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FROM 2011 TO 2019


12 MARKS :
1. explain source of IL a given under art 38(1) of statue of ICJ (or) art 38(1)(d) of the status of ICJ as
subsidiary means of IL

2. state the consequences of state succession (repeated times+1)

3. discuss rights privileges immunities of diplomatic envoys (or) enlist privileges by diplomatic
agents (repeated times+1)

4. define nationality explain modes of acquiring and losing it (repeated times+4) + international
importance of nationality

5. examine the role of security council in maintaining world peace and security

6. discuss nature and basis of IL

7. explain law relating to extradition and asylum refer to cases

8. discuss rights and liabilities arise out of state succession (or) various rights and liabilities when
one state succeeds another (repeated times+2)

9. examine the role of UNO in maintaining peace and security

10. comment individual is no more just object of IL he has very much become the subject of IL

11. comment no branch oh IL has undergone more revolutionary changes than the law of sea in past

12. enumerate general principal of treaty interpretation

13. critically analyse the relationship b/w IL and municipal law with reference to practice of state (or)
examine relationship b/w IL and municipal law (repeated times+2)

14. explain jurisdiction of ICJ (repeated times+3) + scope of ICJ

15. enumerate various objectives of UNO

16. discuss the general principles of law recognized by civilized state as a source of IL (repeated

17. modes of acquiring state territory

18. explain UN convention of law of sea (or) write brief essay on UN convention on law of sea 1982
(UNCLOS) (repeated times+3)

19. explain the procedure relating admission expulsion and withdrawal of state in UNO

20. explain blackstone doctrine the law of nation is part of law of land

21. how does custom evolve explain custom as source of IL with decided case

22. explain scope of compulsory and advisory jurisdiction of ICJ

23. examine 5 freedoms air up to what extend are they observed

24. explain nature and origin of IL examine present status of IL

25. explain limitations of territorial jurisdiction of state

26. explain statue of international criminal court

27. state whether extradition is a legal duty of a state

28. what are essential conditions for extradition (repeated times+1)

29. analyse IL is vanishing point of jurisprudence

30. what are essential attributes of statehood

31. discuss various kinds of treaties

32. discuss effects of resolution of general assembly

33. explain rights duties of individuals under IL

34. state why judicial decisions are considered to be indirect source of IL (repeated times+1)

35. explain various theories that explains nature and basis of IL

36. discuss the role of state and individual as subjects of IL

37. ICJ takes international convention in preference over the source of IL in deciding a dispute

38. explain purposes and principles of UNO

39. discuss consequences of state succession with respect of international treaties

40. what are consequences of state succession with respect to international contract and treaties
discuss with decided case

41. explain law relating extradition of political offenders with decided case

42. briefly narrate development of IL regarding outer space

43. explain theories relating to relationship b/w IL and municipal law

44. what is state responsibility discuss with different responsibilities of states

45. briefly explain origin and development of law relating to diplomatic relation

46. discuss the differences b/w public IL and private IL

47. what are the rights and duties of state under IL

48. enumerate the salient feature of UN convention of law of seas 1982

49. whether an individual is subject of IL refer to decided cases

50. examine the decision of ICJ in the case concerning the temple of preah vihar

51. what are the international tribunal constituted under IL briefly narrate about each one of them
1. functions of counsels

2. universal jurisdiction

3. rebus sic standibus (repeated times+2)

4. withdrawal of recognition

5. scotia case

6. Stimson doctrine (repeated times+1)

7. double nationality (repeated times+1)

8. law of the sea

9. judicial decisions

10. international law commission (repeated times+2)

11. asylum stops when extradition begins

12. IL is vanishing point of jurisprudence

12. rights duties of sovereign state(or)state (repeated times+1)

13. interpretation of treaties (repeated times+3)

14. Nuremberg trail (repeated times+4)

15. codification of IL

16. pacta sunt servanda (repeated times+1)

17. international criminal court

18. exclusive economic zone

19. Drago doctrine (repeated times+2)

20. North Sea continental shelf case (repeated times+2)

21. constitutive theory

22. protectorate state (repeated times+2)

23. pacquete habana case

24. blackstonian doctrine

25. right of hot pursuit (or) hot pursuit (repeated times+1)

26. role of general assembly (repeated times+1)

27. statelessness (repeated times+1)

28. customary principles of IL

29. dualism (repeated times+5)

30. territorial waters(or)sea (repeated times+2)

31. dejure recognition (repeated times+2)

32. diplomatic agents (repeated times+4)

33. security council (repeated times+1)

34. rights to passage case

35. air space (repeated times+1)

36. rules(or)doctrine of double criminality (repeated times+1)

37. extradition (repeated times+4)

38. IL is not true law

39. responsibility of state for a wrongful act

40. Calvo clause (repeated times+2)

41. rights to innocent passage

42. lawful intervention

43. freedom of air

44. Estrada doctrine (repeated times+2)

45. illegal recognition

46. Geneva convention 1958

47. use of force

48. genocide

49. erga omnes (repeated times+1)

50. Anglo Iranian oil company case

51. economic rights and duties of state

52. forms of recognition

53. extradition of own nationals

54. termination of diplomatic missions

55. rights to self-determination (repeated times+1)

56. effect of resolution of general assembly

57. weakness of IL

58. international position of Tibet

59. modes of recognitions

60. 5 freedom of air

61. nottebohm case (repeated times+1)

62. starke definition of IL

63. innocent passage

64. declarative theory

65. Vienna convention on law of treaties (repeated times+1)

66. legal effects of recognition

67. theories of state succession

68. Corfu channel case (repeated times+4)

69. loss of nationality

70. immunities to diplomatic envoys

71. piracy (repeated times+1)

72. general assembly of UNO (repeated times+1)

73. intervention

74. asylum (repeated times+2)

75. state as subject of IL

76. international treaties (repeated times+1)

77. difference b/w public IL and private IL (repeated times+1)

78. voting in UN security council

79. adhoc jurisdiction

80. ratification of treaties

81. arantzanzu mendi case (repeated times+2)

82. sea bed authority (or) international sea bed authority (repeated times+1)

83. Atlantic charter

84. plebiscite

85. veto power of security council (or) veto power (repeated times+1)

86. place of individual in international law

87. continental shelf (repeated times+1)

88. international air transport agreement

89. basis of IL (repeated times+1)

90. queen vs keyn (repeated times+1)

91. a.m. Luther vs James sagour and co

92. pacquete habana case

93. in re castioni's case

94. reparation for injuries in the course of UN duty case

95. admission of state in the UNO (repeated times+1) repeated times+ suspension

96. extraterritorial asylum (repeated times+2)

97. consuls (repeated times+2)

98. jus cogens (repeated times+1)

99. modes of acquiring territory

100. international delinquency

101. Kiel canal case

102. occupation

103. defacto recognition

104. subjugation

105. new Moore island

106. freedom of high sea

107. territorial asylum

108. territorial jurisdiction

109. functions of diplomatic agents

110. citizenship

111. diplomatic privileges

112. rights of aliens

113. neutralised state

114. positivist theory

115. maritime belt

116. is recognition duty of a state

117. rights to punish piracy

118. functions of diplomatic agents

119. formation of a treaty

120. custom and usage

121. functions of consulate

122. state recognition

123. floating island theory

124. common heritage of mankind

125. status of refugees (or) refugees under IL (repeated times+1)

126. island of Palmas case

127. vassal state

128. differentiate extraction and deportation

129. expulsion of a member from UNO

130. advisory jurisdiction of ICJ

131. state responsibility

132. temple of preah vihar case

133. reservation of treaties

134. jus soli

135. Hugo Grotius

136. international tribunal for the law of sea

137. prescription and temple of preah vihar case

138. protection of refugees

139. nuclear test case 1973

140. succession of public debt

141. essential elements of state

142. pacific settlement of dispute

143. mai lai trail

144. outer space treaty

145. WHO

146. ex equo treaty

147. international tribunal

148. law of air

149. public debt

150. Tokyo trail

151. pirates

152. treaty contracts

153. refugees

154. Chicago convention

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