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Assignment Report on English

Course Code-BA101

Topic-Who am I?

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Naman Mishra Dr. Ruchi Raj Thakur

ROLL No.-1020181936 (Assistant Prof. English )


I often use to to ask this question to myself “Who Am I” and I think that I am the main
individual who can answer this question to a very extent. I am for the most part left ignorant
regarding what to state. This types of scenarios are quite frustrating and humiliating and we must
handle it properly. A person can know or characterize his or her self in many ways like by asking
few questions for instance “Am I behaving in the way in which I should?” or “Am I competent
enough to be in a place where I am right now?”. When I used to question these kinds of question
to myself I used to get different answer different times then I used to ponder “what if these
answers define my character?” then I realized that there are more than one portrayal or mark that
are fit for characterizing me totally.

First of all I would like to state that I am person of introvert and shy nature but that doesn’t
means that I don’t have friends or I don’t like gelling with people it is just that I hate opening up
completely in front of others. I am a kind of person whom you can easily get friend with and I
am loyal towards my friends too but if try to take false advantages of this friendship it will cost
you more than just a friend. I treat each of my friend equally and respect their loyalty towards
our friendship too.

According to many people my face looks like an innocent, dormant and quite child which is to
some extent true. Actually, these are the observations made by strangers or people who are just
friends with me and not my best friends or the ones who know me personally, to them I am way
more talkative and mirthful type of person. I may look like a one of those geek and studious kind
of person but I am not that I don’t actually like being a book worm and study for hours rather
than that I like gain knowledge through experience. I am an average student who studies for
knowledge and not foe marks. I like to be the part of a society where person of high intellect
gather and share their experiences.

Now talking about my hobbies, I have few hobbies like listening music, playing cricket and
reading novel. I listen mainly to metal bands and it is like opium to me I can not imagine my life
without music. As I said earlier that metal songs are just like opium to me it is vey hard to stop
listening to them some of favorite bands are AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Likin Park and Metallica. I
also like playing cricket as talking about by role in cricket I am a right arm off –spinner and right
handed batsmen but I do not like batting I prefer bowling over batting. I fond of reading also I
like to read fiction and non-fiction both types of novel but I am little biased towards fiction my
favorite fiction novel is ‘And then there were none’ written by Agatha Christie and she also my
favorite writer. Apart from novels I also like reading superhero comic books, I know that it is
kind of childish but I have been reading them since time immemorial.

My biggest weakness is that I trust people easily and many time they misuse my friendship and I
get emotionally broke after that and when I recover from this shock I again commit the same
mistake but now I have understand how to trust people and how to ignore the dishonest ones. I
am a person who is hydrophobic in nature and this is because I can not swim. I am also
caninophile in nature means I like dogs. I love to pet dogs and is having one right now also.
Other than dogs I also like snakes I love to study about them in fact it is my dream to visit
California because it is land where you can find more than 50 types of species of snakes. People
often find my interest in snakes weird.

After completing my education I want to qualify judicial services and serve my duty for my
country. Apart from this I will also establish an old age home because it is my mother’s wish. I
have been working hard to achieve this dream and in nigh future I will do the same. To travel
around the globe is also one of my dreams and someday I will get it done in future.

Giving answer to the question “Who am I?” is a difficult task because it the question which
varies from person to persons perspective. For instance, we may think we are confident, whereas
the people around us feel that we are too proud and arrogant and as we all know that noting is
constant in this universe and everything change as time passes by same is in the case of person
every person change with time, but with respect to current situation I have tried to clearly state
about my character and answer the question “Who am I?”

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