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making body since it would greatly aid the government in combatting threats

against terrorist groups both foreign and local. But as to the timing of the passage
of the law, it’s still debatable because it was raised while the pandemic is still
present in our times. This would in fact undermine other current issues which are
being handled by the government such as quarantine protocols, economic aid and
other important modules in helping those affected by the coronavirus more
specifically poverty-stricken citizens.

In conclusion the passage of the anti-terrorism bill is both a blessing and a

burden, the former because it serves as an effective weapon against terrorist
groups which would also help save hundreds of lives especially our uniformed
service men, and the latter because it’s affecting the public’s trust towards the
government which sparks protest and numerous

Public Safety refers to the welfare and protection of the general public. It is

usually expressed as a governmental responsibility. meaning it deals with the
prevention and protection of the public from dangers affecting safety such as
crimes or disasters. The distinction between the two is that human security draws
attention to a wide scope of threats faced by individuals and communities
whereas public safety concentrates on threats directed against the state,
mainly in the form of military attacks, or foreign invasion of armed militias

This two concepts do not contradict one another because they both deal with
strategies involving security protocols, which must be implemented in order to
achieve peace and order in our country. Although both have different scopes
when it comes to what kind of threat they must address. Human security is
concerned with safeguarding and expanding people's vital freedoms. It provides
an impetus for all countries, whether developed or developing, to review existing
security, economic, development and social policies. Creating genuine
opportunities for people's safety, livelihood and dignity should be the overall
objective of human security. While public safety is the number one obligation of a
democratic society it still requires systematic planning and strategies derived
from human security in order to distinguish the level of threats and issues which
appear in society today

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