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Tell me something about yourself in brief

�Thank you, Sir/Ma�am for this opportunity. I am from XYZ City and belong to a
nuclear family. My father is a Central Government Employee and my mother is a Vice
Principal at a private school. My younger sister will appear her CBSE 10th board
this year. We are a very close-knit family. On an individual front, I perceive
myself as a confident, conscientious and hardworking individual. I carry out any
task assigned to me without hesitation, provided the instructions are clear. In the
case of doubts, I never hesitate to put forth my questions. I have always been a
fast learner, and I love to keep up my process of learning to figure out better
ways of solving problems. Moreover, I love to compete with my own past performances
than competing with my peers, as I believe that improvement is always better than

�Well, I am a confident, hardworking and a very professional individual. I have

always carried out all the tasks assigned to me without hesitation, provided the
instructions from my Reporting Managers or seniors were clear. I have also been a
good mentor to my juniors and never hesitate to guide them. On the other hand, I am
a creative person and I love to test my boundaries. In order to do so, I keep
pushing myself to think out of the box!�

Describe who you are. or Tell me about your background.

�I am a B. Tech in Computer Science/B. Com in Economics. I also have an MBA or I

have completed a certification course in Digital Marketing from ABC Academy. What
else would you like to know?�

�I have worked on an independent project work with 2 other students on Soft Skills.
I have also participated in several paper presentations on Business Communication.�

�I have scored an A in Professional and Technical Written Communication in English,

in my first semester. Here�s my marksheet.�

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

�I have several strengths namely � I am patient, committed, honest and self-

motivated. I am the biggest dreamer I have ever come across! I forgive easily and
hate to keep grudges in my heart. My greatest weakness is that I don't like getting
interrupted when I am seriously into something. Another one of my weaknesses is
that I trust people very easily. As I already said, I am a very patient person, so
I am actively working on this lacuna.�

Possible Answer #2:

�I am impatient which is the reason why I am a quick learner. But I honestly

believe that being impatient is a real weakness. I expect my team members to prove
themselves and start delivering on the very first assignment. In case a particular
resource fails, I have a tendency to stop delegating work to them and pick up
projects on my own. I am working on this attitude and in my previous organizations,
my peers helped me cope up with this to a great extent. To compensate for my own
weakness, I prep my people about my exact expectations. Then I give them a complete
scope of the assignment followed by various �checkpoint� dates, where they can
update me about their progress, with a demo/presentation if applicable. In my
previous job as a Project Manager, I was handling a 15-member team of both
individual contributors and Business Managers like Lawyers, Web Designers, Graphic
Designers, SEO/SEM Consultants, Editors, Writers and Callers. I used to break the
entire task down into manageable chunks for each employee, followed by stringent
timelines about when they would circle back to me. This process worked brilliantly,
helped me stay within the assigned budget and helped everyone achieve their
individual targets, as they learnt.�

What are your strong points? or What are your strengths?

�I am passionate towards my work and also a good listener, which means, I take my
instructions seriously. I am not a person who leaves things midway. I never lose
focus, even if I am under stress or have stringent deadlines to meet. I like to
finish every single task on my to-do list completely. Optimism, energy and my
ability to learn quickly let me hit the ground and rapidly solve problems. I also
have good communication skills which means I can deal fairly well with my business
clients as well as with the members of my internal team, in the future. Based on my
skills, abilities, and experience, I know I would be a great addition to the team.�

�I have the requisite skills to make your risk worth it. Chatting less and letting
my work do the talking, is my motto. In the past, whatever project was assigned to
me was delivered on time and also at par with all the quality standards.�

What is your greatest fear?

�You might think that since I have never worked in my life, and this is only my
first job, my inexperience is my weakness. But I beg to differ. I am a fast learner
and very open minded. I assure that I do not carry any pre-conceived notions
regarding how I feel I should perform my job.�

�I work too hard sometimes and care too much about my work. I take my tasks back
home and work even during the weekends. You can call me a workaholic, but my family
always points out that this is not right. Slowly and steadily I am realizing that
speed and working smartly are the key. So, I have begun to reach out to my
colleagues for ready-to-use workarounds so that I can give more time to my family.�

Do you have any serious medical issues?

�I do not have any serious medical issues.�

What did you do in the last year to improve your knowledge?

In 2016, I was in the final year of college. During that time, I did three things
to improve my knowledge. 1. I got myself enrolled in Aptech for the Sun Certified
Java Programmer course. I will appear my exam soon. 2. I have bought magazine
subscriptions such as Dataquest. These magazines help me to stay well informed
about new topics in the IT world. 3. I completed my final year application project
based on Java. The topic was Centralized Remote Based College Information Scheme.�

What is your ideal company or workplace?

�My ideal workplace or company is a fair one that values my contributions even as a
fresher and encourages me to speak up and share my ideas. It is a place where I can
be myself, while working towards a greater goal.�

What is the difference between hard work and smart work?

�Hard work is what every breadwinner does today, including a rickshaw puller or a
daily wager. Smart work is what the educated masses like us are supposed to do, and
some of us are actually doing it, like my father. A well-balanced combination of
both hard work and smart work is the secret formula to success. I have friends who
study all through the year and yet have 10 back papers to clear. They do not have
any interview calls in their kitty, and what do you think is the reason behind
this? It is their lack of understanding about smart work. All year through, they
were only working hard, but not smartly. They did not prioritize their goals
properly. Again, there�s me, I do not have any back papers and have a decent CGPA.
I am also attending this interview today. Whatever might be the outcome, I feel I
have prioritized my goals correctly and have worked both hard and smart. That is
the difference between hard work and smart work.�

Possible Answer #2:

�Hard work is delivering work on time with more effort and smart work is delivering
work on time, with lesser effort. I feel that is the basic difference. Most of the
times, in the corporate world, I feel a combination of both is needed to attain

How do you feel about working weekends and night shifts?

�I am a fresher and I hardly have any exposure of the corporate world. Back in
college, weekends were no different from weekdays for us. The assignments, tasks
and projects had to be submitted within deadlines, and to do so, we would study
during the weekdays. As far as night shifts are concerned, I would like to say that
I am a nocturnal person and I like to do my studies generally at night. I have no
issues working during weekends and at night, provided I get enough compensatory
offs to relax and wind down.�

�Sir, my body clock has got tuned into regular weekday shifts from 9 to 6. I am not
comfortable working nights and weekends on a regular basis, unless there is some
urgent deliverable or a resource crunch in the team, I will surely pitch in. But
working odd shifts is not good for the mental and physical health of employees and
I hope you understand the same. Yet, if the company needs my presence mandatorily
at night or during the weekend for continued growth and success, I will definitely
work for it.�

Where do you see yourself 3 years from now? or Where do you see yourself in 5

�My current goal is to find a career spot that ensures continued growth alongside
new challenges daily. 3 years from now, I see myself as an experienced and reliable
senior in the team and 5 years from now, I assume that I will be ready to take up
managerial responsibilities like product strategy. I want to have a stable career
in a single organization and hope I will get the same wherever I start.�

Possible Answer #2:

�I see myself working for a reputed organization, at a strategic position with

budgeting power, good remuneration, and minimal interference.�

Give an example of a time you had to respond to an unhappy manager/ customer/

colleague/ professor/ friend.

Personally, I am not too fond of conflicts. I don�t like it when people are mean,
so I try to avoid conflicts and tongue-lashing as far as possible. In case such a
situation arises, I let my seniors or professors handle it. I cannot recollect the
exact situation right now, but that�s what I have done in the past.�

How quickly do you adapt to new technology?

�I can adapt quickly to new circumstances. Since I am clear about my job role and I
am mentally prepared to take up challenges, I feel I have the capacity to learn
fast and apply my new knowledge. During my student life, I had to clear new papers
and projects in every semester and thoroughly enjoyed doing it. Similarly, I will
enjoy picking up new technologies in my professional life as well.�
What software packages are you familiar with?

Possible Answer #1:

�I am proficient in Operating Systems like Windows and Linux. I am familiar with

Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint from the Microsoft Office Suite. I am also
familiar with regular web Browsers, Photoshop and AutoCAD.�

Possible Answer #2:

�Among the Operating Systems, I am proficient in Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows
ME, Mac 0SX, Windows 2000, Mac OS 8.6, Solaris, Mac 0S9, UNIX, Linux, AIX, Sun OS,
OS/2, DOS, FreeBSD, Novell 4.0, Exchange 5.5, etc.

Among software solutions, I am proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, IE, Outlook

Express, Lotus 1-2-3, IBM Notes, etc.

I also have good knowledge of Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw Pro, Adobe Illustrator,
Studio, FileMaker Pro, MySQL, SQL Server, SQL 6.5 & 7.0, Enterprise Manager, EZ-
SQL, Net Objects Fusion, Vignette, Broad Vision, etc.

The remaining have been listed in my resume. Please have a look.�

On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate yourself as a leader?

Possible Answer #1:

�I rate my leadership skills an 8 out of 10. There is much to learn, but I have
always been a strong leader. I was the head boy/girl during my school days and in
the college, I was a Senior Wing NCC Cadet. I have completed my C-certificate and
have earned lots of badges in several NCC camps. I have led the Senior Boys/Girls
contingent at the Republic Day Camp in 2012 as well.�

Possible Answer #2:

�I am a good leader. That is the reason why today, I manage a 5-member strong team
independently in an MNC. While assigning tasks, I consider people skills often. If
a team member is feeling demotivated, I try my level best to understand them and
accordingly control the situation. Bearing my performance as a Manager over the
past few years, I would rate myself an 8.5/10, as there is still a lot of scope to
learn and grow.�

What makes you angry?

Possible Answer #1:

�I get angry when I get falsely accused of something that I did not do. Lack of
order and discipline also irritates me, but 4 years of hostel life have taught me
to cope and adjust with other people.�

Possible Answer #2:

�In a team, there are times when I and some of my peers work hard to achieve a
goal, while there are some people who leave their modules incomplete or quit mid-
way. At such a juncture, this load also gets assigned to us, the hardworking lot. I
don�t mind helping my peers out, but when an extra load of work gets assigned to me
in the 11th hour, I get irritated. Sometimes, when I know that I cannot do justice
to this new module, I politely refuse to take it up.�
Are you open to take risks? or Do you like experimenting?
Possible Answer #1:

�It is always good to venture into new waters and new technologies. I am a very
adaptive person and my diligence helps me pick up new stuff quickly. Experimenting
or taking risks can yield both good and bad results, but the exercise in itself is
a great learning experience. Such experiences generate experts and I want to become
an SME or a JAVA subject matter expert someday.�

Possible Answer #2:

�This is a good question and a complex one. My answer would be both a No and a Yes.
Personally, I like to experiment with new things, but I keep all my past mistakes
in mind before taking a shot at a brand-new project. For example, carpentry is my
hobby and I love to build small furniture pieces with my new toolkit, which was a
gift from my brother. But I will never venture into a complete home renovation
project with that little kit! What I mean to say is that baby steps are fine, but I
will not jump off a cliff at once.�

What are your future goals? Tell me about your short term and long-term goals.
Possible Answer #1:

�My short-term goal is to join a reputed company, like yours, where my job role
would allow me to apply my knowledge and key strengths. I want to get recognized
for my contribution to the company in the long-run.�

Possible Answer #2:

�I�ve picked up Marketing Automation basics during my first job, which lasted for
two years. Now I am prepared to take up a bigger and more challenging project. I
want to see myself as a marketing analyst in the next two years, that would be my
short-term goal. Following which, I would see myself as an end-to-end Digital
Marketing Strategist or a Manager in the long run.�

What motivates you?

Possible Answer #1:

�I love public speaking. Preparing a presentation and talking about it in front of

an audience, and then getting back to them with answers in the question and answer
round, motivates me! The whole experience is so thrilling. As a Sales Rep, I think
building a connection with my audience is useful, inspiring and exciting.�

Possible Answer #2:

�Meeting the set target within an assigned deadline motivates me the most. When I
do so, I get a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. When this is coupled with
an award, I feel all the more motivated. All in all, I like to achieve milestones,
so that I can look back at them and say to myself, �Yes, that was my achievement.�
Visible results also motivate me.�

What are your hobbies? or What are you passionate about?

You can talk about your own passion here. This is a commonly asked question in all
�HR interview questions and answers� lists.

Possible Answer #1:

�I am passionate about painting. I have been a painter all along, ever since my
childhood. Even today, I take advanced art classes during the weekends. The whole
exercise of beautifying a blank canvas with colors relaxes me. It is my way of

Possible Answer #2:

�I�m passionate about cooking. I love to stir up a new dish or experiment with a
new recipe every now and then. Every weekend, my friends come over to my place to
try out a new dish. I maintain a journal where I jot down all my kitchen quests. I
might publish it as a guide for home cooks, but that will have to wait until I
develop and write down at least a 1000 final recipes.�

What are your biggest achievements till date?

Possible Answer #1:

�Becoming the Champion with 4 first prizes at the 25th Zonal Sports Meet is my
biggest achievement till date.�

Possible Answer #2:

�Till date, I have accomplished several goals and milestones in my career as an app
developer. The one that rings a bell is the latest version update on a core product
of my current organization for customer profiling and payments. We had been
slogging on this version update for 12 months at a stretch and I was a core team
member. My team made me their team lead during the last 6 months and at that time,
we were working on the mobile components of the product. To meet the deadline, I
brought in 5 more resources, who had expertise in certain technologies, which were
crucial for the pending modules. After the deployment of each of the component, all
of us cross-trained to support all the platforms proficiently. In the end, we were
able to deliver the project within time and budget constraints. Our CEO was highly
impressed and all of us were also awarded at the quarterly town hall in December.
Would you like to take a look at the Android version of our product?�

What are you most proud of?

Possible Answer #1:

�It is yet to come. The day I land my first job in a reputed company such as yours,
will be my proudest achievement. That moment is still pending.�

Possible Answer #2:

�I am very proud of how I helped ABC company set up successful sales funnel by
satisfying 60,000 hyper-responsive customers. I even won a �Best Performer� award
and 100% incentive payout for the same.�

What has been your greatest failure?

Possible Answer #1:

�I could not secure a perfect 100/100 in my Math paper in 12th Standard, despite my
hard work. That is my greatest failure till date.�

Possible Answer #2:

�Last year, we wanted to improve sales by 50% but achieved just 35% which was a
huge letdown, even if there was a huge boost to our ROI. The underlying issue was
that I was on a holiday and my entire team took this last big deal for granted.
They are all star performers, but I don�t know why they took this sure shot deal so
lightly. We had built a great rapport with this client over a period of 3 months
and the deal had almost been wrapped up. That was a huge failure in the recent past
for me. Eventually, the deal slipped out of our hands and impacted the overall
sales percentage.�

What do you always regret? or Do you have any regrets?

Possible Answer #1:

�I still regret turning down the position offered to me at XYZ company last year. I
have gained good experience in my present organization. But it�s good that I turned
it down, otherwise, I wouldn�t have been promoted and become a Manager. Neither I
would have got the opportunity to interview with your esteemed organization today!�

How do you respond to change?

Possible Answer #1:

�I am patient, persistent, practical, and always positive. This helps me cope up

with change smartly.�

Possible Answer #2:

�I try to stay focused on what I am and what I need. This helps me respond to
change effectively.�

Are you demanding as a boss?

Freshers may skip this question as it is not relevant to their set of HR interview
questions and answers.

Possible Answer #1:

�My demands as a boss are never unreal. If the workload is huge and timelines are
not negotiable with my seniors, I do become a demanding boss. Yet, as a manager, I
always ensure that I help my team members progress and grow on their individual
career paths. If they are having hiccups or challenges along the way, I delegate
work accordingly to make their life easy, as well as ensure project delivery on

Are you an organized person?

Possible Answer #1:

�Yes, I am quite organized. I keep all my documents, certificates and files labeled
and sorted. The labels are such that I can retrieve anything that I need instantly,
in seconds. I also have a very clean desktop in my computer.�

Possible Answer #2:

�Organization comes naturally to me. My desk, folders, software files, clothes,

kitchen and everything else is always well arranged, sorted and neatly kept. Thanks
to my spouse and mom for instilling this skill as a habit in me.�

Can you describe your time management skills?

Possible Answer #1:

�I make a to-do list with timelines and stick to this until any further revision of
schedule is announced. That�s how I manage time.�

Possible Answer #2:

�I decide on the order of my task list and prioritize tasks according to the
instructions from my seniors. I try to deliver urgent tasks first and then the
remaining ones. In case the urgency part is unclear, I prioritize complicated or
time taking projects over the simpler and smaller ones. Throughout the process, I
keep adapting and updating my seniors to ensure that I am on track and my efforts
are not getting wasted.�

Also read: 15 powerful time management tips

What�s your absenteeism record like?

This is rarely asked to professionals during interview discussions pertaining to HR
interview questions and answers.

Possible Answer #1:

�At college, we had an 85% attendance adherence rule. I followed this rule all
along. If there are certain policies in the company pertaining to an employee�s
attendance, I will surely abide by them.�

Possible Answer #2:

�I value punctuality in my personal life. I am absent from work, it is backed by

either a prior notification or a valid reason. I follow all company rules and HR
policies regarding attendance and leave. I do not encourage habitual evasion of
work among my team members as well. Habitual absentees are warned by me and I also
put the work across to requisite authorities in case somebody is overtly

Are you reliable? or Can I trust you with responsibilities?

Possible Answer #1:

�Yes, I am a reliable person. I like helping my friends and family, whenever I get
a chance. Be it an emotional boost or a financial aid, I am always around for

Possible Answer #2:

�Yes, I am not only reliable but also a very dependable person. If a task is
assigned to me, it will be dutifully handled and completed within the stipulated

What are the three things that are most important for you in a job?
Possible Answer #1:

�Honesty, loyalty, and determination to achieve my team�s target.�

Possible Answer #2:

�Professionalism, growth and a healthy work-life balance are important.�

What was the toughest decision you ever had to make?

Possible Answer #1:

�Choosing Engineering over Medical Science after 12th was my toughest personal
decision. But I think I have made the right choice.�

Possible Answer #2:

�When I was asked to step in as a temporary team leader for the first time, I still
remember how I missed a couple of key communications from the manager. This pushed
our deadlines back by 2 weeks. It was a great lesson and since then, I always make
it a point to focus on the big-picture, instead of looking at smaller projects.�
If you won a Rs.10-crore lottery, would you still work?
Possible Answer #1:

�Yes, I would still work, to build my career. As far as the lottery money is
concerned, I will buy a huge house for my Mom and Dad.�

Possible Answer #2:

�The amount you quoted is not huge, considering the fact that my spouse is a social
worker! In order to sustain my existence and my family�s welfare, I would still
keep working.�

Give me an example of your creativity.

Possible Answer #1:

�I can�t exactly recollect. Since I am hoping to become a software developer, I

have to be creative at all times. Writing code not only requires technical
expertise and logic but also creativity to a great extent. Only then the solutions
developed will be flexible and be accommodating.�

Possible Answer #2:

�Recently, the company that I work for, inaugurated a new store. On the day of the
opening, the air conditioning of the outlet failed. In order to keep all the new
customers comfortable, I immediately cracked the idea of organizing a sidewalk
open-air sale! It was a life saver as the shop was super-hot inside. This is an
example of how resourceful and creative I can be when the situation demands!�

What makes you happy?

Possible Answer #1:

�Success makes me happy. I also feel happy after accomplishing my task or makes me
happy achieving my goals. Holidaying with my family also makes me happy!�

Possible Answer #2:

�Exercising energizes me and keeps me happy. I would say that working out on a
regular basis keeps me charged as it keeps my mind and body healthy. I am not a
work out freak but I follow a healthy way of living. After channelizing my extra
energy in cardio, I feel charged at work and tend to deliver better. Going on long
rides or weekend trips on my Royal Enfield cruiser bike, also makes me feel happy.�

How do you work under pressure? Can you handle the pressure?
Possible Answer #1:

�Working under pressure is what I have done a lot during my college days. I have
realized that I can actually work well under pressure. It is the pressure factor
that brings out maximum efficiency in me.�

Possible Answer #2:

�I like to work under pressure. It brings out the best in me as well as helps me
grow. I learn faster and perform well when I have a strict deadline, because I plan
accordingly, work in a more organized manner and also tend to finish my tasks with
more efficiency. In my current job role, deadlines and �pressure situations� are
common, and I have grown immune to them.�

Are you willing to relocate or travel?

Freshers, do not say �YES!� at once. This will only show your desperation to be a
part of the company. Answer carefully like this. (This is an important tip for your
HR interview questions and answers).

Possible Answer:

�I would definitely consider it. If the opportunity given to me is appropriate,

rewarding and feasible, I don�t think I will have any issues with the relocation or
traveling involved.�

You need to understand the purpose of this question. Answer correctly, as explained

What do you know about us or our company?

Possible Answer #1:

�I�m a Blivkart customer myself. The company was founded by Som and Bandit
Vashisht. They previously worked for, and then quit their jobs to start
their own firm in India. Today it is one of the fastest growing companies in India
and is all set to create new records. It will be more than a privilege to get
through and join such a super talented team.�

Possible Answer #2:

�Yours is one of the fastest growing and leading IT firms in India. Both your
mission statement and tag line, are catchy and very attractive. Everyone I know,
who is a part of this organization, is very happy about working here. I think this
will be a great place for me to perform, show my talent and get recognized as

How long do you think you will work for us after we hire you?
Possible Answer #1:

�I am fresher and nothing can be better for me than starting my professional career
in a reputed company like yours. If everything goes well, I will be looking forward
to a long stint here, as long as the company needs me.�

Possible Answer #2:

�I believe in long hauls. I have been with 2 organizations in the past, and my
stints have lasted for 5+ years. Being an experienced professional in the IT
sector, I have done my homework and believe this company will surely offer a best-
in-class working environment and a rewarding career. I plan to stay for a long time
here, or at least for as long as my services will be valued and required.�

Are you applying for other jobs? Do you have any other offer in hand?
Do not get intimidated with this HR interview question and answer. You can be open
about the other offer or keep it private, depending on how happy you are with it.
HR recruiters generally ask this to understand your demand in the market. They also
want to know that by the time they interview you and reach the offer stage, you
would have already accepted another one.

Possible Answer #1:

�Yes Sir/Ma�am, I am negotiating verbally about an offer with the HR of a startup

company right now. But there is no documentation to support the same. So, nothing
is concrete yet.�

Possible Answer #2:

�I and some of my batchmates received verbal offers from a company, during our
campus placements. I was supposed to receive the official offer letter through an
email communication from the company within a week of my selection, but it�s been
over 6 months now. I have sent them one follow up email, but the HR that I am
writing to is still silent. So, I don�t know clearly if I actually got the job.
That is the reason why I came for this interview.�

Possible Answer #3:

�No I don�t.�

Play safe with this answer while you face your HR interview questions and answers
round. If you have an offer letter already, keep it a secret till the salary
negotiation stage comes up. There, you can negotiate your remunerations on the
basis of your current drawn package and also the offer letter that you have. You
can negotiate with all the three organizations at this stage (your current
organizations, the company that issued an offer letter and also the company with
which you interviewed) and finally select the best possible option. In case this
strategy conflicts with your personal theories and beliefs, you can frame your
answer, as shown below.

Possible Answer #4:

�I�ve been talking to ABC company for the past 15 days, but it is not final yet. I
am interested in working with them, but I�m still not sure. Is there something you
know about company ABC that you can share with me?�

Why do you want to work for us or our company? or Why do you want this job?
Possible Answer #1:

�I read an article in the newspaper a few months back. The news piece revolved
around your corporate community service. I am not exactly a philanthropist, as I am
not that rich yet, but giving back is a big part of my personal philosophy. When I
read that article, I was moved. The true excitement overtook me when I got this
interview call. It will be really nice if I get to work in an organization, which
follows the same philosophies as I personally do. Because my technical skills will
be recognized in other places as well, but personal philosophies are equally

Possible Answer #2:

�Teamwork is what I truly believe in. When I saw that there was an opening in your
organization, I made sure that my application was put in. Being a team-player, I
believe working together to achieve a higher goal is what drives success in the
long run. And my skills as an engineer and a team member will give me a 360-degree
work satisfaction for me�

Do you know anyone who works for us?

The purpose of this HR interview question and it�s answer is tricky and most of the
interviewees these days fail to give an appropriate answer. Your interviewer wants
to find out if you have relatives, friends or acquaintances working for the
organization. From a psychological point of view, they want to know if you already
have a mentor within the organization. So it is recommended that you frame a
positive answer while facing your round of HR interview questions and answers.

Possible Answer #1:

�I�m good friends with the daughter of Mr. XYZ, who is a part of this organization.
My friend is not your employee, but thinks very highly of this organization and has
been constantly encouraging me to apply. That is the reason why I am here today, as
the more I learned about this company, the more I wanted to become a part of it.�

Possible Answer #2:

�I am a friend of XYZ, who is a part of your Finance Department, but our friendship
was not the primary factor for me to apply here. Besides, I know how to separate my
professional life from my personal life. This company has a strong reputation in
the market and I have always looked up to your brand. I truly believe that I can
use my skills and expertise to help my team and the organization grows.�

Also read: How to get a job referral?

Why should we hire you? or Why should I hire you?

Most freshers might treat this as a challenging question. Remember that it�s not
some sort of a blow to your ego, but a stress test which you can pass smoothly with
a powerful answer. Below given is your perfect answer, which you can use in your
discussion pertaining to HR interview questions and answers.

Possible Answer #1:

�Sir/Ma�am, I have all the requisite qualifications and skills. I can do the work
that the profile requires me to do. Besides, I have the capacity to deliver
exceptional results. I can blend into mixed cultures and will fit in beautifully,
which will make me a great addition to the team. For a fresher, I have the right
amount of exposure into this industry, as I have completed my internship with XYZ
company only recently. Hiring me will be a great value-add to your workforce as the
organization will keep on gaining, with me around.�

Sell your interviewer on you and close the deal on your dream job while having a
discussion on HR interview questions and answers! To do so, you need to stay
prepared with a summary of the best reasons why they should select you. If you feel
you are the winning candidate, you should prove that you are more than qualified.
Here�s your best answer.

Possible Answer #2:

�Sir/mam, I have great communication skills, desired experience and the requisite
skill set for this job role. If I get a chance to showcase my abilities, I will
leave no stone unturned with my commitment to hard work and dedication.�

This is your chance to repeat your strengths and describe your best-selling points
while discussing HR interview questions and answers. Tweak them to align your
answer to the position�s top requirements. Your answer should be ready in a few
bullet points with the optimal combination of your industry experience, your domain
expertise, your technical skills and your key accomplishments. Articulate smartly
for a sure shot impact.

Possible Answer #3:

�Sir/Ma�am, I am confident about the fact that my strong technical experience and
outstanding knowledge of SKILL1, SKILL2, and SKILL3 make me a strong contender for
this position. I have been in this field for X years. I have got several to pick up
skills, for example in my previous organization, I have completed an internal
certification on SAP and supply chain management process. I have successfully
executed projects right from inception to delivery. I must add that today I am
sitting here because I strongly believe this is the right place to extend my
skills. This might be excellent for my future and for the growth of this esteemed
organization as well.�

Some other variations of this question that are generally asked, are as follows.
Your answer remains the same for the below questions as well (amongst all other HR
interview questions and answers), as discussed above. But remember to keep it short
and precise.

What makes you the best candidate for this position?

Why do you think you can fit well into the position?
What can you bring to the position and to the organization
Read more answers here.

What are your salary expectations?

Possible Answer #1:

�My salary expectations are in line with the current industry standards, according
to my experience and qualifications.�

Possible Answer #2:

�Thank you, Ma�am/Sir, once my responsibilities are clear I can state an exact
figure. Right now, I would like to know what my potential Manager expects from this
job position, in your organization. After this discussion, maybe we can both meet a
conclusion about my future remuneration.�

Possible Answer #3:

�Sir/Ma�am, I am sure your company is already paying a specific package to someone

in a similar position. Hence, I would like to know your budget, if you do not mind.
Accordingly, I can put forth my expectations.�

Read more answers here.

If you are interested to know your exact in-hand salary, use this free Take Home
Salary Calculator here.

You can also read all about your salary and its various components from this blog

Wondering if you should negotiate salary? Read how to negotiate salary.

Do you have a good work ethic?

With this question, the interviewer is judging if you are disciplined and
structured in your work. To answer this question, you must communicate your ability
to maintain your work schedule without compromising on its quality.

Possible Answer #1: (For fresher)

I am quite disciplined as a person, and I believe in doing my work in a planned and

organized manner. A well thought out plan and discipline in execution is the
foundation of high-quality work.

Possible Answer: 2 (For Experienced candidates)

In my X years of professional experience, I have rarely missed a deadline. Barring

extraordinary circumstances, I am usually able to stick to my writing schedule
without compromising on quality. Besides that, I get long well with people which
helps in maintaining a good work environment.
How do you deal with feedback and criticism?
The purpose of this question is to test your attitude toward feedback and
criticism. In answering this question, you need to indicate that although you are
confident about your work, you are not stubborn. Show that you are flexible and
willing to make changes and modifications, when necessary.

Possible Answer #1:

To err is human, and I too have faltered at times in interpreting a

client's/company�s briefings and/or expectations. However, maintaining a cordial
relationship with the clients as well as with my seniors helps me discuss and
resolve the gaps without any fear or distress.

Possible Answer #2:

I have learnt that it is best to take criticism positively. Feedback and criticism
help one to look at things from a different perspective, which results in a better
understanding of the situation. It ultimately helps one gain useful insights into
one's strengths and weaknesses.

Your interview is more or less coming to an end when the interviewer asks you, �Do
you have any questions for me?�
Never say �no� as this is perhaps the worst response ever given by any interview
candidate! Remember that interviews are not integrations but are business
conversations where both the parties should ask and respond to questions. Coming
back to the situation, the best answer for a fresher is as follows:

Possible Answer #1:

�Yes, I do!�

This is probably your very first chance during the interview, to ask a question.
Questioning will indicate that as a fresher, you came well-prepared for the
interview and you are still absorbed in the conversation. It will also show that
you do take interest in the organization. Make a general list of five questions
about the company and ask them to your interviewer, after all other HR interview
questions and answers are over.

Possible Answer #2:

�How has your journey been so far in this organization? What excites you the most
about working here? How long does it ideally take a person to prove their caliber
here? Where is the organization headed in the next years? What are the next steps
of this interview?�

In case you already know everything about your potential employer, you can ask the
interviewer a direct question like:

Possible Answer #3:

�Can you tell me something about yourself?�

Everyone likes to talk about themselves, so this is a safe question amongst all
other HR interview questions and answers. In the end, try to throw in an
enthusiastic conversation ender like:

Possible Answer #4:

�It was great talking to you!�

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