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1 Find out the false point from following points: Vision statement should be: 1. Future
oriented 2. Creative 3. Profit oriented 4. Setting high standards of excellence 5. Inspiring
enthusiasm and encouraging commitment 6. Reflecting uniqueness 7. Very clear and
4 is false
 3 is false
2 is false
7 is false

2 Fill in the blanks: Mission statement identifies the roles and activities to which an
individual is committed and provides the overall direction for achieving the vision. If the
vision is “WHAT” of life, then the mission is ------------------.
“Where” and “when”
 “Why” and “how”
“Which” and “who”
“Who’s who”

3 Fill in the blanks: The mission statements should clearly indicate the important --------------
------------ followed for fulfilling the vision.
 Roles and methodologies

4 Fill in the blanks: The mission statements act as a guiding force encouraging the
individuals to work towards reaching the vision. It is a ----------------- for achieving the vision.
 Roadmap
5 Fill in the blanks: The strategic management perspective highlights the significance of
devoting more attention to analyzing ----------------- ------and formulating strategies that
relate directly to changes in them. Options:
Cost structure
 Environments

6 Fill in the blanks: The study of strategic management emphasizes on monitoring and
evaluating environmental opportunities and threats in the light of -------------------strengths
and weaknesses.
 Environmental

7 If the organization has the following vision: “Be Number one innovative company in India”
And the design department of that organization has the following objectives: “To design
products according to the primary vision of the founder”, can we say that the objectives will
fulfill the vision? How?
Yes, because the founder was innovative
Yes, because we must follow our founder’s principles
Yes, because the company pays our monthly salary
 No, because the founder’s primary vision could be completely outdated

8 The objective of the design department of an organization is as follows: • To design the

product optimally using state of the art technology • To design the product up to the delight
of customers found and checked using the state of art management tools • To incorporate
innovativeness and flexibi
 Yes, because the statement number 2 asserts it
No, because it does not say anything about the price
No, because it does not guarantee reliability
No, because it does not use the word “quality”

9 To fulfill the objectives, it is necessary that the objectives are split into specifics. The
criteria may be functionality, action etc. These ----------are for teams of people involved.
 Targets
Mini objectives
10 Fill in the blanks: The ------------------ should be: • Based on what the organization should
strive for and achieve in another five to ten years. • The result of dreams in action •
Something that is far fetching and not that calls for a change every day.
Mission statement
Objectives and goals
 Vision statement

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