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An assistive Health & Fitness application using

enhanced ABC Algorithm

Daryl Tadeo Paolo Miranda Mark Jericho Fabro

Gordon College CCS Gordon College CCS Gordon College CCS
Olongapo City, Philippines Olongapo City, Philippines Olongapo City, Philippines

ABSTRACT Diet, Workout, Healthy, Fruitful, Vigorous, Out of

Shape, Admissible
Many people like students, workers or even
people at home are looking for a way to diet. Although
many people tend to diet in their own way without
thinking twice what will be the result of it. Despite
having many kinds or way of dieting most of them are
Considering that in today’s situation
just doing they’re diet routines on their own, without
numerous of dietary or health problems are existing.
considering the fact that they’re doing diet routines
In form of not proper diet, not proper workout and
that affecting their own health. Although they just
many more problems related to this like lack of
want the result to lessen fats and become more fit.
financial capability and lack of knowledge on how to
With the help of the survey and interviews the
diet properly. That is why many people is tend to
researchers found out that the random ways of dieting
become unhealthy in a way that some looks thin but
can become a big problem for one’s health. The results
healthy and some looks overweight yet they’re still
say’s that there is an existing difficulty for a person
healthy looks strange isn’t it? Also there are some that
when dieting. Also they are experiencing problems
is overweight but feels light and healthy on their own
such as: how they diet without going to gym and
and there are also some that is underweight but feels
working out. Also what food would they eat if they
perfectly fine and strong as well. So why this scenarios
want to have a healthy diet. As the application
happening? In the first glance nutrition is about the
development title suggest, this assistive health &
foods we eat that nourishes our body and it helps us
fitness application using enhanced abc algorithm is all
become strong and grow. But many of us tends to have
about developing web and mobile application for the
unbalanced nutrition that’s why the above scenarios
proponents and provide smart way to diet. This
are happening.
application aims to provide the proponents smart diet
strategies or plans that is built with food sets and home
Workout and nutrition is the best partner in
workouts that enables them to workout at home.
making our health good and fortify our bodies. It
Another is build an environment for the application
promotes the balanced and relativity of our body and
administrator that makes it easy for them to supply
our health condition. We also sought that this is very
users more plans to choose from.
effective way to become fit and healthy. In today’s
generation that has many more process foods and fast
CCS CONCEPTS foods that is basically delicious yet not recommended
if we talk about healthy foods, So we need to find a
For our web and mobile development. We used way to have an Idea what food to eat and what will be
programming languages like JavaScript and the ideal foods for our health status. In that way we can
Typescript with a help of Ionic framework and CCS to become healthy plus doing the workouts will make it
build the user-interface of the application, finally we more fun and produce greater results in our body
used the Rest API and MySQL for database shape. Lastly one must have the hard work and strong
management. will within ourselves to become a healthy person and
it all starts with our self-discipline and anything that
we do afterwards will succeed.

Most of the people didn’t know how to diet This chapter presents the related
properly to be specific these problems are the literature and studies, both local and foreign, which
following: provides a background and conceptual framework to
fully understand the research to be done and lastly the
a) They’re doing diet routines base on their own way definition of the terms for better comprehension of the
b) When they are working out in gyms most of the time study.
it does not match with proper meals and resulting in
not so good results Diet and nutrition:
c) Many people are not eating on time and improperly
sometimes a little in their breakfast and too much on Nutrients are consumed through the
their dinner and lunch vice versa food that we eat, and through metabolic processes in
d) Some people is not eating at all to perform their diet. the digestive system these nutrients are absorbed at a
cellular level in the body (Gibney et al. 2009).
Optimum nutrition contributes to health, wellbeing,
III. STATEMENT OF THE OBJECTIVE normal development, and high quality of life (Gibney
et al. 2009). However, undernutrition, overnutrition,
The proponent will produce a system and malnutrition are linked to suboptimal health
where the people can have their personal dietary plans outcomes (Gibney et al. 2009). Such poor diets have
to follow with the addition of workout sets matching been linked to the occurrence of chronic diseases,
the dietary plans in a way that this plans is based on including cardiovascular disease, Type-2 diabetes,
their BMI and lead them to a healthy way of dieting. cancer, osteoporosis and anaemia (Lytle et al. 2002).
For example, research reports that low intake of fruit
and vegetables increases the risk for developing cancer
IV. SCOPE AND LIMITATION (Steinmetz & Potter 1996), as well as cardiovascular
disease (Hung et al. 2004), whereas low intake of
The proposed web and mobile application for dietary fibre has been linked to being overweight
now will focus on the features that will lead someone (Patrick et al. 2004).
to a healthy way of dieting using our application in Obesity is often a consequence of overnutrition, and it
which this have they’re health tracker, diet strategies, is an ever-increasing problem in both developing and
personalize planner and they can also see their history food-secure countries, such as Australia (Gibney et al.
in which they can know if they’re losing or gaining 2009). A recent longitudinal study conducted in
more weight. Victoria report on the significant increase of obesity
from adolescence to adulthood (Patton et al. 2010).
This study of 1520 adolescents tracked over a period
V. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY of 10 years also highlights the decreased likelihood of
overweight adolescents achieving a normal weight in
This study will greatly benefit the following adulthood (Patton et al. 2010). Frequently linked with
people mentioned here who will be the beneficiaries of a greater proneness to Type-2 diabetes (e.g., Wang,
this application: Hoy & Si 2010), obesity severely affects health-
related quality of life in a range of domains, including,
Workers / Students: This will help them primarily physical, social and psychological (Mannucci et al.
because they’re not more related to physical activities 2010). However, factors influencing young people in
unless they’re student-athletes or working some transition, Melbourne: Incolink & Australian
physical jobs like being a carpenter and so on. Means Clearinghouse for Youth Studies, and reproduced with
that they’re much more prone in being unhealthy, It permission.
will help them to become more fit by using the
application to be developed by the proponents. 2 obesity and chronic diseases are more complex than
diet alone. For example, together with increased
Athletes / Body Builders: This will help them sedentary behaviour, decreased physical activity has
improve their overall growth and effect of their been shown to play a crucial role in becoming
physical activities by matching it with the diet overweight and obese (Patrick et al. 2004). For the
strategies like we said earlier that good exercise must purposes of this project, and literature review, the
be matched with good nutrition to produce an accurate focus will be on the diet and nutrition of apprentices,
result or effects to the people. although the influence of other factors (e.g., lifestyle
and environmental factors) is acknowledged, but noted are mobile devices small enough to fit in a user's hand.
as outside the scope of this project. Uses include: Sending and receiving emails, text,
photographs and multimedia messages. This will be
used for testing the mobile version of our application.
The Effects of Nutrition Knowledge on Food Label
B. Integrated Development Environment
Nutrition information on food labels is an
important source of nutrition information but is An integrated development environment
typically underutilized by consumers. This review (IDE) is a software application that provides
examined whether consumer nutrition knowledge is comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for
important for communication of nutrition information software development. An IDE normally consists of at
through labels on packaged foods. A cognitive least a source code editor, build automation tools and
processing model posits that consumers with prior a debugger.
knowledge are more likely to use label information
effectively, that is, focus on salient information,
understand information, and make healthful decisions
Visual Studio Code
based on this information. Consistent with this model,
the review found that nutrition knowledge provides Visual Studio Code is a source code editor
support for food label use. However, nutrition that can be used with a variety of programming
knowledge measures varied widely in terms of the languages, including Java, JavaScript, Go, Node.js and
dimensions they included and the extensiveness of the C++. Instead of a project system it allows users to open
assessment. Relatively few studies investigated one or more directories, which can then be saved in
knowledge effects on the use of ingredient lists and workspaces for future reuse. It’s our main source-code
claims, compared to nutrition facts labels. We also editor for our Mobile Application.
found an overreliance on convenience samples relying
on younger adults, limiting our understanding of how Sublime Text
knowledge supports food label use in later life. Future
Sublime Text is a shareware cross-platform
research should 1) investigate which dimensions, or
source code editor with a Python application
forms, of nutrition knowledge are most critical to food
programming interface (API). It natively supports
label use and dietary decision making and 2)
many programming languages and markup languages,
determine whether increases in nutrition knowledge
can promote great use of nutrition information on food and functions can be added by users with plugins,
labels. typically community-built and maintained under free-
software licenses. It’s our main source-code editor for
our Web Application.
VII. Technical Background

A. Hardware Used C. Ionic Framework

The proponent would discuss the different Ionic Framework is an open source UI toolkit
hardware used in developing the proposed system. for building performant, high-quality mobile and
desktop apps using web technologies — HTML, CSS,
Computer and JavaScript — with integrations for popular
frameworks like Angular and React. ... Learn to easily
A computer is a machine or device that customize and modify your Ionic app's visual design
performs processes, calculations and operations based to fit your brand. Ionic helps us make the structure and
on instructions provided by a software or hardware layout of our mobile application.
program. It is designed to execute applications and
provides a variety of solutions by combining
integrated hardware and software components. This is
also our main device used in building the application D. Programming Languages

Smartphone A programming language is a type of written

language that tells computers what to do in order to
A smartphone is a mobile phone that can do work. Programming languages are used to make all the
more than other phones. They work as a computer but computer programs and computer software. ...
Usually, the programming language uses real words the background. It is used to make the Web page
for some of the commands, so that the language is dynamic.
easier for a human to read. Listed below are the
programming languages used in the development of JSON
the application. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a
HTML5 lightweight format for storing and transporting data
and often used when data is sent from a server to a web
HTML5 is the latest version of Hypertext page that is "self-describing" and easy to understand.
Markup Language, the code that describes web pages. This is used by the proponent to make the fetched data
It's actually three kinds of code: HTML, which from the back end easy to read.
provides the structure; Cascading Style Sheets (CSS),
which take care of presentation; and JavaScript, which
makes things happen. It is used to layout the overall PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (or
page and show things on the part of the page that you simply PHP), used by the proponent to create the APIs
wanted it to show. connecting to the MySQL database is a server side
scripting language that is used to develop Static
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) websites or Dynamic websites or Web applications.
PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, that earlier
CSS is the language for describing the stood for Personal Home Pages. PHP scripts can only
presentation of Web pages, including colors, layout, be interpreted on a server that has PHP installed.
and fonts. It allows one to adapt the presentation to
different types of devices, such as large screens, small Angular
screens, or printers. CSS is independent of HTML and
can be used with any XML-based markup language. It AngularJS is a JavaScript-based open-source
is used to make the Frontend for the users and have a front-end web framework mainly maintained by
great UI/UX. Google and by a community of individuals and
corporations to address many of the challenges
JavaScript encountered in developing single-page applications. It
is the base of Ionic framework used by the proponent
JavaScript is a programming language in developing the mobile application.
commonly used in web development. It was originally
developed by Netscape as a means to add dynamic and TypeScript
interactive elements to websites. ... Like server-side
scripting languages, such as PHP and ASP, JavaScript TypeScript simplifies JavaScript code,
code can be inserted anywhere within the HTML of a making it easier to read and debug. TypeScript is open
webpage. It is used to make functions and hard source. TypeScript provides highly productive
complex programs to make the web application development tools for JavaScript IDEs and practices,
functional and let user do what they want with ease. like static checking. TypeScript makes code easier to
read and understand. It is the JavaScript of the Ionic
jQuery framework where the functions and methods is made.
jQuery is a JavaScript library that allows web G. Application Programming Interface (API)
developers to add extra functionality to their websites.
It is open source and provided for free under the MIT API stands for Application Programming
license. ... jQuery can also work with Ajax code and Interface. An API is a software intermediary that
scripting languages, such as PHP and ASP to access allows two applications to talk to each other. In other
data from a database. It is used to make JavaScript words, an API is the messenger that delivers your
code simple to write and read. request to the provider that you're requesting it from
and then delivers the response back to you
AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript
and XML. AJAX is a new technique for creating
better, faster, and more interactive web applications
with the help of XML, HTML, CSS, and Java Script.
A user can continue to use the application while the
Figure 1 How Rest API works
client program requests information from the server in
VIII. METHODOLOGY 2. Data Flow Diagram
A data-flow diagram (DFD) is a way of
A. REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION representing a flow of a data of a process or a system
Based upon the concepts, theories and (usually an information system). The DFD also
findings from related literatures, studies reviews and provides information about the outputs and inputs of
insights taken from them, a conceptual model of the each entity and the process itself.
study is shown.

Figure 4 Data Flow Diagram of the Study

3. Entity Relationship Diagram

An entity relationship model, also called an entity-
relationship (ER) diagram, is a graphical
representation of entities and their relationships to
each other, typically used in computing in regard to
the organization of data within databases or
information systems.

Figure 2 Conceptual Model of the Study


In this section, the logical design of the system will be
represented by different diagrams. The technologies
cited on the conceptual model of the study will be the Figure 5: Entity Relationship Diagram of the Study
basis for the actual development of the study.
1. System Architecture C. Design
A system architecture or systems architecture is the System design
conceptual model that defines the structure, behavior, In this section, interface design of the study will be
and more views of a system. presented.

Figure 3 System Architecture of the Study

Figure 6: STRICTFOODS Mobile Splash Screen Figure 9: STRICTFOODS Mobile Plans Page

This page serves as the main splash screen page This plans page is where the users can browse
that redirects mobile user to login. suggested plans for them or either personal
plans for them to use.

This login and register

page is the first step for
the users in using the
Figure 10: STRICTFOODS Mobile Create Plan
application they create
account and logins it to This is the Create Plan page for premium users
access strict foods. where they can create their own plans by picking
through the food sets and workouts supplied by
the database.
Figure 7: STRICTFOODS Mobile Login/Register

Figure 11: STRICTFOODS Mobile Profile Page

This is the profile page where the users can see

Figure 8: STRICTFOODS Mobile User Dashboard their profile summary and manage their account

This is the main dashboard for the mobile users

where they can see their quick summary and
take their health check.
Figure 12: STRICTFOODS Mobile Edit and This is the main admin Dashboard where the
Change Password Page
administrators can see the quick reports about
This is the edit and change pass page nor modal the system and generate it as PDF for printable
where the users can update their passwords or reports.
account information.

This is the history page nor

modal where the user can
see his past weight and
height also to check what
his progress so far.

Figure 15: STRICTFOODS Web Manage User

This is the manage user dashboard for the

Figure 13: STRICTFOODS Mobile Splash Screen
administrator where he can see the lists of users
and also delete some administrators.

Figure 16: STRICTFOODS Web Manage Foods

This is the manage food part in the administrator

where he/she can add or delete food sets that
can be used in creating plan.

Figure 17: STRICTFOODS Web Manage Exercise

Figure 14: STRICTFOODS Web Admin Dashboard and
Reports Generation This is the manage exercise part in the
administrator side where he/she can add or
delete workouts that can be used in creating

Figure 20: STRICTFOODS Web Register

Figure 18: STRICTFOODS Web Admin Create Plan This is where the new users can create their free account in
the application to access it later on.
This is the admin create plan where the
administrator can create plans for the users to
use. Admins can create plans base on his food
sets values and exercise values.

Figure 21: STRICTFOODS Web Login

This is the login page where the users inputs it

credentials to access the app.

Figure 19: STRICTFOODS Web Home Page

This is the main page in web application where the user can
see the quick introduction and what the application can do
for them.
Figure 22: STRICTFOODS Web User Dashboard Figure 25: STRICTFOODS Profile Page

This is the user dashboard where the users can take This is where the users can manage and view their personal
health check and see quick summary of what his/her information.
health status is.

Figure 26: STRICTFOODS Change Password Modal

Figure 23: STRICTFOODS Web Plans Page This modal is where the users can change they’re password
Where the users can choose from the suggested plans for to a new one.
him/her to use that suggested plans is based on his own
BMI and age.

Figure 27: STRICTFOODS Edit Profile Modal

This modal is where the users can update their information

Figure 24: STRICTFOODS Web History to a new one if there is any changes in his/her information
This is the history page where the users can browse and see like email, number or address.
his/her history that is recorded every time he/she uses
health check.
Figure 28: STRICTFOODS Premium Users Create Plan
This feature is only able for premium users where he/she
can create his own personalize plans by choosing in the
food sets or exercises from the database.

Figure 29: STRICTFOODS Premium Subscription

Payment Modal PayPal Payment


With all the studies being considered and taken into
account, the researchers therefore concluded that this
assistive Health & Fitness application using enhanced
ABC Algorithm will help its target customers. In
guiding them to a healthy and proper way of dieting .htm
by the help of diet strategies and workout sets. Also it
will help them even just in maintaining they’re health
status by checking the personal plans they made and apis-how-do-apis-work/
checking their health status in mean time.
X. REFERENCES 5Zhj&ust=1587302698533000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved =0CAIQjRxqFwoTCOCd7MKQ8ugCFQAAAAAdAAAAAB

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