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Assignment on Organizational Development


Deborina Bhattacharyya
MBA 4th Semester

Techno Structural Interventions

Socio Technical System

In organizational development, it is an approach to complex organizational work

design that recognizes the interaction between people and technology in work
places. It is a system that exists to serve some organizational purpose. It is based on
joint optimization of the social and technological systems of organization.

The boundary between the organization & its environment should be managed to
allow effective exchanges but protection from external disruptions. The
implementation of STS should be highly participative.

For example – in hospitals they maintain they maintain this system to support
admission and discharge of the patients.


A publishing system, when produce a book like social media, any kind of
advertisement etc.

Pros of Socio technical system

 Provide greater employee job satisfaction because of fulfilling social needs of

 This method gives more emphasis in the participation of employees.
 Employees can relate their output and social benefits. This helps to increase
the tenure of employees.

Cons of social technical system

 Jobs give more emphasis on employee needs rather than on
organizational needs.
 Most of the operating level employees may not be efficient for the decision

Self Managed Teams

Self managed teams work towards goals that are defined by a staff person outside
the team. A self directed team defines its own goals. While the self management
team is independent, the team members are interdependent. The team is self
regulating, operating with few external controls.
Rather than having a large number of employees each do a small operation to
assemble a product, the employees are organized into small teams, each of which is
responsible for assembling an entire product. These teams are self-managed, and
are independent of one another.

For example- A group of people working together in their own way towards a
common goal which is defined the team.
ABC limited company has a “C” group; they manufactured cardboard boxes as
defined by executive leadership. The team work their own way towards achieving the

Pros of Self Managed Teams

 Flexibility- Self managed teams give more and improved the flexibility of
 High commitment- Self managed teams gain a high level of commitment.
 Improve productivity- Self managed team give high productivity to proper

Cons of Self Managed Teams

 High investment- It is required for skill development.

 Inefficiency- Due to job rotation organizations suffers from early inefficiency.
 Employee inability- Some employees become unable to adapt to a team
Work Redesign

Work redesigning means restructure the elements including tasks duties and
responsibilities of a specific job in order to make it more encouraging and inspiring
for the employees or workers. Employees raised in individualistic cultures need
training to be effective team members. The main objective of conducting work
redesigning is to place the right person at the right job and get maximum output
while increasing their levels.
It is a core function of human resource management and it is related to the
specification of contents, methods and relationship of jobs in order to satisfy
technological and organizational requirements as well as the social and personal
requirements of the job holder.

For example- HR administration is nowadays often digitized and in the hands of

employees and managers through self service tools. This reduces the administrative
tasks for people give HR advisors, opening up their schedule to focus on value,
adding analysis and strategic advice.
Similarly, HR reporting is increasingly automated with integrated, self service
dashboards. This enables the data analyst to focus more of their time on more
advanced, value adding reports.

Pros of Work Redesign

 Creates a right person job fit.

 Bring the sense of belongingness in employees.
 Enhance the quality of work life.

Cons of work redesign

 May impact many other positions.

 Costly learning
 Benefit only to the few
 Required detailed planning and coordination.

Management by Objectives

It was first popularized by Peter Drucker in 1954. It can be defined as a process

whereby employees and the superiors come together to identify common goals, the
employees set their goals to be achieved, the standards to be taken as the criteria
for measurement of their performance and contribution and deciding the course of
action of action to be followed.

For example- Restrudents often use comment cards and ask customers to rate the
servers. If a server is lacking in customer service skill, it can harm the business you
could give that employee an objective to increase his customer service skills and
interact better with the clientele.

Pros of Management by Objectives

 MBO program continually emphasize what should be done in an organization

 MBO process secures employee commitment to attaining organization goals.

Cons of Management by Objective

 The development of objectives can be time consuming, leaving both manager

and employees less time in which to do their actual work.
 The elaborate written goals, careful communication of goals and detailed
performance evaluation required in an MBO program increase the volume of
paperwork in an organization.

Quality Circles

Quality circle is a small group of 6 to 12 employees doing similar work who

voluntarily meet together on a regular basis to identify improvements in their
respective work areas using proven techniques for analysing and solving work
related problems coming in the way of achieving and sustaining excellence leading
to mutual upliftment of employees as well as they organization.

For example- Florida Power and Light (FPL) reduced customer complaints by 60%
and improved reliability of electric services to customers by 40% in 1983. In 1987 the
firm was rated by 150 utility CEO’s as the best managed utility in the nation.

Pros of Quality Circles

 It improves employee communication at all levels of the organization.

 It improves the relationship between managers and the workforce.
 It improves quality, production and productivity.
 It improves leadership skill.

Cons of Quality Circles

 A large investment and time is required for a concept that is essentially new.
 After circle implementation a period of confusion may arise. This is because
people experiment with new ideas, new skill, and new roll.
 The overall productivity may decrease initially.

Quality of Work Life

It is a process of work organisation which enable its members at all levels to actively
participate in shaping the organizations environment, methods and outcomes. This
value based process is aimed towards meeting the twin goals of enhanced
effectiveness of organization and improved quality of life at work for employees.

For example- An employee who is satisfied with their life is more likely to be satisfied
with their work. Like, employee satisfaction rated may be higher in city with a usually
high quality of life.

Pros of Quality of Work Life

 Attraction and retention: Work-life techniques have turned into methods for
drawing in new talented representatives and continuing existing ones fulfilled.
Many employment searchers incline toward adaptable working hours as the
advantage they would search for in 7 their occupation. They would preferably
have the chance to work adaptable hours than get an extra augmentation in
yearly pay.
 Job satisfaction: Job involvement prompts work responsibility and
employment fulfilment. Individuals whose interests are ensured by their
employers encounter high level of occupation fulfilment. This enhances work
 Enhance stakeholder relations and credibility: A developing number of
organizations that pays attentions on quality of work life expand their
associations with the partners. They can impart their perspectives,
arrangements, and execution on difficult public subjects and create
enthusiasm between their key partners like purchasers, providers, workers
and so on.

Cons of Quality of Work Life

 No job security: One of the major needs of employees is job security. If

the employee feels that he can lose his job anytime, he would not be
committed towards company’s goals
 Negative attitude: Some people by nature are not committed to anything
and anyone and as such they would not be committed to their employers
also. Commitment is an attitude and those who lack it will not be
committed to their jobs.
 Poor reward and recognition: People will not do their best when they
feel that employers’ commitment in terms of reward and recognition is
lacking. Commitment is a mutual phenomenon. When employers want to
get the best from employees but do not give them reward and recognition,
people will not be committed to work.

Total Quality of Management

T- Made up of the whole.

Q- Degree of excellence a product or service provides.
M- Act, art or manner of planning, controlling, directing.
TQM is the art of managing the whole to achieve excellence.
The processes to produce a perfect product by a series of measurement
require an organized effort by the entire company to prevent or eliminate
errors at every stage in production is called TQM.0

For Example- TOYOTA is the biggest car manufacture in the world. Their
cars are manufactured under total quality management practices which
explain why they have satisfied so many of their customers resulting in high
resale value of their products.

Pros of Total Quality of Management

 Improves reputation- faults and problems are spotted and sorted

 Higher employee morale- workers motivated by extra responsibilities,
team work and involvement indecisions of TQM.

Cons of Total Quality of Management

 Initial introduction cost.

 Benefits may not be seen for several years.
 Workers may be resistant to change.

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