Fatigue Behaviour of Friction Welded Medium Carbon Steel and Austenitic

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Materials and Design 32 (2011) 1888–1894

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Fatigue behaviour of friction welded medium carbon steel and austenitic

stainless steel dissimilar joints
R. Paventhan a,1, P.R. Lakshminarayanan a, V. Balasubramanian b,⇑
Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar 608 002, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India
Center for Materials Joining Research (CEMAJOR), Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar 608 002, Tamil Nadu, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper reports the fatigue behaviour of friction welded medium carbon steel–austenitic stainless
Received 27 May 2010 steel (MCS–ASS) dissimilar joints. Commercial grade medium carbon steel rods of 12 mm diameter
Accepted 4 December 2010 and AISI 304 grade austenitic stainless steel rods of 12 mm diameter were used to fabricate the joints.
Available online 13 December 2010
A constant speed, continuous drive friction welding machine was used to fabricate the joints. Fatigue life
of the joints was evaluated conducting the experiments using rotary bending fatigue testing machine
Keywords: (R = 1). Applied stress vs. number of cycles to failure (S–N) curve was plotted for unnotched and
A. Ferrous metals and alloys
notched specimens. Basquin constants, fatigue strength, fatigue notch factor and notch sensitivity factor
D. Welding
E. Fatigue
were evaluated for the dissimilar joints. Fatigue strength of the joints is correlated with microstructure,
microhardness and tensile properties of the joints.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction boundaries took place during fusion welding. These changes are
eliminated by friction welding. The effect of friction time on the
Joints of dissimilar metal combinations are employed in differ- fully plastically deformed region in the vicinity of the weld has
ent applications requiring certain special combination of proper- been investigated by Sathiya et al. [6].
ties as well as to save cost incurred towards costly and scarce Ananthapadmanaban et al. [7] have reported the effect of fric-
materials [1]. Conventional fusion welding of many such dissimilar tion welding parameters on tensile properties of steel. Satyanara-
metal combinations is not feasible owing to the formation of brittle yana et al. [8] joined austenitic–ferritic stainless steel (AISI 304
and low melting intermetallics due to metallurgical incompatibil- and AISI 430) using continuous drive friction welding and investi-
ity, wide difference in melting point, thermal mismatch, etc. So- gated optimum parameters, microstructures-mechanical property
lid-state welding processes that limit extent of intermixing are and fracture behaviours. Yılmaz [9] investigated variations in hard-
generally employed in such situations. Friction welding is one such ness and microstructures in the welding zone of friction welded
solid-state welding process widely employed in such situations [2]. dissimilar materials The effect of friction pressure on the proper-
Dobrovidov [3] investigated selection of optimum conditions ties of hot rolled iron based super alloy has been investigated by
for the friction welding of high speed steel to carbon steel. Ishib- Afes et al. [10]. Meshram et al. [11] investigated the influence of
ashi et al. [4] chose stainless steel and high speed steel as represen- interaction time on microstructure and tensile properties of the
tative materials with an appreciably difficult weldability, and their friction welding of dissimilar metal combinations.
adequate welding conditions were established. The distributions of Hiizu et al. [12] evaluated tensile and fatigue behaviour of fric-
the alloying elements at and near the weld interface with sufficient tion welded SUS304 stainless steel joints. They found that the fati-
strength were analysed using X-ray microanalyser. Sahin [5] has gue strength of sound joints was higher than that of SUS304 base
analysed the variations in hardness and microstructure at the material. This is probably because the material near the weld inter-
interfaces of friction welded steel joints. While using austenitic face was hardened due to the work hardening. Lee et al. [13] inves-
stainless steel, negative metallurgical changes like delta ferrite tigated the fatigue crack propagation characteristics of dissimilar
formation and chromium carbide precipitation between grain friction welding zone of two kinds of heat-resisting steels, STR3
and STR35, commonly used as valve materials for vehicles. A small
circular artificial defect was machined to induce fatigue crack on
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 4144 239734 (O), +91 4144 241147 (R), mobile: weld interface, heat affected zone and base metal to compare fati-
+91 9443412249; fax: +91 4144 238080/238275.
gue lives according to the notch position. Sahin [14] investigated
E-mail addresses: mr_paventhan@yahoo.com (R. Paventhan), prlnau_1992@
fatigue properties of friction welded austenitic stainless steel (AISI
yahoo.co.in (P.R. Lakshminarayanan), balasubramanian.v.2784@annamalaiuniversity.
ac.in, visvabalu@yahoo.com (V. Balasubramanian). 304) joints. The fatigue strength of welded joints is close to those of
Tel.: +91 09944013323; fax: +91 4144 238080/238275. base metal.

0261-3069/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Paventhan et al. / Materials and Design 32 (2011) 1888–1894 1889

Many of the structural components in pressure vessels, trans- parameters were optimized to attain maximum tensile strength
port vehicles, earthmoving equipment, spacecraft, etc. are made using response surface methodology [16]. The optimized friction
of welded joints. The dissimilar joints are the most common ones welding parameters, presented in Table 2, were used to fabricate
in the fabrication and construction of many structures. The wide the joints. Two different fatigue specimens were prepared to eval-
application of dissimilar joints in various structures, including off- uate the fatigue properties. Unnotched (smooth) specimens were
shore, nuclear, and spacecraft, gives large scope for the researchers prepared (as shown in Fig. 1b) to evaluate fatigue strength and Bas-
to analyze the behaviour under different types of loading condi- quin constants. Notched specimens were prepared (as shown in
tions. Failure analysis of the weldments indicated that fatigue Fig. 1c) to evaluate the fatigue notch factor and notch sensitivity
alone is to be considered to account for most of the disruptive fail- factor. The rotary bending fatigue testing machine (0.5 kN capac-
ures [15]. ity) was used to evaluate fatigue behaviour of the base metals
From the literature review, it is understood that the most of the and friction welded joints. Fatigue experiments were conducted
published information [3–11] on friction welded dissimilar joints at five different stress levels under completely reversed bending
focused on microstructural characteristics, microhardness varia- load conditions, where mean stress was zero and stress ratio was
tions, phase formation at the interface and tensile properties. But 1. At each conditions three specimens were tested and the aver-
the published information on fatigue characteristics of friction age of three fatigue life (number of cycles to failure) values was
welded dissimilar joints is very scanty. Hence, the present investi- used to draw the S (stress)–N (fatigue life) curves.
gation was carried out to study the fatigue behaviour of friction Tensile specimens were prepared as shown in Fig. 1b to evalu-
welded dissimilar joints of medium carbon steels and austenitic ate yield strength, tensile strength and elongation. Tensile test was
stainless steel joints and the results are presented in this paper. carried out in 100 kN, electro-mechanical controlled Universal
Testing Machine. The specimen was loaded at the rate of 1.5 kN/

2. Materials and methods

Table 2
The base materials, AISI 1040 grade medium carbon steel (MCS) Optimised friction welding parameters used to
and AISI 304 austenitic stainless steels (ASS), used in this investiga- fabricate the joints.

tion were cylindrical rods of 12 mm diameter and 75 mm length. Rotational speed (rpm) 1500
The chemical composition of the base materials is presented in Friction pressure (MPa) 90
Table 1. Hydraulic controlled, continuous drive friction welding Forging pressure (MPa) 90
Friction time (s) 2
machine (20 kN capacity) was used to fabricate the joints. The joint Forging time (s) 2
dimensions are shown in Fig. 1a. The friction welding process

Table 1
Chemical composition of base metals.

Materials C Si Mn Ni Cr Cu Fe
Medium carbon steel (MCS) 0.18 0.11 0.39 0.016 0.02 0.02 99.10
Austenitic stainless steel (ASS) 0.09 0.29 1.42 8.413 14.08 1.24 74.53




All the dimensions are in mm

Fig. 1. Dimensions of the specimens. (a) Dimensions of the base materials before welding. (b) Dimensions of the unnotched fatigue/tensile specimen. (c) Dimensions of the
notched fatigue/tensile specimen.
1890 R. Paventhan et al. / Materials and Design 32 (2011) 1888–1894

min as per the ASTM specifications, so that tensile specimen Sn N ¼ A ð1Þ

undergoes uniform deformation. The specimen finally fails after
the necking and the load vs. displacement was recorded. The where ‘S’ is the stress amplitude, ‘N’ is the number of cycles to fail-
0.2% offset yield strength was derived from the diagram. Vicker’s ure and ‘n’ and ‘A’ are empirical constants. Each S–N curves shown
microhardness testing machine (Make: Zwick and MODEL: 3212) in Fig. 3a can be represented by the above equation. From those
was employed for measuring the hardness across the joint with equations, the empirical constants ‘n’ (slope of the curve) and ‘A’
0.05 kg load. Fig. 2a–e displays the photographs of friction welded (intercept of the curve) were evaluated and they are presented in
joints, fatigue and tensile specimens. Microstructural examination Table 3. Comparing the fatigue strengths of welded joints subjected
was carried out using a light optical microscope (Make: MEIJI, to similar loading, it is convenient to express fatigue strength in
Japan, Model: ML7100) incorporated with an image analyzing soft- terms of the stresses corresponding to particular lives, for example,
ware (Clemex-Vision). The specimen for microstructural analysis 105, 106 and 107 cycles on the mean S–N curve. The choice of refer-
was sectioned to the required size from the joint comprising weld ence life is quite arbitrary. Traditionally, 2  106 cycles was used,
metal, HAZ and base metal regions and were polished using differ- and indeed some design codes refer to their S–N curves in terms
ent grades of emery papers. Final polishing was done using the dia- of the corresponding stress range [18]. For these reasons, in this
mond compound (1 lm particle size) in the disc-polishing investigation, fatigue strength of welded joints at 2  106 cycles
machine. Specimen was etched with 2% Nital solution in the mild was taken as a basis for comparison. The stress corresponding to
steel side and oxalic acid in the stainless steel side to reveal the 2  106 cycles was taken as an indication of the fatigue strength
microstructure. Microstructural examination was also carried out and it was evaluated for the joints and base metals and they are pre-
using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). X-ray Diffraction sented in Table 3.
Analysis was also done to identify the phases present at the The fatigue strength of medium carbon steel is 100 MPa and the
interface fatigue strength of austenitic stainless steel is 120 MPa. But the fa-
tigue strength of the dissimilar joints is 70 MPa which is 30% lower
than medium carbon steel and 40% lower than austenitic stainless
3. Result and discussion steel. Slope of the S–N curve (Basquin constant) is also a fatigue
parameter, which is lower for dissimilar joints compared to base
The fatigue test results obtained from the unnotched specimens metal. If the slope of the curve is higher, then the fatigue life will
are plotted in the form of S–N curves as shown in Fig. 3a. The S–N be higher and vice versa. Slope of the S–N curve for austenitic
curve in the high cycle fatigue region is usually represented by the stainless steel is higher and hence the fatigue life also higher com-
Basquin equation [17] pared to medium carbon steel and the dissimilar joints.


(b) (c)

(d) (e)
Fig. 2. Photographs of welded joints and fatigue specimens. (a) Friction welded joints. (b) Unnotched fatigue specimen (before testing). (c) Notched fatigue specimen (before
testing). (d) Unnotched fatigue specimen (after testing). (e) Notched fatigue specimen (after testing).
R. Paventhan et al. / Materials and Design 32 (2011) 1888–1894 1891

Fig. 3. Fatigue test results. (a) Fatigue life of unnotched specimens. (b) Fatigue life of notched specimens. (c) Fatigue life of the joints.

Table 3
Fatigue properties of welded joints.

Materials Slope of the Intercept of the S–N Fatigue strength of Fatigue strength of Fatigue notch Notch sensitivity
S–N curve (n) curve (A) unnotched specimens notched specimens factor (Kf) factor (q)
at 2  106 cycles (MPa) at 2  106 cycles (MPa)
MCS 0.42 34,978 100 60 1.66 0.43
ASS 0.50 143,087 120 80 1.50 0.33
MCS–ASS joint 0.39 17,301 70 30 2.33 0.88

Table 4
Mechanical properties of the base metals and friction welded joints.

Materials Yield strength Tensile strength Elongation Notch tensile strength Notch strength ratio Impact toughness @RT
(MPa) (MPa) (%) (MPa) (NSR) (J)
MCS 300 350 25 425 1.21 30
ASS 400 460 30 575 1.25 50
MCS–ASS 330 410 15 450 1.09 20

Hasalik and Ozdemir [19] investigated the fatigue behaviour of K f ¼ Fatigue strength of unnotched specimen=
friction welded AISI 304 stainless steel and AISI 4340 steel and they fatigue strength of notched specimen ð2Þ
found that the fatigue endurance decreased with increasing the
rotational speed as a result of formation of chromium carbide The notch sensitivity of a material in fatigue is expressed by a
precipitation at the weld interface. The carbides at the grain notch sensitivity factor ‘q’ and it can be evaluated using the follow-
boundaries provide preferential sites for cavity nucleation in ing expression [21]:
austenitic stainless steels under fatigue conditions thereby reduc-
q ¼ ðK f  1Þ=ðK t  1Þ ð3Þ
ing the fatigue life. Sahin [20] evaluated the fatigue behaviour of
friction welded high speed steel and medium carbon steel and they where ‘K t0 ’ is the theoretical stress concentration factor and is the
found that the fatigue strengths of welded joints are slightly lower ratio of maximum stress to nominal stress. Using the above expres-
than those of medium carbon steel parts having the weakest of the sion fatigue notch sensitivity factor ‘q’ was evaluated and they are
materials . presented in Table 3.
The effect of notches on fatigue strength was determined by The fatigue notch factor is 1.66 for medium carbon steel and
comparing the S–N curves of notched and unnotched specimens 1.50 for austenitic stainless steel but it is 2.33 for the dissimilar
as shown in Fig. 3c. The data for notched specimens are usually joint. The fatigue notch factor of the dissimilar joint is 70% higher
plotted in terms of nominal stress based on the net section of the compared to medium carbon steel and 50% higher compared to
specimen. The effectiveness of the notch in decreasing the fatigue austenitic stainless steel. If the fatigue notch factor is higher, then
limit is expressed by the fatigue strength reduction factor or fati- the fatigue life will be lower and hence the dissimilar joints are
gue notch factor, Kf. The fatigue notch factor was evaluated using showing very low fatigue strength with the notches. Similar trend
the following expression [21] and they are given in Table 3. was observed in notch sensitivity factor also since these values are
1892 R. Paventhan et al. / Materials and Design 32 (2011) 1888–1894

derived from fatigue notch factor values. From the notch fatigue The mechanical properties of the base metals and the dissimilar
test results, it is inferred that the dissimilar joints are more sensi- joints are presented in Table 4. From the results, it is inferred that
tive to notches than the base materials. In the open literature, no the tensile strength, elongation and Charpy impact toughness of
information is available on the effect of notches on fatigue strength austenitic stainless steel base metal are higher compared to med-
of friction welded dissimilar joints. ium carbon steel. This may be the one of the reasons for superior
fatigue performance of austenitic stainless steel compared to med-
ium carbon steel. The tensile strength, elongation and Charpy im-
pact toughness of dissimilar joints are lower compared to the
base metals. This may be one of the reasons for inferior fatigue per-
formance of the dissimilar joints. Microhardness was measured
across the weld region and the values are plotted as shown in
Fig. 4. The microhardness is maximum at the interface and this
may be due to the formation of brittle intermetallics and it is one
of the reasons for lower tensile strength, elongation, impact tough-
ness and fatigue strength of the dissimilar joints. However, Anan-
thapadmanaban et al. [7] reported that the hardness values in
the weld zone of mild steel to stainless steel are not too high. They
opined that the temperatures reached during friction welding
could have also contributed to some softening of the weld and
the higher hardness at the stainless steel, HAZ side is probably
due to the presence of chromium carbide.
Fig. 5a–f displays the optical micrographs of base metals and
welded joint. Fig. 5a shows the microstructure of medium carbon
steel base metal. It contains fine ferrite and small amount of pearl-
ite grains. Fig. 5b shows the microstructure of austenitic stainless
steel base metal. It contains full of austenitic grains. Fig. 5c and d
show the weld cross-section of dissimilar joints of MCS–ASS at
Fig. 4. Microhardness across the joint.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)
Fig. 5. Optical micrographs of dissimilar joint. (a) Optical micrograph of MCS. (b) Optical micrograph of ASS. (c) Macrostructure of the joint. (d) Optical micrograph of
interface region at 50. (e) Optical micrograph of HAZ region at MCS side. (f) Optical micrograph of HAZ region at ASS region.
R. Paventhan et al. / Materials and Design 32 (2011) 1888–1894 1893

Fig. 6. SEM micrographs of base metal and weld region. (a) SEM micrograph of medium carbon steel. (b) SEM micrograph of austenitic stainless steel. (c) SEM micrograph of
friction welded cross-section. (d) XRD results.

two different magnifications. The formation of weld interface re- (3) The formation of intermetallics such as Cr23C6 and Cr7 C3 at
gion is not so clear in these optical micrographs. However, highly the weld interface are responsible for higher hardness and
deformed region, due to thermomechanical action, is observed on lower tensile, impact and fatigue strength of the friction
both the base metals nearer to the joint line and they are displayed welded MCS–ASS dissimilar joints.
in Fig. 5e and f. Behnken and Hauk [22] investigated the micro-
residual stresses caused by deformation, heat or their combination
during friction welding of two phase materials. They found that the
materials at the very weld plane are recrystallized and in the de- Acknowledgements
formed region, which is within the heat affected zone the fibres
are bent due to the friction welding process. The authors are grateful to the Department of Manufacturing
To reveal the formation of weld interface region between MCS Engineering, Annamalai University, for extending the facilities of
and ASS, SEM was used. The microstructure captured under SEM Material Testing Laboratory to carry out this investigation. The
is displayed in Figs. 6a–d. The formation of weld interface region authors also wish to record their sincere thanks to the University
is evident from Fig. 6c. The interface region was further analysed Grant Commission (UGC), New Delhi, for the Research Fellowship
using X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and it is confirmed that the presence in Science for Meritorious Students Scheme.
of austenite, cementite, Cr23C6 and Cr7C3 (Fig. 6d). The formation of
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