Outlining Proficiency

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Topic : Approach in writing

Title : Approach Learning English in Writing To Improve Proficiency inEnglish
Purpose : To discuss what problems are often experienced by students in writing and
factors that inhibit writing.
Method : Process Approach

Body of paper

A. Writing skill
B. Aspects of writng
a. Grammar
b. Spelling
c. vocabulary
d. Comprehension
C. The stages in a process approach writing
a. Planning
b. Outlining
c. Drafting
d. Revising or edeting
e. Rewriting

D. Writing is an important skill for language production. However, it is considered a difficult

skill, especially in English as a second language context where students face many
challenges in writing and problems that are often faced by students in writing and
factors that hinder writing skills.

Conlusion : in teaching writing, teachers need to choose approach the right and methods for
students, and the teacher should be a tutor who can motivate students in writing
because students must have high motivation to improve their writing skills

References :

Hadley, Alice Omaggio. (2001). Teaching Language in Context. USA: Heinle and Heinle

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