POM MCQ Answers Chap 2

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1 It was in the late _______ that the great economic depression occured in USA?
 1920s

2 Who is called as the father of scientific management?

Henri Fayol
 F.W.Taylor
Peter F. Drucker
George Elton Mayo

3 Given below is whose contribution? -Fourteen Principles of Management -Classification of

business activities -Elements of management -Management functions and organizational
functions -Qualities of a manager
 Henri Fayol
Peter F. Drucker
Frank Gilbreth

4 Given below is whose contribution? -Principles of Scientific Management and Application

of these principles to solve the problems of management -Functional foremanship -Work
study, time and motion study
Henri Fayol
 F.W.Taylor
Peter F. Drucker
Frank Gilbreth

5 Given below is whose contribution? Nature and functions of Management -organizational

structure -centralized control with structure of decentralization -MBO -organizational
Henri Fayol
 Peter F. Drucker
Frank Gilbreth

6 Given below is whose contribution? -Time and motion study -Methods -18 basic motion
elements(Therbligs) -Construction contracting -flow process charts, diagrams and merit
Rating -Consulting
Henri Fayol
Peter F. Drucker
 Frank Gilbreth

7 Given below is whose contribution? -The psychology of Management -Fatigue studies -

Recognized human factor in management -Employee selection and training
Frank Gilbreth
George Elton Mayo
 Lillian Gilbreth
Max Weber

8 Who framed bureaucracy as the ideal form of organization?

Frank Gilbreth
George Elton Mayo
Lillian Gilbreth
 Max Weber

9 Who conducted Hawthorne experiments along with his colleagues?

Henri Fayol
Peter F. Drucker
 George Elton Mayo

10 Given below is whose contribution? Four principles of coordination -Role of psychology

in human activity -Seven views on different aspects of Management
George Elton Mayo
Henry Gantt
 Mary Parker Follet
Lillian Gilbreth

11 When were the Hawthorne experiments conducted at the Hawthorne plant of the Western
Electric Company in Chicago?
 1924-1932

12 What was one of the findings of Hawthorne Experiments?

Workers are motivated by money.
The friendliness and genuineness of the supervisor does not help to maintain productivity.
Complaints and criticism by workers are symptoms of their dissatisfaction.
 Social factors are responsible for deciding the level of output.

13 Say true or false: Findings of Hawthorne experiments: 1. A superior is accepted as a

leader if his style is in accordance with human relations approach, and his identification with
group objectives. 2. Workers are motivated by money. 3. Complaints and criticism by
workers are symptoms of their dissatisfaction. 4. Workers create groups different from
official groups to overcome the shortcomings of formal relationships. These groups
determine the norms of members’ behavior.
 1 and 4 is true, rest are false
All are true
All are false
1 and 2 are true, rest are false

14 Hawthrone Illumination experiments: • Two groups were formed, experimental group

and control group. • In the case of experimental group, variations in lighting were made
periodically and results were observed and recorded. • In the case of control group, there
was no change in lighting. • It was observed that the output of both the groups increased
steadily. What was the conclusion of the experiment?
Lighting improves productivity
Lighting does not improve productivity
 There is no relationship between lighting and productivity
Lighting is not required in production

15 What was the conclusion of mass interviewing program at Hawthorne plant?

The workers were activated by logic of sentiment but the Management is concerned with logic

of cost and efficiency.
The workers were activated by logic of cost and efficiency but the Management is concerned
with logic of sentiment
The workers were activated by money but the Management is concerned with profit.
The workers were activated by recognition but the Management is concerned with production

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