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Nature and timing of faulting and synextensional magmatism in the

southern Basin and Range, central-eastern Durango, Mexico

Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712

ABSTRACT unfaulted plateau of the Sierra Madre Occi- ments of Basin and Range geology: the faults
dental (Stewart, 1978; Hemy, 1989) (Fig. 1). themselves, continental clastic sediments
The Nazas area, in the central-eastern por- Despite the vastness of the affected area, only that accumulated in fault-controlled basins,
tion of the state of Durango, is within the a few brief descriptions exist of normal faults and mafic volcanism apparently contempora-
poorly studied southern half of the Basin and and associated magmatism (see Henry and neous with faulting. In this paper, we char-
Range province in Mexico. At Nazas, high-an- Aranda-Gomez, 1992, for summary). Hence, acterize all three of these elements because
gle normal faults that cut part of the mid-Ter- a meaningful regional picture of the nature any of them could provide a key for compar-
tiary volcanic sequence strike between N 20° and timing of deformation cannot yet be ison to well-studied areas in the northern Ba-
and 70° W, with 40% of them between N 40° drawn for the southern one-half of the sin and Range. An earlier paper (Aguirre-
and 50° W. Tilting of faulted blocks varies province. Diaz and McDowell, 1991) gave a general
from 5° to 35° to the northeast, most commonly This study describes the faults and evi- description of the geology of the Nazas area
around 25° NE. A few blocks are tilted to the dence for the timing of faulting and provides emphasizing the older (Eocene) volcanic
southwest as much as 25°. Fault offsets range a brief description of contemporary volcan- rocks there.
from 40 m to nearly 300 m. The earliest fault- ism and sedimentation within a 900 km 2 area
ing occurred between 31 and 29 Ma, before the located near the town of Nazas, in the state of GEOLOGY OF THE NAZAS AREA
emplacement of mid-Tertiary ash-flow tuffs Durango, about 100 km southwest of the city
had ended. The Santa Inés Formation, a wide- of Torreon (Fig. 2). In addition to its location, The oldest rocks exposed in the Nazas area
spread fanglomerate, was deposited after the the Nazas area is important because it con- consist of folded Cretaceous limestone and
earliest faulting episode and is overlain by 24 to tains good exposures of the three major ele- shale of the Cuesta del Cura and Indidura-
20 Ma alkalic basalt flows. Although not cut by
faults* the flows are adjacent to or cover nor-
mal faults. Some of the mapped faults could
have been coeval with basalt eruption, as is
the case in Trans-Pecos Texas, where alkalic
basalt having similar age and composition to
that in the Nazas area erupted contemporane-
ously with normal faulting. The Nazas alkalic
basalt also has similar age and stratigraphic
position as, but is compositionally distinct Figure 1. Extent of the
from, the Southern Cordilleran Basaltic An- Basin and Range province
desite (SCORBA), a widespread mafic suite in (stippled) in the United
southwestern North America that has been States and Mexico, after
linked to regional extension. Stewart (1978), Elston
(1984), and Henry and
INTRODUCTION Aranda-Gomez (1992). G,
city of Guadalajara; C,
Approximately one-half of the total area of city of Chihuahua; M,
the Basin and Range extensional province of Mexico City; SMO, Sierra
western North America lies within Mexico Madre Occidental.
(Hemy and Aranda-Gómez, 1992). There,
mid- to late Tertiary extension is prominent in
two elongate areas separated by the relatively

•Present address: Estación Regional del Centro,

Instituto de Geología, UNAM, Apartado Postal
376, Guanajuato, Gto. 36000, Mexico.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 105, p. 1435-1444, 7 figs., 2 tables, November 1993.


105 104
26 + to Parral 1
to Jimenez
•La Zarca-
El Palmito
Nazas river


Figure 2. Main physio-
graphic features in the vi-
cinity of Nazas. Lined pat-
tern indicates area of
Figure 4. SPG, San Pedro
v'. Sierra San
del Gallo; SLC, San Luis 25-|—N. Francisco
del Cordero. Inset con-
tains regional location of
main figure. SLP, city of
San Luis Potosi.

Y / 1 Area of Fig. 3
1. -j Ranges to Durongo to Zacatecas

^»(49^Federal Hwy.

-- Unpaved road
0 5 0 km

Caracol Formations (Enciso-De La Vega, northwest-oriented scarps to the west of the we focus on the magmatism that apparently
1963). A few plutons intrude these rocks, in- mapped area. Henry and Aranda-Gómez was coeval with normal faulting in the Nazas
cluding an 87.5 Ma diorite stock (Aguirre- (1992) mapped several normal faults consti- area: voluminous ca. 30 Ma ash-flow tuffs
Diaz and McDowell, 1991). The Cretaceous tuting the Rodeo half graben, located about and 24-20 Ma basaltic flows.
rocks are unconformably covered by early 50 km to the west of Nazas (Fig. 2). Farther
Tertiary continental deposits of the Ahuichila to the southwest, Reyes-Cortés (1985) THE OLIGOCENE ASH-FLOW TUFFS
Formation (Rogers and others, 1961), and by mapped the Sierra Coneto, a large and high- AT NAZAS
mid-Tertiary volcanic rock and fanglomerate standing northwest-oriented horst about 110
(Aguirre-Dfaz and McDowell, 1991). Many of km from Nazas (Fig. 2). Voluminous felsic ash-flow tuffs with K-Ar
the ranges and valleys in the region are the The volcanic section in the Nazas area has ages between 32.2 and 29.5 Ma were em-
product of Laramide tectonism and/or Basin a composite thickness of —800 m, not includ- placed throughout the Nazas area (Fig. 4).
and Range faulting, with folds present pre- ing as much as 110 m of an intercalated fan- The tuffs have an aggregate thickness of
dominantly to the east of Nazas, and fault- glomerate, the Santa Inés Formation (Pan- nearly 500 m and are divided into two major
bounded ranges to the west. However, tilting toja-Alor, 1963) (Fig. 3). The volcanic rocks units: the Cerro Prieto and Santa Clara tuffs
due to normal faulting is more recognizable in include calc-ajkalic intermediate-composi- (Fig. 3). For the Cerro Prieto tuff, four K-Ar
originally flat-lying ash-flow tuff than in tion lava flows and domes, felsic ash-flow age determinations range from 32.2 to 29.1
folded limestone. Both the folds and faulted tuffs, and basaltic flows of alkalic affinity. Ma with a weighted average of 29.9 ± 1.6 Ma
blocks in the Nazas area are generally ori- K-Ar ages range from 51 to 20 Ma, clustered (Table 1). Two K-Ar ages for the overlying
ented in a north-northwest-south-southeast in three discrete episodes: 51-40 Ma, around Santa Clara tuff are 29.5 ± 0.6 Ma and 25.4 ±
to northwest-southeast trend. The ranges are 30 Ma, and 24-20 Ma. The 51-40 Ma epi- 1.1 Ma (Table 1). As discussed by Aguirre-
separated by plains of variable width covered sode, which is discussed in Aguirre-Diaz and Diaz and McDowell (1991), the younger age
by Quaternary alluvium (Fig. 2). The Nazas McDowell (1991), includes widespread silicic is considered to be spurious and the unit is
area is entirely within a horst block whose ash-flow tuffs and intermediate-composition assigned an age of 29.5 ± 0.6 Ma. The —200-
bounding structures are related to major lava flows and domes (Fig. 3). In this paper m-thick Cerro Prieto tuff is composed of two

1436 Geological Society of America Bulletin, November 1993


1000 m flanks of anticlines. The fanglomerate does

Qal : alluvial and talus deposits not directly overlie the Santa Clara tuff,
Tmf: basalt flows [ 22.3 Ma ]
which is exposed west of the Santa Inés For-
mation outcrops (Fig. 4). Several clasts of
Tsi : Santa Inés Formation
welded tuff found in the fanglomerate have
similar mineralogy, crystal content, and phys-
E ical appearance (color, degree of welding,
fiamme content) to welded units of Santa
Clara tuff. Thus, we infer that Santa Inés
— Tsc : Santa Clara tuff [ 29.5 Ma ] fanglomerate is younger than the Santa Clara
Santa Inés fanglomerate is mainly com-
posed of locally derived fragments of lime-
stone and welded ash-flow tuff, with minor
amounts of chert, agate, and andesite. Clast
Tcp: Cerro Prieto tuff [ 29.9 Ma ]
sizes range from a few millimeters to 40 cm.
The matrix is a fine to coarse sand, com-
monly comprising 30%-40% of the total vol-
Red sandstone
ume of the fanglomerate. The fanglomerate is
Trd: rhyolitic dome [ 34.0 Ma ] poorly stratified in its upper part and grades
Ta : Almagre andesite [ 40.3 Ma ] downward to a massive conglomerate.
Santa Inés Formation is difficult to distin-
Tbc:Boquillas Coloradas tuff [ 42.9 Ma ]
guish from younger alluvial deposits in the
Tan: Agua Nueva domes [ 45.2 Ma ] area. Where basalt flows are absent and
younger alluvium directly overlies the fan-
Tp: Playas andesite [48.8 Ma ]
glomerate, their contact appears to be con-
Tah: Ahuichila Formation
formable and indistinct. The Santa Inés fan-
Kh: Higueras sequence glomerate, however, does not contain clasts
Ki: Intrusive rocks [ 87.5 Ma ] of basalt and tends to be slightly more con-
K: Cretaceous sedimentary rocks
solidated. Near Cuencamé, about 75 km
southeast of Nazas (Fig. 2), Enciso-De La
Figure 3. Composite stratigraphic column for the Nazas area, with assigned K-Ar ages (Ta- Vega (1968) defined Los Llanos Formation,
ble 1 and Aguirre-Diaz and McDowell, 1991). a widespread conglomerate with intercalated
mafic lava flows. We infer that the Los
Llanos Formation is stratigraphically equiv-
alent to Santa Inés Formation, the overlying
silicic ash-flow units, both containing quartz baugh, 1979; Aguirre-Diaz and McDowell, mafic lavas, and the much younger alluvium
(l%-8%, in modal volume %) and sanidine 1991). in the Nazas area.
(l%-7%). The Cerro Prieto tuff is generally
conformable with underlying Eocene volcan- Santa Inés Formation BASALTS
ic units and typically dips about 25° to the
northeast. The -300-m-thick Santa Clara tuff Santa Inés Formation was originally de- Mafic lava flows are widespread in the Na-
is composed of a basal air-fall deposit and fined by Pantoja-Alor (1963) as a sequence of zas area overlying units as young as the Santa
four ash-flow units. It is nearly flat-lying ev- continental clastic deposits as much as 300 m Inés Formation (Fig. 4). The basalts are pre-
crywhere. The air-fall deposit (unit A, Fig. 3) thick in the vicinity of San Pedro del Gallo, served on remarkably flat plateaus and in
is composed mostly of glass shards, with only about 60 km north of Nazas (Fig. 2). The best deeply eroded cones, a few of which connect
1% of skeletal plagioclase phenocrysts. The exposures in the Nazas area are south of San to short lava flows. Several necks of eroded
lowermost ash-flow tuff (unit B, Fig. 3) in- Luis del Cordero (Fig. 4). The thickness of cones are scattered throughout the area and
cludes plagioclase (2%-8%) and quartz (5%- the unit is highly variable, ranging from 0 to form hills as much as 140 m high with smooth
10%). The other three ash-flow tuffs contain 110 m. It was deposited as alluvial fans on a tops. These generally consist of vertically col-
sanidine (1%-10%) and quartz (1%-11%). rough terrain, yet strata within the fanglom- umnar-jointed basalt. In a few cases, vesicu-
The sources for the major tuff units were erate are nearly flat-lying. The fanglomerate lar lava flows and/or volcanic breccias rich in
somewhere north of the Nazas area; both lies uncomformably upon folded Cretaceous scoriaceous material are found next to the
Cerro Prieto and Santa Clara tuffs thicken limestone and tilted Eocene-Oligocene tuffs, vents. Among the plateaus, the Mesa El Mes-
northward, and the Cerro Prieto tuffs ponded and it is disconformably overlain by Holo- teño is the largest, covering an area of —15
against the northern flanks of high-standing cene alluvium and 24-20 Ma basalt flows. km 2 (Fig. 4). This plateau and several other
Eocene lava domes. Although detailed vol- Nine kilometers north of Mesa el Mesteno elongated plateaus to the north of it lack as-
ume estimates were not attempted, it is clear (Fig. 4), at least 60 m of Santa Inés Formation sociated cones; apparently the lavas were
that the ca. 30 Ma volcanic episode at Nazas is present beneath basalt flows. The fanglom- erupted from fissures, although associated
was very intense. Its timing coincided with erates were deposited mostly on the eastern dikes were not found.
the final part of the ash-flow tuff flare-up flanks of tilted blocks (Fig. 4), but in some Petrographically the basalts are rather uni-
throughout the region (McDowell and Cla- cases, deposition occurred on the eastern form. They are porphyritic, with phenocrysts

Geological Society of America Bulletin, November 1993 1437

1438 Geological Society of America Bulletin, November 1993

Figure 4. Geologic sketch map of the Nazas modified by crystal fractionation in addition from 5° to 35° for the northeast-tilted blocks,
area emphasizing the distribution of normal to crustal assimilation. and as much as 25° for the few southwest-
faults. For clarity, only those units relevant to tilted blocks. The most common inclination is
this study are shown. Thus, Cretaceous lime- NATURE OF FAULTING IN THE 25° to the northeast. We believe that all faults
stone and Quaternary alluvium are not delin- NAZAS AREA are high-angle at the surface, but their geom-
eated. Trd, Tertiary (34 Ma) rhyolitic dome; etry at depth is unknown and we can not rule
DDA, Diez de Abril; M, Magueyes; LN, La The Nazas area has been affected by major out the possibility that some are listric. Ro-
Nopalera; SC, Santa Clara; MM, Mesa El normal faulting, as recognized from scarps tation of blocks to >20° and close fault spac-
Mesteno; MC, Mesa El Caracol; CB, Ceiro and offsets (observed and inferred) of tilted ing are characteristics of listric faulting else-
Blanco; J, La Jarita; Mo, Morteros. Lines a, strata. Slickensides are difficult to find be- where in the Basin and Range province
b, c, and d locate the cross sections of Figure 7. cause most fault surfaces have been eroded. (Zoback and others, 1981).
There are not enough measurements of slick-
M ensides for statistical analysis; nevertheless, Santa Clara Fault Cluster
those that we do have indicate vertical dip
slip with a small horizontal component This set of six closely spaced (200-700 m)
(<5%), and a high-angle fault geometry faults has created an area of rough relief con-
(slickensided surfaces have dips of 60°-80°). sisting of cliffs and steep walls (Fig. 7a). Off-
of plagioclase (7%-10%, by volume) and oli- The following discussion is based mainly on set could not be measured on any of these
vine (5%-7%), in a groundmass of plagioclase the geometry of the faulted and tilted blocks faults. There is clear morphological evidence
laths, Fe-Ti oxides, olivine, clinopyroxene, rather than the sparse slickenside data. (scarps and tilted blocks) for all but the west-
and with a dusty interstitial material that orig- Normal faults are found in closely spaced ernmost fault, which is inferred from the ge-
inally may have been glass. The grain size of clusters, with as many as six faults in < 2 km. ometry of tilting (Figs. 4 and 7a). This fault
the groundmass varies; groundmass plagio- Some faults may be followed for nearly 10 km and the next one to the east are down to the
clase laths can be as much as 0.3 mm. Plagi- (Fig. 4), but most are partly covered by east, whereas the remaining faults of the clus-
oclase glomerocrysts are common, with sizes younger volcanic rocks or obscured by allu- ter are down to the west. Although all faults
of 6 to 20 mm, but single phenocrysts of pla- vium and/or talus. Faults range in orientation are high-angle at the surface, there is also the
gioclase are generally 2 to 3 mm and less com- from N 20° to 70° W, with a dominant strike possibility that the two western faults are lis-
monly as much as 5 mm. Most plagioclase between N 40° and 50° W (Fig. 6). Faulting tric and the others are antithetic. The west-
phenocrysts are subhedral and equidimen- produced elongate narrow half grabens and ernmost block is tilted 25° to the southwest.
sional, with rounded corners, oscillatory zon- high-standing horsts. Generally, faults have
ing, and fritted cores and/or margins. Olivine down-dropped blocks to the west, although a Boquillas Coloradas Cluster and
iscommonlyO.l to 0.5 mm in size but maybe few blocks are down to the east. Offsets Mesa El Caracol
as much as 2 mm. Olivine lacks reaction tex- range from 40 m to nearly 300 m. All faults
tures and is mostly euhedral and free of in- bound tilted elongated blocks that are gener- This cluster of faults is located just north of
clusions. Some of the basalts have conspic- ally inclined to the northeast. Tilting varies Diez de Abril and consists of four large faults
uous evidence for some assimilation of
crustal material, including quartz xenocrysts
with surrounding reaction coronas, partially
digested small felsic xenoliths, and rare xe-
nocrysts of zircon. The magnitude of this as-
similation was not assessed, but the basaltic Unit Sample Min.
Coordinates K «"AT «•Ar Age Assigned
composition of the lavas was preserved. 2S°N, 104°W (%) (%) (x IO - 6 scc/g) (Ma ± ICT) age
(Ma ± la)
Four samples, all of fresh rocks from the
eroded cones, were chosen for K-Ar dating Basalts Na-55a 12'38"N WR 1.308 61 1.134 22.1 ± 0.4 22.3 ± 1.6
11'35"W 1.316 63 1.130
and chemical analysis. Four whole-rock ages Na-55a Plag 0.4766 30 0.4383 21.2 + 3.6*
0.4683 25 0.3447
range from 20.3 to 24.3 Ma and average 22.3 SL-29 15'32"N WR 1.695 68 1.596 24.3 ± 0.5
± 1 . 6 Ma (Table 1). On the basis of petro- 12'2"W 1.718 72 1.643
R-14 7'8"N WR 1.528 68 1.356 22.4 ± 0.4
graphic homogeneity of all basalts examined 29'43"W 1.530 63 1.318
Na-41 25'32"N WR 0.8382 39 0.6643 20.3 ± 0.4
and clustering of the chemical analyses, we 18'7-W 0.8425 39 0.6662
assume that their compositions are represen- Santa Clara tuff Na-86b 9'28"N Plag 0.9652 55 0.9350 25.4 ± 1.1* 29.5 ± 0.6
16'ZT-W 0.8925 41 0.9209
tative of all basalt in the Nazas area. The 0.9417
Na-33 24'35"N Ksp 6.996 83 7.930 29.5 ± 0.6
rocks are alkalic and plot as trachybasalt in 23'10"W 6.997 91 8.225
the Total Alkali-Silica diagram (solid dots in Cerro Prieto tuff
Upper member SL-56 23'0"N Ksp 6.602 79 7.861 29.1 ± 1.8 29.9 ± 1.6s
Fig. 5a). Alkali indices (Table 2) identify them 19'32"W 6.599 84 7.204
SL-53b 23'40"N Ksp 6.027 80 7.144 29.3 ± 1.2
as sodic trachybasalt, and the rocks are there- 19'16"W 6.088 78 6.744
fore classified as hawaiite according to the Lower member Na4 12'29"N Ksp 6.644 82 7.403 28.8 ± 1.9
11'16"W 6.723 88 7.108
recommendations of the IUGS Subcommis- 90 8.092
Na-81a 9'26"N Ksp 7.280 84 9.149 32.2 ± 0.7
sion on Systematics of Igneous Rocks (Le 16'13"W 7.347 92 9.292
Bas and others, 1986). Mg numbers (Table 2)
Note: Xp = 4.963 X 10"10 yr" 1 ; \e + e" = 0.581 x 10"10 yr" 1 ; 40 K/K = 1.167 x 10" 4 mol/mol. Min., mineral used; WR, whole rock;
range from 56 to 64, which, along with low Ksp, K-feldspar; P!ag, plagioclase; see, standard cubic centimeter; *Ar, radiogenic argon.
nickel (37-88 ppm) and chromium (56-183 Age not considered in age assignment (see text for explanation).
^Assigned age refers to all members of unit. Sample R-14 is located outside the mapped area of Figure 4.
ppm) contents, indicate mantle-derived melts

Geological Society of America Bulletin, November 1993 1439


Al 2 03

Figure 5. Plots comparing chemical compositions for the Nazas basalts (dots), with SCORBA suite (squares), and the Trans-Pecos Texas basaltic
dikes (triangles). SCORBA data are from Cameron and others (1989) and Trans-Pecos data are from Hemy and Price (1986). All plots use
normalized volatile-free values, (a) Total Alkali-Silica (Le Bas and others, 1986). Fields in plot are: B, basalt; BA, basaltic andesite; TB, trachy-
basalt; BAS, basanlte and tephrite; PT, phonotephrite; TA, trachyandesite. The shaded area in the TB field gives the distribution of analyses from
Trans-Pecos lavas (C. Henry, personal commun., 1992). (b) K 2 0-Si0 2 . Field limits after Middlemost (1975). (c) Alkali Index-Alumina (Mid-
dlemost, 1975). Alkali Index is defined in Table 2. (d) Ti0 2 -Si0 2 .

between the western flank of the Mesa El flat-lying Santa Clara tuff is inferred from the tuff (Fig. 7d). The offsets do not exceed 50 to
Caracol and the eastern flank of the Cerro geometry of the stepped blocks. In addition, 70 m. Tilting of Cerro Prieto and older tuffs
Blanco (Figs. 4 and 7b). Except for the west- the middle and eastern faults are poorly ex- requires a fault to the west, but its location is
ernmost fault, all have dropped blocks down posed because the Santa Clara tuff almost to- uncertain. Contact between the Cretaceous
to the west. Offsets could be measured only tally conceals the faulted and tilted Cerro limestone and the tuff is obscured by talus
along the westernmost (150 m) and the east- Prieto tuff (Figs. 4 and 7c). These faults form deposits; it may be a fault, or more likely, an
ernmost (60 m) faults. To the east, steep cliffs half grabens, with blocks down to the west erosional contact. An eroded volcanic cone
bounding the east side of Mesa el Caracol (Fig. 7c). The offset for the middle fault can- and associated flows cover two of these faults
suggest the presence of a large northwest- not be greater than the 80-m local thickness of (Fig. 7d), one of which may have been the
striking fault beneath alluvium and talus that the upper cooling unit of Cerro Prieto tuff, conduit for basaltic magma.
produced a relief of 250 m between the top of because the base of the tuff is not exposed.
the mesa and the adjacent Las Hormigas From the geometry of the tilted blocks, we Timing of Faulting
valley. infer the offset for the eastern fault at —270 m
(Fig. 7c). Normal faulting was initiated between dep-
Nopalera Faults osition of the 29.5 ± 0.6 Ma Santa Clara tuff,
Cerro Prieto Cluster which is horizontal and apparently has not
Two parallel normal faults were mapped in been tilted by normal faulting, and the under-
the northern part of the area, about 1 km west The faults located near Cerro Prieto are lying 29.9 ± 1.6 Ma Cerro Prieto tuff, which
of La Nopalera village (Figs. 4 and 7c). A also closely spaced (six faults in <2 km) and is faulted and tilted (Figs. 4 and 7c). Locali-
third, westernmost fault buried beneath the cause a repetitive stepping of the Cerro Prieto ties that display this angular unconformity are

1440 Geological Society of America Bulletin, November 1993


faults covered by basalt could be younger.
Sample SL-29 Na- Na-41 R-14 Ave Nazas Ave Texas Ave SCORBA In summary, Basin and Range-style,
SSa n= 4 n= 8 n= 9 northwest-oriented faulting was underway in
Si0 2 48.73 48.60 46.68 47.93 47.99 47.61 54.16
the Nazas area at 30 Ma. A much later (that
TiOj 2.16 2.30 2.22 2.30 2.25 2.17 1.64 is, <20 Ma) faulting episode is required on a
A120, 16.34 16.69 16.17 15.94 16.29 16.69 16.46
Fe 2 0 3 2.70 5.08 2.63 2.74 3.29 3.74 2.73§ regional scale to explain the present-day ge-
FeO 7.79 6.78 7.44 7.52 7.38 6.56 6.37s ometry of ranges and valleys that contain Hol-
MnO 0.18 0.16 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.16 0.15
MgO 5.64 5.93 7.51 6.63 6.43 5.95 4.69 ocene alluvium. No direct evidence for this
CaO 7.94 8.15 9.62 9.16 8.72 7.21 8.03
Na 2 0 3.94 3.56 4.00 3.64 3.79 4.59 3.21 later faulting is evident in the study area
K20 2.17 1.78 1.14 1.96 1.76 2.55 1.83 (Fig. 4). The Santa Clara tuff and all younger
P205 0.57 0.50 0.66 0.68 0.60 1.12 0.70
H20+ 1.31 1.07 1.88 1.24 1.38 1.58 n/a rocks are not significantly rotated. Left un-
H20" 0.17 0.17 0.20 0.15 0.17 n/a n/a
co2 0.06 0.09 0.05 0.05 0.06 n/a n/a resolved is the amount of fault movement
SUM 99.70 100.86 100.38 100.12 100.27 100.11 100.02
Sr 575 653 585 657 618 657 652
that occurred between ca. 29 and 24 Ma, dur-
Ba 754 645 836 642 719 968 969 ing deposition of the Santa Inés fanglomer-
V 182 272 248 250 238 n/a n/a
Cr 105 56 183 123 117 n/a n/a ate, and between 24 and 20 Ma, during
Ni 49 37 88 71 61 n/a n/a
Zn 92 100 97 101 98 n/a n/a
eruption of the alkali basalt.
Li 53 27 26 36 36 n/a n/a
Sc 20 21 26 24 23 n/a n/a
Mg# 56.35 60.93 64.28 61.12 60.67 61.83 56.66 COMPARISON OF NAZAS BASALTS
A.I. 5.51 5.41 6.82 5.99 5.87 7.90 2.65
Mg# = tOOMgO/(MgO FeO), molecular, using volatile-free normalized values. BASALTS OF TRANS-PECOS TEXAS
A.I., Alkali Index of Middlemost (1975); A.I. = (Na 2 0 + K 2 0)/[(Si0 2 - 43) x 0.17], using volatile-free normalized values.
Ave, average values; n, number of analyses to compute average; n/a, no data available; locations given in Table 1. Nazas samples
were analyzed by Scott Thieben in the Department of Geological Sciences of the University of Texas at Austin, using Inductively The basaltic rocks at Nazas are in the same
Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy, the Penfield method for total water determination, and the acid-evolution-gravimetric
method for CO2 (modified after Johnson and Maxwell, 1981). Ferrous iron was determined titrimetrically using Wilson's method stratigraphic position as two regionally sig-
(Johnson and Maxwell, 1981). nificant mafic suites that postdate felsic vol-
"Heniy and Price, 1986.
* Cameron and others, 1989. canism throughout the southwestern Cordil-
®FeO and Fe 2 0 3 after correcting the FeO total value (9.10) using a ferric/ferrous = 0.3 as suggested by Middlemost (1989). lera. Cameron and others (1989) have defined
SCORBA (Southern Cordilleran Basaltic
Andesite), a widespread suite of mid-Ceno-
zoic basaltic andesite in southwestern North
5 km north of Morteros (Fig. 4), where Cerro fanglomerate deposition during active fault- America. According to Cameron and others
Prieto tuff is dipping 15° to the northeast and ing in the Nazas area. (1989), SCORBA lavas are phenocryst poor
the overlying Santa Clara tuff is flat-lying, and Several 24.3 to 20.3 Ma alkalic basalt flows (<2%), including plagioclase, augite, and
near La Jarita (Fig. 4), where a normal fault cover, or are adjacent to, normal faults (Figs. 4 olivine, in a groundmass mainly composed of
that tilted the Cerro Prieto tuff by 20° to the and 7c) and may have used them as conduits fine-grained plagioclase laths. Apparently the
southwest is covered by the flat-lying Santa to the surface. No evidence of fault move- absence of orthopyroxene in these rocks is
Clara tuff. In addition, at Santa Clara canyon ment coeval with the eruption of the basalt diagnostic, particularly when compared with
(Fig. 4), severed faults of the Santa Clara fault was found in the Nazas area, and the basalt pre-SCORBA mafic rocks in the Sierra
cluster (Fig. 7a) bound tilted blocks with flows are not cut by faults. Any evidence of Madre Occidental. Although they described
Cerro Prieto tuff as their youngest unit. Just faulting contemporaneous with basalt no direct tectonic relationships, Cameron
to the south of the canyon the faults and tilted eruption is concealed beneath the flows and others (1989) postulated that SCORBA
blocks are covered by unfaulted and flat-lying themselves. The basalt plateaus cover a wide was emplaced in a more extensional environ-
Santa Clara tuff. area and are remarkably flat-lying. Some of ment than that for the pre-SCORBA volcanic
Our most precise estimate for the timing of the faults close to the basalts are at least 29 rocks. They also included the Nazas area
this faulting episode is 29.7 +1.6 - 0 . 6 Ma, Ma old, because they are also covered by the mafic rocks within their SCORBA suite.
using the weighted average of the assigned
ages of Cerro Prieto and Santa Clara tuffs. A
more conservative estimate for the allowable
time range for the faulting is between 31 and N
29 Ma.
The stratigraphic position of Santa Inés
fanglomerate above rotated tuffs, its original
fan-like geometry (now partly eroded), and Figure 6. Rose plot of
its nature as a high-energy continental clastic strikes of major normal
deposit are common characteristics of fan- faults in the Nazas area,
glomerates related to uplift (Reading, 1986). based on exposed faults
The deposit is nearly flat-lying, however, and only.
no evidence of fan segmentation due to uplift
episodes during deposition was found (Bull,
1964), thus suggesting that the fanglomerate
cumulative fault length: 8 5 k m
was deposited subsequent to motion along
adjacent faults. We observed no evidence for

Geological Society of America Bulletin, November 1993 1441




2000 - I


vi 1500-
S' Figure 7. Cross sections
of the geometry of faults in
the Nazas area. For loca- 1000
a tion of the section lines see
3. Figure 4. (a) Santa Clara
«e fault cluster. (b) Boquillas 2000-i
Coloradas fault cluster. (c)
Nopalera faults. (d) Cerro
Prieto fault cluster. ^ QQQ _ EXPLANATION

QUATERNARY- Qal Alluvium

MIOCENE Miocene mafic lava

VO flows: 22.3 M a
Tsc Santa Clara tuff: 29.5 Ma
Tcp Cerro Prieto tuft: 29.9 M a

EOCENEH Tbc Boquillas Coloradas

SW NE tuff: 42.9 M a
Cretacous sedimentary rocks

Cerro Prieto (Tmf)

Santa Clara 1 km
stream (Qal) Tcp I
Elevation in meters above sea level


The second comparison is to mafic dikes ic basaltic andesite (Gill, 1981), whereas rel- ing from recent studies. For an area in north-
and lava flows capping the volcanic sequence atively higher Ti0 2 values are common in in- eastern Nevada, Palmer and others (1991)
in Trans-Pecos Texas (Barker, 1979; Henry traplate alkalic basalt (Ringwood, 1990). presented fault relationships that are very
and Price, 1986), consisting of trachybasalt In summary, the Nazas and Trans-Pecos similar to those at Nazas. They placed the
(hawaiite), basanite, and phonotephrite, ac- rocks have similar compositions consistent timing for faulting to be between 35.8 and
cording to the IUGS classification scheme with an intraplate continental association 30.8 Ma from K-Ar ages of tilted and non-
(Le Bas and others, 1986). The Trans-Pecos (Wilson, 1989; Ringwood, 1990), whereas the tilted ash-flow tuffs. Also in the northern Ba-
dikes contain plagioclase (including mega- SCORBA suite lacks these characteristics. sin and Range, Gans and others (1989) re-
crysts), anorthoclase, biotite, kaersutite, ap- From this comparison, we infer that the Na- ported major normal faults as old as 36 Ma in
atite, and magnetite, and a groundmass of pla- zas basalt flows were erupted during active eastern Nevada. For the southern Basin and
gioclase, olivine, titanaugite, and magnetite extensional faulting, as is clear for the Trans- Range (west Texas and northern Mexico),
(Henry and Price, 1986; Barker, 1987). The Pecos mafic rocks, based upon their field Price and Henry (1984), Henry and Price
corresponding flows are fine grained and may relationships. (1986), Henry (1989), Henry and others
be either nonporphyritic or porphyritic. The (1991), and Henry and Aranda-Gómez (1992)
porphyritic variety generally has a few per- REGIONAL SIGNIFICANCE did not recognize active faulting prior to 24
cent of phenocrysts of plagioclase, augite, id- Ma, but they found evidence from dikes and
dingsitized olivine, and opaques, but it may Throughout much of the northern Basin veins as old as 30 Ma for a least principal
contain as much as 40% of plagioclase phe- and Range province, early east to northeast stress oriented east-northeast that would be
nocrysts as large as 5 mm (St. John, 1966; extension was followed in late Tertiary time consistent with extension at that time. In
McKnight, 1969). The groundmass is com- by northwest extension (Zoback and others, Mexico, Lang and others (1988) mapped a
posed of plagioclase, augite, opaques, and id- 1981). In contrast, orientation of extension major normal fault older than 29.1 Ma near
dingsitized olivine. has remained dominantly east-northeast in Fresnillo, Zacatecas, about 250 km to the
In addition to their similar stratigraphic po- the southern Basin and Range (Henry and southeast of Nazas. This fault tilted 38.3 Ma
sitions, the SCORBA, Trans-Pecos, and Na- Price, 1986; Henry, 1989). Similarly, two ash-flow tuffs and is "relatively low-angle"
zas mafic rocks overlap in age. SCORBA contrasting styles of extension have been rec- with an offset of at least 300 m (Lang and
ranges from 29 to 20 Ma (Cameron and oth- ognized in the province. One is characterized others, 1988). Farther to the south, near Gua-
ers, 1989), Trans-Pecos mafic rocks range by low-angle faulting that apparently affected najuato city, about 500 km to the southeast of
from 24 to 17 Ma (Dasch and others, 1969; the uppermost 5 km of the crust and that oc- Nazas, Gross (1975) reported northwest-ori-
Heniy and Price, 1986), and Nazas hawaiite curred contemporaneously with silicic to in- ented normal faults that were active between
ranges from 24 to 20 Ma. All three suites con- termediate calc-alkalic magmatism (Zoback 32 and 28 Ma. Aranda-Gómez and others (1983,
tain clinopyroxene, plagioclase, olivine, and and others, 1981). Amounts of extension are 1989) described several northwest- and
lack orthopyroxene. Thus, a discrimination estimated to have been 50%-100% and lo- northeast-oriented grabens between Guana-
among lavas of the three suites based upon cally as much as 200%, presumably allowing juato and the city of San Luis Potosí, about
stratigraphic position, age, or petrography passive emplacement of large intrusions (Zo- 400 km to the southeast of Nazas. One of
cannot be readily made. back and others, 1981; Meyer and Foland, these contains a 27 Ma tuff. Another major
In contrast, chemical composition pro- 1991). The second style is generally consid- northwest-striking fault may have been ac-
vides a clear distinction among the three ered to be the classic Basin and Range block tive during the Eocene epoch (Aranda-Gó-
suites (Table 2 and Fig. 5). Complete analy- faulting event (for example, Christiansen and mez and others, 1989).
ses are published only for the megacrystic Lipman, 1972; Stewart, 1978; Elston, 1976, Faulting that affected the Nazas region at
dikes of Trans-Pecos (Henry and Price, 1984; Zoback and others, 1981; Eaton, 1982; 31-29 Ma occurred before emplacement of
1986), but unpublished data (C. Henry, per- Morgan and others, 1986; Henry and Price, voluminous ash-flow tuffs of the Sierra
sonal commun., 1992) are available for their 1986). It is characterized by high-angle faults Madre Occidental volcanic field was com-
corresponding lavas, which have lower alkali that bound elongated blocks and that affected pleted. Thus, discrete faulting there was con-
contents (Fig. 5a). The mafic lavas from Na- the uppermost 10-15 km of the crust (Zoback temporaneous with calc-alkalic magmatism.
zas and Trans-Pecos Texas are alkalic basalt, and others, 1981). Zoback and others (1981) Although they have not been chemically an-
and those of SCORBA are primarily basaltic concluded that this faulting was generally as- alyzed at Nazas, the Oligoccne ash-flow tuffs
andesite. Lavas of all three suites have sim- sociated with bimodal basalt-rhyolite mag- include quartz, sanidine, and plagioclase as
ilar total alkali contents despite the fact that matism. However, more recent studies have common phases. Petrographically similar
SCORBA is higher in silica (Fig. 5a). In Fig- shown that basaltic volcanism was dominant and contemporaneous ash-flow tuffs ana-
ure 5b a strong correlation of K 2 0 and Si0 2 in many parts of the southern Basin and lyzed from other areas in the Sierra Madre
is observed for SCORBA, with most of the Range, and that it occurred after block fault- Occidental have calc-alkalic to alkali-calcic
samples falling within the subalkalic field. In ing, rather than coincident with it (Taylor and compositions (McDowell and Clabaugh,
contrast, the mafic rocks of Trans-Pecos and others, 1989; Glazner and Ussier, 1989). This 1979). We suggest that these structures
Nazas cluster within the alkalic field. In a plot style has been dominant throughout the formed during an early faulting event that was
of alkali index versus alumina (Fig. 5c), all southern Basin and Range, including most not registered in Trans-Pecos Texas but is
three suites plot separately, with the Nazas areas of northern Mexico, where there is little known from other sites in the southern
and Trans-Pecos rocks falling within the field documentation for the high degree of exten- Cordillera.
of high-alumina basalt, and SCORBA within sion produced by low-angle listric faulting,
Timing of high-angle faulting is between 23
the tholeiite field. Ti0 2 contents are similar except possibly on a local scale.
and 17 Ma in west Texas (Henry and Price,
for Nazas and Trans-Pecos basalts and dis- Evidence for initiation of extension as 1986). At Nazas, basalt does not appear to be
tinctly lower for the SCORBA suite (Fig. 5d). early as the mid-Tertiary throughout the Ba- cut by faults, but it is very similar in compo-
This depletion in T i 0 2 is common for orogen- sin and Range province has been accumulat- sition and in age to that in Trans-Pecos

Geological Society of America Bulletin, November 1993 1443


Texas, where the normal faulting was con- David Wark for thorough reviews of the sub- western Mexico adjacent to the Gulf of California: Geological
Society of America Bulletin, v. 101, p. 1147-1156.
temporaneous with basaltic volcanism (Hen- mitted manuscript. José Guerrero and Henry, C. D., and Aranda-Gómez, J. J., 1992, The real southern
Basin and Range: Mid- to late Cenozoic extension in Mexico:
ly and Price, 1986; Price and others, 1987). Fernando Ortega-Gutiérrez, directors of the Geology, v. 20, p. 701-704.
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Springer-Verlag, 390 p. ciety of London Philosophical Transactions, v. 300,
Glazner, A. F., and Ussier, W., Ill, 1989, Crustal extension, crustal p. 407-434.
density, and the evolution of Cenozoic magmatism in the Ba-
We thank Daniel S. Barker, James F. sin and Range of the western United States: Journal of Geo-
physical Research, v. 94, p. 7952-7960.
Luhr, and Christopher D. Henry for their Gross, W. H., 1975, New ore discoveiy and source of silver-gold
helpful reviews of a preliminary version of veins, Guanajuato, Mexico: Economic Geology, v. 70, MANUSCRIPT RECEIVED BY THE SOCIETY MAY 1 9 , 1 9 9 2
the manuscript, and Kenneth Cameron and Henry, C. D., 1989, Late Cenozoic Basin and Range structure in MANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED MARCH 9 , 1 9 9 3
P r i n t e d in U . S . A .

1444 Geological Society of America Bulletin, November 1993

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