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ELSEVIER Tectonophysics 292 (1998) 321–326

The Early Cretaceous Arperos oceanic basin (western Mexico).
Geochemical evidence for an aseismic ridge formed near
a spreading center — Comment
Mariano Elı́as-Herrera Ł , Fernando Ortega-Gutiérrez
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Geologı́a, Ciudad Universitaria, Delegación Coyoacán,
04510 México, D.F., México
Received 13 February 1997; accepted 15 January 1998

1. Introduction Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous stratigraphic or

tectonic overlap.
The Guerrero terrane of western Mexico is con- Freydier et al. (1996) present an intriguing geody-
sidered to be the largest tectonostratigraphic unit of namic model essentially based on geochemical data
the Cordilleran collage of North America (Centeno- that envisages the Guerrero terrane as two oceanic
Garcı́a et al., 1993), but its origin and paleogeo- domains, the Arperos basin and the Guerrero arc,
graphic evolution remains a matter of much debate. the latter floored in part by continental crust, and
Its paleotectonic setting has remained elusive for both of which collided with nuclear Mexico by late
several reasons, the most important probably being Early Cretaceous time. We contend, however, that
its large size, composite nature, and lack of sys- the model is not supported by the current geochem-
tematic biostratigraphic, paleogeographic, and pale- ical data and that important geologic relations that
omagnetic analysis over most of its outcrop area. contradict their puzzling geodynamic interpretation
Until recently the Guerrero terrane was considered were in fact overlooked.
a suite of marine Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous Since the model refers to the Cretaceous stage of
sedimentary and volcanic rocks intruded by coeval the Guerrero terrane tectonic evolution, we essen-
plutons, and grouped in several subterranes for which tially focus our comments to encompass this time,
no continental basement was ever found. Nonethe- and they are related to three fundamental aspects:
less, a continuously growing body of field geologic, geologic relationships, geochemical data, and tec-
and geochronologic work has definitely established tonic interpretation. We conclude that a volcanic
the presence of basement rocks in the Guerrero arc–backarc basin system better explains the known
terrane that are as old as Late Triassic–Early Juras- facts for the evolution of the still enigmatic Guerrero
sic and, moreover, there is now firm evidence for terrane.
the existence of pre-Mesozoic sialic crust underly-
ing a substantial area of the terrane. Therefore, the
tectonostratigraphic and paleotectonic setting of the 2. Geologic relationships
Guerrero terrane must be analysed separately for the
Upper Triassic–Lower Jurassic basement and for its We concur with Freydier et al. (1996) that in
Valle de Bravo two different Cretaceous sequences
Ł Corresponding author. E-mail: of the Guerrero terrane are exposed. The lower unit

0040-1951/98/$19.00  1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII S 0 0 4 0 - 1 9 5 1 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 0 5 1 - 1

(Arperos basin of Freydier et al.) consists of micritic sequence assigned to the Valle de Bravo–Arperos
and shaly limestone interbedded with carbonate tur- oceanic basin by Freydier et al. and therefore, it con-
bidite, turbiditic sandstone, pillowed basaltic lavas stitutes neither a continental, nor oceanic basement
and volcanic breccias which are tens of meters thick. for the latter unit.
The upper sequence (Guerrero arc sequence of Frey- More recently, high-grade gneiss xenoliths with
dier et al.) is composed of lava flows, pyroclastics, Sm–Nd model ages typical of Grenvillian age rocks
volcaniclastic and pelagic sediments. Although we in Mexico have been reported as extruded samples of
also agree with these authors that the lower sequence the crust underlying the southern Guerrero terrane.
is tectonically overlapped by the upper one, there are At Valle de Santiago, Guanajuato, granulitic xeno-
important geologic relationships that are inconsistent liths with TDM D 1:5 Ga in Neogene volcanics sup-
with Freydier et al.’s interpretation for the tectonic port the presence of Precambrian crust there (Uribe-
setting of the lower sequence. Cifuentes and Urrutia-Fucugauchi, 1995). At La Go-
In view that the lower sequence is predominantly leta Oligocene volcanic field, 45 km south from
a calcareous sedimentary unit with turbiditic sand- Valle de Bravo, high-grade gneiss xenoliths with
stones and with only a minor proportion of sub- "Nd.0/ D 6:7, 7:3 and TDM D 1:361 Ga, 1.582 Ga,
marine volcanics, it may rather correspond to a also indicate the occurrence of pre-Mesozoic, proba-
backarc basin than to the upper part of an oceanic bly Precambrian crust under this part of the Guerrero
basin with an aseismic ridge inside. Moreover, terrane (Elı́as-Herrera et al., 1996, 1998), otherwise
the sandstones are mainly composed of polycrys- included in the oceanic Arperos basin by Freydier et
talline quartz, metaquartzite and other metamorphic, al.
granitic and volcanic clasts most probably derived Even though the tectonic relationship between the
from the underlying pre-Upper Jurassic metamor- Lower and Upper Cretaceous sequences at Valle de
phic basement, discussed below. Basement uplifts Bravo is true, no major differences in deformation
or remnants of arcs supplying sediments to adjacent of the two units are discernible. Local, more in-
basins suggest a continental margin backarc basin tense deformation of the lower unit is clearly an
setting (e.g. Marsaglia et al., 1995). Thus, the mature artifact of less competent lithologies, as indicated by
quartzose and metamorphic fragments in the sand- the low strain state of nearby interbedded pillowed
stones of the lower sequence are not compatible with basalts. Diagnostic units such as melanges, ophi-
an open oceanic environment, as implied in Freydier olitic material or high P=T metamorphics, common
et al.’s model. in suture zones, are completely absent. Moreover,
Because the pre-Upper Jurassic metamorphic the pillow basalts of the lower (‘Arperos basin’)
basement justly exposed 20 km south-southwest and upper (‘Guerrero arc terrane’) sequences near
from Valle de Bravo (de Cserna and Fries, 1981; Valle de Bravo yielded 40 Ar=39 Ar plateau ages of
de Cserna, 1982; Elı́as-Herrera and Sánchez-Zavala, 103:1 š 1:3 Ma and 93:6 š 0:6 Ma, respectively
1990; Elı́as-Herrera, 1993; Sánchez-Zavala, 1993; (Sánchez-Zavala, 1993; Elı́as-Herrera et al., 1998),
Elı́as-Herrera et al., 1998) was ignored by Freydier that is, much younger than assumed by Freydier et
et al., we assume that such basement rocks were al., and the trace-element geochemistry discussed
considered part of the Lower Cretaceous oceanic below is similar in the two units. Altogether, these
crust of the ‘Arperos basin’, as implied by their figs. data strongly suggest that both the lower and upper
1, 12 and 13. Nonetheless, the metamorphic suite sequences were continuous and genetically related.
consists of more than 2000 m of strongly deformed We conclude that the boundary shown by Freydier et
metapelites and calc-alkaline andesitic to rhyolitic al. in their fig. 2 does not constitute a fundamental
metavolcanics with initial "Nd D 2:5 (Centeno- tectonic contact, but rather is part of an imbricate
Garcı́a et al., 1993), and a peraluminous metagranite compressional structure within the same Cretaceous
yielding an U–Pb zircon date of 189 š 1:9 Ma with volcanosedimentary assemblage, in which meso- and
a clearly inherited component of Grenvillian age macroscopic tectonic overlaps are very common.
(Elı́as-Herrera et al., 1998). The metamorphic suite
is unconformably covered by the Lower Cretaceous

3. Geochemical data igneous rocks’ and the Arcelia–Palmar Chico group

show essentially the same distribution in HFSE with
In the Guanajuato region, the geochemistry of the respect to N-MORB (Fig. 1C), although the vol-
volcanics within the volcano-plutonic assemblage canics from the upper part of the Arcelia–Palmar
(‘Guerrero arc terrane’) and that of the Arperos Chico group display a broad range in Nb and Ti
volcanosedimentary sequence (‘Arperos basin’) are contents. As to the REE contents, and regardless
apparently different (Lapierre et al., 1992a,b; Tardy of the N-MORB affinity for some samples, the
et al., 1994; Freydier et al., 1996). At Valle de Bravo, lower and upper Arcelia–Palmar Chico volcanics
however, the Cretaceous submarine volcanics of the have (La=Yb)N fractionation values of 1.2–2.7 and
lower and the upper sequences are geochemically 1.33–2.56, respectively, different from OIB (11.6)
undistinguishable, and they cannot be interpreted to but similar to E-MORB (1.8), even though their
correspond to different lithotectonic units as dis- REE-enrichment (15–60ð chondrite) is higher than
cussed below. On the other hand, Freydier et al. E-MORB (12–25ð chondrite), as demonstrated in
deduce an OIB affinity for the volcanics of the Fig. 1D. The LREE fractionation in ‘Arperos basin
lower unit (‘Arperos basin’) based on the geochem- volcanics’ at Valle de Bravo [(La=Sm)N D 0.8–1.6]
ical study of only six basaltic samples, but did not is also similar to the Arcelia–Palmar Chico group
include data from the upper volcanics which, accord- volcanics (0.6–1.8).
ing to their arc–ocean model, would have to show Freydier et al. (1996) interpreted the Zr=Nb ratios
geochemical features of an island arc tholeiite. of 9.2–31.5 for the ‘Arperos igneous rocks’, as the
At the Valle de Bravo–Tejupilco area, the Cre- mixing of OIB and N-type MORB mantle sources;
taceous submarine volcanics of the lower and up- however, they have more affinity with backarc basin
per sequences have been analysed in detail by the basalts (Saunders and Tarney, 1979; Saunders et al.,
first author, and were assigned to the lower and 1980; Basaltic Volcanism Study Project, 1981). The
upper parts of the Arcelia–Palmar Chico group, re- Zr=Nb ratio is indeed a very useful lithotectonic
spectively (Elı́as-Herrera et al., 1998). In light of discriminant (Wilson, 1989), and it may effectively
the TiO2 –P2 O5 ð10–MnO ð10 ternary diagram indicate mixing of heterogeneous mantle sources, but
(Fig. 1A), we conclude that the Arcelia–Palmar in a backarc basin setting rather than in an oceanic
Chico group volcanics (lower and upper sequences) basin with an aseismic ridge near a spreading center,
show an essentially OIA affinity with some varia- as proposed by Freydier et al.
tions to IAT, contrary to Freydier et al.’s interpre- If correlation of Porohui, Arperos, Corrales and
tation, which in the same area genetically separates Valle de Bravo sequences is correct, the geochemi-
the lower (‘Arperos basin’) from the upper (‘Guer- cal variations between N-MORB and mildly alkaline
rero arc terrane’) units of the Arcelia–Palmar Chico within plate volcanism described for the ‘Arperos
group. An identical situation is shown by the Zr=Y– igneous rocks’ can also occur in backarc basin vol-
Zr diagram (Fig. 1B) where most of the volcanics canism. Magmatism with N-MORB to OIB affinities
plot in the WPB field. In fact, all the rocks, includ- has been documented in backarc basin environments
ing Freydier et al.’s data for Valle de Bravo, exhibit (Volpe et al., 1988; Wilson, 1989; Nakamura et al.,
Nb=Sm ratios (1.25–3.68) between N-MORB (0.89) 1989; Pouclet et al., 1995; Hawkins, 1995). Although
and OIB (4.80) (Sun and McDonough, 1989); and the geochemistry of backarc basin basalts is clearly
their La=Yb (1.48–4.32) and Nb=Yb (1.43–6.80) complex and their petrogenesis may involve hetero-
ratios are closer to E-MORB (2.66 and 3.50, re- geneous mantle sources and subduction zone compo-
spectively) than IOB (17.13 and 22.22, respectively) nents (Wilson, 1989), small degrees of partial melt-
(Sun and McDonough, 1989). We therefore con- ing of a homogeneous source in backarc basins may
tend on these bases that the ‘Arperos igneous rocks’ generate volcanism with WPB or OIB affinities (e.g.
of Valle de Bravo are undistinguishable from the Wilson, 1989). Alkaline magmatism in backarc basin
Arcelia–Palmar Chico group volcanics. settings has also been interpreted as a mixture of
This geochemical identity is further supported by magmas formed by a relatively large degree of par-
HSFE and REE geochemical data. Both the ‘Arperos tial melting of an enriched mantle plume from deeper

Fig. 1. (A) TiO2 –MnO–P2 O5 tectonomagmatic discrimination diagram (Mullen, 1983) for Cretaceous submarine volcanics of Arcelia–
Palmar Chico group in Valle de Bravo–Tejupilco area (Elı́as-Herrera, unpubl. data) in comparison to the ‘Arperos igneous rocks’ for
Valle de Bravo (Freydier et al., 1996). (B) Zr=Y vs. Zr tectonomagmatic discrimination diagram (Pearce and Norry, 1979) for the same
volcanics; symbols as in (A). (C) N-MORB-normalized (Sun and McDonough, 1989) multi-elements plots for the same volcanics. (D)
Chondrite-normalized (Evenson et al., 1978) REE patterns for the same samples; screen patterns like those in (C). For comparison
are also included REE-patterns for oceanic island basalt (OIB), enriched mid-oceanic ridge basalt (E-MORB) and depleted or normal
mid-oceanic ridge basalt (N-MORB) according to Sun and McDonough (1989).

mantle and a small degree of partial melting of a de- the wide Arperos basin from the North American
pleted MORB-type source (Nakamura et al., 1989), continental plate, as depicted in Freydier et al.’s figs.
or as product of different degree of mixing between 12 and 13, constitutes a major departure from current
depleted asthenosphere and enriched mantle compo- models (e.g. Dickinson, 1981) that attach the Guer-
nents that may have been incorporated into the sub- rero terrane to the western vicinity of North Amer-
continental lithospheric mantle (Pouclet et al., 1995). ica. Likewise, Sm–Nd isotopic and sedimentological
studies in representative units of the northern and
southern Guerrero terrane show Grenville-like signa-
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1994) that link the Guerrero terrane to the vicinity of
The Cretaceous position of the Guerrero arc west the North America Plate in the Cretaceous.
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