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Brand name is a word, letter or a group of words and letters that plays a significant role in
positioning the product. This includes the name, design, color, symbol and quality of the product.
In our product, we decided to create the name: Ari-Ari store since our product is composed of three
(3): the Graham Balls, the Red Velvet Cupcakes and the Kopi Jelly. In this design, you can see our products.
The two balls symbolize the graham balls and the upper top layer is the icing and the body is the cupcake.
The colors yellow, brown, red and pink were used because as far as we know, yellow can catch the attention
of the customers and the brown, red and pink are components of our product. This symbol is one of a kind
since we only create this based from our own creativity and thinking skills. The combination of these
elements makes the product more interesting and distinct from the other products.
To sum this up, this brand name can create identification, make consumer’s shopping center and
helps branders too. This brand can satisfy the needs of the customers as well as recognize this as our product.

Brian Xavier Mirasol Carl Velez
Timothy Santander Lalaine Magbuhos
Vince Malasa Rhoda Torralba
Kenz Emar Manforte Suzanne Silva
Lemeed Mier STEM 12-TESLA

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