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My first episode will explain the expectation

of my Teacher Education Institution DARAGA
COMMUNITY COLLEGE and my Cooperating
allow me to better understand the do’s and don’ts
of teaching in the real workplace. The orientation
conducted by my practicum supervisor and the co-
operating principal will ensure my success as a stu-
dent intern.

At the end of this activity, I will be able to:

 analyze the expectations of my cooperating school
and that of my teacher education institution.
 reflect on the things I need to do to become a
successful student intern.
 follow all the policies and procedures of my
cooperating school.
 accomplish the matrix of expectations.
 write my responsibilities as a student intern.

Read the Vision, Mission, Goals and Core Values of the

Attend the orientation session with my practicum

supervisor and cooperating principal.

Record important notes during the orientation.

Ask questions ,if necessary.

Accomplish the learning episode.

As a student intern, I need to know the following

terms to fully understand my learning episodes.
ORIENTATION - the process of giving people training and information
about a new job, situation, etc.

EXPECTATIONS - the process of giving people training and information

about a new job, situation, etc.

COOPERATING SCHOOL - refers to the school where the field ob-

servers and student teachers undergo observation and practice teaching.

COOPERATING PRINCIPAL - the educational leader of the school in

which a student teacher is placed.

COOPERATING TEACHER - refers to a teacher who is assigned to

guide the FSS/student teacher in the development of professional compe-
tencies, attitudes and behaviors.

A. After the orientation conducted by my practicum supervisor/
cooperating principal, what are the things that I need to remem-

Cooperating Principal: LOURDES R. BIGCAS, Ph.D.

E Cooperating School: Daraga National High School

Be disciplined. Always be early and if there are unavoida-
 Punctuality ble instances that that I will be late, be sure to inform the
cooperating teacher immediately.

P  Attendance Again, be disciplined. Always be present so that I will no

miss any chance of improvement and opportunity to
grow. If I will be absent for very important reasons, I will

make sure to inform my cooperating teacher at least 2
days prior to my absence.

 Responsibility Of course, be disciplined again. Always submit my lesson

plan at least 2 days prior to teaching so that my cooper-
and Prepared-
ating teacher will have enough time to check and correct
my lesson plan. In addition, always prepare all necessary
materials for instruction so that students will have a very

fulfilling lesson and I can get the optimal results that I

 Wear proper Always wear the proper uniform when I am going to

teach. It will also serve as the identity of the interns or

uniform and
the practice teachers. We are allowed to be not in uni-
dress code.
form only during Fridays but make sure to still wear the
proper dress code. Always remember that a teacher is the

best visual aid so as an aspiring teacher I need to always
be presentable not only in front of my class but every
time I am at the school.

 Establish Always show respect to the people in the school not only

I healthy rela-
tionship with
to the teachers. Remember to always to be courteous. Be
approachable and be open to your students especially if
its all about school activities or about class matters. Make
students, co- them feel that they can talk to you and you will listen to

O operating
teacher and
them. Never forget to greet and show respect also to the
other personnel in the school because they are important
members of the school community.
other school

B. After the orientation conducted by my practicum supervisor/
cooperating principal, I need to equip myself with the Practice Teach-
ing kit to better prepare myself in this wonderful world of teaching.

 Knowledge in preparing the lesson

KNOW-  Knowledge on how to effectively
transfer the necessary information
LEDGE to the students.
 Knowledge about the curriculum.
 21st century skills
 Socialization skills
SKILLS  Teaching strategies
 Assessment strategies
 Motivation skills
 Discipline, Respect and Courtesy.
 Be kind and be approachable.
ATTITUDE  Be cooperative and a good motiva-
 Be optimistic about criticisms.
 Always be prepared.
 Be systematic, organized and time-
HABITS  Volunteer for other activities or
other work where service can be

Orientation Sessions are conducted be-

cause through these activities, we can learn about
the overview of all the rules and regulations and
also the do’s and don’ts of an institution. In addi-
tion, orientation sessions open the gates to our ex-
pectations as well as what is being expected from
us, thus, giving us ideas on what to do in order for
us not only to meet but to exceed these said ex-
pectations. Finally, orientation sessions allow us be
more prepared and ready for the challenges to
come because of all the essential tips and infor-
mation that we can gain from this activities.

I believe that I have to follow the
policies and procedures of the cooperating
school so that there will be a harmonious re-
lationship between me and my cooperating
school. Moreover, I need to follow the poli-
cies and procedures because these are my
guide which I can use in order for me to per-
form actively and effectively as an intern.

I believe that I have to follow the

policies and procedures of the cooper-
ating school so that there will be a har-
monious relationship between me and
my cooperating school. Moreover, I need
to follow the policies and procedures
because these are my guide which I can
use in order for me to perform actively
and effectively as an intern. Lastly, fol-
lowing these policies and procedures is
important because I believe that teach-
ers are leaders in the school. Therefore,
to be a good leader, you must be a good
example, a role model for everyone and
of course a good follower.

I believe that I am really prepared to teach.

This is thanks to all the learnings that I have acquired
from Daraga Community College for the last 3 1/2
years, I have been prepared to face this new mile-
stone in my life. Thanks to all the professors who
molded me to be an effective teacher, I have learned
the necessary skills in order for me to teach and
share the knowledge, skills and values to my stu-
dents. Furthermore, in these past few weeks that I
have been an intern in Daraga National High School, I
can say that I really love teaching and I think teaching
also agrees with me. This is because I enjoyed teach-
ing for me it’s very fulfilling.

During orientation with
Mr. Romualdo Bernal, the
previous principal of
Daraga National High

During orientation
with Mrs. Amelia
Milallos, the teacher
in-charge of the

Documentation with
other Interns before
the orientation.

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