Organ LDR & Decision MKNG (Genex Fuels Case Study)

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1 Running head: Managing Technology at Genex Fuels


Managing Technology at Genex Fuels


Table of Contents

Answer to Question 1.................................................................................................................3

Answer to Question 2.................................................................................................................4

Answer to Question 3.................................................................................................................5


2 Running head: Managing Technology at Genex Fuels

Answer to Question 1

The CEO’s principal proof that Genex does not use technology competitively is that Genex

does not feel that it operates as one company, but is disjointed as it seems to him. He doesn't

believe that the IT department can compete with technology because it doesn't appear to be

able to move forward. Whenever he asks IT to answer a new idea, IT tells him that it can

never work for any reason or sometimes without any reason (Mandal & Bagchi, 2016). He is

also of the opinion that the IT department should be more flexible and responsive as before. It

is not necessary for any company to be competitive with the latest technology; however, it is

possible to remain competitive by taking full advantage of their capabilities and sharing the

same thinking (Goldfarb & Tucker, 2019). The CEO emphasizes Genex’s fractured existence

where, according to CEO, each segment is working individually without knowing the

existence of together segment and each working in silos.

3 Running head: Managing Technology at Genex Fuels
A business can also be competitive along with certain cases, anyways if one is going with

implementation of new technology can be damaging for a company without always using the

latest technology. The idea of the company that needs to step forward suggests that it was

desired of the company CEO that the company would be one of the pioneers in IT, and which

means taking bold measures to introduce new things even before they are established.

Perhaps in some situations or often this is fair, but this is not the correct way of attempting

the use of technology (Ghobakhloo, Azar & Fathi, 2018). It makes sense to be a business in

particular, unbundling nature of SAP systems, because the same have been identified on the

basis of the strength and weakness of the company as done earlier rather than decided for the

help of the company to cooperate; to better communicate amongst business units. This

contributes to IT not being able to become flexible & improvements that will definitely

enable the organization to strengthen this.

Answer to Question 2

Nick Devlin was appointed as the company's new CIO, and the CEO asked him to make new

changes to IT in order to support the integration of several divisions and to adopt the new

technological developments on the market. However, Devlin realizes by him that most of the

technologies created and most of the old are used in the IT divisions present in his business.

From the conversation of the CIO and the CEO, the CEO was frustrated about the IT team as

they started saying reasons why it won't work for the idea that he brings in, and they are not

ready to adapt to the new technologies (Khanam, Siddiqui & Talib, 2018). This proves that

promoting an existing IT team member to this post would be of no use. Nick Devlin realizes

that the IT at Genex is in quite a bad form. Nick Devlin has contracted Sandy as a technology

consultant and Chuck Yee as his new IT architect to overcome this situation. Sandy’s

expertise in technology has helped to consider current challenges and a method of solving
4 Running
these issueshead: Managing
for many Technology
other businesses inattheGenex Fuels
past (Gibbings & Wickramasinghe, 2020). With

his original analysis of the IT situation, Sandy says the company is fortunate enough to do

business but says that continuing IT equally could lead to several problems. It is also a smart

idea to hire Sandy because he is a business outsider, knows how the other companies work

and how the IT team needs to change to get us there. The CEO was frustrated when the CIO

and the CEO discussed why it wouldn't work on the idea of being introduced and not ready to

adapt to new technologies (AlShamsi & Ajmal, 2019). In addition, the CEO was dismayed

with the IT Team. This proves that it would be useless to promote an existing IT team

member in this position. From all the facts, it was concluded that the CEO was not happy

with the performance of IT team members.

It was important that Devlin hire Sandy, as fresh ideas are sometimes easier to swallow than

many of Genex's other employees. Some of the products used for data storage were from the

1940s. In general, it is hard for people to consider change easily, but it was important to

change. Just recently was Devlin named and Sandy was the expert in this matter. Sandy knew

what the competition was doing, and he knew what Genex needed to stay in the game; he

didn't live by tradition or old ways. But the CEO was of a different opinion, as he doesn't

want to invest in IT because of his pre-set mind about the performance of the IT department.

Answer to Question 3

The first business order would be to determine what hardware and software were used by

every IT division and how it met the requirements of its specific department. Once this has

been assumed, a strategy with some standards and integration of these different systems

should be developed. The next thing to do is to ensure that SAP meets every IT divisional
5 Running head: Managing Technology at Genex Fuels
department’s requirements (Kohn & Harborth, 2018). The departmental managers will now

satisfy and determine if the old system needs to be updated to the newer version, which fits in

with SAP. In addition, a methodology is required to do the data migration from the old

system to the nre SAP system; the quickest and most efficient way to do so.

Each group's various systems need to be inventorized, which includes a clear definition of

identified processes facilitated by the same system. It allows SAPs to fulfil needs of each BU

and to find alternatives to missing functions or to establish whether modules are suitable for

fitting into SAP and then using the functionality (Judd, Sloane & Ricardo, 2020). A technique

must also be created and selected, so all the older information can be migrated into the new

SAP system from the old legacy systems. Obviously, anything that can be carried out

automated will be better, but it is vital that the fastest and most effective method is found in

case a need arises for the information to be manually migrated.

The challenges that the organization needs to solve must be identified by Sandy and Chuck

and prioritized by them. They had to publish the company's software and equipment in all

fields to ensure that other branches can be aligned with each other.

6 Running head: Managing Technology at Genex Fuels


AlShamsi, O.M. and Ajmal, M.M. (2019), "Knowledge sharing in technology-intensive

manufacturing organizations: Analytic hierarchy process approach", Business Process

Management Journal, Vol. 25 No. 5, pp. 802-824

Ghobakhloo, M., Azar, A. and Fathi, M. (2018), "Lean-green manufacturing: the enabling

role of information technology resource", Kybernetes, Vol. 47 No. 9, pp. 1752-1777.

Gibbings, R., & Wickramasinghe, N. (2020). Technology's Enabling Role to Improve Care

Coordination. In Handbook of Research on Optimizing Healthcare Management

Techniques (pp. 358-365). IGI Global.

Goldfarb, A., & Tucker, C., (2019) Digitization, Journal of Artificial Intelligence, pp-4-7

Khanam, S, Siddiqui, J. and Talib, F. (2018), “Role of Information Technology in Total

Quality Management: A Literature Review”, International Journal of Advanced

7 Research
Running head: in Computer
Managing Engineering
Technology at and Technology,
Genex Fuels Vol. 2, No.8, pp. 2433-2445.

Kohn, Vanessa and Harborth, David,( 2018) "AUGMENTED REALITY – A GAME


Information Technology, pp 112.

Mandal, P. and Bagchi, K. (2016), "Strategic role of information, knowledge and technology

in manufacturing industry performance", Industrial Management & Data Systems,

Vol. 116 No. 6, pp. 1259-1278

Thomas M. Judd, Elliot B. Sloane, Ricardo J. Silva, (2020), The digital hospital of the 21th

century, and information systems management, Manufacturing Engineering

Handbook. Pp-1124-1127.

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