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Two social media posts and one blog post written for a newly introduced

software (name has been changed)

Social Media Post 1: A2Z anti-virus is state of the art anti-virus software which helps increasing
your computer’s speed by identifying dangerous programs and deleting them automatically if
you set it on vigilant mode. If it is set on PC watch mode, it will identify dangerous files and
programs and ask your permission to delete them. The best part is that it takes less time in
scanning and deleting viruses from your computer than its competitors.

Social Media Post 2: A2Z anti-virus’s interface is not as dull as its competitors’ interface is, but
is so user friendly that even a 5 years old kid can easily operate this. It’s one of its kind when it
comes about security, performance and convenience.

Blog Post: The antivirus field is still in the evolutionary period. It’s evolving when you are
reading this post. Every now and then you read news of some new antivirus software introduced
to this ruthless market. More or less all of them will detect viruses and delete them. So why
should we go after a specific software and install it? Answer is that we do not want another virus
named as “ABC Antivirus” installed on our PC slowing down the speed while we are busy
working and defying the very purpose it was installed for. So when it comes about antiviruses,
speed is the key. Efficiency and performance cannot be compromised if you want to keep your
PC safe and clean from malware and viruses.

Talking about efficiency and performance, A2Z antivirus is the best antivirus available in the
market. Only 5 years in business and A2Z has captured 2/3rd of the market as per a recent internet
survey done by an independent agency. When it comes about different forms of malware; A2Z is
the most devastating enemy of them. Be it spyware or malicious scripts or viruses sent via e-
mail, A2Z provides complete protection against your PC’s enemies named from A to Z. In a
malware blocking test it scored 9.7, beating all its competitors including the most famous
antivirus software.

A2Z’s interface is so user friendly that even a 5 years old kid can operate this with ease. It
introduces a 3 step virus annihilation process. For example if it is set on vigilant mode, it will
scan your computer once a week with God speed. It will initiate scanning, then step 2 would be
detection of viruses or malwares in any of your PC drives and third step is deleting them. This all
takes a few minutes and your computer is as clean as preacher’s sheets.

If you buy the premium edition of A2Z antivirus, you will get dedicated cloud computing space
where you can save you important data. So if your PC crashes, you can get access to
automatically saved important data and save it later in any of the drives.
A new feature is A2Z community blog. You can go to the blog and share your concern with
other users of A2Z antivirus. If you have any questions in your mind regarding the performance
or interface or anything else, you can simply go there and talk about them with your fellow A2Z
users. This community was established with the purpose of learning so you can ask questions
about viruses and malwares and you can share your knowledge with fellow users.

If you want to trust some software with your computer’s safety, A2Z is the only right choice.

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