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VCS 155



MATRIX NO. : 2019417328

GROUP : AD111/2A


The Four Creative Process Depicted in Malay Artworks

Imitation of Nature

While, in Malay World, D’zul Haimi Md Zain explained the process, suggested by Al-Faruqi, of
deficient or imperfection representational at the same time instituting the element of art in
transforming a realistic imitation into a an exotic product in the form of art. Furthermore, Islam
places restrictions and limitation to the creation and ownership of visual art. Not all forms of
visual arts are permissible in Islam. However, guidance on the creation and ownership of visual
arts is not made plain and clear not only to the Islamic followers but also to the art community.

The first step to produce a work of art must by possessing a basic motif. To make picture, basic
forms of nature have to be imitated to get ideas and inspiration. Al-Quran, the universe is proof
of the greatness of Allah. Artists have to appreciate what on the universe. Based on observations
during the production of artworks, we cannot compete the greatness of God in creation. Artist
had to know that there are limitations in inventive also cannot compete with the creation of God.
In fact, a Muslim artist produce the illusion which is the representation of the universe to reveal
beautiful very humbly. This means, they are experienced.

Denaturalization of Nature

Denaturalize is a verb which it means to make unnatural . While in art, denaturalize is the process
of making the picture appear a typical, extraordinary or unreal. Also, the act or process
of denaturalizing, of changing or destroying the quality (nature) of a thing. Thus, this process
need to recomposing, rearranging or improvising the picture until it disaffiliated from the natural
appearance of the motifs. Artist will tries to produce an invention that is not solely a mimesis of
the universe after the skills of replicating universe has been mastered. This means that the
Muslim artist is no longer pretend in making a piece of artwork because they had to aware on
their limitations in producing a work of art that cannot be imitated completely. In the end, artist
can only produce a conceptual representation of the universe that is not natural.
Stylization of Nature

Stylization is the process to beautify the motifs. This idea to make the picture appeared artistic
and this where the design element established. Moreover, stylization process is extension from
the process of denaturalization of the universe to a new form of accordance with human

In any instance, an artist cannot reproduce nature. He can imitate nature but it is not the true
thing which is an illusion. What he had created is in the form of stylization of nature, which in
other words is a denaturalized form. His creation cannot be equated with the God’s creation.

Abstraction of Nature

The creative process had undergone stages of imitation and stylization of nature (the
denaturalization of nature), and finally the stage of abstraction of nature. The definition of
Abstraction in art is defined as a work of art where the subject or theme is implied. Abstraction
process is a discussion on the concept which may be far from the original form of the universe.

In addition, an abstract depiction originally from the universe is a expression of the appreciation
of the Shahadah pronounced by the Muslim artists. The composition of the abstract form can be
organic or geometric, or both to create an Islimi design known from the Ummayad to the present
day. For example, arabesque pattern which is been applied in most of the mosque around the


Islamic art was the means whereby the spirit of Islam penetrated into all types and modes of
activity, into all the moments of a man's life, reminding him wherever he was of the divine
presence. Art was, and continues to be, a most precious support for the Islamic ideals of life and

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