> @textbooks
[2020-06-21T03:15:20-0700] <raschmyn_> @search lion witch wardrobe c.s lewis
[2020-06-21T03:15:25-0700] <Jackfrost> @search Margaret Stohl
[2020-06-21T03:15:35-0700] <bgb> @search kim harrison
[2020-06-21T03:15:37-0700] <Mohn> @search Stephanie Kelton
[2020-06-21T03:15:38-0700] scuba734 (scuba734@ihw-ugirg2.asianet.co.th) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:15:39-0700] <exist> !Horla Craig Schaefer - [Harmony Black 04] -
Cold Spectrum (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:15:40-0700] <gjuoipm> @search The Room Where It Happened John Bolton
[2020-06-21T03:15:42-0700] <CaptainPrinz> @request Ron Smith - Rear Gunner
[2020-06-21T03:15:45-0700] <arcen> @search nevertheless she persisted
[2020-06-21T03:15:45-0700] <dandyman789> !Horla Caroline Mitchell - [Detective
Jennifer Knight 01] - Don't Turn Around (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:15:59-0700] <exist> !Horla Craig Schaefer - [Harmony Black 05] -
Right to the Kill (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:16:00-0700] <commist20> @search vst
[2020-06-21T03:16:02-0700] <arcen> !Oatmeal Mindy Klasky (ed) - Nevertheless, She
Persisted- A Book View Cafe Anthology (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:16:14-0700] <CaptainPrinz> @request-list
[2020-06-21T03:16:22-0700] <raschmyn_> !list
[2020-06-21T03:16:26-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,193 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T03:16:30-0700] Ook (ook@only.ook) left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:16:32-0700] Rhialto (Rhialto@ihw-jio.ah6.149.141.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:16:35-0700] <scuba734> !shytot Charlotte MacLeod - [Peter Shandy 08]
- An Owl Too Many (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:16:36-0700] naecO (naecO@ihw-sal.m6l.224.171.IP) left IRC (Quit:
Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T03:16:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,641 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:16:45-0700] <Rhialto> @search ian carr
[2020-06-21T03:16:48-0700] <Jackfrost> !shytot Margaret Stohl & Melissa de la Cruz
- Jo & Laurie (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:17:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T03:17:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,900 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T03:17:16-0700] <raschmyn_> !bsk C S Lewis - [The Chronicles of Narnia
01] - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (full color, coll. ed.) (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T03:17:20-0700] scuba734 (scuba734@ihw-ugirg2.asianet.co.th) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T03:17:29-0700] <commist20> !LawdyServer Hal-Leonard-Faking-Your-Own-
[2020-06-21T03:17:56-0700] <commist20> !LawdyServer Hal-Leonard-Faking-Your-Own-
[2020-06-21T03:17:59-0700] <b00kw0rm> @search bradford crime fiction
[2020-06-21T03:18:01-0700] <Fakus666|3> !Oatmeal Terry Brooks - [High Druid of
Shannara 01-03] - The High Druid of Shannara Trilogy (Jarka Ruus, Tanequil,
Straken) (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:18:06-0700] DrZhivago (DrZhivago@ihw-oes.8l5.245.197.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T03:18:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,505 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T03:18:23-0700] Kvoth3 (Kvoth3@ihw-933.4tb.82.183.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T03:18:23-0700] <Rhialto> @search miles davis
[2020-06-21T03:18:25-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:18:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 4/6 • Queued: 37 • Speed: 361,551cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,825 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:18:35-0700] <Mohn> @search Stephanie Kelton
[2020-06-21T03:18:38-0700] <commist20> !LawdyServer Vh1's 100 Greatest Songs Of
Rock & Roll- Hal Leonard.epub
[2020-06-21T03:18:40-0700] <Fakus666|3> !Oatmeal Terry Brooks - [Voyage of the
Jerle Shannara 01-03] -The Voyage of the Jerle Shannara Trilogy (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:18:56-0700] Ruebery (Ruebery@ihw-69p62g.gu3g.uf8o.014c.2804.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:19:03-0700] <Mohn> @search Lee Child
[2020-06-21T03:19:09-0700] <dandyman789> !Horla Caroline Mitchell - [Detective
Jennifer Knight 02] - Time to Die (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:19:09-0700] massivegorillasnake (massivegori@ihw-mlg.1i9.200.178.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:19:11-0700] <Jackfrost> @search Susan Howe
[2020-06-21T03:19:25-0700] <Fakus666|3> !Oatmeal Terry Brooks - [The Word and The
Void 01] - Running with the Demon (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T03:19:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T03:19:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T03:19:28-0700] ManganeseNodule (NoduleNodul@ihw-
ks8mbt.cable.virginm.net) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:19:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,710
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:19:36-0700] adamgilli (adamgilli@ihw-0cv.r68.82.103.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:19:38-0700] <Mohn> @search Stephanie Kelton
[2020-06-21T03:19:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,741
(2103.81 GB)
[2020-06-21T03:19:40-0700] <Fakus666|3> !Oatmeal Terry Brooks - [The Word and The
Void 02] - A Knight of the Word (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T03:19:42-0700] gjuoipm (gjuoipm@ihw-oqs.p6p.235.105.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:19:53-0700] <ManganeseNodule> @search john bolton
[2020-06-21T03:19:53-0700] <Jackfrost> @search Jenny Zhang
[2020-06-21T03:19:54-0700] <dandyman789> !Horla Caroline Mitchell - [Detective Ruby
Preston 01] - Love You to Death (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:19:55-0700] <Fakus666|3> !Oatmeal Terry Brooks - [The Word and The
Void 03] - Angel Fire East (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T03:19:57-0700] Aldra (Aldra@ihw-pbs.6hm.49.95.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T03:19:59-0700] gjuoipm (gjuoipm@ihw-khq.p6p.235.105.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:20:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T03:20:11-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T03:20:12-0700] etempy (etempy@ihw-60v.786.31.213.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:20:13-0700] ABC (ABC@ihw-6ebrgh.user.ono.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:20:17-0700] <etempy> @search Sandie Jones
[2020-06-21T03:20:18-0700] <ABC> @search Siddhartha
[2020-06-21T03:20:27-0700] <Jackfrost> @search Adverse Events
[2020-06-21T03:20:27-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:20:29-0700] <dandyman789> !Horla Caroline Mitchell - [Detective Ruby
Preston 02] - Sleep Tight (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:20:39-0700] <etempy> !shytot Sandie Jones - The Half Sister (retail)
[2020-06-21T03:20:42-0700] <ABC> !dragnbreaker Hesse, Hermann - Novel 08 -
Siddhartha (Modern Library) (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T03:20:49-0700] <Mohn> @textbooks
[2020-06-21T03:20:50-0700] warrior0015 (warrior0015@ihw-froer2.res.rr.com) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T03:20:52-0700] <etempy> !shytot Sandie Jones - The Other Woman
[2020-06-21T03:20:55-0700] <Jackfrost> @search Kiki Petrosino
[2020-06-21T03:21:00-0700] <commist20> !LawdyServer Vh1's 100 Greatest Songs Of
Rock & Roll- Hal Leonard.epub
[2020-06-21T03:21:03-0700] <raschmyn_> !Oatmeal C S Lewis - [Narnia 01] - The Lion
the Witch and the Wardrobe (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:21:05-0700] <_alex> !LawdyServer Medical Astrology By Nauman
[2020-06-21T03:21:06-0700] <ManganeseNodule> @search the Room Where It Happened
[2020-06-21T03:21:06-0700] pavel (pavel@ihw-jukl1m.net.upcbroadband.cz) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:21:08-0700] <dandyman789> !Horla Caroline Mitchell - [Detective Ruby
Preston 03] - Murder Game (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:21:12-0700] warrior0015 (warrior0015@ihw-
bf11d4.0o0l.hsg8.2000.2604.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:21:18-0700] <Jackfrost> @search John Freeman
[2020-06-21T03:21:20-0700] <pavel> @search permafrost
[2020-06-21T03:21:20-0700] <ABC> @search My Year of Rest and Relaxation
[2020-06-21T03:21:22-0700] Mohn (IceChat7@ihw-tvk.4o6.242.150.IP) left IRC (Quit:
Relax, its only ONES and ZEROS!)
[2020-06-21T03:21:26-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,193 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T03:21:31-0700] <etempy> @search David Baldacci
[2020-06-21T03:21:37-0700] <pavel> @search permafrost
[2020-06-21T03:21:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,741
(2103.81 GB)
[2020-06-21T03:21:41-0700] <dandyman789> !Horla Caroline Mitchell - [DI Amy Winter
01] - Truth and Lies.epub
[2020-06-21T03:21:42-0700] <ABC> !bsk My Year of Rest and Relaxation - Ottessa
[2020-06-21T03:21:42-0700] <Shaitan> !trainpacks
[2020-06-21T03:21:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,645 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:21:45-0700] <Rog> @search eluki bes shahar
[2020-06-21T03:21:53-0700] ThatRandomNickName (ThatRandomN@ihw-
2u3rbo.members.linode.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:21:55-0700] johngoodger (johngoodger@ihw-87nl1l.cable.virginm.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:21:56-0700] <etempy> !Xon David Baldacci - [Archer 01] - One Good
Deed (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:21:56-0700] johngoodger_ (johngoodger@ihw-87nl1l.cable.virginm.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:21:58-0700] <arcen> @search blindsight
[2020-06-21T03:21:58-0700] <Ruebery> Search: Juan Garcia Ponce
[2020-06-21T03:22:08-0700] anonymous21x (anonymous21@ihw-iga.c2j.76.115.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T03:22:09-0700] ztane (rezwan@ihw-f3u.h6s.147.27.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:22:10-0700] <ABC> @search Catherine House
[2020-06-21T03:22:13-0700] <pavel> @search permafrost
[2020-06-21T03:22:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,906 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T03:22:15-0700] <varafel> @search accelerando
[2020-06-21T03:22:19-0700] <dandyman789> !Horla Caroline Mitchell - [DI Amy Winter
02] - The Secret Child (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:22:21-0700] <ABC> @search Catherine House
[2020-06-21T03:22:21-0700] roli (roli@ihw-utbaus.kv3s.p4lm.1205.2a02.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:22:21-0700] <Rhialto> !LawdyServer Miles Davis - The Complete
Illustrated History (Music Art Ebook).pdf
[2020-06-21T03:22:23-0700] <arcen> !Oatmeal Peter Watts - Blindsight (retail)
[2020-06-21T03:22:30-0700] <johngoodger_> @search Murder In The Outback Kevin Barry
[2020-06-21T03:22:35-0700] <anonymous21x> @search demon accord
[2020-06-21T03:22:39-0700] <Ruebery> @search: Juan Garcia Ponce
[2020-06-21T03:22:41-0700] <varafel> !Horla Charles Stross - [Singularity 03] -
Accelerando (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:22:49-0700] <pavel> @search high castle
[2020-06-21T03:22:50-0700] <Rog> @search ever after
[2020-06-21T03:22:52-0700] <roli> @search Amy McKinley
[2020-06-21T03:22:55-0700] <dandyman789> !Horla Caroline Mitchell - Paranormal
Intruder (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:22:55-0700] <Jackfrost> @search Scandinavian Noir
[2020-06-21T03:23:02-0700] AQUILES (AQUILES@ihw-vaaau6.wa.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:23:05-0700] <etempy> @search Adam Hamdy
[2020-06-21T03:23:09-0700] <Jackfrost> @search Maria Golia
[2020-06-21T03:23:14-0700] dranny69 (dranny69@ihw-g3sm1i.cable.virginm.net) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T03:23:16-0700] AQUILES (AQUILES@ihw-vaaau6.wa.comcast.net) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving...)
[2020-06-21T03:23:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,505 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T03:23:24-0700] <dandyman789> !Horla Caroline Mitchell - Silent Victim
[2020-06-21T03:23:26-0700] <ABC> @search Catherine House thomas
[2020-06-21T03:23:30-0700] <Jackfrost> @search Vivek H Murthy
[2020-06-21T03:23:36-0700] ABC (ABC@ihw-6ebrgh.user.ono.com) left the channel
[2020-06-21T03:23:39-0700] <Ruebery> @search Juan Garcia Ponce
[2020-06-21T03:23:42-0700] raschmyn_ (IceChat9@ihw-4b6.rfc.191.180.IP) left IRC
(Quit: If you can't laugh at yourself, make fun of other people.)
[2020-06-21T03:23:49-0700] ABC (ABC@ihw-6ebrgh.user.ono.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:23:49-0700] Daniel18 (Daniel@ihw-36b.k42.249.117.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T03:23:50-0700] <Jackfrost> @search Eddie S Glaude Jr
[2020-06-21T03:23:51-0700] Daniel18_ (Daniel@ihw-tm6.ahe.249.117.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:23:56-0700] <arcen> @search the poppy war
[2020-06-21T03:23:58-0700] <ABC> @search catherine house
[2020-06-21T03:23:59-0700] <johngoodger_> @search murder in the outback Kevin barry
[2020-06-21T03:24:03-0700] erling (erling@ihw-bq9.j8b.230.46.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:24:04-0700] <roli> !JimBob420 Amy McKinley - [Gray Ghost Prequel 00]
- Moments That Define Us (epub).rar ::INFO:: 282.58KB
[2020-06-21T03:24:04-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy McKinley - [Gray Ghost 00] - Moments
That Define Us (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:24:04-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy McKinley - [Gray Ghost 01] - Broken
Circle (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:24:05-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy McKinley - [Gray Ghost 02] - Eye of
the Storm (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:24:06-0700] ABC (ABC@ihw-6ebrgh.user.ono.com) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T03:24:07-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy McKinley - [Gray Ghost 03] - Beneath
the Surface (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:24:09-0700] <Jackfrost> @search Henry M Cowles
[2020-06-21T03:24:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy McKinley - [Gray Ghost 04] - Vantage
Point (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:24:11-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy McKinley - [Gray Ghost 05] - Covert
Threat (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:24:13-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:24:13-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy McKinley - [Gray Ghost 06] - Marked
for Death (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:24:13-0700] gabri (Username@ihw-b58284.tpgi.com.au) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:24:15-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy McKinley - Shattered Melody
[2020-06-21T03:24:16-0700] ABC (ABC@ihw-6ebrgh.user.ono.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:24:21-0700] <ABC> @search catherine house
[2020-06-21T03:24:26-0700] <roli> !Horla Anatole Le Braz - La terre du passe
[2020-06-21T03:24:26-0700] <roli> !Horla Anatole Le Braz - Le gardien du feu
[2020-06-21T03:24:26-0700] <roli> !Horla Anatole Le Braz - Le sang de la sirene
[2020-06-21T03:24:27-0700] <Anth> @search damon brand
[2020-06-21T03:24:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T03:24:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T03:24:27-0700] <dandyman789> !Horla Caroline Mitchell - Witness
[2020-06-21T03:24:34-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T03:24:34-0700] <ABC> !bsk Elisabeth Thomas - Catherine House (retail)
[2020-06-21T03:24:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,711
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:24:36-0700] <johngoodger_> @search Kevin Bary
[2020-06-21T03:24:38-0700] <Jackfrost> @search Bryce Andrews
[2020-06-21T03:24:39-0700] bgb (bgb@ihw-833.nki.238.104.IP) left IRC (Connection
[2020-06-21T03:24:48-0700] <arcen> !Oatmeal R F Kuang - The Poppy War (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:24:50-0700] <etempy> @search Michelle Frances
[2020-06-21T03:25:04-0700] KidCrims01 (KidCrims01@ihw-hhp.uvj.136.191.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T03:25:08-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T03:25:12-0700] <Jackfrost> @search The Eastern Orthodox Church
[2020-06-21T03:25:14-0700] warrior0015 (warrior0015@ihw-
bf11d4.0o0l.hsg8.2000.2604.IP) left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:25:26-0700] <ABC> @search six of crows leigh
[2020-06-21T03:25:28-0700] raindrip (raindrip@ihw-6ce0gm.co.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:25:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 4/6 • Queued: 77 • Speed: 872,520cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,839 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:25:30-0700] <Anth> !Horla Damon Brand - Magical Cashbook (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:25:32-0700] <johngoodger_> @search The outback murder
[2020-06-21T03:25:32-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T03:25:37-0700] <@LawdyServer> [dlFilter] Are the responses to your
requests getting lost in the crowd? Are your @find responses spread about? If you
are using mIRC as your IRC client then download dlFilter version 2.13 from
https://github.com/DukeLupus/dlFilter/ and make your time in #ebooks less
[2020-06-21T03:25:40-0700] <Jackfrost> @search Sebnem Isiguzewl
[2020-06-21T03:25:42-0700] <ABC> !shytot Leigh Bardugo - [Dregs 01] - Six of Crows
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:25:46-0700] <varafel> @search chase blackwood tears
[2020-06-21T03:25:56-0700] <ABC> @search melaanie murphy
[2020-06-21T03:26:06-0700] <arcen> !Oatmeal R F Kuang - [Poppy War 02] - The Dragon
Republic (Retail) (epub)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:26:07-0700] <etempy> @search Lisa Jewell
[2020-06-21T03:26:11-0700] <Jackfrost> @search Fiebre Tropical
[2020-06-21T03:26:14-0700] <anonymous21x> !Ook John Conroe - [Demon Accords 16] -
Darkkin Queen (mobi).epub.rar
[2020-06-21T03:26:26-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,194 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T03:26:27-0700] massivegorillasnake (massivegori@ihw-mlg.1i9.200.178.IP)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:26:29-0700] <varafel> !Horla Chase Blackwood - [Kan Savasci Cycle
01] - Tears of a Heart (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:26:35-0700] <Jackfrost> @search Nancy Princenthal
[2020-06-21T03:26:36-0700] <ABC> @search melanie mutphy
[2020-06-21T03:26:43-0700] <roli> !Horla Anatole Broyard - Kafka faisait fureur
[2020-06-21T03:26:43-0700] <roli> !Horla Anatole de Monzie - Les veuves abusives
[2020-06-21T03:26:43-0700] <roli> !Horla Anatole Le Braz - Ames d'occident
[2020-06-21T03:26:43-0700] <ManganeseNodule> @search the Room Where It Happened
[2020-06-21T03:26:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 91,122cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,645 •
List: Jun 20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:26:45-0700] <roli> !Horla Anatole Le Braz - Au pays des pardons
[2020-06-21T03:26:46-0700] <ABC> @search melanie murphy
[2020-06-21T03:26:47-0700] <roli> !Horla Anatole Le Braz - Contes du soleil et de
la brume [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:26:49-0700] <roli> !Horla Anatole Le Braz - Contes du vent et de la
nuit [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:26:51-0700] <roli> !Horla Anatole Le Braz - La Légende de la Mort en
Basse-Bretagne [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:26:53-0700] <roli> !Horla Anatole Le Braz - Les noces noires de
Guernaham [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:26:53-0700] Jackfrost (JackFrost2@ihw-2up.1cf.148.91.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T03:26:55-0700] <roli> !Horla Anatole Le Braz - Paques d'Islande
[2020-06-21T03:26:57-0700] <roli> !Horla Anatole Le Braz - Passeurs d'ames
[2020-06-21T03:27:01-0700] ekeai (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:27:02-0700] <Ruebery> @search inmaculada
[2020-06-21T03:27:09-0700] <ABC> @search liz rettig
[2020-06-21T03:27:11-0700] <bronkeykong> @search sue burke
[2020-06-21T03:27:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,908 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T03:27:15-0700] <etempy> !JimBob420 Lisa Jewell - The Family Upstairs
[2020-06-21T03:27:16-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T03:27:18-0700] mturker (mturker@ihw-la4.n1l.215.71.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:27:42-0700] sunnior (sunnior@ihw-ci8.843.102.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:27:45-0700] <ThatRandomNickName> @Search Deep Learning Illustrated:
A Visual, Interactive Guide to Artificial Intelligence
[2020-06-21T03:27:52-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:27:54-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,604 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T03:27:55-0700] Ook (ook@only.ook) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:27:55-0700] ChanServ sets mode +o Ook
[2020-06-21T03:27:56-0700] SearchOok (ook@only.ook) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:27:56-0700] ChanServ sets mode +o SearchOok
[2020-06-21T03:28:00-0700] bruh (ibis@ihw-1u6.5r0.10.147.IP) left the channel
[2020-06-21T03:28:00-0700] <ABC> @search little fires celeste
[2020-06-21T03:28:03-0700] <johngoodger_> @search Anisa Claire West
[2020-06-21T03:28:03-0700] llllls (llllls@ihw-6bees5.cable.virginm.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:28:03-0700] <etempy> @search Soren Sveistrup
[2020-06-21T03:28:11-0700] ekeai (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:28:16-0700] <ABC> !Horla Celeste Ng - Little Fires Everywhere
[2020-06-21T03:28:19-0700] dekekja (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:28:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,506 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T03:28:22-0700] <roli> !Horla Anatoli Rybakov - [Les enfants de l'Arbat
01] - Les enfants de l'Arbat [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:28:22-0700] <roli> !Horla Anatoli Rybakov - [Les enfants de l'Arbat
02] - La Peur [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:28:22-0700] <etempy> !shytot Soren Sveistrup - The Chestnut Man
[2020-06-21T03:28:23-0700] <roli> !Horla Anatoli Rybakov - [Les enfants de l'Arbat
03] - Cendres et poussière [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:28:25-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Tual - Le maître de Brocéliande
[2020-06-21T03:28:27-0700] <roli> !Horla Anca Visdei - Je ne serai pas une femme
qui pleure [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:28:28-0700] <Rog> @search The Ever-After
[2020-06-21T03:28:29-0700] <roli> !Horla Anchee Min - [Impératrice Orchidée 01] -
La Concubine [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:28:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 91 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,847 • List: Jun
18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:28:31-0700] <roli> !Horla Anchee Min - [Impératrice Orchidée 02] -
La souveraine [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:28:33-0700] <roli> !Horla Anchee Min - L'azalée rouge [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:28:41-0700] UD (UD@ihw-hl0.19i.149.212.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T03:28:50-0700] redeye84 (redeye84@ihw-o5p.a8h.109.58.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:28:57-0700] <ABC> @search notes planet matt
[2020-06-21T03:29:05-0700] <etempy> @search Samantha Downing
[2020-06-21T03:29:07-0700] KidCrims01 (KidCrims01@ihw-hhp.uvj.136.191.IP) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T03:29:11-0700] <redeye84> @search Killing State
[2020-06-21T03:29:11-0700] <redeye84> @SearchBot-Trigger
[2020-06-21T03:29:15-0700] <johngoodger_> !Xon Anisa Claire West - Murder in the
Outback (azw3).rar
[2020-06-21T03:29:15-0700] <johngoodger_> ---------- 185.91 KB
[2020-06-21T03:29:16-0700] <ABC> !TrainFiles Matt Haig - Notes on a Nervous Planet
(retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:29:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T03:29:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T03:29:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,711
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:29:38-0700] ABC (ABC@ihw-6ebrgh.user.ono.com) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T03:29:41-0700] <etempy> !bsk Samantha Downing - My Lovely Wife (retail)
[2020-06-21T03:29:56-0700] Kvoth3 (Kvoth3@ihw-933.4tb.82.183.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:30:00-0700] korio (korio@ihw-to5.feg.7.46.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:30:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T03:30:11-0700] smitch (smitch@ihw-i7o.e08.14.204.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:30:11-0700] <redeye84> !Horla Judith O'Reilly - Killing State
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:30:11-0700] <Kvoth3> @search <automate the boring stuff>
[2020-06-21T03:30:12-0700] <smitch> @SearchBot-Trigger
[2020-06-21T03:30:14-0700] <korio> @search ed greenwood
[2020-06-21T03:30:17-0700] <arcen> !Oatmeal R F Kuang - [The Poppy War 02] - The
Dragon Republic (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:30:21-0700] Halitosor (halitosor@ihw-og6.ot9.247.104.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:30:30-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:30:31-0700] <ThatRandomNickName> @Search Introducing Machine
[2020-06-21T03:30:31-0700] <ThatRandomNickName> Introducing Machine Learning
[2020-06-21T03:30:31-0700] <ThatRandomNickName> Esposito & Esposito
[2020-06-21T03:30:36-0700] roli (roli@ihw-utbaus.kv3s.p4lm.1205.2a02.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T03:30:37-0700] raindrip (raindrip@ihw-6ce0gm.co.comcast.net) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T03:30:44-0700] Guest96 (textual@ihw-u5b.0ih.74.121.IP) left IRC (Quit:
My MacBook Air has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
[2020-06-21T03:30:54-0700] <smitch> !trainpacks
[2020-06-21T03:30:54-0700] <korio> !Dz2000 Forgotten Realms - [Elminster 02] -
Elminster in Myth Drannor - Ed Greenwood (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:30:56-0700] <ThatRandomNickName> @Search Introducing Machine
[2020-06-21T03:30:57-0700] roli (roli@ihw-utbaus.kv3s.p4lm.1205.2a02.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:30:59-0700] <Kvoth3> !bsk Automate the Boring Stuff With Python
Practical Programming for Total Beginners 2nd Edition.pdf
[2020-06-21T03:31:17-0700] <korio> !Horla Ed Greenwood - [Elminster 02] - Elminster
In Myth Drannor [d.rar
[2020-06-21T03:31:17-0700] <Kvoth3> !bsk Automate the Boring Stuff With Python
Practical Programming for Total Beginners 2nd Edition.pdf
[2020-06-21T03:31:18-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:31:24-0700] alexose (alexose@ihw-3g7.c5d.247.162.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:31:26-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,195 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T03:31:29-0700] Mohn (IceChat7@ihw-rde.mvl.127.199.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:31:39-0700] <etempy> @search Taylor Adams
[2020-06-21T03:31:42-0700] <Kvoth3> !bsk Automate the Boring Stuff With Python
Practical Programming for Total Beginners 2nd Edition.pdf
[2020-06-21T03:31:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,647 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:31:50-0700] <korio> !Horla Forgotten Realms - [Elminster 02] -
Elminster in Myth Drannor - Ed Greenwood (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:31:54-0700] <bronkeykong> !bsk Sue Burke - Semiosis (retail)
[2020-06-21T03:31:56-0700] mturker (mturker@ihw-la4.n1l.215.71.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:32:00-0700] roli (roli@ihw-utbaus.kv3s.p4lm.1205.2a02.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T03:32:01-0700] <etempy> !Xon Taylor Adams - No Exit (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:32:03-0700] roli (roli@ihw-utbaus.kv3s.p4lm.1205.2a02.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:32:07-0700] <Mohn> @search Stephanie Kelton
[2020-06-21T03:32:09-0700] WDixon53 (WDixon53@ihw-s2p.tij.120.37.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:32:10-0700] Kvoth3 (Kvoth3@ihw-933.4tb.82.183.IP) left the channel
[2020-06-21T03:32:12-0700] <WDixon53> @ook-new
[2020-06-21T03:32:13-0700] ekeai (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:32:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,910 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T03:32:14-0700] <WDixon53> @horla
[2020-06-21T03:32:18-0700] Kvoth3 (Kvoth3@ihw-933.4tb.82.183.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:32:19-0700] <bronkeykong> !bsk Sue Burke - Interference (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:32:20-0700] <Kvoth3> !bsk Automate the Boring Stuff With Python
Practical Programming for Total Beginners 2nd Edition.pdf
[2020-06-21T03:32:38-0700] fierce (fierce@ihw-p627d0.ut.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:32:39-0700] redeye84 (redeye84@ihw-o5p.a8h.109.58.IP) left the
[2020-06-21T03:32:43-0700] louis (louis@ihw-bgctdj.59nr.p70s.0c7f.2a02.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T03:32:48-0700] no1spam12345 (nospam1234@ihw-caehts.optusnet.com.au)
left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T03:33:15-0700] <Mohn> @search Michael Connelly
[2020-06-21T03:33:15-0700] <fierce> @search Untitled
[2020-06-21T03:33:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,506 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T03:33:30-0700] SEnhw43G (senhw43g@ihw-j5u0j8.launtel.net.au) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T03:33:31-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 4/6 • Queued: 84 • Speed: 371,629cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,857 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:33:31-0700] Mohn (IceChat7@ihw-rde.mvl.127.199.IP) left IRC (Quit: I
cna ytpe 300 wrods pre mniuet!!!)
[2020-06-21T03:33:48-0700] <ThatRandomNickName> @search AutoML Models A Complete
[2020-06-21T03:33:50-0700] <WDixon53> @searchook ilsa boyfriend material
[2020-06-21T03:33:57-0700] <anonymous21x> !Ook John Conroe - [Demon Accords 16] -
Darkkin Queen (mobi).mobi.rar
[2020-06-21T03:34:14-0700] <+DV8> !trainpacks
[2020-06-21T03:34:18-0700] <WDixon53> @searchook fiona cole teacher
[2020-06-21T03:34:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T03:34:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T03:34:36-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,711
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:34:43-0700] ManganeseNodule (NoduleNodul@ihw-
ks8mbt.cable.virginm.net) left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T03:34:46-0700] <ThatRandomNickName> @search Hands-On Automated Machine
[2020-06-21T03:34:46-0700] <etempy> @search Raine Miller
[2020-06-21T03:34:50-0700] <johngoodger_> @search Dead Centre robin bowles
[2020-06-21T03:34:59-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:35:11-0700] <ThatRandomNickName> @search Thinking in Java
[2020-06-21T03:35:12-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T03:35:15-0700] <varafel> @search hawkins child flames
[2020-06-21T03:35:23-0700] <etempy> !JimBob420 Raine Miller - [The Blackstone
Affair 01] - Naked [MF] (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T03:35:34-0700] alexose (alexose@ihw-3g7.c5d.247.162.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:35:38-0700] <etempy> !JimBob420 Raine Miller - [The Blackstone
Affair 02] - All In [MF] (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T03:35:39-0700] korio (korio@ihw-to5.feg.7.46.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T03:35:54-0700] <etempy> !JimBob420 Raine Miller - [The Blackstone
Affair 03] - Eyes Wide Open [MF] (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T03:36:08-0700] Sohee (Sohee@ihw-nd7.55i.72.36.IP) left IRC (Quit: ><)
[2020-06-21T03:36:10-0700] <etempy> !JimBob420 Raine Miller - [The Blackstone
Affair 04] - Rare and Precious Things [MF] (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:36:14-0700] <anonymous21x> !Ook John Conroe - [Demon Accords 16] -
Darkkin Queen (mobi).epub.rar
[2020-06-21T03:36:23-0700] juamps (juamps@ihw-8rlo7j.dynamic.sonic.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:36:25-0700] <JimBob420> • Type: @JimBob420 For My List Of: 793,417
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 5,199 •
List: Jun 16th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T03:36:25-0700] <ThatRandomNickName> !bsk Thinking in Java 4th
[2020-06-21T03:36:30-0700] <johngoodger_> @search fing falconio
[2020-06-21T03:36:39-0700] JigaWatt (JigaWatt@ihw-3mu.e1m.143.67.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T03:36:44-0700] <commist20> !LawdyServer Andy Timmons - Electric Gypsy
[2020-06-21T03:36:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,647 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:36:45-0700] jajzjxhdjjskaoakzjxjjaaj (androirc@ihw-
h7q6er.cable.virginm.net) left IRC (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client
( http://www.androirc.com ))
[2020-06-21T03:36:49-0700] louis (louis@ihw-bgctdj.59nr.p70s.0c7f.2a02.IP) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T03:36:50-0700] cantlookup (cantlookup@ihw-e0gb82.range86-
154.btcentralplus.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:36:53-0700] acousticnic (acousticni@ihw-to6iji.cable.virginm.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:36:53-0700] <etempy> @search Laurelin Paige
[2020-06-21T03:36:56-0700] anonymous21x (anonymous21@ihw-iga.c2j.76.115.IP) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T03:37:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T03:37:13-0700] davide (Davide@ihw-3bgo29.range86-133.btcentralplus.com)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:37:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,912 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T03:37:17-0700] dooleybites (dooleybite@ihw-18enkc.fios.verizon.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:37:19-0700] <cantlookup> @search christina henry
[2020-06-21T03:37:23-0700] <etempy> !bsk Laurelin Paige - [Fixed 01-05] - Complete
Fixed (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:37:25-0700] <johngoodger_> @search Keith allan
[2020-06-21T03:37:26-0700] fierce (fierce@ihw-p627d0.ut.comcast.net) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:37:29-0700] <varafel> !Horla D W Hawkins - [Seven Signs 01] - Child
of the Flames (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:37:31-0700] JigaWatt (JigaWatt@ihw-3mu.e1m.143.67.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:37:33-0700] hdsdghgdwerffff (androirc@ihw-h7q6er.cable.virginm.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:37:36-0700] <dooleybites> trainpacks
[2020-06-21T03:37:37-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:37:41-0700] <etempy> @search Meredith Wild
[2020-06-21T03:37:43-0700] <hdsdghgdwerffff> @search Bioinformatics
[2020-06-21T03:37:46-0700] <commist20> !LawdyServer Total Rock Guitar_ A Complete
Guide to Learning Rock Guitar.pdf
[2020-06-21T03:37:49-0700] <dooleybites> !trainpacks
[2020-06-21T03:38:07-0700] <ThatRandomNickName> !bsk Thinking in Java 4th
[2020-06-21T03:38:10-0700] <etempy> !shytot Meredith Wild - [Hardwired 01] -
Hardwired (v5.0b) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:38:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,511 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T03:38:20-0700] <cantlookup> !shytot Christina Henry - [Chronicles of
Alice 02] - Red Queen (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:38:23-0700] Kvoth3 (Kvoth3@ihw-933.4tb.82.183.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T03:38:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 4/6 • Queued: 80 • Speed: 421,179cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,863 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:38:34-0700] JimBob420 (pondering@ihw-0dd.9a1.34.136.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T03:38:39-0700] dragnbreaker (dragnbreake@ihw-9bqgcr.tn.comcast.net)
left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T03:38:57-0700] <ThatRandomNickName> !bsk Thinking in Java 4th
[2020-06-21T03:38:58-0700] <commist20> !LawdyServer Guitar Music Theory - Ear
Training Manual for Musicians.pdf
[2020-06-21T03:39:06-0700] <jojbot> @search Cthulhu's Car Park
[2020-06-21T03:39:22-0700] smitch (smitch@ihw-i7o.e08.14.204.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T03:39:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T03:39:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T03:39:35-0700] synchsynch (synchsynch@ihw-m0baao.cable.virginm.net)
left IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T03:39:40-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,744
(2103.82 GB)
[2020-06-21T03:39:43-0700] <jojbot> !Horla D S Ritter - [Third Shift 01] -
Cthulhu's Car Park (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:39:45-0700] <cantlookup> !shytot Christina Henry - [Chronicles of
Alice 03] - Looking Glass (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:39:53-0700] <dandyman789> @search Shaun Hutson
[2020-06-21T03:39:54-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T03:40:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T03:40:09-0700] <WDixon53> !Horla Katy Regnery - At First Sight
[2020-06-21T03:40:12-0700] HCWJr (HCWJr@ihw-ut5qka.pool.telekom.hu) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:40:19-0700] <HCWJr> @search Christian Kallias Universe in Flames
[2020-06-21T03:40:25-0700] Halitosor (halitosor@ihw-og6.ot9.247.104.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:40:27-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:40:29-0700] xaygkj (dick@ihw-hesmko.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:40:32-0700] <commist20> !LawdyServer Music Theory (Ebook) Complete
Guitar Book.pdf
[2020-06-21T03:40:35-0700] <WDixon53> !Horla Jackie Ashenden - Bad Boss (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:40:43-0700] abduunn (abduunn@ihw-fin.40m.102.85.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:40:45-0700] <roli> !Horla Ancolie Swan - L'homme de Coeur et
d'Ecrous [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:40:45-0700] <roli> !Horla Ancolie Swan - Miss Rose et le Prince
[2020-06-21T03:40:45-0700] <roli> !Horla Anders Bengtson - À l'abordage [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:40:47-0700] <roli> !Horla Anders Bengtson - Lux - le super-héros
genevois [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:40:48-0700] <roli> !Horla Anders Bodelsen - Mauvais calcul [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:40:49-0700] <commist20> !LawdyServer Music Theory For The Rock
Guitarist - Ben Bolt Mel Bay.pdf
[2020-06-21T03:40:50-0700] <roli> !Horla Anders Bodelsen - Rouge encore [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:40:52-0700] <roli> !Horla Anders De la Motte - [David Sarac 01] -
Defaillance [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:40:53-0700] johngoodger_ (johngoodger@ihw-87nl1l.cable.virginm.net)
left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T03:40:53-0700] johngoodger (johngoodger@ihw-87nl1l.cable.virginm.net)
left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T03:40:55-0700] <roli> !Horla Anders De la Motte - [David Sarac 02] -
Ultimatum [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:40:56-0700] Rog (Username@ihw-3ba.v6j.44.94.IP) left the channel
("Closing Window")
[2020-06-21T03:40:57-0700] <roli> !Horla Anders de la Motte - [Le Jeu 02] - Le
niveau 2 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:40:57-0700] <cantlookup> !Horla Christina Henry - The Mermaid
[2020-06-21T03:40:59-0700] <roli> !Horla Anders de la Motte - [Le Jeu 03] - Bubble
[2020-06-21T03:41:01-0700] <roli> !Horla Anders de la Motte - Le Jeu -1- [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:41:03-0700] <roli> !Horla Anders de La Motte - Play [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:41:18-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T03:41:22-0700] Shenbaien (Shenbaien@ihw-7k7rs6.connect.net.au) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T03:41:25-0700] HCWJr (HCWJr@ihw-ut5qka.pool.telekom.hu) left IRC (Quit:
Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T03:41:26-0700] <cantlookup> @search sharon blackie
[2020-06-21T03:41:31-0700] <dandyman789> !Horla Shaun Hutson - Testament
[2020-06-21T03:41:31-0700] kit (kit@ihw-fp9.lca.206.112.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:41:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,744
(2103.82 GB)
[2020-06-21T03:41:41-0700] <kit> @search brightest day juneteenth
[2020-06-21T03:41:42-0700] jurjen (jurjen@ihw-3fcsrj.o0kl.n799.1c00.2001.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T03:41:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,650 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:41:49-0700] <jurjen> @search wise guy
[2020-06-21T03:42:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,917 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T03:42:14-0700] <commist20> !LawdyServer dave celentano - the art of
transcribing for guitar.pdf
[2020-06-21T03:42:19-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T03:42:21-0700] <Shenbaien> @search woodwork
[2020-06-21T03:42:25-0700] <kit> !Horla The Brightest Day- A Juneteenth Historical
Romance Anthology - Kianna Alexander, Alyssa Cole, Lena Hart, Piper Huguley
[2020-06-21T03:42:26-0700] <roli> !Horla Anderson, Kevin J. - [La saga des sept
soleils 01] - L'empire caché [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:42:26-0700] <roli> !Horla Anderson, Kevin J. - [La saga des sept
soleils 02] - Une forêt d'étoiles [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:42:26-0700] <roli> !Horla Anderson, Kevin J. - [La saga des sept
soleils 03] - Tempêtes sur l'horizon [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:42:28-0700] <roli> !Horla Anderson, Kevin J. - [La saga des sept
soleils 04] - Soleils éclatés [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:42:30-0700] <roli> !Horla Anderson, Kevin J. - [La saga des sept
soleils 05] - Ombres et flammes [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:42:31-0700] <cantlookup> !Horla Sharon Blackie - Foxfire, Wolfskin-
and other stories of shapeshifting women (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:42:32-0700] <roli> !Horla Anderson, Kevin J. - [La saga des sept
soleils 06] - Un essaim d'acier [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:42:33-0700] <etempy> @search Helen Hardt
[2020-06-21T03:42:38-0700] <Daniel18_> @search gary john bishop
[2020-06-21T03:42:47-0700] <Daniel18_> @search tim ferris
[2020-06-21T03:42:52-0700] <commist20> !LawdyServer Greg Howe - Speed Metal (Guitar
[2020-06-21T03:42:54-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,605 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T03:43:05-0700] hdsdghgdwerffff (androirc@ihw-h7q6er.cable.virginm.net)
left IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T03:43:08-0700] <etempy> !DV8 Helen Hardt - [Steel Brothers 01] -
Craving (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:43:22-0700] levikus321 (levikus321@ihw-o7p.c2n.226.103.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T03:43:25-0700] <cantlookup> @search c s lewis
[2020-06-21T03:43:26-0700] MalteFalteAlteSpalteKalte (markus@ihw-
89i4cq.highway.a1.net) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:43:26-0700] dibsoar (dibsoar@ihw-6k5.sqq.198.62.IP) left IRC (Client
[2020-06-21T03:43:32-0700] tigger_ (tigger__@ihw-bo7.5ko.216.180.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:43:39-0700] <Daniel18_> !JimBob420 Timothy Ferris - 4 Hour Workweek,
revised and updated (epub).rar ::INFO:: 2.78MB
[2020-06-21T03:43:40-0700] <commist20> !LawdyServer Guitar Book - Dave Celentano -
Over The Top - Advanced Two Hand Tapping.pdf
[2020-06-21T03:43:50-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 4/6 • Queued: 91 • Speed: 759,953cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,870 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:43:52-0700] <MalteFalteAlteSpalteKalte> @Search Network Effect
[2020-06-21T03:43:54-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 1 ± Speed: 1,085,033cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,516 ± List:
Jun 1st ± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T03:43:56-0700] <Daniel18_> !JimBob420 Ferriss, Timothy - The 4-Hour
Workweek; Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich (Crown; 2007) (v1.0,
NF,SelfHelp) (siPDF).rar ::INFO:: 4.11MB
[2020-06-21T03:44:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T03:44:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T03:44:40-0700] <commist20> !LawdyServer
[2020-06-21T03:44:40-0700] etempy (etempy@ihw-60v.786.31.213.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T03:44:48-0700] <cantlookup> @search narnia
[2020-06-21T03:44:50-0700] ash12345678ash (ash12345678@ihw-kcu.k1u.107.150.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:44:51-0700] <Daniel18_> !Horla Gary John Bishop - Unfuck Yourself
[2020-06-21T03:44:52-0700] <MalteFalteAlteSpalteKalte> !DV8 Martha Wells -
[Murderbot Diaries 05] - Network Effect (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 2.32MB
[2020-06-21T03:44:57-0700] <ash12345678ash> @search politics for dummies
[2020-06-21T03:45:00-0700] <ThatRandomNickName> @search Sibanjan Das And Umit Mert
[2020-06-21T03:45:02-0700] <WDixon53> !Ook Vi Carter - [Obsessed Duet 01] - A
Deadly Obsession (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:45:03-0700] <mysfit> @search lempicka
[2020-06-21T03:45:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T03:45:11-0700] <WDixon53> !Ook Vi Carter - [All of Me 01] - All of Me
[2020-06-21T03:45:15-0700] <Shenbaien> !LawdyServer Workshop Idea Book (Taunton
[2020-06-21T03:45:24-0700] <commist20> !LawdyServer rhytm guitar begining and
[2020-06-21T03:45:31-0700] <ash12345678ash> !LawdyServer American Politics For
Dummies - Wiley.epub ::INFO:: 1.8MB
[2020-06-21T03:45:33-0700] <cantlookup> !Horla C S Lewis - [The Chronicles of
Narnia 01-07] - The Chronicles of Narnia Complete (including Boxen) (retail)
[2020-06-21T03:45:49-0700] <Daniel18_> !Horla Timothy Ferris - 4 Hour Workweek,
revised and updated (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:45:49-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy M Reade - [Juniper Junction Holiday
Mystery 01] - The Worst Noel (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:45:51-0700] <mysfit> !Horla Patrick Bade - Lempicka [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T03:45:52-0700] bbbbbaaaron (bookaaron@ihw-ac1n8r.ga.comcast.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:45:53-0700] <commist20> !LawdyServer [GUITAR TABS - SONGBOOK] -
Steve Morse - High Tension Wires.pdf
[2020-06-21T03:45:57-0700] <Shenbaien> !LawdyServer The Practical Workshop - A
Woodworker's Guide To Workbenches, Layout & Tools.epub
[2020-06-21T03:46:04-0700] <WDixon53> !Ook Sam Crescent - Virgin Next Door
[2020-06-21T03:46:05-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Manemann - [Taci Andrews Mystery 01]
- Deadly Reunion (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:46:07-0700] <commist20> !LawdyServer [GUITAR TABS - SONGBOOK] -
Steve Morse - Structural Damage.rar
[2020-06-21T03:46:10-0700] Nikitono (Marboko@ihw-3g0.7ea.4.155.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:46:13-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Metz - [Goose Pimple Junction
Mysteries 03] - Short & Tall Tales in Goose Pimple Junction (v5.0) (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T03:46:14-0700] <ThatRandomNickName> @search Gift
[2020-06-21T03:46:18-0700] <Nikitono> @search Between the world and me
[2020-06-21T03:46:21-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:46:31-0700] xaygkj (dick@ihw-hesmko.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:46:35-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Metz - [Goose Pimple Junction
Mysteries 04] - Rogues & Rascals in Goose Pimple Junction (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:46:35-0700] <Nikitono> !shytot Between the World and Me - Ta-Nehisi
Coates.mobi ::INFO:: 468.2KB
[2020-06-21T03:46:37-0700] <cantlookup> @search bear and the nightingale
[2020-06-21T03:46:46-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,650 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:46:53-0700] catl8dy (catl8dy@ihw-129amm.fios.verizon.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:46:54-0700] <Nikitono> @search the new jim crow
[2020-06-21T03:46:56-0700] <MalteFalteAlteSpalteKalte> @search Firewalkers
[2020-06-21T03:46:59-0700] <mysfit> !Ook Thomas B Costain - Son of a Hundred Kings
(siPDF).rar ::INFO:: 51.59MB
[2020-06-21T03:47:03-0700] randommelvil (randommelvi@ihw-
nkpj4v.frokca.sbcglobal.net) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:47:03-0700] <randommelvil> @search Ginevra Liptan
[2020-06-21T03:47:05-0700] erling (erling@ihw-bq9.j8b.230.46.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T03:47:06-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Metz - [Goose Pimple Junction
Mystery 05] - Liars & Lunatics in Goose Pimple Junction (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:47:10-0700] <Daniel18_> !Oatmeal Ferriss, Timothy - The 4-Hour
Workweek; Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich (Crown; 2007) (v1.0,
NF,SelfHelp) (siPDF).rar
[2020-06-21T03:47:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
6/7 – Queued: 1 – Speed: 81,920cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,927 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T03:47:15-0700] <Nikitono> !shytot The New Jim Crow_ Mass Incarceration
in - Alexander, Michelle.mobi ::INFO:: 593.2KB
[2020-06-21T03:47:18-0700] <cantlookup> !Horla Katherine Arden - The Bear and the
Nightingale (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:47:18-0700] <randommelvil> @search The Fibro Food Formula
[2020-06-21T03:47:28-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Myers - [Nell Drury Mystery 01] -
Dancing with Death (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:47:34-0700] <mysfit> !Ook Thomas B Costain - The Darkness and the
Dawn (siPDF).rar
[2020-06-21T03:47:44-0700] <MalteFalteAlteSpalteKalte> !Ook Adrian Tchaikovsky -
Firewalkers (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 403.3KB
[2020-06-21T03:47:46-0700] Opinik (Plioki@ihw-lcr.pjj.120.37.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:47:47-0700] spidahpig (spider@ihw-0ql.ie8.159.120.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:47:51-0700] <ThatRandomNickName> @search Noah Gift
[2020-06-21T03:47:53-0700] <Opinik> @search peter may
[2020-06-21T03:48:02-0700] <cantlookup> @search canongate myths
[2020-06-21T03:48:02-0700] <spidahpig> @search the case for christ
[2020-06-21T03:48:03-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Myers - [Nell Drury Mystery 02] -
Death at the Wychbourne Follies (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:48:08-0700] MalteFalteAlteSpalteKalte (markus@ihw-
89i4cq.highway.a1.net) left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T03:48:08-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Patricia Meade - [Pret' Near Perfect
Mystery 01] - Well-Offed in Vermont (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:48:17-0700] <Nikitono> @search white people about race
[2020-06-21T03:48:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,521 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T03:48:24-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Patricia Meade - [Pret' Near Perfect
Mystery 02] - Short-Circuited in Charlotte (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:48:29-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:48:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 4/6 • Queued: 85 • Speed: 766,194cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,876 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:48:30-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Phipps - [Amanda Blakemore Mystery
01] - A Bazaar Murder (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:48:33-0700] hggccfdrth (androirc@ihw-h7q6er.cable.virginm.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:48:35-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Saunders - [Belinda & Bennett
Mystery 06] - Truth or Die (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:48:42-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Saunders - [Belinda and Bennett
Mystery 0 (epub).5] - Unexpected (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:48:42-0700] bbbbbaaaron (bookaaron@ihw-ac1n8r.ga.comcast.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T03:48:43-0700] <Nikitono> !Horla Reni Eddo-Lodge - Why I'm No Longer
Talking (to White People) About Race (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:48:50-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Saunders - [Belinda and Bennett
Mystery 01] - Cliffhanger (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:49:00-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Saunders - [Belinda and Bennett
Mystery 02] - Auf'd (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:49:04-0700] <Nikitono> !bsk Michelle Alexander - The New Jim Crow_
Mass Incarce_ess [v5.0].mobi ::INFO:: 593.2KB
[2020-06-21T03:49:06-0700] <Opinik> !Oatmeal Peter May - [Enzo Files 01] - Dry
Bones (Extraordinary People) (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T03:49:07-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Saunders - [Belinda and Bennett
Mystery 03] - Drive-Bye (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:49:13-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Saunders - [Belinda and Bennett
Mystery 04.5] - Two to Tango (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:49:15-0700] kit (kit@ihw-fp9.lca.206.112.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T03:49:18-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Saunders - [Belinda and Bennett
Mystery 04] - Overkill (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:49:20-0700] <jojbot> @search Sherlock Holmes and the Shadwell
[2020-06-21T03:49:22-0700] <hggccfdrth> @request-list
[2020-06-21T03:49:25-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Saunders - [Belinda and Bennett
Mystery 05] - Misfortune (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:49:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T03:49:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T03:49:31-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Saunders - [Belinda and Bennett
Mystery 05] - Personal Shopper (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:49:34-0700] <cantlookup> !Horla Canongate The Myths - Dream Angus-
The Celtic God of Dreams - Alexander McCall Smith (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:49:37-0700] <jojbot> !Horla James Lovegrove - [The Cthulhu Casebooks
01] - Sherlock Holmes and the Shadwell Shadows (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:49:39-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Saunders - [Belinda and Bennett
Mystery 07] - Foiled (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:49:40-0700] Spalf (Spalf@ihw-6ilhdj.tpgi.com.au) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:49:55-0700] <commist20> @search Andy Timmons
[2020-06-21T03:49:58-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Vansant - [Pineapple Port Mystery
01] - Pineapple Lies (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:50:03-0700] <Nikitono> @search so you want to talk about race
[2020-06-21T03:50:04-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Vansant - [Pineapple Port Mystery
02] - Pineapple Mystery Box (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:50:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T03:50:10-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Vansant - [Pineapple Port Mystery
03] - Pineapple Puzzles (retail) (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T03:50:16-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Vansant - [Pineapple Port Mystery
04-06] - Pineapple Pack II (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:50:17-0700] <Nikitono> !LawdyServer Oluo - So You Want to Talk About
Race (2018).epub ::INFO:: 253.4KB
[2020-06-21T03:50:21-0700] <cantlookup> !Horla Canongate The Myths - The Helmet of
Horror- The Myth of Theseus and The Minotaur Myths - Victor Pelevin (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:50:24-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Vansant - [Pineapple Port Mystery
04] - Pineapple Land War (retail) (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T03:50:27-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:50:33-0700] <Spalf> @search James Patterson
[2020-06-21T03:50:33-0700] <Nikitono> @search white fragility
[2020-06-21T03:50:36-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Vansant - [Pineapple Port Mystery
06] - Pineapple Disco (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:50:39-0700] <hggccfdrth> @request: @request [Andreas Baxevanis]
[Bioinformatics, 4th Edition]
[2020-06-21T03:50:40-0700] jurjen (jurjen@ihw-3fcsrj.o0kl.n799.1c00.2001.IP) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:50:41-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Vansant - [Pineapple Port Mystery
07-09] - Pineapple Pack III (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:50:48-0700] <bronkeykong> @search the gods are bastards
[2020-06-21T03:50:50-0700] <ThatRandomNickName> @search machine learning
[2020-06-21T03:50:54-0700] catl8dy (catl8dy@ihw-129amm.fios.verizon.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:50:55-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Adams - Prince's Pregnant Princess &
Sophia Lynn - Royal's Arranged Love (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:50:55-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Adams - Prince's Revenge Baby & Sophia
Lynn - Royal's Baby (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:50:55-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Alexander - Pinky and the Beast
[2020-06-21T03:50:56-0700] <Nikitono> !MusicWench Robin DiAngelo - White Fragility-
Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism.epub ::INFO:: 1.5MB
[2020-06-21T03:50:57-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Aphrodite - Cold Sports, Hot Bodies
[MF] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:50:59-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Ashley - [Chester Falls 01] - How to
Catch a Prince (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:51:01-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Ashley - [Chester Falls 02] - How to
Catch a Rival (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:51:03-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Ashley & Rhys Everly - My Fake
Billionaire (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:51:04-0700] <commist20> @search mel bay
[2020-06-21T03:51:04-0700] <cantlookup> @search the gods are bastards
[2020-06-21T03:51:04-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Balen - Wishing For A Star.epub
[2020-06-21T03:51:11-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Vansant - [Pineapple Port Mystery
07] - Pineapple Gingerbread Men (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:51:14-0700] <Nikitono> @search stamped ibram kendi
[2020-06-21T03:51:20-0700] randommelvil (randommelvi@ihw-
nkpj4v.frokca.sbcglobal.net) left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:51:27-0700] <Nikitono> !MusicWench Ibram X Kendi - Stamped from the
Beginning- The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America.epub ::INFO:: 1.6MB
[2020-06-21T03:51:27-0700] cantlookup (cantlookup@ihw-e0gb82.range86-
154.btcentralplus.com) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T03:51:27-0700] Stephan (Stephan@ihw-a56.5ep.19.199.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:51:30-0700] <hggccfdrth> @request-list
[2020-06-21T03:51:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,651 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:51:47-0700] <Spalf> !bsk James Patterson & Andrew Bourelle - Texas
Ranger (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:51:48-0700] <Opinik> !Oatmeal Peter May - [Enzo Files 02] - A
Vintage Corpse (The Critic) (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:51:52-0700] <dooleybites> @search heaton hades
[2020-06-21T03:51:58-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Vansant - [Pineapple Port Mystery
08] - Pineapple Jailbird (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:51:59-0700] hggccfdrth (androirc@ihw-h7q6er.cable.virginm.net) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T03:52:04-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Amy Waeschle - [Cassidy Kincaid Mystery
01-03] - Cassidy Kincaid Mysteries Box Set (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:52:10-0700] <Stephan> @search Ian McEwan
[2020-06-21T03:52:12-0700] johngoodger (johngoodger@ihw-87nl1l.cable.virginm.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:52:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,929 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T03:52:13-0700] johngoodger_ (johngoodger@ihw-87nl1l.cable.virginm.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:52:14-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Ballabriga & David Zaplana - The Dark
Circus (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:52:14-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Ban - [The Gifted 01] - Allure of Home
[2020-06-21T03:52:14-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Ban - [The Mirror 01] - Infiltration
(retail) (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T03:52:15-0700] llllls (llllls@ihw-6bees5.cable.virginm.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:52:15-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Ban - [The Mirror 02] - Split
[2020-06-21T03:52:17-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Barrons - Betrayed by Trust
[2020-06-21T03:52:18-0700] <dooleybites> !Xon Felicity Heaton - [Guardians of Hades
03] - Esher (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:52:19-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Barrons - Son of the Enemy (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:52:21-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Barrons - Wrongfully Accused [Carina]
[2020-06-21T03:52:24-0700] <jojbot> @search Skullcrack City
[2020-06-21T03:52:26-0700] Pain (chatzilla@ihw-enhp2i.dyn.plus.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:52:32-0700] <Pain> !bsk !El santo, hombre al agua! - Leslie
Charteris.epub ::INFO:: 438.3KB
[2020-06-21T03:52:32-0700] <johngoodger_> @search And Then the Darkness
[2020-06-21T03:52:35-0700] vekke (vekke@ihw-ppv.7si.152.46.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:52:42-0700] fgdd3 (xct200ff@ihw-tf2.8i8.75.184.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:52:44-0700] <jojbot> !Horla Jeremy Robert Johnson - Skullcrack City
[2020-06-21T03:52:50-0700] <Stephan> !Horla Ian McEwan - Sweet Tooth (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:52:53-0700] <ash12345678ash> @search the new zealand experiment
[2020-06-21T03:52:57-0700] <Opinik> !Oatmeal Peter May - [Enzo Files 03] -
Blacklight Blue (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:53:03-0700] <Nikitono> @search eloquent rage
[2020-06-21T03:53:06-0700] ThatRandomNickName (ThatRandomN@ihw-
2u3rbo.members.linode.com) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T03:53:07-0700] DC0204 (DC0207@ihw-ca3916.mii5.q54o.8084.2a02.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T03:53:10-0700] Pain (chatzilla@ihw-enhp2i.dyn.plus.net) left IRC (Quit:
ChatZilla 0.9.92-rdmsoft [XULRunner 35.0.1/20150122214805])
[2020-06-21T03:53:13-0700] <DC0204> @search nick oldham
[2020-06-21T03:53:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,521 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T03:53:20-0700] ThatRandomNickName (ThatRandomN@ihw-
2u3rbo.members.linode.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:53:22-0700] <vekke> @search Leanna
[2020-06-21T03:53:27-0700] <Nikitono> !Ook Eloquent Rage -A Black Feminist
Discovers her Superpower (2018) - Brittney Cooper.epub ::INFO:: 1.74MB
[2020-06-21T03:53:29-0700] <commist20> @search guitar country
[2020-06-21T03:53:38-0700] <Nikitono> @search this will be my undoing
[2020-06-21T03:53:43-0700] <mysfit> @search susan woodford
[2020-06-21T03:53:48-0700] <Jefren> !Oatmeal Blake Pierce - [Mackenzie White
Mystery 01] - Before He Kills (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:53:51-0700] erling (erling@ihw-bq9.j8b.230.46.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:54:01-0700] <Nikitono> !bsk Morgan Jerkins - This Will Be My
Undoing- Living at the Intersection of Black, Female, and Feminist in (White)
America (retail) (epub).epub ::INFO:: 769.0KB
[2020-06-21T03:54:07-0700] book12 (IceChat9@ihw-e0o.67k.205.91.IP) left IRC (Quit:
Now if you will excuse me, I have a giant ball of oil to throw out my window)
[2020-06-21T03:54:10-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 88 • Speed: 516,288cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,888 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:54:11-0700] <degreelessness_> @search eye of medusa
[2020-06-21T03:54:18-0700] <Nikitono> @search bad feminist
[2020-06-21T03:54:26-0700] <roli> !Horla Anabel Hernandez - A Massacre in Mexico
[2020-06-21T03:54:26-0700] <roli> !Horla Anabel Hernandez - Narcoland- The Mexican
Drug Lords and Their Godfathers (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:54:26-0700] <roli> !Horla Anabelle Bryant - Duke of Darkness
[2020-06-21T03:54:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T03:54:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T03:54:27-0700] <roli> !Horla Anabelle Bryant - The Midnight Rake
[2020-06-21T03:54:30-0700] <roli> !Horla Anabelle Bryant - To Love a Wicked
Scoundrel (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:54:31-0700] <fgdd3> @search Ezeroc Wars
[2020-06-21T03:54:31-0700] <roli> !Horla Anabell Martin - [Arms of Serendipity 01]
- Harbinger in the Mist (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:54:32-0700] dekekja (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:54:33-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Bisset - [Libby Foster Cozy Mystery
01] - Empty Promises and Crowded Caskets (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:54:35-0700] <degreelessness_> !Horla David Guymer - The Eye of
Medusa (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:54:35-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Blaze - A Late Thaw (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:54:36-0700] <johngoodger_> !Ook Sue Williams - And Then the
Darkness- The Disappearance of Peter Falconio and the Trials of Joanne Lees
(retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 10.94MB
[2020-06-21T03:54:36-0700] vekke (vekke@ihw-ppv.7si.152.46.IP) left the channel
[2020-06-21T03:54:37-0700] <Nikitono> !bsk Bad Feminist - Roxane Gay.epub ::INFO::
[2020-06-21T03:54:37-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Blaze - The Best Man (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:54:39-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Ana Bisset - [Libby Foster Cozy Mystery
01] - Empty Promises and Crowded Caskets (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:54:39-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Bosch - Art of Death [Dreamspinner MM]
[2020-06-21T03:54:42-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Calin - [Fae of Darkness 01] - Lord of
Winter (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:54:43-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Calin - [Fae of Darkness 02] - King of
Frost (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:54:45-0700] <Opinik> !Oatmeal Peter May - [Enzo Files 04] - Freeze
Frame (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:54:51-0700] <fgdd3> !Horla Richard Parry - [Ezeroc Wars - Tyche's
Progeny 01] - Tyche's Demons (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:55:03-0700] <fgdd3> !JimBob420 Richard Parry - [Ezeroc Wars 05] -
Tyche's Ghosts (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:55:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T03:55:29-0700] <fgdd3> !Xon Richard Parry - [Ezeroc Wars 05] - Tyche's
Ghosts (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:55:37-0700] <@LawdyServer> [dlFilter] Are the responses to your
requests getting lost in the crowd? Are your @find responses spread about? If you
are using mIRC as your IRC client then download dlFilter version 2.13 from
https://github.com/DukeLupus/dlFilter/ and make your time in #ebooks less
[2020-06-21T03:55:37-0700] <fgdd3> !Xon Richard Parry - [Ezeroc Wars - Tyche's
Progeny 01] - Tyche's Demons (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:55:43-0700] LittleFly (LittleFly@ihw-m8e.isl.252.89.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:55:45-0700] JustOneMore (JustOneMor@ihw-f4u1ld.il.comcast.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:55:46-0700] <Opinik> !Oatmeal Peter May - [Enzo Files 05] - Blowback
[2020-06-21T03:55:48-0700] ThatRandomNickName (ThatRandomN@ihw-
2u3rbo.members.linode.com) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T03:55:51-0700] <spidahpig> !bsk Lee Strobel - The Case For Christ
[2020-06-21T03:55:53-0700] <commist20> @search gospel
[2020-06-21T03:56:02-0700] numberpunk (Android@ihw-vtskkk.in.comcast.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:56:04-0700] ekeai (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:56:08-0700] <degreelessness_> @search voice of mars
[2020-06-21T03:56:14-0700] <fgdd3> @search Different World War II
[2020-06-21T03:56:16-0700] dekekja (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:56:19-0700] Guest79 (Guest79@ihw-k8d.r2n.254.87.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:56:19-0700] <WDixon53> !Ook Gena Showalter & Jill Monroe - All Write
Already (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:56:36-0700] <Opinik> !Oatmeal Peter May - [Enzo Files 06] - Cast
Iron (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T03:56:37-0700] <fgdd3> @search Destroyermen
[2020-06-21T03:56:41-0700] <degreelessness_> !Horla Warhammer 40K - The Voice of
Mars - David Guymer (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:56:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,651 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:56:45-0700] SageVomo (SageVomo@ihw-3l8.uj2.116.87.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:56:51-0700] <bronkeykong> @search A Canticle for Leibowitz
[2020-06-21T03:56:51-0700] <SageVomo> @search Bible
[2020-06-21T03:56:58-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:57:04-0700] <Jefren> !shytot Charlotte MacLeod as Alisa Craig -
[Madoc and Janet Rhys Mystery 01] - A Pint of Murder (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:57:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T03:57:13-0700] <JustOneMore> @search lovett firefly
[2020-06-21T03:57:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,930 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T03:57:18-0700] nathanjones88888 (nathanjones@ihw-bju.8jq.187.202.IP)
left IRC (Client exited)
[2020-06-21T03:57:19-0700] <Jefren> !shytot Charlotte MacLeod as Alisa Craig -
[Madoc and Janet Rhys Mystery 02] - Murder Goes Mumming (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:57:24-0700] <spidahpig> @search The World's Worst Teachers
[2020-06-21T03:57:28-0700] <fgdd3> @search Aukes Black Sheep
[2020-06-21T03:57:29-0700] <commist20> @search guitar tab
[2020-06-21T03:57:33-0700] vekke (vekke@ihw-ppv.7si.152.46.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:57:35-0700] Guest79 (Guest79@ihw-k8d.r2n.254.87.IP) left IRC (Quit:
Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T03:57:45-0700] <vekke> @ Leanna by miu
[2020-06-21T03:57:47-0700] ryaan (stark@ihw-k2q0cc.alshamil.net.ae) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:57:49-0700] ThatRandomNickName (ThatRandomN@ihw-
2u3rbo.members.linode.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:57:50-0700] <spidahpig> !DV8 David Walliams - The World's Worst
Teachers (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:57:51-0700] <bronkeykong> !Xon Walter M Miller Jr - [Leibowitz 01] -
A Canticle for Leibowitz (v5.5) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:57:51-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T03:57:51-0700] <Jefren> !shytot Charlotte MacLeod as Alisa Craig -
[Madoc and Janet Rhys Mystery 03] - A Dismal Thing to Do (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:57:54-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,615 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T03:57:54-0700] <fgdd3> @search avera CONSULATE
[2020-06-21T03:57:59-0700] <vekke> @search Leanna by miu
[2020-06-21T03:58:01-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 01] - A
Time For Justice (epub).rar ::INFO:: 412.9KB
[2020-06-21T03:58:02-0700] <Shenbaien> @search How Much of These Hills Is Gold
[2020-06-21T03:58:05-0700] Opinik (Plioki@ihw-lcr.pjj.120.37.IP) left the channel
[2020-06-21T03:58:08-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 02] -
Nightmare City (epub).rar ::INFO:: 502.9KB
[2020-06-21T03:58:14-0700] <commist20> !Ook How To Play Guitar Using Tabs.pdf
[2020-06-21T03:58:15-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 03] -
One Dead Witness (epub).rar ::INFO:: 443.4KB
[2020-06-21T03:58:18-0700] <Jefren> !shytot Charlotte MacLeod as Alisa Craig -
[Madoc and Janet Rhys Mystery 04] - Trouble in the Brasses (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:58:20-0700] <fgdd3> @search Intergalactic War
[2020-06-21T03:58:24-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 04] -
The Last Big Job (epub).rar ::INFO:: 392.5KB
[2020-06-21T03:58:26-0700] Stephan_ (Stephan@ihw-sphvfd.v4.ziggo.nl) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:58:30-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 05] -
Backlash (v5.0) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 419.0KB
[2020-06-21T03:58:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 88 • Speed: 415,100cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,898 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T03:58:33-0700] <ryaan> @search extinction darkness
[2020-06-21T03:58:36-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 06] -
Substantial Threat (v5.0) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 345.5KB
[2020-06-21T03:58:38-0700] <Shenbaien> !Horla C Pam Zhang - How Much of These Hills
Is Gold (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:58:38-0700] foobar (foobaz@ihw-e15.svr.32.213.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:58:38-0700] <JustOneMore> !Horla London Lovett - [Firefly Junction
05] - Calamity at the Carnival (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:58:38-0700] <JustOneMore> !Horla London Lovett - [Firefly Junction
06] - Double Trouble (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:58:40-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T03:58:42-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 07] -
Dead Heat (v5.0) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 369.1KB
[2020-06-21T03:58:48-0700] llllls (llllls@ihw-6bees5.cable.virginm.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T03:58:48-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 08] -
Big City Jacks (v5.0) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 378.6KB
[2020-06-21T03:58:52-0700] <vekke> @search Leanna series
[2020-06-21T03:58:54-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 09] -
Psycho Alley (v5.0) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 320.9KB
[2020-06-21T03:58:54-0700] <Jefren> !shytot Charlotte MacLeod as Alisa Craig -
[Madoc and Janet Rhys Mystery 05] - The Wrong Rite (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:59:03-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 10] -
Critical Threat (v5.0) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 401.5KB
[2020-06-21T03:59:04-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,522 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T03:59:07-0700] <commist20> @search tab books
[2020-06-21T03:59:11-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 11] -
Screen of Deceit (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.1MB
[2020-06-21T03:59:13-0700] <fgdd3> @search Alanson Freefall
[2020-06-21T03:59:13-0700] <fgdd3> !Oatmeal Fire Arrow - Franklin Allen Leib.epub
[2020-06-21T03:59:15-0700] <ryaan> @ extinction darkages
[2020-06-21T03:59:17-0700] <Nikitono> @search shock doctrine
[2020-06-21T03:59:19-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 12] -
Crunch Time (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.1MB
[2020-06-21T03:59:20-0700] <JustOneMore> @search marie grace
[2020-06-21T03:59:25-0700] Mextrem4 (Android@ihw-fs0.n1h.152.189.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:59:25-0700] <Jefren> !Oatmeal Dan Carlin - The End Is Always Near_
Apocalyptic Moments, from the Bronze Age Collapse to Nuclear Near Misses(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:59:26-0700] johngoodger (johngoodger@ihw-87nl1l.cable.virginm.net)
left IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
[2020-06-21T03:59:26-0700] johngoodger_ (johngoodger@ihw-87nl1l.cable.virginm.net)
left IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
[2020-06-21T03:59:27-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 13] -
The Nothing Job (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 927.8KB
[2020-06-21T03:59:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T03:59:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T03:59:32-0700] <fgdd3> !Ook Craig Alanson - [Expeditionary Force
Mavericks 02] - Freefall (epub).rar ::INFO:: 553.35KB
[2020-06-21T03:59:33-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Dana Killion - [Andrea Kellner Mystery
03] - Lies of Men (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T03:59:35-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 14] -
Seizure (v5.0) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 384.2KB
[2020-06-21T03:59:36-0700] <Nikitono> !Horla Naomi Klein - The Shock Doctrine
[2020-06-21T03:59:38-0700] <bronkeykong> !Ook Claire North - The First Fifteen
Lives of Harry August (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T03:59:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,748
(2103.82 GB)
[2020-06-21T03:59:42-0700] <b00kw0rm> @search crime fiction
[2020-06-21T03:59:43-0700] <ryaan> @search extinction darkness
[2020-06-21T03:59:47-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 15] -
Hidden Witness (epub).rar ::INFO:: 414.6KB
[2020-06-21T03:59:50-0700] <Nikitono> @search this changes everything
[2020-06-21T03:59:52-0700] Stephan (Stephan@ihw-a56.5ep.19.199.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T03:59:52-0700] Stephan_ is now known as Stephan
[2020-06-21T03:59:55-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 16] -
Facing Justice (epub).rar ::INFO:: 399.2KB
[2020-06-21T04:00:05-0700] ekeai (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:00:08-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T04:00:09-0700] <fgdd3> @search navy battlecruiser
[2020-06-21T04:00:11-0700] <ryaan> @search extinction darkages
[2020-06-21T04:00:15-0700] fredrick87643287 (fredrick876@ihw-sbp.qps.195.124.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:00:17-0700] <Nikitono> !bsk Naomi Klein - This Changes Everything-
Capitalism vs the Climate (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.0MB
[2020-06-21T04:00:19-0700] <JustOneMore> @search marie grace dragons
[2020-06-21T04:00:21-0700] jojbot (angus7@ihw-hoogqq.dynamic.sbb.rs) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T04:00:26-0700] Julian (Julian@ihw-qdm.3ik.160.213.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:00:40-0700] <JustOneMore> @search marie grace dragon
[2020-06-21T04:00:50-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 13] -
The Nothing Job (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 927.8KB
[2020-06-21T04:00:53-0700] gjuoipm (gjuoipm@ihw-khq.p6p.235.105.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T04:00:54-0700] <spidahpig> @search trials of apollo
[2020-06-21T04:00:54-0700] <bronkeykong> @search Brian Staveley
[2020-06-21T04:01:05-0700] <fgdd3> @search Far Reach Station
[2020-06-21T04:01:08-0700] <Julian> @search lustbader nemesis
[2020-06-21T04:01:24-0700] Mextreme (Android@ihw-fs0.n1h.152.189.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:01:35-0700] <fgdd3> @search Strike Battleship
[2020-06-21T04:01:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,748
(2103.82 GB)
[2020-06-21T04:01:41-0700] SageVomo (SageVomo@ihw-3l8.uj2.116.87.IP) left the
[2020-06-21T04:01:43-0700] Frost999 (blue@ihw-girlr8.su.shawcable.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:01:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,656 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:01:49-0700] <bronkeykong> !dragnbreaker Staveley, Brian - Chronicle
of the Unhewn Throne 01 - The Emperor's Blades.epub
[2020-06-21T04:01:51-0700] DC0204 (DC0207@ihw-ca3916.mii5.q54o.8084.2a02.IP) left
IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T04:01:51-0700] <commist20> get list
[2020-06-21T04:01:53-0700] Klary (nlaak@ihw-9f03ok.mi.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:01:55-0700] <Frost999> @horla
[2020-06-21T04:01:58-0700] Dukkk (Dukkk@ihw-tkm.no0.197.142.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:02:00-0700] <spidahpig> !Ook Rick Riordan - [The Trials of Apollo
01] - The Hidden Oracle (azw3).rar
[2020-06-21T04:02:00-0700] <Klary> !trainpacks
[2020-06-21T04:02:01-0700] Frost999 (blue@ihw-girlr8.su.shawcable.net) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T04:02:03-0700] synchsynch (synchsynch@ihw-m0baao.cable.virginm.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:02:07-0700] cyaneous (cyaneous@ihw-1hj.akq.213.185.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:02:11-0700] <commist20> @get list
[2020-06-21T04:02:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,930 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T04:02:15-0700] <fgdd3> @search Buroker STar kingdom
[2020-06-21T04:02:19-0700] <Nikitono> @search pedagogy of the oppressed
[2020-06-21T04:02:19-0700] <spidahpig> !Oatmeal Rick Riordan - [The Trials of
Apollo 02] - The Dark Prophecy (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:02:25-0700] <WDixon53> @searchook drew magary
[2020-06-21T04:02:33-0700] <spidahpig> !Oatmeal Rick Riordan - [Trials of Apollo
03] - The Burning Maze (UK) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:02:42-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:02:43-0700] <ryaan> @search nicholas sansbury smith
[2020-06-21T04:02:45-0700] <spidahpig> !Oatmeal Rick Riordan - [Trials of Apollo
04] - The Tyrant's Tomb (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:03:05-0700] <WDixon53> @searchook lindsay ellis
[2020-06-21T04:03:05-0700] <cyaneous> @search mike pearl the day it finally happens
[2020-06-21T04:03:13-0700] <fgdd3> @search Scott Bartlett
[2020-06-21T04:03:13-0700] DC0204 (DC0207@ihw-ca3916.mii5.q54o.8084.2a02.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T04:03:17-0700] <WDixon53> @searchook lindsey ellis
[2020-06-21T04:03:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 32,768cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,522 ± List: Jun
1st ± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T04:03:22-0700] Klary (nlaak@ihw-9f03ok.mi.comcast.net) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T04:03:26-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 13] -
The Nothing Job (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 927.8KB
[2020-06-21T04:03:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 6/6 • Queued: 85 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,904 • List: Jun
18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:03:30-0700] Nikitono (Marboko@ihw-3g0.7ea.4.155.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T04:03:39-0700] <spidahpig> @search tower of nero
[2020-06-21T04:03:39-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 14] -
Seizure (v5.0) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 384.2KB
[2020-06-21T04:03:42-0700] monstermash (monstermash@ihw-
krhiau.1ct9.fftd.0643.2601.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:03:54-0700] bludixdc (bludixdc@ihw-oan.qla.224.149.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:04:01-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 15] -
Hidden Witness (epub).rar ::INFO:: 414.6KB
[2020-06-21T04:04:10-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 16] -
Facing Justice (epub).rar ::INFO:: 399.2KB
[2020-06-21T04:04:18-0700] AntEater (AntEater@ihw-2mq.4cj.125.114.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:04:22-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 17] -
Instinct (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 572.2KB
[2020-06-21T04:04:25-0700] <cyaneous> !Oatmeal The Day It Finally Happens - Alien
Contact,Dinosaur Parks,Immortal Humans - and Other Possible Phenomena by Mike Pearl
(retail)(epub).rar ::INFO:: 78.4KB
[2020-06-21T04:04:25-0700] <Jfripper> @search vincent starrett
[2020-06-21T04:04:27-0700] <JustOneMore> @search maria grace dragon
[2020-06-21T04:04:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T04:04:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T04:04:27-0700] <AntEater> @search craig thompson
[2020-06-21T04:04:37-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 18] -
Fighting for the Dead (mobi).rar ::INFO:: 353.6KB
[2020-06-21T04:04:49-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 19] -
Bad Tidings (mobi).rar ::INFO:: 650.0KB
[2020-06-21T04:04:50-0700] JoeBloogs (JoeBloogs@ihw-rg1dtv.ftth.web.africa) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:04:51-0700] nikobksrchf (nikobksrchf@ihw-1d1.aol.95.151.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T04:04:51-0700] <nikobksrchf> !LawdyServer Eliezer Yudkowsky - A Girl
Corrupted by the Internet is the Summoned Hero! (retail) (azw3).rar
[2020-06-21T04:04:53-0700] nikobksrchf (nikobksrchf@ihw-1d1.aol.95.151.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T04:04:53-0700] <fgdd3> @search Tyler Griffin
[2020-06-21T04:04:58-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 20] -
Judgement Call (v5.0) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 671.6KB
[2020-06-21T04:05:03-0700] xabbu (xabbu@ihw-j3l.fm4.167.142.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:05:03-0700] <AntEater> !shytot Craig Thompson - Habibi.epub
::INFO:: 201.2MB
[2020-06-21T04:05:04-0700] <bronkeykong> @search !dragnbreaker Staveley, Brian -
Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne 01 - The Emperor's Blades.epub
[2020-06-21T04:05:12-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T04:05:14-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 21] -
Low Profile (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 796.1KB
[2020-06-21T04:05:23-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 22] -
Edge (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 329.3KB
[2020-06-21T04:05:23-0700] <fgdd3> @search Apocalypse Omega
[2020-06-21T04:05:25-0700] HumptyD (FlashKat@ihw-9ev.fdr.128.174.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:05:30-0700] <Jfripper> @search the private life of sherlock holmes
[2020-06-21T04:05:31-0700] dragnbreaker (dragnbreake@ihw-9bqgcr.tn.comcast.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:05:31-0700] ChanServ sets mode +v dragnbreaker
[2020-06-21T04:05:31-0700] <xabbu> @search Polly Samson
[2020-06-21T04:05:32-0700] <HumptyD> @search radclyffe night shift
[2020-06-21T04:05:33-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 23] -
Unforgiving (v5.0) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 858.2KB
[2020-06-21T04:05:43-0700] Stephan (Stephan@ihw-sphvfd.v4.ziggo.nl) left IRC
(Client exited)
[2020-06-21T04:05:44-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 24] -
Bad Blood (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 392.5KB
[2020-06-21T04:05:49-0700] HumptyD (FlashKat@ihw-9ev.fdr.128.174.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T04:05:50-0700] <Julian> !shytot Eric Van Lustbader - [Evan Ryder 01] -
The Nemesis Manifesto (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:05:52-0700] <JustOneMore> !Horla Maria Grace - [Jane Austen's
Dragons 01] - Pemberley- Mr Darcy's Dragon (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:05:53-0700] <JustOneMore> !Horla Maria Grace - [Jane Austen's
Dragons 02] - Longbourn_ Dragon Entail (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:05:53-0700] <JustOneMore> !Horla Maria Grace - [Jane Austen's
Dragons 03] - Netherfield- Rogue Dragon - A Pride and Prejudice Variation
[2020-06-21T04:05:53-0700] <JustOneMore> !Horla Maria Grace - [Jane Austen's
Dragons 04] - A Proper Introduction to Dragons (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:05:53-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie 25] -
Bad Cops (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 467.9KB
[2020-06-21T04:06:03-0700] <fgdd3> @search The Bulge
[2020-06-21T04:06:03-0700] <fgdd3> !Xon Marc Landau - [Omega 03] - Apocalypse Omega
[2020-06-21T04:06:12-0700] el2 (el@ihw-cteat8.dsl.telepac.pt) left IRC (Quit:
WeeChat 2.3)
[2020-06-21T04:06:28-0700] <DC0204> !Horla Nick Oldham - [Henry Christie Mystery
26] - Wildfire (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:06:31-0700] <Julian> !shytot Eric Van Lustbader - [Evan Ryder 01] -
The Nemesis Manifesto (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:06:43-0700] <JustOneMore> !trainpacks
[2020-06-21T04:06:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 10/12 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 55,190cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,656 •
List: Jun 20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:06:54-0700] <xabbu> !Horla Polly Samson - Perfect Lives- Stories
(v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:06:58-0700] <WDixon53> @oatmeal
[2020-06-21T04:07:05-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Steve Flynn Mystery 01]
- Onslaught (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.1MB
[2020-06-21T04:07:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,930 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T04:07:19-0700] Korisnik (Korisnik@ihw-kiff29.k1si.mu46.8070.2a02.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:07:20-0700] commist20 (commist20@ihw-gn5.623.45.70.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T04:07:25-0700] AntEater (AntEater@ihw-2mq.4cj.125.114.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T04:07:27-0700] <+MusicWench> French and English ebooks!• Type:
@MusicWench For My List Of: 46,699 Files • Slots: 3/3 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps •
Next: NOW • Served: 295,777 • List: Jun 20th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T04:07:29-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Steve Flynn Mystery 02]
- Ambush (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 789.4KB
[2020-06-21T04:07:35-0700] alexose (alexose@ihw-3g7.c5d.247.162.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:07:38-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Steve Flynn Mystery 03]
- Headhunter (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 372.1KB
[2020-06-21T04:07:41-0700] <Korisnik> @search leonardo da vinci isaacson
[2020-06-21T04:07:43-0700] cyaneous (cyaneous@ihw-1hj.akq.213.185.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
[2020-06-21T04:07:48-0700] Spalf (Spalf@ihw-6ilhdj.tpgi.com.au) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T04:07:49-0700] <DC0204> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - Vendetta (v5.0)
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 8.7MB
[2020-06-21T04:07:49-0700] <b00kw0rm> @search richard bernstein
[2020-06-21T04:07:55-0700] <Shenbaien> search workbench
[2020-06-21T04:08:10-0700] djh (djh352@ihw-4blc0p.cable.virginm.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:08:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 49,152cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,523 ± List: Jun
1st ± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T04:08:24-0700] <djh> @searchook king misery
[2020-06-21T04:08:26-0700] juamps (juamps@ihw-8rlo7j.dynamic.sonic.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:08:29-0700] <fgdd3> @search carter The Shadow Falls
[2020-06-21T04:08:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 80 • Speed: 469,113cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,908 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:08:35-0700] <Julian> !Horla Eric Van Lustbader - [Evan Ryder 01] -
The Nemesis Manifesto (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:08:42-0700] <Shenbaien> search workbench
[2020-06-21T04:08:42-0700] <Korisnik> !MusicWench Walter Isaacson - Leonardo Da
Vinci.epub ::INFO:: 443.7MB,
[2020-06-21T04:08:47-0700] monstermash (monstermash@ihw-
krhiau.1ct9.fftd.0643.2601.IP) left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:08:50-0700] <fgdd3> !LawdyServer Ardennes 1944_ The Battle of the
Bulge - Antony Beevor.epub
[2020-06-21T04:08:55-0700] <+TrainFiles> For my list of 198106 files type:
@TrainFiles, Sends: 0/5 , Queue: 0/10, Voicepriority: OFF, For help: @TrainFiles-
help Using: Irssi Findbot v1.58
[2020-06-21T04:08:58-0700] jimman2003 (jimman2003@ihw-vfv7fh.access.hol.gr) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T04:09:03-0700] <Shenbaien> find bench
[2020-06-21T04:09:05-0700] <djh> !Horla Stephen King - Misery (Scribner retail)
[2020-06-21T04:09:06-0700] <fgdd3> !LawdyServer Hitler's Final Push The Battle of
the Bulge from the German Point of View [-PUNISHER-].epub
[2020-06-21T04:09:07-0700] <fredrick87643287> @search Balkan Justice
[2020-06-21T04:09:07-0700] <+ps2> •·File Server Online·• Trigger..::/ctcp ps2 !
ps::.. On server..::Books of all subjects, comics, wargames & RPGs (mostly pdf)::..
Note..::On Undernet & IRCHighWay: @ps2 for instructions or /ctcp ps2 !ps to enter.
Elsewhere: @ps for instructions or /ctcp ps !ps to enter. You can also get my files
from phoomphy (@phoomphy for the filelist).::.. .•«UPP»•.
[2020-06-21T04:09:21-0700] <fgdd3> !LawdyServer Last Assault, 1944 - The Battle of
the Bulge - Charles Whiting.epub
[2020-06-21T04:09:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T04:09:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T04:09:36-0700] <fgdd3> !LawdyServer Panzers in Winter, Hitler's Army
and the Battle of the Bulge - Samuel W Mitcham.pdf
[2020-06-21T04:09:44-0700] etempy (etempy@ihw-60v.786.31.213.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:09:52-0700] abduunn (abduunn@ihw-fin.40m.102.85.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T04:10:04-0700] Yuio6789 (Yuio6789@ihw-vkdjhj.res.rr.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:10:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T04:10:26-0700] <fgdd3> !LawdyServer Patton at the Battle of the Bulge,
How the General's Tanks Turned the Tide at Bastogne - Leo Barron.epub
[2020-06-21T04:10:27-0700] <Shenbaien> @search workbench
[2020-06-21T04:10:28-0700] <Korisnik> @search factfulness rosling
[2020-06-21T04:10:30-0700] ThatRandomNickName (ThatRandomN@ihw-
2u3rbo.members.linode.com) left IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T04:10:30-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:10:34-0700] <fgdd3> !LawdyServer The Battle of the Bulge, Hitler's
Final Gamble - Patrick Delaforce.epub
[2020-06-21T04:10:38-0700] Zoomie (Username@ihw-855553.dsl.bell.ca) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:10:41-0700] ThatRandomNickName (ThatRandomN@ihw-
2u3rbo.members.linode.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:10:44-0700] <fgdd3> !LawdyServer Advance and Destroy, Patton as
Commander in the Bulge - John Nelson Rickard.epub
[2020-06-21T04:10:53-0700] SageVomo (SageVomo@ihw-0ov.bq6.116.87.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:10:54-0700] <Yuio6789> @search bolton
[2020-06-21T04:10:54-0700] puppybelly2 (2oldsouls@ihw-rjmjq1.fios.verizon.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:10:55-0700] <fgdd3> !LawdyServer If You Survive_ From Normandy to
the Battle of the Bulge to the End of World War II.txt
[2020-06-21T04:11:00-0700] Julian (Julian@ihw-qdm.3ik.160.213.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T04:11:05-0700] <SageVomo> @search The New Jerusalem Bible
[2020-06-21T04:11:06-0700] <Korisnik> !Ook Hans Rosling - Factfulness
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 3.67MB
[2020-06-21T04:11:10-0700] LrgmnPrime (LrgmnPrime@ihw-h1j.8e1.190.124.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T04:11:21-0700] <fgdd3> @search Fortress Europe
[2020-06-21T04:11:30-0700] <LrgmnPrime> @search isobelle carmody
[2020-06-21T04:11:41-0700] <fgdd3> !shytot Fortress Europe- European Fortifications
Of World War II - J E Kaufmann.epub
[2020-06-21T04:11:46-0700] <JustOneMore> @search marla monroe space
[2020-06-21T04:11:47-0700] alexose (alexose@ihw-3g7.c5d.247.162.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:11:50-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,657 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:11:50-0700] puppybelly2 (2oldsouls@ihw-rjmjq1.fios.verizon.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:11:51-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,711
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:11:55-0700] <Shenbaien> !shytot Useful Woowork Plans - Space Saver
[2020-06-21T04:11:59-0700] <WDixon53> @searchook meghan quinn change up
[2020-06-21T04:12:04-0700] Yuio6789 (Yuio6789@ihw-vkdjhj.res.rr.com) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving...)
[2020-06-21T04:12:14-0700] <fgdd3> !LawdyServer Osprey - Duel 24 - Fw 190
Sturmbocke vs B-17 Flying Fortress - Europe 1944-1945.pdf
[2020-06-21T04:12:14-0700] <bronkeykong> @search Empress of Forever
[2020-06-21T04:12:16-0700] <Shenbaien> !shytot Useful Woowork Plans - Space Saver
[2020-06-21T04:12:16-0700] <jimman2003> help
[2020-06-21T04:12:17-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
6/7 – Queued: 6 – Speed: 115,148cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,931 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T04:12:20-0700] <jimman2003> @
[2020-06-21T04:12:22-0700] kabaka (kabaka@ihw-q4f.ne8.231.154.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:12:31-0700] <fgdd3> @search Fight for Sicily
[2020-06-21T04:12:36-0700] Zoomie (Username@ihw-ca0kv1.dsl.bell.ca) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:12:39-0700] <bronkeykong> !DV8 Max Gladstone - Empress of Forever
(retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:12:56-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Calin - The Revenge of Andrey Jones
[2020-06-21T04:12:56-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Castillo - The Guardians (retail)
[2020-06-21T04:12:56-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Claudia Antunes - Mysterious Murder of
Marilyn Monroe (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:12:58-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Corman - A Celtic Knot [FF]
[2020-06-21T04:13:00-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Elise Meyer - [Teumessian 01] - Marie
[2020-06-21T04:13:03-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Elise Meyer - [Teumessian 02] - James
[2020-06-21T04:13:03-0700] <fgdd3> @search ww II naval
[2020-06-21T04:13:05-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Elise Meyer - [Teumessian 03] -
Jasmine (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:13:06-0700] <jimman2003> @
[2020-06-21T04:13:07-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana E Ross - Her Perfect Valentine
Birthday Surprise (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:13:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana E Ross - Mark of a Good Man
[2020-06-21T04:13:14-0700] <dny238> • Type: @dny238 For My List Of: 4,015 Files •
Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,195 • List: Jun 3rd
• Search: OFF • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T04:13:21-0700] <JustOneMore> !Horla Marla Monroe - [Men of Space
Station One 09] - Megan's Double Miracle [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:13:21-0700] <JustOneMore> !Horla Marla Monroe - [Men of Space
Station One 10] - Hannah's Stolen Men [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:13:21-0700] <JustOneMore> !Horla Marla Monroe - [Men of Space
Station One 11] - Kelly Captures Two Husbands [Siren Menage Everlasting]
[2020-06-21T04:13:23-0700] no_clue_1991 (idkidkidk@ihw-jk071f.ipv4.telemach.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:13:24-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,524 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T04:13:24-0700] worm (Android@ihw-d3rh00.at.cox.net) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:13:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 76 • Speed: 323,155cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,912 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:13:36-0700] <worm> @search THE OLD MOTEL MYSTERY
[2020-06-21T04:13:40-0700] <fgdd3> !Ook Max Hennessy - [WWII Naval Thrillers 01] -
The Sea Shall Not Have Them (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:13:58-0700] <fgdd3> !Ook Max Hennessy - [WWII Naval Thrillers 03] -
Cotton's War (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:14:09-0700] warrior0015 (warrior0015@ihw-
bf11d4.0o0l.hsg8.2000.2604.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:14:18-0700] <worm> !Horla Gertrude Chandler Warner - [Boxcar
Children 023] - The Old Motel Mystery (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:14:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T04:14:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T04:14:33-0700] <fgdd3> @search ww II navy
[2020-06-21T04:14:41-0700] <roli> !Horla Anah Crow and Dianne Fox - [Renovations
04] - In A Family Way (html).rar
[2020-06-21T04:14:41-0700] <roli> !Horla Anah Crow - A Sweet Gesture (pdf).pdf
[2020-06-21T04:14:41-0700] <roli> !Horla Anah Crow & Diana Fox - Percussive
Maintenance (pdf).pdf
[2020-06-21T04:14:43-0700] <roli> !Horla Anah Crow & Diane Fox - [Pandora Project]
- Runaway Star (pdf).pdf
[2020-06-21T04:14:45-0700] <roli> !Horla Anah Crow & Dianne Fox - Becoming Us
[2020-06-21T04:14:47-0700] <Shenbaien> !shytot Useful Woowork Plans - Traditional
Workbench 1.pdf
[2020-06-21T04:14:47-0700] <roli> !Horla Anah Crow & Dianne Fox - [Dear Lake,
Michigan] - All Work and No Play [AQ MM] (pdf).pdf
[2020-06-21T04:14:49-0700] <roli> !Horla anah crow & dianne fox Heating Up
[2020-06-21T04:14:50-0700] <jimman2003> @
[2020-06-21T04:14:51-0700] <roli> !Horla Anah Crow & Dianne Fox - One Real Thing
[Carina MM] (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:14:53-0700] <roli> !Horla Anah Crow - Exiled to Paradise- The Nine
of Pentacles [Torquere] (pdf).pdf
[2020-06-21T04:14:55-0700] bbbbbaaaron (bookaaron@ihw-ac1n8r.ga.comcast.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:14:55-0700] <roli> !Horla Anah Crow - Uneven (html).rar
[2020-06-21T04:15:04-0700] Campe (Campe@ihw-u4tgpq.airmobile.co.za) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:15:05-0700] ryaan (stark@ihw-k2q0cc.alshamil.net.ae) left IRC (Quit:
Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T04:15:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T04:15:11-0700] butchersbill (Android@ihw-q4r.55u.26.103.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:15:12-0700] <WDixon53> @searchook tucker player
[2020-06-21T04:15:21-0700] <jimman2003> @search magical index
[2020-06-21T04:15:25-0700] <fgdd3> !LawdyServer Osprey - New Vanguard 130 - US Navy
Aircraft Carriers 1942-45 - WWII-built Ships.pdf
[2020-06-21T04:15:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,650 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T04:15:32-0700] bbbbbaaaron (bookaaron@ihw-ac1n8r.ga.comcast.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T04:15:33-0700] <Campe> @search Marissa Farrar Shattered hearts
[2020-06-21T04:15:37-0700] <Rhialto> !dragnbreaker Ford, Richard - SSC 05 - Sorry
for Your Trouble (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T04:15:37-0700] Ly (Ly@ihw-isi.si3.132.45.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:15:38-0700] <fgdd3> @search 3rd fleet
[2020-06-21T04:15:52-0700] TonyPa (TonyPa@ihw-pc0n2k.pa.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:16:07-0700] <jimman2003> @search magical index
[2020-06-21T04:16:13-0700] rdog1426 (uid451042@ihw-7eeajl.brockwell.irccloud.com)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:16:18-0700] <Campe> !Horla Marissa Farrar - [Bad Blood 01] -
Shattered Hearts (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:16:19-0700] <fgdd3> @search Outcast Starship
[2020-06-21T04:16:27-0700] Halitosor (halitosor@ihw-og6.ot9.247.104.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:16:28-0700] <WDixon53> @searchook hard pass sara ney
[2020-06-21T04:16:33-0700] <Ly> @search ReAnne Thayne Haven Point Series
[2020-06-21T04:16:42-0700] <JustOneMore> @horla
[2020-06-21T04:16:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 54,519cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,659 •
List: Jun 20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:16:47-0700] <WDixon53> !shytot Sara Ney - Hard Pass (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T04:16:48-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Felix - Breaking the Alpha Beast
[2020-06-21T04:16:48-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Gabriel - [Rules to Break 01] - Hard &
Fast (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:16:48-0700] <roli> !Horla An Agent for Emily Amelia C. Adams.epub
[2020-06-21T04:16:51-0700] <roli> !Horla An Agent for Rilla Sophie Dawson.epub
[2020-06-21T04:16:51-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,712
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:16:51-0700] <fgdd3> @search 3rd fleet WWII
[2020-06-21T04:16:53-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana'Gia Wright - Loving Dasia (retail)
[2020-06-21T04:16:54-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Gibson - Guide Me Home (retail)
[2020-06-21T04:16:55-0700] <JustOneMore> @oatmeal
[2020-06-21T04:16:58-0700] <jimman2003> quit
[2020-06-21T04:16:58-0700] Oatmeal kicked jimman2003 from the channel (Let me help
you with that)
[2020-06-21T04:17:04-0700] <JustOneMore> @ook
[2020-06-21T04:17:05-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T04:17:07-0700] <fgdd3> @search Salvage Title Universe
[2020-06-21T04:17:07-0700] <Ly> @search ReAnne Thayne
[2020-06-21T04:17:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T04:17:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
6/7 – Queued: 1 – Speed: 81,920cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,938 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T04:17:14-0700] Monica (Monica@ihw-5g0akd.ph.cox.net) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:17:15-0700] pikun (pikun2@ihw-v02h6c.tpgi.com.au) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:17:18-0700] <Shenbaien> !shytot Useful Woowork Plans - Traditional
Workbench 2.pdf
[2020-06-21T04:17:21-0700] <JustOneMore> @jimbob420
[2020-06-21T04:17:25-0700] Mextreme (Android@ihw-fs0.n1h.152.189.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:17:33-0700] <JustOneMore> @bsk
[2020-06-21T04:17:33-0700] puppybelly2 (2oldsouls@ihw-rjmjq1.fios.verizon.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:17:34-0700] <fgdd3> @search The Great War
[2020-06-21T04:17:45-0700] varafel (varafel@ihw-4co.5ku.131.65.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T04:17:48-0700] <JustOneMore> @dv8
[2020-06-21T04:17:50-0700] <roli> !Horla Anahita Firouz - In the Walled Gardens
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:17:50-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Huang - All I've Never Wanted
[2020-06-21T04:17:50-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Hunter - [Commander of Rista 01] - The
Barbarian's Hunger (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:17:52-0700] <roli> !Horla Anais Barbeau-Lavalette - Suzanne (retail)
[2020-06-21T04:17:52-0700] Zave (Zave@ihw-s3epo4.retail.telecomitalia.it) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T04:17:54-0700] <roli> !Horla Anais Bordier & Samantha Futerman -
Separated @ Birth- A True Love Story of Twin Sisters Reunited (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:17:56-0700] <roli> !Horla Anais Morgan - Touch of the Camera [TEB
Lust Bites] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:17:58-0700] <roli> !Horla Anais Nin - [Cities of the Interior 01] -
Ladders to Fire (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:18:00-0700] <roli> !Horla Anais Nin - [Cities of the Interior 02] -
Children of the Albatross (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:18:02-0700] <roli> !Horla Anais Nin - [Cities of the Interior 03] -
The Four-Chambered Heart (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:18:04-0700] SemiTrailer (SemiTrailer@ihw-a9m.flb.136.1.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T04:18:04-0700] <roli> !Horla Anais Nin - [Cities of the Interior 04] -
A Spy in the House of Love (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:18:06-0700] <roli> !Horla Anais Nin - [Cities of the Interior 05] -
Seduction of the Minotaur (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:18:11-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:18:12-0700] <Campe> @search ajme williams accidental love
[2020-06-21T04:18:19-0700] <bronkeykong> @search The Initiate Brother Duology
[2020-06-21T04:18:21-0700] <JustOneMore> @xon
[2020-06-21T04:18:21-0700] <WDixon53> @searchook sorensen faked
[2020-06-21T04:18:24-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,524 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T04:18:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 4/6 • Queued: 68 • Speed: 485,714cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,922 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:18:35-0700] TonyPa (TonyPa@ihw-pc0n2k.pa.comcast.net) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T04:18:41-0700] <Campe> !Horla Ajme Williams - [Fake Marriage 01] -
Accidental Love (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:18:44-0700] <JustOneMore> @wench
[2020-06-21T04:19:04-0700] <fgdd3> @search undying mercenaries
[2020-06-21T04:19:07-0700] <rdog1426> @search peter James
[2020-06-21T04:19:09-0700] SageVomo (SageVomo@ihw-0ov.bq6.116.87.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:19:09-0700] <Ly> @sbClient
[2020-06-21T04:19:09-0700] Havok1325 (Havok1325@ihw-ml87jc.as13285.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:19:23-0700] Mextreme_ (Android@ihw-fs0.n1h.152.189.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:19:23-0700] xxxdamoclesxxx (JonTaylor@ihw-2ino7o.optusnet.com.au)
left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T04:19:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T04:19:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T04:19:36-0700] tiggers63 (lyleninja@ihw-5340ej.dyn.suddenlink.net) left
IRC (Quit: -=SysReset 2.55=-)
[2020-06-21T04:19:38-0700] johngoodger_ (johngoodger@ihw-87nl1l.cable.virginm.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:19:38-0700] johngoodger (johngoodger@ihw-87nl1l.cable.virginm.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:19:39-0700] <fgdd3> @search First Colony
[2020-06-21T04:19:39-0700] <JustOneMore> @quietsilence
[2020-06-21T04:19:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,749
(2103.82 GB)
[2020-06-21T04:19:49-0700] Korisnik (Korisnik@ihw-kiff29.k1si.mu46.8070.2a02.IP)
left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T04:19:55-0700] <fgdd3> @request B. V. Larson glass world
[2020-06-21T04:19:57-0700] <green> !dragnbreaker Nuttall, Christopher G - Schooled
in Magic 05 - The School of Hard Knocks.epub
[2020-06-21T04:19:57-0700] Campe (Campe@ihw-u4tgpq.airmobile.co.za) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T04:20:03-0700] <fgdd3> @request B. V. Larson Clone World
[2020-06-21T04:20:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T04:20:08-0700] sonofsamx (sonofsamx@ihw-u34nk1.pa.comcast.net) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T04:20:10-0700] <JustOneMore> @shytot
[2020-06-21T04:20:23-0700] <WDixon53> @searchook animal ker dukey
[2020-06-21T04:20:29-0700] Halitosor (halitosor@ihw-og6.ot9.247.104.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:21:05-0700] <JustOneMore> @musicwench
[2020-06-21T04:21:05-0700] <fgdd3> @search Battle of the River Plate:
[2020-06-21T04:21:08-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:21:20-0700] <fgdd3> !bsk Command Decisions - Langsdorff and the
Battle of the River Plate.epub
[2020-06-21T04:21:23-0700] <WDixon53> @searchook loner harloe rae
[2020-06-21T04:21:25-0700] Modiglianis_Muse (IceChat9@jeanne.hebuterne.s.art) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:21:27-0700] andrevdb (andrevdb@ihw-6e9.n1v.193.41.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:21:38-0700] <andrevdb> search W.M AKERS
[2020-06-21T04:21:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,749
(2103.82 GB)
[2020-06-21T04:21:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 151,308cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,661 •
List: Jun 20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:21:46-0700] <fgdd3> @search USS Stonewall Jackson
[2020-06-21T04:21:46-0700] puppybelly2 (2oldsouls@ihw-rjmjq1.fios.verizon.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:21:48-0700] <WDixon53> !shytot Harloe Rae - Loner (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T04:21:48-0700] <andrevdb> @search W.M AKERS
[2020-06-21T04:21:50-0700] <JustOneMore> @trainfiles
[2020-06-21T04:21:51-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,713
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:21:54-0700] <fgdd3> @xon-new
[2020-06-21T04:22:11-0700] <WDixon53> @shytot
[2020-06-21T04:22:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
6/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 114,231cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,940 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T04:22:14-0700] <spidahpig> !Ook Rick Riordan - [The Trials of Apollo
01] - The Hidden Oracle (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:22:29-0700] <JustOneMore> @xon-new
[2020-06-21T04:22:37-0700] <+sniffn> @ type: @xref for my crossreference list of
alternate titles and titles in collections- 0 files Slots: 2/2 Queued: 0
[2020-06-21T04:22:45-0700] <andrevdb> @search westside
[2020-06-21T04:22:55-0700] <etempy> @search Shari Lapena
[2020-06-21T04:23:03-0700] oran (oran@oran.oran.oran) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:23:05-0700] <roli> !Horla Anais Wilde - [Luck and Love 01] - A
Stroke of Luck (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:23:05-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Johns - The Woman in the White Kimono
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:23:05-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Jolene - [Glory MC 01] - Glory
[2020-06-21T04:23:08-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Jolene - [Glory MC 02] - Origin
[2020-06-21T04:23:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Jolene - Sweet As Sin (retail)
[2020-06-21T04:23:11-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana J Phoenix - [Ash and Flames 01] -
Branded [MM] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:23:13-0700] <roli> !Horla Anakana Schofield - Bina- A Novel in
Warnings (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:23:15-0700] <roli> !Horla Anakana Schofield - Malarky (retail)
[2020-06-21T04:23:17-0700] <roli> !Horla Anakana Schofield - Martin John (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T04:23:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 16,384cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,524 ± List: Jun
1st ± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T04:23:19-0700] <roli> !Horla Anal Amy - Deep Pleasures [FF] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:23:26-0700] <etempy> !Horla Shari Lapena - Someone We Know (retail)
[2020-06-21T04:23:29-0700] <andrevdb> !DV8 W M Akers - Westside (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:23:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 4/6 • Queued: 61 • Speed: 436,798cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,930 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:23:36-0700] bl1nk1300 (bl1nk1300@ihw-lhgoth.wa.comcast.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T04:23:50-0700] Yakface (IceChat9@ihw-7j7btv.9c0k.k2k3.0304.2602.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:24:05-0700] <andrevdb> !Xon W M Akers - [Westside 02] - Westside
Saints (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:24:08-0700] naubi (naubi@ihw-oitgfi.hsi.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:24:11-0700] <Yakface> @horla
[2020-06-21T04:24:26-0700] <naubi> @search Nuttall
[2020-06-21T04:24:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T04:24:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T04:24:30-0700] <fgdd3> @search leyte gulf
[2020-06-21T04:24:35-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Layne - [TKO 02] - Hooked (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:24:35-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Layne - [TKO 03] - Blow (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:24:35-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Layne - [TKO 04] - Sucker Punch
[2020-06-21T04:24:37-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Layne - TKO- Total Knock Out
[2020-06-21T04:24:39-0700] <roli> !Horla Analayo - A Meditator's Life of the Buddha
[2020-06-21T04:24:41-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Lee Kennedy - The Sorcerer King and
the Fire Queen (Ruby, The White King and Marilyn Monroe) (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:24:43-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Lee Kennedy - [Valhalla Skies Saga 01]
- Seduced by the King (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:24:43-0700] sogo20 (serenagordo@ihw-3295k7.cable.virginm.net) left
IRC (Client exited)
[2020-06-21T04:24:44-0700] worm (Android@ihw-d3rh00.at.cox.net) left IRC (Quit: -a-
IRC for Android 2.1.56)
[2020-06-21T04:24:45-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Lee Kennedy - [Valhalla Skies Saga 02]
- The Dragon God's Kiss (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:24:47-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Lee Kennedy - [Werewolves of Rebellion
02] - The Devil's Russian Beauty (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:24:49-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Leigh - [Bishop's Heroes 01] - Face of
Deception (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T04:24:51-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Leigh - [Bishop's Heroes 02] -
Reconcilable Differences (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T04:25:08-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T04:25:15-0700] RiggedHorror (George@ihw-hp0.o59.242.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:25:15-0700] <fgdd3> @search Craig L. Symonds
[2020-06-21T04:25:23-0700] Mextreme (Android@ihw-fs0.n1h.152.189.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:25:27-0700] Mextreme_ (Android@ihw-fs0.n1h.152.189.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:25:30-0700] <Shenbaien> !LawdyServer The Workbench Book - A
Craftsman's Guide to Workbenches for Every Type of Woodworking (Craftsman's Guide
[2020-06-21T04:25:31-0700] <fgdd3> !LawdyServer Tidal Wave, From Leyte Gulf To
Tokyo Bay - Thomas Mckelvey Cleaver.epub
[2020-06-21T04:25:48-0700] andrevdb (andrevdb@ihw-6e9.n1v.193.41.IP) left IRC
(Client exited)
[2020-06-21T04:25:53-0700] <@LawdyServer> [dlFilter] Are the responses to your
requests getting lost in the crowd? Are your @find responses spread about? If you
are using mIRC as your IRC client then download dlFilter version 2.13 from
https://github.com/DukeLupus/dlFilter/ and make your time in #ebooks less
[2020-06-21T04:26:00-0700] <roli> !Horla Analeigh Ford - [Academy of the Dark Arts
01] - Dark Witch (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:26:00-0700] <roli> !Horla Analeigh Ford - [The Forgotten Affinities
01] - Absorb (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:26:00-0700] <roli> !Horla Analeigh Ford - [The Forgotten Affinities
02] - Adapt (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:26:02-0700] <roli> !Horla Analeigh Ford - [The Forgotten Affinities
03] - Abandon (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:26:04-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Leigh - Heart at Risk (html).rar
[2020-06-21T04:26:07-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Leigh - One Night With a Sweet-Talking
Man (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:26:08-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Leigh - [The Frasers 05] - Holding Out
for a Hero (prc).prc
[2020-06-21T04:26:10-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Leigh - [The Frasers 1] - Clay
[2020-06-21T04:26:12-0700] <etempy> @search Catherine Steadman
[2020-06-21T04:26:12-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Leigh - [The Frasers 2 - Garth] - His
Boots Under Her Bed (html, jpg).rar
[2020-06-21T04:26:14-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Leigh -The Lawman Said I Do.lit
[2020-06-21T04:26:16-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Leigh - [The Mackenzies 09] - Zach
(v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:26:17-0700] mturker (mturker@ihw-la4.n1l.215.71.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:26:17-0700] <fgdd3> !bsk Osprey - Campaign 163 - Leyte Gulf 1944.pdf
[2020-06-21T04:26:29-0700] lol5215125125 (junglist@ihw-jdvroa.koba.pl) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:26:31-0700] <etempy> !Xon Catherine Steadman - Something in the
Water (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:26:32-0700] dekekja (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:26:33-0700] puppybelly2 (2oldsouls@ihw-rjmjq1.fios.verizon.net) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T04:26:34-0700] <naubi> !Oatmeal Christopher Nuttall - [Schooled in
Magic 19] - The Artful Apprentice (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:26:44-0700] puppybelly2 (2oldsouls@ihw-rjmjq1.fios.verizon.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:26:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,662 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:26:47-0700] Jfripper (Jfripper@ihw-rjkgcn.dodo.net.au) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T04:26:48-0700] warrior0015 (warrior0015@ihw-
bf11d4.0o0l.hsg8.2000.2604.IP) left IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T04:26:49-0700] <fgdd3> @search zero friction
[2020-06-21T04:26:50-0700] warrior0015 (warrior0015@ihw-
bf11d4.0o0l.hsg8.2000.2604.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:26:51-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,713
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:27:02-0700] guano (guano@ihw-ii31gk.retail.telecomitalia.it) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T04:27:02-0700] Pain (chatzilla@ihw-enhp2i.dyn.plus.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:27:07-0700] <roli> !Horla Analei Skye - [Surfer Girl] - Dawn Patrol
[2020-06-21T04:27:07-0700] <roli> !Horla Analicia Sotelo - Virgin (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:27:07-0700] <roli> !Horla Analinn Cush - Raging Hot (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:27:09-0700] <roli> !Horla An All Night Man - Brenda Jackson, Joylynn
Jossel, Kayla Perrin, Tamara Sneed (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:27:11-0700] <roli> !Horla An All Night Man - Brenda Jackson, Kayla
Perrin, Joylynn Jossel, Tamara Sneed (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:27:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
6/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,941 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T04:27:13-0700] <roli> !Horla Analog de Léon - Vertigo (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:27:15-0700] <fgdd3> @search Globur Incursion
[2020-06-21T04:27:15-0700] <roli> !Horla Analog Science Fiction and Fact - January
February 2018 (pdf).pdf
[2020-06-21T04:27:17-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Lynne - [Booty and the Beast 01] -
Sacrifice (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:27:19-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Mardoll - [Earthside 01] - Poison Kiss
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:27:22-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Mardoll - [Earthside 02] - Survival
Rout (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:27:23-0700] <etempy> @search rowling
[2020-06-21T04:27:23-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Mardoll - Pulchritude (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T04:27:25-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Mardoll - [Rewoven Tales 02] - No Man
of Woman Born (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:27:27-0700] <naubi> !shytot Christopher G Nuttall - [Schooled in
Magic 18] - Mirror Image (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:27:37-0700] <fgdd3> @search Brad Thor Near Dark
[2020-06-21T04:27:38-0700] bl1nk1300 (bl1nk1300@ihw-lhgoth.wa.comcast.net) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T04:27:44-0700] <mixolydian> !trai n
[2020-06-21T04:27:48-0700] <sunnior> @search maureen jennings
[2020-06-21T04:27:48-0700] scythe23 (scythe23@ihw-u8f.uqn.159.120.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:27:49-0700] <etempy> !bsk J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 01-07] - Harry
Potter- The Complete Collection (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:27:55-0700] pikun (pikun2@ihw-v02h6c.tpgi.com.au) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:28:09-0700] ekeai (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:28:09-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 01] - Le
Saint et Patricia [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:28:10-0700] <LrgmnPrime> !Xon Isobelle Carmody - [Obernewtyn
Chronicles 01-02] - The Seeker (v5.0) (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T04:28:13-0700] bobfred123 (bobfred123@ihw-sll.283.116.87.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:28:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 32,768cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,525 ± List: Jun
1st ± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T04:28:21-0700] JustOneMore (JustOneMor@ihw-f4u1ld.il.comcast.net) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T04:28:21-0700] sogo20 (serenagordo@ihw-3295k7.cable.virginm.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T04:28:30-0700] <bobfred123> @search Steve miller Sharon lee
[2020-06-21T04:28:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 58 • Speed: 500,891cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,936 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:28:31-0700] <naubi> @search Runic Apprentice
[2020-06-21T04:28:34-0700] <fgdd3> @search Eric Thomson Imperial Night
[2020-06-21T04:28:38-0700] sogo20 (serenagordo@ihw-3295k7.cable.virginm.net) left
the channel
[2020-06-21T04:28:41-0700] <mixolydian> !trainpacks
[2020-06-21T04:28:42-0700] <sunnior> !JimBob420 Maureen Jennings - [Detective
Murdoch 01] - Except the Dying (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:28:49-0700] caesar (thomas_cat@ihw-cd5567.static.aussiebb.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:28:51-0700] <pete-089-76857463576> @search the buddha party
[2020-06-21T04:28:54-0700] mixolydian (mixolydian@ihw-g3bkt9.res.rr.com) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T04:28:55-0700] <fgdd3> @search Scott Standalones
[2020-06-21T04:29:17-0700] <naubi> !Horla D L Harrison - [The Rune Mystic 01] -
Runic Apprentice (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:29:18-0700] <caesar> @search muenchrath
[2020-06-21T04:29:20-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Mardoll - Pulchritude (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T04:29:20-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Mardoll - [Rewoven Tales 02] - No Man
of Woman Born (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:29:20-0700] <LrgmnPrime> !Horla Isobelle Carmody - [Obernewtyn
Chronicles 03-04] - The Rebellion (Ashling; The Keeping Place) (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:29:24-0700] <fgdd3> @search Solar War
[2020-06-21T04:29:25-0700] <fgdd3> !JimBob420 Jasper T Scott - [Scott Standalones
01] - Under Darkness (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:29:26-0700] Lord_of_Life_ (Lord@ihw-4m3.5j6.217.46.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:29:26-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 02] - Le
Saint et le dernier héro [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:29:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T04:29:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T04:29:27-0700] Jfripper (Jfripper@ihw-rjkgcn.dodo.net.au) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:29:29-0700] jjaomni (ident@The.Internet.is.Bigger.on.the.Inside)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:29:30-0700] blunders (blunders@ihw-d2h.7rj.190.180.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:29:48-0700] <caesar> @search live until morning
[2020-06-21T04:29:53-0700] naubi (naubi@ihw-oitgfi.hsi.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
left IRC (Quit: leaving)
[2020-06-21T04:29:56-0700] <fgdd3> @search Scott Final Days
[2020-06-21T04:30:03-0700] <Shenbaien> !LawdyServer 75 - Making A Longer Plank-Top
[2020-06-21T04:30:05-0700] <LrgmnPrime> !Horla Isobelle Carmody - [Obernewtyn
Chronicles 05-06] - The Dreamtrails (Wavesong; The Stone Key) (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:30:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T04:30:18-0700] dandyman789 (dandyman78@ihw-spe.5dp.25.2.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T04:30:23-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 03] - Le
Saint en Afrique [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:30:26-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,652 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T04:30:28-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Maria Machado - The History Mystery
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:30:28-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Maria Machado - Until the Day Arrives
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:30:28-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Maria Spagna - The Luckiest Scar on
Earth (retail) (pdf).pdf
[2020-06-21T04:30:29-0700] AdmiralHasna (AdmiralHasn@ihw-up2gkv.direct-adsl.nl)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:30:29-0700] <AdmiralHasna> @search Douglas Adams
[2020-06-21T04:30:30-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana McKenzie - Times Like These
[2020-06-21T04:30:32-0700] <fgdd3> !JimBob420 Vincent Keith - Solar Storm- Homeward
Bound (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:30:32-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Meadows - [A Shapeshifter's Kiss 01] -
Broken [MF] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:30:34-0700] mturker (mturker@ihw-la4.n1l.215.71.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:30:34-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Meadows - [Close Quarters 01] - The
Forbidden Billionaire [MF] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:30:36-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Meadows - The Babysitter and the Beast
[MF] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:30:38-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Meadows - [The Stolen Valkyrie 01] -
Broken Bonds [MF] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:30:39-0700] caesar (thomas_cat@ihw-cd5567.static.aussiebb.net) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T04:30:39-0700] <LrgmnPrime> !Horla Isobelle Carmody - [Obernewtyn
Chronicles 07] - The Sending (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:30:40-0700] <fgdd3> !JimBob420 Warhammer 40K - [The Siege of Terra
01] - The Solar War - John French (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:30:40-0700] <AdmiralHasna> @search Rule 1
[2020-06-21T04:30:41-0700] <Fakus666|3> !Oatmeal Terry Brooks - [Genesis of
Shannara 01] - Armageddon's Children (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T04:30:48-0700] Java2 (budijawa@ihw-f6r.6t7.137.118.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:30:58-0700] <Fakus666|3> !Oatmeal Terry Brooks - [Genesis of
Shannara 02] - The Elves of Cintra (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T04:31:06-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 04] - Le
Saint à la rescousse [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:31:19-0700] <no_clue_1991> @search samantha young hero
[2020-06-21T04:31:20-0700] <AdmiralHasna> @search The Bullet Journal Method
[2020-06-21T04:31:23-0700] <Fakus666|3> !Oatmeal Terry Brooks - [Genesis of
Shannara 03] - Gypsy Morph (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T04:31:29-0700] signtr (Username@ihw-mrh.rte.244.46.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:31:33-0700] puppybelly2 (2oldsouls@ihw-rjmjq1.fios.verizon.net) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T04:31:42-0700] mordred55 (mordred55@ihw-eqd.krd.158.216.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:31:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,663 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:31:45-0700] <AdmiralHasna> @search Brandon Turner
[2020-06-21T04:31:45-0700] <fgdd3> @search Mushashi
[2020-06-21T04:31:46-0700] puppybelly2 (2oldsouls@ihw-rjmjq1.fios.verizon.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:31:51-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,713
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:31:51-0700] <syrinx> @search roma james
[2020-06-21T04:31:53-0700] v_h (vh1@ihw-t716es.tx.comcast.net) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:31:54-0700] <AdmiralHasna> @search The Book on Rental Property
[2020-06-21T04:32:01-0700] <LrgmnPrime> !Horla Isobelle Carmody - [Obernewtyn
Chronicles 08] - The Red Queen (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:32:01-0700] thatbookguy (landon@ihw-sjl.7vf.165.185.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:32:02-0700] <fgdd3> @search german navy ww II
[2020-06-21T04:32:11-0700] Yakface (IceChat9@ihw-7j7btv.9c0k.k2k3.0304.2602.IP)
left IRC (Quit: Wink, Wink, nudge, nudge. Know what I mean?)
[2020-06-21T04:32:16-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
6/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,941 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T04:32:17-0700] <no_clue_1991> !Horla Samantha Young - [Hero 01.5] -
Villain (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:32:18-0700] <no_clue_1991> !Horla Samantha Young - Hero (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:32:20-0700] <degreelessness_> @search requiem infernal
[2020-06-21T04:32:20-0700] <djh> @searchook steig larsson
[2020-06-21T04:32:21-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 05] - Le
Saint retrouve Greta [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:32:23-0700] Ly (Ly@ihw-isi.si3.132.45.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T04:32:24-0700] <mordred55> @search deon meyer trackers
[2020-06-21T04:32:31-0700] <Fakus666|3> !Oatmeal Terry Brooks - [Heritage of
Shannara 01-04] - The Heritage of Shannara (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T04:32:31-0700] <bobfred123> !Horla Sharon Lee & Steve Miller - [Liaden
Universe 01 - Department of Interior 01] - Agent of Change (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:32:34-0700] <fgdd3> @search german fleet
[2020-06-21T04:32:35-0700] Lord_of_Life (Lord@experience.tranquility) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T04:32:35-0700] Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
[2020-06-21T04:32:39-0700] <degreelessness_> !TrainFiles Warhammer 40K - Requiem
Infernal - Peter Fehervari (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:32:43-0700] <LrgmnPrime> !Horla Isobelle Carmody - [Obernewtyn
Chronicles 08] - The Waking Dragon (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:32:54-0700] <LrgmnPrime> @search brother night
[2020-06-21T04:32:57-0700] Ly (Ly@ihw-isi.si3.132.45.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:33:02-0700] <mordred55> !Oatmeal Deon Meyer - Trackers (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T04:33:04-0700] <fgdd3> @search nazi fleet
[2020-06-21T04:33:11-0700] <djh> !Horla Larsson, Steig - [Millennium 02] - The Girl
Who Played with Fire (v5.1).lit
[2020-06-21T04:33:11-0700] <djh> !Horla Steig Larsson - [Millennium 03] - The Girl
Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest (v5.2).epub
[2020-06-21T04:33:16-0700] lol5215125125 (junglist@ihw-jdvroa.koba.pl) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:33:16-0700] blunders (blunders@ihw-d2h.7rj.190.180.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T04:33:18-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 06] - Encore
le Saint [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:33:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,525 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T04:33:20-0700] junglist_ (junglist@ihw-jdvroa.koba.pl) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:33:22-0700] blunders (blunders@ihw-d2h.7rj.190.180.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:33:30-0700] Jfripper (Jfripper@ihw-rjkgcn.dodo.net.au) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T04:33:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 52 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,943 • List: Jun
18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:33:46-0700] <djh> @searchook dragon tattoo
[2020-06-21T04:33:48-0700] thebookguy2 (landon@ihw-g2a.mdc.106.86.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:33:53-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 08] - Les
anges des ténèbres [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:33:54-0700] signt (Username@ihw-mrh.rte.244.46.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:33:57-0700] signtr is now known as signt
[2020-06-21T04:33:58-0700] <fgdd3> @search saucer
[2020-06-21T04:34:10-0700] <no_clue_1991> @search samantha young Hart's Boardwalk
[2020-06-21T04:34:16-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 08] -
L'héroïque aventure [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:34:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T04:34:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T04:34:30-0700] <pavel> @search high castle
[2020-06-21T04:34:38-0700] dooleybites (dooleybite@ihw-18enkc.fios.verizon.net)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:34:40-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 09] - La
justice du Saint [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:34:40-0700] <djh> !Horla Millennium 01 - The Girl with the Dragon
[2020-06-21T04:34:42-0700] <no_clue_1991> @search samantha young Harts Boardwalk
[2020-06-21T04:34:47-0700] seychelles (212@ihw-h20141.internode.on.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:34:47-0700] <pavel> @search permafrost
[2020-06-21T04:34:50-0700] <no_clue_1991> @search samantha young
[2020-06-21T04:34:59-0700] <Java2> !trainpacks
[2020-06-21T04:35:01-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 10] - Le
Saint et les mauvais garçons [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:35:12-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T04:35:12-0700] <Java2> @search h paul honsinger
[2020-06-21T04:35:17-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T04:35:22-0700] <seychelles> @search friends forever
[2020-06-21T04:35:32-0700] <mordred55> @search deon meyer lemmer
[2020-06-21T04:35:35-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 11] - Le
Saint et l'archiduc [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:35:37-0700] asdfzzzz (asdfzzzz@ihw-tgg.44a.164.115.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:35:49-0700] <asdfzzzz> @search Jennie gouter
[2020-06-21T04:35:51-0700] <Shenbaien> !LawdyServer 75 - Making A Longer Plank-Top
[2020-06-21T04:35:58-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 12] - Le
Saint à Londres [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:35:58-0700] <no_clue_1991> !Horla Samantha Young - [Hart's Boardwalk
01] - The One Real Thing (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:35:58-0700] <no_clue_1991> !Horla Samantha Young - [Hart's Boardwalk
02] - Every Little Thing (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:35:58-0700] <no_clue_1991> !Horla Samantha Young - [Hart's Boardwalk
03] - Things We Never Said (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:35:58-0700] <no_clue_1991> !Horla Samantha Young - [Dublin Street
6.70] - Hart's Boardwalk [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:36:05-0700] <seychelles> !Horla Ann M Martin - [Baby-sitters Club -
Friends Forever Super Special 01] - Everything Changes (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:36:12-0700] petieq (pietroq@ihw-8o6n68.range86-
175.btcentralplus.com) left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:36:14-0700] <asdfzzzz> @search Jennie goutet
[2020-06-21T04:36:16-0700] adamgilli (adamgilli@ihw-0cv.r68.82.103.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:36:20-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Medeiros - [Raven Room 01] - The Raven
Room (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:36:20-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Medeiros - [The Raven Room 02] -
Savage Bonds (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:36:20-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Menendez - Adios, Happy Homeland!
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:36:22-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Menendez - Loving Che (retail)
[2020-06-21T04:36:24-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Menendez - The Last War (pdf).pdf
[2020-06-21T04:36:25-0700] adampalli (adamgilli@ihw-0cv.r68.82.103.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:36:26-0700] <roli> !Horla An American Tail - Fievel's Friends -
Michael Teitelbaum (pdf).pdf
[2020-06-21T04:36:28-0700] <roli> !Horla An American Tail - The Mott Street Maulers
- Michael Teitelbaum (pdf).pdf
[2020-06-21T04:36:31-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 13] - Ici le
Saint [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:36:32-0700] Aoijiwaru (Aotsuyu@ihw-avof3o.c8k1.msfq.a317.2a02.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:36:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,663 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:36:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,713
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:36:55-0700] <Shenbaien> !LawdyServer ShopNotes #24 (Vol. 04) -
Heavy-Duty Workbench.pdf
[2020-06-21T04:36:55-0700] dooleybites (dooleybite@ihw-18enkc.fios.verizon.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:37:00-0700] <pavel> !Horla Philip K Dick - The Man in the High
Castle (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:37:00-0700] <AdmiralHasna> @search Giuliana Carullo
[2020-06-21T04:37:04-0700] <seychelles> !Horla Ann M Martin - [Baby-sitters Club -
Friends Forever Super Special 02] - Graduation Day (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:37:04-0700] LrgmnPrime (LrgmnPrime@ihw-h1j.8e1.190.124.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T04:37:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T04:37:11-0700] <AdmiralHasna> @search Code Reviews 101
[2020-06-21T04:37:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
6/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,942 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T04:37:23-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 14] - Les
compagnons du Saint [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:37:24-0700] Mextrem39 (Android@ihw-fs0.n1h.152.189.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:37:24-0700] <AdmiralHasna> @search David Beazley
[2020-06-21T04:37:24-0700] Search kicked AdmiralHasna from the channel (Search
[2020-06-21T04:37:24-0700] blunders (blunders@ihw-d2h.7rj.190.180.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:37:26-0700] Mextreme (Android@ihw-fs0.n1h.152.189.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:37:27-0700] <sunnior> !Horla Maureen Jennings - [Detective Murdoch
01] - Except the Dying (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:37:28-0700] Mextrem39 (Android@ihw-fs0.n1h.152.189.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T04:37:33-0700] puppybelly2 (2oldsouls@ihw-rjmjq1.fios.verizon.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:37:40-0700] jlmlipffs (jlmlipffs@ihw-0f1.o7a.244.87.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:37:42-0700] Viridianvorona (Viridianvor@ihw-oec.s5v.15.24.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T04:37:44-0700] XtraDim (XtraDim@ihw-or7.jka.173.58.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T04:37:50-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 15] - Le
Saint à Teneriffe [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:37:50-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:37:53-0700] ajpk (ajpk@ihw-ks2.1h6.9.5.IP) left IRC (Ping timeout:
121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:37:54-0700] <Viridianvorona> @search Saeed Jones
[2020-06-21T04:38:08-0700] cosmickoala (nuva@ihw-kij.49l.225.43.IP) left the
[2020-06-21T04:38:11-0700] <pavel> !dragnbreaker Reynolds, Alastair - Novel 05 -
Permafrost (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T04:38:12-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 16] - Le
Saint à New York [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:38:14-0700] <mordred55> @search deon meyer blood safari
[2020-06-21T04:38:18-0700] ThatRandomNickName (ThatRandomN@ihw-
2u3rbo.members.linode.com) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T04:38:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 32,768cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,526 ± List: Jun
1st ± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T04:38:19-0700] no_clue_1991 (idkidkidk@ihw-jk071f.ipv4.telemach.net)
left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T04:38:21-0700] <Viridianvorona> !Oatmeal Saeed Jones - Prelude to
Bruise- Poetry (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:38:30-0700] <Viridianvorona> !Oatmeal Saeed Jones - How We Fight for
Our Lives- A Memoir (Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:38:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 6/6 • Queued: 88 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,947 • List: Jun
18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:38:34-0700] <Java2> @search Good Morning Vendemiatrix
[2020-06-21T04:38:36-0700] <Pain> !JimBob420 Charteris, Leslie - [The Saint 17] -
The Saint In Action.rar ::INFO:: 141.27KB
[2020-06-21T04:38:40-0700] <bronkeykong> @search The Wormwood Trilogy
[2020-06-21T04:38:46-0700] <fgdd3> @search C. R. Turner
[2020-06-21T04:38:47-0700] <jlmlipffs> @search Thomas Hobbes
[2020-06-21T04:38:48-0700] <roli> !Horla An Amish Christmas- December in Lancaster
County - Beth Wiseman, Kathleen Fuller, Barbara Cameron, Kelly Long (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T04:38:48-0700] <roli> !Horla An Amish Christmas Quilt (Charlotte
Hubbard - A Willow Ridge Christmas Pageant; Kelly Long - A Christmas on Ice
Mountain; Jennifer Beckstrand - A Perfect Amish Christmas) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:38:48-0700] <roli> !Horla An Amish Family Christmas (Marta Perry -
Heart of Christmas; Patricia Davids - A Plain Holiday) [LI-883] (retail)
[2020-06-21T04:38:50-0700] Java2 (budijawa@ihw-f6r.6t7.137.118.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T04:38:50-0700] <roli> !Horla An Amish Garden - Beth Wiseman, Kathleen
Fuller, Tricia Goyer, Vannetta Chapman (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:38:51-0700] <mordred55> !Oatmeal Deon Meyer - Blood Safari (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T04:38:52-0700] <roli> !Horla An Amish Gathering (Beth Wiseman - A
Change of Heart; Kathleen Fuller - A Place of His Own; Barbara Cameron - When
Winter Comes) (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T04:38:55-0700] <roli> !Horla An Amish Harvest- Four Novellas - Beth
Wiseman, Amy Clipston, Vannetta Chapman, Kathleen Fuller (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:38:57-0700] <roli> !Horla An Amish Kitchen - Beth Wiseman, Amy
Clipston, Kelly Long (A Taste of Faith; A Spoonful of Love; A Recipe for Hope)
[2020-06-21T04:38:58-0700] <roli> !Horla An Amish Love - Beth Wiseman, Kathleen
Fuller, Kelly Long (A Marriage of the Heart; What the Heart Sees; Healing Hearts)
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:39:00-0700] <roli> !Horla An Amish Miracle - Beth Wiseman, Ruth
Reid, Mary Ellis (Always In My Heart; Always His Provision; Always Beautiful)
[2020-06-21T04:39:02-0700] <roli> !Horla An Amish Second Christmas - Beth Wiseman,
Kathleen Fuller, Ruth Reid, Tricia Goyer (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:39:04-0700] <roli> !Horla An Amish Winter (Amy Clipston - Home Sweet
Home; Kelly Irvin - A Christmas Visitor; Barbara Cameron - When Winter Comes)
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:39:10-0700] Restfool (Restfool@ihw-r09782.dab.02.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:39:19-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:39:25-0700] badrisrinivasan (badrisriniv@ihw-abr.pv5.176.49.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:39:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T04:39:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T04:39:38-0700] badrisrinivasan (badrisriniv@ihw-abr.pv5.176.49.IP) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T04:39:40-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,752
(2103.83 GB)
[2020-06-21T04:39:45-0700] <Restfool> @search jeff lemire
[2020-06-21T04:39:47-0700] <fgdd3> @search Turner MOSAR
[2020-06-21T04:39:49-0700] <Viridianvorona> @search Jason Reynolds
[2020-06-21T04:39:50-0700] <Pain> !JimBob420 Charteris, Leslie - [The Saint 17] -
The Saint In Action.rar ::INFO:: 141.27KB
[2020-06-21T04:40:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T04:40:08-0700] <fgdd3> !bsk C R Turner - [MOSAR 01] - Canine Maximus
Max (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:40:18-0700] Restfool (Restfool@ihw-r09782.dab.02.net) left IRC
(Quit: Quit)
[2020-06-21T04:40:18-0700] adamgilli (adamgilli@ihw-0cv.r68.82.103.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:40:20-0700] <fgdd3> !Horla C R Turner - [Mosar 02] - The Arcadia
[2020-06-21T04:40:20-0700] <Viridianvorona> @search Mary Ruefle
[2020-06-21T04:40:25-0700] <asdfzzzz> @search Maggi andersen
[2020-06-21T04:40:27-0700] alexose (alexose@ihw-3g7.c5d.247.162.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:40:28-0700] <fgdd3> !Horla C R Turner - [Mosar 03] - The Ghost Ship
[2020-06-21T04:40:37-0700] <Viridianvorona> @search Matthew Dickman
[2020-06-21T04:40:53-0700] <bronkeykong> !shytot Tade Thompson - [The Wormwood
Trilogy 01] - Rosewater (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:40:59-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Morgan - [Prairie Hearts 01] - Stormy
Hawkins (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:41:00-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Moure - [Primrose and Sage Cozy
Mystery 01] - A Flower Girl Murder (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:41:00-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Moure - [Primrose and Sage Cozy
Mystery 02] - Murder at Blackwater Manor (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:41:02-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Munroe - [Texas Tycoon 01] - Getting
Lucky [MF] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:41:03-0700] louis (louis@ihw-4ns1n1.skybroadband.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:41:04-0700] <roli> !Horla Anam Zakaria - Between the Great Divide- A
Journey into Pakistan-Administered Kashmir (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:41:06-0700] <roli> !Horla Ananda Braxton-Smith - Plenty (retail)
[2020-06-21T04:41:07-0700] <Shenbaien> !LawdyServer Danny Proulx's Toolboxes &
[2020-06-21T04:41:07-0700] <roli> !Horla Ananda Braxton-Smith - [Secrets of Carrick
01] - Merrow (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:41:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Ananda Braxton-Smith - [Secrets of Carrick
02] - Tantony (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:41:10-0700] <bronkeykong> !shytot Tade Thompson - [The Wormwood
Trilogy 02] - The Rosewater Insurrection (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:41:11-0700] <roli> !Horla Ananda Braxton-Smith - [Secrets of Carrick
03] - Ghostheart (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:41:25-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 17] - Le
Saint contre Teal [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:41:26-0700] <fgdd3> @search Jonathan Moeller
[2020-06-21T04:41:33-0700] <WDixon53> @searchook faked karla sorensen
[2020-06-21T04:41:35-0700] <asdfzzzz> !TrainFiles Maggi Andersen - The Marquess
Meets His Match (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:41:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,752
(2103.83 GB)
[2020-06-21T04:41:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,664 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:41:53-0700] asdfzzzz (asdfzzzz@ihw-tgg.44a.164.115.IP) left IRC
(Quit: ChatingID IRC Client + Radio Stream V1.0.1 Download at
[2020-06-21T04:41:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,714
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:42:05-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 18] - Le
saint s'amuse [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:42:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,944 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T04:42:25-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 19] - En
suivant le Saint [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:42:26-0700] ajpk (ajpk@ihw-ks2.1h6.9.5.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:42:34-0700] Blayde (Blayde@ihw-15f.a3g.110.78.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:42:36-0700] <fgdd3> !Oatmeal Jonathan Moeller - [Silent Order 01] -
Iron Hand (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:42:39-0700] ni638629 (u749750@ihw-mo4jh9.cpe.pppoe.ca) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:42:39-0700] <roli> !Horla Ananda Devi - Eve Out of Her Ruins
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:42:39-0700] <roli> !Horla Ananda Devi - The Living Days (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:42:39-0700] <roli> !Horla Anand Giridharadas - India Calling
[2020-06-21T04:42:41-0700] <roli> !Horla Anand Giridharadas - The True American-
Murder and Mercy in Texas (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:42:42-0700] <fgdd3> !Oatmeal Jonathan Moeller - [Silent Order 02] -
Wraith Hand (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:42:43-0700] <roli> !Horla Anand Gopal - No Good Men Among the
Living- America, the Taliban, and the War through Afghan Eyes (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:42:45-0700] <roli> !Horla Anand Nair - A Streak of Sandalwood
[2020-06-21T04:42:47-0700] <roli> !Horla Anand Neelakantan - [Ajaya- Epic of the
Kaurava Clan 01] - Roll of the Dice (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:42:48-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 20] - Le
Saint s'en va en guerre [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:42:49-0700] <roli> !Horla Anand Neelakantan - [Ajaya- Epic of the
Kaurava Clan 02] - Rise of Kali- Duryodhana's Mahabharata (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:42:50-0700] <fgdd3> !Oatmeal Jonathan Moeller - [Silent Order 03] -
Axiom Hand (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:42:50-0700] <ni638629> @search David Horowitz
[2020-06-21T04:42:51-0700] <roli> !Horla Anand Neelakantan - Asura- Tale of the
Vanquished (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T04:42:53-0700] <roli> !Horla Anand Neelakantan - [Baahubali- Before the
Beginning 01] - The Rise of Sivagami (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:42:55-0700] <roli> !Horla Anand Neelakantan - Vanara (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:42:56-0700] <fgdd3> !Oatmeal Jonathan Moeller - [Silent Order 04] -
Eclipse Hand (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:42:58-0700] <djh> @searchook shari lapena
[2020-06-21T04:43:02-0700] <fgdd3> !Oatmeal Jonathan Moeller - [Silent Order 05] -
Fire Hand (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:43:06-0700] LittleFly (LittleFly@ihw-m8e.isl.252.89.IP) left IRC
(Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
[2020-06-21T04:43:06-0700] seychelles (212@ihw-h20141.internode.on.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:43:12-0700] <fgdd3> !Oatmeal Jonathan Moeller - [Silent Order 06] -
Wasp Hand (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:43:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 32,768cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,526 ± List: Jun
1st ± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T04:43:20-0700] <fgdd3> !Oatmeal Jonathan Moeller - [Silent Order 07] -
Master Hand (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:43:24-0700] Mextreme_ (Android@ihw-fs0.n1h.152.189.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:43:24-0700] <WDixon53> @searchook fiance's dad law
[2020-06-21T04:43:25-0700] <Viridianvorona> !dragnbreaker Reynolds, Jason - Novel
06 - Long Way Down (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T04:43:28-0700] <fgdd3> !Oatmeal Jonathan Moeller - [Silent Order 08] -
Image Hand (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:43:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 83 • Speed: 193,893cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,953 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:43:42-0700] g1234 (g222@ihw-661.fk1.51.106.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:43:47-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 21] - Le
Saint à Miami [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:43:53-0700] <Shenbaien> !LawdyServer Fine Woodworking - Best
[2020-06-21T04:43:53-0700] <djh> !Horla Shari Lapena - The Couple Next Door
[2020-06-21T04:44:03-0700] thatbookguy (landon@ihw-sjl.7vf.165.185.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:44:05-0700] Restfool (Restfool@ihw-fv3.684.245.104.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:44:13-0700] <Viridianvorona> !Oatmeal Matthew Dickman - Wonderland-
Poems (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:44:16-0700] Blayde (Blayde@ihw-u27.a3g.110.78.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:44:17-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 22] - La
marque du Saint [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:44:21-0700] ni638629 (u749750@ihw-mo4jh9.cpe.pppoe.ca) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T04:44:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T04:44:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T04:44:33-0700] <Shenbaien> !LawdyServer Workbenches - From Design And
Theory To Construction And Use.epub
[2020-06-21T04:44:37-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 23] - Mais le
Saint troubla la fête [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:44:53-0700] <yuzzel> !LawdyServer Workbenches - From Design And
Theory To Construction And Use.epub
[2020-06-21T04:44:54-0700] Dav12 (David@ihw-ukf971.cpe.teksavvy.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:44:59-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 24] - Le
saint au Far West [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:45:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T04:45:11-0700] ni638629 (u749750@ihw-mo4jh9.cpe.pppoe.ca) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:45:13-0700] <Dav12> @search locke and key
[2020-06-21T04:45:19-0700] <roli> !Horla Anand Prahlad - The Secret Life of a Black
Aspie- A Memoir (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:45:20-0700] <roli> !Horla Anand Ranganathan & Chitra Subramaniam -
The Rat Eater (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:45:20-0700] <roli> !Horla Anand Saxena - Musings of a (Financially)
Illiterate Father (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T04:45:22-0700] <roli> !Horla Anand - The Book of Destruction - (tr)
Chetana Sachidanandan (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:45:22-0700] <ni638629> @search ryan t. anderson
[2020-06-21T04:45:23-0700] Restfool (Restfool@ihw-fv3.684.245.104.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T04:45:24-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Newfolk - [Made In 01] - Made In
Portugal (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:45:24-0700] <djh> @searchook lee harper
[2020-06-21T04:45:25-0700] <Shenbaien> !LawdyServer Workbenches - From Design And
Theory To Construction And Use.epub
[2020-06-21T04:45:26-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Newfolk - [Made In 02] - Made In
Manhattan (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:45:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,671 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T04:45:28-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Newfolk - [Made In 1.50] - Made In
Paris (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:45:30-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Newfolk - Made in New York (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:45:32-0700] Restfool (Restfool@ihw-r09782.dab.02.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:45:45-0700] synchsynch (synchsynch@ihw-m0baao.cable.virginm.net)
left IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T04:45:52-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 25] - Le
Saint, Cookie & Cie [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:45:54-0700] <fgdd3> @search Randal Sloan
[2020-06-21T04:45:59-0700] sentru (sentru@ihw-0v2.p2o.127.45.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:46:03-0700] <ni638629> @search when Harry became sally
[2020-06-21T04:46:08-0700] <WDixon53> @searchook rich prick tijan
[2020-06-21T04:46:09-0700] ni638629 (u749750@ihw-mo4jh9.cpe.pppoe.ca) left the
[2020-06-21T04:46:10-0700] <bronkeykong> @x`@michael g manning
[2020-06-21T04:46:12-0700] <Shenbaien> !LawdyServer Workbenches - From Design And
Theory To Construction And Use.epub
[2020-06-21T04:46:17-0700] <djh> !Horla Harper Lee - To Kill a Mockingbird
[2020-06-21T04:46:21-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 26] - Le
Saint conduit le bal [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:46:28-0700] <fgdd3> !bsk Randal Sloan - [Defenders of the Rim 03] -
Borjon (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:46:28-0700] thatbookguy (landon@ihw-s7e.lau.58.209.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:46:34-0700] <WDixon53> !shytot Tijan - Rich Prick (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:46:39-0700] jo3c00l438 (jo3c00l438@ihw-rk3.vqa.99.101.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:46:40-0700] russell34343434d3434 (343434Russ@ihw-ht1.nmt.2.14.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:46:41-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 27] - Le
Saint contre le marché noir [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:46:46-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,665 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:46:53-0700] bobfred123 (bobfred123@ihw-sll.283.116.87.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Quit)
[2020-06-21T04:46:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,715
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:46:56-0700] Aero (Meersest@ihw-g50.ta9.30.216.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:47:05-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 29] - Le
Saint contre monsieur Z [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T04:47:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,946 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T04:47:23-0700] <Aero> @search runt bauer
[2020-06-21T04:47:27-0700] Jazz (jazz@ihw-v19.0du.40.89.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:47:33-0700] g1234 (g222@ihw-7lmra7.5oju.sgq4.4071.2409.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T04:47:34-0700] <fgdd3> @search L.J. Simpson
[2020-06-21T04:47:36-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search ethan freckleton
[2020-06-21T04:47:52-0700] <fgdd3> !Xon L J Simpson - [The Blunt End 01] - The
Blunt End of the Service (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:48:01-0700] <fgdd3> !Xon L J Simpson - [The Blunt End 02] - The
Blunt End of Oblivion (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:48:13-0700] <sweetiez> !dny238 Brene Brown - The Gifts of
Imperfection_ Let Go of Who.mobi
[2020-06-21T04:48:17-0700] warrior0015 (warrior0015@ihw-
bf11d4.0o0l.hsg8.2000.2604.IP) left IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T04:48:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 114,688cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,526 ± List:
Jun 1st ± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T04:48:20-0700] <sweetiez> !dny238 Rising Strong - Brene Brown.epub
[2020-06-21T04:48:24-0700] Pain (chatzilla@ihw-enhp2i.dyn.plus.net) left IRC (Quit:
ChatZilla 0.9.92-rdmsoft [XULRunner 35.0.1/20150122214805])
[2020-06-21T04:48:28-0700] <Viridianvorona> @search Ari Banias
[2020-06-21T04:48:28-0700] <Aero> !JimBob420 Marion Dane Bauer - Runt (retail)
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 71.51KB
[2020-06-21T04:48:30-0700] <roli> !Horla Anapol, Deborah M. Ph.D - The New Love
Without Limits.txt
[2020-06-21T04:48:30-0700] <roli> !Horla An April Fool's Anthology (AnnChristine -
Sharks; K J Dahlen - The House on Berkley Street; Solstice Stevens - The Placebo
Effect) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:48:30-0700] <roli> !Horla Anara Bella - Batteries Not Required
[2020-06-21T04:48:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 80 • Speed: 468,575cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,957 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:48:32-0700] <roli> !Horla Anara Bella - Bound and Determined
[Samhain] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:48:34-0700] <roli> !Horla Anara Bella - Brazen or Bust (lit).lit
[2020-06-21T04:48:36-0700] <roli> !Horla Anara Bella - [Forsythia Falls 02] - Back
for You [MF] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:48:36-0700] jimmy (uid451048@ihw-v50r6e.highgate.irccloud.com)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:48:37-0700] <jo3c00l438> @search Wes Moore
[2020-06-21T04:48:38-0700] <fgdd3> @search C. H. Duryea
[2020-06-21T04:48:38-0700] <roli> !Horla Anara Bella - Ready or Not (lit).lit
[2020-06-21T04:48:39-0700] <sentru> @search unity in action
[2020-06-21T04:48:40-0700] <roli> !Horla Anara Bella - Ready or Not [Samhain]
[2020-06-21T04:48:42-0700] <roli> !Horla Anara Bella - Stupid Cupid (pdf).pdf
[2020-06-21T04:48:44-0700] <roli> !Horla Anara Bella - The Trouble With Curses
[2020-06-21T04:48:47-0700] <djh> @searchook kenzie gennaro
[2020-06-21T04:48:54-0700] <Aero> !Oatmeal Marion Dane Bauer - Runt (retail)
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 71.5KB
[2020-06-21T04:48:57-0700] <fgdd3> !bsk C H Duryea - [The Slagmaster Cycles 01] -
The Heisenberg Corollary (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:48:57-0700] hcn (hcn@ihw-6d5.cda.211.84.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:49:03-0700] <hcn> @search Beat the Dealer
[2020-06-21T04:49:08-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Ethan Freckleton & J R
Frontera - [Starship Ass 01] - Of Donkeys, Gods, and Space Pirates (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:49:12-0700] llllls (llllls@ihw-6bees5.cable.virginm.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:49:12-0700] <sentru> @SearchOok Unity in Action
[2020-06-21T04:49:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T04:49:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T04:49:28-0700] <hcn> @searchook Beat the Dealer
[2020-06-21T04:49:31-0700] <fgdd3> @search Bill Hargenrader
[2020-06-21T04:49:45-0700] HOT3__ (HOT3@ihw-arptt0.cable.rogers.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:49:47-0700] LadyRae (Granite@ihw-higbal.fl.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:49:48-0700] <fgdd3> !bsk Bill Hargenrader - Mars Journey - Call to
Action 1 (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:49:56-0700] <LadyRae> @search lisa kleypas
[2020-06-21T04:49:58-0700] <jimmy> @search Jules et Jim
[2020-06-21T04:50:04-0700] <djh> !dragnbreaker Lehane, Dennis - Kenzie and Gennaro
06 - Moonlight Mile (v5.0).epub ::INFO:: 270.3KB
[2020-06-21T04:50:04-0700] <djh> !Horla Dennis Lehane - [Kenzie and Gennaro 01] - A
Drink Before the War (v5.0) (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T04:50:04-0700] <djh> !Horla Dennis Lehane - [Kenzie and Gennaro 02] -
Darkness, Take My Hand (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:50:04-0700] <djh> !Horla Dennis Lehane - [Kenzie and Gennaro 03] -
Sacred (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:50:04-0700] <djh> !Horla Dennis Lehane - [Kenzie and Gennaro 04] -
Gone, Baby, Gone (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:50:04-0700] <djh> !Horla Dennis Lehane - [Kenzie and Gennaro 05] -
Prayers for Rain (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:50:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T04:50:11-0700] <newbie> @search mohammad's message from hell
[2020-06-21T04:50:21-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search phil huddleston
[2020-06-21T04:50:38-0700] <Dav12> @search joe hill
[2020-06-21T04:50:47-0700] adi (adithya@ihw-r2s.0b1.51.106.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:50:49-0700] <LadyRae> @search lisa kleypas
[2020-06-21T04:50:50-0700] <bronkeykong> @trudi canavan
[2020-06-21T04:50:52-0700] gulbali (gulbali@ihw-01ffkc.alshamil.net.ae) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T04:50:57-0700] <bronkeykong> @search trdi canavan
[2020-06-21T04:51:01-0700] <fgdd3> @search John Davis fleet
[2020-06-21T04:51:02-0700] <b00kw0rm> @search Zalasiewicz
[2020-06-21T04:51:04-0700] <adi> @search a prisoners of our thoughts
[2020-06-21T04:51:17-0700] <fgdd3> !bsk John M Davis - The Fleet (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:51:26-0700] <Shenbaien> !LawdyServer The Makerspace Workbench -
Tools, Technologies, And Techniques For Making.epub
[2020-06-21T04:51:29-0700] <fgdd3> @search John Davis gunship
[2020-06-21T04:51:38-0700] Freakshow4444 (Freakshow44@ihw-dnse0p.res.rr.com) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T04:51:40-0700] <bronkeykong> @search trudi canavan
[2020-06-21T04:51:44-0700] dick (dick@ihw-hesmko.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:51:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,666 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:51:45-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Phil Huddleston - [Broken
Galaxy 01] - Courtship (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:51:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,716
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:51:58-0700] <fgdd3> !Xon John Davis - [Gunship 01-06] - Gunship;
Glimmeria; Reflections; Geartown; Roman; Legendary (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:52:05-0700] <LadyRae> @search Kleypas
[2020-06-21T04:52:11-0700] <WDixon53> @searchook fiona cole voyeur
[2020-06-21T04:52:11-0700] <adi> @search prisoners of our thoughts
[2020-06-21T04:52:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,946 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T04:52:18-0700] <JenkinsAbu> @SearchBot-Trigger
[2020-06-21T04:52:27-0700] Kaylee7818 (nwwkxyOt@ihw-ikf.jjl.21.123.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:52:30-0700] <fgdd3> @search Chris Turner starship
[2020-06-21T04:52:35-0700] kurokaze (kurokaze@ihw-5ap7cc.n2hg.8bag.8003.2001.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:52:37-0700] Kaylee7818 (nwwkxyOt@ihw-ikf.jjl.21.123.IP) left IRC (G-
Lined: pornspam)
[2020-06-21T04:52:39-0700] <WDixon53> @searchook fiona cole
[2020-06-21T04:52:47-0700] <fgdd3> !Horla Chris Turner - [Starship Rogue 01-03] -
Starship Rogue series Box Set (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:52:55-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Phil Huddleston - [Birth
of RimFed 01] - Imprint of Blood (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:52:55-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Phil Huddleston - [Birth
of RimFed 02] - Imprint of War (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:52:57-0700] Regfarm (Regfarm@ihw-83s9o3.fios.verizon.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:52:59-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T04:53:00-0700] <bronkeykong> !Ook Trudi Canavan - [Millennium's Rule
01] - Thief's Magic (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:53:00-0700] <Shenbaien> !LawdyServer The Practical Workshop - A
Woodworker's Guide To Workbenches, Layout & Tools.epub
[2020-06-21T04:53:02-0700] <LadyRae> !Oatmeal Lisa Kleypas - [The Ravenels 06] -
Chasing Cassandra (UK) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 402.9KB
[2020-06-21T04:53:07-0700] <Regfarm> @search Leeanna Morgan
[2020-06-21T04:53:14-0700] <bronkeykong> !Ook Trudi Canavan - [Millennium's Rule
03] - Successor's Promise (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:53:17-0700] <roli> !Horla Anangsha Alammyan - What Did Tashi Do
[2020-06-21T04:53:17-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Night - Mal (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:53:17-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Night - [Salvation Kings MC 02] -
Joker (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:53:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 32,768cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,526 ± List: Jun
1st ± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T04:53:19-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Novak - [Second Shots 01] - Control
Freak (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:53:21-0700] <roli> !Horla Ananth Gunasekaran - Accidental
Inquisitors (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:53:23-0700] <roli> !Horla Ananth - Play With Me (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:53:25-0700] <bronkeykong> !Ook Trudi Canavan - [Millennium's Rule
02] - Angel of Storms (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:53:25-0700] <roli> !Horla Anant V Goswami - [Lords of the Kings 01]
- The Passage of Kings (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:53:26-0700] Havok1325 (Havok1325@ihw-ml87jc.as13285.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:53:27-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Paula Macedo - When I Wake Up
[2020-06-21T04:53:28-0700] <adi> @search prisoners of our thoughts
[2020-06-21T04:53:32-0700] <bronkeykong> !Ook Trudi Canavan - [Millennium's Rule
04] - Maker's Curse (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:54:01-0700] Kaffimoon101 (IC9@ihw-lh50gb.range86-
140.btcentralplus.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:54:01-0700] <Viridianvorona> J@search ericho Brown
[2020-06-21T04:54:02-0700] <adi> !LawdyServer Prisoners of Our Thoughts by Alex
Pattakos.epub ::INFO:: 7.3MB
[2020-06-21T04:54:03-0700] tick88 (tick88@ihw-3hd.fn5.114.193.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:54:08-0700] <Viridianvorona> @search Jericho Brown
[2020-06-21T04:54:10-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 88 • Speed: 145,420cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,964 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:54:19-0700] <fgdd3> @search Linda Andrews Home World
[2020-06-21T04:54:27-0700] Guest31 (textual@ihw-uhr.aa4.53.202.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:54:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T04:54:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T04:54:29-0700] <bronkeykong> @search art of the adept
[2020-06-21T04:54:29-0700] <roli> !Horla Anar Ali - Baby Khaki's Wings- Stories
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:54:29-0700] <roli> !Horla Anar Ali - Night of Power (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:54:29-0700] <roli> !Horla Anarie Brady - [Pleasure 01] - Tasting
Pleasure [TEB] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:54:32-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Rimoli - Amigurumi World - Seriously
Cute Crochet (html).rar
[2020-06-21T04:54:33-0700] <fgdd3> @search Linda Andrews
[2020-06-21T04:54:33-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Rosso - [Reapers Creed MC 01] -
Damon's Salvation (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:54:35-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Salazar - [Hearts Afire 1] - A Last
Light [htm].rar
[2020-06-21T04:54:37-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search robert m kearns
[2020-06-21T04:54:37-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Salote - Tree Talk (retail)
[2020-06-21T04:54:39-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Salote - [Waifs of Duldred 01] - Oy
Yew (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T04:54:44-0700] <tick88> @search the dearly beloved
[2020-06-21T04:54:51-0700] <adi> @search a mountain in tibet
[2020-06-21T04:54:54-0700] <Guest31> @TEXTBOOKS
[2020-06-21T04:55:05-0700] <bronkeykong> !DV8 Michael G Manning - [Art of the Adept
02] - Secrets and Spellcraft (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:55:05-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search robert m kerns
[2020-06-21T04:55:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T04:55:21-0700] <tick88> !bsk Cara Wall - The Dearly Beloved (retail)
[2020-06-21T04:55:29-0700] dooleybites (dooleybite@ihw-18enkc.fios.verizon.net)
left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T04:55:35-0700] <adi> @search buddha and the sahibs
[2020-06-21T04:55:37-0700] <@LawdyServer> [dlFilter] Are the responses to your
requests getting lost in the crowd? Are your @find responses spread about? If you
are using mIRC as your IRC client then download dlFilter version 2.13 from
https://github.com/DukeLupus/dlFilter/ and make your time in #ebooks less
[2020-06-21T04:55:43-0700] <jlmlipffs> !bsk Leviatan - Thomas Hobbes.epub
[2020-06-21T04:55:56-0700] jo3c00l438 (jo3c00l438@ihw-rk3.vqa.99.101.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:55:57-0700] <bronkeykong> @search Scholar of Magic
[2020-06-21T04:56:00-0700] malir (chatzilla@ihw-ak290o.mdsq.i95s.23c5.2a00.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:56:01-0700] Ben (Ben@ihw-3an.li2.144.98.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:56:10-0700] blunders (blunders@ihw-d2h.7rj.190.180.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:56:12-0700] <djh> @searchook enzo macleod
[2020-06-21T04:56:13-0700] <Ben> @search mia daisy meadows
[2020-06-21T04:56:13-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Robert M Kerns - [Cole &
Srexx 01] - It Ain't Over (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:56:13-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Robert M Kerns - [Cole &
Srexx 02] - Till It's Over! (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:56:13-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Robert M Kerns - [Cole &
Srexx 03] - Haven Ascendant (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:56:14-0700] <Viridianvorona> !Oatmeal Jericho Brown - The Tradition
(Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:56:22-0700] <Viridianvorona> !Oatmeal Jericho Brown - The New
Testament (Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:56:25-0700] Henry579241 (000123@ihw-j48.bfv.184.203.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:56:30-0700] <Ben> @seach mia bridesmaid fairy
[2020-06-21T04:56:33-0700] <fgdd3> @search Gus Flory
[2020-06-21T04:56:34-0700] <malir> @search douglas kennedy
[2020-06-21T04:56:37-0700] <tick88> @search evvie drake starts over
[2020-06-21T04:56:39-0700] user358 (androirc@ihw-jlf10n.kn.shawcable.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T04:56:43-0700] bdwick (wickedr@ihw-3e9i8b.res.rr.com) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:56:43-0700] puppybelly2 (2oldsouls@ihw-rjmjq1.fios.verizon.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:56:45-0700] nathanjones88888 (nathanjones@ihw-bju.8jq.187.202.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:56:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,666 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:56:53-0700] <Guest31> candice fox gathering dark
[2020-06-21T04:56:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,716
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:57:01-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:57:02-0700] <djh> @searchook enzo macleod
[2020-06-21T04:57:04-0700] venustus77 (venustus77@ihw-7tbeb4.lnk.telstra.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:57:06-0700] <Guest31> @search candice fox gathering dark
[2020-06-21T04:57:09-0700] <user358> @search vagabonding
[2020-06-21T04:57:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T04:57:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,948 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T04:57:15-0700] <djh> @searchook enzo
[2020-06-21T04:57:16-0700] <Kaffimoon101> !trainpacks
[2020-06-21T04:57:20-0700] <venustus77> @search alexander haig
[2020-06-21T04:57:21-0700] <Ben> @seach mia bridesmaid fairy
[2020-06-21T04:57:23-0700] <tick88> !TrainFiles Linda Holmes - Evvie Drake Starts
Over (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:57:31-0700] <djh> @searchook enzo may
[2020-06-21T04:57:42-0700] <Guest31> !Oatmeal Candice Fox - Gathering Dark
[2020-06-21T04:57:52-0700] Viridianvorona (Viridianvor@ihw-oec.s5v.15.24.IP) left
IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T04:57:58-0700] <jlmlipffs> @search Edmund Burke
[2020-06-21T04:58:01-0700] <djh> @searchook peter may
[2020-06-21T04:58:06-0700] <Kaffimoon101> @horla
[2020-06-21T04:58:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 16,384cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,527 ± List: Jun
1st ± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T04:58:21-0700] LadyRae (Granite@ihw-higbal.fl.comcast.net) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T04:58:28-0700] <Kaffimoon101> @ook-new
[2020-06-21T04:58:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 83 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,972 • List: Jun
18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T04:58:33-0700] ssatelle (ssatelle@ihw-kht3fm.cust.iol.ie) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:58:35-0700] <tick88> @search redhead by the side if the road
[2020-06-21T04:58:35-0700] <Henry579241> @search bodybuilding
[2020-06-21T04:58:42-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search rick partlow
[2020-06-21T04:58:43-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T04:58:49-0700] <jlmlipffs> !bsk Edmund Burke - Complete Works of Edmund
Burke (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:58:58-0700] djh (djh352@ihw-4blc0p.cable.virginm.net) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T04:59:03-0700] <Henry579241> @search lean
[2020-06-21T04:59:04-0700] <tick88> @search anne tyler
[2020-06-21T04:59:07-0700] djh (djh352@ihw-4blc0p.cable.virginm.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T04:59:14-0700] <djh> @searchook peter may
[2020-06-21T04:59:20-0700] <venustus77> @search H. R. Haldeman
[2020-06-21T04:59:22-0700] <user358> !shytot Vagabonding_ an uncommon guide to the
ar - Rolf Potts.mobi
[2020-06-21T04:59:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T04:59:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T04:59:29-0700] <blunders> !Ook Marissa Meyer - [Renegades 01] -
Renegades (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:59:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,755
(2103.83 GB)
[2020-06-21T04:59:43-0700] Guest31 (textual@ihw-uhr.aa4.53.202.IP) left IRC (Quit:
Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
[2020-06-21T04:59:45-0700] <blunders> !Ook Marissa Meyer - [Renegades 02] -
Archenemies (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:59:46-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Rick Partlow -
[Interstellar Bounty Hunter 01] - Absolution (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T04:59:46-0700] <malir> @search douglas kennedy
[2020-06-21T04:59:46-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Rick Partlow -
[Interstellar Bounty Hunter 02] - Retribution (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T04:59:48-0700] louis (louis@ihw-4ns1n1.skybroadband.com) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T04:59:55-0700] Aero (Meersest@ihw-g50.ta9.30.216.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T04:59:57-0700] <blunders> !Ook Marissa Meyer - [Renegades 03] -
Supernova (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T04:59:59-0700] <Henry579241> @search bodybuilding
[2020-06-21T05:00:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T05:00:14-0700] <djh> !Horla Peter May - [Enzo Files 01] - Dry Bones
(Extraordinary People) (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:00:14-0700] <djh> !Horla Peter May - [Enzo Files 02] - A Vintage
Corpse (The Critic) (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:00:14-0700] <djh> !Horla Peter May - [Enzo Files 03] - Blacklight
Blue (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:00:14-0700] <djh> !Horla Peter May - [Enzo Files 04] - Freeze Frame
[2020-06-21T05:00:14-0700] <djh> !Horla Peter May - [Enzo Files 05] - Blowback
(v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:00:14-0700] <djh> !Horla Peter May - [Enzo Files 06] - Cast Iron
[2020-06-21T05:00:20-0700] <WDixon53> @searchook cotton prince hearts
[2020-06-21T05:00:22-0700] <ssatelle> @search Patrick Rothfuss
[2020-06-21T05:00:23-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Sampson - She is Fierce (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:00:23-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Seymour - Brides For Sale [Historical
[2020-06-21T05:00:23-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Seymour - Frontier Bride [HH-318, MHR-
584] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:00:24-0700] ash12345678ash (ash12345678@ihw-kcu.k1u.107.150.IP) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T05:00:25-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Seymour - Jeb Hunter's Bride [HH-412]
(v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:00:26-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,677 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T05:00:26-0700] Pab (tomrosenber@ihw-irq.fpi.139.144.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:00:26-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Seymour - [Lyonsbridge 01] - Lord of
Lyonsbridge [HH-472] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:00:27-0700] monstermash (monstermash@ihw-
krhiau.1ct9.fftd.0643.2601.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:00:29-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Seymour - [Lyonsbridge 02] - Lady of
Lyonsbridge [HH-520] (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:00:31-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:00:31-0700] <Pab> @search orconomics
[2020-06-21T05:00:31-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Seymour - [Lyonsbridge 03] - Maid of
Midnight [HH-540] (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:00:33-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Seymour - [Prescott Brothers 01] -
Gabriel's Lady [HH-337, MHR-592] (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:00:34-0700] malir (chatzilla@ihw-ak290o.mdsq.i95s.23c5.2a00.IP) left
IRC (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92-rdmsoft [XULRunner 35.0.1/20150122214805])
[2020-06-21T05:00:35-0700] <Henry579241> @search nutrition
[2020-06-21T05:00:35-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Seymour - [Prescott Brothers 02] -
Lucky Bride [HH-350, MHR-596] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:00:35-0700] fgdd3 (xct200ff@ihw-tf2.8i8.75.184.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:00:37-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Seymour - [Sheridan 01] - A Family for
Carter Jones [HH-433] (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:00:38-0700] adampalli (adamgilli@ihw-0cv.r68.82.103.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:00:39-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Seymour - [Sheridan 02] - Father for
Keeps [HH-458] (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:00:41-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Seymour - The Bandit's Bride.pdf
[2020-06-21T05:00:50-0700] <user358> !Oatmeal Rolf Potts - Vagabonding an Uncommon
Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel (com v4.0) (txt).rar
[2020-06-21T05:01:00-0700] <ssatelle> !Dz2000 Patrick Rothfuss - [Kingkiller 02] -
The Wise Man's Fear (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T05:01:14-0700] <WDixon53> !Horla L A Cotton - Prince of Hearts
[2020-06-21T05:01:15-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Rick Partlow - [Wholesale
Slaughter 01] - Wholesale Slaughter (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:01:16-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Rick Partlow - [Wholesale
Slaughter 02] - Terminus Cut (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:01:16-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Rick Partlow - [Wholesale
Slaughter 03] - Revelation Run (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:01:16-0700] sphenxes (sphenxes@ihw-t4p.p9f.123.80.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:01:23-0700] user358 (androirc@ihw-jlf10n.kn.shawcable.net) left IRC
(Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))
[2020-06-21T05:01:28-0700] <Pab> @search dark prophit
[2020-06-21T05:01:28-0700] <venustus77> @search Oliver Stone
[2020-06-21T05:01:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,755
(2103.83 GB)
[2020-06-21T05:01:45-0700] <Pab> @search dark profit
[2020-06-21T05:01:46-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,666 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:01:50-0700] Freakshow4444 (Freakshow44@ihw-dnse0p.res.rr.com) left
IRC (Client exited)
[2020-06-21T05:01:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,716
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:02:07-0700] <ssatelle> !Dz2000 Patrick Rothfuss - [Kingkiller 02] -
The Wise Man's Fear (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T05:02:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,948 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T05:02:16-0700] <venustus77> !shytot Oliver Stone & Peter Kuznick - The
Untold History of the United States (mobi).mobi ::INFO:: 7.0MB
[2020-06-21T05:02:29-0700] <tick88> !Ook Anne Tyler - Redhead by the Side of the
Road (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:02:31-0700] adi (adithya@ihw-r2s.0b1.51.106.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T05:02:32-0700] puppybelly2 (2oldsouls@ihw-rjmjq1.fios.verizon.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:02:32-0700] Henry579241 (000123@ihw-j48.bfv.184.203.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T05:02:46-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:02:53-0700] Pab (tomrosenber@ihw-irq.fpi.139.144.IP) left IRC
(Client exited)
[2020-06-21T05:02:56-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search l powers
[2020-06-21T05:03:10-0700] <venustus77> !Oatmeal Patricia Lambert - False Witness-
The Real Story of Jim Garrison's Investigation and Oliver Stone's Film JFK (retail)
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 3.9MB
[2020-06-21T05:03:14-0700] Halitosor (halitosor@ihw-og6.ot9.247.104.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:03:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 49,152cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,527 ± List: Jun
1st ± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T05:03:23-0700] louis (louis@ihw-ljgfoa.59nr.p70s.0c7f.2a02.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:03:25-0700] MauralinHermit13 (MauralinHe@ihw-d865ua.md.comcast.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:03:26-0700] Mixedpickles (Mephistoph@ihw-egl.04o.140.104.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:03:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 78 • Speed: 407,055cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,977 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:03:32-0700] <tick88> @search bumblebee
[2020-06-21T05:03:43-0700] <Mixedpickles> !trainpacks
[2020-06-21T05:03:44-0700] horivelwatcher (R.SANDA@ihw-vou.uhd.188.41.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:03:46-0700] Bookish_Astr (Bookish_As@ihw-6gq.gm7.30.80.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:03:48-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Simo - Heartland (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:03:48-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Simons - [Free Falling 00.5] - Before
Dawn (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:03:48-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Simons - [Free Falling 01] - Free
Falling (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:03:49-0700] <MauralinHermit13> @search tamara leigh
[2020-06-21T05:03:50-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Soares - The Devil's Lair (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:03:52-0700] Mattzm (Mattzm@ihw-2s623o.cable.virginm.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:03:52-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Sparks - Baby Bet - A MFM Baby ASAP
Romance (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:03:54-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search powers primal link
[2020-06-21T05:03:54-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Sparks - Bare- The Bad Boy's Baby
[2020-06-21T05:03:56-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Sparks - Fiancee Faker (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:03:58-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Sparks & Holly Rayner - [You Can't
Turn Down a Sheikh 05] - Indebted To The Sheikh (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:03:59-0700] <Mattzm> @find Bolton
[2020-06-21T05:04:00-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Sparks & Layla Valentine - [Babies for
the Billionaire 01] - Triplets for the Billionaire (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:04:01-0700] bronkeykong (bronkeykon@ihw-98u3fa.adam.com.au) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:04:02-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Sparks & Layla Valentine - [Babies for
the Billionaire 02] - Quadruplets for the Billionaire (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:04:04-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Sparks & Layla Valentine - [Babies for
the Billionaire 03] - Baby, ASAP (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:04:21-0700] EpicurusBeliever (kvirc@ihw-cbt.hhs.106.86.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:04:22-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search michael wallace
[2020-06-21T05:04:24-0700] g431 (g222@ihw-661.fk1.51.106.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:04:25-0700] chris47 (chris47@ihw-aqdufu.fios.verizon.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:04:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T05:04:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T05:04:32-0700] <jlmlipffs> @search Samuel Johnson
[2020-06-21T05:04:34-0700] <WDixon53> @searchook nicole dykes regrets
[2020-06-21T05:04:34-0700] <chris47> @searchook coben run
[2020-06-21T05:04:35-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> @search medieval lives terry jones
[2020-06-21T05:04:36-0700] <ssatelle> !bsk Patrick Rothfuss - Kingkiller Chronicle
02 - The Wise Man's Fear.mobi
[2020-06-21T05:04:45-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:04:54-0700] <Mattzm> @find The Room Where It Happened
[2020-06-21T05:04:55-0700] <WDixon53> !Horla Nicole Dykes - Regrets (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:05:02-0700] <tick88> @search the goodbye man
[2020-06-21T05:05:03-0700] <newbie> @search upload ebooks to irc?
[2020-06-21T05:05:12-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:05:12-0700] <Shenbaien> !LawdyServer The Makerspace Workbench -
Tools, Technologies, And Techniques For Making.epub
[2020-06-21T05:05:12-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T05:05:14-0700] xzy_noname (xzynoname23@ihw-mm9enp.95-102-144.t-com.sk)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:05:17-0700] <@LawdyServer> @SearchBot-Trigger
[2020-06-21T05:05:19-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> !Oatmeal Terry Jones & Alan Ereira -
Medieval Lives (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:05:19-0700] <chris47> !Oatmeal Harlan Coben - Run Away (retail)
[2020-06-21T05:05:34-0700] <Regfarm> !Ook Leeanna Morgan - [Sapphire Bay 02] - Once
in a Lifetime (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 2.36MB
[2020-06-21T05:05:35-0700] <venustus77> !bsk Patricia Lambert - False Witness- The
Real Story of Jim Garrison's Investigation and Oliver Stone's Film JFK (retail)
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 3.9MB
[2020-06-21T05:05:36-0700] Ben (Ben@ihw-3an.li2.144.98.IP) left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T05:05:37-0700] <tick88> !bsk Jeffery Deaver - [Colter Shaw 02] - The
Goodbye Man (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:05:44-0700] OompahLoompa (OompahLoomp@ihw-me8.vns.6.61.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:05:47-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> @search beginner's guide to digital
[2020-06-21T05:05:48-0700] <OompahLoompa> @textbooks
[2020-06-21T05:05:49-0700] <djh> @searchook ransom riggs
[2020-06-21T05:05:52-0700] LeslieKnope (Android@ihw-tsemb6.mi.comcast.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:06:00-0700] TitaTovenaar (Tita@ihw-nk6cbi.ip.prioritytelecom.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:06:06-0700] CaptainPrinz (CaptainPrin@ihw-i15ktl.internet.co.za)
left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:06:06-0700] <jlmlipffs> !JimBob420 Samuel Johnson - Complete Works
of Samuel Johnson (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:06:07-0700] <venustus77> @search Jim Garrison
[2020-06-21T05:06:11-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Sparks, Layla Valentine - [You Can't
Resist a Bad Boy 03] - Dr - Ohhh (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:06:11-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastacia Kelley - [NightFall 01] -
NightFall (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:06:11-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastacia Kelley - Shadow of the Wolf
[2020-06-21T05:06:13-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastacia Kelley - Whetted Appetites
[2020-06-21T05:06:13-0700] <xzy_noname> @search jay allan
[2020-06-21T05:06:15-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Starling - Send Nudes (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:06:17-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasha Renee - The Awakening- Feel the
Heat (reissue of Goddess Kissed 01 - Mirage) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:06:19-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Alexander - The Superstitious
Romance (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:06:21-0700] <Regfarm> !Ook Leeanna Morgan - [Sapphire Bay 04] -
Before Today (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 855.69KB
[2020-06-21T05:06:21-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Blackwell - The House on Black
Lake (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:06:23-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Bolinder - [Sky Jump 01] - Sky
Jump (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:06:26-0700] kmzgod (kmzgod@ihw-3fj.hof.79.82.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:06:33-0700] <venustus77> !DV8 Joan Mellen - A Farewell to Justice-
Jim Garrison & JFK's Assassination & and the Case that Should Have Changed History
(retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 5.92MB
[2020-06-21T05:06:35-0700] BigD_ (rober@ihw-cng4e7.aka3.9et7.1700.2600.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:06:36-0700] <TitaTovenaar> @search S J MacDonald
[2020-06-21T05:06:37-0700] kristian_on_linu (quassel@ihw-fls.2lq.243.92.IP) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T05:06:40-0700] OompahLoompa (OompahLoomp@ihw-me8.vns.6.61.IP) left the
[2020-06-21T05:06:42-0700] g1234 (g222@ihw-7lmra7.5oju.sgq4.4071.2409.IP) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T05:06:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,666 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:06:48-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:06:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,716
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:06:59-0700] OompahLoompa (OompahLoomp@ihw-me8.vns.6.61.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:07:07-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> @search air-conditioning america
[2020-06-21T05:07:10-0700] <djh> !Horla Ransom Riggs - [Miss Peregrine 01] - Miss
Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:07:10-0700] <djh> !Horla Ransom Riggs - [Miss Peregrine 02] - Hollow
City (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:07:10-0700] <djh> !Horla Ransom Riggs - [Miss Peregrine 03] -
Library of Souls (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:07:10-0700] <djh> !Horla Ransom Riggs - [Miss Peregrine 04] - A Map
of Days (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:07:10-0700] <djh> !Horla Ransom Riggs - [Miss Peregrine's Peculiar
Children 04] - A Map of Days (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:07:10-0700] <djh> !Horla Ransom Riggs - [Miss Peregrine's Peculiar
Children 05] - The Conference of the Birds (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:07:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,949 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T05:07:16-0700] Halitosor (halitosor@ihw-og6.ot9.247.104.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:07:22-0700] <OompahLoompa> @search AQA A level busines answers
[2020-06-21T05:07:26-0700] <+MusicWench> French and English ebooks!• Type:
@MusicWench For My List Of: 46,699 Files • Slots: 3/3 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps •
Next: NOW • Served: 295,789 • List: Jun 20th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T05:07:36-0700] hcn (hcn@ihw-6d5.cda.211.84.IP) left IRC (Connection
[2020-06-21T05:07:36-0700] adamgilli (adamgilli@ihw-0cv.r68.82.103.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:07:39-0700] cvscam (cvscam@ihw-6f7rmk.nap.wideopenwest.com) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:07:39-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Michael Wallace - [The
Quintana Trilogy 01-03] - The Complete Quintana Trilogy Box Set (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:07:42-0700] qpqqowieyr (textual@ihw-dd15c6.nk00.l3v9.23c4.2a00.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:07:43-0700] OompahLoompa (OompahLoomp@ihw-me8.vns.6.61.IP) left the
[2020-06-21T05:07:43-0700] mrshutch4 (chatzilla@ihw-45l3ei.98sq.lchh.23c4.2a00.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:07:48-0700] <qpqqowieyr> @search todd hido
[2020-06-21T05:07:50-0700] <jlmlipffs> !LawdyServer Samuel Johnson - Complete Works
Of Samuel Johnson (Epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:07:51-0700] <TitaTovenaar> !Horla S J MacDonald - [Fourth Fleet
Irregulars 08] - Assegai (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:07:51-0700] <TitaTovenaar> !Horla S J MacDonald - [Fourth Fleet
Irregulars 09] - Venturi (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:07:56-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> @search losing faith in faith
[2020-06-21T05:07:59-0700] laruldan (laruldan@ihw-hhv.kbk.252.109.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:08:02-0700] qpqqowieyr (textual@ihw-dd15c6.nk00.l3v9.23c4.2a00.IP)
left IRC (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
[2020-06-21T05:08:02-0700] OompahLoompa (OompahLoomp@ihw-me8.vns.6.61.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:08:03-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T05:08:07-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Chase - [Alpha Wolves of Myre
Falls 02] - The Wolf's Temptation (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:08:07-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Chase - [Crescent Moon Shifters
01] - Saved by the Alpha Wolves (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:08:07-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Chase - [Crescent Moon Shifters
02] - Mated to the Alpha Wolves (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:08:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Chase - [Crescent Moon Shifters
03] - Loved by the Alpha Wolves (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:08:10-0700] <WDixon53> @searchook tillie cole thoroughly whipped
[2020-06-21T05:08:11-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Chase - Loved By The Alpha
Leader (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:08:13-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Dangerfield - [Eternally Yours
01] - Eternally Yours (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:08:14-0700] <OompahLoompa> @search Malcom Surridge
[2020-06-21T05:08:15-0700] Pab (tomrosenber@ihw-irq.fpi.139.144.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:08:15-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Dangerfield - [Eternally Yours
02] - My Immortal (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:08:17-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Dawson - Cabin Fever (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T05:08:17-0700] <xzy_noname> !Horla Jay Allan - [Blood on the Stars 17]
- Descent into Darkness (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:08:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 65,536cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,528 ± List: Jun
1st ± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T05:08:19-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Day - Bodice Rippers.pdf
[2020-06-21T05:08:21-0700] <Pab> !shytot J Zachary Pike - [The Dark Profit Saga 01]
- Orconomics- A Satire (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T05:08:23-0700] Dav12 (David@ihw-ukf971.cpe.teksavvy.com) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:08:24-0700] junglist_ (junglist@ihw-jdvroa.koba.pl) left IRC (The
TLS connection was non-properly terminated.)
[2020-06-21T05:08:24-0700] Jfripper (Jfripper@ihw-rjkgcn.dodo.net.au) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:08:25-0700] <OompahLoompa> @search Busienss
[2020-06-21T05:08:27-0700] <Pab> !Horla Anastasia Day - Bodice Rippers.pdf
[2020-06-21T05:08:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 69 • Speed: 32,315cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,989 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:08:31-0700] <WDixon53> !shytot Tillie Cole - Thoroughly Whipped
[2020-06-21T05:08:41-0700] <TitaTovenaar> !Horla S J MacDonald - [Fourth Fleet
Irregulars 08] - Assegai (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:08:41-0700] <TitaTovenaar> !Horla S J MacDonald - [Fourth Fleet
Irregulars 09] - Venturi (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:08:41-0700] <jlmlipffs> !LawdyServer Samuel Johnson - Complete Works
Of Samuel Johnson (Epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:08:44-0700] <tick88> @search the never game
[2020-06-21T05:08:46-0700] <OompahLoompa> @search A level business
[2020-06-21T05:08:54-0700] <venustus77> @search On the Trail of the Assassins: One
Man's Quest to Solve the Murder of President Kennedy
[2020-06-21T05:08:56-0700] <+TrainFiles> For my list of 198106 files type:
@TrainFiles, Sends: 0/5 , Queue: 0/10, Voicepriority: OFF, For help: @TrainFiles-
help Using: Irssi Findbot v1.58
[2020-06-21T05:09:01-0700] <OompahLoompa> @search A level business
[2020-06-21T05:09:03-0700] lol5215125125 (junglist@ihw-lmt.spn.231.109.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:09:04-0700] d34rfs4 (d34rfs@ihw-g7b.jgk.40.178.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:09:06-0700] <cvscam> @search aileen erin
[2020-06-21T05:09:07-0700] <+ps2> •·File Server Online·• Trigger..::/ctcp ps2 !
ps::.. On server..::Books of all subjects, comics, wargames & RPGs (mostly pdf)::..
Note..::On Undernet & IRCHighWay: @ps2 for instructions or /ctcp ps2 !ps to enter.
Elsewhere: @ps for instructions or /ctcp ps !ps to enter. You can also get my files
from phoomphy (@phoomphy for the filelist).::.. .•«UPP»•.
[2020-06-21T05:09:16-0700] Mattzm (Mattzm@ihw-2s623o.cable.virginm.net) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T05:09:16-0700] <chris47> @searchook meltzer lincoln
[2020-06-21T05:09:18-0700] qpqqowieyr (textual@ihw-dd15c6.nk00.l3v9.23c4.2a00.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:09:22-0700] <qpqqowieyr> @search Lance Keimig
[2020-06-21T05:09:22-0700] <tick88> !Xon Jeffery Deaver - [Colter Shaw 01] - The
Never Game (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:09:23-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search jaxon reed
[2020-06-21T05:09:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T05:09:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T05:09:30-0700] <mrshutch4> join|ebooks
[2020-06-21T05:09:46-0700] <OompahLoompa> @request Malcom Surridge AQA A LEVEL
[2020-06-21T05:09:48-0700] <mrshutch4> join@ebooks
[2020-06-21T05:09:49-0700] <qpqqowieyr> !dny238 Keimig, Lance - Night
[2020-06-21T05:09:51-0700] Jazz (jazz@ihw-v19.0du.40.89.IP) left IRC (Quit: jazz)
[2020-06-21T05:09:59-0700] <OompahLoompa> join@ebooks
[2020-06-21T05:10:02-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> @search zack jordan
[2020-06-21T05:10:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T05:10:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Gessa-Liveriadis - The Lace
Tablecloth- An Inspiring Tale of Life and Choice (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:10:10-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Greyleaf - Witchcraft
[2020-06-21T05:10:10-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Hollings - Beautiful World
[2020-06-21T05:10:11-0700] louis (louis@ihw-ljgfoa.59nr.p70s.0c7f.2a02.IP) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T05:10:11-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Hopcus - Shadow Hills
[2020-06-21T05:10:13-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Hunt - Seven Ways to Paint the
Sky (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:10:15-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia King - [World of Aureum 01] -
The Sunderlands (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:10:19-0700] rqicost2 (rqicost2@ihw-4pande.sparkbb.co.nz) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:10:20-0700] <venustus77> !Horla Oliver Stone & Peter Kuznick - The
Untold History of the United States (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:10:27-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:10:39-0700] qpqqowieyr (textual@ihw-dd15c6.nk00.l3v9.23c4.2a00.IP)
left IRC (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
[2020-06-21T05:10:42-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Jaxon Reed - [Pirates of
the Milky Way 01-10] - Pirates of the Milky Way Box Set (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:10:52-0700] <Regfarm> !Oatmeal Leeanna Morgan - [The Bridesmaids
Club 01] - All of Me (epub).rar ::INFO:: 432.5KB
[2020-06-21T05:11:01-0700] xzy_noname (xzynoname23@ihw-mm9enp.95-102-144.t-com.sk)
left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T05:11:10-0700] <Regfarm> !Oatmeal Leeanna Morgan - [The Bridesmaids
Club 02] - Loving You (epub).rar ::INFO:: 374.5KB
[2020-06-21T05:11:13-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Maltezos - Tall Dark Handsome
Lycan, Book 2 (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:11:14-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Maltezos - Tall Dark Handsome
Lycan, Book 3 (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:11:14-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Maltezos - Tall Dark Handsome
Lycan, Book 4 (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:11:15-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Maltezos - Tall Dark Handsome
Lycan (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:11:17-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Maltezos - The Seduction Game
[Lyrical] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:11:18-0700] <jlmlipffs> @search The City of God
[2020-06-21T05:11:19-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Maltezos - Two In the Lion's Den
[2020-06-21T05:11:21-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Maltezos - When the Sun Sets
[2020-06-21T05:11:35-0700] <OompahLoompa> @request [Malcom Surridge] [A Level
business answers]
[2020-06-21T05:11:39-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search philippe mercurio
[2020-06-21T05:11:43-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> @search what we did in bed fagan
[2020-06-21T05:11:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,668 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:11:53-0700] MauralinHermit13 (MauralinHe@ihw-d865ua.md.comcast.net)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:11:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,716
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:11:58-0700] <Regfarm> !Oatmeal Leeanna Morgan - [The Bridesmaids
Club 03] - Head Over Heels (epub).rar ::INFO:: 295.7KB
[2020-06-21T05:12:05-0700] <tick88> @search how the dead speak
[2020-06-21T05:12:08-0700] <cvscam> !Horla Aileen Erin - [Alpha Girl 01] - Becoming
Alpha (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:12:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,950 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T05:12:17-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> @search what we did in bed
[2020-06-21T05:12:18-0700] <Regfarm> !Oatmeal Leeanna Morgan - [The Bridesmaids
Club 04] - Sweet on You (epub).rar ::INFO:: 267.5KB
[2020-06-21T05:12:26-0700] Jfripper (Jfripper@ihw-rjkgcn.dodo.net.au) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:12:31-0700] wallster (wallster@ihw-jsufs5.tukrga.sbcglobal.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:12:33-0700] <Pab> !Ook J Zachary Pike - [The Dark Profit Saga 02] -
The Son of a Liche (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:12:34-0700] Stella (Stella@ihw-hsbsuq.direct-adsl.nl) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:12:40-0700] <tick88> !JimBob420 Val McDermid - [Tony Hill and Carol
Jordan 11] - How the Dead Speak (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:12:43-0700] Stella (Stella@ihw-hsbsuq.direct-adsl.nl) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:12:43-0700] <OompahLoompa> @search aqa a level business
[2020-06-21T05:12:46-0700] <mats> @search scuster
[2020-06-21T05:12:50-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> @search brian fagan nadia durrani
[2020-06-21T05:12:53-0700] OompahLoompa (OompahLoomp@ihw-me8.vns.6.61.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:12:55-0700] <WDixon53> @searchook blackmailed by my teacher
[2020-06-21T05:12:56-0700] <jlmlipffs> @search Hilaire Belloc
[2020-06-21T05:13:00-0700] OompahLoompa (OompahLoomp@ihw-me8.vns.6.61.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:13:03-0700] cvscam (cvscam@ihw-6f7rmk.nap.wideopenwest.com) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T05:13:04-0700] OompahLoompa (OompahLoomp@ihw-me8.vns.6.61.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:13:14-0700] <dny238> • Type: @dny238 For My List Of: 4,015 Files •
Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,198 • List: Jun 3rd
• Search: OFF • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T05:13:15-0700] Cookie301 (Cookie301@ihw-veq.cld.166.203.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:13:16-0700] <wallster> @searchook christopher g nuttall
[2020-06-21T05:13:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 65,536cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,528 ± List: Jun
1st ± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T05:13:22-0700] <mrshutch4> @search dorothy koomson
[2020-06-21T05:13:24-0700] <WDixon53> @searchook sugar walls
[2020-06-21T05:13:25-0700] KidCrims01 (KidCrims01@ihw-hhp.uvj.136.191.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:13:27-0700] kmzgod (kmzgod@ihw-3fj.hof.79.82.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:13:27-0700] <Pab> !shytot J Zachary Pike - [Dark Profit 03] - Son of
a Liche (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:13:30-0700] thatbookguy (landon@ihw-s7e.lau.58.209.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:13:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 61 • Speed: 500,891cps • Next: NOW • Served: 603,997 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:13:37-0700] kmzgod (kmzgod@ihw-3fj.hof.79.82.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:13:37-0700] rzvrzv (kmzgod@ihw-3fj.hof.79.82.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:13:39-0700] <Kaffimoon101> !Ook Naughty Aphrodite - Blurred Lines
(azw3).rar ::INFO:: 714.38KB
[2020-06-21T05:13:39-0700] <Kaffimoon101> !Ook Naughty Aphrodite - Sexy Addiction
[2020-06-21T05:13:55-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> @search after the ice mithen
[2020-06-21T05:13:59-0700] ggg365689 (ggg365689@ihw-aenqnq.dynamic.sbb.rs) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:14:00-0700] <Regfarm> !Oatmeal Leeanna Morgan - [Montana Brides 01]
- Forever Dreams (epub).rar ::INFO:: 419.6KB
[2020-06-21T05:14:05-0700] kmzgod (kmzgod@ihw-3fj.hof.79.82.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:14:05-0700] rzvrzv (kmzgod@ihw-3fj.hof.79.82.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:14:11-0700] <tick88> @search insidious intent
[2020-06-21T05:14:17-0700] WDixon53 (WDixon53@ihw-s2p.tij.120.37.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:14:19-0700] <Cookie301> @Search Eric Ugland
[2020-06-21T05:14:20-0700] RiggedHorror (George@ihw-hp0.o59.242.109.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T05:14:24-0700] <Kaffimoon101> !Ook Jules Bennett - [Lockwood Lightning
03] - Scandalous Engagement (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:14:25-0700] rzvrzv (kmzgod@ihw-3fj.hof.79.82.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:14:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T05:14:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T05:14:29-0700] rzvrzv (kmzgod@ihw-3fj.hof.79.82.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:14:36-0700] Aero (Meersest@ihw-g50.ta9.30.216.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:14:38-0700] <Regfarm> !Oatmeal Leeanna Morgan - [Montana Brides 02]
- Forever in Love (epub).rar ::INFO:: 273.5KB
[2020-06-21T05:14:51-0700] <venustus77> @search Anthony Summers
[2020-06-21T05:14:52-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Philippe Mercurio -
[Mallory Sajean 01] - The Kenval Incident (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:14:52-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> !LawdyServer After The Ice, A Global
Human History 20,000-5000 Bc - Steven Mithen.epub
[2020-06-21T05:14:54-0700] <tick88> !TrainFiles Val McDermid - [Tony Hill and Carol
Jordan 10] - Insidious Intent (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:14:58-0700] rzvrzv (kmzgod@ihw-3fj.hof.79.82.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:15:00-0700] <wallster> !bsk Christopher G Nuttall - [The Zero Enigma
04] - The Family Shame (mobi).mobi ::INFO:: 568.4KB
[2020-06-21T05:15:02-0700] <Regfarm> !Oatmeal Leeanna Morgan - [Montana Brides 03]
- Forever After (epub).rar ::INFO:: 268.8KB
[2020-06-21T05:15:02-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Rabiyah - A Demon in the
Basement (ForbiddenPub)(html).rar
[2020-06-21T05:15:02-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Rabiyah - An Arrangement of
Three (pdf).pdf
[2020-06-21T05:15:02-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Rabiyah - A Walk Between Worlds
[2020-06-21T05:15:04-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Rabiyah - [Blood Angel 01] -
Blood Angel (pdf).pdf
[2020-06-21T05:15:06-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Rabiyah - [Blood Angel 02] -
Charon (pdf).pdf
[2020-06-21T05:15:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T05:15:08-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Rabiyah - Cowboy's Rope.pdf
[2020-06-21T05:15:10-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Rabiyah - [Em-7 02] - Urden- God
of Desire [Purple Sword] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:15:12-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Rabiyah - [Gremlins] - Hiram's
Secret [Purple Sword] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:15:14-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Rabiyah - In the Moon's Light
[2020-06-21T05:15:16-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Rabiyah - Lost And Found Again
[2020-06-21T05:15:23-0700] <mrshutch4> !DV8 Dorothy Koomson - Tell Me Your Secret
[2020-06-21T05:15:26-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,690 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T05:15:28-0700] rzvrzv (kmzgod@ihw-3fj.hof.79.82.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:15:28-0700] <venustus77> !Xon Anthony Summers - The Arrogance of
Power- The Secret World of Richard Nixon (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:15:28-0700] <venustus77> - 2.39 MB
[2020-06-21T05:15:30-0700] <Regfarm> !Oatmeal Leeanna Morgan - [Montana Brides 04]
- Forever Wishes (epub).rar ::INFO:: 270.2KB
[2020-06-21T05:15:34-0700] tiggers63 (lyleninja@ihw-5340ej.dyn.suddenlink.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:15:34-0700] ChanServ sets mode +o tiggers63
[2020-06-21T05:15:35-0700] <Daniel18_> @search escape from slavery
[2020-06-21T05:15:37-0700] <nicklist> @find keeper dragon klimo
[2020-06-21T05:15:38-0700] kmzgod (kmzgod@ihw-3fj.hof.79.82.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:15:42-0700] <venustus77> !Ook Anthony Summers - Not in Your
Lifetime- The Defining Book on the JFK Assassination (epub).rar ::INFO:: 2.26MB
[2020-06-21T05:15:50-0700] <tick88> @search how the dead speak
[2020-06-21T05:15:52-0700] <djh> @searchook shelley frankenstein
[2020-06-21T05:15:59-0700] chris47 (chris47@ihw-aqdufu.fios.verizon.net) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:16:04-0700] <Cookie301> !Oatmeal Eric Ugland - [Good Guys 08] -
Eastbound and Town (Retail) (azw3).rar ::INFO:: 334.7KB
[2020-06-21T05:16:04-0700] <mrshutch4> !DV8 Dorothy Koomson - The Brighton Mermaid
[2020-06-21T05:16:09-0700] <Regfarm> !Oatmeal Leeanna Morgan - [Montana Brides 06]
- Forever Together (epub).rar ::INFO:: 433.9KB
[2020-06-21T05:16:14-0700] <wallster> !dragnbreaker Nuttall, Christopher G -
Bookworm 01 - Bookworm.epub ::INFO:: 417.3KB
[2020-06-21T05:16:19-0700] <Ly> can you request a series if its not found here?
[2020-06-21T05:16:20-0700] Zappster (sss@ihw-mkkvo2.cable.virginm.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:16:24-0700] <Cookie301> !Oatmeal Eric Ugland - [The Good Guys 09] -
Four Beheadings and a Funeral (epub).rar ::INFO:: 389.0KB
[2020-06-21T05:16:29-0700] <tick88> !TrainFiles Val McDermid - [Tony Hill and Carol
Jordan 11] - How the Dead Speak (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:16:34-0700] <Regfarm> !Oatmeal Leeanna Morgan - [Montana Brides 07]
- Forever and a Day (epub).rar ::INFO:: 289.9KB
[2020-06-21T05:16:41-0700] etempy (etempy@ihw-60v.786.31.213.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:16:44-0700] <Daniel18_> !Ook Escape from Slavery -The true Story of
my ten Years in Captivity (2003) - Francis Bok.epub ::INFO:: 886.43KB
[2020-06-21T05:16:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,668 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:16:48-0700] VibroMax (phisto@ihw-vng.8bo.120.154.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:16:53-0700] kmzgod (kmzgod@ihw-3fj.hof.79.82.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:16:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,717
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:16:58-0700] tick88 (tick88@ihw-3hd.fn5.114.193.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:17:06-0700] kmzgod (kmzgod@ihw-3fj.hof.79.82.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:17:09-0700] <nicklist> !dragnbreaker Klimo, Kate - Dragon Keepers 01
- The Dragon in the Sock Drawer (& John Shroades) (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T05:17:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T05:17:12-0700] <Regfarm> !Oatmeal Leeanna Morgan - [Montana Brides
04.5] - Forever Santa (retail) (epub)(epub).rar ::INFO:: 673.3KB
[2020-06-21T05:17:12-0700] <venustus77> @search Josiah Thompson
[2020-06-21T05:17:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,950 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T05:17:15-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> @search astronomy the definitive
[2020-06-21T05:17:17-0700] <mrshutch4> !dragnbreaker Dorothy Koomson - The Friend
(retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:17:20-0700] <ggg365689> @Search Blow Up the Humanities
[2020-06-21T05:17:21-0700] <wallster> !dragnbreaker Nuttall, Christopher G -
Bookworm 03 - The Best Laid Plans.epub ::INFO:: 543.6KB
[2020-06-21T05:17:26-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search michael beals
[2020-06-21T05:17:27-0700] KidCrims01 (KidCrims01@ihw-hhp.uvj.136.191.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:17:28-0700] <Ly> @hora
[2020-06-21T05:17:35-0700] <Aero> @search stephen guise
[2020-06-21T05:17:43-0700] <djh> !Horla Mary Shelley - Frankenstein- or The Modern
Prometheus (Oxford World's Classics) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:17:49-0700] <Ejdu3> @search Lukianoff
[2020-06-21T05:18:02-0700] <venustus77> @search Jim Marrs
[2020-06-21T05:18:03-0700] <Regfarm> !Ook Leeanna Morgan - [Montana Brides 05] -
Forever Cowboy (epub).rar ::INFO:: 250.25KB
[2020-06-21T05:18:06-0700] <wallster> !dragnbreaker Nuttall, Christopher G -
Bookworm 03 - The Best Laid Plans.epub ::INFO:: 543.6KB
[2020-06-21T05:18:07-0700] <ggg365689> @search On Aboriginal Religion
[2020-06-21T05:18:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 32,768cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,531 ± List: Jun
1st ± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T05:18:21-0700] <@tiggers63> @searchook Walk the Wire David Baldacci
[2020-06-21T05:18:21-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:18:21-0700] Aero (Meersest@ihw-g50.ta9.30.216.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:18:29-0700] kmzgod (kmzgod@ihw-3fj.hof.79.82.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:18:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 53 • Speed: 468,575cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,005 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:18:32-0700] emlcc (textual@ihw-uic.8sh.190.93.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:18:38-0700] <Ejdu3> !Ook Greg Lukianoff - The Coddling of the
American Mind (epub).rar ::INFO:: 2.48MB
[2020-06-21T05:18:39-0700] <ggg365689> @search the night angel
[2020-06-21T05:18:44-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Rabiyah - Nimmet, Goddess of
Love (lit).lit
[2020-06-21T05:18:44-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Rabiyah & Sandy Samson - Demon's
Redmption (html).rar
[2020-06-21T05:18:44-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Rabiyah - The Highest Bidder
[Sugar and Spice] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:18:45-0700] <venustus77> !Oatmeal Jim Marrs - Crossfire- The Plot
That Killed Kennedy (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 2.8MB
[2020-06-21T05:18:46-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Rabiyah - The Noonday Demon [MF]
[2020-06-21T05:18:48-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Rabiyah - The Stolen Warrior
[2020-06-21T05:18:48-0700] <newbie> @search Dicyanin
[2020-06-21T05:18:50-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Rabiyah - Wolf Next Door
[2020-06-21T05:18:50-0700] ShaitanSLN (shaitan74@ihw-g66.4r6.79.94.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:18:50-0700] <mrshutch4> @that day you left
[2020-06-21T05:18:52-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Slash - [Billionaire Older Man
Younger Woman Romance 19] - Boss - My Bully Boyfrined's Dad (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:18:53-0700] <DC0204> @search a j hartley
[2020-06-21T05:18:54-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Slash - Vivid (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:18:56-0700] citizenbingo (citizenbing@ihw-fsr.d48.171.37.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:18:56-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Sweet - Entangled Hearts
[2020-06-21T05:18:58-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Tzar - [A Decision of Love 01] -
The Return (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:19:03-0700] TitaTovenaar (Tita@ihw-nk6cbi.ip.prioritytelecom.net)
left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:19:05-0700] Rana2 (Rana2@ihw-9t77va.zen.co.uk) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:19:09-0700] <emlcc> @search Of Mice and Men
[2020-06-21T05:19:10-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> @search the way of the heathen
[2020-06-21T05:19:14-0700] <citizenbingo> @search La Vie est un Roman - Guillaume
[2020-06-21T05:19:15-0700] BookWorm1995 (BookWorm199@ihw-amk.80u.67.118.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:19:26-0700] blunders (blunders@ihw-d2h.7rj.190.180.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T05:19:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T05:19:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T05:19:28-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Michael Beals - [The
Adventures of Kat’s Commandos 01] - Slaughter in the Desert (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:19:28-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Michael Beals - [The
Adventures of Kat’s Commandos 02] - Kat's Rats (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:19:28-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Michael Beals - [The
Adventures of Kat’s Commandos 03] - Kat and the Desert Eagle (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:19:28-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Michael Beals - [The
Adventures of Kat’s Commandos 04] - Kat and Die Wolfsschanze (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:19:30-0700] <BookWorm1995> @textbooks
[2020-06-21T05:19:32-0700] Dentarg (Dentarg@ihw-ltds0v.nbn.aussiebb.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:19:34-0700] <@tiggers63> !bsk David Baldacci - [Amos Decker 06] -
Walk the Wire (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:19:36-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> @search the ends of the world brannen
[2020-06-21T05:19:36-0700] Shenbaien (Shenbaien@ihw-7k7rs6.connect.net.au) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:19:39-0700] Steamfitter636 (steamfitter@ihw-
is8t9c.col.wideopenwest.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:19:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,757
(2103.83 GB)
[2020-06-21T05:19:41-0700] <jlmlipffs> !dragnbreaker Belloc, Hilaire - Europe and
the Faith (pg).epub
[2020-06-21T05:19:42-0700] <mrshutch4> @search dorothy koomson
[2020-06-21T05:19:43-0700] <Dentarg> @search donna leon
[2020-06-21T05:19:46-0700] <citizenbingo> !Horla Guillaume Musso - La vie est un
roman [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T05:19:54-0700] <BookWorm1995> @search starwars
[2020-06-21T05:19:54-0700] <venustus77> @search S. A. Joke
[2020-06-21T05:19:55-0700] LeslieKnope (Android@ihw-tsemb6.mi.comcast.net) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T05:19:55-0700] Zappste (sss@ihw-mkkvo2.cable.virginm.net) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T05:19:59-0700] <Steamfitter636> @search Tom Sweterlitsch - Tomorrow and
[2020-06-21T05:20:04-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> !LawdyServer The Ends Of The World,
Our Quest To Understand Earth’s Past Mass Extinctions - Peter Brannen.epub
[2020-06-21T05:20:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T05:20:12-0700] <ShaitanSLN> @SearchBot-Trigger
[2020-06-21T05:20:13-0700] <wallster> !dragnbreaker Nuttall, Christopher G - Royal
Sorceress 01 - The Royal Sorceress.epub ::INFO:: 469.2KB
[2020-06-21T05:20:20-0700] <Daniel18_> @seaarch koyamo kusuke
[2020-06-21T05:20:22-0700] thatbookguy (landon@ihw-s7e.lau.58.209.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:20:24-0700] <Dentarg> !LawdyServer Donna Leon - [Guido Brunetti 10]
- A Sea of Troubles (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T05:20:28-0700] <Daniel18_> @search koyamo kusuke
[2020-06-21T05:20:34-0700] <Dentarg> !LawdyServer Donna Leon - [Guido Brunetti 11]
- Wilful Behaviour (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T05:20:36-0700] <ggg365689> @search Solitary Pagans
[2020-06-21T05:20:56-0700] laruldan (laruldan@ihw-i2ajbj.kab7.pfqn.1370.2a00.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:20:57-0700] <venustus77> @search Bugliosi
[2020-06-21T05:21:01-0700] <emlcc> !shytot Of mice and men - John Steinbeck.mobi
[2020-06-21T05:21:03-0700] <Daniel18_> @search three hour per mile
[2020-06-21T05:21:06-0700] <citizenbingo> !Horla Guillaume Musso - La vie est un
roman [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T05:21:06-0700] <Dentarg> !Horla Donna Leon - [Guido Brunetti 10] - A
Sea of Troubles (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:21:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Vitsky - Desire in Any Language
[Blushing] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:21:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Vitsky - Living in Sin [LT3 FF]
(retail) (pdf).pdf
[2020-06-21T05:21:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Vitsky & Maren Smith - [Masters
of the Castle] - Ana Adored - Mistress of the Castle (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:21:10-0700] d34rfs4 (d34rfs@ihw-g7b.jgk.40.178.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:21:10-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Vitsky - [Mistress 01] -
Mistress on Her Knees (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:21:13-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Vitsky - [Mistress 02] -
Mistress, Please (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:21:15-0700] ggg365689 (ggg365689@ihw-aenqnq.dynamic.sbb.rs) left the
[2020-06-21T05:21:15-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Vitsky - [Mistress 03] -
Mistress's Release (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:21:15-0700] <Steamfitter636> !Oatmeal Thomas Sweterlitsch - Tomorrow
and Tomorrow (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:21:17-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Vitsky - Raven's Girl- Promise
[2020-06-21T05:21:17-0700] Allison6086 (kphzHkEx@ihw-9ha.hnn.197.156.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:21:19-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Vitsky - Seoul Spankings
[Decadent, 1NS] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:21:23-0700] ggg365689 (ggg365689@ihw-aenqnq.dynamic.sbb.rs) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:21:23-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> @search the rise and fall of the
[2020-06-21T05:21:24-0700] Allison6086 (kphzHkEx@ihw-9ha.hnn.197.156.IP) left IRC
(G-Lined: pornspam)
[2020-06-21T05:21:26-0700] <venustus77> !shytot Vincent Bugliosi - Reclaiming
History- The Assassination of President John F Kennedy (epub).rar ::INFO:: 2.9MB
[2020-06-21T05:21:28-0700] <ggg365689> @search Solitary Pagans
[2020-06-21T05:21:31-0700] <jlmlipffs> !dragnbreaker Belloc, Hilaire - Europe and
the Faith (pg).epub
[2020-06-21T05:21:34-0700] <BookWorm1995> @search spooks
[2020-06-21T05:21:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,757
(2103.83 GB)
[2020-06-21T05:21:40-0700] <Daniel18_> @search hello tomorrow
[2020-06-21T05:21:41-0700] <Dentarg> !Horla Donna Leon - [Guido Brunetti 11] -
Wilful Behaviour (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:21:46-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,669 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:21:46-0700] foobar (foobaz@ihw-e15.svr.32.213.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:21:48-0700] <Dentarg> !Horla Donna Leon - [Guido Brunetti 12] -
Uniform Justice (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:21:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 1/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,721
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:21:55-0700] <Dentarg> !Horla Donna Leon - [Guido Brunetti 13] -
Doctored Evidence (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:21:55-0700] <Daniel18_> @search cindy trimm
[2020-06-21T05:21:56-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> !dragnbreaker Steve Brusatte - The
Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs- A New History of a Lost World (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:22:07-0700] <Dentarg> !Horla Donna Leon - [Guido Brunetti 14] -
Blood from a Stone (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:22:08-0700] <jlmlipffs> !dragnbreaker Belloc, Hilaire - Europe and
the Faith (pg).epub
[2020-06-21T05:22:09-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Michael Beals - [The
Adventures of Kat's Commandos 01] - Slaughter in the Desert (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:22:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,950 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T05:22:16-0700] <mrshutch4> @search dorothy koomson all my lies are true
[2020-06-21T05:22:31-0700] emlcc (textual@ihw-uic.8sh.190.93.IP) left IRC (Quit:
Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
[2020-06-21T05:22:31-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:22:37-0700] <mrshutch4> @search dorothy koomson all my lies are true
[2020-06-21T05:22:45-0700] <citizenbingo> !Horla Guillaume Musso - La vie est un
roman [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T05:22:49-0700] <jimmy> @search jules et Jim Henri-Pierre Roché
[2020-06-21T05:22:54-0700] <mrshutch4> @search dorothy koomson that day you left
[2020-06-21T05:22:59-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> @search the clockwork universe
[2020-06-21T05:23:10-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:23:10-0700] monkeypiggy1389448902 (chatzilla@ihw-055593.as13285.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:23:15-0700] <mrshutch4> @lisa jewell the family upstairs
[2020-06-21T05:23:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 16,384cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,531 ± List: Jun
1st ± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T05:23:19-0700] <monkeypiggy1389448902> @search kill for me tom wood
[2020-06-21T05:23:25-0700] <citizenbingo> @search Eva Dort - Francesca Melandri
[2020-06-21T05:23:26-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> !Oatmeal Edward Dolnick - The
Clockwork Universe- Isaac Newton, the Royal Society, and the Birth of the Modern
World (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:23:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 44 • Speed: 388,639cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,015 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:23:32-0700] oran (oran@oran.oran.oran) left IRC (Quit: My MacBook
has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
[2020-06-21T05:23:32-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Oatmeal Michael Beals - [The
Adventures of Kat's Commandos 01] - Slaughter in the Desert (epub)(epub).rar
::INFO:: 1.3MB
[2020-06-21T05:23:32-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Oatmeal Michael Beals - [The
Adventures of Kat's Commandos 02] - Kat's Rats (epub)(epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.0MB
[2020-06-21T05:23:32-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Oatmeal Michael Beals - [The
Adventures of Kat's Commandos 03] - Kat and the Desert Eagle (epub)(epub).rar
::INFO:: 1.9MB
[2020-06-21T05:23:32-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Oatmeal Michael Beals - [The
Adventures of Kat's Commandos 04] - Kat and Die Wolfsschanze (epub)(epub).rar
::INFO:: 2.2MB
[2020-06-21T05:23:39-0700] <Daniel18_> @search chefstone
[2020-06-21T05:23:48-0700] <mrshutch4> @search lisa jewell
[2020-06-21T05:23:53-0700] <citizenbingo> !Horla Francesca Melandri - Eva dort
[2020-06-21T05:23:56-0700] <monkeypiggy1389448902> !DV8 Tom Wood - [Victor the
Assassin 08] - Kill For Me (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:23:58-0700] <Daniel18_> @search chef stone
[2020-06-21T05:24:00-0700] <jlmlipffs> !dragnbreaker Belloc, Hilaire - The Jews
[2020-06-21T05:24:01-0700] dekekja (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:24:16-0700] <mrshutch4> !QuietSilence Jewell, Lisa - The Family
[2020-06-21T05:24:18-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> @search the famine plot
[2020-06-21T05:24:18-0700] <citizenbingo> @search Les fleurs de l'ombre - Tatiana
de Rosnay
[2020-06-21T05:24:22-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Oatmeal Michael Beals - [The
Adventures of Kat's Commandos 03] - Kat and the Desert Eagle (epub)(epub).rar
::INFO:: 1.9MB
[2020-06-21T05:24:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T05:24:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T05:24:32-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:24:32-0700] Jfripper (Jfripper@ihw-rjkgcn.dodo.net.au) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:24:34-0700] Regfarm (Regfarm@ihw-83s9o3.fios.verizon.net) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:24:34-0700] Dukkk (Dukkk@ihw-tkm.no0.197.142.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T05:24:45-0700] Dentarg (Dentarg@ihw-ltds0v.nbn.aussiebb.net) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T05:24:51-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Oatmeal Michael Beals - [The
Adventures of Kat's Commandos 04] - Kat and Die Wolfsschanze (epub)(epub).rar
::INFO:: 2.2MB
[2020-06-21T05:24:56-0700] <Pab> !Horla Anastasia Vitsky - [Mistress 01] - Mistress
on Her Knees (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:25:02-0700] <mrshutch4> !shytot Lisa Jewell - Then She Was Gone
[2020-06-21T05:25:08-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T05:25:10-0700] zafffffffff (zafffffffff@ihw-3ahv4c.dynamic.bellmts.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:25:10-0700] <zafffffffff> @search Karen Chance
[2020-06-21T05:25:13-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> @search the man from the train
[2020-06-21T05:25:22-0700] christian (christian@ihw-5gc81b.cable.virginm.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:25:22-0700] <Daniel18_> @search beyond the wall of resistance
[2020-06-21T05:25:23-0700] BookWorm1995 (BookWorm199@ihw-amk.80u.67.118.IP) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T05:25:27-0700] <christian> !DV8 Jeff Kinney - [Diary of a Wimpy Kid 13]
- The Meltdown (retail) (azw3).rar
[2020-06-21T05:25:27-0700] <zafffffffff> @search Updating Pritkin
[2020-06-21T05:25:34-0700] <Fakus666|3> !Oatmeal Terry Brooks - [Genesis of
Shannara 01] - Armageddon's Children (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:25:35-0700] rott (rott@ihw-aij.1cf.80.190.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:25:37-0700] <@LawdyServer> [dlFilter] Are the responses to your
requests getting lost in the crowd? Are your @find responses spread about? If you
are using mIRC as your IRC client then download dlFilter version 2.13 from
https://github.com/DukeLupus/dlFilter/ and make your time in #ebooks less
[2020-06-21T05:25:39-0700] <mrshutch4> @search alex michaelides
[2020-06-21T05:25:42-0700] <citizenbingo> !Horla Tatiana de Rosnay - Les fleurs de
l'ombre [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T05:25:51-0700] dubstepper3999 (dubstepper3@ihw-8n2k8m.fios.verizon.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:25:59-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> @search michael crichton oatmeal
[2020-06-21T05:26:07-0700] bbbbbaaaron (bookaaron@ihw-ac1n8r.ga.comcast.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:26:18-0700] <Daniel18_> @search protocol:the power of diplomacy
[2020-06-21T05:26:22-0700] bbbbbaaaron (bookaaron@ihw-ac1n8r.ga.comcast.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:26:22-0700] <citizenbingo> @search L'humanité en péril - Fred Vargas
[2020-06-21T05:26:28-0700] Hieppo (Hieppo@ihw-of3f5t.threembb.co.uk) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:26:30-0700] christian (christian@ihw-5gc81b.cable.virginm.net) left
IRC (Quit: WeeChat 2.6)
[2020-06-21T05:26:32-0700] dissydesi (Android@ihw-umm7ln.va.comcast.net) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T05:26:38-0700] <Daniel18_> @search rick maurer
[2020-06-21T05:26:40-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> !dragnbreaker James, Bill - NF 04 -
The Man from the Train- The Solving of a Century-Old Serial Killer Mystery
[2020-06-21T05:26:44-0700] juamps (juamps@ihw-8rlo7j.dynamic.sonic.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:26:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,671 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:26:45-0700] <citizenbingo> !Horla Fred Vargas - L'humanité en péril
[2020-06-21T05:26:47-0700] ekeai (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:26:50-0700] <mrshutch4> @search the silent patient
[2020-06-21T05:26:51-0700] mturker (mturker@ihw-la4.n1l.215.71.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:26:52-0700] mizfelicia (mizfelicia@ihw-dpp.4aa.121.121.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:26:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 1/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,724
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:26:56-0700] <mizfelicia> @search Peter Boylan
[2020-06-21T05:27:01-0700] <Daniel18_> @search wild spirit
[2020-06-21T05:27:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,950 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T05:27:16-0700] <jlmlipffs> @search Erik Ritter von Kuehnelt
[2020-06-21T05:27:18-0700] <citizenbingo> @search En Secret - Mary Higgins Clark
[2020-06-21T05:27:19-0700] <DC0204> !JimBob420 A J Hartley - [Alternative Detective
01] - Steeplejack (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 972.1KB
[2020-06-21T05:27:21-0700] <mrshutch4> @search marian keyes
[2020-06-21T05:27:33-0700] <wallster> !Horla Christopher Nuttall - [Schooled in
Magic 19] - The Artful Apprentice (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:27:39-0700] <mordred55> @search deon meyer heart of the hunter
[2020-06-21T05:27:41-0700] <Ly> @search Blackberry Summer
[2020-06-21T05:27:44-0700] <jlmlipffs> @search Thomas Aquinas
[2020-06-21T05:27:44-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> !Oatmeal Michael Crichton - The
Andromeda Strain (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:27:45-0700] <citizenbingo> !Horla Mary Higgins Clark - En secret
[2020-06-21T05:27:52-0700] gioooooooorg56 (gioooooooor@ihw-
qfulsf.retail.telecomitalia.it) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:27:54-0700] <DC0204> !Horla A J Hartley - [Alternative Detective 01]
- Steeplejack (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:27:57-0700] ekeai (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:28:03-0700] dekekja (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:28:04-0700] <DC0204> !Horla A J Hartley - [Alternative Detective
(Steeplejack) 02] - Firebrand (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:28:07-0700] <mordred55> !Oatmeal Deon Meyer - [Thobela Mpayipheli
01] - Heart of the Hunter (retail)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:28:07-0700] Henkie (Henkie@ihw-89sjj5.v4.ziggo.nl) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:28:07-0700] Muriu (Username@ihw-q3o.3gd.81.41.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:28:11-0700] <dubstepper3999> @search eisenhorn dan abnett
[2020-06-21T05:28:11-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Michael Beals -
[Apocalypse In Time 01] - The Caliphate Invasion (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:28:14-0700] <DC0204> !Horla A J Hartley - [Alternative Detective 03]
- Guardian (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:28:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,533 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T05:28:19-0700] <citizenbingo> @search De si Belles Fiançailles - Mary
Higgins Clark
[2020-06-21T05:28:25-0700] <DC0204> !Horla A J Hartley - Chains (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:28:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 38 • Speed: 484,194cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,021 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:28:38-0700] <Muriu> @search hornsby
[2020-06-21T05:28:42-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> !Oatmeal Michael Crichton - The Great
Train Robbery (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:28:42-0700] <Henkie> @search jussie adler
[2020-06-21T05:28:46-0700] <DC0204> !Horla A J Hartley - [Will Hawthorne 01] - Act
of Will (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:28:52-0700] monstermash (monstermash@ihw-
krhiau.1ct9.fftd.0643.2601.IP) left IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T05:28:53-0700] <citizenbingo> !Horla Mary Higgins Clark & Alafair Burke
- De si belles fiançailles [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T05:28:54-0700] <DC0204> !Horla A J Hartley - [Will Hawthorne 02] - Will
Power (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:29:01-0700] kico12 (kico12@ihw-sjjo3l.net.vodafone.it) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:29:06-0700] kmzgod (kmzgod@ihw-3fj.hof.79.82.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:29:06-0700] <Ly> !Horla RaeAnne Thayne - [Hope's Crossing 01] -
Blackberry Summer (v5.0) (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T05:29:13-0700] monstermash (monstermash@ihw-
krhiau.1ct9.fftd.0643.2601.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:29:19-0700] chris47 (chris47@ihw-aqdufu.fios.verizon.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:29:21-0700] <DC0204> !Horla A J Hartley - Tears of the Jaguar
[2020-06-21T05:29:25-0700] kmzgod (kmzgod@ihw-3fj.hof.79.82.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:29:25-0700] adept (adept@ihw-60v.fb1.198.51.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:29:25-0700] <Henkie> @search jussi adler
[2020-06-21T05:29:25-0700] Cookie301 (Cookie301@ihw-veq.cld.166.203.IP) left the
[2020-06-21T05:29:26-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:29:27-0700] raindrip (raindrip@ihw-6ce0gm.co.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:29:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T05:29:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T05:29:29-0700] hcn (hcn@ihw-6d5.cda.211.84.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:29:29-0700] <djh> @searchook last widow slaughter
[2020-06-21T05:29:31-0700] <dubstepper3999> !JimBob420 Warhammer 40,000 -
[Eisenhorn 01-03] - Eisenhorn (Xenos; Malleus; Hereticus) - Dan Abnett (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:29:31-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> @search the rise and fall of
[2020-06-21T05:29:31-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T05:29:31-0700] <chris47> @searchook john hope franklin
[2020-06-21T05:29:34-0700] <Muriu> @search kenya
[2020-06-21T05:29:37-0700] <hcn> @search norwegian
[2020-06-21T05:29:47-0700] <kico12> @Search how to trade in stocks
[2020-06-21T05:29:49-0700] <mordred55> @search deon meyer dead before dying
[2020-06-21T05:29:51-0700] <citizenbingo> @search Guide des aires gratuites
[2020-06-21T05:29:51-0700] <Daniel18_> @search capricia penavic marshall
[2020-06-21T05:29:56-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:30:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T05:30:08-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> !Oatmeal Justin Pollard & Howard Reid
- The Rise and Fall of Alexandria- Birthplace of the Modern World (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:30:15-0700] swisscheese__ (swisscheese@ihw-nf0brs.wa.comcast.net)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:30:20-0700] <Henkie> !Oatmeal Jussi Adler-Olsen - [Department Q 05]
- The Marco Effect (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:30:24-0700] <wallster> !JimBob420 Christopher G Nuttall - [The Zero
Enigma 04] - The Family Shame (mobi).rar ::INFO:: 568.54KB
[2020-06-21T05:30:24-0700] <mordred55> !Oatmeal Deon Meyer - Dead Before Dying
[2020-06-21T05:30:24-0700] <dubstepper3999> !DV8 Dan Abnett - (Eisenhorn Anthology)
Eisenhorn Omnibus - 2004 (EPUB).rar
[2020-06-21T05:30:26-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 19/20 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 65,536cps • Next: NOW • Served:
3,190,708 • List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T05:30:33-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:30:35-0700] <djh> !Horla Karin Slaughter - [Will Trent 09] - The
Last Widow (UK) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:30:36-0700] <citizenbingo> @search France Passion 2020
[2020-06-21T05:30:41-0700] <Daniel18_> @search gail baugh
[2020-06-21T05:30:41-0700] <Henkie> !Oatmeal Jussi Adler-Olsen - [Department Q 06]
- The Hanging Girl (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:30:47-0700] zafffffffff (zafffffffff@ihw-3ahv4c.dynamic.bellmts.net)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:30:48-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> @search beat the reaper
[2020-06-21T05:30:50-0700] <hcn> @search norwegian
[2020-06-21T05:30:51-0700] Pab (tomrosenber@ihw-irq.fpi.139.144.IP) left IRC
(Client exited)
[2020-06-21T05:30:58-0700] SEnhw43G (senhw43g@ihw-j5u0j8.launtel.net.au) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:31:00-0700] <hcn> @search norsk
[2020-06-21T05:31:04-0700] <citizenbingo> @search Dernier été - Franz-Olivier
[2020-06-21T05:31:10-0700] <Henkie> !Oatmeal Jussi Adler-Olsen - [Department Q 07]
- The Scarred Woman (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:31:12-0700] <kico12> @search how to trade in stocks
[2020-06-21T05:31:17-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> !Oatmeal Josh Bazell - Beat the
Reaper (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:31:29-0700] mordred55 (mordred55@ihw-eqd.krd.158.216.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:31:32-0700] <hcn> @search norsk
[2020-06-21T05:31:33-0700] <Ly> @search Evergreen Springs
[2020-06-21T05:31:36-0700] <Fakus666|3> !JimBob420 Terry Brooks - [Legends of
Shannara 01] - Bearers of the Black Staff (v4.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:31:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,671 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:31:49-0700] <citizenbingo> !Horla Franz-Olivier Giesbert - Dernier
été [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T05:31:49-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> @search josh bazell
[2020-06-21T05:31:49-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia V Saporito - Ancient Furies- A
Young Girl's Struggles in the Crossfire of World War II (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:31:49-0700] adamgilli (adamgilli@ihw-0cv.r68.82.103.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:31:49-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Wilde - [Bad Blood Shifters 01]
- Bad Blood Bear (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:31:49-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Wilde - [Bad Blood Shifters 02]
- Bad Blood Wolf (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:31:50-0700] <dubstepper3999> @search ravenor omnibus
[2020-06-21T05:31:51-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Wilde - [Bad Blood Shifters 03]
- Bad Blood Leopard (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:31:51-0700] cyanides (cyanides@ihw-3ip2uo.8ifb.jv5r.0240.2601.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:31:53-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Wilde - [Bad Blood Shifters 04]
- Bad Blood Panther (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:31:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,725
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:31:55-0700] <wallster> !Oatmeal Christopher G Nuttall - [The Zero
Enigma 04] - The Family Shame (mobi)(mobi).rar ::INFO:: 485.2KB
[2020-06-21T05:31:55-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Wilde - [Darkwing Dragons 02] -
Dark Dragon's Wolf (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:31:57-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Wilde - [Silverlake Shifters 01]
- Fugitive Mate (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:31:59-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Wilde - [Silverlake Shifters 02]
- White Wolf Mate (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:32:01-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Wilde - [Silverlake Shifters 03]
- Tiger Mate (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:32:02-0700] foobar (foobaz@ihw-e15.svr.32.213.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:32:03-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Wilde - [Silverlake Shifters -
Silverlake Enforcers 01] - The Enforcers- Kane (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:32:05-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Wilde - [Wild Dragons 01] -
Dragon's Rogue (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:32:07-0700] mturker (mturker@ihw-la4.n1l.215.71.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:32:07-0700] <roli> !Horla Anastasia Wilde - [Wild Dragons 02] -
Dragon's Rebel (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:32:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,950 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T05:32:13-0700] alerum68 (hazem99@ihw-175lth.dynamic.sonic.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:32:15-0700] <Daniel18_> @search happy money
[2020-06-21T05:32:17-0700] <chris47> @searchook seasons in hell shropshire
[2020-06-21T05:32:26-0700] <citizenbingo> @search Miroir de nos peines - Pierre
[2020-06-21T05:32:27-0700] pikun (pikun2@ihw-v02h6c.tpgi.com.au) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:32:30-0700] <hcn> @search [FR]
[2020-06-21T05:32:32-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> !Oatmeal Josh Bazell - [Dr Peter
Brown 02] - Wild Thing (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:32:32-0700] <kico12> @search Jesse Livermore
[2020-06-21T05:32:33-0700] <djh> @searchook robin sloane
[2020-06-21T05:32:39-0700] Muriu (Username@ihw-q3o.3gd.81.41.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T05:32:47-0700] <dubstepper3999> !Xon Warhammer 40,000 - [Ravenor 01-03]
- Ravenor Omnibus (Ravenor; Ravenor Returned; Ravenor Rogue) - Dan Abnett
[2020-06-21T05:32:48-0700] <Fakus666|3> !JimBob420 Terry Brooks - [Legends of
Shannara 02] - The Measure of the Magic (mobi).rar ::INFO:: 1.09MB
[2020-06-21T05:32:52-0700] <djh> @searchook robin sloan
[2020-06-21T05:32:54-0700] <venustus77> @search Jeremy Bernstein
[2020-06-21T05:32:57-0700] <citizenbingo> !Horla Pierre Lemaitre - Miroir de nos
peines [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T05:32:58-0700] <hcn> @search '[FR]'
[2020-06-21T05:33:00-0700] <chris47> !Oatmeal Mike Shropshire - Seasons in Hell-
With Billy Martin, Whitey Herzog, and 'The Worst Baseball Team in History'- the
1973-1975 Texas Rangers (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:33:15-0700] <Ly> !Horla RaeAnne Thayne - [Haven Point 03] -
Evergreen Springs (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:33:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 32,768cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,534 ± List: Jun
1st ± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T05:33:19-0700] <hcn> @search "[FR]"
[2020-06-21T05:33:22-0700] Restfool (Restfool@ihw-r09782.dab.02.net) left IRC
(Quit: Quit)
[2020-06-21T05:33:27-0700] <venustus77> !DV8 Jeremy Bernstein - Oppenheimer-
Portrait of an Enigma (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.85MB
[2020-06-21T05:33:28-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:33:29-0700] <Daniel18_> @search ken honda
[2020-06-21T05:33:29-0700] raindrip (raindrip@ihw-6ce0gm.co.comcast.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:33:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 21 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,040 • List: Jun
18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:33:35-0700] <citizenbingo> @search Se le dire enfin - Agnès Ledig
[2020-06-21T05:33:47-0700] robert__ (robert@ihw-58l.nr4.216.185.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:33:53-0700] <djh> !Horla Robin Sloan - Mr Penumbra's 24-Hour
Bookstore (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:33:55-0700] chevle (schuma@ihw-2f0t4d.hstntx.sbcglobal.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:33:55-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> @search keynes: the return of the
[2020-06-21T05:33:58-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:34:01-0700] kico12 (kico12@ihw-sjjo3l.net.vodafone.it) left the
[2020-06-21T05:34:05-0700] monstermash (monstermash@ihw-
krhiau.1ct9.fftd.0643.2601.IP) left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:34:14-0700] <citizenbingo> !Horla Agnès Ledig - Se le dire enfin
[2020-06-21T05:34:15-0700] <jlmlipffs> @search Oswald Spengler
[2020-06-21T05:34:23-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> @search robert skidelsky
[2020-06-21T05:34:23-0700] chevle (schuma@ihw-2f0t4d.hstntx.sbcglobal.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:34:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T05:34:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T05:34:30-0700] <wallster> !shytot Christopher G Nuttall - [The Zero
Enigma 07] - The King's Man (epub).epub ::INFO:: 639.3KB
[2020-06-21T05:34:30-0700] <citizenbingo> !Horla Agnès Ledig - Se le dire enfin
[2020-06-21T05:34:32-0700] <DC0204> !dragnbreaker Hartley, A J - Darwen Arkwright
02 - Darwen Arkwright and the Insidious Bleck (retail).epub ::INFO:: 5.9MB
[2020-06-21T05:34:41-0700] <DC0204> !dragnbreaker Hartley, A J - Darwen Arkwright
03 - Darwen Arkwright and the School of Shadows (retail).epub ::INFO:: 1.0MB
[2020-06-21T05:34:50-0700] <Fakus666|3> !bsk Terry Brooks - [Legends of Shannara
01] - Bearers of the Black Staff (v4.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:34:51-0700] <venustus77> @search Mike Rossiter
[2020-06-21T05:34:58-0700] <citizenbingo> @search Tous les hommes n'habite pas la
mode de la même façon - Jean-Paul Dubois
[2020-06-21T05:34:59-0700] SEnhw43G (senhw43g@ihw-j5u0j8.launtel.net.au) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:35:00-0700] wallster (wallster@ihw-jsufs5.tukrga.sbcglobal.net) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:35:04-0700] <dubstepper3999> @search the magos dan abnett
[2020-06-21T05:35:10-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:35:10-0700] <Fakus666|3> !bsk Terry Brooks - [Legends of Shannara
02] - The Measure of the Magic (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T05:35:11-0700] jlmlipffs (jlmlipffs@ihw-0f1.o7a.244.87.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:35:12-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T05:35:13-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> !MusicWench Robert Skidelsky - How
Much Is Enough.epub
[2020-06-21T05:35:23-0700] <venustus77> !Oatmeal Mike Rossiter - The Spy Who
Changed the World (Retail) (epub)(epub).rar ::INFO:: 778.4KB
[2020-06-21T05:35:27-0700] <dubstepper3999> @the magos
[2020-06-21T05:35:32-0700] not_me (not_me@ihw-tertfb.ip.windstream.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:35:32-0700] <dubstepper3999> @search the magos
[2020-06-21T05:35:42-0700] <citizenbingo> @search Tous les hommes - Jean-Paul
[2020-06-21T05:35:46-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Stone - The Territory of Lies
[2020-06-21T05:35:46-0700] <roli> !Horla Anatanas Škėma - White Shroud (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:35:46-0700] <roli> !Horla Anat Deracine - Driving by Starlight
[2020-06-21T05:35:48-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana T Drew - [Julie Cavallo Investigates
01] - The Murderous Macaron (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T05:35:50-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Tejano - It's a Match (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:35:52-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Thalia - Dairy Delights Collection
[2020-06-21T05:35:54-0700] <roli> !Horla Anathea N. Krrill - [Sphere-World 01] -
The Sphere (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:35:54-0700] cyanides (cyanides@ihw-3ip2uo.8ifb.jv5r.0240.2601.IP)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:35:56-0700] <djh> @searchook susie steiner
[2020-06-21T05:35:56-0700] <roli> !Horla Anathea N. Krrill - [Sphere-World 02] -
The Odyssey (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:35:58-0700] <roli> !Horla Anathea N. Krrill - [Sphere-World 03] -
Homecoming (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:36:03-0700] <rott> @search D.W. Jackson
[2020-06-21T05:36:03-0700] <Ly> Raeanne Thayne Haven Point
[2020-06-21T05:36:04-0700] robert_ (robert@ihw-7s4.h60.210.185.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:36:06-0700] peteh (peteh@ihw-e57.jn9.229.199.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:36:06-0700] <citizenbingo> !Horla Jean-Paul Dubois - Tous les hommes
n'habitent pas le monde de la même façon [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T05:36:07-0700] peteh_ (peteh@ihw-e57.jn9.229.199.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:36:17-0700] <Ly> @search Raeanne Thayne Haven Point
[2020-06-21T05:36:20-0700] AesopR (aesopr@ihw-4bofu4.wbroadband.net.au) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T05:36:25-0700] <peteh_> @search ultralearning
[2020-06-21T05:36:31-0700] monksam (monksam@ihw-acl.aup.224.119.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:36:35-0700] <dubstepper3999> @search the magos abnett
[2020-06-21T05:36:37-0700] RudyRay (RudyRay@ihw-bhbc8e.il.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:36:38-0700] johngoodger_ (johngoodger@ihw-87nl1l.cable.virginm.net)
left IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
[2020-06-21T05:36:38-0700] johngoodger (johngoodger@ihw-87nl1l.cable.virginm.net)
left IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
[2020-06-21T05:36:38-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:36:41-0700] AesopR (aesopr@ihw-4bofu4.wbroadband.net.au) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:36:42-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> @search the great gatsby
[2020-06-21T05:36:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,672 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:36:49-0700] <citizenbingo> !Horla Jean-Paul Dubois - Tous les hommes
n'habitent pas le monde de la même façon [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T05:36:52-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search kevin j simington
[2020-06-21T05:36:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,727
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:36:57-0700] <citizenbingo> @search Né sous une bonne étoile -
Aurélie Valognes
[2020-06-21T05:37:01-0700] <djh> !Horla Susie Steiner - Homecoming (retail)
[2020-06-21T05:37:01-0700] <djh> !Horla Susie Steiner - Missing, Presumed
[2020-06-21T05:37:01-0700] <djh> !Horla Susie Steiner - Persons Unknown (retail)
[2020-06-21T05:37:01-0700] <djh> !Horla Susie Steiner - Présumée disparue [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T05:37:06-0700] <peteh_> !LawdyServer Ultralearning By Scott Young.epub
[2020-06-21T05:37:06-0700] venustus77 (venustus77@ihw-7tbeb4.lnk.telstra.net) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:37:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T05:37:18-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,950 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T05:37:25-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> !Oatmeal F Scott Fitzgerald - The
Great Gatsby (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:37:36-0700] <citizenbingo> !Horla Aurélie Valognes - Né sous une
bonne étoile [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T05:37:58-0700] <citizenbingo> @search Nos résiliences - Agnès Martin-
[2020-06-21T05:37:59-0700] green (Android@ihw-8r2.905.44.62.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T05:38:06-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Kevin J Simington -
[StarPath 01] - The Stars That Beckon (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:38:06-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Kevin J Simington -
[StarPath 01] - The Stars That Bend Time (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:38:06-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Kevin J Simington -
[StarPath 02] - A Path Through the Stars (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:38:07-0700] <monksam> @search mastering metasploit
[2020-06-21T05:38:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,535 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T05:38:23-0700] <citizenbingo> !Horla Agnes Martin-lugand - Nos
résiliences [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T05:38:30-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> @search the torrents of spring
[2020-06-21T05:38:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 17 • Speed: 500,908cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,046 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:38:41-0700] dibsoar (dibsoar@ihw-6k5.sqq.198.62.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:38:44-0700] warrior0015 (warrior0015@ihw-
bf11d4.0o0l.hsg8.2000.2604.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:38:45-0700] warrior0015 (warrior0015@ihw-
bf11d4.0o0l.hsg8.2000.2604.IP) left IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T05:38:46-0700] warrior0015 (warrior0015@ihw-
bf11d4.0o0l.hsg8.2000.2604.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:38:46-0700] Twofaced667 (Two@ihw-khte0m.dsl.bell.ca) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:39:00-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> !dragnbreaker Hemingway, Ernest -
Novel 01 - The Torrents of Spring (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T05:39:01-0700] <Twofaced667> @search bad motherpuckers
[2020-06-21T05:39:03-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search nick cook
[2020-06-21T05:39:13-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:39:20-0700] <Ly> !shytot RaeAnne Thayne - [Haven Point 01-02] -
Haven Point, Volume 1 (retail) (epub).epub ::INFO:: 1.2MB
[2020-06-21T05:39:22-0700] <Ly> !shytot RaeAnne Thayne - [Haven Point 01] - Snow
Angel Cove (v5.0) (epub).epub ::INFO:: 337.9KB
[2020-06-21T05:39:22-0700] <Ly> !shytot RaeAnne Thayne - [Haven Point 02] -
Redemption Bay (epub).epub ::INFO:: 425.3KB
[2020-06-21T05:39:22-0700] <Ly> !shytot RaeAnne Thayne - [Haven Point 03] -
Evergreen Springs (epub).epub ::INFO:: 388.7KB
[2020-06-21T05:39:22-0700] <Ly> !shytot RaeAnne Thayne - [Haven Point 04] -
Riverbend Road (retail) (epub).epub ::INFO:: 2.8MB
[2020-06-21T05:39:22-0700] <Ly> !shytot RaeAnne Thayne - [Haven Point 05] -
Snowfall on Haven Point (epub).epub ::INFO:: 1.2MB
[2020-06-21T05:39:22-0700] <Ly> !shytot RaeAnne Thayne - [Haven Point 05] -
Snowfall on Haven Point (retail) (epub).epub ::INFO:: 2.8MB
[2020-06-21T05:39:22-0700] <Ly> !shytot RaeAnne Thayne - [Haven Point 06] -
Serenity Harbor (retail) (epub).epub ::INFO:: 1.8MB
[2020-06-21T05:39:22-0700] <Ly> !shytot RaeAnne Thayne - [Haven Point 07] - Sugar
Pine Trail (epub).epub ::INFO:: 2.8MB
[2020-06-21T05:39:22-0700] <Ly> !shytot RaeAnne Thayne - [Haven Point 10.5] - A
Haven Point Beginning (retail) (epub).epub ::INFO:: 1.4MB
[2020-06-21T05:39:22-0700] <Ly> !shytot RaeAnne Thayne - [Haven Point 10] - Coming
Home for Christmas (retail) (epub).epub ::INFO:: 1.0MB
[2020-06-21T05:39:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T05:39:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T05:39:29-0700] <mrshutch4> @search alex michaelides
[2020-06-21T05:39:32-0700] Coronet (Coronet@ihw-i13gau.range81-
140.btcentralplus.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:39:34-0700] not_me (not_me@ihw-tertfb.ip.windstream.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:39:35-0700] <Twofaced667> !Horla Lili Valente - [Bad Motherpuckers
01] - Hot as Puck (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:39:38-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> @search the sun also rises hemingway
[2020-06-21T05:39:40-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,758
(2103.83 GB)
[2020-06-21T05:39:44-0700] <Twofaced667> !Horla Lili Valente - [Bad Motherpuckers
02] - Sexy Motherpucker (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:39:46-0700] JoeBloogs (JoeBloogs@ihw-rg1dtv.ftth.web.africa) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:39:55-0700] <Twofaced667> !Horla Lili Valente - [Bad Motherpuckers
03] - Puck Aholic (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:39:55-0700] <Twofaced667> !Horla Lili Valente - [Bad Motherpuckers
04] - Puck Me Baby (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:39:56-0700] <Twofaced667> !Horla Lili Valente - [Bad Motherpuckers
05] - Pucked Up Love (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:39:57-0700] <Twofaced667> !Horla Lili Valente - [Bad Motherpuckers
06] - Puck Buddies (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:40:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T05:40:09-0700] <mrshutch4> !QuietSilence Michaelides, Alex - The Silent
[2020-06-21T05:40:23-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> !Oatmeal Ernest Hemingway - Collected
Works- A Farewell to Arms, The Sun Also Rises and Others (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:40:28-0700] <Coronet> @search knife edge
[2020-06-21T05:40:33-0700] <Twofaced667> @search the bangover
[2020-06-21T05:40:33-0700] <dubstepper3999> @search magos abnett
[2020-06-21T05:40:33-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Nick Cook - Angel,
Archangel (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:40:33-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Nick Cook - [Earth Song
02] - Earth Cry (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T05:40:33-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Nick Cook - [Multiverse
Chronicles 01] - Fractured Light (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:40:33-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Nick Cook - [Multiverse
Chronicles 02] - Fading Light (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:40:33-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Nick Cook - [Multiverse
Chronicles 03] - Death of Light (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:40:33-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Nick Cook - [Multiverse
Chronicles] - The Signal (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:40:47-0700] AesopR (aesopr@ihw-4bofu4.wbroadband.net.au) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:40:57-0700] <dubstepper3999> @search dan abnett
[2020-06-21T05:40:59-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> @search the worst hard time
[2020-06-21T05:41:05-0700] iread (Moebarb@ihw-joes21.dsl.bell.ca) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:41:13-0700] <rott> !Xon D W Jackson - [Reborn 01-05] - God's Game;
New World; Gambler's Game; Devil's Luck; Devil's Blood (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:41:15-0700] <djh> @searchook dracula
[2020-06-21T05:41:28-0700] citizenbingo (citizenbing@ihw-fsr.d48.171.37.IP) left
IRC (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T05:41:30-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:41:30-0700] <iread> @search Clifton Chronicals two byJeffrey Archer
[2020-06-21T05:41:33-0700] Henkie (Henkie@ihw-89sjj5.v4.ziggo.nl) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:41:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,759
(2103.83 GB)
[2020-06-21T05:41:40-0700] <EpicurusBeliever> !Oatmeal Timothy Egan - The Worst
Hard Time (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:41:40-0700] Hiroga (Hiroga@ihw-c5k8rf.cable.rogers.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:41:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,673 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:41:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,727
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:41:55-0700] <mrshutch4> @search adele parks
[2020-06-21T05:41:57-0700] <Twofaced667> !Horla Lili Valente - [The Bangover 00.5]
- Friends with Bang-ifits (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:41:58-0700] <Twofaced667> !Horla Lili Valente - [The Bangover 02] -
Bang Theory (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:41:58-0700] EpicurusBeliever (kvirc@ihw-cbt.hhs.106.86.IP) left IRC
(Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
[2020-06-21T05:41:58-0700] <Twofaced667> !Horla Lili Valente - [The Bangover 03] -
Bang on Loosely (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:41:59-0700] <Twofaced667> !Horla Lili Valente - The Bangover
[2020-06-21T05:42:05-0700] <iread> Search Clifton Chronicals by Jeffrey Archer
[2020-06-21T05:42:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,951 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T05:42:18-0700] wolf (wolf@ihw-cc0.074.212.218.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:42:23-0700] Winter (kvirc@ihw-n9b804.dyn.suddenlink.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:42:27-0700] <djh> !Horla Bram Stoker - Dracula (Penguin Classics)
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:42:37-0700] ggg365689 (ggg365689@ihw-aenqnq.dynamic.sbb.rs) left the
[2020-06-21T05:42:38-0700] Twofaced667 (Two@ihw-khte0m.dsl.bell.ca) left IRC
(Client exited)
[2020-06-21T05:42:40-0700] <mrshutch4> !MusicWench Adele Parks - The Image Of You -
I Thought I Knew You. But You're A Liar (Retail) (Epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:42:51-0700] copperkid (copperkid@ihw-d0gj6a.phnx.qwest.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:42:58-0700] DC0204 (DC0207@ihw-ca3916.mii5.q54o.8084.2a02.IP) left
IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T05:43:00-0700] Restfool (Restfool@ihw-r09782.dab.02.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:43:13-0700] treesapp (treesap@ihw-dn245s.ip.windstream.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:43:14-0700] <iread> @Search Jeffrey Archer
[2020-06-21T05:43:15-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:43:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 65,536cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,535 ± List: Jun
1st ± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T05:43:29-0700] <mrshutch4> !Oatmeal Adele Parks - Love Lies (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:43:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 6 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,057 • List: Jun
18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:43:31-0700] thatbookguy (landon@ihw-s7e.lau.58.209.IP) left IRC
(Quit: WeeChat 2.8)
[2020-06-21T05:43:35-0700] JigaWatt (JigaWatt@ihw-3mu.e1m.143.67.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T05:44:08-0700] <iread> !dragnbreaker Archer, Jeffrey - Clifton
Chronicles 02 - The Sins of the Father (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T05:44:19-0700] green (Android@ihw-3p0.9lo.59.109.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:44:21-0700] pete-089-76857463576 (pete@ihw-ghhl24.iprimus.net.au)
left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T05:44:24-0700] monksam (monksam@ihw-acl.aup.224.119.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T05:44:26-0700] rober__ (rober@ihw-p8alnd.brhmal.sbcglobal.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:44:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T05:44:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T05:45:04-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:45:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T05:45:11-0700] monksam (monksam@ihw-acl.aup.224.119.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:45:16-0700] treesap (treesap@ihw-9n1olh.ip.windstream.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:45:17-0700] <iread> !dragnbreaker Archer, Jeffrey - Clifton
Chronicles 04 - Be Careful What You Wish For (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T05:45:24-0700] hdkdkhddg (hsjkfmg@ihw-9prcg9.of21.6imj.8802.2600.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:45:26-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,721 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T05:45:27-0700] <Ly> !bsk RaeAnne Thayne - [Haven Point 04] - Riverbend
Road (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 2.8MB
[2020-06-21T05:45:27-0700] <Ly> !bsk RaeAnne Thayne - [Haven Point 05] - Snowfall
on Haven Point (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.2MB
[2020-06-21T05:45:51-0700] <iread> !dragnbreaker Archer, Jeffrey - Clifton
Chronicles 05 - Mightier Than the Sword (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T05:45:53-0700] <hdkdkhddg> @search Steven gould
[2020-06-21T05:46:12-0700] newfey (newfey@ihw-2vl.tpj.200.104.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:46:14-0700] <mrshutch4> @search marian keyes
[2020-06-21T05:46:19-0700] <djh> @searchook gullivers travels
[2020-06-21T05:46:27-0700] <chris47> @searchook The Hadj
[2020-06-21T05:46:40-0700] <iread> !dragnbreaker Archer, Jeffrey - Clifton
Chronicles 06 - Cometh the Hour (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T05:46:42-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:46:42-0700] RudyRay (RudyRay@ihw-bhbc8e.il.comcast.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:46:42-0700] Kaffimoon101 (IC9@ihw-lh50gb.range86-
140.btcentralplus.com) left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:46:45-0700] <chris47> @searchook The Hadj
[2020-06-21T05:46:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,674 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:46:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 1/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,730
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:46:56-0700] iread (Moebarb@ihw-joes21.dsl.bell.ca) left the channel
[2020-06-21T05:47:00-0700] dubstepper3999 (dubstepper3@ihw-8n2k8m.fios.verizon.net)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:47:04-0700] Mixedpickles (Mephistoph@ihw-egl.04o.140.104.IP) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:47:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,951 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T05:47:18-0700] BigD_ (rober@ihw-cng4e7.aka3.9et7.1700.2600.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:47:21-0700] <mrshutch4> !Oatmeal Marian Keyes - The Break (retail)
[2020-06-21T05:47:27-0700] Restfool (Restfool@ihw-r09782.dab.02.net) left IRC
(Quit: Quit)
[2020-06-21T05:47:29-0700] <djh> @searchook jonathan swift
[2020-06-21T05:47:39-0700] <hdkdkhddg> !dragnbreaker Gould, Steven - Jumper 04 -
Exo (v5.0).epub ::INFO:: 476.8KB
[2020-06-21T05:47:40-0700] Viridianvorona (Viridianvor@ihw-oec.s5v.15.24.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:47:44-0700] <mrshutch4> !Oatmeal Marian Keyes - Grown Ups (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:47:46-0700] <Viridianvorona> @anne carson
[2020-06-21T05:47:56-0700] <monkeypiggy1389448902> @search greig beck
[2020-06-21T05:47:59-0700] <roli> !Horla Anatoli Boukreev - Above the Clouds- The
Diaries of a High-Altitude Mountaineer (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:47:59-0700] <roli> !Horla Anatoli Boukreev & G Weston DeWalt - The
Climb- Tragic Ambitions on Everest (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:47:59-0700] <roli> !Horla Anatol Lieven - America Right or Wrong- An
Anatomy of American Nationalism (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:48:01-0700] <roli> !Horla Anatonia Adams (ed) - Restored to Love
[Xcite] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:48:03-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Torres - Savior In the Dark
[2020-06-21T05:48:05-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Varza - Olympus.pdf
[2020-06-21T05:48:05-0700] <Viridianvorona> @search anne carson
[2020-06-21T05:48:07-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Veciana-Suarez - Flight to Freedom
[First Person Fiction] (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:48:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Veciana-Suarez - The Chin Kiss King
[2020-06-21T05:48:11-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Vela - [Anastasia 01-04] - Her First
Position; No Strings Attached; Executive Perks; Whatever It Takes [MF] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:48:13-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Vela - A Night With My Master [MF]
[2020-06-21T05:48:14-0700] JigaWatt (JigaWatt@ihw-3mu.e1m.143.67.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:48:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 81,920cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,535 ± List: Jun
1st ± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T05:48:21-0700] hdkdkhddg (hsjkfmg@ihw-9prcg9.of21.6imj.8802.2600.IP)
left IRC (Quit: Quit)
[2020-06-21T05:48:26-0700] warrior0015 (warrior0015@ihw-
bf11d4.0o0l.hsg8.2000.2604.IP) left IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T05:48:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 2 • Speed: 420,102cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,063 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:48:33-0700] <djh> !dragnbreaker Swift, Jonathan - Gulliver's Travels
(illus).epub ::INFO:: 12.4MB
[2020-06-21T05:48:36-0700] bbbbbaaaron (bookaaron@ihw-ac1n8r.ga.comcast.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:48:38-0700] alexose (alexose@ihw-3g7.c5d.247.162.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:48:40-0700] bbbbbaaaron (bookaaron@ihw-ac1n8r.ga.comcast.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:48:49-0700] d34rfs4 (d34rfs@ihw-g7b.jgk.40.178.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:48:51-0700] <Viridianvorona> !Oatmeal Anne Carson - An Oresteia-
Agamemnon by Aiskhylos, Elektra by Sophokles, Orestes by Euripides (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:48:53-0700] guillaumedsde (guillaumeds@ihw-c4th61.abo.wanadoo.fr)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:48:53-0700] <guillaumedsde> @search Bruno Parmentier
[2020-06-21T05:49:06-0700] Kaffimoon101 (IC9@ihw-lh50gb.range86-
140.btcentralplus.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:49:07-0700] Henry579241 (000123@ihw-9vioea.netvigator.com) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:49:14-0700] raindrip (raindrip@ihw-6ce0gm.co.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:49:14-0700] <guillaumedsde> @search Faim zero. En finir avec la faim
dans le monde
[2020-06-21T05:49:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T05:49:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T05:49:38-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Vela - [European Secrets 01] - Madrid
[2020-06-21T05:49:39-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Vela - [European Secrets 02] - Paris
[2020-06-21T05:49:39-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Vela - [Hart's Desires 01] - The First
Day [MF] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:49:40-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Vela - [Holiday Delights 01] - The
Escape [MF] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:49:42-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana W Fawkes as Aurora Hayes - [A Step
Over the Line 01] - Bad Lust [MF] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:49:44-0700] <monkeypiggy1389448902> !DV8 Greig Beck - To The Center
Of The Earth (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:49:44-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana W Fawkes as Aurora Hayes - [A Step
Over the Line 02] - Bad Heart [MF] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:49:46-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana W Fawkes - [Devil Call MC 01] - Before
the Patch- Book One [MF] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:49:46-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:49:48-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana W Fawkes - [Devil Call MC - Layne &
Shelby 01] - Savage Road (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:49:48-0700] spaghettisauce2 (spaghettisa@ihw-jgmscu.as13285.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:49:50-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana W Fawkes - [Devil Call MC - Layne &
Shelby 02] - Savage Heart (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:49:52-0700] <spaghettisauce2> @search First Sorcerer: Singularity
[2020-06-21T05:50:03-0700] Winter|2 (kvirc@ihw-n9b804.dyn.suddenlink.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:50:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T05:50:10-0700] <spaghettisauce2> !Oatmeal Kyle Johnson - [Singularity
Online 01] - First Sorcerer (epub).rar ::INFO:: 13.5MB
[2020-06-21T05:50:10-0700] peronosanto (diablo@ihw-cfa.ctr.186.105.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:50:19-0700] <peronosanto> @search the communist manifesto
[2020-06-21T05:50:22-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search john noble
[2020-06-21T05:50:31-0700] dubstepper3999 (dubstepper3@ihw-8n2k8m.fios.verizon.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:50:32-0700] dlvr8r (dlvr8r@ihw-g4tp4i.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:50:32-0700] <Viridianvorona> @search shakespeare
[2020-06-21T05:50:35-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:50:40-0700] <dubstepper3999> @search abnett pariah
[2020-06-21T05:50:50-0700] <spaghettisauce2> !Oatmeal Kyle Johnson - [Singularity
Online 01] - First Sorcerer (epub).rar ::INFO:: 13.5MB
[2020-06-21T05:51:02-0700] <djh> @searchook ruth ware
[2020-06-21T05:51:13-0700] <mrshutch4> @search all my lies are true
[2020-06-21T05:51:15-0700] <dubstepper3999> !Xon Warhammer 40,000 - [Bequin 01] -
Pariah- Eisenhorn vs Ravenor - Dan Abnett (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:51:16-0700] rj (rj@ihw-h0m.8de.63.125.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:51:28-0700] <Henry579241> @search glute
[2020-06-21T05:51:34-0700] <hcn> @search Fremdeles meg
[2020-06-21T05:51:37-0700] <rj> @search The Most Magnificent Thing
[2020-06-21T05:51:38-0700] <mrshutch4> @search that day you left
[2020-06-21T05:51:41-0700] <peronosanto> !Horla Karl Marx - The Communist Manifesto
(v4.0) (pdf).pdf
[2020-06-21T05:51:45-0700] therealshaka1 (therealshak@ihw-t417fa.mad1.vitalng.com)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:51:45-0700] <therealshaka1> @search Brandon Sanderson
[2020-06-21T05:51:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,674 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:51:45-0700] <Viridianvorona> @search jane austen
[2020-06-21T05:51:47-0700] PetitOursBrun (PetitOursBr@ihw-77d.ged.142.67.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:51:50-0700] <rj> @search The Most Magnificent Thing
[2020-06-21T05:51:53-0700] <PetitOursBrun> @search who would win
[2020-06-21T05:51:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,733
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:52:06-0700] <djh> !Horla Ruth Ware - In a Dark, Dark Wood (retail)
[2020-06-21T05:52:06-0700] <djh> !Horla Ruth Ware - The Death of Mrs Westaway
[2020-06-21T05:52:06-0700] <djh> !Horla Ruth Ware - The Lying Game (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:52:06-0700] <djh> !Horla Ruth Ware - The Turn of the Key (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:52:06-0700] <djh> !Horla Ruth Ware - The Woman in Cabin 10 (Ten)
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:52:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,951 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T05:52:18-0700] <Wigwam> @search The Baker, the Bodyguard, and the
Wedding Bell Blues
[2020-06-21T05:52:19-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana W Fawkes - [Devil Call MC - Talon &
Everly 01] - Inside Broken (retail) (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T05:52:19-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana W Fawkes - [Devil Call MC - Talon &
Everly 02] - Pieces Lost (retail) (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T05:52:19-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana W Fawkes - [Devil Call MC - Talon &
Everly 03] - Open Scars (retail) (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T05:52:21-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana W Fawkes - [Devil Call MC - Talon &
Everly 04] - Twisted Mayhem (retail) (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T05:52:23-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana W Fawkes - [Devil Call MC - Talon &
Everly 05] - Wild Storm (retail) (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T05:52:24-0700] <hcn> @search Markens grøde
[2020-06-21T05:52:25-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana W Fawkes - [Devil Call MC - Talon &
Everly 06] - Raw Mercy (retail) (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T05:52:25-0700] mattews (Username@ihw-jnq.viq.222.203.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:52:26-0700] <Henry579241> @search Bret Contreras
[2020-06-21T05:52:27-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana W Fawkes - [Devil Call MC - Talon &
Everly 07] - Dark Edge (retail) (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T05:52:28-0700] <monkeypiggy1389448902> @search jonathan maberry
[2020-06-21T05:52:29-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana W Fawkes - [Devil Call MC - Talon &
Everly 08] - Tangled Secrets (retail) (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T05:52:29-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla John Noble - [The
Persephone Adventures 01] - Starbound (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:52:41-0700] xy_134 (avg_2213@ihw-88a.ijk.161.122.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:52:50-0700] <Wigwam> !Horla Lori Ryan - [Sutton Capital 05] - The
Baker, the Bodyguard, and the Wedding Bell Blues (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:52:51-0700] Minnie (chatzilla@ihw-tjgm98.dsl.bell.ca) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:52:52-0700] <monkeypiggy1389448902> !bsk greig-beck - the-siberian-
incident (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:52:55-0700] <guillaumedsde> @search Manger tous et bien
[2020-06-21T05:52:59-0700] Minnie (chatzilla@ihw-tjgm98.dsl.bell.ca) left IRC
(Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.93 [Firefox 56.0.2/20171024165158])
[2020-06-21T05:52:59-0700] <mattews> @search Timothy Currey
[2020-06-21T05:53:01-0700] johngoodger (johngoodger@ihw-87nl1l.cable.virginm.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:53:01-0700] johngoodger_ (johngoodger@ihw-87nl1l.cable.virginm.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:53:02-0700] Lom (gautam@ihw-829.86l.96.58.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:53:03-0700] <rj> @search Ashley Spires
[2020-06-21T05:53:13-0700] <chris47> @searchook Inside Dickens' London
[2020-06-21T05:53:13-0700] <Lom> @search a shadow of what was lost
[2020-06-21T05:53:16-0700] raindrip (raindrip@ihw-6ce0gm.co.comcast.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:53:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 49,152cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,536 ± List: Jun
1st ± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T05:53:20-0700] <xy_134> @request Gabino Iglesias - Coyote Songs
[2020-06-21T05:53:22-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana W Fawkes - [Full Moon Mercy 01] - The
Secret Wolf (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T05:53:22-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana W Fawkes - [Full Moon Mercy 02] - The
True Beast (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T05:53:22-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana W Fawkes - [Full Moon Mercy 03] - The
Dark Monster (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T05:53:24-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana W Fawkes - [With the Rockstar 01] -
One Night Stand with the Rockstar [MF] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:53:24-0700] ktuak_ (Android@ihw-vvm.q62.58.172.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T05:53:26-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana W Fawkes - [With the Rockstar 02] - In
Bed with the Rockstar [MF] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:53:28-0700] <roli> !Horla Ana Xavier - Fae for the Holiday
[2020-06-21T05:53:30-0700] <roli> !Horla Anayo Ordu - Setting the Barre (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:53:30-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search h s rivney
[2020-06-21T05:53:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 6/6 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,067 • List: Jun
18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:53:32-0700] <roli> !Horla Anbara Salam - Things Bright and Beautiful
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:53:34-0700] <roli> !Horla Anberlin Lovell - Heart on Ice (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:53:36-0700] <roli> !Horla Anca Antoci - [Chimera 01] - Forget Me Not
[2020-06-21T05:53:38-0700] rj (rj@ihw-h0m.8de.63.125.IP) left the channel
[2020-06-21T05:53:38-0700] ktuak (Android@ihw-9cfj9j.fios.verizon.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:53:52-0700] <PetitOursBrun> @search nate the great
[2020-06-21T05:53:52-0700] mattews (Username@ihw-jnq.viq.222.203.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T05:53:54-0700] <Lom> !Horla James Islington - [Licanus 01] - The Shadow
of What Was Lost (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:53:59-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search rising destiny
[2020-06-21T05:54:22-0700] <xy_134> @request Luis Sagasti - Fireflies
[2020-06-21T05:54:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T05:54:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T05:54:27-0700] <monkeypiggy1389448902> !Ook Jonathan Maberry - [Joe
Ledger International 01] - Rage (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T05:54:28-0700] riclo40 (riclo40@ihw-eio8kh.ca.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:54:28-0700] <Henry579241> !LawdyServer Strong Curves_ A Woman's
Guide - Bret Contreras.epub
[2020-06-21T05:54:33-0700] <PetitOursBrun> !dragnbreaker Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman
- Nate the Great 01 - Nate the Great (retail).epub ::INFO:: 7.6MB
[2020-06-21T05:54:53-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search alien genome
[2020-06-21T05:54:53-0700] <riclo40> @search what's the worst that could happen
[2020-06-21T05:54:54-0700] SemiTrailer (SemiTrailer@ihw-a9m.flb.136.1.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:54:57-0700] <roli> !Horla Ancelli - Barely Breathing (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:54:57-0700] <roli> !Horla Ancelli - Christmas Miracle (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:54:57-0700] <roli> !Horla Ancelli - Craigslist Lover (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:54:59-0700] <roli> !Horla Ancelli - Finally Home (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:55:01-0700] <roli> !Horla Ancelli - Love's Sacrifice (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:55:03-0700] <roli> !Horla Ancelli - Love Through Pain (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:55:05-0700] <roli> !Horla Ancelli - [My Best Friend 01] - My Best
Friend (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:55:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T05:55:08-0700] <roli> !Horla Ancelli - [My Best Friend 02] - Stronger
Than Ever (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:55:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Ancelli - [My Best Friend 03] - If Only We
Knew (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:55:11-0700] <roli> !Horla Ancelli - [My Best Friend 04] -
Forgiveness and Second Chances (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:55:13-0700] <roli> !Horla Ancelli - [My Best Friend 05] - Love In
Strange Places (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:55:13-0700] <therealshaka1> @search New Dark Age
[2020-06-21T05:55:14-0700] mrshutch4 (chatzilla@ihw-45l3ei.98sq.lchh.23c4.2a00.IP)
left IRC (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.95 [SeaMonkey 2.53.2/20200426183543])
[2020-06-21T05:55:16-0700] AndroUser (androirc@ihw-ggaqb5.ru0h.fgso.0c7f.2a02.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:55:37-0700] <@LawdyServer> [dlFilter] Are the responses to your
requests getting lost in the crowd? Are your @find responses spread about? If you
are using mIRC as your IRC client then download dlFilter version 2.13 from
https://github.com/DukeLupus/dlFilter/ and make your time in #ebooks less
[2020-06-21T05:55:44-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search h d rivney
[2020-06-21T05:55:59-0700] <roli> !Horla Ancelli - Not Always (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:55:59-0700] <roli> !Horla Ancelli - No Way Out (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:55:59-0700] <roli> !Horla Ancelli - Only You (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:55:59-0700] <therealshaka1> @search Patrick Edwards
[2020-06-21T05:56:00-0700] <PetitOursBrun> @search cam jansen
[2020-06-21T05:56:01-0700] <roli> !Horla Ancelli - [Over Forty and Loving It 01] -
My Forever (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:56:03-0700] <roli> !Horla Ancelli - Perfectly Mixed (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:56:05-0700] rainmkr (rainmkr@ihw-0il.97d.87.116.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:56:05-0700] <roli> !Horla Ancelli - Vacation Love (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:56:13-0700] <guillaumedsde> @search Marc ENDEWELD
[2020-06-21T05:56:15-0700] <riclo40> !Oatmeal Donald E Westlake - [Dortmunder 09] -
What's The Worst That Could Happen (epub).rar ::INFO:: 406.9KB
[2020-06-21T05:56:27-0700] <Ly> !bsk RaeAnne Thayne - [Haven Point 05] - Snowfall
on Haven Point (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 2.8MB
[2020-06-21T05:56:27-0700] <Ly> !bsk RaeAnne Thayne - [Haven Point 06] - Serenity
Harbor (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.9MB
[2020-06-21T05:56:27-0700] <Ly> !bsk RaeAnne Thayne - [Haven Point 07] - Sugar Pine
Trail (epub).rar ::INFO:: 2.8MB
[2020-06-21T05:56:27-0700] <Ly> !bsk RaeAnne Thayne - [Haven Point 08] - The
Cottages on Silver Beach (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.2MB
[2020-06-21T05:56:27-0700] <therealshaka1> @search Jeff Weiss
[2020-06-21T05:56:27-0700] <guillaumedsde> @search L'ambigu Monsieur Macron
[2020-06-21T05:56:31-0700] bobcatspa (bobcatspa@ihw-rnv.pc2.56.45.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:56:37-0700] ssatelle_ (ssatelle@ihw-r58.i7k.125.194.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:56:39-0700] <PetitOursBrun> !dragnbreaker Adler, David A - Cam
Jansen 01 - Cam Jansen and the Mystery of Stolen Diamonds (retail).epub ::INFO::
[2020-06-21T05:56:40-0700] <peronosanto> !LawdyServer The Communist Manifesto By
[2020-06-21T05:56:45-0700] ThatRandomNickName (ThatRandomN@ihw-
2u3rbo.members.linode.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:56:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,674 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:56:48-0700] <bobcatspa> !trainpacks
[2020-06-21T05:56:49-0700] <AndroUser> @search jules et Jim Henri-Pierre Roché
[2020-06-21T05:56:51-0700] <rainmkr> !dragnbreaker Alexander, Ellie - A Bakeshop
Mystery 05 - Fudge and Jury (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T05:56:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 1/2 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 83,154cps • Next: NOW • Served:
71,733 • List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:56:58-0700] <ThatRandomNickName> !help
[2020-06-21T05:57:08-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:57:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T05:57:12-0700] <rainmkr> !dragnbreaker Alexander, Ellie - A Bakeshop
Mystery 07 - Another One Bites the Crust.epub
[2020-06-21T05:57:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
6/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 48,956cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,952 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T05:57:25-0700] <rainmkr> !dragnbreaker Alexander, Ellie - A Bakeshop
Mystery 08 - Till Death Do Us Tart (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T05:57:26-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search s m anderson
[2020-06-21T05:57:27-0700] <ThatRandomNickName> !help
[2020-06-21T05:57:36-0700] <rainmkr> !dragnbreaker Alexander, Ellie - A Bakeshop
Mystery 09 - Live and Let Pie (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T05:57:36-0700] <therealshaka1> @search Twelve Tomorrows
[2020-06-21T05:57:38-0700] <AndroUser> @search Henri-Pierre Roché
[2020-06-21T05:57:41-0700] <ThatRandomNickName> @help
[2020-06-21T05:57:42-0700] no_clue_1991 (no_clue_199@ihw-jk071f.ipv4.telemach.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:57:50-0700] <no_clue_1991> @search naomi king
[2020-06-21T05:58:11-0700] <chris47> @searchook Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.
[2020-06-21T05:58:13-0700] ekeai (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:58:14-0700] <ThatRandomNickName> @search automl
[2020-06-21T05:58:15-0700] bobcatspa (bobcatspa@ihw-rnv.pc2.56.45.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T05:58:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 81,593cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,536 ± List: Jun
1st ± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T05:58:33-0700] Campe (Campe@ihw-u4tgpq.airmobile.co.za) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:58:39-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search eden chronicles
[2020-06-21T05:58:44-0700] <chris47> @searchook Arthur M. Schlesinger
[2020-06-21T05:58:52-0700] Geralt_Of_Rivia (Geralt_Of_@ihw-tl5.8ca.129.103.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T05:58:54-0700] <guillaumedsde> @search Jean Guisnel
[2020-06-21T05:58:54-0700] <Campe> @search derailed
[2020-06-21T05:58:56-0700] ssatelle (ssatelle@ihw-kht3fm.cust.iol.ie) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:58:56-0700] PetitOursBrun (PetitOursBr@ihw-77d.ged.142.67.IP) left
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:59:01-0700] mnemosyne (Username@ihw-e14.n58.207.112.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:59:03-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T05:59:05-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:59:12-0700] <roli> !Horla Anchee Min - Becoming Madame Mao (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T05:59:12-0700] <roli> !Horla Anchee Min - [Empress Orchid 01] - Empress
Orchid (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:59:12-0700] <roli> !Horla Anchee Min - [Empress Orchid 02] - The
Last Empress (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:59:14-0700] <roli> !Horla Anchee Min - Katherine (retail)
[2020-06-21T05:59:16-0700] <roli> !Horla Anchee Min - Pearl of China (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T05:59:17-0700] ekeai (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:59:18-0700] <roli> !Horla Anchee Min - Red Azalea (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:59:20-0700] <roli> !Horla Anchee Min - The Cooked Seed- A Memoir
[2020-06-21T05:59:22-0700] <roli> !Horla Anchee Min - Wild Ginger (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T05:59:23-0700] alec (alec@ihw-ds8cqs.dyn.plus.net) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:59:24-0700] <roli> !Horla Anchor Books - Foxfire Book, The, vol 04
(pdf, 1972).pdf
[2020-06-21T05:59:24-0700] <guillaumedsde> @search Armes de corruption massive
[2020-06-21T05:59:25-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 16 • Speed: 32,315cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,072 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T05:59:26-0700] <roli> !Horla Anchor Group - Unhappily Ever After- Fairy
Tales With a Twist (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:59:26-0700] <xy_134> @request-list
[2020-06-21T05:59:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T05:59:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T05:59:32-0700] <peronosanto> !Horla Anchee Min - Becoming Madame Mao
(v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:59:32-0700] <mnemosyne> @search essential rumi
[2020-06-21T05:59:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,760
(2103.83 GB)
[2020-06-21T05:59:41-0700] <peronosanto> !Horla Anchor Group - Unhappily Ever
After- Fairy Tales With a Twist (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T05:59:41-0700] <Geralt_Of_Rivia> @search blake crouch epub
[2020-06-21T05:59:43-0700] <no_clue_1991> @search naomi king advice
[2020-06-21T05:59:43-0700] dekekja (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T05:59:46-0700] juamps (juamps@ihw-8rlo7j.dynamic.sonic.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T05:59:50-0700] PetitOursBrun (PetitOursBr@ihw-77d.ged.142.67.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T05:59:55-0700] <PetitOursBrun> @search mercy watson
[2020-06-21T05:59:57-0700] no_clue_1991 (no_clue_199@ihw-jk071f.ipv4.telemach.net)
left the channel
[2020-06-21T06:00:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T06:00:10-0700] gummybear (gummybear@ihw-vrarb4.bchsia.telus.net) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T06:00:14-0700] <mnemosyne> !LawdyServer The Essential Rumi.pdf
[2020-06-21T06:00:15-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla S M Anderson - [The Eden
Chronicles 01] - A Bright Shore (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:00:15-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla S M Anderson - [The Eden
Chronicles 02] - Come and Take It (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:00:15-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla S M Anderson - [The Eden
Chronicles 03] - New Shores (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:00:20-0700] <Jefren> !dragnbreaker Alexander, Ellie - A Bakeshop
Mystery 05 - Fudge and Jury (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T06:00:22-0700] wallster (wallster@ihw-jsufs5.tukrga.sbcglobal.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:00:24-0700] PetitOursBrun (PetitOursBr@ihw-77d.ged.142.67.IP) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T06:00:26-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,729 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T06:00:27-0700] <guillaumedsde> @search Armes de corruption massive
[2020-06-21T06:00:35-0700] <mnemosyne> !LawdyServer The Essential Rumi.pdf
[2020-06-21T06:00:35-0700] <monkeypiggy1389448902> !Ook Jonathan Maberry - Mars One
(retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:00:36-0700] <sweetiez> @search ryan holiday
[2020-06-21T06:00:40-0700] <Campe> @search white
[2020-06-21T06:00:52-0700] <xy_134> @bookstuff
[2020-06-21T06:00:53-0700] <Jefren> !dragnbreaker Alexander, Ellie - A Bakeshop
Mystery 07 - Another One Bites the Crust.epub
[2020-06-21T06:00:57-0700] <Ly> !bsk RaeAnne Thayne - [Haven Point 09] - Season of
Wonder (epub).rar ::INFO:: 993.7KB
[2020-06-21T06:00:58-0700] <Ly> !bsk RaeAnne Thayne - [Haven Point 10] - Coming
Home for Christmas (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.0MB
[2020-06-21T06:01:04-0700] <wallster> @searchook Christopher G. Nuttall the
familey shame
[2020-06-21T06:01:12-0700] chris47 (chris47@ihw-aqdufu.fios.verizon.net) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T06:01:21-0700] <Jefren> !dragnbreaker Alexander, Ellie - A Bakeshop
Mystery 08 - Till Death Do Us Tart (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T06:01:28-0700] <rainmkr> !dragnbreaker Alexander, Ellie - A Bakeshop
Mystery 09 - Live and Let Pie (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T06:01:38-0700] <rainmkr> !dragnbreaker Alexander, Ellie - A Bakeshop
Mystery 08 - Till Death Do Us Tart (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T06:01:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,760
(2103.83 GB)
[2020-06-21T06:01:43-0700] therealshaka1 (therealshak@ihw-t417fa.mad1.vitalng.com)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:01:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,674 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:01:45-0700] <mnemosyne> !LawdyServer The Essential Rumi.pdf
[2020-06-21T06:01:46-0700] xy_134 (avg_2213@ihw-88a.ijk.161.122.IP) left the
[2020-06-21T06:01:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 1/2 • Queued: 2 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,739
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:01:58-0700] sophie (sophie@ihw-4ib.fbt.58.37.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:01:59-0700] Campe (Campe@ihw-u4tgpq.airmobile.co.za) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T06:01:59-0700] ni638629 (u749750@ihw-0hg.4sj.27.76.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:01:59-0700] <Jefren> !dragnbreaker Alexander, Ellie - A Bakeshop
Mystery 08 - Till Death Do Us Tart (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T06:02:08-0700] <sophie> @search kombucha
[2020-06-21T06:02:09-0700] gioooooooorg56 (gioooooooor@ihw-
qfulsf.retail.telecomitalia.it) left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:02:13-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
6/7 – Queued: 1 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,953 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T06:02:13-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:02:17-0700] <hcn> @search american spy
[2020-06-21T06:02:19-0700] <Viridianvorona> !Horla William Shakespeare - The
Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Delphi Classics) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:02:25-0700] mnemosyne (Username@ihw-e14.n58.207.112.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T06:02:28-0700] <monkeypiggy1389448902> @search andromeda evolution
[2020-06-21T06:02:34-0700] raindrip (raindrip@ihw-6ce0gm.co.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:02:41-0700] <ni638629> !Oatmeal Suzanne Collins - [Hunger Games
00.5] - The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (US) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:02:49-0700] <Daniel18_> !Horla Cindy Trimm - 40 Days to Discovering
the Real You (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:02:49-0700] <Daniel18_> !Horla Cindy Trimm - 40 Days to Reclaiming
Your Soul (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:02:50-0700] <Daniel18_> !Horla Cindy Trimm - Commanding Your Morning
Daily Devotional (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:02:50-0700] <Daniel18_> !Horla Cindy Trimm - Push (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:02:50-0700] <Daniel18_> !Horla Cindy Trimm - Reclaim Your Soul
[2020-06-21T06:02:50-0700] <Daniel18_> !Horla Cindy Trimm - The 40 Day Soul Fast
[2020-06-21T06:02:52-0700] <Daniel18_> !Horla Cindy Trimm - The Art of War for
Spiritual Battle (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:02:53-0700] <wallster> !shytot Christopher G Nuttall - [The Zero
Engima 04] - The Family Shame (epub).epub ::INFO:: 528.9KB
[2020-06-21T06:02:54-0700] <Daniel18_> !Horla Cindy Trimm - The Prayer Warrior's
Way (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:02:54-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Rick Partlow - [Recon 01]
- A War to the Knife (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:02:55-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Rick Partlow - [Recon 02]
- A Wolf in the Fold (retail) (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T06:02:55-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Rick Partlow - [Recon 03]
- A Battle for the Gods (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:02:55-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Rick Partlow - [Recon 04]
- A Fight to the Death (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:02:57-0700] <Daniel18_> !Horla Cindy Trimm - The Rules of Engagement
for Overcoming Your Past (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:02:58-0700] <Daniel18_> !Horla Cindy Trimm - 'Til Heaven Invades
Earth (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:03:00-0700] EmpTShell (emperor006@ihw-9n8lh1.dsl.bell.ca) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:03:01-0700] <Daniel18_> !Horla Cindy Trimm - When Kingdoms Clash
[2020-06-21T06:03:02-0700] <sophie> !dny238 Kombucha!_ The Amazing Probioti - Eric
Childs.epub ::INFO:: 20.76MB
[2020-06-21T06:03:07-0700] monstermash (monstermash@ihw-
krhiau.1ct9.fftd.0643.2601.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:03:15-0700] <monkeypiggy1389448902> !JimBob420 Michael Crichton -
[Andromeda Strain 02] - The Andromeda Evolution - Daniel H Wilson (retail)
[2020-06-21T06:03:18-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 65,536cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,536 ± List: Jun
1st ± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T06:03:19-0700] ekeai (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:03:21-0700] <sophie> !LawdyServer Eric Childs, Jessica Childs-
Kombucha!.epub ::INFO:: 20.8MB
[2020-06-21T06:03:22-0700] rainmkr (rainmkr@ihw-0il.97d.87.116.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T06:03:29-0700] <Jefren> !dragnbreaker Alexander, Ellie - A Bakeshop
Mystery 09 - Live and Let Pie (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T06:03:30-0700] <Viridianvorona> !Horla Jane Austen - Pride and
Prejudice (Penguin Classics) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:03:30-0700] <sophie> !LawdyServer Eric Childs, Jessica Childs -
Kombucha!_ The Amazing Probiotic Tea That Cleanses, Heals, Energizes, And
Detoxifies-Avery Trade (2013).epub ::INFO:: 20.8MB
[2020-06-21T06:03:30-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 40 • Speed: 517,049cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,086 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:03:39-0700] Dgoodfellow88 (textual@ihw-
pbqtf4.mst0.u0uh.0882.2601.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:03:54-0700] <EmpTShell> @search feast of all saints
[2020-06-21T06:03:54-0700] <Dgoodfellow88> @search aaron hodges
[2020-06-21T06:03:55-0700] darriin (darriin@ihw-mgbqje.fios.verizon.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:03:56-0700] <sweetiez> @search Karen Meadows
[2020-06-21T06:03:59-0700] <darriin> @search bob whitaker
[2020-06-21T06:03:59-0700] <Viridianvorona> !Horla Jane Austen - Emma
(AmazonClassics Edition) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:04:01-0700] <Jefren> !dragnbreaker Alexander, Ellie - A Bakeshop
Mystery 09 - Live and Let Pie (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T06:04:02-0700] wallster (wallster@ihw-jsufs5.tukrga.sbcglobal.net) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T06:04:07-0700] <ni638629> @seach the ballad of songbirds and snakes
[2020-06-21T06:04:08-0700] <hcn> !Oatmeal Lauren Wilkinson - American Spy, A Novel
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.8MB
[2020-06-21T06:04:08-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Rick Partlow - [Drop
Trooper 01] - Contact Front (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:04:17-0700] <monkeypiggy1389448902> !shytot Michael Crichton -
[Andromeda Strain 02] - The Andromeda Evolution - Daniel H Wilson (retail)
[2020-06-21T06:04:24-0700] <Viridianvorona> !Horla Jane Austen - Sense and
Sensibility (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:04:26-0700] raisapandan (raisapandan@ihw-6fp.ck7.54.110.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T06:04:27-0700] <EmpTShell> !Oatmeal Anne Rice - Feast of All Saints
(v4.0) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 2.3MB
[2020-06-21T06:04:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T06:04:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T06:04:28-0700] guillaumedsde (guillaumeds@ihw-c4th61.abo.wanadoo.fr)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:04:29-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Rick Partlow - [Drop
Trooper 02] - Kinetic Strike (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:04:30-0700] <raisapandan> @search james gurney
[2020-06-21T06:04:32-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Ana Maria Machado - The History Mystery
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:04:34-0700] reverie__ (reverie@ihw-rspa7c.ca.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:04:42-0700] vekke (vekke@ihw-ppv.7si.152.46.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T06:04:44-0700] <Dgoodfellow88> !Oatmeal Aaron Hodges - [The Sword of
Light 01-03] - Stormwielder; Firestorm; Soul Blade (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:04:48-0700] EmpTShell (emperor006@ihw-9n8lh1.dsl.bell.ca) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T06:04:55-0700] Randomaleykat (Randomaley@ihw-
6c9k7q.dllstx.sbcglobal.net) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:04:55-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Ana Moure - [Primrose and Sage Cozy
Mystery 01] - A Flower Girl Murder (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:04:55-0700] <sophie> !LawdyServer Eric Childs, Jessica Childs -
Kombucha!_ The Amazing Probiotic Tea That Cleanses, Heals, Energizes, And
Detoxifies-Avery Trade (2013).epub ::INFO:: 20.8MB
[2020-06-21T06:04:58-0700] <hcn> !Oatmeal H K Roy - American Spy (Retail)
(azw3).rar ::INFO:: 2.3MB
[2020-06-21T06:05:00-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Ana Moure - [Primrose and Sage Cozy
Mystery 02] - Murder at Blackwater Manor (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:05:01-0700] <sweetiez> @search mara wilson
[2020-06-21T06:05:03-0700] <monksam> @search The Passionate Programmer: Creating a
Remarkable Career in Software Development
[2020-06-21T06:05:03-0700] <Randomaleykat> @search bolton
[2020-06-21T06:05:07-0700] Hr4fn (Hr4fn@ihw-kjjvu1.customer.lyse.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:05:10-0700] Lanfear (Jennifer@ihw-b8rok2.cpe.pppoe.ca) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:05:12-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T06:05:18-0700] <Hr4fn> @search guy gavriel kay
[2020-06-21T06:05:18-0700] gioooooooorg56 (gioooooooor@ihw-
qfulsf.retail.telecomitalia.it) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:05:19-0700] <Lanfear> @search andrew lowe
[2020-06-21T06:05:20-0700] mr1602ed (mr1602ed@ihw-os3jom.tx.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:05:20-0700] raisapandan (raisapandan@ihw-6fp.ck7.54.110.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T06:05:25-0700] <sweetiez> !LawdyServer Mara Wilson - Where Am I
[2020-06-21T06:05:25-0700] <Rhialto> @search moosewood
[2020-06-21T06:05:28-0700] <Randomaleykat> @search john bolton
[2020-06-21T06:05:31-0700] <mr1602ed> !trainpacks
[2020-06-21T06:05:31-0700] <darriin> @search robert whitaker
[2020-06-21T06:05:46-0700] <sweetiez> !Ook Where Am I Now -True Stories of Girlhood
and Accidental Fame (2016) - Mara Wilson.epub
[2020-06-21T06:05:46-0700] <Geralt_Of_Rivia> !bsk Blake Crouch - Recursion (retail)
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.3MB
[2020-06-21T06:05:46-0700] <dlvr8r> @search julien green
[2020-06-21T06:05:56-0700] <Viridianvorona> !Horla Jane Austen - Sense and
Sensibility (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:05:59-0700] ni638629 (u749750@ihw-0hg.4sj.27.76.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T06:06:04-0700] <Lanfear> @search andrew rowe
[2020-06-21T06:06:13-0700] <Viridianvorona> !Horla Jane Austen - Persuasion
(AmazonClassics Edition) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:06:16-0700] <Geralt_Of_Rivia> !shytot Blake Crouch - Recursion
(retail) (epub).epub ::INFO:: 1.3MB
[2020-06-21T06:06:19-0700] swisscheese (swisscheese@ihw-nf0brs.wa.comcast.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:06:20-0700] g1234 (g222@ihw-661.fk1.51.106.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:06:21-0700] <dlvr8r> @search enard
[2020-06-21T06:06:23-0700] g431 (g222@ihw-661.fk1.51.106.IP) left IRC (Connection
[2020-06-21T06:06:24-0700] brappap (brappap@ihw-65v00j.tlra.gf7p.0c7f.2a02.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:06:28-0700] <sweetiez> @search sharon rocha
[2020-06-21T06:06:30-0700] <Lanfear> !dragnbreaker Rowe, Andrew - The War of Broken
Mirrors 03 - Defying Destiny.epub
[2020-06-21T06:06:36-0700] <monksam> @search mastering metasploit
[2020-06-21T06:06:36-0700] raindrip (raindrip@ihw-6ce0gm.co.comcast.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:06:37-0700] ImaDoodz (ImaDoodz@ihw-aakf17.co.comcast.net) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T06:06:39-0700] <Hr4fn> !shytot Guy Gavriel Kay - [Fionavar Tapestry 01]
- The Summer Tree (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:06:40-0700] <newfey> !Oatmeal Carol Van Natta - [Ice Age Shifters
01] - Shifter Mate Magic (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:06:44-0700] <brappap> @search Crafting Elegant Functional Code for
[2020-06-21T06:06:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,676 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:06:50-0700] ImaDoodz (ImaDoodz@ihw-aakf17.co.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:06:51-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T06:06:54-0700] <ThatRandomNickName> @search automated machine learning
[2020-06-21T06:06:54-0700] Viridianvorona (Viridianvor@ihw-oec.s5v.15.24.IP) left
IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T06:06:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 1/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,745
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:06:56-0700] brappap (brappap@ihw-65v00j.tlra.gf7p.0c7f.2a02.IP) left
IRC (Quit: Leaving...)
[2020-06-21T06:06:59-0700] etymoye (etymoye@ihw-dn9.9pt.141.204.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:06:59-0700] bRuck (bruckwondi@ihw-kdm.g2t.188.196.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T06:06:59-0700] hcn (hcn@ihw-6d5.cda.211.84.IP) left IRC (Connection
[2020-06-21T06:07:00-0700] <mr1602ed> @SearchBot-Trigger
[2020-06-21T06:07:05-0700] bRuck (bruckwondi@ihw-kdm.g2t.188.196.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:07:06-0700] <sweetiez> @search kreisman
[2020-06-21T06:07:06-0700] <etymoye> @search The Orange Cat and Other Cainsville
[2020-06-21T06:07:10-0700] monstermash (monstermash@ihw-
krhiau.1ct9.fftd.0643.2601.IP) left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:07:10-0700] <newfey> !Oatmeal Carol Van Natta - [Ice Age Shifters
02] - Shift of Destiny (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:07:27-0700] <Geralt_Of_Rivia> !MusicWench Blake Crouch - Dark Matter
(retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 861.1KB
[2020-06-21T06:07:28-0700] thebookguy1029 (Adium@ihw-s7e.lau.58.209.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:07:30-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search nathan hystad
[2020-06-21T06:07:34-0700] Lanfear (Jennifer@ihw-b8rok2.cpe.pppoe.ca) left IRC
(Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T06:07:40-0700] <thebookguy1029> @TEXTBOOKS
[2020-06-21T06:07:43-0700] <newfey> !Oatmeal Carol Van Natta - [Ice Age Shifters
03] - Heart of a Dire Wolf (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:07:43-0700] <etymoye> @search Lost Souls
[2020-06-21T06:07:44-0700] dlvr8r (dlvr8r@ihw-g4tp4i.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T06:07:55-0700] KidCrims01 (KidCrims01@ihw-hhp.uvj.136.191.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T06:08:00-0700] <Hr4fn> !shytot Guy Gavriel Kay - [Fionavar Tapestry 02]
- The Wandering Fire (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:08:06-0700] ShaitanSLN (shaitan74@ihw-g66.4r6.79.94.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T06:08:14-0700] <sweetiez> !Horla Jerold J. Kreisman - Talking to a
Loved One with Borderline Personality Disorder (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:08:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 114,688cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,536 ± List:
Jun 1st ± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T06:08:23-0700] <Sabine182> !trainpacks
[2020-06-21T06:08:26-0700] ThatRandomNickName (ThatRandomN@ihw-
2u3rbo.members.linode.com) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T06:08:32-0700] <newfey> !Oatmeal Carol Van Natta - [Ice Age Shifters
04] - Dire Wolf (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:08:36-0700] reverie__ (reverie@ihw-rspa7c.ca.comcast.net) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T06:08:47-0700] ni638629 (u749750@ihw-esdbql.q6s9.1me0.0681.2601.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:08:55-0700] <thebookguy1029> @search Modern Digital and Analog
Communication Systems
[2020-06-21T06:09:02-0700] <+TrainFiles> For my list of 198106 files type:
@TrainFiles, Sends: 0/5 , Queue: 0/10, Voicepriority: OFF, For help: @TrainFiles-
help Using: Irssi Findbot v1.58
[2020-06-21T06:09:05-0700] <Hr4fn> !shytot Guy Gavriel Kay - [Fionavar Tapestry 03]
- The Darkest Road (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:09:07-0700] <+ps2> •·File Server Online·• Trigger..::/ctcp ps2 !
ps::.. On server..::Books of all subjects, comics, wargames & RPGs (mostly pdf)::..
Note..::On Undernet & IRCHighWay: @ps2 for instructions or /ctcp ps2 !ps to enter.
Elsewhere: @ps for instructions or /ctcp ps !ps to enter. You can also get my files
from phoomphy (@phoomphy for the filelist).::.. .•«UPP»•.
[2020-06-21T06:09:09-0700] <ni638629> @find the ballad of songbirds and snakes
[2020-06-21T06:09:10-0700] Gwynbleidd (Geralt_Of_@ihw-ilu.j14.209.185.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T06:09:16-0700] Gwynbleidd (Geralt_Of_@ihw-ilu.j14.209.185.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T06:09:21-0700] <thebookguy1029> @search Michael Bazzell
[2020-06-21T06:09:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T06:09:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T06:09:28-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Nathan Hystad - [Survivors
01] - The Event (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:09:32-0700] roli (roli@ihw-utbaus.kv3s.p4lm.1205.2a02.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T06:09:37-0700] <thebookguy1029> @search Dave Ramsey
[2020-06-21T06:09:50-0700] <ni638629> <Horla> !Horla Suzanne Collins - [Hunger
Games 00.5] - The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (US) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:09:58-0700] eterx (eterx@ihw-nufqis.res.spectrum.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:10:01-0700] <Hr4fn> !shytot Tigana - Guy Gavriel Kay.mobi
[2020-06-21T06:10:05-0700] puppybelly2 (2oldsouls@ihw-rjmjq1.fios.verizon.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:10:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T06:10:16-0700] vanyelgh1 (vanyelgh@ihw-t4g.akt.37.136.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T06:10:27-0700] <sweetiez> @amanda ripley
[2020-06-21T06:10:30-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:10:35-0700] peronosanto (diablo@ihw-cfa.ctr.186.105.IP) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T06:10:39-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Nathan Hystad - [The
Survivors 02] - New Threat (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:10:39-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Nathan Hystad - [The
Survivors 03] - New World (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:10:39-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Nathan Hystad - [The
Survivors 04] - The Ancients (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:10:39-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Nathan Hystad - [The
Survivors 05] - The Theos (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:10:39-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Nathan Hystad - [The
Survivors 06] - Old Enemy (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:10:39-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Nathan Hystad - [The
Survivors 07] - New Alliance (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:10:39-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Nathan Hystad - [The
Survivors 08] - The Gatekeepers (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:10:39-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Nathan Hystad - [The
Survivors 09] - New Horizon (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:10:39-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Nathan Hystad - [The
Survivors 10] - The Academy
[2020-06-21T06:10:41-0700] roli (roli@ihw-utbaus.kv3s.p4lm.1205.2a02.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:10:46-0700] mkb (mkb@ihw-oqk.nrb.140.46.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:10:49-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 33 • Speed: 194,327cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,093 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:11:02-0700] <Hr4fn> !Oatmeal Guy Gavriel Kay - A Song for Arbonne
[2020-06-21T06:11:05-0700] <thebookguy1029> !shytot Dave Ramsey - The Total Money
Makeover (mobi).mobi ::INFO:: 14.3MB
[2020-06-21T06:11:08-0700] <sweetiez> @search amanda ripley
[2020-06-21T06:11:10-0700] <thebookguy1029> !shytot Dave Ramsey - The Total Money
Makeover (mobi).mobi ::INFO:: 14.3MB
[2020-06-21T06:11:10-0700] vaxcat (vaxcat@ihw-45ejqm.co.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:11:17-0700] Ronni6666 (scotte@ihw-m21r9j.cpe.pppoe.ca) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:11:18-0700] raindrip (raindrip@ihw-6ce0gm.co.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:11:23-0700] <vaxcat> @search rachel amphlett
[2020-06-21T06:11:26-0700] <rott> !Xon D W Jackson - [Reborn 06] - Demon Core
[2020-06-21T06:11:28-0700] Geralt_Of_Rivia (Geralt_Of_@ihw-tl5.8ca.129.103.IP) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:11:30-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,955 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T06:11:32-0700] randomnickybrah12 (randomnicky@ihw-t18.gl5.12.45.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:11:34-0700] iiwii (mommason@ihw-gtnepm.safn.mkqh.3d08.2604.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:11:35-0700] <sweetiez> !Ook Amanda Ripley - The Unthinkable- Who
Survives When Disaster Strikes- and Why (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:11:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 69,587cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,681 •
List: Jun 20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:11:46-0700] <Hr4fn> !Oatmeal Guy Gavriel Kay - The Lions of Al-
Rassan (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:11:51-0700] mr1602ed (mr1602ed@ihw-os3jom.tx.comcast.net) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T06:11:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,746
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:11:57-0700] KidCrims01 (KidCrims01@ihw-hhp.uvj.136.191.IP) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T06:12:01-0700] <Ronni6666> @search firing point epub
[2020-06-21T06:12:02-0700] <vaxcat> !shytot Rachel Amphlett - [Detective Kay Hunter
01] - Scared to Death (mobi).mobi ::INFO:: 364.8KB
[2020-06-21T06:12:02-0700] <vaxcat> !shytot Rachel Amphlett - [Detective Kay Hunter
02] - Will to Live (epub).epub ::INFO:: 282.4KB
[2020-06-21T06:12:02-0700] <vaxcat> !shytot Rachel Amphlett - [Detective Kay Hunter
03] - One to Watch (retail) (epub).epub ::INFO:: 1.4MB
[2020-06-21T06:12:06-0700] <rott> !Xon D W Jackson - [Reborn 07] - Knight's Code
[2020-06-21T06:12:07-0700] <iiwii> !Oatmeal Bernadette Marie - [Aspen Creek 01] -
First Kiss (retail) (epub)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:12:08-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Nathan Hystad - [The
Survivors 10] - The Academy (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:12:09-0700] <Hr4fn> !Oatmeal Guy Gavriel Kay - [Under Heaven 02] -
River of Stars (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T06:12:17-0700] <iiwii> !Oatmeal Bernadette Marie - [Aspen Creek 02] -
Unexpected Admirer (retail) (epub)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:12:20-0700] AndroUser (androirc@ihw-ggaqb5.ru0h.fgso.0c7f.2a02.IP)
left IRC (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))
[2020-06-21T06:12:32-0700] bewretni (bewretni@ihw-a4g99t.clienti.tiscali.it) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T06:12:35-0700] <ni638629> r> !LawdyServer The Ballad of Songbirds and
Snakes by Suzanne Collins.epub
[2020-06-21T06:12:41-0700] <iiwii> !Oatmeal Bernadette Marie - [Aspen Creek 03] -
On Thin Ice (retail) (epub)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:12:45-0700] xiuhui123456 (xiuhui12345@ihw-d7t5e5.singnet.com.sg)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:12:47-0700] bishie (bishie@ihw-a8g945.md.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:12:51-0700] <iiwii> !Oatmeal Bernadette Marie - [Aspen Creek 04] -
Indomitable Spirit (retail) (epub)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:12:52-0700] <rott> !Xon D W Jackson - [Reborn 08] - Demon's Heritage
[2020-06-21T06:12:52-0700] ktuak_ (Android@ihw-vvm.q62.58.172.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:12:52-0700] <Ronni6666> !Ook Tom Clancy & Mike Maden - [Jack Ryan
Universe 29] - Firing Point (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:12:57-0700] Lom (gautam@ihw-829.86l.96.58.IP) left IRC (Quit: This
computer has gone to sleep)
[2020-06-21T06:13:00-0700] <iiwii> !Oatmeal Bernadette Marie - [Denver Brides 02] -
Never Saw it Coming (retail) (epub)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:13:08-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Bernadette Marie - [Keller Family 05] -
Lost and Found (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:13:14-0700] <dny238> • Type: @dny238 For My List Of: 4,015 Files •
Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,199 • List: Jun 3rd
• Search: OFF • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T06:13:14-0700] bewretni (bewretni@ihw-a4g99t.clienti.tiscali.it) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T06:13:17-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Bernadette Marie - [Keller Family 09] - The
Merger (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:13:18-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 65,536cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,536 ± List: Jun
1st ± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T06:13:20-0700] HDScreamer (HarleyScrea@ihw-3gb152.198-29-54-
net.sccoast.net) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:13:24-0700] <iiwii> !Horla Bernadette Marie - [Keller Family 10] -
The Escape Clause (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:13:24-0700] <etymoye> @search Shelby Mahurin
[2020-06-21T06:13:28-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Nathan Hystad - [The
Survivors 11] - Old World (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:13:28-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Nathan Hystad - [The
Survivors 12] - New Discovery (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:13:28-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Xon-new Nathan Hystad -
[Survivors 13] - Old Secrets (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:13:28-0700] johngoodger_ (johngoodger@ihw-87nl1l.cable.virginm.net)
left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T06:13:28-0700] johngoodger (johngoodger@ihw-87nl1l.cable.virginm.net)
left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T06:13:31-0700] <randomnickybrah12> @Search bobby fischer teaches chess
[2020-06-21T06:13:31-0700] <etymoye> @search Blood Honey
[2020-06-21T06:13:32-0700] Rusty_Gunn (Rusty_Gunn@ihw-6u9ffo.abhsia.telus.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:13:34-0700] martha09 (martha09@ihw-b7m.dbu.76.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:13:35-0700] <rott> !Xon D W Jackson - [Reborn 09] - Reborn- Demon's
Legacy (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:13:35-0700] <HDScreamer> !Trainpacks
[2020-06-21T06:13:38-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Bernadette Marie - [Keller Family 10] - The
Escape Clause (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T06:13:40-0700] <Hr4fn> !Horla Guy Gavriel Kay - Under Heaven (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T06:13:45-0700] <Dgoodfellow88> @search altheeb
[2020-06-21T06:13:47-0700] <iiwii> !dragnbreaker Marie, Bernadette - Keller Family
11 - A Romance for Christmas (in Unwrap the Romance ).epub
[2020-06-21T06:13:52-0700] <xiuhui123456> @search becomin
[2020-06-21T06:13:55-0700] <iiwii> !Oatmeal Bernadette Marie - [Matchmaker 01] -
Matchmakers (retail) (epub)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:13:55-0700] <etymoye> @search Evie Dunmore
[2020-06-21T06:14:02-0700] <iiwii> !Ook Bernadette Marie - [Matchmaker 02] - Encore
Performance (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:14:02-0700] <xiuhui123456> @search becoming
[2020-06-21T06:14:13-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Bernadette Marie - [The Walker Family 02] -
Stargazing (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:14:13-0700] <etymoye> @search A Rogue of One's Own
[2020-06-21T06:14:13-0700] <rott> !Xon D W Jackson - [Reborn 10] - Reborn- Demonic
Valor (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:14:13-0700] <kurokaze> @search Herscherik
[2020-06-21T06:14:17-0700] <randomnickybrah12> !DV8 Bobby Fischer & Stuart
Margulies & Don Mosenfelder - Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess (pdf).rar
[2020-06-21T06:14:20-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Bernadette Marie - [The Walker Family 03] -
Walker Bride (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:14:20-0700] Geralt_Of_Rivia (Geralt_Of_@ihw-ilu.j14.209.185.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:14:22-0700] ni638629 (u749750@ihw-esdbql.q6s9.1me0.0681.2601.IP)
left IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T06:14:23-0700] <Geralt_Of_Rivia> !Ook Blake Crouch - Dark Matter
(retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 871.03KB
[2020-06-21T06:14:24-0700] ktuak (Android@ihw-9cfj9j.fios.verizon.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:14:27-0700] <Ly> @search Raeanne Thayne Hope's Crossing
[2020-06-21T06:14:27-0700] <iiwii> !Oatmeal Bernadette Marie - [The Walker Family
04] - Wanderlust (retail)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:14:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T06:14:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T06:14:36-0700] <iiwii> !Horla Bernadette Marie - [The Walker Family 05]
- Walker Revenge (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:14:38-0700] Dgoodfellow88 (textual@ihw-
pbqtf4.mst0.u0uh.0882.2601.IP) left IRC (Quit: Textual IRC Client:
[2020-06-21T06:14:38-0700] <xiuhui123456> @search becoming
[2020-06-21T06:14:39-0700] <etymoye> @search Tracy Wolff
[2020-06-21T06:14:44-0700] roli (roli@ihw-utbaus.kv3s.p4lm.1205.2a02.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:14:45-0700] <iiwii> !Oatmeal Bernadette Marie - [The Walker Family
06] - Victory (retail)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:14:52-0700] <iiwii> !Oatmeal Bernadette Marie - [The Walker Family
07] - Walker Spirit (retail)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:14:55-0700] <rott> !Xon D W Jackson - [Reborn 11] - Reborn- Flames
of War (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:14:55-0700] <etymoye> @search Burnout
[2020-06-21T06:14:59-0700] epaminondas (epaminondas@ihw-oh8.joq.170.5.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:15:01-0700] <iiwii> !Oatmeal Bernadette Marie - [The Walker Family
08] - Beginnings (retail)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:15:05-0700] <Henry579241> @search michael greger
[2020-06-21T06:15:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T06:15:08-0700] <iiwii> !Oatmeal Bernadette Marie - [Walker Family 09] -
Walker Defense (retail) (epub)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:15:08-0700] <etymoye> @search Anne Helen Petersen
[2020-06-21T06:15:10-0700] bRuck (bruckwondi@ihw-kdm.g2t.188.196.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T06:15:12-0700] <xiuhui123456> @search becoming
[2020-06-21T06:15:14-0700] bRuck (bruckwondi@ihw-kdm.g2t.188.196.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:15:15-0700] <etymoye> @search Too Fat Too Slutty Too Loud
[2020-06-21T06:15:15-0700] Search kicked etymoye from the channel (Search Flood)
[2020-06-21T06:15:15-0700] <iiwii> !bsk Bernadette Marie - Corporate Christmas
(Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:15:22-0700] Lom (gautam@ihw-829.86l.96.58.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:15:24-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Bernadette Marie - The Tea Shop (retail)
[2020-06-21T06:15:26-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,751 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T06:15:31-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Unwrap the Romance - Bernadette Marie, Lisa
J Hobman, Railyn Stone, Susan Lohrer, Amy L Gale, Jessica Dall (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:15:33-0700] <vaxcat> !Horla Rachel Amphlett - [Detective Kay Hunter
04] - Hell to Pay (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:15:33-0700] <vaxcat> !Horla Rachel Amphlett - [Detective Kay Hunter
05] - Call to Arms (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:15:33-0700] <vaxcat> !Horla Rachel Amphlett - [Detective Kay Hunter
06] - Gone to Ground (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:15:33-0700] <Ly> !Horla RaeAnne Thayne - [Hope's Crossing 02] -
Woodrose Mountain (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:15:33-0700] <Ly> !Horla RaeAnne Thayne - [Hope's Crossing 03] -
Sweet Laurel Falls (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:15:33-0700] <Ly> !Horla RaeAnne Thayne - [Hope's Crossing 04] -
Currant Creek Valley (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:15:33-0700] <Ly> !Horla RaeAnne Thayne - [Hope's Crossing 05] -
Willowleaf Lane (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:15:33-0700] <Ly> !Horla RaeAnne Thayne - [Hope's Crossing 06] -
Christmas in Snowflake Canyon (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:15:33-0700] <Ly> !Horla Raeanne Thayne - [Hope's Crossing 07] - Wild
Iris Ridge (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:15:37-0700] <Henry579241> !LawdyServer Michael Greger - How Not to
Die.epub ::INFO:: 1.7MB
[2020-06-21T06:15:40-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Nathan Hystad - [Baldwin's
Legacy 01] - Confrontation (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:15:43-0700] <randomnickybrah12> !TrainFiles Bobby Fischer, Stuart
Margulies, Don Mosenfelder - Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess (pdf).rar
[2020-06-21T06:15:44-0700] <rott> !Xon D W Jackson - [Reborn 12] - Reborn- War's
Nightmare (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:15:44-0700] <Henry579241> !LawdyServer The How Not to Die Cookbook -
Michael Greger, M.D_.epub ::INFO:: 235.4MB
[2020-06-21T06:15:44-0700] xiuhui123456 (xiuhui12345@ihw-d7t5e5.singnet.com.sg)
left the channel
[2020-06-21T06:15:49-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 28 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,099 • List: Jun
18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:15:50-0700] alexose (alexose@ihw-3g7.c5d.247.162.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:16:06-0700] Jfripper (Jfripper@ihw-rjkgcn.dodo.net.au) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving...)
[2020-06-21T06:16:06-0700] ni638629 (u749750@ihw-esdbql.q6s9.1me0.0681.2601.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:16:14-0700] xiuhui123456 (xiuhui12345@ihw-d7t5e5.singnet.com.sg)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:16:17-0700] <Ronni6666> !Ook Tom Clancy & Mike Maden - [Jack Ryan
Universe 29] - Firing Point (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:16:20-0700] <xiuhui123456> @search becoming
[2020-06-21T06:16:26-0700] horivelwatcher (R.SANDA@ihw-vou.uhd.188.41.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:16:30-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
6/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,956 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T06:16:37-0700] raindrip (raindrip@ihw-6ce0gm.co.comcast.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:16:38-0700] horivelwatcher (R.SANDA@ihw-vou.uhd.188.41.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T06:16:44-0700] <martha09> @search<gangland
[2020-06-21T06:16:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,684 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:16:45-0700] <ni638629> @find the ballad of snakes and songbirds
[2020-06-21T06:16:47-0700] <mkb> @search kaylee feagans
[2020-06-21T06:16:47-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Nathan Hystad - [Survivors
13] - Old Secrets (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:16:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,747
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:16:55-0700] <rott> !Xon D W Jackson - [Reborn 13] - Reborn- Demon's
Trap (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:17:01-0700] Less (Less@ihw-15d4jv.cable.virginm.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:17:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T06:17:20-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Nathan Hystad & Devon C
Ford - [Rise 01] - Occupation (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:17:20-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Nathan Hystad & Devon C
Ford - [Rise 02] - Salvation (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:17:20-0700] Hieppo (Hieppo@ihw-of3f5t.threembb.co.uk) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:17:28-0700] <randomnickybrah12> !bsk Bobby Fischer, Stuart
Margulies, Don Mosenfelder - Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess (pdf).rar ::INFO:: 17.1MB
[2020-06-21T06:17:28-0700] <rott> !Xon D W Jackson - [Reborn 14] - Reborn- Demon's
Return (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:17:36-0700] <ni638629> !Oatmeal Suzanne Collins - [Hunger Games
00.5] - The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (US) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:17:40-0700] <xiuhui123456> !Horla Michelle Obama - Becoming (retail)
[2020-06-21T06:17:44-0700] <mkb> !Oatmeal Kaylee Feagans - [Wolfe Brothers 03] -
Dallas [Siren Classic] (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:17:50-0700] <vaxcat> !Horla Rachel Amphlett - [Detective Kay Hunter
07] - Bridge to Burn (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:17:50-0700] <vaxcat> !Horla Rachel Amphlett - [Detective Kay Hunter
08] - Cradle to Grave (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:17:55-0700] <Less> @search adam kaye
[2020-06-21T06:18:03-0700] <vaxcat> !Horla Rachel Amphlett - [Detective Kay Hunter
03] - One to Watch (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:18:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 65,575cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,537 ± List: Jun
1st ± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T06:18:22-0700] ztane (rezwan@ihw-f3u.h6s.147.27.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:18:27-0700] Cereal_Enjoyer (Everyone_Ch@ihw-go9kco.dyn.plus.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:18:47-0700] <xiuhui123456> !Horla Michelle Obama - Becoming (retail)
[2020-06-21T06:18:50-0700] randomnickybrah12 (randomnicky@ihw-t18.gl5.12.45.IP)
left the channel
[2020-06-21T06:19:00-0700] Lom (gautam@ihw-829.86l.96.58.IP) left IRC (Quit: This
computer has gone to sleep)
[2020-06-21T06:19:04-0700] <Luse> @search you-joeng joeng epub
[2020-06-21T06:19:11-0700] keribryson11111111111119 (keribryson@ihw-
9rne2r.fios.verizon.net) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:19:17-0700] <xiuhui123456> !Horla Michelle Obama - Becoming (retail)
[2020-06-21T06:19:19-0700] <Luse> @search you-jeong jeong epub
[2020-06-21T06:19:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T06:19:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T06:19:30-0700] Halitosor (halitosor@ihw-rfn.v5s.72.45.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:19:33-0700] Halitosor (halitosor@ihw-rfn.v5s.72.45.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T06:19:34-0700] Halitosor (halitosor@ihw-rfn.v5s.72.45.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:19:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,777
(2103.84 GB)
[2020-06-21T06:19:45-0700] retsibsi (retsibsi@ihw-6j2.62o.206.90.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:19:48-0700] Ronni6666 (scotte@ihw-m21r9j.cpe.pppoe.ca) left IRC
(Client exited)
[2020-06-21T06:19:52-0700] <Henry579241> !LawdyServer The How Not to Die Cookbook -
Michael Greger, M.D_.epub ::INFO:: 235.4MB
[2020-06-21T06:20:03-0700] <xiuhui123456> !Horla Michelle Obama - Becoming (retail)
[2020-06-21T06:20:03-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search scott moon
[2020-06-21T06:20:07-0700] <retsibsi> @search brian bagnall
[2020-06-21T06:20:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T06:20:16-0700] fk20 (fk20@ihw-9676ku.three.co.id) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:20:23-0700] dibsoar (dibsoar@ihw-6k5.sqq.198.62.IP) left IRC (Client
[2020-06-21T06:20:24-0700] <fk20> @search Greg van Eekhout
[2020-06-21T06:20:25-0700] <Luse> !Horla You-Jeong Jeong - The Good Son (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:20:28-0700] retsibsi (retsibsi@ihw-6j2.62o.206.90.IP) left the
[2020-06-21T06:20:32-0700] <xiuhui123456> @search to kill a mockingbird
[2020-06-21T06:20:50-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 24 • Speed: 501,985cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,104 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:21:00-0700] <xiuhui123456> !JimBob420 Harper Lee - To Kill a
Mockingbird (mobi).rar ::INFO:: 474.78KB
[2020-06-21T06:21:05-0700] Amirfk12 (Amir@ihw-cg91uo.cable.rogers.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:21:09-0700] jhp855 (jhp852@ihw-qpl.1u6.163.102.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:21:10-0700] <Amirfk12> @search terry brooks
[2020-06-21T06:21:12-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Scott Moon - [They Came
for Blood 01] - Invasion Day (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:21:23-0700] <jhp855> @find cebelius
[2020-06-21T06:21:23-0700] chil-d (Chily@ihw-pus129.fl.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:21:30-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
6/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,956 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T06:21:30-0700] <xiuhui123456> !JimBob420 Harper Lee - To Kill a
Mockingbird (mobi).rar ::INFO:: 474.78KB
[2020-06-21T06:21:38-0700] ni638629 (u749750@ihw-esdbql.q6s9.1me0.0681.2601.IP)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:21:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,777
(2103.84 GB)
[2020-06-21T06:21:42-0700] monkeypiggy1389448902 (chatzilla@ihw-055593.as13285.net)
left IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T06:21:43-0700] dibsoar (dibsoar@ihw-6k5.sqq.198.62.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:21:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,684 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:21:49-0700] Amirfk12 (Amir@ihw-cg91uo.cable.rogers.com) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T06:21:53-0700] Cereal_Liker (Everyone_Ch@ihw-79g.eg9.59.185.IP) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:21:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,747
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:21:59-0700] <xiuhui123456> !Oatmeal Harper Lee - To Kill a
Mockingbird (mobi).rar ::INFO:: 474.8KB
[2020-06-21T06:22:03-0700] <Less> !bsk Debbie Macomber - Montana (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:22:17-0700] <xiuhui123456> @search for one more day
[2020-06-21T06:22:20-0700] <jhp855> @find mike truk
[2020-06-21T06:22:25-0700] Talven (Tal3@ihw-hn5ub9.gu8u.etfg.23c6.2a00.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T06:22:45-0700] <fk20> !dragnbreaker Van Eekhout, Greg - Daniel
Blackland 01 - California Bones (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T06:22:48-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search doc spears
[2020-06-21T06:22:53-0700] <Talven> @Search robert greene
[2020-06-21T06:23:02-0700] <iiwii> !Horla Beth Ciotta - [Chameleon Chronicles 01] -
All About Evie (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:23:05-0700] alexose (alexose@ihw-3g7.c5d.247.162.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:23:06-0700] d34rfs4 (d34rfs@ihw-g7b.jgk.40.178.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:23:12-0700] <xiuhui123456> !bsk Mitch Albom - For One More Day
(retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 240.1KB
[2020-06-21T06:23:12-0700] <jhp855> @find mike truk shadow rogue
[2020-06-21T06:23:13-0700] <iiwii> !Horla Beth Ciotta - [Chameleon Chronicles 02] -
Everybody Loves Evie (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:23:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,537 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T06:23:24-0700] <iiwii> !Horla Beth Ciotta - [Chameleon Chronicles 03] -
Evie Ever After (v5.0) (html).rar
[2020-06-21T06:23:27-0700] <fk20> !Oatmeal Greg van Eekhout - [California Bones 02]
- Pacific Fire (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:23:30-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Beth Ciotta - [Friends and Lovers 01] -
Jinxed (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:23:38-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Beth Ciotta - [Friends and Lovers 02] -
Charmed (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:23:42-0700] thatbookguy (Thunderbird@ihw-s7e.lau.58.209.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T06:23:42-0700] ashf- (ashf@ihw-e5jo1s.alshamil.net.ae) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:23:43-0700] <xiuhui123456> @search A Little Girl, an Earthquake, and
the Making of a Family
[2020-06-21T06:23:44-0700] Pain (chatzilla@ihw-enhp2i.dyn.plus.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:23:50-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Beth Ciotta - [Friends and Lovers 03] -
Seduced (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:23:52-0700] <thatbookguy> @search Jocko Wiliink
[2020-06-21T06:23:53-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search jason anspach
[2020-06-21T06:23:55-0700] <ashf-> @search Ready Player One
[2020-06-21T06:23:56-0700] <iiwii> !Horla Beth Ciotta - [Impossible Dream 01] -
Beauty & the Biker (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:24:04-0700] <fk20> !JimBob420 Greg van Eekhout - [California Bones
03] - Dragon Coast (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:24:06-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Beth Ciotta - [Impossible Dream 01] -
Beauty & the Biker (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T06:24:07-0700] fredrick87643287 (fredrick876@ihw-sbp.qps.195.124.IP)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:24:07-0700] <thatbookguy> @search Jocko willink
[2020-06-21T06:24:12-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Beth Ciotta - [Impossible Dream 02] -
Enchanting Christmas (azw3).rar
[2020-06-21T06:24:14-0700] <Talven> @Search military field manuals
[2020-06-21T06:24:18-0700] ashf- (ashf@ihw-e5jo1s.alshamil.net.ae) left IRC (Quit:
Page closed)
[2020-06-21T06:24:19-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Beth Ciotta - [Impossible Dream 03] - Marry
Poppins (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:24:20-0700] <xiuhui123456> !Horla Mitch Albom - Finding Chika- A
Little Girl, an Earthquake, and the Making of a Family (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:24:25-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Beth Ciotta - [McGraws 01] - Out of Eden
[HQN] (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T06:24:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T06:24:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T06:24:32-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Beth Ciotta - The Weekend Wife [BookShots
Flames] (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:24:41-0700] <xiuhui123456> !Horla Mitch Albom - Finding Chika- A
Little Girl, an Earthquake, and the Making of a Family (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:24:43-0700] blunders (blunders@ihw-d2h.7rj.190.180.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:24:43-0700] <fk20> !dragnbreaker Van Eekhout, Greg - Daniel
Blackland 03 - Dragon Coast (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T06:24:43-0700] <Talven> @Search the manipulated man
[2020-06-21T06:24:49-0700] thatbookguy (Thunderbird@ihw-s7e.lau.58.209.IP) left the
[2020-06-21T06:25:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T06:25:08-0700] <newfey> !dragnbreaker Chase, Leslie - Dragons of Mars
04 - Dragon Lord's Hope (& Juno Wells).epub
[2020-06-21T06:25:10-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search dark operator
[2020-06-21T06:25:16-0700] <chil-d> @search patricia briggs
[2020-06-21T06:25:18-0700] <jhp855> @find archipelago island jumper
[2020-06-21T06:25:21-0700] <fk20> !Oatmeal Greg Van Eekhout - Voyage of the Dogs
[2020-06-21T06:25:28-0700] Mextreme_ (Android@ihw-fs0.n1h.152.189.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:25:30-0700] <xiuhui123456> @search love for imperfect things
[2020-06-21T06:25:31-0700] <Talven> @Search isaac asimov
[2020-06-21T06:25:37-0700] <@LawdyServer> [dlFilter] Are the responses to your
requests getting lost in the crowd? Are your @find responses spread about? If you
are using mIRC as your IRC client then download dlFilter version 2.13 from
https://github.com/DukeLupus/dlFilter/ and make your time in #ebooks less
[2020-06-21T06:25:45-0700] <Rhialto> @search compton cowboys
[2020-06-21T06:25:49-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 16 • Speed: 502,990cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,114 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:25:52-0700] <mokaz> @search Pavel Kornev
[2020-06-21T06:25:54-0700] <fk20> !Oatmeal Greg Van Eekhout - Cog (Retail)
[2020-06-21T06:26:02-0700] ptiyo (ptiyo@ihw-9qcsd6.rdr2.ghef.0e35.2a01.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T06:26:05-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:26:08-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 30] - On
demande le Saint [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:26:08-0700] <xiuhui123456> !Ook Haemin Sunim - Love for Imperfect
Things (epub).rar ::INFO:: 70.5MB
[2020-06-21T06:26:14-0700] mlee (mlee@ihw-68n.e7u.129.121.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:26:16-0700] <ptiyo> @search the hate u give
[2020-06-21T06:26:18-0700] <Talven> @Search ragnar benson
[2020-06-21T06:26:29-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,956 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T06:26:31-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 31] - Le
Saint et les femmes [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:26:35-0700] <jhp855> @find rise to omniscience
[2020-06-21T06:26:39-0700] subtetis (subtetis@ihw-lsj.vq1.185.138.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:26:39-0700] <xiuhui123456> @search The Course of Love
[2020-06-21T06:26:45-0700] price (Username@ihw-1ifb0j.res.rr.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:26:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,684 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:26:46-0700] Geralt_Of_Rivia (Geralt_Of_@ihw-ilu.j14.209.185.IP) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T06:26:50-0700] <martha09> gangs
[2020-06-21T06:26:50-0700] <Talven> Cool.
[2020-06-21T06:26:50-0700] goldninja9 (goldninja9@ihw-u1gdfe.plus.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:26:51-0700] <price> @search beato
[2020-06-21T06:26:51-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 32] - Quand
le Saint s'en mêle [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:26:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,750
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:26:55-0700] <mlee> @search Ottessa Moshfegh
[2020-06-21T06:27:02-0700] <subtetis> @search The lord of the rings
[2020-06-21T06:27:11-0700] <ptiyo> @search ali wong
[2020-06-21T06:27:13-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 33] - La loi
du Saint [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:27:20-0700] <martha09> @search<gangs
[2020-06-21T06:27:21-0700] N0mad (N0mad@ihw-2jit3k.dsl.telepac.pt) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:27:33-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 34] - Le
Saint ramène un héritier [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:27:38-0700] popo_ (popo@ihw-612.alo.172.122.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:27:39-0700] <mokaz> !bsk Pavel Kornev - [An NPC's Path 01] - The
Dead Rogue (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:27:40-0700] mlee (mlee@ihw-68n.e7u.129.121.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T06:27:43-0700] jhp855 (jhp852@ihw-qpl.1u6.163.102.IP) left IRC (Quit:
Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
[2020-06-21T06:27:43-0700] <N0mad> @search bernie clark
[2020-06-21T06:27:52-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 35] - Le
Saint ne veut pas chanter [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:27:54-0700] <mokaz> !bsk Pavel Kornev - [An NPC's Path 02] - Kingdom
of the Dead (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:27:57-0700] <Talven> I want to thank whoever created this system, I
just have no clue who they are.
[2020-06-21T06:27:59-0700] <Kaffimoon101> !Ook Samantha Cayto - [Pleasure Slaves
01] - Body Slave (epub).rar ::INFO:: 250.81KB
[2020-06-21T06:27:59-0700] <Kaffimoon101> !Ook Samantha Cayto - [Pleasure Slaves
02] - Slave For Rent (epub).rar ::INFO:: 309.25KB
[2020-06-21T06:27:59-0700] <Kaffimoon101> !Ook Samantha Cayto - [Pleasure Slaves
03] - Heir to a Slave (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:28:06-0700] JZ123 (JZ123@ihw-hvjsk1.exetel.com.au) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:28:11-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 36] - Le
Saint et le canard boiteux [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:28:13-0700] <JZ123> @search jim frost
[2020-06-21T06:28:16-0700] <chil-d> !Oatmeal Patricia Briggs - [Mercy Thompson 12]
- Smoke Bitten (Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:28:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 32,768cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,537 ± List: Jun
1st ± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T06:28:25-0700] <subtetis> @search The lord of the rings
[2020-06-21T06:28:27-0700] popo_ (popo@ihw-612.alo.172.122.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T06:28:33-0700] bRuck (bruckwondi@ihw-kdm.g2t.188.196.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T06:28:33-0700] ktuak_ (Android@ihw-vvm.q62.58.172.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T06:28:36-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 37] - Le
Saint et la veuve noire [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:28:42-0700] ktuak (Android@ihw-jhsluj.va.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:28:43-0700] <Henry579241> !LawdyServer The How Not to Die Cookbook -
Michael Greger, M.D_.epub ::INFO:: 235.4MB
[2020-06-21T06:28:45-0700] blunders (blunders@ihw-d2h.7rj.190.180.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:28:53-0700] <ptiyo> !Ook Angie Thomas - The Hate U Give (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:28:53-0700] <sweetiez> @search kardashian
[2020-06-21T06:28:58-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 38] - Les
anges appellent le Saint [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:29:04-0700] JZ123 (JZ123@ihw-hvjsk1.exetel.com.au) left the channel
[2020-06-21T06:29:12-0700] martha09 (martha09@ihw-b7m.dbu.76.109.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T06:29:15-0700] kanin (kanin@ihw-b2u.l1b.248.2.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:29:16-0700] <subtetis> @search The lord of the rings
[2020-06-21T06:29:20-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 39] - Le
Saint parie sur la mort [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:29:25-0700] darrie23 (androirc@ihw-t1roav.20ak.8cih.810d.2a02.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:29:26-0700] <kanin> @search practical reverse engineering
[2020-06-21T06:29:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T06:29:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T06:29:31-0700] <goldninja9> @search Harry Potter
[2020-06-21T06:29:38-0700] <ptiyo> !dragnbreaker Ali Wong - Dear Girls- Intimate
Tales, Untold Secrets & Advice for Living Your Best Life (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:29:44-0700] <xiuhui123456> !Ook Alain de Botton - The Course of Love
(retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.91MB
[2020-06-21T06:29:46-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 40] - Le
Saint refuse une couronne [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:29:49-0700] <darrie23> @search laurann dohner
[2020-06-21T06:29:52-0700] bRuck (bruckwondi@ihw-kdm.g2t.188.196.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:29:56-0700] <sweetiez> !MusicWench Kourtney, Kim and Khloe
Kardashian - Dollhouse (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:29:56-0700] vaultin (vaultin@ihw-e5e.l1o.17.31.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:30:05-0700] <xiuhui123456> !Ook Alain de Botton - The Course of Love
(retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.91MB
[2020-06-21T06:30:05-0700] <kanin> @search practical reverse
[2020-06-21T06:30:07-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 41] - Le
Saint se bat contre un fantome [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:30:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T06:30:12-0700] Lom (gautam@ihw-829.86l.96.58.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:30:20-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search m r forbes
[2020-06-21T06:30:26-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,765 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T06:30:27-0700] <sweetiez> !JimBob420 Kris Jenner - Kris Jenner and all
Things Kardashian (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:30:27-0700] <xiuhui123456> !Xon Alain de Botton - The Course of Love
(retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:30:27-0700] <xiuhui123456> ------ 1.90 MB
[2020-06-21T06:30:30-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:30:32-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 42] - Le
Saint découvre le virus 13 [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:30:34-0700] <newfey> !dragnbreaker Leslie Chase, Juno Wells -
[Dragons of Mars 01-05] - Dragons of Mars Box Set (retail) (azw3).rar
[2020-06-21T06:30:37-0700] <vaultin> @search I shall Seal the Heavens
[2020-06-21T06:30:42-0700] subtetis (subtetis@ihw-lsj.vq1.185.138.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T06:30:47-0700] <xiuhui123456> @search What I Know for Sure
[2020-06-21T06:30:50-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 3 • Speed: 274,682cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,133 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:30:53-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 43] - Le
Saint guerre avec le feu [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:31:04-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Beth Harbison - [Shoe Addict 03] - A Shoe
Addict's Christmas (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:31:09-0700] <xiuhui123456> !Xon Oprah Winfrey - What I Know For Sure
(retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:31:09-0700] <xiuhui123456> ------ 237.84 KB
[2020-06-21T06:31:16-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 43] - Le
Saint guerre avec le feu [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:31:18-0700] <iiwii> !Horla Elizabeth Harbison as Beth Harbison - A
Girl Like Her (How To Get Your Man, Diary of a Domestic Goddess) (retail)
[2020-06-21T06:31:21-0700] <xiuhui123456> @search The Art of Communicating
[2020-06-21T06:31:26-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Beth Harbison - Always Something There to
Remind Me (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T06:31:29-0700] ptiyo (ptiyo@ihw-9qcsd6.rdr2.ghef.0e35.2a01.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T06:31:30-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,956 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T06:31:32-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Beth Harbison - Chose the Wrong Guy, Gave
Him the Wrong Finger (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T06:31:39-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Beth Harbison - Every Time You Go Away
[2020-06-21T06:31:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,684 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:31:46-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Elizabeth Harbison - Falling for the Boss
[SSE-1747, MSE-1778, Family Business 04] (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:31:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,752
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:31:56-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Eizabeth Harbison - [Lone Star Country
Club] - Mission Creek Mother-To-Be (html, mobi, epub, lit).rar
[2020-06-21T06:32:02-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Beth Harbison - One Less Problem Without
You (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:32:03-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 43] - Le
Saint guerre avec le feu [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:32:08-0700] <iiwii> !Horla Beth Harbison - The Secret Princess [SR-
1713] (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:32:17-0700] <xiuhui123456> !Xon Alan Alda - If I Understood You,
Would I Have This Look on My Face- My Adventures in the Art and Science of Relating
and Communicating (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:32:17-0700] <xiuhui123456> - 5.57 MB
[2020-06-21T06:32:32-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search forgotten starship
[2020-06-21T06:32:36-0700] <xiuhui123456> @search Seven Conversations for a
Lifetime of Love
[2020-06-21T06:32:36-0700] <goldninja9> !Dz2000 J K Rowling - [UK Illustrated 01] -
Harry Potter & The Philosopher's Stone.epub
[2020-06-21T06:32:37-0700] Talven (Tal3@ihw-hn5ub9.gu8u.etfg.23c6.2a00.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:32:39-0700] <Kaffimoon101> !Ook Sam Crescent - [Curvy Women Wanted
22] - His Scarred Woman (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:32:51-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 43] - Le
Saint guerre avec le feu [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:33:04-0700] <xiuhui123456> !Horla Sue Johnson - Hold Me Tight- Seven
Conversations for a Lifetime of Love (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:33:04-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla M R Forbes - [Forgotten
Starship 01] - Exodus (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T06:33:04-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla M R Forbes - [Forgotten
Starship 02] - Emerge (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:33:14-0700] <goldninja9> !Dz2000 J K Rowling - [UK Illustrated 01] -
Harry Potter & The Philosopher's Stone.epub
[2020-06-21T06:33:15-0700] okay001 (Sure@ihw-26vt7t.ftth.web.africa) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:33:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,538 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T06:33:23-0700] <xiuhui123456> @search The Alchemist Novel
[2020-06-21T06:33:30-0700] <okay001> @search Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of
[2020-06-21T06:33:51-0700] <okay001> @search 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to
[2020-06-21T06:33:52-0700] vaultin (vaultin@ihw-e5e.l1o.17.31.IP) left IRC (Quit:
Lost terminal)
[2020-06-21T06:33:54-0700] martha09 (martha09@ihw-b7m.dbu.76.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:33:56-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 43] - Le
Saint guerre avec le feu [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:33:56-0700] alex (alex@ihw-j69.50d.45.31.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:34:00-0700] <alex> @search Love in a Cold Climate
[2020-06-21T06:34:18-0700] <sweetiez> !JimBob420 Kris Jenner - Kris Jenner and all
Things Kardashian (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:34:21-0700] vnava (vnava@ihw-mgt.qme.243.60.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:34:21-0700] <xiuhui123456> @search the alchemist
[2020-06-21T06:34:23-0700] Raziel (Raziel@ihw-jhmvjf.optusnet.com.au) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:34:28-0700] <okay001> @search Knights Magica kingsolver
[2020-06-21T06:34:28-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T06:34:28-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T06:34:29-0700] <alex> !Horla Nancy Mitford - Love in a Cold Climate
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:34:29-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search forgotten earth
[2020-06-21T06:34:37-0700] <vnava> @search classroom of the elite
[2020-06-21T06:34:48-0700] <Raziel> @search Stranger Things
[2020-06-21T06:34:50-0700] <sweetiez> !JimBob420 Kris Jenner - Kris Jenner and all
Things Kardashian (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:34:53-0700] <darrie23> !TrainFiles Laurann Dohner - [The Vorge Crew
03] - York (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:34:55-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 44] - Le
saint contre le triangle [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:34:58-0700] Vaultin (Vaultin@ihw-743jot.89qh.fm5d.8109.2a02.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:34:58-0700] <okay001> @search Firstborn Academy: Shadow Reaper
[2020-06-21T06:35:02-0700] <xiuhui123456> !JimBob420 Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist
(10th Anniversary ed) (retail) (mobi).rar ::INFO:: 176.02KB
[2020-06-21T06:35:07-0700] <martha09> @search<mafia
[2020-06-21T06:35:12-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T06:35:13-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla M R Forbes - [Forgotten
Earth 01] - Earth Unknown (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:35:13-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla M R Forbes - [Forgotten
Earth 02] - Earth Unrelenting (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:35:13-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla M R Forbes - [Forgotten
Earth 03] - Earth Unending (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:35:13-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla M R Forbes - [Forgotten
Earth 04] - Earth Undefeated (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:35:16-0700] <wolf> !DV8 Peter David - [Sir Apropos of Nothing 01] -
Sir Apropos of Nothing (epub).rar ::INFO:: 903.3KB
[2020-06-21T06:35:16-0700] <wolf> !DV8 Peter David - [Sir Apropos of Nothing 02] -
The Woad to Wuin (epub).rar ::INFO:: 748.34KB
[2020-06-21T06:35:16-0700] <wolf> !DV8 Peter David - [Sir Apropos of Nothing 03] -
Tong Lashing (epub).rar ::INFO:: 702.17KB
[2020-06-21T06:35:16-0700] <wolf> !DV8 Peter David - [Sir Apropos of Nothing 04] -
Pyramid Schemes (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:35:17-0700] <xiuhui123456> !JimBob420 Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist
(10th Anniversary ed) (retail) (mobi).rar ::INFO:: 176.02KB
[2020-06-21T06:35:25-0700] Dav12 (David@ihw-ukf971.cpe.teksavvy.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:35:29-0700] <okay001> !LawdyServer Maps Of Meaning - The
Architecture Of Belief.pdf
[2020-06-21T06:35:29-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 43] - Le
Saint guerre avec le feu [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:35:44-0700] Ajith (Ajith@ihw-ilc.olf.68.116.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:35:48-0700] <sweetiez> !JimBob420 Khloe Kardashian - Strong Looks
Better Naked (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:35:48-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 6/6 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,141 • List: Jun
18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:35:50-0700] <Raziel> !Ook Gwenda Bond - [Stranger Things 01] -
Suspicious Minds (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 6.34MB
[2020-06-21T06:35:52-0700] <N0mad> @search The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
[2020-06-21T06:35:54-0700] ook_ (ook@ihw-rnkk5h.plus.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:35:54-0700] <vnava> @search overlord
[2020-06-21T06:35:55-0700] <darrie23> !TrainFiles Laurann Dohner - [The Vorge Crew
02] - Dovis (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:35:55-0700] <xiuhui123456> !MusicWench Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist
(10th Anniversary ed) (retail) (mobi).mobi ::INFO:: 211.2KB
[2020-06-21T06:35:56-0700] <Vaultin> @search I shall Seal the Heavens
[2020-06-21T06:36:00-0700] <okay001> @oatmeal
[2020-06-21T06:36:01-0700] <ook_> @search john everard
[2020-06-21T06:36:01-0700] <Ajith> @search Rana Safvi
[2020-06-21T06:36:07-0700] <Daniel18_> @search john wesley
[2020-06-21T06:36:11-0700] <xiuhui123456> !MusicWench Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist
(10th Anniversary ed) (retail) (mobi).mobi ::INFO:: 211.2KB
[2020-06-21T06:36:19-0700] jamaldin (jamaldin@ihw-lug.i7f.83.45.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:36:22-0700] Agrippa (Agrippa@ihw-0th7fn.access.telenet.be) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T06:36:28-0700] <Agrippa> @Search Palladium Wars
[2020-06-21T06:36:28-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 45] - Le
Saint au carnaval de Rio [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:36:30-0700] <Neppu> @search William Arand
[2020-06-21T06:36:31-0700] <okay001> !LawdyServer 12 Rules for Life - An Antidote
to Chaos by Jordan B. Peterson.epub
[2020-06-21T06:36:33-0700] <sweetiez> !TrainFiles Jerry Oppenheimer - The
Kardashians- An American Drama (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:36:34-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,958 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T06:36:34-0700] ook_ (ook@ihw-rnkk5h.plus.com) left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T06:36:35-0700] <jamaldin> @search Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care
[2020-06-21T06:36:37-0700] <Vaultin> @search I shall Seal the Heavens
[2020-06-21T06:36:40-0700] <xiuhui123456> @search white fragility
[2020-06-21T06:36:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,684 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:36:51-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 46] - les
saint et le perroquet vert [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:36:52-0700] jamaldin (jamaldin@ihw-lug.i7f.83.45.IP) left IRC (Quit:
Lost terminal)
[2020-06-21T06:36:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,752
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:36:55-0700] <darrie23> !TrainFiles Laurann Dohner - [The Vorge Crew
04] - Raff (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:36:57-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Beth Hyland - Fall Into Forever (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T06:36:57-0700] Ghoul (Ghoul@ihw-fbl.l5s.111.80.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:37:05-0700] ImaDoodz (ImaDoodz@ihw-aakf17.co.comcast.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:37:07-0700] losojos (losojos@ihw-lkv.oa1.156.98.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:37:07-0700] <losojos> @search Introducing Regular Expressions
[2020-06-21T06:37:08-0700] <Neppu> !DV8 William D Arand - Monster's Mercy
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 492.19KB
[2020-06-21T06:37:11-0700] <xiuhui123456> !LawdyServer 14. White Fragility By Robin
Diangelo.epub ::INFO:: 1.5MB
[2020-06-21T06:37:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T06:37:11-0700] <Daniel18_> @search Mighty prevailing prayer
[2020-06-21T06:37:13-0700] <Raziel> !Ook Adam Christopher - [Stranger Things] -
Darkness on the Edge of Town (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 7.04MB
[2020-06-21T06:37:15-0700] <darrie23> !TrainFiles Laurann Dohner - [The Vorge Crew
01] - Cathian (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:37:21-0700] ImaDoodz (ImaDoodz@ihw-aakf17.co.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:37:21-0700] <Ghoul> @SEARCH GABRIELLE GIBSON
[2020-06-21T06:37:22-0700] <sweetiez> !TrainFiles Sean Smith - Kim Kardashian- The
Untold Story (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:37:24-0700] <newfey> @search obsidian Rim
[2020-06-21T06:37:30-0700] PL (textual@ihw-4b6vmp.fios.verizon.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:37:30-0700] chinweilien (chinweilien@ihw-0f5.g1n.6.103.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T06:37:34-0700] <Ajith> @search In the forgotten cities of delhi
[2020-06-21T06:37:36-0700] <Vaultin> @search I shall Seal the Heavens
[2020-06-21T06:37:36-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 47] - Le
Saint condamne sans appel [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:37:37-0700] Daniel18_ (Daniel@ihw-tm6.ahe.249.117.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T06:37:44-0700] <Vaultin> !Horla Er Gen - [I Shall Seal the Heavens 01]
- Patriarch Reliance (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:37:44-0700] <Vaultin> !Horla Er Gen - [I Shall Seal the Heavens 02]
- Cutting Into the Southern Domain (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:37:44-0700] <Vaultin> !Horla Er Gen - [I Shall Seal the Heavens 03]
- Honor of Violet Fate (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:37:44-0700] <Vaultin> !Horla Er Gen - [I Shall Seal the Heavens 04]
- Five Color Paragon (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:37:45-0700] <JoeBloogs> @searchook charles mccarry
[2020-06-21T06:37:47-0700] <iiwii> !Horla Beth Kendrick - [Black Dog Bay 02] - New
Uses for Old Boyfriends (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:37:47-0700] <chinweilien> @search Kyoko Nakajima
[2020-06-21T06:37:56-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 48] - Le
Saint choisit la mort douce [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:37:58-0700] <sweetiez> !Xon Kris Jenner - Kris Jenner and all Things
Kardashian (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:38:09-0700] <Ghoul> !Horla Gabrielle Gibson - [Wrecked Hearts 01] -
Lit (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:38:12-0700] <iiwii> !Horla Beth Kendrick - [Black Dog Bay 03] - Put
a Ring On It (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:38:14-0700] <PL> @search paul kemprecos
[2020-06-21T06:38:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,541 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T06:38:19-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search earich beann
[2020-06-21T06:38:19-0700] <newfey> @search great space race
[2020-06-21T06:38:27-0700] kanin (kanin@ihw-b2u.l1b.248.2.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:38:32-0700] <iiwii> !Horla Beth Kendrick - Once Upon a Wine (retail)
[2020-06-21T06:38:40-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search earik beann
[2020-06-21T06:38:40-0700] <Ajith> @search The Forgotten Cities of Delhi: Book Two
in the Where Stones Speak trilogy
[2020-06-21T06:38:41-0700] <iiwii> !Ook Beth Kendrick - [Black Dog Bay 05] - In Dog
We Trust (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:38:42-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 51] - Le
Saint en Europe [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:38:46-0700] fraston (tresters@ihw-usqbvc.mn.comcast.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:38:50-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Beth Kendrick - Exes and Ohs (retail)
[2020-06-21T06:38:50-0700] <monksam> @search mastering metasploit
[2020-06-21T06:38:53-0700] Ruebery (Ruebery@ihw-69p62g.gu3g.uf8o.014c.2804.IP) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:38:53-0700] <darrie23> !Ook Laurann Dohner - [New Species 15] - Best
Friends (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:38:56-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Beth Kendrick - Fashionably Late (retail)
[2020-06-21T06:39:02-0700] <Ajith> @search The Forgotten Cities of Delhi
[2020-06-21T06:39:02-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Beth Kendrick - My Favorite Mistake
(retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:39:02-0700] <Vaultin> @search Coiling Dragon
[2020-06-21T06:39:02-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 52] - Le
Saint voit une soucoupe volante [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:39:02-0700] lobo (lobo@ihw-0h01vd.ph.cox.net) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:39:03-0700] <sweetiez> !bsk Kim Kardashian - Sean Smith.epub
[2020-06-21T06:39:08-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search the earthlings brother
[2020-06-21T06:39:08-0700] <lobo> @search Carrie Stuart Parks
[2020-06-21T06:39:10-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Beth Kendrick - Nearlyweds (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T06:39:16-0700] <iiwii> !bsk Beth Kendrick - Second Time Around
[2020-06-21T06:39:19-0700] Ghoul (Ghoul@ihw-fbl.l5s.111.80.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T06:39:22-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 53] - Le
Saint devient pirate [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:39:24-0700] zoran (zoran@ihw-042d49.fl.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:39:25-0700] <JoeBloogs> !Horla Charles McCarry - [Paul Christopher
01] - The Miernik Dossier (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:39:25-0700] monksam (monksam@ihw-acl.aup.224.119.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T06:39:25-0700] <JoeBloogs> !Horla Charles McCarry - [Paul Christopher
02] - The Tears of Autumn (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:39:25-0700] <N0mad> @search mark stephens
[2020-06-21T06:39:27-0700] <iiwii> !bsk Beth Kendrick - The Week Before the Wedding
[2020-06-21T06:39:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T06:39:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T06:39:30-0700] Dav12 (David@ihw-ukf971.cpe.teksavvy.com) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:39:38-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search paul j joseph
[2020-06-21T06:39:39-0700] <Jefren> !shytot Jon Ronson - Lost at Sea- The Jon
Ronson Mysteries (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:39:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,801
(2103.86 GB)
[2020-06-21T06:39:45-0700] <zoran> @search dana perry
[2020-06-21T06:39:48-0700] <Agrippa> !Oatmeal Marko Kloos - [The Palladium Wars 01]
- Aftershocks (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:39:50-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 55] - Le
Saint suit la mode [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:39:54-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Liss MacCrimmon
Mystery 02] - Scone Cold Dead (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:39:55-0700] fraston (tresters@ihw-usqbvc.mn.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:39:57-0700] <JoeBloogs> !Horla Charles McCarry - [Paul Christopher
03] - The Secret Lovers (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:39:57-0700] <JoeBloogs> !Horla Charles McCarry - [Paul Christopher
04] - The Last Supper (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:39:58-0700] newfey (newfey@ihw-2vl.tpj.200.104.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T06:40:01-0700] freddobars (freddobars@ihw-1an6o3.dsl.candw.ky) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T06:40:01-0700] HDScreamer (HarleyScrea@ihw-3gb152.198-29-54-
net.sccoast.net) left IRC (Quit: Linkinus - http://linkinus.com)
[2020-06-21T06:40:03-0700] <Agrippa> !Oatmeal Marko Kloos - [The Palladium Wars 02]
- Ballistic (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:40:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T06:40:11-0700] <jpttoo> !LawdyServer Robert Hardy - Longbow.pdf
[2020-06-21T06:40:11-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Liss MacCrimmon
Mystery 04] - The Corpse Wore Tartan (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:40:11-0700] Agrippa (Agrippa@ihw-0th7fn.access.telenet.be) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T06:40:13-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 60] - Plus
fort que le Saint [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:40:14-0700] <mokaz> @search John Gold
[2020-06-21T06:40:16-0700] martha09 (martha09@ihw-b7m.dbu.76.109.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T06:40:25-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Liss MacCrimmon
Mystery 05] - Scotched (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:40:26-0700] <Raziel> !dragnbreaker Brenna Yovanoff - [Stranger
Things] - Runaway Max (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 4.6MB
[2020-06-21T06:40:30-0700] <lobo> !Horla Carrie Stuart Parks - [Gwen Marcey 02] -
The Bones Will Speak (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:40:30-0700] <lobo> !Horla Carrie Stuart Parks - [Gwen Marcey 03] -
When Death Draws Near (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:40:30-0700] <lobo> !Horla Carrie Stuart Parks - [Gwen Marcey 04] -
Portrait of Vengeance (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:40:36-0700] puppybelly2 (2oldsouls@ihw-rjmjq1.fios.verizon.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:40:36-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Liss MacCrimmon
Mystery 06] - Bagpipes, Brides and Homicides (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:40:37-0700] <sweetiez> !Oatmeal Sean Smith - Kim Kardashian- The
Untold Story (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:40:40-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 61] - Vive le
Saint ! [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:40:48-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 479,290cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,145 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:40:49-0700] Ajith (Ajith@ihw-ilc.olf.68.116.IP) left the channel
[2020-06-21T06:40:51-0700] <Kaffimoon101> !Ook Janice Maynard - [Men of Stone River
02] - Upstairs Downstairs Temptation (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:40:52-0700] <JoeBloogs> !Horla Charles McCarry - [Paul Christopher
05] - Second Sight (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:40:52-0700] <JoeBloogs> !Horla Charles McCarry - [Paul Christopher
07] - Christopher's Ghosts (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:40:55-0700] <chil-d> @search shami stovall
[2020-06-21T06:40:58-0700] <iiwii> !Horla Beth Kendrick - Once Upon a Wine (retail)
[2020-06-21T06:40:59-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search steven paul leiva
[2020-06-21T06:41:07-0700] zoran (zoran@ihw-042d49.fl.comcast.net) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T06:41:09-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Liss MacCrimmon
Mystery 07] - Vampires, Bones and Treacle Scones (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:41:09-0700] <jpttoo> !bsk Charles Monroe Sheldon - Robert Hardy's
Seven Days (html).rar
[2020-06-21T06:41:23-0700] jumper (chatzilla@ihw-3bjktq.dsl.as9105.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:41:24-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Liss MacCrimmon
Mystery 08] - Ho-Ho-Homicide (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T06:41:30-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 65] - L'enfer
attend le Saint [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:41:31-0700] DVS (DVS@ihw-orcih5.wv.comcast.net) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:41:32-0700] darrie (androirc@ihw-t1roav.20ak.8cih.810d.2a02.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:41:32-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Liss MacCrimmon
Mystery 09] - The Scottie Barked at Midnight (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:41:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
6/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 356,261cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,960 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T06:41:33-0700] <iiwii> !LawdyServer Beth Kendrick - Once Upon a Wine
[2020-06-21T06:41:35-0700] darrie23 (androirc@ihw-t1roav.20ak.8cih.810d.2a02.IP)
left IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T06:41:35-0700] <mokaz> @search John Gold Project
[2020-06-21T06:41:37-0700] <JoeBloogs> !Horla Charles McCarry - The Mulberry Bush
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:41:37-0700] <JoeBloogs> !Horla Charles McCarry - The Old Boys
[2020-06-21T06:41:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,801
(2103.86 GB)
[2020-06-21T06:41:41-0700] <lobo> !Horla Carrie Stuart Parks - Formula of Deception
[2020-06-21T06:41:41-0700] <lobo> !Horla Carrie Stuart Parks - Fragments of Fear
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:41:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,685 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:41:46-0700] price (Username@ihw-1ifb0j.res.rr.com) left IRC (Quit:
Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T06:41:48-0700] <Halitosor> @search john bolton the room where it
[2020-06-21T06:41:48-0700] <Vaultin> !Horla I Eat Tomatoes - [Coiling Dragon 01-21]
- Coiling Dragon Omnibus (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:41:54-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Liss MacCrimmon
Mystery 10] - Kilt at the Highland Games (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:41:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 1/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,752
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:41:59-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 71] - A l'eau
le Saint ! [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:41:59-0700] Halitosor (halitosor@ihw-rfn.v5s.72.45.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T06:42:03-0700] movado (movado@ihw-eqa2kl.res.rr.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:42:06-0700] xiuhui123456 (xiuhui12345@ihw-d7t5e5.singnet.com.sg)
left the channel
[2020-06-21T06:42:12-0700] ohfine (Ben@ihw-mq482g.il.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:42:14-0700] <movado> @search danielle steel
[2020-06-21T06:42:15-0700] <iiwii> !Xon Beth Kendrick - Once Upon a Wine (retail)
[2020-06-21T06:42:17-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Liss MacCrimmon
Mystery 11] - X Marks the Scot (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:42:25-0700] <Rhialto> @search The Best American Nonrequired Reading
[2020-06-21T06:42:25-0700] plantz (plantz@ihw-27mc61.res.rr.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:42:29-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Liss MacCrimmon
Mystery 12] - Overkilt (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:42:29-0700] <ohfine> @search where it happened
[2020-06-21T06:42:33-0700] <JoeBloogs> !Horla Charles McCarry - The Better Angels
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:42:34-0700] <JoeBloogs> !Horla Charles McCarry - The Shanghai Factor
(v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:42:36-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 71] - Le
Saint au mexique [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:42:37-0700] <jumper> !Oatmeal Heather Atkinson - [Dividing Line 13]
- Riot (epub)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:42:38-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search chris kennedy
[2020-06-21T06:42:42-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Liss MacCrimmon
Mystery 13] - A View to a Kilt (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:42:43-0700] losojos (losojos@ihw-lkv.oa1.156.98.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:42:48-0700] <newbie> !bsk greig-beck - the-siberian-incident
[2020-06-21T06:42:49-0700] <goldninja9> !Dz2000 J K Rowling - [UK Illustrated 02] -
Harry Potter & The Chamber Of Secrets.epub
[2020-06-21T06:42:50-0700] <plantz> @dragnbreaker
[2020-06-21T06:43:02-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Kaitlyn Dunnett - [Liss Maccrimmon
Mystery 01] - Kilt Dead (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:43:02-0700] <chil-d> !Oatmeal Shami Stovall - [Frith Chronicles 01]
- Knightmare Arcanist (epub)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:43:04-0700] ohfine (Ben@ihw-mq482g.il.comcast.net) left the channel
[2020-06-21T06:43:09-0700] <movado> !Ook Danielle Steel - Daddy's Girls (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:43:09-0700] <newbie> Hello, how do I upload ebooks?
[2020-06-21T06:43:10-0700] Ly (Ly@ihw-isi.si3.132.45.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T06:43:11-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 73] - Pas de
vacances pour le Saint [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:43:13-0700] <PL> @search cool blue tomb
[2020-06-21T06:43:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,541 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T06:43:20-0700] <chil-d> !Oatmeal Shami Stovall - [Frith Chronicles 02]
- Dread Pirate Arcanist (epub)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:43:24-0700] <Jefren> !dragnbreaker Lily Webb - [Magic & Mystery 01]
- Broomsticks and Burials (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:43:32-0700] <chil-d> !Oatmeal Shami Stovall - [Frith Chronicles 04]
- Plague Arcanist (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:43:39-0700] compass (IceChat9@ihw-70d2uc.tpgi.com.au) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:43:45-0700] <Less> !shytot Debbie Macomber - On a Snowy Night (The
Christmas Basket; The Snow Bride) (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:43:46-0700] <compass> @search Aer-Ki Jyr
[2020-06-21T06:43:52-0700] <sweetiez> !Oatmeal Khloe Kardashian - Strong Looks
Better Naked (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:43:53-0700] <PL> @search blue tomb
[2020-06-21T06:43:53-0700] <Jefren> !Xon Marc Landau - [Omega 03] - Apocalypse
Omega (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:43:56-0700] <mokaz> @search Domino Finn
[2020-06-21T06:43:56-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Chris Kennedy - [The
Theogony 01] - Janissaries (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:43:57-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Chris Kennedy - [The
Theogony 02] - When the Gods Aren't Gods (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:43:58-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Marilyn Levinson - [Golden Age of
Mystery Book Club Mystery 01] - Murder a la Christie (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:44:17-0700] <mokaz> send them to afaiktoit
[2020-06-21T06:44:17-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Marilyn Levinson - [Golden Age of
Mystery Book Club Mystery 02] - Murder the Tey Way (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:44:18-0700] <chil-d> @search Coliseum Arcanist
[2020-06-21T06:44:19-0700] green (Android@ihw-3p0.9lo.59.109.IP) left IRC (Quit:
-a- Connection Timed Out)
[2020-06-21T06:44:21-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 43] - Le
Saint joue avec le feu [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:44:21-0700] iiwii (mommason@ihw-gtnepm.safn.mkqh.3d08.2604.IP) left
the channel ("Leaving")
[2020-06-21T06:44:22-0700] <Jefren> fruitloops would likely be the individual to
ask newbie
[2020-06-21T06:44:25-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Marilyn Levinson - [Twin Lakes Mystery
01] - A Murderer Among Us (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:44:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T06:44:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T06:44:35-0700] <sweetiez> !Ook Kardashian Dynasty -The Controversial
Rise of America's Royal Family (2016) - Ian Halperin.epub
[2020-06-21T06:44:37-0700] oran (oran@oran.oran.oran) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:44:37-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Marilyn Levinson - [Twin Lakes Mystery
02] - Murder in the Air (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:44:41-0700] omg (textual@ihw-pv4q8o.u032.kghs.23c7.2a00.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T06:44:43-0700] <Vaultin> @search A thousand Li
[2020-06-21T06:44:44-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Michael Beals - [Apocalypse In Time 01]
- The Caliphate Invasion (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:44:48-0700] <goldninja9> !bsk J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 01] -
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:44:48-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Chris Kennedy - [Theogony
03] - Terra Stands Alone (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:44:51-0700] <omg> !trainpacks
[2020-06-21T06:44:54-0700] <Jefren> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Steve Flynn Mystery 01]
- Onslaught (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:45:04-0700] <Jefren> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Steve Flynn Mystery 02]
- Ambush (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:45:05-0700] <chil-d> @search Coliseum Arcanist
[2020-06-21T06:45:06-0700] <fk20> !Oatmeal Greg Van Eekhout - Voyage of the Dogs
[2020-06-21T06:45:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T06:45:13-0700] <Jefren> !Oatmeal Nick Oldham - [Steve Flynn Mystery 03]
- Headhunter (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:45:18-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 74] - Le
Saint au bois dormant [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:45:25-0700] kanin (kanin@ihw-b2u.l1b.248.2.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:45:25-0700] <PL> @search neptune's eye
[2020-06-21T06:45:26-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 19/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 65,536cps • Next: NOW • Served:
3,190,785 • List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T06:45:37-0700] <Vaultin> @search Tao Wong A thousand Li
[2020-06-21T06:45:43-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 77] - Faites
confiance au Saint ! [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:45:47-0700] slant (slant@ihw-nfk.iom.121.221.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:45:50-0700] Melamori (Melamori@ihw-ic492r.access.hol.gr) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:45:51-0700] jvr (jvr@ihw-aak574.45po.2k7h.014d.2601.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:45:57-0700] <Melamori> @search Jewish
[2020-06-21T06:45:59-0700] <chil-d> @search coliseum arcanist
[2020-06-21T06:46:04-0700] <sweetiez> @search The Secrets of My Life
[2020-06-21T06:46:10-0700] <slant> @search Poor Man's Fight elliot kay
[2020-06-21T06:46:13-0700] omg (textual@ihw-pv4q8o.u032.kghs.23c7.2a00.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
[2020-06-21T06:46:18-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 79] - Le
Saint au soleil [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:46:23-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Chris Kennedy - [Codex
Regius 01] - The Search for Gram (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:46:24-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Chris Kennedy - [Codex
Regius 02] - Beyond the Shroud of the Universe (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:46:24-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Chris Kennedy - [Codex
Regius 03] - The Dark Star War (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:46:24-0700] <sweetiez> !bsk Caitlyn Jenner - The Secrets of My Life
[2020-06-21T06:46:25-0700] vjjvf (androirc@ihw-o73nlf.ci15.s4j0.8070.2a02.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:46:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,962 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T06:46:36-0700] <fk20> @search Greg van Eekhout
[2020-06-21T06:46:37-0700] <Melamori> !dragnbreaker Stavans, Ilan - Oy, Caramba! -
Anthology of Jewish Stories from Latin America.epub
[2020-06-21T06:46:38-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 44 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,153 • List: Jun
18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:46:43-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 80] - Le
Saint et le collier des Habsbourg [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:46:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,686 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:46:47-0700] PL (textual@ihw-4b6vmp.fios.verizon.net) left IRC (Quit:
Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
[2020-06-21T06:46:47-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Chris Kennedy - [The Theogony 01] -
Janissaries (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:46:50-0700] <vjjvf> @search The Case of the Long-Legged Models
[2020-06-21T06:46:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 1/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,753
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:47:01-0700] BummyG (androirc@ihw-gf4.b23.185.105.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T06:47:01-0700] roli (roli@ihw-utbaus.kv3s.p4lm.1205.2a02.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:47:02-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 81] - Le
Saint à la télévision [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:47:13-0700] <mokaz> !Horla Domino Finn - [Afterlife Online 01] -
Reboot (retail) (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T06:47:20-0700] <slant> @search Poor Man's Fight 1 elliott kay
[2020-06-21T06:47:21-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 83] - Le
Saint se fâche [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:47:22-0700] <fk20> !bsk Greg Van Eekhout - Voyage of the Dogs
(retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:47:25-0700] <mokaz> !Horla Domino Finn - [Afterlife Online 02] -
Black Hat (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:47:26-0700] <chil-d> @search frith
[2020-06-21T06:47:30-0700] BummyG (androirc@ihw-gf4.b23.185.105.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:47:33-0700] compass (IceChat9@ihw-70d2uc.tpgi.com.au) left IRC
(Quit: If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.)
[2020-06-21T06:47:35-0700] Cereal_Liker (Everyone_Ch@ihw-go9kco.dyn.plus.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:47:39-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 85] - Le
policier fantôme [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:47:40-0700] <vjjvf> !DV8 Erle Stanley Gardner - 55 The Case of the
Long-Legged Models (EPUB).rar
[2020-06-21T06:47:44-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Christopher Kennedy -
[Occupied Seattle 01] - Red Tide- The Chinese Invasion (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T06:47:44-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Christopher Kennedy -
[Occupied Seattle 02] - Occupied Seattle (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T06:47:45-0700] <DVS> @search Antony Beevor
[2020-06-21T06:47:46-0700] <Rhialto> @search The Best American Required Reading
[2020-06-21T06:47:46-0700] <Vaultin> !QuietSilence Wong Tao - Thousand Li 03 - The
First War.epub --------------------------- 289.37 KB
[2020-06-21T06:47:46-0700] <Vaultin> !QuietSilence Wong, Tao - A Thousand Li 02 -
The First Stop.epub ----------------------- 304.24 KB
[2020-06-21T06:47:46-0700] <Vaultin> !QuietSilence Wong, Tao - Cultivation 01 - A
Thousand Li- the First Step.epub
[2020-06-21T06:47:49-0700] <slant> !Oatmeal Elliott Kay - Poor Man's Fight
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 483.1KB
[2020-06-21T06:47:49-0700] heyo2340267234 (heyo2340267@ihw-
akvsj9.gs0g.g5dh.810a.2a02.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:47:55-0700] <heyo2340267234> @search the warmth of other suns
[2020-06-21T06:47:59-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 87] - Impôt
sur le crime [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:48:07-0700] Hr4fn (Hr4fn@ihw-kjjvu1.customer.lyse.net) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T06:48:16-0700] <vjjvf> !DV8 Erle Stanley Gardner - 55 The Case of the
Long-Legged Models (EPUB).rar
[2020-06-21T06:48:17-0700] <Pain> !Horla Leslie Charteris - [Le Saint 88] - Par ici
la monnaie [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:48:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,541 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T06:48:21-0700] <roli> !Horla Anchuli Felicia King - Golden Shield
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:48:21-0700] <roli> !Horla Ancient Blood of the Vampire & Wolf - W J
May, Kristen Middleton, Chrissy Peebles, Dale Meyer, Trina M Lee, Ali Parker, Kate
Thomas (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:48:21-0700] <roli> !Horla Ancient Europe Bronze Age to Early Middle
[2020-06-21T06:48:22-0700] <DVS> !bsk Antony Beevor - D-Day (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:48:23-0700] <roli> !Horla Anda J Santoso - Game of Temptation
[2020-06-21T06:48:24-0700] <heyo2340267234> !Oatmeal Isabel Wilkerson - The Warmth
of Other Suns (mobi).rar ::INFO:: 875.8KB
[2020-06-21T06:48:25-0700] fredrick87643287 (fredrick876@ihw-sbp.qps.195.124.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:48:25-0700] <roli> !Horla Andaleeb Wajid - No Time for Goodbyes
(v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:48:25-0700] <Vaultin> !QuietSilence Wong, Tao - A Thousand Li 02 -
The First Stop.epub
[2020-06-21T06:48:27-0700] <roli> !Horla Anda Vranjes - Betrayed Valor- The Unknown
Story of the Heroes of Mission Halyard (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:48:29-0700] <roli> !Horla Andee Michelle - [Colorado Smoke 01] -
Slam (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:48:31-0700] <roli> !Horla Andee Michelle - [Defining Moments 01] -
Defining Moments (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:48:31-0700] <DVS> !bsk Antony Beevor - Stalingrad (retail)
[2020-06-21T06:48:33-0700] <roli> !Horla Andee Michelle - [Defining Moments 02] -
Finding Our Forever (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:48:35-0700] <roli> !Horla Andee Michelle - Raising Landry
[2020-06-21T06:48:35-0700] <Vaultin> !QuietSilence Wong Tao - Thousand Li 03 - The
First War.epub
[2020-06-21T06:48:42-0700] <DVS> !bsk Antony Beevor - The Battle for Spain- The
Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:48:42-0700] <Pain> !Horla Stéphanie des Horts - La splendeur des
Charteris [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:48:52-0700] Cereal_Enjoyer (Everyone_Ch@ihw-go9kco.dyn.plus.net)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:48:57-0700] <DVS> !bsk Antony Beevor - The Fall of Berlin 1945
[2020-06-21T06:48:59-0700] <Pain> !Horla Stéphanie des Horts - La splendeur des
Charteris [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T06:49:04-0700] <DVS> !bsk Antony Beevor - The Second World War
[2020-06-21T06:49:07-0700] <fk20> !bsk Greg Van Eekhout - Cog (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:49:08-0700] <Raziel> !dragnbreaker Brenna Yovanoff - [Stranger
Things] - Runaway Max (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 4.6MB
[2020-06-21T06:49:11-0700] darriin (darriin@ihw-mgbqje.fios.verizon.net) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T06:49:17-0700] <sweetiez> @search Holly Madison
[2020-06-21T06:49:25-0700] Pain (chatzilla@ihw-enhp2i.dyn.plus.net) left IRC (Quit:
ChatZilla 0.9.92-rdmsoft [XULRunner 35.0.1/20150122214805])
[2020-06-21T06:49:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T06:49:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T06:49:31-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Chris Kennedy - [The
Progenitors' War 01] - A Gulf in Time (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:49:33-0700] kanin (kanin@ihw-b2u.l1b.248.2.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:49:42-0700] <Vaultin> @search The Adept Archives
[2020-06-21T06:49:44-0700] <sweetiez> !Xon Holly Madison - The Vegas Diaries-
Romance, Rolling the Dice, and the Road to Reinvention (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:49:46-0700] russell34343434d3434 (343434Russ@ihw-ht1.nmt.2.14.IP)
left the channel
[2020-06-21T06:49:50-0700] green (Android@ihw-3p0.9lo.59.109.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:49:57-0700] russell34343434d3434 (343434Russ@ihw-ht1.nmt.2.14.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:49:59-0700] <DVS> !Oatmeal Antony Beevor - The Mystery of Olga
Chekhova (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:50:00-0700] <@Rashkae> newbie: Jefren Or, like the topic says,, send
them to Afaiktoit.
[2020-06-21T06:50:05-0700] <goldninja9> !bsk J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 02] -
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (UK) (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:50:05-0700] <sweetiez> !Oatmeal Holly Madison - Down the Rabbit
Hole- Curious Adventures and Cautionary Tales of a Former Playboy Bunny (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:50:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T06:50:08-0700] <chil-d> @search john gwnne
[2020-06-21T06:50:22-0700] <roli> !Horla AnDerecco - Evening Gentleman (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:50:22-0700] <roli> !Horla AnDerecco - Family Values (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:50:22-0700] <roli> !Horla AnDerecco - Love to Luv (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:50:24-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T06:50:24-0700] <roli> !Horla AnDerecco - Torn (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:50:26-0700] <roli> !Horla AnDerecco - Undercover Lies (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:50:26-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search leonie rogers
[2020-06-21T06:50:27-0700] <goldninja9> !bsk J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 03] -
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (UK) (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:50:28-0700] <Vaultin> @search Darren Hultberg Jr
[2020-06-21T06:50:29-0700] <@Rashkae> Whom I'm sure is thrilled at getting pinged
this early in the morning :)
[2020-06-21T06:50:29-0700] <chil-d> @search john gwynne
[2020-06-21T06:50:34-0700] <goldninja9> !bsk J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 04] -
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (UK) (retail) (epub).rar.
[2020-06-21T06:50:39-0700] • Jefren: laughs out loud
[2020-06-21T06:50:44-0700] goldengirl (goldengirl@ihw-6ahmt4.res.rr.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:50:53-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 4/6 • Queued: 65 • Speed: 385,101cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,163 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:50:54-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:50:58-0700] <goldninja9> !bsk J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 04] -
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (UK) (retail) (epub).rar.
[2020-06-21T06:51:00-0700] <Jefren> been so long since I've seen the topic
[2020-06-21T06:51:02-0700] <goldninja9> !bsk J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 04] -
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (UK) (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:51:02-0700] heyo2340267234 (heyo2340267@ihw-
akvsj9.gs0g.g5dh.810a.2a02.IP) left IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T06:51:04-0700] ni291187 (u931732@ihw-hn8.ufe.140.192.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:51:07-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search frontier incursion
[2020-06-21T06:51:08-0700] <goldengirl> @ook-new
[2020-06-21T06:51:18-0700] Krongii (Krongii@ihw-4i2.qrt.184.105.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:51:22-0700] Krongii (Krongii@ihw-4i2.qrt.184.105.IP) left the
[2020-06-21T06:51:22-0700] Aldra (Aldra@ihw-pbs.6hm.49.95.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:51:23-0700] <ni291187> @search 11/22/63
[2020-06-21T06:51:27-0700] <goldengirl> @oatmeal-new
[2020-06-21T06:51:28-0700] <slant> @search Contractor andrew ball
[2020-06-21T06:51:29-0700] <chil-d> !Oatmeal John Gwynne - [Of Blood and Bone 01] -
A Time of Dread (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:51:34-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,962 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T06:51:40-0700] <goldengirl> @horla
[2020-06-21T06:51:45-0700] <Aldra> !Horla Leah Brooke - [Desire, Oklahoma 11] -
Recipe for Desire [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:51:45-0700] <Aldra> !Horla Leah Brooke - [Desire, Oklahoma 12] -
Stormy Desire [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:51:45-0700] <Aldra> !Horla Leah Brooke - [Desire, Oklahoma 14] -
Second Chance at Desire (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:51:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,686 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:51:54-0700] movado (movado@ihw-eqa2kl.res.rr.com) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T06:51:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,755
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:51:56-0700] Krongii (Krongii@ihw-4i2.qrt.184.105.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:51:58-0700] <slant> !Oatmeal Andrew Ball - [The Contractors 01] -
Contractor (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:51:59-0700] <goldninja9> !bsk J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 05] -
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (UK) (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:52:06-0700] <ni291187> !shytot 11_22_63 - Stephen King.epub
::INFO:: 5.0MB
[2020-06-21T06:52:07-0700] Santhe (Santhe@ihw-mea.nr4.216.185.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:52:07-0700] <Krongii> @search tolkein
[2020-06-21T06:52:11-0700] <goldninja9> !bsk J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 06] -
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (UK) (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:52:13-0700] <Santhe> @search emma alcott
[2020-06-21T06:52:17-0700] <goldninja9> !bsk J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 07] -
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (UK) (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:52:23-0700] Aker- (aker@ihw-chq.ci7.231.165.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:52:26-0700] <ni291187> @search the city we became
[2020-06-21T06:52:30-0700] ghgddthcf (u93173gg@ihw-eji.uf9.47.96.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:52:41-0700] <lobo> @search Geoffrey Saign
[2020-06-21T06:52:48-0700] <ghgddthcf> @search wilderness
[2020-06-21T06:52:50-0700] <Krongii> @search tolkien
[2020-06-21T06:52:50-0700] kmzgod (kmzgod@ihw-3fj.hof.79.82.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:52:50-0700] <Aldra> !Horla Leah Brooke as Lana Dare - [Desire,
Oklahoma- The Founding Fathers 01-03] - Untamed Desires; Scandalous Desire; Savage
Desire [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:52:56-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search andre norton zero stone
[2020-06-21T06:53:07-0700] <chil-d> !Oatmeal John Gwynne - [Of Blood and Bone 02] -
A Time of Blood (retail) (epub)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:53:07-0700] alexose (alexose@ihw-3g7.c5d.247.162.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:53:09-0700] <Aker-> !trainpacks
[2020-06-21T06:53:11-0700] <ni291187> !shytot N J Jemisin - [Great Cities 01] - The
City We Became (retail) (epub).epub ::INFO:: 4.1MB
[2020-06-21T06:53:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,542 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T06:53:24-0700] <&Mysterytrain> @SearchBot-Trigger
[2020-06-21T06:53:25-0700] roli (roli@ihw-utbaus.kv3s.p4lm.1205.2a02.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving...)
[2020-06-21T06:53:26-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Andre Norton - The Zero
Stone (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:53:27-0700] jjaomni (ident@The.Internet.is.Bigger.on.the.Inside)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:53:27-0700] ChanServ sets mode +v jjaomni
[2020-06-21T06:53:32-0700] spidahpig (spider@ihw-0ql.ie8.159.120.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:53:39-0700] <lobo> !Horla Geoffrey Saign - [Jack Steel 02] - Steel
Assassin (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:53:45-0700] <Aldra> !Horla Leah Brooke - [Desire, Oklahoma 01.5] -
Desire for Three- Winning Back Jesse [Siren Menage Everlasting 363] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:53:52-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search arlene f marks
[2020-06-21T06:53:53-0700] Henry579241 (000123@ihw-9vioea.netvigator.com) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:53:54-0700] <Less> !shytot Debbie Macomber - Starry Night
[2020-06-21T06:54:10-0700] <Kaffimoon101> !Ook Samantha Cayto - [Pleasure Slaves
03] - Heir to a Slave (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:54:15-0700] <kmzgod> @search the trembling path
[2020-06-21T06:54:18-0700] <Aldra> !Horla Leah Brooke - [More Desire, Oklahoma 02]
- Blade's Desire- Adoring Kelly [Siren Everlasting Classic] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:54:18-0700] <Aldra> !Horla Leah Brooke - [More Desire, Oklahoma 03]
- Creation of Desire- Reassuring Rachel [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:54:18-0700] <Aldra> !Horla Leah Brooke - [More Desire, Oklahoma 04]
- Rules of Desire- Protecting Erin [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:54:18-0700] <Aldra> !Horla Leah Brooke - [More Desire, Oklahoma 05]
- Dark Desire - Earning Hope's Submission (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:54:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T06:54:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T06:54:31-0700] mats (mats22222@ihw-ufo.e7u.9.193.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T06:54:35-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Arlene F Marks - [Sic
Transit Terra 01] - The Genius Asylum (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:54:37-0700] lmaoaayy (lmaoaayy@ihw-1lr.63i.5.94.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:54:39-0700] Melamori (Melamori@ihw-ic492r.access.hol.gr) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T06:54:40-0700] <Kaffimoon101> !Ook Karen Ziegler - Her Husband's Boss
[2020-06-21T06:54:41-0700] wallster (wallster@ihw-jsufs5.tukrga.sbcglobal.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:54:47-0700] <chil-d> !Oatmeal John Gwynne - [Of Blood and Bone 03] -
A Time of Courage (US) (Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:54:54-0700] thezoio9632145 (thezoio@ihw-
g6dsbo.6bh1.230v.014c.2804.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:54:54-0700] <plantz> !dragnbreaker Star Trek - [VOY - String Theory
01] - Cohesion - Jeffrey Lang (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:54:59-0700] <lobo> !Horla Geoffrey Saign - [Alex Sight 01] - Kill
Sight (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:54:59-0700] <thezoio9632145> @search The Elements of User
Experience: User-Centered Design for the Web and Beyond
[2020-06-21T06:55:02-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search samuel best
[2020-06-21T06:55:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T06:55:09-0700] <Krongii> !dragnbreaker Tolkien, JRR - Lord of the Rings
04 - Appendices and Index.epub
[2020-06-21T06:55:12-0700] <+jjaomni> @SearchBot-Trigger
[2020-06-21T06:55:27-0700] wolf (wolf@ihw-cc0.074.212.218.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:55:30-0700] <thezoio9632145> !bsk The Elements of User Experience_
User-Centered Design for the Web and Beyond 2nd Edition.pdf ::INFO:: 1.9MB
[2020-06-21T06:55:37-0700] <@LawdyServer> [dlFilter] Are the responses to your
requests getting lost in the crowd? Are your @find responses spread about? If you
are using mIRC as your IRC client then download dlFilter version 2.13 from
https://github.com/DukeLupus/dlFilter/ and make your time in #ebooks less
[2020-06-21T06:55:38-0700] darrie (androirc@ihw-t1roav.20ak.8cih.810d.2a02.IP) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T06:55:41-0700] <ni291187> !shytot 11_22_63 - Stephen King.epub ::INFO::
[2020-06-21T06:55:42-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Samuel Best - Mission One
[2020-06-21T06:55:47-0700] <Aldra> !Horla Leah Brooke - [Dakota Heat 05] - Ice Men
of North Dakota [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:55:47-0700] <Aldra> !Horla Leah Brooke - [Dakota Heat 06] - Dakota
Sunrise (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:55:56-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:55:59-0700] alexose (alexose@ihw-3g7.c5d.247.162.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T06:56:02-0700] <wallster> !Oatmeal Christopher G Nuttall - [The Zero
Engima 04] - The Family Shame (epub)(epub).rar ::INFO:: 524.1KB
[2020-06-21T06:56:03-0700] <Less> !Ook Debbie Macomber - [Mrs Miracle 03] - Mr
Miracle (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:56:20-0700] dekekja (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T06:56:33-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 4/6 • Queued: 74 • Speed: 320,593cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,185 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:56:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
6/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,963 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T06:56:34-0700] <arcen> @search beyond the aquila rift
[2020-06-21T06:56:34-0700] thezoio9632145 (thezoio@ihw-
g6dsbo.6bh1.230v.014c.2804.IP) left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T06:56:35-0700] <Aldra> !Horla Leah Brooke - [Menage Amour 124 - Dakota
Heat 04] - Dakota Springs (lit).lit
[2020-06-21T06:56:37-0700] Rhialto (Rhialto@ihw-jio.ah6.149.141.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T06:56:38-0700] <lmaoaayy> @search jo thomas
[2020-06-21T06:56:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 48,338cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,688 •
List: Jun 20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:56:50-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Samuel Best - Another
World (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:56:50-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Samuel Best - [Infinite
Sky 02] - Deep Black (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:56:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,757
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T06:57:00-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Chris Kennedy - [The Theogony 02] - When
the Gods Aren't Gods (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:57:00-0700] kmzgod (kmzgod@ihw-3fj.hof.79.82.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T06:57:01-0700] kabaka (kabaka@ihw-nor.qio.84.102.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:57:03-0700] max808 (max808@ihw-trp0g0.va.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:57:08-0700] <wallster> !Oatmeal Christopher G Nuttall - [The Zero
Enigma 04] - The Family Shame (epub)(epub).rar ::INFO:: 524.1KB
[2020-06-21T06:57:08-0700] <wallster> !Oatmeal Christopher G Nuttall - [The Zero
Enigma 04] - The Family Shame (mobi)(mobi).rar ::INFO:: 485.2KB
[2020-06-21T06:57:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T06:57:13-0700] BummyG (androirc@ihw-gf4.b23.185.105.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T06:57:20-0700] ghgddthcf (u93173gg@ihw-eji.uf9.47.96.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T06:57:20-0700] chil-d (Chily@ihw-pus129.fl.comcast.net) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T06:57:25-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Chris Kennedy - [Theogony 03] - Terra
Stands Alone (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:57:29-0700] <max808> @search Alex Berenson
[2020-06-21T06:57:33-0700] ekeai (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:57:36-0700] <DVS> @search Cotton Malone
[2020-06-21T06:57:40-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Chris Kennedy - [Codex Regius 02] -
Beyond the Shroud of the Universe (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:57:42-0700] <Less> !shytot Debbie Macomber - Twelve Days of
Christmas (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:57:47-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Chris Kennedy - [Codex Regius 01] - The
Search for Gram (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:57:48-0700] <lmaoaayy> !Ook Jo Thomas - Escape to the French
Farmhouse (UK) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:57:52-0700] dekekja (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:57:53-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Chris Kennedy - [Codex Regius 03] - The
Dark Star War (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:58:01-0700] <ni291187> @search martha wells
[2020-06-21T06:58:06-0700] warrior0015 (warrior0015@ihw-froer2.res.rr.com) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T06:58:11-0700] Vaultin (Vaultin@ihw-743jot.89qh.fm5d.8109.2a02.IP) left
IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T06:58:12-0700] <goldninja9> @search Ahsoka
[2020-06-21T06:58:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,542 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T06:58:19-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search libbi duncan
[2020-06-21T06:58:26-0700] <DVS> !bsk Steve Berry - [Cotton Malone 01-07] - The
Templar Legacy; Alexandria Link; Venetian Betrayal; Charlemagne Pursuit; Paris
Vendetta; Emperor's Tomb; Jefferson Key (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:58:31-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T06:58:38-0700] <lmaoaayy> @search liana moriarty
[2020-06-21T06:58:42-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search camilla monk
[2020-06-21T06:58:43-0700] <goldninja9> !bsk Star Wars - Ahsoka - E K Johnston
[2020-06-21T06:58:43-0700] ghgddthcf (u93173gg@ihw-eji.uf9.47.96.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:58:57-0700] <jumper> !Oatmeal J A Culican, J A Armitage - [Realm of
Light and Fire 01] - The Unicorn Key (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:58:58-0700] <lmaoaayy> @search liane moriarty
[2020-06-21T06:59:00-0700] <ghgddthcf> @search Parker wilderness
[2020-06-21T06:59:08-0700] <lobo> @search Carrie Stuart Parks
[2020-06-21T06:59:10-0700] <sweetiez> @search the perfect father
[2020-06-21T06:59:18-0700] Guest60 (textual@ihw-rfq.klr.225.64.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T06:59:21-0700] <ni291187> !Horla Martha Wells - [The Murderbot Diaries
01] - All Systems Red (retail) (epub).epub !Horla Martha Wells - [The Murderbot
Diaries 02] - Artificial Condition (epub).epub !Horla Martha Wells - [The Murderbot
Diaries 03] - Rogue Protocol (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:59:22-0700] <jumper> !Oatmeal J A Culican, J A Armitage - [Realm of
Light and Fire 02] - The Unicorn Quest (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T06:59:24-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Camilla Monk - [Spotless
01] - Spotless (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T06:59:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T06:59:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T06:59:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,804
(2103.86 GB)
[2020-06-21T06:59:40-0700] <ghgddthcf> !Horla Robert B Parker - Wilderness
[2020-06-21T06:59:40-0700] <lmaoaayy> !MusicWench Liane Moriarty - What Alice
Forgot (v4.0) [epub].rar
[2020-06-21T06:59:43-0700] nyorks (karlalauren@ihw-nm0pon.ip.as39912.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T06:59:49-0700] <Guest60> @search The Emperor's Babe
[2020-06-21T06:59:50-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search aaron matthews
[2020-06-21T06:59:52-0700] <DVS> !Xon Steve Berry - [Cotton Malone 02] - The
Alexandria Link (v5.0) (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T07:00:02-0700] dissydesi (Android@ihw-2bsueq.abhe.b9f4.05c4.2601.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:00:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T07:00:08-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search beta commandos
[2020-06-21T07:00:08-0700] roli (roli@ihw-utbaus.kv3s.p4lm.1205.2a02.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:00:09-0700] DoodlerX (Username@ihw-tc3.kqg.247.162.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:00:09-0700] htetrasme (IceChat9@ihw-cgdpo8.res.rr.com) left IRC
(Quit: There's nothing dirtier than a giant ball of oil)
[2020-06-21T07:00:10-0700] <plantz> !dragnbreaker Star Trek - [TNG - Slings and
Arrows 05] - A Weary Life - Robert Greenberger (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:00:11-0700] <roli> !Horla Andi Alexander - [Corporate Affairs 01] -
Exposing the Billionaire (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:00:11-0700] <roli> !Horla Andi Anderson - Got Mistletoe
[Dreamspinner Mistletoe Madness MM] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:00:12-0700] <roli> !Horla Andi Anderson - [Kissed by an Immortal 01]
- Kissed by Death [Silver MM] (pdf).pdf
[2020-06-21T07:00:13-0700] <roli> !Horla Andi Anderson - [Men of Charlestown 04] -
Angel's Redemption [Silver MM] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:00:15-0700] <arcen> !Oatmeal Alastair Reynolds - Beyond the Aquila
Rift- The Best of Alastair Reynolds (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:00:15-0700] <roli> !Horla Andi Anderson - The Sweet One [Silver MM]
[2020-06-21T07:00:19-0700] <DoodlerX> @search DORAEMON
[2020-06-21T07:00:19-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search beta commando
[2020-06-21T07:00:20-0700] <lmaoaayy> @search kate furnivall
[2020-06-21T07:00:20-0700] djh (djh352@ihw-4blc0p.cable.virginm.net) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:00:23-0700] <ni291187> !Horla Martha Wells - [The Murderbot Diaries
01] - All Systems Red (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:00:26-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,800 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T07:00:34-0700] <ni291187> !Horla Martha Wells - [The Murderbot Diaries
01] - All Systems Red (retail) (epub).epub !Horla Martha Wells - [The Murderbot
Diaries 02] - Artificial Condition (epub).epub !Horla Martha Wells -
[2020-06-21T07:00:34-0700] max808 (max808@ihw-trp0g0.va.comcast.net) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:00:34-0700] <DVS> !Xon Steve Berry - [Cotton Malone 06] - The
Emperor's Tomb (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T07:00:35-0700] rott (rott@ihw-aij.1cf.80.190.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:00:35-0700] <mokaz> @search Fusion Somnia
[2020-06-21T07:00:36-0700] <sweetiez> @search my daddy is a hero
[2020-06-21T07:00:36-0700] <ghgddthcf> @search kindred Octavia
[2020-06-21T07:00:42-0700] <DVS> !Xon Steve Berry - [Cotton Malone ss] - The
Devil's Gold (v5.0) (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T07:00:45-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search darcy troy paulin
[2020-06-21T07:00:45-0700] <fk20> @search the demon haunted world
[2020-06-21T07:00:49-0700] <DVS> !Xon Steve Berry - [Cotton Malone 07] - The
Jefferson Key (v5.0) (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T07:00:51-0700] <wallster> !JimBob420 Christopher G Nuttall - [The Zero
Enigma 04] - The Family Shame (mobi).rar ::INFO:: 568.54KB
[2020-06-21T07:00:53-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 94 • Speed: 403,298cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,199 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:00:56-0700] <sweetiez> !QuietSilence Derhally Lena - My Daddy Is a
[2020-06-21T07:00:59-0700] <lmaoaayy> !shytot The Russian Concubine - Kate
[2020-06-21T07:01:00-0700] <roli> !Horla Anders de La Motte - [MemoRandom 01] -
MemoRandom (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:01:01-0700] <roli> !Horla Anders de La Motte - [MemoRandom 02] -
Ultimatum (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:01:01-0700] <roli> !Horla Anders de la Motte - MemoRandom (ARC)
[2020-06-21T07:01:01-0700] <Krongii> !bsk Tolkien Enciclopedia - Jose Maria
[2020-06-21T07:01:02-0700] <roli> !Horla Anders de la Motte - [The Game 01-03] -
Game; Buzz; Bubble (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:01:05-0700] <roli> !Horla Anders de la Motte - [The Game 01] - Game
[2020-06-21T07:01:05-0700] <slant> @search Angelfall Susan Ee
[2020-06-21T07:01:05-0700] <Aldra> !dragnbreaker Brooke, Leah - Dakota Heat 01 -
Her Dakota Men.pdf
[2020-06-21T07:01:06-0700] <roli> !Horla Anders de la Motte - [The Game 02] - Buzz
[2020-06-21T07:01:09-0700] <roli> !Horla Anders de la Motte - [The Game 03] -
Bubble (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:01:09-0700] <DVS> !Xon Steve Berry - [Cotton Malone] - The Admiral's
Mark (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T07:01:12-0700] guccigrace (guccigrace@ihw-79kgsq.res.rr.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:01:12-0700] chinweilien (chinweilien@ihw-0f5.g1n.6.103.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:01:23-0700] <DVS> !Xon Steve Berry - [Cotton Malone 07.5] - The
Tudor Plot (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T07:01:27-0700] <mokaz> @search Dwory Charles Lamb
[2020-06-21T07:01:27-0700] <DoodlerX> @search Aaron Blabey
[2020-06-21T07:01:30-0700] <DVS> !Xon Steve Berry - [Cotton Malone 08] - The King's
Deception (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T07:01:31-0700] <slant> !Oatmeal Susan Ee - [Penryn and the End of Days
01] - Angelfall (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:01:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,965 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T07:01:34-0700] ni291187 (u931732@ihw-hn8.ufe.140.192.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T07:01:35-0700] ekeai (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:01:37-0700] <DVS> !Xon Steve Berry - [Cotton Malone 09] - The
Lincoln Myth (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:01:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,810
(2103.87 GB)
[2020-06-21T07:01:39-0700] <Aldra> !dragnbreaker Brooke, Leah - Dakota Heat 02 -
Dakota Ranch Crude.pdf
[2020-06-21T07:01:44-0700] <DVS> !Xon Steve Berry - [Cotton Malone 10] - The
Patriot Threat (v5.0) (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T07:01:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 11/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,690 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:01:46-0700] <roli> !Horla Anders Grey - [Blooming Desire 01] -
Faking Alec (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:01:46-0700] <roli> !Horla Anders Grey - [Blooming Desire 02] -
Hating Cain (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:01:46-0700] <roli> !Horla Anders Grey - [Blooming Desires 01] -
Gifting Dylan (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T07:01:47-0700] <plantz> !dragnbreaker Star Trek - [VOY] - Architects of
Infinity - Kirsten Beyer (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:01:51-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search starship relic
[2020-06-21T07:01:53-0700] <fk20> !dragnbreaker Sagan, Carl - NF 13 - The Demon-
Haunted World - Science as a Candle in the Dark.epub
[2020-06-21T07:01:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 1/2 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,759
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:01:56-0700] <mokaz> @search Corden Resurrection
[2020-06-21T07:01:56-0700] dlvr8r (dlvr8r@ihw-g4tp4i.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:01:59-0700] <jumper> !Oatmeal J A Culican - [Hollows Ground 01] -
Second Sight (retail) (epub)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:02:06-0700] <DVS> !Xon Steve Berry - [Cotton Malone 11] - The 14th
Colony (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:02:06-0700] <Aldra> !dragnbreaker Brooke, Leah - Dakota Heat 03 -
Dakota's Cowboys.pdf
[2020-06-21T07:02:08-0700] warrior0015 (warrior0015@ihw-froer2.res.rr.com) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:02:11-0700] ChrisChrossChoff (kvirc@ihw-i09.c4t.128.109.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:02:14-0700] chamling-47 (chamling-47@ihw-iqr.23s.34.27.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:02:14-0700] <ghgddthcf> !Oatmeal Kindred - Octavia Butler.epub
[2020-06-21T07:02:16-0700] slant (slant@ihw-nfk.iom.121.221.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:02:18-0700] <DVS> !Xon Steve Berry - [Cotton Malone 13] - The
Bishop's Pawn (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:02:21-0700] <dlvr8r> @search john lawton
[2020-06-21T07:02:24-0700] <ChrisChrossChoff> @search armel job
[2020-06-21T07:02:24-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Ook Darcy Troy Paulin - [Lost
Colony Uprising 01] - Starship Relic (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:02:26-0700] <DVS> !Xon Steve Berry - [Cotton Malone 13.5] - The
Museum of Mysteries (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:02:29-0700] bbg7 (bbg7@ihw-kvo.2js.40.84.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:02:31-0700] <lmaoaayy> !Xon Kate Furnivall - The Russian Concubine
[2020-06-21T07:02:33-0700] <plantz> !dragnbreaker Star Trek - [Titan 01] - Taking
Wing - Michael A Martin, Andy Mangels (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:02:33-0700] <DVS> !Xon Steve Berry - [Cotton Malone 14] - The Malta
Exchange (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:02:35-0700] <bbg7> @search jackson king
[2020-06-21T07:02:37-0700] <mokaz> @search Wong Asunder
[2020-06-21T07:02:40-0700] ghgddthcf (u93173gg@ihw-eji.uf9.47.96.IP) left the
[2020-06-21T07:02:43-0700] <DVS> !Xon Steve Berry & M J Rose - [Cotton Malone 14.5
- Cassiopeia Vitt Adventure 03] - The Lake of Learning
[2020-06-21T07:02:51-0700] <DVS> !Xon Steve Berry - [Cotton Malone 15] - The Warsaw
Protocol (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:02:53-0700] <jumper> !Oatmeal J A Culican - [Through the Ashes 02] -
Embers of Darkness (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:03:02-0700] <Aldra> !Horla Leah Brooke - [Menage Amour 93] -
Dakota's Cowboys (pdf).pdf
[2020-06-21T07:03:02-0700] <chamling-47> @Search hello
[2020-06-21T07:03:05-0700] <DVS> !dragnbreaker Berry, Steve - Cotton Malone 12.5 -
The Devils' Due (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T07:03:09-0700] <lmaoaayy> @search rosamunde pilcher
[2020-06-21T07:03:12-0700] N0mad (N0mad@ihw-2jit3k.dsl.telepac.pt) left the channel
[2020-06-21T07:03:14-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search ian douglas
[2020-06-21T07:03:15-0700] <roli> !Horla Anders Jallai - [Anton Modin 01] - Deep
State (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:03:15-0700] <roli> !Horla Anders Jallai - [Anton Modin 02] - Enemy
of the State (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:03:15-0700] <roli> !Horla Anders Jallai - [Anton Modin 03] - Under
Water (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:03:15-0700] <plantz> !dragnbreaker Star Trek - [TOS] - Federation -
Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:03:16-0700] <dlvr8r> !Horla John Lawton - [Frederick Troy 01] -
Black Out (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:03:17-0700] <roli> !Horla Anders, Lou (Ed) - Sideways In Crime.lit
[2020-06-21T07:03:18-0700] <DVS> !dragnbreaker Berry, Steve - Cotton Malone 01 -
The Templar Legacy (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T07:03:18-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,542 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T07:03:19-0700] <roli> !Horla Anderson, Amorette - [Hillcrest Witch Cozy
Mystery 03] - The Case of the Desire Spell (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:03:19-0700] Shulaidon (Shulaidon@ihw-t12k6d.pool1.tetanet.cz) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:03:21-0700] <roli> !Horla Anderson Atlas - [Extremist Edge 01] - 6th
Horseman (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:03:22-0700] <vnava> @search fate
[2020-06-21T07:03:23-0700] <roli> !Horla Anderson Atlas - [Heroes of Distant
Planets 01] - Surviving the Improbable Quest (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:03:25-0700] <roli> !Horla Anderson Atlas - [Heroes of Distant
Planets 02] - Return to Lan Darr (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:03:25-0700] <Phil> @search john bolton
[2020-06-21T07:03:27-0700] <roli> !Horla Anderson Atlas - [Last Virus 01] - Fools'
Apocalypse (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:03:31-0700] <DVS> !dragnbreaker Berry, Steve - Cotton Malone 02 -
The Alexandria Link (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T07:03:34-0700] <bbg7> !dragnbreaker King, T Jackson - Transcendent 02 -
Deadly Geezer.epub
[2020-06-21T07:03:36-0700] <DVS> !dragnbreaker Berry, Steve - Cotton Malone 03 -
The Venetian Betrayal (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T07:03:39-0700] <DoodlerX> !Oatmeal Aaron Blabey - [The Bad Guys 02] -
Mission Unpluckable (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:03:39-0700] <DoodlerX> !Oatmeal Aaron Blabey - [The Bad Guys 01] -
The Bad Guys (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:03:40-0700] <Shulaidon> @search seitan and beyond
[2020-06-21T07:03:43-0700] Krongii (Krongii@ihw-4i2.qrt.184.105.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T07:03:44-0700] <jumper> !Oatmeal J A Culican - [Through the Ashes 01] -
Sword of Fire (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:03:45-0700] robert_ (robert@ihw-j6f.nr4.216.185.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:03:48-0700] <bbg7> !Horla T Jackson King - [Transcendent 02] -
Deadly Geezer (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:03:49-0700] <lmaoaayy> !JimBob420 Rosamunde Pilcher - Voices in
Summer (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:03:49-0700] <DVS> !dragnbreaker Berry, Steve - Cotton Malone 04 -
The Charlemagne Pursuit (v5.0).epub.
[2020-06-21T07:03:59-0700] jalopy (jaloeno@ihw-2kn.u0j.154.162.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:04:02-0700] <plantz> !dragnbreaker Star Trek - [DS9 - The Dominion
War 02] - Call to Arms - Diane Carey (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:04:02-0700] Guest60 (textual@ihw-rfq.klr.225.64.IP) left IRC (The
TLS connection was non-properly terminated.)
[2020-06-21T07:04:03-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Anderson Atlas - [Heroes of Distant
Planets 01] - Surviving the Improbable Quest (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:04:04-0700] <dlvr8r> !Horla John Lawton - [Frederick Troy 02] - Old
Flames (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:04:10-0700] <DoodlerX> !Oatmeal Aaron Blabey - [The Bad Guys 01] -
The Bad Guys (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:04:14-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Anderson Atlas - [Extremist Edge 01] -
6th Horseman (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:04:19-0700] okay001 (Sure@ihw-26vt7t.ftth.web.africa) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:04:25-0700] <jalopy> @search the fated sky
[2020-06-21T07:04:25-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Anderson Atlas - [Heroes of Distant
Planets 02] - Return to Lan Darr (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:04:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T07:04:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T07:04:28-0700] <wallster> !DV8 Christopher G Nuttall - [The Zero Enigma
04] - The Family Shame (mobi).rar ::INFO:: 595.57KB
[2020-06-21T07:04:34-0700] <Shulaidon> Seitan And Beyond Gluten And Soy-Based Meat
Analogues For The Ethical Gourmet.pdf ::INFO:: 14.2MB
[2020-06-21T07:04:35-0700] <Aldra> !Horla Leah Brooke - [Rapture Island 02] -
Constant Craving [Siren Everlasting Classic] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:04:35-0700] <Aldra> !Horla Leah Brooke - [Rapture Island 03] - Sin's
Magic [Siren Everlasting Classic] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:04:35-0700] <Aldra> !Horla Leah Brooke - [Rapture Island 05] - A
Dominant's Love (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:04:43-0700] vnava (vnava@ihw-mgt.qme.243.60.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T07:04:44-0700] Jubala (Jubala@ihw-4s6.4n0.196.82.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:04:46-0700] <dlvr8r> !Horla John Lawton - [Frederick Troy 03] - A
Little White Death (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:04:50-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:04:51-0700] <lmaoaayy> !Horla Rosamunde Pilcher - Voices in Summer
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:04:52-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Ian Douglas - [Star
Carrier 01] - Earth Strike (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:04:54-0700] <Shulaidon> !LawdyServer Seitan And Beyond Gluten And
Soy-Based Meat Analogues For The Ethical Gourmet.pdf
[2020-06-21T07:04:57-0700] <plantz> !dragnbreaker Star Trek - TOS 060] - Ice Trap -
L A Graf (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T07:05:02-0700] rudunn (rudunn@ihw-m75.ku7.186.47.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:05:12-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T07:05:14-0700] <jumper> !Oatmeal J A Culican - [The Keeper of Dragons
01] - The Prince Returns (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:05:20-0700] llllls (llllls@ihw-6bees5.cable.virginm.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:05:28-0700] <chamling-47> @Search The Bloodstained Throne
[2020-06-21T07:05:32-0700] <dlvr8r> !Horla John Lawton - [Frederick Troy 04] -
Riptide (Bluffing Mr Churchill) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:05:34-0700] <Aldra> !dragnbreaker Brooke, Leah - Rapture Island 01 -
[2020-06-21T07:05:34-0700] <ChrisChrossChoff> !Horla Armel Job - Une femme que
j'aimais [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T07:05:38-0700] fredrick87643287 (fredrick876@ihw-sbp.qps.195.124.IP)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:05:45-0700] <lmaoaayy> @search terry hayes
[2020-06-21T07:05:48-0700] <@shytot> @search A Breach in the Watershed
[2020-06-21T07:05:48-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 6/6 • Queued: 93 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,216 • List: Jun
18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:05:50-0700] <dlvr8r> !Horla John Lawton - [Frederick Troy 05] - Blue
Rondo (Flesh Wounds) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:05:50-0700] Lom (gautam@ihw-829.86l.96.58.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T07:05:50-0700] <Jubala> @search At the End of the World
[2020-06-21T07:05:52-0700] fk20 (fk20@ihw-9676ku.three.co.id) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T07:05:56-0700] <lmaoaayy> @search terry hayes
[2020-06-21T07:05:59-0700] kanin (kanin@ihw-lc4qvn.tbcn.telia.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:06:00-0700] ttrzt (me@ihw-qkd16h.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:06:01-0700] <wallster> !DV8 Christopher G Nuttall - [The Zero Engima
04] - The Family Shame (epub).rar ::INFO:: 554.88KB
[2020-06-21T07:06:01-0700] <jalopy> !dragnbreaker Mary Robinette Kowal - [Lady
Astronaut 02] - The Fated Sky (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:06:04-0700] robert__ (robert@ihw-58l.nr4.216.185.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:06:05-0700] <dlvr8r> !Horla John Lawton - [Frederick Troy 06] -
Second Violin (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:06:09-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search nick adams
[2020-06-21T07:06:20-0700] justme (justme@ihw-46g.hmb.175.95.IP) left IRC (Quit:
WeeChat 2.8)
[2020-06-21T07:06:23-0700] <dlvr8r> !Horla John Lawton - [Frederick Troy 07] - A
Lily of the Field (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:06:30-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,966 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T07:06:37-0700] <rudunn> @search john bolton
[2020-06-21T07:06:37-0700] <dlvr8r> !Horla John Lawton - [Frederick Troy 08] -
Friends and Traitors (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:06:40-0700] <DVS> !MusicWench Steve Berry - [Cotton Malone 03] - The
Venetian Betrayal.mobi
[2020-06-21T07:06:41-0700] <jalopy> @search mars a technical novel
[2020-06-21T07:06:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,690 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:06:46-0700] <DVS> !MusicWench Steve Berry - [Cotton Malone 04] - The
Charlemagne Pursuit.mobi
[2020-06-21T07:06:49-0700] <lmaoaayy> @search the year of the locust
[2020-06-21T07:06:52-0700] virtual7gnom (virtualgnom@ihw-2f2.ic1.97.88.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:06:53-0700] <dlvr8r> !Horla John Lawton - [Joe Wilderness 01] - Then
We Take Berlin (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:06:53-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Nick Adams - [The Fold 01]
- The Initial Fold (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:06:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 1/2 • Queued: 2 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,768
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:06:56-0700] ChrisChrossChoff (kvirc@ihw-i09.c4t.128.109.IP) left IRC
(Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
[2020-06-21T07:07:00-0700] pookybear (pookybear@ihw-nn3.mvm.54.110.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:07:02-0700] ZOO (traorebooba@ihw-s52.3ob.116.51.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:07:03-0700] <DVS> !MusicWench Steve Berry - [Cotton Malone 05] - The
Paris Vendetta.mobi
[2020-06-21T07:07:04-0700] <+MusicWench> French and English ebooks!• Type:
@MusicWench For My List Of: 46,699 Files • Slots: 2/3 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 0cps •
Next: NOW • Served: 295,800 • List: Jun 20th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T07:07:05-0700] <pookybear> @search Kathy Kimbray
[2020-06-21T07:07:12-0700] <dlvr8r> !Horla John Lawton - [Joe Wilderness 02] - The
Unfortunate Englishman (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:07:15-0700] pookybear (pookybear@ihw-nn3.mvm.54.110.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:07:16-0700] <jalopy> @search breaking the chains of gravity
[2020-06-21T07:07:22-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search liam clay
[2020-06-21T07:07:25-0700] KidCrims01 (KidCrims01@ihw-hhp.uvj.136.191.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:07:30-0700] cards (androirc@ihw-4ar8vn.kjak.24rc.fb90.2607.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:07:30-0700] <dlvr8r> !Horla John Lawton - Sweet Sunday (retail)
[2020-06-21T07:07:34-0700] <virtual7gnom> @search Keri Arthur
[2020-06-21T07:07:35-0700] <lmaoaayy> @search terry hayes
[2020-06-21T07:07:37-0700] tomtomtom (staggerlee@ihw-2th.558.83.80.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:07:39-0700] <cards> !Horla Richard Haass - The World - A Brief
Introduction (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:07:47-0700] dlvr8r (dlvr8r@ihw-g4tp4i.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:07:49-0700] <chamling-47> @search The Bloodstained Throne: Struggles
for Power in Nepal
[2020-06-21T07:07:55-0700] guccigrace (guccigrace@ihw-79kgsq.res.rr.com) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:07:57-0700] shadow61 (shadow61@ihw-i3l.u30.166.46.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:07:59-0700] cards (androirc@ihw-4ar8vn.kjak.24rc.fb90.2607.IP) left
IRC (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))
[2020-06-21T07:08:06-0700] <jalopy> !Ook Amy Shira Teitel - Breaking the Chains of
Gravity- The Story of Spaceflight before NASA (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:08:09-0700] lmaoaayy (lmaoaayy@ihw-1lr.63i.5.94.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:08:13-0700] lmaoaayy (lmaoaayy@ihw-1lr.63i.5.94.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:08:17-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Liam Clay - [The Live
Soldier 01-03] - The Live Soldier Trilogy Box Set (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:08:18-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,544 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T07:08:19-0700] <lmaoaayy> @search terry hayes
[2020-06-21T07:08:31-0700] jjaomni (ident@The.Internet.is.Bigger.on.the.Inside)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:08:32-0700] chamling-47 (chamling-47@ihw-iqr.23s.34.27.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:08:37-0700] not_me (not_me@ihw-tertfb.ip.windstream.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:08:38-0700] jacobus21 (jacob@ihw-mmghp3.54c3.5g45.0a61.2001.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:08:42-0700] ZOO (traorebooba@ihw-s52.3ob.116.51.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:08:44-0700] <lmaoaayy> @search the year of the locust
[2020-06-21T07:08:48-0700] <jacobus21> @search Kafka
[2020-06-21T07:08:53-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:08:55-0700] catbaby (catbaby@ihw-19eor0.range86-
149.btcentralplus.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:08:58-0700] <jalopy> @search carrying the fire
[2020-06-21T07:09:02-0700] <catbaby> !bsk Margaret Pargeter - Dark Surrender [HR-
2409, MB-1718] (html).rar
[2020-06-21T07:09:02-0700] <+TrainFiles> For my list of 198106 files type:
@TrainFiles, Sends: 0/5 , Queue: 0/10, Voicepriority: OFF, For help: @TrainFiles-
help Using: Irssi Findbot v1.58
[2020-06-21T07:09:07-0700] <+ps2> •·File Server Online·• Trigger..::/ctcp ps2 !
ps::.. On server..::Books of all subjects, comics, wargames & RPGs (mostly pdf)::..
Note..::On Undernet & IRCHighWay: @ps2 for instructions or /ctcp ps2 !ps to enter.
Elsewhere: @ps for instructions or /ctcp ps !ps to enter. You can also get my files
from phoomphy (@phoomphy for the filelist).::.. .•«UPP»•.
[2020-06-21T07:09:08-0700] <Aldra> !Horla Leah Brooke - [Black Panthers 01] -
Panthers' Prey [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:09:08-0700] <Aldra> !Horla Leah Brooke - [Black Panthers 02] -
Panthers' Pride [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:09:08-0700] <Aldra> !Horla Leah Brooke - [Black Panthers 03] - Under
the Panther's Protection [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:09:09-0700] Liteway_ (mark@ihw-ikb8kg.chello.nl) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:09:12-0700] <russell34343434d3434> @search ascension myth
[2020-06-21T07:09:12-0700] Tore (tore@ihw-rulkk1.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) left IRC
(Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
[2020-06-21T07:09:14-0700] FireGuy8 (FireGuy8@ihw-b4j.nng.233.80.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:09:25-0700] bbbbbaaaron (bookaaron@ihw-ac1n8r.ga.comcast.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:09:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T07:09:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T07:09:30-0700] seriousanon (seriousano@ihw-rrr.g8v.132.144.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:09:37-0700] <shadow61> @search ann rule - green river running red
[2020-06-21T07:09:44-0700] <seriousanon> @search K J Charles
[2020-06-21T07:09:47-0700] <jalopy> @search carrying the fire
[2020-06-21T07:09:58-0700] <rudunn> @request-list
[2020-06-21T07:10:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T07:10:13-0700] <DoodlerX> !Oatmeal Aaron Blabey - [The Bad Guys 03] -
The Bad Guys in The Furball Strikes Back (retail) (azw3).rar
[2020-06-21T07:10:20-0700] <FireGuy8> @search Jenny Moore
[2020-06-21T07:10:20-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:10:22-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:10:29-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:10:37-0700] catbaby (catbaby@ihw-19eor0.range86-
149.btcentralplus.com) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:10:38-0700] <Aldra> !Horla Leah Brooke - [Erotically Yours 01] -
Loving Ambush [Siren Everlasting Classic] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:10:38-0700] <Aldra> !Horla Leah Brooke - [Erotically Yours 02] -
Iron Cowboy [Siren Everlasting Classic] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:10:49-0700] <shadow61> @search ann rule
[2020-06-21T07:10:51-0700] <plantz> !dragnbreaker Star Trek - [Star Trek Academy
01] - Collision Course - William Shatner, Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens
[2020-06-21T07:10:52-0700] PeterPan1337 (androirc@ihw-30i.u6g.239.178.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:10:53-0700] <FireGuy8> @sbClient
[2020-06-21T07:10:53-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 96 • Speed: 129,262cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,231 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:11:01-0700] bbbbbaaaron (bookaaron@ihw-ac1n8r.ga.comcast.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:11:03-0700] <PeterPan1337> @Search computer networking
[2020-06-21T07:11:03-0700] <@shytot> @search Annie Gray
[2020-06-21T07:11:05-0700] EmmaK (Lollyk@ihw-1m6.vra.4.45.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:11:07-0700] carmann42 (carmann97@ihw-gd6amr.il.comcast.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:11:17-0700] gffhgfjg (gffhgfjg@ihw-9ou.u4b.235.105.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:11:21-0700] <gffhgfjg> @search Jennie Jennifer Ketcham
[2020-06-21T07:11:21-0700] <gffhgfjg> @SearchBot-Trigger
[2020-06-21T07:11:24-0700] <ttrzt> @request-list
[2020-06-21T07:11:24-0700] <EmmaK> @search Creative Haven
[2020-06-21T07:11:27-0700] KidCrims01 (KidCrims01@ihw-hhp.uvj.136.191.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:11:30-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,966 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T07:11:39-0700] <FireGuy8> @search david walliams
[2020-06-21T07:11:45-0700] <carmann42> !trainpacks
[2020-06-21T07:11:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,690 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:11:51-0700] <russell34343434d3434> !Horla Ell Leigh Clark & Michael
Anderle - [The Ascension Myth 01-12] - The Ascension Myth Box Set (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:11:51-0700] gioooooooorg56 (gioooooooor@ihw-
qfulsf.retail.telecomitalia.it) left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:11:52-0700] chris47 (chris47@ihw-aqdufu.fios.verizon.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:11:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,772
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:12:00-0700] Liteway (mark@ihw-ock.pac.65.185.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:12:01-0700] <gffhgfjg> @search Music Theory Michael Miller
[2020-06-21T07:12:04-0700] <lobo> @search David Cline
[2020-06-21T07:12:04-0700] <FireGuy8> !Horla David Walliams - Slime (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:12:05-0700] <Fakus666|3> !bsk Terry Brooks - [The Dark Legacy of
Shannara 01] - Wards of Faerie (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T07:12:06-0700] <DoodlerX> !Oatmeal Aaron Blabey - [The Bad Guys 04] -
Attack of the Zittens (retail) (azw3).rar
[2020-06-21T07:12:06-0700] russell34343434d3434 (343434Russ@ihw-ht1.nmt.2.14.IP)
left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:12:07-0700] <chris47> @searchook randolph churchill
[2020-06-21T07:12:11-0700] <jalopy> @search art of thinking clearly
[2020-06-21T07:12:13-0700] <EmmaK> @search Coloring Book
[2020-06-21T07:12:20-0700] unicornisr (unicornisr@ihw-9nc.0du.4.171.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:12:22-0700] <wallster> !dragnbreaker Nuttall, Christopher G - The
Zero Enigma 04 - The Family Shame.epub ::INFO:: 528.8KB
[2020-06-21T07:12:23-0700] rudunn (rudunn@ihw-m75.ku7.186.47.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T07:12:24-0700] <Fakus666|3> !bsk Terry Brooks - [The Dark Legacy of
Shannara 02] - The Bloodfire Quest (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T07:12:39-0700] <Fakus666|3> !bsk Terry Brooks - [The Dark Legacy of
Shannara 03] - Witch Wraith (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T07:12:39-0700] <jumper> !Oatmeal Kate Calloway - [Cassidy James Mystery
01] - 1st Impressions (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:12:40-0700] not_me (not_me@ihw-tertfb.ip.windstream.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:12:45-0700] <gffhgfjg> !Oatmeal Michael Miller - Idiot's Guides -
Music Theory (3rd edition) (Retail) (epub)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:12:45-0700] lmaoaayy (lmaoaayy@ihw-1lr.63i.5.94.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:12:47-0700] <PeterPan1337> !LawdyServer Networking for Beginners -
The Complete Guide to Computer Network Basics, Wireless Technology.pdf
[2020-06-21T07:12:53-0700] <jalopy> !Oatmeal Rolf Dobelli - The Art of Thinking
Clearly (retail) (epub)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:12:54-0700] JordanvanBergen (JordanvanBe@ihw-f0r8kd.dsl.cambrium.nl)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:12:57-0700] ooe90w (iiui223@ihw-pjg.l25.83.183.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:12:59-0700] <shadow61> !DV8 Ann Rule - Green River & Running Red
[2020-06-21T07:13:00-0700] <Aldra> !Horla Leah Brooke - [Night 01] - Night Rogues
[2020-06-21T07:13:00-0700] <Aldra> !Horla Leah Brooke - [Night 02] - Night Intrigue
[Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:13:00-0700] <Aldra> !Horla Leah Brooke - [Night 03] - Night Shadows
[2020-06-21T07:13:05-0700] <@shytot> @search Esther Rutter
[2020-06-21T07:13:10-0700] <PeterPan1337> !LawdyServer Networking for Beginners -
The Complete Guide to Computer Network Basics, Wireless Technology.pdf
[2020-06-21T07:13:10-0700] <ooe90w> @search Introduction to Behavioral Research
Methods leary
[2020-06-21T07:13:14-0700] <dny238> • Type: @dny238 For My List Of: 4,015 Files •
Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,199 • List: Jun 3rd
• Search: OFF • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T07:13:17-0700] <jumper> !Oatmeal Kate Calloway - [Cassidy James Mystery
03] - 3rd Degree (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:13:19-0700] bRuck (bruckwondi@ihw-kdm.g2t.188.196.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T07:13:22-0700] virtual7gnom (virtualgnom@ihw-2f2.ic1.97.88.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T07:13:23-0700] <EmmaK> @serch tea time
[2020-06-21T07:13:25-0700] bRuck (bruckwondi@ihw-kdm.g2t.188.196.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:13:29-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,545 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T07:13:33-0700] alexose (alexose@ihw-3g7.c5d.247.162.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:13:35-0700] Tuckerdoodle (Tuckerdood@ihw-nf9f72.wa.comcast.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:13:39-0700] <DoodlerX> !Oatmeal Aaron Blabey - [The Bad Guys 05] -
Intergalactic Gas (retail) (azw3).rar
[2020-06-21T07:13:43-0700] <Tuckerdoodle> @search John Bolton
[2020-06-21T07:13:46-0700] <ooe90w> @TEXTBOOKS
[2020-06-21T07:13:46-0700] <chris47> @searchook michael dobbs churchill
[2020-06-21T07:13:49-0700] <FireGuy8> !Horla David Walliams - The Boy in the Dress
[2020-06-21T07:13:53-0700] <gffhgfjg> @search Jennie Jennie Ketcham
[2020-06-21T07:14:08-0700] <PeterPan1337> !LawdyServer Networking for Beginners -
The Complete Guide to Computer Network Basics, Wireless Technology.pdf
[2020-06-21T07:14:11-0700] Tuckerdoodle (Tuckerdood@ihw-nf9f72.wa.comcast.net) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:14:17-0700] <chris47> !bsk Michael Dobbs - [Winston Churchill 01] -
Winston's War (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:14:17-0700] <EmmaK> @search tea time
[2020-06-21T07:14:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T07:14:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T07:14:29-0700] gioooooooorg56 (gioooooooor@ihw-
qfulsf.retail.telecomitalia.it) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:14:32-0700] Aldra (Aldra@ihw-pbs.6hm.49.95.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:14:35-0700] <gffhgfjg> @search Survivor Mark Burnett
[2020-06-21T07:14:43-0700] <carmann42> @search nancy thayer
[2020-06-21T07:14:43-0700] <FireGuy8> !Ook David Walliams - The Boy in the Dress
(mobi).mobi ::INFO:: 251.48KB
[2020-06-21T07:14:47-0700] KaPah75 (KaPah75@ihw-tve.p49.229.90.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:14:50-0700] Freejack (Freejack@ihw-fdpo82.dsl.netsource.ie) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:14:54-0700] <@shytot> @search Hermann Abert
[2020-06-21T07:15:00-0700] <roli> !Horla Andi Bremner - Free Spirit (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:15:00-0700] <roli> !Horla Andi Bremner - [Ink Addicted 01] - Damaged
Hearts [Evernight, RotG] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:15:00-0700] <roli> !Horla Andi Bremner - [Ink Addicted 02] - Fated
Hearts (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:15:02-0700] <roli> !Horla Andi Bremner - [Moonstone 01] - Trinity
[Evernight] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:15:03-0700] <Freejack> !trainpacks
[2020-06-21T07:15:04-0700] <roli> !Horla Andi Dorfman - Single State of Mind
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:15:06-0700] <KaPah75> @search haven point raeanne thayne
[2020-06-21T07:15:06-0700] <roli> !Horla Andie Alexander - [Adventures in World
Peace 01] - Deadly Interpretations (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:15:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T07:15:08-0700] <roli> !Horla Andie Alexander - [Adventures in World
Peace 02] - Murders on the Edge (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:15:08-0700] epaminondas (epaminondas@ihw-oh8.joq.170.5.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:15:10-0700] <roli> !Horla Andie Alexander - [Natalie Mystery 02] -
Diplomats (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:15:12-0700] <roli> !Horla Andie Alexander - [Natalie Mystery 03] -
Gangs, In-Laws, and Outlaws (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:15:16-0700] <roli> !Horla Andie Blue - High Stakes Chattel [MF]
[2020-06-21T07:15:16-0700] <wallster> !bsk Christopher G Nuttall - [The Zero Enigma
04] - The Family Shame (mobi).rar ::INFO:: 568.5KB
[2020-06-21T07:15:26-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 19/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 16,384cps • Next: NOW • Served:
3,190,821 • List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T07:15:28-0700] <DoodlerX> !Oatmeal Aaron Blabey - [The Bad Guys 06] -
Alien vs Bad Guys (retail)(azw3).rar
[2020-06-21T07:15:30-0700] critter__ (Critter@ihw-5sf.shg.102.212.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:15:36-0700] <EmmaK> @search Marty Noble
[2020-06-21T07:15:40-0700] <DoodlerX> !Oatmeal Aaron Blabey - [The Bad Guys 07] -
Do-You-Think-He-Saurus! (retail)(azw3).rar
[2020-06-21T07:15:44-0700] <plantz> !dragnbreaker Star Trek - [Discovery 03] - Fear
Itself - James Swallow (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:15:44-0700] EmmaK (Lollyk@ihw-1m6.vra.4.45.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T07:15:48-0700] <FireGuy8> !shytot David Walliams - Blob
(epub).epub ::INFO:: 3.8MB
[2020-06-21T07:15:48-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 95 • Speed: 251,031cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,248 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:15:51-0700] something23t235235 (Username@ihw-9m1.ctn.157.47.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:15:52-0700] <Jubala> @search Charles E. Gannon
[2020-06-21T07:16:00-0700] <FireGuy8> !shytot David Walliams - Blob
(epub).epub ::INFO:: 3.8MB
[2020-06-21T07:16:02-0700] krys (krys@ihw-r9d5gm.internetdsl.tpnet.pl) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T07:16:03-0700] jalopy (jaloeno@ihw-2kn.u0j.154.162.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T07:16:04-0700] <KaPah75> !shytot RaeAnne Thayne - [Haven Point 10.5] -
A Haven Point Beginning (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:16:11-0700] <FireGuy8> !shytot David Walliams - Blob
(epub).epub ::INFO:: 3.8MB
[2020-06-21T07:16:11-0700] <gffhgfjg> @search The Boston Rob Rulebook
[2020-06-21T07:16:30-0700] <seriousanon> @search unnatural vice
[2020-06-21T07:16:30-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,966 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T07:16:38-0700] <carmann42> !Oatmeal Nancy Thayer - Family Secrets
(retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:16:39-0700] <dubstepper3999> @search james cone
[2020-06-21T07:16:45-0700] <chris47> !bsk Michael Dobbs - [Winston Churchill 02] -
Never Surrender (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:16:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 10/12 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 24,104cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,690 •
List: Jun 20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:16:54-0700] Parlabane (DollyRogers@ihw-l7b07u.tbcn.telia.com) left
IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T07:16:54-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Anderson Atlas - [Last Virus 01] -
Fools' Apocalypse (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:16:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,774
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:16:56-0700] <carmann42> !Oatmeal Nancy Thayer - Secrets in Summer
(retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:17:08-0700] <KaPah75> !Ook RaeAnne Thayne - [Haven Point 00.5] - A
Haven Point Beginning (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:17:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T07:17:11-0700] shadow61 (shadow61@ihw-i3l.u30.166.46.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:17:17-0700] LadyIce (Candice@ihw-96scgu.wepbfl.sbcglobal.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:17:28-0700] <Jefren> !Horla Anderson, Amorette - [Hillcrest Witch
Cozy Mystery 03] - The Case of the Desire Spell (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:17:31-0700] HumptyD (FlashKat@ihw-9ev.fdr.128.174.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:17:35-0700] KaPah75 (KaPah75@ihw-tve.p49.229.90.IP) left the channel
[2020-06-21T07:17:36-0700] camedia (camedia@ihw-gcooko.cable.teksavvy.com) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:17:48-0700] Trailgr1 (Android@ihw-rn7.5j6.41.73.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:17:48-0700] <HumptyD> @search diagnostic statistical manual
[2020-06-21T07:17:55-0700] Mana (M@ihw-mi1.ja5.211.112.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:17:56-0700] <ttrzt> @search markus
[2020-06-21T07:18:03-0700] <HumptyD> @search dsm
[2020-06-21T07:18:04-0700] <Trailgr1> @searchook death of innocence
[2020-06-21T07:18:07-0700] <carmann42> !Oatmeal Nancy Thayer - Family Secrets
(retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:18:07-0700] <DoodlerX> @search
[2020-06-21T07:18:09-0700] BadExample (chatzilla@ihw-2dd9am.knology.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:18:10-0700] <FireGuy8> !shytot David Walliams - The Beast of
Buckingham Palace (epub).epub ::INFO:: 16.7MB
[2020-06-21T07:18:10-0700] wallster (wallster@ihw-jsufs5.tukrga.sbcglobal.net) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:18:11-0700] <DoodlerX> @search JARRETT J. KROSOCZKA
[2020-06-21T07:18:13-0700] cewlp (cewlp@ihw-jv1vni.access.telenet.be) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:18:13-0700] pentaxis93 (robert@ihw-j6f.nr4.216.185.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:18:18-0700] <BadExample> !trainpacks
[2020-06-21T07:18:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,545 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T07:18:23-0700] <FireGuy8> !shytot David Walliams - The Beast of
Buckingham Palace (epub).epub ::INFO:: 16.7MB
[2020-06-21T07:18:25-0700] juamps (juamps@ihw-8rlo7j.dynamic.sonic.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:18:25-0700] <camedia> @search bolton
[2020-06-21T07:18:29-0700] <cewlp> @search auberon
[2020-06-21T07:18:32-0700] <FireGuy8> !shytot David Walliams - The Beast of
Buckingham Palace (epub).epub ::INFO:: 16.7MB
[2020-06-21T07:18:32-0700] <Mana> @search Lora Leigh
[2020-06-21T07:18:43-0700] <FireGuy8> !shytot David Walliams - The Beast of
Buckingham Palace (epub).epub ::INFO:: 16.7MB
[2020-06-21T07:18:45-0700] bRuck (bruckwondi@ihw-kdm.g2t.188.196.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T07:18:48-0700] metatron1229 (metatron122@ihw-88n.vdj.247.196.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:18:56-0700] <Trailgr1> !JimBob420 Mamie Till-Mobley & Christopher
Benson - Death of Innocence- The Story of the Hate Crime That Changed America
(retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:19:04-0700] <metatron1229> @search genevieve graham
[2020-06-21T07:19:06-0700] <dubstepper3999> @search exhalation
[2020-06-21T07:19:07-0700] <FireGuy8> !TrainFiles David Walliams - The Beast of
Buckingham Palace (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:19:14-0700] VibroMax (phisto@ihw-vng.8bo.120.154.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:19:22-0700] bRuck (bruckwondi@ihw-kdm.g2t.188.196.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:19:22-0700] <LadyIce> @find Susan Kiernan-Lewis
[2020-06-21T07:19:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T07:19:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T07:19:30-0700] <carmann42> !Oatmeal Nancy Thayer - Girls of Summer
[2020-06-21T07:19:30-0700] <Trailgr1> !Oatmeal Mamie Till-Mobley & Christopher
Benson - Death of Innocence- The Story of the Hate Crime That Changed America
(retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:19:32-0700] <dubstepper3999> !DV8 Ted Chiang - Exhalation (retail)
[2020-06-21T07:19:33-0700] scythe23 (scythe23@ihw-u8f.uqn.159.120.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T07:19:34-0700] robert_ (robert@ihw-j6f.nr4.216.185.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:19:35-0700] <gffhgfjg> !Horla Jennie Ketcham - I Am Jennie
[2020-06-21T07:19:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,819
(2103.88 GB)
[2020-06-21T07:19:42-0700] <camedia> @search The Room where it happened
[2020-06-21T07:19:46-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:19:50-0700] <cewlp> !shytot James S A Corey - [Expanse 08.5] -
Auberon (epub).epub ::INFO:: 1.7MB
[2020-06-21T07:19:51-0700] <Mana> !shytot Lawe's Justice - Lora Leigh.epub
[2020-06-21T07:19:55-0700] FireGuy8 (FireGuy8@ihw-b4j.nng.233.80.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:20:00-0700] <plantz> !dragnbreaker Christopher L Bennett - [Star
Trek TOS] - The Higher Frontier (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:20:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T07:20:09-0700] BadExample (chatzilla@ihw-2dd9am.knology.net) left the
channel ("")
[2020-06-21T07:20:11-0700] <cewlp> !shytot James S A Corey - [Expanse 08.5] -
Auberon (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:20:15-0700] <DVS> @search steve berry
[2020-06-21T07:20:17-0700] DoodlerX (Username@ihw-tc3.kqg.247.162.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T07:20:23-0700] butt__soup (textual@ihw-hr9tbu.fob1.aes0.0401.2601.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:20:25-0700] Briz (Briz@ihw-429.uln.157.157.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:20:29-0700] <HumptyD> @search manual mental disorders
[2020-06-21T07:20:35-0700] <Mana> !bsk Lawe's Justice - Lora Leigh.epub
[2020-06-21T07:20:38-0700] <butt__soup> @search the room where it happened
[2020-06-21T07:20:40-0700] Santhe (Santhe@ihw-mea.nr4.216.185.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T07:20:43-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:20:46-0700] HumptyD (FlashKat@ihw-9ev.fdr.128.174.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:20:50-0700] Briz (Briz@ihw-429.uln.157.157.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:20:54-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 86 • Speed: 355,471cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,264 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:20:58-0700] <camedia> @search John Bolton
[2020-06-21T07:21:06-0700] <plantz> !dragnbreaker Alan Dean Foster - [Star Trek] -
The Unsettling Stars (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:21:08-0700] <butt__soup> @search John Bolton
[2020-06-21T07:21:16-0700] robert_ (robert@ihw-dm0.nr4.216.185.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:21:21-0700] <metatron1229> !bsk Genevieve Graham - At the Mountain's
Edge (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 3.4MB
[2020-06-21T07:21:21-0700] <metatron1229> !bsk Genevieve Graham - Come from Away
(retail) (epub).epub ::INFO:: 6.5MB
[2020-06-21T07:21:21-0700] <metatron1229> !bsk Genevieve Graham - Promises to Keep
(retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 4.8MB
[2020-06-21T07:21:21-0700] <metatron1229> !bsk Genevieve Graham - Tides of Honour
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.4MB
[2020-06-21T07:21:27-0700] <plantz> !dragnbreaker Una McCormack - [Star Trek Picard
01] - The Last Best Hope (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:21:30-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,966 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T07:21:32-0700] <jumper> !Oatmeal Morgan Rice - [Age of the Sorcerers
02] - Throne of Dragons (Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:21:34-0700] <dubstepper3999> @search children of ruin
[2020-06-21T07:21:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,819
(2103.88 GB)
[2020-06-21T07:21:41-0700] carmann42 (carmann97@ihw-gd6amr.il.comcast.net) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:21:43-0700] <Mana> !bsk Styx's Storm - Lora Leigh.epub
[2020-06-21T07:21:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 10/12 • Queued: 2 • Speed: 6,059cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,691 • List:
Jun 20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:21:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 1/2 • Queued: 2 • Speed: 906cps • Next: NOW • Served:
71,774 • List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:21:59-0700] <Fakus666|3> @search primo levi the periodic table
[2020-06-21T07:22:00-0700] jalopy (jaloeno@ihw-2kn.u0j.154.162.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:22:01-0700] <roli> @search amy stewart
[2020-06-21T07:22:03-0700] LadyIce (Candice@ihw-96scgu.wepbfl.sbcglobal.net) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:22:06-0700] <ttrzt> @search Kirkpatrick
[2020-06-21T07:22:09-0700] <jumper> !Oatmeal Morgan Rice - [Age of the Sorcerers
01] - Realm of Dragons (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:22:11-0700] <dubstepper3999> !Ook Adrian Tchaikovsky - Children Of
Ruin (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:22:12-0700] <jalopy> @search
[2020-06-21T07:22:15-0700] <DVS> @search steve berry
[2020-06-21T07:22:25-0700] <chris47> @searchook meltzer lincoln
[2020-06-21T07:22:26-0700] <Mana> !bsk Mercury's War - Lora Leigh.epub
[2020-06-21T07:22:28-0700] bRuck (bruckwondi@ihw-kdm.g2t.188.196.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T07:22:36-0700] <+sniffn> @ type: @xref for my crossreference list of
alternate titles and titles in collections- 0 files Slots: 2/2 Queued: 0
[2020-06-21T07:22:36-0700] <lobo> @search Stella Bixby
[2020-06-21T07:22:38-0700] bRuck (bruckwondi@ihw-kdm.g2t.188.196.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:22:41-0700] <jalopy> @search annihilation
[2020-06-21T07:22:42-0700] <Mana> !bsk Megan's Mark - Lora Leigh.epub
[2020-06-21T07:22:50-0700] Stefan (StefT@ihw-4ro818.res.rr.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:23:04-0700] pentaxis93 (robert@ihw-j6f.nr4.216.185.IP) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T07:23:10-0700] <Fakus666|3> !Oatmeal Primo Levi - The Periodic Table
[2020-06-21T07:23:11-0700] <roli> !Horla Amy Stewart - [Constance Kopp (Kopp
Sisters) 04] - Miss Kopp Just Won't Quit (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:23:12-0700] <DVS> @search Cassiopeia Vitt Adventure
[2020-06-21T07:23:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,546 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T07:23:30-0700] ahoh159 (ahoh159@ihw-r5h9nl.net.upcbroadband.cz) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:23:39-0700] <camedia> @search fred kaplan
[2020-06-21T07:23:42-0700] <Stefan> @bsk
[2020-06-21T07:23:51-0700] trailertrash666 (trailertras@ihw-9mm.9q2.39.128.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:23:54-0700] <DVS> !Xon Steve Berry & M J Rose - [Cotton Malone 14.5
- Cassiopeia Vitt Adventure 03] - The Lake of Learning (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:23:55-0700] <ttrzt> @search helmut
[2020-06-21T07:23:56-0700] <ahoh159> @search haidt
[2020-06-21T07:24:05-0700] <trailertrash666> @search joyland
[2020-06-21T07:24:10-0700] Mana (M@ihw-mi1.ja5.211.112.IP) left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T07:24:12-0700] <DVS> @search steve berry
[2020-06-21T07:24:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T07:24:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T07:24:29-0700] tobosoku131 (t01052019@ihw-flj.jco.99.194.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:24:36-0700] <tobosoku131> @seach sue grafton
[2020-06-21T07:24:49-0700] zzza (chatzilla@ihw-qqapco.dynamic.upc.nl) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:24:52-0700] <trailertrash666> !Oatmeal Stephen King - Joyland
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 504.8KB
[2020-06-21T07:24:53-0700] Geralt_Of_Rivia (Geralt_Of_@ihw-p01.qeu.206.195.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:24:59-0700] <jalopy> @search recursion
[2020-06-21T07:25:01-0700] <ahoh159> !Horla Greg Lukianoff & Jonathan Haidt - The
Coddling of the American Mind (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:25:01-0700] Dimoutlook (dim@ihw-2liiqq.h8oa.64qs.1700.2600.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:25:07-0700] <Geralt_Of_Rivia> @search wilbur smith epub
[2020-06-21T07:25:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T07:25:10-0700] <DVS> !bsk Steve Berry - [Cassiopeia Vitt] - The Balkan
Escape (epub) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:25:18-0700] trailertrash666 (trailertras@ihw-9mm.9q2.39.128.IP) left
IRC (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T07:25:21-0700] <ttrzt> @reqeust [Helmut Böttiger] [Wir sagen uns
[2020-06-21T07:25:25-0700] <dubstepper3999> @search dennis taylor
[2020-06-21T07:25:33-0700] cewlp (cewlp@ihw-jv1vni.access.telenet.be) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving...)
[2020-06-21T07:25:37-0700] <@LawdyServer> [dlFilter] Are the responses to your
requests getting lost in the crowd? Are your @find responses spread about? If you
are using mIRC as your IRC client then download dlFilter version 2.13 from
https://github.com/DukeLupus/dlFilter/ and make your time in #ebooks less
[2020-06-21T07:25:39-0700] <ttrzt> @request [Helmut Böttiger] [Wir sagen uns
[2020-06-21T07:25:46-0700] <ahoh159> !Horla Jonathan Haidt - The Righteous Mind
[2020-06-21T07:25:47-0700] shytot (shytot@ihw-0c1.dfo.112.24.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:25:53-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 81 • Speed: 500,352cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,278 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:25:54-0700] <jalopy> !Oatmeal Blake Crouch - Recursion (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:26:09-0700] jalopy (jaloeno@ihw-2kn.u0j.154.162.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T07:26:10-0700] <camedia> @search Winston Churchhill
[2020-06-21T07:26:16-0700] <dubstepper3999> !Xon Dennis E Taylor - [Bobiverse 01] -
We Are Legion (We Are Bob) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:26:16-0700] mturker (mturker@ihw-la4.n1l.215.71.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:26:30-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,966 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T07:26:34-0700] <dubstepper3999> !Xon Dennis E Taylor - [Bobiverse 02] -
For We Are Many (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:26:36-0700] shytot (shytot@ihw-0c1.dfo.112.24.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:26:36-0700] ChanServ sets mode +o shytot
[2020-06-21T07:26:39-0700] seriousanon (seriousano@ihw-rrr.g8v.132.144.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:26:44-0700] ahoh159 (ahoh159@ihw-r5h9nl.net.upcbroadband.cz) left
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:26:45-0700] Dimoutlook (dim@ihw-2liiqq.h8oa.64qs.1700.2600.IP) left
the channel ("Leaving")
[2020-06-21T07:26:45-0700] <gffhgfjg> !Oatmeal Michael Miller - Idiot's Guides -
Music Theory (3rd edition) (Retail) (epub)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:26:45-0700] <@shytot> • Type: @shytot For My List Of: 756,895 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 69,692 • List: Jun
20th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:26:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,776
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:26:58-0700] <dubstepper3999> !Xon Dennis E Taylor - [Bobiverse 03] -
All These Worlds (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:27:20-0700] <ttrzt> @search Esther
[2020-06-21T07:27:42-0700] bRuck (bruckwondi@ihw-kdm.g2t.188.196.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:27:43-0700] Gazaa (Gazaa@ihw-siah30.customers.ownit.se) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:27:55-0700] chris47 (chris47@ihw-aqdufu.fios.verizon.net) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:27:58-0700] <wibblewobble> !Trainpacks
[2020-06-21T07:28:12-0700] dekekja (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:28:18-0700] bRuck (bruckwondi@ihw-kdm.g2t.188.196.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:28:18-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,546 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T07:28:32-0700] ekeai (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:28:57-0700] <Gazaa> !Horla Travis Bagwell - [Awaken Online 02.5] -
Side Quest- Retribution (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:29:07-0700] <Gazaa> !Horla Travis Bagwell - [Awaken Online 03.5] -
Apathy (Side Quest) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:29:07-0700] <Gazaa> !Horla Travis Bagwell - [Awaken Online 03] -
Evolution (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:29:07-0700] <Gazaa> !Horla Travis Bagwell - [Awaken Online 04.5] -
Unity (retail) (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T07:29:07-0700] <Gazaa> !Horla Travis Bagwell - [Awaken Online 04] -
Dominion (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:29:07-0700] <Gazaa> !Horla Travis Bagwell - [Awaken Online 4.5] -
[2020-06-21T07:29:08-0700] <Gazaa> !Horla Travis Bagwell - [Awaken Online- Tarot
01] - Ember (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:29:14-0700] SilverWraith (SilverWrai@ihw-
fo8hej.knvltn.sbcglobal.net) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:29:16-0700] <Jubala> @search terra nova
[2020-06-21T07:29:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T07:29:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T07:29:30-0700] xlx (xlx@may.the.force.be.with.you) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:29:35-0700] JimJoeBob (stbyt@ihw-bfl4te.res.spectrum.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:30:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T07:30:11-0700] <Jubala> !Oatmeal Tom Kratman - Terra Nova- the Wars of
Liberation (epub)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:30:22-0700] ooe90w (iiui223@ihw-pjg.l25.83.183.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:30:26-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 19/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 16,384cps • Next: NOW • Served:
3,190,835 • List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T07:30:33-0700] <plantz> !dragnbreaker Star Trek - [Discovery] - Drastic
Measures - Dayton Ward (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:30:39-0700] <ttrzt> @search Hermann
[2020-06-21T07:30:42-0700] JimJoeBob (stbyt@ihw-bfl4te.res.spectrum.com) left the
[2020-06-21T07:30:43-0700] Matrim22 (Matrim22@ihw-adj.sdt.207.49.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:30:45-0700] ktuak_ (Android@ihw-jhsluj.va.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:30:46-0700] mturker (mturker@ihw-la4.n1l.215.71.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:30:47-0700] shytot (shytot@ihw-0c1.dfo.112.24.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:30:48-0700] zzza (chatzilla@ihw-qqapco.dynamic.upc.nl) left IRC
(Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92-rdmsoft [XULRunner 35.0.1/20150122214805])
[2020-06-21T07:30:48-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 75 • Speed: 461,429cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,284 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:31:08-0700] <jumper> !Oatmeal Neil S Plakcy - [Golden Retriever 10]
- Dog's Green Earth (Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:31:09-0700] <Trailgr1> @searchook Blood Done Sign My Name
[2020-06-21T07:31:19-0700] shytot (shytot@ihw-0c1.dfo.112.24.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:31:19-0700] ChanServ sets mode +o shytot
[2020-06-21T07:31:23-0700] thebookguy1029 (Adium@ihw-s7e.lau.58.209.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving.)
[2020-06-21T07:31:30-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,966 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T07:31:40-0700] <Matrim22> @search L.C. TYLER grey
[2020-06-21T07:31:41-0700] <JordanvanBergen> search Elizabeth Day
[2020-06-21T07:31:45-0700] ohio740 (bong@ihw-q6nnhp.res.rr.com) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:31:49-0700] <JordanvanBergen> @Search Elizabeth Day
[2020-06-21T07:31:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 1/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 13,389cps • Next: NOW • Served:
71,776 • List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:31:57-0700] <Trailgr1> !Oatmeal Timothy B Tyson - Blood Done Sign My
Name- A True Story (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:32:00-0700] <Gazaa> !Horla Travis Bagwell - [Awaken Online 03.5] -
Apathy (Side Quest) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:32:10-0700] <DVS> @search The Morrow Guide to Knots
[2020-06-21T07:32:15-0700] <Matrim22> !Horla L C Tyler - [John Grey Historical
Mystery 01] - A Cruel Necessity (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:32:35-0700] <JordanvanBergen> !Horla Elizabeth Day - Scissors,
Paper, Stone (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:32:49-0700] <Rusty_Gunn> @search steve berry the house of long ago
[2020-06-21T07:32:53-0700] Darklaya (IceChat9@ihw-66ei0a.res.rr.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:32:56-0700] horivelwatcher (R.SANDA@ihw-vou.uhd.188.41.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:32:58-0700] <DVS> @search Mario Bigon
[2020-06-21T07:32:58-0700] <Rusty_Gunn> @search marissa meyer gone rogue
[2020-06-21T07:33:07-0700] <JordanvanBergen> !Horla Elizabeth Day - Home Fires
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:33:11-0700] <ttrzt> !bsk Siddhartha - Hermann Hesse.epub
[2020-06-21T07:33:12-0700] <Gazaa> !Horla Travis Bagwell - [Tarot 02] - Awaken
Online- Flame (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:33:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,546 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T07:33:33-0700] <Matrim22> !Horla L C Tyler - [John Grey Historical
Mystery 02] - A Masterpiece of Corruption (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:33:35-0700] <JordanvanBergen> !Horla Elizabeth Day - Paradise City
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:33:45-0700] <Matrim22> @search MICHAEL JECKS
[2020-06-21T07:33:59-0700] minnie10975 (androirc@ihw-eno.fav.200.104.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:34:12-0700] thebookguy1029 (Adium@ihw-s7e.lau.58.209.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:34:12-0700] <Matrim22> @search MICHAEL JECKS mary
[2020-06-21T07:34:16-0700] Shulaidon (Shulaidon@ihw-t12k6d.pool1.tetanet.cz) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:34:23-0700] ktuak (Android@ihw-jhsluj.va.comcast.net) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:34:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T07:34:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T07:34:29-0700] <ttrzt> !shytot Siddhartha - Hermann Hesse.epub
[2020-06-21T07:34:36-0700] <minnie10975> @search Harley merlin
[2020-06-21T07:34:43-0700] darrie23 (androirc@ihw-t1roav.20ak.8cih.810d.2a02.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:34:44-0700] Shulaidon (Shulaidon@ihw-t12k6d.pool1.tetanet.cz) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:34:46-0700] shytot (shytot@ihw-0c1.dfo.112.24.IP) left the channel
[2020-06-21T07:34:55-0700] synchsynch (synchsynch@ihw-m0baao.cable.virginm.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:34:55-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T07:34:58-0700] <Shulaidon> @search vegan 100
[2020-06-21T07:35:05-0700] <Matrim22> @search The Plague Road
[2020-06-21T07:35:12-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T07:35:14-0700] <JordanvanBergen> @Search Helene Flood
[2020-06-21T07:35:14-0700] camedia (camedia@ihw-gcooko.cable.teksavvy.com) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T07:35:19-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:35:24-0700] thebookguy10291 (Adium@ihw-s7e.lau.58.209.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:35:44-0700] <jacobus21> @search der process kafka
[2020-06-21T07:35:49-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 4/6 • Queued: 101 • Speed: 772,019cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,287 •
List: Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:35:49-0700] <darrie23> !Oatmeal Laurann Dohner - [VLG 11] - Trayis
[2020-06-21T07:36:02-0700] <JordanvanBergen> @Search Helene Flood
[2020-06-21T07:36:07-0700] <DVS> @search Dreams Made Flesh
[2020-06-21T07:36:12-0700] Ben (Ben@ihw-3an.li2.144.98.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:36:29-0700] <ttrzt> !Oatmeal Hermann Hesse - Siddhartha (Modern
Library) (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:36:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,966 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T07:36:38-0700] <DVS> !Oatmeal Anne Bishop - [Black Jewels 05] - Dreams
Made Flesh (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:36:47-0700] <JordanvanBergen> @Search "The Therapist"
[2020-06-21T07:36:53-0700] <darrie23> !Ook Laurann Dohner - [Veslor Mates 02] -
Mission - Guardian Angel (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:36:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,776
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:37:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T07:37:16-0700] <Shulaidon> @search oakley
[2020-06-21T07:37:16-0700] <Matrim22> !Horla Michael Jecks - [Bloody Mary 03] - A
Missed Murder (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:37:22-0700] <Trailgr1> @searchook Negroes with Guns
[2020-06-21T07:37:29-0700] <Matrim22> !Horla Michael Jecks - [Bloody Mary Mystery
04] - The Dead Don't Wai (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:37:30-0700] kinjat_awy (Kinjat@ihw-khj.o1n.6.61.IP) left IRC (Quit:
Someone's cooking monsters in the kitchen~~~ http://when-she-reads.blogspot.com/)
[2020-06-21T07:37:47-0700] camedia (camedia@ihw-gcooko.cable.teksavvy.com) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:37:53-0700] <JordanvanBergen> @Search Jill Mansell
[2020-06-21T07:37:53-0700] E5762 (E5762@ihw-hp0.lhu.187.204.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:38:05-0700] <camedia> @search churchill
[2020-06-21T07:38:12-0700] <Shulaidon> @search vegan
[2020-06-21T07:38:14-0700] thebookguy1029 (Adium@ihw-s7e.lau.58.209.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:38:16-0700] <minnie10975> !Horla Bella Forrest - [Harley Merlin 02]
- Harley Merlin and the Mystery Twins (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:38:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,546 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T07:38:31-0700] <Trailgr1> !Oatmeal Robert Franklin Williams - Negroes
With Guns (African American Life Series) (1998) (pdf).rar
[2020-06-21T07:38:34-0700] <JordanvanBergen> !Horla Jill Mansell - It Started with
a Secret (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:38:35-0700] Cian (cian@ihw-5agjbe.dyn.telefonica.de) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:38:38-0700] davide (Davide@ihw-3bgo29.range86-133.btcentralplus.com)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:38:45-0700] rom (rom@ihw-bv642c.threembb.co.uk) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:38:55-0700] ekeai (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:38:57-0700] <minnie10975> !Horla Bella Forrest - [Harley Merlin 03]
- Harley Merlin and the Stolen Magicals (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:39:01-0700] <E5762> @search The Banker's wife Christina Alger
[2020-06-21T07:39:01-0700] feygan (feygan@ihw-psl.ft6.29.2.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:39:02-0700] Shamus (Shamus@ihw-840b7e.fios.verizon.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:39:13-0700] <ttrzt> !Oatmeal Hermann Hesse - Steppenwolf (v3.0)
[2020-06-21T07:39:18-0700] <Shamus> @search the room where it happened bolton
[2020-06-21T07:39:22-0700] Witt (Witt@ihw-f6i.334.112.185.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:39:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T07:39:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T07:39:28-0700] camedia (camedia@ihw-gcooko.cable.teksavvy.com) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T07:39:31-0700] <minnie10975> !Horla Bella Forrest - [Harley Merlin 04]
- Harley Merlin and the First Ritual (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:39:38-0700] <JordanvanBergen> @Search Riley Sager
[2020-06-21T07:39:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,823
(2103.88 GB)
[2020-06-21T07:39:41-0700] AndroUser (androirc@ihw-b3e.m6n.13.41.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:39:49-0700] Ben (Ben@ihw-3an.li2.144.98.IP) left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T07:39:58-0700] fourtychins (fourtychins@ihw-2ek.6d6.219.2.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:40:00-0700] <AndroUser> @search blood on the stars
[2020-06-21T07:40:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T07:40:15-0700] <Trailgr1> @searchook We Will Shoot Back
[2020-06-21T07:40:19-0700] <JordanvanBergen> !shytot Final Girls - Riley Sager.epub
[2020-06-21T07:40:28-0700] <darrie23> !shytot Laurann Dohner - [VLG 02] - Kraven
[2020-06-21T07:40:37-0700] <JordanvanBergen> !Horla Riley Sager - Final Girls
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:40:48-0700] <Shulaidon> @search vbq
[2020-06-21T07:40:49-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:40:53-0700] <minnie10975> @search hellfire
[2020-06-21T07:40:53-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 4/6 • Queued: 96 • Speed: 274,682cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,297 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:40:56-0700] <JordanvanBergen> !Horla Riley Sager - The Last Time I
Lied, A Novel (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:41:10-0700] <jacobus21> @search der prozess kafka
[2020-06-21T07:41:13-0700] DMM1 (DMM1@ihw-eo7.l0d.174.108.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:41:14-0700] <JordanvanBergen> !Horla Riley Sager - Lock Every Door
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:41:15-0700] jacobus21 (jacob@ihw-mmghp3.54c3.5g45.0a61.2001.IP) left
IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T07:41:15-0700] Geralt_Of_Rivia (Geralt_Of_@ihw-p01.qeu.206.195.IP) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:41:15-0700] <ttrzt> @search Weinberger
[2020-06-21T07:41:23-0700] <Shulaidon> !LawdyServer VBQ-The Ultimate Vegan Barbecue
[2020-06-21T07:41:24-0700] <@Ook> @search Alchemist survived
[2020-06-21T07:41:34-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
6/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 81,909cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,967 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T07:41:34-0700] <AndroUser> !Horla Jay Allan - [Blood on the Stars 01-
03] - Blood on the Stars Collection 1 (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:41:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,823
(2103.88 GB)
[2020-06-21T07:41:45-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:41:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,776
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:41:59-0700] lbelloq (lbelloq@ihw-1ma.lge.8.179.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:42:19-0700] Less (Less@ihw-15d4jv.cable.virginm.net) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T07:42:21-0700] WhiskyBiscuit (chatzilla@ihw-
btje7e.pu31.m0u4.1702.2600.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:42:27-0700] <fourtychins> @search street cultivation sarah lin
[2020-06-21T07:42:27-0700] <Trailgr1> @searchook Negroes and the Gun
[2020-06-21T07:42:29-0700] greenleafvolatil (greenleafv@ihw-f7kaec.chello.nl) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:42:42-0700] J0hnSw33T (J0hnSw33T@ihw-ct9opu.tx.comcast.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:42:45-0700] <JordanvanBergen> @Search Nicola May
[2020-06-21T07:43:06-0700] <Trailgr1> !Oatmeal Nicholas Johnson - Negroes and the
Gun- The Black Tradition of Arms (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:43:11-0700] BobJoeJim (BobJoeJim@ihw-bfl4te.res.spectrum.com) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:43:17-0700] <J0hnSw33T> @search Lindsey Fairleigh
[2020-06-21T07:43:18-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,547 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T07:43:19-0700] minnie10975 (androirc@ihw-eno.fav.200.104.IP) left IRC
(Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))
[2020-06-21T07:43:29-0700] Maria (chatzilla@ihw-1h68gl.cpe.netcabo.pt) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:43:30-0700] <JordanvanBergen> !Horla Nicola May - The Corner Shop in
Cockleberry Bay (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:43:31-0700] <BobJoeJim> @search The summer House
[2020-06-21T07:43:39-0700] Shamus (Shamus@ihw-840b7e.fios.verizon.net) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:43:57-0700] <WhiskyBiscuit> @search everything she forgot
[2020-06-21T07:43:58-0700] Aker- (aker@ihw-chq.ci7.231.165.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:44:07-0700] <fourtychins> !shytot Sarah Lin - Street Cultivation
[2020-06-21T07:44:11-0700] <JordanvanBergen> !Horla Nicola May - [Cockleberry Bay
02] - Meet Me in Cockleberry Bay (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:44:15-0700] oran (oran@oran.oran.oran) left IRC (Quit: My MacBook
has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
[2020-06-21T07:44:21-0700] green (Android@ihw-3p0.9lo.59.109.IP) left IRC (Quit:
-a- Connection Timed Out)
[2020-06-21T07:44:22-0700] something23t235235 (Username@ihw-9m1.ctn.157.47.IP) left
IRC (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T07:44:25-0700] buddirico (buddirico@ihw-tjqpmb.bchsia.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:44:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T07:44:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T07:44:37-0700] Rutherford (Rutherford@ihw-3el.48f.120.37.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:44:48-0700] User1643 (User1643@ihw-idhi3f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:44:50-0700] <JordanvanBergen> !Horla Nicola May - [Cockleberry Bay
03] - The Gift of Cockleberry Bay (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:44:55-0700] <Maria> @search pamela burford
[2020-06-21T07:45:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T07:45:15-0700] <swisscheese> @search Patrick Leigh Fermor
[2020-06-21T07:45:16-0700] <WhiskyBiscuit> !Oatmeal Lisa Ballantyne - Everything
She Forgot (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:45:22-0700] <Rutherford> @search Story of Your Life
[2020-06-21T07:45:25-0700] <Trailgr1> @searchook steve snyder
[2020-06-21T07:45:26-0700] <fourtychins> !Oatmeal Sarah Lin - Street Cultivation
[2020-06-21T07:45:27-0700] <Rusty_Gunn> @search matthew quirk hour of the assassin
[2020-06-21T07:45:28-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 19/20 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,846 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T07:45:33-0700] <buddirico> @search dance away with me
[2020-06-21T07:45:35-0700] nofu34 (nofu@ihw-u3ble2.ip-54-38-81.eu) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:45:49-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 4/6 • Queued: 89 • Speed: 534,950cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,308 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:46:04-0700] <JordanvanBergen> @Search M.W. Craven
[2020-06-21T07:46:07-0700] jess___ (jess@ihw-9vmrv1.ipv6.telus.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:46:13-0700] sorter_plainview (Username@ihw-oo3.436.103.103.IP) left
IRC (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T07:46:21-0700] <buddirico> @search dance away with me
[2020-06-21T07:46:21-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:46:23-0700] <User1643> @Search Indistractible Nir Eyal
[2020-06-21T07:46:25-0700] <Rutherford> !bsk The Story Of Your Life - Ted
[2020-06-21T07:46:30-0700] <BobJoeJim> @search james patterson
[2020-06-21T07:46:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,969 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T07:46:46-0700] <JordanvanBergen> !Horla M W Craven - [Washington Poe
02] - Black Summer (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:46:46-0700] <User1643> @search Indistractible
[2020-06-21T07:46:54-0700] ekeai (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:46:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,776
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:47:02-0700] <Maria> !Horla Pamela Burford - [Jane Delaney 01] -
Undertaking Irene (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:47:02-0700] <JordanvanBergen> !Horla M W Craven - [Washington Poe
01] - The Puppet Show (UK) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:47:11-0700] CarryNL (CarryNL@ihw-qf8aon.v4.ziggo.nl) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:47:12-0700] <mokaz> @search John Nest
[2020-06-21T07:47:14-0700] <User1643> @search principles ray dalio
[2020-06-21T07:47:16-0700] <CarryNL> !trainpacks
[2020-06-21T07:47:18-0700] Sohee (Sohee@ihw-mjo.5uj.152.202.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:47:29-0700] WhiskyBiscuit (chatzilla@ihw-
btje7e.pu31.m0u4.1702.2600.IP) left IRC (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92-rdmsoft [XULRunner
[2020-06-21T07:47:30-0700] Nevrotisk (Nevrotisk@ihw-ac3.c1p.206.195.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:47:30-0700] <Trailgr1> @searchook the secret team
[2020-06-21T07:47:35-0700] <Nevrotisk> @search trolle og den magiske fela
[2020-06-21T07:47:36-0700] zombievee (zombiev@ihw-pdodqs.il.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:47:39-0700] <buddirico> @search Susan Elizabeth Phillips
[2020-06-21T07:47:41-0700] Rutherford (Rutherford@ihw-3el.48f.120.37.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T07:47:41-0700] <Sohee> !Oatmeal Hanya Yanagihara - A Little Life
(retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:47:42-0700] <plantz> !dragnbreaker John Jackson Miller - [Star Trek
Discovery] - The Enterprise War (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:47:44-0700] <zombievee> @search R.S. Grey
[2020-06-21T07:47:45-0700] Nevrotisk (Nevrotisk@ihw-ac3.c1p.206.195.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:47:53-0700] <Maria> !Horla Pamela Burford - [Jane Delaney Mystery
02] - Uprooting Ernie (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T07:47:56-0700] <E5762> @search the bankers wife
[2020-06-21T07:47:58-0700] <User1643> @search Stillness is the Key Ryan Holiday
[2020-06-21T07:48:05-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:48:13-0700] <Trailgr1> !LawdyServer Prouty - The Secret Team; The
Cia And Its Allies In Control Of The United States And The World (2011).epub
[2020-06-21T07:48:15-0700] bbmuff01 (bbmuff01@ihw-8uj9j0.cable.rcncustomer.com)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:48:17-0700] <mokaz> !shytot John Nest - [Zectas 01] - Enigmatic
Village of Nanahuatl (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:48:18-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,547 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T07:48:18-0700] nyorks (karlalauren@ihw-nm0pon.ip.as39912.net) left the
[2020-06-21T07:48:19-0700] <User1643> @search Stillness is the Key Ryan Holiday
[2020-06-21T07:48:20-0700] <Maria> !Horla Pamela Burford - [Jane Delaney Mystery
02] - Uprooting Ernie (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T07:48:21-0700] <fourtychins> !dragnbreaker Lin, Sarah - Street
Cultivation 01 - Street Cultivation.epub
[2020-06-21T07:48:23-0700] <goldengirl> @search Double Standards McNaught
[2020-06-21T07:48:29-0700] <zombievee> !Xon R S Grey - Hotshot Doc (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:48:38-0700] User1643 (User1643@ihw-idhi3f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left
IRC (Quit: Leaving...)
[2020-06-21T07:48:42-0700] Sohee (Sohee@ihw-mjo.5uj.152.202.IP) left IRC (Quit: ><)
[2020-06-21T07:48:48-0700] <bbmuff01> @search booked kwame
[2020-06-21T07:48:52-0700] dynamo (textual@ihw-6a1mis.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:48:54-0700] <Maria> !Horla Pamela Burford - [Jane Delaney Mystery
03] - Perforating Pierre (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T07:48:54-0700] <buddirico> @search the last flight
[2020-06-21T07:49:00-0700] bbbbbaaaron (bookaaron@ihw-ac1n8r.ga.comcast.net) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T07:49:04-0700] <dynamo> @search aya jaff
[2020-06-21T07:49:13-0700] <goldengirl> !Xon Judith McNaught - Double Standards
v1.0 (html).rar
[2020-06-21T07:49:16-0700] <Maria> !Horla Pamela Burford - [Jane Delaney Mystery
04] - Icing Allison (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:49:26-0700] <JordanvanBergen> @Search Anders Roslund
[2020-06-21T07:49:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T07:49:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T07:49:40-0700] <fourtychins> !dragnbreaker Lin, Sarah - Street
Cultivation 01 - Street Cultivation.epub
[2020-06-21T07:49:41-0700] <bbmuff01> !shytot Kwame Alexander - Booked (retail)
[2020-06-21T07:49:41-0700] <Maria> !Horla Pamela Burford - [Jane Delaney Mystery
05] - Preserving Peaches (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:49:47-0700] J0hnSw33T (J0hnSw33T@ihw-ct9opu.tx.comcast.net) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:49:51-0700] green (Android@ihw-3p0.9lo.59.109.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:49:55-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:50:01-0700] <syrinx> !Xon Roma James - Her Three Rangers (Reverse
Harem Romance) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:50:06-0700] <buddirico> @search 28 summers
[2020-06-21T07:50:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T07:50:09-0700] Minnie (chatzilla@ihw-tjgm98.dsl.bell.ca) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:50:10-0700] jess___ (jess@ihw-9vmrv1.ipv6.telus.net) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:50:10-0700] <bbmuff01> !Oatmeal Kwame Alexander - Booked (retail)
[2020-06-21T07:50:15-0700] <CarryNL> @searchook roger silverwood
[2020-06-21T07:50:21-0700] <Minnie> @Search Susan Rice
[2020-06-21T07:50:23-0700] Maria (chatzilla@ihw-1h68gl.cpe.netcabo.pt) left IRC
(Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.95 [SeaMonkey 2.53.2/20200426183543])
[2020-06-21T07:50:28-0700] juamps (juamps@ihw-8rlo7j.dynamic.sonic.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:50:30-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:50:47-0700] <buddirico> !shytot Elin Hilderbrand - 28 Summers
(retail) (epub).epub ::INFO:: 1.1MB
[2020-06-21T07:50:49-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 83 • Speed: 483,655cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,316 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:50:51-0700] hong1 (Username@ihw-s65nqi.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:51:07-0700] bbbbbaaaron (bookaaron@ihw-ac1n8r.ga.comcast.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:51:11-0700] Raziel (Raziel@ihw-jhmvjf.optusnet.com.au) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:51:14-0700] <mokaz> !Horla John Nest - [Zectas 01] - Enigmatic
Village of Nanahuatl (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:51:16-0700] <dynamo> @search 10xdna
[2020-06-21T07:51:17-0700] <bbmuff01> @search brown girl dream
[2020-06-21T07:51:20-0700] kanin (kanin@ihw-lc4qvn.tbcn.telia.com) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:51:21-0700] <buddirico> !shytot Elin Hilderbrand - 28 Summers
(retail) (epub).epub ::INFO:: 1.1MB
[2020-06-21T07:51:23-0700] MerryCat (MerryCat@ihw-dgi.5sa.42.103.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:51:25-0700] <dynamo> @search thelen
[2020-06-21T07:51:29-0700] <hong1> @search harmonic healing
[2020-06-21T07:51:32-0700] <Minnie> !Oatmeal Susan Rice - Tough Love- My Story of
the Things Worth Fighting For (Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:51:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,970 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T07:51:41-0700] DoodlerX (Username@ihw-tc3.kqg.247.162.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:51:42-0700] buddirico (buddirico@ihw-tjqpmb.bchsia.telus.net) left
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:51:50-0700] <dynamo> @search frank thelen
[2020-06-21T07:51:52-0700] <DoodlerX> !Horla Jarrett J Krosoczka - [Platypus Police
Squad 01] - The Frog Who Croaked (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:51:52-0700] <DoodlerX> !Horla Jarrett J Krosoczka - [Platypus Police
Squad 02] - The Ostrich Conspiracy (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:51:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 1/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,777
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:51:58-0700] <BobJoeJim> @search cheater's game
[2020-06-21T07:52:00-0700] <MerryCat> @search Fugitive Telemetry
[2020-06-21T07:52:02-0700] <bbmuff01> !Xon Jacqueline Woodson - Brown Girl Dreaming
(retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:52:06-0700] lowlylow (lowlylow@ihw-thp.sn0.127.45.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:52:06-0700] User1651 (User1651@ihw-idhi3f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:52:09-0700] <hong1> @TEXTBOOKS
[2020-06-21T07:52:12-0700] <DoodlerX> !Horla Jarrett J Krosoczka - [Platypus Police
Squad 03] - Last Panda Standing (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:52:22-0700] <lowlylow> @search Attitude is everything
[2020-06-21T07:52:36-0700] <MerryCat> @search murderbot
[2020-06-21T07:52:39-0700] <DoodlerX> !Horla Jarrett J Krosoczka - [Punk Farm 01] -
Punk Farm (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:52:39-0700] <DoodlerX> !Horla Jarrett J Krosoczka - [Punk Farm 02] -
Punk Farm on Tour (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:52:44-0700] fourtychins (fourtychins@ihw-2ek.6d6.219.2.IP) left the
[2020-06-21T07:52:47-0700] hong1 (Username@ihw-s65nqi.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) left
the channel ("Closing Window")
[2020-06-21T07:52:55-0700] Nemo1915 (Nemo1915@ihw-f0kc0k.home1.cgocable.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:53:02-0700] <ttrzt> @request-list
[2020-06-21T07:53:08-0700] <lowlylow> @search attitude is everything-Jeff Kellar
[2020-06-21T07:53:09-0700] <bbmuff01> @search a time to dance
[2020-06-21T07:53:18-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,547 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T07:53:20-0700] <User1651> @search The Four Agreements Don Miguel Ruiz
[2020-06-21T07:53:27-0700] greenleafvolatil (greenleafv@ihw-beu.v46.250.77.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:53:31-0700] lowlylow (lowlylow@ihw-thp.sn0.127.45.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T07:53:39-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:53:39-0700] <Nemo1915> @ search the woman in the window
[2020-06-21T07:53:55-0700] fourtychins (fourtychins@ihw-2ek.6d6.219.2.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:54:04-0700] <User1651> The Four Agreements - by Don Miguel Ruiz -
[2020-06-21T07:54:08-0700] Henry579241 (000123@ihw-9vioea.netvigator.com) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:54:09-0700] <bbmuff01> !Oatmeal Padma Venkatraman - A Time to Dance
(retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:54:15-0700] laruldan (laruldan@ihw-i2ajbj.kab7.pfqn.1370.2a00.IP)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:54:17-0700] DoodlerX (Username@ihw-tc3.kqg.247.162.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T07:54:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T07:54:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T07:54:28-0700] kanin (kanin@ihw-b2u.l1b.248.2.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:54:38-0700] <fourtychins> !dragnbreaker Lin, Sarah - Street
Cultivation 01 - Street Cultivation.epub
[2020-06-21T07:54:47-0700] <papillon> @search The Room Where It Happened bolton
[2020-06-21T07:54:47-0700] <Nemo1915> @ search the woman in the window
[2020-06-21T07:55:00-0700] <Trailgr1> @searchook Carroll Quigley
[2020-06-21T07:55:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T07:55:09-0700] jumper (chatzilla@ihw-3bjktq.dsl.as9105.com) left IRC
(Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92-rdmsoft [XULRunner 35.0.1/20150122214805])
[2020-06-21T07:55:12-0700] <User1651> !dny238 don miguel ruiz - the four
[2020-06-21T07:55:25-0700] <BobJoeJim> @search paul levine
[2020-06-21T07:55:25-0700] <bbmuff01> !Horla Padma Venkatraman - A Time to Dance
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:55:37-0700] <@LawdyServer> [dlFilter] Are the responses to your
requests getting lost in the crowd? Are your @find responses spread about? If you
are using mIRC as your IRC client then download dlFilter version 2.13 from
https://github.com/DukeLupus/dlFilter/ and make your time in #ebooks less
[2020-06-21T07:55:53-0700] kekekekekkeke (kekekekekke@ihw-fmv.g81.56.119.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:55:53-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 82 • Speed: 452,418cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,317 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:55:53-0700] Parse (textual@ihw-1uk.sfb.201.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:56:11-0700] <kekekekekkeke> @search unashamed lecrae
[2020-06-21T07:56:15-0700] fourtychins (fourtychins@ihw-2ek.6d6.219.2.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:56:24-0700] <Parse> @search a burning
[2020-06-21T07:56:27-0700] <bbmuff01> @search house arrest holt
[2020-06-21T07:56:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,970 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T07:56:43-0700] <CarryNL> !Horla Roger Silverwood - [DI Angel Mystery
07] - The Curious Mind of Inspector Angel (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:56:48-0700] <Nemo1915> @search the woman in the window
[2020-06-21T07:56:50-0700] <bbmuff01> !Oatmeal K A Holt - House Arrest (retail)
[2020-06-21T07:56:51-0700] Talven (Tal3@ihw-hn5ub9.gu8u.etfg.23c6.2a00.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:56:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,778
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T07:56:56-0700] <kekekekekkeke> !Ook Unashamed (2015) - Lecrae
[2020-06-21T07:57:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T07:57:14-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T07:57:34-0700] chevle (schuma@ihw-2f0t4d.hstntx.sbcglobal.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:57:34-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:57:39-0700] <Talven> @Search stella cottrell critical thinking
[2020-06-21T07:57:48-0700] pitrat123 (darsam_4@ihw-p7616d.range86-
155.btcentralplus.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:57:51-0700] <Talven> @Search cottrell critical thinking
[2020-06-21T07:57:51-0700] <bbmuff01> @search sarina bowen
[2020-06-21T07:57:53-0700] erling (erling@ihw-bq9.j8b.230.46.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T07:58:00-0700] E5762 (E5762@ihw-hp0.lhu.187.204.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:58:02-0700] P-Rhodan (P-Rhodan@ihw-ftvdn1.sm.ptd.net) left IRC
(Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria MovieGods build)
[2020-06-21T07:58:06-0700] <User1651> @search Stillness is the Key Ryan Holiday
[2020-06-21T07:58:09-0700] <Talven> @Search critical thinking
[2020-06-21T07:58:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,547 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T07:58:25-0700] Nemo1915 (Nemo1915@ihw-f0kc0k.home1.cgocable.net) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T07:58:25-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:58:25-0700] stoneman123 (darsam_4@ihw-p7616d.range86-
155.btcentralplus.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:58:37-0700] <bbmuff01> !JimBob420 Sarina Bowen - Overnight Sensation
(retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:58:48-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T07:58:53-0700] <Parse> @search MEGHA a burning
[2020-06-21T07:58:55-0700] <BobJoeJim> !Xon Paul Levine - [Jake Lassiter 12] - Bum
Deal (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:58:58-0700] <bbmuff01> !Oatmeal Sarina Bowen - Overnight Sensation
[2020-06-21T07:59:03-0700] Carol (Carol@ihw-giaeck.cable.rogers.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:59:04-0700] chevle (schuma@ihw-2f0t4d.hstntx.sbcglobal.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T07:59:07-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T07:59:09-0700] thebookguy10291 (Adium@ihw-s7e.lau.58.209.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving.)
[2020-06-21T07:59:09-0700] kekekekekkeke (kekekekekke@ihw-fmv.g81.56.119.IP) left
IRC (Quit: Quit)
[2020-06-21T07:59:09-0700] choppa (choppa@ihw-03g.5k7.240.220.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:59:16-0700] <User1651> !shytot Ryan Holiday - Stillness Is the Key
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:59:25-0700] <choppa> @Search Gaelan Brown
[2020-06-21T07:59:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T07:59:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T07:59:28-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T07:59:32-0700] bookz_lover (androirc@ihw-lb7.nie.144.49.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T07:59:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,828
(2103.89 GB)
[2020-06-21T07:59:43-0700] <Parse> @search Megha Majumdar A Burning
[2020-06-21T07:59:49-0700] <choppa> @Searh The Compost-Powered Water Heater
[2020-06-21T07:59:52-0700] <User1651> !JimBob420 Ryan Holiday - Stillness Is the
Key (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T07:59:54-0700] <CarryNL> !Horla Roger Silverwood - [DI Angel Mystery
18] - The Big Fiddle (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T07:59:57-0700] <stoneman123> ! search cathy glass
[2020-06-21T08:00:02-0700] spaghettisauce2 (spaghettisa@ihw-jgmscu.as13285.net)
left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T08:00:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T08:00:08-0700] <bbmuff01> !Horla Sarina Bowen & Elle Kennedy - [WAGS
0s] - Stay (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:00:08-0700] <Parse> @request Megha Majumdar A Burning
[2020-06-21T08:00:11-0700] Cartaphilus (Jurgen08@ihw-7o4mfs.fios.verizon.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:00:18-0700] <Parse> @request-list
[2020-06-21T08:00:22-0700] rparavicini (rparavicini@ihw-ldeqku.dynamic.surfer.at)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:00:31-0700] <User1651> !dragnbreaker Holiday, Ryan - Stillness Is
the Key (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T08:00:32-0700] sherrrlock (sherrrlock@ihw-nen.ff8.212.71.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:00:33-0700] <Cartaphilus> !Horla Dionne Lister - [Paranormal
Investigation Bureau 04] - Witchslapped in Westerham (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:00:35-0700] WillGraham (Me@ihw-h85.h0l.138.217.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:00:38-0700] <stoneman123> !request list
[2020-06-21T08:00:44-0700] G (D@ihw-02b.838.72.45.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:00:49-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 82 • Speed: 340,657cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,318 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T08:00:51-0700] <bbmuff01> !Horla Sarina Bowen & Elle Kennedy - [WAGS
01] - Good Boy (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:01:07-0700] <G> @find Image
[2020-06-21T08:01:07-0700] <G> Download Instructions:
[2020-06-21T08:01:07-0700] <G> https://dailyuploads.net/ifktqcip76wi
[2020-06-21T08:01:07-0700] <G> http://hulkload.com/i06xgkvqe5jh
[2020-06-21T08:01:07-0700] Oatmeal sets mode +b G!*D@ihw-02b.838.72.45.IP
[2020-06-21T08:01:07-0700] Oatmeal kicked G from the channel (Link flood!)
[2020-06-21T08:01:12-0700] <stoneman123> @bsk
[2020-06-21T08:01:17-0700] <WillGraham> @search bunnies
[2020-06-21T08:01:20-0700] not_me (not_me@ihw-tertfb.ip.windstream.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:01:22-0700] midoriya (HP@ihw-0v24es.alshamil.net.ae) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:01:27-0700] <Parse> @request A Burning by Megha Majumdar
[2020-06-21T08:01:30-0700] KidCrims01 (KidCrims01@ihw-hhp.uvj.136.191.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:01:33-0700] G (D@ihw-geq.l07.123.195.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:01:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,970 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T08:01:34-0700] <Cartaphilus> !Horla Dionne Lister - [Paranormal
Investigation Bureau 05] - Witch Silenced in Westerham (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:01:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,828
(2103.89 GB)
[2020-06-21T08:01:44-0700] <G> @find jacob tanner
[2020-06-21T08:01:50-0700] pitrat123 (darsam_4@ihw-p7616d.range86-
155.btcentralplus.com) left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:01:54-0700] <choppa> @find The Compost-Powered Water Heater
[2020-06-21T08:01:54-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,779
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T08:01:59-0700] <JordanvanBergen> @Search Camilla Lackberg
[2020-06-21T08:02:01-0700] <bbmuff01> @search kb alan
[2020-06-21T08:02:10-0700] <G> @find jakob tanner
[2020-06-21T08:02:17-0700] <Cartaphilus> !Horla Dionne Lister - [Paranormal
Investigation Bureau 06] - Killer Witch in Westerham (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:02:19-0700] <WillGraham> @search rabbits
[2020-06-21T08:02:21-0700] laruldan (laruldan@ihw-i2ajbj.kab7.pfqn.1370.2a00.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:02:27-0700] <G> !Horla Jakob Tanner - [Arcane Kingdom Online 01] -
Arcane Kingdom Online (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:02:28-0700] kabaka (kabaka@ihw-nor.qio.84.102.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:02:38-0700] Cartaphilus (Jurgen08@ihw-7o4mfs.fios.verizon.net) left
IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T08:02:40-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T08:02:40-0700] kanin (kanin@ihw-b2u.l1b.248.2.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:02:41-0700] Minnie (chatzilla@ihw-tjgm98.dsl.bell.ca) left IRC
(Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.93 [Firefox 56.0.2/20171024165158])
[2020-06-21T08:02:42-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:02:44-0700] newtonbb (newtonbb@ihw-699.7ga.171.173.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:02:46-0700] <JordanvanBergen> !shytot Camilla Lackberg - The Gilden
Cage (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:03:10-0700] Coronet (Coronet@ihw-i13gau.range81-
140.btcentralplus.com) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:03:12-0700] <JordanvanBergen> !MusicWench cage doree, La - Lackberg,
[2020-06-21T08:03:18-0700] <bbmuff01> @search perfect addition
[2020-06-21T08:03:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,547 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T08:03:24-0700] roli (roli@ihw-utbaus.kv3s.p4lm.1205.2a02.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving...)
[2020-06-21T08:03:27-0700] BobJoeJim (BobJoeJim@ihw-bfl4te.res.spectrum.com) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:03:35-0700] Shulaidon (Shulaidon@ihw-t12k6d.pool1.tetanet.cz) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:03:44-0700] <User1651> @search Indistractible Nir Eyal
[2020-06-21T08:03:50-0700] <Talven> @Search private investigators
[2020-06-21T08:03:54-0700] eomacag (eomacag@ihw-itg.ib0.120.37.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:03:55-0700] iread (Moebarb@ihw-joes21.dsl.bell.ca) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:03:58-0700] <WillGraham> !LawdyServer Rabbits For Dummies (Isbn -
[2020-06-21T08:03:59-0700] distopista (distopista@ihw-7ss.c99.165.181.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:04:05-0700] <bbmuff01> @search perfect addition
[2020-06-21T08:04:14-0700] <iread> @search Jeffrey Archer
[2020-06-21T08:04:14-0700] <stoneman123> @search list
[2020-06-21T08:04:17-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T08:04:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T08:04:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T08:04:33-0700] kss_ (kss@ihw-o94.pf4.202.160.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:04:33-0700] kss (kss@ihw-o94.pf4.202.160.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:04:38-0700] <User1651> @search The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
Mark Manson
[2020-06-21T08:04:39-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:04:41-0700] pitrat123 (darsam_4@ihw-p7616d.range86-
155.btcentralplus.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:04:45-0700] <bbmuff01> @search beholden corinne
[2020-06-21T08:04:53-0700] Halil (Halil@ihw-khd.4e1.7.95.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:04:54-0700] <kss_> @search the colour of magic
[2020-06-21T08:05:01-0700] Lyra (Lyra@ihw-0u3.nui.203.85.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:05:02-0700] <alex> @search The Beekeeper of Aleppo
[2020-06-21T08:05:06-0700] <WillGraham> @search *hors*dumm*
[2020-06-21T08:05:10-0700] <Lyra> @search howl's moving castle
[2020-06-21T08:05:12-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T08:05:17-0700] <Paladin> @SearchBot-Trigger
[2020-06-21T08:05:17-0700] <bbmuff01> !Horla Corinne Michaels - [Belonging 02] -
Beholden (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:05:18-0700] Keegan (Username@ihw-hna.q6l.67.62.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:05:23-0700] <Fakus666|3> !Oatmeal Terry Brooks - [Paladins of
Shannara 00.5] - Allanon's Quest (v5.0b) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:05:24-0700] <alex> !dragnbreaker Christy Lefteri - The Beekeeper of
Aleppo (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.8MB
[2020-06-21T08:05:29-0700] <Keegan> @search http://hulkload.com/lk34ttds0sdr
[2020-06-21T08:05:33-0700] KidCrims01 (KidCrims01@ihw-hhp.uvj.136.191.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:05:41-0700] <WillGraham> !LawdyServer Horses For Dummies (Isbn -
[2020-06-21T08:05:42-0700] htetrasme (IceChat9@ihw-cgdpo8.res.rr.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:05:43-0700] <Keegan> @search tim bryant
[2020-06-21T08:05:46-0700] <kss_> !shytot Colour of Magic, The - Terry
Pratchett.mobi ::INFO:: 480.6KB
[2020-06-21T08:05:47-0700] <WillGraham> !LawdyServer Horseback Riding For Dummies
(Isbn - 0470097191).pdf
[2020-06-21T08:05:48-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 95 • Speed: 515,798cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,325 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T08:05:50-0700] <bbmuff01> @search cross the line julie
[2020-06-21T08:05:53-0700] <WillGraham> !LawdyServer Horse Health and Nutrition For
[2020-06-21T08:05:53-0700] <htetrasme> @search samuel richardson
[2020-06-21T08:05:55-0700] <Fakus666|3> !Oatmeal Terry Brooks - [Paladins of
Shannara 02] - The Weapons Master's Choice (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:05:57-0700] <User1651> !DV8 Mark Manson - 02.The Subtle Art Of Not
Giving A Fuck (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:06:01-0700] dynamo (textual@ihw-6a1mis.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left IRC
(Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
[2020-06-21T08:06:04-0700] <WillGraham> !LawdyServer Horse Health & Nutrition For
Dummies (Isbn - 0470239522).pdf
[2020-06-21T08:06:13-0700] <Fakus666|3> !Oatmeal Terry Brooks - [Paladins of
Shannara 03] - The Black Irix (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:06:16-0700] <iread> !Horla Jeffrey Archer - [Clifton Chronicles 07]
- This Was a Man (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:06:18-0700] <bbmuff01> !Oatmeal Julie Johnson - [Boston Love 02] -
Cross the Line (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:06:19-0700] Gandar (Gandar@ihw-mj5uma.optusnet.com.au) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:06:24-0700] <Keegan> !Oatmeal Tim Bryant - [Dutch Curridge 02] -
Southern Select (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:06:25-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T08:06:25-0700] alyn (Alyn@ihw-fkf20b.wepbfl.sbcglobal.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:06:26-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:06:27-0700] <User1651> !bsk The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck
(Fck) by Mark Manson.epub
[2020-06-21T08:06:28-0700] Freida (Freida@ihw-oh2.m84.31.151.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:06:30-0700] <htetrasme> !Horla Samuel Richardson - Pamela, or Virtue
Rewarded (Penguin Classics) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:06:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
6/7 – Queued: 3 – Speed: 1,292,419cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,971 – List: Jun
20th – Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T08:06:40-0700] <Freida> @search Joseph Garcia
[2020-06-21T08:06:42-0700] <Gandar> @search john bolton
[2020-06-21T08:06:48-0700] <Talven> @Search the golden compass
[2020-06-21T08:06:49-0700] <htetrasme> !Ook Samuel Richardson - Clarissa- Or the
History of a Young Lady (Penguin Classics) (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.84MB
[2020-06-21T08:06:53-0700] <Fakus666|3> !Oatmeal Terry Brooks - [The Defenders of
Shannara 01] - The High Druid's Blade (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:06:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,780
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T08:06:56-0700] <iread> !Horla Jeffrey Archer - [Clifton Chronicles 06]
- Cometh the Hour (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:06:56-0700] Wr4i7h (abcd@ihw-vthorq.cpe.netcabo.pt) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:07:04-0700] <bbmuff01> @search more the merrier jayne
[2020-06-21T08:07:09-0700] <Keegan> !Oatmeal Tim Bryant - [Dutch Curridge 03] -
Spirit Trap (retail) (azw3).rar
[2020-06-21T08:07:11-0700] <Fakus666|3> !Oatmeal Terry Brooks - [The Defenders of
Shannara 02] - The Darkling Child (retail)
[2020-06-21T08:07:13-0700] <PandP> !trainpacks
[2020-06-21T08:07:17-0700] kurokaze (kurokaze@ihw-5ap7cc.n2hg.8bag.8003.2001.IP)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:07:18-0700] <kss_> !shytot The Colour of Magic - Terry
Pratchett.mobi ::INFO:: 473.6KB
[2020-06-21T08:07:18-0700] <iread> !Horla Jeffrey Archer - [Clifton Chronicles 05]
- Mightier Than the Sword (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:07:20-0700] <Keegan> !Oatmeal Tim Bryant - [Dutch Curridge 04] - Old
Mother Curridge (retail) (azw3).rar
[2020-06-21T08:07:23-0700] Freida (Freida@ihw-oh2.m84.31.151.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:07:31-0700] <alyn> @Search <Judith Berens>
[2020-06-21T08:07:33-0700] <bbmuff01> !Horla Jayne Rylon - [Powertools Holiday
Story 07] - More the Merrier (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:07:33-0700] <Fakus666|3> !Oatmeal Terry Brooks - [The Defenders of
Shannara 03] - The Sorcerer's Daughter (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:07:35-0700] <darrie23> !Ook Laurann Dohner - [VLG 02] - Kraven
[2020-06-21T08:07:36-0700] mordred55 (mordred55@ihw-eqd.krd.158.216.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:07:37-0700] <PandP> @oatmeal
[2020-06-21T08:07:41-0700] <iread> !Horla Jeffrey Archer - [Clifton Chronicles 04]
- Be Careful What You Wish For (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:07:41-0700] Gandar (Gandar@ihw-mj5uma.optusnet.com.au) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T08:07:52-0700] llllls (llllls@ihw-6bees5.cable.virginm.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:07:52-0700] pookybear (pookybear@ihw-nn3.mvm.54.110.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:07:55-0700] <darrie23> !Ook Laurann Dohner - [VLG 02] - Kraven
[2020-06-21T08:08:00-0700] <Lyra> @search howl's moving castle
[2020-06-21T08:08:03-0700] <iread> !Horla Jeffrey Archer - [Clifton Chronicles 03]
- Best Kept Secret (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:08:08-0700] <Kaffimoon101> @request-list
[2020-06-21T08:08:09-0700] <kss_> !Oatmeal Terry Pratchett - [Discworld 01] - The
Colour of Magic (v4.0) (mobi).rar ::INFO:: 260.6KB
[2020-06-21T08:08:09-0700] <pookybear> @search Amanda Hocking
[2020-06-21T08:08:09-0700] <Fakus666|3> !Oatmeal Terry Brooks - [The Fall of
Shannara 01] - The Black Elfstone (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:08:11-0700] midoriya (HP@ihw-0v24es.alshamil.net.ae) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T08:08:14-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 18/20 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 21,845cps • Next: NOW • Served:
3,190,865 • List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T08:08:16-0700] stoneman123 (darsam_4@ihw-p7616d.range86-
155.btcentralplus.com) left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:08:18-0700] <darrie23> !Ook Laurann Dohner - [VLG 03] - Lorn
[2020-06-21T08:08:18-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,548 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T08:08:22-0700] <Halil> @Search Dragon Heart: Stone Wil
[2020-06-21T08:08:26-0700] <Fakus666|3> !Oatmeal Terry Brooks - [The Fall of
Shannara 02] - The Skaar Invasion (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:08:27-0700] Turmigapilop (Turmigapilo@ihw-5kh3co.dynamic.voo.be)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:08:32-0700] <bbmuff01> @search may sage
[2020-06-21T08:08:36-0700] <mordred55> !QuietSilence Meyer, Deon - Thobela
Mpayipheli 01 - Heart of the Hunter.epub
[2020-06-21T08:08:38-0700] <Lyra> !Horla Diana Wynne Jones - [Howl 01] - Howl's
Moving Castle (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:08:43-0700] <User1651> @search learning python by building games
[2020-06-21T08:08:44-0700] <Turmigapilop> @search the room
[2020-06-21T08:08:46-0700] <Fakus666|3> !Oatmeal Terry Brooks - [The Fall of
Shannara 03] - The Stiehl Assassin (retail) (epub)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:08:47-0700] <iread> !Horla Jeffrey Archer - [Clifton Chronicles 02]
- The Sins of the Father (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:09:03-0700] <+TrainFiles> For my list of 198106 files type:
@TrainFiles, Sends: 0/5 , Queue: 0/10, Voicepriority: OFF, For help: @TrainFiles-
help Using: Irssi Findbot v1.58
[2020-06-21T08:09:07-0700] <+ps2> •·File Server Online·• Trigger..::/ctcp ps2 !
ps::.. On server..::Books of all subjects, comics, wargames & RPGs (mostly pdf)::..
Note..::On Undernet & IRCHighWay: @ps2 for instructions or /ctcp ps2 !ps to enter.
Elsewhere: @ps for instructions or /ctcp ps !ps to enter. You can also get my files
from phoomphy (@phoomphy for the filelist).::.. .•«UPP»•.
[2020-06-21T08:09:08-0700] G (D@ihw-geq.l07.123.195.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:09:10-0700] Bill (Username@ihw-bdaob3.res.rr.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:09:13-0700] <iread> !Horla Jeffrey Archer - [Clifton Chronicles 01]
- Only Time Will Tell (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:09:17-0700] <bbmuff01> !Horla May Sage - [Some Girls Do It 06] -
Hands off His Dudette (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:09:17-0700] kss_ (kss@ihw-o94.pf4.202.160.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:09:17-0700] kss (kss@ihw-o94.pf4.202.160.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:09:18-0700] <Turmigapilop> @search room bolton
[2020-06-21T08:09:21-0700] <&Mysterytrain> wonder wut those wer
[2020-06-21T08:09:22-0700] iread (Moebarb@ihw-joes21.dsl.bell.ca) left the channel
[2020-06-21T08:09:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T08:09:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T08:09:30-0700] <Bill> @search Barb Hendee Through the dark glass
[2020-06-21T08:09:46-0700] <pookybear> !Oatmeal Amanda Hocking - [Trylle - Kanin
Chronicles 02] - Ice Kissed (retail) (azw3).rar
[2020-06-21T08:09:46-0700] <User1651> @search sachin kafle
[2020-06-21T08:09:55-0700] mordred55 (mordred55@ihw-eqd.krd.158.216.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:10:00-0700] kanin (kanin@ihw-b2u.l1b.248.2.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:10:01-0700] <User1651> @textbooks
[2020-06-21T08:10:04-0700] Turmigapilop (Turmigapilo@ihw-5kh3co.dynamic.voo.be)
left the channel
[2020-06-21T08:10:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T08:10:13-0700] <bbmuff01> !Horla May Sage - [Some Girls Do It 04] -
Them Back Dimples (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:10:15-0700] g1234 (g222@ihw-661.fk1.51.106.IP) left IRC (Connection
[2020-06-21T08:10:22-0700] pookybear (pookybear@ihw-nn3.mvm.54.110.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:10:27-0700] castlefour (castlefour@ihw-p8i.is6.228.207.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:10:27-0700] g1234 (g222@ihw-661.fk1.51.106.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:10:35-0700] Stella (Stella@ihw-hsbsuq.direct-adsl.nl) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:10:40-0700] Turmigapilop (Turmigapilo@ihw-5kh3co.dynamic.voo.be)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:10:43-0700] ktuak (Android@ihw-gml.q62.58.172.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:10:49-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 98 • Speed: 435,256cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,335 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T08:10:52-0700] Turmigapilop (Turmigapilo@ihw-5kh3co.dynamic.voo.be)
left the channel
[2020-06-21T08:11:04-0700] <Halil> @commands
[2020-06-21T08:11:12-0700] <User1651> @search Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
[2020-06-21T08:11:14-0700] Soundwave41 (Soundwave41@ihw-94vd9d.range81-
159.btcentralplus.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:11:19-0700] <bbmuff01> @search playing for keeps kendall
[2020-06-21T08:11:19-0700] <Soundwave41> @search Degree in a Book: Psychology
[2020-06-21T08:11:20-0700] FragHag (FragHag@ihw-0tu.0o2.222.185.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:11:28-0700] <@Ook> im sure it was nothing in any way iffy
[2020-06-21T08:11:29-0700] <castlefour> @search Gorey
[2020-06-21T08:11:31-0700] <Halil> @Search Dragon Heart: Stone Will
[2020-06-21T08:11:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,975 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T08:11:37-0700] <User1651> @search Meditations Marcus Aurelius
[2020-06-21T08:11:43-0700] Soundwave41 (Soundwave41@ihw-94vd9d.range81-
159.btcentralplus.com) left the channel
[2020-06-21T08:11:44-0700] KidCrims01 (KidCrims01@ihw-hhp.uvj.136.191.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:11:46-0700] <FragHag> @search follow the morning star
[2020-06-21T08:11:47-0700] <bbmuff01> !Oatmeal Kendall Ryan - [Hot Jocks 01] -
Playing for Keeps (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:11:53-0700] <alyn> !shytot Judith Berens - [The School of Necessary
Magic #1] - Dark Is Her Nature (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:11:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,780
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T08:11:58-0700] KidCrims01 (KidCrims01@ihw-hhp.uvj.136.191.IP) left IRC
(The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.)
[2020-06-21T08:12:01-0700] Aker- (aker@ihw-chq.ci7.231.165.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:12:13-0700] Erin (Erin@ihw-dl111r.tpgi.com.au) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:12:21-0700] wardog123 (wardog123@ihw-a85.dpm.75.184.IP) left the
[2020-06-21T08:12:31-0700] <User1651> !shytot Stoic Six Pack - Meditations of
Marcus Aurelius, Gold (Illustrated) - Marcus Aurelius & Epictetus &
Seneca.epub ::INFO:: 1.7MB
[2020-06-21T08:12:33-0700] <bbmuff01> @search mimi jean pamfiloff
[2020-06-21T08:12:34-0700] NamzZz (NamzZz@ihw-rmkcn1.dyn.plus.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:12:41-0700] <&Mysterytrain> of gourse not
[2020-06-21T08:12:43-0700] <Stella> !Xon Jeaniene Frost - [Night Huntress 04] -
Destined for an Early Grave (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T08:12:43-0700] <Stella> - 379.6 KB
[2020-06-21T08:12:45-0700] <pitrat123> !bsk Cathleen Ross
[2020-06-21T08:12:54-0700] ktuak_ (Android@ihw-jhsluj.va.comcast.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:13:00-0700] <Trailgr1> @searchook edward bernays
[2020-06-21T08:13:08-0700] <User1651> !shytot Stoic Six Pack - Meditations of
Marcus Aurelius, Gold (Illustrated) - Marcus Aurelius & Epictetus &
Seneca.mobi ::INFO:: 1.8MB
[2020-06-21T08:13:14-0700] <htetrasme> !bsk Samuel Richardson - Clarissa- Or the
History of a Young Lady (Penguin Classics) (retail) (epub).epub ::INFO:: 1.9MB
[2020-06-21T08:13:14-0700] <dny238> • Type: @dny238 For My List Of: 4,015 Files •
Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,200 • List: Jun 3rd
• Search: OFF • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T08:13:16-0700] <bbmuff01> !Horla Mimi Jean Pamfiloff - [OHellNo 06] -
Wine Hard, Baby (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:13:18-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,548 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T08:13:32-0700] sweetiez (sweetiez@ihw-56e6hj.or.comcast.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:13:46-0700] maskokot (maskokot@ihw-18ttqg.skybroadband.com) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:13:49-0700] <alyn> !dragnbreaker Berens, Judith - School Of
Necessary Magic 02 - Bright Is Her Sight.epub
[2020-06-21T08:13:51-0700] <NamzZz> @Search Shirley Jackson Lottery
[2020-06-21T08:13:54-0700] <Trailgr1> !Horla Edward L Bernays - Propaganda
[2020-06-21T08:13:57-0700] <Halil> !TrainFiles Kirill Klevanski - [Dragon Heart 01]
- Stone Will (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:13:58-0700] <bbmuff01> !Horla Mimi Jean Pamfiloff - [OHellNO 05] -
My Pen Is Huge (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:14:03-0700] ooe90w (iiui223@ihw-pjg.l25.83.183.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:14:05-0700] kanin (kanin@ihw-b2u.l1b.248.2.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:14:08-0700] <User1651> !dny238 Marcus Aurelius - Meditations.epub
[2020-06-21T08:14:12-0700] <alyn> !dragnbreaker Berens, Judith - School Of
Necessary Magic 01 - Dark Is Her Nature.epub
[2020-06-21T08:14:20-0700] ooe90w (iiui223@ihw-pjg.l25.83.183.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T08:14:21-0700] <NamzZz> !Ook Shirley Jackson - The Lottery and Other
Stories (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 341.81KB
[2020-06-21T08:14:22-0700] not_me (not_me@ihw-tertfb.ip.windstream.net) left IRC
(The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.)
[2020-06-21T08:14:26-0700] not_me (not_me@ihw-tertfb.ip.windstream.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:14:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T08:14:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T08:14:28-0700] <bbmuff01> !Horla Mimi Jean Pamfiloff - [OHellNo 03] -
Digging a Hole (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:14:34-0700] <alyn> !dragnbreaker Berens, Judith - School Of
Necessary Magic 03 - Wary Is Her Love.epub
[2020-06-21T08:14:43-0700] <Erin> @search amy croushorn
[2020-06-21T08:14:52-0700] <pitrat123> bsk ! cathy glass
[2020-06-21T08:14:57-0700] naloxone (naloxone@ihw-hstajf.fios.verizon.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:14:57-0700] <bbmuff01> @search challenge accepted wolf appeal
[2020-06-21T08:15:00-0700] <alyn> !dragnbreaker Berens, Judith - School Of
Necessary Magic 08 - Epic Is Her Future.epub
[2020-06-21T08:15:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T08:15:09-0700] distopista (distopista@ihw-7ss.c99.165.181.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:15:15-0700] <alyn> !dragnbreaker Berens, Judith - School Of
Necessary Magic 07 - Determined Is Her Path.epub
[2020-06-21T08:15:17-0700] <bbmuff01> @search challenge accepted
[2020-06-21T08:15:18-0700] rom (rom@ihw-bv642c.threembb.co.uk) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:15:32-0700] AndroUser (androirc@ihw-b3e.m6n.13.41.IP) left IRC
(Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))
[2020-06-21T08:15:34-0700] <darrie23> !Ook Laurann Dohner - [VLG 03] - Lorn
[2020-06-21T08:15:38-0700] <naloxone> @search the room where it happened
[2020-06-21T08:15:48-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 99 • Speed: 306,998cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,337 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T08:15:50-0700] dynamo (textual@ihw-6a1mis.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:15:53-0700] green_ (Android@ihw-8r2.905.44.62.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:16:00-0700] <naloxone> @search john bolton
[2020-06-21T08:16:02-0700] <alyn> !dragnbreaker Berens, Judith - Alison Brownstone
01 - Her Father’s Daughter.epub
[2020-06-21T08:16:06-0700] <Trailgr1> @searchook The Crowd
[2020-06-21T08:16:08-0700] <MerryCat> @search The Axe and the Throne
[2020-06-21T08:16:12-0700] Cian (cian@ihw-5agjbe.dyn.telefonica.de) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T08:16:19-0700] <alyn> !dragnbreaker Berens, Judith - Alison Brownstone
03 - My Name Is Alison.epub
[2020-06-21T08:16:24-0700] <MerryCat> !Horla M D Ireman - [Bounds of Redemption 01]
- The Axe and the Throne (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:16:25-0700] <castlefour> @search donald westlake
[2020-06-21T08:16:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,975 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T08:16:37-0700] Liteway_ (mark@ihw-ikb8kg.chello.nl) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:16:39-0700] green (Android@ihw-3p0.9lo.59.109.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:16:40-0700] <alyn> !dragnbreaker Berens, Judith - Alison Brownstone
02 - On Her Own.epub
[2020-06-21T08:16:45-0700] mkb (mkb@ihw-oqk.nrb.140.46.IP) left IRC (Ping timeout:
121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:16:52-0700] <darrie23> !Ook Laurann Dohner - [VLG 03] - Lorn
[2020-06-21T08:16:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 1/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,786
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T08:16:58-0700] OnTheBanksOfThe (Username@ihw-nmrfsu.res.spectrum.com)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:17:04-0700] Arcanexav (arcanexavio@ihw-ohu.tsi.153.218.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:17:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T08:17:13-0700] <alyn> !dragnbreaker Berens, Judith - Alison Brownstone
04 - The Family Business.epub
[2020-06-21T08:17:17-0700] rom (rom@ihw-apms0d.threembb.co.uk) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:17:17-0700] <OnTheBanksOfThe> @search polaris rising
[2020-06-21T08:17:18-0700] bbmuff01 (bbmuff01@ihw-8uj9j0.cable.rcncustomer.com)
left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:17:24-0700] <FragHag> !JimBob420 Di Morrissey - [Queenie Hanlon 02]
- Follow the Morning Star (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:17:27-0700] <castlefour> !dragnbreaker Westlake, Donald E - Novel 42
- A Likely Story (v1.1).epub
[2020-06-21T08:17:32-0700] <alyn> !dragnbreaker Berens, Judith - Alison Brownstone
05 - The Brownstone Effect.epub
[2020-06-21T08:17:44-0700] <OnTheBanksOfThe> !Horla Jessie Mihalik - [Consortium
Rebellion 01] - Polaris Rising (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:17:46-0700] <alyn> !dragnbreaker Berens, Judith - Alison Brownstone
06 - The Dark Princess.epub
[2020-06-21T08:18:03-0700] Aker- (aker@ihw-chq.ci7.231.165.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:18:03-0700] stoneman123 (darsam_4@ihw-p7616d.range86-
155.btcentralplus.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:18:18-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,548 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T08:18:21-0700] <WillGraham> @search *ukul*pdf*
[2020-06-21T08:18:24-0700] PeterPan1337 (androirc@ihw-30i.u6g.239.178.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:18:25-0700] Maneeb (Maneeb@ihw-s9q.q8i.149.169.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:18:41-0700] <alyn> !dragnbreaker Berens, Judith - Alison Brownstone
07 - The Queen's Daughter.epub
[2020-06-21T08:18:42-0700] <Maneeb> @search jeremy gutsche
[2020-06-21T08:18:46-0700] <Trailgr1> !Horla Gustave le Bon - The Crowd, A Study of
the Popular Mind_v2.rtf
[2020-06-21T08:18:51-0700] <WillGraham> @search *rabbit*pdf*
[2020-06-21T08:18:54-0700] shldrblade (shldrblade@ihw-lk4rdl.co.comcast.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:18:54-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:18:56-0700] <Fakus666|3> !Horla Terry Brooks - [The Defenders of
Shannara 02] - The Darkling Child (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:18:59-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:19:00-0700] pitrat123 (darsam_4@ihw-p7616d.range86-
155.btcentralplus.com) left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:19:05-0700] MinevaZabi226 (kingspartan@ihw-ol3o82.res.rr.com) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:19:10-0700] chickie (chickie@ihw-rrvilb.res.spectrum.com) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:19:13-0700] <alyn> !dragnbreaker Berens, Judith - Alison Brownstone
09 - A Brownstone Response.epub
[2020-06-21T08:19:21-0700] naloxone (naloxone@ihw-hstajf.fios.verizon.net) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:19:26-0700] Mextrem63 (Android@ihw-fs0.n1h.152.189.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:19:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T08:19:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T08:19:29-0700] Talven (Tal3@ihw-hn5ub9.gu8u.etfg.23c6.2a00.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T08:19:35-0700] <darrie23> !Oatmeal Laurann Dohner - [Cyborg Seduction
11] - Falling for Sky (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:19:38-0700] <alyn> !dragnbreaker Berens, Judith - Alison Brownstone
10 - A Brownstone Solution.epub
[2020-06-21T08:19:40-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,829
(2103.89 GB)
[2020-06-21T08:19:41-0700] manrico (manrico@ihw-fo5297.spectrumnet.bg) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:19:44-0700] <shldrblade> @search room where it happened
[2020-06-21T08:19:47-0700] <manrico> @ook-new
[2020-06-21T08:19:50-0700] <JordanvanBergen> @Search Claudia Durastari
[2020-06-21T08:19:58-0700] <manrico> @Oatmeal-new
[2020-06-21T08:20:05-0700] <FragHag> @search tears of the moon
[2020-06-21T08:20:06-0700] <PandP> !Oatmeal Oatmeal-Main(2020-06-14)-OS.zip
[2020-06-21T08:20:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T08:20:08-0700] manrico (manrico@ihw-fo5297.spectrumnet.bg) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T08:20:09-0700] <Maneeb> @Search jeremy gutsche
[2020-06-21T08:20:11-0700] <alyn> !dragnbreaker Berens, Judith - Alison Brownstone
12 - Rise Up.epub
[2020-06-21T08:20:16-0700] kolor8 (DDream@ihw-j2o.p36.11.87.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T08:20:18-0700] Maneeb (Maneeb@ihw-s9q.q8i.149.169.IP) left the channel
[2020-06-21T08:20:23-0700] <MinevaZabi226> @Search <Elder Scrolls: The Official
[2020-06-21T08:20:33-0700] <Trailgr1> !bsk Gustave le Bon - The Crowd, A Study of
the Popular Mind (v2.0) [rtf].rar
[2020-06-21T08:20:48-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 6/6 • Queued: 84 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,357 • List: Jun
18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T08:20:52-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:20:57-0700] MinevaZabi226 (kingspartan@ihw-ol3o82.res.rr.com) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:21:02-0700] MinevaZabi226 (kingspartan@ihw-ol3o82.res.rr.com) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:21:03-0700] <FragHag> !Horla Di Morrissey - Tears of the Moon (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T08:21:07-0700] MinevaZabi226 (kingspartan@ihw-ol3o82.res.rr.com) left
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:21:24-0700] rom (rom@ihw-apms0d.threembb.co.uk) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:21:32-0700] PeterPan1337 (androirc@ihw-8d3i5s.cust.tele2.nl) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:21:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,975 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T08:21:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,829
(2103.89 GB)
[2020-06-21T08:21:40-0700] gofer (gofer@ihw-dcfsg4.ed.shawcable.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:21:47-0700] User1651 (User1651@ihw-idhi3f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T08:21:48-0700] <swisscheese> !bsk Patrick Leigh Fermor - A Life in
Letters - Adam Sisman (ed) (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:21:51-0700] <nofu34> @Search Mouth of Madness
[2020-06-21T08:21:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,795
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T08:21:57-0700] <swisscheese> !shytot TIME TO KEEP SILENCE, A - Patrick
Leigh Fermor.epub
[2020-06-21T08:22:03-0700] bludixdc (bludixdc@ihw-oan.qla.224.149.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:22:05-0700] stoneman123 (darsam_4@ihw-p7616d.range86-
155.btcentralplus.com) left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:22:17-0700] wokemayor (wokemayor_@ihw-qk3c53.ma.comcast.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:22:32-0700] <wokemayor> @search blood of tyrants
[2020-06-21T08:22:35-0700] joozie (Alan@ihw-sn2.qjd.12.94.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:22:45-0700] arcen (arcen@ihw-403a8u.ma.comcast.net) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:22:52-0700] <FragHag> !JimBob420 Nora Roberts - [Gallaghers of
Ardmore 01-03] - The Gallaghers of Ardmore Trilogy (Jewels of the Sun; Tears of the
Moon; Heart of the Sea) (v5.0) (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T08:22:57-0700] <alyn> !dragnbreaker Berens, Judith - Alison Brownstone
01 - Her Father’s Daughter.epub
[2020-06-21T08:23:00-0700] <joozie> !Zefrem23 Analog SFF, December 2009 - Dell
Magazine Authors.epub
[2020-06-21T08:23:06-0700] <joozie> !Zefrem23 Asimov's Science Fiction - Asimov's
2012.04 - April 2012.epub
[2020-06-21T08:23:07-0700] pitrat123 (darsam_4@ihw-q0e9te.range86-
157.btcentralplus.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:23:07-0700] <goldengirl> @search Joleen James
[2020-06-21T08:23:09-0700] fhkjdhjkhjhhk (fhkjdhjkhjh@ihw-
098ppc.som6.as20.23c6.2a00.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:23:14-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,874 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T08:23:16-0700] Gary (Gary@ihw-be6c65.nbn.aussiebb.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:23:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,548 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T08:23:20-0700] <wokemayor> !Horla Naomi Novik - [Temeraire 08] - Blood
of Tyrants (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:23:20-0700] <joozie> !dragnbreaker Analog v105n04 (1985-04) (LennyS-
[2020-06-21T08:23:26-0700] <Gary> @search The Dark Forest
[2020-06-21T08:23:31-0700] <JordanvanBergen> @Search claudia durastanti
[2020-06-21T08:23:36-0700] <joozie> !dragnbreaker Analog v105n06 (1985-06) (LennyS-
[2020-06-21T08:23:40-0700] <gofer> @search michael chatfield
[2020-06-21T08:23:42-0700] <fhkjdhjkhjhhk> @search kofteboken 3
[2020-06-21T08:23:44-0700] <Trailgr1> @searchook brevity matrix
[2020-06-21T08:23:48-0700] <wokemayor> @search league of dragons
[2020-06-21T08:23:48-0700] <joozie> @zefrem
[2020-06-21T08:23:51-0700] <darrie23> !Oatmeal Laurann Dohner - [Cyborg Seduction
11] - Falling for Sky (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:24:05-0700] bewretni (bewretni@ihw-a4g99t.clienti.tiscali.it) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:24:13-0700] Maaldooroor (Vladimir@ihw-0hklhj.pools.vodafone-ip.de)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:24:26-0700] <Gary> !Horla Cixin Liu - [Three-Body 02] - The Dark
Forest (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:24:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T08:24:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T08:24:31-0700] <wokemayor> !shytot Naomi Novik - [Temeraire 09] -
League of Dragons (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:24:33-0700] feds (fed@ihw-36j.953.98.92.IP) left IRC (Connection
[2020-06-21T08:25:00-0700] mizfeli (mizfelicia@ihw-dpp.4aa.121.121.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:25:03-0700] <FragHag> !shytot Nora Roberts - [Gallaghers of Ardmore
01-03] - The Gallaghers of Ardmore Trilogy (Jewels of the Sun; Tears of the Moon;
Heart of the Sea) (v5.0) (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T08:25:07-0700] <Maaldooroor> @search the traitor baru cormorant
[2020-06-21T08:25:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T08:25:08-0700] DragonLady09 (DragonLady@ihw-
nh07re.hstntx.sbcglobal.net) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:25:08-0700] <darrie23> !Oatmeal Laurann Dohner - [Cyborg Seduction
10] - Seducing Stag (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:25:15-0700] blunders (blunders@ihw-d2h.7rj.190.180.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:25:20-0700] <DragonLady09> !trainpacks
[2020-06-21T08:25:22-0700] htetrasme (IceChat9@ihw-cgdpo8.res.rr.com) left IRC
(Quit: East bound and down, loaded up and truckin')
[2020-06-21T08:25:35-0700] <joozie> @search gilman adam
[2020-06-21T08:25:37-0700] <@LawdyServer> [dlFilter] Are the responses to your
requests getting lost in the crowd? Are your @find responses spread about? If you
are using mIRC as your IRC client then download dlFilter version 2.13 from
https://github.com/DukeLupus/dlFilter/ and make your time in #ebooks less
[2020-06-21T08:25:38-0700] <darrie23> !Oatmeal Laurann Dohner - [Cyborg Seduction
09] - Loving Deviant (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:25:42-0700] <Maaldooroor> !QuietSilence Dickinson, Seth - Masquerade
01 - The Traitor The Traitor Baru Cormorant.epub
[2020-06-21T08:25:46-0700] shldrblade (shldrblade@ihw-lk4rdl.co.comcast.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:25:46-0700] Mextrem63 (Android@ihw-fs0.n1h.152.189.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:25:54-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 79 • Speed: 489,580cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,362 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T08:25:57-0700] fhkjdhjkhjhhk (fhkjdhjkhjh@ihw-
098ppc.som6.as20.23c6.2a00.IP) left IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T08:25:59-0700] <gofer> !Oatmeal Michael Chatfield - [Emerilia 04-05] -
Emerilia Series Box Set 2 (epub)(epub).rar ::INFO:: 992.8KB
[2020-06-21T08:25:59-0700] <gofer> !Oatmeal Michael Chatfield - [Emerilia 06-07] -
Emerilia Series Box Set 3 (epub)(epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.1MB
[2020-06-21T08:25:59-0700] <gofer> !Oatmeal Michael Chatfield - [Emerilia 08-09] -
Emerilia Series Box Set 4 (epub)(epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.3MB
[2020-06-21T08:25:59-0700] <gofer> !Oatmeal Michael Chatfield - [Emerilia 10-11] -
Emerilia Series Box Set 5 (epub)(epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.2MB
[2020-06-21T08:26:03-0700] Bricorn (IceChat9@ihw-1vjte0.dynamic.totinternet.net)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:26:08-0700] <wokemayor> !shytot Naomi Novik - [Temeraire 09] -
League of Dragons (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:26:22-0700] feds (fed@ihw-36j.953.98.92.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:26:27-0700] mizfelicia (mizfelicia@ihw-dpp.4aa.121.121.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:26:32-0700] <darrie23> !Ook Laurann Dohner - [Cyborg Seduction 08] -
Haunting Blackie [EC Aeon] (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:26:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,975 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T08:26:36-0700] <joozie> !dragnbreaker Analog v105n07 (1985-07) (LennyS-
[2020-06-21T08:26:38-0700] bookman648295 (Android@ihw-
soa037.fapn.gja5.fb90.2607.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:26:48-0700] <FragHag> @search the plantation
[2020-06-21T08:26:50-0700] Stella (Stella@ihw-hsbsuq.direct-adsl.nl) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:26:52-0700] wokemayor (wokemayor_@ihw-qk3c53.ma.comcast.net) left
IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T08:26:53-0700] DragonLady09 (DragonLady@ihw-
nh07re.hstntx.sbcglobal.net) left the channel
[2020-06-21T08:26:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 1/2 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 664,537cps • Next: NOW • Served:
71,796 • List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T08:27:06-0700] <bookman648295> @search John bolton
[2020-06-21T08:27:09-0700] <gofer> !Oatmeal Michael Chatfield - [Emerilia 06-07] -
Emerilia Series Box Set 3 (epub)(epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.1MB
[2020-06-21T08:27:09-0700] <gofer> !Oatmeal Michael Chatfield - [Emerilia 08-09] -
Emerilia Series Box Set 4 (epub)(epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.3MB
[2020-06-21T08:27:09-0700] <gofer> !Oatmeal Michael Chatfield - [Emerilia 10-11] -
Emerilia Series Box Set 5 (epub)(epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.2MB
[2020-06-21T08:27:18-0700] mturker (mturker@ihw-la4.n1l.215.71.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:27:20-0700] zv (zombiev@ihw-pdodqs.il.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:27:22-0700] <alyn> !Oatmeal Judith Berens - [School Of Necessary
Magic 02] - Bright Is Her Sight (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:27:28-0700] zv (zombiev@ihw-pdodqs.il.comcast.net) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T08:27:34-0700] wokemayor (wokemayor_@ihw-vctm59.nh.comcast.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:27:37-0700] <wokemayor> !shytot Naomi Novik - [Temeraire 09] -
League of Dragons (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:27:38-0700] Millybooks (Millybooks@ihw-2pn29m.sasknet.sk.ca) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:27:40-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - A Private Affair (retail)
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.9MB
[2020-06-21T08:27:40-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - Dane (retail) (epub).rar
::INFO:: 640.2KB
[2020-06-21T08:27:40-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - Decadent Dreams [HKR-326,
The Draysons- Sprinkled With Love 01] (epub).rar ::INFO:: 243.0KB
[2020-06-21T08:27:40-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - Distinguished Gentlemen -
Lover's Bid (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 377.2KB
[2020-06-21T08:27:40-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - Eve of Passion [HKR-398,
Wintersage Weddings 01] (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 306.7KB
[2020-06-21T08:27:40-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - Guarding His Body
(retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 259.8KB
[2020-06-21T08:27:40-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - Love Me Carefully
(retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 343.1KB
[2020-06-21T08:27:40-0700] Kar98 (Kar98@ihw-00s2bl.res.spectrum.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:27:41-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - Love Me Like No Other
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 416.8KB
[2020-06-21T08:27:42-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - Lover's Bid
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 377.6KB
[2020-06-21T08:27:57-0700] <FragHag> !shytot Plantation, The - Di Morrissey.mobi
[2020-06-21T08:28:00-0700] <alyn> !Oatmeal Judith Berens - The School of Necessary
Magic Boxed Set One (01-03) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:28:05-0700] <wokemayor> !Horla Naomi Novik - [Temeraire 09] - League
of Dragons (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:28:09-0700] Parse (textual@ihw-1uk.sfb.201.109.IP) left IRC (Quit:
Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
[2020-06-21T08:28:09-0700] <MerryCat> @search First Law
[2020-06-21T08:28:14-0700] FSDE1 (Sfledt250@ihw-92i.p05.208.94.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:28:16-0700] atreidaed (atreidaes@ihw-v2k.oie.16.103.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:28:16-0700] <gofer> !Oatmeal Michael Chatfield - [Emerilia 04-05] -
Emerilia Series Box Set 2 (epub)(epub).rar ::INFO:: 992.8KB
[2020-06-21T08:28:17-0700] <gofer> !Oatmeal Michael Chatfield - [Emerilia 06-07] -
Emerilia Series Box Set 3 (epub)(epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.1MB
[2020-06-21T08:28:17-0700] <gofer> !Oatmeal Michael Chatfield - [Emerilia 08-09] -
Emerilia Series Box Set 4 (epub)(epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.3MB
[2020-06-21T08:28:17-0700] <gofer> !Oatmeal Michael Chatfield - [Emerilia 10-11] -
Emerilia Series Box Set 5 (epub)(epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.2MB
[2020-06-21T08:28:17-0700] Kaffimoon101 (IC9@ihw-lh50gb.range86-
140.btcentralplus.com) left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:28:18-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,548 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T08:28:22-0700] <Kar98> @search minestrone lansdale
[2020-06-21T08:28:23-0700] <atreidaed> @search mary webb
[2020-06-21T08:28:27-0700] <alyn> !Oatmeal Judith Berens - The School of Necessary
Magic Boxed Set Two (04-06) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:28:35-0700] <gofer> !Oatmeal Michael Chatfield - [Emerilia 10-11] -
Emerilia Series Box Set 5 (epub)(epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.2MB
[2020-06-21T08:28:39-0700] mscal (maxs@ihw-9c8.aps.208.178.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:28:45-0700] <Kar98> @search mice lansdale
[2020-06-21T08:28:45-0700] <wokemayor> @search Golden Age and Other Stories
[2020-06-21T08:28:52-0700] <FragHag> @search the songmaster
[2020-06-21T08:28:56-0700] atreidaed (atreidaes@ihw-v2k.oie.16.103.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T08:28:59-0700] <joozie> !dragnbreaker Analog v105n08 (1985-08) (LennyS-
[2020-06-21T08:29:03-0700] davide (Davide@ihw-3bgo29.range86-133.btcentralplus.com)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:29:08-0700] <MerryCat> !JimBob420 Joe Abercrombie - [The First Law
02] - Before They Are Hanged (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:29:15-0700] <wokemayor> !TrainFiles Naomi Novik - [Temeraire] -
Golden Age and Other Stories (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:29:17-0700] <joozie> !dragnbreaker Analog v105n09 (1985-09) (LennyS-
[2020-06-21T08:29:17-0700] blunders (blunders@ihw-d2h.7rj.190.180.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:29:17-0700] <alyn> !Oatmeal Judith Berens - [The School of Necessary
Magic 05-08] - The School of Necessary Magic Omnibus 2
[2020-06-21T08:29:22-0700] Darklaya (IceChat9@ihw-66ei0a.res.rr.com) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:29:22-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - Second Chance, Baby [The
Braddocks] (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 854.5KB
[2020-06-21T08:29:22-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - Shadow Shifters Damaged
Hearts The Complete Series (epub).rar ::INFO:: 962.3KB
[2020-06-21T08:29:22-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [(Taylors of) Temptation
04] - One Christmas Song (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 632.1KB
[2020-06-21T08:29:22-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [Donovan Friends 08] -
The Winter Wedding (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 722.9KB
[2020-06-21T08:29:22-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [Legion 01] - Awaken the
Dragon (epub).rar ::INFO:: 279.6KB
[2020-06-21T08:29:22-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [Shadow Shifters -
Damaged Hearts 01] - Mine to Claim (epub).rar ::INFO:: 274.5KB
[2020-06-21T08:29:22-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [Shadow Shifters -
Damaged Hearts 02] - Part of Me (epub).rar ::INFO:: 302.0KB
[2020-06-21T08:29:22-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [Shadow Shifters -
Damaged Hearts 03] - Hunger for You (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.1MB
[2020-06-21T08:29:22-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [Shadow Shifters 01] -
Temptation Rising (epub).rar ::INFO:: 408.2KB
[2020-06-21T08:29:22-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [Shadow Shifters 02] -
Seduction's Shift (epub).rar ::INFO:: 336.8KB
[2020-06-21T08:29:26-0700] horivelwatcher (R.SANDA@ihw-vou.uhd.188.41.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:29:27-0700] ronD (rond@ihw-8d2.vl9.66.64.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:29:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T08:29:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T08:29:37-0700] <ronD> @search love is a mix tape
[2020-06-21T08:29:38-0700] <mscal> @search dragonlance
[2020-06-21T08:29:40-0700] <joozie> !dragnbreaker Analog v105n10 (1985-10) (LennyS-
[2020-06-21T08:29:40-0700] <Kar98> @searcch Of Mice and Minestrone
[2020-06-21T08:29:42-0700] <FragHag> !Oatmeal Di Morrissey - The Songmaster
[2020-06-21T08:29:58-0700] zombievee (zombiev@ihw-pdodqs.il.comcast.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:30:03-0700] <darrie23> !Ook Laurann Dohner - Cyborg Seduction 01-10
[2020-06-21T08:30:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T08:30:11-0700] jjutt302 (jjutt302@ihw-onp.811.255.72.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:30:12-0700] domino45purplesnek (domino45pur@ihw-
92s64i.ga.comcast.net) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:30:19-0700] castlefour (castlefour@ihw-p8i.is6.228.207.IP) left IRC
(Client exited)
[2020-06-21T08:30:21-0700] g8rk4idj_ (mcn9uejdma2@ihw-i79qem.res.rr.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:30:25-0700] <ronD> !Oatmeal Rob Sheffield - [The Rituals of Love and
Karaoke 01] - Love Is a Mix Tape- Life and Loss, One Song at a Time (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T08:30:27-0700] <domino45purplesnek> @search courage to be disliked
[2020-06-21T08:30:32-0700] distopista (distopista@ihw-7ss.c99.165.181.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:30:33-0700] feds (fed@ihw-36j.953.98.92.IP) left IRC (Connection
[2020-06-21T08:30:36-0700] <MerryCat> !Xon Joe Abercrombie - [The First Law 02] -
Before They Are Hanged (v5.2) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:30:37-0700] StaleHearts (StaleHearts@ihw-62c761.cable.rogers.com)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:30:37-0700] alyn (Alyn@ihw-fkf20b.wepbfl.sbcglobal.net) left the
[2020-06-21T08:30:40-0700] butt__soup (textual@ihw-hr9tbu.fob1.aes0.0401.2601.IP)
left IRC (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
[2020-06-21T08:30:42-0700] <swisscheese> @search Vaclav Havel
[2020-06-21T08:30:43-0700] Kar98 (Kar98@ihw-00s2bl.res.spectrum.com) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:30:43-0700] <g8rk4idj_> @search John Bolton
[2020-06-21T08:30:48-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 77 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,384 • List: Jun
18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T08:30:55-0700] feds (fed@ihw-36j.953.98.92.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:31:15-0700] raindrip (raindrip@ihw-6ce0gm.co.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:31:20-0700] <Lyra> !Horla Diana Wynne Jones - [Howl's Castle 01] -
Howl's Moving Castle (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:31:20-0700] <jjutt302> @search digital logic design
[2020-06-21T08:31:23-0700] g8rk4idj_ (mcn9uejdma2@ihw-i79qem.res.rr.com) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving...)
[2020-06-21T08:31:29-0700] wokemayor (wokemayor_@ihw-vctm59.nh.comcast.net) left
IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T08:31:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,976 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T08:31:36-0700] mturker (mturker@ihw-la4.n1l.215.71.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:31:38-0700] Kaffimoon101 (IC9@ihw-lh50gb.range86-
140.btcentralplus.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:31:52-0700] <FragHag> @search the last rose of summer
[2020-06-21T08:31:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 1/2 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,798
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T08:32:01-0700] ForceBleue (ForceBleue@ihw-1o3.bpf.192.78.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:32:05-0700] <Erin> @search milkshakes
[2020-06-21T08:32:07-0700] Lyra (Lyra@ihw-0u3.nui.203.85.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T08:32:30-0700] agsdo87 (agsdo87@ihw-f33.5p2.84.141.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:32:39-0700] erling (erling@ihw-bq9.j8b.230.46.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:32:45-0700] <joozie> !dragnbreaker Analog v105n10 (1985-10) (LennyS-
[2020-06-21T08:32:47-0700] <agsdo87> @search The Python Apprentice
[2020-06-21T08:32:55-0700] domino45purplesnek (domino45pur@ihw-
92s64i.ga.comcast.net) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:33:05-0700] <FragHag> !Oatmeal Di Morrissey - The Last Rose of
Summer (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:33:10-0700] <agsdo87> !bsk The Python Apprentice.azw3 ::INFO::
[2020-06-21T08:33:16-0700] <mscal> @search Margaret Weis
[2020-06-21T08:33:18-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,548 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T08:33:33-0700] thelooniebin (theloonieb@ihw-j86.nbe.78.82.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:33:37-0700] krys (krys@ihw-3al.6v2.0.83.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:33:38-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [Shadow Shifters 03] -
Passion's Prey (epub).rar ::INFO:: 323.8KB
[2020-06-21T08:33:38-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [Shadow Shifters 04] -
Shifter's Claim (epub).rar ::INFO:: 413.9KB
[2020-06-21T08:33:38-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [Shadow Shifters 05] -
Hunger's Mate (epub).rar ::INFO:: 476.5KB
[2020-06-21T08:33:38-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [Shadow Shifters 06.1] -
Primal Heat- Part 1 (epub).epub ::INFO:: 964.7KB
[2020-06-21T08:33:38-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [Shadow Shifters 06.2] -
Primal Heat- Part 2 (epub).epub ::INFO:: 955.7KB
[2020-06-21T08:33:38-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [Shadow Shifters 06.3] -
Primal Heat- Part 3 (epub).epub ::INFO:: 964.7KB
[2020-06-21T08:33:38-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [Shadow Shifters 06.4] -
Primal Heat- Part 4 (epub).epub ::INFO:: 945.4KB
[2020-06-21T08:33:38-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [Shadow Shifters 06] -
Primal Heat (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 872.4KB
[2020-06-21T08:33:38-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [Shadow Shifters 07] - A
Lion's Heart (epub).epub ::INFO:: 248.2KB
[2020-06-21T08:33:38-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [Shadow Shifters
Rebellion 02] - A Cougar's Kiss (epub).rar ::INFO:: 347.1KB
[2020-06-21T08:33:52-0700] <thelooniebin> @search rowling
[2020-06-21T08:33:55-0700] ronD (rond@ihw-8d2.vl9.66.64.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:34:04-0700] AesopR (aesopr@ihw-4bofu4.wbroadband.net.au) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:34:16-0700] Luse (luse@ihw-qfs.6j2.255.109.IP) left IRC (Connection
[2020-06-21T08:34:17-0700] jjutt302 (jjutt302@ihw-onp.811.255.72.IP) left the
[2020-06-21T08:34:24-0700] Luse (luse@ihw-qfs.6j2.255.109.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:34:24-0700] Ejdu3 (Edju42ie@ihw-i05ng3.client.mchsi.com) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T08:34:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T08:34:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T08:34:27-0700] <Erin> !LawdyServer Macson, Judy - Simply Delicious
Milkshakes And Smoothies Recipes_ Easy Yummy For The Sweet Tooth (2020).epub
[2020-06-21T08:34:34-0700] jjutt302 (jjutt302@ihw-onp.811.255.72.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:34:38-0700] Hawkeye (Joe@ihw-c78.i8p.137.35.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:34:44-0700] <Hawkeye> !Trainpacks
[2020-06-21T08:34:44-0700] nicolasc (nicolasc@ihw-ntink7.rev.sfr.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:34:44-0700] Ejdu3 (Edju42ie@ihw-4u12i5.sub-174-217-9.myvzw.com)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:35:01-0700] Dave_ (Veldor@ihw-jfvkru.ppp.as43234.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:35:03-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [Taylors of Temptation
01] - One Mistletoe Wish [HKR-502] (epub).rar ::INFO:: 2.2MB
[2020-06-21T08:35:03-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [Taylors of Temptation
02] - One Unforgettable Kiss (retail) (epub).epub ::INFO:: 420.0KB
[2020-06-21T08:35:03-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [Taylors of Temptation
03] - One Perfect Moment (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.1MB
[2020-06-21T08:35:03-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [The Donovans 01] - A
Cinderella Affair [HKR-56] (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 223.1KB
[2020-06-21T08:35:03-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [The Donovans 03] -
Defying Desire [HKR-134] (epub).rar ::INFO:: 249.5KB
[2020-06-21T08:35:03-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [The Donovans 07] -
Surrender to a Donovan [HKR-301] (epub).rar ::INFO:: 220.2KB
[2020-06-21T08:35:03-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [The Donovans 11] -
Embraced by a Donovan (epub).rar ::INFO:: 255.0KB
[2020-06-21T08:35:03-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [The Donovans 12.5] -
Always in My Heart (epub).rar ::INFO:: 184.2KB
[2020-06-21T08:35:03-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [The Donovans 12] -
Wrapped in a Donovan (epub).rar ::INFO:: 298.6KB
[2020-06-21T08:35:08-0700] <joozie> !dragnbreaker Analog v105n11 (1985-11) (LennyS-
[2020-06-21T08:35:12-0700] Henry579241 (000123@ihw-9vioea.netvigator.com) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T08:35:12-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T08:35:17-0700] raindrip (raindrip@ihw-6ce0gm.co.comcast.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:35:18-0700] <agsdo87> @search The Python Master
[2020-06-21T08:35:38-0700] <mscal> !Oatmeal Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman -
[Dragonlance Chronicles 01] - Dragons of Autumn Twilight (v5.0) (.rar
[2020-06-21T08:35:44-0700] <Dave_> @search Michelle Rawlins
[2020-06-21T08:35:47-0700] <darrie23> !Oatmeal Laurann Dohner - [Veslor Mates 01] -
The Gorison Traveler Incident (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:35:55-0700] animegrunt (animegrunt@ihw-uch.429.112.79.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:35:58-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 61 • Speed: 291,378cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,419 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T08:36:05-0700] erling (erling@ihw-bq9.j8b.230.46.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T08:36:05-0700] <syrinx> @search cassie cole
[2020-06-21T08:36:09-0700] Hawkeye (Joe@ihw-c78.i8p.137.35.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T08:36:12-0700] ranner (ranner@ihw-om2bfl.ed.shawcable.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:36:12-0700] <nicolasc> !shytot Martha Wells - [Ile-Rien 01] - The
Element of Fire (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:36:12-0700] <jjutt302> @search digital logic design By Arshad Iqbal
[2020-06-21T08:36:16-0700] bej (Manjarouser@ihw-lg7.acj.9.71.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:36:18-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [The Donovans 13] - In
The Arms of a Donovan (epub).rar ::INFO:: 264.5KB
[2020-06-21T08:36:18-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [The Donovans 14] -
Falling for a Donovan (epub).rar ::INFO:: 240.5KB
[2020-06-21T08:36:18-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [The Donovans 15] -
Destiny of a Donovan (epub).rar ::INFO:: 213.2KB
[2020-06-21T08:36:18-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [The Donovans] - Holiday
Hearts (epub).rar ::INFO:: 103.6KB
[2020-06-21T08:36:18-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [The Legion 01] - Awaken
the Dragon (epub).rar ::INFO:: 279.5KB
[2020-06-21T08:36:18-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [The Royal Weddings 01] -
To Marry a Prince [HKR-522] (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 2.9MB
[2020-06-21T08:36:18-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [The Royal Weddings 02] -
Loving the Princess [HKR-526] (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.9MB
[2020-06-21T08:36:18-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Arthur - [The Royal Weddings 03] -
Prince Ever After [HKR-530] (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 2.2MB
[2020-06-21T08:36:27-0700] <joozie> @search ben aaronov rivers
[2020-06-21T08:36:36-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
6/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,976 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T08:36:41-0700] pitrat123 (darsam_4@ihw-q0e9te.range86-
157.btcentralplus.com) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:36:42-0700] <ranner> @search roger zelazny
[2020-06-21T08:36:44-0700] <syrinx> !Oatmeal Cassie Cole - Tiger Queen (azw3).rar
[2020-06-21T08:36:48-0700] WillGraham (Me@ihw-h85.h0l.138.217.IP) left IRC (Quit:
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the
present moment.)
[2020-06-21T08:36:52-0700] <bej> @search the firebird chronicles
[2020-06-21T08:36:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 1/2 • Queued: 2 • Speed: 358,321cps • Next: NOW • Served:
71,799 • List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T08:36:57-0700] posssibull998 (posssibull9@ihw-a9kkss.lv.cox.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:36:58-0700] <joozie> !Oatmeal Ben Aaronovitch - [Rivers of London
08] - False Value (Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:37:01-0700] <nicolasc> !shytot Martha Wells - [Books of Raksura 05]
- The Harbors of the Sun (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:37:02-0700] <syrinx> !Xon Cassie Cole - All In (Vegas Reverse Harem
Romance) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:37:05-0700] <nicolasc> !Horla Martha Wells - [Books of Raksura 04] -
The Edge of Worlds (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:37:07-0700] <animegrunt> @search Kim Harrison
[2020-06-21T08:37:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T08:37:11-0700] <jjutt302> digital logic design mcq
[2020-06-21T08:37:17-0700] <Midnight_> @search Ronald Gerste
[2020-06-21T08:37:21-0700] <darrie23> !Oatmeal Laurann Dohner - [The Vorge Crew 05]
- Cavas (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:37:27-0700] bdawn (dawn@ihw-2842jo.ca.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:37:29-0700] <ranner> !shytot Chronicles of Amber, The - Zelazny,
[2020-06-21T08:37:31-0700] <Midnight_> @search Manfred Mai
[2020-06-21T08:37:34-0700] <Erin> !LawdyServer The Ultimate Burger - Plus Diy
Condiments, Sides, And Boozy Milkshakes (Gnv64).epub
[2020-06-21T08:37:39-0700] <Plunky> @searchook chaos o'neill
[2020-06-21T08:37:40-0700] <mscal> !Oatmeal Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman -
[Dragonlance Chronicles 02] - Dragons of Winter Night (v5.0) (epu.rar
[2020-06-21T08:37:45-0700] <bdawn> @search nosrat
[2020-06-21T08:37:45-0700] <bej> !dragnbreaker White, T A - The Firebird Chronicles
01 - Rules of Redemption (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T08:37:49-0700] <animegrunt> !Horla Kim Harrison - [Hollows 11] - Ever
After (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:37:49-0700] raindrip (raindrip@ihw-6ce0gm.co.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:37:49-0700] Dave_ (Veldor@ihw-jfvkru.ppp.as43234.net) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T08:37:50-0700] <posssibull998> @search The Long Haul
[2020-06-21T08:37:56-0700] agsdo87 (agsdo87@ihw-f33.5p2.84.141.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T08:37:58-0700] auto1029 (auto1029@ihw-5dp.97a.35.194.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:38:01-0700] <mscal> !Oatmeal Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman -
[Dragonlance Chronicles 03] - Dragons of Spring Dawning (v5.0) (e.rar
[2020-06-21T08:38:02-0700] <animegrunt> !Horla Kim Harrison - [Hollows 12] - The
Undead Pool (ARC) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:38:04-0700] <bej> !dragnbreaker White, T A - The Firebird Chronicles
02 - Age of Deception (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T08:38:07-0700] AesopR (aesopr@ihw-4bofu4.wbroadband.net.au) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:38:09-0700] <animegrunt> !Horla Kim Harrison - [Hollows 13] - The
Witch with No Name (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:38:11-0700] <auto1029> @search erin hunter
[2020-06-21T08:38:13-0700] <jjutt302> @search digital logic design mcq
[2020-06-21T08:38:15-0700] VanDean (VanDean@ihw-nv2jis.dynamic.bellmts.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:38:18-0700] <Plunky> !bsk Tom O'Neill, Dan Piepenbring - Chaos-
Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties (9780316529211)
(Retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:38:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,548 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T08:38:21-0700] <animegrunt> !Horla Kim Harrison - [Hollows 12] - The
Undead Pool (ARC) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:38:24-0700] <joozie> !dragnbreaker Analog v105n12 (1985-12) (LennyS-
[2020-06-21T08:38:30-0700] <auto1029> @search myrick
[2020-06-21T08:38:30-0700] <jjutt302> @search digital logic design
[2020-06-21T08:38:30-0700] NIGEL (nigel@ihw-qm9.no2.187.89.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:38:34-0700] <Erin> !LawdyServer Macson, Judy - Simply Delicious
Milkshakes And Smoothies Recipes_ Easy Yummy For The Sweet Tooth (2020).epub
[2020-06-21T08:38:35-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,900 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T08:38:39-0700] <nicolasc> !Horla Martha Wells - [Murderbot Diaries 05]
- Network Effect (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:38:40-0700] gofer (gofer@ihw-dcfsg4.ed.shawcable.net) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:38:42-0700] StaleHearts (StaleHearts@ihw-62c761.cable.rogers.com)
left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:38:44-0700] <ranner> !Ook Roger Zelazny - Amber Chronicles Complete
01-10 & Stories & New Amber Trilogy 01-03 by Betancourt) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:38:44-0700] StaleHearts (StaleHearts@ihw-62c761.cable.rogers.com)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:38:50-0700] <jjutt302> @search digital logic design
[2020-06-21T08:38:53-0700] dick (dick@ihw-hesmko.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T08:38:55-0700] <Erin> !Horla Anthony Boundy - 30 Creamy and Delicious
Chocolate Milkshakes (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:38:57-0700] wolf (wolf@ihw-cc0.074.212.218.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:38:59-0700] <Plunky> @searchook sullivan Beneath a Scarlet Sky
[2020-06-21T08:39:04-0700] HOT3__ (HOT3@ihw-arptt0.cable.rogers.com) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:39:10-0700] bej (Manjarouser@ihw-lg7.acj.9.71.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T08:39:14-0700] <animegrunt> !dragnbreaker Harrison, Kim - The Hollows
12 - The Undead Pool (v5.0).mobi
[2020-06-21T08:39:15-0700] Maaldooroor (Vladimir@ihw-0hklhj.pools.vodafone-ip.de)
left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T08:39:17-0700] <StaleHearts> #vhost
[2020-06-21T08:39:24-0700] whoodat (whoodat@ihw-ovfj4p.res.spectrum.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:39:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T08:39:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T08:39:36-0700] VineLand (chatzilla@ihw-jlq38o.oc.cox.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:39:36-0700] <bdawn> !Oatmeal Samin Nosrat & Wendy MacNaughton -
Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:39:38-0700] <Plunky> !bsk Beneath a Scarlet Sky_ A Novel - Mark
[2020-06-21T08:39:40-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,831
(2103.89 GB)
[2020-06-21T08:39:47-0700] <whoodat> @search countdown 1945
[2020-06-21T08:39:54-0700] <nicolasc> !Horla Martha Wells - [Books of Raksura 05] -
The Harbors of the Sun (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:39:58-0700] laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (laliii@ihw-drd.lmh.231.123.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:39:59-0700] posssibull998 (posssibull9@ihw-a9kkss.lv.cox.net) left
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:40:04-0700] <VineLand> @search flanagan outcasts
[2020-06-21T08:40:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T08:40:19-0700] <NIGEL> @search john bolton
[2020-06-21T08:40:20-0700] <Erin> @search drinks
[2020-06-21T08:40:21-0700] <auto1029> @find myrick
[2020-06-21T08:40:22-0700] <jjutt302> !DV8 Digital Logic And Computer Design By M
Morris Mano Solution Manual (PDF).rar
[2020-06-21T08:40:23-0700] <Fakus666|3> @search terry goodkind
[2020-06-21T08:40:35-0700] robert_ (robert@ihw-dm0.nr4.216.185.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:40:41-0700] <whoodat> !trainpacks
[2020-06-21T08:40:47-0700] pookybear (pookybear@ihw-nn3.mvm.54.110.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:40:48-0700] <VineLand> !Oatmeal John Flanagan - [Brotherband
Chronicles 01] - The Outcasts (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T08:40:48-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 64 • Speed: 493,409cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,444 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T08:40:49-0700] max808 (max808@ihw-trp0g0.va.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:40:50-0700] FragHag (FragHag@ihw-0tu.0o2.222.185.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T08:40:53-0700] <pookybear> @search APRILYNNE PIKE
[2020-06-21T08:40:53-0700] <auto1029> @find jack myrick
[2020-06-21T08:40:59-0700] <mscal> @search Salvatore
[2020-06-21T08:41:11-0700] <StaleHearts> @TEXTBOOKS
[2020-06-21T08:41:12-0700] <max808> @search Joe Weber
[2020-06-21T08:41:16-0700] Iron_Mac (Iron_Mac@ihw-l7b8ra.dsl.bell.ca) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:41:17-0700] goldengirl (goldengirl@ihw-6ahmt4.res.rr.com) left IRC
(Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T08:41:20-0700] <auto1029> @search jack myrick
[2020-06-21T08:41:23-0700] <VineLand> @search flanagan invaders
[2020-06-21T08:41:23-0700] lam91 (lam91@ihw-ms98gn.cpe.distributel.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:41:25-0700] <Iron_Mac> @search devolution
[2020-06-21T08:41:28-0700] J0hnSw33T (J0hnSw33T@ihw-ct9opu.tx.comcast.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:41:31-0700] ranner (ranner@ihw-om2bfl.ed.shawcable.net) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving...)
[2020-06-21T08:41:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
6/7 – Queued: 1 – Speed: 393,216cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,976 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T08:41:39-0700] <NIGEL> @search hurricane season
[2020-06-21T08:41:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,831
(2103.89 GB)
[2020-06-21T08:41:43-0700] animegrunt (animegrunt@ihw-uch.429.112.79.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:41:43-0700] <joozie> !dragnbreaker Analog v105n13 (1985-12-Mid)
[2020-06-21T08:41:46-0700] Savannah1080 (CQLkyZqP@ihw-
f763f6.7jar.3i7n.0ee0.2001.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:41:51-0700] Savannah1080 (CQLkyZqP@ihw-
f763f6.7jar.3i7n.0ee0.2001.IP) left IRC (G-Lined: pornspam)
[2020-06-21T08:41:51-0700] <Erin> @search drinks
[2020-06-21T08:41:52-0700] <VineLand> !dragnbreaker Flanagan, John - Brotherband
Chronicles 02 - The Invaders (v5.0).mobi
[2020-06-21T08:41:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 1/2 • Queued: 2 • Speed: 246,744cps • Next: NOW • Served:
71,804 • List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T08:41:56-0700] <nicolasc> !Horla Martha Wells - [Ile-Rien 01] - The
Element of Fire (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:42:04-0700] <Wigwam> @search Janet Garman
[2020-06-21T08:42:04-0700] <nicolasc> !Horla Martha Wells - [Ile-Rien 02] - The
Death of the Necromancer (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:42:05-0700] infectedmushroom (infectedmus@ihw-
ope8qr.hghs.9c1n.fea8.2607.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:42:09-0700] whoodat (whoodat@ihw-ovfj4p.res.spectrum.com) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T08:42:09-0700] <Iron_Mac> @search max brooks devolution
[2020-06-21T08:42:12-0700] purplesilver (purplesilve@ihw-vup.vcj.209.185.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:42:12-0700] auto1029 (auto1029@ihw-5dp.97a.35.194.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:42:16-0700] <J0hnSw33T> @search big bosoms Russ Meyers
[2020-06-21T08:42:17-0700] zyzzeon2098725135215235 (iobarbablah@ihw-
ses.hro.109.91.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:42:26-0700] <zyzzeon2098725135215235> @search taleb
[2020-06-21T08:42:28-0700] monstermash (monstermash@ihw-ib4ope.ca.comcast.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:42:30-0700] <max808> !Horla Joe Weber - DEFCON One (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T08:42:37-0700] <mscal> !DV8 R. A. Salvatore - [FORGOTTEN REALMS THE
LEGEND OF DRIZZT 01] - Homeland (v5.0) (EPUB).rar
[2020-06-21T08:42:39-0700] <VineLand> @search flanagan hunters
[2020-06-21T08:42:46-0700] <jjutt302> @search Digital Logic Design MCQs: Multiple
Choice Questions and Answers (Quiz & Tests with Answer Keys)
[2020-06-21T08:42:48-0700] <Iron_Mac> @search max brooks
[2020-06-21T08:42:49-0700] mrdarpy (mrdarp@ihw-s0k.4eh.246.104.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:42:54-0700] <J0hnSw33T> @search big bosoms Russ Meyer
[2020-06-21T08:42:57-0700] <mrdarpy> @search amanda quick
[2020-06-21T08:43:02-0700] DD__DD (DD__DD@ihw-0m75dm.res.rr.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:43:05-0700] <Erin> !shytot Great Geek Recipes_ Your #1 Cookbook of
Nerd-Approved Snacks Drinks! - Julia Chiles.epub
[2020-06-21T08:43:15-0700] <mscal> !DV8 R. A. Salvatore - [FORGOTTEN REALMS THE
LEGEND OF DRIZZT 02] - Exile (v3.0) (EPUB).rar
[2020-06-21T08:43:16-0700] <VineLand> !Oatmeal John Flanagan - [Brotherband
Chronicles 03] - The Hunters (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T08:43:18-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,550 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T08:43:22-0700] bdawn (dawn@ihw-2842jo.ca.comcast.net) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:43:29-0700] pentaxis93 (robert@ihw-7s4.h60.210.185.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:43:30-0700] <DD__DD> @SearchBot-Trigger
[2020-06-21T08:43:35-0700] <mscal> !DV8 R. A. Salvatore - [FORGOTTEN REALMS THE
LEGEND OF DRIZZT 03] - Sojourn (v3.0) (EPUB).rar
[2020-06-21T08:43:41-0700] <VineLand> !Oatmeal John Flanagan - [Brotherband
Chronicles 03] - The Hunters (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T08:43:43-0700] <J0hnSw33T> !Oatmeal Jimmy McDonough - Big Bosoms and
Square Jaws- Russ Meyer, King of the Sex Film (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:43:51-0700] <zyzzeon2098725135215235> !Oatmeal Nassim Nicholas Taleb
- Fooled by Randomness- The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets
(retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:43:53-0700] <Erin> !Horla Ron Suresha - Mugs o' Joy - Delicious Hot
Drinks (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:43:53-0700] AlligatorBop (AlligatorBo@ihw-
6rt0ml.nap.wideopenwest.com) left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:43:55-0700] J0hnSw33T (J0hnSw33T@ihw-ct9opu.tx.comcast.net) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:43:56-0700] <mscal> !DV8 R. A. Salvatore - [FORGOTTEN REALMS THE
LEGEND OF DRIZZT 04] - Crystal Shard & The (v3.0) (EPUB).rar
[2020-06-21T08:43:59-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T08:44:01-0700] ZBB123456 (ZBB@ihw-blcvs5.mi.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:44:08-0700] Matrim22 (Matrim22@ihw-adj.sdt.207.49.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T08:44:13-0700] <mscal> !DV8 R. A. Salvatore - [FORGOTTEN REALMS THE
LEGEND OF DRIZZT 05] - Streams of Silver (v3.0) (EPUB).rar
[2020-06-21T08:44:16-0700] <StaleHearts> @search Jocko Willink
[2020-06-21T08:44:19-0700] <mrdarpy> @search julie anne long
[2020-06-21T08:44:19-0700] Aldra (Aldra@ihw-hh2q54.adsl.tpnet.pl) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:44:20-0700] green_ (Android@ihw-8r2.905.44.62.IP) left IRC (Quit:
-a- Connection Timed Out)
[2020-06-21T08:44:20-0700] <zyzzeon2098725135215235> !Oatmeal Nassim Nicholas Taleb
- The Bed of Procrustes- Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:44:24-0700] <Aldra> !TrainFiles Leah Brooke - [More Desire, Oklahoma
05] - Dark Desire - Earning Hope's Submission (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:44:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T08:44:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T08:44:31-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:44:34-0700] <mscal> !DV8 R. A. Salvatore - [FORGOTTEN REALMS THE
LEGEND OF DRIZZT 06] - Halfling's Gem & The (v3.0) (EPUB).rar
[2020-06-21T08:44:35-0700] Zoomie (Username@ihw-ca0kv1.dsl.bell.ca) left IRC (Quit:
Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T08:44:37-0700] <Erin> !LawdyServer World S Best Drinks.epub
[2020-06-21T08:44:45-0700] take (take@ihw-cggosg.net.fido.ca) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:44:48-0700] <NIGEL> !Horla Fernanda Melchor - Hurricane Season
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:44:52-0700] green (Android@ihw-8r2.905.44.62.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:44:55-0700] <max808> !Horla Joe Weber & R J Pinero - Ashes of
Victory (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:45:04-0700] <zyzzeon2098725135215235> @search tocqueville
[2020-06-21T08:45:08-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T08:45:09-0700] <gffhgfjg> @search Ask Claudine Griggs
[2020-06-21T08:45:11-0700] VanDean (VanDean@ihw-nv2jis.dynamic.bellmts.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:45:12-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> @search J. A. Jance
[2020-06-21T08:45:14-0700] Aramai (Aramai@ihw-e3k.2v0.52.24.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:45:16-0700] <Erin> !LawdyServer Mocktails, Punches, And Shrubs -
Over 80 Nonalcoholic Drinks To Savor And Enjoy.epub
[2020-06-21T08:45:19-0700] <ZBB123456> @search Time Compression Trading
[2020-06-21T08:45:25-0700] max808 (max808@ihw-trp0g0.va.comcast.net) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:45:26-0700] ekeai (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:45:32-0700] <Iron_Mac> @search dead state derek Shupert
[2020-06-21T08:45:35-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:45:44-0700] ThoughtFission (Username@ihw-7i5.ok0.158.216.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:45:47-0700] Ednalicious (textual@ihw-4f1rp3.res.rr.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:45:50-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 59 • Speed: 461,481cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,449 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T08:45:52-0700] <Aramai> @search dan abnett ghostmaker
[2020-06-21T08:45:56-0700] <spqr666> !Trainpacks
[2020-06-21T08:46:00-0700] <ThoughtFission> @search ansel Adams biography
[2020-06-21T08:46:01-0700] ekeai (ekeai@ihw-2bpp28.client.mchsi.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:46:04-0700] <mscal> !bsk Forgotten Realms - [Cleric 01] - Canticle -
R A Salvatore (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:46:08-0700] <Ednalicious> @search john bolton
[2020-06-21T08:46:09-0700] <Rigg> !JimBob420 A. Bertram Chandler - [Grimes in
Federation Service 01] -The Road to the Rim (v1.5) [htm, jpg].rar
[2020-06-21T08:46:10-0700] <Iron_Mac> !Oatmeal Derek Shupert - [Dead State 0.50] -
Catalyst (epub)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:46:13-0700] thebookguy1029 (Adium@ihw-s7e.lau.58.209.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:46:14-0700] <Erin> !LawdyServer The Coffee Recipe Book 50 Coffee And
Espresso Drinks To Make At Home.epub
[2020-06-21T08:46:19-0700] <Aramai> !dragnbreaker Warhammer 40,000 - Gaunt's Ghosts
02 - Ghostmaker (Dan Abnett) (v1.1).epub
[2020-06-21T08:46:23-0700] tautiton (tautiton@ihw-52p0ae.rev.sfr.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:46:26-0700] <mscal> !bsk Forgotten Realms - [Cleric Quintet 02] - In
Sylvan Shadows - R A Salvatore (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:46:28-0700] <Iron_Mac> !Oatmeal Derek Shupert - [Dead State 01] -
Fallout (epub)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:46:29-0700] <Iron_Mac> !Oatmeal Derek Shupert - [Dead State 02] -
Survival Road (epub)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:46:30-0700] monstermash (monstermash@ihw-ib4ope.ca.comcast.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:46:32-0700] thebookguy1029 (Adium@ihw-s7e.lau.58.209.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T08:46:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
6/7 – Queued: 1 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,979 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T08:46:39-0700] <Erin> @search recipes
[2020-06-21T08:46:49-0700] <mscal> !bsk Forgotten Realms - [Cleric Quintet 03] -
Night Masks - R A Salvatore (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:46:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 1/2 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 346,279cps • Next: NOW • Served:
71,807 • List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T08:46:57-0700] <Iron_Mac> !Oatmeal Derek Shupert - [Dead State 03] -
Executioner (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:46:57-0700] <Iron_Mac> !Oatmeal Derek Shupert - [Dead State 04] -
Immune (A Post Apocalyptic Survival Thriller) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:47:04-0700] <ThoughtFission> !Ook Ansel Adams -A Biography (2014) -
Mary Street Alinder.epub
[2020-06-21T08:47:08-0700] <StaleHearts> @sbclient
[2020-06-21T08:47:15-0700] TANPOPO3_ (TANPOPO33@ihw-2vi4gu.rev.sfr.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:47:15-0700] <mscal> !bsk Forgotten Realms - [Cleric Quintet 04] -
The Fallen Fortress - R A Salvatore (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:47:17-0700] Aldra (Aldra@ihw-hh2q54.adsl.tpnet.pl) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:47:25-0700] <pookybear> @search lauren destefano perfect
[2020-06-21T08:47:25-0700] <JordanvanBergen> @Search Philippe Sands
[2020-06-21T08:47:26-0700] Guest14 (textual@ihw-s3j.nk8.145.49.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:47:29-0700] Ednalicious (textual@ihw-4f1rp3.res.rr.com) left IRC
(Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
[2020-06-21T08:47:32-0700] <Iron_Mac> !Oatmeal Derek Shupert - [Dead State 04] -
Immune (A Post Apocalyptic Survival Thriller) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:47:32-0700] <Iron_Mac> !Oatmeal Derek Shupert - [Dead State 05] -
Evolved (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:47:37-0700] <Erin> !Xon Isis Crawford - [Mystery with Recipes 05] -
A Catered Halloween (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:47:45-0700] ThatDudetho69 (ThatDudetho@ihw-lhh.l01.97.83.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:47:47-0700] DrakeWinger (kvirc@ihw-b9u.16j.124.202.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:47:48-0700] <mscal> !bsk Forgotten Realms - [Cleric Quintet 05] -
The Chaos Curse - R A Salvatore (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:47:51-0700] <TANPOPO3_> @search Laurell K. Hamilton
[2020-06-21T08:48:08-0700] <thelooniebin> !dragnbreaker Rowling, J K - Harry Potter
01 - The Philosophers Stone (v5.0).mobi
[2020-06-21T08:48:12-0700] <ThoughtFission> !shytot Ansel Adams - Ansel Adams- An
Autobiography (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:48:12-0700] pookybear (pookybear@ihw-nn3.mvm.54.110.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:48:12-0700] lgsloth2 (lgsloth2@ihw-slhfd2.mycingular.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:48:12-0700] <Erin> !Xon Recipes - Gordon Ramsay - Cooking for
Friends (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:48:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,555 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T08:48:21-0700] <JordanvanBergen> !MusicWench Philippe Sands - East West
Street - On the Origins of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity.epub
[2020-06-21T08:48:31-0700] <mrdarpy> !bsk Laura Kinsale - Seize the Fire (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T08:48:33-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:48:46-0700] <thelooniebin> !bsk J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 01-07] -
Harry Potter- The Complete Collection (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:48:47-0700] cubeoffun (cubeoffun@ihw-gui5br.dq26.n0eh.23c5.2a00.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:48:52-0700] <ZBB123456> @search Pivot Boss
[2020-06-21T08:48:53-0700] <Erin> !Oatmeal Recipe Books - Cooking - Generations of
[2020-06-21T08:48:55-0700] <ThoughtFission> !Ook Ansel Adams - Ansel Adams- An
Autobiography (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:48:57-0700] <Iron_Mac> @search jim butcher peace talks
[2020-06-21T08:48:58-0700] warrior0015 (warrior0015@ihw-
bf11d4.0o0l.hsg8.2000.2604.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:49:04-0700] MrStorm (MrStorm@ihw-4vikhg.sd.cox.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:49:10-0700] <mrdarpy> !bsk Laura Kinsale - [Victorian Hearts 01] -
The Hidden Heart (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:49:11-0700] <cubeoffun> @search jocko willink
[2020-06-21T08:49:22-0700] bRuck (bruckwondi@ihw-kdm.g2t.188.196.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T08:49:24-0700] huck (huck@ihw-u66ilg.b4kl.jrqo.8388.2a02.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[2020-06-21T08:49:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T08:49:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T08:49:27-0700] bRuck (bruckwondi@ihw-kdm.g2t.188.196.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:49:33-0700] <MrStorm> @search vanishing half bennett
[2020-06-21T08:49:38-0700] <mrdarpy> !JimBob420 Laura Kinsale - Uncertain Magic
(v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:49:38-0700] estrangedOoze (Android@ihw-
2mqctu.503l.aj55.8804.2600.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:49:44-0700] <Erin> !Oatmeal Recipes - America's Favorite Restaurant
Recipes Vol. 1 (pdf).rar
[2020-06-21T08:49:52-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake 01]
- Guilty Pleasures (v5.0b) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:49:58-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:49:58-0700] <estrangedOoze> @search stormfront upub
[2020-06-21T08:49:59-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake 02]
- The Laughing Corpse (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:49:59-0700] <purplesilver> @search lori foster
[2020-06-21T08:50:01-0700] <Erin> !Oatmeal Recipes - America's Favorite Restaurant
Recipes Vol. 2 (pdf).rar
[2020-06-21T08:50:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T08:50:08-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake 03]
- Circus of the Damned (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:50:13-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake 04]
- The Lunatic Cafe (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:50:19-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake 05]
- Bloody Bones (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:50:19-0700] <MrStorm> !MusicWench Brit Bennett - The Vanishing
[2020-06-21T08:50:22-0700] huck (huck@ihw-u66ilg.b4kl.jrqo.8388.2a02.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:50:25-0700] tautiton (tautiton@ihw-52p0ae.rev.sfr.net) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T08:50:25-0700] <mrdarpy> !bsk Laura Kinsale - Uncertain Magic (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T08:50:28-0700] Donnchadh (Donnchadh@ihw-56a.rup.134.109.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:50:32-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake 06-
10] - The Killing Dance; Burnt Offerings; Blue Moon; Obsidian Butterfly; Narcissus
in Chains (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:50:37-0700] <ZBB123456> @search Mind Over Markets
[2020-06-21T08:50:39-0700] thelooniebin (theloonieb@ihw-j86.nbe.78.82.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:50:39-0700] <estrangedOoze> @search storm front Jim butcher epub
[2020-06-21T08:50:40-0700] jess___ (jess@ihw-r6u8io.bchsia.telus.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:50:40-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake
08.5] - The Girl Who Was Infatuated With Death [in Bite] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:50:46-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake
08.5] - The Girl Who Was Infatuated With Death [in Bite] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:50:52-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake 11-
15] - Cerulean Sins; Incubus Dreams; Micah; Danse Macabre; The Harlequin (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T08:50:53-0700] <mscal> @search keith baker
[2020-06-21T08:51:02-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake 11-
15] - Cerulean Sins; Incubus Dreams; Micah; Danse Macabre; The Harlequin (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T08:51:07-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake 17]
- Skin Trade (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:51:07-0700] <Erin> !Oatmeal Recipes - 700 Cake Recipes (pdf).rar
[2020-06-21T08:51:09-0700] cubeoffun (cubeoffun@ihw-gui5br.dq26.n0eh.23c5.2a00.IP)
left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T08:51:13-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake 18]
- Flirt (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:51:14-0700] <estrangedOoze> !bsk Storm Front A Novel of the Dresden
File - Jim Butcher.epub
[2020-06-21T08:51:18-0700] <mrdarpy> !bsk Laura Kinsale - Midsummer Moon (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T08:51:23-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [Ali
Reynolds 02-04] - Web of Evil; Hand of Evil; Cruel Intent (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:51:23-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [Ali
Reynolds 03] - Hand of Evil (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T08:51:23-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 4/6 • Queued: 64 • Speed: 452,418cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,463 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T08:51:24-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake 19]
- Bullet (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:51:26-0700] <mscal> !bsk Keith Baker - [The Dreaming Dark 01] - The
City of Towers (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:51:28-0700] MinevaZabi226 (kingspartan@ihw-ol3o82.res.rr.com) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:51:30-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake
20.5] - Beauty (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:51:32-0700] estrangedOoze (Android@ihw-
2mqctu.503l.aj55.8804.2600.IP) left IRC (Quit: -a- IRC for Android 2.1.55)
[2020-06-21T08:51:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,981 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T08:51:35-0700] <mrdarpy> !bsk Laura Kinsale - The Prince of Midnight
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:51:39-0700] <Erin> !Oatmeal Recipes - Starbucks Recipes (pdf).rar
[2020-06-21T08:51:48-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake 20]
- Hit List (v5.1) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:51:49-0700] <mscal> !bsk Keith Baker - [The Dreaming Dark 02] - The
Shattered Land (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:51:50-0700] blunders (blunders@ihw-d2h.7rj.190.180.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:51:55-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake 18]
- Flirt (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:51:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 1/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 275,681cps • Next: NOW • Served:
71,809 • List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T08:51:57-0700] <MinevaZabi226> @Search<Bioshock Rapture>
[2020-06-21T08:51:58-0700] epaminondas (epaminondas@ihw-oh8.joq.170.5.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:52:00-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake 21]
- Kiss the Dead (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:52:00-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> @search The A List
[2020-06-21T08:52:03-0700] <MrStorm> @search lies that bind emily
[2020-06-21T08:52:03-0700] <mrdarpy> !bsk Laura Kinsale - [Victorian Hearts 02] -
The Shadow and the Star (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:52:12-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake
22.5] - Dancing (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:52:17-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake
22.5] - Dancing (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:52:22-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake
22.7] - Jason (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:52:23-0700] <ZBB123456> @search Markets in Profile
[2020-06-21T08:52:27-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake 22]
- Affliction (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:52:28-0700] <mscal> !bsk Keith Baker - [The Dreaming Dark 03] - The
Gates of Night (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:52:29-0700] sherla23 (sherla23@ihw-kqcopv.ms.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:52:32-0700] devilishfsb (devilishfsb@ihw-2su.1ld.98.172.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:52:33-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake 23]
- Jason (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:52:34-0700] <riclo40> @search stella gibbons
[2020-06-21T08:52:38-0700] <Erin> !Oatmeal Recipes - 561 Italian Dishes (pdf).rar
[2020-06-21T08:52:38-0700] <JordanvanBergen> @Search Lucinda Riley
[2020-06-21T08:52:40-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake
24.5] - Wounded (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:52:42-0700] <devilishfsb> @search story engine
[2020-06-21T08:52:44-0700] <MrStorm> !MusicWench Emily Giffin - The Lies That
[2020-06-21T08:52:44-0700] <mrdarpy> !bsk Laura Kinsale - Flowers from the Storm
(v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:52:45-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake
24.1] - A Girl, a Goat, and a Zombie (html).rar
[2020-06-21T08:52:45-0700] <sherla23> @search She's a Savage for a Real Gangsta
[2020-06-21T08:52:47-0700] <MinevaZabi226> @Search <Bioshock Rapture>
[2020-06-21T08:52:49-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:52:50-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake 24]
- Crimson Death (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:52:55-0700] <Erin> !Oatmeal Recipes - Greek Kitchen (pdf).rar
[2020-06-21T08:52:58-0700] jjutt302 (jjutt302@ihw-onp.811.255.72.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:53:00-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake 24]
- Dead Ice (UK) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:53:00-0700] warrior0015 (warrior0015@ihw-
bf11d4.0o0l.hsg8.2000.2604.IP) left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:53:03-0700] <mscal> @search douglas niles
[2020-06-21T08:53:06-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake
25.1] - A Girl, a Goat, and a Zombie (SS) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:53:10-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> @search J A Jance
[2020-06-21T08:53:12-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake 25]
- Crimson Death (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:53:13-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T08:53:14-0700] <ThoughtFission> !bsk Ansel Adams - Ansel Adams- An
Autobiography (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:53:15-0700] <Erin> !Oatmeal Recipes - Mexican Recipes (pdf).rar
[2020-06-21T08:53:18-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,555 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T08:53:19-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake 26]
- Serpentine (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:53:33-0700] <devilishfsb> !Ook Story Engineering -Mastering the 6
Core Competencies of Successful Writing (2011) - Larry Brooks.epub
[2020-06-21T08:53:34-0700] <sherla23> @search vivian blue
[2020-06-21T08:53:34-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 18/20 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,945 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T08:53:36-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:53:41-0700] cottage114 (cottage114@ihw-agj11v.ns.bellaliant.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:53:43-0700] <ZBB123456> @search Steidlmayer
[2020-06-21T08:53:45-0700] <ThatDudetho69> @search Verhaltensanalyse
[2020-06-21T08:53:49-0700] <mrdarpy> !bsk Laura Kinsale - [Medieval Hearts 01] -
For My Lady's Heart (original & condensed) (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:54:01-0700] <Erin> !Oatmeal Todd Wilbur - Top Secret Recipes-Sodas,
Smoothies, Spirits & Shakes (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:54:06-0700] <bookman648295> @sesrch the room where
[2020-06-21T08:54:08-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> @search J A Jance
[2020-06-21T08:54:11-0700] <cottage114> @the room where it happened
[2020-06-21T08:54:13-0700] <mrdarpy> !Oatmeal Kinsale, Laura - For My Lady's Heart
(V1.0) [Html].rar
[2020-06-21T08:54:16-0700] <sherla23> @search
[2020-06-21T08:54:18-0700] tammy4nd (tammy4nd@ihw-r8499p.in.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:54:20-0700] EmmaK (Lollyk@ihw-1m6.vra.4.45.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:54:21-0700] <mscal> @search douglas niles
[2020-06-21T08:54:23-0700] <sherla23> @search She's a Savage for a Real Gangsta
[2020-06-21T08:54:23-0700] <MinevaZabi226> @Search <City of Embers>
[2020-06-21T08:54:26-0700] <cottage114> @search The Room Where it Happened
[2020-06-21T08:54:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T08:54:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T08:54:28-0700] worm (Android@ihw-d3rh00.at.cox.net) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:54:30-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> @searchook J A Jance
[2020-06-21T08:54:31-0700] <devilishfsb> !phoomphy Story Engine - Universal
[2020-06-21T08:54:33-0700] <JordanvanBergen> !Horla Lucinda Riley - The Lavender
Garden (The Light Behind the Window) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:54:37-0700] <riclo40> !Oatmeal Stella Gibbons - [Cold Comfort Farm
01] - Cold Comfort Farm (v5.0) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.7MB
[2020-06-21T08:54:40-0700] Guest21 (textual@ihw-6s9v6h.k7k6.vb1f.0147.2601.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:54:41-0700] <worm> @find THE MYSTERY OF THE HIDDEN PAINTING
[2020-06-21T08:54:42-0700] RetroViral (Roctoganol@ihw-
con4tq.385l.986r.1702.2600.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:54:48-0700] cottage114 (cottage114@ihw-agj11v.ns.bellaliant.net)
left the channel
[2020-06-21T08:54:55-0700] <Erin> !Oatmeal Babs Horton - Recipes for Cherubs
[2020-06-21T08:54:55-0700] <JordanvanBergen> !Horla Lucinda Riley - The Butterfly
Room (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:55:05-0700] <riclo40> !Oatmeal Stella Gibbons - [Cold Comfort Farm
02] - Christmas at Cold Comfort Farm (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.4MB
[2020-06-21T08:55:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T08:55:09-0700] <EmmaK> @search Hanna Karlzon
[2020-06-21T08:55:09-0700] <Iron_Mac> @search kim harrison
[2020-06-21T08:55:17-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A E Murphy & Xela Knight - Naked or
Dead (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.8MB
[2020-06-21T08:55:18-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A E Murphy - Becoming His Mistress
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 561.9KB
[2020-06-21T08:55:18-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A E Murphy - His Father
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 355.0KB
[2020-06-21T08:55:18-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A E Murphy - Masked Definitions
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.2MB
[2020-06-21T08:55:18-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A E Murphy - Stepdork (epub).rar
::INFO:: 1.7MB
[2020-06-21T08:55:18-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A E Murphy - [Broken 01] - Broken
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 342.7KB
[2020-06-21T08:55:18-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A E Murphy - [Broken 02] - Connected
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 371.5KB
[2020-06-21T08:55:18-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A E Murphy - [Broken 03] - Forever
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 385.7KB
[2020-06-21T08:55:18-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A E Murphy - [Broken] - Disconnected-
Dillan (epub).epub ::INFO:: 1.7MB`
[2020-06-21T08:55:18-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A E Murphy - [Distraction 02] -
Destruction (epub).rar ::INFO:: 449.2KB
[2020-06-21T08:55:18-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A E Murphy - [Distraction 03] -
Distinction (epub).rar ::INFO:: 480.2KB
[2020-06-21T08:55:18-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A E Murphy - [Little Bits 01] - A
Little Bit of Crazy (epub).rar ::INFO:: 219.0KB
[2020-06-21T08:55:19-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A E Murphy - [Little Bits 05] - A
Little Bit of Guilt (epub).epub ::INFO:: 2.6MB
[2020-06-21T08:55:20-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A E Murphy - [Seas of Seduction 01] -
Seizing Rain (epub).rar ::INFO:: 510.7KB
[2020-06-21T08:55:21-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A E Murphy - [Seas of Seduction 02] -
Freeing Calder (epub).rar ::INFO:: 707.5KB
[2020-06-21T08:55:22-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A E Murphy - [Sweet Demands Trilogy
01] - Lockhart (epub).epub ::INFO:: 1.8MB
[2020-06-21T08:55:22-0700] <Help_PCS> @searchook Elise Faber
[2020-06-21T08:55:23-0700] <bookman648295> @search the room where
[2020-06-21T08:55:23-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A E Murphy - [Sweet Demands Trilogy
03] - Unlocked (epub).epub ::INFO:: 531.5KB
[2020-06-21T08:55:24-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A E Murphy, Xela Knight - Dance or Die
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 633.1KB
[2020-06-21T08:55:26-0700] smothingrandomxd (smothingran@ihw-p6g.guf.0.186.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:55:27-0700] <Guest21> @search "The Classroom Management Book"
[2020-06-21T08:55:28-0700] <worm> !Horla Gertrude Chandler Warner - [Boxcar
Children 024] - The Mystery of the Hidden Painting (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:55:28-0700] epaminondas (epaminondas@ihw-oh8.joq.170.5.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T08:55:36-0700] <@LawdyServer> [dlFilter] Are the responses to your
requests getting lost in the crowd? Are your @find responses spread about? If you
are using mIRC as your IRC client then download dlFilter version 2.13 from
https://github.com/DukeLupus/dlFilter/ and make your time in #ebooks less
[2020-06-21T08:55:44-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !bsk J .A Jance - [Ali Reynolds
14] - The A List (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 3.6MB
[2020-06-21T08:55:49-0700] SpcToast (SpcToast@ihw-tn136g.co.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:55:52-0700] blunders (blunders@ihw-d2h.7rj.190.180.IP) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T08:55:55-0700] <smothingrandomxd> @Search <las palabras y las cosas>
[2020-06-21T08:55:56-0700] <VineLand> @search Slaves of Socorro
[2020-06-21T08:56:05-0700] <Erin> !Oatmeal Vincent Brian - 500 Instant Pot Recipes
(2017) (retail)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:56:12-0700] vjjvf (androirc@ihw-o73nlf.ci15.s4j0.8070.2a02.IP) left
IRC (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))
[2020-06-21T08:56:20-0700] <mrdarpy> !Oatmeal Laura Kinsale - The Dream Hunter
(v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:56:26-0700] kit (kit@ihw-fp9.lca.206.112.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:56:29-0700] <Iron_Mac> @kim harrison american demon
[2020-06-21T08:56:29-0700] <VineLand> !dragnbreaker Flanagan, John - Brotherband
Chronicles 04 - Slaves of Socorro (v5.0).mobi
[2020-06-21T08:56:30-0700] Gazaa (Gazaa@ihw-siah30.customers.ownit.se) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T08:56:31-0700] Ebro (dvorberg@ihw-0s5.dhg.5.94.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:56:33-0700] <kit> @search naima simone
[2020-06-21T08:56:33-0700] Ouddd (ouddd@ihw-n3seol.fl.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:56:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,981 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T08:56:35-0700] spidahpig (spider@ihw-0ql.ie8.159.120.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:56:47-0700] <SpcToast> @search james rallison
[2020-06-21T08:56:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 1/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,810
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T08:56:56-0700] <Iron_Mac> @search kim harrison american demon
[2020-06-21T08:56:58-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 86 • Speed: 242,591cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,483 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T08:57:01-0700] <VineLand> @search Scorpion Mountain flanagan
[2020-06-21T08:57:03-0700] <Ebro> @search "SAS in Rhodesia"
[2020-06-21T08:57:03-0700] <Ouddd> @search Player's handbook
[2020-06-21T08:57:04-0700] <MinevaZabi226> @Search <Chelsea Monroe-Cassel>
[2020-06-21T08:57:08-0700] HorsesArePeople222 (textual@ihw-trr.4jm.56.193.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:57:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T08:57:12-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [J P
Beaumont 01] - Until Proven Guilty (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:57:12-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [J P
Beaumont 02] - Injustice for All (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:57:12-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [J P
Beaumont 03] - Trial by Fury (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:57:12-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [J P
Beaumont 04] - Taking the Fifth (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:57:12-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [J P
Beaumont 05] - Improbable Cause (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:57:12-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [J P
Beaumont 06] - A More Perfect Union (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:57:12-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [J P
Beaumont 07] - Dismissed With Prejudice (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:57:12-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [J P
Beaumont 08] - Minor in Possession (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:57:12-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [J P
Beaumont 09] - Payment in Kind (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:57:12-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [J P
Beaumont 10] - Without Due Process (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:57:13-0700] ThatDudetho69 (ThatDudetho@ihw-lhh.l01.97.83.IP) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:57:15-0700] <Erin> !DV8 131 Ice Cream Recipes Book (PDF).rar
[2020-06-21T08:57:18-0700] <Iron_Mac> !Ook Kim Harrison - [Hollows 14] - American
Demon (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:57:28-0700] <HorsesArePeople222> @Search Plenty
[2020-06-21T08:57:37-0700] darrie23 (androirc@ihw-t1roav.20ak.8cih.810d.2a02.IP)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:57:38-0700] cheebsmeebs (cheebsmeebs@ihw-du99ra.pa.comcast.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T08:57:40-0700] <kit> !QuietSilence Simone, Naima - Grading Curves.epub
[2020-06-21T08:57:40-0700] <mrdarpy> !Ook Laura Kinsale - My Sweet Folly (retail)
[2020-06-21T08:57:42-0700] <mscal> !bsk Forgotten Realms - [Douglas Niles -
Moonshae 01] - Darkwalker On Moonshae [Rtf].rar
[2020-06-21T08:57:42-0700] Matthew (Matthew@ihw-5o5.1tu.91.195.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:57:42-0700] <VineLand> !dragnbreaker Flanagan, John - Brotherband
Chronicles 05 - Scorpion Mountain (v5.0).mobi
[2020-06-21T08:57:44-0700] <Erin> !DV8 300 Chicken Recipes (PDF).rar
[2020-06-21T08:57:44-0700] skuya (duoplksk@ihw-8pe3pp.cable.rogers.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:57:46-0700] Iron_Mac (Iron_Mac@ihw-l7b8ra.dsl.bell.ca) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:57:46-0700] <Ebro> @search "Swe dared to win"
[2020-06-21T08:57:49-0700] <+MusicWench> French and English ebooks!• Type:
@MusicWench For My List Of: 46,699 Files • Slots: 3/3 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps •
Next: NOW • Served: 295,813 • List: Jun 20th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T08:57:52-0700] <Matthew> @search tale of a tub
[2020-06-21T08:57:56-0700] <MinevaZabi226> @Search <Chelsea Monroe Cassel>
[2020-06-21T08:57:57-0700] Iron_Mac (Iron_Mac@ihw-l7b8ra.dsl.bell.ca) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:57:57-0700] <skuya> @search mark urban
[2020-06-21T08:57:58-0700] <Erin> !DV8 500 Recipes for Bread (PDF).rar
[2020-06-21T08:57:58-0700] <Ebro> @search "we dared to win"
[2020-06-21T08:58:00-0700] <HorsesArePeople222> @Search Gordon Ramsey
[2020-06-21T08:58:00-0700] <mscal> !bsk Forgotten Realms - [Douglas Niles -
Moonshae 02] - Black Wizard (V2) [Rtf].rar
[2020-06-21T08:58:05-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:58:05-0700] <spqr666> @search Night Shift Dragons
[2020-06-21T08:58:06-0700] DopedAngel (JohnSmith@ihw-388.h9o.140.158.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T08:58:06-0700] Iron_Mac (Iron_Mac@ihw-l7b8ra.dsl.bell.ca) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:58:09-0700] <purplesilver> !Ook Lori Foster - [Buckhorn Brothers 10]
- A Buckhorn Baby (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 135.77KB
[2020-06-21T08:58:17-0700] Guest21 (textual@ihw-6s9v6h.k7k6.vb1f.0147.2601.IP) left
IRC (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
[2020-06-21T08:58:18-0700] Ebro (dvorberg@ihw-0s5.dhg.5.94.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:58:18-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 1 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,556 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T08:58:20-0700] <mrdarpy> !bsk Laura Kinsale - [Medieval Hearts 02] -
Shadowheart (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:58:24-0700] <DopedAngel> @SearchBot-Trigger
[2020-06-21T08:58:25-0700] <Matthew> !DV8 Jonathan Swift - A Tale Of A Tub
[2020-06-21T08:58:26-0700] <mscal> !bsk Forgotten Realms - [Douglas Niles -
Moonshae 03] - Darkwell (V2) [Rtf].rar
[2020-06-21T08:58:28-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A Highlander Christmas - Janet
Chapman.epub ::INFO:: 314.7KB
[2020-06-21T08:58:29-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A Brother At My Back - A.J.
Downey.epub ::INFO:: 465.0KB
[2020-06-21T08:58:29-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A Brother's Secret - A.J. Downey.epub
::INFO:: 672.5KB
[2020-06-21T08:58:29-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Bextor - Keep Happy
(epub).epub ::INFO:: 575.0KB
[2020-06-21T08:58:29-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Bextor - Kept- A Second Chance
Fairy Tale (epub).rar ::INFO:: 706.9KB
[2020-06-21T08:58:29-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Bextor - [A Silvervale Second
Chance Romance 02] - Keeping Happy Ever After (epub).rar ::INFO:: 377.0KB
[2020-06-21T08:58:29-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Bextor - [Devil's Despair 01] -
Ace's Redemption (epub).rar ::INFO:: 825.1KB
[2020-06-21T08:58:29-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Bextor - [Devil's Despair 02] -
Hayden's Verse (epub).rar ::INFO:: 383.0KB
[2020-06-21T08:58:29-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Bextor - [Lights of Peril 02] -
The Way Home (epub).rar ::INFO:: 275.9KB
[2020-06-21T08:58:29-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Bextor - [Lights of Peril 03] -
Toxic (epub).rar ::INFO:: 327.9KB
[2020-06-21T08:58:29-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Bextor - [Mafia 01] - Empires and
Kings (epub).rar ::INFO:: 725.0KB
[2020-06-21T08:58:30-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Bextor - [Mafia 02] - Saints and
Savages (epub).rar ::INFO:: 647.8KB
[2020-06-21T08:58:31-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Bextor - [Saint's Justice 02] -
Honor and Redemption (epub).rar ::INFO:: 530.1KB
[2020-06-21T08:58:32-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Bextor - [Saint's Justice MC 01] -
Angels and Demons (epub).rar ::INFO:: 536.5KB
[2020-06-21T08:58:33-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Bextor - [Vengeance 01] - Dirty
(epub).epub ::INFO:: 280.1KB
[2020-06-21T08:58:35-0700] <purplesilver> !Ook Lori Foster - [Buckhorn Brothers 08]
- A Buckhorn Summer (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 266.48KB
[2020-06-21T08:58:39-0700] <Erin> !DV8 Betty Crocker - Cookie Book Recipes
[2020-06-21T08:58:43-0700] <mscal> @search troy denning
[2020-06-21T08:58:43-0700] <Matthew> @search lost in the funhouse
[2020-06-21T08:58:49-0700] <MinevaZabi226> @sbclient
[2020-06-21T08:58:49-0700] EmmaK (Lollyk@ihw-1m6.vra.4.45.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T08:58:54-0700] Geralt_Of_Rivia (Geralt_Of_@ihw-h40.j14.209.185.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T08:58:59-0700] <Erin> !DV8 Carolina Country Cooking - Fudge Recipes
[2020-06-21T08:58:59-0700] <ThoughtFission> @search Sebastião Salgado: GENESIS
[2020-06-21T08:59:07-0700] <ThoughtFission> Sebastião Salgado
[2020-06-21T08:59:08-0700] <Geralt_Of_Rivia> @search the silmarillion epub
[2020-06-21T08:59:11-0700] <Erin> !DV8 Cheesecake Recipes (PDF).rar
[2020-06-21T08:59:11-0700] <mrdarpy> !bsk Laura Kinsale - Lessons in French
[2020-06-21T08:59:14-0700] <Matthew> !JimBob420 John Barth - Lost in the Funhouse
(v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:59:16-0700] <ThoughtFission> @search Sebastião Salgado
[2020-06-21T08:59:18-0700] <kit> @search thornchapel
[2020-06-21T08:59:22-0700] <HorsesArePeople222> @Search vegetable Kingdom
[2020-06-21T08:59:23-0700] <Erin> !DV8 chinese recipes (PDF).rar
[2020-06-21T08:59:23-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [J P
Beaumont 11] - Failure to Appear (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:59:23-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [J P
Beaumont 12] - Lying in Wait (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:59:23-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [J P
Beaumont 13] - Name Withheld (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:59:23-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [J P
Beaumont 14] - Breach of Duty (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:59:23-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [J P
Beaumont 15] - Birds of Prey (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:59:23-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [J P
Beaumont 16 - Joanna Brady 10] - Partner in Crime (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:59:23-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [JP Beaumont
16] - Long Time Gone (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:59:23-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [JP Beaumont
18] - Fire & Ice (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:59:23-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [J P
Beaumont 18] - Justice Denied (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:59:23-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [J P
Beaumont 19.5] - Ring in the Dead (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T08:59:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T08:59:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T08:59:30-0700] <Matthew> !Oatmeal John Barth - Lost in the Funhouse
(v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T08:59:32-0700] gabri (Username@ihw-b58284.tpgi.com.au) left IRC (Quit:
Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T08:59:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,833
(2103.89 GB)
[2020-06-21T08:59:47-0700] <kit> !QuietSilence Simone, Sierra - Thornchapel 01 - A
Lesson in Thorns.epub
[2020-06-21T08:59:49-0700] bookz_lover (androirc@ihw-lb7.nie.144.49.IP) left IRC
(Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))
[2020-06-21T08:59:50-0700] <HorsesArePeople222> @Search Vegetable Kingdom
[2020-06-21T08:59:51-0700] choppa (choppa@ihw-03g.5k7.240.220.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T08:59:52-0700] <Erin> !DV8 Cookbook - Reader's Favorite Recipes
[2020-06-21T08:59:58-0700] <purplesilver> @search sarah maclean
[2020-06-21T08:59:58-0700] Ejdu3 (Edju42ie@ihw-4u12i5.sub-174-217-9.myvzw.com) left
IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T09:00:01-0700] <Erin> !DV8 Cookbook-250 Bath Body Recipes (PDF).rar
[2020-06-21T09:00:01-0700] Ejdu3 (Edju42ie@ihw-i05ng3.client.mchsi.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:00:06-0700] <skuya> !dragnbreaker Urban, Mark - The Skripal
[2020-06-21T09:00:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T09:00:18-0700] <JordanvanBergen> @Search Jenny Colgan
[2020-06-21T09:00:20-0700] Ammanas (IceChat9@ihw-s22.38f.129.188.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:00:20-0700] <ThoughtFission> @search Sebastiao Salgado
[2020-06-21T09:00:22-0700] <mscal> !Oatmeal Dark Sun - [Prism Pentad 01] - The
Verdant Passage - Troy Denning (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:00:26-0700] <Ammanas> @search tony corden
[2020-06-21T09:00:33-0700] H4Z1 (H4Z1@ihw-ufi.8r9.182.58.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:00:36-0700] <Matthew> !dragnbreaker Swift, Jonathan - A Tale of a
[2020-06-21T09:00:36-0700] <mscal> !Oatmeal Dark Sun - [Prism Pentad 02] - The
Crimson Legion - Troy Denning (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:00:38-0700] <mrdarpy> !bsk Laura Kinsale - Lessons in French
[2020-06-21T09:00:39-0700] <H4Z1> @search lucy lennox
[2020-06-21T09:00:49-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 4/6 • Queued: 75 • Speed: 367,372cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,516 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T09:00:51-0700] <mscal> !Oatmeal Dark Sun - [Prism Pentad 03] - The
Amber Enchantress - Troy Denning (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:00:54-0700] <Erin> !DV8 Powdered Milk Cooking Tips and Recipes
[2020-06-21T09:00:57-0700] locky1 (locky1@ihw-0c0.t76.7.86.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:00:57-0700] <ThoughtFission> @search salgado
[2020-06-21T09:01:00-0700] Havok1325 (Havok1325@ihw-ml87jc.as13285.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:01:05-0700] <mscal> !Oatmeal Dark Sun - [Prism Pentad 04] - The
Obsidian Oracle - Troy Denning (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:01:10-0700] <purplesilver> @search something about that boy
[2020-06-21T09:01:10-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [J P
Beaumont 19] - Betrayal of Trust (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:01:10-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [J P
Beaumont 21.5] - Stand Down (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:01:10-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [J P
Beaumont 21] - Second Watch (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:01:10-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [J P
Beaumont 22.50] - Still Dead (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:01:10-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [J P
Beaumont 22 - Walker 05] - Dance of the Bones (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:01:10-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [J P
Beaumont 23] - Proof of Life (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:01:10-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [J P
Beaumont 24] - Sins of the Fathers (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:01:10-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [J P
Beaumont] - Still Dead (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:01:16-0700] <mscal> !Oatmeal Dark Sun - [Prism Pentad 05] - The
Cerulean Storm - Troy Denning (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:01:16-0700] Chester (Chester@ihw-q7p.peo.170.173.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:01:23-0700] <MinevaZabi226> !Oatmeal John Shirley - BioShock-
Rapture (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T09:01:26-0700] <mizfeli> @search Leta Hong Fincher
[2020-06-21T09:01:27-0700] <purplesilver> @search lani lynn vale
[2020-06-21T09:01:31-0700] <HorsesArePeople222> @search Lateral Cooking
[2020-06-21T09:01:32-0700] <SpcToast> !bsk James Rallison - [Odd 1s Out 02] - The
First Sequel (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:01:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
6/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 152,106cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,982 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T09:01:35-0700] <Chester> @search john bolton
[2020-06-21T09:01:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,833
(2103.89 GB)
[2020-06-21T09:01:41-0700] <H4Z1> @search Kevin van Whye
[2020-06-21T09:01:44-0700] plantz (plantz@ihw-27mc61.res.rr.com) left the channel
[2020-06-21T09:01:46-0700] Uday321 (Uday321@ihw-6ku.qfb.187.115.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:01:47-0700] Tung (Username@ihw-bdaob3.res.rr.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:01:48-0700] Ouddd (ouddd@ihw-n3seol.fl.comcast.net) left IRC (Quit:
Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
[2020-06-21T09:01:50-0700] xabbu (xabbu@ihw-j3l.fm4.167.142.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T09:01:55-0700] <kit> !bsk Sierra Simone - [Thornchapel 01] - A Lesson
in Thorns (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:01:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,814
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T09:01:57-0700] purplesilver (purplesilve@ihw-vup.vcj.209.185.IP) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T09:01:59-0700] <HorsesArePeople222> @Search Lateral Cooking
[2020-06-21T09:02:03-0700] pavel (pavel@ihw-jukl1m.net.upcbroadband.cz) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T09:02:04-0700] <skuya> !Ook Mark Urban - The Man Who Broke Napoleon's
Codes- The Story of George Scovell (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:02:04-0700] dakustomizer (dakustomiz@ihw-fb9a2b.res.rr.com) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T09:02:05-0700] <H4Z1> !Ook Kevin van Whye - Date Me, Bryson Keller
(retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:02:07-0700] <mscal> @search David Baldacci
[2020-06-21T09:02:12-0700] <HorsesArePeople222> @Search Lateral Cooking
[2020-06-21T09:02:14-0700] kit (kit@ihw-fp9.lca.206.112.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T09:02:17-0700] Llew (Llew@ihw-ifqi3e.abhsia.telus.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:02:22-0700] <JordanvanBergen> !Horla Jenny Colgan - [Little Beach
Street Bakery 02] - Summer at Little Beach Street Bakery (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T09:02:38-0700] <dakustomizer> @searchook ellen datlow
[2020-06-21T09:02:47-0700] <HorsesArePeople222> @Search Lateral Cooking
[2020-06-21T09:02:53-0700] HorsesArePeople222 (textual@ihw-trr.4jm.56.193.IP) left
the channel ("Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com")
[2020-06-21T09:02:57-0700] worm (Android@ihw-d3rh00.at.cox.net) left IRC (Quit: -a-
IRC for Android 2.1.56)
[2020-06-21T09:02:59-0700] <Chester> @search bolton room
[2020-06-21T09:03:00-0700] AnonoyousAnt (AnonymousAn@ihw-v2n.mgk.56.45.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T09:03:00-0700] HorsesArePeople222 (textual@ihw-trr.4jm.56.193.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:03:02-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Gaughen - Scarlet (epub).rar
::INFO:: 1.9MB
[2020-06-21T09:03:03-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Gaughen - [Scarlet 02] - Lady
Thief (epub).rar ::INFO:: 250.1KB
[2020-06-21T09:03:03-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Gaughen - [Scarlet 03] - Lion
Heart (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.1MB
[2020-06-21T09:03:03-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Gaughen - [The Elementae 01] -
Reign the Earth (retail) (epub).epub ::INFO:: 3.5MB
[2020-06-21T09:03:03-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A C Gaughen - [The Elementae 02] -
Imprison the Sky (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 3.4MB
[2020-06-21T09:03:03-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A E Fisher - [Black Angels MC 01] -
Hunter (epub).rar ::INFO:: 331.3KB
[2020-06-21T09:03:03-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A E Fisher - [Black Angels MC 02] -
Wolf (epub).rar ::INFO:: 378.8KB
[2020-06-21T09:03:03-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A E Fisher - [Black Angels MC 03] -
Jax (epub).rar ::INFO:: 450.4KB
[2020-06-21T09:03:03-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A F Crowell - [O'Loughlin Brothers 01]
- Claiming Cooper (epub).rar ::INFO:: 432.3KB
[2020-06-21T09:03:03-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A F Crowell - [Torn 04] - His
Redemption (epub).rar ::INFO:: 333.3KB
[2020-06-21T09:03:04-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Davroe - [Tricksters 02] - Redux
(retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 3.6MB
[2020-06-21T09:03:04-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Jackson & Rebecca Shea -
[Hollywood Chronicles 01] - One Wild Night (epub).epub ::INFO:: 271.0KB
[2020-06-21T09:03:04-0700] <mscal> !Ook David Baldacci - Camel Club 01-05 & SS,
John Puller 01-04, King & Maxwell 01-06, Will Robie 01-05 & SS; Shaw & Katie James
01-02, Last Man Standing; Amos Decker 01-04 (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:03:05-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Jackson & Rebecca Shea -
[Hollywood Chronicles 02] - One Wild Ride (epub).rar ::INFO:: 248.8KB
[2020-06-21T09:03:05-0700] <HorsesArePeople222> @Search Lateral Cooking
[2020-06-21T09:03:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 3/4 ± Queued: 6 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,558 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T09:03:19-0700] <skuya> @search book of laghter
[2020-06-21T09:03:25-0700] HorsesArePeople222 (textual@ihw-trr.4jm.56.193.IP) left
IRC (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
[2020-06-21T09:03:30-0700] <Erin> !dragnbreaker Davis, Robin - Star Wars Cookbook,
Wookiee Cookie and Other Galactic Recipes.pdf
[2020-06-21T09:03:44-0700] AndroUser (androirc@ihw-ggaqb5.ru0h.fgso.0c7f.2a02.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:03:45-0700] <skuya> @search book of laughter
[2020-06-21T09:03:58-0700] swayvill (swayvill@ihw-migh6a.ca.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:04:02-0700] HorsesArePeople222 (textual@ihw-trr.4jm.56.193.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:04:05-0700] Guest19 (textual@ihw-6f0dm9.vt.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:04:08-0700] swayvill (swayvill@ihw-migh6a.ca.comcast.net) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T09:04:15-0700] <HorsesArePeople222> @Search Lateral Cooking
[2020-06-21T09:04:18-0700] <AndroUser> @search tiny moons
[2020-06-21T09:04:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T09:04:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T09:04:36-0700] Chester (Chester@ihw-q7p.peo.170.173.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T09:04:38-0700] <skuya> !Oatmeal Milan Kundera - The Book of Laughter
and Forgetting (epub)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:04:51-0700] <H4Z1> @search Alice Oseman
[2020-06-21T09:04:54-0700] <dakustomizer> @searchook final cuts
[2020-06-21T09:04:59-0700] scythe23 (scythe23@ihw-u8f.uqn.159.120.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:05:00-0700] locky1 (locky1@ihw-0c0.t76.7.86.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:05:01-0700] Havok1325 (Havok1325@ihw-ml87jc.as13285.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:05:03-0700] <AndroUser> @search Nina Mingya Powles
[2020-06-21T09:05:05-0700] <swisscheese> @search Susan Sontag
[2020-06-21T09:05:10-0700] <skuya> @search milan kundera
[2020-06-21T09:05:12-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T09:05:14-0700] <Erin> !bsk Alice Waterson - Perfect Porridge Recipes
[2020-06-21T09:05:18-0700] <Uday321> @search operative standards for cancer
[2020-06-21T09:05:19-0700] <t3rror> @search WEB Griffin
[2020-06-21T09:05:26-0700] <VineLand> @search The Ghostfaces flanagan
[2020-06-21T09:05:30-0700] <HorsesArePeople222> !Horla Niki Segnit - Lateral
Cooking (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:05:41-0700] <dakustomizer> @searchook anne frasier
[2020-06-21T09:05:43-0700] Bill (Username@ihw-bdaob3.res.rr.com) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:05:45-0700] <Guest19> @search martina slajerova
[2020-06-21T09:05:47-0700] Tung is now known as Bill
[2020-06-21T09:05:48-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 60 • Speed: 323,155cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,548 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T09:05:53-0700] <Erin> !bsk BookSumo Press - Doughnut Recipes
[2020-06-21T09:05:56-0700] <swisscheese> !Horla Susan Sontag - Against
Interpretation- And Other Essays (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:05:56-0700] <swisscheese> !Horla Susan Sontag - Alice in Bed- A Play
in Eight Scenes (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:05:56-0700] <swisscheese> !Horla Susan Sontag - Death Kit
[2020-06-21T09:05:56-0700] <swisscheese> !Horla Susan Sontag - Debriefing-
Collected Stories (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:05:56-0700] <swisscheese> !Horla Susan Sontag - I, Etcetera- Stories
(v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:05:57-0700] <swisscheese> !Horla Susan Sontag - In America (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T09:05:59-0700] keribryson11111111111119 (keribryson@ihw-
9rne2r.fios.verizon.net) left IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T09:05:59-0700] <swisscheese> !Horla Susan Sontag - [Journals and
Notebooks 02] - As Consciousness is Harnessed to Flesh, 1964-1980 (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:06:00-0700] enumhack (bm_attar@ihw-6772m3.net.fido.ca) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:06:01-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Jackson - Fight for Me - The
Complete Collection (epub).epub ::INFO:: 1005.3KB
[2020-06-21T09:06:01-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Jackson - Hold on to Hope
(epub).epub ::INFO:: 418.8KB
[2020-06-21T09:06:01-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Jackson - Something About a Hot
Guy (epub).rar ::INFO:: 198.7KB
[2020-06-21T09:06:01-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Jackson - Take This Regret
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 577.5KB
[2020-06-21T09:06:01-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Jackson - When We Collide
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 295.0KB
[2020-06-21T09:06:01-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Jackson - [Bleeding Stars 01] - A
Stone in the Sea (epub).rar ::INFO:: 551.5KB
[2020-06-21T09:06:01-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Jackson - [Bleeding Stars 03] -
Where Lightning Strikes (epub).rar ::INFO:: 643.3KB
[2020-06-21T09:06:01-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Jackson - [Bleeding Stars 04] -
Wait (epub).rar ::INFO:: 559.6KB
[2020-06-21T09:06:01-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Jackson - [Bleeding Stars 05] -
Stay (epub).rar ::INFO:: 683.6KB
[2020-06-21T09:06:01-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Jackson - [Bleeding Stars 06] -
Stand (epub).rar ::INFO:: 382.1KB
[2020-06-21T09:06:01-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Jackson - [Closer to You 01] -
Come To Me Quietly (epub).rar ::INFO:: 361.8KB
[2020-06-21T09:06:02-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Jackson - [Closer to You 02] -
Come to Me Softly (epub).rar ::INFO:: 333.7KB
[2020-06-21T09:06:02-0700] Freejack (Freejack@ihw-fdpo82.dsl.netsource.ie) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T09:06:02-0700] KidCrims01 (KidCrims01@ihw-hhp.uvj.136.191.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T09:06:02-0700] <swisscheese> !Horla Susan Sontag - Regarding the Pain
of Others (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:06:03-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Jackson - [Confessions of the
Heart 01] - More of You (epub).rar ::INFO:: 438.1KB
[2020-06-21T09:06:03-0700] <swisscheese> !Horla Susan Sontag - Stories- Collected
Stories (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:06:04-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Jackson - [Confessions of the
Heart 02] - All of Me (epub).rar ::INFO:: 459.0KB
[2020-06-21T09:06:05-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Jackson - [Confessions of the
Heart 03] - Pieces of Us (epub).rar ::INFO:: 411.1KB
[2020-06-21T09:06:06-0700] <swisscheese> !Horla Susan Sontag - The Volcano Lover
(v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:06:06-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Jackson - [Fight for Me 01.5] -
Hunt Me Down (epub).epub ::INFO:: 160.4KB
[2020-06-21T09:06:08-0700] <swisscheese> !Horla Susan Sontag - Where the Stress
Falls- Essays (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:06:09-0700] this_is_a_nick (amofiuhr_@ihw-fc1.oar.206.201.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T09:06:11-0700] <Llew> @search aaron gouveia
[2020-06-21T09:06:12-0700] <VineLand> !dragnbreaker Flanagan, John - Brotherband
Chronicles 06 - The Ghostfaces (epub).mobi
[2020-06-21T09:06:13-0700] <enumhack> @search gardening for geeks
[2020-06-21T09:06:24-0700] dynamo (textual@ihw-6a1mis.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:06:26-0700] Llew (Llew@ihw-ifqi3e.abhsia.telus.net) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T09:06:26-0700] <Erin> !bsk Books - Cook - Indian Recipes (pdf).rar
[2020-06-21T09:06:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,983 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T09:06:34-0700] sknight09 (IceChat9@ihw-8tc.1hp.173.75.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:06:40-0700] spidahpig (spider@ihw-0ql.ie8.159.120.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:06:40-0700] <Erin> !bsk Books - Cook - International Recipes
[2020-06-21T09:06:42-0700] <ThoughtFission> @search Sebastiao Salgado
[2020-06-21T09:06:45-0700] Finbar (Username@ihw-2ig4mj.cpe.teksavvy.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:06:46-0700] ZBB123456 (ZBB@ihw-blcvs5.mi.comcast.net) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T09:06:46-0700] HorsesArePeople222 (textual@ihw-trr.4jm.56.193.IP) left
IRC (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
[2020-06-21T09:06:51-0700] asdjk (24sdf2@ihw-gp34tb.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T09:06:55-0700] <Finbar> @search john bolton
[2020-06-21T09:06:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,815
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T09:07:03-0700] <enumhack> !LawdyServer Gardening For Geeks - Christy
[2020-06-21T09:07:04-0700] <sknight09> @search maggie Shane
[2020-06-21T09:07:04-0700] <Erin> !bsk Chocolate Recipes (pdf).rar
[2020-06-21T09:07:08-0700] <t3rror> @search Brotherhood of War
[2020-06-21T09:07:14-0700] <VineLand> @search The Caldera flanagan
[2020-06-21T09:07:20-0700] skuya (duoplksk@ihw-8pe3pp.cable.rogers.com) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T09:07:21-0700] buffy2019 (kvirc@ihw-2uf.97a.35.194.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:07:22-0700] <Finbar> @search room where it happened
[2020-06-21T09:07:34-0700] <Guest19> @search Maria Emmerich
[2020-06-21T09:07:37-0700] amofiuhr_ (amofiuhr_@ihw-6p1dfq.ct.co.cr) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T09:07:38-0700] nicolasc (nicolasc@ihw-ntink7.rev.sfr.net) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T09:07:44-0700] pdoug (pdoug@ihw-sk5pmi.dynamic.jazztel.es) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:07:54-0700] <asdjk> @search hand of mars
[2020-06-21T09:07:55-0700] <dakustomizer> @searchook todd keisling
[2020-06-21T09:07:55-0700] <pdoug> @search lauren tarshis
[2020-06-21T09:08:01-0700] <Matthew> !shytot A Tale of a Tub - Jonathan Swift.epub
[2020-06-21T09:08:05-0700] <Erin> !bsk Martha Stone - Breakfast Recipes (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:08:06-0700] <sknight09> @search portal
[2020-06-21T09:08:15-0700] <Matthew> @search alexander theroux
[2020-06-21T09:08:17-0700] <asdjk> @search voice of mars
[2020-06-21T09:08:18-0700] <Erin> !bsk Martha Stone - Top Pie Recipes Cookbook
[2020-06-21T09:08:18-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,558 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T09:08:30-0700] <sunnior> @search kerry greenwood
[2020-06-21T09:08:31-0700] <asdjk> @search alien arcana
[2020-06-21T09:08:34-0700] <VineLand> !dragnbreaker Flanagan, John - Brotherband
Chronicles 07 - The Caldera (retail).mobi
[2020-06-21T09:08:34-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,964 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T09:08:35-0700] Korisnik (Korisnik@ihw-9doooo.k1si.mu46.8070.2a02.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:08:36-0700] spidahpig (spider@ihw-0ql.ie8.159.120.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:08:36-0700] <enumhack> @search pruning and training
[2020-06-21T09:08:42-0700] dakustomizer (dakustomiz@ihw-fb9a2b.res.rr.com) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T09:08:44-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Jackson - [Fight for Me 01] - Show
Me the Way (epub).epub ::INFO:: 373.1KB
[2020-06-21T09:08:44-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Jackson - [Fight for Me 02] -
Follow Me Back (epub).rar ::INFO:: 385.1KB
[2020-06-21T09:08:44-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Jackson - [Fight for Me 03] - Lead
Me Home (epub).epub ::INFO:: 407.2KB
[2020-06-21T09:08:44-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Jackson - [Take This Regret 00.5-
02] - Lost to You; Take This Regret; If Forever Comes (epub).rar ::INFO:: 553.8KB
[2020-06-21T09:08:44-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Jackson - [Take This Regret 00.5]
- Lost to You (epub).rar ::INFO:: 156.3KB
[2020-06-21T09:08:44-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Jackson as Amy Lichtenhan - Pulled
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 349.3KB
[2020-06-21T09:08:44-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Kessler - A Werewolf Kind of
Christmas (epub).epub ::INFO:: 117.3KB
[2020-06-21T09:08:44-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Kessler - [Children of the
Apocalypse 01-03] - Children of the Apocalypse Complete Trilogy (epub).rar
::INFO:: 732.6KB
[2020-06-21T09:08:44-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Kessler - [Children of the
Apocalypse 01] - Just a Little Death (epub).rar ::INFO:: 230.4KB
[2020-06-21T09:08:44-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Kessler - [Dark War Chronicles 01]
- In the Light of the Moon (epub).rar ::INFO:: 206.8KB
[2020-06-21T09:08:44-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Kessler - [Here Witchy Witchy 02]
- Deathly Magic (epub).rar ::INFO:: 202.7KB
[2020-06-21T09:08:45-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Kessler - [Here Witchy Witchy 03]
- The Trouble with Ghosts (epub).rar ::INFO:: 260.9KB
[2020-06-21T09:08:46-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Kessler - [Here Witchy Witchy 04]
- To Skin a Wolf (epub).epub ::INFO:: 265.9KB
[2020-06-21T09:08:47-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Kessler - [Here Witchy Witchy 05]
- Of Life and Death (epub).epub ::INFO:: 260.1KB
[2020-06-21T09:08:49-0700] <Korisnik> @search celebrated travels jules verne
[2020-06-21T09:08:52-0700] Finbar (Username@ihw-2ig4mj.cpe.teksavvy.com) left IRC
(Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T09:08:52-0700] <PandP> @oatmeal
[2020-06-21T09:08:54-0700] <pdoug> !Horla Lauren Tarshis - [I Survived 01] - I
Survived the Sinking of the Titanic, 1912 (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:08:56-0700] <Matthew> !Horla Alexander Theroux - Laura Warholic, Or
the Sexual Intellectual (pdf).pdf
[2020-06-21T09:09:03-0700] scythe23 (scythe23@ihw-u8f.uqn.159.120.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:09:04-0700] juamps (juamps@ihw-8rlo7j.dynamic.sonic.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:09:05-0700] <asdjk> !Xon Glynn Stewart - [Starship's Mage 02] - Hand
of Mars (epub).rar - 2.3 MB
[2020-06-21T09:09:05-0700] <asdjk> !Xon Glynn Stewart - [Starship's Mage 02] - Hand
of Mars (mobi).rar - 875.84 KB
[2020-06-21T09:09:07-0700] <+ps2> •·File Server Online·• Trigger..::/ctcp ps2 !
ps::.. On server..::Books of all subjects, comics, wargames & RPGs (mostly pdf)::..
Note..::On Undernet & IRCHighWay: @ps2 for instructions or /ctcp ps2 !ps to enter.
Elsewhere: @ps for instructions or /ctcp ps !ps to enter. You can also get my files
from phoomphy (@phoomphy for the filelist).::.. .•«UPP»•.
[2020-06-21T09:09:09-0700] <+TrainFiles> For my list of 198106 files type:
@TrainFiles, Sends: 0/5 , Queue: 0/10, Voicepriority: OFF, For help: @TrainFiles-
help Using: Irssi Findbot v1.58
[2020-06-21T09:09:16-0700] Stella (Stella@ihw-hsbsuq.direct-adsl.nl) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:09:19-0700] <enumhack> @search Pruning and Training
[2020-06-21T09:09:23-0700] Stella (Stella@ihw-hsbsuq.direct-adsl.nl) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T09:09:24-0700] Random9851219616 (Random@ihw-
9bqth0.e19j.3lss.6000.2605.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:09:26-0700] <VineLand> @search Return of the Temujai
[2020-06-21T09:09:26-0700] <Matthew> !bsk A Tale of a Tub - Jonathan Swift.epub
[2020-06-21T09:09:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T09:09:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T09:09:30-0700] <Korisnik> !dragnbreaker Verne, Jules - NF - Celebrated
Travels and Travellers, Part 1.epub ::INFO:: 6.6MB
[2020-06-21T09:09:30-0700] <Erin> !dragnbreaker Davis, Robin - Star Wars Cookbook,
Wookiee Cookie and Other Galactic Recipes.pdf
[2020-06-21T09:09:35-0700] <asdjk> !Oatmeal Glynn Stewart - [Starship's Mage 02] -
Hand of Mars (epub).rar ::INFO:: 2.0MB
[2020-06-21T09:09:35-0700] <asdjk> !Oatmeal Glynn Stewart - [Starship's Mage 02] -
Hand of Mars (mobi).rar ::INFO:: 875.8KB
[2020-06-21T09:09:37-0700] acousticnic (acousticni@ihw-to6iji.cable.virginm.net)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:09:42-0700] <Random9851219616> @search kelley bane
[2020-06-21T09:09:47-0700] <sunnior> !Oatmeal Kerry Greenwood - [Phryne Fisher 01-
03] - Introducing the Honourable Phryne Fisher (Cocaine Blues; Flying Too High;
Murder on the Ballarat Train) (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T09:09:48-0700] Avery3001 (DcQgutYq@ihw-2k7.nf5.75.37.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:09:48-0700] barb143 (barb143@ihw-0am1dv.mycingular.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:09:51-0700] <asdjk> !Oatmeal Glynn Stewart - [Starship's Mage 02] -
Hand of Mars (mobi).rar ::INFO:: 875.8KB
[2020-06-21T09:09:55-0700] Avery3001 (DcQgutYq@ihw-2k7.nf5.75.37.IP) left IRC (G-
Lined: pornspam)
[2020-06-21T09:09:57-0700] vintagebones (vintagebone@ihw-6hm.el6.1.94.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T09:09:59-0700] <enumhack> @search pruning training revised
[2020-06-21T09:10:04-0700] KidCrims01 (KidCrims01@ihw-hhp.uvj.136.191.IP) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T09:10:07-0700] <Korisnik> @search The Scramble for Africa
[2020-06-21T09:10:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T09:10:11-0700] <Guest14> !shytot Call of the Wild, The - London,
[2020-06-21T09:10:13-0700] <VineLand> !dragnbreaker Flanagan, John - Brotherband
Chronicles 08 - Return of the Temujai (retail).epub
[2020-06-21T09:10:14-0700] <asdjk> !Oatmeal Glynn Stewart - [Starship's Mage 03] -
Voice of Mars (azw3).rar ::INFO:: 398.4KB
[2020-06-21T09:10:22-0700] infectedmushroom (infectedmus@ihw-
ope8qr.hghs.9c1n.fea8.2607.IP) left IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T09:10:27-0700] <barb143> @search vanishing half
[2020-06-21T09:10:30-0700] <asdjk> !Oatmeal Glynn Stewart - [Starship's Mage 04] -
Alien Arcana (epub).rar ::INFO:: 394.4KB
[2020-06-21T09:10:31-0700] <Korisnik> !shytot Thomas Pakenham -The Scramble for
Africa.epub ::INFO:: 7.5MB
[2020-06-21T09:10:32-0700] <AnonoyousAnt> @search Gideon the Ninth
[2020-06-21T09:10:40-0700] <Random9851219616> !Horla Kelley Armstrong -
[Otherworld- Kate and Logan 01] - Wolf's Bane (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:10:42-0700] <sknight09> @search Maggie Shayne
[2020-06-21T09:10:47-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Kessler - [Here Witchy Witchy 06]
- Everyone has Their Demons (epub).epub ::INFO:: 244.6KB
[2020-06-21T09:10:47-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Kessler - [Here Witchy Witchy 07]
- Between the Lines (epub).rar ::INFO:: 254.8KB
[2020-06-21T09:10:47-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Kessler - [Here Witchy Witchy 08]
- Blood Catalyst (epub).rar ::INFO:: 290.6KB
[2020-06-21T09:10:47-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Kessler - [Here Witchy Witchy 09]
- A Handful of Skulls (epub).epub ::INFO:: 261.3KB
[2020-06-21T09:10:47-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Kessler - [Normalcy 01] -
Approaching Storm (epub).rar ::INFO:: 291.2KB
[2020-06-21T09:10:47-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Kessler - [Parlor Trick Mystery
03] - Walking Through Walls (epub).rar ::INFO:: 167.1KB
[2020-06-21T09:10:47-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Kessler - [Parlor Tricks Mystery
02] - Disappearing Coins (epub).rar ::INFO:: 167.0KB
[2020-06-21T09:10:47-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Kessler - [The King's Game 01] -
The King's Gambit (epub).rar ::INFO:: 216.9KB
[2020-06-21T09:10:47-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Kessler - [The King's Game 02] -
Initiative (epub).rar ::INFO:: 202.2KB
[2020-06-21T09:10:47-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Kessler - [The King's Game 03] -
King Takes Rook (epub).rar ::INFO:: 194.4KB
[2020-06-21T09:10:47-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Long - Saving Hanna
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 144.8KB
[2020-06-21T09:10:48-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Long - [Angels of Shadows 01] -
Snow Rises (epub).rar ::INFO:: 175.8KB
[2020-06-21T09:10:48-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 6/6 • Queued: 55 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,592 • List: Jun
18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T09:10:50-0700] <Guest14> !shytot Call of the Wild, The - London,
[2020-06-21T09:10:51-0700] manface (manface@ihw-i97ac3.tx.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:10:51-0700] <AnonoyousAnt> !Ook Tamsyn Muir - [Ninth House 01] -
Gideon the Ninth (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:11:12-0700] <Erin> !Oatmeal Recipe Books - 500 Recipes For Making
[2020-06-21T09:11:14-0700] Geralt_Of_Rivia (Geralt_Of_@ihw-h40.j14.209.185.IP) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:11:21-0700] <Random9851219616> @search reborn kerr
[2020-06-21T09:11:22-0700] Uday321 (Uday321@ihw-6ku.qfb.187.115.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T09:11:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,985 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T09:11:34-0700] ForceBleue (ForceBleue@ihw-1o3.bpf.192.78.IP) left IRC
(Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/ - 64bit Windows version by
[2020-06-21T09:11:35-0700] bks101 (bks101@ihw-1gd.jho.243.77.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:11:38-0700] thelooniebin (theloonieb@ihw-j86.nbe.78.82.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T09:11:43-0700] <Korisnik> !LawdyServer Pakenham - The Scramble for
Africa (1991).epub ::INFO:: 7.4MB
[2020-06-21T09:11:45-0700] <thelooniebin> @search potter
[2020-06-21T09:11:48-0700] <Erin> !DV8 Carolina Country Cooking - Fudge Recipes
[2020-06-21T09:11:54-0700] sandbagger (adamshortt@ihw-e57.jn9.229.199.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T09:11:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,819
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T09:12:07-0700] Random9851219616 (Random@ihw-
9bqth0.e19j.3lss.6000.2605.IP) left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T09:12:09-0700] Witt (Witt@ihw-f6i.334.112.185.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:12:11-0700] <sandbagger> @searchook Bolton
[2020-06-21T09:12:38-0700] ForceBleue (ForceBleue@ihw-1o3.bpf.192.78.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:12:40-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> @searchook Joanna Brady
[2020-06-21T09:12:45-0700] tiggers63 (lyleninja@ihw-5340ej.dyn.suddenlink.net) left
IRC (Quit: -=SysReset 2.55=-)
[2020-06-21T09:12:48-0700] sherrrlock (sherrrlock@ihw-nen.ff8.212.71.IP) left IRC
(Client exited)
[2020-06-21T09:12:53-0700] <bks101> @search pascal bruckner
[2020-06-21T09:13:05-0700] smothingrandomxd (smothingran@ihw-p6g.guf.0.186.IP) left
IRC (Quit: Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T09:13:08-0700] AnonoyousAnt (AnonymousAn@ihw-v2n.mgk.56.45.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T09:13:14-0700] <Guest14> @search The Gift of the Magi
[2020-06-21T09:13:15-0700] <dny238> • Type: @dny238 For My List Of: 4,015 Files •
Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,201 • List: Jun 3rd
• Search: OFF • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T09:13:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,558 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T09:13:19-0700] <Danj> @SearchBot-Trigger
[2020-06-21T09:13:21-0700] StaleHearts (StaleHearts@ihw-62c761.cable.rogers.com)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:13:40-0700] scythe23 (scythe23@ihw-u8f.uqn.159.120.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:13:41-0700] Erin (Erin@ihw-dl111r.tpgi.com.au) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T09:13:57-0700] <thelooniebin> !Oatmeal J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 01]
- Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:13:59-0700] <sknight09> !Xon Maggie Shayne - [The Portal 03] - Blood
of the Sorceress [MNOC-127] (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:14:09-0700] <bks101> !Horla Pascal Bruckner - Lunes de fiel
[2020-06-21T09:14:11-0700] Knitter (Knitter@ihw-vipigc.cpe.pppoe.ca) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:14:18-0700] cyanides (cyanides@ihw-bb52o6.il.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:14:23-0700] Nickyscar (Nickyscar@ihw-gaa.p4q.102.191.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:14:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T09:14:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T09:14:32-0700] <Nickyscar> @search Julian Rios
[2020-06-21T09:14:37-0700] <Guest14> !dragnbreaker O Henry - The Gift of the
[2020-06-21T09:14:38-0700] Witt (Witt@ihw-f6i.334.112.185.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:14:39-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake 16]
- Blood Noir (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:14:45-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake 18]
- Flirt (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:14:50-0700] <sknight09> !Xon Maggie Shayne - [The Portal 02] -
Daughter of the Spellcaster (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:15:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T09:15:31-0700] <thelooniebin> !Oatmeal J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 02]
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (UK) (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:15:39-0700] <thelooniebin> !Oatmeal J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 03]
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (UK) (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:15:43-0700] Knitter (Knitter@ihw-vipigc.cpe.pppoe.ca) left IRC
(Client exited)
[2020-06-21T09:15:48-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 6/6 • Queued: 45 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,616 • List: Jun
18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T09:15:49-0700] LeslieKnope (Android@ihw-tsemb6.mi.comcast.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T09:15:55-0700] <thelooniebin> !Oatmeal J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 04]
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (UK) (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:16:10-0700] <thelooniebin> !Oatmeal J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 05]
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (UK) (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:16:22-0700] ohtana (ohtana@ihw-fou.hv8.236.185.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:16:23-0700] mkb (mkb@ihw-oqk.nrb.140.46.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:16:26-0700] <thelooniebin> !Oatmeal J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 06]
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (UK) (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:16:27-0700] <sknight09> !Ook Maggie Shayne - [The Portal 03] - Blood
of the Sorceress [MNOC-127] (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T09:16:28-0700] mkb (mkb@ihw-oqk.nrb.140.46.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T09:16:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,987 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T09:16:36-0700] <t3rror> !Horla W E B Griffin - [Brotherhood of War 01]
- The Lieutenants (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:16:37-0700] <ohtana> @find Evan winter
[2020-06-21T09:16:40-0700] <thelooniebin> !Oatmeal J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 07]
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (UK) (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:16:41-0700] <bks101> !Horla Pascal Bruckner - Lunes de fiel
[2020-06-21T09:16:43-0700] <pdoug> @search Tordyveln
[2020-06-21T09:16:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,820
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T09:17:05-0700] Stefan (StefT@ihw-4ro818.res.rr.com) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T09:17:10-0700] <sknight09> !Ook Maggie Shayne - Portal 00-04 (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:17:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T09:17:17-0700] <barb143> !Ook Brit Bennett - The Vanishing Half
[2020-06-21T09:17:19-0700] sanskritinagar (chatzilla@ihw-mgc.ifc.8.103.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T09:17:22-0700] <Guest19> @search leanne vogel
[2020-06-21T09:17:34-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Horla Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake 18]
- Flirt (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:17:42-0700] scythe23 (scythe23@ihw-u8f.uqn.159.120.IP) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T09:17:44-0700] <sanskritinagar> @search hilary mantel
[2020-06-21T09:17:44-0700] stanis33 (stanis__33_@ihw-7l3ijd.austtx.sbcglobal.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:17:56-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Long - [Jagged Edge 01] - Hewitt
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 204.0KB
[2020-06-21T09:17:56-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Long - [Jagged Edge 02] - Cop
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 207.5KB
[2020-06-21T09:17:56-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Long - [Jagged Edge 03] - Hawk
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 202.0KB
[2020-06-21T09:17:56-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Long - [Jagged Edge 04] - Sly
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 198.2KB
[2020-06-21T09:17:56-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Long - [Jagged Edge 05] - Ash
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 201.5KB
[2020-06-21T09:17:56-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Long - [Jagged Edge 06] - Gainer
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 203.7KB
[2020-06-21T09:17:56-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Long - [Jagged Edge 07] - Chavez
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 218.3KB
[2020-06-21T09:17:56-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Long - [Jagged Edge 08] - Ryan
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 214.9KB
[2020-06-21T09:17:56-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Long - [Shattered Innocence 02] -
Next to Always (epub).rar ::INFO:: 311.4KB
[2020-06-21T09:17:56-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Long - [Unbreakable 01] - Beneath
Deception (epub).rar ::INFO:: 175.4KB
[2020-06-21T09:17:56-0700] <Millybooks> !bsk A L Long - [Unbreakable 03] - Beneath
Submission (epub).rar ::INFO:: 171.7KB
[2020-06-21T09:17:58-0700] <ohtana> @find Evan winter the burning
[2020-06-21T09:18:00-0700] JustOneMore (JustOneMor@ihw-f4u1ld.il.comcast.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:18:05-0700] <bks101> !Horla Pascal Bruckner - Lunes de fiel
[2020-06-21T09:18:09-0700] <stanis33> @search john bolton
[2020-06-21T09:18:09-0700] <TANPOPO3_> !Oatmeal Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake
18] - Flirt (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:18:14-0700] <sknight09> !shytot Maggie Shayne - [The Portal 01] -
Mark of the Witch (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T09:18:16-0700] <t3rror> !Horla W E B Griffin - [Brotherhood of War 01]
- The Lieutenants (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:18:18-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,558 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T09:18:35-0700] <t3rror> !Horla W E B Griffin - [Brotherhood of War 03]
- The Majors (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:18:40-0700] thelooniebin (theloonieb@ihw-j86.nbe.78.82.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T09:18:41-0700] <JustOneMore> @search ruth langan mystical
[2020-06-21T09:18:41-0700] <sknight09> !shytot Maggie Shayne - [The Portal 02] -
Daughter of the Spellcaster (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T09:18:48-0700] <stanis33> @search the room where it happened
[2020-06-21T09:18:52-0700] <t3rror> !Horla W E B Griffin - [Brotherhood of War 04]
- The Colonels (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:18:54-0700] <Guest19> !Horla Leanne Vogel - The Keto Diet
[2020-06-21T09:19:04-0700] <Nickyscar> @search monstruary
[2020-06-21T09:19:05-0700] <t3rror> !Horla W E B Griffin - [Brotherhood of War 05]
- The Berets (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:19:12-0700] ssatelle_ (ssatelle@ihw-r58.i7k.125.194.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T09:19:13-0700] Ender (Ender@ihw-a4jjo3.k5gk.9nr3.2f0a.2a02.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T09:19:19-0700] <t3rror> !Horla W E B Griffin - [Brotherhood of War 06]
- The Generals (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:19:23-0700] Winter|2 (kvirc@ihw-n9b804.dyn.suddenlink.net) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T09:19:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T09:19:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T09:19:31-0700] <Nickyscar> @search raymond federman
[2020-06-21T09:19:33-0700] <t3rror> !Horla W E B Griffin - [Brotherhood of War 07]
- The New Breed (v4.0) (pdf).pdf
[2020-06-21T09:19:38-0700] <AndroUser> @search Bane Kapil
[2020-06-21T09:19:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,835
(2103.89 GB)
[2020-06-21T09:19:46-0700] <JustOneMore> !Horla Ruth Langan - [Mystical Highlands
02] - The Betrayal [HH-666] (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:19:55-0700] asdjk (24sdf2@ihw-gp34tb.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) left
IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T09:19:59-0700] <AndroUser> @search bhanu kapil
[2020-06-21T09:19:59-0700] slow (slow@ihw-7t62nr.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T09:20:00-0700] <t3rror> !Horla W E B Griffin - [Brotherhood of War 08]
- The Aviators (v4.0) (pdf).pdf
[2020-06-21T09:20:05-0700] sandbagger_ (adamshortt@ihw-il2fit.cable.rogers.com)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:20:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T09:20:12-0700] <dny238> @SearchBot-Trigger
[2020-06-21T09:20:14-0700] stanis33 (stanis__33_@ihw-7l3ijd.austtx.sbcglobal.net)
left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T09:20:14-0700] sandbagger (adamshortt@ihw-e57.jn9.229.199.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:20:14-0700] sandbagger_ is now known as sandbagger
[2020-06-21T09:20:16-0700] <t3rror> !Horla W E B Griffin - [Brotherhood of War 09]
- Special Ops (v4.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:20:24-0700] jvr (jvr@ihw-aak574.45po.2k7h.014d.2601.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T09:20:28-0700] sandbagger (adamshortt@ihw-il2fit.cable.rogers.com) left
IRC (Client exited)
[2020-06-21T09:20:41-0700] sknight09 (IceChat9@ihw-8tc.1hp.173.75.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Do fish get thirsty?)
[2020-06-21T09:20:48-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 22 • Speed: 452,418cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,650 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T09:20:58-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J. A. Jance - Joanna
Brady 01 - Desert Heat.epub
[2020-06-21T09:20:59-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J. A. Jance - Joanna
Brady 02 - Tombstone Courage.epub
[2020-06-21T09:20:59-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J. A. Jance - Joanna
Brady 03 - Shoot, Don't Shoot.epub
[2020-06-21T09:20:59-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J. A. Jance - Joanna
Brady 04 - Dead to Rights.epub
[2020-06-21T09:20:59-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J. A. Jance - Joanna
Brady 05 - Skeleton Canyon.epub
[2020-06-21T09:20:59-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J. A. Jance - Joanna
Brady 06 - Rattlesnake Crossing.epub
[2020-06-21T09:20:59-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J. A. Jance - Joanna
Brady 07 - Outlaw Mountain.epub
[2020-06-21T09:20:59-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J. A. Jance - Joanna
Brady 08 - Devil's Claw.epub
[2020-06-21T09:20:59-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J. A. Jance - Joanna
Brady 09 - Paradise Lost.epub
[2020-06-21T09:20:59-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J. A. Jance - Joanna
Brady 10 - Partner In Crime.epub
[2020-06-21T09:21:20-0700] <t3rror> !dragnbreaker Griffin, W E B - Brotherhood of
War 07 - The New Breed (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T09:21:33-0700] gioooooooorg56 (gioooooooor@ihw-
qfulsf.retail.telecomitalia.it) left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:21:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
6/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,988 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T09:21:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,835
(2103.89 GB)
[2020-06-21T09:21:43-0700] valetudin (valetudin@ihw-iqs.aqm.189.124.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:21:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 1/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,820
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T09:21:57-0700] <pdoug> @search tordyveln
[2020-06-21T09:21:59-0700] <sanskritinagar> @search amitav ghosh
[2020-06-21T09:22:03-0700] <t3rror> !dragnbreaker Griffin, W E B - Brotherhood of
War 08 - The Aviators (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T09:22:05-0700] <barb143> @earch The Lies that Bind 
[2020-06-21T09:22:05-0700] Cereal_Enjoyer (Everyone_Ch@ihw-25p.97a.35.194.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:22:06-0700] randomUser (Username@ihw-maaetl.fiber7.init7.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T09:22:06-0700] <valetudin> @search jean m auel
[2020-06-21T09:22:09-0700] _Dave (_Dave@ihw-ov1.1ld.98.172.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:22:10-0700] <_Dave> @search John Bolton
[2020-06-21T09:22:17-0700] <sanskritinagar> @search cormac mccarthy
[2020-06-21T09:22:17-0700] <randomUser> @search Words of Radiance
[2020-06-21T09:22:27-0700] <enumhack> illustrated guide gardening
[2020-06-21T09:22:32-0700] YaliReads (YaliReads@ihw-bp9.vu5.230.176.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:22:36-0700] <sanskritinagar> @search emily bronte
[2020-06-21T09:22:40-0700] <enumhack> @search illustrated guide gardening
[2020-06-21T09:22:46-0700] <YaliReads> @search la la land
[2020-06-21T09:22:47-0700] <sanskritinagar> @search j k rowling
[2020-06-21T09:22:53-0700] bryam (bryam@ihw-or6.aiu.236.45.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:23:04-0700] <bryam> @search defender a jacob
[2020-06-21T09:23:08-0700] <enumhack> !LawdyServer Beginner's Illustrated Guide To
Gardening - Techniques To Help You Get Started.pdf
[2020-06-21T09:23:17-0700] <t3rror> !dragnbreaker Griffin, W E B - Brotherhood of
War 09 - Special Ops (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T09:23:18-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,558 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T09:23:19-0700] htora (htora@ihw-7jhu79.63s5.baf7.2002.2001.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T09:23:19-0700] <randomUser> !bsk Brandon Sanderson - [Stormlight
Archive 02] - Words of Radiance (azw).rar
[2020-06-21T09:23:34-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,982 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T09:23:36-0700] spidahpig (spider@ihw-0ql.ie8.159.120.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T09:23:37-0700] <valetudin> !bsk Jean M Auel - [Earth's Children 01-06]
- The Clan of the Cave Bear; Valley of Horses; Mammoth Hunter; Plains of Passage;
Shelters of Stone; Land of Painted Caves) (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:23:38-0700] <randomUser> @search Oathbringer
[2020-06-21T09:23:40-0700] ForceBleue (ForceBleue@ihw-1o3.bpf.192.78.IP) left IRC
(Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/ - 64bit Windows version by
[2020-06-21T09:23:42-0700] <JustOneMore> @search dayna quince eight
[2020-06-21T09:23:49-0700] <H4Z1> @search sarina bowen
[2020-06-21T09:23:53-0700] <t3rror> !dragnbreaker Griffin, W E B - Brotherhood of
War 01 - The Lieutenants (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T09:23:53-0700] <barb143> @search The Lies that Bind 
[2020-06-21T09:23:54-0700] LeslieKnope (Android@ihw-tsemb6.mi.comcast.net) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T09:23:57-0700] SMantis (SMantis@ihw-cma.nj4.204.130.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:23:58-0700] ForceBleue (ForceBleue@ihw-1o3.bpf.192.78.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:24:08-0700] <JustOneMore> @search dayna quince rules
[2020-06-21T09:24:11-0700] Millybooks (Millybooks@ihw-2pn29m.sasknet.sk.ca) left
IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T09:24:13-0700] <SMantis> @Search Daniel Victor
[2020-06-21T09:24:24-0700] NIGEL (nigel@ihw-qm9.no2.187.89.IP) left IRC (Client
[2020-06-21T09:24:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T09:24:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T09:24:28-0700] <htora> @Find the room where it happened
[2020-06-21T09:24:33-0700] <t3rror> !dragnbreaker Griffin, W E B - Brotherhood of
War 02 - The Captains (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T09:24:34-0700] <barb143> !Xon Judith Van Gieson - [Neil Hamel 05] - The
Lies that Bind (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:24:36-0700] Chasedevanux (ZacrausthaC@ihw-vfncum.fios.verizon.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:24:36-0700] <randomUser> !DV8 Brandon Sanderson - Stormlight Archive
03 - Oathbringer (US) (v5.0) (AZW3).rar
[2020-06-21T09:24:38-0700] kanin (kanin@ihw-lc4qvn.tbcn.telia.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:24:40-0700] bryam (bryam@ihw-or6.aiu.236.45.IP) left the channel
[2020-06-21T09:24:41-0700] sdread (sdread@ihw-r9r1in.midco.net) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:24:43-0700] <H4Z1> !Oatmeal Elle Kennedy & Sarina Bowen - Top Secret
[2020-06-21T09:24:43-0700] jvr (jvr@ihw-aak574.45po.2k7h.014d.2601.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:24:46-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J. A. Jance - Joanna
Brady 11 - Exit Wounds.epub
[2020-06-21T09:24:46-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J. A. Jance - Joanna
Brady 12 - Dead Wrong.epub
[2020-06-21T09:24:46-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J. A. Jance - Joanna
Brady 13 - Damage Control.epub
[2020-06-21T09:24:46-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J. A. Jance - Joanna
Brady 14 - Fire and Ice.epub
[2020-06-21T09:24:46-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [Joanna
Brady 14.5] - The Old Blue Line (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:24:46-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J. A. Jance - Joanna
Brady 15 - Judgment Call.epub
[2020-06-21T09:24:46-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J. A. Jance - Joanna
Brady 15.5 - The Old Blue Line.epub
[2020-06-21T09:24:46-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J. A. Jance - Joanna
Brady 15 - Judgment Call.epub
[2020-06-21T09:24:46-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [Joanna
Brady 15] - Remains of Innocence (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:24:46-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [Joanna
Brady 16] - Downfall (mobi).mobi
[2020-06-21T09:24:52-0700] <JordanvanBergen> @Search Anders Roslund
[2020-06-21T09:24:55-0700] <SMantis> !shytot Sherlock Holmes and The Shadows -
Daniel D Victor.epub
[2020-06-21T09:24:56-0700] <sdread> @search king james conspiracy depoy
[2020-06-21T09:25:04-0700] <t3rror> !dragnbreaker Griffin, W E B - Brotherhood of
War 03 - The Majors (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T09:25:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T09:25:09-0700] <JustOneMore> @search ruth langan highlander
[2020-06-21T09:25:14-0700] <bks101> !shytot The Paradox of Love - Pascal
Bruckner.epub ::INFO:: 289.6KB
[2020-06-21T09:25:19-0700] <sdread> !Horla Phillip DePoy - The King James
Conspiracy (v5.0) (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T09:25:22-0700] Wr4i7h (abcd@ihw-vthorq.cpe.netcabo.pt) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:25:23-0700] Cereal_Liker (Everyone_Ch@ihw-go9kco.dyn.plus.net) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:25:25-0700] lgsloth2 (lgsloth2@ihw-slhfd2.mycingular.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:25:29-0700] enumhack (bm_attar@ihw-6772m3.net.fido.ca) left IRC
(Client exited)
[2020-06-21T09:25:37-0700] <@LawdyServer> [dlFilter] Are the responses to your
requests getting lost in the crowd? Are your @find responses spread about? If you
are using mIRC as your IRC client then download dlFilter version 2.13 from
https://github.com/DukeLupus/dlFilter/ and make your time in #ebooks less
[2020-06-21T09:25:38-0700] <t3rror> !dragnbreaker Griffin, W E B - Brotherhood of
War 04 - The Colonels (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T09:25:49-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 11 • Speed: 228,783cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,664 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T09:25:49-0700] scythe23 (scythe23@ihw-u8f.uqn.159.120.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:25:49-0700] RandomDudeFromSomewhere (RandomDudeF@ihw-
e1e.c6i.198.103.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:25:57-0700] YaliReads (YaliReads@ihw-bp9.vu5.230.176.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T09:26:09-0700] <t3rror> !dragnbreaker Griffin, W E B - Brotherhood of
War 05 - The Berets (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T09:26:17-0700] mturker (mturker@ihw-la4.n1l.215.71.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:26:18-0700] <htora> @search the room where it happened
[2020-06-21T09:26:19-0700] _Dave (_Dave@ihw-ov1.1ld.98.172.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:26:22-0700] xdccMule[1053TR] (xdccMule@ihw-
rhr2o0.retail.telecomitalia.it) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:26:24-0700] <xdccMule[1053TR]> saaalve!!!
[2020-06-21T09:26:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
5/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 396,546cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,990 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T09:26:39-0700] <JustOneMore> !Horla Ruth Langan - Highlanders Bundle
(The Highlander; Highland Barbarian; Heather; Fire; Christmas) (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:26:40-0700] <xdccMule[1053TR]> Hello everybody!
[2020-06-21T09:26:43-0700] <RandomDudeFromSomewhere> @search when the moon is low
[2020-06-21T09:26:45-0700] joozie (Alan@ihw-sn2.qjd.12.94.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T09:26:53-0700] randomUser (Username@ihw-maaetl.fiber7.init7.net) left
IRC (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T09:26:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,828
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T09:27:00-0700] <t3rror> !dragnbreaker Griffin, W E B - Brotherhood of
War 06 - The Generals (v5.0).epub
[2020-06-21T09:27:00-0700] blunders (blunders@ihw-d2h.7rj.190.180.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:27:08-0700] <sdread> @search ex libris king
[2020-06-21T09:27:10-0700] PeterPan1337 (androirc@ihw-8d3i5s.cust.tele2.nl) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:27:15-0700] <ThoughtFission> @search The Suffering of Light
[2020-06-21T09:27:15-0700] CambysesII (chillstreem@ihw-ohmi1t.dsl.iskon.hr) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T09:27:17-0700] headhuntersix (HH6@ihw-39c.g3m.201.68.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:27:19-0700] CambysesII (chillstreem@ihw-ohmi1t.dsl.iskon.hr) left
IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T09:27:28-0700] <headhuntersix> @search deathlands
[2020-06-21T09:27:29-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J. A. Jance - Joanna
Brady 16 - Remains of Innocence.epub
[2020-06-21T09:27:30-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [Joanna
Brady 17] - Downfall (2016) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:27:30-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla J A Jance - [Joanna
Brady 18] - Field of Bones (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:27:30-0700] <RandomDudeFromSomewhere> !Oatmeal Nadia Hashimi - When
the Moon is Low (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:27:34-0700] <sdread> !Horla Ross King - Ex-Libris (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:27:39-0700] <SMantis> @Search Mark Sohn
[2020-06-21T09:27:43-0700] <ThoughtFission> @search Alex Webb
[2020-06-21T09:27:52-0700] <headhuntersix> !Xon James Axler - [Deathlands 121] -
End Day (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:27:57-0700] Nickyscar (Nickyscar@ihw-gaa.p4q.102.191.IP) left the
[2020-06-21T09:27:58-0700] GankPony (TankPony@ihw-3ku.2gi.196.47.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T09:28:00-0700] RandomDudeFromSomewhere (RandomDudeF@ihw-
e1e.c6i.198.103.IP) left the channel
[2020-06-21T09:28:03-0700] <sdread> !Horla Phillip DePoy - The King James
Conspiracy (v5.0) (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T09:28:11-0700] sdnasjdnjasds (sadasdnaksd@ihw-p6g.guf.0.186.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T09:28:15-0700] <JustOneMore> @search london lovett
[2020-06-21T09:28:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,559 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T09:28:23-0700] vinicius334 (vinicius@ihw-i3q.o1r.183.187.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:28:24-0700] ssafas (rajmohan@ihw-f27.fim.50.157.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:28:30-0700] scythe23 (scythe23@ihw-u8f.uqn.159.120.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T09:28:32-0700] <sdnasjdnjasds> @search <las palabras y las cosas>
[2020-06-21T09:28:34-0700] <vinicius334> @search Lois McMaster Bujold
[2020-06-21T09:28:34-0700] valetudin (valetudin@ihw-iqs.aqm.189.124.IP) left the
[2020-06-21T09:28:40-0700] zebjest (zj1711@ihw-8t1.tvu.109.39.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:28:48-0700] jvr (jvr@ihw-aak574.45po.2k7h.014d.2601.IP) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T09:28:48-0700] sherrrlock (sherrrlock@ihw-nen.ff8.212.71.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:28:50-0700] <zebjest> @search cfp
[2020-06-21T09:28:50-0700] kanin (kanin@ihw-lc4qvn.tbcn.telia.com) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:28:51-0700] scythe23 (scythe23@ihw-u8f.uqn.159.120.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:28:52-0700] <SMantis> !Oatmeal Daniel D Victor - Sherlock Holmes and
The Shadows of St Petersburg (retail)(epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:28:59-0700] <sdread> @search king james conspiracy depoy
[2020-06-21T09:29:06-0700] bewretni (bewretni@ihw-l6q.ltv.10.62.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:29:13-0700] <bks101> !shytot The Paradox of Love - Pascal
[2020-06-21T09:29:24-0700] <zebjest> @search certified financial planner
[2020-06-21T09:29:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T09:29:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T09:29:33-0700] <xdccMule[1053TR]> !LawdyServer Maximize Your Memory -
Read Faster and Retain Anything, Never Forget a Name or Number, Improve Your Score
on Any Test.epub ::INFO:: 2.1MB
[2020-06-21T09:29:33-0700] crewser (crewser@ihw-jame4j.nm.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:29:34-0700] <sdread> !Oatmeal Phillip DePoy - The King James
Conspiracy (v5.0) (azw3).rar
[2020-06-21T09:29:47-0700] <Matthew> !Oatmeal Alexander Theroux - Laura Warholic,
Or the Sexual Intellectual (pdf).rar
[2020-06-21T09:29:50-0700] <bks101> !Horla Pascal Bruckner - La maison des anges
[2020-06-21T09:29:51-0700] <zebjest> @search matthew brandeburg
[2020-06-21T09:29:51-0700] <ssafas> @search say her name Juno dawson
[2020-06-21T09:29:59-0700] <JustOneMore> !Horla London Lovett - [Port Danby Cozy
Mystery 01] - Marigolds and Murder (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:29:59-0700] <JustOneMore> !Horla London Lovett - [Port Danby Cozy
Mystery 02] - Carnations and Chaos (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:29:59-0700] <JustOneMore> !Horla London Lovett - [Port Danby Cozy
Mystery 03] - Mistletoe and Mayhem (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:29:59-0700] <JustOneMore> !Horla London Lovett - [Port Danby Cozy
Mystery 04] - Roses and Revenge (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:29:59-0700] <JustOneMore> !Horla London Lovett - [Port Danby Cozy
Mystery 05] - Tulips and Trouble (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:29:59-0700] <JustOneMore> !Horla London Lovett - [Port Danby Cozy
Mystery 06] - Dahlias and Death (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:29:59-0700] <JustOneMore> !Horla London Lovett - [Port Danby Cozy
Mystery 07-09] - Port Danby Cozy Mystery Box Set 3 (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:30:00-0700] jvr (jvr@ihw-aak574.45po.2k7h.014d.2601.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:30:03-0700] <Matthew> @search lanark gray
[2020-06-21T09:30:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T09:30:10-0700] RandomDudeFromSomewhere (RandomDudeF@ihw-
e1e.c6i.198.103.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:30:20-0700] <RandomDudeFromSomewhere> @search rebel queen
[2020-06-21T09:30:23-0700] <H4Z1> @search Emma Scott
[2020-06-21T09:30:24-0700] zebjest (zj1711@ihw-8t1.tvu.109.39.IP) left IRC (Quit:
[2020-06-21T09:30:28-0700] <bks101> !Horla Pascal Bruckner - La sagesse de l'argent
[2020-06-21T09:30:28-0700] Its_Food (Everyone_Ch@ihw-25p.97a.35.194.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:30:29-0700] <Matthew> !Ook Alasdair Gray - Lanark- A Life in Four
Books (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:30:35-0700] mturker (mturker@ihw-la4.n1l.215.71.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:30:39-0700] gioooooooorg56 (gioooooooor@ihw-
qfulsf.retail.telecomitalia.it) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:30:43-0700] <xdccMule[1053TR]> !LawdyServer 10 Days To A Sharper
Memory - Russell Roberts.epub ::INFO:: 303.0KB
[2020-06-21T09:30:43-0700] <xdccMule[1053TR]> !LawdyServer 50 Best Memory Methods &
Tests - Michael Dansel.epub ::INFO:: 309.3KB
[2020-06-21T09:30:48-0700] <JustOneMore> !Horla London Lovett - [Port Danby Cozy
Mystery 10] - Sunflowers and Sabotage (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:30:48-0700] <JustOneMore> !Horla London Lovett - [Port Danby Cozy
Mystery 11] - Lavender and Lies (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:30:48-0700] <JustOneMore> !Horla London Lovett - [Port Danby Cozy
Mystery 12] - Freesias and Foul Play (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:30:54-0700] mscal (maxs@ihw-9c8.aps.208.178.IP) left IRC (Quit:
Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T09:30:58-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 20 • Speed: 355,471cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,677 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T09:31:02-0700] <sdread> @search mistress art death
[2020-06-21T09:31:08-0700] <bks101> !Horla Pascal Bruckner - La tyrannie de la
pénitence [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T09:31:16-0700] lowlylow (lowlylow@ihw-387.8d5.32.193.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:31:29-0700] <lowlylow> @search the polyester prince
[2020-06-21T09:31:32-0700] <RandomDudeFromSomewhere> !Oatmeal Michelle Moran -
Rebel Queen (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:31:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
6/7 – Queued: 1 – Speed: 783,298cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,994 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T09:31:37-0700] <sdread> !MusicWench Ariana Franklin - [Mistress Of The
Art Of Death 01] - Mistress Of The Art Of Death.epub ::INFO:: 437.7KB
[2020-06-21T09:31:52-0700] <lowlylow> @search Ambani
[2020-06-21T09:31:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,829
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T09:31:56-0700] <sdread> !MusicWench Ariana Franklin - [Mistress Of The
Art Of Death 01] - Mistress Of The Art Of Death.mobi ::INFO:: 440.2KB
[2020-06-21T09:32:00-0700] dubstepper3999 (dubstepper3@ihw-8n2k8m.fios.verizon.net)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:32:04-0700] klsdfje (skdfjlkrgs@ihw-924nui.dsl.scarlet.be) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T09:32:14-0700] SEnhw43G (senhw43g@ihw-j5u0j8.launtel.net.au) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:32:17-0700] <htora> @search a dirty job
[2020-06-21T09:32:21-0700] <SpcToast> @search hitchiker's guide
[2020-06-21T09:32:28-0700] Wr4i7h (abcd@ihw-vthorq.cpe.netcabo.pt) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:32:38-0700] OhHello (ohhello@ihw-os8s8l.ma.comcast.net) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T09:32:45-0700] fierce (fierce@ihw-p627d0.ut.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:32:47-0700] FSDE1 (Sfledt250@ihw-92i.p05.208.94.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:32:47-0700] <sdread> @search Voltaire's Calligrapher
[2020-06-21T09:32:49-0700] <bks101> !Horla Pascal Bruckner - Le fanatisme de
l'apocalypse [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T09:32:50-0700] <sdnasjdnjasds> !bsk Las palabras y las cosas - Michel
Foucault.epub ::INFO:: 845.4KB
[2020-06-21T09:32:53-0700] <SpcToast> @search douglas adams
[2020-06-21T09:32:53-0700] scythe23 (scythe23@ihw-u8f.uqn.159.120.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:32:57-0700] <htora> !bsk Christopher Moore - A Dirty Job (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T09:32:59-0700] <sanskritinagar> !Horla J K Rowling as Robert Galbraith
- [Comoran Strike 01] - The Cuckoo's Calling (UK) (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:33:04-0700] <bks101> !Horla Pascal Bruckner - Le mariage d'amour a-
t-il échoué _ [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T09:33:08-0700] <sdnasjdnjasds> !bsk Las palabras y las cosas - Michel
[2020-06-21T09:33:09-0700] <xdccMule[1053TR]> !LawdyServer Patrizia Collard -
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy For Dummies.pdf ::INFO:: 15.5MB
[2020-06-21T09:33:18-0700] <JustOneMore> @search heather horrocks scientist
[2020-06-21T09:33:18-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,559 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T09:33:23-0700] Cereal_Enjoyer (Everyone_Ch@ihw-25p.97a.35.194.IP) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:33:30-0700] <sdread> !Oatmeal Pablo De Santis - Voltaire's
Calligrapher (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:33:30-0700] <sdread> !Oatmeal Pablo De Santis - Voltaire's
Calligrapher (v5.0) (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T09:33:32-0700] <bks101> !Horla Pascal Bruckner - Le paradoxe amoureux
[2020-06-21T09:33:36-0700] <barb143> @search fair warning
[2020-06-21T09:33:36-0700] <sanskritinagar> !Xon Emily Midorikawa & Emma Claire
Sweeney - A Secret Sisterhood- The Hidden Friendships of Austen, Bronte, Eliot and
Woolf (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:33:41-0700] Winter77 (Winter77@ihw-ltu.kqf.217.117.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:33:42-0700] <sanskritinagar> !Horla Catherine Reef - The Bronte
Sisters- The Brief Lives of Charlotte, Emily, and Anne (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:33:49-0700] <sanskritinagar> !JimBob420 John Sutherland - The
Brontesaurus- An A-Z of Charlotte, Emily and Anne Bronte (and Branwell) (retail)
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.97MB
[2020-06-21T09:33:54-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> @search Walker Family
[2020-06-21T09:33:58-0700] <bks101> !Horla Pascal Bruckner - Le sanglot de l'homme
blanc [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T09:33:58-0700] duelistjp (duelistjp@ihw-
ahbqu8.lfytina1.metronetinc.net) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:34:02-0700] <Winter77> @search till lindemann
[2020-06-21T09:34:04-0700] <sdread> @search chalk circle man
[2020-06-21T09:34:09-0700] <sanskritinagar> !LawdyServer Last Things - Emily
Brontes Poems.pdf ::INFO:: 846.8KB
[2020-06-21T09:34:11-0700] <bks101> !Horla Pascal Bruckner - Parias [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T09:34:11-0700] ThoughtFission (Username@ihw-7i5.ok0.158.216.IP) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:34:13-0700] <sanskritinagar> !DV8 Denise Giardina - Emily's Ghost- A
Novel of the Bronte Sisters (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 565.8KB
[2020-06-21T09:34:16-0700] <sdnasjdnjasds> !bsk Las palabras y las cosas - Michel
[2020-06-21T09:34:23-0700] RandomDudeFromSomewhere (RandomDudeF@ihw-
e1e.c6i.198.103.IP) left the channel
[2020-06-21T09:34:24-0700] thebookguy1029 (Adium@ihw-s7e.lau.58.209.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:34:26-0700] <bks101> !Horla Pascal Bruckner - Un an et un jour
[2020-06-21T09:34:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T09:34:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T09:34:30-0700] <sdread> !MusicWench Fred Vargas - [Commissaire
Adamsberg 01] - The Chalk Circle Man (Epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:34:30-0700] <sdread> !MusicWench Fred Vargas - [Commissaire
Adamsberg 01] - The Chalk Circle Man (Mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T09:34:38-0700] thebookguy123 (textual@ihw-s7e.lau.58.209.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:34:45-0700] steved2000 (steved2000@ihw-nmf5r2.servercontrol.com.au)
left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:34:46-0700] <bks101> !Horla Pascal Bruckner - Une brève éternité
[2020-06-21T09:34:47-0700] <sanskritinagar> !JimBob420 Cormac McCarthy - The
Gardener's Son- A Screenplay (epub).rar ::INFO:: 106.83KB
[2020-06-21T09:34:48-0700] momonja (momonja@ihw-nhg.ip5.129.104.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:34:53-0700] <vinicius334> !shytot Lois McMaster Bujold - [Cordelia
Naismith 01] - Shards of Honor (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:34:54-0700] thebookguy10291 (Adium@ihw-s7e.lau.58.209.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:34:55-0700] <momonja> @search Mark O’Connell
[2020-06-21T09:34:57-0700] <sanskritinagar> !Xon Cormac McCarthy - The Stonemason
(Play) (txt).rar
[2020-06-21T09:35:00-0700] <bks101> !Horla Pascal Bruckner - Un racisme imaginaire
[2020-06-21T09:35:03-0700] <sanskritinagar> !shytot Cormac Mccarthy - - Blood
Meridian or the Evening Redness in the West.mobi ::INFO:: 499.0KB
[2020-06-21T09:35:09-0700] <sanskritinagar> !bsk Cormac McCarthy - The Orchard
Keeper (v5.0) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.8MB
[2020-06-21T09:35:10-0700] jvr (jvr@ihw-aak574.45po.2k7h.014d.2601.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:35:12-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T09:35:13-0700] htora (htora@ihw-7jhu79.63s5.baf7.2002.2001.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T09:35:19-0700] <momonja> !LawdyServer Notes from an Apocalypse_ A
Personal Journey to the End of the World and Back by Mark O'Connell.epub
[2020-06-21T09:35:22-0700] <SpcToast> !shytot The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide - All
Six Books - Douglas Adams.epub
[2020-06-21T09:35:24-0700] <sdread> @search sovietistan
[2020-06-21T09:35:25-0700] kanin (kanin@ihw-lc4qvn.tbcn.telia.com) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:35:29-0700] Bookwyrm (David@ihw-gd59cv.ug7s.4ijk.8807.2600.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:35:33-0700] <bks101> @search bruckner
[2020-06-21T09:35:36-0700] <sanskritinagar> !DV8 Cormac McCarthy - Outer Dark
(v5.0) (EPUB).rar ::INFO:: 1.79MB
[2020-06-21T09:35:42-0700] <sanskritinagar> !DV8 Cormac McCarthy - Border Trilogy
02 - The Crossing (v5.0) (EPUB).rar ::INFO:: 1.96MB
[2020-06-21T09:35:43-0700] thebookguy10291 (Adium@ihw-s7e.lau.58.209.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving.)
[2020-06-21T09:35:44-0700] <sdread> @search Sarah scoles
[2020-06-21T09:35:46-0700] htora (htora@ihw-7jhu79.63s5.baf7.2002.2001.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T09:35:47-0700] <sanskritinagar> !DV8 Cormac McCarthy - Border Trilogy
03 - Cities of the Plain (v5.0) (EPUB).rar ::INFO:: 1.89MB
[2020-06-21T09:35:49-0700] <Bookwyrm> @searchook bolton the room
[2020-06-21T09:35:49-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 4/6 • Queued: 20 • Speed: 484,733cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,688 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T09:35:52-0700] htora (htora@ihw-7jhu79.63s5.baf7.2002.2001.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T09:35:54-0700] <sanskritinagar> !JimBob420 Cormac McCarthy - The Sunset
Limited (v5.0) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.6MB
[2020-06-21T09:35:58-0700] Winter77 (Winter77@ihw-ltu.kqf.217.117.IP) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T09:36:04-0700] <sanskritinagar> !bsk Calcutta Chromosome - Amitav
Ghosh.epub ::INFO:: 202.3KB
[2020-06-21T09:36:04-0700] <Bookwyrm> @searchook the room where it happened
[2020-06-21T09:36:10-0700] <sanskritinagar> !Oatmeal Ghosh, Amitav - The Glass
Palace (pdf).rar ::INFO:: 2.0MB
[2020-06-21T09:36:11-0700] <SpcToast> @search ultimate hitchhiker's
[2020-06-21T09:36:12-0700] <barb143> !shytot Michael Connelly - [Jack McEvoy 03] -
Fair Warning (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:36:16-0700] <sdread> @search magnetized
[2020-06-21T09:36:17-0700] <sanskritinagar> !Xon Amitav Ghosh - [Ibis Trilogy 03] -
Flood of Fire (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:36:18-0700] SEnhw43G (senhw43g@ihw-j5u0j8.launtel.net.au) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:36:32-0700] cabut (cabut@ihw-blt814.res.rr.com) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:36:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 218,999 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T09:36:33-0700] <sdread> @search end lindsay ellis
[2020-06-21T09:36:35-0700] <RichI> @search age of the sorcerers
[2020-06-21T09:36:39-0700] tammy4nd (tammy4nd@ihw-r8499p.in.comcast.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:36:40-0700] <sdnasjdnjasds> !bsk Las palabras y las cosas - Michel
[2020-06-21T09:36:41-0700] Bookwyrm (David@ihw-gd59cv.ug7s.4ijk.8807.2600.IP) left
IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T09:36:43-0700] Keegan (Username@ihw-hna.q6l.67.62.IP) left IRC (Quit:
Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T09:36:44-0700] <sanskritinagar> !MusicWench Amitav Ghosh - The Circle
Of Reason (Epub).rar ::INFO:: 2.1MB
[2020-06-21T09:36:47-0700] momonja (momonja@ihw-nhg.ip5.129.104.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T09:36:47-0700] <barb143> !shytot Michael Connelly - [Jack McEvoy 03] -
Fair Warning (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:36:53-0700] lgsloth2_ (lgsloth2@ihw-slhfd2.mycingular.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T09:36:54-0700] <sdread> @search life klansman
[2020-06-21T09:36:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,829
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T09:36:56-0700] <SpcToast> !Oatmeal Douglas Adams - [Hitchhiker 01-05] -
The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:36:57-0700] <sanskritinagar> !JimBob420 Amitav Ghosh - Gun
Island(retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.17MB
[2020-06-21T09:37:01-0700] fierce (fierce@ihw-p627d0.ut.comcast.net) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:37:04-0700] <RichI> !Horla Morgan Rice - [Age of the Sorcerers 01] -
Realm of Dragons (azw3).azw3
[2020-06-21T09:37:11-0700] <@QuietSilence> Type @QuietSilence to get the list of
85,698 files (225.53 GB). Updated on 05-26-2020 16:33:58. Description:
[2020-06-21T09:37:12-0700] <cabut> @search Signature dishes that matter
[2020-06-21T09:37:13-0700] <sanskritinagar> !dragnbreaker Ghosh, Amitav - Novel 02
- The Shadow Lines.epub ::INFO:: 2.2MB
[2020-06-21T09:37:15-0700] <sdread> @search utopia avenue
[2020-06-21T09:37:15-0700] <vinicius334> !Oatmeal Lois McMaster Bujold - [Cordelia
Naismith 01] - Shards of Honor (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:37:22-0700] <sanskritinagar> !Horla Amitav Ghosh - The Shadow Lines
[2020-06-21T09:37:22-0700] <RichI> !Horla Morgan Rice - [Age of the Sorcerers 02] -
Throne of Dragons (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:37:28-0700] rom (rom@ihw-6k0gtl.threembb.co.uk) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:37:29-0700] <sanskritinagar> !Horla J K Rowling - [Harry Potter
Specials 01] - Quidditch Through the Ages (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:37:33-0700] lgsloth2 (lgsloth2@ihw-slhfd2.mycingular.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:37:33-0700] IronChief (IronChief@ihw-sivpv6.sd.cox.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:37:38-0700] <sanskritinagar> !JimBob420 J K Rowling - [Harry Potter
SS00] - Harry Potter Prequel (pdf).rar ::INFO:: 362.66KB
[2020-06-21T09:37:39-0700] sedahi (sedahi@ihw-i0s0ir.tricom.net) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:37:42-0700] <sdread> @search Sutter die space
[2020-06-21T09:37:42-0700] <cabut> @search Christine Muhlke
[2020-06-21T09:37:44-0700] <sanskritinagar> !JimBob420 J K Rowling as Robert
Galbraith - [Comoran Strike 02] - The Silkworm (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.33MB
[2020-06-21T09:37:49-0700] <bks101> !Horla Pascal Bruckner - Un bon fils [FR].epub
[2020-06-21T09:37:51-0700] <sedahi> @search darker shade of magic
[2020-06-21T09:37:55-0700] <sanskritinagar> !bsk Harry Potter 7 - Harry Potter and
the Deathly Hallows - J. K. Rowling & Mary Grandpre.epub ::INFO:: 1.0MB
[2020-06-21T09:37:58-0700] <sdread> @search moe depression
[2020-06-21T09:37:58-0700] int (int@ihw-35p649.cm.vtr.net) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:37:59-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla Bernadette Marie - [The
Walker Family 01] - Walker Pride (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:37:59-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla Bernadette Marie - [The
Walker Family 02] - Stargazing (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:37:59-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla Bernadette Marie - [The
Walker Family 03] - Walker Bride (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:37:59-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla Bernadette Marie - [The
Walker Family 04] - Wanderlust (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:37:59-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla Bernadette Marie - [The
Walker Family 05] - Walker Revenge (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:37:59-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla Bernadette Marie - [The
Walker Family 06] - Victory (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:37:59-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla Bernadette Marie - [The
Walker Family 07] - Walker Spirit (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:37:59-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla Bernadette Marie - [The
Walker Family 08] - Beginnings (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:37:59-0700] <laliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii> !Horla Bernadette Marie -
[Walker Family 09] - Walker Defense (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:38:00-0700] pdoug (pdoug@ihw-sk5pmi.dynamic.jazztel.es) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T09:38:02-0700] <sanskritinagar> !bsk J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 07] -
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (UK) (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 766.4KB
[2020-06-21T09:38:04-0700] duelistjp (duelistjp@ihw-
ahbqu8.lfytina1.metronetinc.net) left IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:38:08-0700] bobloblaw25 (bobloblaw25@ihw-26qsdp.dc.comcast.net)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:38:18-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,563 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T09:38:19-0700] <sdread> @search exile fernandez
[2020-06-21T09:38:21-0700] <sanskritinagar> !Dz2000 J K Rowling as Robert Galbraith
- Comoran Strike 01 - The Cuckoo's Calling.epub ::INFO:: 537.40 KiB
[2020-06-21T09:38:25-0700] RenoRaines (RenoRaines@ihw-46r1nj.natpool.mwn.de) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T09:38:25-0700] <JustOneMore> @search jennifer ashley mackenzie chron
[2020-06-21T09:38:25-0700] Hitempmo (Hitempmo@ihw-e18666.ip44.fastwebnet.it) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T09:38:26-0700] thebookguy1029 (Adium@ihw-s7e.lau.58.209.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:38:30-0700] sdread (sdread@ihw-r9r1in.midco.net) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T09:38:31-0700] <sanskritinagar> !Xon J K Rowling - [Harry Potter -
Pottermore Presents 03] - Hogwarts- An Incomplete and Unreliable Guide (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T09:38:34-0700] <sedahi> !MusicWench V E Schwab - [Darker Shade of Magic
01] - A Darker Shade of Magic.mobi
[2020-06-21T09:38:34-0700] <@Oatmeal> • Type: @Oatmeal For My List Of: 913,771
Files • Slots: 20/20 • Queued: 1 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 3,190,998 •
List: Jun 14th • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T09:38:35-0700] <int> @search <manuel rojas>
[2020-06-21T09:38:36-0700] <bks101> @DV8
[2020-06-21T09:38:40-0700] thebookguy123 (textual@ihw-s7e.lau.58.209.IP) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:38:41-0700] <Hitempmo> @search Howard Schwartz
[2020-06-21T09:38:50-0700] xdccMule[1053TR] (xdccMule@ihw-
rhr2o0.retail.telecomitalia.it) left IRC (Quit: mIRC xdccMule v0.2.8.6 (
[1] URL: http://xdccmule.org)
[2020-06-21T09:38:52-0700] <sanskritinagar> !DV8 J K Rowling - [Harry Potter] - The
Hogwarts Library Collection (UK) (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 26.01MB
[2020-06-21T09:39:07-0700] <bobloblaw25> @search Into The Wild
[2020-06-21T09:39:10-0700] <sanskritinagar> !Xon Hilary Mantel - Ink in the Blood-
A Hospital Diary (v5.0) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:39:11-0700] int (int@ihw-35p649.cm.vtr.net) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T09:39:15-0700] <sanskritinagar> !JimBob420 Hilary Mantel - [Anne Boleyn
02] - Bring Up the Bodies (epub).rar ::INFO:: 516.4KB
[2020-06-21T09:39:23-0700] <sanskritinagar> !bsk Hilary Mantel - [The Wolf Hall
Trilogy 03] - The Mirror and the Light (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.8MB
[2020-06-21T09:39:27-0700] <RenoRaines> @search Einer flog über das Kuckucksnest
[2020-06-21T09:39:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T09:39:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T09:39:29-0700] <sanskritinagar> !dragnbreaker Mantel, Hilary - Novella
05 - How Shall I Know You (retail) (epub).epub ::INFO:: 2.0MB
[2020-06-21T09:39:33-0700] <sanskritinagar> !Oatmeal Hilary Mantel - The
Assassination of Margaret Thatcher and Other Stories (epub).rar ::INFO:: 257.6KB
[2020-06-21T09:39:38-0700] kanin (kanin@ihw-lc4qvn.tbcn.telia.com) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:39:39-0700] <sanskritinagar> !shytot Hilary Mantel - The Giant,
O'Brien (v5.0) (epub).epub ::INFO:: 265.4KB
[2020-06-21T09:39:40-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon-new to get the list of 4,652
files (5.64 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:51 Total Sent(channel): 1,593,842
(2103.90 GB)
[2020-06-21T09:39:43-0700] <sanskritinagar> !Oatmeal Hilary Mantel - Eight Months
on Ghazzah Street (v5.0) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 263.1KB
[2020-06-21T09:39:46-0700] <sedahi> !MusicWench V E Schwab - [Darker Shade of Magic
02] - A Gathering of Shadows.mobi
[2020-06-21T09:39:47-0700] <JustOneMore> @search sue lyndon beast
[2020-06-21T09:39:49-0700] <sanskritinagar> !Ook Hilary Mantel - Vacant Possession
(UK) (v5.0) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 1.79MB
[2020-06-21T09:39:54-0700] <sanskritinagar> !bsk Hilary Mantel - Learning to Talk-
Short Stories (retail) (epub).rar ::INFO:: 906.9KB
[2020-06-21T09:39:58-0700] <sanskritinagar> !bsk Hilary Mantel - Giving Up the
Ghost- A Memoir (epub).rar ::INFO:: 407.3KB
[2020-06-21T09:40:01-0700] <barb143> !Ook Michael Connelly - [Jack McEvoy 03] -
Fair Warning (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:40:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T09:40:07-0700] fasdf (fasdf@ihw-lsq.hcf.200.112.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T09:40:14-0700] <RenoRaines> @search Einer flog ueber das Kuckucksnest
[2020-06-21T09:40:32-0700] Nasc (Nasc@ihw-q0vo5h.telesp.net.br) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:40:35-0700] <JustOneMore> @search nyx halliwell
[2020-06-21T09:40:37-0700] StaleHearts (StaleHearts@ihw-62c761.cable.rogers.com)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:40:44-0700] <crewser> @search Walter Isaacson
[2020-06-21T09:40:47-0700] <bobloblaw25> !Horla Jon Krakauer - Into the Wild (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T09:40:49-0700] ashle (chatzilla@ihw-6mcln9.ph.cox.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:40:49-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 4/6 • Queued: 15 • Speed: 338,063cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,701 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T09:40:53-0700] <sedahi> !MusicWench V E Schwab - [Darker Shade of Magic
02] - A Gathering of Shadows.mobi
[2020-06-21T09:40:59-0700] <ashle> @search Jodi Meadows
[2020-06-21T09:41:07-0700] <Hitempmo> @search Lilith's Cave
[2020-06-21T09:41:07-0700] bsk (abc@ihw-ald.lkv.243.187.IP) left IRC (Connection
[2020-06-21T09:41:17-0700] <rparavicini> @search Bo Blackman
[2020-06-21T09:41:26-0700] <AndroUser> @search Will Harris Rendang
[2020-06-21T09:41:28-0700] <DD__DD> @search bolton the room
[2020-06-21T09:41:29-0700] Hitempmo (Hitempmo@ihw-e18666.ip44.fastwebnet.it) left
IRC (Quit: Quit)
[2020-06-21T09:41:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 219,000 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T09:41:35-0700] <StaleHearts> @search Schaum's Outline of Data
Structures with Java
[2020-06-21T09:41:36-0700] <barb143> !Ook Michael Connelly - [Jack McEvoy 03] -
Fair Warning (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:41:37-0700] boomstiu (boomstiu@ihw-0m7i2v.dyn.plus.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:41:39-0700] <+Xon> [BWI] Type @Xon to get the list of 731,477 files
(497.03 GB). Updated on 06-21-2020 05:21:25. Total Sent(channel): 1,593,842
(2103.90 GB)
[2020-06-21T09:41:40-0700] <boomstiu> @search UNIX and Linux System Administration
Handbook, 5th Edition
[2020-06-21T09:41:43-0700] MinevaZabi226 (kingspartan@ihw-ol3o82.res.rr.com) left
IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:41:47-0700] Korisnik (Korisnik@ihw-9doooo.k1si.mu46.8070.2a02.IP)
left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T09:41:50-0700] IcedLollipop (JellyFish@ihw-2dt.6dq.19.134.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T09:41:52-0700] <boomstiu> UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook
[2020-06-21T09:41:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,831
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T09:42:02-0700] <ashle> !bsk Jodi Meadows - [Fallen Isles 01] - Before
She Ignites (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:42:04-0700] <boomstiu> @Search UNIX and Linux System Administration
[2020-06-21T09:42:05-0700] nicolasc (nicolasc@ihw-ntink7.rev.sfr.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:42:06-0700] juamps (juamps@ihw-8rlo7j.dynamic.sonic.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:42:09-0700] <bobloblaw25> !Horla Jon Krakauer - Into the Wild (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T09:42:27-0700] <boomstiu> !Horla UNIX and Linux System Administration
Handbook (4th Edition) 2010.pdf
[2020-06-21T09:42:30-0700] <IcedLollipop> !Oatmeal Greg Woolf - Rome- An Empire's
Story (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:42:31-0700] blunders (blunders@ihw-d2h.7rj.190.180.IP) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T09:42:47-0700] <rparavicini> !Xon Helen Harper - [Bo Blackman 02] - New
Order (mobi).rar
[2020-06-21T09:42:50-0700] <ashle> !Ook Jodi Meadows - [Fallen Isles 01] - Before
She Ignites (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:42:54-0700] blunders (blunders@ihw-d2h.7rj.190.180.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:42:55-0700] <sedahi> !Oatmeal V E Schwab - [Darker Shade of Magic
03] - A Conjuring of Light (retail) (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:42:59-0700] <bks101> @search chomsky
[2020-06-21T09:43:00-0700] <boomstiu> !Oatmeal UNIX and Linux System Administration
Handbook (4th Edition) 2010 (pdf).rar ::INFO:: 11.3MB
[2020-06-21T09:43:03-0700] headhuntersix (HH6@ihw-39c.g3m.201.68.IP) left the
[2020-06-21T09:43:05-0700] <StaleHearts> @search Schaum's Outline of Data
Structures with Java
[2020-06-21T09:43:06-0700] sscout (sscout@programmable.translatable.scanlations)
left IRC (Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T09:43:12-0700] <crewser> !Oatmeal Walter Isaacson - Einstein- His Life
and Universe (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:43:18-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,565 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T09:43:20-0700] lol5215125125 (junglist@ihw-lmt.spn.231.109.IP) left IRC
(The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.)
[2020-06-21T09:43:39-0700] <sanskritinagar> !Horla Hilary Mantel - Giving Up the
Ghost- A Memoir (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:43:41-0700] <rparavicini> !Xon Helen Harper - [Bo Blackman 03] -
High Stakes (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:43:44-0700] <sanskritinagar> !Horla Hilary Mantel - Learning to
Talk- Short Stories (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:43:47-0700] lol5215125125 (junglist@ihw-jdvroa.koba.pl) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:43:47-0700] RenoRaines (RenoRaines@ihw-46r1nj.natpool.mwn.de) left
the channel
[2020-06-21T09:43:48-0700] bsk (abc@ihw-ald.lkv.243.187.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:43:48-0700] ChanServ sets mode +v bsk
[2020-06-21T09:43:49-0700] shdgft (kvirc@ihw-2mo.3it.175.184.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:43:49-0700] <sanskritinagar> !Horla Hilary Mantel - How Shall I Know
You (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:43:50-0700] <bobloblaw25> !Horla Jon Krakauer - Into The Wild V1
[2020-06-21T09:43:52-0700] <bks101> !Xon Noam Chomsky - Rogue States- The Rule of
Force in World Affairs 2e (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:43:54-0700] <sanskritinagar> !Horla Hilary Mantel - Ink in the
Blood- A Hospital Diary (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:43:56-0700] <rparavicini> !Xon Helen Harper - [Bo Blackman 04] - Red
Angel (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:43:58-0700] <sanskritinagar> !Horla Hilary Mantel - Every Day Is
Mother's Day (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:43:58-0700] SMantis (SMantis@ihw-cma.nj4.204.130.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:43:58-0700] <shdgft> @search matt dixon
[2020-06-21T09:44:01-0700] mbrd (mbrd3@ihw-t10.385.93.59.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:44:01-0700] <sanskritinagar> !Horla Hilary Mantel - Eight Months on
Ghazzah Street (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:44:05-0700] <sanskritinagar> !Horla Hilary Mantel - A Place of
Greater Safety (v5.0) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:44:09-0700] sedahi (sedahi@ihw-i0s0ir.tricom.net) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T09:44:11-0700] sscout (sscout@ihw-bpk.psn.226.177.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:44:15-0700] ashle (chatzilla@ihw-6mcln9.ph.cox.net) left IRC (Quit:
ChatZilla 0.9.92-rdmsoft [XULRunner 35.0.1/20150122214805])
[2020-06-21T09:44:15-0700] <bks101> !Xon Noam Chomsky - Power Systems (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:44:16-0700] goodbyenicetoknowyou (adminuser@ihw-9mt6a2.adslplus.ch)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:44:20-0700] green (Android@ihw-8r2.905.44.62.IP) left IRC (Quit: -a-
Connection Timed Out)
[2020-06-21T09:44:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T09:44:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T09:44:47-0700] <bks101> !Xon Noam Chomsky - Understanding Power- The
Indispensable Chomsky (html).rar
[2020-06-21T09:44:50-0700] crewser (crewser@ihw-jame4j.nm.comcast.net) left IRC
(Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T09:44:53-0700] green (Android@ihw-8r2.905.44.62.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:44:58-0700] brix-O (brix-O@ihw-5hfm9v.8r8d.jncc.0c7f.2a02.IP) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T09:45:02-0700] <mbrd> !bsk Grace Rawson - My Bossy Billionaire (Retail)
[2020-06-21T09:45:02-0700] <brix-O> @find writers diet
[2020-06-21T09:45:08-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T09:45:12-0700] <shdgft> @search dixon matt
[2020-06-21T09:45:13-0700] <goodbyenicetoknowyou> @search solved market
[2020-06-21T09:45:17-0700] scythe23 (scythe23@ihw-u8f.uqn.159.120.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:45:19-0700] <bobloblaw25> !Horla Jon Krakauer - Into the Wild (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T09:45:27-0700] <brix-O> @search writers diet
[2020-06-21T09:45:42-0700] Jasleen (Jasleen@ihw-2hh.m1b.216.67.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:45:45-0700] <mbrd> !bsk Helen Brooks - The Billionaire Boss's
Secretary Bride (html).rar
[2020-06-21T09:45:48-0700] <bks101> !Xon Noam Chomsky - The Science of Language-
Interviews with James McGilvray (html).rar
[2020-06-21T09:45:54-0700] <brix-O> @search Write to the Point
[2020-06-21T09:45:57-0700] <Jasleen> @search Olga Tokarczuk
[2020-06-21T09:45:57-0700] boomstiu (boomstiu@ihw-0m7i2v.dyn.plus.net) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T09:46:07-0700] nicolasc (nicolasc@ihw-ntink7.rev.sfr.net) left IRC
(Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:46:19-0700] <brix-O> !LawdyServer Write to the Point - How to be
Clear, Correct and Persuasive on the Page.epub ::INFO:: 629.6KB
[2020-06-21T09:46:21-0700] Cbailey (Cbailey@ihw-dd2951.vs.shawcable.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:46:27-0700] Rogosh (realbigtank@ihw-d1aga5.mi.comcast.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T09:46:28-0700] <bks101> !QuietSilence Chomsky, Noam - Cartesian
[2020-06-21T09:46:33-0700] <@LawdyServer> Fiction removed until better sorted (Use
DukeLupus for his list)– Type: @LawdyServer For My List Of: 123,712 Files – Slots:
7/7 – Queued: 0 – Speed: 0cps – Next: NOW – Served: 219,000 – List: Jun 20th –
Search: ON – Mode: Normal –
[2020-06-21T09:46:37-0700] RuebenJames (textual@ihw-35j.1ic.196.196.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:46:40-0700] sentru1 (sentru@ihw-0v2.p2o.127.45.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:46:41-0700] Hieppo (Hieppo@ihw-of3f5t.threembb.co.uk) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:46:43-0700] <brix-O> @search Bird by Bird
[2020-06-21T09:46:44-0700] newbie (defman@ihw-daa.ski.170.124.IP) left IRC (Quit:
KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)
[2020-06-21T09:46:44-0700] <RuebenJames> @search swanson cult of glory
[2020-06-21T09:46:44-0700] <Rogosh> @search noa in the flesh
[2020-06-21T09:46:45-0700] rom (rom@ihw-6k0gtl.threembb.co.uk) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:46:46-0700] MaXKiLLz (IceChat9@ihw-35l0ac.fl.comcast.net) left IRC
(Quit: We be chillin' - IceChat style)
[2020-06-21T09:46:48-0700] <bks101> !QuietSilence Chomsky, Noam - Fateful
[2020-06-21T09:46:54-0700] <JustOneMore> @search duke of danby's
[2020-06-21T09:46:55-0700] <+dragnbreaker> • Type: @dragnbreaker For My List Of:
415,124 Files • Slots: 2/2 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 71,831
• List: Jun 19th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T09:46:56-0700] blunders (blunders@ihw-d2h.7rj.190.180.IP) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T09:47:00-0700] RuebenJames (textual@ihw-35j.1ic.196.196.IP) left IRC
(Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
[2020-06-21T09:47:02-0700] Rogosh (realbigtank@ihw-d1aga5.mi.comcast.net) left IRC
(Quit: )
[2020-06-21T09:47:07-0700] <brix-O> !JimBob420 Anne Lamott - Bird by Bird- Some
Instructions on Writing and Life (epub).rar ::INFO:: 282.44KB
[2020-06-21T09:47:09-0700] <goodbyenicetoknowyou> !Horla Gregory Zuckerman - The
Man Who Solved the Market- How Jim Simons Launched the Quant Revolution (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:47:11-0700] left4j (left4j@ihw-sjs.rt7.30.78.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:47:15-0700] SeirMX (Android@ihw-5lf.rdd.32.152.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:47:17-0700] rainshine (rainshine@ihw-phpbj8.ipv6.telus.net) joined
the channel
[2020-06-21T09:47:24-0700] <Jasleen> !JimBob420 Olga Tokarczuk - Flights (retail)
(epub).rar ::INFO:: 5.97MB
[2020-06-21T09:47:25-0700] <brix-O> !Oatmeal Anne Lamott - Bird by Bird- Some
Instructions on Writing and Life (epub).rar ::INFO:: 282.4KB
[2020-06-21T09:47:25-0700] <left4j> @search the price of freedom
[2020-06-21T09:47:27-0700] <bobloblaw25> !Horla Jon Krakauer - Into the Wild (v5.0)
[2020-06-21T09:47:35-0700] Hieppo (Hieppo@ihw-of3f5t.threembb.co.uk) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:47:42-0700] <JustOneMore> @search mistletoe maddness
[2020-06-21T09:47:45-0700] youtubeMozilla (infected@ihw-
vu6jun.hghs.9c1n.fea8.2607.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:47:47-0700] <SeirMX> @search Unscripted
[2020-06-21T09:47:50-0700] <bks101> !QuietSilence Chomsky, Noam - Fateful
[2020-06-21T09:47:50-0700] Poodledog (Poodledog@ihw-abhq1o.b2b2c.ca) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:47:56-0700] <goodbyenicetoknowyou> @find flash crash
[2020-06-21T09:47:58-0700] <youtubeMozilla> @search Schaum's Outline of Data
Structures with Java
[2020-06-21T09:47:58-0700] <mbrd> !Ook Riley Collins - [A Secret Office Romance] -
Her Billionaire Boss (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:48:05-0700] Guest22 (Guest22@ihw-2fo.7m1.220.185.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:48:05-0700] reverie__ (reverie@ihw-rspa7c.ca.comcast.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:48:05-0700] JordanvanBergen (JordanvanBe@ihw-f0r8kd.dsl.cambrium.nl)
left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T09:48:10-0700] sentru (sentru@ihw-0v2.p2o.127.45.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:48:11-0700] TANPOPO3_ (TANPOPO33@ihw-2vi4gu.rev.sfr.net) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T09:48:12-0700] <JustOneMore> @search christmas conundrum
[2020-06-21T09:48:13-0700] Guest22 (Guest22@ihw-2fo.7m1.220.185.IP) left IRC (Quit:
Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T09:48:14-0700] <youtubeMozilla> @search Jocko Willink
[2020-06-21T09:48:16-0700] goodbyenicetoknowyou (adminuser@ihw-9mt6a2.adslplus.ch)
left IRC (Quit: Verlassend)
[2020-06-21T09:48:16-0700] <mbrd> !Ook R S Elliot - [Billionaire's Obsession 01] -
Beauty and the Boss (epub).rar
[2020-06-21T09:48:19-0700] <+DV8> ± Type: @DV8 For My List Of: 224,422 Files ±
Slots: 4/4 ± Queued: 0 ± Speed: 0cps ± Next: NOW ± Served: 222,568 ± List: Jun 1st
± Search: ON ± Mode: Servers Priority ±
[2020-06-21T09:48:21-0700] <brix-O> @search nicely said
[2020-06-21T09:48:25-0700] <barb143> @search lies that bind
[2020-06-21T09:48:27-0700] tanita (tanita@ihw-0sp.aeo.137.213.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:48:29-0700] pookybear (pookybear@ihw-nn3.mvm.54.110.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:48:36-0700] TANPOPO3_ (TANPOPO33@ihw-2vi4gu.rev.sfr.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:48:37-0700] <pookybear> @search lauren oliver
[2020-06-21T09:48:39-0700] <JustOneMore> @search holiday hijinx
[2020-06-21T09:48:43-0700] <tanita> @search Nina Pinacchi
[2020-06-21T09:48:49-0700] eomacag (eomacag@ihw-itg.ib0.120.37.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:48:56-0700] <bks101> !Xon Noam Chomsky - Fateful Triangle (azw3).rar
[2020-06-21T09:49:00-0700] <AndroUser> @search cleanness
[2020-06-21T09:49:06-0700] <barb143> !MusicWench Emily Giffin - The Lies That
[2020-06-21T09:49:07-0700] <Poodledog> @search john bolton
[2020-06-21T09:49:19-0700] scythe23 (scythe23@ihw-u8f.uqn.159.120.IP) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T09:49:21-0700] vinicius334 (vinicius@ihw-i3q.o1r.183.187.IP) left IRC
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[2020-06-21T09:49:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ --Bookstuff is now open via ftp @
[2020-06-21T09:49:27-0700] <@Oatmeal> @ To request a book use @request: @request
[author] [title] Requests without BOTH author AND title are deleted. To view
request status and rules: @request-list
[2020-06-21T09:49:28-0700] brix-O (brix-O@ihw-5hfm9v.8r8d.jncc.0c7f.2a02.IP) left
IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[2020-06-21T09:49:38-0700] Alocin (Alocin@ihw-7vv.vto.94.197.IP) joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:49:40-0700] <left4j> @search jack sparrow
[2020-06-21T09:49:50-0700] <pookybear> !shytot Lauren Oliver - Vanishing Girls
(retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:49:59-0700] Cbailey (Cbailey@ihw-dd2951.vs.shawcable.net) left IRC
(Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
[2020-06-21T09:49:59-0700] <+bsk> • Type: @bsk For My List Of: 961,034 Files •
Slots: 5/6 • Queued: 9 • Speed: 525,790cps • Next: NOW • Served: 604,704 • List:
Jun 18th • Search: ON • Mode: Servers Priority •
[2020-06-21T09:50:00-0700] <left4j> @search brethren court
[2020-06-21T09:50:07-0700] <+VGACable> • Type: @VGACable For My List Of: 264 Files
• Slots: 12/12 • Queued: 0 • Speed: 0cps • Next: NOW • Served: 1,132 • List: May
1st • Search: ON • Mode: Normal •
[2020-06-21T09:50:14-0700] <SeirMX> @search DeMarco
[2020-06-21T09:50:17-0700] jvr (jvr@ihw-aak574.45po.2k7h.014d.2601.IP) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:50:18-0700] Poodledog (Poodledog@ihw-abhq1o.b2b2c.ca) left IRC
(Quit: ~ Trillian - www.trillian.im ~)
[2020-06-21T09:50:21-0700] <AndroUser> !Horla Garth Greenwell - [What Belongs to
You 02] - Cleanness (retail) (epub).epub
[2020-06-21T09:50:31-0700] <tanita> @search Nina Pinacchi
[2020-06-21T09:50:38-0700] StaleHearts (StaleHearts@ihw-62c761.cable.rogers.com)
left the channel
[2020-06-21T09:50:42-0700] sentru1 (sentru@ihw-0v2.p2o.127.45.IP) left IRC (Ping
timeout: 121 seconds)
[2020-06-21T09:50:43-0700] <AndroUser> @search rainbow milk
[2020-06-21T09:50:44-0700] bks101 (bks101@ihw-1gd.jho.243.77.IP) left IRC (Quit: )
[2020-06-21T09:50:50-0700] <Alocin> @search rebecca cantrell
[2020-06-21T09:50:51-0700] TANPOPO3_ (TANPOPO33@ihw-2vi4gu.rev.sfr.net) left IRC
(Connection closed)
[2020-06-21T09:50:56-0700] Ruebery (Ruebery@ihw-69p62g.gu3g.uf8o.014c.2804.IP)
joined the channel
[2020-06-21T09:51:06-0700] <left4j> !Oatmeal Rob Kidd - [Pirates of the Caribbean -
Jack Sparrow 01] - The Coming of Storm (html).rar
[2020-06-21T09:51:10-0700] <Alocin> !dragnbreaker Cantrell, Rebecca - Joe Tesla 01
- The World Beneath.epub ::INFO:: 328.9KB
[2020-06-21T09:51:10-0700] <Alocin> !dragnbreaker Cantrell, Rebecca - Joe Tesla 02
- The Tesla Legacy.epub ::INFO:: 334.3KB
[2020-06-21T09:51:11-0700] TANPOPO3_ (TANPOPO33@ihw-2vi4gu.rev.sfr.net) joined the
[2020-06-21T09:51:15-0700] ------------- End Session -------------

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