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1 How does McFarland define management as?

 Process
Getting things done

2 There are five M’s in the business, which can be called as the resources of the business, viz.
Man, machines, materials, money and method. Which resources are intangible?
 Method

3 Shampoo produced by Company A and B are different in quality in spite of same raw
materials. The Shampoo of Company A is in great demand. What can be the reason?
Better people
Better machines
 Better method
Better environment

4 If there are four bhelwalas, many times we see that only one of them is in demand and is
not able to control the rush. What can be the reason in addition to better method?
Better housekeeping
Better taste
Extra quantity
 All of the above

5 Say true or false: Management is an essential activity of following organizational level: 1)

Only Low 2) Only Middle 3) Only Upper 4) All the above
 4 is true
1 is false, rest are true
3 is false, rest are true
2 is false, rest are true

6 Find out the false point: Management applies to: 1. Small and large Organizations 2. Profit
and nonprofit Organizations 3. Manufacturing Organizations 4. Service rendering
Organizations 5. Municipal corporations
2 is false
4 is false
 5 is false
None of the points is false

7 A good manager is expected to have ability of four skills as given below: 1) Technical skills
2) Human skills 3) Concept skills Which is the fourth skill?
 Design skill
Machine setting
Divide and rule
Working skill such as welding etc.

8 In order to become a good manager, he must have preset GOALS. Remember: “No goal--
no ------------------”.
 Management

9 Who was Peter F. Drucker?

Scientist in JUSE1
Engineer in NASA and educator
 American Management Consultant, Educator, and Author
British Management Consultant, Educator, and Author

10 When does an organizational activity become meaningful?

 When it has a purpose, direction and GOAL
When it creates bottom-line profitable
When the employees get promotions and increments
When the company grows in size

11 What is the meaning of the word “Optimum” utilization of resources?

 Best possible

12 You are normally getting a pocket money of Rs. 500 for a day, and you are able to spend
your day comfortably. One day, you get only Rs. 200 and you have to manage the whole day.
You neither have your tiffin nor are you fasting today. In this case, your entire consciousness
is on this small amount. You decide the proper course of action and you spend the money
very judiciously. At the end of the day, there is an amount of Rs. 40 left in your pocket. You
have managed your day by better thinking process, putting it into actions and achieved your
goal of reaching home without any cash crunch. However, if you have Rs. 200 and you have
spent Rs. 350 by borrowing from your friend, what is it called as?
 Mismanagement

13 Only an efficient management can save the business from the dangers brought in by the
challenges of -------------.
 Change

14 It is said that kitchen is the best management school and ----------------- are the best
 Housewives

15 One of the advantages of learning Principles of Management is that our life gets ------------
 Focus and direction
Better living standard

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