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Briefing materials
Global health and crisis response
Updated: April 3, 2020

Copyright @ 2020 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.

Current as of April 3, 2020

COVID-19 is, first and foremost, a global

humanitarian challenge.
Thousands of health professionals are heroically battling the virus, putting
their own lives at risk. Governments and industry are working together to
understand and address the challenge, support victims and their families and
communities, and search for treatments and a vaccine.

Companies around the world need to act promptly.

This document is meant to help senior leaders understand the COVID-19
situation and how it may unfold, and take steps to protect their employees,
customers, supply chains, and financial results.


Executive summary

The situation now Actions that institutions can take

At the time of writing, COVID-19 cases have exceeded 900,000 and are
1 2 3
increasing quickly around the world, with concerns that a 15% hospitalization
rate could drive hospital system overload. Resolve Resilience Return
To reduce growth in cases, governments have moved to stricter social Address the immediate Address near-term Create a detailed
distancing, with “shelter in place” orders in many areas in the U.S., Europe, challenges that cash management plan to return the
India, and other countries. This has driven rapid demand declines—among the COVID-19 represents challenges, and business back to
deepest in recent times—that are being met by attempts at bailouts. to the workforce, broader resiliency scale quickly
customers and partners issues
Some Asian countries, e.g. China, have kept incremental cases low, and
are restarting economies. So far, there is little evidence of a resurgence
in infections. 4 5

Reimagination Reform
Re-imagine the “next Be clear about how
How the situation may evolve normal”—what a discon- the environment in your
tinuous shift looks like, and industry (regulations,
There is a limited window for governments to drive adequate public-health implications for how the role of government)
responses and meet demand drawdowns with proportionate economic institution should reinvent could evolve
interventions. Without this, the possibility of a deeper effect on lives and
livelihoods is more likely.
Scaled-up testing will soon clarify the extent and distribution of spread in the
U.S., and Europe.
Learnings from other countries and recent innovations (strict social distancing Establishing a Nerve Center can ensure
rules, drive through testing, off-the-shelf drugs that can address mild cases, speed without sacrificing decision
telemedicine enabled home care) could provide basis for a restart. quality across these five dimensions.

McKinsey & Company 3

01 02 03 04
COVID-19: Scenarios and Sector-specific Planning and
The situation now path forward impact managing COVID-
19 responses

McKinsey & Company 4

Current as of April 3, 2020

The global spread Impact >1 million >52,000

is accelerating to date
with more Reported confirmed Deaths
reports of local cases

Latest as of April 3, 2020 >200 >160 49
Countries or territories Countries or territories Countries or territories
with reported cases1 with evidence of local with more than 1000
transmission2 reported cases1

~.2% ~38% ~52% 6

1.Previously counted only countries; now
aligned with WHO reports to include territories
China share of new US share of new Europe share of new New countries or
and dependencies; excluding cruise ship
2.Previously noted as community transmission
reported cases reported cases reported cases territories with cases
in McKinsey documents; now aligned with March 27–April 2 March 27–April 2 March 27-April 2 March 27–April 2
WHO definition

Sources: World Health Organization, John Hopkins University, CDC, news reports
Current as of April 3, 2020


The virus has spread Total cases >503,000

Total deaths >33,600
worldwide despite
containment efforts China

Total cases >82,500

Total deaths >3,300


Total cases >4,500

North America Total deaths >120

Total cases >256,000

Total deaths ~6,000
Propagation trend Total cases >5,800
>10,000 reported cases South America Total deaths >20

1,000-9,999 reported cases Total cases >15,000

250-999 Total deaths >400
Middle East3
<50 Asia (excl. China)2
Total cases >58,000
Total >3,200 Total cases >30,000
1. Johns Hopkins data used for U.S., all other North America countries reporting from WHO deaths Total deaths >600
2. Includes Western Pacific and South–East Asia WHO regions; excludes China; note that South Korea incremental cases are
declining, however other countries are increasing
3. Eastern-Mediterranean WHO region

Source: World Health Organization, Johns Hopkins University, McKinsey analysis

Current as of April 3, 2020

Greatest share of recent cases comes from Europe,

although U.S. cases are rapidly accelerating
Incremental cases for China
Cumulative number of cases since March 1 – April 2 and South Korea are now ~100 per
day with continued focus on disease
Thousands surveillance and management of
imported cases and localized
1,000 transmission
900 Italy .
Spain Europe
800 Germany Cases and deaths continue to
increase across the region. Effects
700 of national lockdowns are beginning
France to show effect in Italy (which
Switzerland recorded relatively flat incremental
UK cases for the past 3-4 days); close
South Korea monitoring should continue in
500 upcoming days to understand the
Rest of world
impact of distancing measures
400 China across European states

United States
200 Dramatic rise in cases in the past
week have led the U.S. to exceed all
100 other countries (including China) in
total cases; incremental cases are
0 now above 10,000 per day with
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 02 highest concentrations in New York,
March Apr. New Jersey and California

1. U.S. data from Johns Hopkins University CSSE (observed at 1700PT); all other data from WHO Situation Reports

Sources: WHO situation reports, Johns Hopkins University, press search

Current as of April 3, 2020

Countries begin with similar trajectories but

curves diverge based on measures taken

Cumulative number of cases Select country detail

Cumulative number of cases

260,000 Italy Ÿ Italy: After more than two weeks of

national lockdown, incremental cases
240,000 Iran and deaths are flattening, indicating
220,000 South Korea that public health are reducing
Spain transmission
180,000 France
Germany Ÿ South Korea: Aggressive testing,
US contact tracing and surveillance, and
140,000 mandatory quarantines are helping
UK isolate virus clusters and dramatically
slow spread of outbreak.
Ÿ United States: Cases and deaths
60,000 are accelerating rapidly amidst
40,000 containment responses that vary at
state and local levels; U.S. now has
20,000 the highest number of confirmed
0 cases in the world
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
Days since 100th case

1. U.S. data from Johns Hopkins University CSSE; all other data from WHO Situation Reports

Sources: WHO situation reports; Johns Hopkins University, press search McKinsey & Company 8
Current as of April 2, 2020

US: Exponential growth in the past two weeks has made the US the
newest COVID-19 epicenter
Incremental cases and tests per day Number of tested persons cumulative New reported cases per day

Number of reported cases

Mar 16 – President Trump Mar 20 – Government bans Mar 29 – President Trump

Feb 29 – Washington Mar 11 – U.S. begins to announced public health entry to foreign national who extends physical distancing
is first state to declare measures as part of “15 Days
suspend travel from European had been in 28 EU countries measures in the U.S. through
a State of Emergency countries, except U.K. to Slow the Spread” campaign within the last 14 days April 30

Mar 20 – New York performed

35,000 announces stay-at-home 1,400,000

Mar 5 – U.S. Vice President Mar 13 – Drive- order to curb transmission
Mike Pence announces through testing in 1,200,000
there are not enough tests the U.S. begins in
25,000 to meet demand New Rochelle, NY 1,000,000

20,000 800,000

15,000 600,000

10,000 400,000

5,000 200,000

0 0
01 31 01 02

March Apr.

Source: Johns Hopkins University, COVID Tracking Project, NY Times, press search McKinsey & Company 9
Current as of April 3, 2020

Italy: The number of new cases has trended slowly down over the
last 10-14 days

Incremental cases and tests per day Number of tested persons per day New reported cases per day

Number of reported cases

Feb 21 – Cluster of 16 Feb 26 – Testing criteria are Mar 8 – Lockdown extended Mar 20 – Italy testing at rate
cases identified in relaxed, allowing contacts of to all of Lombardy and 14 of ~3500 per million, amongst
northern Italy confirmed cases to be tested other northern provinces highest in western Europe

Feb 23 – performed
Officials lock
10,000 down 10 towns 42,000
9,000 in Lombardy Mar 6 – Authorities begin testing Mar 9 – Italy begins
8,000 after spike in all 3,300 residents of northern national lockdown; 35,000
cases town of Vò (new cases now zero) travel banned
5,000 21,000
3,000 14,000
0 0
19 29 01 31 01 02
February March Apr.

Source: WHO situation reports, CNN, New York Times, press search McKinsey & Company 10
Current as of April 3, 2020

South Korea: Rigorous investigation of outbreak clusters

and rapidly scaled testing capabilities limited spread

Incremental cases per day and tests performed in South Korea Number of tests performed New reported cases per day

Number of reported cases

Feb 4 – Feb 9, 16 – Feb 24 –

Government ‘Patient-31’ 15 countries Mar 20 – Localized outbreaks,
approves first exposes ~1000 impose travel Mar 3 – Korea pioneers Mar 9 – including another infected church
test kit after 16 congregants in restrictions on drive-through testing ~180,000 congregation, point to ongoing
reported cases Daegu church South Korea inspired by fast food chains individuals tested need for surveillance and response

Feb 20 – Daegu Mar 1 – Government
1,400 20,000
residents clear streets begins investigation
1,200 in response to outbreak of Daegu church



0 0
16 29 01 31 01 02
February March Apr.

Source: WHO situation reports, CNN, New York Times, Korean CDC, press search McKinsey & Company 11
Current as of April 3, 2020

China: Rapid lockdowns were employed to manage

outbreak before ramping up testing and response capabilities

Incremental cases per day and total reported cases in China Total reported cases New reported cases per day

Number of reported cases per day

Jan 23 – City of Feb 7 – All students Feb 21 – Government Mar 1 – 28 provinces (more
Wuhan is locked down asked not to return eases traffic restrictions, than 4/5ths of total) have
and travel from nearby to school following encourages work to resume resumed normal inter-provincial
cities is restricted Chinese New Year in less-affected areas passenger transport

Feb 3 – Hong Kong Feb 19 – China begins Feb 24 – 320,000 Mar 10 – Closure
closes all but 3 of 14 to sustain daily new case tests conducted to of last of 16 Total reported
border control points reports below 2,000 date in Guangdong temporary hospitals
20,000 90,000
Jan 24 – All
tourist activity in
Hubei canceled



0 0
23 31 01 29 01 31 01 02
January February March Apr.
1. Changes in new case tracking and reporting methodology yield spike in reported cases

Source: WHO situation reports, New York Times, Chinese government official notices and reports, press search McKinsey & Company 12
Key considerations for disease progression


Growing evidence on the Seasonality is unlikely to Promising testing Economic restarts in Asia
extent and role of be a major contributor to innovations may greatly reflect possibility to
asymptomatic cases and stopping the spread of expand disease restart limiting local
transmission COVID-19 surveillance capabilities transmission however
Although the range is large for Prevailing outlook is that while At home sampling and point-of- need for renewed travel
estimated share of total cases COVID is likely to transmit more care diagnostics can improve restrictions
(~20-50% for percentage of effectively in winter than convenience and reduce experience from Hong Kong,
cases that are asymptomatic summer, seasonality alone will processing times. Additionally, Singapore and Taiwan has
and ~10-60% for percentage of not be enough to curtail new antibody diagnostics under shown spike in cases following
transmission due to transmission, requiring ongoing development may facilitate return to in-person employment
asymptomatic cases) public health intervention even testing for prior exposure, which and relaxation of travel
There is significantly higher as weather gets better may allow significant segments restrictions. While most cases
prevalence than confirmed of the population with immunity are categorized as imported,
cases, that could require to resume activity Hong Kong especially has also
continued strict social distancing seen renewed growth in local
for a while transmission. In response all
three economies have
reinstituted restrictions on travel
and in-person gatherings.

McKinsey & Company 13

A: Emerging evidence indicates that asymptomatic
cases could be drivers of transmission
Asymptomatic Symptomatic
Public health response
Officials agree asymptomatic / Emerging evidence suggests that And that asymptomatic / pre- needs to account for
pre-symptomatic cases are 20-50% of cases are asymptomatic symptomatic transmission may possible widespread
quite common / pre-symptomatic… account for 10-60% of cases
transmission asymptomatic
“The risk of catching COVID-19
from someone with no
March 15:
Announcement by the
Study based on 135
cases in Tianjin,
symptoms at all is very low. Iceland government China published
However, many people with ~50 ~50 62 Ÿ Countries / territories with
based on 425 confirmed 38 March 8 on medRxiv
COVID-19 experience only mild cases (preprint server for limited confirmed cases and
symptoms. This is particularly health science) testing could still have
true at the early stages of the
disease. It is therefore possible March 12: EU CDC significant transmission
to catch COVID-19 from report based on prevalent
someone who has, for example, ~13,000 lab confirmed
56 Study based on 91
just a mild cough and does not 44 cases in Italy
cases in Singapore Ÿ Resurgence could be driven
feel ill.” published March 8 on by asymptomatic
medRxiv (preprint
“One of the [pieces of] March 16:
48 52
server for health
information that we have pretty announcement by the science)
much confirmed now is that a Ÿ Could require continued strict
South Korea CDC
significant number of individuals ~80 based on ~8,200 social distancing for a while
that are infected actually remain reported cases
asymptomatic. That may be as
Study of 468 reported Antibody blood tests are
many as 25%. That's important,
because now you have Study of 643 infected
cases in China currently the best method for
published March 19
individuals that may not have
any symptoms that can
cases on Diamond
Princess cruise ship
via early release in detecting asymptomatic
82 87 Emerging Infectious
contribute to transmission, and published March 12 in
Diseases journal
we have learned that in fact they 18 Eurosurveillance journal 13
do contribute to transmission.

Source: WHO, US CDC, EU CDC, Korea CDC, Government of Iceland, Mizumoto et. al “Estimating the asymptomatic proportion of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases on board the Diamond McKinsey & Company 14
Princess cruise ship, Yokohama, Japan, 2020,” Ganyani et. al, “Estimating the generation interval for COVID-19 based on symptom onset data,” Du et. al, “Serial Interval of COVID-19 among Publicly
Reported Confirmed Cases”;
B: Seasonality is unlikely to be a major
contributor to stopping the spread of

Some early evidence indicates … However, climate and

negative association between seasonality alone are broadly
temperature/ humidity and not expected to stop or Ongoing public health measures
COVID-19 transmission… significantly slow transmission and private sector response
leaders should not rely on seasonal
Ÿ High temperature and high relative Ÿ Applying observed association between changes to provide immediate or
humidity show association with reduced temperature/humidity and transmission rates,
transmission of COVID-19 in regressions North American and European countries would significant relief
in China data1 see little impact of climate on transmission until
Ÿ Majority of COVID-19 cases fall within late June3
temperate climates (95% of cases falling Ÿ Historical pandemic influenza analogues do not Ongoing disease containment and
between 2.0-9.5 degrees Celsius)2 exhibit same patterns as seasonal flu in terms of surveillance will continue to be
waning during summer months4
critical in the near term until
validation of reduced transmission
For the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, we have reason to expect…it may
transmit somewhat more efficiently in winter than summer, though we don’t
know the mechanism(s) responsible. The size of the change is expected to be
modest, and not enough to stop transmission on its own”
Marc Lipsitch, PhD, Harvard School of Public Health

1. Jingyuan Wang, Ke Tang, Kai Feng and Weifeng Lv 2020

2. Miguel B. Araújo and Babak Naimi 2020
3. Qasim Bukhari and Yusuf Jameel 2020
4. Marc Lipsitch 2020 McKinsey & Company 15
C: Two major test-types detect either active or
past infections

Improved speed and

Types Technology Details Availability scale of live case
Molecular RT-PCR Ÿ Steps of amplifying and detection of viral genome identifies Growing availability
confirmation will be
Detect genetic Reverse transcription presence of virus varies by geography; critical to facilitating test
material of the polymerase chain Ÿ Predominant testing method globally and most accurate Rapid PCR test
virus reaction
Ÿ Lab based tests typically takes ~3 days for results
received emergency and trace strategies for
FDA approval
Ÿ Near point of care takes <1 hour for results lower burden settings or
for countries that have
Isothermal Ÿ Rapid diagnostics with a single step identification of virus Recently approved
amplification Ÿ Typically near point of care (e.g., hospitals, clinics) taking < tests successfully contained
initial outbreaks and are
CRISPR Ÿ CRISPR protein used after isothermal amplification to detect Experimental / moving towards
viral RNA presence proof of concept
economic restart
Immunological Lateral flow tests Ÿ Detects presence of antibodies and antigens based on Starting to become
/ serologic
tests CLIA: Chemi-
binding to enzymes available in Europe,
only one in EUA in
Antibody tests with
Ÿ Negative test results don't imply lack of infection but just
Detect antigens luminescence
Immuno Assay
antibodies below detection limit; test most effective 8-10 the US scaled distribution can
or antibodies days since infection started
Ÿ Lateral flow tests are shorter, point of care, self administered
Over 30 tests under enable recovered
ELISA: Enzyme consideration
linked immune (like a pregnancy test), Typically <15 min populations to resume
sorbent assay Ÿ CLIA / ELISA tests are primarily lab based / near point of care;
typically takes <1 hour for results normal activity

Source: , CDC website, McKinsey & Company 16,,
Current as of April 3, 2020

D: Asian jurisdictions have restarted

economy, containing local transmission,
though travel related transmissions persist
Hong Kong Imported Local
Incremental cases per day
As of April 2, all civil
Contain- Easing Resurgence & New Restrictions
servants must work at
ment 6 average cases per day 42 average cases per day
3 average
80 cases per
home, and the private
sector has followed suit Some Asian jurisdictions have
by closing offices.
60 day Mar 2
Returning residents are
subject to a mandatory
been able to restart their
Civil servants return to work and
private employers follow suit
14-day quarantine economies with limited local
Mar 25
All non-residents are
0 barred from entering the
Month Avg. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 02 territory

February March Apr.

Imported cases reflect a high
Singapore fraction of the total, which may
Incremental cases per day
Mar 16 drive longer imposition of travel
Containment Easing Resurgence & New Restrictions New 14-day quarantine

3.1 average 10 average cases per day 46 average cases per day
mandated for most restrictions relative to other
incoming travelers
80 cases per day
public health measures
Mar 6 – Minister of Nat’l Dev. urges
As of April 2, strict
40 new focus on health and hygiene
travel restrictions are in
effect. Bars and
20 theaters are close,
3.0 gatherings larger than
0 10 are banned
Month Avg. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 02

February March Apr.

Source: Hong Kong Government Data Repository, Singapore Ministry of Health, Taiwan Center for Disease Control, press search McKinsey & Company 17
01 02 03 04
COVID-19: Scenarios and Sector-specific Planning and
The situation now path forward impact managing COVID-
19 responses

McKinsey & Company 18

Current as of April 3, 2020

The Imperative of our Time

1 “Timeboxing” the Virus and the

Economic Shock
Safeguard our lives
1a. Suppress the virus as fast as possible
1b. Expand treatment and testing capacity 1b
1a 1c

1c. Find “cures”; treatment, drugs, vaccines

2 2a

Safeguard our livelihoods

2a. Support people and businesses affected by lockdowns ~ -8 to -13%
2b. Prepare to get back to work safely when the virus abates Shock
2c. Prepare to scale the recovery away from a -8 to -13% trough

Source: McKinsey analysis, in partnership with Oxford Economics McKinsey & Company 19
Current as of April 3, 2020

Scenarios for the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis

GDP impact of COVID-19 spread, public health response, and economic policies
Rapid and effective control B1 A3 A4
of virus spread Virus contained,
Strong public health response succeeds but sector Virus contained;
Virus contained,
in controlling spread in each country damage; lower strong growth
slow recovery
within 2-3 months long-term trend rebound
growth Virus Contained
Virus spread and
public health Effective response, but
(regional) virus resurgence B2 A1 A2
Public health response initially succeeds Virus Virus resurgence; Virus resurgence;
Effectiveness of the public but measures are not sufficient to prevent resurgence; slow long-term return to trend
health response viral resurgence so social distancing slow long-term growth growth
in controlling the spread continues (regionally) for several months growth
Muted World Recovery Strong World Rebound
and human impact
of COVID-19
Broad failure of public health B3 B4 B5
Pandemic Pandemic Pandemic
Public health response fails escalation; escalation; slow escalation;
to control the spread of the virus prolonged progression towards delayed but full
for an extended period of time downturn without economic recovery economic recovery
(e.g., until vaccines are available) economic recovery

Partially effective Highly effective

Ineffective interventions interventions interventions
Self-reinforcing recession dynamics Policy responses partially offset Strong policy responses prevent
kick-in; widespread bankruptcies and economic damage; banking crisis structural damage; recovery to pre-
credit defaults; potential banking crisis is avoided; recovery levels muted crisis fundamentals and momentum

Knock-on effects and economic policy response

Speed and strength of recovery depends on whether policy moves can mitigate
self-reinforcing recessionary dynamics (e.g., corporate defaults, credit crunch)

Source: “Safeguarding our lives and our livelihoods: The imperative of our time,”; available online at McKinsey & Company 20
lives-and-our-livelihoods-the-imperative-of-our-time; date of access: Mar 31st 2020
Current as of April 3, 2020

COVID-19 U.S. impact could exceed anything since the end of WWII
United States real GDP
%, total draw-down from previous peak


-8% Scenario A3

-13% Scenario A1



1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

Pre-WW II Post-WW II

Source: Historical Statistics of the United States Vol 3, Bureau of economic analysis; McKinsey team analysis, in partnership with Oxford Economics McKinsey & Company 21
Current as of April 3, 2020

Epidemiological scenario Economic impacts

China and East Asian countries China will undergo a sharp but brief
continue their current recovery and slowdown and relatively quickly
Scenario A3: control the virus by early Q2 2020 rebound to pre-crisis levels of activity.
Virus Virus in Europe and the United States
China’s annual GDP growth for 2020
would end up roughly flat
Contained would be controlled effectively with
between two to three months of In Europe and the US, monetary and
The virus continues to economic shutdown; new case counts fiscal policy would mitigate some of
spread across the peak by end April and declines by the economic damage with some
Middle East, Europe and June with stronger public health delays in transmission, so that a
the US until mid Q2, response and seasonality of virus strong rebound could begin after the
when virus seasonality virus was contained at the end of Q2
combined with a 2020
stronger public health
Most countries are expected to
response drives case
experience sharp GDP declines in Q2,
load reduction
which would be unprecedented in the
post WWII era

McKinsey & Company 22

Scenario A3: Current as of April 3, 2020

Virus Contained

Real GDP growth—COVID-19 crisis World Real GDP

Local currency units indexed, 2019 Q4=100 United states drop 2019 2020 GDP Time to return
Eurozone Q4–2020 Q2 growth to pre-crisis
115 % change % change Quarter

China -3.5% -0.5% 2020 Q4

100 USA -8.0% -2.4% 2020 Q4

World -5.3% -1.8% 2021 Q1

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Eurozone -10.1% -4.7% 2021 Q2
2019 2020 2021

1. Seasonally adjusted by Oxford Economics

Source: McKinsey analysis, in partnership with Oxford Economics McKinsey & Company 23
Current as of April 3, 2020

Epidemiological scenario Economic impacts

China would need to clamp down on China would recover more slowly and
regional recurrences of the virus would also be hurt by falling exports to
Scenario A1: the rest of the world. Its economy could
The United States and Europe would
Muted World fail to contain the virus within one
face a potentially unprecedented
Recovery quarter and be forced to implement
some form of physical distancing and The United States and Europe would
The virus spreads quarantines throughout the summer face a GDP decline of 35 to 40 percent
globally without a at an annualized rate in Q2, with major
seasonal decline. Health economies in Europe registering similar
systems are performance. Economic policy would
overwhelmed in many fail to prevent a huge spike in
countries, especially the unemployment and business closures,
poorest, with large-scale creating a far slower recovery even
human and economic after the virus is contained
impact Most countries would take more than
two years to recover to pre-virus levels
of GDP
McKinsey & Company 24
Scenario A1: Current as of April 3, 2020

Muted World Recovery

Real GDP growth—COVID-19 crisis World Real GDP

Local currency units indexed, 2019 Q4=100 United states drop 2019 2020 GDP Time to return
Eurozone Q4–2020 Q2 growth to pre-crisis
115 % change % change Quarter

China -4.2% -2.3% 2021 Q2

100 USA -11.1% -8.7% 2024 Q2

World -7.2% -5.7% 2022 Q4

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Eurozone -13.2% -10.6% 2024 Q4
2019 2020 2021

1. Seasonally adjusted by Oxford Economics

Source: McKinsey analysis, in partnership with Oxford Economics McKinsey & Company 25
Current as of April 3, 2020

What business leaders should look for in coming weeks

There are three questions business leaders are asking, and a small number of indicators that can give clues

Depth of disruption Length of disruption Shape of recovery

How deep are the demand reductions? How long could the disruption last? What shape could recovery take?

• Time to implement social distancing after • Rate of change of cases • Effective integration of public health measures
community transmission confirmed • Evidence of virus seasonality with economic activity (e.g. rapid testing as

• Number of cases – absolute (expect surge as pre-requisite for flying)

• Test count per million people
testing expands) • Potential for different disease characteristics
• % of cases treated at home over time (e.g. mutation, reinfection)
• Geographic distribution of cases relative to
economic contribution • % utilization of hospital beds (overstretched
system recovers slower)

• Availability of therapies
• Case fatality ratio vs. other countries

• Cuts in spending on durable goods (e.g., cars, • Late payments/credit defaults • Bounce-back in economic activity in countries
appliances) that were exposed early in pandemic

• Stock market & volatility indexes

• Extent of behavior shift (e.g., restaurant spend, • Purchasing managers index • Early private and public sector actions during
gym activity) the pandemic to ensure economic restart
• Initial claims for unemployment
• Extent of travel reduction (% flight
cancellations, travel bans)
McKinsey & Company 26
01 02 03 04
COVID-19: Scenarios and Sector-specific Planning and
The situation now path forward impact managing COVID-
19 responses

McKinsey & Company 27

Current as of April 2, 2020

Market capitalization has declined across sectors, with

significant variation to the extent of the decline
Weighted average year-to-date local currency total shareholder returns by industry in percent1. Width of bars is starting market cap in $
Transport & Healthcare Facilities
Apparel, Infrastructure & Services
& Luxury Consumer
Basic Durables
Materials Telecom
Business Other Logistics &
Services Financial Trading Healthcare
Commercial Conglomerates Consumer
Aerospace Services Advanced Food & Supplies & Services
Insurance Electronics Media Beverage Personal Distribution
Air & Travel Auto- Chemicals & Real Healthcare & Office
Electric Power Medical
motive & Agriculture Estate Payors Goods
& Natural Gas Technology Defense
Oil & Gas Banks Assembly High Tech Retail Pharma











1. Data set includes global top 3000 companies by market cap in 2019, excluding some subsidiaries, holding companies, companies with very small free float and companies that have delisted since

Source: Corporate Performance Analytics, S&CF Insights, S&P Global McKinsey & Company 28
Current as of April 2, 2020

Even within sectors, there is significant variance

between companies
Distribution of year-to-date total shareholder returns by industry percent1
Inter-quartile range 90% percentile range Median x Weighted Average















Healthcare Supplies & Distribution

Healthcare Facilities & Services

Electric Power & Natural Gas

Apparel, Fashion, & Luxury

Transport & Infrastructure

Personal & Office Goods

Other Financial Services
Chemicals & Agriculture
Automotive & Assembly
Commercial Aerospace

Advanced Electronics

Medical Technology
Consumer Durables

Consumer Services
Logistics & Trading
Healthcare Payors
Business Services

Food & Beverage


Basic Materials
Air & Travel

Real Estate

High Tech
Oil & Gas



1. Data set includes global top 3000 companies by market cap in 2019, excluding some subsidiaries, holding companies, companies with very small free float
and companies that have delisted since

Source: Corporate Performance Analytics, S&CF Insights, S&P Global McKinsey & Company 29
Current as of April 2, 2020

Preliminary views of some of the hardest hit sectors

Based on the partially effective scenario

Commercial Air & Travel Oil & Gas Automotive Insurance Carriers

Avg. stock price

change1 -46% -44% -42% -29% -29%
Industry specific Preexisting industry Deep, immediate demand Oil price decline driven by Existing vulnerabilities (e.g.,
both short-term demand US insurers have been
examples conditions, challenges with shock 5-6x greater than Sept trade tensions, declining strongly affected, especially
airlines’ balance sheet 11; ~70-80% near-term impact and supply overhang sales) amplified by acute
from OPEC+ decision to reinsurers and life & health
resilience, and high fixed demand erosion due to int’l decline in global demand; insurers
costs cause near-term cash travel bans & quarantines now increase production Mar. 26 Survey of US auto
flow issues and long-term prevalent in 130+ nations Oversupply expected to consumers indicates 70% of Reduced interest rates and
growth uncertainty. remain in the market even car buyers are deferring by ~6 investment performance
N. Hemisphere summer travel mo. or no longer intending to impacting returns – esp. for
peak season deeply impacted after demand recovery, and
It may take years to recover purchase; >2M units lost in longer-tail lines
since pandemic fears coincide post 2020, unless OPEC+
from production and supply China by Feb.
chain stoppages, due to with peak booking period decides to cut production Disruptions expected in new
critical vendors located in Despite ongoing Chinese business and underwriting
Recovery pace faster for processes due to
areas impacted by the virus economic restart, there is
domestic travel (~2-3 dependence on paper
and liquidity challenges continued supply chain and
quarters); slower for long- applications and medical
especially amongst Tier 3 production disruption as
haul and int’l travel (6+ underwriting
suppliers. majority of EU and US OEMs
have temporarily closed plants
Long order backlogs mitigate
and Hubei manufacturing
some concerns, especially on remains at ~50% capacity
narrowbody aircraft, though
widebody demand could be
structurally impacted in the

1. In last 30 days for selected sector indices

Source: IHS Market, McKinsey Global Institute, Subject matter experts, press reports, Corporate Performance Analytics, S&CF Insights, S&P Capital IQ McKinsey & Company 30
Current as of April 3, 2020

Commercial Aerospace Gross orders Cancelled orders Wide body aircraft Narrow body aircraft Years: Wide body Years: Narrow body

Current Impact Medium-term expectations (through 2020) Early thoughts on evolution post-COVID

The underlying drivers for commercial aircraft equipment and 19-20YTD commercial aircraft orders, backlog, backlog years & deliveries Intrinsic demand for aircraft likely disappears in
services is driven by airlines; Airlines have significantly reduced 2020
capacity and grounded fleets Net orders1

Airlines 3,000 Airline balance sheet concerns will lead to restructuring

1,858 1,306 of order books; cash conservation efforts at airlines
constrain capital set aside for delivery payments
1,000 235
Demand Demand for
for maint. new aircraft -1,000 Low fuel price expectations for the short-term
# aircraft 2018 19 2020 YTD2 could extend life of older assets, but not into major
parts &
services heavy maintenance check cycles
~10 year backlog 6
~10 year backlog 6 Government intervention may mitigate near-term
After- OEMs & Years
risk of employee furloughs and supply chain
market Suppliers 20,000 10
14,134 14,002 13,946 insolvencies
10,000 5
Demand for parts
0 0
2018 19 2020 YTD3, 4, 5
# aircraft
1. Narrow body orders declined 21% and wide body orders declined 18%
from 2017 – 19. Narrow body cancellations grew 4% and wide body
cancellations grew 5% during the same period
2. Boeing reported 18 gross wide body orders in Feb. and 43 737 MAX Deliveries
(narrow body) cancellations. Airbus reported 287 total gross orders 737 Max impacted deliveries
and 13 cancellations as of 3/15 2,000 1,582
3. Assumes 2020 YTD backlog = ‘19 backlog – ‘20 cancellations YTD 1,188
(56 cancellations YTD from Boeing and Airbus) ?
4. 2020 backlog years figures assume 2020 deliveries remain at 2019
levels 0
5. Calculates backlog years assuming no dip in 2019 and 2020 deliveries 2018 19 2020(F)
(deliveries remain at 2018 levels) # aircraft
6. Actual backlog is 14.6 years (backlog shown in chart assumes no dip
to deliveries in 2019)

Source: Cirium McKinsey & Company 31

Current as of April 3, 2020

Air & Travel 9/111, YoY change Sept 2000 vs. 2001 2008 Fin. Crisis2, YoY change Feb 2008 vs. 2009 Now, YoY change Mar 2019 vs. 2020

Current Impact Medium-term expectations (through 2020) Early thoughts on evolution post-COVID

COVID-19 is an unprecedented crisis 70-80% Capacity reductions in April Demand may not recover where it used to be vs.
prior crises – as consumer confidence may be
The initial demand shock is worse than 9/11 or the 2008 Financial Flights to and from Europe, Middle East, and Africa were among the hardest shaken and employers adjust work-from-home
Crisis hit ; Intra-regional flights within the Americas are least impacted to date, but
policies to support greater reliance on remote
likely to decline further
The two most likely scenarios for airline travel demand estimate a 31%-45%
reduction, and return to pre-crisis status quo over 1-2 year periods: Government intervention though a stimulus
US airline capacity (ASM)
A4 (virus contained, strong growth rebound) package of either grants, loans or tax relief can
7x bigger drop vs. Fin. Crisis supplement company cash flow to ensure there is
A1 (virus resurgence, slow long-term growth) not a liquidity crisis

-11% Airline demand recovery dimensions for scenarios A1 and A4 Given low oil price expectations for the short-
1 month 12 month term, operating costs may be reduced but could also
impact aircraft leading market
restrictions A4 A1

-30-70%3 Demand ramp 6 month 36 month

up A4 A1
US hotel occupancy
8x bigger drop in occupancy vs. Fin. Crisis
Lasting travel No impact 10% reduction
behavior A4 A1
-7% Deep, lasting Quick rebound to
-16% recession pre-crisis levels
GDP growth
A1 A4

-56% Yield None Past crises Extensive

stimulation A1 A4

1. For capacity, load factor, and occupancy, YoY change of Sept 2001 | 2. For capacity, YoY change of Feb 2009, for airline load factor and hotel occupancy
rate, YoY change of March 2009, for hotel stocks | 3. Based on latest capacity adjustment announced by AA/DL/UA | 4. Based on forecast from United

Source: USDOT T100, STR (Week of March 15-March 21), press search McKinsey & Company 32
Current as of April 3, 2020

Oil & Gas

Current Impact Medium-term expectations (through 2020) Early thoughts on evolution post-COVID

LNG Based on our global COVID-19 scenarios, LNG demand could be reduced LNG suppliers will likely face prolonged shutdowns
and cargo cancelations as the market tries to
COVID-19 has affected regions that account for over 80% of global
LNG demand; Chinese LNG imports (17% of global imports) fell by
7% year on year from January to March 2020, triggering Force Global oil demand substantially reduced due to restrictions in road
Majeure clauses on contracts transport (e.g. in China, multiple European countries, and USA) and capacity Short term price dynamics that do not involve an
declines in airlines across the world through Q2 and Q3 2020 OPEC+ intervention increase the likelihood of having
Oil an under-investment scenario play out in the
Low short-term oil prices are expected to continue for most of 2020
Demand decline due to COVID-19 (5.4-11.4mbd for 2020 under A3 medium-term, resulting in a new price up-cycle
unless we see a large supply cut. Production shut-ins could start to
& A1 scenarios) and OPEC+ deal failure pushed oil prices under materialize in the short term and help to balance the market
$30/ bbl. Short term demand destruction (potential to be 20mbd
for April) could lead to storage constraints and regional prices to
fall even sharper, while US drilling activity has already been cut
(44 fewer rigs running, -6% in the last week).

Chinese LNG imports Jan 1st to Mar. 15th

Oil demand, Mbd
change 99.8 100.8 -5.4 -11.4
72% 25% -7% 94.3
mt 14
12 44.0 44.4 Road
37.9 Transport
8 7.1 7.3 5.1 Aviation
13.1 12.2
4 48.7 49.1 48.2 46.5
2017 18 19 2020 2019 2020 Pre- 2020 Virus 2020 Muted
COVID-19 Contained (A3) Recovery (A1)

Source: Bloomberg, press search, McKinsey Energy Insights Global Energy Perspective, McKinsey analysis McKinsey & Company 33
01 02 03 04
COVID-19: Scenarios and Sector-specific Planning and
The situation now path forward impact managing COVID-
19 responses

McKinsey & Company 34

Leaders need to think and act
across 5 horizons

1 2 3 4 5

Resolve Resilience Return Reimagination Reform

Address the immediate Address near-term Create a detailed plan Re-imagine the “next Be clear about how
challenges that cash management to return the business normal”—what a the regulatory and
COVID-19 represents challenges, and back to scale quickly, discontinuous shift looks competitive environment
to the institution’s broader resiliency as the virus evolves like, and implications for in your industry may shift
workforce, customers, issues during virus- and knock on effects how the institution
technology, and related shutdowns and become clearer should reinvent
business partners economic knock-on

Nerve center
Managing across the 5Rs requires a new
architecture based on a team-of-teams approach.

McKinsey & Company 35


Address the immediate social and mental challenges
that COVID-19 represents to the institution’s
workforce, customers, and business partners, and
take basic steps to protect liquidity.

McKinsey & Company 36


Resolve: Making hard decisions on immediate challenges

Resolve employee, customer, supply chain, immediate liquidity, and technology concerns
Private sector focus
Employees Supply chain Customers

Emerging Are my policies working (e.g., safety, How do I revise demand planning based on How do I stay in touch with customers and remain relevant to them
concerns productivity)? How well? How do I adapt to new the evolving outbreak? when they don’t desire or need my services? How do I inspire loyalty in
developments (e.g., longer closures of my customers?

Example Continuous re-evaluation of financial models: Conduct scenario planning to understand Demonstrate flexibility to customers during times of hardship
actions stress-testing financial forecasts based on latest how inventory buffer changes in various Ÿ Airlines: Major airlines are offering change/cancel flexibility. Most
developments (e.g., longer than 2 week closures) disease scenarios are also allowing passengers to reseat themselves on the plane in
and adjusting policies accordingly accordance with physical distancing,
Monitoring productivity: Comprehensive set of Task S&OP team to build 3-6 plans under
Going out of their way to keep customers and employees safe
KPIs being tracked via dashboards (e.g., focus a range of demand scenarios month to
regardless of impact to balance sheet
on productivity vs. utilization) determine required supply
Ÿ Hotels in Europe and Asia are providing “quarantine” service (e.g.,
Tracking incidence: Clear reporting mechanism room reservation with nobody next door)
Work with tier 1 suppliers to understand
for suspected / confirmed covid-19 infections and Ÿ Hotels are live streaming hotel room housekeeping to show how
supply chain risks throughout all tiers;
database that tracks cases thorough they are cleaning their rooms between guests.
complement with outside-in analytics where
Redeploying “idle” talent against areas of the tier 1s do not have transparency Demonstrate commitment to healthcare
business experiencing demand surges:
Ÿ Car rentals are offering free rental cars to NYC healthcare workers
Making short term adjustments to workforce Account for all inventory (e.g., in transit,
deployment to maximize productivity and in warehouses, in spares stock) and Ÿ Furniture distribution centers are being repurposed as testing
minimize service disruption calculate inventory buffer centers for NHS workers

Partnering with other companies to redeploy Other examples of companies being ‘agile’ in attracting customers
“idle” talent externally for the good of the Run supply chain “stress tests” vs. Ÿ Hotels are offering point compensation for guests who purchased
broader community supplier balance sheets to understand pre-paid non-refundable reservations.
when supply issues will start to stress
Ÿ Rideshare companies are pivoting to delivery
financial or liquidity issues

McKinsey & Company 37


Employees: Companies should invest and prioritize to protect the

safety and morale of employees unable to work from home
Private sector focus

Non-WFH employees face However, best-in-class companies are finding new ways to address employee
a unique set of concerns… concerns while protecting them from unnecessary risk:

Perceived unfairness: having to Food delivery Leading UK Leading Italian Global coffee
continue going into work while Major US retailer companies retailer banks shop retailer
other employees stay home with
their families Flexible work Minimizing Extending Limiting Offering 14 days
policies including contact between benefits to operating hours of “catastrophe
Safety risk: significant increase
in potential exposure to disease relaxing deliverers and include back-up for all branches pay” for US
(e.g., commute, customers and absenteeism customers (e.g., child and elderly with access workers exposed
other employees in the policy (i.e. cashless payment care (up to 25 granted only upon to COVID-19,
allowing workers only, leaving bags days) and mental pre-arranged over 60, pregnant,
to stay home for at door, all health benefits appointment to or have
Perceived value: Don’t feel as personal reasons) employees (e.g., teletherapy minimize contact underlying health
valued by company and that provided masks sessions) and increase issues (in addition
their safety is not prioritized and gloves) sanitization time to existing sick
Fear of illness: In addition to pay)
clinical harm (e.g., fever, body
aches), fear of being isolated
from their families if ill

Source: company websites, press search McKinsey & Company 38


Employees: We have observed 4 key levers to maximize engagement

& productivity of work from home colleagues
Private sector focus

A study China demonstrated a decrease in Respondents to the survey Energy levels started to improve as
energy level during the pandemic attributed the declining energy value increasing normalcy was established aided
to 3 primary factors by 4 levers that companies used

Energy Value § Provide psychological safety (e.g., delegate

decision making powers, role model empathy)
“What is your energy level from 1-10?” asked to 1,300
employees across 50 companies in China spanning 8 § Communicate practical WFH tips (e.g., family
Blurred boundary between People communication, physical and mental need mgmt.)
work and life
8.2 7.8 8.2 § Define clear objectives and key results (OKRs) to
effectively set and communicate goals and outcomes
§ Allow high degree of autonomy in decision making
Structure with collaboration across BUs
Anxiety deepening as the
epidemic unfolded § Establish a clear cadence (e.g., pre-scheduled
daily and weekly meetings, frequent check-ins)
§ Define clear and integrated workflows, align
Process strategic goals and clarify roles and responsibilities
Telecommuting unsuitable for
current work flows
§ Leverage a suite of digital tools / new media to
Before Early crisis Late stage
address specific work needs
outbreak (late Jan – (late Feb –
§ Setup an effective ergonomic, digitally enabled
(early Jan) late Feb) present) Technology remote working environment to ensure productivity

Source: McKinsey GC Org Team McKinsey & Company 39


Customers: Set up agile Rapid Revenue Response squads to drive

progress during the pandemic for B2B & B2C companies
Private sector focus

Phase 1: Reset Phase 3: Read

Phase 2: Activate key levers
and calibrate and respond

Ÿ Understand which trends Prioritize B2B commercial levers Prioritize B2C commercial Ÿ Evaluate
and pockets are growing to pursue: levers to pursue: performance of
by analyzing customer Ÿ Sales and channel: Build Ÿ Sales and channel: tactics activated,
insights, sentiment, and remote selling capabilities, re- Remote customer lead gen likely re-setting ROI

Repeat and optimize: “Activate key

demand signals measurement

levers” and “Read and respond”

allocate resources and activation
Ÿ Diligence all your current Ÿ Pricing: reset pricing / Ÿ Pricing/Promo: Reset to approach
commercial activities - discounts to new demand new demand curve Ÿ Continually optimize
from sales to curve; consider contract Ÿ Marketing: Shift to high- tactics that work
communications to flexibility where relevant traffic channels; adjust Ÿ Align on next wave of
expenses Ÿ Marketing: Reinvest marketing customer comms, tone, and commercial tactics by
Ÿ Align on value spend across opportunities that offers integrating new
proposition and what truly will drive highest ROI growth Ÿ Product: Focus SKUs; customer insights and
aligns to the immediate Ÿ Product / CX: Adjust offerings match with demand signals market demand signals
needs of your customers to meet customers’ needs;
or prospects Ÿ Cash: Manage
match with demand signals discretionary spend, both
Ÿ Commercial cost: Stop working and non-working,
spending quickly in re-allocating rapidly
discretionary areas, re-
allocating rapidly

Source: McKinsey Marketing & Sales Practice McKinsey & Company 40


Supply chain: Actions to consider in response to COVID-19

Private sector focus
Immediate (1-4 weeks) Mid-term (4-12 weeks)
Understand Estimate how demand changes across customers Continuously Identify alternative options based on
exposure q Leverage direct communication channels with direct customer when determining demand signals improve material anticipated demand
q Use market insights/external databases to estimate demand for customer’s customers supply stability q Evaluate alternative sourcing options for
q Task S&OP team to build 3-6 plans under a range of demand scenarios month to determine required supply all the materials impacted – availability of
Determine how supply will be impacted and understand key risks suppliers, additional cost due to logistics,
q Work with tier 1 suppliers to understand supply chain risks throughout all tiers; complement with outside-in tariffs, estimate of price increase of the
analytics where tier 1s do not have transparency components
q Account for all inventory (e.g., in transit, in warehouses, in spares stock) and calculate inventory buffer q Enhance the demand verification process
q Conduct scenario planning to understand how inventory buffer changes in various disease scenarios to correct inflated demand to mitigate the
q Run supply chain “stress tests” vs. supplier balance sheets to understand when supply issues will start to stress bullwhip effect
financial or liquidity issues Provide support for smaller suppliers
q Assess whether border closures or restrictions will disrupt supply chain q Provide continuous support for mid-small
size tier 2-3 suppliers in financial troubles
Take action to Evaluate any option for new supply sources
address q Identify alternative sources if supplies are affected and accelerate exploration of additional options q Assess regional risks for current and backup
anticipated suppliers
q Determine possible geographies and supplier shortlists in case alternate supply is required
shortages q Identify ways to expedite qualification process and/or insource for components where supply is threatened Kick off designing Codify & digitize processes and tools
q Contact authorities in areas where customs clearance could become a challenge resilient supply q Codify the processes and tools created
q Determine what portion of supply can be swung to another site if shutdown persists based on sourcing chain for the during the crisis management as formal
strategy (single, dual, multi) future documentation
Revise production plans as required based on: q Digitalize process and tools to integrate
q Expected supply shortages demand, supply, and capacity planning
q Products in most consumer need, with highest margin, or and highest opportunity cost / penalty production Develop systems to “bullet proof” supply chain
Understand robustness of current supply chain logistics
q Convert war room into a reliable supply chain
q Estimate available logistics capacity; pre-book air freight1 / rail capacity as required by current exposure risk management process
q Collaborate with all parties to jointly leverage freight capacity, new/alternate supply sources, etc.
q Ensure stakeholders address vulnerabilities
Other actions
across all parts of the supply chain
q Watch for extending lead times to gauge performance and capacity against supplier promises
q Trigger the new supply network design for
q Use after sales stock as bridge to keep production running if needed
Protect q Work with supplier to source personal protective equipment for production lines operating in affected markets Build collaborative q Work with government to ensure
employees (e.g., glasses, gloves and masks) relationship w/ ext. industry can ramp up as quickly as
and suppliers q Engage with crisis communication teams to clearly communicate to employees on infection risk concerns (e.g., partners possible as crisis resolves
disseminate facts about virus from credible source) and work from home options q Actively engage investors and other
q Consider short-term stabilization for suppliers (e.g., low-interest loan) to allow for a faster restart stakeholders to build transparency on the
situation and get help
1.Given costs, airfreight might not be an option for many industries; availability is already limited McKinsey & Company 41

Address near-term cash management challenges,
and broader resiliency issues

McKinsey & Company 42


6 steps toward end to end resilience plan

01 03 05
Identify and prioritize key Conduct stress testing of Set up a cash management
risks financials dashboard
Identify and prioritize key macro, Stress test the P&L, Balance Sheet, Improve cash transparency and
sector and company idiosyncratic Statement of Cash Flows to assess and implement tighter cash controls to
risks based on exposure and impact frame the potential gaps for planning mitigate downside scenarios

02 04 06
Develop tailored scenarios Establish portfolio of Build the resilience
interventions dashboard
Develop company specific scenarios Identify an end to end portfolio of Build the dashboard of key leading
based on the range of outcomes of the interventions and trigger points indicators to monitor that can be
highest priority risks dynamically updated

McKinsey & Company 43


1&2: Efforts require continuous re-evaluation of financial

and market forecasts and corresponding actions

1. Identify key risks 2. Develop tailored scenarios

Key Ÿ Understand the impact of key macroeconomic variables Ÿ Develop scenario narratives for Baseline and ~2-3
activities (e.g., GDP, unemployment rate) on performance of your of adverse scenarios, with overlay for duration and magnitude
PnL (e.g., revenue and cost) of Covid-19 near term shock
Ÿ Impacted PnL variables could include: Ÿ Contextualize scenarios with assumptions on
— Volume: consumer demand correlated with GDP macroeconomic variables (e.g., in worst-case GDP declines
— Cost: Commodity price evolution (e.g., oil and gas, food 20%)
index) correlates with COGS Ÿ For each scenario, link macroeconomic projections back
— Price: housing prices and inflation correlate with price to PnL (e.g., best-case scenario includes 10% drop in
customers are willing to pay demand, 20% drop in price, and 30% drop in COGS)
Ÿ Refine a final list of no more than ~20 macroeconomic Ÿ Ensure scenarios capture strategic, financial and
variables with quantified impact to key PnL items operational risks with consideration of 2nd order impacts


Source: McKinsey Resilience tribe McKinsey & Company 44


3&4: Efforts require continuous re-evaluation of financial and market

forecasts and corresponding actions

3. Conduct stress testing of financials 4. Establish portfolio of interventions

Key Ÿ For each scenario, Ÿ Prioritize critical areas of exposure and areas of lower/risk
activities — assess impact on the financial statements (P&L, uncertainty
Balance Sheet and Cash Flows) Ÿ Define & size portfolio of potential interventions (across
— assess gap relative to Baseline operations, supply chain, capital, targeted M&A and
Ÿ Run simulations at Corporate level to assess range of divestitures and customer engagement)
outcomes to assess impact on credit quality, cash and Ÿ Launch quick wins on immediate stabilization (supply and
liquidity demand-side) related to Covid-19
Ÿ Run 'reverse stress-tests' to determine conditions for Ÿ Identify which are “no regrets” vs. trigger based and get pre-
credit/liquidity crunch approval for higher risk moves, with clear agreement on
conditions for activation

Sample ​Enterprise value

U.S. $ Millons
Percent of baseline forecast
​Cash flow
U.S. $ Millions

output -20%
2008 ​09 10 ​11 12 ​13 14 ​2015

BU1 Credit rating reduce

Banking covenants broken

Other Bankruptcy 20% additional cash
Baseline Scenario 1 Scenario 2 2008 09 10 11 12 2013 required to survive

Source: McKinsey Resilience tribe McKinsey & Company 45


Bubble size represents typical cash impact

5: Example
Typical EBIT impact
(% of cash release) Receivables Inventory Payables Cross-cutting

cash 6
Enforce late E2E customer

management Positive
to neutral 5
“Immediate cash
changes” Stoc
payment interest credit risk

(≥ 0%) Automate reorders,
Collect algorithm payments, billings
Payment and
overdues billing runs

Prioritization 4
Bad payors
batch size,
just in time
of initiatives Somewhat
negative 3
Reorder freeze,
smaller batches
Payment terms
(1-5%) re-negotiation
related to Inventory

cash 2
production Supply
Not Exhaustive Substantial
(>5%) 1 Sell old stock
Write off
“Fast but
old stock

Fast (< 90 days) Medium (3-6 months) Slow burn (6-12 months)

Time to cash release

Source: McKinsey Transformation McKinsey & Company 46


6: Example resilience scorecard: Outside-in perspective

& select benchmarks
“Inside assessment” would reveal “strengths & weaknesses” in Co 1’s resilience
Metric performance Rank
Marker of resilience Metric (outside-in metrics) Co 1 Co 2 Co 3 Co 4 Co 5 Co 1
Through cycle Track record of growth Short-term Sales growth, 2018-2020 CAGR % -10% 5% 10% -5% 5%
Revenue Long-term Sales growth, 2013-2020 CAGR % -5% 5% 10% 5% 15%
Through cycle Starting point of cost structure & Gross Profit/Sales %, 2020 25% 10% 30% 15% 20%
interventions: track record of margin
Costs improvement SG&A/Sales %, 2020 6% 7% 9% 8% 5%

R&D/Sales, 2018-2020 avg 10% 8% 4% 6% 2%

Long-term Adj EBITA margin delta, 2020 vs 2013 %pts 2% -5% 10% -5% 2%

Long-term TRS track record Long-term TRS, 2013-2020 avg (also revenue contribution indicator) 10% -5% 10% 5% 25%

Sharp Digital [...] N/A outside-in measurement

Unlock Balance Healthy Balance Sheet with (Net debt and pension + OPEB) /market cap, 2020 0.5 0.2 (0.2) (0.5) 0.2
Sheet sufficient headroom
(Net debt and pension + OPEB) /EBITDA, 2020 1.5 0.5 (1.0) (2.0) 0.5

Band of C-suite and Board having % of C-suite leaders who have been in C-suite roles during last recession 50% 40% 20% 50% 45%
Leaders diversity of background and % of Board members who have been CEOs of F-1000 companies during
relevant experience of leading 30% 20% 0% 0% 10%
major crisis events/ downturns
businesses through a downturn
% of C-suite leaders who have a different background from the CEO 100% 70% 85% 75% 30%
Lower Org complexity FTE per Sales (# Employees per $M USD), 2020 (outside-in indicator) 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.8
Resilience Early, disciplined decisions in the Short-term change in Adj EBITA, 2020 vs. 2018 %pts 0% -5% 5% -5% 5%
Nerve Center past – indicator of a nerve center
driven approach Change in (Net debt and pension + OPEB) /EBITDA, 2020 vs. 2018 % 0% 50% -10% 90% -50%

Source: McKinsey Resiliency Tribe McKinsey & Company 47


Create a detailed plan to return the business back to
scale quickly

McKinsey & Company 48


There are 6 building blocks for a successful Return

Restarting Separation of Testing & Infection Health system Rehiring and

supply chain regions transparency reduction norms capacity retraining
Secure alternative Categorize regions Build transparency on Ensure conformance Ensure healthcare Prepare workforce to
supply sources (if based on severity to the state of infection to transmission capacity, preventing meet the new
needed) to provide manage return based in local populations reduction norms in “drift” while ramping demands of the “next
materials to industry on region-specific so the “healthy” professional and up surge capacity for normal”
situations cohort can return to public life additional
work intervention windows
as needed

These building blocks should be rolled out and sequenced according to local realities

McKinsey & Company 49


These building blocks can be sequenced for a return plan

Recovery and
Partial continuation Phased reopening Fiscal recovery
Description Containment phase prior to thinking Once diseases have been contained, Enable the lifting of all physical Period of investing in infrastructure
about any return to the “next normal”, strategically return safe portions of distancing measures once disease is to rebuild organizational readiness
with the primary goal of returning employees while avoiding relapse into no longer a large threat to the and resilience for future pandemics
employees to the office Phase 1 workforce

Phase Disease proliferation: Cases Regulatory approval: Employees Consumer Demand: Risen to pre- No more firefighting of COVID-19
indicators plateauing, of cases occasionally allowed to return to work crisis levels disease implications
unknown, etc
Consumer demand: Steadily Customer behaviors: Shifting back Corporate desire to mitigate risk
Confinement of employees & increasing to “next normal expectation” and prepare better for future
customers in place: Shelter-at- pandemics
Disease containment: Ability to verify Supply chain: Limited disruption
home regulation in place, majority of
healthy workers,, surrounding
employees WFH Employees: Feel safe and protected
community healthy, disease on the
returning to workplace
decline, hospitals not overstretched

Sample Maintain physical distancing of Reassurance measures at workplace Targeted outreach to customers to Develop more robust WFH
actions that workforce (e.g., remote working (e.g. temperature checks prior to improve comfort and encourage pre- policies and infrastructure for
facilities enabled ) entering workplace) crisis behavior larger part of workforce
business can
take Clear protection guidelines with Safety and protection policies (e.g., Require / incentivize employee Reduce # of large gatherings to
protective equipment provided for mandatory masks/gloves to be worn by vaccination for COVID once vaccine only when necessary
employees that are required to be all employees, regular deep-cleaning of is obtained
Reduce travel requirements for
present at workplace work environment, physical distancing in
Clear safeguard protocols for any roles
the workplace)
Clear process for tracking incidence employees that display illness
in workforce and notifying at-risk Split the business for staggered return (mandatory work from home)
employees to work (e.g. different teams returning
Continued regular deep-cleaning of
at different times)
office space

Source: National Coronavirus response: A road map to reopening, McKinsey analysis McKinsey & Company 50
4 5

and reform
Re-imagine the “next normal”—what a discontinuous
shift looks like, and implications for how the
institution should reinvent.
Be clear about how the regulatory and competitive
environment in your industry may shift.

McKinsey & Company 51

Reimagination and reform

The “next normal” will be re-imagined across multiple pillars

Consumer Supply chain Government/ Organizational

“What will change for “Will supply chains “How could health “How will workforce “How will valuations
consumers and models shift with the and the overall norms & operating shift given corporates
shoppers?” increasing focus on economic regulations models adapt?” need to invest in
resiliency and be impacted?” resilience capability?”

McKinsey & Company 52

Nerve center
Managing across the 5Rs requires a new
architecture based on a team-of-teams approach.

McKinsey & Company 53

Many leaders are experiencing a big
increase in COVID-19 issues…

initial issues

as usual
Ÿ How do I protect my
Ÿ How do I ensure
transparency with
Ÿ How do I stabilize my
supply chain?
Ÿ How do I ensure
working capital?

McKinsey & Company 54

…but there is a tsunami of ever-
more-complex issues that lie ahead

COVID-19 Economic Return to A new

initial issues recession work normal

as usual
Ÿ How do I protect my Ÿ We are in the middle Ÿ Will we be in this Ÿ This kind of sea-
people? of the biggest demand situation for weeks or change, for this long a
Ÿ How do I ensure drawdown since WW2 months? time, will mean that
transparency with – Do we have a plan Ÿ What will return to the world post
customers? to survive that puts work really look like, COVID-19 could look
everything on the and how can I do it very different than the
Ÿ How do I stabilize my
table? without endangering world before it
supply chain?
my people? Ÿ Do we know the big
Ÿ How do I ensure
changes, and what it
working capital?

McKinsey & Company 55

Inadequate Constrained Solution
Discovery Design

Optimism bias, lack of adequate ‘sensing Many crises have a technical core, which needs
mechanisms’ (e.g., escalation failures), over- new solutions to be invented (e.g., BP top hat) or
reliance on past patterns, risk rationalization imported anew into the sector/ geography
Industrial manufacturer: pushed out fix timelines Energy company: Many public failures to fix
for failed product more than 12 times. Top process safety issue before success. Challenge
When facing management optimism bias was called out
multiple times by regulators, politicians and other
was that the fix needed new engineering
such a tsunami, observers

make four Slow or Bad Decision Inadequate Delivery
Quality (Execution failure)
Groupthink, political pressures, high-emotion Chaos during disruptions frequently translates to
situations; Unfamiliarity – pattern recognition- lack of accountability and direction, ‘operations
driven thinking fails; Desire to wait for more facts addiction’ on the part of top management, leading
slows response to failures of execution

Challenger disaster: NASA engineers pressured Automotive manufacturer: Was criticized for
Thiokol to change their ‘no-launch’ multiple aspects of recall activity (e.g., unclear
recommendation (Thiokol shifted their stance to terms and conditions, inadequate call center
satisfy their biggest customer) in-spite of a well- staffing, other challenges)
understood technical failure on O-rings.
McKinsey & Company 56
The central question

Nerve centers
How can I increase my organization’s are a specific
capacity and speed to respond decisively organizational
to today’s issues… construct, meant for
institutions that are
facing existential,
…while uncovering the truth about high-velocity
the future, and shoring up disruptions, that are
defenses to meet it? designed to address
this question

McKinsey & Company 57

How Nerve Centers achieve this – “team of teams” made of 4 teams
Deliver, Decide, Discover, Design

Evaluate possible
Deliver quickly & Team 1 – Deliver Team 3 – Discover scenarios – near-term
flawlessly on priorities to long-term & derive
provided by “Decide” Execution Scenario Planning implications; craft one
team team(s) team planning scenario for
other teams

Present Plan
focus Ahead

Ensure “Deliver”
goals are current & Team 2 – Decide Team 4 – Design Craft a portfolio of
progress is occurring;
Integrated Operations Strategic Moves strategic actions with
decide whether to
clear trigger points
trigger a strategic team team

McKinsey & Company 58

Nerve Center needs to evolve from present focus to include plan
ahead teams

Nerve Center
focus shift Clear, unbiased

Future Portfolio of strategic

actions (across
focus – Resilience)
Employee protection
Plan ahead Detailed plan for Return
management Present team New strategy for the
‘new normal’ -
Supply chain focus Reimagination &

McKinsey & Company 59

A plan ahead team can offer quick responses to rapidly changing
circumstances using 5 frames

Please refer to this link to read the full article

Source: Getting ahead of the next stage of the coronavirus crisis, April 2020 McKinsey & Company 60
Nerve Center design
is based on military
command principles
Core concept: Create an Orient
organization that can Observe, Observe
Orient, Decide and Act faster than
the environment

John Boyd’s
OODA loop
John Boyd was a Colonel in the US Air Force,
whose ideas on the art of war revolutionized US
military thinking, especially after the Vietnam War

Boyd's key concept: The OODA loop. Act

The key to victory is to be able to make appropriate OODA loop of the effective organization
decisions faster than the rate at which the
OODA loop of the environment
environment evolves

McKinsey & Company 61

Reimagination & Reform details

McKinsey & Company 62

Reimagination and reform

Consumer: The next normal

Degree of shift in Consumer behavior, Regulation, Organizations, and Supply Chain all drive a “next normal”
Illustrative “next normal” of Consumer behavior

Shifts in loyalty – altered A fresh reset of the Home recast as the coffee Blending of demographic The return of center store
baskets due to availability, price/value relationship – shop, spa, restaurant, and “norms”– millennials and large brands –
health attributes, brand (re)- economic downturn shifts more with ease and increasingly “settling down” leveraging familiarity,
trial demand to lower price points convenience – consumers and cooking, men doing more availability backed by at scale
and private label find convenient and less out of home shopping leads to supply chains
expensive ways of “getting the brand, category and shopper
job done” behavior shifts

The e-Boomer (really e- High times for the lower Re-luring to retail – De-urbanization – reverse Sustainability remerging,
everyone) – Online as a end – Dollar, discount and Outside grocery, declines in in the trend of recent years redefined – simultaneously
destination for stock-up and supercenters further benefit brick and mortar require following the shelter at home meeting environmental and
grocery/c-stores for the fill-in / from price and stable supply new tactics to re-engage experience public health goals
fresh, leading to a seismic when restrictions are lifted
channel shift

Source: McKinsey Consumer Practice McKinsey & Company 63

Reimagination and reform

Supply chain: The next normal

Degree of shift in Consumer behavior, Regulation, Organizations, and Supply Chain all drive a “next normal”
Illustrative “next normal” of supply chain
Levers for Organizations Degree of change
Minimal Substantial

Fully quantified the risk of supply chain

Unchanged focus on ‘efficient’ supply Primarily optimized for lowest cost with
design to earnings, and optimized trade
Resilience chain, with lowest cost today as primary critical components sourced to ensure
off between earnings today and
goal resiliency across scenarios
earnings resilience
Some digitization with transparency End to end digitized supply chain with
Status quo with limited digitization and
Digitization available at key points but no end to end full visibility across inventories and
lack of visibility across supply chain
visibility products

Source: McKinsey Supply Chain Practice McKinsey & Company 64

Reimagination and reform

Regulations: The next normal

Degree of shift in Consumer behavior, Regulation, Organizations, and Supply Chain all drive a “next normal”
Illustrative “next normal” of government regulation
Levers for Regulation Degree of change
Minimal DrasticSubstantial

Workplace safety inspected for hazardous materials, risk of bodily Workplace sanitation regulation significantly increased with mandatory
and safety harm, and unsanitary conditions, with progressive physical distancing deep-cleaning, regular temperature checks, etc

Companies manage sick leave policies as Government mandates increased flexibility of

Protecting Employee Health insurance expanded (e.g., guidelines
desired (e.g., doctor’s note required, 8 days sick leave (e.g., 14 days minimum, use for
health benefits streamlined for vaccination)
per year) dependent care, long-term illness )

Passenger health requirements enforced

Travel No additional travel restriction, but Increased All public transit sanitized regularly with
(e.g., temperature checks, health declaration
restrictions sanitization of long distance transport random temperature checks
forms, point-of-arrival quarantines)

Focus on economic security as a driver of policy (e.g., increasing

Trade policy Trade policy focused on maximizing economic growth
domestic production of pharma and PPE)

New regulations aim to avoid mass layoffs in crisis situations (e.g.,

Sustaining Labor At-will contracts allow companies to hire & fire employees adhering to
encourage rolling furloughs, contract reworking), with protected
economy regulations current regulations
benefits for ‘gig economy’ workers

Emphasis on reskilling for the ‘next normal’ (e.g., more remote

Reskilling No focused new ‘reskilling’ policies working, reskilling workers for tradesman related work, reskilling
workers for internal / external redeployment)

Source: McKinsey Global Institute McKinsey & Company 65

Reimagination and reform

Organizations: The next normal

Degree of shift in Consumer behavior, Regulation, Organizations, and Supply Chain all drive a “next normal”
Illustrative “next normal” of how Organizations configure
Levers for Organizations Degree of change
Minimal change Drastic change

Remote working is fully accepted (e.g.,

Where work White-collar employees remain “in the Remote working enabled but most ~25% of white collar labor fully remote
happens office” professions still “in person” incl. radiologists, financial analysts,

Leaner, more ‘agile’ structure leveraging

How people Traditional pyramidical structure to cover Certain BU’s organized into networks of
the gig economy for project-based
organize all functions needed to execute projects project-based work
Strategy remains centrally set and
Defined process for execution of tasks
How decisions coordinated; all operational decisions
(e.g., command and control, red-tape More empowered teams
are made de-centralized with a bias for speed &
test-and-learn mentality

Gig economy utilized for all workers (full-

Workforce size WF predominantly consists of full-time Management remains full-time; non-
time employees make up <20% of labor
and composition employees management shifts to “gig” workers

Source: McKinsey Organization Practice McKinsey & Company 66

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