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“The role of grammar is perhaps one of the most controversial issues in language teaching” .

From the past to present, there have been so many changes in methodologists’ views on
which grammar items should be taught and how to teach them.Grammar is an essential
element of learning a language. Yet it can be hard to learn and difficult to remember.In the
past, in a traditional classroom, grammatical competence and explicit knowledge of language
rules were emphasized. Grammar teaching held such an essential part in language teaching
that other aspects became either ignored or downplayed. People assumed that if the
grammatical rules of a language were mastered, the success of communication in that
language was ensured. This viewpoint inherits in itself several weaknesses. Dash also pointed
out one of them, saying that modern educationists believe although a pupil has known all the
grammatical rules, the letter still makes the most elementary mistakes in grammar.
As for the grammatical difficluties conserning English language, it important to note the fact
that English grammer full of exseptions, which can be both hard and confusing for non
native speakers.

Secondly, word order plays a huge role when it comes to learning the English grammer for
example in Armenian language sentence structure differs tramendously from the English
language which makes it really hard for traditional Armenian speakers to understand the
meaning an form to English tipical sentence.Thirdly, little words have big jobs, For example
the words be, do, have,has,am. The miss usage of this words can forms a sentence and express
such opinion that you did not mean to express.

Grammar overall, is a challenging language skill. Even experienced English lecturers may
face difficulties in explaining grammar to students. This can be the result of different
students’ needs in learning. Hence, it is crucial for English lecturers to figure out their
students’ proficiency and issues in learning English grammar.

As the findings suggest, the participants agree that students and lack of experience as the
main challenges of teaching grammar. Therefore, English lecturers or language instructors
should find a more strategic method in teaching the skill. A good mastery of grammar
ensures students’ ability to master other language skills.

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